#mrs. lovett x reader
opaltrz · 2 months
Dating Headcanons | Mrs. Lovett
♥︎ mrs. lovett
【 what being in a relationship with mrs. lovett would be like... 】
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One day you stumble upon Mrs. Lovett's Pie Shop after hearing all the excitement on the streets of her salivating meat pies. You didn't really care for the savory kind of pies, so when your friends drag you there, you would instead order some tea or beer.
Nellie is immediately drawn to you the moment you walk into her shop, admiring you from afar as you're talking and laughing with your friends, unbeknownst to you. If you do prefer savory over sweet pies, I think she'd try and avoid giving them to you, making excuses that this batch isn't as good or that a couple of her hairs got mixed in to put you off them, even though her other customers completely devour them at the tables surrounding yours.
You'd quickly become a regular there, enjoying the quiet calmness of her shop when there's scarcely any customers yet, coming either in the early morning or the late evening. You'd order a drink or a little something to eat and then stay for an hour or two, appreciating slowly waking up or winding down for the night in the quaint place.
Nellie always checks in with you every once in a while to refill your cup, politely conversing with you for a few minutes. Over time, the two of you get closer, to the point where Nellie lets you stay after shop hours so that you two could continue talking and getting to know each other. You'd help her clean and tidy up around the shop so that she could be finished earlier, then she'd fix you both up fresh cups of tea and you talk into the night.
What really draws Nellie to you is how you listen and give her your attention. You make it clear that you're interested in what she's talking about and that you want to continue talking, even listening intently when she starts to ramble. Nellie is often dismissed by those in her life, so to see you really care to hear what she's saying, she quickly grows feelings for you.
Now Nellie is manipulative and possessive, so she will do anything to make sure that you're her's and her's only.
If she sees someone making romantic advances on you she might ask Sweeney to invite them up for a haircut or shave.... Your admirers just have a tendency to disappear. It's a little strange that the smoke from Mrs. Lovett's Pie Shop gets especially bad whenever someone asks you on a date or flirts with you, but you don't question it. She'd also find different ways to insert herself into your life so that she can get closer to you.
She's not quite subtle about how she's fallen for you either. Nellie will cast longing looks from across the room, sigh wistfully to herself thinking about you, and even make several suggestive comments to drop hints.
Confessions of Love
If she confesses first... - She'd first gift you something like a vase of your favorite flowers, a knitted pair of gloves, or a new necklace. Her eyes go so soft, watching your delight at her gifts then she'd reveal her feelings. Warmth spreads through her chest once you admit you feel the same.
"Always had a fondness for you, I did."
If you confess first... - You'd sit her down one night after shop hours, candlelight flickering on your features as you reach over and take her hands in yours, letting her know how glad you are to have met her, and then you confess. You rub a finger over her knuckles and stare into each other's eyes, in slight elated disbelief that you're both smitten with each other.
You both of course know the risks of being in a relationship with another woman at this time, but you're both so taken by each other that you'll do anything to be together. You have to be secretive. Being unable to be open about your feelings in public frustrates and exhausts both of you, but you work through it together. Most are none the wiser, dismissing it and writing you off as very close friends.
A relationship with Nellie is really sweet. She loves taking care of you, it's one of the most common ways she shows her love for you, making sure that you've eaten or drank enough water.
She's obsessed with you, it's honestly really flattering just how into you she is, flirting and doting on you all the time, but it really can be too much at times. Nellie's so open and honest with her feelings, so you really don't need to have any doubts, but I can see her obsession with you causing the most problems in your relationship.
Dearie/Dearest, love, darling
Going on dates with Nellie are very romantic and relaxed.
All she really needs is you and she's content.
A sweet candlelit dinner or quiet nights just being in each other's company with her knitting as you write letters.
Love languages
Giving Gifts - Nellie will gladly spoil you rotten (she has the money for it with her respectful business), but I think she prefers handmade gifts like knitting clothes for you in the colder seasons, or preparing you your favorite food/meal. She pours love into everything she makes for you, and it's through making things that she can really express her feelings.
Physical Touch - Nellie's very clingy, so prepare for that. She wants to be around you almost constantly—resting her head on your shoulder as you do something, hooking an arm around your waist, kissing the crown of your head, nestling her face into the crook of your neck smelling your hair, sitting on your lap and hugging you. She loves cuddling and being wrapped up in your arms the most, it makes her feel so safe and loved. She also gets weak in the knees when you gently press a hand against her throat or on the small of her back while you kiss her.
Words of Affirmation - She'd definitely want the reassurance that you love and care for her. Nellie's so sure of her feelings for you, she wants to make sure that you care for her as much as she does for you. She'll also praise and compliment you often. If you ask, she'll happily remind of her feelings.
Nellie loves teasing you, just to get a reaction out of you and see how far she can push you. But tease her back, compliment, praise her, or make a suggestive comment that she wasn't expecting and she'll be blushing.
Nellie is definitely very protective over you. If someone gives you a look she's not too fond of or a gross comment, she'll tell them off.
"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around."
She craves and feeds off of your attention so when she sees someone else getting that, she can become quite jealous, even if it is just a friend you're catching up with. She'll let you be, but after she'll latch onto you and ask you to give her attention.
One of Nellie's best qualities is how thoughtful and attentive she is. Nellie remembers all kinds of small details, takes note of your interests, and will always be thinking of you as you go about your day. This can show up in several ways. If you mention your favorite fruit offhandedly, she'll surprise you with a basket full of pastries, treats, and a pie using the fruit you said you liked. If you go window shopping together in the town and your eyes linger on a jewelry box or beautiful ornate quills and stationery, there's a parcel on your porch a couple days later of those exact items. If you live together, Nellie will stop you before you leave and put some items in your bag that you've forgotten, fixing your clothes and pressing a small kiss to your forehead, wishing you a good day. Her way of loving you is knowing you and showing she's thinking of you.
♥︎♥︎♥︎ Nellie is such a sweet and devoted lover. She would give you the moon on a string if she could. Give her your attention, show interest in her, and she's yours. Her affection for you can get a bit overwhelming at times, but make your boundaries clear, she'll be so attentive and respectful, and will do her best to follow them. She is so willing to do anything when it comes to you, and you can do the same for her.
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a/n — i need her. this is also based more on the broadway musical version of her.
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hotpinkboots · 6 months
You should do a fic where reader is like a female version of Sweeney Todd or sm and mrs.lovett is like obsessed with them
~𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 x Fem!Sweeney!Reader~
(Headcanons + Mini-Oneshot(s))
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Note(s): Female Reader, it is mentioned that the Reader likes to sketch, "(L/N)" stands for "Last Name", I occasionally switched between using "Nellie" and "Mrs. Lovett" to keep it fresh, Reader overall has Sweeney's personality and backstory
Warning(s): Dark themes, Cannibalism mentioned, Blood mentioned, Mrs. Lovett is a yandere, Delusional mindset, Unhealthy + Codependent relationship, Manipulation, Mention of being hanged
How long it took to write: 4 hrs, 30 mins
𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 set down a plate in front of you, next to your parchment of which your pencil had been scratching on for the last hour. On the plate sat a piping hot fresh meat pie. She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head, watching you intently, waiting for you to take a bite. You glanced at the pie, remembering how horrific the last one she fed you was. Your eyes flicked up to her briefly, expression unreadable. You then returned to your drawing.
She sighed in exasperation, letting her right arm fall to her side. She nudged the plate forward with her index finger. "C'mon, y'haven't eaten a thing all day. Promise this one's good." Nellie's gaze lingered softly on you as she added, "...Put a lot of love int'it, Ms. (L/N)," she added gently to guilt trip you into taking a bite.
You decided to humor her, praying that this one wouldn't do anything too terribly awful to your gag reflexes. Her stare made you uncomfortable as you took a reluctant bite. Lucky for you, this one was decent- delicious, even. You paused your chewing, taking another hesitant look at her. Did she just feed you one of the victims? You had no desire to try human for yourself. Mrs. Lovett quickly shook her head no. "Chicken. It's chicken, I swear it," she promised.
You thought it over momentarily, muttering a "Thank you", then taking another bite. Mrs. Lovett smiled proudly, giving your shoulder a pat. "O'course, love." You had expected her to leave your personal space, but rather, she lingered. She continued to hover beside you like some sort of maid awaiting a command. One more glance from you gave her the hint to leave. She took a hesitant step backwards, murmuring an awkward, "Oh- right." Nellie walked away, throwing one more secret look at you from over her shoulder.
She began to wipe down the counter, cleaning off imaginary crumbs as an excuse to keep an eye on you. She occasionally looked to see your reaction to the pie, you seemed to be enjoying it. Nellie certainly knew the way to a man's heart was through his stomach-...well. She hoped it worked for ladies, too. Mrs. Lovett looked down, pretending to focus on cleaning up the kitchen. She hummed as she worked, all while contemplating her future with you.
The business was running smoothly, and she was worn out by the end of each day from running to the cellar, collecting and chopping the "meat", baking, taking orders, serving, etc. She certainly had her work cut out for her. It would all be worth it, she knew, for one day, she'd live a cozy life with you. Perhaps not like she was imagining, but you and she could get by. The money was certainly piling in with the customers that came every day. Soon, she could finally live comfortably. But she couldn't live comfortably without you. She wished you'd open up eventually.
~Mrs. Lovett is so in love with you that it's disgusting. If she were given the chance to inject your blood into her veins just to feel you closer, to know a part of you is pumping through her to keep her alive, she would. But this wouldn't be enough- she wants to be part of you, as well. If she gained the bravery to do so, she would cut her own hand open to allow her blood to drip into your next meal, watch you eat it, and be satisfied that a part of her was inside of you, connecting you to her by blood.
~Of course, this is all wishful thinking. Mrs. Lovett tries to be somewhat normal with you, while still making it very obvious that she's in love with you. In public, she casts glances at you from the corner of her eye and makes a point of standing close enough to you that people grow suspicious that you may be a couple. She always makes something for you to eat, taking an extra long time on it so it's perfect (note that she can, in fact, cook delicious meals, she was only unable to before because there wasn't money for high-quality ingredients). She checks on you so often that it becomes a chore for you to tell her "I'm fine" multiple times a day, etc.
~Nellie sees herself as being the only person who can tame you. She thinks she needs to gently coax you into opening up to her. She finds ways to manipulate you into thinking that the world is cruel and she's the only warmth you'll find in it. Nellie believes she's the best option for you, and you're the best option for her. You were born for each other, your hearts beat in sync every second of every day, she's sure of it. Mrs. Lovett sings about you, sometimes purposely around you to show off her voice, and so you know that you're the only person on her mind.
~She'll eventually grow very lonely and desperate for you if you deny her for a long period of time. Nellie gets rather touchy-feely with her affection, brushing her hand against yours, kissing your shoulder when she walks by, fixing your hair far more than needed, and giving you a few pet names.
~But, Mrs. Lovett isn't always so lovey and adoring. She's refreshingly cheeky and exasperated. She once pretended to be inconvenienced when she spotted a cut on your hand from your barber shears. She patched you up and scolded you to be more careful, while you sat and humored her, knowing full well you could do it yourself. Nellie is very happy to be taking care of you, even if it's just the smallest opportunity to do so, and even if she plays hard to get about it.
~Somehow, her clingy behavior, the way she looks at you so deeply, and how she's always insisting on planning for the future with you, begins to get into your head and heart. She's such a unique lady, you've really never met anybody like her. Nellie always looks so perfectly disheveled, you've started taking a liking to her messy hair and her cheeky remarks from across the room to fill the silence. She's a quick-witted lady, any suspicions from a customer would result in an easy cover-up explanation from Mrs. Lovett. She works quickly and efficiently in her shop, trotting about to get the work done. All of her strange little personality quirks became home to you. Nellie infuriated you in more ways than one, and really, you wouldn't have it any other way.
~By this point, you and Mrs. Lovett are completely codependent on each other. You couldn't imagine a life without her. This was all her idea, anyway, where would you be without her? Poor and alone, that's where, perhaps even back in prison. The same goes for Mrs. Lovett. She'd continue to be alone in her empty shop without you. She most likely would've gone mad (although, she's gone quite mad already) with her lonesome life.
~Nellie couldn't be more satisfied with the way everything turned out. The business was flourishing, the money was coming in, and she had the love of her life by her side.
𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 had quite a tiring day. She was busier these days than she had ever been- she was grateful for the customers, but she was undeniably exhausted. Going up and down the steps of the cellar had done a number on her knees, she had been in such a hurry that she'd burned herself on the furnace a few times, and to top it all off, one of the customers had been infuriating. When she finally had time to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea, she'd fallen asleep.
You quietly went down the stairs to the first floor of the building, Nellie's pie shop. You spotted her lounging back on the chaise lounge, the dying fire crackling softly, her tea cold without even a sip of it gone. You reckoned she must've been exhausted, doing most of the work, while you simply stayed upstairs slitting throats and sending them down the chute. You had the easy part of the job, you realized, as you made your way with silent steps over to where she lay.
Nellie felt you coming toward her even in her sleep. She turned her head in your direction and muttered something incomprehensible at you. You didn't respond verbally, but you gained the courage to lean down and give an affectionate peck to the top of her head, your breath gently ruffling her unkempt hair. Mrs. Lovett immediately opened her eyes and looked up at you. She scoffed when she saw that you were walking away. "Y'can't just kiss me an'walk away. Come back, love," she called after you, her voice sounding raspy as she had just woken up.
Mrs. Lovett sat up to make room for you, while you hesitated before walking back to sit by her. She rested her chin on your shoulder, looking up at you with rich dark brown eyes. "Ms. (L/N)," She murmured tenderly, waiting expectantly for you to kiss her lips. "Don't be shy," Nellie added playfully, hoping that you would follow through.
All of her dreams suddenly came true when you cupped her cheek tenderly. She wanted to rush it and kiss you already, after all, she'd been waiting months for this, but she knew it would make the moment far less special if she gave you a hurried kiss. Nellie's eyes fluttered shut, as did yours. You felt her tender lips against yours moments later, your body melting into her like soft butter on warm toast. Neither of you had kissed anybody in years. This felt like a first kiss for both of you, full of adoration and pure unadulterated devotion.
Just as yours had, her body melted, as well, in relief. She was finally kissing you, after so long of daydreaming about it. Nellie softly ran her fingers down your jawline, her other hand busy tracing the back of your soft neck. You could feel her smile against your lips. Once the kiss was broken, she looked up at you sweetly. You caressed her cheek with your knuckles, causing her to lean into your hand as though she had never been touched so gently in her life.
You and Nellie had an unspoken agreement that night. You'd stay together forever, until death do you part- whether from natural causes, or from the noose you'd hang by should society ever find out the secret ingredient in Mrs. Lovett's meat pies.
Request Guidelines!
~Love, PinkBoots
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brideofedwardhyde · 9 months
Josh Groban!Sweeney Todd: Fifteen years sweating in a living hell on a trumped up charge. Fifteen years dreaming that, perhaps, I might come home to a loving wife and child.
Me: Sir, do you not understand most of the people watching this would open their heart and their legs for you and give you another family?
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kaitavery · 3 months
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Imagine Mrs Lovett being obsessed with you instead of Sweeney
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lqveharrington · 8 months
Silver Roses & Fallen Snow
5: The Winner’s Guilt (Series Masterlist)
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summary: Your father makes another deal, and Coriolanus Snow wins the 10th Annual Hunger Games, but Dean Highbottom won’t let him feel too good about it… Especially when he knows his weakness.
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
includes: reader’s dad being a dick, major fluff at the beginning, allusions to sex, kissing, death, mentions of murder, yelling/screaming, mentions of cheating, mentions of heartbreak, italics are flashbacks, bold italics are Coriolanus’ thoughts
word count: 4.4k+
a/n: oopsies, sorry for the long wait 😔 ALSO THIS STORY IS NOT OVER YET, DONT WORRY
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Waking up and hearing your father’s nonsense about the Hunger Games was not the best way to start your morning as a mentor. Especially when your tribute had just survived the blood bath by the skin of her teeth and an ally. You really did not want to stay home any longer, but your father insisted that you stay and listen to his thoughts about the games, asking about your own thoughts and strategies on how you were going to get the young twelve-year-old to win.
“Mhm.” You nod mindlessly, poking your food in boredom. You were grateful for the food made by your wonderful staff, but your father was just ruining it.
“Be glad your sickly tribute had an alliance with the other District Eleven tribute. She would have been dead otherwise.”
You hum again, sipping from the tea this time. It took at least ten minutes before he switched the topic, something that made you want to listen to his speech about the Hunger Games instead.
“How are you and that young Snow doing?”
The question was out of the blue, which meant it was attached to something much worse afterward.
“We’re doing as fine as it always is.” You meet his eyes, the weight of your rose charm suddenly becoming prominent. “Why?”
“Can’t I take interest in my daughter’s relationship with a boy who isn’t worth anything?” Your father raised his brow, an entitled chuckle following. You glare at him, gaining his attention back. “You know his songbird won’t win. She barely escaped. And she’s friends with the other tribute who got bitten in the neck. They won’t make it out even if they tried. Plus, I know he would do anything to win, even if it means breaking a few rules—”
You shake your head, “Is this going anywhere? Or are we going to keep talking about the games?”
“Ah, you take after your mother.” He smiles at the memory before switching back to his authoritative tone. “I was speaking with Porcius Creed about his eldest son—”
“---And if all else fails with young Mr. Snow, he would be delighted to have his son wed you.” He finishes, looking at your expression with amusement. “What?”
“I hate you.” You seeth and push away from the dining table, taking your coat and leaving the Lovett Manor.
Your father had been talking about setting you up with another one of your peers after the games. You didn’t expect him to already arrange something without knowing if Coriolanus was going to win or not. Sure, his chances were slim, but you had the hope that he would win, even if that meant your tribute couldn’t. And it was hell knowing that if he lost you were stuck with Festus for the rest of your life. He wasn’t as bad as the other prospects your father had brought up, but there were others more worthy of you than Festus.
Including Coriolanus Snow.
There were several times when you knew you wanted to marry Coriolanus. You could be separated from him for months and still want to marry him. It was something you believed that would never change.
Lovett Manor was filled with the most prestigious families of the Capitol. Your father had invited almost everyone he was business partners with and those in control of the government. He had left little invitations for you to give out as the majority of them were already well acquainted with you through the Academy. Luckily, you were able to sneak an invite to the Snows, having the power to veto your father’s own opinions.
After all, it was your eighteenth birthday.
However, you had zero say in how your party was supposed to go. Your father had planned everything and hired the best staff to make the house and ballroom presentable for your birthday. All you did was watch from the living room and pick out a dress from the dozens your stylist brought in.
And with all the families present in the grand ballroom, you thought it would be best to sneak away while the party was still hot and heavy, taking quick steps up to your room.
Entering your room, you swung open the balcony doors to reveal the vast garden looming over the backyard. You could still hear the muffled songs playing from the ballroom from below as you leaned against your balcony’s concrete railings.
It felt like only a few minutes before someone came knocking on your door, making you release a heavy sigh.
“Yes?” You ask, body still facing away from your room.
“I haven’t seen you all night, beautiful.” Coriolanus entered, watching your eyes light up as you whipped around.
You smiled and let him pull you into an embrace, wrapping your arms around his torso. You tilt your head up, meeting his eyes. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He held you by the hand and twirled you around, admiring your figure. “You look stunning.”
Truth be told, the dress and makeup were truly beautiful. You wore an off-shoulder, silk red gown that cascaded down to the ground, with ruby earrings dangling and shining from the moonlight. Your lips were painted a daring red, matching your complexion beautifully. Not to mention the necklace hanging around your neck, which was Coriolanus’ favorite jewelry you’ve ever owned. But really, he loved the way you looked all the time.
“You look so beautiful.” He breathed almost intimately, his blue eyes now focusing on yours.
You continued to smile brightly, taking note of his matching outfit. You wondered how much Tigris had to spend just so he could look proper at your party. The thought gnawed in your mind for a bit before you snapped back, coming up with a quick compliment to cover your silence. “You look quite handsome yourself.”
A new song started up in the ballroom. A slower song preferably for the couples and single men your father wanted you to dance with. Coriolanus tilts his head at the music, a playful glint in his eyes as you raise a brow in curiosity.
Coriolanus formally extends his hand out to you, “Would you like to dance, beautiful?”
You shake your head with a small smile, placing your hand on top of his. “Of course, Coryo.”
He kisses the top of your hand and pulls you into a graceful waltz. One hand was placed delicately on your waist while the other held your hand that wasn’t holding onto his shoulder. He guided you effortlessly across your balcony, matching the song’s pace. You two spoke about your day and brought up memories from the past. It was refreshing to talk to someone you genuinely wanted to talk to.
“Thank you for the flowers.” You mention, remembering the orchids that were sent up to your room earlier while you were getting ready, Coriolanus’ handwriting scrawled on a piece of paper attached to it. “I love them.”
“I have another gift, but that won’t come until later.” He winked as he spun you around, watching your face flush red as he caught you.
“I hate you.” You bite back a smile, your heart wanting nothing more than to kiss and marry the man in front of you. You promised yourself you could never actually hate him. You knew there would never be a chance where you could have the strongest emotion to hate him.
He let a small smirk slip through, “You love me.”
“Yeah, I do.” You reply with the softest voice.
Coriolanus dipped you as the song came to an end, holding onto you tightly. “Happy birthday, my love.”
You smiled widely at him, knowing that he was the only one who completely swept you off your feet.
He pressed a loving kiss to your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. It seemed like fireworks went off in your stomach as the actual fireworks went off in the night sky, signifying the end of your birthday party.
“And Happy Anniversary,” Coriolanus spoke when he parted your lips briefly, gazing into your eyes filled with adoration.
By the time you snapped out of your memories, you arrived at the Capitol’s Citadel. You were unaware of how long you were disassociated with the world around you until the horns honking behind you grew more aggressive and loud. As you left the car and entered the impending building, whispers were going around of another tribute’s death. Many suspected it was another one of Coral’s, but you knew the truth and didn’t dare say a word about it.
Soon enough, Lucretius Flickerman announced the death of the tribute.
“Wakey wakey, my Capitol friends! I’m Lucky Flickerman and welcome to day number two of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games.” He introduces himself to the camera once more. “Now while most of you were getting your beauty sleep last night, something scintillating occurred. Bobbin, from District Eight, slaughtered.”
The screen flashed to the boy’s frozen body, the buzzer indicating the official death.
You bit the inside of your cheek, resting your hands on the back of your seat. You glanced around the huge room, looking for a particular blond when Lysistrata and Festus came over to where you stood, supposedly finding someone new to rope into their conversation about the fallen tribute.
“We have a question for you.” Festus clasped his hands together and pointed toward you. You blinked for a second, hoping that he wasn’t going to bring up anything your father recently told you. “Why do you think they wouldn’t show us the death of the young boy?”
You shrug and slip into the mask of a Capitol student with no care after realizing Festus didn’t know what his own father roped him into. “Maybe they lost the footage.”
“How can they? They were live all night.” Lysistrata furrowed her brows, glancing up at the screen. “Something is off.”
“Maybe they’re building suspense, Lyssie.” You silently thank whoever was in charge of the program for changing the camera feed. “Who knows what could have happened. Maybe the death was just too brutal.”
Festus shook his head like your thought wasn’t something practical. “Obviously it was one of Coral’s. Everyone else we’ve talked to said that no one else has moved throughout the night except her and the rest of her pack.”
You zoned out from their conversation as they started to argue more about the young boy, picking at your nails. The sounds around you meshed into one while the Citadel filled with Academy and University students, along with families of the remaining mentors. With your distracted self, you hadn’t realized Coriolanus arrived and was well aware of your disassociation.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Coriolanus slipped an arm around your waist as he left a quick kiss on your cheek. He quickly noticed you being absent-minded, rubbing soft circles in your waist. “What’s wrong?”
You hummed, taking his hand and lacing them together. “A lot of stuff.”
“You can’t be vague.” He clicks his tongue and lets you mess with his fingers. “What happened?”
You tilt your head up and peck his lips. “I love you a lot, you know that, right?”
“I do.” He murmurs, looking between your eyes. “I love you more than you realize… What did your father say to you?”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at the mention of your father, cursing your boyfriend’s quick judgment. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Fine.” He gave you another quick kiss, unbuttoning his blazer. “What are they talking about?” He titled his head to the duo to your right.
“Tribute’s death.” You loop a finger around your necklace for a bit and then move your hand over to Coriolanus’ left shoulder, gently massaging as he tenses. “Are you feeling any better?”
He shrugs, “Hoping for everything to end today.”
You give his shoulder one last squeeze, “You better sit down. Flickerman looks like he’s gonna murder Festus for standing around.”
“I’ll talk to you later.” Coriolanus removed his arm from you and placed a brief kiss on your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You reciprocate.
Truly, you found it strange that Coriolanus became more attentive and doting toward you recently. But who were you to complain about your boyfriend’s sudden increase in affection?
You took your seat as the screen flashed to Jessup and Lucy Gray down in the same spot from last time. You weren’t interested too badly until the male tribute moved to attack Lucy Gray. You weren’t expecting it, nor did everyone else watching as gasps emerged from the stands. Everyone was fixated on the screen as the camera switched to the main part of the arena, capturing the chase.
“Jessup, going for Lucy Gray.” Flickerman commentates, more gasps and murmurs coming from the stands inside the Citadel.
You shifted your gaze over to your right, watching Coriolanus converse with Lysistrata. You knew he was trying to talk his way into getting his tribute to survive, but you were silently hoping Jessup took out Lucy Gray. You weren’t one to wish death upon someone, but the little memory locked in a chest started to break open the more you thought about your father’s words. However, you knew Jessup was done for the second you caught Lysistrata giving in to Coriolanus’ efforts.
She sent a drone out with water, the glass smashing against the tribute’s chest which sent panic to course through his body. Everyone watched as he tried to balance, but he fell over the concrete ledge and promptly died, the buzzer indicating the time of death. You watched as your peer walked out of the room with a broken face, avoiding the eyes of her classmates.
Your eyes flickered back to the screen as you heard the crowd’s murmur increase in volume. Lucy Gray was surrounded by Coral and her group and it felt like she had lost the game as more donations started to roll in for the other tributes. There were positives and negatives to Lucy Gray’s life in the games. If Lucy Gray died now, you would be stuck with Festus. If she survived and won, you were sure you would be stuck with seeing red everywhere, even if you had Coriolanus to yourself.
And as if he heard your thoughts, Festus looked over at you and then to Coriolanus, watching both of your faces to find any change emotionally.
“Oh, look at this! The pack doing what they do best, packing it in!” Flickerman switches his gaze over to the mentors as he hears a computer switching keys. “Mr. Snow going for his community packages.”
You reach up for your necklace’s charm, watching as the horrid drones come pouring into the arena and smashing into the tributes. You were thankful that Dill was safe and away from the chaos that happened within a span of just a few minutes. If anything, you would rather have Dill stay hidden for the rest of the games and let everyone else fight for their lives.
“Hey! You can’t attack the tributes.” Vipsania stood from her seat, all heads turning toward her and then to Coriolanus.
“I’m just sending water.” Coriolanus shrugs, looking at you for a split second in amusement.
Honestly, you were on the verge of letting a small laugh out at his response. Of course, he used the drones to attack the tributes, but what they don’t know can’t hurt them, right?
Instead of looking back at the screen like the rest of your classmates did, you let your eyes train on Coriolanus. He was just so immersed in the live feed and you couldn’t help yourself. His tongue would slightly poke out and his eyebrows would furrow every couple seconds. It would have been cute if you weren’t mentoring the Hunger Games or if there wasn’t a buzzer just now.
When you said you were going to study with Coriolanus, you weren’t thinking that you were going to study for the next four hours after class ended. You studied for about thirty solid minutes before you started to lose focus.
You shifted your attention from the Latin textbook in your lap to the blond next to you. You smiled at the sight. He was focused on reading a passage in Latin that he didn’t realize his tongue was poking out with the scrunch of his nose and brows.
“Coryo.” You shifted from your spot on his bed, sitting up as he hummed. “Do you know you look like an angry kitten when you read?”
“Pardon?” He looked up at you, watching your eyes shine in delight.
“Well, you make a face that looks like an angry kitten whenever you focus on something…” You hide your face behind his shoulder, suppressing a short laugh. “Never mind.”
Coriolanus swore his heart skipped a beat at your laughter, falling deeper and deeper in love with you each day. “Beautiful, I won’t be compared to an angry kitten outside of this conversation.”
“Fine.” You bite back a smile as you peer up at him from your spot. “But I’ll be thinking about it whenever I see you do it. It’s cute.”
He felt the tips of his ear warm at your words, “It’s not cute.”
“It is.” You peck his cheek. “It so is. I’ll take a picture of it one day and print it for you.”
“Again, falling. Ending a tribute’s game.”
Your attention shifted back to the screen as Lucy Gray ran up into the fallen stands and into the air ducts. The second she locked herself in there, another buzzer went off moments later.
Coral killed one from her pack. Despite having an alliance together, she had zero hesitation to turn against someone to prove her worth and not let anyone get in her way.
“Seven tributes remain. Merciless Mizzen, cunning Coral, treacherous Treech. Dill, Reaper, of course, and the little ones. Little Wovey and Lucy Gray.”
You blew a small breath out, watching as Coral and her pack left to get Wovey. You felt bad for the poor girl, but you would rather have them after anyone else who wasn’t your own tribute. You shut your eyes for a moment, but you could sense something bad was about to happen with all the silence filling the room.
“And who do we have here? Ah, it’s ill Dill. Tuberculosis on legs.”
Your eyes immediately shoot open as you hear your tribute’s name being called. You wish she could have at least waited for Reaper to go with her out in the arena. She had no weapon, and it wasn’t practical to be in the Hunger Games without a weapon. You were just praying that no one would see her, hoping that she could get the water and go.
She looked around the arena before taking a sip from the water left by the pack. Dill placed it back down and coughed a fit, something that confused you. She was coughing a lot more than the other day. You creased your brows as she moved to lay down on the ground, continually coughing. You swore she was better before she entered the arena. And if she wasn’t, you gave her medicine to take during the games.
Coriolanus dropped his gaze down from the screen and glanced over to you, knowing the truth of what happened to the girl. He knew that your tribute already lost the games by drinking the water.
You watched as Reaper came running across the screen, shaking her awake before dread spread through your body as he flipped her over. He screamed, looking around the arena.
“No no no no no no.” You mumble, eyes glazed over. “How did that even—? No no no no no—“
The buzzer went off. Officially indicating the death of your tribute. You bit your tongue and left, not daring to look back at the screen where your tribute lay dead or meet your lover’s eyes which were burning into you.
You stepped out of the room and leaned against the wall, holding back sobs for the young girl. You promised yourself you would get Dill out, and you couldn’t even keep it. Mentoring the games increased your hatred for them, but the deaths of each tribute shot the hatred far past the point of return. You wiped stray tears that managed to get away from you, the tears darkening your red Academy uniform. You were about to head back to Lovett Manor when you heard someone clearing their throat beside you, making you freeze your movements. You saw Dean Highbottom waiting for you with what seemed like a videotape in his hand labeled: NIGHT 3, CAPITOL ZOO.
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Fireworks went off in the early evening as Coriolanus entered one of the most important Capitol buildings. He was instructed that his tribute was waiting for him inside, but he still wanted to find you. You were not present when he won the Hunger Games and no one knew where you went.
Until now.
“Lucy Gray?” Coriolanus called out in the monumental room, the peacekeepers escorting him waiting by the front. “Lucy Gray?” He called one more time, voice echoing.
He slowly spun around looking at the table in front of him, the color draining from his face as he saw his father’s handkerchief and his mother’s compact. Albeit confused as to why a television was placed amongst them.
“Coriolanus.” Your own voice reverberated around the room, entering the room with your own pair of peacekeepers.
“Beautiful,” He loosened his tense shoulders, smiling at your presence. “Where were you? I—“
“I heard you won.” You frown, walking over to him. “Congratulations.”
He creased his brows at the way you carried yourself. It was different. “What’s wrong—“
“You cheated, Coriolanus.” You glance at the items laid across the table, tapping the videotape the dean gave you against your palm. “You know that’s against the rules.”
“Yes, but—“ Then he cut himself off as he noticed your puffy, bloodshot eyes. He knew were crying for a while if they had gotten to that state.
“You cheated.” You said again. This time, your voice trembled at the thought. “Was I ever going to know?”
Coriolanus kept quiet, waiting for you to continue. There was no way you knew about it… Right?
“Coriolanus, when?” You quickly wipe a falling tear, keeping your composure up.
“Never.” He spoke as he reached out to you. “But it was all for you! I don’t—“
You pull away from his touch, shoving the tape down onto the table. “Play the tape, Coriolanus.”
He sighed, taking the recording and putting it inside the slot, the television coming to life.
The video that was played was a recording from the Capitol Zoo. And according to the timestamp at the top, yesterday.
You couldn’t watch the screen even if you tried. You knew that if you did, there was no coming back from breaking down and sobbing for what seemed like the nth time today.
“Beautiful…” Coriolanus runs a hair through his hand, watching the tape. “That kiss with Lucy Gray meant nothing.”
Apparently watching it happen and hearing it coming from your lover’s mouth was entirely different because you snapped the second he mentioned those three words in one sentence.
“You kissed Lucy Gray, Coriolanus!” You yell, tears now free-falling from your face. His eyes widened at your tone, looking between your fiery eyes. “You kissed her so you could win! You manipulated the poor girl! You thought I wouldn’t find out about this? You gave her your mother’s compact filled with poison and it killed my tribute! It’s not—”
You took deep breaths, shutting your eyes as your heart slowly broke with each second passing he said nothing.
“Do you want to know why I was upset earlier, Coriolanus?” You quickly wipe a tear. “Because my father and Festus’ father agreed to let me wed Festus if you didn’t win. You won, but at what cost?”
He wanted to comfort you, but the second he touched you, it was all over. He knew that his touch would be unwelcome.
“You kissed Lucy Gray when you promised I was your top priority.” You disregarded the few tears that continued to pour out of your eyes. “You kissed her when you promised wherever we go, you stayed with me.” You bite your lip, looking down at the floor, almost whispering the next words. “You kissed Lucy Gray when we were together like I meant nothing to you.”
“Were?” Coriolanus questioned your use of the past tense to reference your relationship status. “What do you mean were?”
You flicker your eyes up to his, “As in we were together. Coriolanus, you cheated on me. And no, we can’t just fix this issue this time or forget about it. You could have come up with any other way of getting Lucy Gray to win, but you chose one that could hurt me…” You crease your brows at the inflection of your words. “And it did. You think you did the right thing, but choosing to kiss someone else to be with another is not how this works.”
“I can’t.” You murmur, unclasping the necklace off of you and handing it over to him. “You can’t expect me to stay with you after you cheated on me. After you reassured me that you weren’t acting a certain way with Lucy Gray.”
He paled as the necklace fell into his palm, the weight of the silver burning his hand like the burden it was. “You know I never meant it like that. I wanted to win for you.”
“I know.” You gave him a bitter smile at the thought of your father’s deal, calming yourself from your earlier reactions.
Coriolanus wrapped his fingers around the hot necklace, watching you become more and more distant with him. “You know I love you, right?”
“I know.” You replied as the peacekeepers signaled for you to wrap it up. You let out a shaky breath as one last tear fell from your face, getting ready to leave before Highbottom came.
Coriolanus couldn’t help but wipe it off, causing you to frown at his cold touch. “Please.”
You take a hold of his hand, squeezing it. “Coriolanus… It’s not fair to myself.”
Before you could leave, Coriolanus pulled you into his arms, one hand holding your hip while the other held your back. He kissed the top of your head, “I’m sorry, beautiful.”
You choke back a sob that threatened to escape, bringing your hands to your mouth. You knew you had to leave, but it wasn’t like you could leave his embrace. It gave you comfort even if you didn’t want it from him. And he held you. After everything, you let him hold you tightly.
Everything was wrong. The wrong place at the wrong time. And the only thing that both you and Coriolanus felt as you left him was fallen snow melting on burning silver.
taglist: @peterparkerluvvbot @nathaslosthershit @springholland @psychicpuppyarcade @whodis-26 @coconut-dreamz @cowgirllharry @slytherinholland @lacysversion @perks-of-being-jojo @itzmeme @noodlesketchbook @ohmyzai @upsidedownjill @mizuki80 @unclecrunkle @tiaamberxx @bxtchopolis @starrynightstory @namelesslosers @lugiastark @dangelnleif @aemondsb1tch @witchsbitchestime @ace-spades-1 @ordinarylokix @kookie29 @secretsicanthideanymore @angelscrime @ms-longbeach @rosieleej @alpha-mommy69 @loklaufeysonssgodess @aoi-targaryen @imaginebeingmentallystable @sighsophiia @innercreationflower @cascadingbliss @edb954 @castellandiangelo @lot4ever @nowitsmissing @lookclosernow @bambi-horror @httpfandxms @goobitagoobre @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @captainbabybear @becauseseaotters @mvdhvtterxx (comment to be added)
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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bookloover35 · 10 months
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Sweeney Todd x fem reader-I fell in love with the Devil.
Yns POV.
The devil when I say that I have fallen for the devil then I mean it.  And the devil's name is Sweeney Todd I fell in love as soon as he set foot in my mom's pie shop.  I do not know why I fell for him and I know I should not fall for him.  Mom and I both discovered that he was the old barber who both in the old apartment where we now live.  Benjamin Barker he told us about what happened and my mother told the tragic event about his wife and that Judge Turpin has his daughter.
He was completely overwhelmed and I did my best to help him feel better, and then I discovered that he was very nice.  He is amazingly the very first who has ever been kind to me.  Yes my mother is kind but not all the time she blames me that it is my fault that my father died.  And my mother knew about my feelings for Mr T, but I have no idea how she found out.  And she did not like that I have feelings for him because she also had feelings for him.  She always told me.  (You should let him be Yn he is mine), or (do you really think he can love someone like you.) What does she mean by her he is not an object he is a human being.  My mother's words did not scare me I just fell for him more and more.  But one thing really scared me and that was what I saw a while ago.
( A While Ago).
Mrs Lovett: Yn go up with this cup of Tea for Mr T. I would do it myself but I have so much to do here in the store.  But remember, just give him tea no more.  He is mine.
I said okay to my mother and took the cup with Tea which was in her hand and walked out the door.  When I was out I started going up the stairs to his barber shop.  When I was halfway up the stairs, I heard something strange from his shop.  I started walking faster up the stairs with the thought that Mr T might have cut himself when he sharpened his razors.  When I was up, I slammed the door and saw something that would scar me for life.
There stood Mr T and had just cut off the throt of his customer.  Why I dropped the cup for fear I could hear them crushed below for my feet.  Then I saw that Mr T was looking at me he had not seen me before he had heard the cup crushed.
Sweeney Todd: YN!!!!!!
Yn: Wh_ What have you done.
Blood blood all over him and on the floor, I looked at the dead man and then at him.  He started walking towards me.
Yn: No stay away from me.
I quickly turned around and started running down the stairs I could hear Mr T shouting my name but I just kept running.  I refused to stop think if I did not have time to be fast enough think if he got hold of me he would kill me too.  I ran into the store completely exhausted and sat down in one of the chairs.  My mother looked at me as if I had seen a ghost.  I wish I had seen a ghost instead of that.
Mrs Lovett:What's with you?  you look like you've seen a ghost.  It went well to give Mr T his tea.
Before I could say anything, Mr T came into the store.  I felt my heart literally settle in my throat he looked at me and smiled then he looked at my mother and stopped smiling but my mother smiled big at him and said.
Mrs Lovett: Ah Mr T Did you get Teat off Yn?
Sweeney Todd:Yes, I got it, thank you so much Yn for coming up with it for me.
He looked at me while his told my mother I smiled back at him so my mother would not suspect anything.Even though what I saw really scared me and that he scared me, I could not help but blush.  I have fallen for the devil, and why did he lie that I had given him the Tea.  I dropped the cup and why had my mother not heard it, she must have been in the basement.
Yn: Your welcome
He smiled back at me again and I smiled back oh he must be so heavenly beautiful.  Stop Yn you just saw him MURDER a man.  Our eyes were interrupted by my mother saying my name.
Mrs Lovett: Yn Sweetheart can you go and buy us a bottle of Tonic?
Yn: What um yes I can do that I thought of actually walking past the library.
Mrs Lovett: Okay how good I'm just going to get my wallet.
She started walking towards her room and left me and Mr T themselves in the store I did not want to be alone with him.  I turned to him and saw that he was already looking at me and started walking towards me.  I quickly got up from the chair and started to back away from him I should have looked behind me because then I might have had time to discover that I have a wall behind me.  I closed my eyes and waited for death to come.  But instead I felt one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek and I opened my eyes.  Mr T looked at me with a loving look and sad, not angry or murderous.
Sweeney Todd: You do not have to be afraid of me my angel.  I could NEVER hurt you.
I was about to answer him but he leaned forward and kissed me then he whispered to me.
Sweeney Todd: We can talk later tonight.
He said to me and kissed me again and I do not know what flew inside me but I kissed him back and I felt how he removed his hand from my cheek and took both his hands and put them on my ass and squeezed and I opened  my mouth in shock and then he took the chance and stuck his tongue in my mouth.  Our tongues started fighting with each other and I felt how he squeezed my ass again, then he did something I was not prepared for I moaned into the kiss.  He smiled into the kiss that devil.
He quickly withdrew when we heard my mother.  What happened right now I really do not hope she saw that, I felt a strange feeling between my legs.  My mother came into the store and gave me the purse and told me not to come home late.  I promised I would not be away for too long and then I said goodbye to them both and when I walked a bit I saw that Mr T looked at me through the window and waved to me I waved back then I continued to walk.  What am I doing?
The end.
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alilixx · 1 year
fanfic characters x reader
I would also write fanfics about the actors (they are mostly the ones playing the characters on the list)
Here is my list:
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape:
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Barty Crouch Jr.
Bellatrix Lestrange
Lucius Malfoy
Character I'm not sure I do:
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Tom Riddle 
Regulus Black
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Fantastic Beasts:
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald
Minerva McGonagall
Lord Percival Graves
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Hogwarts Legacy:
Phineas Nigellus Black
Sebastian Sallow
Aesop Sharp
Mirabel Garlick
Ominis Gaunt
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Grand Theft Auto:
Michael De Santa
Trevor Philips
Franklin Clinton
Niko Bellic
Steve Haines
Lester Crest
Agent 14
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Kakashi Hatake
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Minato Namikaze
Tobirama Senju
Senju Hashirama
Inuzuka Hana
Mitarashi Anko
Kushina Uzumaki
Kiba Inuzuka
Uchiha Shisui
Yujito Nii
Ôtsutsuki Indra
Ôtsutsuki Asura
Uchiha Obito
Mei Temurî
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Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Boruto Uzumaki
Konoha-Maru Sarutobi
Sakura Haruno
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The Devil Wears Prada:
Miranda Priestly
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Jujutsu Kaisen:
Yuji Itadori
Utahime Iori
Masamichi Yaga
Inumaki Toge
Okkotsu Yûta
Sheko Ieiri
Yuki Tsukumo
Toji Fushiguro
Gong Shi Woo
Atsuya Kusakabe
Ieri Shôko
Zenin Mai
Zenin Maki
Gojo Satoru
Megumi Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Mei Mei
Kento Nanami
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Assassination Classroom:
Tadaomi Karasuma
Irina Jelavic
Koro Sensei (human)
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One piece:
Portgas D.Ace
Don Quijote Doflamingo
Roronoa Zoro
Sanji Vinsmoke
Trafalgar Law
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Agatha Harkness
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Yelena Belova
Loki Laufeyson
Sylvie Laufeydottir
Matt Murdock
May Parker
Scott Lang
Shang Chi
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Xu Wenwu
Marc Spector
Steven Grant
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Larissa Weems
Morticia Addams
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Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker 
Mazikeen Smith
Charlotte Richards
Aurora (Rory) Morningstar
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The Corinthian
Lucifer Morningstar
Johanna Constantine
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Ichigo Kurosaki
Sousuke Aizen
Kuchiki Buyakuya
Coyote Stark
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Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy
Chris Redfield
Ashley Graham
Ethan Winters
Carlos Oliveira
Helena Harper
Rosemary Winters
Alcina Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
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Dr House:
Dr Gregory House
Dr Lisa Cuddy
Dr James Wilson
Dr Alissa Cameron
Dr 13
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Two and a Half Men:
Charlie Harper
Walden Schmidt
Judith Harper
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Emmanuel Macron (French President)
Gabriel Attal (French Prime Minister)
Mathieu Maucort (French  Interministerial Delegate)
Jordan Bardella (European Deputy and French President of the RN)
Volodimir Zelensky (Ukranian President)
Justin Trudeau (Canada Prime Minister)
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Star Wars:
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
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La Casa De Papel:
El Professor
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My Hero Academia:
Shota Aizawa
Nemuri Kayama
Todoroki Shôto
Toga Himiko
Shimura Nana
Chisaki Kai
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Attack on titan:
Hanji Zoe
Levi Ackerman
Annie Leonhart
Mikasa Ackerman
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Pirates of the caribbean:
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
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Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd
Mrs. Lovett
Judge Turpin
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The Witcher:
Geralt Of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
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Arthur Pendragon
Elias de Kelliwic’h
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Spy X Family
Loid Forger
Yor Forger
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Leon Belmont
Trevor Belmont
Richard Belmont
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Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton
Michael Schmidt
Vanessa Shelly
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Satsuriku no Tenshi
Isaac Foster
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Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Tetsurō Kuroo
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Fugou Keiji: Balance:UNLIMITED
Daisuke Kambe
Haru Katou
Ryo Hosino
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Owari no Seraph
Guren Ichinose
Mikaela Hyakuya
Ferid Bathory
Crowley Eusford
Kureto Hiragi
Shinya Hiragi
Horn Skuld
Chess Belle
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Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
Glenn Radars
Sistine Fibel
Celica Arfonia
Albert Frazer
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Domestic na Kanojo
Hina Tachibana
Rui Tachibana
Masaki Kobayashi
Reiji Kiriya
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My new boss is Goofy
Shirosaki Yusei
Mitsuo Aoyama
Kinjo Aigo
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Buddy Daddies
Kugi Kyûtarô
Suwa Rei
Kurusu Kazuki
Unasaka Misaki
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Other characters
Sakata Gintoki from Gintama
Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones by Gwendoline Christie
Hans Gruber from Die Hard by Alan Rickman
Sinclair Bryant from Close my eyes by Alan Rickman
Miranda Hilmarson from Top of the Lake by Gwendoline Christie
Charlie Harper from My Uncle Charlie by Charlie Sheen
Isaac Foster from Angels of Deaths
Link from The Legend Of Zelda
Cereza from Bayonetta
Leonora Lesso from School for Good and Evil by Charlize Theron
Elaine Markinson from Gringo by Charlize Theron
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal by Mads Mikkelson
Miss Perergrine from Miss Peregrine’s Home for Particular Children by Eva Green
Joel Miller from The Last Of Us by Pedro Pascal
Mr.Cat from Kaeloo
Marc from Le Flambeau by Jonathan Cohen
John Wick from John Wick’s movies by Keanu Reeves
Joe Goldberg from You by Penn Badgley
Crowley from Good Omens by David Tennant
Max Black from 2 Broke girls by Kat Dennings
Tobias from Ghost
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derelictlovefool · 1 month
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | Motor Crush | The Arcana
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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thegettingbyp2 · 10 months
Just say your last post about writing for Tveit Sweeny! I'd love for either Tveit sweeny x Mrs lovett reader. Or Tveit sweeny x Ensemble /first cover Johanna reader! I cannot wait for the clips of Aaron as sweeny and more photos!
Oh, Mr Todd, I'm So Happy
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‘Take five, go get a drink and then we’ll try again,’ you director called out across the rehearsal room. Trying to dampen down your giggles, you quickly rushed across the room to grab your water bottle from your bag. You and your best friend, Aaron Tveit, had been cast as the new Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett on Broadway, and whilst it was incredible being able to work with your best friend, it also caused a lot of distractions.
You’d been trying to rehearse the By the Sea number for about two hours now and you still hadn’t gotten past the first few lines. You knew the song like the back of your hand and you knew that you could sing it, but trying to keep a straight face when you turned to face Aaron for the first time in the number was proving to be an impossible task.
Whilst the song was happy for your character, Aaron had to keep a straight face for the entire number, something that he was surprisingly really good at. However, every time you turned to face him, you couldn’t help but erupt into giggles when you saw him.
‘You know you’re an actress, you should be able to just switch it off you know,’ Aaron said teasingly as he came up behind you to get his own water bottle.
‘Well, I’m sorry if my scene partner just has one of those faces you can’t help but laugh at,’ you replied sarcastically, grinning as you spun around to face him. ‘I don’t get it! I’ve been fine in every other scene that we’ve rehearsed so far but there’s something about this song that I can’t help but laugh!’
‘Maybe it’s because you’re just so excited to finally be in a show with your best friend,’ he said, grinning widely at you.
‘No, I don’t think that’s it, because at the moment, I think I might kill him before opening night.’
‘I think you’ll find I’m the one with the knife in this show.’
The two of you burst into fits of laughter again as you put your water bottles back and made your way back over to the “stage”, getting back in your positions, ready to start the number from the top as soon as everyone else was ready. ‘This time, we’re going to get through it, okay? There’s going to be no laughing, nothing, it’s going to be a perfect run of the song, you hear me?’ you said abruptly, turning to Aaron, determination written clearly on your features.
‘Yes, ma’am,’ he replied, mock saluting you, amusement colouring his tone as he spoke.
‘Right,’ your director said as he wandered back over, ‘are we ready to get this done? And then we can move onto Anthony and Joanna’s scene so you two can have a break, sound good?’
‘Sounds great!’ you and Aaron replied at the same time, the both of you trying to hold your laughter in.
The music started back up and you both settled back into your characters. As soon as you started singing, you threw yourself into the song and it took everything in your power not to laugh at Aaron, silently pleased when you got past the bit that had been holding you up all day.
You’d almost finished the song when you leant in to peck Aaron’s cheek; that was when he absolutely lost it. Falling onto his back, clutching his stomach, he dissolved into fits of giggles that had everything in the room coming to a halt.
‘Aaron! We almost had it!’ you exclaimed as you started laughing alongside him.
‘I know, I’m sorry! You started this!’ he replied in between laughs.
You heard your director sigh before speaking. ‘Right, let’s move onto a different scene for now and we’ll come back to this one tomorrow.’
‘We’ll be better tomorrow,’ you said from your spot next to Aaron on the floor.
‘Yeah, we promise!’
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
If you spam my inbox with Nadja, Bellatrix, Magenta, Emily, or Mrs. Lovett requests, I will kiss you on the mouth tongue included
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People I Will Take Requests For!!
Requests are open!! :)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I do x readers mainly but am happy to do ships, all readers will be female unless specified otherwise as that is how I am most comfortable writing but feel free to let me know if you want a gender neutral or male reader because I am more than happy to do that :)
also, I will write anything but I am uncomfortable writing incest and I reserve the right to decline any requests that make me uncomfortable, thank youuu :))))
Harry Potter:
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
Fred or George Weasley
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Regulus Black
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
Fantastic Beasts:
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Eulalie Hicks
Tina Goldstein
Newt Scamander
Gellert Grindelwald
Albus Dumbledore
Stereotypical Barbie
Weird Barbie
Larissa Weems
Morticia Addams
Marilyn Thornhill
School For Good And Evil:
Lady Lesso (my girlll)
Clarissa Dovey
Emma Anemone
Sophie Of Gavaldon
Agatha Of Gavaldon
Death note:
L Lawliet
Miss honey (old and new, please specify)
Mrs Wormwood (new only)
Estella/Cruella (again, specify)
The Baroness
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Musical Theatre:
Erik Destler {POTO}
Sweeney Todd
Mrs Lovett
Doctor Who:
10th Doctor
11th doctor
13th doctor
Amy Pond
River Song
Clara Oswald
A Series Of Unfortunate Events:
Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor
Olivia Caliban
Kit Snicket
Violet Baudelaire (aged up)
Klaus Baudelaire (aged up)
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Romanoff
Loki Laufeyson
Slyvie Loki
Worst Witch:
Hecate Hardbroom
Pippa Pentangle
Esmerelda Hallow (aged up)
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Request by @generouspuppypuppy
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BF!Joseph Quinn x GF!plus size reader/actress
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Warnings: body shaming, language, fluff and sexual implications
Not proof read and no word count
Summary: being a plus size actress is hard. But that heavens for Jamie and Joseph
It all started when you landed a role as Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray the musical on Broadway when you were 18. Ever since then, you were always cast as the chubby comedic relief. Sitcom after sitcom. Comedy after comedy movie. You grew tired of playing the same character. So when the chance came for a serious dramatic role you jumped at it.
It was a remake of the 1947 movie Possessed. With the roles reversed. With Joseph taking on the role of Joan Crawford. Yup that's right. Joseph fucking Quinn. It was a new role that he was interested in playing because it was a movie his mom loved. So he was excited about it. You were so nervous acting beside him. Like common, one of the most beautiful and well known men in the world of acting and modeling working with someone who was not at all as talented as him. Or so you thought.
You were actually really good. Being in musicals was your absolute favorite. You knew you could sing. And after so many breathing and vocal lessons you mainly auditioned for Broadway. However you were always rejected because of your figure. So finally giving up on being a star in New York you settled in LA.
It was the first table reading and you were there early. Being the only one in the room you started to sing 'Thank you for the music' from Mamma Mia! You made a cup of tea and grabbed an apple from the small refreshment table in the corner of the room.
"What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music. For giving it to me
So I say thank you for the music. For giving it to me"
"WOW! Your voice is fantastic."
You jumped and spilled your tea all over the table. You quickly looked over your shoulder and looked back down trying to clean up the spill. Your eyes widen. Joseph Quinn just walked in and complemented your singing.
" Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said coming to you to help you clean.
" umm it's quite alright. I just thought I was alone."
" Well I'm still sorry. Here let me make you another. What was it that you were about to have?"
" T-tea"
" Right." He said grabbing a new cup and poured water in.
You felt faint so you decided to sit down at the front of the large table.
" milk or lemon?" He asked
"Uhh that would depend on the tea." You felt like such an idiot for not telling him which one you liked.
He chuckled at your quote of the DaVinci code movie. "Of course. I made you Earl grey."
" Then definitely lemon."
He came and set down the tea in front of you.
"Thank you." You said glancing at him. You just barely caught his smile.
" He pulled out the chair next to you to sit. " I'm Joe Quinn."
You finally turned your face to look at him. God he was so pretty. " Hi. I'm y/n l/n."
You looked away and smiled out of straight nervousness and shyness.
"Wait. I know you. Jamie and I saw you at Hollywood Pantages Theatre. You were Mrs. Lovett."
" Oh you saw that? What day?" You prayed to the gods that he wasn't there.
" uhh opening night."
"Uhh I just have to say. You played off that fall really well. Umm but the second one...it looked like it hurt."
Your face felt hot and you suddenly felt nauseous.
" Are you okay?"
You cleared your throat and took a sip of the tea burning the shit out of your tongue. You leaned back in the chair too far and fell backwards.
" Oh shit! Are you alright?" Joe got up to help you to your feet.
"y-yeah. Just accident prone.... surprised I'm still alive to be honest. I uhh I have to pee."
Jesus Christ what the fuck?!
He chuckled.
" Sorry to over share. I'm just gonna go." You quickly left before he could say anything.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid. God you have to be the most awkward person alive." You said you yourself washing your hands.
Sure you've met other celebrities before. But you hadn't been pinning for them like you had for Joseph. Ever since you saw him attending LAMDA. You went there for a visit to check out schools for performing arts. You went to a play the school put on. Joseph's role was Petruccio, in Taming Of The Shrew. This was way before he was in TV shows. He did a lot of shorts around this time. So as you sat there watching the show. You couldn't help but crush on the beautiful boy with the brown eyes.
It's been years since then. Unfortunately you did forget about him. Well until you saw the movie Hoard. You were really good at recognizing faces but names, not so much. You had a weird thing about eyebrows. You could always remember certain people by their eyebrows. And Joseph was no different. But just to make sure. You googled the cast and when you saw his picture you knew. He was that tall scrawny guy from London. But not so scrawny anymore.
Once you collect yourself, you went back into the reading room and of course there were people now in there. You had hoped to have just another minute alone and tell him that you were looking forward to working with him. But your luck just ran out. And to top it all off, there was a pretty woman now sitting in your seat. You assumed it was the lady who was playing the part of the neighbor Joe's character was obsessed with. Because you didn't get that role. You got the role of playing Joe's wealthy wife instead. Which was awesome because at least you guys had a few good scenes together.
You recognize her from somewhere but couldn't put your finger on where. You met Joe's gaze as he mouthed an 'I'm sorry'. You gave him a quick smile and found a seat next to an older gentleman.
Last shift. She was in that.
You thought, finally figuring out what you saw that woman next to Joe was in. You looked around the room and didn't really recognize anyone except Tracey Walter. The man sitting next to you. He was to play the part of the psychiatrist. You knew him because your best friend loved Conan the Destroyer. And he was the comic relief in that.
You guys took a lunch break after a while. You normally went on diets before every role, to try to lose weight. But you always gave up. So in order to not eat so much you smoked. You tried not to do it so much cuz it could ruin your voice. But today was a day and you had 2. When you lit the second one Joe joined you.
"You're doing great in there." He nodded towards the building.
You gave him a small smile." Thank you. You're doing great as well."
"Hey so I like to get up super early and go over lines a few times before I try them in front of the camera. I was wondering if you would want to come to my trailer on Friday and go over our scene?"
" Yeah I do that too. The early bird gets the worm type of gal."
" Great! I uhh-"
" Joe, come have lunch over here."
You both looked over to the tables next to the food truck. And that girl was there
" In a minute." He half shouted. " Sorry. I was just going to ask if you want to have lunch with us?"
" Umm no thank you. I'm all set." You said lifting you cigarette.
" Are you sure? I heard they have the best buffalo chicken Mac and cheese."
" Yeah no. Dairy makes me gassy." You said without actually thinking.
He laughed. " a'right."
Oh my fucking God!
" Umm yeah sorry. Again..foot in mouth" you said so embarrassed.
" Don be sorry. It's nice having someone say exactly what they are think." He grinned.
You blushed.
" Well if you change your mind. Just come over."
You nodded and watching him walk over to the costar who stole your seat. When he glanced back you looked away. God how could someone so pretty exist.
That Friday you were out of it. It was about 5 in the morning and you were standing outside of his trailer. You had chained smoked all the way there. You had brought some donuts and coffees. You didn't know if he liked coffee but you figured he might need one, being up so early. You saw a lights and some classical music playing.
Symphony no. 40 in G minor. You put the donuts and coffees down, because you had a sudden urge to dance. You started mimicking a conductor. With your hands rocking. But then your dancing turned into doing the Reebok. It was totally not the right way to dance to classical but it was fun. As you circled around you started doing the Cabbage patch.
But you stopped dead when you heard a laugh. You turned around towards the trailer and of course Joe was standing there. You didn't know what to say. You could have just die right there. But all of a sudden he climbed out and started to do the Bart Simpson. Which was totally off beat. You didn't care though. You both continued to dance, moving closer and closer together. When the song was over you both were left in a fit of giggles.
You and Joe became fast friends after that. He introduced you Jamie Campbell Bower about a month after filming started. You had been his fan since Camelot. For some odd reason, they always wanted to hang out with you. You weren't going to complain though. You only had one friend in LA and she had just passed away from a car accident. So it was nice to have people to hang out with. She would have loved these guys.
One night a few weeks later you, Joe, and Jamie were out for a drive. And you had control of the aux. So being a lover of music. You played one of your favorite song. You didn't know if they would like it or not. But whatever. It was happening. They were gonna listen to it whether they liked it or not.
As the song started, you could feel the guys giving you weird looks. You just beamed and started to sing As long as you love me by the Backstreet Boys. To your surprise Jamie's voice came out of nowhere. He was singing too. You guys both looked over to Joe and he was grinning. You were driving so you couldn't looked at him that long but you could nudge him. He laughed. Then he did it. He started singing the chorus. It was so fantastic. The three of you singing. You and Jamie singing the back up vocals when Joe took the lead. You could swear that was the moment you fell in love with Joe. How he was so into it. He was too cute for words.
After the song was over you pulled up to your destination. You were taking them to a spot up on a hill. You're friend had shown you when you first came to LA. It was a view of Rosemead and downtown. The small trek up the large hill was a bit harder than you remembered. But the guys did it without any problems. You had slipped and almost fell when Joe caught you. His large hands on your waist kept you from falling backwards. You guys stood there for a moment before you quickly apologized and kept going. His hands on you were definitely going to be apart of your dreams tonight.
Finally at the top all of you looked in aww. It was such a beautiful sight. The lights from the city looked like stars.
"Hey love, did I hear you were interested in audition for The Greatest Showman going on at The Music Center?"
You looked at Jamie. " Yeah. But Im not sure if I'll be good enough for the part."
" What?! Are you crazy? You are so good. It's insane." Joe said almost shouting.
You gave him a nervous smile and laugh.
"What song were you thinking of trying?"
You looked away from Jamie completely worried about the song you chose. Sure other people would pick the same so you thought if you sang it as best as you could then you would stand out.
" Never Enough."
" Really?" They guys said at the same time.
" Yup. It's a good one."
" Do it." Joe said wide eyed and all smiles
" Yeah come on love do it. And then we can give you a honest answer if you should do it or not."
" Guys...No."
" Common!" They said together.
" Guys."
" No no. This is happening." Jamie sat down on the ground and looked up at you.
You figured Joe noticed how nervous you were when he came and held your hand.
" It's ok babe. You are really good. Now show us how good." He kissed your cheek and went to sit next to Jamie.
Great how were you suppose to do this now? Your face fell hot and you had butterflies in your stomach when he kissed you. You took a deep slow breath in and out.
" Okay can one of you play the instrumental. It helps me keep in time."
Jamie pulled out his phone and searched. You looked at Joe who had a big infectious smile. You looked down at the ground and bit your lip so he would catch you smiling too.
As soon as your heard the opening you cleared your throat. You took a few steps back from them because you didn't want to hurt their ears from the high notes. You sighed before begin.
"I'm trying to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me
Getting louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling, without you...
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never enough
Never enough
For me
For me
For me
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
For me
For me
For meeeeeeeee
For me"
Your chest was heaving. You looked at the guys and their mouths were open in aww.
" Good?" You said softly.
They both jumped up and applauded whooping.
You smiled never taken your eyes off of Joe.
"Bravo babe. Bravo."
There it is again
You were so happy they liked it. After you dropped of Jamie home you were taking Joe back to his trailer on set. While you sat in the car he was praising you. Telling you that you should definitely go for the part. There was this moment where he looked like he wanted to kiss you. It was quiet for a minute before he asked something you never thought he would ask. He asked you out to dinner. You hesitated to answer only because you were trying not to freak out. But you said yes. Like how could you not?
Dinner was great. He was crazy shy to others but not with you. He was very timid at first but when got him out of his shell, he was outrageously silly and such a dork. The night ended with a kiss on the cheek. You had hoped it would have been more, but Joe was a very well mannered and respectable man. He kissed your knuckle before dropping you off at your studio apartment.
Many "dates" were like this. You guys had an amazing time together. But afterwards it always ended up with you alone in bed. However, things had changed when the scene where you and Joe got together in the movie. You guys had to share a passionate kiss with him. To be completely honest, you didn't want to kiss him. He had just finished a scene with the girl from before. And in that seen they went skinny dipping and had sex. Even though it was just an act. Seeing them kiss hurt. Besides you didn't want your first kiss with him to be on camera. Dread filled your mind as the seconds ticked away.
Joe found you in make up. He sat next to you holding your hand.
" Always." You sighed
He brought your hand up to his mouth kissing it gently.
" I'm sorry babe. I was really hoping we would have kissed before this."
You turned to look at him. The beauty tech got the hint. And she left you two alone. As soon as she was out of ear shot you spoke.
" You wanted to kiss me before?"
He looked away from you down to your hand. " yes" he said shyly.
Your heart pounding in your chest. You had sudden cotton mouth. You swallowed harshly.
" Kiss me."
His gaze found yours again. " Are you sure?"
" Umm well yes. We can just rehearsal it now. So it won't be so awkward when we shoot."
" Oh" he frowned.
Wait what?
"Joe. You wanted to rehearse this right?"
" Erm..."
" Oooh. I see. I'm sorry I -I didn't know. I thought were were just friends."
" Is that all you want to be?"
His question staggered you.
" If you don't want to be more. That's fine. I just thought we hit it off pretty well."
" umm no I'm just surprised that's all."
" What are you surprised about? Can't you tell that I like you."
" Uhh well I just thought you were being nice."
He scoffed.
" well I thought Juliana was more of your type. You guys seem to have the chemistry."
" I have more in common with a rock y/n"
You laughed.
" Seriously. She only cares about herself. She has the worst sense of humor. She only tells me things she thinks I want to hear. You on the other hand, are very beautiful, and funny as hell. You're never afraid to be genuine. Might I say that you are extremely talented as well. I like you a lot."
" I uhh don't know what to say."
" Do you like me too?"
You nodded biting your lip.
"Well that settles it. Your my girlfriend now." He smirked
" oh am I?"
" Yes. Absolutely!"
When the movie came out you were pummeled with hate comments. It seems that Joe's fans absolutely hate you. For what? Being a plus size love interest. But now that you two were dating it just got worse. There was so much body shaming, that you cried so much. When you were with Joe it was fine because you were never on your phone. But the moment you were alone you would read the stupid comments. Even though your fans were so kind, their love was hidden by the outrageous amount of hate.
You were half laying half sitting on your couch while Joe was in the kitchen in your apartment. He was making dinner for you and you were scrolling through Twitter. It was a good thing that he had his people keep up with all his social media or else he would have been furious.
Someone made a rude comment about how you should sit at a table instead of a booth once when you a Joe went to dinner. The waiter mumbled under his breath about how sorry he felt for the chair. You didn't hear it, but Joe did and he went off. You were able to calm him down enough to just leave. Now you guys either ordered take out or you guys would cook. But today Joe offered to cook because you had a long day at rehearsals for The Greatest Showman. You didn't get the part you wanted but at least you got one.
You sat there reading. Your heart broke at the words. These people didn't even know you. But yet acted like you were the devil. God forbid Joe find someone to be with that actually makes him happy. Instead of some damn super model.
Joe must have noticed how you were when he came and laid on you. His face buried into your neck. He blew raspberries into your skin tickling you. He lifted his head to give you kisses all over your face.
He had missed you so much. He was gone for a while working when he finally came back to LA to see his girl. The long distance relationship was hard for him. But he loved you. So he was planning to make this work. Whatever it took, he would do it.
Once he stopped being silly he kissed you properly. The moment you felt that he wanted sex you felt so uneasy about your body. Joe never made you feel like he didn't love it. But he had never seen you naked yet. You wanted him to. That's for sure. It's just that he was away a lot and you were work too. But this time there was no excuse to not to. He was here for a while and he was staying with you. Sure things got hot and heavy before but it never lead to the big O.
He knew something was wrong but he didn't know what. So he opted to kissing you the whole night.
He talked to Jamie about it the next day. Since you and Jamie lived in the same city, you guys became rather close. In a platonic type of way.
Joe went to visit him and asked what was wrong with you. He said that your were feeling insecure about your body. Joe didn't know why. You were an absolute dream to him. He wanted to talk about it with you but he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.
But Jamie had an idea all on his own. He had asked you to come over to do a boudoir photo shoot. You objected of course but he promised that you wouldn't be completely naked and that Joe would absolutely love them.
You agreed. So one day while Joe was out doing an interview that you knew would take hours, you went to Jamie's. Jamie had the photographer set up in one of his extra rooms. You got dressed or undressed into your skivvies. You went with red lingerie and a red silk robe because Joe said you looked good in red. You would have never done this type of thing in fear that it would get out. But you needed to feel sexy and you wanted Joe to think you were sexy.
The photographer and Jamie really made the shoot fun. You hadn't smiled that much since you and Joe were dancing that one time. The photoshoot took a good 2 hours because Jamie kept distracting you with all his terrible dad jokes. When it was over you went to change. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled.
" You are smart and kind. You are beautiful and sexy. And any guy would be lucky to have you."
You were looking for your phone in your coat pocket but it wasn't in there. You went out into the bedroom and searched everywhere for it with no luck. You walked out and that butthead Jamie had it.
" And sent" he said grinned.
Your heart sank. You knew Joe was going to get them. But not while his assistant had his phone. When he did anything for work he would give his phone to them. To answer any calls or messages. This was going to be a disaster.
You went home that night waiting for Joe. When he came in he seemed rather upset
He didn't say anything. He just grabbed your hand and pulled you to the bed. He stripped off your clothes and laid you down.
"You know my assistant saw the photos."
" I'm so sorry I didn't -"
" I don't like the fact that he saw how gorgeous you are before me." He cut you off and started to undress.
" I-"
" Is this what you want?" He said while taking off his pants and boxer revealing his hard on.
" y-yes"
He grinned" God you're so fuck beautiful. You know that." He said before dipping down to kiss you.
You guys made love for the first time and it was mind blowing. Why you guys waited so long you didn't know? Well you did but still. He spooned you kissing your shoulder after.
" You know. You didn't have to send those. I don't need pictures like that to remind me how sexy you are....I'm gonna keep them though. For when I miss you."
You giggled. " They were more for me anyway."
" What? You need to be reminded that your hot?"
" Some times."
" Well I can do that for you." He said pulling you so that you were on your back. " I can do that right now if you want. And any time you need it."
You raised your brows at his offer. " mmm I would like that."
It was a week later when something terrible happened. You didn't know what happened since it was opening night. Joe and Jamie were in the front row waiting for the show to start when Jamie got a text.
" OH MY GOD...."
" What? What's is it mate?"
Jamie was freaking out. "Where's your phone?"
Joe checked his pockets pulling it out.
Jamie snatched it and looked it over.
" Unlock it please."
" Jamie seriously what the fuck?" He said trying to unlock his phone. " What the hell?"
He tried and tried but he couldn't open it.
"Joe. Someone hacked into your phone."
"How do you know that?"
"Well if you didn't send this, then someone did." Jamie said showing him the TMZ web page.
It was filled with your pictures. Joe eyes watered. He was so angry. He took the phone and scrolled through. The comments were beyond flattering. His anger dissipated. Though he was upset that now the whole world knew what you looked like under your clothes, he was happy to know that you were his. And he was going to make sure you would know how much he loved you.
The curtains opened and Joe saw you side stage with the biggest prettiest smile he had ever seen. You waved and he waved back. He leaned over to whisper to Jamie.
" I'm going to marry that girl"
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
A trip to the Barber’s  (Yandere Vampire Sweeney Todd x Reader)
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It had been a few months since you last visited the Barber’s shop. So many things can happen that are out of your control that stops you from going plus the disappearance has not helped. So many people had just vanished and all without reason. It just didn't feel safe being out anymore. 
However, you've missed going to the pie shop and the barber shop that sat right above. visiting the pair that ran the building just about every other day. So having some free time in the late evening you decided to visit the shops. Surprisingly there were not only a few changes but many people were there. After failing to get Mrs. Lovett attention you went right up the stairs to the barber shop. 
“Sweeny?”  you called out, opening the door to a dark shop.  
There was no reply yet that didn't stop you from stepping inside, taking a seat by the window. Unlike what was happening outside it was calm and quiet in the shop, the darkness only adding to the eerie calm. After a while you started to wonder why you were still there waiting…. waiting? Waiting for what? You stood to leave only for the door to open as soon as you did. 
“So, you finally came around, did you?” he asked as soon as he turned around to face them once he had closed the door. 
“Will you know… life just gets in the way sometimes.” you tried to explain. 
“Why are you up here sitting in the dark anyways? Figured you'd be down there with the rest of them.” he continued talking while moving around the room. It looked like he was preparing for something. 
“Do you have a customer coming?” you asked, completely ignoring his question. 
“That is why you came up here isn't it?” he looked at you from the corner of his darling taking a pause in his actions. 
“It's not the only reason but-” 
“Take a seat and I will be with you shortly.” he went back to getting everything ready. 
Sitting down in the barber’s chair you wondered why he was being so cold. Maybe he had a bad day? 
“Is everything alright?”  
“Everything is fine.” he answered simply while starting to get to work. 
“It just seems like your upset is all.”  
“Like I said everything is fine.” he didn't look at you when he answered. 
The room fell into silence after that, staying that way until he was almost done. He was the first to break the silence. 
“Why did you stay away for so long?”  
“Just life getting in the way and before I knew it a few months had passed.” answering as honestly as you could. 
“I'm guessing the disappearance had a part to play in that.” he now stood right in front of you... 
“Can you blame me?” 
As soon as you meet his eyes, they lock on them. His eyes were different somehow, they made you feel different, sleepy. 
“It's not very polite to keep others waiting, you know.” he leaned down just inches away from your face. The last thing you felt before you closed your eyes was his breath on your neck. 
When you woke up you felt refreshed just as you always did after a visit to the shops. Sweeny said that you had fallen asleep while he was working. It made sense since every time he worked on you made you feel so relaxed. He walked you back home given that it was so late into the night. He appeared to be much more chipper than he was before. Maybe he has also missed your visits? In any case, you'll be visiting more often. 
Good thing too he had been so hungry not wanting anyone else's blood but yours. He was worried he may accidentally drink you dry although he won't ever let that happen. It would be a shame if he lost another love. 
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multifandomfix · 3 years
Imagine Nellie baking your worst enemy into a pie.
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It had all been arranged without your knowing. Sweeney had lured the one person who had a vendetta abasing you into his shop as per Nellie's instruction and within the hour, their lifeless body had been delivered down to Mrs. Lovett's pie shop.
How delicious of a surprise it would be to you to find out you no longer had to worry over that cretin of a human being bothering you ever again. They’d be baked into a pie by dinner. One in which you and Nellie would share.
Nellie was sure to include your favorite seasonings and sides, making her revenge on your mortal enemy all the more savory. Had you not known the nature of her business, she would not have undergone such a risky plot, but she was assured that you would be thankful and impressed with her work. You always did like her cooking.
When you arrived that evening to dine with her, she informed you of the surprised that awaited you. You sat and eagerly awaited whatever it may be she had in store. She served you the pie and sat with you, smirking. "Go on, ask me the secret ingredient," Nellie prompted.
"I thought I already knew your secret ingredient," you replied.
"This one's extra special," she hinted, a wicked glint in her eye.
"You couldn’t mean," you trailed off, putting the pieces together. Nellie confirmed your suspicions with a nod and a smile. "You spoil me, Nell," you said. "Now let’s dig in."
For anon
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Nellie Lovett: @iticaboopsyou
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slasherscream · 5 years
Can you do a sweeney todd x reader x mrs lovett with reader having a blood kink
(A/N): this kink with these two…..third eye opened
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they were relieved when you accidentally witnessed mrs. lovett taking care of ahem … pie ingredient preparation and didn’t react with immediate fear or trying to run away
they would have hated having to do something drastic like keeping you in the shop against your will or - god forbid - hurting you
but you       their perfect you, allowed them the chance to explain and soothe you 
this is probably the catalyst for truly becoming part of the relationship and solidifying the one they have between each other.
you bring out a tenderness in sweeney he’d thought was long dead and mrs. lovett, the more affectionate of the two, can get some of the affection she craves from you instead of trying to wrestle it out of sweeney
the only thing is they still tip-toe around you when it comes to the nasty little murder habit they’ve got going on
but it truly doesn’t upset you and you wish they wouldn’t go to such pains to hide something from you that you a) already know is happening and b) isn’t upsetting you in the first place
you’ve even found your eyes lingering on the blood that sweeney hadn’t had the chance to wipe from his knife or cheeks before you entered the room; or the blood that clings to the apron of your dear mrs. lovett after a long day of pie making
something about it makes you feel…..well you hadn’t been able to work out how it makes you feel until-
You stop dead in the doorway, hand held in Mrs. Lovett’s grip, blood splattered across the both of you from an ill-timed swipe of Sweeney’s knife across some unlucky man’s throat. Upon seeing you Sweeney steps quickly in front of his victim with a stricken look on his face. You had already seen the grisly scene in perfect detail, however, and so his efforts were a little useless on that front. He’d snap at Mrs. Lovett for dragging you upstairs during business hours but his throat feels tight with dread. Though you’d seen much evidence of the gore they’d always hoped to keep the act itself away from you if nothing else.
Mrs. Lovett, for her part of this had produced a handkerchief from somewhere and was trying to wipe away the blood on your face and neck with a deep frown etched across her face, “Oh look at you love! I’m so sorry      don’t you worry I’ll have you cleaned up in just a second. Just take some deep breaths.”
“I’m fine, Nellie please.” Though she is cooing at you as if you are about to panic yourself to pieces she’s the one with hands that are shaking. You put your own over them and pull them away from where they’re desperately trying to clean you off and kiss her knuckles. 
“It doesn’t …well it just doesn’t bother me. The blood.” You finally admit, hoping they won’t think less of you (a strange thing to worry over considering who they are and what they do, but a worry nonetheless).
“It doesn’t?” Sweeney cuts in, stepping closer to the pair of you although he’s still staying directly in your line of sight. Blocking the view of the body that must already be cooling in the chill of his shop. 
“No, in fact I’ve been        well sometimes before you two have had the chance to clean up I guess-“ 
“Yes?” Something in your tone and the way your eyes were rooted to the floor had Mrs. Lovett on the edge of her seat. It was reminiscent of several other markers in your relationship. Always you coming to them with a new feeling or thought; stuck  somewhere between bravery and shyness. 
Sweeney must be feeling the same bit of nostalgia as you’d had nothing to confess to them in quite some time. He’d missed the look of shyness that came over your face (though he wouldn’t trade it for the comfort and ease that had replaced that timidness it was still a fetching expression to see every now and then). He took your chin in hand and forced you to look up at the two of them. You had their full attention. If you couldn’t tell that by the intensity of their eyes you could tell by the casual way they were touching you. In their instinctual urge to have you close they’d forgotten about the blood upon them, though mostly Sweeney. Meanwhile it was all you could focus on. The way it lingered and dripped off their pale faces and made them seem to come to life.
It was breathtaking. 
Where his thumb pressed into your chin you could feel the blood still dripping from his fingers. A wet warmth that made you shiver. 
“C'mon then out with it, love.” Nellie who’d seen your shiver was now very sure she knew what was going through that beautiful little head of yours. 
Never one to deny her anything your words came tumbling out, “You both look so good covered in blood.”
Sweeney, who had not been expecting such words was busy blinking away shock while Nellie had already busied herself with grabbing you around the waist and pulling you close, not giving you time to feel nervous over your confession. 
“Oh we do hmm?” A smile was forming at her lips that already eased your nerves, though you wanted to roll your eyes at the teasing she looked ready to give so soon after your confession. 
You were so distracted by the feeling of her chest pressing against your own you didn't notice Sweeney moving until you heard the lock of the door click and felt him pressed to your back moments later. Your eyes flit to the dead body in the chair but you don't have long to focus on the sight before your hair is pulled and you're forced to angle your neck. You whine at the feeling of Sweeney's cool lips pressing to your pulse. 
"Why don't we see how ravishing they'll look covered in red from your latest patron?" Nellie says but she's speaking only to Sweeney now. 
"Let's." Sweeney nips at your skin.
You try not to shake at the thought of what lies ahead of you. 
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