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bobdarock · 1 year ago
Reasons Why The Fairy King's Disappearance/Sacrifice Makes No Sense:
It's already been discussed, but the whole Astrid thing? Like they didn't do anything... It wasn't a failure/negligence on their part
Bracken's whole if I knew he wasn't dead, I would have tried to rescue him (and probably got captured, just sayin)! Like...how did you know he was dead? The last time you saw him he was alive and being kept as a trophy???
Also the fact that they were shocked he was being kept as a trophy. Gorgrog literally told you that's what he was doing
Bracken also implied that he discovered Ronodin was working with the demons, which lead to the King getting taken during the MOTPI fight. But that's not what happened during the flashbacks in ROTDS. And if it was, Bracken's "discovery" seems a little obvious
They also can't find his horns? This one's a little more understandable, but you'd feel like he'd either have left them when he was taken or they were somewhere in Zzyzx, where you are now
I just feel like the last book was covered in plot holes and wrecked canon. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Neither does Ronodin's turn to evil, like he doesn't really do anything evil??? I'd love to know how he became evil, and not just dark, which are supposed to be separate, but in the last book...? I really missed that.
Feel free to comment with anything else you found, thanks for listening to my long tumblr rant lol
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cococrim · 2 years ago
Fablehaven characters as pie (pt.3) Jibarro’s lunch:
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ace-of-hats · 7 months ago
the beginning of MotPI be like:
Kendra: i'm at war with the dragons!! D:
Seth: this butter is really hard to spread
Kendra: i'm so sad that agad died!! D:
Seth: will this guy think i'm weird cause i make shadow puppets
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warrenessa · 1 year ago
I cry about “from a safe distance” on the daily tbh. MotPI is top tier warrenessa
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carolinelikesdinner · 1 year ago
I was thinking about MOTPI and that one scene where Ronodin is like,
"Would you forgive a killer for not knowing how a gun functioned? How many would have to die before you stopped pardoning his ignorance?”
And I was just like. The answer is literally just to take the gun away dude. Turn the safety on. Maybe give the fucking guy a gun safety class?? This is not rocket science.
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grilledcheeez · 3 years ago
something Brandon Mull does really well: naming books
literally the Fablehaven and Dragonwatch books have such iconic titles and are also easily abbreviated I could say motpi and everyone here would know it meant a total badass title for the third Dragonwatch book
idk it’s just impressive coming from someone who struggles to give their essays a good title and he just pulls out “wrath of the dragon king” like it’s nothing
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mercutiotakethewheel · 4 years ago
Kendra: Well, how about I take your crown, and give it to the Fairy Queen!?!
The UnderKing:
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candlemouse · 4 years ago
ranking fablehaven acronyms
1. fh - classic, simple, lovely, a tad obscure to the outsider. 8/10
2. RotES - amazing, really gives off the vibe with the r beginning and the s at the end. lovely, easy to distinguish 9/10
3. GotSP - don’t see this often. almost sounds like a word. has a charm that fits with the book. 7/10
4. SotDS - concludes the streak of “ot”, but maintains its own unique vibe. not particularly fond however 6/10
5. KttDP - classic that you’ll find on any post. easy to distinguish. classy. 7/10
6. dw - not fond. looks like don’t worry. would be a 5 but cool when combined into “fhdw” 6/10
7. WotDK - this one is different from the rest and I like it. starts off with a strong W and ends with an equally strong K. 8/10
8. MotPI - my baby. I saw this acronym, nay, this title, and said yes. makes a straight shape with the M and I and is aesthetically pleasing. 10/10
9. CotTG - nice and simple. spawned a joke “cottage cheese” that no other fablehaven acronym had. spunky. 8/10
10. RotDS - what is this? disgusting. this is literally RotES. I will never be able to differentiate between the two and it will haunt me. knock off of the glorious RotES. 0/10
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fairyqueenofthedragons · 4 years ago
please give us the analysis of ”fairy queen as major traitor” 🥺
As you wish <3
So then! Warning for some spoilers from Wrath of the Dragon King and Master of the Phantom Isle.
Kendra meets Risenmay, a true fairy. She’s a human sized fairy naturally and reveals to Kendra that all Fairy Queen’s other than the current were True Fairies, which makes sense seeing how it’s the Fairy Queen. Risenmay also refers to the Fairy Queen (current) as a swan in comparison to humans. The True Fairies do not like the Fairy Queen.
The Fairies reaction to it, and the way that they all seem to be in hiding leads me to believe that the current Fairy Queen did not take the crown peacefully.
The crown itself is what denotes the Queen, when Kendra wore it she was the queen. It’s interesting that the Queen informed Kendra that she wouldn’t know what to do with it, when the Queen herself seems to struggle to use it’s connection to her power.
She’s weaker than Kendra in a way, limited in the power she draws. She’s unable to do things to help Kendra (re: Fablehaven books the originals) because she’d expended too much power. All of this is strange since she and Kendra have the same power source, but Kendra seems to have a never ending well of power.
I think that being fairykind gives Kendra that direct connection, and she doesn’t know how to use it. The Fairy Queen has the connection through the crown, but struggles to pull it through her as she’s not the proper kind of queen, she’s the conqueror, she does know how to use the power though.
Seeing this as the Fairy Queen is the conqueror, she betrayed the previous Queen for the crown. She took over by force, and it’s why she struggles with the powers. This could also be an element of why Ronodin betrayed her. She was a traitor first, and perhaps he didn’t approve of it.
On this note, Kendra’s connection to their power being stronger is interesting, and it almost seems as if the Queen takes advantage of it, having Kendra do things for her. It’s possible that she gave Kendra this connection because she viewed Kendra as someone she could get to do things for her.
Anyways, the Fairy Queen isn’t the traitor to the group as is, but I do see her as a traitor to her Queen, and I don’t believe that she really deserves that crown.
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0yakal · 5 years ago
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delphicstrawberries · 5 years ago
Top 3 Scariest Things Brandon Mull Has Created
3. goma worms (or as i like to call them, those weird mind control zombie worm things)
2. spider-eels. they have no rights
1. lurkers. those things are terrifying. they're nightmare fuel (literally). no mentally stable person could come up with them someone please take brandon to therapy
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cococrim · 3 years ago
photo summary of MotPI:
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hootowlgryph0n · 5 years ago
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I'm hoping Brandon uses this sometime in the series, even if he already did it with the Sphinx. That would be a fun turn of events if Ronodin gets into trouble with the dragons and then he has to side with everyone else.
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ace-of-hats · 7 months ago
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rereading MotPI
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carolinelikesdinner · 4 years ago
Fablehaven books as cursed images
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wardofwinter · 5 years ago
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Kendra Sorenson from Fablehaven (the book series), book three of it's sequel dragonwatch. The scene when she challenges the underking to free Bracken and Seth.
Honestly badass heroine for the win. That was an amazing scene.
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