#moving to newton ma
mastodonmoving · 3 months
Ultimate Guide To Living In Newton MA
Did you know Newton MA was the birthplace of the fig newton? 😲 If you live in or are moving to this unrivaled city, check out our Ultimate Guide To Living in Newton MA 🏡 https://newtonmamovers.com/living-in-newton-ma/ Newton MA info - utilities, trash pickup, schools, hospital, facts, trending topics #newtonma #livinginnewtonma #movingtonewtonma #trashpickupnewtonma #newtonmafacts #utilityinformationnewtonma #newtonmaschools #moversnewtonma
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freezingmcxn · 3 months
I legit just pulled up your fic and spent the past hour and a half reading it, and like, HOLY SHIT, it had me hooked and so happy to see how you write all of them. Jeff’s personality had me out the window and I found it so intriguing. Jack and Toby’s relationship also seems pretty funny and interesting and I find it humorous to read.
It also makes me wonder, how would you write other pastas, for example Ben, since his whole concept seems incredibly interesting.
Ben in my AU
You’re the sweetest I’m so glad you like it :D Here’s Ben Drowned’s backstory! Read my au post for more information on the setting, the cult etc :)
Tw: Cult, Child Death, Alcohol Addiction.
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On the day of Benjamin Lawman’s eighth birthday, his father abandoned him and his mother, Lisa.
Ben was left alone to blow out his candles, listening to his mother's sobs from the next room.
Lisa was never the same after her husband's sudden departure, she fell apart, seeking solace in alcohol.
It began subtly, with a glass of wine after work to unwind. Over time, the single glass turned into several, and soon, the bottles emptied faster than she realised.
The demands of single motherhood and the strain of daily life weighed heavily on her.
Ben, even as a young boy, noticed the changes. His mother’s once bright and cheerful demeanor grew increasingly erratic.
Mornings were hard, Lisa often woke up with a pounding headache, her movements sluggish and her mood irritable. She struggled to get Ben ready for school, her patience frayed and her temper short.
Nights were worse, with Lisa passing out on the couch, the television flickering in the background, empty bottles scattered around.
This led to Ben having to mature faster, he had to look after himself and his mother.
He became her caretaker in many ways, learning to navigate the unpredictably of his mother’s addiction.
He would pour out her hidden stash of liquor, endure her angry outbursts, and tuck her into bed when she couldn’t make it there herself.
Despite the hardships, Ben loved his mother fiercely, clinging to the hope that she would find her way back to the person she once was.
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It was during one of her sober periods that Lisa met David Newton.
His charisma and promises of salvation seemed like a beacon of hope in her life.
Desperate for stability and a sense of purpose, Lisa was easily drawn into his world. She believed that joining his organisation could be the solution to her struggles, offering a fresh start away from her demons.
Ben, however, saw David for what he truly was..a manipulative charlatan preying on his mother’s vulnerabilities.
As Lisa became more entrenched in the cult, her addiction was replaced by an equally consuming obsession with David’s teachings.
The void left by alcohol was filled with zealous devotion, changing her into a person Ben scarcely recognised.
Ben had to attend the meetings held by David alongside his mother.
Ben saw the way David looked at his mother and his followers, he hated it..
Home Sweet Home
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When Lisa came home and began packing their belongings, Ben's stomach sank.
David was moving his organisation to the woods, a place where they could be free from the restrictions of society, a place where they could prepare for the end, which, according to David, was near.
Desperation surged through Ben as he saw his mother methodically placing their things into suitcases.
He couldn’t let her go.
He ran to her, grabbing her wrists with trembling hands, his voice cracking as he pleaded.
“Ma, you can't do this. Please, stay here."
Tears streamed down his face as he tried to pull her back into the house.
But it was no use.
Lisa gently but firmly pulled him with her, her eyes distant and resolute, it made Ben’s blood run cold.
Before he knew it, they were in the car, the engine roaring to life.
Ben's heart pounded as the house disappeared behind them, replaced by the foreboding trees of their new lives.
Deep in the forest, David Newton had established a secluded compound, a self sufficient commune that he claimed was a “haven” from the “corruption of the outside world”.
Wooden cabins, hastily constructed and barely insulated, were arranged in a rough circle around a central clearing where a large, makeshift chapel stood, it was a large tent with a tarp thrown over it, symbols and wooden carvings place around it.
Hollowed Out
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Ben felt trapped, he had spent months surrounded by zealots who looked to David as their savior, he felt he was the only one seeing through the bullshit.
Ben watched in silent horror as his mother changed into a mere shadow of her former self. Lisa now wore a constant expression of vacant devotion.
She immersed herself in the commune's strict routines, her every action dictated by David.
Every morning, she rose before dawn to attend the ritualistic prayers and ceremonies led by David in the makeshift chapel.
Lisa no longer cared about the things she once loved.. not even her Ben…not even herself.
It was in her eyes that Ben saw the most disturbing change.
She would often sit for hours, staring into the forest, whispering prayers to Zalgo, her lips moving in sync with the other followers.
She spoke in a monotonous voice, reciting David's words as if they were her own thoughts. She wore plain, modest clothing, shunning any sign of her former individuality.
Her interactions with Ben became mechanical and distant, she was physically present but emotionally unreachable.
Agent Of Doubt
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David’s followers had gathered in the makeshift church like every other morning, their breaths were visible in the early dawn light.
Newton stood at the front, his eyes wide as he preached the same message about the coming apocalypse and the salvation Zalgo would bring.
Lisa was among the devoted, her face serene and her eyes fixed on David.
Ben stood at the edge of the group, his fists clenched and his heart pounding, he never participated in this, he just watched, he had watched and watched David manipulate the people he lived with…the person he loved.
He felt the anger boil up through his body and reach a new high, he could no longer bear the sight of his mother, lost to this madness.
As David’s voice rose.
“I am the one to save you all.”
Ben couldn’t stop himself..
“This is all a lie!” Ben shouted, his voice breaking through the monotonous chant of the followers.
“David, you’re a fraud! The-there is no Zalgo, and this isn’t salvation.”
The clearing fell silent, all eyes turning towards Ben in shock and horror. Ben stood frozen, glaring at David.
David’s face twisted with fury, his eyes narrowing as he stepped down from his makeshift pulpit. He approached Ben.
“Oh my child..” David whispered, his voice soft but his stare was predatory.
“You are an agent of doubt, a threat to our salvation.”
Ben stood his ground, his body trembling but his resolve unshaken.
“You’re the threat, David.” He spat back, staring into the eyes of the wolf who was about to consume him whole.
David’s head tilted.
In a swift, furious motion, David struck Ben across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground. Ben tried to rise, but David was on him, kicking and hitting with a frenzied violence.
The other followers watched in stunned silence, their faces blank, as if they couldn’t process what was happening.
Lisa stood frozen, her eyes wide but unseeing, trapped in her indoctrination.
David’s assault grew more brutal, each blow fueled by his rage.
Ben’s vision blurred, pain consuming him as he struggled to breathe.
Finally, with one last, sickening crunch, Ben’s body went limp.
David stepped back, panting, his fists bloodied.
He looked around at his followers, his face hardening.
“This is what happens to those who oppose the will of Zalgo,” he said quietly, his voice cold and final his hand shakily pointing at Ben’s body that lay out on the floor.
“Get him out,” David waved at the crowd and limped out of the chapel.
Without a word, several men moved forward, lifting Ben’s lifeless body and walking down the aisles of people.
Lisa didn’t dare look at Ben’s body. she stared forward until he wasn’t in her sight.
They carried Ben to the nearby lake, the water was dark and cold, the surrounding area was covered by trees and there was no sign of life nearby.
They tied stones to his ankles and pushed him into the water, watching as his body sank into the depths, swallowed by the darkness.
Without a word they began making their way back to the camp.
Rundown of Ben in the present day of my au
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Ben’s spirit now roams the Durham forests, tethered to the lake that became his final resting place.
He appears dripping wet at all times, his clothes cling to his gaunt frame. His eyes, once filled with defiance, now reflect a deep sorrow and confusion.
Ben is extremely timid, often hiding in the shadows of the dense forest, making him an elusive presence.
Bound to the lake, he lingers near its edge, the place of his tragic end.
Ben does not know what happened to the cult or his mother; his memories of that night are fragmented and hazy.
He thinks of his mother often, wondering if she ever escaped the cult’s grasp.
When hikers occasionally pass by the lake, Ben retreats, hiding among the reeds and behind the trees.
He watches them with a mixture of curiosity and fear, too shy to reveal himself..
Sally Williams, another spirit in the forest, tries to reach out to Ben. She senses his loneliness and the weight of his sorrow.
Despite her gentle attempts to communicate, Ben remains quiet, shying away from her.
Hope you enjoyed my take on Ben! My asks are always open I love getting them :))
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moddieeeex · 1 year
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I've been looking at a lot of Olivia Newton-John/Kylie Minogue pics as of late and what can I say, they all felt so dite-core.
Also known as I'm in the middle of moving, amongst other stresses and I needed some chill out time with ma gurl
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Saturday, July 15th, 2023
Welcome back,
No matter who you are, where you are, or how quickly you’re moving, the laws of physics will appear exactly the same to you as they will to any other observer in the Universe. This concept — that the laws of physics don’t change as you move from one location to another or one moment to the next — is known as the principle of relativity, and it goes all the way back not to Einstein, but even farther: to at least the time of Galileo.
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If you exert a force on an object, it will accelerate (i.e., change its momentum), and the amount of its acceleration is directly related to the force on the object divided by its mass. In terms of an equation, this is Newton’s famous F = ma: force equals mass times acceleration.
But when we discovered particles that moved close to the speed of light, suddenly a contradiction emerged. If you exert too large of a force on a small mass, and forces cause acceleration, then it should be possible to accelerate a massive object to reach or even exceed the speed of light! This isn’t possible, of course, and it was Einstein’s relativity that gave us a way out.
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It was commonly explained by what we call “relativistic mass,” or the notion that as you got closer to the speed of light, the mass of an object increased, so the same force would cause a smaller acceleration, preventing you from ever reaching the speed of light. But is this “relativistic mass” interpretation correct? Only kind of. Here’s the science of why.
The first thing it’s vital to understand is that the principle of relativity, no matter how quickly you’re moving or where you’re located, is still always true: the laws of physics really are the same for everyone, regardless of where you’re located or when you’re making that measurement.
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The thing that Einstein knew (that both Newton and Galileo had no way of knowing) was this: the speed of light in a vacuum must be exactly the same for everyone. This is a tremendous realization that runs counter to our intuition about the world.
Imagine you’ve got a car that can travel at 100 kilometers per hour (62 mph). Imagine, attached to that car, you’ve got a cannon that can accelerate a cannonball from rest to that exact same speed: 100 kilometers per hour (62 miles per hour). Now, imagine your car is moving and you fire that cannonball, but you can control which way the cannon is pointed.
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If you point the cannon in the same direction that the car is moving, the cannonball will move at 200 kph (124 mph): the car’s speed plus the cannonball’s speed.
If you point the cannon upward while the car moves forward, the cannonball will move at 141 kph (88 mph): a combination of forward and upward, at a 45 degree angle.
And if you point the cannon in reverse, firing the cannonball backward while the car moves forward, the cannonball will come out at 0 kph (0 mph): the two speeds will exactly cancel each other out.
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This is what we commonly experience and also lines up with what we expect. And this is also experimentally true, at least, for the non-relativistic world. But if we replaced that cannon with a flashlight instead, the story would be very different. You can take a car, a train, a plane, or a rocket, traveling at whatever speed you like, and shine a flashlight from it in any direction you like.
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That flashlight will emit photons at the speed of light, or 299,792,458 m/s, and those photons will always travel at that same exact speed.
You can fire the photons in the same direction your vehicle is moving, and they’ll still move at 299,792,458 m/s.
You can fire the photons at an angle to the direction that you’re moving, and while this might change the direction-of-motion of the photons, they’ll still move at that same speed: 299,792,458 m/s.
And you can fire the photons directly reversed to your direction of motion, and still, they’ll travel at 299,792,458 m/s.
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That speed that the photons travel at will be the same as ever, the speed of light, not only from your perspective, but from the perspective of anyone looking on. The only difference that anyone will see, dependent on how fast both you (the emitter) and they (the observer) are moving, is in the wavelength of that light: redder (longer-wavelength) if you’re mutually moving away from each other, bluer (shorter-wavelength) if you’re moving mutually toward each other.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, July 19th, 2023)
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it-happened-one-fic · 10 months
500 Followers Playlist Starter Pack: The Twisted Wonderland Version!
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Thank you so much!!! I'm afraid I don't have time to do a full event (Christmas and all that jazz) but I did want to say thank you to everyone so I came up with this! I have a habit of listening to music while writing so I used few songs (I aimed for four each but didn't always make it) from my playlists to form sort of a starter pack under the cut! Again, thank you so much!!!
(NOTE: The links go to Youtube)
Genshin Impact Playlist Starter Pack
Riddle Rosehearts: 
New Rules - Dua Lipa 
Come Along - Pentatonix 
Oh No! - MARINA 
Black Roses - Charli XCX (includes cursing) 
Trey Clover:
Sugar Sugar - The Archies 
Gambling Man - The Overtones
Home - Philip Philips 
Honey Bee - Blake Shelton 
Cater Diamond:
The Tracks of My Tears - Smokey Robinson and The Miracles  
Call Me - Blondie 
Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris (feat. Florence Welch)  
Dance the Night - Dua Lipa 
Ace Trappola:
Troublemaker - Olly Murs (feat. Flo Rida) 
Jessie’s Girl - Rick Springfield 
I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany 
Fire Alarm - Castlecomer 
Deuce Spade:
Waiting for a Star to Fall - Boy Meets Girl
Somebody to You - The Vamps
Hey Look Ma’ I Made It - Panic! at the Disco
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
Leona Kingscholar:
Send Them Off! - Bastille
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy
We Don’t Have to Dance - Andy Black
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy
Ruggie Bucchi
Roll To Me - Del Amitri
Two Princes - Spin Doctors
The Way I Are - Timbaland, Keri Hilson, & D.O.E
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
Jack Howl
Silver Night - The Rasmus
I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen
Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
I Will Never Let You Down - Rita Ora
Azul Ashengrotto:
Material Girl - Madonna
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
I’d Really Love to See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley
Diamonds - Sam Smith
Jade Leech:
Curses - The Crane Wives
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Staring At You - Diane Birch
Break the Ice - Britney Spears
Floyd Leech
Out of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums
Bad Word - Panicland
Rag Doll - Aerosmith
I Was Made For Dancin’ - Leif Garrett
Kalim Al-Asim
Golden - Harry Styles
Budapest - George Ezra
Boogie Shoes - KC & The Sunshine Band
I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minogue
Jamil Viper:
Can’t Remember to Forget You - Shakira & Rihanna
Power & Control - MARINA
Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy & Foxes
Move Your Body - Sia
Vil Schoenheit:
You Make Me Feel - Cobra Starship (feat. Sabi)
Vogue - Madonna
Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
Pretty in Pain - Diane Birch
Rook Hunt:
The Look of Love, Pt. 1 - ABC
Come To My Window - Melissa Etheridge
I Will Follow Him - Peggy March
Happy Together - The Turtles
Epel Felmier:
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (cursing)
Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver
Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner
So What - P!nk (cursing)
Idia Shroud:
Something About Us - Daft Punk
Come Inside of My Heart - IV of Spades
He’s So Shy - The Pointer Sisters
Heavy In Your Arms - Florence and the Machine
Ortho Shroud:
Electric Angel - Hatsune Miku
One More Time - Daft Punk
Malleus Draconia:
I Found - Amber Run
Deeper than the Night - Olivia Newton John
Disturbia - Rihanna
Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran
Lilia Vanrouge:
I Love the Nightlife (Disco Round) - Alicia Bridges
Raise Your Glass - P!nk
Saturn - Sleeping at Last
We are Family - Sister Sledge
Fireflies - Owl City
(They Long To Be) Close To You - Carpenters
When You Say Nothing At All - Allison Krauss & Union Station
Son Of Man - Phil Collins (From Disney's Tarzan)
Sebek Zigvolt:
The Glory of Love - Peter Cetera
Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
Shout - Tears for Fears 
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mercerislandbooks · 6 months
Sarah: A New Bookseller Appears!!
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I’ve been a reader for as long as I can remember. I have wonderful memories of visiting the old downtown Bellevue Library on Main Street, signing up for the annual summer reading program at the Eastgate KCLS branch, and running my fingers along the spines of books at the University Bookstore whenever my family ate out at the nearby Azteca restaurant. My mom almost always bought me the latest Baby Sitter’s Club or Sweet Valley Twins book. I was such a devoted reader that I used to force my friends to lounge under our family’s ping-pong table and listen to me read aloud some of my favorite novels, including Fantastic Mr. Fox, James and the Giant Peach, and Wendy and the Bullies. It was a surprise to no one when I became a 6th grade reading teacher and then an elementary librarian!
In late 2020, deciding I needed a break from education, I applied to the Master’s in Children’s Literature program at Simmons University, not knowing where it would lead me, but excited by the prospect of a grand adventure. In July of 2021 my husband, daughter, dog and I moved across the country to Newton, MA so I could study children’s literature and, while I am so grateful for everything I learned and all the fabulous people we met, I can’t wait to be back in the Pacific Northwest, especially because I’ll be working at Island Books! I have always wanted to work at an independent bookstore, so having an opportunity to grow the children’s department, connect readers with books, and meet even more people who are passionate about kidlit is beyond exciting.
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I love all kinds of kids' books, from picture books to young adult novels, but I gravitate toward middle grade stories. I even produce the Happy Reading podcast, which spotlights middle grade books by topic. Some of my all-time favorite books include The Westing Game, the Vanderbeekers series, Boy Meets Boy, and Should I Share My Ice Cream? (an Elephant & Piggie book). Some more recent five-star reads include The Mona Lisa Vanishes, The First State of Being, The Color of Sound, and Dear Mr. G (I’m a sucker for picture books that make me cry).
When I’m not reading or browsing the shelves at my local library or bookstore, I also enjoy crocheting (I taught myself a few weeks ago and love it), baking, building with LEGO, planning our next Disney vacation, walking our adorable dog Jefferson, and watching movies with my family while snuggled up on the couch.
I can’t wait to start the next chapter of my life at Island Books!
Find me on Instagram as @kidlit_lover and via my podcast website: https://happyrdng.blogspot.com/
— Sarah Threlkeld
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nick-fajen · 2 days
Mechanics Uncovered: A Practical Guide to Understanding Machines
In a world that increasingly relies on technology, understanding the basics of mechanics is essential, whether you're a car enthusiast, a DIY homeowner, or just looking to enhance your problem-solving skills. General mechanical knowledge encompasses a range of principles and practices that can empower you in various situations. This article will explore key aspects of mechanical knowledge, from the fundamentals of machines to practical applications in daily life.
The Basics of Mechanical Principles
At the heart of mechanical knowledge lies an understanding of how machines work. Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements. The key concepts include:
Force and Motion: Understanding Newton's laws of motion is crucial. The first law states that an object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force. The second law quantifies this with the formula F=maF = maF=ma (force equals mass times acceleration). The third law emphasizes that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Energy Transfer: Energy exists in various forms—kinetic, potential, thermal, etc. Mechanical systems often convert energy from one form to another. For instance, an engine converts chemical energy from fuel into mechanical energy to move a vehicle.
Work and Power: Work is defined as the process of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force. Power, on the other hand, measures how quickly work is done and is calculated as P=WtP = \frac{W}{t}P=tW​, where PPP is power, WWW is work, and ttt is time.
Types of Mechanical Systems
Mechanical systems can be categorized into two main types: simple machines and complex machines.
Simple Machines
Simple machines are basic mechanical devices that change the direction or magnitude of a force. The six classical types are:
Lever: A rigid bar that pivots around a fulcrum to lift or move loads.
Pulley: A wheel on an axle designed to support movement and change the direction of force.
Inclined Plane: A flat surface tilted at an angle to help lift heavy objects.
Wedge: A device that tapers to a thin edge to separate materials.
Screw: An inclined plane wrapped around a shaft to convert rotational motion into linear motion.
Wheel and Axle: A circular object that rotates on a rod, allowing for easier movement of loads.
Understanding these simple machines is fundamental as they are the building blocks for more complex systems.
Complex Machines
Complex machines are combinations of simple machines working together. Examples include:
Automobiles: They integrate numerous systems, including the engine, transmission, braking, and electrical systems.
Robots: Utilizing a range of simple machines, sensors, and programming to perform tasks autonomously.
Household Appliances: Items like washing machines and microwaves use multiple mechanical principles to perform their functions efficiently.
Practical Applications of Mechanical Knowledge
Having a grasp of mechanical knowledge can be beneficial in various real-world scenarios:
DIY Projects
Understanding basic mechanics can save time and money, from assembling furniture to fixing appliances. For instance, knowing how to use levers can help you lift heavy items with ease, while an understanding of gears can assist in making effective adjustments in devices like bicycles.
Automotive Maintenance
For car owners, knowing how basic automotive systems work can prevent costly repairs. Understanding the role of the battery, alternator, and starter can help you troubleshoot issues. Regular maintenance, such as changing oil and checking fluid levels, can extend the life of your vehicle.
Problem Solving
Mechanical knowledge fosters critical thinking. When faced with a mechanical issue, such as a squeaky door or a malfunctioning tool, understanding the underlying mechanics allows you to diagnose and resolve problems more efficiently.
The Importance of Safety
While exploring mechanical systems, safety should always be a priority. Here are some key safety tips:
Wear Appropriate Gear: Safety glasses, gloves, and sturdy footwear can protect you from potential injuries.
Understand Your Tools: Familiarize yourself with how to use various tools properly to avoid accidents.
Follow Instructions: Whether working on a DIY project or performing automotive repairs, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines.
Continuous Learning
Mechanical knowledge is not static; it evolves as technology advances. Continuous learning through workshops, online courses, or hands-on experience can enhance your mechanical skills. Consider joining local clubs or online forums where enthusiasts share tips, experiences, and knowledge.
General mechanical knowledge is a valuable asset that can enhance various aspects of life. Whether you’re tackling a DIY project, maintaining your vehicle, or simply looking to understand the machines around you, a foundational grasp of mechanical principles equips you to face challenges confidently. As you explore this field, remember that safety, continuous learning, and practical applications are key to making the most of your mechanical knowledge. Embrace the journey under the hood, and discover the empowering world of mechanics!
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lonita · 3 years
World Watercolour Month '21 - part 1
Schmincke Horadam - Ocean Grey
Another multi-pigment paint (though limited edition), that includes PG50, which one finds in cobalt colours, so don't lick it. Oh boy the PBK6 settles out. Lovely. Swatching Ocean Grey.
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Renesans - Ultramarine Green. There's a technique in watercolour called beading that one employs to dramatically increase the chances of a smooth wash. I've only ever tried it on paper, so today I gave it a go on yupo. The nice thing about yupo is that paint doesn't cauliflower on it. There are some other drying peculiarities, but that's for another day. This came out a touch streaky, but still pretty good.
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Who needs art when you can simply not clean up after yourself? That surface, by the by, is a glass whiteboard that covers two thirds of the top of my desk.
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it's easy to be green.
Beam - Spring Green Isaro Green Light Van Gogh - Permanent Yellow Green Rembrandt - Cobalt Green Rembrandt - Emerald Green Schmincke - Cobalt Green Dark
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Finetec mica paints. All shiny!
Blue Silver Mystic Caribbean Green High Chroma Blue Orange Copper Tangelo
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QOR - YInMn Blue, also known as Oregon Blue or Mas Blue, was discovered by accident at Oregon State University and is the first inorganic blue pigment created in about 200 years. There's a TED talk by one of its discoverers.
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Beam - Mayan Indigo Gold. Another awesomely sedimenting colour. Wet on the right, and what happens when you let it settle and dry on its own, on the left.
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Van Gogh - Bronze, Copper St Petersberg White Nights - Copper, Bronze Beam - Mayan Rose Gold
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Schmincke Horadam - Caput Mortuum. Probably the most movingest paint I have. The name does mean dead head. Colours like this used to me made of ground up mummy.
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Schmincke Horadam - Tundra Violet. One of their new multi-pigment super granulating colours that separates into its components in very interesting and unpredictable ways.
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Daniel Smith's - Serpentine Genuine. Another lovely example of a paint that can separate. Such a lovely warm green with rusty bits.
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Rose of Ultramarine - This is the Daniel Smith version. The fun of multi-pigment paints is, for me, putting them on super wet paper and watching how they separate into their component parts as they dry. Again, an overcast day day, so this isn't presenting at its best.
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New paints just got delivered day.
Winsor Newton - Brown Madder Van Gogh - Copper, Bronze, Dusk Violet, Dusk Pink Schmincke - May Green, Indigo, Burnt Sienna
Sadly, a rainy day, so none of the helpful beauty of natural sunlight.
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How grey thou art.
Opus - Davy's Grey Sennelier - Sennelier Grey M. Graham - Yellow Grey St. Petersburg/White Nights - Marengo Roman Szmal - Misty Morning
It's interesting not only how some move more than others, but also how differently they can move.
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Painting it black.
Turner - Neutral Tint Holbein - Peach Black Stoneground - Roman Black Renesans - Przybysz Black
According to my Polish source, przybysz means something along the lines of to arrive, arrive, new arrival.
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The exciting world of … beige. From left to right, top to bottom:
QOR - Titanium Buff St Petersburg/White Nights - Dunes Daniel Smith - Titanium Buff Turner - Clove
Titanium Buff is actually a really awesome colour as a partner to things like Indigo or Aussie Red Gold, and is great as a bed to drop other colours into.
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What's in my browns/reds collection - left to right, top row down. Some of those things really move.
Winsor Newton (WN) - Rose Maddee Genuine Schmincke Horadam (SCH) - Galaxy Brown WN - VanDyke Brown St Petersburg White Nights (SPWN) - Mocha M. Graham (MG) - Terra Rosa WN - Potters Pink Rembrandt (REM) - Burnt Sienna Turner (T) - Charcoal Renesans (RNS) - Polish Brown MG - Transparent Red Iron Oxide Van Gogh (VG) - Raw Umber Beam (B) - Bread REM - Indian Red Daniel Smith (DS) - Quinacridone Coral WN - Winsor Red Deep T - Cinnabar DS - Sepia Stoneground (SG) -Burnt Sienna Crimson RNS - Green Brown RNS - Raw Kassel RNS - Monaco Bordeaux RNS - Dragon's Blood Sennelier (SEN) - Sennelier Brown SG - Same as above, forgot I had two WN - Rose Dore REM - Light Oxide Red
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The paint I forgot I ordered from Jackson's in the UK that just arrived: M. Graham's Azo Green. Because you can see I'm low on green paint. I needed more.
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My oranges from left to right:
St. Petersburg / White Nights - Peach Jacksons - Cadmium Yellow Orange Winsor Newton - Winsor Orange Rembrandt - Cadmium Orange
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empowerpucollege43 · 6 months
What are the fundamental principles of Newton's laws of motion, and how do they apply to real-world scenarios
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Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most influential scientists in history, laid the foundation for classical mechanics with his three laws of motion. These laws describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting upon it, Science college Dharwad offering invaluable insights into the behavior of objects in both everyday situations and complex physical phenomena.
First Law of Motion: Inertia
Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving in a straight line at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This principle is often referred to as the law of inertia. In essence, it asserts that objects tend to maintain their state of motion unless compelled to change by an external influence.
Real-World Application: Consider a car coming to a stop at a traffic light. When the driver applies the brakes, the car's motion changes from moving to stationary. However, the passengers inside the car continue moving forward due to their inertia until restrained by the seatbelt or another object. This phenomenon demonstrates Newton's first law in action—the tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion.
Second Law of Motion: Force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma)
Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, this relationship is expressed as F = ma, where F represents the net force applied to the object, m denotes its mass, and a represents the resulting acceleration.
Real-World Application: Imagine pushing a shopping cart with groceries. The force exerted on the cart determines how quickly it accelerates. If you apply a greater force, the cart accelerates more rapidly. Conversely, if the cart is heavily loaded (increasing its mass), it requires more force to achieve the same acceleration. This principle is fundamental to understanding the dynamics of objects in motion and is applicable across various scenarios, from launching spacecraft to propelling vehicles.
Third Law of Motion: Action and Reaction
Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object.
Real-World Application: A classic example of Newton's third law is seen in the propulsion of rockets. As the rocket expels exhaust gases downward, the gases exert a force (action) in one direction, causing the rocket to move in the opposite direction (reaction) with an equal force. Similarly, the recoil experienced when firing a gun results from the action of the bullet being expelled forward, causing the gun to experience an equal and opposite force backward.
In conclusion, Newton's laws of motion provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the behavior of objects in motion and the forces acting upon them. From the simplicity of inertia to the intricacies of action and reaction, these laws not only explain phenomena observed in everyday life but also underpin the principles governing motion in the universe. Whether launching a spacecraft into orbit or simply walking down the street, the application of Newton's laws is ubiquitous, illustrating their enduring relevance in the study of physics and beyond.
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harunur01780 · 8 months
Regarding management , you can learn:
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Mr. Liang Ning who got the App’s HE Tuber and [Growth Thinking]: strategic choices of points, lines and surfaces, classic user portraits, scenarios and empathy, user experience maps and service design blueprints, three-stage rockets, etc.;
Jen Carlson’s [Critical Moments MOT] (can be paired with Wang Zhiqian’s [MOT Experience Design Course] in [Get App]): Based on customer orientation, complex business operations are broken down into critical moments one by one (similar to user experience Map), and ultimately realize the company's turnaround;
Meadows’s [The Beauty of Systems], [Loss of Control], Liu Run’s [30 Lectures on Business Insights], and Li Xigui’s [How Schools Work]: the core are all centered around systems theory, which can provide a solution when seeking solutions. methodology;
Regarding product principles , you can learn:
Redamio's [Principles]: such as embracing reality, dealing with reality, extreme truth-seeking and extreme transparency. What is more important is to learn its way of thinking, which is to simplify complex investment logic into clear principles and act according to the principles;
Xiaomi’s [Xiaomi ecological chain footprint notes]: 80%-80% principle, err on the side of reducing work and adding more, being right first before being surprising, doing less in order to be more precise, etc.;
Regarding work methodology , you can learn:
Stephen Covey’s [Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]: Be proactive, start with the end in mind, put first things first, win-win thinking, know your enemy and understand yourself, integrate synergy, and constantly update;
Atul Govender’s [List Revolution]: A small list can solve complex projects. For example, how to reduce patient mortality caused by improper operations;
Jack Welch's "Winning" and "The Nature of Business";
[The Effective Manager] by Peter Drucker;
Kazuo Inamori’s [Lifestyle], [Mindstyle] and [Management Philosophy]
Get App【Measurement·Team Management 20 Lectures】
Methodology is not omnipotent, nor is it 100% correct (Newton's three laws may also be invalid), let alone rigid copying (methodologies may be mutually exclusive).
This is just like when Zhang Sanfeng taught Tai Chi to Zhang Wuji, he asked him to forget all the moves and martial arts and he would learn it naturally. The methodology is like the [Nine Yang Divine Art], [Star Absorbing Technique], etc. that Zhang Wuji learned. In the end, if you want to become Zhang Sanfeng, you still have to forget them. You just need to focus on practicing, and you can use different tricks and mental methods. Maybe it will flow out naturally. This is the realm we should pursue.
In the book [Marketing Notes], marketing expert Xiao Ma Song has a point of view: The success of an enterprise is fundamentally the success of business logic (rather than the success of methodology) . For example, if Nancheng Xiang follows the [positioning theory] (use positioning to occupy the category and influence the user's mind), then it may not be established (it also sells soy milk and fried dough sticks, rice bowls, wontons and mutton skewers). If you follow the basic logic of business operations: improve efficiency and reduce costs, then it is established, because this model is based on [user needs] and increases the frequency of consumption to achieve an improvement in square footage.
To sum up: the basic logic of business operations is greater than methodology. In the same way, the practical logic of the product is greater than the methodology itself. This is like following the methodology of "stop on red light, go on green light". It is definitely good, but even if the light is green, you still have to look up and don't walk past if there is a car.
Finally, I will add a few existing cases (cases will continue to be updated in the future, but it may be slow) for reference:
Xing Xiaozuo, WeChat public account: Xing Xiaozuo’s home, everyone is a product manager columnist. An online education product that focuses on Internet education and likes to study user psychology.
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mastodonmoving · 1 year
Newton Moving Help: Moving Newton MA Newton MA Moving Help: Moving Companies in Newton, Average Moving Rates, Moving To Newton - Is moving to Newton the right move for you? #movingcompaniesinnewton #movingcompaniesnewtonma #newtonmamovers #moversinnewton #moversnearmenewton #movingtonewton #movingtonewtonma #bestmoversnewtonma #bestmoversinnewton #bestmoversinnewtonma https://mastodonmoving.com/project/newton-movers/
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harunurrashid017 · 8 months
Write at the end
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Mr. Liang Ning who got the App’s HE Tuber and [Growth Thinking]: strategic choices of points, lines and surfaces, classic user portraits, scenarios and empathy, user experience maps and service design blueprints, three-stage rockets, etc.;
Jen Carlson’s [Critical Moments MOT] (can be paired with Wang Zhiqian’s [MOT Experience Design Course] in [Get App]): Based on customer orientation, complex business operations are broken down into critical moments one by one (similar to user experience Map), and ultimately realize the company's turnaround;
Meadows’s [The Beauty of Systems], [Loss of Control], Liu Run’s [30 Lectures on Business Insights], and Li Xigui’s [How Schools Work]: the core are all centered around systems theory, which can provide a solution when seeking solutions. methodology;
Regarding product principles , you can learn:
Redamio's [Principles]: such as embracing reality, dealing with reality, extreme truth-seeking and extreme transparency. What is more important is to learn its way of thinking, which is to simplify complex investment logic into clear principles and act according to the principles;
Xiaomi’s [Xiaomi ecological chain footprint notes]: 80%-80% principle, err on the side of reducing work and adding more, being right first before being surprising, doing less in order to be more precise, etc.;
Regarding work methodology , you can learn:
Stephen Covey’s [Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]: Be proactive, start with the end in mind, put first things first, win-win thinking, know your enemy and understand yourself, integrate synergy, and constantly update;
Atul Govender’s [List Revolution]: A small list can solve complex projects. For example, how to reduce patient mortality caused by improper operations;
Regarding management , you can learn:
Jack Welch's "Winning" and "The Nature of Business";
[The Effective Manager] by Peter Drucker;
Kazuo Inamori’s [Lifestyle], [Mindstyle] and [Management Philosophy]
Get App【Measurement·Team Management 20 Lectures】
Methodology is not omnipotent, nor is it 100% correct (Newton's three laws may also be invalid), let alone rigid copying (methodologies may be mutually exclusive).
This is just like when Zhang Sanfeng taught Tai Chi to Zhang Wuji, he asked him to forget all the moves and martial arts and he would learn it naturally. The methodology is like the [Nine Yang Divine Art], [Star Absorbing Technique], etc. that Zhang Wuji learned. In the end, if you want to become Zhang Sanfeng, you still have to forget them. You just need to focus on practicing, and you can use different tricks and mental methods. Maybe it will flow out naturally. This is the realm we should pursue.
In the book [Marketing Notes], marketing expert Xiao Ma Song has a point of view: The success of an enterprise is fundamentally the success of business logic (rather than the success of methodology) . For example, if Nancheng Xiang follows the [positioning theory] (use positioning to occupy the category and influence the user's mind), then it may not be established (it also sells soy milk and fried dough sticks, rice bowls, wontons and mutton skewers). If you follow the basic logic of business operations: improve efficiency and reduce costs, then it is established, because this model is based on [user needs] and increases the frequency of consumption to achieve an improvement in square footage.
To sum up: the basic logic of business operations is greater than methodology. In the same way, the practical logic of the product is greater than the methodology itself. This is like following the methodology of "stop on red light, go on green light". It is definitely good, but even if the light is green, you still have to look up and don't walk past if there is a car.
Finally, I will add a few existing cases (cases will continue to be updated in the future, but it may be slow) for reference:
Xing Xiaozuo, WeChat public account: Xing Xiaozuo’s home, everyone is a product manager columnist. An online education product that focuses on Internet education and likes to study user psychology.
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inightcor · 10 months
Newton's Laws
1st Law: An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force.
Fnet = 0
2nd Law: the more force you apply to an object, the more it accelerates, and the heavier the object, the more force you need to move it.
F = ma
3rd Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Fab = Fba
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
Welcome back,
No matter who you are, where you are, or how quickly you’re moving, the laws of physics will appear exactly the same to you as they will to any other observer in the Universe. This concept — that the laws of physics don’t change as you move from one location to another or one moment to the next — is known as the principle of relativity, and it goes all the way back not to Einstein, but even farther: to at least the time of Galileo.
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If you exert a force on an object, it will accelerate (i.e., change its momentum), and the amount of its acceleration is directly related to the force on the object divided by its mass. In terms of an equation, this is Newton’s famous F = ma: force equals mass times acceleration.
But when we discovered particles that moved close to the speed of light, suddenly a contradiction emerged. If you exert too large of a force on a small mass, and forces cause acceleration, then it should be possible to accelerate a massive object to reach or even exceed the speed of light! This isn’t possible, of course, and it was Einstein’s relativity that gave us a way out.
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It was commonly explained by what we call “relativistic mass,” or the notion that as you got closer to the speed of light, the mass of an object increased, so the same force would cause a smaller acceleration, preventing you from ever reaching the speed of light. But is this “relativistic mass” interpretation correct? Only kind of. Here’s the science of why.
The first thing it’s vital to understand is that the principle of relativity, no matter how quickly you’re moving or where you’re located, is still always true: the laws of physics really are the same for everyone, regardless of where you’re located or when you’re making that measurement.
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The thing that Einstein knew (that both Newton and Galileo had no way of knowing) was this: the speed of light in a vacuum must be exactly the same for everyone. This is a tremendous realization that runs counter to our intuition about the world.
Imagine you’ve got a car that can travel at 100 kilometers per hour (62 mph). Imagine, attached to that car, you’ve got a cannon that can accelerate a cannonball from rest to that exact same speed: 100 kilometers per hour (62 miles per hour).
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Now, imagine your car is moving and you fire that cannonball, but you can control which way the cannon is pointed.
If you point the cannon in the same direction that the car is moving, the cannonball will move at 200 kph (124 mph): the car’s speed plus the cannonball’s speed.
If you point the cannon upward while the car moves forward, the cannonball will move at 141 kph (88 mph): a combination of forward and upward, at a 45 degree angle.
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And if you point the cannon in reverse, firing the cannonball backward while the car moves forward, the cannonball will come out at 0 kph (0 mph): the two speeds will exactly cancel each other out.
This is what we commonly experience and also lines up with what we expect. And this is also experimentally true, at least, for the non-relativistic world. But if we replaced that cannon with a flashlight instead, the story would be very different. You can take a car, a train, a plane, or a rocket, traveling at whatever speed you like, and shine a flashlight from it in any direction you like.
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That flashlight will emit photons at the speed of light, or 299,792,458 m/s, and those photons will always travel at that same exact speed.
You can fire the photons in the same direction your vehicle is moving, and they’ll still move at 299,792,458 m/s.
You can fire the photons at an angle to the direction that you’re moving, and while this might change the direction-of-motion of the photons, they’ll still move at that same speed: 299,792,458 m/s.
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And you can fire the photons directly reversed to your direction of motion, and still, they’ll travel at 299,792,458 m/s.
That speed that the photons travel at will be the same as ever, the speed of light, not only from your perspective, but from the perspective of anyone looking on. The only difference that anyone will see, dependent on how fast both you (the emitter) and they (the observer) are moving, is in the wavelength of that light: redder (longer-wavelength) if you’re mutually moving away from each other, bluer (shorter-wavelength) if you’re moving mutually toward each other.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, June 7th, 2023)
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orthognathics · 1 year
Affordable Invisalign Near Me: Transform Your Smile with Invisalign in Newton, MA
In the ever-evolving world of orthodontics, achieving that perfect smile has become easier and more accessible than ever before. Look no further than Invisalign if you're searching for a discrete, comfortable, and effective solution to straighten your teeth. And if you reside in the Newton, Ma area, Carvalho Roth & Orthodontics can help with their exceptional Invisalign services. In this article, we'll explore the advantages of Invisalign and how Invisalign, in Newton, MA, is making this ground-breaking orthodontic treatment more widely available and affordable.
The Invisalign Revolution
Invisalign has transformed the way people think about teeth straightening. Metal brackets and wires, which can be uncomfortable and hinder your appearance, are a thing of the past. Invisalign is a modern, nearly invisible option that uses a series of custom-made, clear aligners to shift your teeth into the desired position gradually. Because these aligners are removable, you may easily continue your oral hygiene regimen and indulge in your favourite foods without any limitations.
Benefits of Invisalign
Aesthetic Appeal: One of the most significant benefits of Invisalign is its discreet appearance. Since the aligners are composed of transparent, BPA-free plastic, they are virtually invisible when worn. This allows you to maintain a confident smile during your treatment.
Comfort: Invisalign aligners are custom-made to precisely fit your teeth, enhancing comfort and reducing irritation that traditional braces may cause. The aligners are a comfortable option for daily wear because there are no wires or brackets to worry about.
Removable: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. This function makes it simple to maintain oral hygiene and lets you continue to enjoy your favourite foods without limitations. Simply remove the aligners to eat or brush your teeth, then replace them afterwards.
Predictable Results: You will always be aware of what to expect during your Invisalign journey, thanks to cutting-edge technology and treatment planning. A series of aligners will be provided to you; each one intended to move your teeth gradually. You will witness how your smile changes as you wear each set of aligners.
Shorter Treatment Time: In many cases, Invisalign treatment can be completed in less time than traditional braces. While the exact duration varies depending on individual needs, many patients experience faster results.
Affordable Invisalign Near You
At Carvalho Roth & Orthodontics, conveniently located in Newton, MA, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their ideal smile. In the Newton area, we are proud to provide a variety of affordable Invisalign options to fit a variety of budgets. Because of our commitment to providing high-quality orthodontic care, you won't have to sacrifice the beauty of your smile for financial reasons.
The cost of Invisalign treatment varies depending on factors such as the complexity of your case, the length of treatment, and your specific orthodontic needs. Our staff will provide you with a clear breakdown of the costs during your appointment at our office and go over the financing alternatives available, in particular for individuals looking for Invisalign in Newton, MA. We want you to go into your Invisalign journey with confidence, knowing that you're investing in your oral health and self-esteem.
Start Your Invisalign Journey Today
Are you ready to transform the way you smile in a subtle and affordable way? Discover more about the advantages of Invisalign at Carvalho Roth & Orthodontics. Starting with the initial consultation and ending with the realisation of your ideal smile, our team of knowledgeable experts is ready to help you at every stage of the procedure. Don't let cost concerns prevent you from getting the smile you deserve.
Straighter teeth are within reach, and thanks to Invisalign Newton, MA at Carvalho Roth & Orthodontics, achieving your dream smile is now more affordable and convenient than ever. A modern, pleasant, and discrete alternative to traditional braces is Invisalign. In the Newton, MA, area, Carvalho Roth & Orthodontics is the place to go if you're seeking for affordable Invisalign alternatives. We are committed to providing orthodontic care to everyone and offer customised plans for treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards your journey to a confident smile.
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renatedagmarmilada · 1 year
you have to give it to the new Slovakian citizens for cheek. Two boys from down /300 something/ Barnsley rd Sheffield /free everything?? do their parents still carry their old Nazi cards as many of them do? or Communist Party cards?/
USED MY MA ESSAYS on Luther and Cranach.. in their end of year tests.. stolen by their cousins on the corner of Oswestry Rd Sheffield, who walk in and out of my home as though it is theirs. Instead of going to college sit in the window, watching till I go out. There is a limit to what I have written on my Literature BA and MA so they stole all my BEd and even Advanced level English , but they also steal my personal stuff, all art, artists materials /my first Windsor newton paint 48 paint box I bought my self for my 70th birthday, food, clothes etc./surprisingly one of the worst food thieves is a ethnic indian pickpocket down the same street, who also stole some ten books full of essays and stories and university notes- It has been found that the mother also thieves from shops and friends but the father doesn't and is not really aware and the uncle has a beer off up the road /Steers/
Aneesa, Somalian from Stubbins lane was checked. She has more than fifty percent of exact copy from Fekete College and School books Aneesa refused to return to her tutor last year, after the end of the year's tuition, though requested several times. This though Fekete charged them half price for lessons. Aneesa was predicted a fail at her school but gained a second in her GCSE with Fekete's help.
Longley has been told just to mark it all, as at least a hundred of their pupils have used my stolen essays and private creative work and stories from the Writers Group I ran for years at Ashram Burngreave. I used to go to peoples homes to give tuition for mums with small children who couldn't get out. I can no longer help, as even buying a bottle of milk up the road, I am running the gauntlet of the slovakian criminal Fraternity... Three more families are coming Pamela of St barthS human research signed for them /the lab signed for them to be admitted to UK./ Pamela was a Pensions Ministry personnel, but was found to be embezzling along with another woman, so they were moved to St barths Human Research as assistants on high wages -
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