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Hey Melsie, what are the mods and cc you are using for your disney bacc?
I have way too much CC to list it all, but this Pinterest account has all sorts of pins, and there's a whole section with Disney things. Thanks to @mrningbrd for that recommendation!
I don't have a ton of mods at the moment since I'm still trying to figure out issues in my game, but here are my go-tos.
All Worlds are Residential
Basemental Alcohol
Rex's Custom Club Activities
KiaraSims' Aspirations and Odd Jobs
Everything Lumpinou Makes
MissyHissy's Personality Mod, Hopes & Fears, and her Hobby Mod
Plumlace's Immersive Social Bunny
A lot of mods by LittleMissSam and Bienchen
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Would yall mind taking a look at my main for a sec and tell me if u see the last post please?
( @mrningbrd )
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@mrningbrd replied to your photo: Name: Weslie O’neill Age: 42 Height: 6′3″...
Question: was she the one sailing ships? Like the steering? Bc being blind in one eye really fucks with your depth perception and would make it crazy hard to navigate a boat
OH GOD NO she was an on board carpenter who knew about fixing ships on the fly and had vague sailing knowledge and sharpshooting skills that got her on board small ships till she could talk her self up without mentioning the defias
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neville is 100% not straight he is in a polyamourous gay relationship with seamus and that other dude whose name im forgetting
You Right As Hell
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@mrningbrd replied to your post “@whalebonerunes replied to your post “my dad… called my mom to ask...”
idk i kinda sympathize with ur mom. diets are fucking hard, they make me extremely moody bc i get super hungry, so idk i can relate to ur mom
hmm, i guess i can see that. but it’s still unfair of her to insist we don’t have any sugary foods in the house just because she doesn’t want to be tempted...
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Yes!!! Toontown is still around!!! Not disney-official, but open-sourced 100% free. Look up Toontown Rewritten, me and my mom play it
that’s so fucking wild. bootleg toontown
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Lotsa replies
Figured I’d better do ‘em before I get absorbed in writing up this tutorial thing...
These go back a ways because I’ve been, as usual, lazy/preoccupied. :) They’re for @esotheria-sims, @maybesomethingdunno, @nerianasims, @penig, @holleyberry, @plumbobsquareface (who has an awesome username), @immerso-sims, @eulaliasims, @lisac-h, @mustluvcatz-reloaded, @sim-boo, @acquiresimoleons, @pensblr, @didilysims, annnnnnnnd @mrningbrd...
Geez, I need to not put off doing these like this... And I should probably split this up, but...meh.
esotheria-sims replied to your post “So, um....”
Well, with an introduction like this, even if I *weren't* interested in the stuff you have to offer (spoiler alert: I am), I'd still be curious to see what it is at the very least. :) Some of those old Pandorasims sets (if those are what you were referring to here) could definitely use better textures.
Yup, some of the stuff is from Pandorasims, indeed. And from xxxsims. Slig did some nice recolors of some of the latter’s stuff, at least, but I want to high-res ‘em a bit and do some different colors for my own uses. The Pandora stuff, though? Needs serious help. I mean, I get that the textures for these items were probably not the main attraction and all, but...well, such things are important to me. :) I want my game to look nice even if no one sees this particular aspect of it but me. And I imagine storytellers would want better-looking textures, too, for pics/videos.
maybesomethingdunno replied to your post “So, um....”
Generally speaking, I feel like if you want to create something (whether it's Sims content, a story, or a goofy sketch), then create it. When it comes to Sims content, there's always someone who'll download and appreciate the content. Simmers are a diverse breed with a wild assortment of stories, hoods, and gameplay needs/desires. So on the heels of "If you want to make it, make it" is "If you want to share what you've made, share it." Kinky Sims for all! :D
*high five* Yeah, I know what you mean and that’s generally my attitude, too. This stuff, however, was going to be just for me, but then I got to thinking about how there’s a dearth of nice-looking stuff of this type and...Well, I can do something about that. I think, anyway. We’ll see, with some of the stuff. But, due to the more sensitive nature of this kind of stuff...Well, I second-guess. :)
nerianasims replied to your post “So, um....”
I'm interested and have no need to be anon about it. (Also grr 50 Shades times a million, such a horrible example and SO badly written to boot.)
OMG, don’t even get me started. I mean, OK, yeah, the whole thing sort of normalized mine and my husband’s lifestyle a little bit which on the one hand might be a good thing....but on the other hand, it didn’t do it right. Even if it was well-written (which it totally isn’t; it was a bad Twilight fanfic that was obviously written by someone who’d never had even remotely kinky sex, much less any contact with real people who practice BDSM), it portrayed an abusive relationship, not the sort of thing real people who are into this sort of thing practice. Just...ugh. Awful, awful thing. >:(
penig replied to your photo “Owen has…interesting…jammies. And, like Aaron when he was a kid, Owen...”
What pervert even made those in a kid's size?
Skell, I think. I think it’s part of her repository project. I don’t think it’s necessarily perverted, though, especially not in game context. I mean, if you go by the speech bubbles, kids regularly talk about sex with their parents/siblings at the dinner table in the game. :) But even if that wasn’t the case...Well, kids will wear or have or do inappropriate things that they don’t know are inappropriate. They just think it’s pretty or something. Like, in this case, I imagine Owen likes those jammie pants just because they have purple hearts on them. He’s purple, so he likes purple things. :) He has no idea what they mean, and his parents probably think it’s funny. Because they’re that way.
holleyberry replied to your photo “Do you think she adores him? I think she adores him. He, of course, is...”
What's a Gilsbruty to do?
Not much, apparently. *grumble* CERTAINLY NOT PROCREATE! *glares at Simon and wills him to pass on his genes, dammit!*
plumbobsquareface replied to your post “Were-Klingons! Actually, wouldn't that be a nice idea for a default...”
i'm so glad to see other simers that are also into star trek :')
Ohhhhh, I’m a big huge honking dorky Trek nerd. Even published a fanzine, back in the day, was heavily involved in Usenet newsgroups in the early days of the internet and was staff on one of the big-at-the-time forums when such things came to be. I’m not in the fandom per se anymore at all for various reasons, but I’ll always watch the shows and read fanfic and that sort of thing. (DS9 is my fave. TOS will always have a special place in my heart, of course, but most of my Trekker heart belongs to DS9. :) )
immerso-sims replied to your photo “Aaron GilsCarbo, dancing like the nerd he is.”
Dem pink sandals tho ;)
Aren’t they precious? He actually aged into the outfit all by his little self and the pink sandals just sort of define him. That and the surfer hair. :)
maybesomethingdunno replied to your photo “This is Josephine. Young, pregnant with an unknown number of babies,...”
Next she will become addicted to Sim cat nip :P
...And then she’ll be in and out of rehab for the rest of her life. Such a sad, sad tale of woe. :)
lisac-h replied to your photo “Aaron rolled up a want for that “I was abducted by aliens”...”
Mark Twain saw Worf and said, "Werewolf!"
He did, didn’t he? HAH! :D God, it’s been forever since I’ve watched TNG. It’s not my favorite of the shows, but I should give it a rewatch one of these days...
eulaliasims replied to your post “Oh, God, it’s the 10 questions meme again!”
I would add an evil laughter gif here, but Tumblr won't let me, so you'll have to imagine it. :P Yeah, it can be surprisingly hard to find historical fiction that isn't focused on romance sometimes. I don't mind some, but when it seems to take over the rest of the story... meh. That's what I read fanfic for. And now I have the Ride of the Valkyries in my head too, but at least it's not Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer again.
It’s not that I can’t deal with ANY romance in historical fiction. I can if it makes sense within the story and the real history because, hey, these were real people and they fell in love and had relationships and all that. One of my favorite books (The Sunne in Splendour, by Sharon Kay Penman) is about Richard III, and a chunk of the 1000-page plot is about the relationship between him and his eventual wife and what impact that had on him as a person which in turn affected what kind of king he was, and that’s all good. But then there are those that are set in, say, Henry VIII’s court and it’s all thinly-veiled trashy romance novel tripe. (Yes, Philippa Gregory, I’m looking at you.) If I want that, I’ll sit and watch The Tudors, for God’s sake because ooh! Really hot men, gayness, AND boobies, yay! :) I’d rather read about about how that court really was. I mean, it was intriguing enough without having to pruriently sex it up. :p
Geez, this is my “ragging on popular books” post, apparently. :) And you’re welcome for Ride of the Valkyries. *evil* It is now, thankfully out of my head.
mustluvcatz-reloaded replied to your post “Oh, God, it’s the 10 questions meme again!”
I'm half tempted to answer your questions just because they're so NOT about the sims, but I may be too lazy to right now, lol.
You should do it! I want to know what brand of TP you use! :)
acquiresimoleons replied to your photo “Aaron got his wish to grow up, ‘cuz, y’know, it’s not like it’s...”
I never could work out how to make a restaurant run properly either.
The “secret” is to run them with as few employees as possible. Especially at first. Because they will suck out all the money you make and more. So, you either have to have the owner do all the functions (Host(ess), cook, waitstaff) -- which you can do at first because you won’t have a lot of customers until the place levels up to at least Level 3 -- OR you have to use slave labor family members to fill the roles.
Also, having a limited menu of items that don’t require a lot of cooking skill is necessary, unless/until your cook levels up. Otherwise customers will end up with a lot of burnt meals, which lowers loyalty and makes it harder to get stars and level-ups and all that.
acquiresimoleons replied to your photo “And Owen, Arcadia’s other alien sprog, grew up, too. He looks like a...”
His face kinda scares me ��
It’s the eyes. They’re creepy. But it’s what the PT who spawned him has, so...
sim-boo replied to your photo “Simon being macho… ���and, afterwards, not so macho. :) And that’s it...”
R u saying bubble baths arent macho?
Well, anything that a macho man does becomes macho, right? :) But, traditionally? Not so much, no. :)
didilysims replied to your photoset “Simon taught Suzy to roll over….and then cleaned up an ocean of dog...”
Wow, that's more pee than I'd think would fit inside that little dog!
*laugh* Well, it is two dogs’ worth of pee. :) And one of them is a big dog. They just both chose the same pee spot. Right by the front door, of course. *eye roll*
pensblr replied to your photo “Nekkid treadmilling. Saves on laundry.”
*laughs* Just imagine how unfortunate it would be if sims experienced the real life pain of falling on a treadmill...while naked.
I know! I have visions of dangly bits caught in the mechanism, and OW! :) That’s totally a bad kind of ow, too.
mrningbrd replied to your photo “Oh, Benny. Benny, Benny, Benny… Of course, it happened right after...”
tell simon i can relate. this happened the other night at 4 am. my condolences
Oh, God, you poor thing. My dogs at home in Colorado are constantly having skunk encounters lately, apparently. (I’m not there, at the moment, but the ranch hands report in regularly. :) ) It didn’t used to be so bad, but apparently there’s a skunk population explosion in the nearby area...
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Hey there!
I wanted to ask how you track your bacc? I think you mentioned once you have a spreadsheet? I’d love to hear what you put in there/ what it looks like ^^
I do use a spreadsheet :D I'm using really very slightly edited version Nepheris spreadsheet. You can download Nepheris' one here.
For me, the tabs I use the most, are the Population&Townfunds, Residents, and Businesses. Here's a link to a copy of my own spreadsheet on Drive, so you can have a look, if you want :)
Beware for slight "spoilers", because I am playing slightly ahead of my queue.
EDIT: @mrningbrd let me know Nepheris’ link doesn’t work anymore :( So here’s a link to the Excel version of my spreadsheet.
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from this story post from yesterday
@moocha-muses @mrningbrd @rurpleplayssims @cassandra-goths-wife @annieshowell
thank youuuu 😭 💕 gonna confess that i was a little nervous about posting it at first, partially due to how long it was, as well as the story’s contents. i’m really happy that people like it and (as i said in the replies of the original post) i think i will format flashbacks like this post in the future. (confession: i honestly kind of prefer long all-in-one posts anyway hehe)
i really have to emphasize how much @cassandra-goths-wife‘s helped me by brainstorming with me & proofreading for me, and generally being a great friend. their writing is amazing, please follow them!!
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Replies to comments on my depressed rant post. (does it work with cut? I never done this before.o.O)
First: thanks to everyone who wrote a comment. I was a little depressed at that day and I was also not feeling well yesterday so I didn’t answered to the comments before. I have to say that your comments really made me cry because I saw there are people who care. And just to make this clear: I will not stop posting pictures of my Sims. ;)
@pixeldolly: Thank you. :) I’m a little too sensitive, I guess, and take everything too personal, also I know the feeling of being ignored too well in real life. :/ It’s so good to know that there are people who like what I’m doing (no matter if hair or my pictures).
@mrningbrd: I started converting hair because I didn’t wanted to ask other people anymore when I need something for my game (it’s such a bad feeling). At that time four people were converting hair for me and I wanted to learn how to do it by myself and when I saw it looks ok I wanted to share them with everyone since this community gave me so much over the past years. Do you know the feeling of only taking and never be able to give something back? That’s the reason why I uploaded my hair: to give something back after years of just taking. I didn’t even uploaded all the hair that I had converted for my decades challenges since most people are more interested in modern hair, I guess.
@balkopat: I will still post pictures of my decades challenge and other Sims, so don’t worry. ^^ (I still have to edit my pictures, really a lot!, but I wasn’t in the mood for it the last days.) Also it’s always great to get some feedback. :) I’m still surprised that people like my Sims. ^^
@esotheria-sims: thank you so much. :) You have been one of my very first follower on my little Simblr and it still means a lot to me. I never wanted to be a huge Simblr but I want to understand why that one page kept ignoring me. As far as I know I never had any problems with someone on here so I just don’t understand it. At first I thought it’s because I’m new to this and that page hasn’t seen me yet but after I saw that all the new people get reblogs there everytime they post something made me wonder why that page keeps ignoring me. Some other CC-finds Simblr are reblogging my hair posts which is so very kind and makes me happy because I see that some people like what I’m doing. I just thought that this one is the biggest 4t2 database on here and that a lot of people are following it since not everyone knows about the one by MDP. I wish more people would know that this page is there. I will keep on converting hair that I need for my decades challenge and keep posting my pictures. I just have to think about if I will ever upload my work again.
@mdpthatsme: I really don’t know why it bugs me that much that this one specific page is ignoring me. Maybe it’s because I see so many new people who start to convert hair get reblogs there so a lot more people notice them while mostly my own follower know that I’m here. Also it bugs me to see that new people convert all the EA hairs that had already be done and that the person didn’t even replied when I asked them to check your database. (also: I unfollowed them now, sims4to2 and that one new person- I think it’s rude not to answer when someone gives you a hint.) I will keep doing everything just for my self and enjoy my game and post pictures and stop worrying about other people. I have so many great follower who show me they like my Sims (I really don’t understand why ^^) and even that post showed me there are people who care.
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mrningbrd replied to your post “I rly want a drink but it’s midnight and I probably shouldn’t???”
get that water my dude
who needs water when I got that delicious milk bruh
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High School Years Category Edits **PACK REQUIRED**
I think the Sims team messed up quite a bit and was very lazy in what they defined as specific categories. So here’s an edit to fix what they’re too lazy to.
This post is FEMALE only, MALE will be worked on at a later date (because I mostly play weemins 🙈)
FULL BODY JacketOversize - Enabled for Party Pinafore - Enabled for Random DressDungaree - Enabled for Hot Weather DressLayered - Enabled for Sleepwear SweaterShirt - Swapped to Short Dress from Long Dress DressShortCollar - Enabled for Random and Formalwear
TOPS BlazerButtonUp - Enabled for Formalwear, Disabled for Cold Weather TracksuitVelour - Enabled for Sleepwear, Athletics VestShirtShort - Enabled for Formalwear JacketOffshoulder - Enabled for Athletics ShirtComputerClub - Enabled for Athletics, Sleepwear, and Hot Weather ShirtTie - Enabled for Formalwear, Disabled for Random ShirtChessFestival - Enabled for Athletics, Sleepwear, and Hot Weather ShirtChessClub - Enabled for Athletics, Sleepwear, and Hot Weather ShirtComputerFestival - Enabled for Athletics, Sleepwear, and Hot Weather ShirtPoloTransparency - Enabled for Hot Weather VestTassel - Enabled for Random SpaghettiStrap - Disabled for Sweatshirt and T-Shirt (literally what??), Enabled for Blouse, Enabled for Sleepwear BabyArielSweater - Enabled for Cold Weather, Enabled for Random BlazerTie - Disabled for Cold Weather JacketOpenShortRolled - Enabled for Cold Weather, Enabled for Random ShirtsLayeredCuffless - Enabled for Sweater, Enabled for Random ShirtCheerSleeveless - Disabled for Random TrackJacket - Enabled for Athletics JacketShirtSheer - Disabled for Random ShirtDrawstring - Enabled for Sleepwear, Cold Weather, and Athletics
BOTTOMS SkirtBelt - Enabled for Formalwear SkirtMedium - Enabled for Formalwear SkirtPleated - Enabled for Athletics and Formalwear (was thinking along the lines of tennis skirts as someone who played tennis for years) PantsEGirl - Enabled for Cold Weather TracksuitVelour - Enabled for Sleepwear, Athletics, and Cold Weather JeansRolledUp - Disabled ONLY the paint swatches for Random SkirtShort - Enabled for Formalwear SkirtSlit - Enabled for Formalwear and Cold Weather PantsSkinnyCalf - Disabled for Random Jogger - Enabled for Athletics and Sleepwear (and CW if it wasn’t already, I immediately blanked out), Disabled for Cropped PantsSlimSatin - Enabled for Cold Weather
There are several versions of this available. All tops merged are available via this file, all bottoms merged are available via this file, all full body outfits merged are available via this file, and lastly, everything merged together is available here! Please note, these are NOT base game compatible and require the High School Years expansion pack. I was originally going to upload each individually, but then I realized just how much work I did and that’s a bit too much.
I will try to upload the Male version when I can, however, I will be on vacation with spotty wifi the next week. Please let me know if anything isn’t working correctly by sending me a message either here or on my main blog @mrningbrd!
#ts4#ts4cc#my cc#high school years#the sims 4#at least i think theyre not bgc lmao unless someone wants to let me know
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Wolf + shoveltusk for my hot kultiran babe
Wolf - Does your character like to travel with a group or by themselves?
Weslie travels in groups but considers herself solitary, she can’t compare anything to the trust and love she felt among the stonemasons and even the defias, her heart and soul went into those some 20 years, it wasn’t until her small home in kultiras that she considered other people like family again
Shoveltusk - Is there a talent your character has that not many people know about?
she’s dumb good at drinking games
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mrningbrd replied to your post: im uhhhhhhh disconnecting my credit card from my...
i got my itunes/credit card privilege revoked bc i buy too many apps. now its tied to my dads card and he has to confirm the purchase with his phone before itunes will let me buy it now ,-,
my demon is microtransactions (specifically this stupid anime dressup game but before that it was bakery story and before that it was neocash i have a Problem)
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@mrningbrd replied to your post “shoutout to lush for letting me smear coffee grounds all over my face...”
i use that same facemask. looks like i ate shit big time
lmao it totally does XD but it works really well
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Reply time!
First of all, thanks to everyone who offered up kitten name suggestions! They aren’t born yet (but will be if I play the game tonight), but I am now prepared with names for them. :)
Anyway, these are for @kayleigh-83, @mrningbrd, @carriests2designsworld, @acquiresimoleons, @nathanialroyale, @nyshabrokeit, @getmygameon, and @penig...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Amelia Shankel – Adrian and Gwendolyn’s spawn – became a toddler. She...”
LOL that laziness might be an impediment to skilling though!
Well, not for the toddler skills, though. My rule is that I lock toddler skill wants in the order they appear (besides potty-training, because that just happens naturally because of the toddler care schedule I employ in households that have toddlers). If there’s another Sim in the household with time, they will teach the kid the skill they have locked. Only the locked skill can be worked on until it is learned. Then I lock the next one the toddler rolls (if they roll more). I’m perfectly OK with toddlers not learning all of the toddler skills. Or any of them, for that matter, although they are all eventually potty-trained by default.
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
Weird true fact – years ago I read a historical fiction novel about Josephine Bonaparte, and after reading it, I decided that one day I wanted a pair of cats named Napoleon and Josephine because the pair of names were just so perfect together. So seeing them on your Simblr was kind of a trip!
It was unintentional on my part. A random pet name generator spat out the name “Napoleon,” and I went with it. (Had no idea it would actually fit him pretty well. :) ) And then when there was a want for another cat, it seemed logical to get a female named Josephine.
As for the real people...Say what you will about Napoleon, but he did love his wife. Their love letters are like, whoa! :) It’s too bad that they were never able to have children, or else I’m sure they’d’ve stayed together to the end. Or at least I hope they would have. Maybe in an alternate reality... :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Promotions! This is where Adrian and Gwendolyn ended up by the end of...”
I'm trying to be better about not power skilling my way through promotions, without them rolling for the want to do so. Much more realistic that way. Although I do allow a bit of leeway for skilling that happens as a result of preferred hobby interactions, because that's its own kind of realism in itself. :)
My whole playing style is centered around Sims free-willing because, IMO, that’s how you learn who a Sim really is. Basically, they do what they want unless they roll up a want that I can actively fill. So, unless they roll up a want for a skill point, I don’t command them to skill. That said, I’ve made autonomous lots of stuff that isn’t by default, and some of it confers skill points. So, if they choose to read a cookbook or work on restoring a car, then so be it, but I’m not going to make them study cooking or mechanical unless they roll a want to do so. That’s how it works for me. Frankly, I find force-skilling and Sims at the top of their careers and raking in ridiculous amounts of money just incredibly boring, so this is what I eventually came up with to mitigate that.
As for Cherry, specifically...She seems entirely uninterested in bettering herself. Her life centers around sex, social interaction in general, bubble baths, and interacting with the dog, in that order. She’s a hedonist, really, and I can relate.
mrningbrd replied to your post “Name My (Pixel) Kittens! :)”
i like that people gave actual french names and i gave a dessert
Ah, but it’s a yummy dessert, so it’s all good! :)
(Is it bad that when I hear the new French president’s surname, I think of the dessert and laugh myself silly? :) )
carriests2designsworld replied to your photoset “I’m going to be using this 10-year-old window set made by Tiggy quite...”
I just finished setting up the base of my new town, Stockbridge. Yeah, well, my recolor list for this is already about 4 pages long. Including windows. So, I'm just going to snag these up, and add to my already-revolting downloads folder. Between your recolors, and mine...I may actually get a real post-apocalyptic neighborhood! LOL
Heh, I’m hoping I’ll get to play retro-Strangetown before the end of the year... :) Nah, that’s not true. I’m building it and making stuff for it concurrently, and I’m only building houses for the premades plus the two households in the family bin, so it shouldn’t be that long. I think. I hope. I can get a little obsessive with the making of stuff...
acquiresimoleons replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
Offensive? Pffft :p i think you're awesome, extremely helpful and kind. I also really enjoy your gameplay, its so unique and entertaining :D
Aw, thank you! <3 I do try to be nice here on Tumblr and online in general...although if I’m feeling tetchy, I’ll occasionally go to Simsecret and argue with people. (Always under my name, though; I don’t do the silly “anon” thing. If I’ve got a beef with someone, I’ll own what I say to them and say it to their “face.” Anon is for pussies.) But in general, I’m a person of strong opinions and I live a...well, alternative lifestyle, both of which have the potential to offend or just piss off certain people, particularly certain people that I know follow me, but I try to rein that in here. I’m here on this blog to be all about a silly game, to share stuff and be helpful when I can, not to pick silly fights or to sling around politics and social issues or to be shocking for the sake of being shocking.
nathanialroyale replied to your post “Some random thoughts before I do whatever it is I’m going to do...”
I've been hmming on retexturing old dirty things for this theme or make them more medieval for my game. Otherwise I am sadly left with little ideas for this theme that could be useful to my current game :/
And oh, hey! Here comes some of that stuff that people might find gross, yay! :)
I am of the opinion that my game needs dungeon clutter, particularly things to hang on walls and/or peg racks. Which could be medieval or...um, not. ;) I’m also envisioning a certain kind of bed. I have a neighborhood wherein I occasionally play around with *ahem* certain things. I mean, it’d be nice if there was more functional dungeon-y stuff, but even non-functional decorative stuff can give the right atmosphere in combination with some functional stuff. Buuuuut what I’d like to have would require me to know how to mesh, which is a vast frontier that I have yet to breach. :) I do already have some stuff that could use some nicer/updated textures, though... I don’t know that anyone else would be interested, though, in terms of sharing. I have no idea how kinky/fetishy the community generally is and/or whether or not people would want to admit to it and/or whether or not other people who are kinky/fetishy would actually want that sort of stuff in their game, much less whether or not GOS would want such stuff posted there. ;) So...yeah. :)
nyshabrokeit replied to your post “Coupla replies before I toddle off to bed. :)”
I used to have inaccessible beds, but it bugs me that sims don't walk as close to the bed as they can before teleporting. The number of times I had a sim stand up from the dinner table and instantly teleport halfway across the house to bed... >.>
I have actually never had a Sim teleport across the house to get in a bed. They will do long-distance bed-making, though. Like, they’ll stand up from the breakfast table and do the bed-making animations while across the house the bed does the animations, too. But, for instance, in order to use the bed-for-three, even if I command the Sim who “owns” the middle space to go to bed, she’ll only follow the command if she’s in the same room as the bed. I don’t know if I have another mod that’s contributing to this, though.
getmygameon replied to your photoset “It’s winter! Time to take care of the autumn leaves because I don’t...”
Just don't catch on fire XD
That doesn’t happen to me, either. I think it’s because I have a mod that prevents fireplaces from starting fires. I’m guessing that burning leaf piles uses the same code, so the mod is nuking that, too.
getmygameon replied to your photo “Hmmmm. where are they off to? :) Oh! :) (I’ve never bred pets before,...”
I only bred once with my - oh my gosh I don't remember which fam - but it was kitties - 3 of em and couldn't tell em apart worth a damn lol XD
I think the game only has a certain number of puppy/kitten coat patterns, so, yeah, kittens all tend to look alike. But they tend to grow up looking very different. Napoleon and Josephine looked the same as each other as kittens -- white kittens -- but they look very different as adults. I suspect the same will be true for in-game-born puppies/kittens.
penig replied to your post “Replies! :)”
There's a lowest-common-denominator factor in HP's popularity, honestly. If you want a truly great fantasy author, read the greatest English language author of the 20th century, Diana Wynne Jones.
Well, I’ll say this for HP. I might not have any interest in reading it, myself, but it got my severely-dyslexic son -- who had great struggles with learning to read and being interested in reading -- to read. He’s always been a rather anti-intellectual jock (which has always irritated me, as a nerd), I think partly to cover up his reading struggles, but even his jock buddies when he was a kid decided it’d be not-uncool to read Harry Potter. So they did, and he did, too. And then because he got through the Harry Potter books, he felt encouraged enough to read some other things, too. So while he’ll never, ever be a great reader, at least he’s no longer afraid of books and he’s more confident that he can read, if he ever wants to. So, my son is probably one of those lowest common denominators, and frankly God bless JK Rowling for Harry. I just don’t have any interest in reading the books myself. :)
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