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bananitryithegoatman · 6 months ago
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i’m very high rn i hope it loooks okay
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feldmanshome · 1 month ago
whats the bonds of consequences au about?
Hello! And thanks for the question, I really appreciate your attention!
Here's some samurai archer Wawa especially for you. The short description of the AU is right below, enjoy reading.
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The action takes place in the late 19th / early 20th century. The plot is built on the confrontation between supporters and opponents of the introduction of European culture to Japan.
The Suzuki family is very rich and influential, Toichiro publicly opposes the opening of the borders, since his wife died in the unrest caused by civil clashes. And Serizawa is his vassal. Since the age of seventeen, he has served the Suzuki family as a samurai and, in fact, Sho's nanny (Toichiro doesn't really care about his son). Serizawa himself shares Toichiro's ideology - the unrest in the country cost the life of not only his mother, but also his entire village (he was born and raised in a conservative community). From his native land, Serizawa only had Minegishi left, who was a one-year-old child at the time of the attack - twelve-year-old Serizawa fled into the forest with him in his arms, when he got that all the adults defending the village died in battle. So Wawa is like Minegishi's big brother, I guess.
Reigen is an ardent supporter of European culture. He is sure that opening the borders is indispensable. But he does not get involved in politics. He simply bought a couple of buildings and turned them into something like... Pubs? Completely in the Western style. Ekubo is a former cult member (or rather, a former cult leader and a convicted criminal, yeah-yeah), and works at Reigen's bar. Reigen met Mob three years before the main AU timeline. At that time, Shigeo and Ritsu, also left without a family due to the internal political slaughter, were street scamming on the outskirts of the city market. Mob fooled Reigen, after which he, having become imbued with him and Ritsu, offered to take them with him. Reigen has been raising them ever since.
How did Serizawa, who is terrified of European culture and everything connected with it, end up in a Western pub? It's very simple. Toichiro sent him to finish off Reigen. That's how they met, yay!
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lob100 · 2 years ago
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I started drawing because I liked Mob's eyes...
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candyskiez · 11 months ago
Ok... time to talk about Reigen having adhd. Because not enough people talk about it imo and I've been thinking about it lately so. Here it is.
Have you seen him fucking move. His hands. He literally stims. People constantly make jokes about how if he sits still for 5 seconds he will die;
he has a bunch of random talents and interests (martial arts, massaging, psychology, editing, gardening, obviously psychic stuff even if he's not an esper, etc.), kinda implying he just gets super into things out of nowhere sometimes until he loses interest and moves onto the next thing. That's literally hyperfixating m' dudes;
couldn't stand his previous job which was boring and repetitive and stifling. Of course, part of it is probably just him hating capitalism and all that, but you can't tell me that doing the same thing he had no real interest in over and over didn't make him super depressed. He didn't even have a solid plan after resigning, he just. Was done;
on that note - hes pretty impulsive. Does and says things without thinking it through a lot of the time. Doesn't need much more explanation tbh;
also has struggled with addictions (drinking, smoking). Of course adhd havers aren't the only ones to get addicted, but it's been well documented that those with it often fall into it easier than nt people;
has hella rsd. Of course he masks his insecurities so it's not noticeable a lot of the time (tho actually. One could even argue that part of why he masks the way he does is because of rsd and fear of rejection of his 'true self'), but its very apparent in, for example, seperation arc, where him immideately jumping the gun and grasping to keep mob to himself at the slightest hint of rejection was the whole thing that started it all;
this ones less concrete but the whole 'he used to be such a well behaved kid with such good grades, what happened to him ://' deal that the reporters spoke of in that arc was. Definitely too relatable to my adhd riddled burnt out self lmao.
I could probably dig up more but yeah. Tl;dr: Reigen's definitely not nt and him n Mob are adhd and autism solidarity. I rest my case 😌
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raurquiz · 4 months ago
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#transformers #sevendaysofprime #autobot #optimusprime #convoy #altmode #g1 #reissue #godginrai #fireconvoy #armada #energon #starconvoy #masterpiece #mp10 #binaltech #alternity #revengeofthefallen #ageofextintion #thelastknight #legends #fantoys #mb06 #actionfigures @Hasbro
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xzz1 · 11 months ago
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كيف أعذرك عقب هجرك وانت برجك برج عاجي
شفت نفسك مثل شمس للنهار الله وهبها
من عطى لك حق تجرح من يقول انك علاجي
لا تسولف عن علاجي
#x._zz1 راشد الماجد#
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bugcatcherkit · 8 months ago
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low effort tsubomi today
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whisper-and-tangle · 8 months ago
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i was literallly drawing a lil doodle to represent my vision but im not an artist and i forgor to make his weed-quills entirelys bald and OH MY GOSHH THIS IS PERFECT HELP FS;KFGSDK;GGKJL;
sonic mp100 au where silver is teru and he gets his head shaved buut! he grows his two back head quills thangs ??? really REALLY long whilst his weed hair is still bald.do you see my vision
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roshutossecretadmirer · 21 days ago
why do you like the more 𝓔𝓿𝓲𝓵 scammer
evil? scammer? i afraid you must’ve mixed up roshuto with another man.. roshuto is one of the kindest souls i’ve ever seen! he’s caring..handsome.. i don’t believe he would scam someone like that! he’s an honest man!
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melodyofthevoid · 2 years ago
You like taking your vengeance on fictional characters, but not to an extraordinary degree. It's always a tender sort of hurt. You're really into My Little Pony and I'd guess your favorite character in TOH is Hunter.
Haha yeah, I like them to suffer but it’s not because I hate them, it’s because I care. Their pain means something in the end. At least, it does to me. I usually provide a soft landing because then there’s a nice pretty arc. Sometimes. I suppose I’m not as cruel as I portray myself to be.
Also… yeah. Yeah that’s true. Hunter is just so shaped.
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monitorulpsihologiei-blog · 6 hours ago
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marioparty · 9 months ago
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vampyzz · 4 months ago
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whats finna happen if my gf keeps watching mp10
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pocoslip · 8 months ago
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I do Love the SS86 Optimus Prime's Head more than MP44 because it reminds me of the MP10 Figure and I don't like his 1986 Movie Head anyway
(And yes I will get another Optimus Prime Toy because I don't want Money anyway)
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raurquiz · 4 months ago
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#transformers #sevendaysofprime #g1homage #optimusprime #convoy #g1 #reissue #newyearsspecial #masterpiece #mp10 #platinumedition #yearofthehorse #darkofthemoon #ageofextintion #choroq #actionfigures @Hasbro @takaratomytoys
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iamalexjustice · 5 months ago
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"Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost!" Magic Square Light of Freedom aka Optimus Prime. This is a Metallic version and it's My G1 Optimus for now. The figure itself I give a MP10 out of 10. Double Knee Joint and Individual fingers are great, love the blaster, but the Energon Ax is tough to get on this guy's hand. Overall it's a good figure, not my 1 of top 12 figures if this year, but it is good.
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