cixra1meow · 1 year
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I began becoming that girl again, the girl who had wildflowers in hair, and madness in her soul, the girl who danced, trembling with emotions. I began becoming that girl again, the girl who sang her soul, longing to drink the wine of life again.....
Jayita Bhattacharjee
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tunaculosis · 5 months
Everyone has their entirely unrealistic white whale tabletop RPG. I'm partially writing this now so I've got a script to work with to make into a tiktok tomorrow. This is my pitch, inspired by improvgm on tiktok. Also shoutouts to StrayHousePet, who is one of the only TRPG creators on tiktok who's also in the FGC--that'll be relevant later.
So the idea is I wanna make a tabletop campaign that feels like a 90s-00s action game franchise, with each game system being a different game in the franchise:
-I'm sorry did you say street magic: Create a city rooted in Fight World martial arts aesthetics. The premise of that one is we're the "game devs" sort of but prolly not directly saying so. Street Magic's another mapmaking game like Quiet Year or Deep Forest but more focused on the location and with a less constrained tone compared to Quiet Year
-Gone To Hell: "The single player game" to tell the story of its first great hero in the form of an arcade beat em up. Inspired by Streets of Rage. Gone To Hell is a diceless, many-GM, one rotating player, game homaging stupid macho action.
-Panic at the Dojo: Arcade brawler sequel where you fight the PC from Gone to Hell as the final boss, playing as a group avenging the villains he beat up. Something about how it was "controversial for the canon ending being the villain team's win." Panic at the Dojo is the wargamiest TRPG to ever exist, with a very cool combat system and very very fast skill check system (or a lack thereof).
-Shirtless on a Rooftop: "Man weird, they made a life sim sequel to these fighting games." Partly inspired by how Shenmue was gonna be a Virtua Fighter spinoff. An actual longer-running campaign set in the world shaped by the last 3 games. Shirtless on a Rooftop is a game kind of like Lancer that sharply divides slice of life vibing/melodrama/downtime and missions/operations with an emphasis on up close street brawling.
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capricioussun · 1 year
Thinking about…underfell papyrus…withpurple magic
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jetsimpersonator · 7 months
Me whenever a non artist says that they 'can't draw' and I start screaming shaking crying going bananas and having to give the whole 'you CAN draw actually' spiel:
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charmixpower · 2 years
Is it possible to have a fairy of the shadow phoenix?
I mean??
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If someone put the power of the shadow phoenix in a baby fairy, much like the dragon flame, they'd just become the fairy of that thing
It's not supposed to happen, and won't happen on it's one, but if Darkar decided he was sick of being the shadow phoenix and wanted to shove it off onto some poor unsuspecting child he could
The only thing that's stopping me from saying yes is the shadow phoenix itself is a sentient entity outside of Darkar that does what it wants, so if the shadow phoenix dips they probably would become the fairy of dark fire or a slight offshoot that isn't the dark Phoenix directly. Like it's not like Bloom where that's just her magic and there's nothing underneath, there'd have to be something underneath because "fairy of the shadow phoenix" as long as the shadow phoenix is sentient and does what it wants, isn't stable
So I guess in my personal headcanons the answer would be, yes, but in the same way the Trix became the witch of the dragon ice/darkness/storms/flame in s1, and it's not very stable
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yaoibattlepass · 1 year
More grown men with office jobs have to get into cute stationary
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trans-mando · 2 years
I can now add the sleep paralysis demon to my list of experiences I guess
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It's a kind of #Magic in February. With #Mal_Norton_Magic and friends. Join us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTEoKEDAZ18&t=120s
#Magic in February. With#Mal_Norton_Magic#Top Secret Mgic TV Worldwide#Mal Norton Magic TV Japan#Magic TV#Chris Summerfield#Millionare#LOVE SummerTime TV Magazine Worldwide YouTube Trending#Youtube
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wildpeachfarm · 10 days
Re merch anon's questions:
I can't remember what the company name is, but the company Technoblade's merch is run though is pretty close. My only complaint is designs are screen print VS whatever black msgic fuckery Dreambranding does, so you have to be more cautious when washing. But foolish could decide to like go with someone else.
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Bought my brother some siper special, had to wait in an online check out que to get them, msgic cards that mysteriasly vanished this week
My husband through the box into the recycling without breaking it down
The cards were sitting outside in a recycling bag waiting for wendsday pick up 😭😭😭
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Back on my pamara bullshit. Pamela is still alive. Pamela has said she wants nothing to do with angels this extends to god and his sister. Amara heals her sight. Pamela in a moment of something decides not to take this. Stabs herself in they eyes or perhaps gouges them out. Amara is facinated by why this woman would not accept this gift and decides to heal her again. She doesn't want to have to do it a third time so she makes sure Pamela can't move (msgic the Darkness™️ powers). Pamela is screaming curses and obscenities. Amara just looks at her.
Also combine this with Rowena being kept working with Amara against her will and having jer magic bound. In peak pathetic Rowena style she tells Pamela to just acceot the situation.
obsessed with the imagery of pamela gouging her own eyes out. also "in peak pathetic rowena style" SCREAM
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theroseempress · 5 months
My friend, how do you do? I was not sure if you had already received this but its better to be safe than sorry.
I am afraid I will be talking for a while, might melt your brain in the process.
Solve these puzzles and you shall know who I am.
Listen to me carefully. And remember these two things
Some of the questions hold the answers in them
Some questions are more literal than you think, follow the words exactly as they say
For this is the first step. Two keys you must find to understand the next step. 
I have two words
They are from the same family
They share the last name with a triangle
They speak in another language
But they do not speak the same language
This is the first word
This word is good friends with a salad
Yet it was assassinated 
You have to jump the number of times it was stabbed
The next is a word is what describes a classical hero
Handsome and strong, both together are the word
Make sure you speak the language of love to tell exactly him that
And make sure to remove the first word of this line while you tell him
What word do you tell him?
Have you gotten it? Have you gotten the answer? Well then this will be easier then. To get past the door you must insert the keys in proper order. And I suggest you use this door to get to the right answer: https://cryptii.com/
Here is what you have unlock: 
Xoi ocl dluit borkkebs? X msgic drm. Zv kiqnm mac hco msgd.
Bmm tv vrmoy hlu.
Cfzbb nudt pbdlcr ydb fml hzm tlhv uiortv vzy qsc gsh awnm yktyeb msxri
Xyfg gd zcm fod zi elng woslauv opmis
Aiaj tjfm lbr lmdrnkd tur, mda uiortvw cfzbb zbs tjobv cbux ebxaji csb
Ikjieebi voey, ari kaizh qzxvgzfqs hhbnn tzbx qcoch nbt csub aii nrbh cvtxbo
Zbs tjfm ‘wxvzg yb gkv tjb’ clkd zcm mrmlbm myv nemis fh  ‘hr jzfsp voi xbf’ waru.
I nqvol mdc X hzrmg fsw G dxmfv. 
R wgiqv ru lemkrsh oij nbxggru, fxkvw vzn qfrb.
Cmfbn R wged fsw vvbmn azdk hzrt nq jywmy.
Yuc tjfm rw zfqm X lbko nr. 
X hzrmg, srg o zyzc cl G zvimb.
Dhvt qt X?
R oj tjb rmk cy xbuo aq oclo fbnwwbsvwd, uc alm,
Sntjrlg cr, ocl'ov fbux fslvoiz 'f,' lmlhzm.
Hrf'xr lwm rmk vaicng o cfzrst,
Bh uxfswabt, dr nrbp-mfrst whzk.
Hbg, sntj tb, bab'bf eb wgdtisdg, wkimv,
Wfwc cmbq nk cfzbb hzvkmn evhnzn, srg aubiplv.
Wtidm fml tidm, xu kvkj jfixnyz vxodrj xyb lvoiz jyzv zywuc yk kilm?
Mvogyxn yztr tmf efv ciq rsoq dywsch dncm myv oiuubo dk iimc.
Osqji qsc Ikvucs elvo mzb xnzhvxfsg nbt csub oc hiong wcib 
Fuogcizfmrai ey fuha nabrogoit uybik nu pbzrbd
Ocl qiaiywsdv soo uxmsabt csb zw nt csub cvcmn rmk dywsc
Wa iyx abzx cfm tfak qyz bfxh kedb xh oi mdnjvx ziizyrbp ydb xm o zyzc
Mskei qob gsh qqhn ga gmyn msgd aqgb, lbr ey feltr mdc msk htjbo zv qeznm tdvzob
Ovcrapbo gheim ftlbp mfu cl bht qcc ga cfm jbriot ca msk zyzc
well this is certainly an interesting thing to wake up to! hey @enne-uni didn't you get this as well?
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A summary of Uther and Gaius in Merlin
Uther: Gaius, you are my most trusted friend. You have saved me countless time. Camelot is thankful for you
Gaius: Thank you sire.
Also Uther when someone frames Gaius for the 100th time: Gaius you have betrayed me. I shall sentence you to death
Gaius: But sir-
Uther: DEATH
Also Uther after Gaius is proven innocent: I am sorry Gaius, I have strayed away from the truth. The truth that you are and will always be my friend and that you will never betray me
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shining-gem34 · 2 months
||I saw Yunli Myraid Celesfia Trailer!
HSR Spoilers
Let me scream how cute she is, and Huaiyan old man!!! Grandpa is so sweet and doting to granddaughter! Also Yunli determination to hunt cursed swords and melt them!
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Suddenly, I'm reminded of Genshin weapons having their own lore/origins including the Isshin weapon we get from Kazuha story quest (and yes relics have their lore too). :000 The stories of their creation, or the place relating to them, and the owners who wielded them before...
Just makes you wonder about how Yunli categorized these "Cursed Swords" since she can apparently hear their "voices" - Are they evil for being parasitic to humans? Eating their energy until they die? Or is there a symbiosis of a weapon and a wielder becoming one in body and soul? I am curious to how Yunli will see both sword and wielder being a perfect match- that there is no need to hunt down the weapon and melt it.
Also interesting to think about Zhuming melting chambers, probably have their own msgic/formula/characteristics, strong enough to melt these "cursed swords" Yunli hunted down.
Still, it leaves the question to what drives Yunli to choose to become a sword hunter? She is talented in both craftsmanship and swordsmanship. I wonder what it is she saw that left a deep impression on her to go down this path.
And sword for the Sword Champion... 👀👀👀 I wonder what kind of sword it is and if it relates to Yingxing/Jingliu.
Also curious!!! I do want Yunli and Grandpa Huaiyan to examine the weapons Yingxing made for the High Cloud Quintent (Cloud Piercer and Starfall Reverie). And potentially Sword Shard, and the state of it.
Dan Heng would like to learn more how to take care of Cloud Piercer. Sure he's already doing the minimum of oiling it up and keeping it sharo after cleaning it. But he sometimes wonder if he can do more.
Anyway, Yunli trailer is very much adorable if not thought-provoking with her strong will in the face of temptations. If Yanqing is like a sparrow who soars through the air, then Yunli feels like a shield- unyielding and willfull. owo
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ghostly-writes-stuff · 3 months
What if Xion visited Prankster's Paradise, and her nose grew from lying while visiting there due to world order msgic?
Ooo interesting idea I like it but a little difficult to write for, so I'll try my best!
Xion in Prankster's Paradise
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Now I'm gonna write for during Days, I couldn't think of another time to write it for lol
During Days, she was sent on a mission by Xemnas, there was a much of heartless to get so she went
As she arrived, she thought the world itself was cute and spent a good minute wondering around.
When she was done she told herself, "I zoned out..." then she felt... weird
She looked in a window and saw that her nose had grown just a bit...
Later, she met Geppetto. A nice old man looking for Pinocchio
He asked her, "Are you looking for Pinocchio too?" And Xion knew she wasn't
"Yes. I am looking for them, " she said, trying to sound confident... then that weird feeling happened again
Geppetto laughed a bit, "Oh dear..." He said. Xion touched her face and felt that her nose has grown
Then she felt... awkward.
"Um... well... you see-"
Then the mission went on as normal
When she got back to the castle, Xion told Roxas and Axel about her experience and they had a good laugh
All and all she was alright with it, took a minute to get used to it
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