#mp0625 writes
mp0625 · 10 months
Hiiii hope u are okay 🥰 could ya write something about Vince where reader (his gf) gets hurt. She was supposed to be at the game but instead was in the hospital. Him being worried when he couldn’t find her in the stands. Whatever comes to your mind :)
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Taglist. Masterlist.
Vince Dunn x reader
Anon Request: Hiiii hope u are okay 🥰 could ya write something about Vince where reader (his gf) gets hurt. She was supposed to be at the game but instead was in the hospital. Him being worried when he couldn’t find her in the stands. Whatever comes to your mind :)
A/N: I’m doing pretty good. Damn I forgot how much I like Vince!! I’m still taking requests for Vince Dunn or any players/Drivers!
TW: Angst, Car Cr*sh
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“Hey baby, sorry I’m running late. The meeting ran late at work again.” Sighing while you walk to the car.
“It’s ok, you’ll get here when you get here. Be careful driving, there was lots of traffic coming into the arena.” He said with concern in his voice
“I will, I promise. Love you Babe!! I’ll be in my normal seat and should be there by the anthem.” You said with a smile in your voice.
“Love you too, baby.” “Hey, one more thing, can we go get sushi after we, you know what?” He asked quizzically with a laugh at the end.
“Definitely! That sounds delicious.” “See you at the game.” You said as you hung up.
As you were pulling out of the parking garage of your office building, a car blew through a stop sign. T boning your car. Causing your car to flip on to its side. Witnesses come running calling 911 and seeing if they can help.
As he stepped onto the for warm up and he didn’t see you he thought, “She hasn’t made it in yet, but I know she’ll be in for the anthem and opening face off.”
As Vince went back down the tunnel he still did not see you and that was starting to concern him but to calm his nerves he told himself that you were probably getting a snack.
When he came back onto the ice for puck drop. He looks to where you normally are sitting, and he doesn’t see you. “Where is Y/N at?? She’s probably in the bathroom. Hopefully she’ll be back for opening faceoff.” He thinks to help calm his nerves.
When he got that goal against Bobrovsky he looked to see his good luck charm in the stands and you still were not there. He thought maybe you were in the bathroom again.
When the game was over, with the kraken winning he didn’t feel the elation or the happiness that the rest of the team or the fans were feeling. He was very concerned about you. As he went into the dressing room he got his phone out of his bag seeing all of the calls he got from your phone. Listening to one of the voicemails. “Hello this is nurse Macy from Kindred Hospital Seattle, I’m calling to let you know that Y/N has been in a wreck and you were in her phone as her emergency contact. Please call us back to this number and we can give you some more information about her condition.” Vince almost dropped his phone in shock.
When trying to redial your phone number his fingers slipped multiple times and almost called Matty Beniers who was across the dressing room. When he finally was able to call your number it picked on the second ring. “Hello”
“Sir, is this Vince?”
“Mr. Vince, This is nurse Macy, Y/N was involved in a T bone accident her car flipped onto its side. She seems to be OK other than a few broken bones right now she is asleep.”
“Oh thank everything! She is ok.” He said with a big sigh of relief. “Can I come see her?”
“Yes, you can.” “See you soon.” She said hanging up.
Vince breathes a sigh of relief knowing what happened, but is very concerned about what happened to you. He quickly showers and gets dressed to go see you.
The thing that wakes you up thinking it was a nurse coming to check your vitals. But instead it was Vince holding a box.
“Hi, I brought sushi!” He said with a smile.
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Taglist: @studioreader @honethatty12 @slafgoalskybaby @swissboyhisch @topguncultleader @wondershells @cixrosie
If anything looks wrong or is messed up please let me know my tumblr was fighting me to post this. It looks ok to me, but I might have missed something.
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sarahsmi13s · 4 months
I’m writing my first top gun fic🫣
Ah! M! That’s so exciting! I hope you have fun with it, because having fun while writing is important! It’s going to be amazing! 🫶🏼
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comphy-and-cozy · 19 days
The Eras Tour Hockeyblr Fic Challenge
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Calling all Hockeyblr Swifties! In honor of The Eras Tour coming to an end, we’ve decided to host The Eras Tour Fic Challenge! 
What’s the challenge? You’ll be assigned a song from any of the albums to base your fic off of. Simple.
But what’s the challenge? You do not get to select your song—it’ll be randomly selected by a giant Wheel of Songs. Once a song has been assigned, it will be removed from contention for everybody else. Therefore, the songs are first in, best dressed. Enjoy :)
More information & sign up link below the cut!
Sign Ups Open: Saturday 31 August 2024
Sign Ups Close: Friday 13 September 2024 at MIDDAY Eastern Daylight Time (what time is that for me?)
Songs Assigned: no later than Saturday 14 September 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time (what time is that for me?)
Fics Due: Sunday 8 December, 2024 at 11:59pm anywhere on earth
If you’re looking for even more of a challenge, you may choose between Tier 1 and Tier 2: 
Tier 1 songs are easier, more streamlined plots. Tier 2 songs are more challenging, more vague, and probably a bit angstier (this isn’t to say that all the angsty songs are Tier 2!) [Note that some songs have already been removed from contention if they are duplicates or distinctly not applicable, ie. Marjorie.] 
There are 163 songs in total. 98 ‘Tier 1’ songs and 65 ‘Tier 2’ songs.
You may choose to write about any player. For an additional challenge, you may also request to be assigned a player. You are not beholden to the player provided to you. The Wheel of Players replenishes.
Fics are due by 11:59pm 8 December 2024. You will not be held accountable should you be unable to or decide not to complete your fic. However, if you want your fic to be included in the masterlist, it must be posted by the due date. 
There is no minimum word count or specific format you must abide by. Your fic can be a one-shot, a blurb, a headcanon, or a full-fledged series—and everything in between!
To sign up, fill out this form: SIGN UP FORM. Songs will be assigned in the order the sign-ups are received in.
Please reach out to Demi ( @wyattjohnston ) or C ( @comphy-and-cozy ) with questions.
@ilyasorokinn @fallinallincurls @typical-simplelove @laurenairay @writingonleaves
@tonyspep @gravestrain @mp0625 @misshoneyimhome @thewintersoldierdisaster
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laurenairay · 7 months
every breath, every hour has come to this - S. Jarvis
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Summary: Seth Jarvis was your best friend, your rock, your protector…but could he ever be anything more?
This is my entry for @callsign-denmark’s Luck of the Puck fic exchange! I’ve written a Seth Jarvis story for @mp0625, and I really hope you like this – it’s my first time writing for him and I had a lot of fun with it! Thanks for providing some really great prompts for me to work with.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: some bad language, hurt/comfort, alcohol, terrible date, I fudged the Canes’ game schedule.
Title from: A thousand years, Christina Perri
For as long as you could remember, Seth had always been in your life. Two peas in a pod, two goofy little kids, always attached at the hip. Even as hockey became more and more of a fixture in his life, you were right there in the stands, cheering him on at the top of your lungs as his biggest fan. You were his staunchest supporter, always giving him reassurance when his self-confidence cracked or faltered. He was your loyal protector, pushing away anyone that was ever mean to you, including shitty boyfriends. Everyone knew in your small suburb in Winnipeg that where one of you went, the other was sure to follow.
So it was exactly no surprise to your parents (and his) when you followed him down to Raleigh the moment his entry level contract was signed.
You didn’t know what you would do without his energetic personality lighting up your day, the ultimate hype-man even before dates that both of you knew weren’t going to end well, or his sweet smiles in a terrible morning after a fantastic night out with his team. You didn’t know what you would do without his built arms wrapped around you on the sofa while you watched awful reality tv or cheesy movies, broad shoulders perfectly places to rest your head on, and especially waking up after a shared nap together, cementing his self-proclaimed King of Naps title.
Or seeing him wake up from a nap by himself, and his whole face lighting up when he saw you there too.
For as long as you could remember, you’d been in love with Seth, and there was nothing you could do about it. You’d seen the girls Seth went on dates with, and they were nothing like you. Even when the two of you were going on your first dates when you were barely teenagers, his ‘type’ seemed to be the complete opposite of you – so you’d always endeavoured to make sure the guys you dated were the opposite of him. It was the only way to preserve your heart, to keep your incredible friendship with Seth as wholesome and solid as you needed it to be, and not once had you ever messed that up.
Seth Jarvis was the best person in your life and you never wanted that to change. Not for anything. That didn’t mean that you didn’t know how hard your life was going to be when he eventually found his soulmate – but that was a problem for future you, and you refused to do anything but live in the moment.
Speaking of living in the moment…
“Hey Seth, do these shoes go with this dress?”
Living with your best friend really did have its perks – you could always guarantee an honest opinion on your outfit from him.
“Hmm, you can’t go wrong with a little black dress and nice black heels, but where is he taking you?”
“Does that matter?”
“Well yeah, you like those shoes and I know you don’t want them to get ruined by a sticky floor,” Seth pointed out.
He really did know you so well.
“He said he’s taking me out to dinner, but he didn’t tell me where or what the venue was like,” you admitted.
You ignored Seth rolling his eyes.
“The dress is gorgeous but I would change your shoes if you aren’t sure. Maybe those black ankle boots? Not too casual but not too fancy,” Seth suggested.
“You are amazing,” you grinned, jogging back to your room to kick your shoes off.
“And don’t you forget it!”
You just laughed at his shout across the apartment, pulling on the ankle boots he suggested. Just as you thought, he was right. With a swipe of lipgloss,  you were ready, so you grabbed your leather jacket and headed back out of your room.
“Hey, sweetheart?”
“Yeah Seth?” you asked, spinning on your heel.
“Have fun tonight. You look amazing – don’t let him forget that,” Seth said seriously, making you laugh, “And if you need anything, anything at all, call me.”
“You’re going to be my knight in shining armour?” you teased.
“With a guy you don’t know taking you out for a first date on St Patrick’s Day? Absolutely,” Seth mused.
Well you couldn’t fault him there.
“Wish me luck!”
If only you’d know just how right Seth would be.
“Seth?” you whimpered, hiccupping into your phone.
“Woah, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I know it’s only been three hours, but can you pick me up?” you pleaded.
“Of course, I’ll leave right now. Three hours or three minutes, it doesn’t matter. Send me your location pin, but stay on the line?”
You just sniffed, nodding even though you knew he couldn’t see you, doing as he asked.
“Okay, I have it. That’s a real shitty bar, sweetheart.”
You choked out a sob. He had no idea. “Real shitty date too.”
“What did he do?”
You could hear him running out of your shared apartment, down the stairs rather than waiting for the elevator, and your heart ached with how willingly he dropped his peaceful evening just to help you.
“He lied about taking me out to dinner. Instead he took me to a bar where a bunch of his friends were, and when I asked him why he lied he told me he wanted to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with his buddies and thought I could come along. Which, fine, okay, he thought I would get on with his friends, so I went along with it. Most of his friends were fine, welcoming even, but they were getting drunker and rowdier and I don’t mind that if I’m with people I know and trust like you or your friends, but with strangers? No way. And then he…”
You trailed off, groaning at the memory, Seth just cursing under his breath. You could hear him driving, not even caring for once that he was probably breaking the speed limit. You just wanted him here.
“What did he do?”
“He started getting handsy. Slapping my ass, pulling me into his body with an arm around my waist, all of that shit, making his friends laugh even though it was obvious I was uncomfortable. But then he grabbed at my boobs and-”
“He fucking what?”
Over all the years of Seth protecting you from nasty dates and boyfriends, you’d never heard him so angry. Never.
“He groped me, in front of everyone. But I shoved him away immediately, I swear!” you insisted.
“Hey, I believe you sweetheart. I know that stuff makes you uncomfortable. I swear I’m going to kill him, I’ll-”
“No, no, I don’t want you to get in trouble, okay? I left the bar already,” you said firmly.
“You left the bar? But your location says…”
“I’m outside the bar, still in eyesight of the bouncer just in case, but I’m outside. I walked out the bar because I couldn’t stand to be near him after him threw the remainder of his beer at me for rejecting him.”
“He fucking what?!”
Okay, that was the angriest you’d ever heard him.
“Told you he was a shitty date,” you mumbled, sniffing again as your eyes stung with tears once more.
“This is not your fault. He was an absolute asshole and none of this is on you.”
“Just my luck, right?” you said, huffing out a bitter laugh.
Seth just cursed under his breath again, continuing to mutter about how men were shit and you deserved better and all the things that usually would put such a smile on your face…but right now it just made you want to be home, safe with him, curled up in his arms. Nothing felt better than being with Seth and it was only because of the few drinks that you had that you allowed yourself to think like this. Thankfully, it couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before you saw a familiar car screeching into the parking lot, and you finally felt like you could breathe.
He pulled to a stop only metres away from you, and you wasted no time in walking over to him, even as he got out of the car and slammed his door shut, jogging over to meet you halfway.
“Shit, sweetheart, look at you,” Seth scowled.
You groaned softly as he took in your blurred mascara and beer-soaked top, and grabbed his hand to break his attention.
“Can we just go? I want to get as far away from here as possible.”
You rested a hand on his chest, gently guiding him backwards towards his car, out of earshot of the bouncer and anyone else who deigned to leave, Seth’s fuming expression never leaving the dive bar you were walking away from.
“Is he still inside? Is that asshole still in there?” Seth demanded.
“Hey, no, come on, leave it. He’s not worth it,” you pleaded.
“He doesn’t get to treat you like that and get away with it. No-one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? No-one.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and your body thrummed with heat at his furious words, his eyes wild in a way you’d only ever seen on the ice. His fists were clenched, his nostrils were flared, and his shoulders were squared, all the while his cheeks flushing with anger as well. It was only the brief flash of desperation across his face that let you know he wasn’t mad at you – no, this was Seth’s protective side coming out in full force, dialled up to 1000.
“Seth, I…”
You trailed off, running a hand through your hair as you struggled to find words to defend yourself, relying in his car to lean against and keep you upright. He might not have been mad at you, but it still didn’t feel good to know that your situation was making him react like this.
“It’s not like I go out of my way to date assholes,” you eventually managed, “they just seem to find me.”
“Shit, sweetheart, I’m not accusing you of anything. I just…”
He cut himself off, seeming to need a moment to think, and you waited silently for him to give you something. Anything. Eventually he cleared his throat, the wildness in his eyes replaced by an anguish that made your heart ache.
“I can’t take it anymore. I just wish you’d see what you could have, right in front of you.”
What was he talking about?
Right in front of you?
The more seconds the silence stretched on, the more your confused thoughts swirled and the more frustrated Seth looked, until he groaned in frustration.
“I’m talking about me,” he said through gritted teeth, looking like he wanted to be literally anywhere else.
Oh shit.
“You?” you repeated, your voice cracking.
“Yeah and now I wish I’d never said a damn thing so can we please pretend that you’re really drunk instead of tipsy, and never talk about it again?” Seth muttered, avoiding your eyes.
As all of his words started to sink in, you found yourself shaking your head as decades-buried hope dared to surface.
“You’ve never said anything at all! You like me?” you said, needing him to say it again.
Seth huffed out a laugh, still not looking particularly comfortable.
“How could I say anything? I’m nothing like any of the guys you’ve ever dated,” he muttered.
“Because I purposely date guys that are nothing like you!” you shot back.
You groaned as embarrassed heat filled your cheeks, turning your head away to give you a chance to save a scrap of dignity, but then Seth’s hand was cupping your face, gently turning you back to look at him properly. Never had he touched you like this, so delicately and with such purpose. His eyes were a storm, barely giving you anything to go on outside of the intensity, and it was all you could do to let out a shaky breath as he dropped his hand but stepped a little closer.
“I’m going to need you to give me a bit more than that, sweetheart,” Seth said, barely more than a murmur, edge of his voice a little rough, “What do you mean?”
“I purposely date guys that are nothing like you…because you’ve had my heart for longer than I care to remember. I never thought you could ever be interested in me because of the girls you date, and the thought of dating someone even a little bit similar to you was heartbreaking, so I just…went for the complete opposite. Clearly it’s been working out really well,” you said, choking off a bitter laugh as you finished.
Seth’s lips parted in surprise, and for once he was stunned into silence. It was only the fact that he hadn’t moved to step away that saved you from wanting to curl into a ball on the cold ground. Still, that didn’t stop the anguish from building inside of you like a volcano ready to erupt at the slightest provocation.
Eventually he let out a shaky breath, smiling weakly.
“We’ve wasted so much time,” he said softly, shaking his head.
“We…have?” you asked, still in disbelief.
“We have.” Seth nodded, smiling at you in a way that encouraged you to finally smile back at him, giddy without being able to stop yourself, “You’re my goddamned soulmate, how could I ever want anyone but you? And knowing now that you’ve felt the same way all this time? It’s everything. I wish I could say I’ve been playing the long game but honestly I never thought you’d ever want me back. But we need to put a pin in this conversation until tomorrow.”
What? Why?
You didn’t know what was showing on your face but it made Seth laugh – a little deliriously, maybe, but a bright laugh that you were so used to all the same.
“You’ve been drinking, sweetheart. You’ve literally just ended a bad date covered in beer, as well as had quite an emotional night,” Seth explained.
“That still won’t change how I feel about you in the morning,” you pointed out.
His smile turned a little bashful, but definitely pleased, making the butterflies in your stomach riot.
“Then I look forward to hearing you say it again tomorrow. Just…let me take you home? Away from this gritty old bar parking lot?”
You nodded without hesitation, making him huff out a laugh again but take your hands.
“Take me home, Seth,” you murmured, squeezing his hands, barely able to believe the words coming out of your mouth.
With Seth’s wide grin, it looked like he could barely believe it either.
“We’re going to be amazing, you just wait.”
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swissboyhisch · 3 months
My Princess
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Pairing: Andrei Svechnikov x Princess!Reader
Summary: Being the Princess of Australia has its perks. Like being able to bring your best friend's sport to your country letting you reunite with your favourite person in the world.
Word Count: 2233
Warnings: Royalty AU, slight mention of alcohol (I think, tbh I can't remember)
A/N: This is for one of my favs @mp0625's Birthday Bingo. Sorry it's a little late but I kind of got away with this fic. I really hope you enjoy this because I enjoyed writing it! I hope you had an amazing birthday <3
My choice of five bingo boxes were (middle column):
Fan of another sport
Royalty AU
Free Square (Choice - Reuniting)
Childhood Friends
It’s raining (men)
I really hope you enjoy this! I'm really happy how this turned out :)
*after posting this and getting some anons, I just want to state I KNOW Australia have an ice hockey league. I am from Australia. I follow the two leagues, I go to games, I have jerseys. Just because it isn’t mentioned doesn’t mean I don’t know. This is an AU based around the Global series. Which did happen and was the coyotes vs kings which I WENT to IN PERSON. You don’t have to send me anons. I get it*
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Being the Princess of Australia was pretty amazing. You got to travel the world with your mother and older brother, meet amazing people (and not-so-amazing ones). You got nice clothes and did things many others your age couldn’t. You and your family were loved by the people of Australia.
When you were a kid, you had a trip to Russia. Your parents were on a political visit, and you had to go along with them. This is one of your favourite memories from childhood. Your family was shown around Moscow, and you accidentally bumped into a boy not much older than you on the street. While your parents were busy talking to other adults, you and the boy, who introduced himself as Andrei, talked and ran around together. When it was time to go, you begged your parents to ask if the pair of you could write to each other.
As you both grew up, the letters turned into emails, then messages, calls, and FaceTimes whenever the time zones allowed it. Even once he moved to Michigan for hockey, you talked whenever you could.
One of the perks of being part of the Royal family was having a say in which events came to Perth. When whispers of the NHL bringing the Global Series to Australia started, you advocated for Perth to be the city of choice. When you turned up to the meeting in Melbourne with the NHL officials, you mentioned how much you liked hockey and that Perth would show the NHL a good time. The first green light was for Perth to host the weekend event.
Your mother thought this would be a good event for you to take charge of since you were so passionate about hockey—your second passion after AFL, of course (not that you’d tell Andrei that). You took charge of organising everything for the event with the help of the city’s major event organisers.
Through the journey of organising the weekend, you advocated for the Carolina Hurricanes to be one of the teams. If the Canes were the main choice, then the most exciting game would be against the New York Rangers. The more intense a rivalry, the more likely people would be enticed to watch a sport they’d never seen.
You still remember the call with Andrei when you got the confirmation about the teams being the Canes and the Rangers. It was after dinner when you FaceTimed Andrei, who was in New York for a game.
“How’s it going, Princess?” Andrei grinned when he answered the call.
You were bouncing off the walls of your apartment in the palace. He could see you beaming. “It’s confirmed!”
“What’s confirmed?”
“You’re coming to Perth!” you squealed.
Andrei was confused. “I’m what?”
“The Global Series is coming to Perth,” you elaborated, “and the Canes are one of the teams.”
“I’m going to see you?!” Andrei asked, tears welling up as it had been a year since you had seen each other. The last time was the All-Star game when you flew out to support him. “Oh my god, I can’t wait! When?”
“September,” you answered.
“That’s like six months away!”
When the week finally arrived, you were ecstatic. Only all the years of Royalty training could mask the happiness you felt. You and your personnel were tucked away out of sight unless you were walking in from a specific plane—the one carrying all the hockey players and staff. One by one, the familiar faces of the Canes passed by where you were standing.
“Hello, Your Highness,” Aho grinned when he recognized you standing by the exit of the tunnel.
You laughed at the boy, “Hi Fishy, how are you?”
“Better now that Svech will stop bouncing,” he replied, standing near you facing his teammates coming out, waiting for his teammate. “Look who’s coming.”
Lifting yourself on your tiptoes to see over the other six-foot-plus player, you spied the familiar Russian, bouncing foot to foot in excitement.
“Gee, Princess,” Mickey, one of your guards, laughed.
As soon as Andrei got within reaching distance, you ran for him, launching yourself at him. The two of you were wrapped up in each other, both with tears running down your faces.
“I’ve missed you, Princess,” Andrei whispered.
“I missed you too.”
You tagged along with the teams to their hotel, one of the best in the city. Your mother had decided to host the teams at one of your family’s favourite restaurants, a rooftop bar overlooking the gorgeous Scarborough Beach. You had a change of clothes in the car, knowing you’d be going from one place to another without returning to the palace.
“I still can’t believe you’re here,” Andrei grinned as he watched you come out of the bathroom.
“You mean you’re here,” you smirked as you slipped in your earrings once more.
Andrei travelled with you and your security from the hotel to the restaurant. The rest of the team and staff took a bus. Your mother, older brother, and his long-term girlfriend would meet you at the restaurant, which was hired out for the night.
“How’s your family?” Andrei asked as you both stepped out of the car after one of the guards.
“You’ll see them in a sec,” you laughed, intertwining your fingers with his.
The pair beat the buses to the restaurant, so they went up to meet your mom and brother. Your security stayed by the entrance as there was already security posted around the restaurant.
“Andrei Svechnikov,” your mom smiled when she saw you two nearing. “It’s lovely to see you thriving in the league.”
“Your Majesty,” Andrei grinned, bowing and knowing the protocols.
“We’ve missed you around here,” your mom admitted.
Your brother stepped up, cutting in, “Some more than others.”
You made sure to lean over and hit him. Not the first time and definitely won’t be the last with his history of smart comments. “Shut it.”
The elevator dinged, and in walked the coaching staff and players of the two NHL teams. Each of them greeted your family before everyone mingled.
“How have you been?” you asked Seb as he and Jarvis stood with you and Andrei in the garden smoking area. No one was smoking, but it was a nice little seating area.
“Good,” both boys replied.
Water started to rain down on you guys where you sat. Seb and Jarvis raced to go inside out of the shower. You just laughed, looking at Andrei who was already looking at you. Just like the moment in every romance movie, Andrei leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in the rain. As his arms slipped around your waist, yours slipped around his neck, pulling him closer.
“Get out from the sprinklers,” your mother shouted with a large smile on her face.
You pulled away and looked up at the clear skies. The bloody sprinklers in the garden had decided to turn on while you were sitting there. You and Andrei laughed as you moved to step out of the garden area.
“I’m so sorry, Your Highness,” a worker apologized as she handed both of you a towel to dry off with.
“It’s no issue,” you laughed, your eyes not leaving the grinning Russian beside you.
The pair of you didn’t part throughout dinner. The table you were at was filled with Andrei, his favourite boys, and their partners. You were glowing with happiness, and so was Andrei. His friends were happy to see the friendship blossom into something more.
“I don’t know if you have been told,” your mother started, standing from her seat with the coaching staff, “but on Friday evening, I got three boxes, including the royal box, at the AFL game tomorrow. It’s Eagles vs. Dockers, which is a big game. It’s called the Derby.”
“It’s the equivalent to a Rangers versus Islanders game or the Oilers versus Flames,” you elaborated for the players who had no clue about the sport.
The week was spent with Andrei, attending practices and hanging out with your best friend. If he had enough time, he’d come to your apartment in the palace. It wasn’t just Andrei either; sometimes you and Andrei would take the others and partners out around the city. You got to play host and tour guide around your home city.
Friday night came around, and you dressed up like you usually do for football: jeans, a cute top with a coat, and an Eagles scarf to finish the outfit. You had brought your clothes to the hotel to get ready with Andrei. The two teams had taken sides. Canes were supporting West Coast like you. Rangers were supporting Fremantle like your brother and his girlfriend.
“You look excited,” Andrei grinned as you and the group arrived at the royal box at Optus Stadium.
“I love watching the footy!” you grinned, waving at fans standing below the box.
In the royal box were you, Andrei and his close friends and partners, your mother, and security. Your brother and his girlfriend were with the Rangers as they were cheering on Fremantle. You and the group were excited for the centre bounce. Of course, the group was going through the media as it was a big deal with the NHL teams in the city.
“Your Highness, are you ready to go down to do the coin flip?”
“Of course,” you smiled at the worker.
You, Andrei, your brother, and Trouba followed the worker down to the oval. Your brother would do this week’s coin toss as you did the previous derby. The four of you, two supporters of each team. Oscar Allen and Alex Pearce both bowed to the royals, then shook hands with the four of you.
“Lovely to see you again, Oscar,” you grinned as you hugged the captain.
“You as well, Your Highness,” the blonde chuckled.
After the coin toss, which the Eagles won, they chose the way they were kicking first before the royal party was escorted back to the boxes to watch the game. As the group walked past the Eagles huddle, Harley Reid peeled away from the group for a second to fist bump the Princess as she walked by.
“Good luck, Harley,” you called as he ran back.
Harley waved back, a wide grin on the rookie's face, “We’ve got this.”
Andrei was confused at the interaction but knew you were friendly with all the players on the team. “Who’s that?”
“That is Harley Reid,” you answered. “He was the number one draft pick last year. He’s changed the mood on the team greatly. Great dude.”
As you and Andrei settled back in the suite, you cuddled into Andrei’s side. It was kind of chilly but nothing too crazy. The boys threw questions at you about the game. Who’s this player? What’s that move? What is the ref calling?
“What does it mean when they kick it between the posts?” Aho asked as the Eagles scored the first goal of the game.
You laughed at the question after you finished cheering. “It’s a goal, worth six points. Between the inner and outer posts on each side is a behind, worth only a point.”
The game went by with lots of cheering from the Canes and yourself. The game took off with an exciting start. The Eagles kept the lead through all four quarters. Sure, the Dockers came close, but the Eagles took off in the last quarter. The satisfaction of singing the winning song was incredible, and all the boys enjoyed it.
The next big event was the first game of the Global Series in Perth. You traveled with the Canes to the stadium while your family would meet you there just before the game. It was agreed that you and your brother would both do the puck drop. He said he’d wear the Rangers jersey to allow you to wear the Canes jersey of your upgraded best friend.
“This will be you and the Canes families’ suite, Your Highness,” a worker stated as you were shown where you’d sit for the game.
As much as you wished to sit in the front row to watch your boyfriend, you couldn’t. It was too high risk for security. So instead, you were in the suite with the girlfriends of the Canes, which you guess you were now a part of.
“Hey sweetheart,” Brent Burns’ wife greeted you with their two kids.
After spending so long with the team and families, you had told them to just call you by your name. And like normal, nicknames were created. Andrei always called you Princess. The team called you Your Highness. The older women in the families called you sweetheart.
The game was intense, and the girls were energetic. You were on your feet every time the boys scored. The girls were right there beside you as well. The first thing you all did after the game was head down to where the makeshift change rooms were.
“There she is,” Andrei grinned when he came off the ice after the photos were taken.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around the giant hockey player. “Wow, it’s like you’re taller on skates.”
“I wonder,” he laughed, pulling you closer.
“Congrats on the hatty, Mr. Sweaty.”
Andrei chuckled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips, “With my good luck charm watching me and cheering me on, always, My Princess.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras 
@francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens 
@cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @rleigh-47 @Devilsandpensfan @luca-fantilli 
@books-hlmc @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 
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cellythefloshie · 10 months
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;; Nu är det jul igen written for @mp0625 the hockey girlies fic exchange
Summary: You spend your first Christmas with your boyfriend, Freddie Andersen. Word Count: 1.2k+
A/N: It's a miracle that I was able to get enough time to get this one done! I was worried I was going to run out of time! Thank you Mara or taking the time to coordinate the exchange! It was a pleasure writing for you this year. Happy Holidays to all, I hope enjoy!
The scent in the air could only really be defined as the holidays. It was a whimsical mixture of sugar cookies, pine needles, and the simmering pot of citrus and cinnamon that you had on the stove. It was just like how it smelt back home at Christmas every year, but this year, you weren't at home with your family. This year, you were spending Christmas with your boyfriend, Freddie. 
With the tight schedule, the National Hockey League kept, the holiday season could be lonely for some. Not every man on the roster had their family living in Carolina with them or could make one quick drive or flight out of state to see them for the few short days they had off. Freddie couldn’t fly home to Denmark. The 20+ hours of travel time made the trip unjustifiable. He would have to spend most of it in the air, losing precious time with his loved ones alone on a flight. And no one deserved to spend the holiday season alone. 
That was why, the moment you found out he was remaining state-side for the holidays, you canceled all of your plans. 
Your mother was more than understanding, although your father was wary as to why you didn’t just bring him home for the holidays. And you had half the mind to ask, but your relationship with Freddie was, well, in your mind, still new. The two of you had been together just over a year, but with his busy schedule, you found yourself apart more often than not. And while you were head over heels for him, and couldn’t wait to introduce him to your family, the last thing you wanted was to rush things. 
With little protest, home for the holidays became spending Christmas Eve in Freddie’s apartment. It didn’t have the same novelties of home, but the two of you had spent the day getting into the Christmas spirit. You had put on the simmering pot in the morning, letting its smell relax you as you decorated the apartment and put up a small artificial tree in the corner, complete with lights and ornaments. Then, the two of you made cookies together, and come sunset, the two of you snacked on a charcuterie board of cheeses, nuts, meat, and fruit while bingeing some of your favorite holiday movies. 
It was the last chance the two of you had to relax, because come Christmas Day, you would be conquering cooking Christmas dinner for yourselves for the first time. Which you didn’t even want to think about until morning. The giant turkey was all too intimidating for you as you sipped a glass of wine and watched the credits roll. A single hand fell to the remote, your thumb pressing the series of buttons to close the current movie and fall back into the holiday movie catalog on Netflix. Beside you, the couch shifted, Freddie getting up from his place beside you. And you didn't think much of it. Maybe he had to use the washroom or wanted to refill the bowl with some of the caramel popcorn you had made for your movie night. 
Freddie didn’t return with a bowl. No, in his hands he had a large box. It wasn’t something that came in the mail, none of those big brown packing boxes. It was nicely wrapped in bright red paper with a bow so large it spilled off the top of the box and hung down the sides. 
“I was going to wait until morning, but,” he started, his words perking you up with interest. 
If you didn’t have to wait, you weren’t going to say no. 
Opening your arms, you let Freddie settle the box in your lap. The sheer size of it left your heart racing. It wasn’t all that heavy, which gave you no clear indication of what may be inside. You hadn’t asked for anything too grand, either. Which made you all the more eager to open it. 
Fingers lipped the bow from the box, the sticker holding the ribbon to the box leaving a colorless mark behind where the adhesive tore away the color. Then, you tore at the wrapping, leaving it in large rips at your sides, removing just enough to open the box and see what was inside. 
The first thing you saw was a bouquet of daisies. Which made you smile. They were fresh, or as fresh as you could get them in the winter. Freddie must have just put the finishing touches on your gift before giving it to you. 
“These are gorgeous,” you smiled up at him. The two of you loved daisies. They reminded him of home, and it had quickly become one of your favorites because of it. 
“There’s more,” Freddie insisted, and you handed off the flowers to keep digging for more. Beneath the daisies was white green and red tissue paper and among it a series of other gifts. Your hands went to a smaller box fist. Inside, two crystal swans from Swarovski. Your eyes went wide as they rose to meet Freddie’s. 
He smiled and nodded toward the box. There was more. 
Then, unwrapped, a large bottle of akvavit and two glasses. And finally, an envelope. But as you reached for it, Freddie reached in with his goalie-fast reflexes and took it into his hold. 
“Hey!” you shouted playfully. 
“You will get it. But first, we drink. It’s tradition,” he explained with a grin, his hand wrapping around the bottle while he tucked the envelope beneath his thick thigh. 
The bottle opened with a satisfying sound, and he filled each glass halfway. Together, you raised your glasses, and each took one large gulp of the liquor that burned as it traveled down your throat. It was only when your face contorted from the burn of the alcohol that Freddie offered you the envelope again. 
Placing your drink down on the coffee table, you reached out and pinched the envelope between your fingers carefully. Whatever it was, he was just as excited for you to open it as you were to receive it. The gifts you already opened were just the precursor. In this envelope was the grand finale of gifts. 
It’s a beautiful card, with a snowscape. Green pine trees, and snow a glitter that left traces behind on your skin. But it was what was in the card that mattered, and they fell right into your lap as you opened the card. 
Two plane tickets to Denmark. 
You stared at them, your eyes wide and your jaw slacked. You weren’t expecting that, and he could see it all over your face. A laugh rumbled through him, and you could feel it as his hands found your hips to draw you into his lap. “I want you to come home with me when the season is done. Meet my family.”
A heavy breath shook you, his gaze raising to meet his warm stare. You had been on the same page the entire time but had always been too worried to ask. But he was telling you now. The two of you were serious. He wanted you to meet his family, and he could meet yours. It left you beaming, your smile reaching your eyes as you gave him an eager nod. Of course, you would go, and you sealed the agreement with a warm, simple kiss with both of his hands, cradling each of your cheeks as he drew you in. And as he held you there, he pulled back ever so slightly and muttered out a soft, Merry Christmas. 
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jedi-princess-kestis · 3 months
New game:
Show me a song that fits the last chapter of your story, as if it was a movie coming to a close and rolling into the end credits, making the story feel cinematic to the writer/reader. Put the title of the story before the song, and then tag 4 people (or more if you choose) to play along (Bonus points if the chapter is still in your WIPs and not posted yet, giving your readers a 'hint" at what the ending my be like)
Story: Shadows of the Force *part 1* (ending in WIPs)
Tagging: @lila-rose @cellythefloshie @mp0625 @dystopicjumpsuit @freesia-writes @cyarbika @kybercrystals94 @sunshinesdaydream @hugmekenobi
26 notes · View notes
onthinice-k · 8 months
Little Do You Know - F. Andersen
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It’s finally done! This fic was written for the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston and is for @mp0625. It was a nice challenge to write a reader insert for the first time, I had a lot of fun creating this story and I hope you enjoy readiit just as much!
Also, everyone be warned, I didn’t look at a single calendar or any actual game scores. I just did what felt right and hoped for the best. Also, don’t think too closely about the reader’s job. I have no idea how it actually works, I just put a lot of imagination and confidence into writing it. There also is a guest appearance of Seth Jarvis.
Summary: Suddenly working for the Carolina Hurricanes wasn't how you'd thought your year would end. Everything that followed was just as surprising.
Pairing: Frederik Andersen x f!reader (no mentions of y/n)
Words: 11.9k (I’m sorry, this was planned to be like 3k words at most?? I have no idea what happend)
Warnings: a few swear words? Reader is described as shorter than Freddy, otherwise no physical descriptions. It might sound just a little angsty at the beginning, but it's really not; mostly fluff and maybe some light hurt/comfort
Jane's grin should have been enough to make you suspicious.
It was one evening, after another long shift at work and overtime that you would probably never see the pay for.
Even without looking at her, you knew the look Jane would give you. One of those pitying ones that made you a little more defensive than you should’ve been - a constant reminder that perhaps the year hadn't exactly been perfect.
But that didn't automatically mean Jane was right. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, you had once tried to tell her once. You were happy. No, really.
Sure, the breakup at the beginning of the year had been long and accompanied by a lot of shouting and tears. At the beginning you had been so sure that he was the one - only to be disappointed once again a few months later. But you could always use that as a learning experience, couldn’t you? Jane didn't know what she was talking about when she’d said that you seemed lonely sometimes. Better alone than with the wrong person, right?
And sure, the water damage to the apartment wasn't ideal either. But at least the only thing that couldn’t be saved was the kitchen. Everything else just needed time to dry and, well, maybe a new coat of paint. Two weeks later you had managed to find a new place to move into with your best friend, Jane.
Maybe she wasn’t entirely wrong about your job being more than miserable. Seemingly endless overtime and the salary just enough to make ends meet.
Maybe Jane had a point, even though you hated to admit it.
You weren't unhappy per se. But maybe, just maybe, there was still room for improvement.
And now it was December.
Jane had gotten a telltale glint in her eyes when you both realized that. Less than four weeks left to end the year on a good note.  Or maybe you should just wait for the next one and hope it’ll get better. So, with a shrug of your shoulders, you'd put the thought aside for the moment.
Her grin should’ve made you suspicious. But instead, it was already forgotten by the next morning.
"Jane!" Your voice was far too loud considering she was sitting barely a meter away.
"Hm?" Jane looked up from her book, confused, maybe a little worried. You weren’t paying enough attention right not to get a good read on her expression.
You couldn't believe your eyes. Even after reading the text for the third time, you wanted to pinch yourself. Hard. This had to be a strange dream.
The words blinking up at you from the screen seemed unbelievable.
"Did you- Did you submit my application with- to the- the Carolina Hurricanes?!"
Jane seemed to process your words in her head. Then understanding began to spread across her face.
Your mouth kept opening and closing, but no words came out. You didn't even know what you would have, should’ve, said. What was a normal response in this situation?
Jane straightened up a little and leaned toward you. She was looking over your shoulder at the laptop.
"Oh, they were faster than I expected."
"How... What..."
Sure, you'd complained to her just the other day that the youth team you'd applied to had suddenly realized they didn't have the budget for a full-time position after all. The interview at the equipment store on the other side of town left a lot to be desired after their first question was how much overtime you could put in per month.
But this? You’d never have expected that.
"Are you crazy?" Your voice was still unexpectedly shrill.
“It’s not a rejection letter”, she sounded a little too proud for your liking.
You squinted your eyes at her.
“Then I would’ve killed you. After burying myself out of embarrassment.”
"Oh, come on. You have to admit, it sounds perfect for you," Jane simply shrugged her shoulders. Leaning back again, she looked a lot calmer than you felt.
Nevertheless, you did have to admit that it sounded almost perfect. Often you had helped out with the equipment in small teams in the past and had always enjoyed the work. It was close to the action without being in the foreground.
But still.
"I can't believe you." You slumped back against the couch and ran your fingers through your hair. "This is crazy. You’re crazy..."
Jane sighed. "Hey, if you're not interested, don't answer." Then she turned back to her book.
She made it sound so easy.
"I didn't say that!" you defended yourself immediately.
Jane snorted, then at least a brief twitch of the corner of her mouth.
Your hands were shaking as you pushed open the nondescript door. It had all happened so fast.
Someone had called you the very next morning.
It was all so unbelievable that you could barely remember the phone call.
 "It's a temporary position, but it needs to be filled quickly," the man on the phone had said, that much you could recall - immediately followed by the question of when you could start.
Apparently, someone had gotten sick after they were already understaffed and so they urgently needed someone to fill in.
Your experience at the small hockey center in your hometown had probably paid off after all. While growing up you had helped the coach, who trained the children’s hobby group, with the equipment.
In return, he always gave you old skates and sticks that were once forgotten by someone and never got picked up so you could try them out during your own team’s training.
Maybe they also decided on you because they just didn’t have many applicants with previous experience of any level available at such short notice. But who knew. And really, you didn’t really care either way.
Especially as just a few hours after the call you were now following hurriedly written down directions through the corridors of the arena that you had previously only seen as a visitor. 
Anthony, whose first words had been "Call me Tony", had been awaiting you already. His tour of the most important rooms was not only packed with way too much information but also constantly interrupted by other people’s questions and demands.
Nevertheless, Tony remained friendly and patient with them as well as you, even when you had forgotten which direction you had come from for the third time in a row. Once or twice, he might even have stifled an amused grin.
"Let me just show you the storage rooms and then..."
"Anthony," an older man interrupted from the side. He had his arms crossed over his chest and a grim expression on his face.
An official-looking ID was hanging around his neck.
Tony grimaced at the use of his full name.
"What is it now?" he asked, barely able to hide his annoyed voice under a wavering polite smile. It was the first time you'd seen Tony anything other than friendly today. It was almost weird.
The man didn't really look at Tony, but rather past him, even though the words were clearly directed at Tony. "The sticks are all mixed up." The accusatory tone in his voice was clear, as if Tony had personally caused the mess.
"We don't know what belongs to whom."
Tony sighed. "Of course, you don't", he muttered so quietly that only you could hear the words. However, the other man would have been able to see the hint of an eye roll hadn’t he turned away again, apparently to grumble at the next person.
"Don't let Mike intimidate you," Tony explained, turning back to you, "in case he ever snaps at you. He likes to feel more important than he is." He rolled his eyes with a wry grin.
Someone hesitantly tapped Tony’s shoulder. This time a young man, who looked like he'd just graduated high school.
"Sorry, I know you're busy - I don't mean to interrupt - but, uh, a strap on a goalie pad broke."
Anthony ran a hand over his forehead. "Another one? Shit."  He exhaled noisily. "That's the third one in two days. It has to be a production error. Has the manufacturer responded to the complaint yet?"
The boy's eyes widened, and he shrugged his shoulders helplessly.
Mike called impatiently for Anthony from the next room. Torn, he turned briefly at the voice, then looked back at the boy next to him. "They probably need the goalies for training right now?"
The boy nodded shyly: "They said it was urgent."
Anthony sighed again.
Then he looked at you with a wry grin: "Looks like you'll get something to do sooner than expected."
He got handed a paper from someone walking past him. While searching for something on it he continued talking.
"We only have a few pads left in stock. The new order hasn't arrived yet and we need the ones we still have for the game tonight. Do you know how to sew?" He looked up.
"A little?" Your grandparents had taught you a long time ago, but it wasn't something you had to do regularly in your daily life.
"Great, that should be enough for now. It doesn't have to be pretty, as long as it does the job."
Anthony patted you on the back approvingly. Then he left you standing alone in the hallway, his exit accompanied by another long "Anthony" yell.
You were left standing there. Uncertainly you looked at the young man next to you.
He shrugged his shoulders just as unsure. He murmured quietly: "In that room over there." With a finger, he pointed at a door.
Well, then you should probably get to work. 'That room over there' really wasn't hard to find. It was only a few meters away.
What you didn't expect, however, was to almost walk into a huge man as soon as you entered the room. You always knew that hockey players tended to be quite tall, but it still took you by surprise.
You had to tilt your head back to look the man in the face. Of course, having lived here long enough you knew all the players on the team, at least by name. You weren't some crazy fan but at least invested enough to watch the games whenever you had the time. For your last birthday you had even gotten tickets to watch one live in the arena. It had been great.
Now you were faced with a certain goalie. Stubborn ginger strands fell into his face, his cheeks slightly flushed from training or the cold. Television did not do him justice at all.
Stay professional, you had to order yourself. This was your job. You couldn't mess it up, especially not on the first day.
Frederik looked up. He ran his eyes over your form for a moment. Then he tilted his head. "You're not Tony," his voice sounded unexpectedly soft.
"Oh, uh, no. I'm new here. First day today." Wow, very smooth. Good job.
If Freddie thought the same, he didn't let on. Quite the opposite. He openly watched you, his mouth twisted into a crooked grin. "Well, in that case. Welcome."
You mumbled a "Thank you."
A brief silence filled the room. While you reminded yourself to get yourself under control, you could still feel his appraising gaze on you - not hostile, just curious.
"How do you like it so far?" You could see little lines forming around his eyes as he smiled at you.
"I mean, a map would be helpful. All these corridors are like a labyrinth," you tried to joke.
Freddie laughed. "Oh yeah. You don't want to know how many times I got lost in here at first."
Maybe he was just saying that to make you feel better. However, you decide not to question it and just let the words calm you down a little.
"Are you almost done?" a woman poked her head into the room. Her stern features were emphasized by her narrow glasses. She reminded you of a strict principal scowling at running students.
You were almost certain you'd seen her in the corridors earlier today. Maybe Tony had told you her name and position, but if so, you'd already forgotten again. For the first dozen names you had made an honest effort to memorize them. The numerous ones following after that were buried in the sea of information that had poured in on you in a very short space of time.
"Oh yes, almost done," you grinned at the woman as convincingly as possible.
With a skeptical look, she let her eyes wander back and forth between Freddie, you and finally the pad, still hanging down loosely on his leg.
"Hurry up”, she ordered. You nodded dutifully.
When she had disappeared again, you breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes had literally bored right through you and left you feeling a little uncomfortable. Freddie had squirmed under her eyes just as much.
You didn’t want to risk her turning up here again.
"I think I'll go and get some stuff. To fix that."
Freddie nodded patiently.
Well. There was just one problem.
"You wouldn't happen to know where they store needles around here, would you?"
Again, the corners of his mouth pulled to the side in amusement. "Aren't you the one working here?" He was obviously just teasing you, but your cheeks immediately felt a little warmer, nevertheless.
In the end, Freddie did help by searching through the drawers in the small cupboard behind him while you examined the rest of the room.
Once needle and thread were found, the work was done quickly. The strap was tight again. It should hold on for the next few hours at least. The stern-looking woman had walked past the room a few more times – more than necessary in your opinion – as you had noticed out of the corner of your eye. However, she had not re-entered the room.
Freddie and you had had some simple conversations on the side so the work had gone by quickly. He had asked your name and where you came from.
All in all, your first job could have gone a lot worse. You were almost a little proud of yourself.
Maybe this was all quite doable after all.
It was terrible.
You couldn't remember the last time you'd walked so much, feeling your feet ache with every more step you took. By the time just half of your shift had been over, your legs were already heavy.
Once the game had started, the processes seemed a lot more structured.
The rather hectic running around of the afternoon was replaced by a lot of counting and carrying things from one place to another.
With all the work, you almost missed the end of the game completely.
However, the disappointment was hard to miss. It put deep creases in everyone’s faces; reflected in the way shoulders slumped and voices were muffled.
Losing again after a long winning streak probably always hit everyone hard.
Tony and you got handed the equipment to be washed and dried.
At least one thing hadn't changed though. All sorts of people still wanted something from Tony. He had mumbled to you "I'll be back in a moment", only to definitely not come back after a moment.
Afraid of getting lost for good, you decided to wait here for him anyway.  
Everyone around you seemed to have clear tasks that they were silently following. It was almost strange to see the corridors so quiet, in contrast to a few hours earlier.
No matter where you stood, you had the feeling that you were interfering with the routines of other workers and so you gradually ended up further and further to the end of the narrow hallway. Not knowing exactly where you were was nothing new today. However, this time you were pretty sure this corner hadn’t been in Tony’s tour. 
One by one, players came around a corner. They walked past you individually or in small groups. Very few of them probably really noticed you. Their mood was also noticeably subdued.
You weren't entirely sure whether you were happy to see Freddie again as he slowly stepped around the corner, or whether you would’ve preferred not to see the disappointed look on his face.
You gave him what you hoped was an encouraging smile.
For a brief moment, the corners of his mouth lifted, a hint of a crooked grin as he had almost passed you, but as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished again.
He exhaled forcefully. The heaviness in his eyes returned.
With a long breath, you watched his slowly shrinking figure.
No longer could you stand being in the hallway. You had seen enough disappointed faces for one day. A door caught your eye. It was held open by a chair jammed into the doorway. The cool light falling through the opening was brighter than the ceiling lights.
You dared to take one last look over your shoulder, Freddie had already disappeared from your view. And there was still no sign of Tony. So, you crossed the corridor with slow steps.
The door led directly to the spectator stands. It had apparently been opened after everyone had left the arena.
You let yourself fall against the door frame.
After a quick glance over the seating area, your gaze fell onto the ice surface. Your heart ached in your chest. Before, you hadn't realized how much you missed being on the ice yourself - or you had successfully pushed it to the back of your mind. Only now, when you were so close to it, did the longing come back to you in full force.
"Do you have skates?" The voice so close to your ear made you jump. Lost deep in thought you hadn’t noticed when Tony had appeared next to you.
"Do you have skates," he repeated more slowly, "I have to be honest. I'd be a bit disappointed if I had to find out like this that you don't own any." He flashed an amused grin at you.
You frowned. "Yes, of course. I mean, I have relatives in Canada. They'd probably disown me if I didn't."
"Then what's stopping you from taking a few laps on the ice?"
He shrugged as if it were that simple. It couldn't be that simple.
"What? But no, I can't do that..." You found it difficult to find the right words. You didn't even know what you were trying to say yourself.
"The way you look at the ice longingly, it'll melt away otherwise," Tony teased.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "No, but really. Is that allowed?"
"Yep," Tony pointed over his shoulder. "Back there on the list are the times when the ice is free. As long as you don't mind the ice not being fresh, of course."
You could hardly believe what Tony was telling you. There was actually a possibility that you could skate on the ice? It’d been so long since you had skates on your feet. It’s been even longer since you’d last held a hockey stick.
When you thought about what it would be like to practice again after so long, a yearning overcame you.
"Nobody else usually uses it on Mondays and Wednesdays." Tony gave you a significant look.
The ice had obviously been heavily used. It couldn't have bothered you less.
The first step on the ice was shakier than you expected. And it still felt so relieving. Like rediscovering one of your favorite childhood sweets years later. Or finding change in your pockets that you’d already forgotten about.
Your face beamed with joy, becoming more relaxed with every step. After two laps around the arena, it felt as familiar as before. Your chest rose and fell at a fast pace.
Even after another ten minutes, you were still alone on the ice. When Tony had said no one else usually used the free ice time on Mondays, he hadn't been exaggerating.
You were still a little unsure before, but now you took the stick you had brought with you and a few pucks that were still in a bucket on the side from the last training session.
The last time you’d played hockey was even longer ago than the last time you’d skated. So, it wasn't surprising that you missed the net a lot the first few tries. The times you did hit the goal, however, felt all the better.
The skillful shots from your youth, when you still had time to go to training regularly, no longer worked nearly as well. In the past, you could’ve done them blindfolded.
Adult responsibilities however got in the way at some point, so you were glad that you were still able to attend a hobby group at least once a month until last year. And it paid off. After a short time, the stick no longer felt so strange in your hand. Maybe Hockey was a bit like riding a bike. You would never quite forget how to do it.
You almost missed the other person coming onto the ice.
Even without his number on his back, you could’ve identified him without a doubt. To be fair, there probably weren't that many people walking around in professional goalie gear. Especially those with access to the ice and a Canes logo on their chest.
Without a doubt: Frederik Andersen had just stepped onto the ice. The exact ice you were standing on.
Uncertain you looked back and forth between the exit and him. You were sure you hadn't misread the time on the list. The clock on the wall also told you that you hadn't just been here much longer than you thought.
Still, should you leave the ice? If he was here, he probably wanted to practice. You'd just get in the way.
After the game on your first day on the job, the Canes lost two more games. And as always happens, critical voices immediately got loud on the internet. Even if you hadn't looked any further, you could imagine what they said about Freddie – hopefully, he followed the media team's advice not to read any of it.
Freddie looked at you for a moment. Then he crossed the ice. However, instead of heading for the other half of the ice as you’d have expected, his path led straight into the net on your side.
Fascinated, you watched as he stretched and moved in quick order. Finally, he straightened up again, leaned forward and tapped the ice several times with his stick.
You looked at him in confusion. But when he then flicked a puck across the rink towards you with his stick, it was a more than clear invitation.
In this moment you were so glad to have had some time to warm up before he arrived.
Your first shots at the net were careful. And apparently, they were way too predictable and easy for Freddie, as he blocked each of them with ease. He didn't even look strained in the slightest.
You took it as a challenge.
The next shots were more confident. You even started to skate a few steps towards the net on each of them, instead of standing rigidly in the middle of the ice.
However, after a lost puck on the way to the net elicited a playfully disappointed shake of the head from Freddie, you made it your mission to mix in a particularly bad shot every few tries. Freddie’s reaction made it more than worth it.
If you looked very closely, you imagined you could even see the smirk under his mask every time.
In the end, you didn't know how long you’d played for.
When Freddie pushed his mask up, a few strands of hair were sticking to his forehead. His features were more relaxed than any of the last times you'd seen him here. It looked good on him.
As you went your separate ways again, he gently nudged you with his shoulder. The smile lingered on your lips for a long time.
"Do you think the small suitcase will be enough for three days?"
Jane looked at you over her shoulder. "Are you going on a trip? Without me?" She clutched her chest dramatically.
"There are a few away games coming up. And I'm supposed to come with them”, you explained. Your nerves must be written all over your face.
"Not that I think I'm really going to be that much help.", you added.
You had only just started to feel like you were slowly getting used to the work in the arena. By now, you could count on one hand how many times you got lost in the seemingly never-ending hallways of the arena in a shift. Even all the tasks no longer appeared as overwhelming as they did at the beginning.
Still, it had taken you days to even come close to finding your way around the arena. Even now, you kept discovering new rooms that you had never seen before.
Now, arriving in a completely foreign arena? You'd never seen how away games were run behind the scenes. And now you were supposed to help out yourself. Over the last days carefully established routines to make work easier would have to be broken again.
"Oh yeah, I totally forgot that you're super important now," she teased.
As if. "Hardly. More like the assistant to the assistant."
As you turned back to your bedroom, Jane called after you: "I’m sure it won't be as bad as you think."
Packing took longer than expected. This was probably partly due to the fact that you kept placing stuff in your suitcase just to take it out again minutes later. Should you pack a fifth sweater after all? Would one spare pair of pants be enough or maybe take the black ones with you as well?
By the time you had loaded your bags into your car, you were on the verge of being late. Enough time for you to arrive on time, not enough to get stuck in traffic or spend ages looking for a parking space.
However, you didn’t even get that far.
Your car made a tired stuttering noise before it fell silent again. The same sound was heard on the second attempt. By the third turn of the key, your fingers were already getting clammy.
"Damn it. That can't be true now." Try again. This time the engine only made a muffled scraping sound.  "No, no, no!"
You dropped your head against the steering wheel. Frustration rose up inside you.
Another sharp turn. Your hand clutched the armrest. You preferred not to look too closely at the speed limit. Jane ignored your pointed glances toward her anyway - and today, at least, you were almost glad of her habit of speeding.
The bags on the back seat were a heavy reminder in the corner of your eye.
You almost felt like you were back in your teenage years, being driven around by your parents and older friends. Then the airport finally came into view.
Jane parked and let you out. A car honked behind you. Quickly you thanked her and got out of the car.
You didn't know how, but you were still on time.
After the flight, it was a blessing to arrive at the hotel room.
The room was small, had a strange orange wall color and a dubious stain on the floor that you strictly avoided stepping on. But at least you had the room to yourself. Reason enough to breathe a sigh of relief.  
In the evening, you fell into bed early, exhausted from the day. Sending a photo of your room to Jane would have to wait until tomorrow.
The next morning, you were awake long before your alarm clock. You didn't know who exactly was in the room next to you, but whoever it was had started snoring loudly at some point.
Even after a while, you couldn't fall back asleep. You were slow to pull yourself out of the warmth of your bed, but happy to escape the constant noise. So, you got ready for the day.
When you arrived in the breakfast room with a sectioned-off area for the team and players, the buffet had only just been opened. Apart from you, there was only one other person here so far, who ignored you as politely as you ignored them.
Most people would probably eat later. The game wasn't until late afternoon, so there was no rush to prepare, and morning skate wasn't scheduled for a few hours, as you’d heard.
With a full plate, you sat down at one of the many empty tables. While you ate, you checked your messages.
Jane had texted you last night to tell you that she’d taken your car to the mechanic. Already, they had sent you an email with a list of what needed to be repaired. Your hope that it would only be just a minor repair instantly vanished as you saw the length of the list.
You gulped a second time at the amount at the bottom of the mail.
Shit. That would easily consume an entire month's salary. You dropped your forehead to your hands.
"Does breakfast in general make you unhappy or is it this one in particular?" The chair next to you was pulled back. A certain ginger goalie fell into the seat.
You couldn't suppress a faint snort.
"I wouldn't count my car as breakfast," you tried to joke. Just the thought of your car made you grimace again.
"Oh," his brow furrowed gently. "That doesn't sound good?"
"Yeah. I mean, it has made a weird noise for a while now, should’ve known something like this would happen eventually. I just hoped to have a little more time before having to get it repaired."
Groaning you let your head fall into your hands again. Freddie shook his head, an amused glint in his eyes.
Then he seemed to have another thought.
“Wait, so how did you get to the airport?”
“Oh, I had someone drive me.” You turned your head to look at him.
“Boyfriend?" Maybe it was just hopeful wishing, the way Freddie's eyebrows drew down a touch further. “I mean, not that it’s any of my business.”
"My roommate, Jane." After short consideration, you also added: “Don’t think my ex would’ve even bothered to drive me.” You couldn't see Freddie’s face at that moment as your eyes were drawn to a new incoming message. Just Jane complaining about the weather.
“That sounds like there’s a story.”
You snorted. “Not a good one.”
Freddie seemed to get the drift. He did however furrow his brows slightly and asked slowly: "Wait, how are you getting home then?"
You could almost have sworn that Freddie was sitting closer than at the beginning.
To be honest, you hadn't really thought about it yourself. "Probably an Uber or...?" you mumbled but didn't finish the thought.
Someone from the marketing team - Angela? Angelica? Angeline? - sat down on a chair opposite you.
The conversation was paused for now. Instead, the blonde woman chattered away happily as you just nodded at the appropriate times.
You hadn't noticed when the room had started to become so crowded.
When they’d said: "I have an exciting task for you today", you hadn't thought that cleaning helmets would be a big part of it.
Being allowed to take on more tasks on your own was wonderful. And you were grateful.
There were various parts on a few of the helmets that needed to be replaced or checked. By itself a nice and relaxing work. However, having to polish helmets had always been very low on your list of favorite activities. And today you had to clean every single one after the repairs.
One by one, some players arrived to collect their helmets for training themselves. Others were picked up and taken away by staff on their way past. By the time the last helmet was shiningly clean, there were only three left on the table next to you, waiting to be picked up.
And, well, one of them was a beautifully painted goalie mask of a very specific goalie.
Another player came to collect his helmet. You immediately suppressed the disappointment that welled up in your stomach when you realized who was coming through the door. Or rather, the disappointment at who it wasn't.
He was friendly, exchanged a few brief words with you and finally thanked you before disappearing again.
And then, Freddie came into the room. You almost missed it over your struggle of trying to get a new rag from the top shelf.
“Let me help you”, the deep voice from behind surprised you.  
He probably could’ve stepped around you and still reached the pile of rags easily enough. However, Freddie appeared behind you, not quite touching you, but close enough that you could feel the heat coming from his body.
Even after grabbing the desired item, he didn’t step back a whole lot, stayed close. If you would’ve wanted to you could’ve taken a step to the side. There was more than enough space and even if there wasn’t you knew Freddie would’ve moved immediately and apologized if you’d asked. But you didn’t.
You stayed exactly where you were.
The air between you felt almost charged. You wanted to see what Freddie’d do. You didn’t get the chance to.
The moment was over as quickly as it had come when the door was pushed open. You both jumped.
Until now you’d only seen Seth Jarvis occasionally from a distance in the hallways. Apart from that, you haven't had much to do with him yet.
The first thing you noticed about him today was that he was already holding his helmet in his hands. It was hanging over two fingers as if he had forgotten he even had it. You dimly remembered giving it to one of the employees not long ago.
You looked down at him once with furrowed brows. The rest of his equipment looked complete too and in working order.
Freddie huffed.
Seth's gaze flitted back and forth between him and you. A far too pleased grin began to grow on his face.
For a few seconds, his gaze stayed wandering between you two.
Finally, you broke the silence when it didn’t seem as if he intended to say anything.
"Is there… A problem with your helmet?"
Seth blinked at you. Then he followed your gaze down to his hands.
He shook his head, almost confused by your question. "No, everything's fine."
Okay? Then he probably hadn’t returned for that.
"Then... Anything else I can help you with?" you continued to ask.
He looked down at himself once more and seemed to think for a moment. Freddie started to speak, a meaningful glint in his eyes: "I'm sure it isn't-"
Somehow that just made Seth’s mischievous grin reappear.
He interrupted Freddie: "Hm, I don't know," he thought slowly, "My shin pad has been kind of weird these last few days and…"
Freddie scowled at him. But Seth didn't let it bother him at all. On the contrary, his grin widened a little more.
Amusement flashed in his eyes. There seemed to be some kind of silent communication between the two.
Finally, Seth concluded: "But it's not really that bad.”
So, you were back to square one.
"Then, anything else I can help you with?"
Seth’s answer came too quickly: "I guess I forgot why I came here. Can’t have been that important."
Turning around, however, took him longer than it should have, and you were pretty sure he did it on purpose. At the door, he threw another grinning look back.
Finally, you two were alone again.
You continued blinking at the door. What was that?
"I should probably see what he's up to," Freddie sighed but offered no other explanation. Nevertheless, he made no effort to leave.
Instead, almost absentmindedly he traced an invisible line in the table.
It took you a moment to notice - he lingered.
You didn't know what to do with the realization. Staring at Freddie the whole time only made you feel stranger. Whatever this conversation just was already left you almost dazed, so you picked up the last remaining helmet beside Freddie’s mask again.
You already knew it was spotless. Not for nothing had you spent so much time cleaning it earlier.
Just to have something to do, you picked up another cloth and set to work again.
Freddie watched you silently. There was something comfortable, almost familiar about sharing the silence.
When the last helmet was finally picked up by another employee, it was the signal for Freddie to leave.
You handed him his mask as well. Your fingers touched too long to be just a coincidence. It made your heart beat loudly in your chest.
For a moment you hesitated. Then you raised an arm briefly to his shoulder and gave him a quick squeeze. "Good luck!"
Before you had a chance to regret your decision, you went back to your work.
The high spirits of some of the players you spotted hours later in the hallways told you how the game had turned out, even though you’d been too busy to watch.
You didn't think Freddie would send you more than a quick smile as he walked down the corridor. Two others caught up with him. One of them, easily recognized as Seth Jarvis, and one of the rookies. Seth said something to Freddie, then pushed him to the side straight at you, laughing with one hand behind his back.
With a slight color in his cheeks, no doubt still from the game, he took a few steps towards you. Smiling, he raised an arm. He waited a moment, as if offering you a way out. Instead, you gladly took a small step in his direction.
His arm wrapped around your shoulders. You were pressed firmly against Freddie, who murmured a quiet thank you against your hair. Then, he let go of you all too quickly.
What exactly he was thanking you for you didn’t know. You also didn’t get the chance to ask.
As they passed you, the other two players behind Freddie greeted you cheerfully. You didn't even know other players knew your name. Seth looked almost as amused as earlier today.
By the last day of the road trip, you could no longer stand being in your room. Something about the specific shade of the wall color made your skin itch if you looked at it for too long.
It was unexpected how much you missed home. Even after just those few days in hotel rooms.
Maybe it was having to live out of a suitcase because it wasn't worth putting your things in the closet when you might be traveling to the next city that same night or the next morning. Or maybe it was the way you were constantly surrounded by the general working atmosphere.
You couldn't put your finger on it. What you could say, however, was that you couldn't wait to get home. 
Just one last game.
After dinner, you couldn't bring yourself to go back to your room. Instead, you explored the common room reserved for the team and staff.
Through the window, you could see some players playing with a ball in the backyard below. At a table in the corner, various people were playing a card game you had never heard of.
In a quiet area, you settled down with a book.
Everything was ideal for reading. It was quiet enough; the sofa was comfortable and you were wearing one of your coziest sweaters.
Still, you couldn’t concentrate on your book. Your thoughts wouldn’t calm down, leaving you feeling restless. Every few minutes you shifted in your seat.
You would have liked to fast-forward the day so that it would finally be evening, and you could go home. If it was up to you, you would have already been on a plane.
Every time someone walked past or entered the room, you unconsciously raised your eyes. And every time, you were annoyed that you had lost the line in your book again. Not that you could remember much of the story anyway. Your attention wasn't quite there.
However, it also meant you noticed when Freddie entered the room.
He stopped several times to talk to people. When he was only a few steps away from the sofas, he looked back and forth between them.
Before you could think about it too long, you slid a little to the side, as if an invitation. There was more than enough space next to you for him to sit down without you touching. However, you left the final decision to him.
You didn't have to wait long. Freddie plopped down on the couch - just a touch closer than usual, but still far enough away that you almost questioned if you were just imagining it. Not that you were complaining.
He opened the book he'd been holding under his arm.
Not exactly subtle, he kept watching you out of the corner of his eye. As soon as you lifted your head, however, he immediately averted his gaze.
Actually, you didn't want to ask. You weren't sure you wanted to hear the answer. What if it was a problem just you had. But still.
After another moment of thought you blurted: "Do you ever get tired of away games?"
"Huh?" He looked up, apparently not having anticipated such a question.
Well, there was no turning back now anyway.
"Like, traveling around all the time, being away from home so much?" you tried to explain.
His answer came easily. "Oh, absolutely. I used to hate it so much. Now it’s not as bad anymore. I mean, some days I would still be rather at but, ehn." He shrugged his shoulders.  
Only after a moment did you ask further, having the feeling he wasn't going to add anything more.
"Used to? What changed?"
"Mainly the team. Getting to know the people you spend the days with has been incredibly helpful. It feels less like a business trip and more like… Like a school trip when you were younger." For a moment he got a far-away look in his eyes as if lost in thought.
Your gaze glided across the room. ‘Business trip’ summed up pretty well how it felt to you. Even though you've had superficial conversations with a lot of people, you probably didn't know any of them nearly well enough to put them anywhere near the friends category.
But of course, you’d also noticed how many of the others were always planning activities in groups or just talking and joking over the meals.
You exhaled briefly.
Freddie watched you for a moment. He tilted his head, then continued slowly. His words seemed measured: “You know, the first road trip after my trade here was particularly hard."
You hadn't even thought about that. Your stomach tightened at the thought of how Freddie must have felt.
"Of course, at most everything is the same, but it still feels so- so unfamiliar. You don't know who's sitting next to whom on the plane. You don't know who's a good roommate and who might snore loudly or leave their things everywhere. And all these little rituals and changes that might not even exist at home games."
"But it got better?" You looked at the hands in your lap.
"It really does. The first few times the unfamiliarity, it's so exhausting. But with each more trip, it becomes more and more of a habit."
After a beat of silence, Freddie added slowly: "I don't want to lie to you. Sometimes I'd still rather stay at home. Home games are definitely more enjoyable, as far as that goes. But they're exceptions, just like everyone has bad days."
Encouragingly, he gently pressed his shoulder against yours. The brief touch turned into a long moment, somehow your whole sides touching. Your arm rested against his, your legs just a few inches away.
After a few moments, when he still hadn't slipped away again, you let yourself relax against him. Gradually you could feel Freddie’s muscles losing their tension as well.
"What about Denmark? Do you ever miss being there?" you asked into the silence between you. Freddie looked out of the window.  
"When I was younger, I missed it a lot more than I do now. I haven't lived there for so long now that I hardly know any different."
Your eyebrows drew together. You didn't know whether the statement reassured you or whether it made you want to give Freddie a long hug. Somehow it sounded so sad.
"I can still visit it regularly. And it's not as if my family would ever let me forget the language." He pointed to the book next to him.
You hadn't looked at it closely before. But now you noticed that the title consisted of large - obviously Danish - words.
"Just sometimes..." he shrugged his shoulders unsure. Then he picked up his book again with a sigh.
This effectively ended the conversation. You wanted to ask more, but the far-away look in Freddie’s eyes stopped you. Now you felt bad. Making Freddie sad hadn’t been your intention.
As if he could read your mind, he knocked his elbow against yours gently. You took a deep breath. Returning the gesture, you began reading again as well.
While your earlier worries had calmed down for the time being, now, with every breath you took, you were made aware of how close you and Freddie were sitting to each other.
You didn't want to have to get up again.
The flight home was uneventful. A general tiredness hung over everyone.
You yawned again as you finally stepped outside into the cool night air.
The tiredness made you inattentive and you flinched when someone unexpectedly appeared next to you.
By now you didn't even need to look at him to recognize Freddie. Just his stature and the hint of ginger hair were enough.
He casually reached for your bag and took it from your hand.
Baffled, you almost stumbled over your feet, looking up at him.
"That's my bag."
"Yep," he said with a grin. He had slowed down to give you a chance to catch up. "At least I hope it’s yours and not some random one you just took."
You rolled your eyes. “Then what are you doing with it? Now that we've established that it is my bag."
"I'm giving you a ride." He stated casually, then started walking again.
If you hadn't been so exhausted, you would have at least tried to protest out of politeness. 
Nevertheless, you couldn't help but at least tease tiredly: "Maybe I've got another ride by now."
"Is that why you have the Uber app open?"
You looked down at the phone in your hands. Huh, you couldn't say anything against that.
Freddie became serious for a moment.  "Hey, if you really don't want to, I'm happy to just wait here with you until your Uber arrives. But the offer stands."
"You really don't have to," spoke the good manners out of you. Your parents would have been proud. Even to your ears, however, it sounded very half-hearted.
Freddie stopped. You almost ran into him. Since you managed to stop just in time, you were now standing right in front of each other instead. If you had leaned forward just a little, you would have been touching.
For a long moment, Freddie held your gaze.  "I know I don't have to. But I want to." The sincerity in his words made you swallow. For a few seconds, you stood in front of each other, looking at each other. You could have sworn Freddie's eyes flickered down your face for a moment.
But then he just cleared his throat and started walking again. You ignored the small spark of disappointment in your stomach.
You were sure that Freddie purposely made himself taller as he looked down at you and joked: "And no offense to you, but you're really not big enough to be threatening."
"Hey! I can be scary if I want to be."
"Uh-uh. Whatever you say."
You stuck your tongue out at him, even if he couldn't see it, as he opened the trunk.
For some reason, you had expected the car ride with Freddie to be awkward. Instead, comfortable silence spread between you. After you had told him your address, he navigated the car slowly through the dark streets.
You watched the streetlights pass by the windshield for a while.
"So, do you give all the poor stranded newbies a ride?" It could be taken as a simple joke. You tried to keep your voice carefully neutral. Still, the mood in the car shifted. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but rather more serious than before. It felt important.
"Would you believe me if I said I was just being helpful?" Freddie didn't even sound like he believed the reason himself. It wasn't a straight answer, but it wasn't an immediate deflection either. You could just accept this as the answer and move on, just, you didn’t want that anymore.
"Normally? Yes. But when you say it like that? Not really”, you still kept the tone light.
"Yeah... My sister is the only one in our family who is a good liar. As a teenager, I always envied her for that. She could outsmart our mother every time."
A small smile graced your lips at the story. You could literally see it in front of you, a young Freddie stammering as he tried to come up with a story about why he was home late.
Freddie parked the car in front of your house. He continued to look straight ahead. In the dim light, you couldn’t be sure, but you could have sworn his ears were turning red.
"I mean, it really wasn't a big deal. And you're not the worst company either."
"Such a high compliment," you grinned, "Not the worst company."
Maybe his cheeks had gained a little color too.
"But really, thank you, for the ride. It probably wasn’t on your way."
"It was nothing, really. And maybe it was also a little selfish." He said it into the quiet of the night as if it were a precious secret. He turned his head towards you and looked straight at you. There was warmth in his gaze, perhaps a spark of hope.
"I like- I like spending time with you."
You couldn't help but smile at the words. Freddie smiled back.
Very slowly, one of his hands moved towards your face, as if he was giving you time to object. You immediately leaned into the touch as he cupped your cheek.
He stroked the corner of your mouth with his thumb. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. One of your hands rested on his forearm.
"Good thing I like spending time with you too," you whispered softly.
Afterward, you couldn't remember who moved first. Freddie's face came closer towards yours. Your free hand buried itself in his shirt, the other one letting go to run through his hair.
As soon as your lips met, time seemed to stand still for a moment. You forgot all your previous thoughts. The only thing existing was the feeling of his lips pressing gently against yours.
Soon, the sweet kiss turned deeper. The angle wasn’t great, but you made it work.
When you finally broke away from each other, you didn’t move far. Your forehead rested against his, you could feel his breath against your lips.
A small giggle escaped you. Your eyes met. It made Freddie’s smile widen, before his hand slid into your neck to pull your lips to his once again.
It was pure coincidence that you had packed your skates.
After a morning of unpacking deliveries and doing inventory, you were ready to just go home and curl up on your couch. Only Sarah, with whom you had shared the work, had made it more bearable. Before, you had only known her by sight. Now you couldn't remember the last time you had made friends with a colleague so fast.
She was also the first who saw the note on your locker. With a raised eyebrow, she watched as you read it. Your expression had apparently told her enough because she didn't question your decision to stay in the arena and instead said goodbye with a wink.
The note was pretty inconspicuous.
'Meet me on the ice?’
It was the thought of who the message was probably from that made your heart skip a beat.
When you stepped onto the ice this time, Freddie was already skating slow circles across the rink. You were delighted to realize that you could be faster than him in full gear and after several hours of training.
It was a moment of being inattentive – and maybe also you getting tired after a few laps – that he took advantage of. With a gentle push, cushioned on all sides by his pads, he pushed you against the glass.
With your back against the glass and his arms on either side of you, you stopped.
"Hi." You grinned up into his face. Through the mask, he grinned back just as widely.
"What a coincidence to see you here."
"What, were you expecting someone else, skat?" The way Freddie emphasized the last word told you he knew exactly what that would do to you. Your heart melted.
"Writing notes. Pet names. Is this becoming some high school romance novel?"
"I don't even know what you mean, elskling." You could hear the amusement in his voice. Before you had a chance to answer, Freddie had already pushed himself away.
He positioned himself in the net and leaned down. It didn't take you that long to get used to shooting again.
With your skates in hand and a pleasant exhaustion making your legs heavy, all you wanted to do was grab your stuff and finally head back to your apartment.  
As you turned the corner, you almost ran into someone. You only just managed to stop in time.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to still be here. Didn’t you finish several hours ago?" Tony looked down at you. In one arm he carried a pile of sticks, in the other a large folder overflowing with notes.
"But, oh wait, it's actually good that you're here."
The next words made your heart stop for a moment.
"I just need to talk to you for a minute."
When had that sentence ever been followed by something good?
You couldn't say for sure how long Tony had been standing here. Maybe he had just seen you with Freddie. Before that, you hadn't even thought about whether that was allowed. What if both you and Freddie got into trouble for it?
Or even worse. What if he found out about you and Freddie off the ice? You had only briefly skimmed the contract when you’d signed. You had been far too fascinated by this world, which was secret to every normal fan, to care about that stuff. Not that you’d even expected something like this to happen.
Now you were desperately trying to remember if there was a paragraph about whether relationships with players were allowed at all.
"I won't keep you long," Tony finally snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Brynn - that was the one who was ill. You were his replacement, I don't know if you ever heard his name." You couldn't remember it, but you'd been told so much in the first few days that you could very well have just forgotten it again.
"Anyway. Brynn will be back tomorrow," Tony's face stiffened, "So technically, we don't need any extra help anymore."
"Oh." Of all the fears that had been running through your mind, that hadn't been a scenario you’d considered. You had known from the start that it would only be a short-term job. But you’d have never expected it to be this short.
Tony smiled somberly. "I'm really sorry. I didn't think it would be so quick."
"Yeah, of course. I mean, it's great for Brynn." You weren’t lying. Obviously, it was good to hear, that he was healthy again. But at the same time, knowing you’d lose your job made your heart ache. Even in the short time, you’d grown to love it.
"Yeah," Tony nodded a little absently. He looked conflicted. "Okay, so. Technically I'm not supposed to say anything yet, but... my boss is retiring in the next few weeks. His replacement should be decided by the end of the week. We've had a few conversations and let's just say... I feel like I've got a pretty good chance of getting the role."
"That's really great for you?" you said slowly. Not that you weren't happy for Tony, but your enthusiasm was limited after you'd practically been fired just a minute before.
"That means there's a job opening to be filled." He looked at you meaningfully.
It took you a moment to finally understand. "Oooh."
"Yeah," he nodded, now with a hint of a grin on his lips. "I could put in a good word."
Tony nodded. You had to suppress a loud cheer.  
It was a strange feeling. Last away games you’d wished so desperately to be home again. This time you wished you could join. Having to sit at home and having to say goodbye to Freddie sounded almost worse.  
"I'm going to miss you for the next few days."
Freddie came up behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against his chest. More than willingly, you let yourself fall against him.
He looked at you questioningly over your shoulder. "You're not coming?"
Then it seemed to come back to him too. "Oh, right."
It had taken you almost two days to tell him about the conversation with Tony. You were unsure how to. Plus, an annoying voice in the back of your head that would convince you that Freddie wouldn't care at all.
In the end, you blurted it out one afternoon. In your head, you stuck your tongue out at the nasty voice when Freddie immediately took you in his arms and asked how you were doing.
Even now, he gave you another apologetic hug.
Only one more day until the day Tony would hopefully call.  
The timer beeped. Sighing you peeled yourself from Freddie to take the tray out of the oven.
You sat it down on the counter next to the first, a lot less successful attempt.
You had wanted to do something nice for Freddie, had read up on Danish pastries the day before and after long contemplation finally saved a recipe on your phone. You didn’t know how to pronounce Brunsviger properly, but the pictures had looked great and the recipe seemed easy enough.
You still didn't know exactly where things had gone wrong. Although you had assured Freddie that he really didn't have to – and really, shouldn’t – he had tried a forkful of it anyway. As expected, it wasn’t good. Still, there was a traitorous wetness in his eyes and a long hug.
For the second attempt, Freddie hadn't left your side and guided you through it.
You left some on the counter for Jane. A silent apology for the last time you’d had Freddie over. You might have forgotten to tell her beforehand.
Or maybe, tell her about this at all. There just hadn’t been a good opportunity, especially also constantly having to think about your job.
On this day of all days Jane had come home a lot earlier than you anticipated. For a few seconds, she’d just blinked at you two sitting on the couch, you with your legs in Freddie’s lap.
Then, with a tight voice, she had asked: “Do you have a moment.” Her head nodding to the kitchen.
It had made you feel a little guilty how shocked she looked. Her first words being: “Is that Frederik Andersen in our living room?”.
Obviously, she was happy for you, after the first shock wore off.
The piece of Brunsviger was gone the next morning as you brought Freddie to the door.
"You're gonna be great," you told him goodbye.
The hug was long. Neither of you wanted to be the first to leave. In the end, it was time that drove you apart. If Freddie wanted to get to the airport on time, he had to hurry.
Of course, you watched the games. The first game was great, the second one maybe even better. It was also the first time since the new job that you were actually able to give the games your full attention again. Even if you hadn't really noticed it before, you had missed it a little.
You had a good time. When Freddie had a particularly good save, you wrote him a message. You knew he would reply after the game in the flustered way he always reacted to compliments.
The phone call one evening still took you by surprise. A smile spread across your face. "Hey."
Before you could even reply, you heard a voice in the background.
"Hey, Freddie, what got you smiling like this?" You didn’t recognize the voice but you also didn't have to in order to understand the clearly teasing undertone.
The rustling from the line told you that Freddie must have covered the microphone for a moment. The muffled words he threw back sounded a lot like an insult. The response was laughter.
"Talking to your girlfriend?" came another voice, also obviously meant to tease.
Freddie didn’t reply. You could only imagine his facial expression.
Apparently, it was an interesting one. They probably also had expected some kind of denial.
Now there were several voices talking excitedly over each other.
"Wait what?" - "Wait are you serious?" - "Since when?"
"You can't just say that and leave! You have to-"
Then the voices in the background suddenly disappeared.
"Sorry, I just need to change rooms for a minute”, he said a little sheepishly. "They might have found out that we've been talking."
"Do you mind?" You chewed on your lower lip as you awaited the answer. Freddie didn't sound too worried, but still, probably better to ask.  
"Eh, not really" Then came the cautious question from him too: "Does it bother you?"
You took a moment to really think about it. Maybe it should have bothered you. Especially considering the fact that this was still so new with you two. Still, you couldn't find it in you to worry about it right now. You were far too happy for that.
"No. It probably had to come out somehow. Even if it was quicker than I thought. For hockey players, they're surprisingly smart."
Freddie's laughter rang out from the line. It made you miss seeing the little crinkles form around his eyes. "I'll tell them you said that”, he warned.
"Tony called today."
"Tony? From equipment?" Immediately you could hear Freddie perk up.
As if you knew another Tony.
"Uh-hu. You still have space in your car for one more person?" You let yourself fall backward onto your bed as you gave him a few moments to understand what you were saying.
A few seconds of silence and then a cautiously hopeful: "Yeah?"
"Just so I’m not almost late again, obviously." The corners of your mouth slowly began to pull into a grin.
"Really? Does that mean...?" The joy in his voice only made your grin widen.
"I'm employed. Permanently this time. Not just temporary."
Even as you heard the news from Tony himself, you could barely contain your happiness. As soon as you'd hung up, you'd jumped so loudly that even Jane had come out of the next room.
"That's fantastic!"
You couldn't even put into words how incredibly happy you were just then. The only thing that would’ve made the moment better was if you could have hugged Freddie at that moment.
Before you knew it, the day of the third and final game of the road trip had arrived. As you watched the game on the side while you prepared your dinner, you had a good feeling.
The first period wasn't ideal, but it wasn't disastrous either. The second period started with a goal for the Canes. You jumped up and down enthusiastically, broccoli in hand.
After that, it was all downhill. At the end of the second 20 minutes, the Canes were already 2 goals behind. Two more goals followed. Freddie got pulled in the last 5 minutes. You could almost feel his frustration through the screen as he went down the tunnel.
At that moment, you wished you could’ve been there. How much you would’ve liked to give him a hug and tell him that everything would be okay.
You hesitated for a moment before sending a text. You definitely didn't want to annoy him. A text could never really express the comfort you wanted to give him, but it felt even worse not to write anything.
You tried not to think too much about it when you still hadn't heard back after half an hour. He was probably busy with his post-game routines. After all, they were set to travel back today and arrive late tonight. Surely, he would reply on the plane.
It was pure coincidence that you were looking at your phone at that exact moment. Of course, you hadn't been checking for new messages every 5 minutes all evening. Who would do that? Definitely not you. (There were at least 6 and a half minutes on average between each time you checked your phone.)
So, it was definitely a complete coincidence that you were able to read the text the minute it flashed up on your phone.
It was just two short lines. An address.
It wasn’t even a question if you should go. Before you could even really think about it, you had already grabbed your jacket and put on your shoes.
As you closed the front door, your cell phone beeped with another message.
‘Only if you want to. Might not be in the best mood tonight.’
An obvious offer of a way out. As if you hadn't been waiting for this the whole evening. As if the thought of seeing Freddie again in just a few minutes didn't give you butterflies in your stomach. 
Your heart broke a little at how uncertain the texts sounded, as if you hadn't missed him for the last few days.
Excitement tingled in your fingers as you finally stepped into the elevator to Freddie’s apartment. It had been a short drive.
The door swung open. Freddie was standing in front of you. For a moment, you just looked at each other silently, then he literally pulled you against his chest. More than willingly, you sank into his arms.  
You buried your face in his sweater. The warmth of his body and his familiar scent enveloped you. You could’ve stayed like this forever.
Freddie pressed a gentle kiss into your hair before holding you just a little tighter.
It was the rumbling of his stomach that finally separated you. Even though Freddie was reluctant to let you go, you shooed him into the apartment. He shouldn't have to starve because of you. Who knows when he’d last eaten before the flight?
Freddie apparently understood what you wanted from him and so he led you through the entrance area into the open kitchen. There was already a pot on the stove, some kind of pasta in it. Next to it was a pan of chopped vegetables.
While he took a large wooden spoon and stirred it slowly, you jumped onto one of the counters and sat down. Given your height and the height of the counters, which were definitely adapted to Freddie, it wasn't as easy as you thought, but the twitch in the corner of Freddie's mouth made it worth the effort.
From your position, you could watch Freddie. How his movements were all a little too choppy and the tense line in his shoulders. How he put the spoon down too hard on the counter. How he didn’t raise his eyes.
"It wasn't your fault." You said quietly.
Freddie exhaled in disbelief. He didn't look up at you.
Only when you reached out a hand for him did he come closer. He propped himself up with his arms on both sides of you, resting his forehead against your shoulder.
"Even though you might not believe me just yet, it wasn't your fault," you repeated, hoping that your words would get through to him eventually.
One arm wrapped around his shoulders, the other you let run slowly through his hair.
"You did everything you could. It just wasn't your game. Can't win them all."
He let it pass for a moment, then took a deep breath. He turned his head. With a quick kiss against your neck, he pulled away from you.
"Thank you." He couldn't quite meet your gaze, but you still saw his words for what they were. Not just a thank you for right now, but the texts, the coming over, all the times before that.
"Nothing to thank me for," you confirmed. Freddie shook his head lovingly.
Nevertheless, he probably decided not to disagree for the moment. Instead, he took a plate from the cupboard. Silently he held it out to you, but you shook your head. You’d already eaten.
While Freddie ate, you sat beside him on the sofa. Your legs pressed together with soft music playing in the background for company.
When Freddie got up to take his plate back to the kitchen, you watched him.
Until he came back you hadn't moved from your seat, but apparently, Freddie was no longer satisfied with your previous seating arrangement. With a little shifting around, he finally settled behind you.
His legs were on either side of you, his back against the couch cushions, your back against his chest. One of his arms was wrapped around your waist, drawing slow circles into your side. The other hand was intertwined with yours on your lap.
Your words were quiet. You talked about the last few days, hockey the topic you both ignored. While you told him about the cute dog you'd seen while going grocery shopping, Freddie about something funny one of his teammates had done at team breakfast.
So much more important than your conversations, however, was the fact that you were together at that moment. You enjoyed the closeness; the body heat that radiated from him and slowly made you sleepy.
Every once in a while, Freddie took turns in gently kissing your temple and your forehead. Each time you sank a little more against him.
"Happy New Year," Freddie murmured. His arms around your waist pulled you closer to him.
"Happy New Year," you whispered back against his lips. With your hands on the back of his neck, you reached up for a kiss.
Even after all these years, you still weren't tired of it. Hopefully, you’d never be.
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snugglyducklingbrewhouse’s birthday bingo celebration!
In honor of my birthday in June, I decided to host a bingo event again.
The old event cannot be found due to me literally deleting my old blog and starting from scratch.
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For those you who do remember last year’s event, I basically took the same board and changed a few things.
You do not need to get a perfect bingo (5 squares in a row, column, or diagonal)
You can choose any 5 squares you want
Bonus challenges: totally optional but you can also choose one of the following special types of bingo (I do not expect anyone to do any of these): four corners, inner box (around free space), outer box (top and bottom rows plus both the far left and far right columns), any box of 4 (2x2 box anywhere on the board), X (both diagonals), and + (center column and center row)
Obviously the squares you choose will drive the story, but I am pretty open to genres, including smut (I am turning 27)
I prefer reader inserts now a days but if you are an oc person, I will gladly accept oc fics. I want to be inclusive in terms of types of writing. Obviously not in terms of players since there are just some players I refuse to read for.
No word count minimum (or maximum) but preferably longer than a blurb especially if you fit 4+ squares in one story
June 30th
My actual birthday is June 17th, but I want to give enough time for anyone that wants to write
I will accept early entries. If you are choosing to do one of the harder challenges, you have until July 31st because I know those are hard and most don’t make sense with the board
I am not as open minded as last year, but some players have been added
Obviously, I can’t control who you choose to write since I know not everyone writes for all of these players, and I am totally okay with that
Absolutely no Seattle kraken players unless as a side character and not as a current or former love interest. Those are my babies and I do not read (or write) for them anymore
If none of these players spark your fancy, then feel free to shoot an ask asking about a specific player I haven’t mentioned. I am still open minded but I still have my limitations
Listed in no particular order (because I am chaos):
Nico Hischier
Dawson Mercer
John Marino
Matthew “ratthew” Tkachuk
Quinn Hughes
Elias Pettersson
Cale Makar
Nathan MacKinnon
Sebastian Aho (canes)
And there’s more I’m probably forgetting so feel free to send an ask about a specific player not on this list
Final notes
Have fun with this!
This is meant to be fun, not stressful
If this is too much for you, you do not need to participate as a writer. Feel free to join me as a reader
Again, both reader insert and oc fics will be accepted
My ask box is open for questions about anything related to this (this is partly because Taylor has so much music and I might love her music but that doesn’t mean I absolutely adore each and every song)
Have fun!
No pressure tags: @cellythefloshie @swissboyhisch @mp0625 @puckmaidens @this-is-ally-and-im-confused and obviously anyone who wants to participate or spread the word
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cellysbookshelf · 1 year
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I would like to take the time to thank everyone who participated in my birthday bingo this year! It really is something special to have someone write something just for you! So I have decided to collect all those fics into one post to showcase them all for you! (Don't worry if you're still writing and the post is going to be late. I will add you to the post once it is received!)
sometimes you just don't know the answer by @laurenairay nico hischier x original character 3.6k words angst | ex’s to lovers | seasonal | “…I will always love you” | hurt/comfort
ross colton x reader by @mp0625 400+ words friends to lovers | "It's always been you..." | secret lovers | soulmates | angst
happy birthday by @hockeyboysimagines ross colton x original character 3.4k words at the rink | brother's teammate | hurt/comfort | love at first sight | autumn birthday
stolen moments by @misshoneyimhome andrei svechnikov x original character 4.4k words “i bet…” | secret lovers | free space: love at first sight | inspired by "secret love songs" by little mix | and brother’s teammate
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mp0625 · 10 months
Pass the Cranberries
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Oscar Piastri x reader
Taglist. Masterlist.
A/N: To everyone that voted Oscar you were correct! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!!
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“So I’m meeting your parents today?” Oscar asked, looking at you from the passenger seat.
“Yes, and my brother and sister, my grandparents on both sides, my aunt and uncle from my mom’s side and my great aunt and uncle will be there Thursday.” You list keeping your eyes on the road watching for deer as you wind down the country road.
“How much farther?” He questions after you hit another pothole.
“We are here!” You said as you pull off the larger dirt road onto a smaller one lane dirt road.
“So this is where you grew up?” He looked over at you questionly.
“Yup, born and raised.”
“When was the last time you were here?”
“Weekend before Vegas, while you were at the factory Zac let me go home early, I was able to do most of the work from home.” You said as you go farther up the driveway, as you pass a barn you mention. “That barn is one my great grandpa built, that we used to house cows. But now my mom wants to fix it up and create an air BnB.” As you pull up to the house you put the car in park, and you pop the trunk. As you are getting your suitcases out of the car you hear the front door open.
“Y/N” “Come hear I missed you!” Your mom is now standing on the front porch.
“You saw me two weeks ago.” You said as you walked over to give her a hug.
“Oh, me and your dad saw you on TV, they showed the analysts on the McLaren pit wall and we recognized you.” Your mom said holding you at arm's length. “Come inside, it’s chilly out here. Can I get y’all a drink?” She said opening the front door. As Oscar comes up the stairs behind you carrying your bag.
“Thank you.” Giving him a kiss on the cheek, you grab your bag from him and head inside.
The next morning, as you are drinking your coffee on the front porch. You hear mom call, “Y/N, can you run up to the gas station and grab a couple bags of ice? Please.”
“Yes ma’am.” You said standing up finishing your last sip of coffee. “Oscar, do you want to go with me? It’s about a 20 minute ride there and back.”
“Sure, let me grab my jumper.” He said heading into the house.
Once y’all were on y’all way back Oscar broke the comfortable silence by saying. “I didn’t realize you grew up this far out of town.”
“Yeah it was a little hard to do sports and stuff, but I loved it and wouldn’t have it any other way.” You said with a smile.
Once you pull in and get the ice unloaded. Your mom asks Oscar. “Can you help me with the mashed potatoes by peeling the potatoes? Please.”
“Sure.” He says coming into the kitchen. After a few minutes he asks. “Hey Y/N, am I doing this right?” Showing you a half peeled potatoe.
“Yeah, it looks perfect.” You said.
Thursday morning Oscar woke up to absolute chaos, you and your mom running around putting pots on the stove and turning crock pots on and firing up the smoker, even though y’all did most of the cooking yesterday. As you were putting the green beans on you heard someone pulling up the gravel driveway. You hear your dad shout from the front porch, “They’re here.” After everyone comes in and says hi and gets hugs, y’all settle on the couch and catch up while your aunt puts her food in the oven to keep warm.
In the middle of dinner You and Oscar were talking about one of the races from earlier this year, to your aunt. You hear your sister start up. “They Shouldn’t have done that, that's what caused him to crash!”
“You're just saying that because he’s your favorite.” Your brother shouted back.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not.”
As they continue to get louder you start to call their names but they aren't listening so you have to resort to. “Will you please pass the cranberries?” “Will you please pass the cranberries?” “Please pass the cranberries!” You said hitting your hands on the table after every word.
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Taglist: @studioreader @honethatty12 @slafgoalskybaby @swissboyhisch @topguncultleader @wondershells @cixrosie
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smoooothoperator · 6 months
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @ssprayberrythings
Tagging: @racinggirl @elisysd @lorarri @seasidepierre @charlesswife @mp0625
Highlight all that apply
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair (kinda) / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
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restingbuchface · 8 months
tagged by @artemistlbreadco !!!! strike thru what isn't tru
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde(ish) hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
gonna tag the girlies on this one bc i know it's safe lol @mp0625 @swissboyhisch @puckmaidens /nf
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Gibbs x reader - Love me?
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Hi how are you? I was wondering if I could ask you to write an imagine Gibbs’s and the reader’s first dance as married couple or just slow dancing in a random event to the song “Love Like There’s No Tomorrow” by Freddie Mercury? Thanks in advance! - @kittenlittle24 ❤️
A/N: Freddie Mercury is awesome! Also I based it off the vibe the song gave me, I’m sorry if it’s short!💕
You had the radio on in the office while you worked, no one was in beside you and Gibbs, and you knew Gibbs wouldn’t care.
So, as you worked, you turned in and out to the music and voices, up until a certain song came on. With a wide grin, you hummed along to the song you knew so well, unaware of a pair of eyes watching you.
“(Y/N).” Gibbs said gently.
Flicking your gaze to him, you saw his hand outstretched and a smile on his face.
“How about a dance?” He smiled.
“I’d be honoured.”
Placing your hand in his, you let Gibbs pull you up. His hands went to your waist, and yours went around his neck, your head resting on his shoulder as he begun to sway from side to side.
Under your breath you begun to sing the lyrics, hitting every note just right, getting every word spot in.
Even after the song ended the pair of you carried on dancing. You pulled your head up and found he was already looking at you. His usually cold blue eyes warm and happy.
“(Y/N)?” He muttered.
You hummed, letting him know you heard him.
“Love me?” He asked gently.
Laughing quietly, you leaned up and he stopped moving. Gibbs held you gently and closed his eyes.
“I already do.” You whispered.
With that, you kissed him gently, only lasting a few seconds before you pulled away.
“Gibbs...?” You smiled.
Searching his eyes, you smiled brightly as he smiled back. You ran your hand through his silver hair and brought it down to cradle his face.
“You should smile more.”
“Only for you.”
Laughing, you placed your head back on his shoulder and he placed his chin on yours as the pair of you went back to slow dancing
NCIS: @captainmarvel16 @darth-dorle @aspiringtranslator
Gibbs: @kittenlittle24 @anycsirp @written-by-living-stars @kitty-kat2018
All: @sitkafay @havlindzk @drakelover78 @sammysgirl1997 @mp0625 @tc5322 @hahaboop @captainxholmes
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swissboyhisch · 4 months
You Can't Be Serious
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Pairing: Matthew Tkachuk x OC
Summary: A night out celebrating brings co-workers closer than what they thought possible. With the help of a little alcohol.
Word Count: 1346
Warnings: Probably crossing work boundaries. Alcohol. Kissing. Blurry consent.
A/N: This is for @offside-the-lines Birthday Bingo!! Happy birthday to one of my favourite Aussie girlies. I know it was a couple weeks ago but Birthday month is the best thing to celebrate!
My choice of four bingo boxes were:
Drunken Confessions
Rivals (enemies) to Lovers
Mistaken Identity
Sorry it's so late but work became a little stressful and unpredictable. But I got it in just in time! I really hope you enjoy this as it definitely had me writing tropes I haven't before. Happy birthday Rox <3
Also shoutout to @mp0625 for being my beta. Always can count on you!
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Cora sighed happily as she finally stepped foot into her apartment, taking off her shoes and collapsing onto the couch. Even though it was a lost cause as she’d be leaving again to meet the boys at the bar, they had organized to celebrate the team clinching a playoff spot. Some country bar that the boys liked to go have a good time at when celebrating a win.
As one of the off-ice fitness trainers, she spent a lot of time with the players, creating great friendships. Cora was the only woman in the facility's fitness physio and trainers team and the youngest by far. She had done a traineeship last season, and when the head physio left, he suggested that she come onto the team as one of the other men would be taking his position. As the only woman, the boys had taken to her like family, and suddenly, she had 22 brothers. 
Notice the 22 and not 23? Well one of the team decided she was annoying and just looking for attention. Even when she was just doing her job. Matthew Tkachuk, ever since she started her traineeship, had taken a liking to pissing Cora off whenever he could. If she had to spot him while he did weights, he would do the opposite. She was younger than him and telling him what to do? Yeah right. 
But he had been injured for the last 4 weeks so the two had been spending more time than usual working together making the tension peak. Hopefully, with Matthew being back on the ice tonight, he will have simmered back down before he said something to make Cora strangle him. He was holding it against her that he wasn’t allowed to play yet. Like it was solely her fault for not clearing him to play.
Instead of wallowing and thinking about the dumbass that was Ratthew, Cora pulled herself off the couch and into her bathroom where she could shower and get ready. She was thankful that quite a few of the girlfriends, wives and family members were also coming so she wouldn’t be the only woman within the group.
Cora chose to wear a red lacy bodysuit and a black denim skirt with a leather jacket to finish off the look. A bold red lip and simple smokey look with curled hair made her look out of this world. Something the boys weren’t used to as they only ever saw the woman in athletic clothes and team gear. She traded in her worn pair of Nikes for a pair of trusty black heeled boots. She knew by the time she ordered her uber and got to the bar, some of the players and family would already be there so she grabbed her clutch that had her phone, portable charger and ID in it. The uber luckily wasn’t that long for a Friday night. 
“Cora!” Yana Tarasenko yelled as the young woman climbed out of the SUV.
“Yana,” She laughs, being brought into a hug. 
The pair intertwined their arms and made their way through the security with Vlad to where there was already a group gathering in the back corner around multiple booths and tables. Players, partners and family alike were all chatting away happily, nearly all with some kind of drink in their hand. Whether it be alcoholic or not. 
“I’m going to get a drink,” Cora yells over the music to Yana who nodded and waved her off. 
Yana found a seat with some of the other girls in a corner booth tucked behind the boys. Cora found herself at the bar, ordering her usual vodka cranberry along with two tequila shots. If she was to get through this social gathering, to be what she deemed as a normal, she needed a few drinks. Hence the shots. When she wasn’t paying attention, a body slid into the bar right beside her. 
“Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?” A familiar voice spoke up over the Carrie Underwood song that was blaring. 
Cora turned slowly, not wanting to believe what she had heard. There beside her, and apparently hitting on her, was an already tipsy Matthew Tkachuk. What the actual fuck? Those words did not just come out of his mouth.
“Tkachuk,” Cora muttered uninterested.
“So you’re a fan?”
Cora laughed, “You can’t be serious…” The curly-haired boy looked confused for a moment. Which to Cora was comical. “Matthew, we literally–” 
“Cora!” Barkov shouted when he saw her at the bar. He brought her into a hug, but she didn’t miss the shocked look that crossed Matthew’s face.
“Cora?” He gasped.
Instead of wasting time, she disappeared onto the dance floor with some of her friends dancing and sipping her cocktail. A few of the girls were cheering her on when she shook out her hair that she had put into a clip for the trip to the bar. They were all having fun, enjoying themselves. When the first few notes of Kesha’s song Take It Off played, Cora let out an excited squeal. She had practiced the line dance a heap after seeing it on TikTok. 
“Go Cora!” The girls yell as she races to the middle of the circle with quite a few other bar patrons. 
As the chorus came up, Cora stripped off the jacket she was wearing and waved it around in the air above her head. She thrived on the attention of all the girls and their partners cheering her on. Matthew had stepped up beside them and watched the girl he had come to be so frustrated with. After the song came to an end the group pulled her into the circle, showering her with compliments on the side of her she’s never shown to the team.
“You make not liking you hard when you move your hips like that,” Matthew whispers, coming up behind the dancing girl as the attention turns elsewhere. 
She could faintly smell the beer on his breath but she was probably just as drunk. “Matt…”
Cora leant back against Matthew’s body as his arms came to wrap around her waist. His fingers tickled her skin through the lace bodysuit. Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy started to play as the two swayed together in time with the beat. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Matthew yelled over the music after another hour of drinking and dancing. 
Cora giggled, “Let’s go.”
Without saying goodbye to any of the team or partners, the two slipped out of the bar and into the back of an Uber that Matthew had ordered. The two laughed and whispered on the journey back to his apartment. Cora was helped out of the car by Matthew and led up to the 11th floor of the apartment complex. 
“You frustrate me to no end,” Matthew mumbles against Cora’s lips as he pushes her to the now-closed door. 
Cora frowns at the words, “What? Why?”
“You held me off the ice even when I was all good to play.”
That made Cora step away. Even though the two were definitely tipsy, probably drunk if you look at the true definition, it hurt to hear that. “I can promise you it was for the best.”
“But I was good to play…”
“We knew we’d make the playoffs, why risk you getting injured and missing the playoffs? Why risk our best player?” 
Those words coming out of Cora’s mouth made Matthew’s thoughts flip. He had only thought of himself that Matthew hadn’t considered the team and the future of the season of he had made his injury worse. 
The silence was worrying to Cora. What was running through his head? “Matthew?”
The curly-haired boy pulled her close again and pressed his lips to hers. It was addicting… For both parties. The two stripped off clothes, leaving a trail to his bedroom.
“I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you,” Cora slurs as they fall onto the bed together. 
Matt grins, “I know I’m in love with you.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras
@francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens
@cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @rleigh-47 @devilsandpensfan @luca-fantilli
@books-hlmc @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 @there-goes-thefighter @totallynotrobotic
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cellythefloshie · 5 months
Cellythefloshie's Birthday Bingo Celebration 2024
It's that time of year again!
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My birthday is in September, so we will have the "deadline" set to September 2nd 2024.
I will reblog any fics on @cellysbookshelf and will be following the tag #cellysbingo2024 but please be sure to tag me at @cellythefloshie to assure I don't miss it!
5 in a row = bingo!
at the start of the fic please include the 5 tropes you have chosen
There is no word count or expected format. You can write it as a fic, or in my imagine/blurb format (example), I will be happy with either.
I do not have a preference for reader insert or Original Character content.
Will only read player x reader or player x original character stories. I am not interested in player x player content.
Please do not write about players drafted after the 2018 draft. I will not read them.
If you have a player you are unsure about, feel free to message me and ask about them!
Smut is welcome but not expected. Please tag all 18+ content accordingly.
If writing smut please avoid themes of BDSM, degradation (mild is okay), non-con (dubcon is okay) and anal sex. I thought this list would be longer, but I can't think of anything else.
RE: FREE SPACE - pick any trope on the board that is not in line with the row you are after.
RE: INSPIRED BY - this can be anything inspired by a song, album, tv show, etc. Example: Inspired by a Taylor Swift Song. Inspired by this Grey's Anatomy Episode. Get creative!
RE: TABOO - includes and isn't limited to infidelity, stepcest, sex work etc. Please specify the taboo element in your fic if you choose this space.
Now, if I have tagged you I do not expect you to write anything. But if you could please give this a reblog it would be greatly appreciated - and thank you for making hockey rpf such a wonderful community to be a part of! @hockeyboysimagines , @hagelpoint-3821 , @hischierdevils , @stlbluesbrat21 , @starshine-hockey-girl , @claireelle18 , @senditcolton , @mp0625 , @laurenairay , @swissboyhisch , @comphy-and-cozy
I welcome stories from any and all in celebration of my birthday!
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