#motley crue the d
rottoneggs01 · 3 months
Me and my husband (real) :
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is-emily-real · 1 year
Girls, Girls, Girls
Steve stepped into the haze of the club, bass thumping like a heartbeat and giving a little pep to his step. Robin stayed glued to his side as she scanned the room for anyone they knew, but he kept his head high. They were hours away from Hawkins. The chances that anyone from their hometown would be in a gay bar in Chicago for spring break were slim to none. Right? 
Steve sure hoped so, or he’d have to have a very awkward conversation with his mother.
The skirt gave him a confidence he hadn’t had in a long time. He loved the way it brushed against his skin, showing off the legs he was so proud of. The heels certainly helped.
He dragged Robin to the bar, catching the attention of the woman behind it. “What can I get you, doll?” she asked, never losing her rhythm. 
“Two rum and cokes, please,” he replied.
Robin nudged him. “So I’m supposed to go talk to people, right?” She was jittery
“Grab a table first, then I’ll walk you through it.” She nodded and slipped away, immediately apologizing as she bumped into someone.
After a moment the bartender set the drinks in front of him. “Don’t let your friend be a wallflower all night,” she advised with a smile.
“Few more of these, and hopefully she won’t be,” he replied with a wink before cutting through the crowd to the booth Robin claimed. “You’ve really never flirted with anyone before?” he asked. 
“Have you met me? I can’t even ask for ketchup in a normal way.” She took a big sip of her drink before pulling a face. “You’ve seen me try to talk to Vicki.”
Steve put his hands up with a laugh. “I wasn’t gonna say it.”
“Like you’ve done any better. I’ve been watching you strike out for the last year. It’s just embarrassing after a little while.”
“Yeah, with girls. That’s why I’m trying to bat for the other team.” He shrugged. “Maybe it won’t go so bad tonight.”
He gulped his drink, leaving a burgundy lipstick stain on the rim. Ever since he and Nancy had broken up, he hadn’t been able to turn on the famous Harrington charm. And once Robin came out to him in that mall bathroom, he’d let himself ask the questions that had always hovered right over his shoulder, the ones about why he got jealous when certain girls came around his friends and why he liked playing dress-up with Holly. He’d asked them, sure, but he’d never acted on what he found.
Until tonight. 
“If I’m doing awful, you have to come get me okay? Please don’t let me embarrass myself.”
“I promise, Robs. Now finish that. Alcohol makes it easier.” He scanned the room, catching a few eyes and sharing easy smiles. There were a couple people he wanted to dance with, but first he had to get his better half acclimated. 
She drummed her fingers to the beat and shook her hair out once she’d downed her glass. “Lead the way, o romance maestro.” 
He pulled her onto the floor, basking in the energy as they began to move. He felt free here, free in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He found himself forgetting the Russians, the Upside Down, all of it as he shed the worries he’d shouldered over the past few years. He could breathe again. 
The song changed, then changed again as they came to life. Steve couldn’t help but laugh at Robin’s gawky movements. She swatted his arm with a smile and shouted over the music that she was getting another drink. He kept an eye on her as she disappeared into the crowd.
He felt someone slip into her place. “Babysitting tonight?” a rough voice whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. The man was about his height, piercing blue eyes in a tan face scanning him up and down. 
“She’s just not comfortable yet,” he replied with a soft smile. “She’ll be fine once someone catches her eye.”
“And you?” the man asked with a smirk. “Anyone caught your eye?”
He batted his eyelashes. “We’ll just have to see how the night goes, won’t we?” The light touch on his arm told him it worked just the way he wanted it to. He leaned into the touch and kept swaying with the music. 
“Has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful?”
He chuckled at the complement. “Once or twice.” They exchanged small talk as they danced, a warm hand making its way to his waist. It lingered longer than he wanted. He took that as his sign and claimed he needed another drink, slipping away before the man could protest.
Steve felt his eyes stay on him as he looked around for Robin. She was back in the booth, conversing animatedly with a redhead. Thank God.
The pace had picked up since he’d been at the bar last. He leaned against it as he waited, listening to glass clink and people chatter. 
An oddly familiar voice called out behind him. “Charlie, can we get the girl a drink?”
The bartender’s eyes flicked behind him before she asked, “Ready for another round?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He turned to find a face he’d prayed he wouldn’t see here. 
Eddie fucking Munson.
Dark curls framed his soft brown eyes and wry smile. “A bit of wisdom, sweetheart. That guy’s a jackass.”
Steve crossed his arms over his chest. His heart pounded in his throat, but he fought to keep his voice steady. “And you know this how?”
“A couple bad encounters.” Eddie sighed dramatically. “Some men don’t know the meaning of the word no. But what can you do?”
His heart twisted. “Thanks for the warning. I better go check on my… friend.”
Eddie nodded, a peculiar look on his face, but ultimately let him pass. He sped to the booth.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said with only a glance to the newcomer, “but Robs, I think I’m in the middle of a crisis.” He plopped down onto the bench and set her drink before her.
She didn’t touch it.
Or respond, really. 
She just gaped at him, eyes flicking between him and whoever she’d been talking to. He turned to get a good look at them.
Chrissy Cunningham stared at him from across the table.
“Oh shit,” was all he could think to say. “Aunt Laura’s gonna kill me.”
“If you tell my mom, I’ll tell yours,” she said hurriedly, a threat he hadn’t heard in years.
“Pinky swear.”
“Done.” She extended a hand, and he curled his little finger around hers just like they used to do as kids.
Robin laughed nervously. “Does this have anything to do with your crisis?”
“A little bit?!” He squawked. “When were you gonna tell me about this?”
“I was going to play it off if it was just me, but you ruined that, dingus.”
“You’ve never successfully played off anything in your life. Also, you don’t drive. Who else would have brought you here?”
“Listen, that’s not the point. What’s got you worked up?”
He gripped the edge of the table hard. “I just had a conversation with Eddie, and I don’t know if he knows that I’m me.”
Robin gasped. “First boy crush Eddie? Is here? Now?”
“Who else could I possibly be talking about?”
Chrissy piped up. “Would now be a bad time to say he’s here with me?”
Steve wanted to dig himself a grave right there. A swift death would certainly be better than whatever was to come. He sat with his head in his hands, silently contemplating everything. Robin rubbed small circles into his back as she steered the conversation away from the obvious.
Eddie had called him a girl, and Steve felt good about it. Too good, in fact. His eyes burned as he tried to recall every interaction they’d ever had. They were few and far between, but Eddie’d given him a pet name each time, princess, pretty boy, sweetheart . He’d seen right through his facade in every taunting conversation, every lunchroom callout and run-in at parties. Steve’s bullshit, Nancy had called it, Eddie was able to tear through it like paper, speak right to his core, joking or sincere.
Maybe that’s what Steve always liked about him, as much as he tried to hide it. He’d held on to this “little crush” for so long, knowing full well that it would never come to fruition. For so much of his life, spending too much time with The Freak was social suicide, and so he’d pushed it down, tried to bury it in ashes each and every time that ember blazed to life once more. 
But, fuck, now they were here . Now it could be more than a fantasy, if only for a fleeting moment, until they were back in the hellscape they called home.
He’d let so many chances pass him by in the name of upholding an image he didn’t even like. A max of three people here knew who he was, and not one of them gave a shit that he was Richard’s son, “an all-American boy through and through”. So why should he let this once in a lifetime chance go? 
If he did, tonight would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Steve sat up and squared his shoulders. He needed to make a move.
Robin cocked an eyebrow at him. “Made up your mind?”
He brushed his sweaty palms against his skirt and nodded. Chrissy gave him a crooked grin. “He just stepped out back.”
“How do I look?”
“You are the hottest person here.” Robin clapped him on the back, “Go get him, tiger.”
With that, he stalked to the back door, a bit of sway to his hips. The clack of his heels filled him with a sense of assertiveness. 
The night air nipped at him as he pushed through the door. He spied Eddie leaning against the brick, wisps of smoke curling up from the cigarette in his hand.
Steve walked up to him with an ease not reflective of his mental state. He plucked the cigarette from between his fingers. “Mind if I bum a smoke?” Before he could reply, he took a drag, letting rich smoke fill his lungs. 
“By all means.” The streetlight glittered off Eddie’s rings as he tapped them against the wall. “How’s Miss Birdie?”
“In good hands,” he said with an exhale. “I always knew she had a thing for redheads.”
Eddie took the cigarette back. “And you? You have a type?”
Steve hummed, idly reaching up to twirl one of Eddie’s curls around his finger. “More into brunettes.”
His Adam's apple bobbed as he quickly looked away. “I didn’t think this was your scene, Stevie.” So he did know it was him.
“Well, it’s not quite yours, either.”
“I didn’t think Chris would like the kind of places I usually go.”
He was pleased to see the heels had given him the slightest height advantage. “She’s full of surprises.”
Eddie looked him up and down. “Apparently, it runs in the family.”
Steve felt the tips of his ears heat up as he shrugged, trying to convey nonchalance. “Always wanted to try it, y’know? Just couldn’t do it back home.”
“Yeah. You, uh… you look good.” It was obvious he was balking, the way he wouldn’t quite meet his eyes, instead choosing to peer down the alley, but he could tell there was something there, a nervous air about him, like he was tiptoeing across a high wire.
He’d be lying if he said he felt differently. “Never known you to be quiet, Munson,” he said, looking up at the haze of the city. 
“You just surprised me, is all. Not quite how I pictured my Saturday going.”
“I can leave if I’m making you uncomfortable.”
“No,” came rushing out of his mouth, a bit of an edge to it. “It’s a pleasant surprise, trust me.”
“Oh?” He shot him a hooded glance, only to find the man’s lips curled into a soft smile. The amber light brought a warmth to his face, his eyes glittering with emotions Steve couldn’t place.
“This isn’t how things happen. The Munson doctrine firmly states that no incidents of this nature are possible in the cosmic fabric of the universe. No hometown heroes are allowed to contain multitudes. Turns out Dustin was right, the little shit. There is more to you than meets the eye.”
Steve’s heart twinged, a budding hope that this could be something more than some back alley romance springing to life. “I could say the same about you. Don’t get me wrong, Chris is a nice girl, but you of all people taking a shine to her is shocking. I always thought you didn’t care for us preppy types.”
Eddie threw a hand on his chest haphazardly. “My cast iron heart is not immune to sugar, unfortunately. It’s not very metal of me, but we all have our flaws, I suppose.”
He grinned despite himself. “You think I’m sweet?”
“What if I did?”
He could practically hear the crackle of electricity as Eddie threw that lure, gave him an opportunity to make this more than a careful dance. It gave him goosebumps. “That’d be enough to get a first date out of me, if you really meant it.” Good God, did he want it to be more. 
“Then you better call the dentist, baby, ‘cause you're about to give me cavities.”
That got a laugh out of him, bubbling up from deep in his chest and giving him a pleasant buzz. This was so easy , easy in a way nothing had been for years now. Eddie’s tentative confidence drew him in in all the right ways, and he found himself drifting closer, eager to figure out all his idiosyncrasies. The way his bottom lip got caught between his teeth when he was pleased with himself, the rhythms he relentlessly tapped out, the tattoos he knew were hidden underneath his jacket, Steve wanted to learn everything he possibly could before the dawn came.
The excitement sent a shiver through him. Eddie immediately shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over his shoulders. 
The leather was blissfully warm, but more so was the breath on his face, whiskey and tobacco as long fingers remained curled in the collar. He waited on a razor’s edge as dark eyes searched his, flitting back and forth from his lips with a question neither of them dared to ask. His ribs were about to crack under the hammering of his heart. The tension was thick, overpowering, stealing the breath from his lungs like he was at the edge of a high cliff staring down at the wine-dark sea below, watching it froth and churn, knowing the only way forward was down.
“Just kiss me already,” was all he could exhale.
Steve’s eyelids fluttered closed as soft lips pressed against his own, and oh, how glorious was the fall, the rush that passed over him as he sought the touch of the waves. He’d never known what others described as fireworks, but now? Now he felt the blazing heat of the sun tightening his skin, bleaching his bones as he plummeted.
The soft moan that escaped Eddie’s throat plunged him deep into need, a heady, joyous thing that helped his hands find purchase on a lean waist, slotting in place like they were designed by God to fit right there. He wanted to spend forever pressed together against the rough brick, moving in tandem like nothing else existed until all the stars burned out in the sky, until the molecules that formed him folded in on themselves and collapsed under the weight of space.
An unfortunate flaw in his anatomy meant he needed oxygen to survive, so he let that wish slip away, drawing back just far enough to get a good look at the boy underneath him. He looked as punch-drunk as Steve felt, pupils blown and chest heaving like the secrets of the universe had been revealed to him.
“You okay?” Steve asked gently.
“I think I’m having a religious experience,” he gasped.
That was enough to draw him back in, let his hands roam over Eddie’s back as he lost himself in the embrace. He was floating, surely, stripes searing up his throat as hands made their way into his hair, fingernails scraping delightfully across his scalp. 
Steve was determined to kiss him stupid, and he certainly tried his best, letting his lips trail down a pale neck, leaving red smudges along the way. The little gasp Eddie let out when he finally sucked just under his jaw filled all the space in his brain. He slipped his hands under the hem of his shirt, feeling the goosebumps rise as his thumb traced the curve of his hip.
“Hmm.” He was a bit preoccupied at the moment, enjoying the brush of Eddie’s stubble against his lips.
“That, uh, that date you mentioned? Were you joking about that?”
“I’d love a date with you, babe,” he murmured against his skin.
“Oh, good.” Eddie caught his lips again, and it was his turn to let his hands wander, leaving tingles in their wake as they traced patterns under the jacket. 
Steve basked in the heat of it all, born again under Eddie’s touch. Time meant nothing to him. Hell, years could have passed and he wouldn’t have given them a single thought. He was wonderfully alive, the electricity in his veins keeping his heart beating its staccato pattern.
His ears pricked up at the sound of the door opening, briefly letting the noise of the club escape, but when a wolf whistle sounded, he pushed Eddie back. Judging by the lipstick he’d left behind, Steve knew he looked downright indecent. “If we keep this up, this is gonna go much farther than I’d like it to in public.”
“Lucky for you, there’s a well-christened bathroom stall less than twenty feet away.”
Eddie cackled when he scrunched his nose at the suggestion. “I’m good for a hotel room, thanks.”
He took Steve by the hand. “Then let’s blow this joint.”
They drove home in the midday light, the radio crooning softly. With a phone number burning a hole in his back pocket and Thursday night plans, Steve hummed along. 
Robin rested her head against the window, the cool glass helping to fight off a hangover. She broached the silence. “So, Chicago?”
“Chicago,” he replied with a grin.
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thrashntreasure · 1 year
Ep68 Cold Doctor-On-Doctor Action! w/ Gavin D. Andrew! (AUS)
The Doctor is in! And so is AW's first Newspaper editor, Gavin D. Andrew! Having graced Aussie stages in RENT, Miss Saigon, Les Mis, Chess, and more, Gavin joins us this week for our appointment with two Doctors- Feelgood and Zhivago! Plus we chat touring, musical disasters, cast recordings, alternate dimensions, auditions, and heeaaaps more! http://www.gavind.com.au/ (PS Gavin isn't on Social media)
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beetheyapper · 4 months
this is not time period accurate but i do not care. i at least tried to keep it pre-2000s. also i’m 100% projecting my music taste onto them. deal with it? spotify playlists, each of which has around 30 songs, are linked below each description ! i spent forever on this 😭
Charlie Dalton
i’m not sure that i could pinpoint very many artists he’d particularly like, but this is a classic rock boy right here. he’d be into ac/dc, motley crue, led zeppelin, etc. perhaps a bit of duran duran (this is where i’m projecting the most.) songs about s3x and women, and songs that make him feel like the rebel he is. (this playlist has been gale hansen approved on twitter btw)
Neil Perry
oh i just know this kid would be into some funk and pop, especially 80s and perhaps even new wave (i’m again projecting). now THIS is a duran duran fan (specifically their early stuff), which is unsurprising since the lead singer has a drama degree. he’d also probably like fleetwood mac, and would be well-versed in the band’s drama. duran duran, wham!, fleetwood mac, abba, maybe even some hall & oates. songs with complex lyrics and also songs that make him wanna dance. lots of upbeat stuff because though he has things that bother him, he’d rather do anything but dwell on them.
Todd Anderson
honestly, considering they’re roommates, i feel like neil would’ve had a bit of an impact on todd’s music taste, so there’s some band influence there—but regardless, i think todd would be into more mellow and emotional songs. jeff buckley comes to mind, along with the eagles, the beatles and maybe a splash of the smiths also pls pretend now and then didn’t come out last year. he would also be letting it linger i fear
Knox Overstreet
knox would be similar to Charlie, as they probably bond over shared music taste just as much as everything else. very heavy on the classic rock, but a lean more towards songs about needing someone and love songs as he pines for Chris. Tom Petty, Robert Palmer, The Cars, and a bunch of songs introduced to him by Charlie. He sticks more to genre/theme than to a specific artist methinks
Richard Cameron
contrary to what some may think, i think Cameron would absolutely groove to some rock n roll. HOWEVER. he is a 60s-70s rock n roll elitist. he thinks Billy Idol’s cover of Mony Mony is a disgrace. he wholeheartedly believes the Beatles are the best band to have ever graced the planet. The Beatles, The Beach Boys. The Rolling Stones, etc. Maybe even some Simon & Garfunkel. Him and Charlie argue a lot about which decades were the best years of rock music
Gerard Pitts
free my boy. he just wants to dance he ain’t do nothing wrong. his music taste has definitely been influenced by some of the other poets, in the sense that if he hears a song with a funky beat that makes him want to dance, it’s added to his mixtape IMMEDIATELY. for this reason, i’m thinking lots of funk and groove. play that funky music white boy! Bee Gees, ABBA, Talking Heads, Pet Shop Boys, etc. as long as he can dance to it he could care less who it’s by
Steven Meeks
another old rock, but more on the calm side with some hints of folk and fun. Donovan, The Beatles (paul is his fav for sure), The Beach Boys, and he definitely loves every white person anthem, including Sweet Caroline. he likes to groove with Pitts but also like soothing music to study to !!! i had to consult my friend on this one i fear i was drawing a blank
AND THAT is my opinion on each of the poets’ music taste. did i squeeze Duran Duran into almost all of them? perhaps. they’re my fav band let me live… feel free to listen to the playlists (please listen to them. pls i don’t want to have made them in vain.) and maybe even become spotify moots with me :D
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damianodavds · 3 months
being a motley crue kid might include:
my first fan fiction blurb/headcanon, this is to practice my writing because I haven’t done it in a long time.
I would like to thank @unknownperson246 for inspiring me to write this. I was very nervous and wasn’t expecting to share my writing so fast
you staying up late every weekend asking your parents what life was like during motley’s rise to fame
you don’t understand motley’s hype and you think the eighties was a weird time
you identify as bi-sexual but get nervous around your parents when you are openly dating a girl
your faves include taylor swift, harry styles & jonas brothers
plot twist your most streamed artist is motley crue
asking your mum if she was a groupie and/or modelled for playboy
if your mum wasn’t a groupie for your dad you ask her what she thinks of them
plot twist, you get straight A’s in school and you are on the honour roll
you become a model to pay for university, you don’t want dad’s money
since your grades are so good you decide to go to university and become a lawyer
you open a law-firm with the other motley crue kids and call it sixx & company. your tagline is ‘we are a motley crue of a legal team’
if law-school didn’t work, you’d go to medical school especially since you knew your dad and his bandmates had a rough time with d*u*g* back in the day
you find out your crush reads vintage playboy and your mum is literally pamela anderson
your dad is tommy lee and you are best friends with heather locklear’s daughter
you get really close to the popular girl in school and find out she likes older men so you ask your dad to leave the house when she comes to visit
you keep your dad’s stage name/famous surname so people ask you so many questions especially if your dad is nikki or mick
you marry jon bon jovi’s son
note: I have a feeling the real motley crue kids are trust-fund babies and instagram models. I just saw of photo of nikki’s kids and his daughters are gorgeous. girl-crush goals.
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Let’s pretend I didn’t forget their birthdays-
Happy Belated 24th Birthday Skyler! [09.23]
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☁️: My B-Birthday was a-actually r-really fun! I s-spent it with G-Grey, we had a c-cute little dat n-night and as the day w-went along people c-came by to d-drop off their gifts. Grey got me t-this gigantic box of v-vinyls and a K-KISS t-shirt! *big smile* I-I can’t wait to wear it around. I r-realized my friends k-know a lot about m-my tastes. *laughs* I got a lot of I-Iron Maiden and Motley Crue s-stuff, vinyls, cassettes, band shirts and some new s-spray p-paints.
In all it was a r-really n-nice day a-at home, I was glad to h-have the d-day o-off and spend it with p-people I love.~
Happy Belated 21st Birthday Cupid! [09.24]
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💘: Eros took us to Disney for the week! :0 If we weren’t in the human realm my wings would be fluttering my wings and they would be fully out. Before we left I got to take my first “legal” drink as a 21 year old! It was wine cause Eros nor Aphrodite would let me drink booze >:( I will buy my own-.
Anyways, DISNEY! I love all things Disney and I was planning on dressing up as Tiana since for Halloween last year I dressed up as Charlotte! Princess and the Frog is my favorite movie *whispers* Tangled a close second. *smiles big* I’m so happy right now EEE! Birthday well spent if I say so myself!~ 🥰
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp @enhanced-cb @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb @doom-bc @hybrid-babies @hearthstone-apothecary @theboys-oc @vandalxhyunjin @thetoplinecb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @damnationinc @demonljy @moongoddesselene @darkloversxcb [DM + / -]
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chaoticmetalheroine · 3 months
artists and bands and other shit for baby metalheads 
(my masterlist of recommendations)
Warning: it’s definitely not a phase
Stage 1: perfect gateway bands/artists that won’t scare you away immediately:
Black Sabbath (the beating heart of metal)
Tenacious D (one of my personal gateway bands/movie)
Metallica (very popular and effective)
Limp Bizkit/Korn (guaranteed a good time)
Judas Priest (don’t blame me for speeding through several sets of red lights on your motorbike)
Motorhead (shut up and listen, it’s good for your health) 
Iron Maiden (epic and adds years onto your life)
Ozzy (may or may not give you bat rabies in the best way possible)
Rainbow/Dio (my other gateway bands)
Rob Zombie (for my horror fans)
Sleep/Electric Wizard/Saint Vitus (highly recommend starting with Sleep’s Dopesmoker)
Late stage BMTH (go backwards in the discography) 
80’s Pantera/Motley Crue (fun and always a good time)
Anthrax (perfect for spreading the disease)
Stage ???: down with the guitar hero
Deep Purple (not just Smoke on the Water dumbass)
Disturbed (oooh ah ah ah ah) 
A7X (a synyster gateway band)
System of a Down (fucking essential)
Symphony X/Opeth (perfect if you’re into melodic or symphonic stuff) 
Slipknot and The Freddy v Jason movie soundtrack
Stage whatever: essential listening
Megadeth (MegaDave Mustardstain)
Slayer (fucking slayer :) )
Overkill (underrated and very essential)
90’s Pantera (highly essential) 
Sepultura (come to brazil)
Lamb of God (early stuff)
Stage who cares: goblins, barnyard noises, and corekids (also helps me fall asleep sometimes lol) 
Suicide Silence (pure gold and hits you like a train)
Early BMTH (suicide season and sempiternal were two of my gateway albums)
Whitechapel (og) 
Spirit Box (if you like clean and distorted vocals)
Lorna Shore (barnyard fun)
Signs of the Swarm (bees and wasps) 
Infant Annihilator (your pet goblin escaped and is on the loose)
Cattle Decapitation (vegan friendly option)
Last stage: go nuts the world is yours don’t gatekeep
Cannibal Corpse (not your grandma’s death metal)
Gojira (i love them so much <3)
Type O Negative/Rammstien/ Deftones (whore lol jk jk me too)
Children of Bodom (10/10 pure gold) 
Candlemass (scientifically proven to raise the dead) 
Bathory/Darkthrone/Mayhem (obligatory hike through a snowy forest in corpsepaint) 
Annihilator (the rabbit hole led alice to hell)
Forbidden (the licks these guys play are fucking tasty) 
Nervosa (insanely underrated. start with jailbreak album) 
Exmortus (LOVE)
Kreator (satan is real, you guys)
Crypta (unbelievably perfect music for any occasion)
Power Trip (nightmare logic is so addictive, go listen now)
Dying Fetus (it’s raining angry frogs and it’s a good time)
Obituary/Death (florida man with good music taste)
Morbid Angel (alters of madness is fucking sick as hell)
Death Angel (I always go back to the ultra violence album) 
Evile (very very good) 
Sodom (agent orange and they did a cover of surfin bird it’s awesome)
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rembrandts-spraypaint · 5 months
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Some more art! This drawing is based on a Warriors rock AU I made a few months back, never really did much with it but I wanted to draw my Cowboy and Rembrandt designs from it! :D Cowboy is a rhythm guitarist and Rembrandt is a backup vocalist/bassist
The band is called "Wings N' Fire" [based on Guns N' Roses, Poison, Motley Crue, Skid Row] and they're a rock band that was active from 1976-1989, I have a lot more about this AU if anyone would be interested but that's just the very basics :)
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tyanis · 3 months
More Cleon Song Headcanons! And another poll! :D
Today's Cleon Song Week prompt is old school/rock. Obviously, my brain immediately went to "which songs have these two gotten speeding tickets to?"
So I made a small list of the main culprits. I didn't add Free Bird because EVERYONE has gotten a speeding ticket to Free Bird.
Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue
Turbo Lover by Judas Priest*
Ace of Spades by Motorhead
Highway Star by Deep Purple
*there was probably a point where they had to hastily explain (lie) to Sherry that this song is just about driving fast... AND NOTHING ELSE.
Go watch the music video for Turbo Lover. It sure is... somethin'.
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Lost & Found - Chapter Six
Guys! I'm sorry this is a few hours late! I threw myself into getting everything done early this morning so I can relax for the rest of the day, but here you go, update is here! I'm so pleased you're all enjoying it, thanks for the lovely feedback you've been kind enough to leave. I truly appreciate it :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five
Words - 3,572
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse in the coming chapters.
Even under the darkness of nightfall, the difference was stark. Riding onto his driveway at just gone 11pm, Guero killed the engine, climbing from his bike and removing his helmet, eyes widening at the front yard. The grass was immaculately mown and raked, the border edged, the tree trimmed, and path swept. Although he had all the necessary tools to do it, he’d only bothered twice since arriving.  
“Hey, fuckboy!” A flurry of curtains revealed Tyrone, chomping uncouthly upon a candy bar of some description as he stuck his head from the window. “You better get in there and give that fine assed girl of yours a damned good dickin’ in thanks. She been out there all afternoon, breakin’ her back!” 
“She ain’t my girl, homes,” he called back, still a little stunned at how good it all looked.  
“Whatchu mean, she ain’t your girl? Bro, you got that grade of hottie in yo’ crib and you ain’t tappin’ it? Pfft, what’s wrong with you? Crazy assed fuckboy.”  
“Later, Tyrone.” he called, letting himself into the house. Inside, his surprise only grew more, the immediate smell of freshness hitting him. Everything was pristinely clean, everywhere tidy, his eyes scanning further at the details. So that was what colour his tan couch was, beneath the ground in dust and dirt. Fuck, the leather sheened once more, and his carpet! It was actually fluffy again.  
Back when he’d moved in, he’d bought some storage baskets that had remained in their packaging, Guero having every intention to actually fill them, but never getting to it. Not only had she filled them but added a neatly written label to each.  
He had labels?! 
“Magazines, bits and pieces, dog toys.” He spoke, smiling, his eyes then taking in something he wasn’t expecting to see across the room; all of his dad’s vinyl collection and record player placed out on the unit, the hundreds of classic and modern rock albums, all catalogued alphabetically. Everything was organised, and beautifully so.  
Little did she know that they’d remained in boxes for a reason, Guero not able to face removing them all, being reminded of memories from his childhood. He sorely missed those days, his dad cranking out Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Soundgarden, to name but four of Ibarra’s favourites, all at window rattling decibels. 
“Emma? Where you at?” he called, the bathroom door suddenly opening, the fresh smells of disinfectant and bleach hitting his nose, Emma in a pair of rubber gloves appearing.  
“Hey, I was just finishing the tiles,” she spoke, wiping her clammy forehead on the back of her arm. “How are you?” 
“Fucking surprised as hell at what I’ve come home to, shit,” he spoke, her eyes suddenly widening. 
“Oh, oh I, I’m sorry. I sh-should have asked if you minded. I’m sorry, I didn’t m-mean to overstep, I shouldn’t have, I’m so sorry. Please d-don’t be mad.” Her reaction went from zero to a hundred, her panicked babble delivered at speed, suddenly crouching, wrapping her arms around her head. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”  
He was confused at how badly she’d misunderstood his surprise. “Woah, it’s alright. I’m not mad, blue eyes.” Moving to her, her crouched, resting a hand to her back. The muscles beneath his touch immediately knotted in tension. “It’s okay, I just... I didn’t expect all of this. It’s not your job to clean my mess, but I gotta say I appreciate it.” 
Eventually she revealed herself, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “You mean it? You’re n-not mad?” 
The stammers again. It pinched at his chest, to see and hear her so unravelled, wondering even more just what the hell kind of situation she’d fled to crumble like that so quickly. He hadn’t even raised his voice. Hell, he hadn’t even been angry in the slightest, yet she’d read his surprise as negative.  
“Of course, I’m not mad.” He slowly reached to cup the side of her face, thumb stroking the apple of her cheek, Emma feeling herself relax, a pleasant little tingle fluttering through her stomach. “Now, you need to tell me what in the hell else you made that smells so damned good, because it’s making my stomach rumble!” 
She pulled off her gloves, standing up, her smile shy, not able to look him in the eyes for that moment as bashfulness tugged at her. “Lasagne.”  
“Yeah? Shit, haven’t had any of that in years. Lead the way.” They moved into the kitchen, Guero taking in the extent of her cleaning, everything utterly spotless, the fresh scent mingling with the scent coming from the oven.  
“I ate already. It’s still warm, though. Big piece?”  
“Please, yeah,” he spoke, pulling off his t shirt. “Imma take a shower first, though.” 
When she turned, she almost dropped the dish she was placing onto the counter. Oh, hell. He had the kind of physique that came from dedication to the gym, a lean waist, ripped abs and a thick chest, the mass of his upper arms and shoulders perhaps the most impressive where bulk was considered. She’d also never seen anyone with that kind of tattoo coverage before either. What was more, she liked it.  
Realising she was staring at him with eyes like saucers, there was a little fluster to her actions, looking down as she cleared her through nervously. “Uh, um... that’s quite the collection of tattoos you have.” Feeling her cheeks flushing, she turned away, focusing on slicing a piece of the lasagne, chewing at her thumb furiously.  
Of course, he’d noticed her taking a moment to check him out, and usually he’d have been playful in response to that, him and his big mouth engaging in a little flirtation. He spared her, though, thinking it was adorable how furiously she blushed. “Yeah, I’m a walking canvas at this point. Anyway, won’t be long.”  
As soon as he’d left the room, she began to fan her cheeks, bouncing from one foot to another. “Oh god, that’s hot.” Men who looked like him were not what she was used to seeing shirtless. Seeing his body, she realised, had taken the edge off the little tumble into her repeated behaviour from her old life. Her natural reaction to whatever she deemed as upsetting someone was to literally drop down low and cower in fright, her submission expected in an instant.  
She could tell Guero wasn’t like that, but conditioned responses took a long time to break in habit.  
He joined her a few moments later, seating himself adjacent to her at the small table, dressed casually in light grey sweats and a black vest. “You even did my laundry for me and tidied my bedroom. Everywhere smells amazing. Thanks so much, but don’t feel like you have to for however long you wanna stay, alright?” 
Looking after people was all she knew, though. Turning it off would be like those conditioned responses; a hard habit to break. “I like it. It’s my pre-programmed state.” 
He was about to ask her what she meant by that, prior to taking his first mouthful of lasagne, pausing chewing a moment in surprise as a world of flavour burst upon his tongue. “Holy shit, that’s unreal! Were you a chef or something? Seriously, that’s amazing! Where’d you learn to cook like that?” 
Shrugging slightly, began chewing her thumb. “You pick it up around Italians.” Closing her eyes, a flash of the past transported her away for a moment, held at the neck, a hot knife pressed into her side.
“You think you can disrespect my mother’s memory by serving me this plate of crap? She’d turn in her grave if she saw what you’d done to her recipes, you idiot bitch!” 
He only ever burned her where people couldn’t see.  
Guero’s voice brought her back with a jolt. “Sorry, did you say something?”  
“Just asked if you wanted a beer?”  
Her reply was an immediate, pre-programmed response. “No, thank you. I’m not allowed to drink.” 
He frowned. “Says who?” 
Him. He says. She blushed, shaking herself softly, repeating her reminder in her head. “There’s no mafia in Santo Padre.” “Actually, I will. Thanks.” 
He smiled, going to the fridge and pulling it open. Fuck. She’d even cleaned in there, too. And filled it. Fresh vegetables, deli meats, cheese, fruit, milk, juices and cherry Coke. Obviously, she’d visited Khalid, whose large store was always abundantly well-stocked. 
Returning to the table, he twisted the tops off, handing one to her before he took a seat again, pausing in finishing his dinner. “I notice you dodged my question there.” His lips thinned in thought, considering his options. “Emma, are we about to get into a whole heap of shit for harbouring a mafia boss’s wife? You haven’t told me much, but that’s kinda what I’m assuming, that you got into that shipping container cuz’ you needed to vanish from a bad marriage without a trace, rather than heading to the airport. I dunno, or were you his...” he trailed off, snapping his fingers. “What do they call ‘em, the woman on the side? The goomada?” 
“Gooma,” she corrected softly. “No, I wasn’t married to Rocco. Gooma is probably what you could have referred to me as, but then again not really.” Her response was cryptic, her thumb going to her mouth once more. She always chewed it when nervous or embarrassed, he’d now noticed. “Can we talk about you, please? You mentioned you’re originally from Marana? I wanna know more, everything about you.”  
For her comfort, he left it, watching her begin to relax her drawn up shoulders as he started to talk about his life. “Okay, I’ll start at the beginning. I was born Guero Ramiro Ortiz on December twentieth, nineteen ninety-three. Interestingly, Guero wasn’t supposed to be my name at all. Dad started calling me that from the moment I was born, because I was light skinned like him. That’s what the word means, basically. Kinda more nickname than anything else. They liked it and it stuck, though. I like it better than being called Hector, as my mom wanted to call me, after her father.  
“So yeah, I’m the only child of my parents, but dad has a couple of others out there I haven’t met yet, little bastard Ortiz’s in the wind,” he continued with a snort. “He did some serious time, went away when I was ten and then didn’t get released until four years ago, when I was twenty-five. Mom didn’t stick by him, and she was pissed as hell that after he was released, us reconnecting led to me joining the MC. I swear, she smacked my lil’ brown ass down hard when she found out!” 
Emma chuckled at his widened eyes, sipping her beer as he continued. “I was pretty decent at school, went to community college and learned how to be a mechanic, worked in garages in Tuscon for years until I joined the MC.” 
“What made you want to go outlaw?” she asked tentatively, Guero taking his last mouthful of food and standing, placing his plate into the sink. Immediately, she sprang up, ready to wash it, finding her arms gently grasped as she was steered back into her seat. 
He leaned to her, shaking his head. “Nope.” His lips pressed a kiss to her forehead, her heart somersaulting in her chest at such a gesture. Forehead kisses from a man. They were alien to her entirely, but how sweet to be treated to one. “I joined the MC ‘cuz of dad, and the pay is pretty damned good, too. Made more money in my first year fully patched than I did in two working as a mechanic.”  
“What does fully patched mean?” 
His hand reached for Axl when he came ambling in, smiling when after receiving the scratches, he immediately moved to Emma. “It means when you become a proper member of the MC. Everybody has to take a year as prospect first, which means you get hazed to fuck, given all the shit work, have to be at the beck and call of any fully patched member. Bottles is a prospect, same as Nestor, guy with the braids. He’ll get voted next week, Bottles in four months.” Just then, his phone began to ring, pulling it from his pocket. “Speak of the devil.” Sipping his beer, he answered after a pause. “’Sup, Mr Magoo?” 
He sat and listened, Emma not able to hear the other end of the conversation, Guero beginning to frown as he laughed. “Hank’s gonna beat your ass, prospect. I didn’t see where you left ‘em, but if they fell outta your pocket while we were out earlier, then you gotta whole lotta fucking highway to go search, don’t you?” More speech from Bottles, Guero listening before he interrupted. “Hey, you’re disturbing my evening, and...” he trailed off, rolling his eyes before looking at Emma. “Bitch ass here says hi.” 
“Hi, Bottles,” she chuckled.  
“Right, no... I don’t... yo, you need to calm the fuck down and just go find ‘em. Ain’t on me. Bye!” Returning his phone to his pocket, he shook his head. “Fucking prospects.” 
“What did he lose?” 
“The damned van keys! Told him, put ‘em behind the bar or straight in Hank’s hand, but no. You’d think with how thick his fucking glasses are, he’d never lose anything. Fucking Amsco window face!” 
She took it Amsco were a glazing company, beginning to laugh at his joke. He turned to her with a smile, eyes alight. Her laughter was beautiful. Seeing her face lit up, it made his heart skip on a beat. It’d been a while since he’d experienced that. “It’s nice, seeing you relax more.”  
Nodding, she looked down at Axl for a moment, her lashes fluttery when her eyes found his. “That’s because of you. Thanks for being my safe person.”  
His chest swelled with pride, his smile growing. He liked hearing that, that he was the one she’d placed her trust in, especially after the state he’d found her in. She seemed much steadier, save a blip or two here and there, of course, but he guessed those were issues she had to work out in her own time.  
“Glad I can be, blue eyes.” He winked, and it sent her insides into a fizz, once again beginning to chew at her thumb. “You’re gonna have no skin left if you keep doing that.” 
Her shrug was soft, stopping and reaching for her beer. “It’s an old habit. I’ve done it since I was a kid.” 
“So, did you grow up in New York? You don’t have the accent,” he questioned, Emma shaking her head.  
“Spokane, Washington.” 
“Ahh. Moved out there when you were older, huh?”  
She bit her lips together, getting up when Axl moved to hover by the back door. “Little sir needs to go pee, yes he does!”  
Guero sighed quietly through his nose, trying to quell the little flicker of annoyance that she refused to talk in any great detail about herself. He shook himself from it quickly, though, remembering his own words to her on the matter. It truly wasn’t any of his business.  
“Hey, I noticed when I was tidying that you have all the Kevin Smith movies. I haven’t seen Dogma yet. Can we go watch it?” she asked from the backdoor, watching Axl sniffing and bounding around over the freshly cut grass.  
“Yeah, I haven’t watched that in a minute. Good choice.” More beers were fetched, a bag of popcorn microwaved and tipped into a bowl, the pair settling in on the couch. She then remembered what was stashed beneath it.  
“Oh, here,” she spoke, pulling the money he’d left for her from her pocket and handing it to him. “I’m not taking your money from you, although I really appreciate the gesture. I have enough of my own, which brings me to a question. Do you have a safe?” 
“Nope, although I gotta get round to buying one. I have a floorboard, though” 
She frowned, mouthing the word floorboard back at him questioningly, Guero jerking his head in the direction of his bedroom. After picking up her bundles of cash, she arrived with him, his eyes widening considerably when he saw the size of the stacks she held.  
“Jesus, what you got there, about twenty g’s?” he asked, pushing his knife beneath the floorboard over by the window and lifting it up.  
“Thirty.” It was enough for a new life, and definitely the least of what she was owed, she’d thought prior to taking it. Crouching next to him, she placed her money on the opposite side to where she could see a few more neatly lined piles, pleased he had an adequate hiding place. 
While he placed the floorboard down again, Guero contemplated asking whether it was the reason she’d fled, ripping off the mob for thirty grand, but the question never left his mouth. She’d likely not tell him. With her money safely tucked away beneath the floor, they reassumed their positions on the couch, Axl jumping up to curl against Emma.  
Whether it was residual exhaustion, or her cleaning and yard work endeavours, she dozed off before the movie even ended, Guero removing the popcorn bowl from her lap and gently lifting her up, carrying her to the bedroom and placing her down.  
She stirred, reaching for his wrist. “No, no. The couch is fine, I can’t take your bed.”  
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.”  
“I do. I don’t mind sharing.”  
He paused, looking down at her. “Sure?”  
“Mmhm,” she hummed sleepily. He undressed to his boxers and climbed in, making sure he didn’t invade her space, Emma removing her sweats and placing them on the floor.  
“Fair warning, I’m told I snore loudly,” he spoke quietly, fluffing the pillows. 
“Yeah, so do I. Full on mouth breathing and hissing,” she revealed, making him chuckle quietly. “G’night, Guero.” 
“Night.” He was more tired than he thought, falling asleep quickly. He awoke a few hours later to what his sleepy brain assumed to be the hissing Emma had mentioned, opening his eyes to find the space next to him empty of her, sitting up and stretching. The noise he could hear was panicked, heavy breathing. He reached to switch on the nightstand lamp, looking to see her curled up in the corner, eyes wide as she muttered and rocked herself back and forth.  
Peeling the covers off himself, he approached her quietly, noting this was a new behaviour and wondering what had triggered it. A nightmare, perhaps? “Emma?” 
“Don’t do it again, can’t do it to me again. No, Rocco. No, please don’t.”  
She didn’t seem to even notice he was there. Crouching by her side, he tried again. “Emma, he isn’t here. You’re far away now, where he can’t find you.”  
“I did everything you said, I was good. Please don’t, it hurts me. No, don’t.”  
He tried again. “Emma, you’re safe. He can’t get to you here. You’re in California with me. New York is long gone, baby.” Placing a hand to her arm, the action jolted a response from her, her nails finding his skin and scratching as she flew into panic, screaming shrilly, her eyes wide. “Woah, woah! Emma, it’s me, it’s me. Calm down.”  
He clutched her wrists tightly, preventing her onslaught, watching as her wide eyes finally focused, taking him in as she gasped for breath. It took a few moments, but recognition softened her face, pulling herself free from his grip and throwing her arms around him.  
“I h-had a nightmare,” she panted, Guero tightening his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap.  
“Yeah, I guessed.” He waited until she calmed, feeling her breathing begin to steady, her trembles subsiding. “Look, I know you don’t wanna talk about whatever it is you ran from, but I kinda think you might have to. I think you need help, Emma. This shit, it isn’t normal, or good for you.” 
As he expected, she didn’t reply, clinging onto him as he stood and carried her back to the bed, surprising him greatly when she refused to let go. She lay curled against him, face buried against his neck, her breathing speeding and then slowing, her muscles tensing and slackening again as she wrestled with whatever it was up in her head that was terrifying her.  
She had never in her life lay like that with a man, within his protective embrace. It felt different, but good, his steady breathing and soft rhythm of his heart calming her down. Just forty-eight hours ago, she would have been too frightened to allow herself that, the intimacy of sharing a bed with a man, curled so closely against him. Allowing him to hug her had been fine, but this was on another level. A level that she was good with.  
While she settled into sleep, Guero lay awake for a time, beginning to worry about her going out into the world without dealing with her past. The way she remained clung onto him in those dead of night hours was telling, though. He doubted that any place where he wasn’t was a viable option in her terrified mind.  
He was fine with that, but he wished she’d let him help her beyond what comfort his presence could offer.  
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izzystradliniscute · 9 months
URL Song Game (Is that what its called?)
I tried...I tried...Like all the time, when trying to think of songs, my brain went missing. I think I left my brain at school. Oh well.
I= If U Seek Amy (Britney Spears)
Z= Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie)
Z= Zorros Ascent (Alice Cooper)
Y= You're Crazy (Guns N Roses)
S= Sweet Child O Mine (Guns N Roses) (I really tried...)
T= Thank You For Loving Me (Bon Jovi)
R= Runaway= (Bon Jovi)
A= And Justice For All (Metallica)
D= Don't You Forget About Me (Simple Minds)
L= Live Wire (Motley Crue)
I= I'm Not Okay (My Chemical Romance)
N= Na Na Na (My Chemical Romance)
I= I Remember You (Skid Row)
C= Cruel Summer (Bananarama)
T= The Reflex (Duran Duran)
E= Everybody (Backstreet Boys)
@greeneyezblackheart @valupuyhol @prettypersuasion @jakelinestradlin @izzystradliniscute @izzystradlindoesitforme @izzydeanstradlin @izzystradlinslvrr @popcorn-adler @guns-n-jovi @guns-n-roses-gal @rocknrollflames
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anaalnathrakhs · 5 months
Yay!! Your doing ship bingo!! Love it when you do asks!! Vinikki, Tommyvince and terrorcest and to spice it up how about a rare pair John corabi and Mick (don't think they have a ship name) :D
yeah don't worry i love subjecting people to my rants. will never stop. thank you for asking you brave soul.
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Reverse-colored evil star, they are the opposite of silly. They're constantly in the divorce proceedings. Every night they divorce and every morning they get back together. They CAN fix each other but CERTAINLY not by kissing. Cmon guys you can be reasonable I believe in you. I'm not as much of a fan as sooooome people in this fandom but I think they have a fascinating dynamic and I love writing their interpreations even though I've rarely written one myself.
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...cannot be encapsulated by this bingo. They're so casual it hurts. So bestie bros it hurts. They'll never divorce because they were never married, but that FWB arrangement includes cuddles and will last until the end of times.
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DOUBLE BINGO DING DING DING. They can fix each other, but that doesn't mean better for other people around them. In the same band for over forty years that's more marriage than a lot of people who actually went and tied the knot legally. Perfect dynamic, unhealthy 100% functional and arriving rapidly at your location. The only ship Tommy manages (almost) not to make So Silly :3 because of its radioactive levels of serious doomed love toxicity. His constant no-homo on instagram have moved from silliness to straight up a little sad. I'm obssessed w them.
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I'm not gonna lie I know very little about Corabi as a person. This is just an educated guess based on... not much? A couple photos and some social media posts in the past decade or so. Anyway.
I think Mick would get a kick out of being weird and mysterious towards the new guy for a while to confuse him. So that's a REALLY silly thing to base a relationship upon. But I don't know, I think it could work if it happened, they both seem calm and reasonable enough to make anything work. If anything, the divorce would be amicable. Motley crue is a wonderful dynamic that crushes the chosen four and probably isn't very fun for the others either, so I don't think kissing would fix them in the long run, but I think they could have a nice few years of being a nice calming presence in each other's lives. Secret under wraps of course, but they're much more friendly on the outside due to... not having over a decade of baggage at that point.
I have no idea what I'm saying at this point. Hope this makes a modicum of sense lmao
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thedarkestgreys · 1 year
url tag game 🔮
rules: spell your url with song titles & then tag some friends!
tagged by: the lovely @scarliefrancis, thank you babes!
T - therapy - mac miller
H - halls (canyons version) - andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
E - EMOTION - carly rae jepsen
D - daphne blue - the band CAMINO
A - august - taylor swift
R - r.e.m - ariana grande
K - kickstart my heart - motley crue
E - every little thing she does is magic - sting (symphonicities version)
S - stab my back - the all american rejects
T - tearing me up - bob moses
G - godsend - dcTALK
R - ... ready for it? - taylor swift
E - electric circus - bad suns
Y - youngblood - 5 seconds of summer
S - self care - mac miller
BONUS SONG: coney island - taylor swift feat. the national (did i paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?)
tagging: @muserepeats @scaponigifs @takearisk-ao3
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gaysaintseiyafan · 8 months
I been on here for at least an entire month or so, I feel I should properly introduce myself or something
I'm genderfluid and prefer to go by they/them pronouns I'm autistic as well which is most likely the reason I get so passionate about my special interests. I made this blog to post and reblog about Saint Seiya because the entire franchise is one of my biggest special interests and I don't really get to share about it much since hardly anyone I know likes it !! I post alot of gay stuff because I'm very gay myself ya know.
I'm canadian BTW !!!
I enjoy watching anime and reading manga, fanfiction, listening to music, collecting dolls,figures, plushies ect. I also like drawing and even have fanart and some of my own ocs that I designed but I don't post them here mainly because I feel nobody would care to see them given that my skills are basic lol.
My favorite anime series are: OG Saint seiya including the hades ovas,Saint seiya lost canvas, saint seiya soul of gold, B't X, Shurato, ronin warriors, fuma no kojiro, yu yu hakusho,patalliro, berserk,devilman, blackjack, inuyasha, yugioh (season 0 and duel monsters), rurouni kenshin, princess princess, gravitation,brave dagwon, gundam wing, nightwalker the midnight detective,saint beast and the rose of versailles.
My favorite Saint seiya pairings: Hyoga/Shun, Shiryu /Seiya, Milo/Camus, Degel/Kardia, Mu/Shaka,Deathmask/Aphrodite, Minos/Albafica, Dohko/Shion . I like other ships but these are the ones I especially love to see fanart and fanfiction for Hyoshun is my main Ship ! Shirseiy and Camilo are close to being second.
Favorite bands: X japan, Seikima II, Malice mizer, Lareine, versailles, hizaki grace project, phantasmagoria, Syndrome, D, shazna, Kuroyume, missalina rei, madeth gray'll, baiser, Hanoi rocks and michael monroe, the sweet, Kiss, david bowie, the cure, dead or alive, gene loves jezebel, japan and david sylvian, cinderella, wasp, iron maiden, judas priest, motley crue, and many others mostly visual kei, and 80s music lol.
things I dislike: homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism and just bigotry in general, people who attack others for their ships its just juvenile imo, people who get mad if I dont instantly reply, that crappy netflix remake that made Shun into a girl..just no.
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livewiretribute · 5 days
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d Rock Cafe and CE Presents welcome Live Wire - Motley Crue Tribute and Last Train to Ozz - Ozzy Osbourne Tribute on Friday, October 11, 2024! 🔥🔥
Entry and seating for event attendees begin at 7:00 PM.
Live Wire is Pittsburgh's premier Mötley Crüe tribute band, electrifying audiences with their authentic and high-energy performances. Formed by a group of dedicated musicians who share a deep passion for the legendary rock band, Live Wire meticulously recreates Mötley Crüe's iconic sound and stage presence. With a setlist packed with classics like "Dr. Feelgood," "Girls, Girls, Girls," and "Kickstart My Heart," they deliver a nostalgic experience that transports fans back to the heyday of 80s rock.
Last Train to Ozz is a Pittsburgh-based tribute band dedicated to celebrating the music of Ozzy Osbourne. Known for their faithful renditions of Ozzy's greatest hits, they bring a touch of the Prince of Darkness to every performance. The band members, all seasoned musicians, share a mutual admiration for Ozzy's legendary career. They capture the essence of his music with accurate performances of songs like "Crazy Train" and "Bark at the Moon." Their straightforward and engaging shows appeal to fans of all ages, providing an authentic Ozzy experience. Last Train to Ozz has become a favorite in the local music scene, delivering solid performances that honor the legacy of the rock icon.
This event is open to all ages.
Alcohol is available for purchase to attendees ages 21 and over.
Valid identification is required for the purchase and/or consumption of alcohol.
Seating within the event is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you require accessible seating accommodations, you must notify the venue in advance.
Please note that GENERAL ADMISSION tickets do not reserve a seat.
Station Square Parking Garage
301 W Station Square Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Station Square Parking Lot (West)
35 W Station Square Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Station Square Parking Lot (East)
160 E Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
All sales are final - No refunds, exchanges, or transfers
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mulletmunson · 2 years
shook me all night long ( munson )
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author's note: had a rather intrusive thought in the middle of my shift today n couldn't let it go. like i know that ac/dc was very well known globally in the 80s but i feel like aus kinda took it to the next level? like there is undoubtably not an australian that grew up in that decade that doesn't know every word to every song. n say that reader has moved from aus to hawkins to live with extended family and they're a metal head like eddie and introduces him to ac/dc? ( edit: i was high when i wrote this and it took me days to edit omg )
the reader lives in the trailer next to eddie's and they end up exchanging cassettes from time to time.
warnings: 18+! MDNI! strong language, smut ( eddie x gender neutral reader ), oral ( m!receiving ), use of y/n - i think it's like two or three times idk, eddie just straight up being whipped for the reader it's kinda cute
word count: 4.2k
moving to hawkins, indiana at the beginning of your senior year wasn't the first thing on your to do list but you didn't end up with much of a choice. your uncle had received the opportunity of a life time and as your legal guardian ( even though your 18th birthday was merely a month away ) you were involuntarily dragged along with him and your aunt. you didn't necessarily hate the town. it was a weird place. mall fires and stories of a lab killing a teenage girl. nothing seemed like it at all fit. like the town was a puzzle with several, very important, pieces missing. regardless of all this, you couldn't help but be drawn in. like the darkest parts of hawkins were begging you to explore them.
maybe that's also what drew you to your obnoxiously loud neighbour and his impeccable taste in music. eddie munson, who you'd seen around school leading his D&D club through the halls, was exactly the kind of person that would have your mother rolling in her grave if she ever saw you around him. she'd never taken a liking to the way you expressed yourself, all dark clothes and sterling silver, loud music blaring through your cassette player at all hours of the day. and so, in typical fashion, you'd left your worn out judas priest cassette on his doorstep one morning ( along with a return address ) in hopes to spark up some sort of conversation. it was returned two days later with a red circle around the sixth track, a note sticking out of the casing. this one was my favourite was scribbled across the lined paper in red marker. "eat me alive, huh?" you mumbled and flipped the cassette in the air as you moved into the trailer, laughing to yourself.
the day after your tape was returned you almost crushed one under your foot as you left for school that morning. looking down you spotted 'theatre of pain' sitting right by your toe. you'd heard theatre of pain in passing some time last year. a few songs were played on the radio. motley crue wasn't, however, a band that you pictured eddie actually listening to. the makeup and glam-rock sound didn't really seem to be his type of vibe. you were proved wrong again on that regard though when the next week he left a def leppard tape at your door.
even though these exchanges were small and quite insignificant, you felt like you were learning a lot more about eddie through the tapes and the notes he left with them. always circling his favourite song on the back of your tape in the same red marker. the note always flirty. you also felt like you were opening yourself up a little more as well. you never really had anyone to share your music taste with. your dad had died when you were ten after he introduced you to rock music so you'd never really felt good about sharing what it meant to you with anyone else. it was your thing that you cherished because of him. that was obviously until you moved to the trailer park and the loud music blasting from the house next door made you feel at ease. safe in a way that you hadn't in a long time.
the exchanges went on for a while. each of you leaving longer notes which lead to exchanging glances in the hallways. on a dreary sunday night, perhaps two or so weeks after the judas priest tape was left, you decided to take a risky step and leave your all time favourite cassette on eddie’s porch in hopes that he’d find it and listen to it before school the next day. the sticky note you stuck to the cover of the who made who album simply read this one is my favourite of all time. treat her with respect please x. you knew that ac/dc was renowned throughout the world but there was a high likelihood that a small town like hawkins hadn’t heard much of them. it was a shot in the dark, their sound being something that felt so central to australia, but it was a step that you were willing to take if it meant it brought you closer to eddie.
so here you sat, alone at your lunch table with your walkman by your side as it played the ozzy tape that eddie had left you a few days ago. you were watching his table, seeing dustin and mike laugh at something that gareth must of said. eddie was normally there by now, ranting about one thing or another in his typical exaggerated way. but he wasn’t. frowning to yourself, you pulled your headphones off your ears and began to collect your things. he obviously wasn’t coming in today. perhaps you’d catch him tomorrow.
you were pushing yourself out of your seat when you felt a hand on your shoulder and suddenly you were shoved back down into the chair. a small yelp escaped your lips as your ass hit the hard plastic. whipping your head around, you locked eyes with eddie as he pulled out the chair beside you and practically slammed your ac/dc tape on the table. “how have i never heard of these guys!” he exclaimed, shuffling the seat closer to you in the process. “never?” you asked, a little surprised. you already knew that it was a risky move but you never would have thought that he’d never heard of them. “not even on the radio?” eddie looked at you, raising his eyebrow. “sweetheart, do i look like i listen to the radio?” you melted a little at the pet name. “i have more of their stuff back home if you want to come over after school?” you tried really hard to not sound too excited at the idea of eddie being in your house, in your room. he grinned at you, teeth nipping at his bottom lip in the process. if there was a god, you knew he was testing you.
“sounds like fun” he said and you reached for your tape. he snatched it up before you could wrap your fingers around it. “i think i’ll hold onto this for a little bit longer, thank you.” and with that he was up and moving towards his table, the boys all eyeing you as eddie walked towards them.
you sat on your couch, arm resting on the back as you stared out the window. you’d sped home so that you’d get to the trailer park before eddie, hoping that your uncle's motorcycle he let you ride to school on the odd occasion, would beat his old van. you had. and you also had time to change clothes, find every ac/dc cassette you owned and sort them by release date. school was let out 30 minutes ago and he still wasn’t home. you were starting to regret even asking him over. sighing to yourself you moved away from the window and headed towards the speaker on the kitchen counter. your aunt and uncle wouldn’t be home from work until later that evening. it was like that most days of the week, which meant you had time to yourself with your music for a few hours. 
you slipped the led zeppelin tape into the player and grinned when whole lotta love started blasting through the speakers. you swayed your hips slightly to the music as you moved through the kitchen. as the chorus swelled and the music grew louder, you didn’t hear eddie enter. didn’t hear him throw himself down on the couch and like he lived there, arms spread over the back of the seat and head cocked to the side as he watched you move through the small kitchen. he smiled to himself, resisting the urge to pinch his thigh to remind himself that he’s not dreaming. that he’s actually here. he’d been hoping that the little flirtations that had been going on between you for the past month were not entirely one-sided. that there was a chance you might be interested in him as well.
he’d never met anyone like you. foul mouthed and unapologetic. you’d caught his eye the moment that you walked into the lunch hall. you’d dressed almost exactly like he was, given you were wearing a very cropped metallica shirt and not a hellfire one and your worn leather jacket looked like it was going to fall apart with each movement. and then you’d been the one to make the first move. he’d be lying if he said he didn’t listen to the tape over and over again because he knew that you had. because it was yours. he waited patiently each time he returned your tape with one of his. dreaming of your handwriting on the yellow sticky notes you always used. even when he wasn’t waiting for something to appear on his front porch he was thinking of you. of the way you power walked through the halls, never stopping to let anyone look at you a second time. he admired it. admired you.
you spun on your heel and jumped, a small yelp escaping your lips when you spotted eddie lounging on the couch. “eddie!” you shouted, throwing the juice box you were holding at him. it hit him square in the chest and he let out a soft laugh. “sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you” he said, leaning forward on the couch and resting his elbows on his knees. his dark eyes were locked on you, dragging down the line of your waist and the curve of your ass. you felt hot all of a sudden, watching him watch you. you averted your eyes and cleared your throat, moving towards the coffee table in the middle of the living room and kneeling in front of it. it was the only thing that was separating you from him but with the way he was leaning over it to get closer to you, it wasn’t that much of a distance. “these are all of their records so far. the earlier five were recorded with their original lead Bon. he passed away in the early 80s and the band then found Brian and have since released four other albums. he was the only vocalist they could find that was the closest to Bon’s sound.” you looked up from the tapes to see eddie grinning at you.
“sorry i’m rambling” you muttered, sitting back on your heels and watching as he looked over the tapes laid out on the table. “it’s cute. i like that you’re so invested in this” he said, tucking his hair behind his ears. “it’s pretty much the background of my childhood. i heard it every day. dad loved it and so does my uncle. they’ve been a part of my life since the day i was born pretty much.” eddie smiled and reached into the pocket of his leather jacket, pulling out the tape you gave him. “which one was your favourite?” you asked, reaching over to take it from him and sliding it in line with the others. he chuckled and flipped the tape over to show you the red circle around you shook me all night long and you chuckled to yourself. “what’s with you and the songs filled with the most innuendos munson?” you said, taking the tape off the counter and getting up, moving towards the speaker on your kitchen counter. “they’re always the best ones sweetheart. the ones that hype me up the most” he said and you could hear the smirk in his voice. there was a part of you, deep down, that was hoping he would be choosing those songs to send you some sort of message.
you placed the cassette in the player and skipped to the track that eddie had circled. you spun, a flutter of butterflies in your stomach as you faced the metal head on your couch. “that was the only reason?” you asked, sauntering over to the coffee table and perching on the end of it. you heard brian's voice play throughout the room, the lyrics to the song egging you on as you leant a little towards eddie. a shit eating grin spread across his face and you couldn’t help the goosebumps that arose on your skin at the sight. “what exactly are you implying here y/n?” he asked, his tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip. you bit your own, the sudden intrusive thought of what his tongue would feel like on yours passed through your head. you wanted to know what he tasted like. what he would feel like when he pressed his weight on you. how his hands would feel on your skin. “i don’t know. were you implying something when you chose those songs?” she told me to come but i was already there. eddie smirked at you as that line played through the trailer. “maybe i was, maybe i wasn’t. did you want me to be?” he asked, leaning even closer to you, your faces mere inches apart.
all confidence left your body. you thought you had control of the situation, inviting him over with the full intent to instigate something. yet here you sat, nerves running wild as you tried to think of something to say to eddie. “i, uh- uhm, i don’t know” you stumbled over your words, not being able to look away from his face but trying so hard to do so. his large, brown eyes kept staring into yours and you couldn’t stop from staring right back. “sweetheart, if you want something from me, all you have to do is ask” he said as he scooted towards you, reaching out a hand to place it on your exposed thigh. his calloused hand continued to slide up your leg and began toying with the hem of your shorts. goosebumps riddled your skin as his fingers rubbed circles up and down your leg. you hummed to yourself and moved sideways so that you were sitting on the table directly in front of eddie. he reached his other hand up to your other thigh and tugged, trying to pull you closer to him.
“so?” he asked. you could barely even think about a response let alone make one but you opened your mouth anyway and the words fell out. “wanna taste you.” eddie chuckled, leaning in further. “yeah? which part of me?” made a meal outta me, and come back for more. “a-all of you” you said, eyes darting down to his lips and slowly grazing over the rest of his body. drinking in the veins of his hands and the way his skinny jeans hugged his lower half perfectly.
he let out a low, animalistic grunt and tugged you off the coffee table until you were planted in his lap. my mind was aching and we were making it. his head was tilted back to look up at you, lips ghosting over each other as you lowered yourself into his lap fully. eddie hummed and moved his hands from your thighs to wrap them around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. the thin material of the basketball shorts you were wearing did nothing to hide how turned on the both of you were. you whined a little at the feeling of him underneath you, grinding down ever so slightly and pulling a simultaneous whimper out of the both of you. “been hard since i got here honey. thought of bein’ alone with you tonight got me so riled up. could barely hold myself together on the way here.” eddie was mumbling into your skin as he pressed his face into your neck, dragging his nose along your jaw to breathe you in. his lips brushed against your throat and you gasped, arching into him at the sensation.
it felt pathetic really, that a touch so soft and innocent had you melting into a puddle on his lap. you could feel him smiling against your skin as you tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled. his head jolted back and he looked up at you with a sly smirk before leaning forward and pressing a harsh kiss to your lips. it was hot. all teeth and tongue as your spit mingles together. the grinding of your hips had become more consistent as eddie slid his hands over your ass to guide your movements.
you had to pull away to breathe and as you did so eddie immediately moved to suck at the soft skin just under your jaw. you were panting, trying so hard to catch your breath whilst he was doing everything to take it away. you shifted in his lap and felt his cock press right into your groin. eddie let out a low moan into your skin and you felt his teeth nip at you ever so slightly. “eds.” the word came out airy, like a whisper. “want to– need to–” you couldn’t form a sentence. weren’t exactly sure how to word it really. you wanted him in your mouth so bad but you didn’t know how to ask. eddie was humming along to the song, shocked that all of this had happened so quickly and it was still playing in the background.
you moved your body away from his carefully, sliding back on his legs so you were sitting over his knees. a worried look crossed the boys face as his hands slid to the tops of your thighs. “are you okay? do you want to stop? what’s wrong?” he asked, brows furrowed together in a mixture of confusion and concern. you smiled at him and did your best to slide of his lap and onto the floor in front of him. you managed, without falling backwards into the coffee table and making a fool of yourself in such a heated moment. kneeling between his spread legs, you looked up to meet his gaze. “y/n. you–” he was cut off by his sharp intake of breath when you dragged your hands up the front of his jeans. “said i wanted to taste all of you eds. meant it too” you spoke softly, eyes flicking down to where your hands were placed just above the waistband of his jeans – fingertips gliding softly at the skin of his stomach just under his shirt. 
he was breathing heavy now, eyes locked on you as you dragged your nails across his skin. eddie sucked in a breath and you smiled a little. the power you were holding over him in this moment had your nerves vibrating, your whole body fizzing with excitement. you hadn’t had any control of the situation from the moment that eddie walked in the door, but now that you were on your knees in front of him and touching him with such delicacy – all the ropes were in your hands. you moved your hands down his pants, slowly popping open the button and dragging the zipper down. eddie lifted his hips with your movements, trying to get some sort of friction from your hands. “sweetheart. if you want something from me, all you have to do is ask” you said, mimicking his words from earlier. eddie laughed lightly but it was soon cut off by a hiss through his teeth as you snapped the waistband of his exposed boxers against his hip. “i need you to tell me eds. need to hear it in words.” "fuck," he breathes unsteadily and you can see how tense he is as he tries to restrain himself. the muscles at the line of his hips spasming as he tries not to buck up into your touch. "need you to touch me, sweetheart," he almost whimpers. "need to feel that mouth of yours, please." the please has you drooling. the knowledge that he’s begging you for it. that he wants it as badly as you do has every part of your body hot.
you grip the waistband of both his jeans and his boxers and tug, eddie lifts his hips as you do, although it takes almost all your strength to pull them down to even his knees. his cock lay heavy on his thigh, the tip almost purple from straining against his tight jeans. you couldn’t help but stare, running your hands up his bare thighs and causing his hips to jump. “it’s so pretty, eddie” you whisper as you reached for him, taking him in your hand and squeezing lightly. “sweetheart” he grunted out, shuffling forward a little more so he was perched on the end of the couch. he hunched over you, long curls falling to the sides of his face. they seemed to envelop you, caging you off from the rest of the world. you smiled up at him and pressed a swift kiss to his swollen lips before bending down again and taking him into your mouth. you hummed around him as the salty taste of precum landed on your tongue and eddie moaned loud at the feeling. you looked up to see his head thrown back, slender neck on display.
slowly you began to suction and hollow out your cheeks, taking him in little by little, your hand working at the space you couldn’t fit in your mouth, pumping back and forth. you were already gagging a little around him as he hit the back of your throat, but you didn’t care. the weight of him heavy on your tongue and the lewd sounds he was letting out as you bobbed up and down were making it all the more worth it. “huh-, god, fuuck…” eddie had placed his hands on the back of your head, gently pushing you further down his cock as your spit dribbled onto his crotch, dampening the unruly curls at his base. he was trying so hard to open his eyes to look down at you and when he finally managed to do so, he found you already staring intently up at him. your mouth full of him, lips swollen and cheeks red as you worked your mouth down him. “so fucking good, sweetheart, you’re so fucking good. been thinking about this from the moment i saw you. been jacking off to the thought of you since you arrived.” you hummed around him at the thought of that, arousal growing more intense as you reached down to touch yourself through your shorts, hoping for some sort of relief.
he shudders, his chest moving up and down in rhythm with your head and hand. “you touching yourself honey? getting off to the feeling of me in your mouth yeah? so dirty. so, so-” he’s rambling and bucking up into your mouth, practically fucking your throat at this point. all you can do is nod at his words, tears spilling from the corners of your eyes as they mix with everything else that had spread across your cheeks. your moans were blissful vibrations around his throbbing cock which only made his own louder. “o-oh, shit, you feel so fucking amazing, so fucking good….shit, baby, you’re so fucking good - god i fuckin’ love this.” his hands make you go faster, choking you more on his dick as your nose begins to rub against the matted curls at his base, his musky scent filling your nose. your gags were going straight to his head and it spurs him on even more.
he was rambling uncontrobbly now, words spilling out of his mouth as frequently as the delicious moans, “holy shit, sweetheart, y-yeah, hmm, fuck just like that,” he’s muttering for you to go faster, thumb wiping away at your tears as he whines, keening loudly as he feels his release quickly about to come, “yeah baby, fuck! shit, you’re doing amazing. taking me so well. oh god, I’m gonna cum. you’re gonna make me cum honey…is it okay if i- fuck - if i cum? please, fuck, y-you okay with that?” you’re trying your best to nod, humming around him to indicate that it’s okay. that you want it.
it’s what sends him over the edge in the end. hot, white spurts of cum running down your throat as he pushes your head down, your salvia covering your own hand as you try your best to swallow everything that he has to offer. eddie stopped writhing and you noticed the muscles in his stomach unclench as his breathing slowed again. “holy fucking shit” he said, pushing his hair away from his forehead as you pulled your mouth off him with a wet pop. you let go of his now, softening cock and reached to wipe the dribble from the side of your mouth. eddie beat you to it, catching your spit and a little of his own cum onto his thumb. he stared deeply into your eyes as he put his thumb to his own lips and sucked it clean.
blushing heavy, you stood up and rubbed at your achy knees as eddie shucked his boxers back up over his lower half. the tape moved well into the next song by now and the loud guitar filled your ears as you and eddie stared at each other in silence. his hands were on your thighs, pushing up under your shorts tentatively, as if to ask if it was okay. like you didn’t just have his cock in your mouth. like you weren’t touching yourself whilst doing so. “think it’s your turn now sweetheart.”
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