#motivational story for kids
imustbenuts · 19 days
🙃 jfc we have a audio blasting bot swarm problem on this hellsite.
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hi person who is seeing this post by searching for your tag of choice. have u seen the above shitheads and tried to report on sight bc they were blasting some video with autoplay? is your search now not working?
native tumblr blocking is breaking your endless scrolling search. apparently too much posts being excluded from the load results in the load failing, so if you reported and blocked these guys, thats whats causing it. 2nd post im making for those who might not have seen my 1st post due to the aforementioned reasons.
heres how to get the functionality back until tumblr mods gets off their ass to cleaning up the mess on desktop.
get firefox with any adblock that allows for custom blacklist/filters. im using firefox with Ublock Origin. so get this if nothing else.
go into the settings of your adblock plugin and slap the following line in the blacklist/filter. it will kill any dailymotion embedded videos too btw. remember to hit Apply Changes or Save or whatever equivalent thats present in your adblock.
so something like this:
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now all the botted videos will be broken and unable to load. no more audio blasting. but it will look like this:
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make sure the bots are unblocked so the search function actually works. again, too much blocking somehow breaks this hellsite's search bar.
tagging the relevant affected tags these bots are using. in the meantime, Report spam and/or bot but dont block. like this to preserve functionality:
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uhhh feel free to spread this and queue it from time to time ig. maybe if we mass report hard enough tumblr mods will actually step the fuck up
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univxrsez · 2 months
basically i had a good day yesterday but something small happened in the night & ruined my mood so much that i started crying
and a while after i calmed down ( but i still felt bad ), i said in my mind that i'm done with this reality & i'm going to go enjoy life in my dr for a bit.
i opened my eyes after & was still in my or, but i felt the exact same thing happen after i closed my eyes again - interesting thing was that although i realized that it was literally HIM & that i'm literally my DR SELF, it didn't feel off. it felt normal. and it honestly made me feel rlly calm & comfortable & happy knowing he was right there 🥹 so i went to sleep smiling
though i didn't wake up in my dr in the end, that was the best experience i've had so far & i can't wait to experience even more amazing things when i DO fully get to my dr :)
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redrobin-detective · 7 months
My fic writing process
Me: Here is an interesting idea, extrapolating the story's inherent, underutilized worldbuilding and not only acting upon it, but expanding it and making it my own to explore themes and characters I enjoy. Also Me: Ok but also this would be Hilarious
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ssruis · 1 month
There’s a certain subset of tenmas fans that I have no respect for and those are the ones who don’t gaf about saki and only talk about tsukasa and toya. First of all both tsukasa and toya would literally do anything for saki. Secondly toya + saki have a unique relationship that is so interesting stop watering it down to be the same as Tsukasa’s relationship w toya. Finally: what else is there to like about tsukasa besides his bond with his sister. Colopale was so right when they went “we have to include a scene with tsukasa and saki in the beginning of the main story or else ppl will hate this guy” because I thought he was so obnoxious until I read some of his interactions with saki and then he became one of my favorites.
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charmac · 21 hours
How are you feeling about S17? I'm getting reaaal worried that it's going to be terrible. No Glenn in the writers room? A crossover episode?? Rob's gradual transformation into pondslime??? Help
Pondslime 😭Lmfao
I'm feeling more than fine about 17, really truly. I don't think anyone should be worried at all.
I think sometimes my interactions with Glenn come off a little more serious or abrasive than they really happened in real life (because we have to shout due to how loud it is in the bars), and my immediate transcription is just to get people *information*, which really doesn't convey tone.
For example, reporting that Glenn said "you don't want to know" in response to me asking for any teasers (as to plots this season) was met with a lot of "oh so this season is gonna suck" on Twitter, and that could not be further than the truth (sorry to the people I split-react blocked for saying that lol). In hindsight I get the reaction, because written out it's a response that can be easily misinterpreted and reads as potentially concerning, but know that when Glenn said "you don't want to know" he looked like this:
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And when I was genuinely just asking for script information (regarding writers of individual scripts after he mentioned they had broken already) and mentioned Nina (Inflates) and Ross (DTAMHD), he gushed about both of them and then said, transcribed word for word, "It's been a good room, I'll say this it's been a great room. It's been an all-star room, it's been...like, breaking the stories this year has been really fun. [Me: Yeah?] Yeah. [That's great, that is great to hear.] It's been really fun."
So the idea of "no Glenn in the writers room" is really much more akin to Season 16 than 13/14. He was there to break stories (meaning he was in the room when they were brainstorming plot ideas and when they settled on which plots would be turned into scripts) but Rob and Charlie are taking the brunt of writing their (RCG's) scripts because of Sirens. This is the same thing that happened with The Gang Goes Bowling. Glenn's name is on the script, but Rob and Charlie wrote the majority of it while Glenn was shooting Blackberry. (I remember originally being convinced it was a mistake Glenn was listed as a writer for Bowling, lmfao). And Glenn is definitely still contributing, will be on revisions for the non-RCG scripts, and will classically change or improv whatever he thinks is best for Dennis when he's on set (see: the Risk E. Rats script).
Also, I know the crossover is concerning to a lot of people just given the nature of it, but as of what we know right now it's only on Abbott, so it's really just as if this season's The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell or The Janitor Always Mops Twice took place on a different show instead of ours...
I promise promise promise Glenn was clearly holding his tongue for good things coming up, and Friday night very much restored my confidence that Season 17 will be good. (But..if you don't think Glenn has good contributions to Sunny or understands the agenda, then sorry this response probably sucks lmfao)
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sodsteam · 12 days
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lifestyle-1313 · 8 days
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tariah23 · 4 months
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sssusuki · 1 year
In the story, Who Made me a Princess, Ijekiel Alpheus has his potential as a great character diminished by the way he was not only handled by the author, but those around him and the story. He is someone who has complicated relations with his family, who have only ever seen him as another tool in the family to achieve greatness and therefore uses his intelligence to bury himself in books to drown out that loneliness. Even if his father loved him, and says it later on in the story, it is never actively shown— and if anything, it is assumed that his father abandoned him after his mother died. He had his future decided the moment he was born and he had no control over his own life and that is why he fell so fast for Athanasia. Despite all his high walls and barriers, because she was something unachievable and, like her name, impossible for his father and himself to imagine. If he was given the chance to develop as a character rather than being a secondary love interest, they could've shown his complexities and— if anything, his quite gray morality. As he has shown that he will harm himself and others to get to his own satisfactory conclusion (as specifically shown in his standoff against Athanasius) as well as his more rivalry and forbidden relationship with Athanasia. In this essay I will
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toffeeteapot · 11 months
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The world is wonderful, and I am brand new 🐁
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vaugarde · 1 year
theres something so odd about how team skull is characterized in the anime. like. in the games theyre a nuisance with a sad backstory to them and they take it out through rage, especially guzma. them teaming up with the aether foundation comes across as lusamine manipulating guzma tbh, like hes just a lackey to her
and then in the anime they water down how gross aether was by limiting the crimes to just faba being a dick instead of the entire foundation being complicit, and in return team skull has their backstory ignored for the most part and theyre perfectly willing to gang up on and hurt a six year old cause she told them not to be mean. like yes they were villains in the game but that just feels weird for them
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gifti3 · 5 months
guess who's back, guess who's back? me and i brought more arranged marriage AU writing. the last post was this one.
this post is shorter and features Asmo and Luci this time. Cause i needed to get some complaining Asmo in here. Anyways thanks for reading, hope you like it :] (and happy early birthday to Asmo!!! 🎂🎉 sorry for putting u in situations lmao)
"Asmodeus stop hanging off me."
Lucifer tries to pull his brother off, but he doesn't budge. Asmodeus who was currently kneeling next to his study chair, continue to hold on to his arm with surprising strength.
"But you have to help me! Pleaseeeee!"
Lucifer lets out a deep sigh, continuing his work and looking through documents as if Asmodeus isn't there. "I already told you, Father's word was final."
"But-But there has to be a way to talk him out of this! And you're the only one he might listen to!"
"Trust me, the one suggestion I made was completely rejected. He's completely resolute about this marriage."
"Then make another suggestion!"
"Can you at least meet MC first before you throw a tantrum like a child? From what we've seen they're polite and mostly keep to themselves. So getting along with them should be easy for you as long as you don't do anything foolish."
"Hmmm…they sound kinda boring."
Lucifer pinches the bridge of his nose. He could feel a migraine coming on. "Behave when you actual meet them Asmo."
Asmodeus huffs and finally releases his older brother and instead begins pacing in front of his desk.
"But why does it have to be me? I know I'm a catch, but last time I checked, other people in this family weren't married!"
"I already explained this. Father expects you to be more involved in the socioeconomic affairs of the family. Which you've managed to avoid for years."
"Pssh but am I the only one though?"
Lucifer doesn't even bother answering him.
Asmodeus looks off to the side. Maybe he wasn't that involved in the more "serious" aspects that kept their family on top, but at least he went to all the important social events unlike Leviathan. That must count for something.
Though the idea of Leviathan getting married was definitely something he couldn't see happening any time soon. It might overload him. Only recently did his older brother start showing his face in public consistently….and it would be nice to see Levi fall in love naturally one day. Maybe he could convince him to go out on the town with him… Baby steps, baby steps.
Mammon was already married (surprisingly). Which much to his dismay, really cut a lot into their nights out. Though he would never admit it to his face.
Lucifer and Satan could probably avoid marriage if they wanted to, considering all they do.
All that left was Beelzebub and Belphegor. Shoveling off marriage to his younger siblings didn't feel right though.
Asmodeus visibly deflated. He sighs and flops down in the chair in front of Lucifer's desk. Even though he was doing this, he already knew it was over before it even began. It didn't stop him though. In fact, he had complained to Lucifer the day before.
And the day before that.
He'd cried to Satan and even bothered Mammon, who gave him terrible marriage "advice" that he made sure to tune out.
But it wasn't like him to not be at least a little persistent and complain when things weren't going his way!
And this was something worth complaining about. Him getting married? There's certain things marriage entailed right? Wouldn't he be expected to stop with his current lifestyle? Partying and playing around? Sharing his beautiful existence with the world? It just wasn't right!
He wouldn't do it, especially for a stranger.
Asmodeus crosses his arms. "….Are you sure I can't get out of this?"
"Asmo for the love of God. Father was serious about getting in this family's good graces, and this is a sure-fire way to do so. As you said so humbly, out of everyone here you're the most practical choice. And even if one of your brothers were picked instead, who says it won't be you the next time?"
Asmodeus's frown deepens. If he wanted to continue living such a comfortable life, he couldn't really just go against Father either. Even if he was okay with giving it all up, it was too scary.
"Meet them first. Now can you go find someone else to whine to. I'm busy."
Guess that was the end if the today's discussion.
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...I just realized I never actually did anything with necromancer stephanie king even though i was so excited to have that concept in the story. FUCK
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sodsteam · 7 days
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lifestyle-1313 · 8 days
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All 3 monkeys have such abadonment issues. Just Wukong is the only one that hasnt basically stated it outright with words (mk saying he was gonna lose it if someone else left in season 3 finale, literally all of shadowplay)
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Sun Wukong: "But don't worry! I'll check in, give you some training tools, remote lessons—ah, you'll figure it out! You'll be great! Don't worry. Monkey King out!" MK: "Fine! Then just leave! At least my friends will never abandon me!"
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
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MK: "But, I'm not ready for this. I can't face the Lady Bone Demon alone. I just feel so-" Totally Not Macaque: *laughs* MK: "UGH! If you're not gonna help just leave me alone!"
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Macaque: "She's completely out of control! If there's a time to go, it's now!" MK: "NO! Mei is my best friend—I'd never abandon her when she needs me!"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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MK: "UGH! If one more of my friends flies off today, I'm gonna lose it! The only way we win is together! That's Monkey Kid 101!"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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Sun Wukong: "Well it was great seeing you bud, just run off like you always do!" Macaque: "No that's YOU! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while were were ahead! Not the great sage, he's got to drag EVERYONE else into his mess!"
(4x11 A Life Time of Mistakes)
Wukong is more of someone who leaves before he gets left behind, but yeah—this is basically abandonment issues the show.
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