#muisic show
saltymothball · 12 days
my unpopular takes on beetlejuice beetlejuice SPOILERS!! (long post)
(i am a fan of the original pls do not come for me) these are just my thoughts on the sequel :D please feel free to add yours too
context! im writing these notes as i watch so theyre a little disorganized
for reference i also rewatched the original immediately prior to the sequel
not opening with the classic beetlejuice muisic ?? even the stage show opens with that music where is it (EDIT- restarted it and it actually does open w the music, but it is much less fun/campy an and more of a spooky remix so i forgot)
its not plot necessary but i do wish we learned how BJ fixed his shrunken head and death by sandworm
where are the maitlands ???? 0 mention of adam and barbra at the beginning ?
BJ's ex wife intro was a very creative concept but i wish they did it with more sfx props and less cgi/green screen
Astrid is like very boring, theyve done nothing to get the audience (me) invested in her?? disney wish vibes like who is she
call it a headcanon i feel like lydia wouldnt be this fucking awkward of a parent ?? she had good role models ie adam and barbra (even if her own parents werent as active, by the end of the original movie it implied they were now living in a healthy family dynamic
the mother daughter drama feels really forced, reminds me of the out-of-place tension between wednesday and morticia in the 2023 show
all angles are super close up and feel like horror angles. the scene where astrid befriends that boy ?? felt like someone was gonna come up and kill them the ENTIRE interaction (edit i guess that makes sense but it nerfed the scene)
IMMEDIATELY knew his parents are dead btw. not showing their faces is so clearly they are dead. not an ounce of mystery. theory the boy might be a ghost too?
theory astrids dad isnt dead bc Lydia cant see him
the witching hour wrong ?? last i knew it was 3am not 12am. weird thing to get wrong
its like not a silly campy vibe ?? its like uncomfortable.
dont like lydias new man hes pushy and gross
i miss adam and barbra
it doesnt make sense that no one taking lydia seriously ? delia knows she can see ghosts and has also experienced beetlejuice
lydias fiance is a horrid excuse for a partner (how tf did she meet him like did he just walk in bc the plot needed another person to hate lydia
not the dead protester joke :(
the spill-your-guts/pregnancy felt really idk,,, icky??? dont know how to explain it but it uncomfortably long
follow up- a lot of the visual ghost gags felt very gross/gorey ? like in the original movie the gags were inbetween silly/sexual/spooky-but this one feels more like blood and guts instead of spiders and snakes. exhibit A) otho casually shoving corpse barbra out of the way when looking at the closet with delia / exhibit b) the guy with the cigarettes at the end of the original
theory that astrid is going to end up seeing ghosts by the end of the movie
love the "eeee!" noise BJ makes when people say his name
ok BJ with the guitar after lydia tells him off was legitimately funny
i know astrid is an angsty teen but my god she is so hostile towards lydia
calling it at 56mins the boys parents are SO dead bc they deliberately didnt have lydia meet them
listen i have nothing against jenna ortega but it feels like she is type-casted to play exactly one character now, like let the girl play something other than a monotone gothy teen
"they found a loophole and moved on" okay whatever that means
astrids awkwardness w this ghost boy is pretty cute. he is so definitely a ghost though
yup called it hes a ghost
"my mom was telling the truth... shit" lmao
this boy feels very sus bc why are you trying to bribe her w her father
still no info on how lydia and rory met ??
MURDER HOUSE ?? TH BOY IS A MURDERER ??? okay thats a good twist ill give them that
astrid going into the afterlife to see her dad feels very "lydia going to the afterlife to see her mom" plot from the stage show ?
astrid honey you have too much faith in this ghost boy
oh my fucking god delia did you really get poisonous snakes....so on brand for her
Beetlegeuse literally carrying the whole movie
every scene he's in is absolutely giving
william dafoe is pretty good too but adding him just feels like he is william dafoe and not the character hes playing (who is also an actor)
delia correcting herself from saying fuck is really funny like girl was that scripted
okay ok astrd seeing her dad working in immigration was pretty neat
i had actually forgotten abt BJs ex wife until now ? doesnt seem like she actually adds much to the story beyond giving BJ a new reason to pursue lydia... which he was already doing...?
are they all going to end up in the afterlfe wtf
the afterlife desert takes place on the fucking moon of saturn ?? okay
is it just me or is the sandworm not claymation... like maybe its just the way it looks but i swear it looks like they cgi'd it but then cut down the frame rate
damn lydias husband really got eaten by piranhas.. what a way to die oh my god
there was no real stakes to astrid switching her soul? they resolved that so fast like lydia just grabbed her and they ran
oh their husband/dad is back now everything is fixed...? like all that hate towards her mom is now gone bc her mom was telling the truth about seeing ghosts? dad just resolved the only conflict
beetlejuice didnt even help get astrid back he went on a pee break and the plot progressed
love bad cop william defoe
"are you filled with fear and trembling?" "yes im shitting my pants" absolutely gold
BJ on fetchquests this whole movie fr
the soul sucking lady please she ate bobs nametag :(
ok wtf they really solved ghost boy dilemma in 5 seconds, BJ ex machina... like he rlly just got him like that ??? anticlimactic
ok good astrid apologized for being a shitty kid
rory please stop kissing lydias neck
i kind of hate the modern nods like the self securing seatbelt in the priests car, or the influencers at the wedding, really weird unnecessary detail
BJ and Delia wedding crashers my fav
how did Beetlejuice get into the church ? if he is a demon like previously established, shouldnt he NOT be able to step on holy ground
enjoyed the slapstick moment of lydia punching rory, good moment
her red dress omg !! pretty
BJ himself is just too funny, making the priest sing top tier
i still miss adam and barbra :( if they can cgi that dead guy in star wars i think we couldve brought alec baldwin and geena davis who are in fact still very alive and look great
they really didnt make me interested in BJs ex wife other than she is pretty and looks like morticia addams ?
BJ making everybody partake in singing is very silly
everybody dancing at the wedding scene must have been fun to film, everybody looks like theyre jamming
lmao whos dog was that in the hallucinations ?? is that the dog who killed the maitlands
"ghoul squad" ok monster high
oh finally his ex is here
lydia so casually pushed out of the way lmao
why does BJ have more etherial powers than every other ghost?
offering rory to the soul sucking lady is so good
theyre really just gonna sandworm for the plot resolution again ???
his ex wife was a threat for all of 4 seconds
lol the legal marriage loophole was kinda funny
is delia like forever dead ? is she a ghost now? is beetlejuice dead?
i still love delia. "i will find charles and we will haunt you both" good for her
are the influencer wedding guests dead
everything got wrapped up very quickly
good on delia for still loving her husband even though that shark absolutely annihilated him
what ?? astrid is married now???
oh ok its a dream
having a second pregnancy bit felt really weird
they alluded to another sequel :(
please remember i am actually a huge fan of beetlejuice !! no hate to the franchise these are just my personal opinions on the sequel. i would love to hear your thoughts as well !!
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local-idiot0 · 2 years
This isn’t the greatest first post ever made but I feel like I need to address the elephant or elephants in the room. Believe it or not, Bowuigi or Bowser x Luigi, took up literally my entire YouTube shorts lately. And all because of that damn trailer. So much so, that Bowuigi for like the past couple of months has made me lose my GOD DAMN MIND.
I literally ended up liking it because I thought it was kinda funny and it seemed kinda cool. I’m bi, so I fw it. About a month later, this was no joke. This was literally just a ship I liked. I feel like this is mostly how new Bowuigi fans ended up finding it in the first place, so it’s nice to know I’m not alone. With that said, I have NO IDEA show Nintendo didn’t notice ANYTHING ABOUT THE BOWSER AND LUIGI SCENE. I ain’t complaining, I just think it would be funny if someone working on it secretly supported Bowuigi. (Let’s be realistic, they probably aren’t but I really want it to be a reality) That or, they didn’t think as far as we thought they did with the movie. Either way, I’ll see what happens on the big screen.
Sorry Mario, your Luigi is in another castle.
( I gotta start using that tagline more it sounds cool)
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Edit #2:
I really don’t want to get my hopes up for it to burn up in flames. And I just don’t mean the “MUisiCal SiDe oF BoWsEr”, no. I mean the ENTIRE movie. Because this could either go 2 ways. The first way being that something actually insane happens between them and the internet turns into a fiery blaze on twitter and everywhere. The second being we get our hopes up way too high to be shot down way too easily and simply write off the movie for getting too excited about it and overestimating our chances.
It’s an all or nothing bet we have and if we lose, we’ll have to shrug it off and say maybe next time. But I’ll be honest, I don’t think Nintendo would purposefully add scenes that had Bowser and Luigi doing something insane like getting real close to romance. I think Nintendo had no idea of the sheer power of the internet and how one little scene that they didn’t really think Bowuigi fans would lose their minds over it.
I’m still very confused that in the trailer Bowser and Luigi just continue to get gayer and gayer. Do you guys got any theories/thoughts?
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ang30l · 1 year
My tnt Duo au. Based on my own mind and a 2 year rp.
These are all c! Not cc!!
Their both trans just like- Wilbur got bottom surgery Q did not, Wilbur is autistic and q has BPD. Wilbur is also really fat 👌
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Enjoy :)
Wilbur and quackity have had it rough yes and when Wilbur was revived wuackity wasn’t all that happy,leading up to slimes death,quackity and Wilbur start to make these hook ups basically to prove who’s more stronger? Idk man. But Wilbur won everyone of them if yk what I mean.
After a while, of these hook ups and slimes death brings us to probably the funniest part of the au for me
One night quackity wakes up to a load bang at his door,it’s Wilbur knocking and asking for a place to stay. Quackity agrees and he sleeps on a air matress because as quackity puts it he is to disgusting and a virus haver to share beds. Wilbur gets a nightmare tho and sneaks into qs bed while he’s sleeping,cuddling him and all that shit.
Q goes crazy when he wakes up. Then Wilbur just doesn’t leave? They get more and more close and share their first real kiss while fighting each other. A little while after they start dating and Wilbur moves in..
Then something happens
The guitar incident.
One night wikbur is reallll drunk and completely out of his head..q is cleaning out their attic and finds wilburs guitar and accidentally breaks it. He attempts to show Wilbur,not knowing he was drunk and Wilbur,loving his guitar dearly. Takes his anger and guilt out on quackity using a glass bottle…
Quackity is left with a huge scar on the back of his head from this and this scar still has never healed up.
Then somehow quackity finds out he’s pregnant,miscarries.(DISCLAIMER THERES A LOT OF MISCARRIAGES.)
But he didn’t tell Wilbur. Still scared of him after the guitar and forever will be.
Around 2 years later wilbur proposed in their bedroom,but only a few days before the wedding WILBUR BASICALLYS BLOWS UP QUACKITY SO HES ON CRUTCHES FOR HIS WEDDING?!? Anyways :3
Like only a few months into their marriage q gets pregnant again,actually telling Wilbur and just around the 8 month mark MISSCARRIAGES.. so he’s real depressed and they decide to adopt
They adopted a little girl named tallulah,calling her lulah for short.
Over these years tho q distanced himself from his family,over come with grief and thinking he wasn’t a good partner for not being able to keep a child and not trusting himself near lulah.. all these built up feelings cause him to relapse,in a endless spiral of this pain. Wilbur and foolish help him out of this tho,as q is brought back to a more healthy mental state.
And actually keeps it this time! So everyone’s happy! Expect..Wilbur
Wilbur isn’t happy because it was so sudden..and just after such a stressful time..he also wasn’t happy because when the baby was born..he looked nothing like him and started to think quackitu cheated. They named this baby Tilin.
Something happens tho
When tilin was just around 6 months old..because of genetics and shit when Wilbur was revived his genetics were mutated and his left side of his jaw was completely destroyed. This carrying on to tilin who suffered a infection witch led to his 1st life being taken away. Everyone was sad
Wilbur was only happy because now! He would have white streaks like him! He didn’t even care that the poor boy died! He definitely had a favourite child.
Nkw a lot happend but nothing important so we fast forward,lulah pursuers a career in muisic and tilin is in college.
Q and will are all alone and around in the 60s now. They have their nice little ending and yeah :)
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reith-sheep · 2 years
Development | light and shadow 11
Final animation
After going through some changes, I finally finished this project which took a long time and was entirely new. Although this is the best I could do, I could have made some changes in some details, but as I didn't have more time to rework it, I still have mistakes in some minor details. For example, I have tried to change the body effect of the second version of the turn, but it doesn't look how I want it to in the final rendering.
the first
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the second
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But this is the best I could do in my short time. Since this project, I have been learning many new things, whether it's Duik Bassel, animation curves or the use of lenses. From being unable to use the aftereffect camera at the beginning of the school year, the camera can now go where I want it to go, and I have complete control.
These skills will help me in the future to complete a project quickly and to express what I want quickly.
Muisic resource
female Voice Sighs:
There’s an Aoi Under the Sophora Tree (2022) Female Voice Sighs. ear0. Available at: https://www.ear0.com/sound/show/soundid-38441.
girl sleeping:
Yuhan, B. (2022) girl sleeping, ear0. Available at: https://www.ear0.com/sound/show/soundid-38720.
Cabin, F. L. (2018) The sound made by a mosquito in flight, ear0. Available at: https://www.ear0.com/sound/show/soundid-16845.
Breaking the air ,punch,clap, click and music random from
Mixkit - Awesome free assets for your next video project (no date) Mixkit.co. Available at: https://mixkit.co/ (Accessed: January 15, 2023).
Music Infraction The Toms:
Inaudio / No Copyright Music / Royalty Free Music (2022) Percussion claps drums by infraction [no copyright music] / the toms. Youtube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF231VoWNeI&list=PL7pkSK1xbGD5maT-uU1rAhe_f-a26uxRk&index=11 .
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propagatelightmedia · 2 years
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The Smooth Jazz Chillout 7 - City Jazz
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fy-girls-generation · 7 years
[MPD직캠] 효연 Wannabe 직캠 HYOYEON Fancam @엠카운트다운_170601
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skeletal-kitt · 5 years
List of things to do during quarantine
My town isn’t actually in quarantine but my dogs knee pooped out of place and he had surgery to fix it and I haven’t left the house in over two weeks because I have to take care of him so it feels like I’ve been quarantined.
Anyway here’s some time consuming stuff to do if your stuck in the house for a long period of time
Clean. Clean your room, the bathroom, the living room, the garage, the dinning room, all the closets, the spare room you keep all the junk in. And if your in school clean out your backpack. I cleaned a bunch of old food crumbs out of mine and washed it. Clean out you dresser and get rid of all old clothes that don’t fit or too worn out. Clean out those junk drawers that are just filled with random stuff.
Reorganize. Especially if your in school, reorganizing books and papers and binders and throw out old papers and notebooks you don’t use. Rearrange all the books in your house. Reorder the encyclopedias.
Read. Remember all those unread fiction/fantasy novels you’ve kept on a shelf somewhere since middle school? Read them. Read any old magazines you find or listen to audiobooks.
Listen to muisic. Especially stuff you’ve never heard before, discover new artists and older albums of asrtists you already know and listen to all of it.
Spend time with your pets. Got to the backyard and play with your dog or cuddle with them and your cat inside. Play with cat, let them explore new stuff they’ve haven’t expirenced (as long as you supervising them). If you have anything like fish, lizard, ferrets, guinea pigs, hamsters, turtles, spider, snakes, let them out of their habitats for a bit and explore a safe animal proofed room (still supervise them). I don’t have any of those animals so do wahater they like to do for fun. Talk to them, have a full conversation with them like they’re a person.
Go outside if the weather is good. Go for a walk or kick around a soccer ball or play basketball or ride a bike or whatever, just go play outside and do anything that comes you your mind.
Watch movies and tv shows. Watch movies and tv shows, watch YouTube for hours, binge that show you’ve been meaning to watch, rewatch old favorite movies and shows.
Makeover. Play with makeup, try new styles, do it differently than you normally do. Play with you hair, learn how to French braid or weave or die it or straighten or curl it. Pretend like your Jenna Marbles ratchet salon and go wild with it.
Dress up. Go find all your old Halloween and cosplay costumes and outfits and put together something new, make an original character based off the new outfit.
Write fanfic or start writing a novel, come up with plot and OCs. Just start writing whatever comes to your mind, write down your life story, copy the Declaration of Independence.
Redecorate. If you have any decorations or posters or pictures lying around, hang them up on the walls and rearrange the ones all ready hanging.
Art. Learn how to draw or just doodle for fun. Draw random stuff. Anything you see, anything your thinking of. Learn how to make sculptures of stuff, or do oragami.
Learn how to play music. Pick up that old recorder or flute or triangle or guitar or piano or whatever you played in elementary school and learn to play it again, look up YouTube tutorials and relearn how to play your favorite songs on them.
Laundry. We all have something that needs to be washed at all times but we procrastinate it because we have better things to do. Well now is the time to do it.
Read fanfic. Find the longest fic in favorite fandom and read it. If it doesn’t interest you then read the next longest, and so on.
I’ve done a lot of these things and some I’m looking forward to. I hope this will help someone else that is also bored out of their mind stuck in the house.
Please stay clean and safe, I know it can be hard to keep a distance from loved ones, and I know this isn’t the same as seeing them in person, but you could still text and call and stay on video chat with them. I know it’s a serious situation but it’s not the end of the world, we’ll be alright eventually just hang in there. I hope this will shed some light on these trying times.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
the legend of zelda minish cap gba
the legend of zelda minish cap gba
The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap.
Also Known As: Minish Cap: The Legend of Zelda and Zelda: Minish Cap
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Unknown Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: January 12, 2005
Unlimited Rupees
First get the mole mitts then go to the door of your house. Dig on the left side of the door and you’ll get 20 rupees, Go inside your house and go back out to repeat this.
Rupee Stash
In the beginning of the game, you will start inyour house. There is a treasure box. Open it toget 20 rupees, although you may want to save ituntil later when you might need it.
Fairy Tree
In North Hyrule Field, there is a lone tree NEXT to the fairy spring. Dash into it and a fairy will pop out. do this as many times as you like.
North Hyrule Fairy
If you go to the tree right next to the fairy fountain and dash into it using the Pegasus Boots,a fairy will appear.
Goram’s Real Estate
Gorman will show up in Hyrule Town when you fuse Kinstones with one of the sisters at the inn. If you talk to him, the shady real estate agent will tell you he’s looking for a tenant. Whichever sister you inform of the vacancy will move into the house and fill one of your empty bottles with a free charm when you visit her. The red sister’s charm will inmcrease your strength, (and change your clothes red) the blue’s will boost your defence, (and change your clothes blue) and the green’s will power up both attributes (though to a lessr extent). If you fuse Kinstones with Bremor (who’s standing next to the post office), the carpenters will build a new house that another one of the sisters can move into.
Wake-Up Gifts
In addition to replenished health, you’ll recive a free Kinstone when you stay at the inn. The cheap room (50 rupees) comes with a green Kinstone. If you decide to splurge on the 200-Rupee room, you’ll get a blue Kinstone. High-society types who spend 400 Rupees on the luxury suite will find a red Kinstone on their pillow. (ok, not LITERALLY on their pillow, but, it’s in the treasure chest, ok?) lol!
Swordsman Newsletters
If you fuse Kinstones with the postman who’s running around Hyrule Town, Marcy will start selling the “Swordsman Newsletter” at the post office. Each issue is packed with helpful tips for aspiring warriors. Additional volumes will become available as you train with the swordmasters.
How To Get Mysterious Shells
If you are in need of mysterious shells all you have to do is go to south Hyrule feild and start cutting grass with your sword. After cutting some grass you should find some mysterious shells.
Bottle Locations
Bottle 1: In the Trilby Highlands, there is a ladder south of where you enter. Go down the ladder and use a bomb on the wall on the right. In the new room is a business scrub who will sell you a bottle for 20 rupees.Bottle 2: Shrink yourself and enter the chimney in Stockwell's shop. Inside the shop, grow back to normal. Stockwell will notice you trying to take the bottle behind him. He's willing to give it to you if you feed his dog at his house in Lake Hylia. Go to the dog dish and press A to pour the dog food. After this, the bottle is yours to keep.Bottle 3: Fuse kinstones with Smith in your house. Then a chest appears at Lon Lon Ranch. Open it to get another bottle.Bottle 4: After you complete the Goron quest, there will be a chest at the end containing a bottle.
Get The Golden Tingle Statue
Complete all kinstone fusions then talk to Tingle.
Get The Carlov Medal
Get all 136 figurines.
Sound Test
Once you got the Carlov Medal, talk to the man sitting at the table outside of the cafe and he’ll give you the key to go into his house which is the house that was locked on one side. Inside, you’ll see a phonograph that can play muisic that you heared throughout the game. Don’t forget to get the heart piece and the three chests.
Directions To Graveyard
When you get to the part where it’s really dark in the Royal Valley, get out your flame lanturn and go in the following directions to the graveyard: up, left, left, up, right and up.
Get The Light Arrows
If you have already beaten the game you cannot get the light arrows. First you need to go to Hyrule Town. Then go to the northwest part of town and you will see a house with a yellow roof. Fuse kinstones with the man inside the house. It will unlock a teleport to a castle in the Cloud Tops. In the castle, you will find an old man plagued by an evil spirit. Then use the gust jar to suck up the ghost. When you come back to the Cloud Tops later in the game, go into the castle and talk to the same old man. Then he’ll give you the light arrows.
Heart Piece In Bell
When you get Roc’s cape, jump through the bell in the middle of Hyrule Town then a heart piece will fall out.
Sleep In Your Bed
When you go to your house, go upstairs to your room. Go infront of your bed and Ezlo will ask you if you want to take a nap. Say yes and you’ll go to sleep. When you wake up, your health will be full. This is an easier way to heal your self without trying to find a fairy.
Get The Magical Boomerang
To get the magical boomerang, fuse kinestones with all four of the tingle brothers. Go inside every tree in North Hyrule Field and hit every switch, then a ladder in the middle will appear. Go down it and open the chest with a magical boomerang in it. The magical boomerang allows you to control its direction when it comes back to you.
Mario References
At Lon Lon Ranch, Talon sort of looks like Mario with the mustach, red shirt and blue overalls. Another are Mario enemies. The Bombite look exactly like Bob-ombs except they have red eyes and feet, the Spiked Beetle looks like Spinys except are blue and there is an enemy that looks like Lakitu but he throws electric balls instead of spinys.
Original Zelda Music
When you go to Royal Crypt in Royal Valley, the music is the same music from the temple levels in The Legend of Zelda.
Get Remote Bombs
To get remote bombs, go back to Minish Village and talk to the elder, then fuse kinstones with him. Then go to where you first got the original bombs from the picori. Talk to him and you’ll get the remote bombs. Just set the bomb wherever you like and press the same button to blow it up.
Consol Zelda Characters
In the game, you night notice some of the same characters you see in the consol versions like the carpenters.
Get The Mirror Sheild
First you must beat the game and complete the Goron quest. Go to the sixth and final Goron and fuse kinstones with him. Then the giant Goron will appear on top of Veil Falls. Go there and let the giant Goron eat your small sheild, come back to him later and he will give you the mirror sheild.
Lots Of Rupees
In Hyrule Town, play the cucco catching game over and over again. Every time you win, you will get rupees and shells.
Break Sparkling Trees
Throughout the game, you will see sparkling trees. Break them open by running into them with your pegasus on. When they open, you can use them to turn small.
Defeat The Boss In The Fortress Of Winds
To beat the boss of the Fortress of Winds first equip the bow and arrow and your sword. Try to shoot the orbs on his hands. He will try to punch you and throw you across the room. When you have shot his hands and stunned then he will fall to the ground.Then shrink down to the minish size by shrinking on the shrink portal in the top of the room. Enter through his mouth quickly and slash the collumn with the eye on it. Then you need to get out quick. When your out redo the process with shooting his hands. Then shrink and go inside him again. This time equip the mole mitts and dig to the correct collumn quickly. Repeat the whole porcess until hes defeated. You will get a heart container but you will not get the wind element until later in the game.
Wind Crest Locations
The location of the wind crests in Hyrule are as follows. South Hyrule Field there is one. Castor Wilds there is one. Viel Falls there is one. Cloud Tops there are two of them. Mt. Crenel there is one. Hyrule Town there is one. You can use wind crests to warp to different areas throughout Hyrule.
Beat Gleeok
To beat Gleeok the boss of The Cave of Flames first equip the cane of pacci and your sword. Try to distract him and get a good aim at his shell. Avoid getting hit by thwe fireballs. When they are on the ground you can slash them and they may have a heart at times. Then when you have a good shot fire a blast from the cane of pacci at him. This will cause his shell to fly up exposing his back and causing him to be stunned. when his head crashes to the ground run across his neck until your on his back. Then hack away at his yellow orb on his back. Be careful because he will submerge in the lava when he wakes up. He will then try to hit you with rocks. Avoid then by rolling when a shadow is on top of you. Repeat the process three or four times to defeat him. You’ll get a heart container and the fire element.
Beat The Giant Green Chu Ju At Deepwood Shrine
To beat the giant green Chu Ju of Deepwood Shrine first equip the gust jar and your sword. Then suck up the goop at the bottom of the chu ju. He will begin to fall. Try not to get smashed by him when he falls. When he’s on the ground hack at him like crazy with the sword. Do this two or three times to beat him. You’ll get a heart container and the earth element when its all over.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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news4usonline · 8 years
LOS  ANGELES-The NAACP Image Awards got a grand kickoff with its annual nominees luncheon at the Loews Hollywood Hotel on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. With the exception of “Scandal” star Joe Morton and “Black-ish” star Tracee Ellis Ross, the red carpet was missing many of the heavy hitters that are expected to show up at the actual show on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017.
Nonetheless, the event was still just as interesting with Lethal Weapon’s Keesha Sharp, “Underground” star Amirah Vann, “Moonlight” actor Trevante Rhodes, “The Soul Man” centerpiece Niecy Nash, and a double-dose of Kunte Kinte (LeVar Burton, Malachi Kirby) made their way to the media onslaught that is called the red carpet.
The young Kunta Kinte (Malachi Kirby) and the orginal Roots star LeVar Burton (right) on the red carpet at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Lethal Weapon star Keesha Sharp looking fabulous at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Roslyn M. Brock, NAACP Naional Board of Directors Chairman, light up the red carpet . Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
“Underground” star Amirah Vann walk the red carpet at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
“Bad Dad Rehad” director Carl Seaton (left) and “Moonlight” star Trevante Rhoades are all smiles at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
The lovely Emayaatzy Corinealdi (Roots) looking fly on the red carpet at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Emryi Crutchfield (left), who played a young Kizzy in the 2016 mini-series Roots, receives a warm greeting from co-star Emayatzy Corinealdi. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
“The Soul Man” star Niecy Nash is all good at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Muisic recording star MAJOR. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
MAJOR with Roots star Emayatzy Corinealdi share a warm moment on the red carpet at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Actress Amber Stevens West (The Carmichael Show) shows off her glam side. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Actress Loretta Devine with her husband at the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonlin.com
Black-ish syar Tracee Ellis Ross hit the red carpet of the NAACP Image Awards Nominees Luncheon in white on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
“Scandal” star Joe Morton at the NAACP Image Awards Nomiinees Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
“Queen Sugar” actress Rutina Wesley is a NAACP Image Awards nominee. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline.com
Nominees soak up NAACP Image Awards
LOS  ANGELES-The NAACP Image Awards got a grand kickoff with its annual nominees luncheon at the Loews Hollywood Hotel on Saturday, Jan.
Nominees soak up NAACP Image Awards LOS  ANGELES-The NAACP Image Awards got a grand kickoff with its annual nominees luncheon at the Loews Hollywood Hotel on Saturday, Jan.
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thetrunkspace · 8 years
#Repost @nasquasha with @repostapp ・・・ These kids! 😍 Sunday was so much fun. Such good vibes and good muisic. Loved seeing the kids and all that energy from the crowd! If you missed it, there is another show at the @trunkspace this Thursday. #supportlocalmusic #phoenixmusicscene @zero_degrees_north 🌵🌵🌵 (at The Trunk Space)
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