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alpine-onji · 7 years ago
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letsbicifaidate · 5 years ago
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Il mio nuovo attacco e manubrio Dabomb 😍 vi piace? Guarda il mio ultimo video su YouTube. #mtb #mountainbiking #mountaibike #dabombbikes @dabomb_bikes @dabombitalia #bicifaidate #lorybart https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJe2xknGwo/?igshid=12i0co1piaxn1
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weoutdoor · 8 years ago
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1-2 July
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maanabdas-blog · 7 years ago
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so lovely
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biketrailtrip-blog · 8 years ago
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Barbara & John Cyclist Cabin
O casal oferece um ponto de repouso com comida, bebida e banho para os ciclistas que estão fazendo a GDMBR.  São pessoas incríveis, anjos da trilha e nos ofereceram um jantar inesquecível! 
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likebikege · 5 years ago
Summer memories of Tusheti. This trail leads to one of the most memorable slopes in Georgia. #iloveride #downhillmtb #mtbdaily #mtbvideo #mtblife #mountaibike #mountainbikingtrails #georgia🇬🇪 #tushetinationalpark #tusheti (at Tusheti თუშეთი) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5E0HosF9xc/?igshid=1a9zuxgi42vw6
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polosafari123-blog · 6 years ago
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The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it's going to go and where you'll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don't let anyone deter you from that. ... .. . At Vanaj Dam Polo forest ... .. . #dam #lake #riverrock #river #riverbanks #riverlife #rivergreenway #rivercrossing #riverphoenix #rivercruise #riverfishing #riverlover #riverwallk #rivera #mountaibike #river_swimming #river_ #river_w_official #river_daves_place #mountaineers #montainlover #rockclimber #forest_photography #forest #foresttrek #forest_trekking👞👟👓 #forest_photos #forestbathing🌲🌲🌲 #foresthill #forest_masters #poloforest🌳 #poloforest😍 #polosafari123 #polosafari🌹 (at Polo safari) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrL_ESn0ap/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e5xmuq8zkg2u
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wagcardoso · 7 years ago
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La na frente está o Vale do Travessão - 100km de distância de onde estou, mesmo assim imponente ! Ali termina a Serra de Ouro Branco (esquerda) e inicia-se a Serra do Cipó (direita) dando continuidade a maior e única cordilheira do Brasil, a Cordilheira do Espinhaço que daqui vai até a Bahia, formando a Chapada Diamantina. Bem no meio do Travessão passa os afluentes do Rio Doce e Rio São Francisco ! Este é um trecho do “Caminho dos Diamantes - Estrada Real “ ( Conceição do Mato Dentro/MG -> Morro do Pilar/MG Minas Gerais é a Caixa d’água do Brasil ! Quer viajar na Estrada Real de bike? Viaje na época de seca, de Setembro até Março chove muito e isso dificulta a logística para ciclistas. #estradareal #mountaibike #crosscountry #institutoestradareal #viajar #cicloturismo #partiuadventure #asf2017 #expedicionário #viajosozinho #vamospedalar #ciclovivendo
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johnnydertien · 7 years ago
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Zomer MTB seizoen is nu echt wel over. Genoeg video footage om terug te kijken. 

Created by VideoGIF

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claudiolguinphoto · 8 years ago
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alpine-onji · 8 years ago
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FOES ANALOG Hardtail 2018
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letsbicifaidate · 5 years ago
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Questa sera ore 18.00 (torno al vecchio orario di pubblicazione) test e recensione della Ducati Mig-S ! @thok_ebikes @ducaticorse #emtb #ducati #mtb #mountainbiking #mountaibike #bicifaidate #lorybart https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3baj_HOGz/?igshid=gugi6elw831y
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ntx575 · 8 years ago
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The joy of riding, put the fun between your legs #joy #ride #fun #between #legs #bicycle #innuendo #fixie #fixed #fixedgear, #singlespeed #mountaibike #bmx #cyclocross #fatbike #roadbike #bikepolo #sketch #ntx575 (at The Dirty Lewiston)
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bikepsycho · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @indonesiaenduro Semangaat pagi.... Kami Dari Panitia INDURO KLANGON, Mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebanyak banyaknya atas partisipasi anda, kami mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan, untuk race result bisa di intip di : http://indonesiaenduro.com/results/induro_klangon/index.html Pendaftaran Pamitra INDURO 2017 telah dibuka berikut link untuk pendaftarannya: http://www.indonesiaenduro.com/form/tabid/lang/idform/form_reg.php Bagi yang sudah memiliki Nomor Lomba (plat race) (atau sudah pernah mengikuti seri sebelumnya), TIDAK PERLU melakukan pendaftaran ulang, langsung transfer ke : Bank Central Asia (BCA) Account Number : 680.051.3632 by the name of WISNU ADILAKSANA. Payment over Due : 1 May 2017 sejumlah Rp. 300.xxx * xxx = Plat race dan Konfirmasi melalui SMS/WA ke 08170729020 dengan format : PAMITRA#No Plat#NAMA#Jumlah Transfer Contoh : PAMITRA#000#AT Wiryawan#300.000 ___________________________________ #PamitraINDURO2017 another #real #indonesia #enduro #mountaibike #race - #regrann
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desertbikez · 8 years ago
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Aquí comienza la Fórmula 1 de las bicicletas de montaña: con la Reaction. Desde su cuadro de carbono, ligero y rígido, hasta su equipamiento y especificaciones de alta calidad, la Reaction GTC es una de las mejores bicicletas rígidas de suspensión delantera de alto rendimiento. Cubre un amplio abanico de posibles usos, desde los más exigentes caminos hasta las competiciones de resistencia, tanto en su versión de 27,5 pulgadas como en la de 29 pulgadas.
Desertbikes La Paz - Venta oficial de bicicletas CUBE , accesorios, ropa deportiva y servicio. Mariano Abasolo e Jalisco y Colima La Paz BCS Cell: 612.119.1139
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montaingear360 · 4 years ago
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Salice - 838 CRX, sports eyewear with photochromic lenses Salice - 838 CRX, sunglasses with photochromic lenses Cat. 0-2 The Salice 838 CRX White glasses are equipped with Cat 0-2 photochromic lenses, ideal for use in light conditions that can vary from shadows to very bright areas. The CRX lens is a special photochromic lens which thanks to their chemical properties are able to modify their production gard according to the light intensity. This technology is particularly useful when you often go from shady areas to sunny and vice versa areas. They are sold with the following accessories: Transparent Lenses optical clip glasses case To clean the lenses, we recommend using a specific detergent to limit the risk of damaging them. dimensions: one size environment / sport: Excursions, MountaiBike frame material: plastic frame type: half frame colors: White Lens category: CRX Photochromic cat. 0-2 lens colors: Transparent / gray Glasses
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