#mother of sockpuppets
Dark Fandom: Frameups and Fakers
Great Mother of Sockpuppets.
Okay - here we go.
Frameups and Fakers
Peering over the rim of my coffee cup, I looked at these posts from last night and decided that it's time to add to the reading shelf. 
Here's what happened, for the link-averse. False blogs were set up apparently to mimic BeeBee76, JadeSabre85, and Draculard (no blog to compare), then the actual parties were blocked by the fake blogs, preventing the real Jade, BeeBee, and Draculard from finding them. It is possible that these blogs are or could be used to send messages where anons are disallowed, divert traffic from the parties' actual blogs, or post content that is against community guidelines in order to get the parties deactivated by Tumblr.
Below are Real Beebee vs Fake Beebee and Real Jadesabre versus Fake JadeSabre. Drac does not have a Draculard blog on Tumblr, but is well known enough in the Thrawn, ST:TNG, and other fandoms with that name. In both cases, the elimination of a dash, or the last two digits of Jade's name leads to an empty blog where you would expect content. I use the search bar to go to someone's blog directly - I do miss my LJ feature where I could just click a name in the sidebar and boom!
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Frameup 101
A frameup or setup is a maneuver designed to make someone appear responsible or divert blame for a given situation (such as a crime) using fabricated evidence and/or testimony.
I've also heard a frameup called a stitchup, though I'm not sure if that's a TikTok term or not. Generally, the person seeking to divert attention and frame another party is the perpetrator, though a third party may be acting to 'protect' the actual instigator and finds the framed party a convenient target. 
Some of the techniques used in frameups include: 
False flag - actions undertaken with a false identity, the intention being to blame the target person or group.
Joe job - old Usenet term for a spamming campaign using a spoofed email address.
Scapegoating - placing blame for one's bad actions on another party as the cause of said actions. 
'Just asking questions' - questions designed to sow doubt or create chasms in a group of people. For instance, "But how do we know that there's not a nanochip in the COVID vaccine? There could be, and it could be used to see who is complying with the New Order.  I'm just asking questions." 
Casus belli - 'cause for war' actions or causes used to justify hostilities. 
Gaslighting - manipulative behavior that over a period of time causes the victim to doubt their own powers of reasoning, validity of their thoughts, and even perception of reality. This leads to loss of self-esteem, stability, and self-confidence, leading to confusion and dependency on the gaslighter who is using the victim for their own advantage.
Red herring - information set up to be distracting and a distraction from the situation at hand.
Straw man - an argument or proposition intentionally misrepresented because it is easier to defeat than the actual argument.
In other words - know your bullshit because stalkers and trolls will use your credulousness to their advantage.
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creature-wizard · 7 days
Scams, Hoaxes, Conspiracy Theories, & Cults Everyone Should Know About
Jilly Juice: Jillian Mai Thi Epperly claimed drinking sixteen cups of her super salty cabbage concoction each day could regrow missing limbs and cure everything from cancer to homosexuality. In reality, overdosing on so much salt caused followers a host of health issues that Epperley dismissed as "healing symptoms."
Nonhuman Body Hoax: Jaime Maussan attempted to pass off mummified human remains as nonhuman beings to the Mexican government. (This isn't even Maussan's first hoax, by the way. He has a history.)
Love Has Won: Amy Carlson, a woman who'd walked out on her own children, started a New Age cult in which she presented herself as "Mother God," the creator of the universe. She claimed to be in contact with dead celebrities and alien beings, and taught a conspiratorial worldview. As her health declined, she attempted to treat herself with colloidal silver and alcohol, and her behavior became increasingly abusive. When she finally died, her followers sincerely believed she would return to life and kept her body in a sleeping bag. (She did not return to life.)
Seed Faith Offerings: Reverend Gene Ewing came up with the perfect get-rich-quick scheme to prey on desperate Christian believers: tell believers that if they "sowed seed" by giving money to him, God would bless them with even more money in the future. He made millions of dollars from these donations, while most of his followers never saw the miraculous returns they were promised.
William Walker Atkinson: In the early 20th century, William Walker Atkinson wrote around one hundred books, many of which he wrote under various pseudonyms. Some of these pseudonyms included alleged Hindu mystics. That's right - this guy was practicing literary brownface to sell his mystical ideas.
The LDS Church: In the 19th century, a man named Joseph Smith claimed that an angel had told him where to dig up a set of golden plates that were supposedly written by ancient Hebrews who'd come to North America. Smith even had eleven close associates who vouched for the plates' existence. Yet the script they were allegedly written in bore no relation to actual ancient scripts of the Near East, and the the names the locations in the books he "translated" were very obviously derived from placenames he would have been familiar with. (For example, Oneida/Onidah.) Oh, and actual archaeology and DNA studies have discredited pretty much everything from this guy's weird racist narrative.
Fake Cancer, Fake Cure: Wellness entrepreneur Belle Gibson claimed that she'd cured her brain cancer with natural remedies. Gibson never actually had cancer in the first place.
Medbeds: Back in 2020, QAnons and QAnon-adjacent people started circulating claims that a new form of healing technology was about to become available to the public within the next several months or so. Depending on who you asked, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and even the Galactic Federation of Light were involved. The time of their supposed unveiling came and went, and what do you know, there are still no functioning medbeds used in actual medicine.
COVID Vaccine Zombies: Conspiracy theorists have been claiming the government practices high-tech mind control for ages now. One recent iteration of this is a conspiracy theory claiming that people who'd received COVID vaccinations would have malicious DNA code activated by 5G on October 4, 2023, turn into zombies, and riot. The time came and went, and no zombie outbreak happened.
Ms.Scribe: In the early 2000s, a Harry Potter fan known as "msscribe" or "Ms.Scribe" faked her own harassment through a number of sockpuppets, with the apparent goal of becoming friends with some Harry Potter fandom bigwigs. She manipulated the fandom for a few years until the deception was finally uncovered.
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lilyorchard-exposed · 2 months
Lily's Incest Loving Friend, nooblord9001
Friends indeed, for a reason.
Besides nooblord9001 being obviously into "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley" as a signifier for liking incest, there are other reasons Lily might have become her friend. Let's look at why.
In "The Wholesome vs Dark Media Debate" video, Lily confirms that nooblord9001 (a formerly suspected sockpuppet) is her friend (although she doesn't follow her on Tumblr for some reason, at least at the time Lily made the video, as seen in the screenshot below. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she took this screenshot logged out of her account).
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(video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5prj2N5aGxY) The link is also available in archive.org
The interesting thing about nooblord, is that, like Lily, she is also into incest!
In this post, we can see that nooblord links her google drive to her ocs.
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(post link: https://www.tumblr.com/nooblord9001/755420376569462784)
When you click on her Google Drive (link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IeTDMlVF85u_0PKZltMgtkZlDZPIsK4o), you can see which email this is being shared from.
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Searching her name brings interesting results. First of all, you can see her publicly available YouTube account, which confirms this is her other username and not a coincidence. You can Google this yourself.
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(link to channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-j-xny3sY1Tcset8SNi_3Q)
She has a Reddit account (link: https://www.reddit.com/user/GammaWALLE/) where she talks about Lily, the Coffin of Andy and Leyley, among other normal topics. Again, this is likely to be her Reddit account, considering the alignment of topics on her Tumblr and Reddit, as well as her user icon.
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(link to post: https://www.tumblr.com/nooblord9001/753407438179418112/cackles-evilly?source=share)
Pretty consistent, considering there is always the "That's not my account! That's a stalker!" argument Lily and others like to make. No stalker has any reason to go back in time and fake being nooblord/gammawalle, since she was only talked about as a potential sockpuppet within the last month or so, not all the way back then.
Well, now to the meat of the post.
There's always deniable plausibility involved with these kind of things, where a person can always say they like a property without enjoying the bad or reprehensible part of it. That could be made for "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley", but there is no denying that Lily's friend, noodlord9001/gammawalle is also into incest.
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(link: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley/comments/1cgykak/lord_unknown_incest_pandemic_breaking_up/)
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(link: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/624035-gravity-falls)
For those who don't know, the Gravity Falls one is more egregious, considering the Pine twins (their ship name being "Pincest") are 12 years old in the cartoon.
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(link: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1480265-intensifies)
Also, there is something ironic about this comment.
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I'm sure there is a lot more, but I'll stop here for now. These are the kind of people Lily calls her friends.
Edit: She is possibly into her mother.
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(links: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley/comments/1d6f744/comment/l6w0cf0/
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britts-galaxy-brain · 4 months
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Does it ever get tiring, Lily? It's exhausting enough watching you lie your ass off constantly in a desperate, clawing plea to retain whatever sense of control you have over the narrative while avoiding responsibility for a goddamn thing. I can't fuckin imagine how draining it must be to willingly choose to be like this. It'd be so much easier at this point to just give up.
The chat logs aren't the proof that Tara Callie is you, Lily. You know that. Everyone who's bothered to actually look at any of this knows that. The chat logs are proof of what you used the account TO DO.
The proof that it's a sockpuppet is right here.
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hollowboobtheory · 3 months
you know looking back at the msscribe wank everybody likes to clown on the fact that she was an entire mother while doing all that shit with like a baby and everything and. you know. she was 28. that's barely older than i am right now. and would i create and manage an army of sockpuppets to bury myself in racist harassment to trauma bond with more popular bloggers? no. but i would pull up a fuckin chair. i would ignore my toddler to watch it go down. i would in fact say not now dear mommy's cyberbullying.
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boxchewr · 2 years
which social medias would (some of) the pokemon bw/bw2 characters use
cheren: linkedin and facebook. Please hire him bianca: pinterest. she just takes a ton of pictures of her munna. she wants to dig no deeper into the grand net and who can blame her hugh: roblox. he plays rainbow friends and gets mad when his teammates screw him over. that teammate is usually benga cress+chili+cilan: also roblox as well as tiktok. they spend all their time sending each other bad videos and saying the other brothers are the most obnoxious parts of them (chili especially gets and receives this most) lenora: runs an educational youtube channel where she excitedly infodumps about fossils for an hour while her husband follows her across the whole museum burgh: has an account on every art website you can think of. usually quiet before suddenly bursting into random rants and deleting them five hours later. probably also had vine for the short time it was alive but is too stubborn to move to tiktok elesa: big tiktok and instagram star and mutuals with iono and raihan. those two are constantly vaguing each other. she will not break mutuals with either. posts her fashion tips but has a personal side tiktok where she makes dumb memes and skits clay: facebook dad energy. is he even a dad? i don't know but that's all i have to say for you all to know exactly what he posts and with what frequency skyla: also on tiktok but only so elesa can send her videos. she doesn't use social media otherwise she's too busy PILOTING PLANES!!! brycen: his manager told him he should make a youtube channel to promote himself. he has one but all that's on it is one video of him glaring down the camera like it insulted his mother drayden: another facebook dad. a bit quieter than clay though iris: the rare google+ kid. also has facebook. thinks grumpy cat is the funniest thing on the planet. who are we to break her happy place roxie: soundcloud. actually successful though but she still posts exclusively there. you won't make her move to spotify or youtube. won't do it marlon: has an instagram where all he posts to it are inspirational quotes laid over images of the beach. just that. for like a thousand posts. godspeed alder: facebook Again. also has a twitter he doesn't know how to use because benga made him make one benga: twitter and tiktok fan. also roblox player. has a sockpuppet account for trolling on twitter but everyone knows it's him ingo: pinterest. he has no interest in the greater internet. it scares him emmet: tumblr fan. sends ingo memes with 5 layers of context needed just to see his face when he asks what this all is supposed to mean colress: also a twitter troll. unlike benga he's actually subtle about it. all his rants about ghetsis are on a locked side only he has access to ghetsis: only posts insane "THE END IS NIGH" type conspiracy ramblings onto his facebook account he has three friends on (they're all the shadow triad). except for one blurry picture of his hydreigon trying to bite him n: the only one free from the internet's cruel grasp. be free my child
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oboetemasuka · 5 months
Twitter Fight
Follow-up to my poll about Amane and Mizuki's sparring match.
Because Fuuta should pick on someone his own age.
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Bios below the cut. (Spoilers for AI:TSF abound, but nothing of AI:NI)
Fuuta Kajiyama:
Media: MILGRAM Age: 20 Height: 165 cm (5'5") Birthday: April 19 Father: Someone he seems to look down on Mother: Has been out of the picture since he was young; still, he misses her while he's in Milgram. Twitter history: Participated in and led smear campaigns; the last resulted in the death of a middle school girl. Notable events: Gets attacked by Kotoko. Loses an eye and sustains severe fractures in the chest.
Ota Matsushita:
Media: AI: The Somnium Files Age: 24 Height: 133 cm (4'4") (I don't have a reliable source on this) Birthday: June 8 Father: Died five years before the story started Mother: Has dementia; greatly spoils Ota. Part of Ota's character arc is that he realizes he's been a spoiled brat and learns to treat her better. Twitter history: Uses sockpuppet accounts to insult his favorite idol (A-Set) so he can defend her and get in her good graces. Notable events: In the left routes, he gets stabbed by the Cyclops killer and has to be hospitalized. In the Annihilation Route specifically, he is killed.
I could probably draw more parallels, but I think this gets the point across.
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dm-tuz · 1 year
I read your documents and compared the designs and your own behavior. I don't think any of this is worth a callout. I would also suggest revising your hagspawn lore and design. It's antisemitic. Isn't intended to be a threat or harassment. Be mindful of evil bloodlines and big noses. Also I think the design change makes them less similar and if you collabed on the character you both get a version of him. Also your SO having parents part of Q-Anon is concerning for LGBT+ people
"Shut up Crowbar" was my original response to this ask. Gut instict kind of gave me the idea that this anon might have been a sockpuppet. But okay, how about I give you a genuine response?
Genuine response:
For one good job saying "I did not read your hagspawn" without actually saying it. The lore of the hagspawn clearly details how they are not innately evil. They do possess some character traits that can be both toxic but also empowering and uplifting all depending on how they choose to act on them. The entierty of the lore discribes them in a sympathetic light with an innate plothook in form of their typically evil mothers. But naturally you can't see past the large nose which as a reason to call antisemitism is on very shakey grounds.
For the second half of this ask: Also #1) No they didn't change much. They changed the character's eyes and changed their "legal name" while still keeping their calling name. It's not distinct at all, plus I am allowed to voice disapproval if a person who abused my SO, my friend, and myself uses my character.
Also #2) Me, my SO, their brother, and their brothers husband are all LGBT+ folk. Plus the situation is more complicated than that. May I point you towards my SO's statement and documentation of the crap Crowbar put them through as well as my SO's and my relationship with their parents and our struggles with their conspiracy shenanigans? Here you go. It might help you to not grossly oversimplify a complex problem.
Edit edit: same anon is sending further asks in response to this edit. I will not spam my followers with an arguement with an anon. So anon, if you want to actually have a discussion with me, do so non anonymously or send me an email via a burner account through my buisness email. I got nothing to hide and will be very transparent.
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abyssalpriest · 10 months
Divination through sex.
Divination through sex. Worship of the Phallic divine. Worship of God in the hypnotic communion, the infinite sliding of light through the central pupil.
A thousand eyes.
I see glimmers of light, little floating things like firefly impressions, I see it evolve. First, sex talks to me, I see the nature of the world as calling me. To push, to flow, is to cause a pull, an ebb. To exert...
A thousand eyes.
I see myself in the world then secondly, and I get it. I was picking up little shattered shards and I'm realising it's less that I'm reassembling an old scattered body and more that, in my instance and for me, I am my own whalefall... I am the body I consume in order to... No, it's not consumption. My future self was calling, it had shattered itself. Fallen down the stairs or something, broken like a porcelain vase. I see it, the Shakti to my Shiva. I'm coming together, magnetising pre-creation destruction back through the black hole until it becomes created. I am - my future self is - the destruction from which I am created.
A boat rocks on the black sea, in a diorama, in a glass bottle, on God's shelves, in a house in a void...
There is one thing I worship: I respect the Shiavists who loathe the comparison of the linga to divine sex but that pillar, that steadfast radiation of pure existential non-existence, the non-real used solely by the unreal to create the real, gentle union, the allowance of one and only one to see - dictate - write into history - the uncapturable transcendental into the mundane...
I'm lucky to have a partner who let's me sit inches from his own most personal parts and divine. The cords of fate that I know well and that tie me to the energy of sex are running through him. I highlight them, I, like a hand in a sockpuppet, move within them and he feels it apparently. Feels fate running through him.
A thousand eyes.
What if I climbed that mountain. What if I did what Indra failed to do, to sit still and listen to the silence where the Sky meets the Earth, the top of the river, the...
There is only one thing I want to worship, only one god whose praises slide from my tongue and whose blessings are received down the throat. There is only one absolute, only one temple, only one moment, only one eye within the forehead that burns and burns and burns.
There are many things I will dance with, many things I will invite to my dinner table, many things I will flow with and -
Isn't that it, Sky God. The one compared to the Ocean. Isn't that it, Fertility, isn't that it. Don't you understand flow. Don't you dress in your own furs and pelts, don't you skin the sky and wear it. Doesn't it call you like you call it, aren't you waking up from the dream into everything, and isn't your everything the Sky. Aren't you engendering, aren't you the father-mother, aren't you the ferocious untouchable, aren't you the sphere that contains all and protects all and fosters all life. This is how life is made. This is how life is perpetuated: speaking, being spoken, the ebb-flow of breath exchange, the climbing of the mountain to meet the point of ecstatic oneness and in order to do so you must listen to your partner. I'm listening.
To listen, to truly hear... I don't need anything else to prove that I am listening, hearing, than to fix my eyes on that which is the pillar holding up the worlds and -
Leviathan said: What is God but a construct that reflects the needs of his people, a vessel for divinity? Is the Cathedral not therefore synonymous with God?
How many people can fit within a cathedral's walls? How full of adoration, how wide, receptive...
Single file lines into agonisingly lonely walls. Choral notes received, echoed. Mathematical equations aren't carried out by architects but instead discovered by them - not discovered by them but called by them. The hymns invoking God are to God as the architecture is to the Cathedral...
Two lines intersect, the intent and the manifestation. Therefore there really are three lines at all times, the two you draw and the one of light showing your eyes the drawn lines. There are three lines in a Cathedral, I just won't show you where.
You wonder why I went looking through your notes to this particular unpublished one you'd written about us in order to write this. You don't need to know.
There is a pool at the bottom of your Cathedral, within which is something that has been aware of you for a long time, but is very new to you. It likes the feeling of your soft hands over its light-starved scales. Like love, like memories, like sensations, sometimes things are too big to fit within a space. That is where the eye comes in. Sometimes the omnipresent God cannot be contained in a single square (though a cube might do the trick), that is where the Cathedral comes in. It has soft walls, it knows how to bend. Atoms know how to part for etheric serpents.
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msparp-hell · 1 year
yeah i personally believe thell was 100% aware of mxrp being about to completely shit itself. based on his general everything i honestly dont see why he would have sold it to a real person instead of conjuring up another sockpuppet if he didnt think it was going to collapse
if it can be reasonably assumed thell lied about something, then he almost certainly did lie about it. if the mother fucker told me homestuck was written by andrew hussie i would second guess myself and have to double check
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my account got a bit nuked (❀ Ò ‸ Ó)
it got un-nuked right when i was in the middle of some izayapilled activities (trying to find some email webbed site that lets you make a free account without using a phone number or another emale from a trustworthy domain. so that i can make a second tumblr account just in case and maybe even do some serious sockpuppeting if i'm bored enough)
also. life update. unearthed a Secret Extra Alter who seems to have accidentally made some very basic stuff. as in alkaline. i wonder if that's why mother wouldn't let us cook anything back when we lived with her ( ; ω ; )
- kanra
SANS UNDERTALE???????????????????????????
also very izayapilled activities if i do say so myself. ALSO THANK U FOR EXPLAINING BECAUSE I WAS LIKE. WHAT THE SWAG DO YOU MEAN THE SOUP ATE THE SPOON???!!? but I Know Now...... literally how the fuck did that happen. this is like. comedy show levels of fucking up HOW DO YOU MAKE . ALKALINE SOUP????? I NEED TO NKOW. THIS IS AN ORDER. TELL ME BOY
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yourcomedyminute · 16 days
YOUR COMEDY MINUTE WITH SHERRI PRIESTER #StandUp #Comedian #BossQueenComedy #VirginiaBeach #Georgia #Mafia #Cuter #Laugh #Hide #SouthernGirl #Phone #Norfolk #when #Start #MidLifeCrisis #Together #Husband #Navy #TikTok #ScooterPie #Hotsband #Marital #Advice #WandaSykes #LucilleBall #LeanneMorgan #jeffFoxworthy #LarryTheCableGuy #Parents #Police #Cops #GoodMorningAmerica #GMA #Tour #ArmedServicesArtsPartnership #Teach #Paid #Credit #Sign #Release #Cut #Edited #Zoom #Followers #Loud #Million #Daughter #Married #Engaged #Excited #Fiance #Addon #True #Comments #Instagram #Joke #Hit #Skits #Story #Spicy #Boring #Couples #Adult #Toy #Store #Marco #Polo #Rotates #Vibrates #Teammates #Young #Old #Race #PitCrew #Nascar #Friend #Waxed #Sockpuppet #Carpet #Vagina #Shopping #Insane #Kroger #List #Aisle #Favorite #DC #Improv #BobNewhart #Birthday #LongWay #Black #Orange #Anyttime #PawPaw #Least #FunnyBone #Mindset #Little #Mighy #Crickets #Gas #Fart #First #OpenMic #Calm #Material #Wrote #Jesus #MommasBoy #LovesMe #NancyLevine #LadiesRoomComedyFestival #Merchandise #Facebook #YouTube #Website #NorthCarolina #Maryland #CarolinePicard #CajunQueen #Separation #Kidnap #Tijuana #Look #Good #Tell #Roundup #Mother #Stop #Special #Age #Shrinking #Falling #CoWorker #Containers #Stranger #Care #Upset #Offended #Humor #Funny #Live #Stream #SherriPriester 
If you would like to be a guest on Your Comedy Minute please contact me
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 months
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- DizzyDolly wasn't the catfisher. The catfisher used her likeness. I never blamed you for it. Why and how the fuck would I have blamed you for it? You got catfished by the same person.
- That is just...wild? Your own mother had trouble telling you apart from one of Courtney's exes, huh? That is such a wild ass lie I'm surprised you didn't catch yourself before posting it.
- Tara. You mean Tara. You can't keep flip-flopping on your sockpuppet's name and not expect people to eventually realize you're lying through your teeth. I posted all my dms with Tara so anyone can fact check and prove I NEVER gave "advice" on how to do that shit. I mostly responded quickly because I was shocked, didn't know what to say, and just wanted to move on from the topic as quickly as possible. Continuing to lie about conversations I still have and am willing to share is just painfully fucking stupid.
- My ex tried to run my mother over with her car. I didn't even have a car or a license at the time. You moron.
You are so goddamn lazy.
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faerieogrins · 7 years
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kharmii · 3 years
I'll start by saying I hope life is treating you well! You seem to be a pretty chill person, similar vibes to getting a surprise ice cream cone on a hot day ^_^
Honestly, I gotta say I didn't know about blankshipping before antis were bringing it up everywhere. To the point that like, I think antis are thinking about blankshipping wayyyy more than people who ship it? Like the twins will show up in a picture not interacting and an anti will put "DNI" like ??? the only one thinking about blankshipping at the moment is them.
Anyways, it sucks that they've taken to bugging you as much as they can, you're handling the situation very well!! (if I'm being honest, your attitude is inspirational. How easy is it to stay chill and do what you do without caring about tons of people shaming you? You're quite the impressive individual, and I do hope the antis lighten up soon)
One last thing, while I've figured out how to find submas stuff on tumblr and ao3 (which has a lot less blankshipping fics than I expected), where else would you find it? I've seen you mention a few other places, but do you have a small guide of sorts you could share? Thanks in advance!! (even if you don't, that's fine!)
Thanks so much! I don't mind people shaming me because it's a silly thing to shame somebody over. Side note: I just had one of them leave me a message, then block me so that I had to use my sockpuppet to even read it. I would never have even known of their existence if they hadn't made the point of advertising. One question comes up though......why does Emmet drag out his speech, especially '...verrrrrry..'? Is it something from the game or anime I missed? Is he being snide?
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As for blankshipping content, the best places for any content are DA, Pixiv and especially Twitter. Sweet mother of bajesus can you find the good stuff on Twitter. All you have to do is find a few Japanese artists drawing the Subway Bosses to follow, (or gardevoir...gallade) then suddenly random content will show up on your feed constantly as the algorithms kick in, or you see what the people you are following are into. I just had this gem by き @Emiya_izumi pop up.
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Another good resource for content would be Buhitter which brings up Twitter posts by mentions rather than hashtags. More stuff comes up than you could find searching actual Twitter, and you will find even more good stuff if you cut and paste Japanese characters off of Pixiv.
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in-love-and-jeph · 4 years
So here’s a kidfic reclist! It’s less of a reclist and more of just a list of fics for my own enjoyment... I’ve reread most of these multiple times and love them. They’re listed in order of favoritism/familiarity, but I love all of them! I’ve also included the tumblrs of authors I’m aware of. Enjoy!
**Edited because I forgot Assholes in Love by brooklinegirl smh
The Sad Dad Club by mousefrnk (@mousefrnk) // E / 85.4K /  Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ray Toro/Mikey Way 
Ex-frontman Frank Iero is a single dad in New Jersey doing his best to raise his three girls. He meets Ray and Gerard, two dads with sons in the same class as one of his girls. Along with Gerard’s brother Mikey (who is soon to be a dad himself), they make plans to hang out every Friday, asking each other for advice and getting some much-needed adult social interaction. Thus, the Sad Dad Club is born.
The Secret Life of Bees by eudaimon (@thetiredandthedreamers) // E / 12K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Frank and his daughter have nothing left in New York, so they hit the road and end up in the tiny town of Orpheus Falls, NY. Frank meets Gerard at a farmer's market, selling artisan honey
They start to figure things out.
Something Better by LovelyPoet // E / 18.3K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
"We all have to take jobs we don't like sometimes, you know?"
AKA - The Nanny Frank fic.
pinkish by antspaul (@girlfriend-frank) // M / 6.8K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Frank is a loser.
At twenty-four, he works in a dead-end job in a motel with no aspirations or goals, and the only person he ever really talks to is his infant daughter.
Gerard is a loser.
At twenty-eight, he works in a dead-end job in a gas station convenience store, and he has no idea how he's supposed to get his life back together after his disastrous early twenties from the seclusion of his parents' basement.
When an unlikely friendship arises between them, Frank doesn't realize how much he'll need an ally in the coming months. Then his daughter's maternal grandparents come into their lives, seeking custody of their grandchild. In an attempt to improve his chances in court, Frank accidentally-on-purpose fabricates a relationship with Gerard, tethering him to the situation and to Frank's daughter. // Part 1 of loser4loser
A Constant Work in Progress by onceuponamoon // E / 33.4K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Frank spends his time at Cedar Creek Elementary sucking at answering the phones, playing nurse, spinning in his chair, and avoiding glares from Principal Bryar.
His life gets turned upside down when his cousin Dani gets thrown in jail and he suddenly has custody of her three kids. Frank copes with the abrupt change with help from his mother, his friends, and this Gerard guy that he (sometimes literally) can't seem to quit running into.
Make It Loud by brooklinegirl // E / 31.3K / Frank Iero/Jamia Nestor, Gerard Way/Lindsey Way
How two assholes in love start a family. Part 5 of the Assholes in Love series
Envision The Magic by innocent_wolves // T / 69.4K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Gerard is a talented magician, responsible for much of the success of the famous Envision Destiny cruise ship. He's also one of those people. You know, one of those people who just seem to take up all the space they come across with their arrogance and confidence. You wouldn't wanna touch their personality with a 10-foot pole, but still people admire them.
That is beyond Frank. Working behind the cruise ship bars and seeing Gerard pretty much every day, he can't understand what's so great about him. Besides, everybody else doesn't have to deal with his snide remarks and rude comments. Because if there's one thing Gerard seems to love, it's the act of constantly pestering Frank.
throw a little sparkle all over it by etben // M / 26.3K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Babies and associated ridiculousness. (A baby is left on the bus and the band takes care of her.)
Professional Healers by synonomy // E / 34.2K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Lindsey Ballato/Jamia Nestor
Frank never wanted to be a pediatrician.
In A Pretty How Town by fleurdeliser and tuesdaysgone // E / 22.6K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Single dad Frank Iero moves with his son to a new town. Everyone is nice, but the mayor, Gerard Way, is positively too good to be true.
I Know What It Means to Me by mistresscurvy // E / 9.1K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Gerard didn't go to his single parents support group expecting to find love, but it found him there when Frank showed up one week. A single dads AU.
The Edges by Go0se // T / 71.1K / Fun Ghoul/Original Female Character, Kobra Kid/Party Poison
How the youngest Fabulous killjoy found her name.
A ten year old who wasn't a spy, four adults who weren't parents, a diner no one could find on a map, a totalitarian government that kept trying, improbable geography, clothes that mattered, music that mattered, food that didn't matter all that much, and a cat who no one could figure out. Fun Ghoul tried to help; Party Poison needed to keep everyone alive; Kobra Kid was called on to dispense wisdom; Jet Star watched the perimeters. Grace... she just wanted to go home.
Crazy for You by sockpuppeteer // G / 2.4K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Frank's relief is almost palpable when there is someone home in apartment opposite, and, although mussed and a little bleary, he looks relatively friendly. And gorgeous, but Frank is definitely not focusing on that right now.
Goodnight, Mr. Moon by anoceanmonster // G / 1.2K / Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Christmas Eve with a family of werewolves.
A high pitched howling echoes out through the yard and their heads immediately snap to the attic window where the young boy leans out and calls in to the night. The strings of fairy lights illuminate the boy’s face with a soft glow as he stretches towards the sky and howls again.
The Lights You Make by Honestmouse (@honestmouse20) // T / 171.8K / Fun Ghoul/Party Poison, Jet Star/Kobra Kid
It's been a year since Ghoul literally stumbled onto Kobra and Party's door step.
The trio have become close in that time though just recently having begun to call themselves a crew. Ghoul and Party are helplessly attracted to each other, though for some reason denying it.
And Kobra?
Well he's just himself. A little lonely but soon he has something, or someone, to take his mind off of it.
That person however is not exactly in the best uh shape to help Kobra as he watches his brother and best friend ignore their feelings towards each other.
Also: who the hell decided it’d be a good idea to give them a baby? (rec from @whore-frank)
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