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movewithjanelle · 8 years ago
#MondayMoves . How are you moving today? . . . . . - - - - - #athletictraining #oc3 #selfmagazine #womenshealth #ntc #nrc #innerathlete #todayigotstronger #earnyourbetter #performbetter #mondaymotvation #womenshealth #workouttips #movemorefitnessambassador #movemorefitness #plantbasedathlete #vegan #veganathlete #nikeathlete #nikewomen #stopexercising #starttraining #movement #lasvegasfitness #movegarage #femalemotivators @nikewomen @niketraining @womenshealth @nikerunning @acefitness @nscaofficial @nasm_fitness @ptaglobal (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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movewithjanelle · 7 years ago
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Ladies & Gentlemen... the moment we’ve all been waiting for... ITS FRIDAY✨🎉 . What are your plans this weekend?! No #coachella for me... family time with mel & Al. What about you?! . #movewithjanelle #yayfortheweekend #nochella #breakdancers #movegarage (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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movewithjanelle · 7 years ago
Day 2 of #25daysofmovement + This came from one of the blocks in my trx class this am at @poweryogalv. + 10 sec on/ 10 sec off 6 rounds 1. Squat Jump +Progressions 2. Pushup Jack + Progressions + Add this circuit into your next session to increase performance & while crushing strength & cardio levels💪 + Location: 📍 #movegarage Jams-Tip Toe- @frenchmontana & @jasonderulo (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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movewithjanelle · 8 years ago
#FridayMovement . One of the circuits from my session yesterday. I love building onto a move with progressions to make it challenge me. If it doesn't treat me well, I know that I can regress that move to the previous and focus on form & technique better. That way I earn my progression. Quality>Quantity . Add this into your next session for a total body blast. 1. Dumbbell deadlift (i used 30 lb) 2. Breakdancers 3. Db deadlift to catch 4. Breakdancer into pushup 5. Get water & do it again. I did 45 sec on & 15 sec off . #movewithjanelle #movegarage #circuittraining #moveasanathlete #trainlikeanathlete #qualitymoves (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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movewithjanelle · 8 years ago
Today I am sharing my first episode of #janellesjams 💃🏽 I love music and fitness and I find myself ALWAYS working out to beat of the music in my headphones. One day I was like, why don’t I start filming myself doing these videos. So here is the first one! Real, raw, not edited..just made in my garage! If you want to see me do a workout to a song, let me know in the comments! This was a lot of fun! Click the link in my bio for the full clip! . Now everytime I hear this song, I want to bust out into some squat jumps LOL! . #janellesjams #movegarage #songchallenge #chancetherapper #allnight #bpm (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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movewithjanelle · 7 years ago
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Has there ever been an exercise or piece of equipment that was challenging the first time you did it but looking back now, you love it? Or maybe you are able to see the progress from then to now? . That was me with battle-ropes. When I moved to Vegas for my internship, the first class I went to had a battle-rope station. It was my first time using them & they were hard as shit. I hated them. I was also told I had a dysfunctional left arm, I was all types of imbalanced on them😭 . Workout after workout they kept showing up. Now I was determined to become great at them. Because, well I’m competitive LOL. My mentor & I would train on the battleropes 20 minutes each day. I found myself not only getting stronger with them but also getting ripped! This eventually led to the 20 min battleropes express class😉 . Anyweave, now they are absolutely my favorite piece of equipment. Every time it starts to burn or get hard I remember where I started & now I am able to carry that on to anything I do for the first time. If you want to master something, you have to practice over and over again. And sometimes it takes years... and thats okay. . It Felt so good to get in the #movegarage today, turn on @cardib and get some movement in. Finished my session with 20 minutes just like the old days. . Do you love battleropes? Hate them? Never did them? Lets chat about it :) . #battleropes #garagegym #movewithjanelle #battleropeworkout #lasvegastrainer #lasvegasbootcamp #fitpro (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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