#nellie lovett x reader
opaltrz · 2 months
Dating Headcanons | Mrs. Lovett
♥︎ mrs. lovett
【 what being in a relationship with mrs. lovett would be like... 】
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One day you stumble upon Mrs. Lovett's Pie Shop after hearing all the excitement on the streets of her salivating meat pies. You didn't really care for the savory kind of pies, so when your friends drag you there, you would instead order some tea or beer.
Nellie is immediately drawn to you the moment you walk into her shop, admiring you from afar as you're talking and laughing with your friends, unbeknownst to you. If you do prefer savory over sweet pies, I think she'd try and avoid giving them to you, making excuses that this batch isn't as good or that a couple of her hairs got mixed in to put you off them, even though her other customers completely devour them at the tables surrounding yours.
You'd quickly become a regular there, enjoying the quiet calmness of her shop when there's scarcely any customers yet, coming either in the early morning or the late evening. You'd order a drink or a little something to eat and then stay for an hour or two, appreciating slowly waking up or winding down for the night in the quaint place.
Nellie always checks in with you every once in a while to refill your cup, politely conversing with you for a few minutes. Over time, the two of you get closer, to the point where Nellie lets you stay after shop hours so that you two could continue talking and getting to know each other. You'd help her clean and tidy up around the shop so that she could be finished earlier, then she'd fix you both up fresh cups of tea and you talk into the night.
What really draws Nellie to you is how you listen and give her your attention. You make it clear that you're interested in what she's talking about and that you want to continue talking, even listening intently when she starts to ramble. Nellie is often dismissed by those in her life, so to see you really care to hear what she's saying, she quickly grows feelings for you.
Now Nellie is manipulative and possessive, so she will do anything to make sure that you're her's and her's only.
If she sees someone making romantic advances on you she might ask Sweeney to invite them up for a haircut or shave.... Your admirers just have a tendency to disappear. It's a little strange that the smoke from Mrs. Lovett's Pie Shop gets especially bad whenever someone asks you on a date or flirts with you, but you don't question it. She'd also find different ways to insert herself into your life so that she can get closer to you.
She's not quite subtle about how she's fallen for you either. Nellie will cast longing looks from across the room, sigh wistfully to herself thinking about you, and even make several suggestive comments to drop hints.
Confessions of Love
If she confesses first... - She'd first gift you something like a vase of your favorite flowers, a knitted pair of gloves, or a new necklace. Her eyes go so soft, watching your delight at her gifts then she'd reveal her feelings. Warmth spreads through her chest once you admit you feel the same.
"Always had a fondness for you, I did."
If you confess first... - You'd sit her down one night after shop hours, candlelight flickering on your features as you reach over and take her hands in yours, letting her know how glad you are to have met her, and then you confess. You rub a finger over her knuckles and stare into each other's eyes, in slight elated disbelief that you're both smitten with each other.
You both of course know the risks of being in a relationship with another woman at this time, but you're both so taken by each other that you'll do anything to be together. You have to be secretive. Being unable to be open about your feelings in public frustrates and exhausts both of you, but you work through it together. Most are none the wiser, dismissing it and writing you off as very close friends.
A relationship with Nellie is really sweet. She loves taking care of you, it's one of the most common ways she shows her love for you, making sure that you've eaten or drank enough water.
She's obsessed with you, it's honestly really flattering just how into you she is, flirting and doting on you all the time, but it really can be too much at times. Nellie's so open and honest with her feelings, so you really don't need to have any doubts, but I can see her obsession with you causing the most problems in your relationship.
Dearie/Dearest, love, darling
Going on dates with Nellie are very romantic and relaxed.
All she really needs is you and she's content.
A sweet candlelit dinner or quiet nights just being in each other's company with her knitting as you write letters.
Love languages
Giving Gifts - Nellie will gladly spoil you rotten (she has the money for it with her respectful business), but I think she prefers handmade gifts like knitting clothes for you in the colder seasons, or preparing you your favorite food/meal. She pours love into everything she makes for you, and it's through making things that she can really express her feelings.
Physical Touch - Nellie's very clingy, so prepare for that. She wants to be around you almost constantly—resting her head on your shoulder as you do something, hooking an arm around your waist, kissing the crown of your head, nestling her face into the crook of your neck smelling your hair, sitting on your lap and hugging you. She loves cuddling and being wrapped up in your arms the most, it makes her feel so safe and loved. She also gets weak in the knees when you gently press a hand against her throat or on the small of her back while you kiss her.
Words of Affirmation - She'd definitely want the reassurance that you love and care for her. Nellie's so sure of her feelings for you, she wants to make sure that you care for her as much as she does for you. She'll also praise and compliment you often. If you ask, she'll happily remind of her feelings.
Nellie loves teasing you, just to get a reaction out of you and see how far she can push you. But tease her back, compliment, praise her, or make a suggestive comment that she wasn't expecting and she'll be blushing.
Nellie is definitely very protective over you. If someone gives you a look she's not too fond of or a gross comment, she'll tell them off.
"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around."
She craves and feeds off of your attention so when she sees someone else getting that, she can become quite jealous, even if it is just a friend you're catching up with. She'll let you be, but after she'll latch onto you and ask you to give her attention.
One of Nellie's best qualities is how thoughtful and attentive she is. Nellie remembers all kinds of small details, takes note of your interests, and will always be thinking of you as you go about your day. This can show up in several ways. If you mention your favorite fruit offhandedly, she'll surprise you with a basket full of pastries, treats, and a pie using the fruit you said you liked. If you go window shopping together in the town and your eyes linger on a jewelry box or beautiful ornate quills and stationery, there's a parcel on your porch a couple days later of those exact items. If you live together, Nellie will stop you before you leave and put some items in your bag that you've forgotten, fixing your clothes and pressing a small kiss to your forehead, wishing you a good day. Her way of loving you is knowing you and showing she's thinking of you.
♥︎♥︎♥︎ Nellie is such a sweet and devoted lover. She would give you the moon on a string if she could. Give her your attention, show interest in her, and she's yours. Her affection for you can get a bit overwhelming at times, but make your boundaries clear, she'll be so attentive and respectful, and will do her best to follow them. She is so willing to do anything when it comes to you, and you can do the same for her.
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a/n — i need her. this is also based more on the broadway musical version of her.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Could you write A fic where reader comforts a sick Mrs Lovett please?☺️
~Sick!𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 x Reader Headcanons~
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MRS. LOVETT MY BELOVED. We really need to fish her out of the furnace. Maybe we can piece her back together...she's probably fine, right
Summary: So, it turns out that being around the deathly smell of corpses all day long isn't good for anyone, no matter how used to the smell they may be.
Note 1: This is 100% safe for people with emetophobia to read.
Note 2: For any violent fics I write (such as this one), I will be using warning tags so you can filter them out if needed.
Warning(s): Sickness, corpses, mentions of cannibalism, blood, mentions of death/murder, mentions of body horror, rotting, gore
𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽
~After getting used to the stomach churning smell of rotting, peeling flesh, lovely Mrs. Lovett had assumed she'd be fine.
~She worked with corpses all day, anyway, and nothing had happened to her. She hadn't fallen ill.
~Heaving the bodies up into the meat grinder. Using sharp knives that easily could bust a blood vessel with one slice to chop off fingers and toes. She was no longer disgusted by the iron scent of blood that occasionally splattered onto her dress when she was careless about work that day.
~But her body certainly didn't agree with it.
~She eventually found herself feeling rather ill and unwell, but of course, she had to keep going. It's not like she could stop now, when the bodies were piling up and people wanted to be fed.
~Her shop was finally doing well, thanks to the "secret ingredient". She was not only feeling ill, but was overworked, as well, people left and right to feed and serve.
~And one day, it eventually caught up with her. Lovett simply couldn't handle it anymore, and found herself sick. This was going terribly. How could she keep up? Sweeney couldn't do all the work himself.
~Ah, but she had one last resort. Her lovely, loyal friend, perhaps the only other person in the world she could trust with with a morbid secret.
~You, of course!
~You've come to help out in the shop when since she's down for the count.
~She appreciates the work you do around the shop for her while she's sick, and offers to pay you for doing it.
~Would like if you read to her for awhile to get her mind off of how ill she feels.
~Always reaches over to give your hand, arm, or knee a thankful little squeeze.
~Mrs. Lovett also insists that you don't spend TOO much time around her, though, worried that she'll get you sick as well.
~She think it to be sweet that you come to check on her every now and then.
~When she's better, she'll look at you fondly and kiss your forehead in thanks while she gives you a brief ruffle to the hair. She wants to make sure that you know she appreciates you taking care of her.
Request Guidelines!
Join my Discord server! We have movie nights, art prompts, a lot of places to ramble about your hyperfixations, and a ton of cool people to meet and roleplay with!:
~Love, PinkBoots
Reblogs Appreciated!
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multifandomfix · 3 years
Imagine Nellie baking your worst enemy into a pie.
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It had all been arranged without your knowing. Sweeney had lured the one person who had a vendetta abasing you into his shop as per Nellie's instruction and within the hour, their lifeless body had been delivered down to Mrs. Lovett's pie shop.
How delicious of a surprise it would be to you to find out you no longer had to worry over that cretin of a human being bothering you ever again. They’d be baked into a pie by dinner. One in which you and Nellie would share.
Nellie was sure to include your favorite seasonings and sides, making her revenge on your mortal enemy all the more savory. Had you not known the nature of her business, she would not have undergone such a risky plot, but she was assured that you would be thankful and impressed with her work. You always did like her cooking.
When you arrived that evening to dine with her, she informed you of the surprised that awaited you. You sat and eagerly awaited whatever it may be she had in store. She served you the pie and sat with you, smirking. "Go on, ask me the secret ingredient," Nellie prompted.
"I thought I already knew your secret ingredient," you replied.
"This one's extra special," she hinted, a wicked glint in her eye.
"You couldn’t mean," you trailed off, putting the pieces together. Nellie confirmed your suspicions with a nod and a smile. "You spoil me, Nell," you said. "Now let’s dig in."
For anon
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Nellie Lovett: @iticaboopsyou
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carters-coffee · 4 years
Imagine Nellie flirting with you when you're alone in the shop
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Word Count: 549
The fragrant smell of the flowers in your hands filled your nose as you walked to Mrs. Lovett’s pie shop. Of course, it wasn’t the flowers’ natural smell. The merchant regularly sprayed the petals with perfume to help them sell better, but you supposed it didn’t matter. The flowers themselves were real as could be, and looked wonderful.
When you had come to the shop the day before, Nellie had been raving on about how dreary the place had gotten.
“I’ve pulled the curtains back from the window, but it’s no use. Hardly ever get a day of sun ‘round here. Perhaps flowers will liven the place up? Could spare some change for daisies. I do quite like daisies. What d'you think?"
"Daisies are lovely."
She had seemed pleased with your answer, and walked off muttering about what to do for the lighting.
And now here you were, daisies in hand as you pushed open the door to her shop. Nellie was behind the counter, puttering away making pies. Otherwise, you noticed, the place was deserted. She hadn't seemed to have heard you come in. You quietly took a seat.
"Slow day today?" You asked. At the sound of your voice, Nellie turned, and upon seeing you, her face lit up in a smile. However it quickly faded into a worn out expression.
"Quite the opposite, love. This is the first time it's slowed down today." She sighed, leaning against the counter. With flour smeared across her cheek and her hair falling wildly out of her pigtails, she looked somewhat disheveled, and you could tell she had had a hard day.
"Why don't you take a break?" You suggested.
"I quite like that idea." She said, moving out from behind the counter and plopping down next to you. It was only then she seemed to notice what you were holding.
"Oh!" Her weariness seemed to vanish instantly. "You went and got me daisies?"
You offered them to her. "I had some spare change."
She took them and put them in a vase, arranging them to her liking. "You shouldn't spoil me."
"I'm not spoiling you." You protested.
"Oh?" She walked back to where you were sitting and rested her head on her hand. "Then what exactly would you call it?"
You felt her hand on your thigh, and looked down to see her idly tracing the patterns on your dress.
"Be... Being nice." You replied.
She smirked. "Buying flowers for a lady is just nice, is it? 'Cause I thought it's something done to win a girl's affections."
You opened your mouth to protest, but she swept in close, cutting you off. " Its alright, darling, you can admit it. " She leaned in close enough that her lips just barely grazed your ear as she whispered her next words. "You might like to know... I quite feel the same."
Your cheeks on fire, you opened your mouth to say something when again you were interrupted, this time by the door opening. Nellie was behind the counter in a flash, greeting the customer as if nothing had happened. But as she set back to work, she winked at you, flashing a smile that made your heart flutter, and promised more to come.
For @multifandomfix​ and the anon that did this face ;-;
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robin-the-enby · 4 years
If you’re taking requests right now could you do a Sweeney Todd one shot or scenario where his s/o convinces him to give them a haircut? Tysm 🖤
A new haircut
Pairing: Sweeney Todd x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: murderous thoughts (I mean, what did you expect)
A/N: You have no idea how excited I am for this. I hope I did it right and that our dear barber isn’t too ooc. I refered to the reader as they/them (because of how the ask was frazed), if you want me to change it, just say so, I have no problems with that ^ ^
* * * * *
     It was a silent, cloudy morning in London. The sky was gray, gray like his razors. Sweeney sat on a chair which he put next to the window in his barbershop and polished his beloved helpers, the only reminder of who he used to be. He hated everything. The gray sky, the smoke, the rich and the poor, yet he couldn’t bring himself to hate his razors. Just like he couldn’t bring himself to hate Y/N.
    Sweeney held the razor he just finished polishing against the faint light coming into the room. Gray and glum like the sky above, yet so different. His metal companion shone like a star, a very dangerous one. Their smile shone too, he thought, but it was far from dangerous. Their smile was more...carefree and joyful, sometimes he wondered if they truly were that naïve or if they were lying to themselves, always so happy and bubbly.
    He could never bring himself to ask, seeing their smile was somewhat refreshing from all those indifferent faces he saw every day. That’s why he still kept them around he supposed. Surely there couldn’t be a different reason.
    So engrossed in his thoughts he was that he didn’t hear the familiar footsteps approaching his barbershop, only the sound of knocking, gentle and patient, broke his train of thought. Sweeney looked up from his work and rose to open the door to whoever was on the other side.
    Talk of the devil and he shall appear. Y/N stood outside his barbershop with a smile on their face. With a slight wave they greeted him “Good morning mr. Todd! Can I come in?”
    Sweeney nodded in response to their energetic greeting and stepped aside to let Y/N in. Closing the door he turned to look at them, awaiting the reason for their sudden visit.
    But Y/N was looking out of the window with their back turned to him “It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?” they muttered absent mindedly, Sweeney had to step closer to hear them. Looking out of the window at the still gray sky from behind their shoulder, he answered truthfully “Not really.”
    His sudden closeness seemed to startle them and Y/N jumped a little. Trying to nervously laugh it off they shrugged “Well, I think yesterday’s rain cleared out the air quite nicely.”
    Sweeney didn’t reply to that, instead he stepped next to them and asked, not particularly fond of small talk “May I know the reason behind your sudden visit?” Y/N stepped back from the window “Well, I was on my way to the market, so I said hi to Nellie and I thought that if I’m already here, why not come and say hi to you as well. It surely must get lonely here.” they said with nonchalance that sounded way too forced.
    Y/N wasn’t one to lie, unlike most people he encountered, why would they lie now? With a deep frown on his face he closed the short distance between the two of them with only a few steps. Looking Y/N deep in the eyes he nothing but hissed “Don’t lie.”
    Worried, Y/N took a step back from him, their demeanor suddenly shy. They sighed and with apologetic eyes said “Forgive me. In my defense, it wasn’t a complete lie! I really was just saying hi to Nellie and...” they seemed to hesitate “I hear so much praise left and right from men who have been to your barbershop, so...I was wondering if you could give me a haircut!” Y/N rushed out the last bit.
    The air grew silent around them and for a moment it looked Sweeney was actually taken aback by the request. Not wanting him to get the wrong idea, Y/N quickly added “Of course, I don’t expect you to do anything for free! I’ll pay you, like any other customer would. I just thought...Well, we’ve known each other for quite some time now and...”
    It was clear to him that Y/N was getting lost in their unnecessary rant. If seeing them in joy was refreshing to Sweeney, seeing them nervous and coy was downright amusing. Although women weren’t his usual customers, seeing as killing a woman was different from killing a man and he had a target after all, not to mention how much they liked to talk, it didn’t mean he could not use his skills on them.
    Pushing lightly on their shoulders, Sweeney directed Y/N into the barber chair. Keeping a neutral expression on his face, like usual, he couldn’t help but feel an odd rush of excitement at seeing them so stiff in a place where he murdered so many men. They weren’t scared of him, he didn’t give them any reason to be...yet. He imagined they were just nervous about the whole thing.
    It turned out Sweeney’s assumptions were correct. He never really agreed to cutting their Y/N hair, what if he was doing it only to shut them up? It wasn’t like they would ask him about it and he wouldn’t tell them by himself, it would be best to just enjoy it, Y/N decided.
    Not sure where to look, Y/N decided to close their eyes and concentrate on the feeling. First the feeling of a soft plaid being draped over them and the slight cold feeling of it, like walking through a foggy street. Then Sweeney tipped the chair backwards, the sudden movement startling poor Y/N, before they relaxed again. He supported their head on one of his hands, while he pulled their hair from under them and over the chair with his other, then gently placing Y/N’s head back. And then it was just scissors and the occasional tug of a hairbrush.
    Now that Sweeney was this close to Y/N, he noticed certain things about them. For example, how soft their hair felt or how they relaxed in the barber chair completely over time. Something about seeing them in such a relaxed state made him relaxed too and if his movements were even a little stiff, now they were completely fluent.
    Sometimes he had to catch some loose strands of hair and so accidentally brush his hands over Y/N’s exposed neck. Just looking at it, craned into his touch, felt so enticing. How easy would it be to plunge those scissors into the soft flesh, see the blood gush out, and their wide eyes and helpless gasps leaving their mouth until it would fill with the red essence to the brim.
    It would all look lovely, but there wasn’t the satisfaction he felt while envisioning killing his other customers or the judge himself. The death of Y/N would be just a mess, without a reason, without passion and if he’d kill just for his belief that all people deserve to die, he wouldn’t be any better than any drunken aggressor. He was better than that.
    Y/N wasn’t sure if they dosed off, but when Sweeney’s touch disappeared, taking the snipping of scissors with it, it felt like rising from a dream. They opened their eyes just as Sweeney pulled the plaid from their frame and proceeded to straighten the chair once more.
    Y/N stood up and smoothed down their clothes. Clearing their throat, they asked “So, how much do I owe you?” Without actually looking at them, Sweeney made his way around them to put his tools on a table at the wall behind the barber chair “It’s nothing. I just trimmed your hair, since you never told me what you wanted me to do.” Y/N had to admit that they kind of got lost in the moment.
    Deciding on a rather bold decision, they approached him and placed a quick peck on the barber’s cheek “Thank you mr. Todd!” they said with their usual cheerful attitude and made a beeline towards the door, fearing that if they stayed just a while longer, he’d throw a razor at them or something, judging by the expression on his face.
    Minutes went by and Sweeney still stared at the door, unblinking, unmoving. He didn’t know how to feel about the payment he received, but the new sides he got to see of Y/N were definitely enough for him to keep around. Seeing them so nervous was definitely amusing, to say the least.
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Sweeney Todd x William Fang
Tag List: @ghostlyvenus @the-schizotypal-cryptid @heavenshipped @fangedwife
Summary: WHOOH BOY. THIS ONE’S. A LOT. Sweeney Todd rewrite pt. 2, after many weeks of brain constipation.
Warnings: MURDER! Mentions of s*icide and r*pe! A child gets intoxicated because this is the 1800s (and London) so drinking water is. LESS THAN FAVORABLE also that’s just what happens in canon. Tied into that, the drinking of gin! Sweeney being. Generally pretty terrifying holy fuck. (Noticeably so toward the end.) Guess that’s what grief does to a man in these conditions. Emeto mention. UH, THREATS! In other words,
Like my writing? Consider Reblogging 🔁 or leaving a nice Comment 💬 when you can!
(Odin forgive me I can’t believe I’m putting that ^ on probably one of the most intense pieces I’ve written for this blog SHSSH-)
“Wherever did you learn to shave like that?” William asked Sweeney as soon as the two had a moment to converse amongst themselves. The barber smiled slightly and lowered his gaze, humbled.
“Ah, years of practice, young man… and some, natural talent, I suppose.”
“Do you think you could teach me?”
Sweeney raised his brows.
“If I have the time…”
William smiled, then noticed Pirelli’s trailer pulling up outside the shop, quickly pointing it out to his new neighbor.
“Wonder what he could want…” Sweeney muttered before starting for the stairs, wanting to be prepared for anyone coming into his shop. Nellie followed, leaving William to tend to the groceries he had brought home. He shrugged to himself and did just that, but it wasn’t long before the baker returned with Pirelli’s young assistant, Tobias.
“Now, you just sit down and let your Aunt Nellie prepare you a pie,” Miss Lovett ordered, pulling a nearby stool up beside the counter where she normally worked.
“Good day, young man,” William greeted in a friendly manner as he got out of the baker’s way.
“How do you do, mister?” Toby asked politely. The three went through the usual small talk before the boy sprung to his feet.
“Oh, I’ve nearly forgotten! Mr. Pirelli has a meeting with his tailor, he needs me to remind him!” He dashed out of the pie shop… and was turned back at the top of the stairs. “Mr. Todd says I can have a tot of gin!”
“Ah, gin, of course, dearie, I don’t see why not! William?”
“If you’d please, ma’am.”
The baker poured two cups and handed them off, unaware of Todd’s plans to intoxicate young Tobias… considering the fate of his employer.
“So what about Pirelli, Toby??” Miss Lovett asked.
“Mr. Todd says he was called away, and I should wait here for him...”
“Miss Lovett.” It was as if the barber appeared into the doorway and out of thin air. “A word upstairs, if you’d please.”
Nellie was quick to follow. At his request, William poured the boy more gin and nibbled at a pie despite its quality.
Upstairs, Sweeney explained a gruesome thing.
“Have you lost your marbles, killing a man that’s done you no harm?!” Miss Lovett yelped.
“He recognized me, from before. Tried to blackmail me. I had no choice.” The barber told her coldly. She sighed, relieved.
“Well, that’s a different story, then… for a moment I thought you’d gone completely barking mad!”
The bell for Todd’s shop rang, startling both inhabitants as a fair-haired sailor entered.
“Mr. Todd! You’ll never believe the day I’ve had!” His face was plastered with a grin as he spoke, cheerfulness seeming to radiate off of him. “I saw this… beautiful, most wonderful, magnificent woman today! Her name is Johanna… ah, pardon me, miss!”
The sailor offered his hand to Miss Lovett.
“Miss Lovett, this is Anthony, a sailor that pulled me from the sea when I was escaping.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Miss Lovett chirped as she shook Anthony’s hand. “Johanna, you say?”
“Yes! But ohh… she’s locked up by this hideous tyrant, Judge Turpin…”
Sweeney’s dark eyes flickered with recognition and Anthony continued; “She threw me this key this morning! I-I’ll steal her away, marry her, get her out of this place. But where shall I keep her between the judge’s house and the docks?”
“She can stay here,” Miss Lovett immediately offered.
“Really?” Anthony looked to Sweeney for confirmation.
“Yes. I’ll allow it.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you!” He impulsively hugged Miss Lovett before sprinting off.
“Wouldja look at that! Fate must be smilin’ upon you,” Miss Lovett spoke, “you’ll get to see your daughter again!”
“Yes, until he swindles her away,” Sweeney muttered bitterly.
“You could always convince him to visit… finish ‘im off, and Johanna could live here, with us! Oh, and to think, the poor dear’s been so long without motherly affection…”
Sweeney huffed and stood, having been sat upon the trunk that now housed the fraudulent barber’s body. Before another word could be spoken, the bell rang again, and the imposing Judge Turpin entered the shop.
“If it isn’t the great Judge Turpin,” Sweeney greeted, a metaphorical mask replacing his previously grim expression with a friendly smile.
“Oop, excuse me, good day your honorableness,” Miss Lovett quickly excused herself, ducking past the judge.
“What can I do for you, sir?”
“The Beadle recommended I see you,” Turpin began as Sweeney took his coat and hat, “I’m trying to woo a lady, you see, and it seems I’ve neglected my grooming. I am in need of a shave, sir.”
“The closest I’ll ever give, I assure you.” Sweeney’s eyes flickered with murderous glee, though he wished to relish this moment.
Just as Sweeney was about to strike, his door flew open and he was interrupted yet again. It was Anthony, and he began to ramble excitedly about how Johanna had immediately agreed to marry him. His energy stammered to a halt when he saw the judge in the barber’s chair.
Turpin rose from his seat, angrily tearing the cape from his neck.
“That sneaking slut!” He roared before turning on Sweeney, “There is indeed a higher power to warn me! I see the company you keep, Mr. Todd, and you cannot expect me to indulge in your services ever again!”
With that, Judge Turpin exited the shop while Sweeney’s face paled and his hands began to shake.
“Mr. Todd, I-” Anthony started.
“Mr. Todd, you have to help me…”
“OUT, I SAID, DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME, BOY, OUT!” Sweeney’s snarl sent Anthony flying from the lot. Miss Lovett quickly came up after him.
“All this shoutin’ and runnin’ about, what’s happened???” She asked nervously.
“I had him, and then…!”
“Yes, yes, I know dear, the sailor-”
“No, I had him! His throat was bare beneath my hand… I had him, and now… HE’S NEVER GOING TO COME AGAIN!” Sweeney sunk to his knees beside the trunk on the floor and pounded on it with his fist.
“E-easy now, dearie,” Miss Lovett rushed to comfort him, patting his shoulder, “I-I’m sure you’ll get another chance, you’re clever! You’ll find a way.”
“You told me to wait and look what came of it!” Sweeney seethed, not allowing frustrated tears to prick his eyes… he took a few breaths and suddenly lifted his head. “Miss Lovett. I’ve had an epiphany.”
He stood and Miss Lovett backed off slightly.
“Why shouldn’t I get to kill whomever I please? Don’t you think I deserve it? After all, we’re all going to die someday! You’re right… I’ll get another chance. Be it tricking him back into my parlor, or breaking into his home at night. I will have him.”
The baker patted her neighbor’s shoulders again, nodding along with his words.
“That’s all very well, dear… so what’re we going to do about the Italian?” She asked, eyeing the trunk.
“Ah… later on, when it’s dark, we could take him to a secluded graveyard and bury him.”
“Don’t suppose he’s got any relatives that’ll come poking around, looking for him.”
“Well then, what do you propose?”
“Is everything alright up there?” William’s voice came from the stairs and the neighbors shared a glance. The two decided to head downstairs and check on William and Tobias.
“William, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about,” Sweeney immediately told the assistant while Miss Lovett took a very sleepy, and very drunk, Tobias back to her parlor. “I know you told me to call you Bill but this is quite serious. I need to know if I can trust you.”
William swallowed, steeling his nerves as the barber’s coldness shook him to his core. “Whatever it is, I swear on my life I’ll keep it confidential.”
“That’s a good man. Say you had the perfect life. The family you’ve always wanted, the profession, everything. And somebody wrongly takes it away from you. Exiles you. And for the next fifteen years, you grow bitter. The only thing keeping you going is the idea that you might come back to the life you were forced from. But when you get that chance… you come back to horrible tales about what happened to your family when you were away. And the person that threw you out like a torn and muddied cloth; he walks free, his crimes out of sight, out of mind. Do you not think you’d be in the right to enact revenge? Murder, even?”
William blinked as Sweeney finished his speech.
“Mr. Todd, I…” He lowered his voice, “this hypothetical wouldn’t happen to be based on true events, would it?”
Sweeney exhaled, looking… exhausted, and pained. Rage had fueled his fire for many days now, but once it was all laid out, the coals cooled for a second.
“Yes. William, my wife is dead. The judge raped her after I was wrongly imprisoned, so she committed suicide. I had escaped the prison, hoping there was a shred of good waiting for me back home. All I found was heartbreak, and a man with no good in his entire being. I am going to kill Judge Turpin, and lest you can understand me, it may be your neck on the chopping block as well.” Sweeney smiled darkly, his eyes vacant as his passionate anger returned. “Can’t have any witnesses, now, can we?”
William gulped once more. This was a lot to process.
“May I at least have a moment to sort out my thoughts?” He asked weakly, wanting to buy himself time if this were to be his death day.
“Oh yes. Why don’t you take a walk and get back to me?” Sweeney pat William’s shoulder with a predatory, sickly friendliness, as if he did not just spill his guts for practically a stranger. William started for the door, but Sweeney halted him with a final thought.
“And I killed Pirelli. He was trying to blackmail me.”
William quickly left the bakery, pausing in an alleyway to retch. So it wasn’t just talk. Sweeney Todd was capable of murder, and if William didn’t consider his opinion critically, he could be the next victim.
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slasherscream · 5 years
Can you do a sweeney todd x reader x mrs lovett with reader having a blood kink
(A/N): this kink with these two…..third eye opened
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they were relieved when you accidentally witnessed mrs. lovett taking care of ahem … pie ingredient preparation and didn’t react with immediate fear or trying to run away
they would have hated having to do something drastic like keeping you in the shop against your will or - god forbid - hurting you
but you       their perfect you, allowed them the chance to explain and soothe you 
this is probably the catalyst for truly becoming part of the relationship and solidifying the one they have between each other.
you bring out a tenderness in sweeney he’d thought was long dead and mrs. lovett, the more affectionate of the two, can get some of the affection she craves from you instead of trying to wrestle it out of sweeney
the only thing is they still tip-toe around you when it comes to the nasty little murder habit they’ve got going on
but it truly doesn’t upset you and you wish they wouldn’t go to such pains to hide something from you that you a) already know is happening and b) isn’t upsetting you in the first place
you’ve even found your eyes lingering on the blood that sweeney hadn’t had the chance to wipe from his knife or cheeks before you entered the room; or the blood that clings to the apron of your dear mrs. lovett after a long day of pie making
something about it makes you feel…..well you hadn’t been able to work out how it makes you feel until-
You stop dead in the doorway, hand held in Mrs. Lovett’s grip, blood splattered across the both of you from an ill-timed swipe of Sweeney’s knife across some unlucky man’s throat. Upon seeing you Sweeney steps quickly in front of his victim with a stricken look on his face. You had already seen the grisly scene in perfect detail, however, and so his efforts were a little useless on that front. He’d snap at Mrs. Lovett for dragging you upstairs during business hours but his throat feels tight with dread. Though you’d seen much evidence of the gore they’d always hoped to keep the act itself away from you if nothing else.
Mrs. Lovett, for her part of this had produced a handkerchief from somewhere and was trying to wipe away the blood on your face and neck with a deep frown etched across her face, “Oh look at you love! I’m so sorry      don’t you worry I’ll have you cleaned up in just a second. Just take some deep breaths.”
“I’m fine, Nellie please.” Though she is cooing at you as if you are about to panic yourself to pieces she’s the one with hands that are shaking. You put your own over them and pull them away from where they’re desperately trying to clean you off and kiss her knuckles. 
“It doesn’t …well it just doesn’t bother me. The blood.” You finally admit, hoping they won’t think less of you (a strange thing to worry over considering who they are and what they do, but a worry nonetheless).
“It doesn’t?” Sweeney cuts in, stepping closer to the pair of you although he’s still staying directly in your line of sight. Blocking the view of the body that must already be cooling in the chill of his shop. 
“No, in fact I’ve been        well sometimes before you two have had the chance to clean up I guess-“ 
“Yes?” Something in your tone and the way your eyes were rooted to the floor had Mrs. Lovett on the edge of her seat. It was reminiscent of several other markers in your relationship. Always you coming to them with a new feeling or thought; stuck  somewhere between bravery and shyness. 
Sweeney must be feeling the same bit of nostalgia as you’d had nothing to confess to them in quite some time. He’d missed the look of shyness that came over your face (though he wouldn’t trade it for the comfort and ease that had replaced that timidness it was still a fetching expression to see every now and then). He took your chin in hand and forced you to look up at the two of them. You had their full attention. If you couldn’t tell that by the intensity of their eyes you could tell by the casual way they were touching you. In their instinctual urge to have you close they’d forgotten about the blood upon them, though mostly Sweeney. Meanwhile it was all you could focus on. The way it lingered and dripped off their pale faces and made them seem to come to life.
It was breathtaking. 
Where his thumb pressed into your chin you could feel the blood still dripping from his fingers. A wet warmth that made you shiver. 
“C'mon then out with it, love.” Nellie who’d seen your shiver was now very sure she knew what was going through that beautiful little head of yours. 
Never one to deny her anything your words came tumbling out, “You both look so good covered in blood.”
Sweeney, who had not been expecting such words was busy blinking away shock while Nellie had already busied herself with grabbing you around the waist and pulling you close, not giving you time to feel nervous over your confession. 
“Oh we do hmm?” A smile was forming at her lips that already eased your nerves, though you wanted to roll your eyes at the teasing she looked ready to give so soon after your confession. 
You were so distracted by the feeling of her chest pressing against your own you didn't notice Sweeney moving until you heard the lock of the door click and felt him pressed to your back moments later. Your eyes flit to the dead body in the chair but you don't have long to focus on the sight before your hair is pulled and you're forced to angle your neck. You whine at the feeling of Sweeney's cool lips pressing to your pulse. 
"Why don't we see how ravishing they'll look covered in red from your latest patron?" Nellie says but she's speaking only to Sweeney now. 
"Let's." Sweeney nips at your skin.
You try not to shake at the thought of what lies ahead of you. 
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hotpinkboots · 6 months
You should do a fic where reader is like a female version of Sweeney Todd or sm and mrs.lovett is like obsessed with them
~𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 x Fem!Sweeney!Reader~
(Headcanons + Mini-Oneshot(s))
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Note(s): Female Reader, it is mentioned that the Reader likes to sketch, "(L/N)" stands for "Last Name", I occasionally switched between using "Nellie" and "Mrs. Lovett" to keep it fresh, Reader overall has Sweeney's personality and backstory
Warning(s): Dark themes, Cannibalism mentioned, Blood mentioned, Mrs. Lovett is a yandere, Delusional mindset, Unhealthy + Codependent relationship, Manipulation, Mention of being hanged
How long it took to write: 4 hrs, 30 mins
𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 set down a plate in front of you, next to your parchment of which your pencil had been scratching on for the last hour. On the plate sat a piping hot fresh meat pie. She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head, watching you intently, waiting for you to take a bite. You glanced at the pie, remembering how horrific the last one she fed you was. Your eyes flicked up to her briefly, expression unreadable. You then returned to your drawing.
She sighed in exasperation, letting her right arm fall to her side. She nudged the plate forward with her index finger. "C'mon, y'haven't eaten a thing all day. Promise this one's good." Nellie's gaze lingered softly on you as she added, "...Put a lot of love int'it, Ms. (L/N)," she added gently to guilt trip you into taking a bite.
You decided to humor her, praying that this one wouldn't do anything too terribly awful to your gag reflexes. Her stare made you uncomfortable as you took a reluctant bite. Lucky for you, this one was decent- delicious, even. You paused your chewing, taking another hesitant look at her. Did she just feed you one of the victims? You had no desire to try human for yourself. Mrs. Lovett quickly shook her head no. "Chicken. It's chicken, I swear it," she promised.
You thought it over momentarily, muttering a "Thank you", then taking another bite. Mrs. Lovett smiled proudly, giving your shoulder a pat. "O'course, love." You had expected her to leave your personal space, but rather, she lingered. She continued to hover beside you like some sort of maid awaiting a command. One more glance from you gave her the hint to leave. She took a hesitant step backwards, murmuring an awkward, "Oh- right." Nellie walked away, throwing one more secret look at you from over her shoulder.
She began to wipe down the counter, cleaning off imaginary crumbs as an excuse to keep an eye on you. She occasionally looked to see your reaction to the pie, you seemed to be enjoying it. Nellie certainly knew the way to a man's heart was through his stomach-...well. She hoped it worked for ladies, too. Mrs. Lovett looked down, pretending to focus on cleaning up the kitchen. She hummed as she worked, all while contemplating her future with you.
The business was running smoothly, and she was worn out by the end of each day from running to the cellar, collecting and chopping the "meat", baking, taking orders, serving, etc. She certainly had her work cut out for her. It would all be worth it, she knew, for one day, she'd live a cozy life with you. Perhaps not like she was imagining, but you and she could get by. The money was certainly piling in with the customers that came every day. Soon, she could finally live comfortably. But she couldn't live comfortably without you. She wished you'd open up eventually.
~Mrs. Lovett is so in love with you that it's disgusting. If she were given the chance to inject your blood into her veins just to feel you closer, to know a part of you is pumping through her to keep her alive, she would. But this wouldn't be enough- she wants to be part of you, as well. If she gained the bravery to do so, she would cut her own hand open to allow her blood to drip into your next meal, watch you eat it, and be satisfied that a part of her was inside of you, connecting you to her by blood.
~Of course, this is all wishful thinking. Mrs. Lovett tries to be somewhat normal with you, while still making it very obvious that she's in love with you. In public, she casts glances at you from the corner of her eye and makes a point of standing close enough to you that people grow suspicious that you may be a couple. She always makes something for you to eat, taking an extra long time on it so it's perfect (note that she can, in fact, cook delicious meals, she was only unable to before because there wasn't money for high-quality ingredients). She checks on you so often that it becomes a chore for you to tell her "I'm fine" multiple times a day, etc.
~Nellie sees herself as being the only person who can tame you. She thinks she needs to gently coax you into opening up to her. She finds ways to manipulate you into thinking that the world is cruel and she's the only warmth you'll find in it. Nellie believes she's the best option for you, and you're the best option for her. You were born for each other, your hearts beat in sync every second of every day, she's sure of it. Mrs. Lovett sings about you, sometimes purposely around you to show off her voice, and so you know that you're the only person on her mind.
~She'll eventually grow very lonely and desperate for you if you deny her for a long period of time. Nellie gets rather touchy-feely with her affection, brushing her hand against yours, kissing your shoulder when she walks by, fixing your hair far more than needed, and giving you a few pet names.
~But, Mrs. Lovett isn't always so lovey and adoring. She's refreshingly cheeky and exasperated. She once pretended to be inconvenienced when she spotted a cut on your hand from your barber shears. She patched you up and scolded you to be more careful, while you sat and humored her, knowing full well you could do it yourself. Nellie is very happy to be taking care of you, even if it's just the smallest opportunity to do so, and even if she plays hard to get about it.
~Somehow, her clingy behavior, the way she looks at you so deeply, and how she's always insisting on planning for the future with you, begins to get into your head and heart. She's such a unique lady, you've really never met anybody like her. Nellie always looks so perfectly disheveled, you've started taking a liking to her messy hair and her cheeky remarks from across the room to fill the silence. She's a quick-witted lady, any suspicions from a customer would result in an easy cover-up explanation from Mrs. Lovett. She works quickly and efficiently in her shop, trotting about to get the work done. All of her strange little personality quirks became home to you. Nellie infuriated you in more ways than one, and really, you wouldn't have it any other way.
~By this point, you and Mrs. Lovett are completely codependent on each other. You couldn't imagine a life without her. This was all her idea, anyway, where would you be without her? Poor and alone, that's where, perhaps even back in prison. The same goes for Mrs. Lovett. She'd continue to be alone in her empty shop without you. She most likely would've gone mad (although, she's gone quite mad already) with her lonesome life.
~Nellie couldn't be more satisfied with the way everything turned out. The business was flourishing, the money was coming in, and she had the love of her life by her side.
𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓽𝓽 had quite a tiring day. She was busier these days than she had ever been- she was grateful for the customers, but she was undeniably exhausted. Going up and down the steps of the cellar had done a number on her knees, she had been in such a hurry that she'd burned herself on the furnace a few times, and to top it all off, one of the customers had been infuriating. When she finally had time to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea, she'd fallen asleep.
You quietly went down the stairs to the first floor of the building, Nellie's pie shop. You spotted her lounging back on the chaise lounge, the dying fire crackling softly, her tea cold without even a sip of it gone. You reckoned she must've been exhausted, doing most of the work, while you simply stayed upstairs slitting throats and sending them down the chute. You had the easy part of the job, you realized, as you made your way with silent steps over to where she lay.
Nellie felt you coming toward her even in her sleep. She turned her head in your direction and muttered something incomprehensible at you. You didn't respond verbally, but you gained the courage to lean down and give an affectionate peck to the top of her head, your breath gently ruffling her unkempt hair. Mrs. Lovett immediately opened her eyes and looked up at you. She scoffed when she saw that you were walking away. "Y'can't just kiss me an'walk away. Come back, love," she called after you, her voice sounding raspy as she had just woken up.
Mrs. Lovett sat up to make room for you, while you hesitated before walking back to sit by her. She rested her chin on your shoulder, looking up at you with rich dark brown eyes. "Ms. (L/N)," She murmured tenderly, waiting expectantly for you to kiss her lips. "Don't be shy," Nellie added playfully, hoping that you would follow through.
All of her dreams suddenly came true when you cupped her cheek tenderly. She wanted to rush it and kiss you already, after all, she'd been waiting months for this, but she knew it would make the moment far less special if she gave you a hurried kiss. Nellie's eyes fluttered shut, as did yours. You felt her tender lips against yours moments later, your body melting into her like soft butter on warm toast. Neither of you had kissed anybody in years. This felt like a first kiss for both of you, full of adoration and pure unadulterated devotion.
Just as yours had, her body melted, as well, in relief. She was finally kissing you, after so long of daydreaming about it. Nellie softly ran her fingers down your jawline, her other hand busy tracing the back of your soft neck. You could feel her smile against your lips. Once the kiss was broken, she looked up at you sweetly. You caressed her cheek with your knuckles, causing her to lean into your hand as though she had never been touched so gently in her life.
You and Nellie had an unspoken agreement that night. You'd stay together forever, until death do you part- whether from natural causes, or from the noose you'd hang by should society ever find out the secret ingredient in Mrs. Lovett's meat pies.
Request Guidelines!
~Love, PinkBoots
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multifandomfix · 4 years
Imagine disguising yourself as a man, and Nellie falling in love with you.
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It was safer on the streets of you didn’t wear a skirt. Men fared far better alone than women ever did, and so you made yourself blend in. The only place you felt truly safe was in Mrs. Lovett's pie shop. She always gives you a warm smile when you come in. You just wish she knew the real you, though perhaps it was better if she didn’t.
She flirted with you when you came into her shop with your stolen men’s clothes on. You thought she was interested only in the man you pretended to be. You didn’t speak to her much, for fear of giving yourself away, but one night, when it was only the two of you left, she said something you hadn’t prepared for.
"You can be yourself around me. Stay for the night if you like. You can borrow one of my dresses. I bet I’ll have one that fits. All girls should have a nice dress wear, even if it’s just for a little while." She gave you a wink, letting you know for sure that she knew your secret. It changed nothing, however. She still liked you.
For @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov
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carters-coffee · 4 years
Imagine Nellie having confused feelings for you
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Word Count: 906
"Do you need any help?" You asked, flipping the sign on the door to "closed". You worked in the shop just across the street, and since you finished work right before her, you often came over to help her close up. It had been a nice sort of end of the day ritual almost since you moved here, when Nellie hooked you on her famous meat pies - and her quirky personality. The two of you had become close friends almost immediately. You'd always secretly wished you could be more, but there were too many things working against it, and she had never shown any romantic interest. You supposed - or maybe just convinced yourself - that it didn't matter. This was enough. Now was the time of day you most looked forward to, when you could finally rest after being on your feet all day, talking with Nellie about whatever happened to be on your minds.
Nellie was wiping the counters, cleaning off the grease and grit of the day. She glanced up at you and flashed one of those little half smiles you always loved.
"Thank you, darling, but I'm just about finished. Why don't you take a seat?"
"Alright." You slid into a seat in front of the counter, resting your hands in your lap so you didn't dirty the surface she had just cleaned. A savory smell wafted through the air. It wasn't uncommon for the aroma of meat pies to linger in her shop when the day was done, but today it was stronger than usual.
"Have you still got pies in the oven?" You asked.
"Just pulled one out." She answered, nodding behind her. There on the counter was a fresh pie you hadn't yet noticed. "I figured we could share one, seeing as you hardly get the chance to come here while I'm open."
"That's sweet of you." You said genuinely. She looked up and smiled, locking eyes for a moment, then her smile faltered slightly and she jerked her eyes away to look at the ground. The action confused you, but you didn't get a chance to remark on it.
"I'll get the pie. Would you mind getting the tea? It's already made, just gotta put it on the tray, dear." She was turned away from you, wiping her hands on her dress.
"Of course." You answered, jumping out of your seat. You went and set the tray, placing everything neatly, then picked it up to move it to one of the tables. Normally the two of you would move to her sitting room, but seeing as you would be having pie, you didn't want to risk a mess on the furniture. Nellie followed behind, placing the pie next to the tray, and began to cut out portions while you poured tea for the both of you. Once you both had your servings, you sat across from each other. You noticed Nellie kept glancing at you, taking breaths like she was about to say something, then deflating and looking back down at her food.
"Are you alright?" You asked.
"Yes" Her tone clearly told you it was a lie. You frowned.
"If something's bothering you, you know you can tell me. You're my closest friend, Nell." You reached your hand across the table to take hers but she jerked it away, standing up.
"Well that's just it, isn't it?" She asked, her face tight with frustration.
"I don't understand. Is there something wrong with... with us?" Her reaction to you calling her your closest friend made your heart drop with dread. Did she not see you that way?
"Yes. No! No, no." She said quickly. "It's just..." She sighed, and turned to brace her hands on the counter. "Bloody hell."
You waited in silence, fearing what she'd say next.
"A girl should only feel this way for a bloke." She whispered, softly enough that you knew she probably hadn't meant for you to hear. But you did.
At first you didn't totally believe it, surely you had misunderstood something, but there wasn't really much to debate with a statement like that, was there? Even if she denied it later, the truth was out. You wanted to collapse in relief and jump for joy at the same time. However the way she looked, turned away from you with her white knuckle grip on the counter, head ducked down, told you she was having a hard time with this. You needed to be gentle.
You got up and moved behind her, hesitantly placing your hands on her arms, just above the elbows. She jumped at the contact, then slowly relaxed to your touch.
"I know exactly what you're feeling, Nellie." You wanted to kiss her, but something told you this wasn't the right time yet. When she next spoke, she sounded close to tears.
"If anyone found out- oh, you know how much delight Turpin and the Beadle take in suffering. They wouldn't hesitate to-"
"That's not gonna happen. It'll be our secret, just us, Nel." You rubbed your hands up and down her arms, trying to reassure her.
"Nothing - no one - is going to hurt you while I'm here."
She leaned back into you, and you hugged her from behind, letting out a sigh. The threat of Turpin did nothing to abate the joy you felt. You knew, in your heart, everything was going to be fine.
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@brucestephenbucky @multifandomfix @helenababycarter @morganasdaughter @lucykilljoy @zenlyall @mamawolfsmith16 @caresamaria
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multifandomfix · 2 years
To-Do List: Fics
Updated September 19th, 2024
Requests will be removed from this list when they’re finished being written and put in my queue/drafts. There’s also a possibility of them being removed due to lack/loss of inspiration for them.
📝 - Work In Progress
🤩 - Most Excited For
🤩I Never Promised You A Rose Garden - Regina Mills (Requested by @annalestern)
You’ve always loved Regina, but her actions as the Evil Queen finally become too much to bear. Will she see the error of her ways in time or will it be too late to make her amends?
Leave You Wanting More - Wednesday!Morticia Addams (Requested by Anon)
After you caught her eye, Morticia pays you a less than innocent visit in your dreams.
Catch A Glimpse - Birdie Jay (Requested by Anon)
Birdie unintentionally flusters you while she changes and she decides to play it up a bit.
Arrest And Relaxation - Catherine Cawood (Requested by Anon)
After your first arrest goes sideways, Catherine is there to help you through it and provide some encouragement.
Never A Dull Morning - Barbara Howard (Requested by Anon)
Abbott has called a snow day, so you spend your newly gained time with Barbara in your favorite way, just enjoying her company.
Mother Of All Problems - Addison Montgomery (Requested by Anon)
When you’re brought in after an accident, your mother in called in as your emergency contact. Less than thrilled to see her due to the nature of your relationship with her, Addison is there to pick up the pieces when her being there starts to threaten your recovery.
Silence Speaks Volumes - Cersei Lannister (Requested by @cerseis-fav-maiden)
You’ve been quiet for as long as Cersei has known you. The other maids gossip about you. Cersei wants to get to the bottom of what keeps you so silent.
Smoke Signals - Amelia Shepherd (Requested by Anon)
You and Amelia have been secretly seeing each other for a while but her coworkers figure things out when you stop by for a visit.
Three Alarm Fire - Cristina x Teddy x Reader (Requested by Anon)
When you’re taken to the hospital after saving a young girl from the flames of a burning house, two of the doctors take a special interest in your case. What everyone can’t figure out is why.
Dark Appetites - Nellie Lovett (Requested by Anon)
When Nellie tells you the secret ingredient in her pies, it’s not fear she sees in your eyes, but something else. Something darker.
Crane Games - Niles Crane (Requested by @msiecrane)
You and Niles aren’t ready to tell people about your relationship, and you’ve gone to great lengths to keep it under wraps, but nothing can stay secret forever.
It’s Good To Be Bad - Leland Townsend (Requested by Anon)
You’ve done something you’re not proud of, but Leland hopes to wipe you of your shame and bring out the darker side of you.
The Queen’s Secret - Queen Charlotte (Requested by 🦎 Anon)
Charlotte confides in her closest friends about her growing feelings for you, a servant in her court and they advise her on matters of the heart.
Read You Like A Book - Tom Koracick (Requested by @ghostsunderstoodmysoul)
Five times you and Tom spend time together reading in some form and one time where someone else joins.
Happy Accidents - Tom Koracick (Requested by @ghostsunderstoodmysoul)
You come into Grey Sloan after a minor car accident. Your doctors want to give you an X-ray, but you refuse. Then word makes its way to Tom.
Where Work Meets Play — Tissaia de Vries (Requested by Anon)
All the stress in her life has really been weighing on Tissaia lately, so you decide to offer her a little bit of relief when you find her still in her office late one night, but you’re not expecting Triss to be paying her a visit as well.
Model Girlfriend — Elizabeth James (Requested by Anon)
When you begin modeling for wedding dress designer Elizabeth James, you don’t expect to fall in love with her, and you definitely don’t expect her to love you back, but with the help of her adorable yet meddling twin daughters, you find that being with her might just be possible.
Conditional — The Handler (Requested by Anon)
When you were growing up, you lived next door to the Hargreeves siblings and were close friends. Years later, you’ve disappeared, and they don’t even seem to notice. The Handler thought you’d lure Five and the rest of them right into her clutches, but it’s taking too long for them to find you. You’ve tried everything to get back home, but perhaps it’s time you gave up and resigned yourself to your life the way it is now.
From Bad To Worse — Louise Walker (Requested by Anon)
When you pass out from the heat and fall into one of the holes, Louise is called to get you out, but not before you’re also bit by a rattlesnake. Looks like she’s going to have you all to herself while you recover.
The Accomplice — Wadsworth (Requested by Anon)
You’re married to Wadsworth, and you’re wise to his scheme. You even go as far as aiding him in the murders, though no one else knows you’re there.
Betrayal - Uther Pendragon (Requested by Anon)
During a moment of crisis, you save Uther’s life with magic, but even so he doesn’t take kindly to you having kept it a secret from him. Will he see you executed, or have a change of heart?
Game, Set, Match - Jamie Tartt (Requested by Anon)
Post match, you have an exciting announcement for Jamie.
Whoopsie Baby - Gregory House (Requested by Anon)
After you find out you’re pregnant, you’re having a hard time telling your boyfriend Greg, but maybe he won’t take the news in the way you pictured.
On Paper - Jethro Gibbs (Requested by @lemmons1998)
You and Gibbs are undercover as a married couple and just when you’re closing in on the killer, he has one final surprise left in store.
A Necessary Secret - Susie Myerson (Requested by Anon)
Though you’re married, you carry on a relationship with Susie in secret. She wants you to leave him, but staying with your husband is the one thing that’s protecting her.
Flirting With Fire - Esmé Squalor (Requested by @ruvelle)
After Esmé hires you on as her assistant, you realize just how dangerous and alluring she can be. And your risky attraction to her is only spurred on by Esmé’s ceaseless game of teasing you.
Let me know which fics you’re most excited for!
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