#mulberry street is my favorite for sure
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inkbagel · 14 days
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I drew a postcard for my show :) the concert was really amazing I had so much fun. Genuinely one of the best nights of my life.
Idk if people want to avoid spoilers so I’ll put my rants below.
It was so AWESMOEE I have so many thoughts on each and every songgg that was my first concert experience EVER and ohh man it was spectacular
Heathens was SO GOOD LIVE. Was genuinely my favorite part of the show and HEATHENS ISNT EVEN MY FAVORITE!!! like I don’t dislike any of their songs but I have a very long list of favorites and heathens is not in it. However that being said it was spectacular. I had the most fun during that song I think that song was actually made to be played live and not for suicide squad
The transition from heathens to next semester is so so good. I didn’t notice the similarities in those songs until they were back to back. I do really wish they had played all of next semester instead of like. Half the song but it’s okay the rest of the night made up for it
THEY PLAYED GUNS FOR HANDSSS THAT SKNG MEANS SO MUCH TO MEEEE AAAAAAA I almost started crying when I heard the tune it was so so good. That song genuinely like. Made me realize so many things about myself. I’m so glad I got to hear it live
EVERYONE WAS SO NICE DURING TREES!! I saw so many clips from LA and it looked like hell for those two but everyone was really respectful here and Tyler even started picking people around the circle to stand closest to the islands and I thought that was so sweet
The thing with the lights in mulberry street was so cool. Honestly the whole show was so interactive he kept calling to specific parts of the stadium and had certain people doing certain things I loved it. Tyler really made sure that even the people wayyyy in the back were having fun and that the people in the pit were getting their moneys worth
After the proctologist line Tyler yelled GROSS!!!! Really loudly and I thought that was funny. He then said “you guys are wayy cooler than me. The only difference is I’m on a stage and you’re not you guys are better than me. Anyway we’re taking a photo losers.” I love him
Right before the show started Josh said into the mic WHATS YOUR ETA? TWO MINUTES! And that was really cute
OVERCOMPENSATE LIVE. HFJSJSJJDK AKAKGKFKDKEJRJFJFJFJFJFJ THAT WAS SO GOODDD. I saw some clips from other shows where he jumped off his piano and caught the microphone mid air and while he didn’t do that here he def made up for it bc that performance was AMAZINGK.
I think he might’ve been feeling a little unwell or smth because he was definitely not as acrobatic as in clips from other nights BUT I DIDNT MIND! HE STILL DID AMAZING ANYWAY and honestly I could NOT be performing like that if I was sick so I think it’s more impressive if he’s actually not doing good. He’s actually insane
During vignette he did grab the keyboard and play it on the floor again I’m like 90% certain he knows the fandom thinks he’s a catboy and plays into it. Bc sir. You are NOT beating the cat allegations. Get off the floor and play your keyboard standing up like a REAL MAN /silly I loved that part actually
I actually started crying when he played addict with a pen. It was so good. That song means so much to me.
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I have not put enough Josh Dun appreciation in this post and for that I am truly sorry Josh Dun you were amazing the whole night you were so energetic your backflip was the best part of the night you were awesome
I think I’ve said it before but everyone screaming “our brains are sick but that’s okay” was so surreal. Like wow I’m sitting in a stadium FULL of people and every single one of them treasures this band just as much as I do. Idk man there’s something so amazing about that. It really felt so amazing. I’ve never before felt like I was the same as a whole crowd of people. We’re all going through our own things but we’re all still here. We’re still alive and we’re still fighting. And tonight we’re fighting together. I loved it
Midwest indigo <3 that song was MADE to be played live I got chills it was so good
This post is getting kind of long and I’m tired so I’m ending it with this picture of Clancy with the glowing microphone I drew :) as a first time concert experience the Clancy world tour was life changing and I am never going to be the same person I was before the concert
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f0linasahl0 · 6 months
more things about the livestream experience before i go completely insane.
(warning: this is going to be a long one)
1: why is [bishop] lisden's favorite song mulberry street and why is [bishop] sacarver's favorite (if i remember) the outside or stressed out....i just want to throw that out there
2: i absolutely adore the piano spread whatever thing tyler does before he goes and raps to migrane. i dont know what its called but when he runs his hand across the piano, it was good. how did he make it sound so good and musical...
3: why is the shy away livestream version the only livestream version that is on their official "the story" playlist??? i keep thinking about that (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3roRV3JHZzaU_kQ4-7uv-ahPbFabFmRW)
4: also thinking about how they cut off holding onto you before the outro. basically all there was of holding onto you was the "entertain my faith" part...thinking about the lore THERE. how a "good day dema" ad cut off the ending as well then they talk about how happy they are !! then how it goes to mulberry street after dan LISDEN says its his favorite then how it goes so blurry BEFORE THE AD??? ----"entertain my faith" sounds something like he..wants more from the religion but they cut him off from continuing the rest of holding onto you..like he got in trouble or something? i dont know man
5: "dema is bringing you this music collection that is vibrant with saturation"... "dema wants you to enjoy this collection"..."i just felt trapped before having this collection" ... "contentment"...."now that youve heard some of this collection you must be just like us, completely saturated"..."sometimes i close my eyes to try to escape...you know you cant escape sally...yes i know!" PROPAGANDA
6: why is he holding and grabbing his head so much. past the literal deadpan ass stare hes got through the majority if not all of the experience (like even while doing his little dances you'd think he'd be smiling during...), why does he grip his head so often-- i talked about this before but like what are they doing to him man he like grips his head in almost pain so much
7: also thinking about what the lore implications of jenna and debby being in this...because im pretty sure its shown jenna in levitate is a bandito i only assume debby was one too. why are they there?? were they caught too? or did dema make clones of them to use against josh and tyler?
8: "i cant wait to see you again"
9: ”in a world where this is as good as it gets…we miss you. we really do.”
10: also can we discuss the "CONTROLLED by" dma org and good day dema??? this photo is blurry as hell but CONTROLLED BY! not PRODUCTION OF! specific word choice..also dma org...dmaorg.info...why are clancy's letters posted on a website thats directly correlated with dema...letters from his time inside as well as time outside...can we like talk about that--like other than the obvious showcase that they have his letters and are using them to lie to the people, why are they going through dmaorg?? if clancy isnt directly with dema why are they--why are they going through there???
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11: the whole cutscene before lane boy "there was a wonderful structure to the city that put my cares to rest and the responsibilities of the day seemed to be accomplished with minimal effort. once a task was taught and understood, our obligations timely, and it felt secure knowing tomorrows duties would be accomplished with the same efficiency. we all worked to represent our bishop with honor knew that each inhabitant of our region had a like-minded dedication to consistency....why do i kneel to these concepts? tempted by control, control by temptation. stay low, they say. stay low," then the direct contradiction of the redecorate rap he inserts, “with the bells and the whistles scaled back like an isolated track, and he feels trapped when he's not inebriated fair to say he's fairly sedated most days of the week. he might have made it if he lived on a different street. i repeat, scaled back and isolated he says he likes an open schedule but he mostly hates it if you're running to his room, take a breath before you break-in put your ear up to the door, tell me can you hear him saying?” using clancy's letters to show praise to dema then clancy (tyler) directly contradicting being like "no i hold zero praise for this city" and saying how hes isolated and sedated when hes not preforming--how he ALMOST made it out. how if he lived A LITTLE closer to the walls he wouldnt be there right now-
12: the way the old songs are "SCALED BACK AND ISOLATED" ???? A SCALED BACK AND ISOLATED TRACK????
13: the way ned is missing in chlorine when he was such a big part of chlorine
14: AGAIN this shy away version. one-why is it so important to the story, two-the 9 chairs for 9 bishops around the table, three-i fucking love the guitarist by josh i love his energy, four-THE WAY HE BREAKS A GLASS WHEN TALKING ABOUT BREAKING THE CYCLE IN HALF???, THE SCREAM !!!! so many things
[so many things you guys]
15: the fucking bishop ass dancers to stressed out....can we discuss that too. ALSO HOW THEY DRAG HIM TO THE NEXT STAGE FOR STRESSED OUT?
16: "but remember you should- *cut off*" YOU SHOULD WHAT SALLY SACARVER????
17: also firstly, how beautiful the ukulele part was...it was so gorgeous, also the transition was amazing. though past that, can we talk about how fucking sad he looked on that little boat with his uke? was that a mock to his escape attempts? to him singing to an empty sky in trench? singing to the banditos as they boat someplace safer? like...
18: THE MOCKING OF THE BANDITOS WITH THE FUCKING JUMPSUIT/HEAVYDIRTYSOULD PART?? why would dema do that? why would the bishops actively make josh and tyler look like the banditos if it wasn't just a mock? they dont like the banditos i thought why would they have them dressed up like that? like torchbearer bringing the torch to the stage and the look josh has on his face-then tyler also being in a bandito outfit. like--it has to be mocking his attempts. mocking the banditos or SOMETHING
19: heathens being in the livestream makes me think a little too but i dont know. "all my friends are heathens take it slow, wait for them to ask you who you know. please dont make any sudden moves you dont know half of the abuse."
20: also first, what was that alarm that was sounded before never take it? what happened there? second, the lore people have posted about never take it and how it was about the bishops? the way it was played while the alarm was going off and it was almost messier filming...
21: HIM ENDING THE LIVESTREAM WITH "nobody's coming for me" and his deadpan look (sobbing)
22: again, bringing up sally sacarver and dan lisden. sacarver and lisden being bishop's names and hosting this livestream. then showing directly how the bodies they are controlling are deteriorating as the show goes on. "The rules are that you can only seize or control a dead body, and only for a short while."
23: also just the heavydirtysoul part. starting to think about the: "I tricked Nico into taking me outside the walls. I created a fiery diversion. I escaped." i just keep thinking about that and:
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24: "we've come for you, we've got people on the way, no chances, none at all" the way this is direct quotes from dan and sally, who are bishops, and it is also direct lyrics (or close to direct lyrics) from no chances. it just keeps cementing itself on everything ive already thought about
25: past just the livestream experience what is with josh and the bucket hat lol. i love it but like.-
26: "you ask me if its real, i see your shifting eyes, you dig in your heels, i dig my hole to die" also wondering why the "live from the outside" version is here rather than the original.-is it important
27: his little dances are my favorite thing-
28: CAR RADIO...car radio. thats it thats the point. just the car radio part is everything to me--its giving old car radio performances and im living for it. though also old car radio performances? did they put it together like that on purpose?
29: NEVER TAKE IT HAVING A BURNING CAR HOLY SHIT FIREY DIVERSION? LMAO just how close he is to the camera during this too...so many thoughts
[sorry for how long this is-]
DID THIS SHOW HOW MANY THOUGHTS I HAVE HERE. im going insane like i keep thinking about the lore implications of this goddamn livestream. i have more points (i will make a essay list whatever for it all so i don't go any crazier) but this is already a lot for one post. just wanted to like...throw this out there. i know some might be a stretch but please just hear me out. just hear me out :,)
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demonslayedher · 2 years
What domestic skills do you think the Kamados would have had, being a multigenerational rural family with an incentive toward forest management?
(Winter washi paper making? Hide tanning? Wild Vegetable foraging? )
What kinds of useful tools and home things could they reasonably make themselves, vs buying?
I wish I was better versed in rural life skills to be able to answer this better. This is going to rely on my scattered and various but ultimately shallow experience, a touch of research, and looking back at canon for clues.
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With starting at canon for my basis, we know that the Kamado family isn't rich. This is a point that has come up between Tanjiro & Nezuko, that the reality of their situation doesn't allow for frivolous purchases like nice new kimono, however, they're not in such abject poverty that they can't afford toys like Hanako's puzzle box or treats like Nezuko's favorite konpeito candy. They would likely focus on needs before treats, and that makes me think that if it is more efficient to buy something rather than produce themselves, they will. In order to make their work effective, it probably helps if they have goods tools in the first place, so I'm assuming that items like the kitchen knives and Tanjiro's axe--items that work better when made by someone skilled in their production--were purchased. The cart Tanjiro uses to transport charcoal is also an item which takes a lot of technical skill to produce. Even if multiple family members working together could have built and maintained the charcoal kiln, the wheels and axle might had been best left to an expert's labor.
My second consideration is whether or not they'd have had the items necessary for production; as these can be big and costly, and may be better suited for places that will get more industrious use out of them. For example, we know that Nezuko is skilled enough in sewing to be able to sell her work for some side profit, however, due to the lack of a loom in their house's design, I doubt she produces the fabric herself (I'm sure she could if she had a loom, though). Regarding the paper question, places selling washi for profit would need bigger work spaces than the Kamado family seems to have for that, but if they had the mulberry plants and labor to dedicate to stripping and treating the bark, I don't see why they couldn't be able to make small batches of small sheets of paper. The question is whether or not it would be worth it, what with a town nearby that has a reasonably active looking economy--there are two story buildings down multiple streets and even Saburo's lights run on electricity at his distance from the heart of town. It would probably had been more labor and cost effective to buy paper than to produce it themselves. Speaking of Saburo, Director Sonozaki's requests for the design of his house be that you could get the feeling that he lives by himself and that during the winter, he earns money for his daily necessities by making umbrellas. There are a good handful of Japanese-style umbrellas in his home, as well as a couple paper lantern, both of which are crafts which require a lot of know-how. My sense is that it made sense in the area around the Kamado home to have your craft or two you specialized it, and to make enough profit from that to benefit from others' specializations, as opposed to be entirely self-sufficient. The Kamado family maintains their quality of life by being good at making charcoal, not necessarily good at all things. Something I wondered about but couldn't find enough evidence on either way was whether or not they'd be able to make pottery in the charcoal kiln. I suppose they could, but whether or not it would be worth it would depend on the quality of the clay available to them if they could afford not to keep the charcoal kiln running for charcoal, their primary livelihood. Again, might make more sense to purchase these household items. A good jar is more useful than a wonky one.
That all aside, even if they don't specialize or have the tools for everything, I'm willing to bet the Kamado family knows the basics of a lot of skills and trades, and there's something they can't build from scratch, they know how to repair it. By this, I'm assuming basic carpentry for furniture, basic building techniques for repairing holes and cracks in the walls, being able to adjust the cart if something is off about the wheel, fixing clothes (as Nezuko clearly does), sharping knives and axes, patching up holes in things that should be able to carry water.
However, like you said, they were involved in forest management, and this is probably where a lot of their skills are rooted. Sure, they can buy good quality knives and dishes from town, but they can't afford to go to town everyday to eat. That's probably where they focus a lot of their skills which aren't oriented toward charcoal production--and a lot of charcoal production is forest management in the first place.
This means that in addition to foraging, like they do on multiple occasions Tanjiro's train dream, and catching fish like Tanjiro & Inosuke usually do for breakfast every morning in the second fanbook epilogue, they also likely collect fallen leaves and household waste to make fertilizer to raise a vegetable garden. It seems to me that with the size of the daikon we see Yuichiro cutting, the Tokito woodsman family probably also lived like this; perhaps even more self-reliant than the Kamado family. Speaking of daikon, dream!Takeo asked Tanjiro for more of his takuan, which is a pickled daikon. I'm betting that the small jars above the cooking hearth were basic cooking ingredients bought in town, like oil and vinegar, but some of the bigger jars on the ground were probably for things like pickling vegetables and otherwise preserving food.
Besides getting food sourced from their immediate surroundings, they could probably make tools out of what was also in their immediate surroundings--especially bamboo! This is a fast growing source of flexible wood that you can make all kinds of daily items out of, including and especially baskets. These might be for washing and drying fruits and vegetables, collecting mountain sprouts, or as Tanjiro showed us with his quick crafting skills, making something light-proof you can carry your demon sister around in. I'm willing to bet that he and his siblings all started very young on bamboo weaving, and weren't all that old before they started carving bamboo into whatever they needed.
Another item they were clearly skilled with was working with straw. The fact that they have a kayabuki style abode--that is, a thatched roof cottage--knowing roof repair was probably one of their most used home repair skills. We Tanjuro weaving straw sandals as he gives advice to Tanjiro, straw rain coats, and straw boots for Tanjiro to use in snow. Straw was also a material they could recycle once it would no longer stand up to other household purposes. We see a lot of uses of plant material like this, but not as much evidence of animal material use, nor a place to hang hides for tanning, so it's my feeling that they personally might not have had this skill. Would they eat wild game if given the chance, though? Even if its not their main source of sustenance like it might be for a more self-sustaining hunter, I would not be surprised if they grew up eating deer, boars, and rabbits. Although beef was already popular and this time due to Western influence, I doubt they'd have been able to afford this. Eggs were also considered a luxury item in this time period. In other time periods and cultures, we might had expected to see the Kamado family raising chickens, but not for these circumstances.
In general, I think that compared to modern Reiwa era kids or even kids already used to the conveniences of the Taisho era city, the Kamado children were all much more skilled at starting and tending fires and at using knives for building and maintaining tools. They probably feel as comfortable carving something as they do writing something. That said, people may have different specializations and interests, like we see that Urokodaki was especially drawn to wood work, including harder woods (like the "kirikumo" cedar for Nezuko's box, which does not exist in real life), and he liked using wood for artistic purposes too. I'm willing to bet his carpentry and carpentry repair skills far exceed that of the Kamados. And then we've got Aoi! She's a very talented jack-of-all-trades, but it may be that she's a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. While Urokodaki was able to to coat the box very thoroughly with "iwa-urushi" ("boulder lacquer" which likewise does not exist in real life). Aoi make have only known very basic lacquer skills, and ultimately, she was only doing repairs. With the Butterfly Mansion being a more modern, upscale build, and what with the wide availability of Kakushi, I feel she would be able to do things like basic plumbing fixes and furniture adjustment, but she probably devotes more skill to keeping the hospital actively running and can employ outside help for bigger jobs.
This got a way from just talking about the Kamados, but I hope it provides some framework for thinking about whether or not any given material might be in their skill set!
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cloudycleric · 10 months
very important questions. if mike and will listened to twenty one pilots what would their favorite song/s be? and are there any twenty one pilots songs that you think fit byler? (and also i'm sure you've been asked this before but what are your favorite twenty one pilots song/s. mine are uhhh. uhhmm. morph, the outside, implicit demand for proof. jeez i had to think about that for a while.)
personal faves: taxi cab, a car a torch a death, trapdoor, all of vessel, slowtown, ruby, lovely, anathema, not today, fairly local, the judge was my bbg in 3rd grade, goner, message man, smithereens, the hype, my blood, nico & the niners, LEGEND !! jumpsuit is so nostalgic for me. so also all of trench. & then off of s&i, probably the outside, bounce man, choker, shy away, & mulberry street
mike would like twenty one pilots a lot more than will i feel. i feel like he would like the edgier songs because he's edgy lmfao (i don't want to think about it but redecorate would hit mike like a train). will would like the songs that sound happy but are sad so legend, not today, etc. he'd jam to my blood with jonathanLOVE YOU
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bread--quest · 1 year
more details about them are under the cut in case one of them sounds familiar and you want to doublecheck. if you know what the 8th one is please tell me
mr. revere and i: book narrated from the pov of paul revere's horse. she was formerly a british horse but through some amount of shenanigans was given to paul revere instead. she had an entire arc about unlearning her loyalty to england and choosing to side with the americans that was extremely compelling to young me
all-of-a-kind family: jewish sisters on the lower east side in turn of the century new york. i read so many books with that premise but these were my favorites. uhh there were 5 of them, oldest was ella and then i think hattie and then sarah, charlotte, and gertie. it was a series and later there was a little brother who had to get his name changed because he fell down a manhole (long story). they went to the library and coney island and ate soup and did jewish holidays. probably at least 15% responsible for my fixation on nyc. they were everything to me.
the year of the dog: book about an asian-american girl growing up. her name is pacy and she likes to draw. has a lot of conflicted feelings about being american vs. being part of her family's culture which i related a lot to for reasons that i'm sure you can guess
cobble street cousins: 3 cousins growing up on a street?? actually it was two sisters (lily and rosie) and their cousin tess. they had a cool aunt who was dating a botanist. tess was a broadway nerd. they had a cool attic hideaway. the books were excruciatingly cozy i love them
project mulberry: ANOTHER one about asian-american girls feeling conflicted about culture are you noticing a theme here. uhh a girl and her friend who collects state quarters do a science fair project raising silkworms and then trying to embroider something with them. they get help from a guy who has a mulberry tree and is black and her mom has to confront her inner racism. at one point the author talks to the main character in like the footnotes for some reason
the pushcart war: LOVE THIS ONE SO SO MUCH BTW EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT. uhh its new york in Very Slightly The Future. (it was like 1940s when this was written but the date gets changed with every reprint.) everything is the same but traffic is slightly worse. its supposed to read like an account of an actual historical event. pushcart peddlers get fed up with being literally pushed around by truck drivers and get organized. using pea shooters they make the trucks get flat tires so that everyone can see that they're the main problem of traffic. does a surprisingly good job going into all the ways seemingly small political action can have effects (newspaper articles, local government elections, other unions being affected, even trade with other nations). not exactly a union novel but basically a union novel (to this day i still think of a certain part of it whenever someone brings up union dues). basically radicalized kid me if we're being honest.
the fairy rebel: well it was either that or the rebel fairy can't remember. really weird one honestly. okay so a woman named jan hurts her leg and can't dance and also can't have kids and is like clinically depressed about it. weird beginning to a kids book but it gets weirder. a fairy shows up and makes friends with her and in exchange for jan teaching the fairy what jeans are the fairy makes a magic baby for jan. the baby has a streak of magic blue hair. there are also magic rose presents. the fairy queen is evil and has evil wasps and gives the kid an evil necklace and does some really fucked up stuff like nearly crush the kid under toys. it's okay eventually though i think
haunted doll one: okay so i read this at a campground once and it's probably the most genuinely obscure one on here but. a girl finds a doll and like. touches it? or picks it up or something? and somehow the doll transports her back in time to like a wagon chain exploring the west or whatever. and i think the doll is there in prairie times too. can't remember if the modern girl like possesses the original owner of the doll on the wagon chain or if she just gets prairie isekai'd but i think it's like a recurring event. also at some point someone gets bit by a snake and maybe dies. i don't remember how it ends but the general vibes of the thing terrified kid me So Much that it's haunted me ever since. if you remember this book please tell me
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mortraveling · 1 year
The Markets of Mongkok Hong Kong
The Markets of Mongkok Hong Kong  I stood in the middle of a 3-way pedestrian intersection – the foot traffic heavier than some vehicle junctions I have seen in the UK. I was in Mongkok on a weekday evening and the streets were heaving with locals meeting friends and a sprinkling of tourists looking for cheap souvenirs. Signs protruded from every spare space of wall, advertising a mixture of electrical goods and massage, although I am not sure to which premises they referred. Teenagers queue for iced tea and, strangely, photographers are conducting photo shoots on the street for a small fee. Mongkok seems a world away from Hong Kong Island yet it is just a few short stops on the MTR. Make the journey to Mongkok and check out some of our favorite Hong Kong markets. Ladies Market If you have a hankering for a Mulberry leather wallet without the designer price tag you’ll find a good copy here. Also on sale during my visit were Marc Jabobs make-up bags, Gangnam Style USB sticks, and some of the most intricate pop-up paper greeting cards I’ve ever seen. For the Lady's Market take exit D3 at Mong Kok station – from there the Ladies Market is very well sign-posted, or you can simply follow the crowds all the way to Tung Choi Street. The Ladies Market runs from noon to 10.30 pm but has the best atmosphere in the evenings. If you have time take a stroll down the parallel Fa Yuen Street where you will find more local high-street shops and food vendors. This is also where I spotted the local teenagers having their photos taken – it does make quite an impressive backdrop! Goldfish Market Continuing north along Tung Choi Street will bring you to the Goldfish Market. You will notice the street signs change to advertising aquariums and shop fronts will be lined with plastic bags containing ornamental and exotic-looking fish. Visiting on a weekend I got to see just how popular pet fish are in Hong Kong as the locals were busy browsing the different bags for their next lucky purchase. (Goldfish are a symbol of good fortune.) There are also some pet shops and poodle parlors along this section of the street which are fun to browse, as well as lots of tanks selling miniature turtles. Flower Market Just a few minutes walk from the top end of the Goldfish Market is the Flower Market (cross over Prince Edward Road and turn right towards Flower Market Road – just ignore the smell from the ‘Stinky Tofu’ stands!) Spilling out onto pavements and roads are several flower shops selling an array of colorful blooms, it makes a beautiful photo opportunity even if you are not on the market for a bouquet. Around Chinese New Year the bouquets and baskets get even more elaborate and the streets get busier as locals come to buy narcissi, orange trees, and plum blossoms to decorate their homes with. Yuen Po Bird Garden Also in the vicinity is the Yuen Po Bird Garden which is worth a visit simply because I’ve never seen anything like it in Europe. Keeping songbirds is a popular pastime for older Chinese men and at Yuen Po, they can purchase everything they need for the hobby as well as meet up with fellow bird lovers. Shaded stalls sell a variety of pet birds including thrushes and finches, as well as ornate wooden cages and bird feed in the form of live crickets that are fed to the birds with chopsticks. Please find below an interactive map of all the places named in this post. Happy market shopping! via Blogger https://ift.tt/2hVw0BI March 26, 2023 at 03:29PM
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bouncemann · 2 years
my fav gifts ive gotten would probably be the game merch that im getting this year! whats your fav song/medley on the sai setlists? mine would be jumpsuit/heavydirtysoul <3 -🎄
Oh cool! They didn’t have a concert close to me with the icy tour so I’m not sure which songs they played but my favorite songs on the album are redecorate, formidable, and mulberry street! The jumpsuit/hds medley is a classic and is so fun to see live!
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grampstaxidermy87 · 2 years
Behind locked doors
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Requester: @badasseddy
Request: Hello there! I saw you taking requests and I neeeeeeed some more Sheriff Hassan in my life.can you write something with a fem!reader, when she's being harassed regularly (house broken into, stolen items and stuff, weird messages left) and nobody believes her. Hassan doesn't even know about this before overhearing the reader confront someone suspicious. So he tries to help the reader, maybe the sheriff spends a night at the reader's place to look out or something. It can be a little bit smutty, kinda angsty, and I would die to have Hassan in action, cathing the bad guy, saving the day.Thank you very much, I hope this gives you an idea.
An: Hello love sorry this took so long but thank you for the request! I agree there's not enough love for this hunk of a man! Hassan is legit my favorite character and I am in love with Rahul.Anyways I hope you enjoy darlin!
Warning:18+,slightSmut, swearing,stalking, break-ins, death, blood,stabbing.
It was funny really.
How the very second you show signs that your life isn’t perfect...that you’re different...everyone turns their backs on you. Just when you need them most, they look at you like you’re the devil coming to corrupt their ‘pure’ souls.
How fucking hypocritical.
Letting out an irritated sigh I tossed the broken lock into the metal can by my front gate, putting the lid back on I tugged my sweater closer when I felt another chill from the wind. The night was cold and windy as the island prepared for a small storm that would be passing by later tonight.
Normally I enjoyed a night of listening to the rain, sitting on my covered porch with a good book and coffee and just listen to it fall. It was soothing to me…but now I dreaded the thought of being alone at night for longer than a minute or two.
“Well, Howdy neighbor!” I jumped at the sudden intrusion to my thoughts, whipping around to see a dreadfully familiar face.
“G-Good evening, Wilbur.” I greeted back to the towering figure who leaned against the fence that separated us. Something I was grateful for.
Wilbur Murphy was my next-door neighbor, having moved into the old Mulberry’s house a month ago after they moved back to mainland to be closer to their daughter who just gave birth to their first grandchild.
I had been close to the elderly couple, being the last two houses on the street, so it saddened me to see them go. I had hoped to have the same neighborly relationship with the person who moved into their home, expecting them to be just as lovely as the Mulberry’s.
Instead what I got was a man who gave me the chills just by thinking about him, I knew it was wrong of me to start accusing the man of things without hard evidence.
But the signs all pointed to him! Ever since Wilbur moved in next door, I had received creepy letters phrased like a husband writing love notes to his wife, not to mention the few times I had even caught him snooping around my garbage when he thought I wasn’t home.
So when I began to see signs that someone was breaking into my home at night and messing with things why wouldn’t I assume it was him, but the worst part of it all was that no matter who I told everyone looked at me the same way.
Like I was crazy..
“That’s the fifth lock this week and it isn’t even Thursday! Those kids still messing with you?” The ‘friendly’ man inquired with a sickeningly sweet smile, and it took everything in me to hold down the bile that rose in my throat.
A small uncomfortable smile graced my lips as I forced out a laugh, "Ah Yea, you know those kids love their little pranks.” He grinned wider and nodded, "You know I could come keep you company tonight, make sure they don’t mess with you again tonight. It really isn’t good for a young woman like you to be all by herself in a big house like that.”
My stomach twisted at his offer, but before I even got the chance to turn him down, I heard the familiar click of my gate moving. “Evening Mr. Murphy. (Y/n).” Relief flooded my heart as I looked over to see the sheriff leaning against the old metal. His eyes were suspicious as they eyed the Creepy man but when they fell onto me, they turned soft and tender.
It was hard to ignore how much it affected me, leaving a pleasantly tingly feeling throughout my body and I knew there was probably a blush rising on my face.
There were only three people on the entire Island who knew of my crush on the island sheriff, My best friends Sarah and Erin…. And the sheriff's own son, Ali.
How the teen figured it out still puzzled me to this day, He had told me that he knew during one of our weekly piano sessions. The kid was smart, I’d give him that.
“Sheriff, what can I do for you?” Wilbur asked with barely hidden spite in his voice, clearly annoyed by the interruption.
Hassan saw right through it though, keeping a calm and easy facade but I could see the small quirk of amusement on the corner of his lip that drove me wild.
“Just doing my nightly rounds before the storm hits, Miss (L/n) here asked me earlier to help her prep.” He shot me a wink when he saw the confusion on my face, understanding donned on me and I quickly schooled my expression before Wilbur looked back at me.
“Oh, there’s no need to both such a busy man. Don’t worry about it sheriff, I can help (Y/n).” He just wouldn’t take the hint would he.
Hassan was unphazed however, shaking his head and waving the man off. “It's fine Mr. Murphy, she’s my last stop anyways. Plus, what kind of man would I be if I went back on my promises.”
Wilbur was getting frustrated, that much was certain as he realized Hassan would not be deterred no matter how hard he tried.
“I see...I suppose you’re right. Well, if you find yourself needing more capable assistance (Y/n),you know where to find me.” He spit giving Hassan a dirty look before turning and storming off back into his house.
It suddenly was easier to breath as I placed a hand on my chest, Looking over gratefully to my handsome hero I saw him closing the gate and walking over to my side.
“Is he always that...pleasant?” Hassan asked with a quirk of his split brow. Oh, how I’d love to kiss it...
“Sadly…that isn’t even the worst of it. Usually he’s much more persistent.” Concern filled those entrancing dark eyes of his as his brows furrowed together.
“I want an explanation. Now!” I looked down in shame at his scolding gaze.
Taking a deep breath, I braced myself before telling him everything, the broken locks, the missing items, the notes…everything.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me this (Y/n)?! (Y/n) the badge isn’t just for show, and even without it I am still your friend.” His expression was one of hurt, it was hard to look into his eyes...
“You should be able to tell me shit like this! Do you know how much I care about you?! I don’t know what I’d do with myself if something happened to you and I could have prevented it!” My eyes were wide when he finished, his breathing heavy as his worry crashed into my heart in waves. I hadn’t expected him to care so much..
“Hassan...” he took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I’m sorry..It’s just..You were the first one to welcome Ali and me onto Crockett with open arms and not a hint of prejudice, (Y/n) you have been there for me through every bad day. Hell, you even protected my son against Beverly when she was being her usual racist ass self! Yea he told me all about that, which thank you...”
A heavy blush was visible on my face at his praise, I had told Ali not to tell his father because I didn’t want him to possibly get in a fight with the devilish woman and risk getting in trouble.
“P-Please don’t thank me, Ali is a sweet kid and didn’t deserve the shit she spewed out of that unholy mouth of hers.” I gulped looking anywhere but him so I didn’t have to risk becoming more of a flustered mess.
“What I’m getting at is that Ali loves you (Y/n)…and he’s not the only one.” The last part was spoken as a whisper. His deep voice going so soft that I had almost missed it.
My heart was soaring, I was on cloud 9, The very man who has plagued my every thought since he moved onto this horrible island just admitted that he loved me.
Say something (Y/n)! Anything!
Floundering like a fish trying to come up with some totally intelligent way to voice my own feelings I watched as misunderstanding flooded those dark eyes of his.
“You don’t have to return my feelings, I’m sorry for just tossing this on you.” He began to rethink everything and close in on himself but right as he went to back away, I collected myself. Quicker than he could react I grabbed the collar of his Jean jacket and pulled him closer.
Crashing our lips together he wasted no time in sliding his arm around my waist and tangling a strong hand in my hair, his mustache tickled my nose from how hard we were pressed together. I could care less, I have waited for this moment for too long to let anything stand in my way now that I knew he felt the same.
We pulled away for air, the taller man leaning his forehead against mine as an awed expression covered his face, his eyes shut in pure bliss. “Better than I thought it would be...” I giggled softly at his mumbled words.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I met you.” His eyes opened and a dopey grin pulled at his lips, "Looks like I have a lot of lost time to make up for then, Huh?” Matching his excitement, I gasped as he lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist while holding onto his shoulders.
Our laughter filled the air as he carried me inside…stuck in our own little world we missed the curtains ripping shut next door.
Hassan winced as he shoulder-checked the doorway, but he didn’t dare to drop me as he kicked the door closed and set me down on the kitchen counter.
Standing between my legs he focused solely on my lips that were meshed against his as his hands squeezed my hips making me gasp into his mouth, with my lips parting it gave him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in to taste me.
"Fuck, you're intoxicating..." He groaned when he pulled away and moved down to my bare neck, kissing and nibling at my sensitive skin.
"H-Hassan, please...touch me..." His breath hitched in his throat at my whine, feeling his pants tighten as I begged for him to relieve the pressure twisting away in my gut.
"Don't worry baby, When I'm done with you, you're gonna be screaming my name." He said with that devilish smirk that drove me crazy. His hands sunk down to push my skirt up until it pooled on my hips.His mustache tickled as he kissed the tender flesh of my neck,all while I watched his every move with eager anticipation. A shiver rolled up my spine when the cold air hit my clothed privates. "Look at you, already so wet for me...shit baby..."
He pulled away slightly and licked his lips as he lightly grazed his thumb over the growing wet patch on my silk panties, "Don't tease!" I whimpered shifting on the counter in an attempt to press harder on his hand.
Amused by my pitiful effort he pulled his hand away,smirking when I whined at the loss of contact. “As much as I want to fuck you into the counter right now,let me make sure everything is safe first.” The look on my face was simply comical as he stepped away. “You’re a jerk!” I huffed feeling unsatisfied as I fixed my skirt and slipped off the counter.
His chuckle filled my ears as I pushed past him,only to gasp when a strong grasp caught my waist and pulled me into a warm body. His breath tickled my ear as he leaned into me,his hands gripping the meat of my hips to the point where I knew I’d have bruises by morning…good.
“You love it,besides I plan on making sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” A whimper built in my throat by the promise in his words,”But I have a piano lesson with-“ my voice quit on me when I felt his hot tongue on the shell of my ear,making my knees grow weak. Luckily his grip on my was the only thing keeping me stable.
“I think his father will understand,though that just means you’ll have to make it up to me..and I’ve already got plenty of ideas.” His husky tone vibrated in my mind,leaving me with nothing but the thought of him and what he was going to do to me.
“Hassan..” turning my face towards his I stared at his lips as he did the same to mine. Sharing our breath..I didn’t know who made the first move but I was thankful as we hungrily devoured each other,he turned my body and hugged me close as his hands knotted in my hair.
I pulled away enough to kiss along his jaw as I fought with the buttons of his work shirt,”Hah..baby you’re so fucking-“ a sudden thump from the second floor caused us to both freeze.
His grip tightened as he stared at the ceiling,whispering lowly to me when he noticed my hands shaking. “I’m guessing you don’t have a cat?” He clenched his jaw when he saw me shake my head out of the corner of his eye.
“Grab a knife and hide,wait for me to come get you.” Before I could argue he pulled away and began making his way to the hall that led to my stairway.
Reluctant to leave him alone I pulled a knife from the block on the counter and quickly followed him.
He sighed when he saw me,shaking his head he knew it was a long shot to get me to stay behind. “Stay behind me and don’t leave my sight.” He whispered and I nodded in understanding.
He took my hand and kept me close as he quietly trekked up the steep staircase,when we made it to the second floor I tensed when I saw that at the end of the hall the window had been opened and the picture frame on the wall next to it had fallen to the floor.
“Stay here,they might still be in the house.” I nodded and held the knife in both hands in front of me as I watched him slowly approach the window,stopping only to grab an empty vase from a drawer.
He glanced through the window to check for any signs of possible intruders before he turned towards me to say something…only for a loud thump to stop him. His head snapped to the door next to him that I knew led to my guest room, he glanced at me for a second to motion for me to be quiet as he shifted the vase in his grasp before slowly grasping and turning the handle.
I inched closer as he pushed the door open, looking around the dark room before letting out a sigh,”Nothi-“ I screamed when a blur tackled him to the ground,The vase shattered beside his head from the sheer force of his fall.
“Hassan!” I screamed when I realized he had been knocked out before looking towards his attacker with fear.
I should have known…
“Hello neighbor.” Wilbur Murphy leered at me with a terrifying grin.
“This whole time..it was you..” He chuckled darkly,finding the tremble in my voice adorable. He easily lifted himself off of Hassan before slowly approaching me.
“I’m surprised you hadn’t realized sooner darling,all those gifts and love notes. But it’s alright,I’m just glad I don’t have to sneak around and hide my love for you anymore!” Tears filled my eyes as I began backing away,holding the knife higher with trembling hands.
“S-Stay away from me!” His smile fell a bit,”Now darling I know you’re scared,But think of it this way:I know everything about you. You’re deepest darkest secrets all the way to the most intimate parts of you,I know you better than you know yourself!” He laughed holding his arms out as if expecting me to run into them.
I’d rather die.
“You’re a monster…you made me think I was going crazy…everyone thought I was crazy..” he had the audacity to not even look ashamed,in fact he looked proud of himself.
“Amazing isn’t it,all I had to do was flash a smile at those whores and they were ready to believe whatever I told them.” He hummed dropping his hands and giving me a once-over as he grew closer.
“You always were different,never one to fall for my flirty quips and smiles..it’s what attracted me first.That..Independence that I wanted to ruin..to make you reliant on me and only me was my biggest wish.” I froze when I felt the edge of the steps on my heel,I was trapped.
And he knew it.
“Don’t fight me (Y/n)…come with me and I will worship you,as you deserve.” He stopped once the tip of the knife pressed against his chest,not pressing hard enough to slice the skin but enough to show he wasn’t afraid of it.
I flinched when his hand came up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear,”I’ll kill him if you say no.” It made me sick to my stomach,how he could say such a horrible thing with that charming smile.
“I won’t let you hurt him.” His smile turn to a stoic expression,his eyes showing just how deadly he was.
“You don’t have a cho-“ motion behind him caught my attention,tossing the knife behind me I quickly threw myself at the wall and out of the way.
Wilbur yelled out in shock as a strong force body slammed him from behind,causing him to fall face first down the steps.
“Hassan!” I yelled grabbing the back of his shirt and yanking him back before he could fall to,we both tumbled back just as Wilbur reached the bottom with a loud thud.
“Shit…Are you okay?” He shifted onto his side to look me over for any signs of injury.
Shaking my head I let out a haggard breath,”No…All this time and he was right next door..” he frowned and sat up,carefully lifting me into his arms and hugging me close. “It’s over..He can’t hurt you now.” Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his neck,He comfortingly rubbed my back,cooing loving words into my ear as he looked down the staircase.
Wilbur Murphy laid unmoving at the bottom,his limbs twisted in disgusting ways a the kitchen knife was buried deep in his back.
Hassan would make sure no one ever hurt the ones he loved ever again.
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authorofemotion · 3 years
ALRIGHT QUESTION- top favorite (like top 6 or sky) twenty one pilots songs?
Okay okay um i’ll do my top ten cause i COULD NOT narrow it down any further (in somewhat of an order but don’t put too much weight on the numbering because my brain works in swirls and not straight lines)
10) Fake You Out (a bop for sure. also daydream material is THROUGH THE ROOF)
9) Mulberry Street (okay it just genuinely makes me really really happy. always makes me smile)
8) Goner (this one is like the anthem of the clique and fOR GOOD REASON. Also excellent for mental breakdowns)
7) Isle of Flightless Birds (in terms of older music, this one does get a decent amount of recognition…? but not nearly enough. the rap verse especially just ANHDJAHDHDHD)
6) A car, a torch, a death (do i even have to explain this one it simply owns my soul)
5) Leave the City (this song. this song right here. it cradles my heart in its hands. i cannot tell you how many times this song has helped me through mental breakdowns)
4) Not Today (I can’t NOT dance to it)
3) Forest (i played this on repeat the entire summer i discovered twenty one pilots. absolutely brilliant and top tier daydreaming material)
2) Air Catcher (I tend to favor the older songs as much as I love the new ones, and this one gets overlooked so often!! the imagery!! the vulnerability!!! you can tell he means it with his whole heart!!!)
1) Glowing Eyes (it’s a bop but i am also of the opinion that the glowing eyes refers to the glow of phone screens on his fans who are listening to his music and so it makes me feel really connected to himmm. also the lyrics are especially genius)
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keltunes · 3 years
twenty one pilots concert/livestream
My notes mixed with theory (feel free to comment/correct!):
-Starts with control panel; similar to interactive website (buttons for each of the nine bishops in keypad arrangement; specific colors- Sacarver is yellow which is odd); panel has switches entitled “Control Contentment; Content; Delusion”  Only Nico and Sacarver are lit up
-Starts with colorful map of Dema and intro to Good Morning Dema with Good Day song
-he won’t answer them; girl says “Josh are you hiding, come here you little moron haha”
-she is wearing the new logo and another pin
-stressed out is girls favorite; asks him to play it
-he starts Choker from the couch (he ends on the couch and they freeze, maybe he’s not performing cuz Josh is there too... but it is neon set)
-Tyler does a peace sign here in choker; Josh does one later
-bishops come and make him play Stressed Out; light poles look like towers in the middle; bishops are red; lisbens button was red; symbol on Josh’s drum changed
-Migraine; Trench symbol in background in lights
-fake audience sings
-Tyler starts screaming and it gets cut off by commercial
-guys favorite is Mulberry Street; emphasizing “saturation”
-FPE store; Food, Petrol, Etc
-other stores: Bounce Bail Bonds (Bounce Man... bail); Saturday’s paint supplies (paint = saturation); Rosies (daughter); mulberry street sign; signs saying Paint the Town and colorful buildings; Bayou- reference to Clancy letters
-he is very dance-y in the new songs (too happy?)
-interlude of radio messaging... muffled/couldn’t understand; images of talk show hosts with black bottom halves to their faces; “why do I kneel to these concepts?  Tempted by control; controlled by temptation; stay low they say; stay low”
-Lane boy: men in quarantine suits and gas masks; lyrics say don’t trust a song that’s flawless... maybe he’s breaking through to tell us not to trust this
-then he goes into Redecorate; sounds like Clancy to me; scaled and icy = scaled back and isolated; controlling voice breaks through and cuts off Redecorate rly quickly
-neon lights for Chlorine; barrels; he’s going back under/being sedated/poisoned maybe (this is a theme in Redecorate too); looks sad/pleading; symbol on one of the barrels behind Josh... not sure what; at the end Josh and Tyler go different directions
-they go to where he is cold (shy away; fairly local... world is burning but we’re so cold); mountains; snow; fancy dinner table; 8 chairs at table (not nine)
-maybe Shy Away is a message to Josh to keep hiding (hiding mentioned in beginning); a song we wrote that’s never heard
-another commercial; bleeding and look roughed up; woman “felt trapped” without this music; they like The Outside; fills them with contentment (on control panel); woman is cut off “but remember you should...”
-very colorful shirt for The Outside; what’s the club/who can get in??
-lots of people are wearing plaid pants; even Tyler near the end
-Debby throws water on them (water puts out fires)
-Skelton clique onesies
-heathens/trees: really sad looking when he says “you don’t know the half of the abuse”; boat says OH for Ohio maybe?  Boat could symbolize escape??; lantern light... Bandito fire?; stars turn into lines in circle... Dema is circular
-torch!  Banditos are here!!  Josh first (maybe he’s still out there); background is kinda a rock trench; only old songs when Banditos are here... he’s remembering; looks visibly distressed; Josh holds up drumstick X; car torch + fire; red at the end... maybe bishops are fighting back
-another commercial:  even more bloody; red and yellow eyes; torch/burn marks on man’s shirt; “sometimes I close my eyes to try to escape.... you know you can’t escape Sally.... yes I know” “Listen... we’ve come for you; we’ve got people on the way.  No chances”
-Saturday:  Friday/Saturday reference in Migraine; Saturday comes between the good and the bad; paint the town... propaganda!!!
-his wife appears; going to bed cuz he’s busy working
-level of concern: plaid pants; just noticed he’s been wearing a neon blue bandaid the whole time (Dema?) also maybe the hair is a sign; we see him direct the band... is he getting leadership?
-Ride: he finally smiles; Josh holds up the second peace sign (peace or two?... two meaning doubles/cloned?)
-background goes black (absence of color); “I’ve been thinking too much help me” cry for help
-masks on for Car Radio; red sirens at end; everyone running; transition to Never Take It; fire again... Banditos present again maybe; Trash the dragon at the end
-Tyler walks back to frozen Dema hosts; starts Choker
-Hosts were Lisden and Sacarver
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topweeklyupdate · 3 years
TØP Weekly Update #142: A Formidable Album (5/21/21)
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So... how 'bout that album release week?
There's so much to cover; the release of nine new songs, the hype that's building for the World's Best Band to return to the stage, and (if we're able to come up for air) the massive speculation of what the future brings for our band.
I'm gonna get right into it, laying out my thoughts regarding this bold new album and covering all the most notable news from the week. I'll be sharing my (mostly) positive opinions about Scaled and Icy under the Read More line; I hope they're the start of a fun conversation with all of y'all who have stuck around through this last year.
Scaled and Icy Review
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First, my general thoughts on the album: It's good! Really good. Do I think it's a no-skip like Vessel or a cohesive piece of art like Trench? Absolutely not! But it's also not the potential misfire that I worried that we might be getting when I first heard "Saturday" (more on that later); I think all of the songs are at least good, and some of them are downright great tracks that hold up with anything else that our band has ever released. It is also indisputably very different, but I think that generally works pretty well. Many of the songs evoke '60s rock or Britpop sounds and structures that you can tell Tyler is still trying to navigate, but I think he does a very solid job at adapting them to suit his strengths- namely his lyricism and knack for melody- rather than change to suit them. Unfortunately, this does result in a bit of square-peg-in-round-hole syndrome at times; most of the rap verses on the album feel like they're here just to fulfill an obligation to fans who would be mad if they weren't here, and most of the songs that use them are the weakest ones in the project.
"Good Day" plays a major role in getting the rest of the album to work as well as it does. Its gradual ramp-up, introducing the sound that will be used throughout the rest of the album. Its playfulness belies its message about how one can project a somewhat false optimism for oneself in the midst of tragedy: the type of dark stuff in a bright package that Tyler is so so good at. It's perhaps not an instant classic, but I am excited to see how it comes across when it's eventually used as a show-opener. 9/10
I've of course already discussed "Shy Away"; an anthemic, inimitably catchy track that I just wish had a bit more going on under the hood. Still going to be so good to hear thousands of voices scream "An 'I LOVE YOU' that isn't words!" someday. 9.5/10
"Choker" definitely took a little bit to grow on me. I think part of that was a bit of disappointment from over-inflated expectations and the environment I was in when I first heard it. With further listens, I fall more and more in love with the melody of the song... well, most of it. Like the rest of this album, the biggest weakness in the song is when Tyler tries to tick the box of having a rap verse; it just feels really out of place, unfinished, and almost amateurish, and it doesn't end the song on the note that it really should. Without it, it'd be one of my favorites on the album; with it, "Choker" is a solid 8.5/10.
Speaking of unfinished-sounding songs really hurt by their rap verse: "The Outside". There's a definite something to the vibe of the song, but that seemingly nonsensical verse is one of the two weakest parts of the entire project for me. The way the song meanders only adds to the feeling that there wasn't as much energy and attention paid to it compared to other parts of the project. It's pretty easily my least favorite track on Scaled and Icy, and the only one I might regularly skip. I've also seen plenty of people saying it's the best song on the album, so please tell me why I'm wrong! 6.5/10
"Saturday", as mentioned above, had me really nervous about this album. Like "Choker", it's grown on me a bit since I first heard it, in part because it fits better with the context of the rest of the album. However, this one really does feel undercooked lyrically and overreliant on the novelty of using a disco-inspired sound that seems to chase trends more than almost any other TØP track. The inclusion of that very sweet audio clip from Jenna boosts the song in some ways, but also adds to the disappointment in others; there are many other songs on this project that would be more worth surrendering time watching Friends. Thankfully, those come next. 7/10
"Never Take It" is fascinating. I never thought I'd hear a Rolling Stones-style song from Tyler Joseph featuring a gd guitar solo of all things, and it actually sounds pretty great. However, I also predict that this song will see some of the greatest critical scrutiny out of all the songs on the album. The lyrics seem to be Tyler's criticism of the media for playing up division in our society, but he's extremely vague when discussing which entities are spreading said division and ultimately recommends that people "educate yourself, but never too much". I'll be honest: maybe it's the fact that it sounds like something my dad would listen to, but it feels like this would get tons of play on Fox News. Since it makes specific reference to the events of last summer, it's hard not to feel like song is at least partially inspired by Tyler's brush with cancellation last year. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into it, but those reservations come from the song's lack of specificity, which is an issue of songwriting more than politics. They hold me back from truly loving a song that still manages to be one of the most exciting the band has ever put out. 8.5/10
"Mulberry Street" seems like the perfect realization of the entire album's intended tone. It is so pleasant, so lush while also simply produced, full of great lyrics, metaphors, and imagery. It really brings the whole project together, even if it's missing That One Line to really move this up to the top tier of the canon. 9.5/10
"Formidable" is the best song on the album and one of two songs I would truly rank in the top tier of the band's canon. Extremely pleasant and brimming with well-crafted lines to make your heart swoon. Jenna (and Rosie) is (are) a lucky gal(s). Or is it about Josh? Who's to say? 10/10
"Bounce Man" is just plain wild. I think Tyler's smuggling someone to Mexico to escape the feds? The playfulness of it all really covers up any frustration I might have with the clarity; it makes it clear that there's not really stakes here, just vibes. 8.5/10
"No Chances" sees the album take a turn that I'm sure the Reddit Clique is going to have an absolute field day with; it and "Redecorate" both sound quite different from the rest of the album and evoke enough elements of Trench to make me think that's it's actually possible that all this 'SAI is Propaganda' stuff might actually have something to it... until I actually pick apart the lyrics, then I'm even more confused. The song has some of the best rapping on the album, though that's not saying much (the feng shui line is a groaner right out the gate) and the gentle pre-chorus is really pleasant. I still haven't made up my mind on whether the chorus is effective or just plain goofy. This one might get worse or better on repeat listens, impossible to say for now. 7.5/10
"Redecorate" rounds out the album by opening with a Clancy quote (Tyler, you bastard), firmly setting this as a coda to Trench more than the album we just listened to. The rest of the song is really storytelling, with Tyler describing a bunch of people who are struggling deeply. The idea of "redecorating" here stands for how they are faced with the option to clean and resort their own spaces and lives or leave that to their loved ones to do after they're gone. By the time it gets to the album's name drop, you begin to wonder how much of this is potential autobiographical of the last year. It's moving stuff, a callback to some of the great strengths of the band's discography. 10/10
If I average those scores all up, this project ranks below almost every album among the Pilots discography on my rating scale, very narrowly edging out Self-Titled. That's still a very solid 8.6. Scaled and Icy is a very good album on first listen. We'll see how I feel about it after having a little more time to sit with it, but I've rambled enough: let's move through the rest of the week's news.
Other News
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Of course, there was a lot else going on this week! To accompany the release of "Saturday", Zane Lowe over at Apple Music dropped an interview with Tyler. As usual, Zane did a pretty solid job of getting to the heart of the craft and the creation process. However, Tyler also wound up skirting a lot of the questions to just talk more about how much he loves being a dad, which makes me happy; if the cost of getting a little less attention and mental energy devoted to the music is that little girl getting all of his attention, that's honestly preferable for me.
The album rollout is not even close to over. Later today, the concert will be streamed live. It's our first real performance that we've gotten from the band since 2019, but the previews that we've seen have completely exceeded any of my expectations, and really anything that we've seen from the band. It appears that they've transformed the entire arena (which I think is the ol' Schott at Ohio State) into a whole TØP world, with different sets laden with Easter eggs and a cast of backup dancers. If the website can hold up to the traffic (and I acknowledge that might be a big ask), this could really live up to Tyler's promise of this being the best livestreamed concert ever.
Oh, and this guy dyed his hair pink.
What a time to be a fan. Catch you all tomorrow.
Power to the local dreamer.
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Get To Know Me tag
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Thank you for tagging me @ladybugsimblr and @sienna-simmer!
Favorite colour? Teal, emerald green, sunflower yellow, gold, mulberry and navy blue but specifically that Dulux Sapphire Salute paint (which also happens to be the colour of one of my bedroom walls)
Currently reading? Mostly Simblr stories, research prep for my PhD application and the occasional fanfiction. I find it difficult to concentrate when I read so outside of those, I don’t really do a lot of it (I’m looking into some audiobooks though)
Last song? untitled 02 | 06.23.2014. by Kendrick Lamar (I decided to take a break from blasting Doja’s Ain’t Shit all over the house)
Last series? In between waiting for new episodes of Love Island and Loki, I just finished watching We Are Lady Parts a couple of days ago and I’m about to start Underground Railroad and Yuri On Ice
Sweet, spicy, or savoury? I used to have a HUGE sweet tooth but recently savoury is in my top spot, then spicy and finally sweet (oh how the turn tables)
Craving? The halloumi wrap I ate yesterday from a Greek street food place, miss her just want her back xx
Tea or coffee? Tea for sure, green tea specifically, I have several mugs of green tea a day
Currently working on? A couple of edits, finding a job and building a city-themed set piece for one of my faves
I’m tagging @amelettes, @rockbellsims, @missmoodring, @charey111, @shesthespinstersimmer and anyone else who’d like to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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yo im going to be in manhattan this friday and i was just wondering if you could give me some recs for food? and also bakeries and cafes lol wait this is really bad timing erm sorry here 📓
Hey! I can definitely give you some recommendations! I'm not sure if you're going to be primarily uptown or downtown, so I'm just gonna compile two lists below (with links, wherever possible).
Downtown (below 59th Street)
-Carroll Place (Italian wine bar and gastropub near West 4th Street w/ bottomless mimosas or sangria. I personally swear by the Eggs in Purgatory)
-Agave (Mexican style bottomless brunch spot. There are two locations, one in Greenwich Village and one in Kips Bay. The food is decent, but the drinks are excellent. I'm usually a staunch mimosa person at brunch, but definitely get the margaritas here)
-99 Favor Taste (Delicious, affordable all you can eat hotpot and table barbecue. This is the first place my friends and I wanted to go once indoor dining was allowed again. There are multiple locations downtown)
-Misoya (The best ramen shop in NYC, imho. Every item on the menu is so good, it brings tears to my eyes just to think about it lol)
-Laut (Amazing Malaysian, Singaporean, and Thai food near Union Square! I've only been there twice, but I can swear by the Asam Laksa and the Hainanese Roast Chicken Rice)
-Paesano's of Mulberry (My favorite restaurant on the Mulberry Street strip in Little Italy, which is admittedly kind of basic in principle, but still really good. Solid, affordable place that my friends and I have been going to since high school)
-Claw Daddy's (Delicious Louisiana seafood boil—spicy, flavorful, yum. They also have great drinks of the "adult capri sun" variety)
-Soogil (Korean-French fusion with an amazing tasting menu! It's a little pricey, but if you have room to splurge, I would highly recommend giving this place a try)
-Fay Da Bakery (Chinese bakery with lots of different cakes and buns to try! There are two locations in Manhattan, and a bunch more in Queens)
-Max Brenner (This place serves pretty good lunch and dinner, but the reason to come here is the chocolate fondue and chocolate cocktails -- their dark chocolate martini sends me)
-Otafuku x Medetai (This one is a Japanese street food restaurant, but I'm grouping it with sweets because the taiyaki here is everything)
Uptown (above 59th Street)
-Calle Ocho (Latin American cuisine with a robust sangria menu for bottomless brunch. Tread carefully with the sangria, though, b/c it's sweet and doesn't really taste like alcohol and the next thing you know, you'll be sending salacious text messages to your ex. Trust me, I know.)
-Moonrise Izakaya (Japanese gastropub on the Upper West Side. This place is a good vibe at any time of day, but the weekend brunch is so good it makes me emotional lol)
-Carmine's (Family style Italian food. I would recommend going with a party of three or more because the portions here are notoriously massive. Like garlic bread served on a pizza pan massive.)
-Red Rooster (Chef Marcus Samuelson adds his personal flair to soul food/American comfort food. The yardbird is easily the best piece of fried chicken I've had to date. The Uptown Guac is also everything.)
-Cafe du Soleil (Casual, affordable French restaurant. Great food, nice wines. I swear by the Hachis Parmentier, and will never say no to the creme brulee)
-Jacob's Pickles (Southern American comfort food. Easily serves the best cheese grits I've experienced in life thus far. The house made biscuits are also really delicious)
-Haru Sushi (Japanese restaurant with a few different locations around the city, although I think the UWS branch is the best.)
-Pappardella (Another Italian restaurant with really good food. Everything I've tried on the menu hits)
-The Hungarian Pastry Shop (Cafe and bakery by Columbia with amazing coffee and baked goods. The plain croissants are always fluffy and delicious, and the cheese danishes are everything. The cappuccinos with sugar and cinnamon are some of my favorite in the city. There's no website for this one, so I'm linking the Yelp page)
-Silver Moon Bakery (A little french bakery on the Upper West Side that brings me SO MUCH joy. The herbed brie sticks, palmiers, apple tarts, and chocolate bomb cakes are my personal favorites)
-Levain Bakery (I can't believe I forgot this at first! Chocolate chip walnut cookies are great and they only cost $4)
*Imo, there are much better brunch spots in Brooklyn, but if you don't have time so schlep out there, these places are still great.
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shipoty · 4 years
so this is my half of a trade with @foreveryours-mouse and it was super fun to write!! bread baking and found family... those are the best tropes. i did a lot of fun jjba research and stuff, so i hope you like it
His hands ghosted over hers as she kneaded her palms into the dough. Jonathan stood behind her, a warm and comforting presence. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and his hands moved in tandem with Mouse's. The dough was soft and sticky and needed more flour.
As if he read her mind, Jonathan took a half step back to look for the bag of flour. Despite their current endeavor, the kitchen was clean. All the unused plates and pans were stacked neatly on the counter. The spoons, whisks, and other utensils were laid out in rows. The flour, like everything else, was in its place. He grabbed it and passed it to Mouse.
“Here, we don’t want the bread to be too light.”
His voice was gentle, and it filled the room with warmth. Jonathan spread a handful of flour over the counter as he returned to his place right behind the love of his life. Slowly, their hands moved in practiced, synchronized movements. They stretched and pressed and folded the dough, evenly distributing the additional flour.
The bread grew firm beneath their palms, and with a couple of presses, Mouse deemed it ready. Adjacent to them, the pan was also ready: Jonathan had greased it thoroughly with cooking oil.
“Let me worry about the dough,” he said, pecking her temple. “Just check on the oven for me.”
She withdrew gracefully from his embrace and circled around to the other side of the kitchen. The flames in the oven staggered as she swung open the oven door, but quickly resumed their dance. It was the perfect temperature, but the edges of the coals were just simmering embers. Taking the fireplace poker from its hook, she stirred the fire until it was bright and lively. The poker was returned to its place, and the oven door was closed.
As Mouse dusted off her skirts, she couldn’t help but feel a lingering gaze on her back. She tossed a look over her shoulder. Sure enough, Jojo was eyeing her. Unashamed at being caught staring, he smiled back at her. She felt her face heat up and laughed.
Though they’ve lived together for weeks at this point, there was still a wave of uncertainty between them. Mouse wasn’t used to having a place to call home. It was by luck that she came upon this cottage on the edge of London. It was modest, and it took her a week to relay the chimney bricks, but it was hers. For once, she didn’t have to live as an outcast in the countryside or a beggar on the streets. Life couldn’t get any better, or so she had thought.
She still remembered the height of the blaze as it consumed the Joestar mansion that fateful day. Smoke billowed up into the clouds as she pulled Jonathan from the debris. He was injured, but she couldn’t stop to check how bad it was. Fleeing from the mansion was terrifying, but she held up just long enough to get him to safety. And that safety just happened to be her little townhouse.
Mouse was by his bedside every moment of his recovery, and their bond, weakened by time and distance, was immediately rekindled. Their love emerged anew. How young and curious it was! Their relationship stumbled along like a newborn foal, but their proximity quickly strengthened it. However, periodic moments of awkwardness still emerged.
As the bread rose, they watched each other from across the kitchen, not saying a word and not quite meeting each other’s eyes. Despite the years apart and the depth of their newfound love, it was hard to find the right thing to say. It seemed as if their fondness for one another could not be confined into common conversation. It was too potent. And yet Jojo, the gentleman that he was, made an attempt at it.
In three graceful steps, he was before her.
“I love your smile,” he said, taking her hands into his. “I don't know how I lived so long without it.”
There was another beat of silence, filled only by the rush of wind through the trees. The mulberry branches shook and tapped at the window panes, but the young lovers never noticed. Warmth expanded in Mouse’s chest and emanated down to her fingertips.
“I feel the same. For the longest time, I let Dio’s words keep us apart. I thought I was doing it for your sake, but I realized later that I was just afraid. I was afraid that I would see you, and his lies would turn out to be true,” she admitted, in a quiet voice. “But I was wrong, and I spent seven years missing you because of that.”
Jojo pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s not your fault. I should have gone looking for you, but Dio never ceased tormenting me. I’m glad to be rid of him now.”
Before he could say anymore, the timer for the dough let out a high pitch ‘ding!’ It served as a reminder of their previous occupation: preparing Mouse’s favorite bread recipe. They hastily stepped apart, if only to complete the last steps of the baking ritual. Jonathan poked at the dough in the pan, checking how it had risen.
“It looks ready for the oven. Is the temperature alright?”
Mouse tugged the oven door open. “It’s perfect. Will you do the honors?”
He just smiled at her as he carried over the pan and set it gingerly on the center oven rack. The door closed behind it.
“So…” Mouse started as she fiddled with the timer’s dial. “How have you been feeling lately? Are the burns still painful?”
Jonathan shook his head. “The ointments you used were very effective. I feel as good as new.” Though his injuries had been relatively localized, an infection could have been devastating. It was only by her skill and quick thinking that Jojo was now well enough to be up and about.  
Mouse turned back to him, smiling bashfully. “Well then, I think I have a little surprise for you.”
By the look on his face, she could tell that he wasn’t expecting any sort of gift. Jojo raised an eyebrow but followed Mouse as she skipped out of the kitchen. Her dress danced around her legs with each step, and he could only wonder what sort of surprise she had in store. She took a quick turn through the living room, went down a short hall, unlocked a door, turned into another hall, then finally stopped at an inconspicuous wooden door.
Jojo was familiar enough with her lodgings that he knew they were no longer in her home. They were in the adjacent building, where Mouse advertised her wares as a seamstress. The two buildings were conveniently connected, but Jojo hadn’t been in this part of the shop before.
“Are you ready for your surprise?” Mouse asked, slowly easing open the door.
“Of course!” He answered, just as excited as she was.
With that, she threw open the door and revealed the room beyond. It was small and cluttered with bolts of fabric, but Jonathan didn’t notice. His gaze was captured by the display at the center of the room. It was an ensemble outfit fit for a noble. Elegant embroidery detailed the cobalt sleeves, and a long majestic coat added a debonair edge to the look. The accompanying hat, belt, and boots were complementary shades of burgundy, each adorned with a single silver buckle.
Mouse let the surprise sink in for a moment before stepping up to the mannequin. “I figured that since your other fancy clothes were pretty burnt up, I could make you some new ones... Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful,” Jojo said, trailing his fingers down the smooth fabric. “I always knew you were skilled with needlework but…”
The right words evaded him, he just shook his head and basked in the glory of her work. As a rather wealthy man, he was no stranger to decorative clothing. And yet, this felt very new and very special. When Dio had entered his life, pain and greed surrounded him. Now, Jojo felt like he was regaining some of the love he had lost all those years. Just one act from the woman he loved and his heart was set aflutter.
A strange warmth rose in his chest as Mouse placed the hat onto his head. Her pride in her work was admirable. Every stitch was sewn with generous affection, and Jonathan couldn’t remember the last time someone had been so compassionate toward him.
He pressed a kiss to her lips in lieu of thanks. Mouse was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, whether or not he was ready to admit it. In a quick movement, he swept her up into his arms.
They twirled around in each other’s embrace for what felt like hours. Despite everything they’ve gone through and everything that was yet to come, they felt content. It was hard not to be, nestled together as if fate itself had set them there.
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maxparkhurst · 4 years
tattered silk ♥ tell us your favourite story about yourself .
"A story about myself?" 
The question caught Max off guard. Even hearing it from her own lips sounded strange and foreign. She offered a polite smile as she canted her head. "I'm a rather dull person." She breathed a laugh. "But I've plenty of misadventures which revolve around my brother. He was quite charming as a toddler. In an unconventional sort of way."  
She took a sip of coffee, curled her knees to her chest, and settled back into the overstuffed chair. Her cordial smile warmed  as she stared off into the fire. Moments of silence turned into minutes, a contemplative stupor creasing her brow. Eventually she broke the spell with a gentle sigh. Closed her eye. Took another sip of coffee. 
"Augustine had this red wagon. A gift from one of our more distant cousins. Was a bit old and a little rusted. Barely big enough to hold the both of us." Her hand drifted in an arch through the air. "He liked to ride it down hills. Plenty of them in Upton, ranging in all sorts of sizes. Although, he was only brave to ride down the steeper hills so long as I rode too. The steepest of them all was on Mulberry Street. Perhaps the steepest point in all of Boralus. 
"The air held a particular weight that afternoon. One thick with the kind of humidity you only find in the midst of summer. I drug that wagon with Auggie in it all the way up that street. Was sweating before I even reached the top. But it felt nice being that high." 
Max canted her head. 
"Felt like being in the clouds." 
The Alchemist finished the last of her coffee and sat the empty mug aside. Her chin came to rest on the top of her knees as she dived further into her narrative. "Auggie insisted all through the ride up that he should go down by himself. Suppose he was feeling particularly brave that afternoon. That same bravado vanished once we reached the top." A breath of laughter touched her lips. "Not that I had plans to let him go alone anyway.
"You could feel the excitement zipping between us. Cramped inside this tiny wagon, we were preparing ourselves for a ride of a life time. The kind of experience we'd tell our friends for years to come. All of it seemed like such a brilliant idea at the time." Max peeked her eye open, flashing her guest a toothy smirk. "Don't they always appear as such at first blush? Especially through innocent eyes." 
"I nudged the wagon forward and smiled down at Auggie. He hid his face behind his hands. I laughed then as I felt the wagon pitch forward, pulling backs his hands so he could witness it. With a squeal he shrunk back into me. Watched with round, teary as we rolled off that precipice. And then…"
She cut a hand through the air. 
"Whoosh. We were off, faster than any schooner. We sailed down the hill with the wind snapping at our backs and laughter in our chests. Delightfully squealing as weaved through the street, tipping the wagon this way and that. Nothing in that moment could catch us. Not any worry, doubt, or care. Captains of our own destiny and conquerors of Boralus's tallest point." Max nodded along to the memory, sinking further into the cushion.  Her gaze darted to the side as she barked a cynical laugh. "That was short lived." 
"I'm not sure when our shrieks turned from excitement to terror," she drawled, brow creasing in a furrow, "Perhaps in the interim between gaining speed and losing control. The wagon started to skip over the stone. Every so often hovering in the air before plopping unceremoniously onto the pavement. Each time the wagon threatened to flip. I suppose that's how things go: One second you're going fast, and the next you're going too fast. 
"There were two options. Either stay steady on course and surrender our lives to the unforgiving stone," -Max bobbed her head from side to side- "Or jump the curb." 
"We jumped the curb," she added with a nonchalant shrug. 
"I remember hooking the wagon to the side, aiming for some flower bushes. But my aim was a bit off." She rolled a hand. "The next thing I know, Auggie's flying ass over head through the air…" Max cleared her throat as she covered her mouth. "Squealing like a piglet…" A snort escaped. 
The Alchemist paused with the shake of her head, shoulders jostling with silent laughter. She let the giggle fit live a second longer before dragging it under the table and smothering it. A sigh marked the end of her indulgence as she settled back and continued her narrative.
"The world turned suddenly dark as I was thrown from the wagon. A lot oftumbling and rolling. Then a nasty snap followed by a sickening pain up my arm.  The first thing I noticed when I came to my senses was the fact that the sky had been turned upside down. Rather, I had been turned upside down. Instead of landing in a soft bed of flowers, I crashed us into a woman's collection of antique furniture waiting to be loaded into a cart. Apparently she was affluent in the area and looking to move to a larger estate further in-land." Max shrugged again. "We simply helped lighten her load. It was on the wreckage of her prized grandfather clock I laid sprawled, blearily blinking up at her startled face. Then I noticed a second thing: Augustine's shrill crying. 
"He wasn't as lucky as I to have a clock cushion his fall. No, no.  Instead, he landed face first onto the cobblestone paving her walk." Max tapped her chin with reminiscent smile. "He's still got the scar from where he cut his chin wide open. Painted the whole path red.
“I shot up at the sight, ready to snag him up, when my gaze happened to drift down. I managed to miss a certain disconnect which occurred when I heard that sickening snap. My arm, I knew, was hurt. However, when I looked down I saw it disfigured into a horrible shape. That was when the pain really sunk in. Twenty minutes we spent crying on the woman's yard until a doctor showed up on scene. It would be another two hours of sniveling until our father came to collect us. 
Max sucked the backs of her teeth, eye turning back to the fire glowing low in the hearth. "I hadn't ever seen my father turn such a shade of red. We waked home in silence; Auggie carried on his back and I trailing at his heels. I fiddled with my sling, unable to even meet his gaze. At the time I believed it was the fact of paying three hundred and fifty gold for the broken clock which had him fuming. But when we got home and Auggie was put to bed, he sat me down. Explained to me that we were both very lucky to have walked out of that with a broken arm and a few stitches. That we had worried him beyond belief… " 
"I suppose we were pretty lucky," Max laughed, allowing her smile to grow, "Despite the sour end, I still look fondly upon the memory as one of my favorites.” 
Thanks for the ask @aldoreth!
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