#mugen ku
starkittnd93 · 1 year
Hi so like I really like the magikari au and wanted to draw something for it @sombrerokiwi
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And here’s an extra animatic thingie of Hikari’s little “light show” lmao
The fic that inspired these is here lol
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redshift-corridor · 6 months
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Friend has coined the term Netflix Mugen for his evil ass doing nothing but hanging out in his evil castle the whole game
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Mugen: me living by the sword: swords rule
Mugen: me dying by the sword: ugggggghhhhheeeeueghhhhhh
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heshemejoshi · 11 months
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rough animation. just playing with some of octopath 2’s visuals
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sociopath-analysis · 1 year
Sociopath Traveler (Part 2)
After the first game, the 2023 sequel Octopath Traveler II and the 2020 spinoff Champions of the Continent provided a few more sociopaths to the roster. Not nearly as many as in the first game, but they were still incredibly notable.
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For profiles on these ones and the first game's roster, click here to see them all. (They may not be finished when you see this.)
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satsuha · 2 months
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guilty pleasure half genderbend...
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beantothemax · 2 years
Mugen, whose health is already in the red: weakling. a child could best you.
my hunter Hikari, who him and his team have just dealt at least 50,000+ damage in a single round: big words for someone within Hienka distance
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sombrerokiwi · 1 year
What I wanted: Making fic for friend focus time
What I got: Me making funny concept yesterday into a short fic
Anyways, have a quick drabble where Hikari just decides to use lightning on Mugen.
Hikari knew that this whole thing was done to humiliate him. He knew the fight was scripted to favor Mugen. After all, Mugen was always more skilled with combat, both due to natural talent and experience. Having Hikari fight him for a “quick spar” was just an excuse to have the soldiers witness how their strengths differ from each other.
Luckily though, Hikari has several advantages. The first advantage being that Hikari knows more than just the sword and has been dabbling into magical arts, practicing every day and making sure his skills were as good as they were with the sword. He isn’t as good as Osvald yet but he is good enough that several traveling Scholars praised him for his progress and asked who his teacher was.
The second advantage is that Mugen still thinks Hikari views him with admiration and awe, meaning he would think Hikari is viewing this as a friendly spar and not something meant to humiliate him. A year ago, he would have believed that this was a friendly spar but now…
“You don’t owe people your love and care when they don’t return it. Don’t waste your energy on those who will just take advantage of you, Hikari. You deserve better. You deserve so much better.”
He knows better now. Mugen isn’t going to see him as his equal, or at the very least, his sibling. He’s going to view him as an ant that needs to be crushed. Hikari shouldn’t go and hold on to the belief that his family here will care for him. At the very least though, he has his mother, and every few weeks he can visit his real family at Conning Creek.
Now though, he has to, as the soldiers would sometimes say, “one-up” his brother.
“Raise your weapon brother,” said Hikari.
“Let us see who comes out on top then,” said Mugen.
Immediately the battle began with Mugen bringing his sword down to where Hikari was standing. Quickly, he dodges it and takes a deep breath.
“Remember, analyze your opponents before you strike. That’s a basic in battling and in scholarly pursuits. We scholars may have the gift of commanding the elements but that’s useless if we always assume that our opponents will be susceptible to the ones we command.”
Spears and lightning. Those were the two things Hikari noticed Mugen consistently having trouble against. And luckily for him he has skill with both of those things.
Though…considering how much stronger Mugen is, his spearwork probably won’t do much against his brother.
Lightning magic however, that can work. That can work but how much power exactly? He doubts that a simple strike would do. No, if he wants to win then he has to put all his effort into it.
He hasn’t quite practiced the more advanced spells with Osvald but he has been reading ahead, and he has been practicing with the soldiers that spar with him. The real challenge is just making sure he doesn’t expend his energy in the process of casting it. If he lets that happen then he leaves himself open and in the process, would give Mugen an easy victory.
Another strike against Hikari and again, Hikari dodges. The strikes are getting faster now and though Hikari is nimble and much smaller than Mugen, he can’t dodge forever, and his brother knew that.
Now then, he has to do this fast.
He takes a step back. “I summon, Alephan, the Scholarking!” Immediately, he feels the elements course through him, making him aware of all that there is and all that he can summon.
He takes a deep breath and pours all his energy into the spell “The Sky Royals!”
And as commanded, the sky opens up and brings down a myriad of lightning and sparks onto his brother.
“So,” says Osvald. “I heard that you called for Alephan’s knowledge and brought down lightning on your brother.”
Sheepishly, Hikari nods. He’s here much earlier than he should be but his father insisted on going early to have Osvald teach him proper control and restraint over the elements. A fair request, considering that his “light show”, as some of the soldiers called it, went and caused several small fires within the training grounds.
Osvald nods. “Good. It means you’re reading ahead.”
Hikari blinks. “Aren’t you mad?” he asks.
“Why would I be mad? You wanted to learn more so you read ahead of time, and you were excited to put your skills into practice so you started using them in places where practice is acceptable.”
Again, Hikari blinks. “Oh.”
“That doesn’t mean that what you did was smart though. You should first do that type of magic in a controlled environment before placing it into practice. At the very least though, we now know what you have trouble on.” 
He picks up a leaf. “Now then, the new lesson today is basic control. You managed to impressively use a high-level lightning skill but that’s useless if you can’t control where it’s supposed to strike.” In the same hand, he summons a small flame, slowly burning the leaf away. “We’re going to start with this. Okay?”
Hikari nods.
@beantothemax did the vague Scholar Hikari au writing prompt.
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auncyen · 11 months
Today's "would he say that"/"what would it take for him to say that": is Hikari finding out Castti was going to fight a sand lion alone when he (headcanon) knows what they are and even has a little experience with how dangerous they are enough to get him worried-mad, and how much would he let himself say especially when he's sleep deprived
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theflyingsealion · 3 months
Thinking about him again. (Kazan Octopath)
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nightmaresghost · 3 months
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I can't take mugen seriously cuz his sprite is too cute
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drainbangle · 1 month
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for day 5 of agnekari week: bewildering grace! ❤️🧡 you are challenged by young couple hikari and agnea‼️
pkmn nicknames and explanations under the cut:
Suiren (Samurott): One of Hikari's first Pokémon. Evolves into a Samurott when he fights Mugen.
"A master of a sword-drawing art called iaijutsu, Samurott settles its battles with a single swing of either large sword sheathed in its foreleg armor." "Hard of heart and deft of blade, this rare form of Samurott is a product of the Pokémon's evolution in the region of Hisui. Its turbulent blows crash into foes like ceaseless pounding waves." Hisuian form is used as a reference to Shadow Hikari.
Aylin (Sceptile - Mega Evolution): One of Hikari's first Pokémon. Named by Kura. Can Mega Evolve. Evolves alongside Suiren during Hikari's battle with Mugen.
"The leaves on its arms are as sharp as swords. It agilely leaps about the branches of trees to strike its enemies." Also. Um. Have you played PMD2. Grovyle is there.
Chizu (Skarmory): A common Pokémon seen in Ku. Guided Hikari to safety when he ran away from home.
"People fashion swords from Skarmory's shed feathers, so this Pokémon is a popular element in heraldic designs." Trainers in Ku admire Skarmory for its strength and steel feathers!
Kosei (Clefable): Caught in the Crestlands on the way to Montwise as a Cleffa.
"Some scientists believe that it gazes intently at the sky on nights with a full moon because it's homesick." Found by Hikari as a Cleffa and grew strong through his caring approach to Pokémon training.
Haruto (Gallade): Caught near Wellgrove as a Kirlia.
"The blades extending from its elbows are sharper than the finest swords. Its swordsmanship, albeit self-taught, is astonishingly impressive." "When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely." "Sharply attuned to others' wishes for help, this Pokémon seeks out those in need and aids them in battle."
Shimo (Mudsdale): Caught on the way to Stormhail.
"It remains calm and unmoving no matter the situation. It mixes dirt with the saliva in its mouth to make a special kind of mud." Also Hikari is 100% a horse-loving guy… Not giving him a Rapidash though, I imagine he has an aversion to fire.
Joy (Brionne): Agnea's first Pokémon. A child of her mother's Primarina.
I mean have you seen Brionne. "It gets excited when it sees a dance it doesn't know. This hard worker practices diligently until it can learn that dance."
Gala (Tepig): A rampaging Pokémon that Agnea calmed down before a festival.
The Duorduor from CH1.
Hope (Hisuian Lilligant - Shiny): Caught in New Delsta as a Petilil.
"I suspect that its well-developed legs are the result of a life spent on mountains covered in deep snow. The scent it exudes from its flower crown heartens those in proximity." Attacks with strong kicks, like Agnea.
Merry (Altaria - Mega Evolution): Hatched from an egg given to her by Garud. Born in Tropuhopu, shortly after Agnea decides to go to Merry Hills. Agnea receives a Mega Ring upon winning the Grand Gala.
"Altaria sings in a gorgeous soprano. Its wings are like cotton clouds. This Pokémon catches updrafts with its buoyant wings and soars way up into the wild blue yonder."
Glimmer (Glossifleur): Caught in the Brightlands while Agnea was journeying to Merry Hills.
"It anchors itself in the ground with its single leg, then basks in the sun. After absorbing enough sunlight, its petals spread as it blooms brilliantly." "It whirls around in the wind while singing a joyous song. This delightful display has charmed many into raising this Pokémon."
Jubilee (Flygon): Caught in Ryu as a Trapinch during D&W1
"Flygon whips up a sandstorm by flapping its wings. The wings create a series of notes that sound like singing. Because the "singing" is the only thing that can be heard in a sandstorm, this Pokémon is said to be the desert spirit."
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starkittnd93 · 2 months
saw your “maybe we should art” and I know this wasn’t the focus but I’m thinking about hikari in the isat timeloop now
shadowkari mal du pays is this anything
omg i was just thinking about that actually so thank you for giving me an opportunity to tell you my thoughts!!! (casually becomes an unskippable cutscene)
Okay like don’t get me wrong- Hikari absolutely knows how to cut his losses. As much as he loves his friends, he’s mature enough to put his feelings aside the moment they get in the way of his goals, and fight them if they refuse to back down.
But. When presented with the ability to loop back in time? An infinite amount of do-overs, which could be used to find a better ending… at his disposal…. Hm.
Imagine he wakes up in his room in the castle town. Huh, that’s … odd? He clearly remembered being in the Leaflands when he fell asleep last night. He’d remember — he had helped Partitio and Osvald set up camp once Ochette found a good spot in the forest. He clearly remembered sitting around the campfire with his seven found family members as they all discussed the next chapters of their lives, talking about all the places they would go once their journey was over. They’d scatter across the continent once again, like they were before they’d met a few months prior. He remembered Partitio’s warm embrace as they fell asleep together in their shared tent, along with the odd twinge of melancholy, wondering how much longer….
…well, that was before. All that matters is that he was in the Leaflands with his friends last night, and now he’s … here. Back in Hinouema? Hikari quickly crossed off the idea in his mind that somebody had taken him in his sleep last night because — aside from the obvious lack of motive — the distance between Ku and the Leaflands was a multiple day’s trip. It’d be impossible to make it here in a single night.
Yet, he’s here. He’s here???
Upon getting up and opening the door, Hikari notes two things. For one, the castle town was in very surprisingly good shape, as if Mugen had never staged a coup at all. Second of all…
“Lord Hikari! You’re up late…”
Tsuki … is alive?!
Yeah that’s as far as my creativity got me here, but I imagine that once Hikari figures out that it’s a time loop that he’s stuck in, he considers trying to use this power to keep all of his friends alive.
Yes, realistically, it’s pretty naive to expect to be able to save everyone alive through his own actions alone, but … It couldn’t hurt to try. After all, he is in a position to help everyone out, right? It’d be pretty terrible to not save his friends now that he has the power to undo their deaths. He could be their guiding light — but better! The gods seem to agree, how else could he have gained this power?
So … maybe just one try. Or two? Or five … or maybe eight. Well, if he paid more attention to Kazan and pried a little more, maybe his words could finally reach him. It’d save the group the effort of having to fight a god, after all.
Hikari’s village wouldn’t have to go up in flames if he fought back harder, he and Ritsu could possibly walk the same path once again if he could just convince him, win him over with his words … and Mikka wouldn’t have to lose her older brother! Tsuki wouldn’t have to die, and maybe Kazan wouldn’t throw himself into those damn flames— AND!!! He could help his friends too!!! He could help Osvald save Elena faster, save Ori from stabbing herself, or — now that he has the blessing of retrospect, he could push Temenos in the right direction a little bit faster so that Crick wouldn’t have to die!!!
So … ten tries? Twenty?
Before he knows it, he’s been looping for months, nearly a year, and he’s still trying…
okay i lied earlier I clearly had more to say XD
anyway Mal du Pays shadowkari sounds like a really cool idea actually, but. consider.
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Mugen: can you people stop being gay? cut it out lol
Hikari: FUCK YOU
Ritsu: what are you? gay?
Hikari: You fucking wish. You just wish you were me.
Ritsu: oh yeah? oh yeah?
Hikari: Yeah, you fucking stubborn asshole
Ritsu: *pushes you onto a locker and we passionately make out*
Hikari: *doesn't stop you*
Kazan: huh
Ritsu: i'm sorry did you need something you homophobe
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saarovar · 4 days
Thinking about the Ku royal family and wanted to share some ideas I had about the genetics of the family curse. Content warning: Science-ifying the fantasy world, so if you don't like when people do this don't read further. (Also disclaimer -- because genetics I'm going to be using terminology such as "female/daughter" and "male/father/son" to refer to the genetics XX and XY, not necessarily having to reflect gender identity.) So the Ku family curse (that thing where you get possessed by a shadow version of yourself) is stated to be something that goes through every member of the Ku lineage, and every ruler of Ku has had this issue. Genetically speaking, this does not make a lot of sense if it's something in just ONE family, as even a trait exhibiting dominant expression would probably die out within a few generations. So I think if you wanted to put genetics to the trait, there are two likely possibilities (other than "magic"). 1: The Ku family is just inbred. This is probably not completely impossible due to the idea that in royalty you have to "keep the line pure," so in real life there tended to be quite a few instances of inbreeding in higher-class families. In genetics, inbreeding is likely to keep the trait in the family because it keeps getting passed down by the parents to the children, along both lines if the parents are from the same line. 2: The family curse is Y-linked. A Y-linked trait is a trait that is on the Y chromosome -- thusly, because a father (XY) passes down the Y chromosome to a son (XY), there is a 100% chance that the trait gets passed down from father to son, every single time. This pattern would get interrupted if the line has a daughter, and after that daughter the rest of the line would not have it because the trait is lost in that side of the line, so it is unsustainable to keep the trait in the family for generations and generations IF it doesn't matter whether the line is continued by a son or a daughter. BUT if Ku is patriarchal, with power being passed down from father to son, and the expectation is that the father must have a son in order to pass it down, then it is actually reasonable for a Y-linked trait to continue in the family for this long. Looking at the characters themselves, we know Jigo had the curse, we know Mugen and Hikari both had the curse, and I think there was a reference that Jigo's father might have had it -- so unless I'm misremembering, everyone we KNOW had the curse is male, and there was no reference to a female member of the Ku bloodline who had the curse. Of course there is also the third option that it just attaches to the bloodline because magic, but I tend to like trying to explain stuff with science for fun. :)
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captwaddledoo · 2 months
it occurs to me that as i am pspspsing my friends into partikari i should PROBABLY explain who they are
first of all, they're from octopath traveler, a turn based rpg series in the "HD2D" style (characters are 2D pixel sprites but the environment is 3D with pixelated textures). specifically they are from octopath traveler II, the uh, third game in the series (there's a gacha game that came out between the original and II). the base premise of all games is a group of travelers (usually eight, but... lots many in the gacha game) with their own unique stories. pretty basic rpg but they put crack cocaine in it.
octopath is not known for doing a fantastic job tying the travelers together, and while II has little stories that cross two travelers together, that doesn't happen with hikari and partitio, so largely their dynamic is Made Up.
who they are specifically:
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our oomf hikari here is the prince of a kingdom known as ku, in the desert region. he is seeking his friends (he LOVES friendship) to assist him in reclaiming ku, which has been violently overtaken by his half-brother, mugen. hikari seeks to bring peace and egalitarianism to ku.
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oomf partitio is a merchant from oresrush, in the wildlands. after suffering poverty, he seeks to eliminate it and bring happiness to the continent. to do this, he must confront the person who brought oresrush into poverty.
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