#mtg fanplane
leafdrake-haven · 6 days
Happy first official day of Autumn! The folks from the province of Flamoria on the plane of Perenia are partying it up to welcome Poulios as the great phoenix ushers in the change of seasons. The Cultivator of Ashes, the Bringer of Autumn, the Keeper of Death and Rebirth brings change to the land. Enjoy the start of fall y’all!
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teaxch · 2 years
Random Planeswalker Prompt Engine v0.1
Find random inspiration for a new Planeswalker character. You might interpret the chosen cards literally, or might interpret them more abstractly.
This card represents your Planeswalker's Past. This is where they're from, or a significant formative event in their youth. Maybe it is directly related to how their spark ignited. It may contain inspiration about what type of creature they are as well.
This card represents your Planeswalker's Present. This is what they can do. It might represent their mundane skills, but it probably represents an aspect of their magical ability.
This card represents your Planeswalker's Future. This is what they want. This might be something they want to accomplish, learn more about, or even destroy.
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socialpoison · 3 months
Fanwalker Birthday! Happy Birthday to Avon!
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Finally caught one of these in the wild! The psyche-walking spy turns three!
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thetabbybadger · 1 year
Me, doing anything creative apparently:
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shardssystem · 2 years
A Planeswalker Story - Overview
I recently asked for advice on how I should approach an ongoing writer’s block and drain of enthusiasm, and collating the results suggests that people want to see the overall plans I have for going forward, and hoping I can get to a point that I feel engaged to continue. So with that in mind, let’s go from the top: 
First, the published pieces:
Chapter One: Once Was Lost - Set on the plane of Melenas, common farmer Liya al-Amundi runs afoul of a deserter in the ongoing war between two nations, ending up being falsely accused of unlawful use of magic and condemned to death by hanging. At the instant of her demise, her spark ignites, severing spirit from body and allowing her to persist past death. She uses her new-found possession ability to watch over her now orphaned son as he lives his life and gains a family of his own, using his passing as her cue that her time to remain on her home plane had come to an end, and ventured forth to explore the Multiverse with eternity ahead.
Chapter Two: Dream A Little Dream - Liya travels to Theros, inhabiting Myka, a terminally ill child with a connection to Nyx. She gets noticed by Erebos, due to her undead nature, and enlisted into service to usher souls to his domain across the planes. She uses the opportunity of a renewed youth to learn to read, making friends with another child, Spiros. The two learn of a plot to assassinate the king, which Liya sacrifices herself to disrupt, knowing that Myka would have been dead already if not for her possession. As she dies for a second time, she reveals that Spiros has he skill of magic within him as Myka did. In the future, Spiros, a now renowned warrior hero, is visited by a mysterious individual seeking information.
Chapter Three: Future Past - Liya travels to Tarkir, possessing Chaka, an outrider scout of the Abzan house. A spokesperson of the Temur summons Liya to attend a vision ceremony after one of their seers foresaw her arrival. She receives a prophecy cryptically concerning her personal future and how she might overcome the dangers ahead. Liya pretends to be magically weakened to cover for her lack of combat ability to train. As predicted, a Sultai force presses into Abzan territory, as Liya is given command. She encounters a fearsomely skilled foe who recognises her by name. Confused, she doesn’t notice as a dragon descends to blast the Sultai. The mysterious combatant melts into an oily-substance before disappearing in a similar, planeswalking fashion before Liya’s eyes. Before she can investigate, the dragon condemns the Abzan for engaging with necromancy, sensing Liya’s spiritual presence and using that as evidence before obliterating the entire troop, and reporting to the Dragonlord Dromoka, potentially setting the future of the clan in jeopardy. Liya attempts to apologise as her spark pulls her home.
Chapter Four: Pulling Loose The Threads - Further honing her combat skills, Liya trains on Melenas until an eclipse signals her need to planeswalk. She travels to Innistrad, finding the body of Claude, a hunter, an experiences the opposite side of the gender divide for the first time. She returns Claude to his home in Gavony and spends time with Claude’s wife Cynthia, culminating in her first shared sexual experience since her death, and first time ever as a male. Upon waking, Liya learns that she had spoken in her sleep, revealing names of people from other worlds. She attempts to confess her existence to Cynthia, but is thrown out of the house instead, the names believed to be women in other villages. Liya takes a young boy, Derrich, on a hunt as an excuse to be out of the home situation. Unfortunately for Derrich, nightfall reveals Claude to be a werewolf, and losing control, Liya kills and devours the boy. In the morning, her form reverts to that of Claude, and she respectfully buries the boy’s remains. Still needing to know the next step of the prophecy, she retreats into the woods, away from town. Liya learns that by accepting the transformation, she retains control. She also encounters Nahiri, the shaper mentioned in the prophecy, and follows her to witness her confrontation with Sorin Markov. Liya gets cornered by Avacyn, and confined to the Helvault alongside Nahiri in her spirit form, causing 1000 years of soul-rending pain as her spark fights to recall her to Melenas while the Helvault fights to keep her contained. When the Helvault is destroyed, Liya returns home, finding her magic changed. No longer able to choose a host at will, she is now placed into one at random; a fact she discovers inadvertently by traveling to Ravnica, and taking over an aspiring Rakos entertainer Jasen. She is overwhelmed by the sudden situation and runs into the streets, her new-found claustrophobia and fear of angels causing her to faint at the sight of a Boros guard.
Now we get to the unfinished pieces:
Chapter Five: A Tale Of Two In The City - Damzak, goblin tinkerer experiences a strange event causing her to pass out, but awakens with her mind racing with new thoughts and ideas that eventually get her a position with the Simic Combine as a biomancer, specialising in Ooze metaphysiology, and begins work in constructing a serum of immortality based on the ooze’s ability to reproduce, to many failing attempts, leaving herself immutably morphed into half-ooze. Meanwhile, Zoe has trouble dealing with her burgeoning abilities of precognition. After a sharp impact to the head, she encounters a strange boy who looks after her. As they spend time together, he reveals his name to be Kolya. Zoe recognises the feelings of gender dysphoria as she grows, without knowing the cause, an Kolya helps her on a path to transition, teaching her, now him, what it means to be a boy, and taking him to a therapist that helps Zoe fully realise his intent. The two grow closer as friends. Zoe asks his parents to help with the medical/physical side of his transition, but they refuse, denying his rights. Zoe runs away from home, intending to live alone. As he tells Kolya, Kolya reveals that he is nothing more than a hallucination caused by the injury combining with the precognitive powers, and is essentially his own future self guiding him along the path to where he could be happy. Zoe eventually accepts this, and changes his name to Kolya as he recognises it to be the name of his own grandfather, an a name he had been considering anyway. The newly minted Kolya signs on with the Azorius guild; his precognitive abilities useful to them. Struggling on his wage to afford transition, Kolya enlists the help of an underground Rakdos-aligned surgeon to handle his top surgery, but is unable to o further. The surgeon guides him towards Damzak, who is still working on her theory. In return for providing a sample of genetic material for transitioning hormones to be synthesized, Damzak would provide Kolya with what he felt he needed to become a man. Secretly, Damzak also used this sample in her project, getting results for the first time. However, the project goes awry as the ooze awakens and kills its creator before fleeing into the sewers. Though his supply of hormones had been secured through Damzak’s will to maintain progress on all her experiments, Kolya feels he owes the goblin closure, and seeks out the escaped ooze. He encounters it in the sewers, awakening to its own sapience. It reaches out telepathically, recognising Kolya as its genetic donor and introduces itself as Caidi, an alteration of the project designation “KD”. Unwilling to slay the creature, Kolya takes them home, and learns more about them and their abilities. One day, Kolya encounters a screaming elf in Rakdos colours being questioned by an angelic Boros Legionaire, and takes him away to a nearby doctor.
Chapter Six (Ravnica) - Liya awakens on Ravnica, being assisted by one of the Azorius, Kolya. She tries to explain, but ends up sounding mentally unwell. Not heartless, Kolya takes Liya to see the therapist that had helped him in his dark times, Ji’maz. In confidence, Ji’maz reveals himself to Liya to be a planeswalker like herself, using telepathy so she can communicate as herself, not through her host body. Liya recalls that upon possessing Jasen, she heard his voice whisper that he “just wants to be accepted”. As time goes on, Liya adjusts to her new understanding as Ji’maz helps her get over the accumulate traumas of her planeswalking life to date. Liya gets set up with a job in a bakery, utilising her homemaking skills, under the guidance of former Selesnya guildmember Elnaya, who is also brought into the circle of people who know Liya’s true identity and planeswalking situation. Liya makes friends with Kolya and Caidi, eventually using Caidi’s skill in telepathic construction to form a more serious relationship between the two and they become lovers on a mental level. Liya gets Jasen accepted to the Selesnya under Elnaya’s recommendation after finding out that’s what his goal had been before she had possessed him; he was too nervous to go against his family’s wishes to join the Rakdos. Feeling Liya had reached a level of comfort with her abilities, Ji’maz suggests she take a planeswalk for her own mental health, to prove that it’s not all bad out there, and to emphasise that imprisoning people against their will via possession might not be the healthiest thing. Liya agrees, and resigns herself to being less connected each time she visits a plane for her host’s sake.
Chapter Seven (Kaladesh) - Liya inhabits the body of Elra, a skilled Dwarven pilot and racer recovering from a near-fatal crash leaving her with an artificial arm and leg, imparting Liya with a desire to “just win one more time”. Liya uses Elra’s inherent magic to modify her racing engine with the help of her pit crew, and sets her up to race in an upcoming tournament by qualifying on Elra’s behalf.. Following her win, Liya is congratulated by a pale woman with an odd accent before leaving the plane, her adventure successful.
Chapter Eight (Lorwyn) - While possessing the form of Galumvol, a treefolk, Liya encounters Yri, a faerie who is curious about her friend’s sudden movement; Galumvol is apparently known for being a stationary figure, and self-proclaimed defender of the forest. Thinking this has something to do with her request to “warn everybody” that the treefolk left her, they team up to investigate the potential problem. The pair discover that a lingering remnant wave of the Great Aurora is soon to pass over the land of Lorwyn; not changing it back to Shadowmoor, but acting as a refresh, erasing the memories of all the residents of the plane, save those in the palace of the fae. Yri and Liya try to save as many people as they can in the time they have, but get caught outside as the wave approaches. Yri freaks out, not wanting to lose her memories, and her spark ignites, catching the slower-moving Liya in its wake. She “awakens” still in Galumvol’s body, but the whisper tells her that her job is done; she can go and he can rest as easy as he could. Confused, Liya planeswalks away.
Chapter Nine (Equilor) - Immediately following the events of the previous chapter, we follow Yri as she experiences her first planeswalk, exploring the deceased plane of Equilor. She meets the only other living being on the plane, a pale man with an odd accent who is studying the plane to learn about its existence, and why it seems to be at the end of its life. He explains what being a Planeswalker is to the faerie, how it works, and introduces himself as Neris. Together, they explore more and learn the history of Equilor that is left to learn. Seemingly disappointed he didn’t get what he was seeking, Neris departs, but tells Yri of a place where she might “find a friend or two to help her”: Ravnica.
Chapter Ten (Ravnica) - Liya inhabits the body of Zoda, a Loxodon cleric of the Orzhov. She meets back up with Kolya, who is untrusting at first, until Caidi’s magic reveals the truth. Kolya recieves reports of a troublemaker in the markets, and Liya follows to find Yri trying to steal food, not knowing about the concept of money and trade. A small spark of memory flashes in Liya’s mind as she recalls Yri’s name. After a brief questioning, Yri learns about Liya and is brought into the inner circle using Caidi’s telepathy to show her true from and learn of their adventure on Lorwyn and Yri’s first planeswalk. Yri gets a job as a messenger with the secretive Dimir syndicate owing to her illiteracy and tiny size. Though Liya is enjoying her growing relationships in her home away from home, she starts experiencing nightmares of hurting people, culminating with a belief that she had planeswalked in her sleep, until she realises she’s possessing the body of the deserter that invaded her home on Melenas, leading to her own death. She learns that the man’s name was Vasil Iashvili, an orphan from the neighbouring country that her husband had been drafted into war against. Whenever Liya tries to avoid interacting with her past self, she reverts to the beginning. She tries a variety of methods to change her own fate, all of them unsuccessful. She finally gives in, and reenacts the memory as it originally happened, and learns that the intruder was killed by the townsfolk after her past self was taken away to be hanged, but he possesses a similar power to Liya. Instead of being a spirit though, he remained in his own body; a living corpse. Not lonog after this discovery, she is taken by a force of creatures hidden beneath the earth of Melenas, learning that they are Phyrexians attempting to reach their home. They torture and maim Liya’s host in a process they call “compleation”, causing the man’s spark to ignite properly. Liya learns the man ended up traveling to a Phyrexian stronghold on Dominaria; information that is imparted to her host, and subsequently her, during the remaining compleation process and mental domination. Liya is flung out of the memory to learn it was just a dream engineered by a shadowy figure who simply laughs at her pain. The figure reveals that they had gotten this information from the man himself, and thought it would be fun to deliver more than his warning that he was coming. They also show Liya another nightmare; the man believes that if Liya hadn’t managed to planeswalk away when she did, she would’ve been the victim of the Phyrexian’s research, and the figure shows what could have been: Liya, Herald Of The Phyrexians. Liya wakes up screaming.
Chapter Eleven (Ravnica) - Still shaken by her nightmare, Liya tries to calm down. She brushes Kolya, Caidi, and Yri aside and tries to walk it off. Out of nowhere, she is knocked down by a tackle from behind. The assailant reveals himself to be a cloaked skeleton, dripping a thick black ooze. As soon as her calls her by her real name, she recalls the voice: the Sultai fighter that vanished before the dragon attack on Tarkir. He goes on the mention that she is the cause of his pain, and the pieces fall into place; this isn’t some random assailant, this is Vasil out for revenge. Vasil mentions that he felt the pull to Ravnica, following Liya’s travels but alsoo from an external source. Liya apologises to the dormant Zoda in her own mind, and attempts to planeswalk away to save herself and seek help, only to find her ability blocked by the appearance of the Immortal Sun. War had come to Ravnica. The two undead planeswalkers struggle for a moment before they feel a calling. They slavishly follow it, walking together, finding the dragon Nicol Bolas and the necromancer Liliana Vess summoning an army of zombies. Curious as to their appearance, Liliana learns of both of their true natures, stops Bolas from killing them right there, and commands them to join join the Dreadhorde on their mission to find planeswalkers and harvest their sparks. They would of course sacrifice themselves too, but after they were useful. Between Vasil’s natural combat abilities and Liya’s borrowed clerical healing, they proved an effective team. Unable to control her own body, Liya meets Ji’maz, and throws him to the metaphorical wolves, as Vasil takes his spark and life. They encounter the trio of Kolya, Caidi, and Yri trying to help civilians. They were pleased to see Liya was okay until Caidi tried to reach out, warning the others of the danger. Before Liya and Vasil could catch Yri, their spark-wielding target, the compulsion was broken. While the chase had been going, the Gatewatch had succeeded in ending the threat. Vasil took his opening to escape, not fancying his chances against Liya with her friends to back her up. In the following cleanup, Jace Beleren senses Liya’s domination of Zoda, and reads her mind, learning of her role under Liliana. She is given a chance to explain herself, and reveals her true name and nature to the mind-mage. Apologetic that she had gotten caught up in their conflict, Jace asks the elementalist Nissa Revane for a favour. Nissa entwines Liya’s spirit to the leylines of Ravnica, granting her a proper home on the plane which would counter Melenas’s ownership of her soul and restoring her magic-borrowing capabilities. In return, as she fades back to Melenas, temporarily unable too be heard, she swears a her version of the Gatewatch Oath, overheard from a conversation between Jace and Gideon.
Chapter Twelve (Ecruna) - Liya travels to the plane of Ecruna, a plane of endless daylight. She discovers that she is in her own form, not possessing anyone. This is due to the nature of death on the plane; direct sunlight destroys the dead, but they otherwise continue to live normally. Liya learns of a ritual designed for people who no longer wish to linger as one of the shadowkin, and witnesses one such event as a person is conveyed to a cave and engulfed in light. Some people go missing, and Liya assists in the search. She discovers a secret tunnel in the cave and finds that the people who seek their final end aren’t being given that at all, but kept prisoner by a mad scientist trying to research how to reverse the effects of the plane, and allow him to walk in the sunlight without fear. Liya tricks the scientist into standing in direct light and he is destroyed. Before she can free the others, she finds them already freed, but mostly annihilated. She asks a survivor what happened, and they tell her of a place stranger who wanted to talk to the scientist, and lashed out when they discovered Liya’s intervention. She departs the plane, mulling over the new information.
Chapter Thirteen (Ravnica) - Liya takes time to rest and spend time with her friends, and try to overcome her fear of angels as she possesses the body of Brakne, an angelic Boros legionnaire. Yri shows her some of her favourite spots around the city, usually all but impossible to access without flight. The two bond as Yri talks about her honest feelings regarding her spark.
Chapter Fourteen (Sym-Po) - Liya travels to the plane of Sym-Po, having to adjust to life without sound due to the plane’s effects. She learns rudimentary sign language, and enters into the Harvest Festival, choosing cooking as her specialty, but is outclassed by the aesthetic styles of the competition. Liya picks up some tricks to improve her technique for her part-time job at Elnaya’s bakery.
Chapter Fifteen (Dominaria) - Vasil recovers and plans, as he recalls his life. We learn that time moves a lot faster on Melenas than other parts of the Multiverse, and that Vasil played a significant role in the Phyrexian conquest of Mirrodin, as well as other nameless worlds.
Chapter Sixteen (Amonkhet) - Liya travels to Amonkhet, and assists with the restoration efforts. The surviving god of the plane, Hazoret, senses Liya’s presence and asks for an explanation. She explains herself, and has a discussion about the nature of deific entities, as it relates to Erebos’s deal with her.
Chapter Seventeen (Arcavios) - Liya travels to Arcavios, to visit Ji’maz’s homeland. She has to balance her host Aavai’s study schedule with her own desire to explore and learn from other departments. While there, Liya meets the pale woman she last saw on Kaladesh, who gives her name as Syren. She is interested in necromancy, but is drawn to Liya after Liya lets slip that they’ve met before.
Chapter Eighteen (Mercadia) - Liya travels to Mercadia and gets embroiled in a plot between rival merchant families.
Chapter Nineteen (Plin) - Yri gets bored and begs Liya to take her on a planeswalking adventure. She agrees, and the two arrive on Plin and have to adjust to the dual-bodied nature of the plane’s magic. They discover the history of The Coterie, and the dangers they represent.
Chapter Twenty (Alara) - Liya travels to Alara
Chapter Twenty-One (Fiora) - Liya travels to Fiora. A confrontation with The Coterie is teased, but the three escape before Liya can seek aid.
Chapter Twenty-Two (Dominaria) - Liya travels to Dominaria and ends up in the body of a Sliver, corrupted by an external hivemind. Struggling to make sense of the alien sensations, Liya ends up completing the sliver’s mission to betray its entire colony to the other hivemind. Liya feels terrible that this seemed necessary.
And this is what I currently have, even as my brain attempts to spin more. But at least now anyone who was every interested in Liya’s story is roughly on the same page I am, stuck as I am on Chapter 5.
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little-red-rabbit · 1 year
How do you think your fanplanes would handle Phyrexian invasion? at least based off of what we’ve seen so far
Now that the story for March of the Machine is out and we have a better understanding of just what the invasion of the Multiverse entailed, here is how my planes faired @leafdrake-haven.
As the clear sun blessed skies above the verdant plane where ripped asunder, the branches of the invasion tree quickly Sought the few population centers upon the largely rural world.
One of which was Soleildorée, the palace of the Sun king and where dozens of aristocratic courts fraternized on the daily. The branch came crashing into the protective charms that shielded those with from harm external harm, but which also prevented those with from harming each other. But the elaborate crafted enchantments could only buy them a few moments before giving way. It was a slaughter, the guards stationed there where largely ceremonially, their duties consisting of escorting nobles who feel out of favorer off the primacies.
The pregnant Queen Elenora was escorted to safety by her loyal thorns threw the maze of catacombs beneath the palace. As with in the grand ball room, amongst the cacophony of panicking nobles, those who had long been plotting against King Alphonse struck. The young king felt a blade slip into his back as a honeyed voice whispered bitterly in his ear. "Dusk has come for the kingdoms of the living, now rises the king of the blood moon," No one even notices the alabaster sun bleed out upon the marble floor.
In the west on a hill overlooking the malfaisant wood is the last great castle from the time of the verdant kings. A branch having planted itself in the courtyard and the sound of a massacre could be heard. But it is not the inhabitance of the ancient keep that die this day, but those foolish enough to defile the home of Duke Lyle the Dhampir master of the hunt. The whirlwind of death that takes place there leaves the Phyrexian in reeling in honor. As their precious oil bubbles and hisses against Lyle's cold pale skin, before flaking away harmlessly like autumn leaves.
For it is in this moment that this plane so abundant in organic life let it's distain for those who had come to despoil it known. Across fields of wilding flowers herds of unicorns manifest from between beams of sunlight, horns lowered in a living phalanx that crashes into the Phyrexian host. Swarms of fairies swirls long the branches of the invasion tree, sticking prickles, stolen needles and bits of glass between the armor of the unnatural invaders. In small towns all across the plane errant knights come to their defense, reliving the glory of the age of chivalry. As covens of witches tap into the fear and panic flooding Floramore to weave curses of power not seen before.
For if ever there was a plane of nightmares for the Phyrexians it is here, where even the oil in their veins feels as if boils.
Out of all my planes Floramore fairs the best, below are short snippets of what happens with a few other others if you interested.
Being a planeswalker who is actively looking for allies to aid him in his fight with the Discordance, Nivel knew of the Phyrexian's planes to invade the multiverse. Sadly there was little he could do to rally his home in defense of another threat as it was actively being torn apart by the first. So when the sky shattered and great tendrils wound their wat to the cities not yet laid low by rampaging elementals, the half orc thought this was the end. Only the Phyrexian found the Discordance every bit as vexing as the natives of Hyverta did. Their magic acted erratically, turning upon them as it became sentient and hostile. The entire plane descending into anarchy.
The great powers of Lochtamor had long been preparing for war with one another so the Phyrexians found them neither unprepared, nor lacking. The highlands erupted into battle before the first branch even touched the ground. The clans of cat giants found there are warriors to their core and always eager for a fight and meet the invaders with a ferocity they where unexpecting. Above the bright isle star faced angels did battle with twisted mockers of their forms as below the polished armor of the kingdoms defenders dripped with oil. The invading forces that found their way to the Thurngul forest quickly became lost in the maze like woodland. The elves of moon and shadow used their magic to isolate their would be conquers and pick them off one by one. But al is not well for one of the Invasion trees branches found it's way to the heart of the plane, Loch Tamor, the great lake where the lay lines of the world meet. Already the surface of the lake bubbles with glistens as a great storm threatens to drown the plane oil. Earthquakes rock the lands as drakes and wyrms burst forth twisted into phyrexian likeness, as the primordial elder dragons drown in the essence of phyrexia.
The great jungle plane only has one population to speak of, the grand city Zataparva. The branches of the Invasion tree rip the city the spans the Bo river in two, sending great portions of it crashing into the waters below. The battle for the city was over before it even started, the population fleeing into the relative safety of the jungles. Those that could fight engaging in gorilla warfare as the man-eating plants and chimera beasts prey upon the invaders. All around them the thousand avatar and incarnation of the goddess, for who for the plane in named for, brings her fury down upon Norn's orthodoxly.
Crusabella knew of the coming invasion long before it happened for those gifted with visions of future spoke in unison of metal demons pouring from the sky upon the tendrils of a Eldredge kraken. The church had to put many of them down as black tear poured from their eyes and their bodies became hosts of metal demons. But when the invasion happened they could not have foreseen that the longest held prophecy, the one given by the prophetess the church was founded, upon would come to pass. The halls of the Candled Thrown where thrown upon and the angel gather soul flooded back upon the plane. The souls inhabit anything they can, the finely crafted marble armors made by the church, gargoyles and even entire ships as the gathered with the living to bright back this invaders.
The lands made entirely of sugar and spice was in the mist of a brutal civil war. So when this strange being made of meat and metal came spilling from the sky the Sugar and Spices put aside their difference momentarily to fight a common threat. Though the Phyrexians quickly discover that everything on this plane was organic, but a form of processed organic material that their oil could not interact with in any significant way. So just as quickly as the invasion of Sucrotopolis started the branches of the Invasion Tree returned back threw the portals it opened as their forces would best be used elsewhere. So with that distraction out of the way the Sugars and the Spices got back to killing one another.
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ufcosmo · 2 years
okay i might be the most bouncearound motherfucker of all time because i said i would make a terraria fancomic series but now im making a mtg fanplane and fanset with fancards. and you will see me fucking working on it somehow somewhere. mark my words
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You said that on Auraan the worship of the Arcons is like ancient Greek mystery cults. So why not have the main religion revolve around the mono white Arcon of Order with the smaller cults dedicated to it's multi colored offshoots. You could also drop the mono white Arcon entirely and just have the 4 white aliened Arcons. Maybe the each rule a potion of Auraan to the north, east, south and west. Maybe they when born when Arcon of Order was shattered? Just some ideas as I love world building.
Those are some neat ideas. You're helping me realize that maybe 'cult' may be too strong of a word to use. The denizens of Auraan don't exactly worship the archons like actual religious deities. It's a lot more like the Chinese philosophies and how each group has chosen to follow a certain archon on what is the best way to live life. They don't forsake all others, they just follow the teachings/example of the archon they choose as the most important.
For the most part each archon is associated with a certain territory. The Archon of Order is most closely associated with the nomads in the savannas, the Archon of Knowledge with those that live along the tropical archipelagos and rain forests, the Archon of Passion with those in the craggy highlands, and the Archon of Harmony with those in the alpine forests. The Archon of Finality has the smallest following and she claims no territory though the mangrove swamps, highland peat bogs, and other untamed areas are attributed to her.
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niuttuc · 2 years
The Spirit Kindred
This is an exploration of the Spirit Kindred and some of its members, an important part of Ocaelum’s World Family. If you aren’t familiar with Ocaelum, I invite you to read the planeswalker’s guide. I will once again add the disclaimer that I didn’t create Ocaelum, merely love it very much and spinned off a version of it of my own, with its creator’s permission, @gentlesmolgruulgal​. With that out of the way...
The Spirit Kindred is a single name for a very eclectic ensemble of beings, unified by little other than their stories and names being told in all or part of the Family. Gods, heroes, monsters, elemental, concepts and creatures of all kinds fit under this umbrella, as varied as the Family they’re also a part of. They number in the hundreds at the least, possibly in the thousands, but each member of the Family will typically only know a few dozens to a hundred, some only by name. Elders learn about many in their studies, and oftentimes recount their stories to their family for both entertainment and teaching.
Many members of the Spirit Kindred see each other as belonging to a common family unit, just like a singular group or caravan would in the World Family. Some also see themselves as part of a specific caravan family. The majority of them see themselves as member of the World Family at large like any other member, seeing people who aren’t part of the Spirit Kindred as cousins or nephews or even children. Like any family, particularly one as large as this, the Spirit Kindred is full of complex relationships. Some closer familial relationships for beings of common origin, some grudges, some rivalries, and more.
But all of this is pretty confusing, so let’s look at some examples!
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Luck is exactly what they sound like, the embodiment of Luck. They don’t stem from a particular culture, or rather, they exist in some form in most of them. In some they’re a god, in some just a common figure in stories, but in the Spirit Kindred, all of these are Luck. They say they're as old as the first person that left a decision to chance, though they aren't consistant as to who that was or what the decision was... Or the result of it. They are a physical being, though they aren’t necessarily always manifested. They appear as a wide range of different species, including some that wouldn’t make sense in the current context, like a human in deep waters or a merfolk in the core. According to them, they can’t manipulate chance or the odds of anything happening, as subject to the whims of fate as anyone else... But things tend to work out well for people in their favor, regardless of outcome. They accept the chaos of the world and believe that there’s a silver lining to anything that happens, even outside one’s control.
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Va’ver is a selkie, and her story was told by them before they became a small part of the Family. According to her legend, she was only born in the dreams of her parents, her physical body dead in the womb, yet there she thrived. It is said that for years after that, her people made sure there would always be one asleep, to provide shelter and take care of the child. That was centuries ago, and Va’ver is now a valued member of the Spirit Kindred, keeping herself occupied and entertained by watching the dreams and nightmares of her current hosts, and sometimes helping them in their sleep. It is unknown how she moves from dream to dream, physical distance seems to be a factor, but so does familiarity and others. Despite living in dreams, she never sleeps herself.
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The Grey Devourer is a widely-known figure in the World Family, but also is a mystery and recurring figures in stories. There are conflicting stories to both his origins and what he is. Some say he’s a physical monster, digging somewhere in the core or swimming somewhere in the depths. Some sources say he’s from the Old World, and he came to Winrovah along the humans and the elves. For some, he’s just a deity, or even hunger personified. There’s legends that he’s a very old Ghavalek who never stopped eating and growing. Attracting the attention of the Grey Devourer is something to be avoided. To avoid it, it is customary to leave parts of any creature killed for food behind for him to find and feast upon. He’s not picky, and generally the parts left for him are ones that aren’t considered edible by most species.
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Galili was an Anuran witch, and the one that led the effort into her people joining the World Family, and the World Family being created as it is today. She weaved the pact, oral and magical, that bound together Lutrives, Anurans and Axoltians, and then others beyond. More than that, it is said she’s the one who convinced most of the Spirit Kindred, of the various pantheons and myths from the various cultures, to accept each other and not oppose their people coming together. Galili is long dead... But that doesn’t stop her from taking a look when something interesting happens, or sometimes finish stories about her when she doesn’t like how it is told.
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The Flock Dancer is a goddess of lutrive origin, associated with herd animals, mostly fishes that form schools, but also keeps an eye on most animal life for some of her siblings in charge of other forms of life. Her followers address a short warning and prayer of sorts to her before they hunt or kill any animal with premeditation. She very rarely manifests in a physical shape, if ever. Generally benevolent, but there are stories of her cursing those who anger her to swim alone in the infinite expanse of water, the ground out of sight and never finding any other sign of life until they starve, never to be found again.
This is what I have for now, but it is but a sample of the infinite variety that exists within the World Family and its Spirit Kindred. Safe travels, cousins!
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lord-of-innistrad · 2 years
Mechanics of the Factions of Cordifá
Cordifá is my fanplane, a shard based world. For this I selected nine complimentary mechanics (and invented one more), two for each faction, and made custom cards, seen under the cut
WUB - Toles - Exploit/Afterlife
Afterlife was selected first because of this factions theme of respecting the dead. Exploit was chosen to be complimentary to Afterlife and added a theme of disregarding the living.
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GWU - Seves - Rebound/Oblivion
Oblivion is the mechanic I invented. It means whenever you cast a card from exile you do something. It was intended to compliment Rebound.
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RGW - Ristan - Populate/Fabricate
Populate is one of the best mechanics in GW in my humble opinion. The addition of Fabricate is meant to represent civil engineering as well as grant tokens not usually seen in green.
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Berbe - BRG - Bloodrush/Escape
This group I'm not sure about. I like the theme of discarding for value and then exiling for more value, I just wish Escape wasn't named that.
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UBR - Tela - Dash/Revolt
Dash came first for this pair with revolt chosen to compliment it. I imagine it would play out a card dashing and then a revolt card being played. Also I liked the idea of my drake card for this one being a handsome gambler.
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And that's it! Let me know what you guys think!
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inudono · 3 years
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Mermay Day 5
Khaital is an ocean world with only a single notable landmass. Volcanic vents coat the ocean floor, and giant steam bubbles offer convenient transportation to the surface.
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leafdrake-haven · 7 months
Fandom Friday
Welcome to Fandom Friday! A day for the MtG community to come together and talk about our OCs, fanplanes, and favorite aspects of MtG in general!
Ok so you know the drill, I’ll give a prompt and you can respond to it by answering directly, doing a doodle, making a custom card, a little flash fic, or whatever feels right and most fun for you! (Heck, do multiples if you want, this is just for fun!)
Happy Friday!
So we recently got Murders at Karlov Manor which gave us a murder mystery fun trope set but on a familiar plane. It’s fun cause they get to fit the trope to the existing lore there and seems like a fun twist to developing an already known plane. So here’s the question. What’s a trope you’d love to see magic build a set around and what existing plane would you love to see it flavored toward?
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teaxch · 3 years
Endioische, the Cradle (RA-4491-30A)
From the Desk of Dr. Ynshlvt, Planar Observation Working Group
The planes of the multiverse vary significantly in age. Generally, the younger ones tend to have known origins, and are mostly artificial. Endioische is among the youngest known naturally-occurring planes, having emerged only five years ago. It provides a nearly unique window into the earliest years of a plane’s existence. (More after cut.)
While generally physically stable, Endioische is still in many ways inchoate. The world itself is hollow; roiling mana in its interior is still coalescing into solid earth. The fluctuations of this mana can be heard at all times as a low pulsing sound, and several areas of the planet’s surface are open, allowing the mana core to be viewed directly. The surface is relatively flat; seismic activity has not had an opportunity to open up deep oceans or raise tall mountains, and no glaciers have had time to furrow ridges into the earth. The oceans are broad, clear, and calm. Much of the northern and southern reaches of the world is covered in ice. The world is very geologically active. Mud pots and other gaseous vents are exceedingly common, and plumes of fire burst from the surface in areas where red mana has become trapped in underground pockets. 
While Endioische’s youth makes it a fascinating object of study, it also makes it vulnerable. Its people are few in number and possess only primitive technology and forms of social organization. Endioishce is being monitored to ensure that it does not draw the attention of outside forces that may wish to exploit it.
Endioische’s People and Creatures
Several intelligent species already call Endioische home. The mana event that birthed the plane may have created these peoples simultaneous to the creation, or they may have emerged shortly thereafter. None have any history of anything prior to the creation of their world, and they all recall simply waking up one day with no memories or existing social bonds. While different species awoke in different areas of the world and have largely remained in those areas, they have mingled to a degree in the years since their creation.
Humans, as on many planes, are perhaps the most numerous and wide-spread of the world’s people. The humans of Endioische are gregarious and social creatures. They almost immediately developed verbal means of communication, and their spoken and signed language is far more sophisticated than the more limited forms of communication most commonly employed by other species. This has allowed humans to more easily coordinate amongst each other, and humans are also the only species that has invested much effort into communicating with other species.
While most other species are content to hunt or forage for food, the elves almost immediately observed that they could produce at least limited quantities of food safely by sowing and tending to various plant species, mostly root vegetables and fast-growing gourds. The elven art of cultivation is still in its infancy, and is far from being sustainable as a sole source of food, but with each season more and more elves choose to dedicate part of their time to their gardens.
After initial negative encounters with other species, the Naga of Endioische have become somewhat withdrawn, preferring to keep to themselves. While in hiding, they have unlocked a powerful secret of their world - through careful repetition of ritual chants and gestures, they can evoke apparently supernatural effects. The Naga currently have chosen to reveal their techniques only to each other and to a tiny number of outsiders, withholding key details in the latter case. The Naga do not know whether their gift is something that other species would even be able to replicate if they knew about it, but for the time being they have decided not to take that chance.
The inhabitants of Endioische generally regard its fauna as a threat or a source of food, but the tough and patient ogres have begun to take a different approach. They have insinuated themselves amongst packs of coyote-like predators, lending their intelligence and endurance to the hunt and taking advantage of the coyotes’ speed and keen senses. The ogres’ symbiosis with these beasts is so strong that many people of other species mistakenly believe that the coyotes are intelligent and have forged an alliance with the ogres. The ogres have also - with the assistance of their coyotes - herded packs of woolly rhinos south from their habitats in the arctic reaches of the world. In addition to serving as a source of food, the rhinos supply rugged, coarse hair that the ogres fashion into ropes and nets, and some daring ogres have begun to train the beasts to accept a rider.
The dwarves of Endioische are fairly populous, but spend relatively little time travelling, so are seldom seen. They have mastered the art of architecture, at least by Endioischean standards. While most other races avoid the elements in simple lean-tos or eschew shelter entirely, the dwarves’ sturdy wooden and stone cabins allow them to thrive in regions other species find inhospitably cold, and to pursue massive megafauna that can feed a community for an entire season when felled. Dwarves have another unique characteristic - to date, no dwarven children have been born on Endioische, even after five years. It is unclear to the dwarves what this means for the future of their species.
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socialpoison · 1 year
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Playing with medieval phyrexian aesthetics!
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MTG Fantober Week 2: Solarus
Solarus is an old world with many secrets and facets, more akin to Dominaria is size and variety. It has everything from a huge archipelago ruled by pirates and it’s nobility that lord over others with strange powers, to a secret high wizard council that dictates what nations are and are not allowed to create in fears of highly destructive power. The moon used to be a regular moon, until a necromancer and his assistant took it over and are using it as their base of operations, the assistant even becoming the moon itself. There is a kingdom made entire of clones of one person who work in a pseudo hive mind. There is a city that is home to a self made goddess who wants to usurp the current goddess of dragons. There are airships and an entire aircity made by dwarves to escape the invasion from the ground. There is a group of individuals championed as the greatest in their respective combat archetypes that are immortal till the title is passed down, ensuring a protector of the realm. Multiple layers of existence that can overlap at times and have their own native flora and fauna and the beings that live there. All contained on multiple continents and an almost endless sea. One place gets explored and another one is discovered, kingdoms and empires grow and fall. The world is living and breathing and it is so vast that anyone can find a place for themselves as long as they have the luck and determination to do so. Gods and monsters, demons and primordial beings as old as the world itself. To summarize it is a disservice to the shear complexity of the world yet to go into detail is to write an entire multi volume encyclopedia. One thing is constant, though, and that is the drive and will of the people to persevere and continue onwards and outwards, deeper and higher, forever progressing into the horizon.
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shardssystem · 2 years
Plin - A Plane Of Two Hearts
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Plin is a plane of mirrors. For each part, there is an equal counterpart joined by the magic of the land. Each birth is accompanied by the formation of a twin, coalescing from the aether in such a way to make distinguishing the “original” body difficult at best, attuned to its partner. Two bodies, two awarenesses, one soul, a shared mind. People learn from an early age to use their dual-bodied nature to their advantage, dividing their attention so that each half can work and achieve to their fullest. Visitors to the plane find their energy levels drained beyond what they might previously expect, as their essence contributes to the aetheric formation of their counterpart, and the splitting of their consciousness. The duplicating effects of the plane extend beyond the physical, though that is easily the most noticeable feature. Absorption of knowledge, magical proficiency, and the processing of thought all benefit from the increased capacity of two minds. Of course, the increased sensation of twin bodies is not to be ignored either. The residents of Plin enjoy a well-rounded experience of life, as duplicates form in physical counterpart. Female children gain male doubles, and vice versa. Those outside the gender binary gain a duplicate in kind, though along different axis of the spectrum, to allow for the same breadth of experience. Each individual, be they aetheric or plainborn, experience an individual’s lifespan despite their connection. One can fall ill, or perish, as the other feels it but persists. Small enclaves of the singlefolk exist with towns and cities across the plane, and they are well-cared for and respected, for everyone can imagine the horror of losing half of their being.
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