#mspa theory
humunanunga · 1 year
in hindsight, it's actually more surprising than the murder sprees in Act 5 Act 2 how long Karkat had been able to keep his crewmates from killing each other sooner
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derseprinceoftbd · 1 year
In honor of the new Upd8, here's the updated version of my Personal Homestuck Explainer.
An explainer for Homestuck, typed up on a Google doc for Reddit, and now transplanted onto Tumblr, and too long to fit in a single reddit comment. Most explainers I've seen utterly fail to get the tone of the series across, thus not answering the main question I see: "what is Homestuck *and why is it like this*". Why does it evoke the reactions it does? Why are so many things considered a reference? Who is Vriska? (I can't actually explain that one in under 3000 words, it turns out.) But, here's a briefer briefer (heh) on the subject of "What the actual fuck is Homestuck":
Andrew Hussie, a person (now going by any pronouns) then known for various obscure things around the net, made an interactive reader-driven comic-type-thing called Jailbreak where he would draw panels demonstrating the events of the story as dictated by other posters in the thread, putting his favored suggestions in the narration and responding in kind. The happenings and variables were influenced by his own strange brand of humor and set of fascinations, such as rap, horses, clowns, and H!rry P!tter as a cultural presence. He would eventually compile this, along with the unfinished followup, Bard Quest, on its own website.
The third installment of the so-called MS Paint Adventures, Problem Sleuth, was a massive step up in production value, featuring impressive art and output speed as well as evolutions such as some pages being flashing gifs. This sort of thing was considered to be one of the best demonstrations of the potential of the internet. It ran for 1674 pages over the course of about a year.
Homestuck was the followup to that, running 8123 pages from April 13th 2009-2016 with numerous hiatuses in the latter half of that time. It featured such advancements as videos with sound, small WASD-controlled computer games on various pages, and most significantly, actual conversations between characters, semi-hidden behind clickable boxes at the bottom of some pages, allowing them to become three-dimensional and truly sympathetic. Hussie, it would soon be revealed, was heavily skilled at writing compelling and unique character voices and dialogue writing in general.
Homestuck was definitely the most complex MPSA, with a grand overarching plot being integrated into the results of the actions of the readers. The plot revolved around an in-universe game called SBURB with the power to influence reality, sort of a Jumanji with time-travel mechanics that would soon be revealed to be the centerpiece of reality itself, destroying the home planets of its players to motivate them to enter the world of the game and fulfill an unknown grand purpose, complete with millions of fully sentient NPCs. (Homestuck is, technically, an isekai.)
Homestuck has been described as "a story that's also a puzzle", and this lens has gained authorial approval; events are often told anachronistically, as a kitchen sink of high-concept ideas are explored by a man who sometimes wants to show off his semi-deconstructive version of a classic sci-fi/fantasy trope, sometimes wants to infuriate readers through anticlimaxes and misdirections, and sometimes wants to just go off on a tangent about a random movie from his childhood that somehow soon becomes integral to the plot in an absurdly esoteric fashion.
Eventually the suggestions from readers became so numerous and difficult that the suggestion boxes were closed near the end of the first year, leading to less meandering from Act 4 onwards, but the influence of the audience remained; one easy example is a character only seen from the top half initially being theorized on the official forums as using a wheelchair, a fact which would not only become Canon, but highly relevant.
The early MSPAs curated an audience through programming humor and 80s-90s film references as filtered through the styles of Terry Pratchett, Mark Twain, and the Something Awful forums, but the audience for Homestuck, due to the nature of the characters, was markedly different, especially after the Trolls showed up.
You've probably seen them.
The Trolls, initially presented as some extremely odd and bothersome fellows on the internet, were soon shown to be a race of grey-skinned, orange-horned aliens. Trolls possessed multicolored blood in both organized castes and clear deviations, psychic abilities, unique typing styles, insectoid traits as opposed to hominid, near-universal bisexuality with the sole known exception being Sapphic, and a complex romantic system with its own symbols, comically vague-yet-comprehensive reproductive system, and of course, relationship dynamics.
I cannot express how perfect the Trolls were in terms of catching on. Tumblr loved these fuckers and it's not at all hard to see why.
It's also worth noting that this wasn't the only market-perfect part of Homestuck; Classpecting, the equivalent of Hogwarts Houses, featured a 144/168/288/336/384(depending on who you ask and what they count)-strong grid system of human personality traits that not only seemed eerily accurate as a personality mapper, but corresponded to what elemental powers one received in the game of SBURB.
So... yeah. Homestuck was an incredibly complex and engaging work, driven by a single incredibly talented and flawed creative voice, which was perfectly made to attract a massive, unabashedly bizarre/proudly cringe, and notably largely queer fanbase across a younger internet; you may well be aware of incidents such as cosplay failures and inappropriate recreations of Troll culture. The style of presentation, art, and character writing was instantly recognizable and relatively easy to imitate, leading to fanfiction and even fanmade adventures galore, most of the latter hosted on MSPFA.com.
The main site for Homestuck is broken now-it's recommended that new readers download the [Unofficial Homestuck Collection](https://bambosh.dev/unofficial-homestuck-collection/), and starting with Problem Sleuth to ease into the format and writing is a pretty popular choice. The ending is also considered generally quite poor in a number of ways, particularly regarding unfollowed foreshadowing and blatant abandonment of character arcs, with some fans even [making](https://friendlybatteringram.tumblr.com/tagged/altstuck) their own [works](https://mspfa.com/?s=44153&p=1) as [substitutions](http://mspfa.com/?s=12003&p=1). You can find The Homestuck Epilogues (a sequel novel) on the official site, and Homestuck^2 Beyond Canon (a sequel webcomic after the Epilogues) on its own website, but neither of these are very well liked by fans (at all). YouTube also has several dubs of the comic; by far the largest and most popular is [Voxus](https://youtube.com/@Voxus), which has unfortunately slowed to a crawl at around the 65% mark.
Content warnings for Homestuck include: blood, violence including decapitation, clowns, brainwashing/mental possession, dicks-out furry bara art in the background of like ten pages, brief black-and-white nudity, swearing, the R-slur, a joke about an acronym organically forming the F-slur, child abuse, discussed child abuse and homophobia, mocking of the disabled (as an unsympathetic action), cartoonish levels of sexism (as an unsympathetic action), statements that an antagonist is analogous to Hitler, mocking of otherkin, a minor character being a racial stereotype of Japanese people (Damara), a somewhat major character being a stereotype of Black people (Meenah), minor characters being stereotypes of disabled people (Meulin and Mituna), a controversial and prominent depiction of blindness, eye trauma, underage alcoholism, written depections of noncon facilitated by mind control (as an unsympathetic action), sexual assult (an unwanted kiss, as an unsympathetic action), jokes about pedophilia, and child grooming (textually 100% non-sexual, but sexually-coded).
Also: when I said the Trolls type weird, I wasn't kidding. Every character gets at least one color for their speech text, plus a pattern for how they type, generally worse for the Trolls, ranging from "no caps" to "British" to "drunk" to "ebonics" to "aLtErNaTiNg" to WH4T3V3R TH3 FUCK K1ND OF L33TSP34K BS T3R3Z1 1S DO1NG. So that's worth a warning.
And that's as abridged as you can get when summing up Homestuck.
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Now that we mention the House Juju, I always wondered if John got a power specific to his classpech because the Juju would do something different depending on the person that touches it or because it's Breath coded itself. Don't think there is proof for any or the other, but I would think it would be the first option? Could be a fated to happen thing and be Breath coded, I guess, but is not very thematically for LE to have a Breath juju I think?
MSPA Reader got the same power as John, implying it's just what the House is- It's the 'Plot Hole', literally a window into the rest of Homestuck proper. It just so happens that, the way it 'detaches' you from the narrative is also Breath-coded. The Juju in itself represents both the Beginning and End of the story- It's the prize he uses on the Beta Kids to seal them away during the Masterpiece, and it's the thing that comes out during the finale- It is a metaphysical Manifestation of Homestuck itself. And nothing would be more fitting for the guy that literally kills the Author and takes over the Alpha Timeline, no?
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MspaReader:Wonder where you are
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Yeah that's probably a good question to ask. that little skinny Banner panel says this is the "Land of Asks and Dismay," which makes a good amount of sense. But you guess the question now is where is That?
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Huh. Ok it seems The Land of Asks and Dismay (LoAaD) is still in the Green Sun. You presume the Narative Weight of the Green sun is what allows for the white space facade to exist at all.
You think you might look around here for a bit, see what you can find.
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homestuckreplay · 26 days
🎵 a little can of gravy in my life, a little can of mustard by my side 🎶
(page 664-678)
9/21/2009 Wheel Spin: Long Pesterlog Verdict: waywardVagabond Is A Great Chumhandle
9/22/2009 Wheel Spin: Captchalogue Lore Verdict: Captchalogue Technology Is So Years In The Past But Not Many
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I love this funky little vagabond. Love how wayward he is. The adrenaline rush of getting a new character has really kicked in, and the new track Upward Movement (Dave Owns) is a perfect soundtrack for it.
Earlier in the act I felt like Dave was positioned as comic relief, but with their rooftop battles, they've totally swapped roles. Now John is cowering behind the bed, having his magic chest plundered, and looking over the wrong side of the roof for his giant foes - while Dave is skillfully gathering his items, acrobatically fucking pirouetting up to the roof, and being framed in the doorway in dramatic red silhouette. Either this is on several complex layers of irony or Dave is suddenly being portrayed as Cool For Real.
Dave's definitely in more danger than just from his bro. A building in the city straight up melts in the heat. Rose isn't even in the game yet and now I'm worried for Dave too.
A week ago I predicted that GG was about to get introduced in the comic, and since then we've had a silhouette reveal, a pesterlog with John where she only got more mysterious, and the honestly incredible and frustrating moment where it seems like she's about to be introduced with a psycheout - the way Dave was - before we get double psyched out with the Wayward Vagabond. I wonder if people on the MSPA forums had theories similar to mine. If they were submitting commands directed at GG or openly talking about expecting to see her soon, I can imagine a creator reacting to that with a twist for the audience, even if introducing GG was the original plan.
The Wayward Vagabond is such a fun character to introduce, and mess up all the patterns of character introductions. They've already got arms, don't get a list of interests, aren't in their bedroom, and most shockingly, don't have a fetch modus but instead pick things up with their hands. I guess that technology died along with the Earth, if that's where we are. WV is wrapped up in bandages that almost look like newspaper, perhaps having cast off a brighter and more colorful outfit earlier.
The nuclear symbol on GG's shirt is the same as the one on WV's fuel cell, which is apparently 'fueled by some type of nuclear reaction.' Absolutely calling it now that GG got her psychic powers through radiation poisoning somehow.
WV seems like the peaceful herbivore counterpart to the imps' violent carnivore. They're made of the same shiny carapace stuff and pointy fingers, but WV is slightly squished and has blunt teeth to the imps' pointy ones. This + the bar code that could differentiate between identical NPCs + their name reinforces to me that they're an escaped Sburb NPC. Their teeth are 'blunt like that of livestock' (p.672), with livestock being any animal raised for its labor and/or useful products, so these could be worker NPCs with jobs like shopkeeps, drivers or doctors.
But what exactly is this underground bunker fueling? Is this where the Sburb servers are hosted - as the screens can see players - and do they finally power down when the battery runs out? Would that lead to John reappearing on earth, or being trapped in the Medium forever? What does that even mean if the Medium isn't synced in time with earth?
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
Who was that bozo who into scat and piss, and who worked for WhatPumpkin?
A person by the name of V had worked under WhatPumpkin. She had been involved with Epilogues writing and is the main writer for Marvus Xoloto and Lanque Bombyx route in Hiveswap Friendsim. The same route where it has MSPA Reader shit on himself and sniffing the troll's armpits for a purpleblood. The same one who made Jake English shit his pants in Epilogues. I think there was even a theory that V and ctset are actually one in the same person. V is her NSFW side and used that as an alias to be allowed to write her fetish shit into Homestuck.
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kingdomoftyto · 5 months
Ah, POE has entered its Murderstuck phase. (Seriously though I'd be interested in seeing your classpects for the detectives after you finish the game)
AT LAST I have beaten the game and can answer this ask!!
Short answer:
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Long answer:
[Reminder that in addition to the canon info on aspects from the Extended Zodiac, I also like to take into consideration the excellent old theories {aspects} from bladekindeyewear, a lot of which seem to have made their way onto the MSPA wiki {classes}!]
I'm going to try desperately not to overthink this too badly by psychoanalyzing the characters and their growth over the course of the narrative, because for past attempts at this sort of thing I've had people tell me my choices are way off base lol. As a result some of these will be a little more straightforward than my usual fare.
And, it JUST SO HAPPENS that when I go with my gut instincts like this, the full cast (minus Senior) lines up pretty perfectly with the full set of 12 aspects! That's too beautiful to ignore, so I'm sticking with it. >:)
Anyway, let's get into it:
Incompetent/Ideal Detectives: Heir of Mind
This one's kind of a no-brainer. The Denouement is without question a Mind power, anticipating possible outcomes before they happen. Not to mention Mind's general association with rationality and logic--necessary traits for any detective worth their salt. Mind is also all about your choices and how they change you, echoing the themes of growth and optimism for things to get better, even in the face of despair. It feels right to me if Wato and Saika to share a classpect, particularly the Heir class considering each of them literally inherited the Ideal title from the other. Heir is also thought to be a passive class, which suits their shared tendency to guide the other detectives to finding the solutions rather than solving every little mystery by themselves.
Doleful Detective: Rogue of Doom
Oh boy. In a brighter world, Doleful could have EASILY been the Light-bound of the group. His entire shtick is being supernaturally lucky--even to the point of tragedy. He would have been the group's Vriska, except with troubles that were no fault of his own. HOWEVER, clearly, the reality of who Doleful actually is paints us a very different picture. What we get instead is someone whose entire existence circles around the ideas of sacrifice and suffering. It becomes an obsession for him, both as a detective (as seen in his primary contribution to the group being putting himself in harm's way) and as the Duke (as seen in... his entire outlook on society). As a Rogue, his purpose is to "steal" the suffering of the masses, in his own twisted, pessimistic way, and because this is a passive class, he does it in the most indirect way possible.
Renegade Detective: Bard of Rage
This fucker is Gamzee Makara. I mean just look at him. He has the hair and everything.
...No but seriously, I'm not even joking with this. Go read the Extended Zodiac's description for Rage and tell me that's not Renegade in a nutshell. "Contempt for falsehoods, including the stability those false ideas can impart." "Would rather tear down a system and live in anarchy if they think the system is built on faulty premises." "Difficult to convince otherwise once attached to an idea." He's SO single-minded in his beliefs that he dies with a grin on his face just because his death follows his twisted worldview (which, wouldn't you know it, is another thing he shares with a certain purpleblooded troll). He also incites literal chaos and anger among the other detectives, particularly Workaholic, pulling them into similar delusions of there only being a single, violent way forward.
Armor Detective: Knight of Space
This man is pure physicality. He's simple, in every sense of the word. Just a huge, solid wall, an impenetrable barrier to all threats. He has a single solution to every problem, and that's to position himself in between danger and the people he wants to protect. And of course he's a Knight: his greatest asset--nay, his very essence--is the material suit of armor he's equipped with at all times.
Rowdy Detective: Maid of Breath
What is Breath but the embodiment of movement? As the athlete of the group, Rowdy definitely does plenty of that. But Breath also implies direction, bringing to mind her hanafuda cards, which she consults not to seek external guidance but to reinforce her own decision. Once she's pointed herself at a target, there's no stopping her. (Plus also, y'know. There's literal breath, and she has a pretty good sense of smell lmaO.) Maids, at least in the theories I follow, are an active class, and Rowdy is a prime example, manifesting her own forward momentum and allowing no room for doubt.
Downtown Detective: Thief of Heart
Heart is the aspect of identity and, relatedly, of facades--something Downtown knows all about. Outwardly, she presents a cheery, playfully snarky personality, but this is only one of many layers of masks. Her mastery of these countless faces are what makes her so skilled at manipulating other people. She sees effortlessly into what makes people tick, steers the conversation to revealing the info she wants, and then, like any good Thief, snatches up the resulting spoils. Heart also, however, refers to the unchanging core of what makes a person who they are, and to me this is highlighted by the way Downtown holds so tightly to the memory of her friend Miyuki, no matter how far she sinks into the Duke's web of lies and death.
Bookworm Detective: Mage of Light
I said I wasn't going to get too into character growth in these analyses but HEAR ME OUT. The obvious aspect for Bookworm would be Void, right? Her manner of speech literally obfuscates her emotions behind the detached wording of a third-person narration. Plus she's goth as hell. But much like with Rose Lalonde before her, I argue that this is because she starts out with her aspect "inverted", and that her self-actualization comes in the form of her embracing her true nature: Light. Light can mean fortune, as I mentioned in Doleful's entry, but it is also knowledge and clarity. Bookworm's greatest weapon is her encyclopedic recall, and this is put to best use only when she begins to open up to and cooperate with the other detectives. The sense of triumph Wato (and I) experienced every time she felt confident enough to speak in first person should be more than enough to prove that the Void clinging to her psyche is only holding her back from her full potential.
Posh Detective: Seer of Hope
The aspect of Hope can best be summed up as "fake it 'til you make it", and if that doesn't encapsulate Posh as a person, then I don't know what does. Even with her family fallen on hard times, she relies on a carefully constructed facade of wealth and influence to convince others of her abilities. Though this performance isn't always the most convincing to the other detectives, her stubborn refusal to abandon it is no accident on her part. She has convinced herself that her aspirations of rank and prestige (both within the Detective Alliance and in society at large) will manifest if only she can inextricably associate herself with the role. As a Seer, her job is to passively guide others with insight related to her aspect--which brings to mind her naively confident guesses that fail to be correct on their own but can and do divert the discussion indirectly toward the solution.
Mystic Detective: Sylph of Blood
With a name like Van Helsing, he had to be Blood, right? It just feels right with his occult proclivities. But even on a metaphorical level, Blood first and foremost represents the bonds between people, an appropriate theme for the group's resident father figure. Mystic is known for solving his cases with exceptional compassion and patience, emphasizing how the primary source of his success is his ability to connect with those who had otherwise been abandoned. These helpless clients, along with his more direct ties like his adoption of Bookworm and his gentle mentorship of Wato, bring to mind how Sylphs are specifically known to be a "healing" class.
Workaholic Detective: Prince of Time
Time can be a difficult aspect to explain. Like Space, it tends toward the literal, though even in that sense I feel Workaholic is the best fit for it, what with his fixation on past wrongs and his relentless, sleepless march toward his target like a clockwork automaton. In a more figurative sense, Time can be associated with inevitability or even entropy, which evoke Workaholic's single-minded pursuit of justice despite knowing his own destruction was likely to occur alongside Renegade's. Princes are famously referred to as the "destroyer" class, and he certainly fits the bill, both erasing time with the sense of urgency created by his betrayal and also directly cutting short the "time" of those he killed.
Gourmet Detective: Witch of Void
The Void aspect represents both literal nothingness (like the hunger that plagues Gourmet even years after the tragedy that nearly starved her) and also secrets (like the undercover role she played for the FBI). Even Gourmet's facial expressions tend to be vacuous, revealing nothing of her true thoughts or motivations unless she reaches a breaking point. Witches are a vaguely defined class but are thought to be an active one, perhaps breaking the rules of their aspect to their advantage. If so, this could be connected to Gourmet's superhuman gastonomy and sense of smell--imagine an all-consuming black hole, where our very understanding of physics starts to break down--but either way she definitely wields both her hunger and her secrets with deliberate precision.
Techie Detective: Page of Life
Techie's is the classpect I am least certain/happy about, but to be perfectly honest I don't think ANY of the aspects are a clean fit for him. That said, of the ones that do feel related, Life seems like a decent choice for a few reasons--not the least of which is his well-established habit of anthropomorphizing inanimate gadgets and robots. One could say he "imbues them with life". I would argue that, like Bookworm, Techie is still early in his growth, and this is reflected in my assigning him as a Page. Pages are known for being the slowest to bloom but with some of the greatest potential of all the classes, which rings familiar when one considers the sections of his profile that describe him "stagnating" in the rankings and apprenticing under a capricious dandy. With proper support and guidance, Techie would certainly be on track to do great things with his future. While Renegade accuses him of relying on others too much, Techie's willingness to sacrifice his chair to save the others--even when that would mean giving up his own independence--serves as proof to me that he's well on his way to embodying the quintessential Life-bound trait of putting others' needs before his own.
...And, uh, that's everybody! Unfortunately these assignments mean the party's session was doomed the moment Workaholic fried himself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No frogs for you, detectives!
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heuristicallyinclined · 3 months
Hello, i've been wondering, since etivor and the crew didn't really need convincing to think the MSPA reader is a custom robot, are they a common thing for highbloods on space? Are sex robots a normal thing???? Or at the very least is it a known option for highnloods or something? 👁👁
Lmao, I figured with how much of Alternian hardware is wetware and has some kind of bio adjacent thing going on that it wouldn't be that hard to pull. Also, since trolls don't know anything about humans in this it's not like their species could be looked up. As far as the robot thing goes, they just stated their functions are confidential since they more or less were put on the spot and hadn't thought that far ahead. I think I've made the joke of people wondering what they do and that being a dumb theory, but it isn't actually anything they've said. Idk that they'd be a normal thing, but between how reproduction is mandatory and with a flushed/pitch partner for trolls, I'd imagine they'd be looked down upon or seen as something for people who can't get partners so they'd probably not be common or super socially acceptable since it's not really useful for drones, but I'm sure someone out there has had the money required to make that happen.
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thesleutherrr · 3 months
Pinned Post Coast to Coast
Isn't this a lot to read? You can do it, champ! You read Homestuck, didn't you?
Who are you? My name's Moxie, I'm a general purpose blogger who has incidentally read Andrew Hussie's Homestuck six times, currently on my seventh re-read. I was a fan of Problem Sleuth before Homestuck began, and enjoyed Bard Quest and Jailbreak at the time- so I think of myself as just an MSPA fan overall.
What is this? I want to share my theories about MSPA by analyzing the connections all across Hussie's work. I'll be reviewing all of their content available in the Unofficial Homestuck Collection dating back to 2006. There's commentary, there's metacommentary, and and then there's what I do, which is somewhere between detective work and flat-out comedy, much like our pal PS.
Are you qualified for all that? Hell no, I work at a call center. I'm a scholar by way of exposure, like how you'd become an expert in the Grand Canyon by falling into it.
Is there a point to all this? Like my freewheeling creative forebears, I am committing to a ridiculous idea for the spectacle created by seeing it through. Groverhaus. Barkley Gaiden. Futuristic Sex Robotz. MS Paint Adventures. It doesn't matter that whether or not it's a good idea- all that matters is that we're having fun.
You can start reading my analysis HERE.
You can send me questions HERE.
You can watch a video of an orangutan driving a golf cart HERE.
When I cite a specific page, I'll link to that page on the post so you can have it at hand if you want to send me your own takes on it.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Oh my god i am literally a homunculus. I was reading around on wikipedia because haha i keep thinking about artificial humans and how im probably not a 'real' human in the sense of the word especially because I looked so different and and.
ok first of all fuck you wikipedia for calling me small even if it was 100% true and second of all, it makes way too much sense especially due to the whole 'imitating a demiurge' thing.
anyways i continue to be chill about the developments and while i dont know where the hell i came from really besides a few vague theories i suppose its a step in the right direction? -mspa reader(#📖♠️)
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humunanunga · 1 year
The average Undertale enjoyer probably knows that a large percentage of players recognized Megalovania from Homestuck, but I don't think nearly as many know that Homestuck enjoyers recognized Flowey's laugh from one of the soundtracks in an album for two Homestuck characters who were characterized by a red/green dichotomy. You know, red and green, the colors Flowey's eyes were when he laughed like that again But Worse in his nightmare of a boss fight.
Anyway, I've had The Lordling stuck in my head.
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Cool and New Web Comic Theory:
So spoilers for the Homestuck fancomic “Cool and New Web Comic”
In CaNWC or however it’s capitalised, most of everything looks like shit, badly drawn, people act like shit, etc.
This is known as “The Corruption”.
And then there’s the people who aren’t Corrupt.
Or, as is later revealed, were Enhanced.
There doesn’t seem to be an overall pattern to whom is Enhanced.
Except that the entirety of The Felt (except Snowman, who is replaced by Vrasky) including The Handmaid are Enhanced.
This includes Lil Cal, who I believe to be the core of this Theory.
…uh, I mean, is the core of the Theory, because I believe he’s the Core of the Enhancement.
The other Core to consider is:
Jack Noir (B1) is Enhanced, but Spades Slick (Jack Noir, A2) is not.
What’s so different between the two?
It’s hinted at in Jack’s introduction. He receives a command calling him Bec Noir, and he’s like “The name’s Jack. Ain’t heard of no Bec”
Another thing about Enhanced characters is that they remember Homestuck’s Canon timeline. Or at least parts of it.
During the Canon timeline, Bec Noir picked up Lil Cal, stored it in a pocket dimension, went to the Troll session, threw Cal at an Aradiabot, where it was found by Aradia and sent to Kanaya.
To be repaired.
Given the Felt outfit, that is the core of Doc Scratch’s appearance. And also Lord English’s.
That’s 3 of them explained away.
Also, Rose threw Cal out of Dave’s Derse room, where it ended up going to the Ectobiology lab and completing that loop.
Andrew Hussie also interacted with Cal, but idk if that means shit.
Basically the only character I can’t explain away by “they’re connected to Cal somehow” is. Well, the MSPA/MSPFA Reader, and The Honeybee Professor.
Although I don’t think The Honeybee Professor being Enhanced means anything tbh.
Tbh Creature Padria Zozzria (nah)
While I’m at it, Final Agent is almost certainly made from the Pink Lil Cal “Wittle Cal”.
Because pink.
Because Cal.
Because idk.
I have no idea.
Anyways Goodbye for Now Universe!
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yardsards · 2 years
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I posted 20,490 times in 2022
That's 5,791 more posts than 2021!
1,294 posts created (6%)
19,196 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ bernardo-reblogs-shit
@ datasoong47
@ trainwreckgenerator
@ thisismyideaofhumor
@ autisticats
I tagged 10,489 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#toh - 4,241 posts
#eliot posts - 1,403 posts
#toh spoilers - 998 posts
#intr - 511 posts
#aes - 347 posts
#the owl house - 344 posts
#drac - 275 posts
#mspa - 267 posts
#utdr - 183 posts
#goncharov - 125 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#he's a blond boy with (formerly) funky eyes‚ trauma‚ alternate selves‚ flashsteps‚ false confidence‚ falls down stairs. he's a strider.
My Top Posts in 2022:
i will never fucking forgive the community on this site for the years of “ace discourse”. we were being actively hated for our orientations and everyone just treated it like a fucking debate topic or fucking mocked us for being effected by it. it became such a widespread thing to laugh at that even people who were otherwise okay with us were reblogging aphobic memes and getting mad that we “couldn’t take a joke” when we were upset by it.
and today, people who got swept up in aphobic movements look back at that time like “haha, i was such a cringe teen for participating in ace discourse” rather than “i was shitty and bigotted and i sincerely regret it”; a lot of them probably still ARE aphobic but just don’t talk about it anymore because it’s no longer trendy.
19,118 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
the owl house really said "familial love is stored in a gifted garment"
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21,554 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
shoutout to the autistic bitches who write wholeass informal essays of meta/analysis/theories about their special interest media. you are the fucking backbone of our goddamned society
46,671 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
remember when you could bid for ad space on mspaintadventures.com and people would pay to plaster the most ridiculous ads or self-promos on there? i think if tumblr did that they'd be rich
57,789 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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87,701 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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botanicalcanopus · 1 month
i've been thinking: what if the near-olive lime blood color we've seen in the ezodiac and GHB's throne room is a fake shade forged by the empire to avoid using the actual shade: the exact same shade of a light cherub, just as the sufferer bears the iron red of a dark cherub
I mean that would be a dope fan comic/MSPA! Lots of political and caste play could be done there, and it would defo be something you could easily find points in the comic/game universes to develop and support it! My only counter to that is that due to the small sample size, we may not see that cherubs have different color possibilities so the colors may not be the best way to relate these things. Though I think theory can defo be used due to keeping the same feared powers that Lime bloods have but with an actual cause (some influence in a way from cherubs). Let me know if you find/make a MSPA like that!
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
i think i crystalized a little bit of my thoughts now that im actually at bros death in the comic. so basically the reason i feel like the lotak shit comes out of nowhere is for these reasons:
"d4ve has to hide away food in his room" is fucking stupid. like blatantly, its just. earlier mspa levels of silly. are you really and truly going to tell me that bro doesnt keep any food in the fridge either? i really think that if it were to be taken seriously it should be like a "going to sign your fucking leave form in crayon" level prank.
the rooftop fights are not really treated as any different from the other guardian strifes. i feel like this is so self explanatory it just wastes my time explaining it to you but aside from there like. being more of them. what is the actual difference between "bro harassing his brother with a puppet in a way that is blatantly meant to be humorous" and "j0hn attacking his dad with a hammer over cake"? what is the difference between "d4ve falling down stairs with a fucking sbahj reference" and "r0se threatening suicide in front of her mom, who is blackout drunk"? what is the difference between "bro slicing d4ves cheap piece of shit in half" and "j4de playing around with her grandfathers corpse/repeatedly shooting her dog in the head"?
bro, after a supposed show of "the requisite daily helping of domestic abuse, wait I mean ninja training" (direct quote from the author commentary) that d4ve experiences... continues to be shown by the narrative as a cool dude who does cool things. cutting the meteor to buy his brother time, repeatedly battling noir, and even teaming up with the alt version of the person he supposedly abused in a cool fight scene. i mean thats just like. not really the behavior i would expect from a character that the author is trying to say is a bad guy
the abuse thing literally isnt mentioned by d4ve prior to the lotak conversation. like literally at all. there are 4,044 pages (and three in universe years/four real life years) between d4ve finding his bros body and d4ve talking to d1rk about bro. not once does he speak of any abuse. and obviously i dont think the guy should be a 100% open book but its like. theres no inkling of this, textually, until the literal second it is happening. from the character who has the second highest word count of any character in the comic. sure ill believe that (sarcasm)
some other misc scruples that dont fit the format of this post:
d4ve is a victim of sexual abuse. this gets like half a mention in the entire (checks notes) 9,158 word conversation that consists of over 1,000 lines
he would not fucking say that. the entire convo is just "he would not, under torture, admit that". especially to a stranger especially especially if that stranger is wearing the face of the guy hes talking about are you fucking serious.
i am almost 100% certain this is the author incorporating edgy fan theories rather than anything he had intentionally planned and it fucking sucks when the fans did it too
i really dont give a shit about d4ves problems on the level where i would like to read a conversation about them that is, again, almost 10,000 fucking words long.
this is at the very end of the comic, after a shit ton of waiting to get to the climatic final battle, and then its more waiting, and not only that, its making me read a bunch of long ass conversations with deliberate filler panels, and the characters are lampshading that theyre waiting
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
My personal theory: The Toblerone winners were plants by Hussie and the other WhatPumpkin writers so they could put whatever self-fellating shit they wanted into official content while having the excuse of "This is what the fans wanted, we had to put this in, please don't be mad at us :(" to respond to the inevitable backlash. At the very least, it would explain why they were so excited about June and trans!Vriska being suggested by the winners.
It would make a bit a sense as they also picked and choose what wishes were allowed to become reality. Like how the MSPA forums turned out to be impossible for them. They probably never considered getting a new forum either since that would take time for Hussie to spend money on a hosting site, coding, and having his WhatPumpkin team to be the mods of the new website. Some are even kept in secret, based on this site that tracks it too.
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