#mostly just driving past her house. hes still kind of down bad but he knows better
swiftviolets · 3 months
lori still going to the track even though she’s happily married just for the chance to run into marco
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xmasterofmunsonx · 5 months
Now That We Don’t Talk
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader + Eddie Munson x reader (ex!Steve mostly)
Not for minors: includes drinking, language, mention of death of family members, etc. not for your eyes if you're under 18, please.
Word count: 13.5k (yikes !)
Author's note: One shot I've been sitting with this one since 1989 TV was released. I'm not 100% on this, but after reading and reading and editing even more, I think it's perfect and as best as I’m going to get. The pacing seems similar to the song, it gets quicker as it goes on, and has a nice abrupt ending. I hope you enjoy it, this one means a lot to me because I’ve put so much time and thought into it. I really thought the quick pacing at the end would ruin it, but like I said I wanted to mirror the quickness of the song. Totally open to some smaller one shots from this ~*universe*~ to elaborate more on any of the years or moments. I’d actually love that if anyone was interested in requesting anything 🩷
“You went to a party, I heard from everybody, you part the crowd like the Red Sea, don’t even get me started. Did you get anxious though, on the way home? I guess I'll never, ever know… now that we don't talk”
Summer 1987
You sighed, kicking your feet at the water in the pool. Your best friend Robin sat beside you, you both were sipping beers you’d practically been nursing all night at this house party you knew you’d have to drive your boyfriend home from. It was your last summer in Hawkins- hopefully forever.
Last spring you’d lost your mom in the “earthquake” of ‘86, and Robin’s family had taken you in until you figured out your plan. You were both reminiscing over the past year living together, and the previous years of the cursed things you and your group of friends had been through in Hawkins and the upside down- the losses, and the victories. Through all of it you’d been on and off with Steve after he’d dropped Nancy- you had her to thank for that one. You’d always had a thing for Steve, ever since middle school, but he only had eyes for Nancy and you knew you never stood a chance. It wasn’t until they broke up, you helped Steve’s wounded heart and then you two became a couple.
You fell in love quick- who wouldn’t? Steve was beautiful, and he was an absolute dream of a boyfriend. Minus the baggage of his stuck up family who hadn’t taken to you so kindly. You two had decided that moving together out of Hawkins would be the best thing for both of you, to leave the memories and nightmares behind, and start a new life somewhere.
You knew Steve was inside of the party, likely hanging out with his “friends,” drunk out of his mind like usual at these. For once he wasn’t hosting, this was a house equally as nice as his, but was some girl’s house from his senior year- but he was still, as always, the life of the party. You looked out across the yard to see that Nancy was rocking in a wooden swing in the back corner of the yard beside Jonathan and Eddie.
“I can’t believe he can still drink like this.” You finished off your beer, crushing the can beside you on the cold concrete surrounding the pool.
“Me neither. He’s doing okay?” Robin’s voice was laced with concern.
“Yeah. I mean, considering… he’s got his good days and bad days, but don’t we all?” Truth be told, Steve had kind of turned into a little bit of a mess. But everyone knew it, and you were all there for each other when you needed extra support.
“I just worry he’s gonna have a breakdown when he gets out of here and he actually has to work for things, aren’t you?” Robin spoke, and the thought had crossed your mind too, but you always seemed to push it out of your head.
“We’ve got everything lined up, thanks to good ole Harrington money.” You chuckled, annoyed but also a little thankful for the fact that he was still supported by his parents, equally just as shitty as they were absent from his life.
“Speaking of, have you laid eyes on him lately?” You checked the gold watch on your arm that had been a Christmas present last year, initials engraved into the inside of the dainty band around your wrist. You realized it had been quite some time since you’d seen him, but that wasn’t unlike him at a party this size. You would tend to be found outside away from everyone, and he would be inside seeking attention from everyone after a few beer.
“Been a minute, I’ll go check on him.” You stood to get up, but felt a hand pulling you up in assistance as your legs climbed out of the warm water of the pool.
“Better come with you, I gotta pee anyway.” Eddie suddenly appeared by your side. You two entered the party, tossing empty cans into the trash can in the crowded kitchen. “Hey, uh…” Eddie stepped in front of you. “Maybe let’s get some fresh air first?”
“Quit being weird, I need to make sure he’s not passed out somewhere already.” You tried to shove past him, but he wasn’t letting you by. “And fresh air? We were just outside.”
“Listen sweetheart, I don’t think-” his voice was deep, and quiet as he gently placed his hands on your shoulders.
“Eddie.” You stamped your foot like a child at your friend. “Move. I’ve seen him really fucking drunk before, we leave in a week, and I knew it was going to be bad tonight, but I can take care of him.” You peered around his frame, seeing what looked like a clear path parting in the sea of people.
It was all leading to your boyfriend Steve, with another girl sitting on his lap. The girl who just so happened to be hosting this party, a brown glass bottle on the coffee table pointed directly at where Steve sat on the couch.
Not only was this girl on top of him, but they were going at each other like feral animals in front of everyone at this party. You stood there, speechless as you watched. Her hands were pulling him in closer by his brown hair, the hair that you loved to absentmindedly play with, and his hands were splayed out across her back and you watched as they slid down to her ass, pulling her into him.
The chatter of the party, hoots and hollers by the shitty old jocks that peaked in high school had stopped, as did your heart as you felt it crumble in front of you. Everyone had realized you’d walked in the room except Steve himself.
“C’mon, I’ll get you home-” Eddie guided you backwards, but you shoved him forward.
“I don’t have a fucking home, Eddie!” You didn’t care who heard you. “HE was my home. How stupid was I to think that Steve fucking Harrington was my home, and we were supposed to start a new one together and leave this godforsaken, cursed, upside down town behind?! But that’s not happening now, is it, STEVE?!” You were screaming at this point. The girl straddling Steve was wiping lipstick and spit off of her face as she smirked at you, and Steve was horrified as he looked at you.
“Honey-” he started, using your favorite name for you that now made you feel more sour than sweet, as he pushed the girl off of his lap and made his way to you, you could see his dick was half hard in his too tight pants, “-it was just a game of spin the bottle, we-”
You kneed him in the balls and walked over to the girl who was still smirking as if making out with Steve was some accomplishment. “You can have him.” you told her as you ran out the front door of the gigantic house.
You had never felt so small. Steve always made you feel small, everything he had was big, but never did he make you feel this small. His house, new cars, big family events- when you only ever had your mom. And now, you didn’t even have her.
You heard the door slam behind you and you assumed it was Eddie, “Eddie, I’m fine to drive home.”
“I-I can’t leave Hawkins.” The voice clamored out.
You turned to see your coward of a boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend now, “What did you say?”
“I can’t leave.” He ran a stupidly large hand through his stupidly gorgeous hair. “I was going to tell you tomorrow, my parents told me that if I go, I’m cut off forever. Like, from everything.” He gestured in front of him as if he was showing you some grand image of his future.
“And? You decided to make me look like a fucking fool at a party, days before we’re leaving? How long have you known?”
“Just a few weeks.” He said as if it were nothing, as if it meant nothing to him.
“A few weeks, Steve?! You didn’t think you could tell me sooner? All of my shit is packed into boxes- fuck, you’re the one who helped me! And now you made me look like a goddamn idiot in front of everyone, which makes me want to leave even more now but I can’t! Steve, we’ve been planning this for months.”
“I’m really fucking drunk, and she climbed in my lap, and-“ he was slurring his words as he approached you.
“Bullshit, my friend.” Eddie had appeared out of nowhere, yet again. He placed his hand on your shoulder to gently push his way in front of you to keep you out of Steve’s line of sight. “I saw it through the sliding glass doors. You held your hand out like some type of a goddamn gentleman and welcomed her onto your lap like it was a golden throne.” His hands wildly waved in the air as he spoke. “Steve, you’ll never know what it’s like to lose everything. You’re too fucking scared to leave mommy and daddy’s silver platter of life they’ve handed you.” It was true- Steve had everything handed to him, and you knew Eddie had lost so much in his life like you had.
“What, so you’re just gonna turn on me like that, man?” Steve walked up to Eddie like he was intimidating, but Eddie never waivered.
“What am I supposed to do, man?” He mocked. “Nancy, Jonathan, and I all saw it. As soon as I saw she was getting up from the pool to come inside I tried to slow down what was happening so at least she didn’t have to see it, just hear about it, but your dick brain just kept on making out with her.”
You interrupted the boys bickering. “We’re done, Steve. I don’t care how drunk you are, it’s not an excuse. You knew that was fucked up, and we are done. Between that in there, and you being too much of a pushover to your parents, I can’t do this anymore. You can pick your shit up from Robin’s front porch in the morning. I’m still leaving.” You stomped past him to your car, not giving a single fuck about how anyone was getting home that night who depended on you. You knew they’d understand. And for all you knew, Steve had another bed already lined up for tonight.
“Baby, baby. Please. Stay so we can talk and figure this out-” Steve was practically pleading with you.
“There’s no more figuring this out, Steve. We’re done.” You tossed the gold watch onto the dewy grass outside of the window of your car, and drove off.
“You grew your hair long, you got new icons, and from the outside, it looks like you're tryin' lives on. I miss the old ways, you didn't have to change, but I guess I don't have a say… now that we don't talk”
Fall 1988
It had been over a year since you’d been back in Hawkins, and had it not been for Robin’s birthday, you might have gone another year. Or more.
You pulled up to the familiar house that was your home for a short while, to be greeted by her parents with big hugs.
“How’s the big city?” They both asked as they grabbed your bags from you.
“It’s uh, Chicago is a lot different. But it’s good.” You smiled. You were doing great for yourself and had managed to swing a job at a venue/bar that more than enough covered bills, and you had been promoted to a manager position that you proved yourself perfect for once you started bringing in bands that you made commission off ticket sales. “Keeps me busy, that’s why it’s been so hard to get back home. But I couldn’t miss my best friend’s birthday, so here I am!”
“Your bed is already made, so stay as long as you want to. Or can, whichever. Robin’s upstairs getting ready.” You thanked them and skipped up the stairs to her room, the door cracked open and you could hear her on the phone mumbling and then saying goodbye as you chose to open the door.
“Wow, you look-” she turned around with a grin on her face as she saw you appear in her doorway.
“Tired? Old?” You laughed at yourself.
“Hot.” She looked you up and down, and you guess you’d changed your look some since you moved. You leaned more into the style you wanted to in the freedom of your new city, adorning your skin with a few of the tattoos you had always wanted, wearing darker and edgier clothes. There weren’t as many judgmental eyes like you’d been under in Hawkins, especially like when you were dating Steve.
“Thanks. You look the same, but more… you. But of course, not a day older.” You hugged your friend and kissed her on the cheek. “So what are the plans for tonight? Dinner, then…?”
“Dinner, then Hideout? Eddie’s playing a show tonight and it’s almost sold out.” She stated as she finished up her lipstick.
“What?!” Your jaw dropped, you’d kept in touch with almost everyone, including him, but he’d completely left that out of his phone calls updating you on his life. “Sold out? I mean, they’re good but-”
“He just got signed by a small label in uh, in Chicago. So everyone is really excited, it’s kind of a big deal show for them.”
“What?! Why wouldn’t he tell me that?!” You and Eddie had regular phone calls- they had become weekly, sometimes a few times a week just to catch up with each other.
“Don’t tell him I told you, he really wanted to tell you tonight but you know I can’t keep a secret, so I had to tell you before dinner. Also, Steve-is-coming. So the show is basically their congratulations on signing, and my birthday dinner is how we got you back here to celebrate both. Because we knew you wouldn’t come back for any other reason.” Robin couldn’t have talked any faster than she was, and once you realized everything she had said, your stomach sank.
“That’s fine, I kind of expected that he’d be there. I know you guys are still friends.” You’d gotten over Steve- sort of. The guys in Chicago were hotter- way hotter, and you were meeting plenty of distractions to take your mind off of how Steve had broken your heart. You just… hadn’t talked to him in over a year. You knew very little about what was going on with him except for the fact that he was following in his dad’s footsteps, and you didn’t really care to know much more than that either. “Just promise you’ll sit beside me at dinner.”
“Got you covered. That was Eddie on the phone, he’s gonna sit on one side of you, and I’ll sit on the other. Steve is bringing his girlfriend since he’s back home for the show, too.”
“Is it…”
“Yeah, it’s her.” Robin looked sad as she admitted the truth. “Don’t worry. You look way hotter than her, and you’re not a shit person. Steve’s here like once a month anyway just to see her, so-”
“What do you mean by he’s here once a month?”
“He moved to Indianapolis, his dad got him a job there like last fall? I think? It wasn’t long after you left. And he comes home all the time to visit her since she’s finishing out college here.”
“Oh, so he can move to a big city as long as he’s got a big time girlfriend back home? Nice logic.” You rolled your eyes as you two made your way to your car.
Enzo’s was the only nice restaurant in Hawkins, and it had survived the “earthquake,” so they were still in their original location in the center of town. The big booth had been reserved for your group of friends and you were actually buzzing with a little bit of excitement to see them.
“Hi!!” Nancy peeked around the booth, and you stood up to hug her and Jonathan, and they slid back into their spots.
“Damn, look at you!” Eddie held you at arms length with his Cheshire Cat grin on his face before he pulled you in for a hug, and you wrapped your arms tight around him.
“Look what the cat dragged in.” You bickered back at him. You lightly threw a punch to his bicep, “I heard we’re gonna be neighbors?”
“You told her?!” His big brown eyes looked to Robin, who shrugged, as you three slid into the round booth, leaving two spaces on the other side for Steve and his date.
“Can’t keep a secret! You know me!” Robin shouted over you at Eddie as you watched his face turn a light shade of pink.
You patted his leg resting by yours, “I’m really happy for you. If you need a place to play, I know someone that can hook you up, you know that?”
“I mean, I wasn’t gonna ask but-” You let out a chuckle at Eddie’s bashfulness that hadn’t changed one bit. You knew the guy in charge of booking bands would trust you to do anything at this point, so he would definitely get Eddie on the regular schedule to get more buzz going for him.
“I only have one other person to run that by, and I’ve got him wrapped around my finger. Don’t worry about it.” You felt his hand drop down to yours with a squeeze, at the same time Steve was walking up to the table. You took in his looks- his hair had grown longer, his choice of dress that had once relaxed was cleaned up more than ever. “Where’s your date? Or did you think this was a business meeting?”
Everyone held in chuckles as you roasted Steve’s attire and he looked at you with no semblance of a laugh.
“Robin said Enzo’s, so I dressed nice!” He defended himself as he sat down.
“Oh that’s right, daddy still buys your wardrobe too, so you probably didn’t have anything else to wear.”
“Hey, hey.” Eddie leaned in to whisper in your ear, hand still atop of yours, “Let up on him. This is Robin’s birthday. Now, at my show, you can tear him to shreds.” He winked at you as he leaned back into his seat, not letting his grip go.
Dinner went as expected, actually better, you were all laughing and joking like you hadn’t been absent the entire last year. You avoided Steve’s gaze all night, focusing on anyone else who was talking, and you looked at your food when he spoke up.
A small cake was brought out for Robin, and all of you sang happy birthday with smiles on your faces as Eddie put on a complete show for everyone in the restaurant, for which he received applause for. He was never one to care about what anyone thought of him, but it still surprised you he had the confidence to be so loud in such a nice setting.
“Separate or together?” The waitress came around after everyone had finished their meals and cake.
Steve reached for his wallet, “I’ve got everyone.”
“No, I’ll get mine.” You reached for your wallet, but a familiar hand stopped you.
“I’ll get the two of us, and he can get everyone else.” Eddie spoke, handing the waitress cash. The table was awkwardly silent.
“Smoke?” You asked him, and he gladly nodded his head, and you forced Robin to get up, so you two could go outside for a moment. “So what was that check thing about?” You held your cigarette to your lips, and Eddie leaned in with his zippo to light yours for you before he lit his.
“Just wanted to remind him what an ass he can be sometimes. You smoke now, big city?”
“Comes with the territory, I guess.” You rolled your eyes and laughed as you both smoked half of your cigarettes on the quiet sidewalk. You stared down at some of the repaved concrete and traced the cracks where the old met the new. “When are you and the guys moving?”
“Well, I was going to ask you. So Robin must have left out that the label kinda… only signed me. Like just me, and they’re setting me up with a band. So I’ve gotta be there as soon as possible to sit in on auditions and-” he was absentmindedly scratching his head as he was talking 90 miles a minute.
“What? Only you? What about the rest of the guys?”
“They’re actually pretty cool with it. They don’t want to move or anything, they want to stay here. I think they’re too afraid to leave their families after everything, and-”
“What about Wayne?” Your heart was a little broken thinking about him leaving Wayne behind.
“Couldn’t be more thrilled for me. He’s still livin’ off that Hawkins Lab hush money, so he’s part time and can come see me whenever he wants.” He took a long drag, before he looked away, then back at you. “Anyways, I was going to ask, I know it’s last minute but can I crash at your place for a tiny little while?” He now scratched at the stubble on his chin and raised his eyebrows in question.
“Eddie, I only have a studio apartment. It’s like, right above the bar.” You thought of how cramped it might be with the two of you living there. You’d come to love your small studio, and you were never interested in ever really sharing your space.
“I know, you’ve told me. I won’t get in your way, I’ll hardly be home when you are. And as soon as I’m there for a few weeks and figure out where I want to stay, I’ll get a lease. I just need some time to look around for somewhere reasonable. I promise in- in maybe less than a month? They gave me a big enough sign on I can pay for your whole month of rent, too. I’m just-“ he stuttered, “I’m actually pretty nervous about going somewhere I don’t know anyone, and I think having a little piece of home with me would be good to keep me centered.” He dropped and kicked out his cigarette at his humble confession, and raised his hands in surrender. “But I totally get it if you don’t want me in your hair everyday, I’ll just get a hotel and-”
You thought about it for a few moments, and you realized it may not be that bad to have Eddie around. You two got along fine, and you talked about mostly everything already so you could cut out the weekly phone calls if he was already there. “You can stay. As long as you need. I’ve got a pull out couch with a mattress, so you’re in luck. I don’t need help with rent, but you gotta keep the place clean, and no random people coming home. I don’t let any of my dates or the regulars at the bar know I live up there because things can get weird, and I like laying low. So if you wanna get with anyone, you gotta do it somewhere else.”
“Oh yeah, because I’m totally swimming in pussy right now.” He scoffed as you two walked back inside, and you were thankful he led the way in because your cheeks were tinted pink at his sarcastic comment. By now, everyone was standing up from the table to head over to the venue for Eddie’s show. You all split up into your separate cars.
“So, did he ask you about moving in?” Robin couldn’t even wait for the car door to shut before she started questioning you.
“Jesus, do you know everything?” You started your car and drove towards the Hideout.
“Yes. I do.” Robin said, excitedly.
“Yes, he did. I told him he can stay there as long as he needs to. Just no random girls or parties or anything.” You left out the comment he’d made about girls,maybe wanting to save it for another day.
“I told him you’d say yes.” She looked out the window, “so… Steve?” You looked at her and shrugged, “what do you think?”
“He looks different. Like he’s just turning into his dad already. Everything he hated, everything he wanted to get away from with me. He’s turning into it.”
“Yeah, he’s uh, a piece of work. Have you thought about talking to him?”
“I have no interest in that. I don’t need to talk to him.” You shut down the conversation as you turned your radio up, driving the back roads to the sketchy bar you hadn’t been to in what felt like years.
“Shots on me!” Steve slammed down another round of tequila shots on the sticky high top bar table you all had sat at to have a good view of the stage. You grabbed one and toasted as Steve remarked smartly, “Oh, so you’ll take alcohol from me, but not dinner? I see how it is.” Your crew were all feeling a bit loose already, the drinks at the Hideout were cheap and you were all buying rounds back to back. You rolled your eyes and shot him the bird as the tequila burned down your throat.
Eddie’s band started playing moments later, and the whole bar crowd turned their attention to the stage. He introduced themselves, announced his new plans, and everyone cheered for him. You were beaming at your friend, the town “freak” who was finally getting his shot at what he wanted in life, and people were seeing him for who he was and not what he was known for that was never true.
“Grabbing another one, you good?” You asked Robin over the loud music as you nudged her shoulder. She shook her head and you got up, pushing your way through the crowd to the bar. You felt a hand on your lower back as you waited for the only bartender to come over to you and jumped, immediately pushing the hand away.
“Couldn’t let you go alone.” Steve was standing entirely too close to you for comfort.
“I’m a big girl, Steve. I’m just fine.” You told your drink order to the bartender after Steve did, leaving you two with a few moments of silence.
“You look good. Like, really good.” You watched as he ran his hands through his hair while he obviously checked you out, clearly nervous to be seeing you again. You caught him staring at the tattoos peeking through your sheer black top.
“Thanks? I guess now that I don’t have to impress anyone’s parents I get to dress how I want.” You were feeling a little extra sarcastic and snippy tonight, but you were a few drinks in and didn’t care.
“Can you cut the shit like that?” He immediately came back at you with sassiness.
“No, Steve. It’s been a year, I had to move on and you broke my fucking heart and I had to fix it myself. You fucked this up on your own.”
“Can I fix it?” He reached for your hand, but you pulled it back.
“No, you can’t. I don’t need you to make things better.”
“Listen, I know I fucked up. Everything here reminds me about it. I regret it all the time- but just think about all the bullshit we’d been through. I wasn’t in a good place.”
“Think about all the bullshit we went through? Steve, I was there too, and on top of it all, I lost my mom. All the more reason for you to not cheat on me- you do realize that was wrong to do to me after everything we’d just had happen to us? I wasn’t okay either, I’m still not sometimes, but I know cheating on my boyfriend wasn’t going to be the proper way to deal with things.”
“I should’ve told you sooner, I shouldn’t have done anything that I did. But you know how my parents are, honey.” He pleaded with his big, soft eyes as the word made bile rise in your throat.
“You have absolutely no right to ‘honey’ me, Steve.” You scoffed. You suddenly remembered his date had never shown up. “Your girl stand you up?”
“No, she can’t stand metal so she’s going to come near the end of the set so she can hang out. It would be nice if you could be cordial.” Steve scratched at his bicep- he’d taken off his nicer shirt and jacket, and was now just in his solid undershirt and his well fitting pants to not stand out as much here.
“Cordial, Steve!? I have to be cordial to the girl you were fucking behind my back, the girl who attempted to ruin my plans to get out of this town? Because guess what? I found out you were a bullshitter about that too. I don’t know how you can stay here or visit so much Steve. I’m so scared something is going to turn to red and dust falling from the sky before my eyes and I’ve not even been here a full day.” You were immediately mad at yourself for confessing something so big to Steve. “I’m not going to be mean, but I’m not trying to make a new friend.”
“I’m sorry.” He solemnly said as he took a sip from his fresh drink. “I’m scared of those things too, I still see it if I close my eyes for too long sometimes.”
“Yeah? Well, I also still see the smug look on her face when I walked into the house that night.” You grabbed your drink and made your way back to the table, where Robin had been watching the interaction the whole time. Steve quietly joined the table a few moments later looking like a hurt puppy, and then he stepped away, leaving his drink.
“You good?” Your friend nudged you in the side.
“Not really, no. But I got some things off my chest, so at least I can say I talked to him.” You drank the rest of your drink down in a few sips, and looked to the stage to distract yourself. “I did say I’d be… not mean once she gets here. But I can’t make any promises.” You started replaying memories of the last time you saw Steve in your head, and you could feel the resentment surfacing again- you remembered the shame you felt when the whole party was looking at you yelling at him, the proud look on the girl's face when she realized that you’d seen the two of them.
Eddie was looking at you with concern. He subtly motioned for you to come over to him. The stage at the Hideout was barely considered a stage, so it didn’t take much for you to get to him, and since he was in between songs, he crouched down while the rest of the guys checked their instruments.
“We got two more songs, wanna go sit in the back? There’s a couch, and more tequila, and no Steve.” You nodded at him, holding back some tears of frustration. “It’s okay, I’ll be there in a bit.” You nodded as he patted your head, ruffling your hair up a little as he stood tall to continue onto the next song.
You sat on the questionable couch in the back room of the Hideout while the muffled music continued on- you’d been back here a few times before but never by yourself, and “security” knew who you were so you were immediately let back. It felt weird, and you felt bad for leaving your friends but you really weren’t in the mood to talk about the past, or try to reconcile it especially since Steve was still with the girl he cheated on you with. Your thoughts were interrupted by Eddie bursting through the door, and then he quickly shut it.
“Hey.” He was out of breath, almost panting as if he’d run back to get to you as quickly as he could but you knew it was from the performance he was giving on stage. “You alright?”
You wiped a tear that was trying to fall as he walked in. “Yeah, I’m fine. He tried talking to me at the bar and I’m just… I’m not interested in trying to keep any type of friendship going between the two of us.” You watched as Eddie wiped the sweat off his face with the bottom of his shirt, revealing his abdomen that was littered with scars from ‘86. Your stomach sank at the memories. “You would think after everything he’s been through- we’ve been through, he would’ve changed his ways but I guess he hasn’t.”
“Fuck him. I mean- obviously don’t… you already did, but, forget about him.” He poured two shots and handed one to you, you probably shouldn’t take it but the night wasn’t ending anytime soon- they were kicking everyone out of the bar and keeping it open later for the band “and friends”, so you knew you’d be here a while tonight. The tequila burned as it went down, and you wiped your mouth on your am as you handed Eddie the shot glass back.
“It’s hard to forget about him when you guys are still friends with him and I have to hear about him. I always tune it out. I didn’t ever want anyone to take sides. I was an idiot tonight and brought up how I hate being back here, and being so afraid of something else happening from the upside down, and I just feel so dumb for letting him in.”
“You heard me that night, he’s too much of a pussy to leave the comfort of his parents pocket. And I stay away from him as much as I can, I don’t need a charge under my belt after getting my name cleared.”
“Ugh, why does he have to be so fucking pretty though?” Your drunk thoughts were leaving your mouth before you realized it. You thought about his golden blonde highlights, his warm eyes, and how his clothes always fit him just right.
“Because he’s Steve Harrington and that’s who he is.” Eddie plopped down beside you. “You’re really fucking pretty too, though.”
You rolled your eyes and lightly hit Eddie’s arm again, “Stop it. I already said you can crash at my place, you don’t have to get all sweet on me.”
“No, I mean it.” Eddie was looking at you as you looked to your side at him. “You’ve always been pretty, and I’ll be sweet on you if I wanna be.”
“Munson, you don’t have to keep flattering me to make me feel better.” He was one of your close friends too, but he’d been there for you when Steve hadn’t been. He called to check on you all of the time, sometimes more than Robin.
“I’m not just trying to flatter you, I mean it. You’re stunning and you look beautiful tonight.” His hand rested atop yours and gave it a light squeeze, making butterflies appear in your belly.
You mentally told yourself you couldn’t do this again- start crushing on a close friend, and potentially lose them. Especially with him about to be signed to a label and getting better known. Your brain was already running a thousand miles a minute with the way he was looking at you.
“You think so?” You asked with a smirk, and you saw a glimmer in his eye. “Well, you certainly have aged well in the time I’ve been gone too, Mr. Rockstar.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice got deeper as he scooted closer to you and let out a small chuckle. “In one year?”
“I’m too drunk to answer that right now.” You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“Oh no, I love drunk you. I get all the juicy gossip from you after a few drinks. You think I’m not too bad now, eh?”
“You heard me.” You said, facing him and crossing your arms.
“Yeah, I did. And I kinda wanna hear it again.” Was this really happening? In the back room of the Hideout? You’d been a little flirty on the phone with him sometimes, but it was hard to read into what he really meant without seeing him, and you never knew with Eddie because he was always a flirt with everyone.
“I said you weren’t bad, Munson.” You felt your face warming up. “Always thought you were cute, but I was too wrapped up in Steve-”
“‘S just Eddie, sweetheart.” He looked cocky as he interrupted you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear- a classic, cheesy move that made you blush. He looked… good. His curls were wild and untamed, but you could tell he had started to take better care of them recently because they were more defined. His jaw was sharper, his face was capable of growing some more facial hair. His features were showing a little more- the wrinkles by his eyes, the subtle dimples, more freckles. How were you suddenly this close to him?
“Is this a bad idea?” You asked out loud to him.
“I don’t think so.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb and shook his head. “At least not for tonight, let’s have a little fun, yeah?”
You nodded, and leaned in and kissed him. You never made the first move, so you didn’t know how much to put into the first kiss. You felt hesitant, but once you were pulled in more by Eddie’s grip on either side of your face, all hesitancy fell to the wayside. You felt dizzy from the passion that he kissed you with. Both of his hands were practically squeezing your face, and you took the queue to straddle his lap, and he let out a sigh as you rested your weight on his thighs.
“Been wantin’ to kiss you for years now, Jesus Christ.” He chuckled against your lips. “Harrington was so fucking stupid to lose you.” He leaned in again, and you allowed him to take over.
“Alright people let’s go- oh! Oh! It’s happening!” Robin opened the door, making you pull back from Eddie quickly.
“Shut up, Buckley.” Eddie turned to shoo her away, and you blushed at your seat upon Eddie’s lap. “We were just talking.”
“You look awfully close to me. Listen, Steve’s girl is out there now, and I’d rather watch paint dry than sit out there and talk to them. Come out and have some fun, please!” She whined as the two of you stood up.
“Give us a minute, Robin.” You pushed her out of the door and closed it. As soon as you turned around, Eddie was cornering you against the door. “What?” You blushed.
“Didn’t get to finish that kiss.” He grasped you by the side of the neck and pulled you into his lips, hungrier, and needier than the first two times. You were breathing heavily into the heated kiss as your hands roamed his body, he was sweaty but you didn’t care- you were too, from the crowded room earlier. “We can talk later, just wanted to test the waters first.” He smirked as he pecked your lips and reached for the door handle behind you.
As you exited the tiny room, Eddie’s hand fell to your side, where he laced his pinky finger with yours and guided you through the shrinking crowd to the bar.
“Water?” He asked you, pulling your hand up to the bar and lacing his fingers with yours, proudly.
“Yeah, for now.” You said, a sheepish smile on your face. You felt a pair of eyes on you from the corner of the bar where Steve sat with his girlfriend, and you ignored them and focused on the water that the bartender had given you.
“Just ignore him. They’ll leave soon anyway, she doesn’t feel safe here or some bullshit like that. I gotta go pack up my stuff really quick, you good to stay here?” He had moved his hand to your lower back, and you nodded. “M’kay. I’m out back if you need me.” He placed a quick kiss on your cheek, then jogged away.
“Details, please.” Robin quickly replaced Eddie, turning her body completely to you, giving Steve her back.
“Oh, come on! You two were kissing!” She was yelling unnecessarily, used to the loudness of the bar before people had emptied out, and you leaned forward to put your hands over her mouth. “And that, before he just left?!”
“SHHHHHH!! So what? I’m a little drunk, and he looks reeaaally good tonight.” You two giggled, “He’s a really good kisser.”
“Knew he had it in him. He’s been talking about seeing you again for weeks. MONTHS! I figured he would’ve tried kissing you at dinner when you two walked out, but-”
“Robin, how can you not tell me that he had a crush on me?!” You wanted to squeeze your best friend.
“How could you be so blind?! He told me it started in high school. Then you started dating Steve, and he got mixed up into our group and he felt bad about his crush because you were with Steve, so he never thought he’d have a chance but now everything is just… falling into place. Meant to be.” Robin was out of breath again because she was talking so quickly and you just laughed at her spilling the details out so quickly- it reminded you of how Eddie would talk when he got really excited about things too.
“You really thought he had no feelings for you? Why do you think that metal head idiot called you almost every day for the last year? To make sure you were okay? No, he likes you. He really, really likes you.” Your friend told you as you turned around to see Eddie walking out the back door of the bar, catching a glimpse of you before he walked outside, carrying his equipment.
Somehow you found yourselves at a house party, because of course, you always did. And it was at Steve’s girlfriends house, because of course it was. God only knows how late it was now, the Hideout had kicked you out earlier. Eddie had driven your car to the house- he’d had the least amount to drink, and you and Robin had sat in the backseat and giggled the whole way. You completely missed the way he was watching and admiring you in the rear view mirror for the 15 minute drive back to town.
“I can’t believe that I thought this was what I wanted.” You drank the mystery juice out of the red cup and leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at all of the same people you remembered from school. You noticed how more people were high fiving Eddie, or saying hey to him instead of just calling him “freak”, or using him to buy weed while you two stood together.
“It’s comfortable, it’s stable. You haven’t had much stability your whole life, so I can understand the appeal.” Eddie took a puff from his joint and you politely declined, afraid to mix the two tonight since you were already so deep into drinking alcohol.
“I know but still. This house is fucking gorgeous, you know? They never have to worry about anything like bills, or-”
“But look at how unhappy they are.” Eddie said, pointing out the lack of smiles on some of the party goers.
“You’re just saying that because you’re high and happy right now.”
“No, I’m not. I’m saying that because it’s the truth. They’ve got all the money in the world but they’re still so fucking miserable with themselves they’ve got to keep throwing parties to relive the old days and feel like they’re peaking again.” Eddie rambled on for some more time as you caught yourself staring at Steve. The way his mouth turned up when he smiled- why was it so charming still? “Helloooooo?” Eddie bumped your hip beside you, and you stopped staring immediately.
“Sorry. Zoned out for a bit. Can you hold my drink while I go to the bathroom?” You handed him your cup and he took it, but you giggled as he took a sip and almost gagged on it at the sour, bitter taste.
You were doing the thing in the bathroom where you stared at yourself and realized how drunk you really were. Fuck. You fixed your hair, and washed your hands, and as soon as you opened the door, there was another force behind it that opened it and they let themselves into the bathroom.
Of fucking course, it was Steve Harrington. And you were entirely too drunk for this.
“Like what you see? Saw you staring.” You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help but blush. He placed his hands on your waist gently and waited for a reaction from you. When you gave him none, he took a step closer. “Only got a few minutes, what do you say? I saw the way Munson was all over you. Probably tried to get his paws on you backstage, didn’t he?” Steve started kissing your neck and you knew you should’ve pushed him off, but fuck did his mouth feel good, and familiar.
“Yeah, and he did.” You fought a moan, but lost once he reached the spot on your neck that drove you wild. It was a secret spot, Steve had found it one afternoon while you guys were lazily making out in his bed, under the sheets, and he used it all the time.
“Bet he didn’t make you feel this good, did he?”
“Steve, you’ve got a girl-”
“She’s upstairs puking right now. I missed you.” He said as he continued attacking your neck. You draped your arms around his neck and he refocused his attention to you. “Please, can I kiss you?”
You should’ve said no, you should’ve walked out before you leaned in and answered his question without saying a single word. The kiss was hot and heavy, Steve’s lips felt different than Eddie’s- they were smoother, and his kiss was softer. You weren’t sure you liked it anymore, but you kept on. His hands roamed your body, and he moaned as he felt you up, your body feeling different than the last time he’d seen you. Your fingers went to his thick, chocolate brown hair and you ran your nails through his scalp, earning a moan from him.
“Fuck I missed you.” He looked at you, and even though he was also drunk, you could tell he meant it.
“Yeah.” You panted, and dodged his next kiss. “I-I can’t do this, Steve. You completely crushed me. I just got over you, I can’t give this another try. I can’t believe I let myself kiss you.” You still had your arms around him, and your fingers were toying with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“C’mon, honey. You know me better than anyone. I can’t tell her any of this shit I’ve been through, she’ll think I’m fucking crazy.”
“You should have thought about that before you kissed her.” You pecked him on the cheek and left the bathroom, fixing yourself as best as you could as you made your way back to the kitchen. Eddie was making a small deal in there, and his eyes immediately caught yours. You hesitated for him to finish, and he tilted his head to go outside, and you pushed through the familiar sliding glass doors to wait on him.
“Feel good after that?” He asked, his hands tucking into his jacket pockets. “Couldn’t have made that anymore obvious, honey.” The nickname was laced with venom.
“Eddie, I- I really did have to pee, then he came in there to talk and I-”
“The door get jammed? You couldn’t unlock it? Had to make out with king Steve in the bathroom for the door to unlock?” He coughed out a laugh. “I can't believe I thought you might’ve actually been over him.”
“I wish it were you.”
“You know, I know I jumped into the gang pretty late so I missed the beginning history of you two, but-”
You lunged forward at Eddie, shutting him up for once. “Shut up, we made out and all I thought about was how I wish it was you I was kissing, not him.”
“You mean it?” He asked you, his eyebrows raised.
“Yes, Munson.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Can Robin get a ride home without you?”
“Probably, why?” You asked as the taller, curly haired boy made himself impossibly closer to you- you could still smell the show on him, the sweat, the spilled alcohol, the cigarettes, and you wanted it.
“Because you’re mine tonight, if nothing else. I wanna take you back to my place. Go find her, I’ll be waiting in your car.”
“O-okay.” You nervously answered him and walked back into the house. “Robin!” You pulled her away from a few people.
“Word travels fast. You better get out of here soon, because she already heard about you and Steve.”
“Perfect. Can you get home?”
“Yeah, I can, where are you going?”
“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You jogged out of the house, and towards your car where Eddie was sitting with it already cranked up and running. “She can find a way home, she said.”
“Say less, my dear.” Eddie put his hand on the back of your headrest as he looked back to reverse out of the parking spot in front of the house, then he sped off to the direction of his and Wayne’s shared house. You knew Wayne worked nights still from all of your late night conversations with Eddie.
Your stomach turned thinking about what was going on right now, what was about to happen. And he must’ve known, or been able to read your mind.
“We don’t have to do anything but sleep- I’ll even sleep on the couch. I just wanted you out and away from him. I can’t see you getting hurt by him again.” His hand rested on your knee, and his thumb rubbed gentle circles as he drove.
“But you said-”
“I know what I said, but I’m high and horny as hell, but I can keep my dick in my pants unlike someone else we know. And you look too fucking good tonight, you told me you got some tattoos but you didn’t tell me you had this many? S’driving me wild.”
You blushed as you watched Eddie run a hand through his hair, something he did when he was nervous. “You left out that you were even more handsome than ever, too.” You commented back, but it wasn’t even the top of surface of what you could say about Eddie and how he’d changed over the last year. You got to his house, the porch light was the only one on, and he hurried with you to the front door since the fall air was creeping in and you weren’t appropriately dressed for it.
“What about your van?” You asked as you walked in, and kicked off your black boots.
“I’ll get it in the morning, they’re used to me leaving it overnight sometimes.”
“Thought you weren’t drowning in pussy, Munson?” You joked as you approached him, your arms reaching up and wrapping around his neck, as his pulled you in by your waist.
“I’m not, but I could be if you’d let me. And I told you, quit with the last name shit. I like hearing my name out of those pretty lips.” Alright, he was smooth. You’d give him that. You both leaned in and continued making out, feeling each others bodies over clothes, shedding jackets on the floor, before he broke the kiss and guided you back to his room. “I swear I wasn’t expecting any guests so just give me a few and I’ll clean up.”
“Honestly it’s fine, I think I’m a little bit too drunk for anything tonight anyway, but don’t think I’m not interested-”
“Hey, I told you that’s fine.” He kissed the top of your head. “I am gonna have to shower and take care of some things before I go to bed but I’ll grab you a shirt so you don’t have to sleep in this getup tonight.” He roamed around his room and gathered a soft Iron Maiden shirt for you, and a pair of plaid boxers from a drawer. “Can’t promise the shirt is clean but I haven’t sweat in it, but it’s the softest one I have.” He tossed them at you before he left to shower, and you changed into them and tucked yourself into his bed.
“Hey.” You felt a gentle nudge on your shoulder, waking you up. My god, the sight that greeted you. Eddie was sitting on the side of his bed, his hair towel dried, he was shirtless, in a pair of boxers, and you could see more tattoos on his torso mixed in with all of his scars. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He chuckled. “Want me to sleep out there? It’s up to you.”
“Nu uh.” You peeled back the comforter and sheets for him and he climbed in, laying down and facing you.
“I need a tattoo tour tomorrow.” He said through a grin. “Show me yours if you show me mine?”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine.”
Eddie tucked hair out of your face and looked at you. “Meant it when I said you were beautiful.”
“I’m sorry I kissed Steve tonight.” You felt terrible about it, honestly.
“It’s fine. I almost expected it. The dude gave you no closure. But I can say it feels good to know you wished it were me you were kissing and not him.”
“I don't have to pretend I like acid rock, or that I'd like to be on a mega yacht with important men who think important thoughts. Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk. And the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery, just like I had been when you were chasing me, guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk.”
Chicago->Hawkins, 1989
“Hey, babe. I made coffee. You gotta get up, the studio needs me in an hour, then we gotta leave.” You groaned as you were being woken up, you had worked the bar until 3 am the night before and stayed until almost 4 cleaning up the huge mess. Eddie had left the bar around midnight because he had some recording to do today before you left for Hawkins- Dustin and his friends were all graduating this weekend and you couldn’t miss it.
“But it’s only 10, please let me sleep some more.” You rolled over in your cozy bed, letting the comforter swallow you now that no one else was in it.
Eddie’s month-long stay ended up never ending. You had a breakdown at the thought of him leaving and not being in your apartment every day. He’d slept on the couch for a few weeks, and then one night you told him how you really felt.
The two of you’s relationship had intensified quickly, and progressed to dating after a month of being around each other. It was your first relationship that felt right, that fell into place so easily without any drama, and you were happy.
“You know good and well if I leave you asleep you’re not going to get up. I’m only going to be there for an hour, I just have to sign off on a few things. You still have to finish packing too.” He kissed your forehead as he handed you the warm cup of coffee.
“Do we have to go?” You pouted over your first sip. You wanted to see your friend’s graduation, but you dreaded the inevitable. And Eddie had promised to play a show back at home with the guys, so you’d be spending a few nights there.
“Yes. We do. I mean, you can stay, but you’ll get awfully lonely here, dontcha think?” He leaned in and winked, “remember what happened last time I said I was going to leave?”
“I guess so.” You groaned as you sipped the coffee. “What if I see him?”
“What if? Baby, you don’t need to worry about it.” He placed his hand on your thigh, which was covered by your comforter. “It’s been so long ago, and he’s just there to see the kids graduate too. We’ve avoided him any other time we’ve gone back to see them, haven’t we? He’s not like a monster that’s gonna get you or anything.”
“No, but he’s Steve fucking Harrington and he knows how to ruin a good time.”
Eddie sighed in defeat. He knew how anxious seeing your ex made you, there was nothing you or him could do about it. He changed the way your friend group was forever after he hurt you.
“You get to see Robin though, and we get to stay at her new place!” He tried to cheer you up. “Babe, I really gotta go. Finish packing, take a shower, and I’ll be home before you know it.” He pecked your lips before he left you lying in bed with your coffee and a tummy full of anxiety.
“Presenting the class of 1989!” Principal Higgins announced over the loudspeaker in the gymnasium. You both stood up to applaud the class as you watched them throw their hats in the air- something you remember doing, and you felt Eddie’s arm wrap around you as he pulled you in for a hug.
“You know, I would've shot Huggins the bird if I wouldn’t have been in the hospital.” Eddie leaned in to make you laugh.
“I know. You’ve told me, multiple times. At least you got your diploma.”
“Yeah, because he was sick of me and my satanic worship cult.” You rolled your eyes and chuckled as the two of you exited the gym, waiting for your friends to meet up with you.
Robin and Nancy found you both quickly, giving you gigantic hugs, and asking you questions about how you were doing. A few minutes later, the graduates had made their way over and you watched as Eddie’s smile reached his eyes and he almost squeezed the life out of Dustin. You could tell how proud he was of him, even though he was one of the smartest kids you both had ever known.
You gave him a hug next, “Proud of you, kid.”
“I’m not a kid! I’m an adult now, you know that? I’m going to college soon!”
“Still just little dusty buns to us.” You said and you were pulled into Eddie’s side quickly, almost knocking you off balance. You were used to his clinginess by now, so it didn’t make you think twice about it until you saw Steve approaching the group. Everyone else greeted him like normal, but Eddie just kept you by his side as Steve said a quick hi to both of you.
You knew he had to know or have heard about you two dating. Eddie was on the phone with Dustin when he could, and you were always in touch with Robin and Nancy.
“So, we're ready to party, or what?” Steve clapped his hands together to interrupt the conversation.
“Let’s go!” Lucas shouted and you all split up into your groups. You heard your name being called, and you looked back. Steve was standing there and waved you over. Your heart tugged a little at the look on his face- he almost looked somber.
“You can go talk to him if you want, I’m not stopping you.” Eddie said, “We’ve gotta at least make an appearance at the party at his house. He might have something to say.”
“Fine, but watch if I need you to come rescue me.” Eddie pulled you in for a quick kiss as if he were making sure Steve knew that you were his, and you walked over to Steve with blushed cheeks, and butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey, I just wanted to talk.”
“Figured so, that’s why I came over here.” God, you sounded like a fucking idiot. How could Steve still look so good? You quickly checked him out to see he had dressed in pants that fit him perfectly, a short sleeve polo that was fit to his biceps just right, and his hair looked better than ever since he’d still kept some length on it.
“Are we, are we good?” He was stuttering, something you knew he only did when he was nervous.
“I mean, we’re fine? I guess. I’m over it, I’ve moved on.”
“Clearly.” You could tell the word came out of his mouth faster than he could think about what he was saying, “Are you happy?”
“Y-yeah, I am. He makes me really happy. I’m glad to be out of here, away from all of the past bullshit that happened here. And I’m glad to be away from here, with him specifically. I basically run the bar now, probably going to buy in in the next year or so depending on where Eddie goes with the band, if nothing else it could be some passive income while we’re on the road. What about you?” You kicked at some grass while you waited for his reply.
“Things are good. We just bought a house here, wedding is next year.” That was something everyone had left out of telling you. “Just proposed a few days ago, but the house had been in the works for a little while.”
“Oh wow, congratulations. I’m sure your parents are thrilled.” He looked at you funny, “I mean it this time. I’m not being a sarcastic asshole.” You both laughed a little.
“You look really good. I mean, not trying to be weird but you look like yourself. Like you’ve figured yourself out.”
“Feels like I have, finally. I think getting out of here was the best thing I could’ve done for myself. It feels weird being back here, you know? I wonder how many people really know everything that actually happened. Does she know?” You weren’t sure why you were bringing this up now, but you were curious.
“Hell no, do you know how insane that would sound?”
“I do know, I lived it too.” You said wistfully. You looked back to see Eddie looking at you, and you gave him a small wave of recognition. “I should get back, it was good to catch up.”
“Will I see you both at the house? Still drink tequila?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, still tequila. We’ll be there.” You both exchanged a small hug before you walked back to Eddie, your smile growing bigger as you reached your boyfriend, realizing you’d made some positive progress in your relationship with Steve.
“What was all that about?” Eddie asked as you two walked back to his van. “Took long enough.”
“He was just making sure we were good, and asked if I was happy, apparently he’s engaged and they bought a house together. He just proposed a few days ago.” You said as you hopped into Eddie’s car.
“Weird.” You noticed Eddie’s grip on the steering wheel was tight and you picked at your thumbs out of nerves. You reached up to turn up the radio volume, but he stopped you. He never did that.
“What?” You looked over at him, he was rubbing his face with the hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel.
“I might just drop you off and head over to Wayne’s. I’m really not in the mood for a party tonight.” He said, looking straight ahead.
“Eddie, what? I’m not going without you, I’ll just go see Wayne too. You’re the one who said we needed to make an appearance. It’s for the kids, it’s their graduation.”
“Nah, you seem like you want to go catch up more with your old pal Steve.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at your boyfriend.
“Eddie, what are you talking about?”
“You couldn’t take your fucking eyes off of him. You couldn’t even hide that you were staring at him, basically drooling over how good he looked.” Silence filled the car. “See, you’re not even going to deny it, are you? You played the whole, I don’t wanna come back here card for all the wrong reasons. You didn’t wanna see Steve because you still have something for him, don’t you?”
“No, I don’t! I’m sorry if that’s what you thought, but-”
“Oh come on, anyone with two working eyes can see the way you were practically undressing him.”
“Eddie, I was not. It was a conversation that we needed to have, it was awkward, but at least now we’re on speaking terms. Beyond that, there’s nothing there with Steve. Yes, he’s still attractive- you’ve even said that yourself but if you pulled over on the side of the road right this second I’d fuck you in the backseat, okay? There is nothing about Steve Harrington that I want anymore. I don’t want that lifestyle, I never did, I thought I did- but I don’t. I don’t want to come home to a guy who won’t let me touch his shirt because it might get wrinkled or ruined, I wanna be with someone who doesn’t care what happens to their shirt when I touch it or tear it off of them. I want to be with you, Eddie. You’re it for me.” You were out of breath, and you looked over to see him staring straight ahead at the road in front of him. “You’re the one who told me to go talk to him! God, just take me to Robin’s if you’re going to be a bitch like this today.”
“Was going to anyway.” He scoffed and you turned in your seat to stare out the window and hold back tears. You two never fought like this. Ever.
Hours had passed, and you and Robin got ready together before leaving for the party at the new Harrington house. You’d changed into something more fun for the party- a mini skirt with tights, your black doc martens, and a cut up band tee from one of the local bands that had passed through your bar one night.
“Eddie’s really not coming?” Robin spoke halfway over to Steve’s new house. She knew the way, so you let her drive. She also said she’d be DD tonight, only having one drink at the time of arrival and nothing else.
“I guess not, he was being so not like himself earlier. He swore that I still had a thing for Steve and that I was undressing him as we talked. Robin, Eddie has said he thought Steve was attractive before. Anyone with two eyes can see that.”
“He’ll get over it, he’s probably just feeling insecure about it because of the last time we were all at a party together.” She brushed it off, but you couldn’t as you bit the inside of your lip.
One hour into the party, and you were drunk. You didn’t know how many tequila sodas with lime you’d had, but it was enough that Robin was already giving you the eye. You spent so many of your nights at the bar not drinking, that you wanted to have fun tonight celebrating the kids graduation before the show at the Hideout the next night.
“Having fun?” Steve slid up beside you as you were pouring another drink for yourself.
“Your bar has definitely improved since high school parties.”
“Where’s Eddie?” He was quick to look around for your boyfriend.
“Oh, I don’t know. Robin and I came here together because Eddie was too much of a bitch to me earlier, saying we were- like you and me- were undressing each other with our eyes while we were talking at graduation, and even though I told him if he pulled over on the side of the road I’d-”
“Whoa, whoa, I don’t need to hear all of that. I was just asking where he was because I wanted to talk to him too. Do you know if he’s coming at all?”
You shrugged as you skillfully cut a lime wedge and tossed it into your cup. “No idea. Guess we’ll have to find out later.”
Later came soon enough, and it happened to be when everyone had decided to jump into Steve and his fiancé’s pool, most of you in whatever clothes or underwear you had on under clothes. No one was thinking twice about it either, since you’d all been friends for so long and were a little more mature about this type of thing. And you were all pretty drunk at this point in the night, too.
“Cannonball!” Dustin yelled as he jumped in, splashing you and Robin for the tenth time tonight.
“Uh oh, the fun just got here.” She said to you as she pointed her finger towards the back gate. You watched as Eddie opened the gate and stalked over to the pool, and scanned the pool of bodies for yours. Your back was to him, so you secretly hoped he wouldn’t see you, maybe? You were at the point you would’ve been happier going home alone with Robin and he stayed at Wayne’s.
“How’d he find the house?”
“The uh, invite is probably on my fridge or something. I left a key under the mat in case I wasn’t home yet when you guys came by to drop your stuff off, so I can only assume that’s how he has the address?” You couldn’t hear what she was saying as you blankly stared at her, feeling Eddie’s eyes on your mostly bare back.
You heard him say your name loud enough for you to hear, but you ignored him and took another sip of your drink. He repeated himself, but louder and you felt like a child getting in trouble with their parents.
You slowly turned to look at him, and he was crouched by the edge of the pool. He curled his finger at you to come towards him. You waded through the pool and with each step your stomach felt sicker and sicker- you wish it was from the alcohol, and not your nerves.
“You decided to show up?” You joked, leaning against the pool.
“Why the fuck are you in your goddamn underwear in Steve Harrington’s pool? Get out.” His voice was thick with disgust.
“No, I’m having fun.” You shook your head.
“Come on, we’re leaving.”
“I’m having fun with Robin.” If you could stomp your foot like a child right now, you would have.
“Do you want me to drag you out of there? I don’t want his eyes on you.”
“Not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before.” Suddenly Steve was beside you- a safe distance, but enough to hear the conversation. “Got a problem, Munson? Didn't wanna come party?”
“Fuck off, Harrington.” He spat at him, and you were disgusted by both boys pissing contest. You heard a swoosh of water, and suddenly Steve was pushing against the edge of the pool to climb out. Dripping in water, in his boxer briefs, he stepped closer and closer to Eddie.
“She’s having fun, leave her alone.” Steve stated boldly.
“I can make my own decisions.” You tried to hoist yourself out of the pool and you miserably failed. Eddie stepped over to offer his hands, and you took them to skip having to walk over to the pool steps. Very quickly, Eddie was shrugging off his jacket and draped it over your shivering shoulders.
“C’mon, let’s get you dressed and out of here.” He tried to coax you but you hesitated.
“Why didn’t you come here sooner?” You asked.
“We’ll talk about it in the car.” He said, pulling on your hand gently. Steve looked between the both of you, as his fiancé walked up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Of course her underwear was more intriguing than yours- it probably had cost Steve a fortune and a half to purchase and it was the type that probably would be ruined in pool water.
“I want my question answered Eddie. I was waiting all night for you to come here, and-”
“I said, we’ll talk about it in the fucking car.” He got in your face and spoke through gritted teeth. You had absolutely never seen him like this- and then you saw it. His eyes were bloodshot- and not from weed, red from crying.
“O-okay.” You agreed and quietly followed, grabbing your clothes on your way out. You didn’t bother putting them on, you just climbed into the car and Eddie turned the heat on as he started to drive off slowly.
“I went to see Wayne and he told me that my dad died. I don’t know why I’m so fucking upset, I hated the man, but-” you put your hand on his leg as he choked on a cry.
“It’s your dad, shitty or not, it’s still your dad.”
“Then, to see you, in your underwear, in the guy who broke your fucking heart into a million pieces pool while I’ve spent the last year of my life helping you put them back together all while falling in love with you, I just- I don’t fucking get it, man.” He was doing the thing where he cries but laughs it off because he’s so upset. “I thought I was past this, thought we were past this but I guess not.” The rest of the ride was completely silent. Eddie took a deep breath as he stopped the car in the parking lot of Robin’s apartment complex. “Please tell me you’re over him.”
“Eddie, I’ve told you a thousand times-”
“I can’t take you lying to me.”
“Do you want me to say I still love him?! What kind of answer do you want from me, Eddie? I’m telling you the fucking truth. I let you move into my place, I sleep beside you every goddamn night and even before we were officially dating, just the thought of you not being feet away from me on that stupid pull out couch was enough to make me realize I wanted you, you’re the one I want. I don’t want that life Steve has, I’ve told you time and time again. I’m so fucking happy with you Eddie. I don’t want the fancy cars, the big trips, the overcompensating with a big house. I want our life we have right now, the one we’ve made over the last year. This is why I don’t like coming back here, because it brings up all of this old shit that has settled like dust already. I don’t want anything to do with Steve Harrington anymore. Okay?”
“Okay.” He answered, and turned off the car. He slowly got out of it, and walked over to your side to help you out- your ass cheeks had stuck to the leather of the seat and he walked behind you to keep you decent.
The next morning came and went quickly, all three of you were far too hungover to do anything more than to eat junk food and watch movies in Robin’s living room. The shrill shriek of her phone made all of your heads pound, and she couldn’t get up off the couch quick enough to answer it.
“Yeah… she’s fine. Uh huh. He’s here too. Okay. Ooooookay, then.” Robin hung up the phone and sat back down. “Steve’s not coming to the show tonight, he said he’s sorry.” Eddie sighed a sigh of relief, and you swallowed loudly enough to make him look at you with wide eyes.
“Sorry, just… feel like I’m gonna be sick.” You hopped up and ran to the bathroom, and slammed the door shut. About ten minutes later, you heard a knock on the door and the door slowly opened and you looked up at Eddie from the seat you’d taken on the floor. He joined you, and asked if you were okay.
“M’fine, just drank too much last night. Don’t let me do that again tonight.”
“Well, Steve won’t be there, so I don’t suspect you’ll have to drink away your feelings.” He muttered as another hurl came up, and Eddie held your hair back for you.
“I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost, and what it cost- now that we don’t talk.”
You fixed your eyeliner in the mirror with the shakiest hand you’d ever had. You messed up again, and muttered a “fuck” loudly to the room of your closest girlfriends.
“Let me help, your eye is going to be raw.” Nancy sat down on the bench beside you and you turned to her in your white silk robe to let her fix your makeup.
“Probably going to cry it all off anyway. When I went out to grab drinks, Dustin said Eddie’s a wreck too.” Robin chimed in and you looked at her quickly.
“Nervous? Is he going to call it off?” Your stomach churned at the thought of it.
“The man would do anything for you. I think we’ve all seen that over the last few years. Now, sit still before this eyeliner wing ends up in your hairline.”
It was yours and Eddie’s wedding day, finally. You’d both opted for a small wedding, with his bandmates, old and new, your closest group of friends, small family members, and no one else. Eddie and his band had blown up the music scene over the last few years, and you’d been along for the ride the entire time with him- all of the ups and downs. A big wedding was something you never wanted, and with his newfound fame, it made more sense to keep it small and intimate.
Your hands were shaky as you paced the now empty bridal suite, surely you’d worn the carpet down by how many times you’d walked back and forth. You didn’t know why, but you just felt something was off. You mentally checked everything off on your list and you weren’t forgetting anything. Your handwritten vows were in the hidden pocket of your dress, Robin had Eddie’s ring, and Dustin had your ring.
Then came the knock on the door. You hesitated, not wanting it to be Eddie trying to sneak a peak in your moment of solitude before the ceremony.
“Who is it?” You asked through the thin, wood door.
“It’s me, Steve.” The voice on the other side was shaky as he spoke. You hadn’t seen him in a while, probably a few years actually. He’d gotten married, but Eddie was on tour so you couldn’t make it back home. The weekend of Steve’s wedding was actually one of the only weekends Eddie didn’t have a show, but you didn’t question Eddie when he said he needed to have a weekend off and not go home for the wedding. You didn’t want to go alone, so you stayed back too. “Mind if I come in?” He sounded scared, but he probably was. There had been absolutely no communication between you two in a very long time, and it was all on your side.
“Yeah sure, but not for long.” You opened the door to see him standing there, dressed smart as always.
“You look absolutely stunning.” He took in the sight of your intricate lace gown that showed off your tattooed skin, and complimented your body shape perfectly.
“Thanks, but I don’t think you should-”
“You’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t be here, so I’m not. I’m leaving, but I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” Your eyebrows furrowed. “Clearly you don’t want us to be friends, so I was shocked to even receive an invitation to your wedding, but after thinking about it more, and now seeing you- I really don’t need to be here. I talked to Eddie, and he had a letter to give to you, so he gave it to me to give to you before I left.”
You paused before speaking, and you looked at the man who stood before you holding a letter from your almost husband with shaky hands. He’d changed a little bit, but you both had. His scars on his face were lighter but still there, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he’d told his wife how he got it yet. Had she even asked yet how he’d gotten any of them, at that? The golden highlights in his hair were still there, shiny as ever. And his eyes were warm, warm like his nickname for you- honey.
You were speechless as you continued to stare blankly at him, your mouth couldn’t form any words, except “Thank you. Bye, Steve.” He nodded, smiled, and walked away, and out of your life forever.
You decided you couldn’t be friends as you watched him walk away, with all the things you’d lost- like the pieces of your heart that you’d never get back, that he’d taken without asking. You watched him through the window as he wiped an eye, hoping it was the wind causing the tear, but by the way his hair stayed in place you knew it wasn’t. But you knew he’d felt the same way, come to the same conclusion.
You couldn’t be friends anymore, you couldn’t even talk.
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lassieposting · 1 year
Okay but. For anyone who's unfamiliar with the UK. Pop-up street funfairs are kind of a Thing here - they show up for carnivals and village fetes and shit and when you grow up in the middle of buttfuck nowhere like I did they might be the only entertainment you'll get all year, so you really come to love the atmosphere and the strobing lights and the pounding music and the nostalgia of better, easier, safer times.
And every year, in London, they have the Hyde Park Winter Festival, which is hands down the biggest pop-up funfair I've ever seen.
Anyway hc that the year Lucy runs away to London, Lockwood and George take her to the festival. It's George's idea - she is from the Barbarous Wastes Oop North, Lockwood, she's probably never seen a funfair before, and she does gasp and go all wide-eyed every time their taxi drives past it - and Lockwood pays, because his house might be mortgaged to the hilt, he might be practically a serf, but he's the boss and he's pretty sure he still owes George a tenner anyway for those beers, so, whatever -
And it's just a whole thing for Lucy because she's never really been treated before. Everything she's needed since she was thirteen came out of her Jacobs' wages. Her mum never spent a penny on her that wasn't absolutely necessary, and begrudged her even that. So she's always had to be a penny-pincher, always had to deny herself fun things because her wages were being spent on essentials or frittered away on pints of Fosters, and being able to do whatever she likes purely for her own pleasure is utterly foreign to her.
And he doesn't make her feel bad for it. For wanting to have fun for once. Neither of them do. George spouts useless facts about when rides were invented and the origins of ice skates, and sometimes puts his fingers in his ears with a grimace, but when she grins at him, he grins back. Lockwood plays the yes-man for her all evening, eyes twinkling when she hangs off his arm or pulls him over to see something by the wrist. He stumps up for candyfloss, for sweetie cones, for fresh donuts and hook-a-duck and the shooting gallery, because "You were looking at it like you wanted it." She has three goes on a claw machine trying to get a particular stuffed dog, and then Lockwood has a go, before George finally wins it for her. And she loves them so much, these boys who put her first more than her own family ever did.
She falls asleep on Lockwood's shoulder in the taxi on the way home. Mostly. She dozes, at least. She's still vaguely cognizant of what's going on around her - the low hum of the radio, the pulse of the taxi's engine, George's voice when he leans around her and says, "I didn't realise you noticed that thing she does."
She's been faintly aware of Lockwood's arm around her shoulders since he put it there, when she started listing drowsily into his side, but she hadn't noticed his thumb idly petting back and forth until it stills. "Thing? What thing?"
"The thing," says George helpfully. "Where she looks at things like she wants them but she knows she can't have them."
Lockwood snorts. It's a small, derisive sound, probably accompanied by an eye roll. "I'd make a pretty piss-poor agent if I hadn't. She does it at lots of things."
"Oh." George seems to muse on that for a second. Then, "Just you never seem to notice when she does it at you."
Lockwood goes very still, for a second. Clears his throat, just quietly. His arm jostles her a bit; she thinks he's fussing with his cufflinks, which he seems to do a lot ever since he started wearing them in the first place. His voice is warm, though. "Shut up, George."
"Yes, boss." Irreverent. Grinning, probably.
With her face tucked into his shoulder, Lucy smiles, and lets herself drift.
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cruncherzz · 2 years
⚠️ SPOILER Warning⚠️ (if you wanna play SOR blind then don't read this)
Shadows of Rose is an objectively bad DLC. You're free to have your own opinions but this is mine. It's a garbage DLC with horrible pacing, exposition, and energy.
I'm gonna start this off by saying one of the first things that stood out with this fucking thing--the Duke. What? The Duke is evil in this DLC?! Woah, why? Literally why, Capcom?! Was he upset that Amazon was running him out of business and took it out on the only able-bodied person around? Motherfucker went from being a tasteful NPC that entertained you with his small one-liners and timing to "Evil Pillsbury Doughboy with a shitty Halloween mask." It baffles the mind as to why he's evil in this for no fucking reason.
Also, why all the Rose's?! WTF? I would've loved to know why there were infinite Rose's just mulling about in this Megamycete Hellscape.
Also, also, Rose is a really annoying protagonist. It might just be because I genuinely don't care about Ethan Winter's and his "saga" anymore but I digress. Her motivation for wanting to get rid of her powers is that she doesn't have friends-- motherfucker, I don't have friends. Deal with it. They haven't posed a serious issue besides being a point of complaint like legitimately this girl's horrible past with her powers boil down to her having "white sweat." Her sweating milk like a platypus is what drives this bitch into going into the consciousness of a being dubbed the "Black God."
Ethan is also really dumb in this. "I called myself Michael because I didn't want to shock you." Omfg dude, she's already in the BLACK GOD'S consciousness and freaking out about dying to these deux ex machina Dementor ripoffs. Tell your fucking daughter who you are??? It really makes me laugh that Capcom still doesn't show his fucking face on screen too. Is he really that ugly? WHEEZE
Okay... the only thing. THE ONLY THING that I semi-enjoyed was seeing Eveline in this--and it's still not a very good encounter. Like, you deal with fighting Eveline specifically for like a minute and then you're done. It's just a repeat of Ethan's bit in RE7 where she shockwaves you backwards a bit and you deal damage to her after. No difference. It's lazy.
I kind of liked the Beneviento house for the horror aspects, I'm personally really terrified of mannequins. I hate them with a mf passion so the dolls and mannequins were a really nice touch.
I didn't like that none of the lords were there, we don't even get a mf backstory for any of them and yet this fucking character that was an infant in RE8 gets her own 3 hour DLC?? Cool. Awesome.
Speaking of the lords, Miranda's back! She also looks just... weird. It's barely noticeable but like... she doesn't look all the way like her normal character design; they fixed how fucking shiny she was from the RE8 game though so that's... good? Girl ain't greasy no more. One thing ticked right then, Capcom.
The final battle. Ooh, the final battle. Hah! ...I actually kinda liked the final battle because I like the animation for Miranda's wings but that's mostly it. I don't care for the speech that Ethan gives Rose about never giving up and all that jazz. Also, despite you only being able to use a certain amount of Rose's power throughout this DLC, because of the power of Moldy Papa speech and plot armor, she now can throw full as fucking trees at this bitch, absorb projectiles, and teleport. Not a joke. Where was this like 40 minutes ago??? It's just... annoying.
Y'know what really annoys me also? The ammo in this game. You actually get less ammo found and given to you in this game then the ammo drops around the Baker house in RE7. Like, "Michael" gives you some because even the game devs know they didn't fucking put much.
And one of the biggest things for me--Mia Winters. Where the actual fuck was Mia fucking Winters? Rosemary Winters mother, y'know, the woman who raised her and loved her?! She is mentioned--guess how many times--fucking once. She is mentioned once in this whole fucking thing. It's mind-boggling. I get on the Wiki for this game, it's established that Rose doesn't see Mia much now that she's grown up and shit. Does that eliminate the right to her having a relationship with the woman though?! Does Capcom just hate this woman?! Mia is mentioned once in a diary entry of Rose's from when she was a kid, it wasn't even directly about Mia. It was about her white fucking milk sweat and her wanting to have friends. Bitch, I could care less about your friend problems and milky skin. I waited this entire DLC for a flashback, a scene, a story with this woman and I got a paragraph from a elementary schooler complaining about side effects of mold puberty and mannequins that resembled Mia slightly that scared the shit outta me. Great work, Capcom. God, I hate this fucking game.
This game is really fucking irritating like... I actually am seething in vc right now with @highlifeboat. Capcom said they'd deliver and they did.
Fucking dogshit.
Absolute fucking dogshit
Anyway, my favorite part was when I got to turn off my Xbox and forget I ever touched this piece of shit.
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howdy-cowpoke · 1 year
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TIMING: May 11th PARTIES: Monty (@howdy-cowpoke) & Nora (@honeysmokedham) LOCATION: Prickly Pear Acres SUMMARY: Nora wants to pet some goats. Monty allows it, and gets the shit scared out of him in return. CONTENT WARNINGS: none. 
The walk to Prickly Pear Acres from Deersprings was monotonous, to say the least. Nora trudged a path down the road, hands in her pockets, boots kicking rocks as she made her way to the opposite side of town. That was the thing about not having a car. You had to walk everywhere. Over these past two years, Nora had gotten very good at walking everywhere. Three trips walking across the country, mostly as a bear, would do that to a person. Today, at least, Nora was walking towards a goal. An opportunity that she felt genuine excitement for. Nora was going to pet baby goats. Nora's expressionless demeanor and monotone voice would never betray the giddy feeling that bubbled inside her. Baby goats! Baby goats! She'd even taken a pit stop at the local library to print out and construct a very bad and obviously fake Ethical Petting Zoo Inspector badge. Just in case. 
Nora had been to a ranch near the death pit before. The smell was impossible to miss when in the area, so Nora tended to avoid the area. However, the ranch Nora had stumbled across had the best selection of overalls in town. The only downside was the lack of options in her size. Whoever bought the overalls was bigger than her. That was no problem for the daughter of a designer. Nora cut them down to size and safety pinned them back together in her size. It was messy and frayed, but Nora thought it made her look like a certified punk rocker. A bear couldn't ask for more. 
Today, she was adorned in one of those creations. The legs had been chopped down to summer shorts, and the sides pinned together to keep them in size. Nora wondered if Prickly Pear Acres was where she'd been stealing from and if the man showing her the goats would recognize his own clothes. It would be funny if he did. Nora wondered if he'd seek vengeance. Maybe do a little sputtering like "How dare you! You can't just take people's overalls!" People were funny like that. Nora knew she was in the area when the rancid scent of the death pit prickled her nose. It was far enough to ignore, but close enough to be an annoyance. How did people live out here? 
Nora arrived at the ranch, pleased to see it was the one she'd been stealing from. Nora liked ranches. It's why she stole from them. She got to see animals while committing theft. Those were two of her favorite activities in one. On her walk up the drive, Nora made sure to peer at all the horses and other animals. Maybe if she was nice they'd let her ride a horse. Or she could steal a horse. Did horses like being stolen? Nora dug her hands in her pockets. Only ham. Nora was pretty sure horses didn't eat ham. She'd have to reconsider the plan. Nora clambered over a fence and started heading toward the nearest structure. She wasn't sure which one housed the baby goats, but she wasn't going to wait for whoever she'd spoken to online to find out. 
Just about as gullible as they come, even though Monty had started to think that maybe the person he was talking to online wasn’t actually an inspector of any kind, he still had to assume they were. He wanted to believe they wouldn’t lie about something like that. But after a conversation with Daisy, his foolishness had been made clear.
He wasn’t even sure if they’d be showing up in the middle of the night like they’d threatened. Daisy had said it was probably just a stupid prank and not to expect anything, but regardless of her advice, Monty was posted up outside the main house as it had a pretty good view of the rest of the farm. And wouldn’t you know it, just a little after 10pm he noticed movement that was much smaller and quicker than any of his animals that should’ve been outside right now. Except maybe the dogs, but this one wasn’t on all fours. 
Watching the figure head for the nearest barn, Monty got up from the chair on the porch and headed after them, rifle in hand. Prank or not, he wouldn’t stand for anyone harassing his animals.
The figure slipped into the barn and Monty followed as quietly as he could. There was a lantern inside, giving him enough light to see that—that it was just a kid. A young girl. Well… this was unusual. Or maybe it wasn’t, he supposed she’d be just the demographic to pull a stunt like this. 
“Oye,” he called in a soft tone, lifting the strap of the gun over his head and settling it across his back. Wouldn’t need it, obviously. “... if you’re looking for the kids, you’re in the wrong barn.”
There were no goats in the barn Nora had found her way into. Instead, she found herself face to face with a donkey. A mother fucking donkey. Nora was ecstatic, despite the lack of emotion on her face, she was having the time of her life. Nora leaned against the stall door; hand stretched outwards towards the donkey. The donkey looked at her, snorted, then looked away. It blatantly refused to come towards her. Nora, as an apex predator, could respect that. “I just want to be your fr-“ Nora didn’t get to finish her reassuring words to the creature when a new scent entered the mix. Nora almost missed it, it blended in so well with the other scents of the stable, dirt, horse, hay, something leathery.
Nora pushed herself off the stall door and turned around to face the approaching figure. He didn’t look imposing, but he did have a gun. What was he going to do? Shoot her? That’d be funny. Probably. Nora hadn’t been shot yet. She wondered if it would hurt. Maybe she could just ask- Wait no she was here about the baby goats.
Fumbling in her pockets, Nora eventually managed to pull out the crafted together inspector badge. She flashed it at the man. “I’m petting zoo inspector Goodall. That’s a mighty fine donkey you have there.” Nora shoved the badge back into her pocket, along with her hands. “Please take me to the kids. I need to see them as soon as possible.” Standing there, chin jutting forward, Nora had no doubt in her mind that this ploy would work for her. 
He couldn’t stop the smile that came to life on his face as he was shown the very official looking badge, twitching one side of his mouth up higher than the other. It looked like the project of a grade-schooler, he thought, but he wouldn’t say that out loud. 
“Thank you,” Monty responded with a nod, folding his arms across his chest. He regarded her for a moment longer before moving, turning to look behind him, out the door they’d both come through. “Well, ma’am, I don’t want to keep you waiting. Right this way.” Making a sweeping motion with his arm, he propped the door open for her and then followed her back outside, looking down at her with good humor in his expression as they walked. “It’s that one, just over there,” he explained as he pointed toward a different nearby barn, the one that housed pretty much all the newborns they had so far. 
It only took a couple minutes to get there on foot, and Monty showed her inside like a good host, unexpected as this visit actually was. The kids were snoozing in a large stall with their mothers, the gate to which the cowboy gently unlocked and gestured for the girl to go on in. “Well, petting zoo inspector Goodall, what do you think? Happy and healthy?” he asked after she’d had a minute or so to get acclimated to the baby goats as they began to stir, realizing someone was in their bed with them.
Now that he was looking at her a little more closely, he…. recognized the patchwork overalls she was wearing. Wait a minute. Those were his—he’d been losing his mind over misplacing them, if only because it was frustrating to have something just vanish like that. Holding his tongue on the matter, he figured if she was stealing them, she probably needed them more than he did. 
Nora took one final longing look at the donkey. She would be back one day and they would become best friends. Nora had seen many cartoons with donkeys in them and she thought they had a lot in common. They were both stubborn and food motivated. What more did anyone else need to be? Carrots. Next time she dropped by to steal some more overalls she’d bring carrots and the two would be best friends. 
Chin jutted out, shoulders straight Nora followed the direction she was being pointed to. “Your donkey stable was in very good condition. I’ve made a note of that in my records.” Nora flipped open her art pad, pencil attached to it with velcro as she made a scribbling motion. Why people were constantly complaining about not liking jobs was beyond Nora. This shit was fun. She was about to pet some goats. 
Cute aggression. That was the term wasn’t it? Nora was staring at a pen full of baby goats. The cutest goddamn little animals she’d ever seen in her whole life. “Hold this.” Nora’s hands roamed around her pockets until she found the passengers who hitched a ride in her jacket today. For some reason unknown to her, snakes and other creepy animals just ended up in her pockets. She wondered if they knew she was another creature humans feared and her body warmth. Either way, she wasn’t going to take a snake into a pen full of baby goats. It might scare the babies. There was only one person here Nora was going to scare. Nora dropped the snake around the man’s shoulders before he had time to say anything, and hastily made her way towards the sleeping goats. 
First one opened its eyes and bleated at her, then it cascaded into a chorus of baby goats calling out. If there was a heaven, this was it. Nora fell to her knees as a herd of baby goats surrounded her. Nora’s hands, clothes and hair were nibbled on. Goats screamed and she thought about screaming back but decided that wasn’t really her style. After letting the joy of the moment consume her, Nora was struck with the realization that this man had seen too much. Nora was a creature of fear. Creatures of fear don’t get seen in moments of joyful bliss. For goddess sake, she was basically smiling. Nora fixed her features, turning down the tiny corners of her mouth that had been upturned just moments before. 
“This reminds me of home.” Nora told the man. As she turned to look at him, an illusion crossed over her eyes. Goat eyes replaced her normal eyes. “I miss home.” A figure, shadowed and placed strategically out of sight of the baby goats arose up. Body of a human, head of a goat. “We should return home.” 
Jumping slightly as a snake (???) was dropped onto his shoulders, Monty quickly raised his hands to keep the animal from slipping to the floor of the barn and slithering off to someplace it shouldn’t be. What an odd thing to keep in your pocket.
Watching the girl enjoy the attention of the kids, he felt himself smiling. That was cute. Really cute, actually, because she sort of struck him as the stoic type. She seemed to notice this, that rigidity returning to her voice and her posture as she turned to look at him. 
Oh. Her eyes, they were—He lifted his brows in surprise, unsure of what he was looking at. What was she? Then something moved, off in the dark, lonely corner of the pen, and he nearly squeezed the snake in response, managing only to hold off by taking a step back. 
“Uh…” he stammered, looking between the girl and the goat… thing behind her. “Well don’t let me keep you,” he responded nervously, gaze fixed on what he didn’t realize was an illusion. 
The sweet snack of budding fear drifted to Nora. An enticing promise of what was about to become a full meal. Because if there was one thing Nora didn't know how to do, it was normal. At all times, no matter the situation, the show must go on. In Nora's case, the show was all the horrors she thought everyone around her should witness at all times. Because it was funny, and Nora was a comedian of the horror world. Probably the only one, since no one else seemed to think it was as funny as her, but that wasn't something she troubled herself by thinking about. 
"We're all going home. Together." A giggle bubbled through her, bursting out of her mouth in bell-like chimes. Illusionary blood started to swell like tears in her goat eyes before slowly dripping down her cheeks, staining her face red. Around her, the goats began to bleat. One by one they toppled over, dead. Of course, they weren't actually dead. Nora would never do anything to harm them. But given the fact that she was currently sitting inside a pen, with the man outside the pen was giving her a chance for a unique illusion setup. Normally her illusions mingled with their victims, this one was set up like a television screen. As he thought he was looking in at the pen, he was actually looking at an illusion. The moment he passed through it, he'd see Nora and the kids. Still playing. Still having the time of their lives. 
The last baby goat died, its body landing and completing the perfect circle all their dead little bodies had made. Nora still knelt, perfectly in the middle, blood pooling at her knees from the never-ending streak from her cheeks. The goatman stepped forward. Each step of his hooves on the straw ground was accompanied by the sound of shattering bones. Nora hadn't thought that would be more horrific, she just was having trouble getting the sound of hooves on straw right and decided to go with a sound she did know. Her own bones shattered with each bear transformation before they stitched themselves back into their new form. 
The goatman stood behind Nora, drawing a long claymore from behind him. He held it above her. A picture pause, a slight light creating a halo behind the figure. Silence drawn out. Then he shoved it through the top of Nora's head and plunged it down. Down. Down. Down. Skewering the illusion of Nora and turning her into a bugbear kebob stuck to the floor of the barn. The goatman turned to look at the barn's owner, a hand lifting and pointing. You're next, he seemed to be wordlessly saying. 
Nope! Nope, nope, absolutely fucking not—Monty had watched for as long as he could stand, bewildered and horrified and disgusted all at once, but when that thing raised a hand to point it at him, he panicked. Dropping the snake, the cowboy took a few hurried steps backwards before managing to fully turn around, booking it for the unlocked barn door and fully body checking it, bursting out into the open beyond it with legitimate terror in his chest. 
He turned to look at the barn as he backed away from it, and out here in the cool night air, he suddenly wondered if he’d actually seen any of that. Not that he had much reason to doubt it—Wicked’s Rest was a messed up place—but it just seemed… surreal. So he stood there, inching backward with his gaze fixed on the open door and the warm glow that still came from inside the building, waiting for a tall silhouette to move into the doorway. If it did. If he wasn’t insane.
The man ran away in a cloud of delicious terror that trailed after him. It was abundant, which amused Nora as she let the illusion drop. What? Had he never had a goat nightmare curse his barn before? Nora gave a baby goat some chin scratches. At least she was free to enjoy the goats without the eyes of someone prying. It would be embarrassing to lose her cool girl status because some one had seen her cooing and fawning over the cutest little creatures she’d ever seen. Nora pulled out her cell phone, snapping photos of each and every one of the little cuties before throwing in some selfies. As a rule of thumb, Nora hated taking selfies. Every piece of evidence that could hit the internet and prove that Eleanor Pine was alive was a threat to her future. These goats were just too cute to pass up.
Nothing else was happening. Nothing pursued him into the yard, and no more horrible sounds came spilling from the barn. It was quiet. Calm. 
Cautiously approaching the place he’d fled from, Monty poked his head in the doorway to see through the slatted barrier of the pen that she was just… playing with the kids again, who were all very much alive. All that other horrible shit he’d seen was nowhere to be found. Thoroughly confused and, to be honest, still freaked out, he shook his head. “Trust you can show yourself out, since you found your way here,” he called. And since she’d been stealing his damn coveralls. “Have fun.”
Without another word, the zombie hurried off to his own house, in the need of a stiff drink and a long think. 
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puppetoffthehook · 1 year
Respect and Responsibility
Trigger warnings: child abuse, beatings, mentions of past drug addiction, unsafe situations for a minor, use of f slur
Billy felt hands on him, lifting him from the floor where the drugs had made him pass out and carrying him outside. He can tell by the coolness of the air as the wind blows through the surrounding trees. He hears a car door open and then he’s roughly shoved into the seat. Whatever that shit was that Max got him with was good because he couldn’t stop his head colliding with the window once the door was slammed shut.
The driver’s side door opened and he could hear talking , kind of. Mostly just pieces of conversation.
“Don’t… you driving.”
“… have to… Neil..”
“I’ll tail.. make.. you’re safe.”
Fuck. The blonde might barely be conscious but his father’s name reminds him through the sluggishness that he doesn’t know what time it is and he still hasn’t gotten Max home. His dad and Susan are probably sitting at the table with coffee waiting for them. Susan with that annoying look like somehow she’s fucking worried about him but once the beating starts she’ll just drag Max to her room and pretend she’s blissfully ignorant to the abuse. And his dad.. Fuck.
The car is moving turtle slow and Billy’s finally able to get his eyes open after what feels like an hour but was probably twenty minutes. Max is driving his car. If his dad sees her behind the wheel he’ll be even more pissed.
“Over.” The redhead looks at him in confusion so he repeats, slower so he can get the words out. “Pull.. over.. Max.”
He’d be pissed about her shaking her head and ignoring him if he wasn’t still so sluggish. “No can do, Billy. We have to get home, right? That’s why you came in and threatened my friends, wasn’t if?” Oh fuck her for being mad. She’s not the one who’s gonna get it when they show up to the house and he’s still like this.
“Dad’s.. gonna freak.. you driving.” That’s the least of his problems but it’s definitely a problem. No matter if Neil sees her driving the car or not it’s gonna be bad for him this time. Maybe not to the same level as that night his dad found him kissing his boyfriend at the boardwalk but it’s gonna be bad. And he wont be able to keep Max from witnessing it.
She ignores Billy entirely while he rolls the window down stiffly until he can feel the cold fall air whipping his curls around his face. It helps shock him a bit more awake but he’s still going to be noticeably fucked up when they get home. “Max.. When we get home, go.. to your room. You don’t.. need to see.”
He doesn’t look at her so he doesn’t see the confused look on her face directed toward him between glances at the empty small town road. A few more streets and they’ll be on Cherry Lane. Despite the tranquilizer in his system, Billy can feel that familiar buzzing in his chest. Like a hornet’s nest gearing up for a strike. Sometimes the anticipation of it is worse than the beating itself.
“.. I’ll do what I want. I thought you understood our little agreement.” Oh fuck this kid. If she wants to see the consequences of her actions then so fucking be it. He’s the one who’ll be bloody in the end, not her. Not precious little Maxine who can do so much wrong but never has to suffer for it. Not like him.
“Stick around then. Pop some.. fucking popcorn while you’re at it.. Little bitch.”
Neil is outside when they arrive and it’s then that Billy realizes Steve Harrington was pulling up behind them. Oh this night could only be worse if a cop showed up. Max nearly forgot to put the car in park so Billy flung the gear shift into the right position and climbed out of the passenger seat. He can already feel those cold eyes on him and knows it looks bad.
“Boy, what’s wrong with you? On damn drugs again already?” There’s that quiet fury Neil puts on for guests. “Young man, what exactly is going on? Did my son show up like that to find Maxine?”
Steve, for whatever it’s fucking good for, doesn’t lie. “No, Mr. Hargrove, sir. He came looking for Max and he got in the face of one of the other kids I was watching. I kind of started a fight and-“
“After you lied to my fucking face about her being there.” Billy growled, trying to push through the fading effects of the drug. “You lied about Max being with you, there were drugs in reach of a bunch of twelve and thirteen year olds, and the little bitch dosed me!”
“You were going to kill Steve!”
“He would’ve deserved it for being a fucking p-”Billy didn’t expect his dad to come close and grab him by the collar. He never does anything in front of outsiders.
“I’ve heard enough. Maxine, go to your room. Your mother and I will be discussing a punishment for your little runaway act.” He waited for Max to go inside before turning to Steve. “I apologize for my son. Boy has quite the temper on him; can’t help himself it seems. That being said, I hope there’s a way we can get past this without pressing charges.”
Steve looked like he was trying to piece things together and decided better of it. Good. “Don’t worry, sir. So long as he stays away from me where it’s possible I won’t press charges. I did lie about Max being there and I know Billy was just worried about his sister.”
Billy glared at Steve from behind his father. “As any half-decent brother should be. Have a good night, son.” They watch as Steve turns his car back to the way they came and once the taillights were out of sight Neil dragged his son back into the house. The blonde gasped in pain as his head collided with the wall behind him.
“You are running out of chances, William.” Dread sank in Billy’s stomach like a lead cannon ball. His dad only used his name like that when it was going to be really bad. “All you had to do was watch her for the day and you couldn’t do that. Then I ask you to go find your sister and instead you get in a fight with some other little faggot and you dared to call your sister a bitch.”
His heart was racing now, the drug wearing off and leaving a splitting migraine in its wake. Heart racing, head throbbing, stomach sinking. Suddenly he’s getting thrown into the living room, right into his weight bench and Billy cries out without meaning to when one of the weights hits him hard. His hand is quickly added to the growing list of pain. “Dad, I-”
Neil grabs him by his curls and bashes his son’s head against the metal bars of the weight bench. It feels like his head is splitting and he can feel the wet trail of blood dripping from a new cut on the back of his head. He knows it’s just a flesh wound but the migraine he was already gaining was made worse by the head injury.
“One day this lesson will be taught and you’ll actually learn it. Respect and responsibility are what make a man, William. Until you learn that you’ll always be a useless faggot of a boy.” The belt is already in his hand before he tosses Billy on the floor so he’s on his knees. Funny how it always makes Billy think about Sunday mass when his dad used to force them to go to church. Sermons full of hate claiming to be love. Pain replacing prayer to a God who never cared about Billy Hargrove.
The first strike of the belt is deafening in the stillness of the house and Billy has to bite his lip to avoid crying out again. His pain only makes his father all the more angry and hateful. Strike after strike, the crack of the belt is like a gunshot. When the teen looks toward the hall his stomach sinks impossibly further. Max is standing there with a horrified look on her face. She must’ve wondered what the sounds were and chose to investigate. She never has before so why now?
Billy tries to plead with her by glancing in the direction of her bedroom. He doesn’t want Neil to catch her. Luckily the kid gets it and goes back to her room silently. Neil was too busy beating his back raw to notice his stepdaughter, thankfully. The belt comes down hard over and over until Billy’s back feels like one big open wound and the pain makes his vision swim. Only then does Neil grab the back of his shirt and pull him up off the ground.
His bedroom door is right by the front door so it takes only about ten steps before the man throws him right at his bed. The barely worn off sedative and the pain have made it harder for Billy to coordinate and the teen trips over his own feet and hits his head on the shitty nightstand by his bed. There’s definitely a cut in his eyebrow that’s gonna scar.
“You will stay in this room until I decide otherwise, boy. You will only leave to use the bathroom, eat, or go to school. You are still expected to take Maxine places she wants to go once she’s no longer grounded but you are to come right back here. Is that clear?”
The blonde lifts himself up to lean against his bed, biting down a cry of pain. “Yes, sir.” Once he gets his way Neil leaves and Billy can breathe again. It’s painful and it doesn’t take long before he’s crying, quiet sobs wracking his form until he has no tears left. It takes longer for him to stand and remove his clothes. His favorite shirt has blood on the back which lets him know he’s going to have a few more unnoticed scars. The teen curls up into a ball on his bed and sleeps fitfully for a few hours.
The next day he wakes up feeling awful, his whole body feels like a bruise. He gets up slowly so as to not open any wounds that have started to crust over with blood and goes to take a shower. Except… he can’t open the door. No matter how he tries it stays shut. Panic builds in his chest as Billy beats on the door and calls out for someone to help. The only thing that stops him from trying again is the sound of his father’s work boots approaching. There’s a sound like a gate hook and the teen has to back up to not get hit with the door. To his horror he checks the door and there’s a latch installed on it.
“You’ll be doing exactly as I say from now on, boy.”
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
18 + 19 + 28 -> for ocs of your choice if you’re still doing it
these questions would be super easy if provided an oc but I’m incapable of picking one I’m actually dying. ok whatever ⬅️quotes from me that I typed out several weeks ago back then this was first asked. sorry 
a memory that still makes your OC angry?
So this was difficult because like. Any specific memory I know a character has, especially one that still emotionally affects them to this day, is probably important to their backstory and as such I’ve definitely talked about it before at length so I don’t want to go over it again yk? So that leaves me with the other option of making shit up specifically for this ask game ok umm
I think the characters most driven by anger are Angel, Gloria, and Silence so I think. I’ll cover all of them very vaguely and not really answer the question because it’s hard aha so basically.
Growing up alongside other children, who typically did not like him for reasons justified and not, Angel has a lot of memories that make him furious to think about, like since the house staff didn’t really like him either they’d sometimes side against him for things that weren’t his fault. He doesn’t think about it often but whenever he does it still makes him mad to this day. He thinks it’s wrong to be like biased against a child but he 
Something that makes Gloria kinda a contrast to Rocio and Angel as characters is that she does have a lot of like, experience in life for lack of a better word. She’s been around the world, she’s met and had some various types of relationships with other people, even though they were mostly very shallow, had a lot of different types of life experiences and viewed that as like, how her life was from then on. Except no she didn’t, because the whole time she was tied down to the past like mentally? I was going to say she’s probably had some experiences during her travels that she gets mad to think about but honestly I don’t think she does— these days she’s really good at just letting things go because she doesn’t get too attached to anything in the first place, so even if people have betrayed her or tried to kill her or some shit like that, it wouldn’t make her angry to think about. It’s like she always feels like she’s in search of something or running away from something because she’s still mad abt her childhood and feels like she hasn’t resolved her problems with it or confronted the issue in any meaningful way, so it stays with her yk? Most of what makes her actually genuinely mad is like. Following childhood trauma being raised by someone who didn’t seem to have any compassion for or understanding of you at all. 
Silence lived in an environment kind of similar to Angel’s in that it was ran by like strict guardians who emphasized morality but it was like. A wider and pretty isolated community. So she felt like that was what the entire world was like, like she was basically trapped with everyone, and since the society encouraged emotional repression, she never saw anyone else displaying like the same dissatisfaction she felt so as far as she knew everyone was all the same. Started to like hate everyone she knew including herself and view people as fundamentally evil. (That’s part of why when meeting Cirillo she liked him so much like he was genuinely trying to be understanding. She thought he had an ulterior motive at first but since he didn’t have or want any power over anyone she eventually like warmed up to him yk.) She has a lot of bad memories of being punished or like shamed for getting mad and like raising her voice and things like that.
a memory that still makes your OC sad?
You know what’s interesting about sadness is that typically it doesn’t drive you to act so much as like anger or fear do, more so it drives you to like not act. Like to just give up and let things happen to you, yk, like be apathetic and stop caring. So it’s not as much of a motivating force as much as it is a hamper to your motivation. That’s not related to the question  but it’s interesting 2 me. Anyway.
I think the character who feels the most regret about their past has to be Cirillo, but Ive already talked about him a lot and Jacinto is similar so I think I’ll talk about them instead. God they’re so hard to write I’m going to lose it I have to change something about their character. Them and Gloria I think could do with more focus/nuance, like more specific plot events to work with. But like anyway, I think a lot of memories, even ones they like thinking of in the moment, end up making them feel sad in the long run because they are pretty stuck in the past— the more they think of good memories with like their brother or their best friend, the more they feel like their life is basically over. That’s pretty dark I feel so bad about it I’m sorry 😞😞😞 they pretty much didn’t do anything wrong. I guess on the bright side, though thinking about older memories makes them feel like their life is empty Now, and they definitely are aware they’ve made mistakes in the past, it does make them feel like they have contributed something to the world in the past? Like their life overall had some meaning and so that helps them feel a bit more at peace I guess. It makes them feel sad, for sure, but in a bittersweet way yk. 
is your OC a dog or cat person?
dog: rocio (only like hunting/working dogs), cirillo, gloria (only the cool ones, but the criteria for what makes dogs qualify as such is unclear and constantly changing. it’s pretty much whether she vibes with the specific individual dog immediately or not), tiago (I think he’d be the type to feed stray dogs whenever he sees them), jacinto (appreciates how theyre more straightforward to take care of, and more outwardly energetic and affectionate usually), joanna, joseph (thinks they are fun to play with)
cat: angel (likes both, prefers cats very narrowly. probably the place he grew up had a couple cats living in the building. also probably would have seen some stray dogs in the area though), laura, lucia, victor (actively dislikes dogs, scared of larger ones and annoyed by smaller ones)
^these aren’t all the characters ofc but I’m not doing everyone because the list got too long. can’t be bothered to try to remember every character there’s like 15 of them what am I Einstein 🙄
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cwwwriting · 2 years
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By Clinton W. Waters
(Originally published in Indecent Magazine Aug 2022)
It was one of the endless days of summer. The humid air and the cicadas’ song made me feel like I was drowning while the earth was bone dry. I had been outlawed from my momma’s kitchen. She said I was buggin’ her, always underfoot. I needed to get out and enjoy the sunshine while I could. The summer never lasts as long as you think, she said. 
Roy was similarly sent out into the wilderness and told to come home at dark. So naturally, he wound up at my house. Roy had hit his growth spurt already and had eyes real close like a possum. He had sprouted a few chin hairs and thought that made him my boss. His bike was his bigger (but shorter) brother’s hand me down, so his knees nearly came up to his chest as he pedaled up the dusty drive. 
“Let’s go swim,” he said. The sun had brought his freckles to the surface of his cheeks and along his nose. 
“I don’t know, Roy,” I said. “Memaw told me not to go to the crick. It’s probably all dried up anyway.” I was rereading one of my comic books for the hundredth time, clean-cut GI types exploring distant planets where they didn’t belong. Swimming sounded like way more fun, but I took my memaw’s words as gospel. The trees talked to her when she sat real still. She always had a plant to pick when you were feeling any kind of way you didn’t want to. And she saw spooks that told her things in her dreams while she dozed off in the sunshine. They had told her of the widow Emily Jones and how she lingered at the old bridge where she died, and she may never find rest. 
Between the heat and Roy calling me names, I finally gave in. Momma made us some sandwiches and told us to be careful. If we saw a dragonfly, their snake patients were no doubt somewhere nearby. I knew that already, but I told her yes ma’am. 
The breeze from riding as fast as we could gave some relief, but just enough to cool the sweat we were working up to pedal up the hills before coasting down the other side. We took a fork at the new bridge to get to the old one. Wood and mostly upright out of sheer luck, the old bridge had seen much better days. But that was the easiest place to get in and out. We let our bikes fall to the ground and looked down at the crick. 
Somehow, despite the lack of rain, it still seemed full, gurgling as it drifted past the stone supports of the bridge. Roy tugged his shirt over his head, revealing his pale white belly and the hard line border of where his sleeves normally covered, his arms and hands like someone else’s stuck on. I saw he had what could be classified as chest hairs, and waited for him to gloat. He yanked off his shoes and pulled his socks down, revealing more ghost pale skin. 
“Wonder if we’ll see her,” Roy said as he pulled his shorts off too. I followed suit, knowing a comment about my baby fat would be along shortly. 
“Don’t say her name,” I said, holding up a finger in warning. I spit on the ground as an extra ward against the bad luck he was bringing. Roy stepped out into clear water and let out a big sigh of relief. I followed after him and even though the cool water was a shock, it was exactly what I needed. I dunked my head below the water and looked about at the alien world beneath the surface. I turned about in a circle and realized I didn’t see any of the usual frogs or little fish. When I came up for air to tell him, Roy pushed me back down. This happened a few more times, him yanking me up and pushing me back under. Eventually I wiggled my way free and shoved him away. “That ain’t funny,” I said, but he was obviously tickled. I was so sore I forgot all about the fish. 
“Did you think Emily Jones had got you?” he asked, wiggling his fingers. 
“You shouldn’t…speak ill…of the…dead like that,” I said, taking big gulps of air. 
“Like what? She killed her babies then herself. Surely there ain’t any good way of talking about her. Besides, she’s been dead for at least a year,” Roy replied, laying on his back and floating a little ways down towards the bridge. “Mikey come here one night and saw her. Said she was cryin’. Serves her right, I reckon.” I had heard his brother’s story from Roy’s mouth no telling how many times. 
“That’s enough of that,” I said and he lifted his head up to look at me so I could see him roll his eyes.  
I brought my eyes down level with the water and could see the shadows beneath the bridge were black like a moonless night. And Roy was headed right for them. I brought my head up and swam after Roy. He was grinning up at the sun, his eyes shut like he was sleeping. His face went into the darkness as my hand went out and grabbed his ankle. He jerked upright, but I could barely see him in the dark. I heard the unmistakable sound of a lady crying. We weren’t catholic, but I made the sign of the cross like I’d seen some of the kids do. 
“What in the hell?” he muttered, his voice carrying up the stones and echoing off the wood. “You gotta-” he was saying before he screamed. He thrashed out towards me and I could see a cloud of red blossoming out under the water. Roy held his hand to his shoulder as he stood and I could see the blood running out from under his fingertips. “Get out of the water!” he yelled at me as he stumbled up the muddy shore. There was a loud splash from under the bridge and I didn’t need to be told twice. 
Something slick and black green slid upstream towards us. My first reaction was to shout and trip my way up the bank to our bikes. Roy had got to his and was yelling for me to hurry up. His arm hung limply at his waist, a waterfall of red rushing down to where his tan began. Whatever it was broke the surface and two enormous yellow eyes locked onto us. I picked up my bike and held it between me and the thing. It scurried up the bank with no problem, on spindly legs that lifted up its long body. It was easily as big as a dog, hell, probably bigger. 
I hesitated, thinking we should get our clothes. In that split second, I saw its pinchers spread wide. “Jesus Christ!” I screamed and tried to run for the road. Suddenly, its mouth was moving closer to me. Stretched out on something like a long arm, it grabbed my bike up in its teeth. It yanked my bike free from my hands and I fell on my ass. The bike squealed as the monster crushed its frame between its teeth and then tossed it off into the water. 
“Come on!” Roy said, tugging at me. The thing got still, taking aim at us. Roy did the only thing he could think of, I guess, and threw his bike at it too. It grabbed hold of it and didn’t waste any time trying to eat his. 
We were running down the road, our bare feet slapping the dirt. The thing started chasing us, dripping buckets of water off its body. Something like sobbing came out of the creature, as it called out to us. I picked up the pace, but Roy was starting to wobble, getting woozy from losing blood. I stepped in front of him and had him hold around my neck. I pulled him up onto my back and I ran as fast as I could. The blood from his shoulder ran down onto my mine and he started to whimper, asking for his momma. 
We came out of the woods, up to the new bridge. The asphalt scalding my feet, I ran out onto the blacktop. A old pick up truck was hiccuping its way down the road straight towards us. The truck started to honk as the monster came up onto the road. I fell back as its mouth shot out again, getting a hold of my stomach. It was like hot fire as them teeth cut in and took a chunk of me.
The thing was too focused on getting us, I reckon. That pick up truck plowed into that thing and sent it flying out onto the bridge. The old man driving the truck climbed out and pulled the shotgun from its rack in the back window. From the weeds in the ditch, I watched as he hobbled up to it. It cried and cried. 
I still swear it tried to say something. I’m not sure what, mind you. But that old man didn’t give it the chance, and I can’t say as I blame him. The gun went off and echoed out through the trees and fields, sending birds flowing up and out into the sky. I heard the shotgun pumped and then another blast rang out.
I did my best to hold my hand against Roy’s shoulder and the other against my belly. The bug, or whatever it was, had taken a plug out of us both. I couldn’t stop crying. More for Roy than for me. The doctors said I was in shock, which isn’t a surprise. I yelled for the old man and he came. He patted me on the shoulder and said it would all be okay. We loaded Roy into the bed of his truck and I rode back there with him. 
There was a tiny bit of a scandal when we first showed up to the hospital. Two near-naked boys covered in blood hobbling through the front doors, me yelling about a bug almost as big as me. The police came and I told them what happened. Roy had lost so much blood they weren’t sure if he was going to make it. But he did, the lanky possum he was. 
By the time police got to the bridge, whatever it was was gone. The only thing left was a pool of red blood going brown. They didn’t believe it was an alien or a bug, or the embodiment of Emily Jones and her drowned babies. But they posted signs all the same, warning people not to swim there. Memaw nursed me back to health, and though she would never say “I told you so,” I could feel it in the grins she’d give me when I winced at the rubbing alcohol. When school started back, we had the scars to back up our story. Roy and me were a little braver in our version of the tall tale, but we didn’t think that would hurt nothing.
From what I can tell, kids still tell the story of Emily Jones and how she became a demon that ate some stupid boys alive one time. I figure it’s better for them to be afraid than to find out themselves.
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kingsuckjin · 4 years
Company Policy -JJK
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- Pairing: coworker Jungkook x reader
- Genre: established relationship? Sort of
- Rating:18+
- Words: 5k
- Summary: Eight months. Eight months you have regretted breaking off being fuck buddies with your hot coworker. You were so afraid of being caught with him but now that you’ve had time to think, would it really be so bad as long as you could have him all to yourself again? Does he even like you anymore? Has he moved on? All you know is it’s been eight months since you’ve had sex, he’s been all you could think about. Now he’s looking pretty hot at this office party.
- Warnings: pining, explicit content, public sex, they fuck on a coworker’s desk, public sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, heavy dirty talk, brief mention of oral sex and a ton of other past sexual acts like thigh riding and hair pulling, kind of jealous tattooed kook, not voyurism but someone else is there at some point, and finally a dash of fluff.
- A/n: This post is a commission for the ARMY for AAPI Justice and Advocacy Event. Please click >here< to find more resources and consider donating to the cause! Thank you so incredibly much to the donor @lcksndkys​ for donating and commissioning this, you are an absolute angel, I hope you know that. I might’ve gotten a bit carried away and wrote a few thousand more words than planned, but you deserve it. 
“Morning.” Was the greeting between you and Jungkook every morning when you stepped into the elevator, coffee in hand.
That was it, that was all you ever said to each other anymore. His smell always floated around the confined space making your mind flashback to what once was before you quickly pushed it away from your brain.
Neither of you ever said anything about it, it was like it had never even happened and sometimes you wonder if it even had or if your brain had made up everything that had happened eight months ago from your frequent dirty thoughts of your coworker. It felt like a lifetime ago. The familiarity of him, his smell, his smile, his voice along with the cold distance, avoidance to even look at you, and the constant wonder of him having someone else made you a little sick at your stomach.
You had decided to break things off… as if either of you were any more than fuck buddies. You knew that if anyone at work had ever found out about the two of you, you’d most likely both be fired. No banging other employees was a pretty strict policy there and you remembered the two nice ladies that were fired last year for it, you remembered it because your boss had made such an example of it.
You had been more than paranoid when you and Jungkook were boning for a whole month, you both had been so secretive even going as far as to have each other park down the street from your houses when the other came over. It didn’t help that you lived with your sister and didn’t want her to know you were sneaking someone in the house and screwing them. It also didn’t help that his roommate worked there too and didn’t get along at times. It didn’t seem like all the effort to sneak around was worth it at the time, but now you felt like you had a mistake.
As you took your seat behind the reception desk and began to put away your things for the morning, you just kept stealing glimpses of him doing the same at his cubicle. Every morning he would put his black messenger bag under his desk, turn on his computer, and roll the sleeves of his white button-up shirt up to reveal one very tattooed arm. His wavy hair was usually put back into a half ponytail for professionalism and probably so he could see, but there were always strands that managed to escape his hair elastic throughout the day. It was painful mentally at times having a view of him but trying not to look, it was painful knowing he wouldn’t look back at you anymore. You could still feel what it was like when he had glanced at you and smiled at you, your heart sped up at just the thought. 
“Ugh why are you always here so early, you leave before I even wake up.” his roommate,Jimin, had walked in, looking great as usual but a bit tired in the face. He was lingering around Jungkook’s desk with his things still in hand.
“I like to be prepared, unlike you.” Jungkook joked back with a smile but you knew it was just more than a joke, Jungkook really didn't care for Jimin, he was a bit too spiteful towards him sometimes.
He had always come in early, you both were typically the first ones here besides the janitor. You had to be, your boss liked you here nice and early to greet everyone as they walked in.
“You coming to the thing tonight? The boss is letting us have booze.” Jimin asked him.
You felt like you really shouldn’t be paying attention to the conversation so you went back to sipping your coffee and getting ready to start the day.
It nearly scared you to death as you rummaged through your bag under the desk for your chapstick. Your body jolted up to see Jimin leaning one arm on the reception counter.
“What?” you asked in confusion, wondering what he was now doing hanging around you with such a sly smirk.
“Well good morning to you too. Are you going to the party tonight? Boss is having a thing to celebrate meeting our yearly product sales goal.”
“I… haven’t thought about it, why?” you were honest, it didn’t mean anything to you.
“I know we have this policy, but you should think about going with me.” he gave you a wink that made you raise your eyebrows in surprise. “We could come here and have a few drinks and a good time, then we could go back to my place and-”
“How about we don’t? We could just not do that.” you gave him a very fake smile.
Sudden loud coughing erupted through the room making you both look over at the source.
Jungkook was doubled over with his coffee still in his hand.
“You good?” Jimin asked him casually and Jungkook gave a thumbs up to show he was fine, even though his big eyes were slightly teary before holding up his coffee cup to signify he had strangled on his coffee.
“Anyway, if you’re worried about someone saying something about us, you could just come separately and we could just see what happens…”
“I’m not worried because there is no us, Jimin. I’ll come, but let’s not see what happens, and let’s not even speak.” 
“Your loss. At least I’ll have Jungkook there with me.” Jimin responded along with a shrug to your savage words before walking away.
You looked over to Jungkook to make sure he hadn’t died because he was no longer choking, you just wanted to make sure he was still breathing but your eyes were met with his. He was giving you this gaze before he raised his eyebrows at you with a slight momentary smirk, it all only lasted less than a split second before he adjusted his black tie and turned back around to face his desk. 
How could he be so casual with a look like that at you? How could he be so casual with everything that had happened between you? You had no idea what that look was about but it had your brain so frazzled. It could’ve been nothing, but it was the most interaction you’ve had with him in so long, all it had done was remind you how starved for him you were.
You looked down at your desk feeling your face get a little warm.
Images of that very shirt he was wearing right now, being unbuttoned rapidly with those tattooed fingers in some dark, sketchy hotel room ran through your mind. 
“I wish you knew how much I’d go through to be this close to you, to be inside of you.” The memory of his words and hushed voice into your skin gave you goosebumps.
The same man who had said that now sat right over there, not even having tried to flirt with you in the past eight months as you sat here and wondered why you do this to yourself. 
Did he still feel that way or had he just meant it at the moment? There were plenty at the moment things that he had said that would flood into your mind just to hurt you when you saw him.
You glanced at him throughout the day as you often did.
You avoided each other on your lunch break, stepping around each other to get to the vending machines in the break room.
You ate at your desk alone while he ate with Jimin in the break room.
Things were the same as they had been, the look he had given you earlier meant nothing, maybe nothing that had happened in the past meant nothing to him too.
Maybe it was all just fun like you both had planned for it to be, if so, why were you still so stuck on it? Why were you stuck on him? You told yourself it was just because he was attractive, the most gorgeous man in the office, but there were just these little things about him you couldn’t get over. The way he stretched and grunted in the morning, you knew the way he liked his coffee, you knew his parents’ names. You had both shared so much of your lives for an entire month almost constantly until you ripped it away from yourself so stupidly. You had both agreed to delete each other’s numbers, but the truth was, you still kept his name in your phone with little hearts by his name. You needed this to end, you needed to stop being so hung up on him because he wasn’t with you. You decided to go to this thing tonight and at least hope for some answers, if you failed to get any you would do your best to stop thinking about him.
You had talked yourself out of this more than five times already, but you had gotten dressed and ready and made the drive over.
You now sat in the office parking lot just picking lint off of your black dress, not looking forward to how awkward this might be. In your years of working there, you had mostly just kept to yourself… until the thing with Jungkook happened.
“Are you nervous? You look nervous” he gave you a little smile from across the table from the coffee shop. He had asked you to get coffee after work and he could see right through you
“A little.” You had admitted.
“Don’t be shy, it’s just me. It’s just Jungkook, we work together every day.”
“Don’t be nervous.” You found yourself saying out loud to yourself as you gazed out your windshield at the building. “I shouldn’t be. I work with him every day and nothings going to happen anyway.” You hurt yourself a little with the last part. You put a lot more care into how you looked tonight than you wanted to admit.
“It’s just a stupid office party,” you grumbled to yourself before unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out of the car, if it was horrible or boring then you could just go home.
You didn’t know what you had expected, but it wasn’t this. You had followed the signs to the floor that had held a large meeting room, but it didn’t look like a meeting room now.
It was just a room full of people with a snack table and alcohol. The room was dimmed but there were some cheap party effects lighting things happening. People were laughing and talking over some pop music that wasn’t eardrum-bustlingly loud but you still had to strain to hear over. You spotted a lot of coworkers you saw every day, more that you didn’t know from different departments though. You kind of just went and stood by a wall with your eyes searching faces, not stopping too long on any just in case they might think you were staring at them. Before you had left you wondered if you had been too dressed up, but now you were glad for your little black dress as you saw what the others were wearing. Everyone looked so nice and not at all what you were used to them wearing. 
While your eyes were going over who was talking to who, you found him.
In the corner of the room on the opposite end, talking to some girl you had only seen a handful of times. She was touching her hair and smiling at him. He looked so dressed down in his ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt. His tattoos were freed as you had always liked seeing and his hair wasn’t being held back. You had seen him like this multiple times, but had anyone else? He had always looked so good like this, so himself. 
Just seeing his hair down reminded you of all the times you had grabbed at it while moaning his name. Seeing him in those black ripped jeans reminded you of all the times he has made you ride his chiseled, hard thighs until you came multiple times. 
You felt like you had been kicked in the heart as your brain went back to the present moment and saw her placing a hand on his shoulder.
He laughed at something she had said but took a step back out of her grasp smoothly before giving her a small wave. A few more words were exchanged before she apprehensively walked away from him, heaving him alone to stand at the wall on the other side of the room.
Your eyes darted away from him and over to the snack and drink table, you weren’t planning on getting any, but you wanted to make it look that way.
You felt nervous, he looked good and at least one other person had noticed. You told yourself that the lady who had just spoken to him didn’t know him as you did, she probably just saw a hot guy dressed in black with tattoos… just like you had when you both had started whatever happened. He was more than all of that, to you especially now after you had a lot of time to think about it all.
Although you didn’t want your eyes to, they had darted to him for a split second to see he had his phone out… until he looked up from it at you.
He had seen you, he had seen you looking at him from across the room, but he didn’t react. Instead, his eyes went back down to his phone, and yours went back to the table.
Your phone buzzed in your bag and you decided to fish it out thinking it could help you look busy.
“Hey, it’s Jungkook. I see you :)”
Your heart nearly jumped out of your mouth as you read the text. 
He hadn’t deleted your number just like you hadn’t his.
You felt his eyes watching you but you didn’t look up. He was waiting for your reply, but you just stood there dumbfounded that he had just sent you a text from across the room.
“I know.” you had nervously typed different versions of this reply over and over only to erase each time before settling on the most simple reply.
“You look good.” it had taken him no time to reply in comparison to you. You stood there in shock and lost as to what to say to him. You were taking too long because he sent a second text.
“I know that dress. I remember it.”
You had been hoping he would. You had worn this dress on the first night you both had ever done anything. You made out in his car after your coffee date. He had just kept telling you how pretty you looked even with his hand in your underwear. It was hard to resist him from even the first date, you had no idea how you had made it eight months now.
“You look nice too, you always have.” You typed and sent it quickly before you could change your mind.
You watched him run his inked fingers through his hair as he read the text. You could swear you saw a flash of a smile on his face before his thumbs went to work on his phone.
“I miss you.” Popped up on your screen.
Part of you felt like crying a little. You felt his eyes on you once again and you looked up away from your phone to see that your feeling had been correct. You were sure your mouth was open as you locked eyes from across the room. Your phone vibrated again in your hand.
“We should talk.”
“Hey, gorgeous!” Jimin stepped in front of you making you lock your phone. “I know you said let’s not talk but-“
“Then why are you talking to me?”
“How could I not? You’re the prettiest one here.” He smirked but you could smell the alcohol on his breath. You couldn’t help the roll of your eyes.
“Oh hey! I’ve been looking for you!” Jungkook now walked up with a smile at you. “You found her for me and didn’t even know I was looking, thanks, man.” Jungkook seemed to be thanking an equally confused as you Jimin.
“Sorry to bother you about work stuff at a party, but I forgot to earlier. I need the contact info to a client I’ve been working on to sell more products to. It’s wild, it’s like I went to the bathroom one day and the info to this big buyer just kinda… disappeared I guess. So weird, almost like someone has it out for me.” Jungkook gave the fakest joking laugh you had ever seen and Jimin looked a bit wide-eyed. “Anyway, You’re the receptionist so I know you have the contact info for everyone anyway so I was wondering if you could maybe help me out and get it for me? It’s kind of really important and I need it ASAP. Already asked the boss and he said it was cool.” 
Jimin had just kind of slinked off silently, but you knew what Jungkook was doing.
“Yeah, Uh of course.” You nodded.
He tilted his head in the direction of the door before you followed him out.
He led you towards the elevator in absolute silence and even as he pushed the button for the floor you both worked on he said nothing.
You were beginning to think he was wanting your help. And then you thought about it more in the silent ride and you felt so stupid. Of course he was wanting your help, he had never said he actually didn’t, not even when Jimin had walked away.
“I can’t believe that asshole sabotaged me like that. My roommate sabotaged my sale.” He mumbled before scoffing as the elevator door opened.
“I-I’ll help.” You said but he passed right by your desk.
“I’m glad you said that.” He replied as he walked over to Jimin’s cubicle.
“What are we doing?” You finally asked.
“Depends…” he raised an eyebrow as he looked back at you. “What do you want me to do?” 
You swallowed the lump of nervousness in your throat to speak as you looked into his mischievous-looking dark eyes.
“Whatever you want I guess.”
He lifted you in almost an instant and sat you on Jimin’s desk.
“You know he’s always liked you, right? He would tell on us if he ever found out. You were willing to risk it, right here right now?” He dared.
Instead of speaking you grabbed a fist full of his t-shirt and tugged him down until his lips met yours.
God did you want it. You have wanted for eight long months. You were willing to risk everything after so long without his lips on yours.
You were still nervous but his kiss brought it all back for you and how natural it felt.
“Fuck me.” You pleaded against his lips.
“You need it? Tell me you need it.” His lips moved to your neck as he ran a hand through the back of your hair.
“Ah, fuck I need it. I haven’t fucked anyone since you.” It slipped out of your mouth and got a second your body went rigid.
“Me neither.” He nipped at your neck.
The second thing he had done tonight that had stunned you.
“Wait.” You stopped him and he backed up to look at you.
“I missed you too. Not just… not just this, I missed you. I don’t know if you feel the same but-“
“What did you think I meant by I missed you? I didn’t just mean the sex or your body. I meant you as a person.” 
“I-why didn’t you just say?” You wondered out loud. 
He dropped to the floor on his knees between your legs.
“Cause you dumped me.” He let out a snort “you told me to delete your number, which surprise, I didn’t. You wouldn’t look at me. Plus this went two ways you know. You didn’t contact me either.” He stated as he looked up at you while ghosting his fingers over the skin of your thighs as he spoke.
“I dumped you?” You were surprised by this news. You know neither of you had had the relationship talk before.
“I mean, I like to think we were together.”
“Then we should be again,” you decided. You were tired of wanting him and not having him and something told you that he felt the same.
“I think so too,” he whispered, inching his lips closer and closer to yours before smashing into them.
His hands squeezed at the meat of your thighs before trailing them up the sides, up under your skirt, and hooking them in your panties. Your tongues whipped together in each other’s mouths. You managed to move so that he could get your panties down, but he only pulled them to your knees. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to the edge of the table, so close you thought you might fall off if he wasn’t right there between your legs. 
His fingers now slowly ran from your inner thighs to your folds. As soon as he touched you, you unlocked your lips from his and let out a shaky breathed whine.
“I can tell you missed me. You're so wet for me,” he whispered so quietly just for you to hear even though no one else was in the room.
You did your best to stay quiet as his fingers teasingly and slowly ran over your clit and back down to your cunt.
He lifted his slick fingers to his mouth and you watched with a slightly open mouth as he let them slide past his lips and then out of his mouth altogether, coming out more glossy from his spit.
“I missed the way you taste”
His even more wet fingers that now teased at your pussy were making you want to grab his hand and force it to do something more. You were practically shaking under even the slightest of his touches. You were nervous for someone to walk in at any given moment and all he was doing was drawing things out and letting his fingers kill precious time playing in your folds.
“I'd love to make you cum right now with my mouth” he pressed a kiss onto your neck where his face had been camping out while his fingers tortured you. “But I know how that makes you scream and we have to be very…” another kiss to your neck “very” his fingers finally slowly slipped into your cunt “very quiet.” his whispers tapered off to quieter and quieter, so much so that your shaking breaths felt loud between the both of you.
You were doing your best not to break out into full-blown moans so that maybe if someone walked in you could play it off as just talking or something else, as long as no one heard your moans on the way up the both of you could have time to look normal. 
His fingers curled inside of you with his palm grinding down onto your clit slowly.
“Oh God.” you breathed not knowing how you were supposed to survive this. He was all you wanted for months upon months and now that you had him here, tattooed hand knuckle deep in your pussy, his lips on your skin saying nothing but filth, you felt like you couldn't even let go as much as you wanted to, but you were trying.
His hand sped up its movements as you could feel how hard he was now in his jeans against the inside of your thigh.
Your lips squeezed together but it couldn’t stop the small whimpers he forced out of you. You could hear him breathing in your ear along with the wet sounds of your pussy. You were close but so scared. Doing this out in the open was such a thrill but it also made you paranoid. 
“Cum for me. I hear the way you’re whining, you’re so close I know it. Just cum for me. Cum around my fingers, no one will know.” 
You couldn’t stop it now.
You grabbed a hold of his shirt and forced his chest harder against yours, you wanted him closer, impossibly close as you came undone, clenching around his fingers rhythmically as each wave of pleasure pulsed through your body. 
He let out a little moan at the sound and feel of you coming. 
“I missed that too.” He whispered to himself before pulling his fingers out of you slowly.
He reached between you and you felt him quickly yet nervously fiddling with his button and zipper with his hand that wasn’t soaked in your wetness.
He made a show about taking his thick, veiny cock out of his pants and rubbing your juices from his hand over it. 
In seconds he was back in your ear.
“Can I fuck your brains out?” The whisper was soft, his voice was sweet but the words themselves were as hard as his dick he still stroked in his hand.
“You're always allowed brains out.” You whispered back “just do it.” 
You felt his head run over your folds teasingly as he continued to play with you and himself.
“Do you still think about me fucking your brains out?” He asked. You could hear how much wetness had spread from you to his cock with each pump of his hand.
“Every time I need to get off.” You admitted. “So give it to me so I don’t have to keep wishing anymore.” 
He pushed into you slowly, letting out a deep sigh and throwing his head back for a moment so you could see his perfectly sculpted throat.
You missed how full he made you feel while he was inside of you. 
He pulled out almost entirely, the head of his cock was the only thing left inside of you, pushing on your g-spot before the thrust back in hard. This was the way he fucked, pulling out almost entirely so his head hit where you needed it. You had experienced guys that just flopped around, but he knew you, he knew your body, he paid attention, he had a very special handcrafted way to get you off over and over until you were shaking.
One of his hands grabbed your hip while the other went to your clit to play with using his thumb.
“You miss this, baby?” You miss my dick between your legs?” His lips brushed with your parted and panting ones as he spoke.
You let out a whimper as you focused on your second orgasm, his hips were not letting up and neither was his lips that whispered pure filth.
“Want me to cum inside of you, make you not want to forget me and who you belong to? Right here on Jimin's desk.” 
Your eyes squeezed shut and you clutched at the fabric of his shirt as you were once again thrown into pure pleasure.
You couldn’t help it this time. The way he touched you, the way he felt inside of you, his grunts and words were all too much.
“Please, fucking cum inside of me, I want it all fuck you feel so good.” You cried out way too loudly. 
“Oh my god, fuck.” He breathed through pants as his hips pounded into yours. You felt him release inside of you. Your walls clenched around him upon hearing his long deep guttural moan. 
“I haven’t cum like that in…” he panted before letting out a little chortle of laughter “well in eight months.” 
“So,” there was a loud voice in the room making your heads turn and your stomach’s sink. “You fucked on my desk.” Jimin looked beyond angry as he sat in an office chair across the room with his phone in his hand, pointing it at the both of you. You had no idea when or how he had come in, but you knew you were both beyond physically fucked.
Jungkook had already scrambled to pull out of you and zip his pants back up as you jumped off the desk, pulled your underwear up, and smoothed out your dress.
“That's fine, I have you both on video. I really liked you y/n. Jungkook, Looks like I’m moving out.” he stood from the chair and headed towards the direction of the elevator. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to speak to our boss about this. He probably won't be too happy to see you two are breaking company policy.” 
“Fuck company policy and fuck you! You were an awful friend, roommate and you've always been jealous of me!” Jungkook yelled at him back.
“Not anymore, jobless.” Jimin turned back to give Jungkook a smirk before he stepped into the elevator.
With that, you were both just left there.
“I… I am so so sorry…” Jungkook began apologetically and just as stunned as you were.
“Don’t be, we’re too good for this job anyway, we can find new ones. It looks like you need a new roommate now though.” 
You watched his face as a small smile grew on it.
“Yeah, looking for someone prettier and nicer, maybe someone willing to be my girlfriend? I don't know though, I don’t want to make too many demands.” 
“Well I could meet all of those demands.” you played along. “We won't have to sneak around anymore.”
“Yes, please, yes. I uh- don't want to ruin the cute moment, but I think we should get out of here before Jimin brings the boss up.”
“Oh fuck, right. Uhh, we should probably just never come back too. Let’s just grab our stuff from our desks and make a run for it.”
“Let's go. You know, this is simultaneously the best, worst, most exciting, and most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me,” he said and you couldn't help but laugh and agree.
Maybe the both of you had made a big mistake, but perhaps there could be good that came from it. You had him back and honestly you didn’t feel too bad about trading your dumb job with its dumb company policy for him.
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Have you considered writing a "Truth" fix-it with Marinette admitting her secret to Luka? Maybe he could be a confidant like Marianne was for Fu.
Truth was having a terrible, awful, rotten, very bad day. If he could use his powers on the universe, he would've asked what he did to deserve this kind of treatment.
It started with his girlfriend keeping a secret from him concerning her ditching their dates, then escalated to Jagged Stone - who'd been his idol for years - turning out to be the father who abandoned him, and now he was fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir in Marinette's room after he’d been told by multiple people that Marinette’s supposed “secret” was that she was in love with Adrien, as if he hadn’t already known that and they just wanted to mock him.
His civilian self had never been never someone to presume, but now it's all he could do. Marinette must've ditched him because she didn't really love him, Jagged probably never even felt bad about abandoning him, and despite Adrien never even trying to win Marinette's heart, he was just better than Luka in every way, because the rich model with all the connections Marinette could ever want would always outmatch the "guitar boy" who worked a part-time job, lived on a houseboat, and had parents who either kept secrets from him or flat-out didn't want him.
Had it not been for his akumatization working to drive him towards a goal without interference, he would've cried. He wanted nothing more than to wake up and think the whole thing was just a bad nightmare, with dating Marinette just being brief highlights of it that kept getting shot down with a reminder that he wasn't good enough.
He wanted it all to be over.
Chat Noir was still trying to banter with him, but Truth wasn't having it. While going after Ladybug first wasn't ideal, as she was the smarter out of the two, it was easier to get rid of Chat Noir and deal with the heroes one at a time.
Thus, when Ladybug had run across the room to use her Lucky Charm, Truth acted. He managed to grab Chat Noir and throw him into the chest that Ladybug had been hiding in before, then locked it tight to prevent Chat from escaping. That done, he went after Ladybug, who was stunned but nevertheless prepared to fight. Chat Noir being out of the picture didn't impact her ability to fight, but Truth had Pharo on his side to knock Ladybug around when it was too hard to get a spotlight on her.
Finally, he managed to tackle her, her lying on her back and him pinning her arms down. The chest nearby rattled in protest, but Pharo shined its spotlight on it, preventing it from moving anymore.
Truth watched as Ladybug looked around for a method of escape, but she came up empty. Her eyes widened in the realization that... this was it. This was the end.
"Now," Truth said, clamping down harder on her arms as he leaned down, "tell me the truth!"
Ladybug tried to shut her lips tight, but he could see her struggling, her body shaking as she tried to free her arms to stop herself. It was only a matter of time.
Then, her mouth opened, and out came the words, "I love you, Luka!"
He froze, his fingers twitching in his confusion while he could only stare down at her in shock.
"And I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for everything! I wanted to tell you - I always wanted you to know - but I couldn't, and you deserve so much better than a hero who can't give you the time you deserve!"
A cold realization washed over him in form of a shudder. Those words could've been interpreted in so many ways, but he was the only one who registered their real meaning: that Marinette was Ladybug, her "ditching" had been her needing to fight akuma, her keeping secrets had been out of a desire to protect him, and he—
...He had only caused her more problems by getting akumatized, being no better than all those that had interrupted their dates. She loved him, and he gave into Shadow Moth to go against her.
Ladybug continued rambling, oblivious to his internal crisis, "You're incredible, and I just love you so much. I knew you were special from the day we met, when you called me—"
Truth clamped his hand over her mouth, preventing her from spilling any more secrets. He could feel Shadow Moth's influence in his mind, demanding that he remove his hand, but Truth ignored it, just as he'd been ignoring so many of his commands. The energy from akumatization that once made him feel powerful now made him feel disgusted with himself, guilt swirling in his gut and making him regret everything.
He reached up with his other hand, grabbing at his necklace and tearing it off. Ladybug's brows rose at the crunching of his akumatized object, and the last things he saw were the akuma flying free and Ladybug's expression turning to something...
Marinette de-transformed in a nearby alleyway and headed down towards the Seine, having not yet processed all of her feelings from that day. She had a little time left, given that Luka had quietly asked to walk back home himself, but she’d gotten no closer to clearing her mind since leaving her house. She was still a jumbled mess of "what if"s and "but maybe"s, and ultimately knew that it was going to be a matter of essentially winging it and just saying everything that she had on her mind.
As she approached the Liberty to wait for Luka, she paused as she noticed another figure already standing there. After all, Jagged Stone wasn't exactly someone you could not notice.
Before she could debate on whether to approach him, Jagged seemed to sense her and glanced over to make eye contact. She stiffened, only able to wave awkwardly and pretend like she didn't know why he'd be there.
"Hey, frockstar," Jagged greeted tiredly, his smile not quite reaching its usual lengths. "What are you doing here?"
"Um..." She walked over, standing next to him and staring in the direction where Luka was going to come from. "I need to talk to my boyfriend."
"Ah." It took a few seconds for the words to actually register with him, at which point Jagged turned to her, mouth agape as he grabbed her shoulders. "My son's your boyfriend?!"
She didn't quite have the energy to feign total surprise at the “son” comment, but she didn't have to. Jagged immediately pulled back without really looking at her, regaining his composure just as quickly as he'd lost it.
"You... wouldn't happen to be able to put in a good word for me, hm?" He grinned sheepishly, jabbing at Marinette with a hopeful elbow. "Haven't exactly figured out what I'm gonna say yet."
She was torn between being upset with him on Luka’s behalf and feigning sympathy because it was not only none of her business, but she was in a similar boat and felt like she had no right to judge.
She went with the latter, smiling weakly and jabbing him back. "That makes two of us." Then, she frowned as her nerves came back. "And... anyway, I don't know if he'll want to keep being my boyfriend after tonight."
For once, Jagged didn't pry or ask questions, the atmosphere probably felt even by him. They just stood there, waiting.
After a few minutes, Luka finally walked into view, staring at the ground and seeming defeated. Marinette felt ill at the sight, her fingers clutching at the fabric of her capris to find a sense of stability.
Should she approach him? Let Jagged go first? Or, maybe that would seem evasive, so—
She felt a pat on her shoulder, looking up at see Jagged urging her forward with his eyes. She wasn't sure if she should be grateful or consider him to be the evasive one, but Luka's akumatization was also mostly because of her and thus it only made sense for her to go first.
She ran the distance to get to him, Luka glancing up at the sound of her footsteps and stopping as she got to him. The usual light in his eyes wasn't there, and she had to force herself to even say a simple, "Um... hi."
"Hey." He hesitated, then rubbed the back of his head. "I'm really sorry, Marinette."
"I got akumatized, and I was in your room when I woke up." His brows furrowed with uncharacteristic anxiety. "I didn't have to hear the song to know what the notes were. I must've gone after you."
Marinette blinked, having not even thought about him feeling guilty over the whole thing. She shook her head, reassuring, "No no! I mean—you told me to run! You didn't go after me, not really!"
She wasn't technically lying; he never sought her out to her knowledge, and even as Ladybug, she'd always had to chase him.
Luka sighed in relief, though his expression didn't change much. "I'm glad."
He met her gaze again. She yearned for the way he used to look at her like he wanted to get lost in her forever, but his eyes soon darted elsewhere as he noticed Jagged Stone standing not too far away.
Marinette tried not to get discouraged, stepping back into his vision and waving her hands to try and divert his attention. "Ah—don't worry about that! Look—" She paused, needing a moment to breathe, then lowered her hands and shifted to seriousness. "Can we talk? And walk? It's... really important."
She couldn't imagine the conclusions he must've been coming to in his head, partly because he didn't voice any of them. His eyes merely searched hers, seeking nothing in particular.
"Sure, Marinette," he agreed.
She managed a smile, happy that she made it this far at least. She reached out to take his hand, but stopped herself at the last second and simply walked past him, Luka taking one look back at Jagged before following after her.
The walk was tense and quiet, the only sounds coming from the evening ambiance and their footsteps. The uncertainty of it all gave her anxiety, but she'd been sure of that uncertainty since she first decided to talk to him about this.
Because, whatever the future of their relationship was, it would be in his hands.
As they arrived at her intended destination, Marinette heard Luka briefly stop behind her, perhaps processing where she just took them. It was the Canal Saint-Martin, also known as the place where they'd first agreed to date, and now it was potentially the place where they'd break up as well. Marinette vaguely pondered if that would be for the best, like the memories would just cancel each other out and Luka could forget about it altogether if he wanted to.
Nevertheless, she walked over, glancing at the bridge for reference and sitting in roughly the same place she’d been all that time ago. She then tossed Luka a hopeful look, and he walked over to sit next to her.
Steeling herself up, Marinette took a breath, inhaling until she couldn't take in any more oxygen and then exhaling for just as long. At least a little more emotionally prepared than she was before, she finally spoke up.
"I...I'm sorry, Luka. I'm sorry that I got you akumatized—" She saw that he was about to interject and cut him off. "—and I know you don't blame me, but it doesn't matter—I mean—it does matter, but I'm still sorry anyway, okay? You had a right to be hurt and maybe if I'd explained myself better, then things would’ve been different."
He still seemed to want to argue, but was holding himself back so she could continue, which she appreciated.
"It's not that I didn't trust you. If anything, I—I trust you more than anyone else. You've never betrayed me and I know you'd never tell anyone if I told you my secret. You understand me even when I'm being the disaster that everyone laughs at - everyone but you - and..."
She sighed, pulling out her phone and navigating to her text conversation with him. Mentally wincing, she tapped on the photo of her Adrien wall that Ziggy had sent, then presented it to him. He leaned in to make sure of what it was, then looked back at her, clearly not understanding where she was going but knowing it wasn't her being spiteful or rubbing it in.
She said as much, "You don't assume anything, like when you got sent this dumb picture. I know it was obvious that it was an accident, but you didn’t have to go with it and you did. I wouldn't have blamed you if you got mad, but you didn't. Whenever I'm stammering and being an idiot because I'm scared or nervous, you don't judge me for it or think that whatever comes out is what I actually mean. That's so important to me, Luka, you have no idea."
She settled the phone between them and kept the picture on-screen. Her gaze flickered down to it, silently encouraging him to look at it too, then glanced back up at him.
"How much do you know about fashion?"
He tilted his head, thrown off by the sudden question, but answered anyway, "Only what my sister's ever talked about."
"Do you know why fashion trends die so quickly?" When he shook his head, she explained, "Part of it is the over-exposure. When people hear about what's in at the time, suddenly everyone starts wearing whatever it is, so everywhere you look, you see it, and then people get tired of it."
There was a flicker of understanding in his eyes, Luka looking back-and-forth between her and the phone like he was piecing a puzzle together.
She confirmed it for him, "That's why I have so many. I don't feel that way about him anymore - I don't think I ever did - but I just don't know how to act around him. I hate how the whole idolizing thing took over my life and I already tried everything else, so I figured this might work." She groaned. "And of course it blew up on me and you got sent that without any context. Of course."
He gave a look of concern at the exasperation in her tone, but she tried to ignore it, not wanting his sympathy.
"My point is..." She gestured vaguely at the phone. "I stammer about him, but it's not because I'm in love with him, it's because I've never really been his friend and I don't know how to do it. I'm not dedicated to him and I'm getting better at not doing the stuff I used to."
His eyes flickered again and she wondered if he was thinking about that day on the Liberty where she was late to Kitty Section playing, where she ignored Adrien entirely. Just for emphasis, she tapped her phone and deleted the picture, adding on, "I'm only dedicated to you, Luka. I—"
She shifted in place, hitting the wall behind her feet a few times with her heels to ease off the anxiousness. It was so much easier when she’d been Ladybug, though granted that she was under the influence of Truth's spell at the time. She and Luka were dating, yet she was sure he'd ask her to end it, making putting herself out there all the scarier.
"I..." She met his gaze. "I love you." He gaped at the confession and she continued on, "I love you like I haven't loved anyone else before; definitely not Adrien. It's the kind of love that actually makes me happy, and comfortable, and my life is better with you in it."
She bit her bottom lip, hands curling into fists at the tight feeling in her chest. She turned, placing one hand on the ground as she began to push herself up, her other hand landing on Luka's shoulder to wordlessly insist that he didn't have to stand with her, so his gaze merely followed her as she moved.
"But that's the thing." She took a few steps away, back turned to him as she stared up at the sky. Her stomach twisted itself in knots at the words in her throat, but she nonetheless admitted, "I don't think it's mutual."
Luka's voice took on a sharp, offended tone. "Marinette—"
She spun to face him, cutting him off, "—and I know that you're going to say something sweet and heartfelt about how everyone has a place in your life and then something about how bad notes can still make good songs, but... Luka, you don't understand."
She turned away from him again, this time pacing as she counted off events. "Bullies and liars target me, and sometimes that means going after people I care about. I'm clumsy and a stuttering mess and you wouldn't believe the mistakes I made that I couldn't have even seen coming. It seems like I draw bad luck wherever I go; I mean, your mother is one of the most chaotic people I can think of, so you'd think she'd get akumatized a bunch, but it was only the day I showed up that she did. Even the other boys who only loved me for a little bit either got akumatized over it or became an anxious mess until they found out who they actually liked, and that last one would've at least been really useful to think about if I'd just made the connection back then, but I didn't!" She paused, then met his eyes with a pained expression. "And then there's you."
"What do you mean?"
She stopped in place, not knowing whether to be touched or not by the fact that he either hadn't noticed or was pretending not to. Throwing her arms out, she explained, "Things go bad whenever we hang out! I already mentioned your mom, but then there was the ice rink; even without me getting distracted when all you were trying to do was make me feel better, there was an akuma and you probably got frozen solid by him. When we were hanging out on the Liberty, Adrien just happened to show up on that day with Kagami to turn me into a mess, and then Desperada came to make everything worse."
Marinette couldn't remember when she'd started thinking about such things or feeling guilty for everything that ever happened. There was just a point where it felt like she was always apologizing for something, no matter how small it was, and stuff being her fault became par for the course by then.
"Then, both times you got akumatized, it was because of me—and I know you don't blame me, but I'm always involved! You were ready to leave the TV station, but because I tried to put up a fight, Bob Roth threatened me and that was your last straw. Today was the same thing; you were already upset about what happened with your dad and then it was me who sent you over the edge!" She shut her eyes tight, the memories painful to relive. "You're always putting up with me, Luka. You put up with me crying all over you and even dropped your guitar for it, and then you had to protect me from Miracle Queen's mind control! I'm supposed to protect you!"
He recoiled at the volume of her voice, then furrowed his brows, his eyes darting back and forth as he seemed to process something particular about what she said.
"I'm supposed to make you happy, and I can't. Out of all the people in Paris who should be able to keep you from getting akumatized, it should be me, and all I've done is hurt you. You're the calmest person I've ever known and then I came along and gave you feelings you didn't ask for. Sometimes—" She shook, choking briefly on the words. "Sometimes I wonder if it would've been better for you if you never met me."
Luka's gaze sharpened. He didn't reply, but turned fully to her, pushing himself up as if to approach.
However, she stepped back, his look then flashing to hurt. She took a breath, expression determined as she said with her whole chest, "I'm Ladybug, Luka."
He froze, his body going stiff and his eyes blinking rapidly at either the reveal itself or the way she’d so firmly said it.
"I'm Ladybug," she repeated quietly, this time with an ache in her voice, "and I'm telling you not because I trust you—I mean, I do trust you—but I also believe in you; that you wouldn't sell me out to Shadow Moth even with all the mind control in the world. You've always had my back and supported me even when I didn't deserve it, and I want you to know. It's dangerous and I don't know what'll happen and I'm scared but I want you to know it." She put a hand to her chest. "I'm the one who has to save Paris whenever something happens, and that's why I always had to ditch you. I'm the one who messed up and lost you your identity as Viperion. I'm the new guardian of the miraculouses, and the kwami don't even listen to me; they invaded my privacy and it was one of them that took and sent you that picture."
She realized that her vision was staring to blur and looked skywards, trying to fight back tears.
"I-I'm not a normal girl. I can't be a normal girlfriend, or give you everything you'd want out of a normal relationship. It's my fault that you got akumatized because I just—I wanted you. I wanted to be in a relationship and go on dates with you, but Ladybug isn't supposed to want things. She's supposed to be selfless and only worry about everyone else, but... you made me happy, and I wanted more of that. You were the first person I really felt like I could be myself around without being scolded or lied to and I thought it would be okay..."
She noticed him moving and quickly turned her back to him, at least able to let the tears fall now without him seeing them.
"I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I always think I can handle things but then it goes wrong and I end up hurting people. If I'd just gone home the day of the music festival instead of complaining about Adrien not being around, then none of this would've happened." She sighed in frustration, wiping her eyes clean of tears, and she was so focused on forcing her words out that she didn't hear the footsteps coming from behind her. "I-it's okay if you want to break up, Luka. It wasn't fair that I kept you in the dark, and I understand if you're mad, or you want to date other people, o-or if you don't love me anymore—"
Her voice cut off with a gasp as a pair of arms wrapped around her midsection, pulling her against a familiar, warm chest that had an unfamiliarly pounding heartbeat. She tried to look up at him, but his hair was shadowing out his eyes and left only his trembling lips visible. In fact, his whole body was shaking, as if it were winter and no amount of layers could keep him warm.
"L-luka?" she called, confused.
"Stop," he begged quietly, the hug tightening briefly to give her a squeeze. "Please."
"But..." She trailed off, acknowledging the request. She'd never heard his voice just break like that.
"You've already sung your part of our duet, Marinette. Now it's my turn." He paused, taking an unsteady breath before continuing, "I'm glad you told me your secret. I know you're worried about me being in danger, but it makes me happy that you can rely on me now. Music boxes aren't meant to stay shut, and you deserve someone who you can open up to, even if I hate that you have to mute yourself in the first place to keep everyone safe."
She opened her mouth, wanting to say that it was okay and it was just her job, but kept quiet to respect his earlier request.
"My life isn't worse because I met you," he murmured, an unspoken plea in his tone that told her to never think that way again. "I felt things with you that I never have before. My song started out as a flatline, then we met and you made it move. Music isn't exciting if it doesn't change but you did that for me. What you might see as bad notes is my passion for you, and I won't apologize for it or make you apologize for messing up just like every person does. I'd never wanted someone before you, and even if you never wanted to date me, I'm grateful that I got to know you; to fall for you."
Marinette blinked in an attempt to stop oncoming tears, Luka pulling her closer for comfort when she whimpered.
"All that mattered to me is when we were together, just the two of us. That's when your melody plays the clearest and when I get to see you. Those two weeks when we were preparing our music video were some of the best two weeks of my life because I got to see you in your element. I've accepted every break in the tempo because I've heard you, I've heard the Marinette you've wanted to be, and I want to be there for every beat of it." Then, he exhaled, adding with a somber tone, "I can't imagine how much pressure you must be under, or how awful things are and how impossible it must be to sing when you can't even take a breath without something going wrong. I just... I want to help you be happy. I don't care what you, your kwami, or anyone else says; you're allowed to be happy, Marinette, and I'd drop a thousand of my guitars if it meant that you get to play happy notes one more time."
She let out a sob, blushing pink as her hands unconsciously raised to rest on the ones around her waist, Luka sighing in content and nestling further against her.
"So I don't want to break up with you, Marinette. Not at all. I just want to find ways to make it easier on you - on both of us - and if that means finding ways of planning our dates around akuma attacks, or not planning at all and going wherever the rhythm leads, then that's what we'll do."
She tried to keep quiet, but couldn't help voicing, "W-what if... what if it doesn't work? What if I have to bail on you every now and then? People will think—"
"I was never worried about that," he retorted immediately. "I'm a Couffaine. My clothes are ripped, I carry my guitar in the basket on my bike, and I live on a boat. I stopped caring about what people thought a long time ago."
He was unbelievable. Marinette didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she did both. He just held her there, his heart still beating against her back but now serving as something to calm her.
"The only opinions that matter in our duet are yours and mine," he said. His hold loosened, though hesitating like it was physically painful to release her. He let her go nonetheless and held his hands out in front of her, palms facing the sky. "So what about you, Marinette?"
She stared at his hands, then slowly raised her own to hover over them. She breathed up, then slid her fingers across his palms until their calloused fingertips met, neither making any move to pull away.
"I...I want to make it work," she whispered, leaning back against him. "I want to be with you, Luka. I'm at my best when I'm with you. I just..."
She stopped, knowing that he would have an argument for anything she said. If she apologized for the failed dates that she can never fix, he'd argue that it'd be worse to leave things off a sour note, and that not every good song starts out good. If she tried to suggest other people for him to date or imply that it'd be easier with someone else, he'd say that his guitar plays only for her and he wouldn't change that even if he could.
"...I'm sorry," she said, smiling her first genuine smile of the night. "I won't doubt myself anymore."
Even though she couldn't see his face, she knew he was smiling too. "Do you feel better?"
"Yeah. Do—do you?"
"Yeah," he replied, voice thick with emotion.
Wanting to see his face, she slowly dropped their hands and turned to face him, silently hoping that she didn't look awful from her earlier tears. However, to her surprise, she noticed that Luka's eyes were watery despite his smile, just like her. Realizing something, she raised a hand to her shoulder, where his face had been hovering over ever since he'd hugged her from behind.
It was wet.
"Oh, Luka..."
She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him against her. He returned the gesture, squeezing her lovingly and giving her back a few rubs that she responded to with a happy hum. They held the position, the warmth of the hug completely negating the slight chill of the night air.
Even when they pulled away, it wasn't far nor for long. Marinette wasn't sure which of them initiated it, but one moment they were staring at each other and the next they were kissing. It had been long overdue and she idly thought that it was better than she would've imagined their kiss at the cinema to be.
She breathed in his scent, her fingers blindly reaching up to slide into his hair. She almost felt like crying again, though this time in relief that everything had actually worked out for once and they were kissing without interruption. Even though Luka was more subtle in showing his emotions, she could tell that he felt the same from the way his hand on her back shook, practically vibrating with happiness.
The kiss eventually broke with a soft click, though she kept her hands on him for the sake of stability. They were both breathing a little hard from the emotional toll of the conversation yet not necessarily in a bad way.
And the love in his eyes - the life that she missed so much - was back. She honestly thought she wouldn’t have seen it again and she was tempted to just keep kissing him in relief, part of her aware that he definitely wouldn’t have minded it.
It took her a few tries to get the words out, hesitant to break up their wordless exchanges of love. She knew what revelation was waiting for Luka back at his houseboat - maybe he'd already guessed it - and she wanted to be there for him, so she asked carefully, "Do you... want me to come back to the Liberty with you?"
Eyes half-lidded, he gave her a soft smile and gently squeezed her hand. "Yeah. Do you want to sleep over?"
She nodded. "Mm, I'd like that."
Holding hands, they began making their way back to the Liberty, the ambiance of the night finally coming through to soothe them. Marinette glanced down at their joined hands, then at the wide smile on Luka's face, the latter clearly caused by the former.
She looked ahead at where they were walking, pretending that she hadn't just been admiring him. "We could always go out for breakfast together. That might work out."
"That sounds amazing." Luka feigned a look of thoughtfulness. "Maybe Shadow Moth doesn't like mornings?"
Marinette squeaked mid-giggle. "You'd think that'd be the case from the name, huh?"
He chuckled, covering his mouth with his free hand, and the conversation remained light from there. Any bad feelings from the day had evaporated, leaving only smiles and hope for the future in its place.
Everything was going to be okay. For once, Marinette could truly believe that.
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Yours, Mine, and Ours [7] Finale
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), trauma, violence, general sadness and shittiness.
This is dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You must face change.
Author Notes: I got another old series tied up and I’m editing the last chapter of another one as well. I’m trying to clear some stuff out as best I can.
A special thank you to everyone who reached out to me over the last few days. And extra thanks to @lokislastlove​ for always encouraging me.
Please let me know what you think, like and reblog <3 love ya
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Bucky knelt beside you as your ass throbbed in pain and your head thrummed. He touched your arm gently with his metal hand, his other on your cheek as he cradled your face. You met his blue eyes but he quickly lifted his head and glared across the room.
“Don’t fucking move or I’ll hit you again. Harder.” His snarl was so harsh and deep, it made you shiver. He turned his attention back to you as he helped you roll over and sit up, “Are you okay? Careful…” he backed off the bed slowly as he guided you to the end of the mattress.
You clung to him and glanced over at Steve as he spat blood onto the floor. His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared as he looked back but he made no move towards you, his head lolling just slightly as he sat straight. 
You let Bucky usher you to the door as he turned back and searched around the floor. He huffed and took off his jacket instead, draping it over your shoulders.
He pointed you through the door and followed, snatched the throw from the back of the couch and offered it as he urged you on. You found your purse where you dropped it and stopped to grab it, groaning at how your body ached. You continued to the door as he opened it and followed you out.
You were silent as you descended, cloaked in his jacket and the thin blanket. You came around the building and neared your car. He kept away from you but hovered as if you might keel over.
“I can’t drive,” you let your purse dangle weakly from your hand.
“I’ll take you back,” he said softly, “and then you don’t have to see me ever again.”
You nodded and rounded his car. You opened the door and slumped into the seat, your purse on your lap as you hung your head. It was over. You knew it was. You thought there would be a way to hold onto Steve, to find the man he had been, but he assured you that that Steve was gone. Everything you had was lost.
The engine turned and you barely noticed the blur of the city as it passed outside the windows. You fought against the wave of grief that swept over you and leaned your head back.
“You said I’ll never see you again,” you croaked, “but you saved me.”
“So? I did all those other things too,” he gripped the wheel and sniffed, “I’ll keep my distance. I started all this. I never should’ve-- I’m fucked. I try to act like I’m not but I am.”
“Bucky…” you said weakly.
“Don’t. I know it’s the truth and I know everything that happened to you is because of me. Steve’s an asshole. I don’t know what changed in him, but I’m worse,” he sighed, “I’m gonna resign. I’m gonna… look into rehab or therapy, whatever they got for me. I can’t stay near you or Steve. I can’t do any of it.”
You nodded and rubbed your hands together. Your body hurt but your soul hurt worse.
“No, I’m going,” you said, “I’m leaving. I’m not a hero like you or Steve. I don’t matter. And I can’t stay with him. I can’t even stay close because I know he won’t stay away. Right now, he’s getting up off that floor and you can’t tell me he’s not coming after us right now.”
Your voice cracked and you muffled it with a corner of the blanket. You hunched over as suddenly you felt nauseous and you held in a retch. Your body shook but you kept the sickness in and murmured.
“Please, just get me back,” you begged.
“I will,” he vowed, “I’ll make sure you get out and I’ll make sure he doesn’t stop you,” you heard him gulp between his words, “and after, if you ever need me to knock him on his ass again, I’ll be there. No strings, no expectations, we don’t even need to talk.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against the door, watching the pedestrians and other cars. You could only think of everything that needed to be done; grab what you can, email Tony, go back and get your car and drive without stopping.
“Shit,” you sat up as you neared the compound, “I forgot my phone.”
“Good,” Bucky said, “he’s tracking it. Get a new one.”
Bucky closed the yellow taxi door and watched the cab pull out into the swell of New York traffic. She’d packed the remnants of her former life in a single backpack but he could see, she didn’t even need that. He backed away from the curb and tucked his hands into his pockets. His chest was tight and heavy. He was guilty but he didn’t feel sorry for himself. He felt sorry for her.
He was almost thrown off his feet as a hand gripped his arm and swung him around. Steve was white with anger as a vein popped out in his forehead. His lip was split and his nose bruised from Bucky’s fist. The men faced each other in mutual detest. He never expected to look at his oldest friend that way and feel it so succinctly.
“Where is she?” Steve growled.
Bucky shrugged and shouldered past him, “gone. Far from us.”
Steve followed him and stopped him before he could pass through the door. He shoved him back against the façade of the building but Bucky hardly felt it. He just stood, staring at the man he didn’t know any more, and lifted a brow.
“You gonna beat it out of me?” he asked, “then you’ll have to kill me.”
Steve’s eyes searched Bucky’s and he growled under his breath, “all you had to do was follow the fucking rules.”
“I never liked those rules. I only wanted to be close to her. It was selfish. It was abuse.”
“She liked it,” Steve snapped.
“No, you told her she liked it and she loved you so much, she believed you,” Bucky’s voice turned raw, “she loved you and you threw it all away.”
“You ruined it,” Steve accused.
“Fuck you,” Bucky snarled, “you deserve to be alone.”
“I’ll find her,” Steve curled his fingers into a fist and puffed his chest, “I know exactly where she’s going. She won’t get to her car before I do.”
“No, she will,” Bucky pushed away from the wall and grabbed the front of Steve’s shirt and pinned him, “you won’t make it past me.”
Steve narrowed his eyes and his lips thinned. He gripped Bucky’s shirt in kind and the pair rolled against the wall until they stopped in a bitter stalemate. They stared each other down as their soles scuffed on the pavement and grunted almost in unison at their opponent.
“You won’t keep me from her forever,” Steve said calmly.
“She’s not the only one leaving, Steve,” Bucky hissed, “and I won’t feel bad at all when you wake up one day and realise how lonely you are.”
Your new apartment was mostly empty but it was yours, unlike that seventh floor box Steve had made your cage. It was far from him, far from Bucky, far from everyone you ever knew. You knew you couldn’t hide with your parents or your sister or even those distant university friends who you knew would have your back. You had to be alone. It was your fear of that which got you into all that mess.
You didn’t see Bucky again but he did get a message to you. He left a gift for you at a safe house on your way out of the state. New identification, an unopened cell, and a wad of cash. It wasn’t atonement but it was what he could give you. You kept driving and exchanged your car at the stateline. You kept on until you felt as if you were in an entirely different country.
You took a job at the grocery store as a cashier. You remembered when you were a child and your mother had the same position. She went back to school and made you promise you’d never end up in the same boat. If she could see you now…
If you could see her.
You dropped your bag on the side table as you entered and turned the lock on the handle and the latch above, the deadbolt over that, and hooked the chain last. You clutched the pepper spray you kept up your sleeve and searched the single bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Your paranoia was your only companion.
You kept the curtains drawn day and night, even those stolid nights when you couldn’t sleep for the thick sweat that coated your body. Those nights came more often and even during the day, you found yourself suffocated in fits of unbearable heat. And at night, you were trapped by the dreams of the past.
You sat and opened up the novel you kept on the coffee table. When you’d been with Steve, you never had much time to read between his need for attention and your work. Your relocation was freeing in more ways than one. 
You laid back and wiggled, still in your stiff grocery store uniform and lost yourself in the fantasy adventure of a young warrior. It was a fight you could control; that you could win.
Bucky held the position and breathed out slowly. His muscles vibrated as he strained and slowly lifted his leg, the toes of his other foot firmly planted on the mat. He turned and outstretched his arm and leg to the ceiling and inhaled. He let out another breath as he reached the next position then returned to downward-facing dog.
He pushed himself back to sit on his knees as the noise of the lapping lake reached his ears and sent a cool breeze over the dock. He pulled his legs out from under him and bent his legs as he leaned his sweaty arms over his knees. He looked out at the glistening water and listened to the noise of birds and critters.
Peace. He couldn’t call it that. Exile, more like. He didn’t trust himself to be near people. His therapist visited once a week and he attended daily video sessions with him. One of his tasks was to find hobbies and to face himself. Yoga was both of those. It cleared his hand and ate up his time.
But then he found himself wishing she was there. He knew she wasn’t in some serene lake house, she didn’t have all the support offered by SHIELD and Stark, she didn’t have anyone. He did what he could, what she would accept from him, but there was nothing he could give her in that life that would ever be enough.
Then he felt awful about those thoughts. She was never his to have.
He stood and walked up the dock and the dirt path to the house. He climbed up onto the large deck and through sliding doors. He poured himself a glass of water and added a slice of lemon. He took it with him as he went to the bedroom where he slept alone, where the shadows of trees loomed over him in the night and swayed like the wraiths of his remorse.
The white cat hopped up on the bed and twirled in expectation, in demand of his attention. He scratched Alpine’s head as he neared and got a nip when he pet him a little too long. The moody feline retreated to the corner of the bed and watched him with his pale blue eyes. The creature was his only friend now.
He took a deep gulp and sat on the edge of the bed and set the glass down. He slid open the drawer of the hand-crafted night table and dipped his fingers inside. He pulled out the pink fabric and held them in his metal hand and stroked the dainty elastic. He should get rid of them, like he had the rest, but he just couldn’t. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t. He would never forget about her.
You pushed the boxes and cans over the scanner and onto the next belt so that they were carried down to the end of the counter. You smiled as you asked the usual questions and waited for the customer to punch in their pin. You waved on the next in line as the former bagged their goods and you kept the distant tune playing from the low speakers in your head.
The routine was your only comfort. It was easy. Even when you got those fussy customers, the ones with the expired coupons or the wrong flyers, it was simple work. You rang them through and saw them off without concern. Their tantrums were not the worst you’d faced in your time.
When it was your time to clock out, you stopped by the café in the same plaza as the grocery store and ordered a tall iced tea. You came out with your purse on the arm that hid the pepper spray and made your way to the end of the pavement and around the corner to the street. 
At the first corner, you turned off onto a small side street then cut through to the park and passed the memorials and statues set along the winding path. It was a longer walk than your normal route but you took it once a week. You liked to watch the ducks but you had to avoid the geese.
You sipped from your straw and smiled at a dog as he passed with his owner and looked over at the kids laughing on the monkey bars. Your uniform tented in the heat of the summer sun but you pressed on, refreshed by the fruity tea.
When you emerged from the park, the grit of the small town returned. The chipped bricks of your building rose above you and you unlocked the front door after a struggle with the ancient keyhole. The door closed heavily behind you and you headed up the dingy stairs.
As you got to your apartment, you went through the usual to-do; lock, search, and settle in. Two months, maybe three, it felt so long ago and yet it felt like only yesterday. You couldn’t help but feel watched, followed, and you knew that sensation would follow you for the rest of your life. But if it was only ever a thought, you could be okay.
Steve didn’t know what to do with himself at first. First, his girl left and then his best friend.
In the early days of his solace, he told himself it wasn’t true. They’d be back. They couldn’t live without him. They would apologize because they betrayed him. They would realise that he wasn’t the villain. He wasn’t wrong. He busied himself with his missions and waited.
But after two weeks, he saw no signs, heard no tell, nothing. He tried to follow her trail but there wasn’t anything past the state line. He asked where Bucky went but Stark wouldn’t tell and SHIELD kept that information classified from all, even him.
Then, he felt bad and he lingered on those questions that tugged at his mind. Was he wrong? Was he the bad one? Had he really hurt them? Did he deserve it all? He felt awful and fell through on a mission and no one asked any questions. No one knew the reasons for the sudden departures and the downcast captain.
Then he was mad. He was breaking things. He was growling and shouting in frustration. He ripped a door off its hinges and punched a hole through a wall. He paid for the repairs but was told in no short terms to leave the compound. He was all too happy too. He still had that apartment and it wasn’t too bad being in his own space.
But it made him think of her. And as he thought of her, he missed another mission, this time without telling anyone. Phone calls, emails, knocks on his door, they all muddled together in the haze of his thoughts.
He remembered those days, decades ago when Bucky had been his only friend. When he was a boy, when he still felt young, when he still felt like him. He remembered everything that came after and how he fought to save the only man he ever admired. Then everything he’d made him do. He didn’t make him do that, he gave him exactly what he wanted.
Then she made his chest squeeze. He thought of the first time they met. He didn’t think much of her but she somehow won him over with her kindness. He recalled the realisation of how much he liked her, he wasn’t even reluctant enough not to think it was love in that instant. When she saw the loose stitch in his glove and pulled it away like it was nothing. She remarked on the little fix as ‘perfect’ and he couldn’t help his doofy grin and the line he spouted after, ‘not as perfect as you.’
And as he thought of her, he conjured all those hopes he had for them. The life he made for them in his mind. He was going to give it all to her but he just wanted a little fun first. That wasn’t so bad. He could still give it to her and that was all she wanted after all. She wanted the Steve she knew. She wanted the nuclear family and white picket fence. He wanted that too.
When the papers came to announce his dismissal from SHIELD, it felt like freedom. He didn’t care about saving the world anymore. He got out of bed these days and worked out, went for a run, and came back as he went about his own work. As he searched through the servers they tried to block him from and overrode the new restrictions. They always thought he was some clueless idiot from the past.
He could still have that life. All he had to do was find her. He smiled at the screen as he went over everything he had so far. The whiff of her blew out at the stateline but now he could go wherever he wanted without a leash. He could find her if he only tried a little harder.
Steve gave notice on the lease and traded in his car for something with better mileage and more space. He sold everything that was his life before and headed out on the road with a new lease on life. He wasn’t the Captain anymore, he wasn’t the saviour, he only wanted to be one thing; a husband, a father, hers.
When he reached the state line, he stopped for a while at a motel and asked around. He had her picture and everyone was all too eager to talk to Steve Rogers. He found her car at a used dealership and got the plates and make of the one he’d switched her for. That was a start.
Then he moved on, stopping along the way for a day here and there to relax. He had time. He had confidence again. He did this everyday, this was her first time, she couldn’t outrun him forever. He had the skills and the savings to get him a lot further than she ever could.
He drove through several more states before he hit another block. A second car traded but the dealer was not as talkative. That meant he had to break in after dark and that was time he didn’t feel like spending on some stubborn bitch. But he got it done and moved on.
Then there was a week of doubt and desperation. What if he was wrong? What if this was all a part of her plan? Maybe she was smart enough to lead him in the wrong direction. Maybe Bucky was helping her. Maybe they were together. That thought made him livid.
He took off in the opposite direction but ended up with nothing but desert heat and rural nothingness. He turned around and assured himself that neither of them were smarter than him. He returned to the same point and slowly pieced together the clues until he was sure enough to keep on.
He was getting close. He could sense it. He pulled out his phone and opened those videos he’d taken from Bucky and the pictures of that day they’d made a mess of her. His hand was nothing compared to her and even if he came, he found himself dissatisfied. He ended up cursing only to start again a minute later.
That night he started in the bed then ended up in the shower and before he could get out of the bathroom, he was gripping his dick as he leaned on the counter and muttered her name over and over. He was impatient. He needed her soon or he was going to go mad.
He hardly slept as he tossed and turned in the hotel room. He checked out early but pulled over on the country road to get off again. It made him angry. She should be the one fucking him, he shouldn’t be using his own hand. He shouldn’t be alone. She should be there with his dick down her throat as he drove them to their suburban paradise.
He passed another city sign and spent a day running circles without a catch. He pressed on through the night, not wanting another motel bed, and pulled in at a station just outside a small town. He gassed up and chewed on jerky as he set out once more.
On a whim, he stopped in the small town and stopped for a meal at the local fish and chip place. It was unusual for the area but the fries were crispy and not overly salted and the fish breaded perfectly. He kept his hat on and his face down. He didn’t need to be recognized although his poor disguise seemed to draw attention.
“Louise,” the voice chimed with the bell, “gosh, I’m so sorry, I almost forgot.”
Steve looked up as his heart fluttered. He saw the green uniform shirt and black pants and at first, he was ready to deflate. But the way she walked, and her face, the way she glowed and smiled at the woman behind the till, he knew it was her. He’d found her.
“I am so stupid! I keep forgetting everything,” she counted out the money from her wallet, “I’ve been craving this all week and I’m halfway home and I’m like oh my god,” she chattered on, that way she did when they’d first met.
“Not at all, darlin’,” Louise handed her the parcel of fish and chips, “you go on enjoy.”
“Thank you!” she sang sweetly and scurried back through the door.
Steve stood slowly and left his tab on the table with a thoughtlessly generous tip. He adjusted his cap and headed out the door slowly. She wasn’t moving as fast as she made her way down the street. She swung the tied parcel from her hand and he noticed how her hips swayed. There was something different about her, something he liked.
He kept the same pace, sure to hang back so that she didn’t notice him. She led him through a park and she stopped to smile at a party of ducks in the small pond. She carried on over the small bridge and he sat on a bench when she looked back. She didn’t seem to notice as an older couple passed him and he hid behind them.
He got back up just as she was at the exit. He trailed her back to the streets and to an old brick building with an iron sign above the front door. She let herself in and he stood outside with a smirk.
“Perfect,” he said to himself as he backed away and strode down the sidewalk, “always so perfect for me.”
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My Dearest Trashy,
In honor of my sprained ankle, which is particularly angry today, can you write me a FLUFFY little number where Dylan takes care of his injured girlfriend?
Your BFF Mischief
Happily. Gladly. Eagerly.
This one goes out to my bestie and her busted ankle. Much love, beautiful human! - Trashy, your filthy enabler ;)
Authors Note: Established relationship with a girl named Rachael. Rachael is my go-to for one-shots. If that's your name, I suppose this is an insert? Enjoy? ;) Also, here's some recommended listening, if you're into that kind of thing <3
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As Long As You're With Me
God, what a long day. What a long-ass day. Rachael’s ankle ached and throbbed when she finally sat down on the couch. She winced as she reached down to rub at it.
“You’re supposed to be resting that, you know…” Dylan said, walking out from the kitchen into the living room. “Even at work…”
When she’d left that morning, he was still lazily walking around the house shirtless in a pair of grey sweats, so she was a bit surprised to see him looking so pulled together, especially since he said he’d be spending the day at home. He was wearing a dark blue sweater, and a pair of his favorite khakis. His hair was that perfect disheveled he managed to achieve on a fairly regular basis. He looked good, but he always did.
“No rest for the wicked,” she smiled at him, but she was sure it wasn’t convincing him.
He shook his head and sat down next to her, placing his hand on her thigh. “I really wish you’d taken another week off before you started going back into the office.” He looked down at her feet.
“I know, but...they needed me in there and the new guy is a fucking disaster.”
He sighed in resignation with a small shake of his head. “Well come on then,” he said, patting his thigh. “Get ‘em up here.”
“You really don’t have to—”
“Yes I do. So, shut up and gimme the hoof”.
Rachael laughed sliding sideways a bit on the couch so she could swing her legs up over his knees. She rested her back against the arm of the couch, watching him as he peeled off her little ankle socks and balled them up before he set them on the back of the couch.
Dylan ran a long finger down the side of her swollen ankle, stilling over the slight bruise that still discoloured it.
Rachael could see the way his brows knitted together like he was feeling her pain when he touched her skin. He loved her. She could see it in everything he did—everything he said—and she loved him too.
“I should have been there when you slipped,” he said, looking up at her as he laid his palm on her skin, the heat of his skin soothing the ache a bit. “Could’ve caught you.”
She smiled with a sigh. “I would have found a way to bust my ass with you holding my hand, and I think you know that.”
He laughed, wrapping her foot up in his hand and rubbing his thumbs into the arch. “The clumsy does run deep, huh?” he grinned, his hands working over her aching joints, but not stressing her tender injury.
She could feel the tension easing, some of the swelling in her foot and toes calming down under his touch.
“So how was your first day back?” he asked, swapping his attention to the other foot.
Rachel paused for a minute, watching the careful way he held her, the gentle way he worked his fingers against her skin. “I mean...it could have been better? Could’ve been worse?”
“Ah,” he said before he pressed his lips into a thin line. “So on a scale of one to workplace-fuckery, you were sitting around a ‘meh’?”
He had a way of making her feel like nothing was worth sweating over too much. That whatever it was that was bothering her just shouldn’t. That he was there for her, and that they’d get through it together. That she could lean on him and he’d gladly shoulder the extra weight.
“Yeah. ‘Meh’ sounds about right.”
“So,” he said, shifting the conversation “I was gonna cook for you, but I figured you’d actually like to enjoy your meal after a long day.” He flashed her a wink.
“Mmm, very astute of you,” she teased.
“Hey!” he reprimanded, his hands stilling on her skin. “I’m allowed to self-deprecate, but no one said you could pile on.”
“Sorry, sorry, go on…” she encouraged.
“So…” he drew it out, teasing her even more with the way he exaggerated the start of his sentence, “I ordered in…”
“Little Duck!?”
He huffed in feigned annoyance. “The art of surprise is entirely lost on you, isn’t it?”
“You act like I shouldn’t know that you’d order pad thai for such an illustrious occasion.”
He gave her foot a small squeeze before he spoke. “Fair.” He continued working over her sore joints with his strong hands, both of his thumbs driving the tension out of the arch on this foot too. “But, I think I can still surprise you,” he waggled his brows.
“Oh, really?” Rachel grinned.
“Mhm,” he hummed, worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
“We’ll see…”
He didn’t respond, he simply shook his head. “I’m gonna go grab some ice for this, because...while I know I have a magical touch with these,” he held up his hands and wiggled his fingers. “This bad boy,” he pointed to her swollen ankle, “needs the frozen peas treatment.”
She chuckled at him as he carefully lifted her feet from his lap and sat them down on a pillow he tucked under them.
“One sec,” he said, skipping off into the kitchen.
Rachael heard him digging around in the freezer, whistling and puttering around in the drawers for a minute or so before she heard the sound of a bunch of ice skittering across the kitchen floor. “Dyl! You alright?” she asked, sitting up a bit, holding her weight up on her palms.
“I got it!” he said, poking his head around the corner as he chased down an ice cube that had bounced through the threshold into the dining room. “Nothing to see here...don’t get up. I got it under control.”
“All right…just don’t hurt yourself. We can’t both be laid up,” she covered her eyes for a moment with her forearm, clearing her head before she laid back and relaxed, listening to him laugh a little bit before he started to whistle.
“Gotcha, you little fucker,” he said, presumably to an ice cube he’d tracked down in the kitchen. He strode back out into the living room, proudly holding a ziplock bag of ice and a tea towel. “M’lady,” he bowed, presenting the bag like it was a glass slipper on a velvet pillow.
She scooched along the couch to make a bit more space for him to sit down when the doorbell rang.
“Thai!” he almost shouted, wrapping the bag of ice in the tea toweL. He rested it on the pillow and set her ankle on it. “Hold that there,” he said, rushing for the door and flinging it open.
“Will do.”
Their dinner was sitting on the doorstep. “God. Don’t you just fucking love DoorDash?” he asked, plucking the bag from the ground before he shut the door. “Gone are the days of awkward conversations with food-peddling strangers. I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“Are you saying you don’t miss that long minute of awkward silence while you’re waiting for the transaction to finish?”
Dylan walked over and sat the bag on the coffee table. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Fair enough,” she agreed.
Dylan walked past her to the kitchen and grabbed some drinks before he snatched the remote control off the end table and turned on the TV. “Dinner and a movie?” he asked, looking over at her.
“Sure,” she smiled, sitting up a bit.
“Ah, ah,” he tisked, walking around to her side of the couch, standing over her and grabbing a pillow from the chair to place behind her back. “Rest,” he said, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead.
Rachael sighed at the sweet gesture, but she wanted a little bit more than sweet. When he pulled back from her, she reached and pulled him down to her so that she could kiss him properly. His mouth was quick to adapt to the sudden need hers had for it. He leaned down even more to deepen their connection and his hands were soon knotting into the waves of her hair.
When she felt like she needed a breath, he cradled her face in his hand and peppered her lips and cheek with small kisses until his lips were brushing against the skin of her neck below her ear.
“Someone’s hungry,” he teased.
She smirked, brushing her lips over his ear. “Yeah...but mostly for thai food.”
“Ouch,” he laughed as he stood, “way to hurt a man’s feelings,” he feigned a gutshot as he walked back around the coffee table.
She tucked her legs back long enough for him to flop down onto the couch and adjust the cushion so that it was propped up on his thigh before she rested her ankle on it again.
He turned on the TV and opened Hulu. “Never Been Kissed?” he asked, pausing on the preview screen.
“Really, Dyl?”
“I thought you were going to surprise me?” she teased
He turned to her, looking less than impressed. “Alright, smartass. You pick.” He tossed her the remote.
“Fine,” she said, picking it up as he leaned forward and started taking the food out of the bag. He set her box of pad thai down in front of her, along with a pair of wrapped chopsticks. She grinned when she found the perfect movie. “This one,” she said clicking on it.
Dylan looked up at the TV, and his expression turned to indignation before he turned to her. “Really?” he asked before he ran his tongue along the inside of his lower lip.
“You said I could pick!” she whined. “I’m injured and sad…” she pouted, batting her lashes.
He narrowed his eyes, but she knew she had him wrapped around her finger.
He drew in a long breath and sighed it out before he spoke. “Fine..”
She smiled and pressed play, grabbing her food from the table as the title sequence for ‘Love and Monsters’ began to play.
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sealpup9 · 2 years
Modern AU Diluc & co. thoughts (+bonus Chiluc) these are mostly silly.
((kae/luc shippers DNI you will be blocked on sight))
-Lives with his boyfriend Ajax in a nice apartment.
-decorates the house like a white mom who loves birds. So many little bird trinkets. ajax built him a big shelf to keep his little bird trinkets
- Ajax has his friends over to drink sometimes: Zhongli and Kaeya. Sometimes a few others (Aether+Lumine) but he hates his coworkers so they are never invited.
-Diluc bartends at the family owned bar
-Diluc has a lot of money and lives a bit lavishly, but they have a small apartment so he can't go all out. Insists on the softest goose down blankets.
-Diluc is not a morning person. Diluc is a night owl.
-Ajax is a morning person. He hates staying up past 10pm but he will to hang out with friends.
-Ajax enjoys going fishing in illegal spots around the city he lives in.
-Diluc has a motorcycle, he takes Ajax on rides
-Ajax has a very small twitch channel that only gets a few hundred views from time to time. Diluc doesn't get why people would want to watch other people play video games but he's happy his boyfriend is happy.
-Diluc plays exactly two video games: Tetris and Minecraft
-Diluc is unreasonably good at Tetris.
-Diluc is horribly bad at Minecraft
-Ajax plays a lot of gory horror games
-Ajax loves horror movies and slashers. Diluc does not like these movies but toughs it out and pretends he isn't scared. Ajax totally knows Diluc is scared, but that means they hold each other during the movies (the reason Diluc will put up with watching them)
-Kaeya and Albedo are raising Klee. Diluc babysits from time to time when they can't find a sitter.
-Ajax ofc is good with kids but Diluc has to keep an eye on them or something will be on fire in the microwave
-Diluc is very good at playing barbies according to Klee and Klee likes her weird uncles a lot
-Diluc and Ajax go on fancy dates but Ajax somehow always, always never manages to dress fancily enough
-ajax drives a white pickup truck that is falling apart and Diluc has offered so many times to buy him a new car but Ajax refuses.
-Ajax is from some town in fuckall Alaska and Diluc always has to pay for emergency fixes at mechanics when they drive up for christmas.
-Ajax is White Trash but not on the homophobic way. He just wears booty shorts to the tractor pulls and would go fishing with his bare hands in a river if he wanted to
-Ajax likes camping. Diluc does not like camping.
-Diluc would go fishing with his boyfriend if only to just sit and listen to Ajax go on about fish.
-Ajax would go bird watching with his boyfriend if only to just sit and listen to Diluc go on about birds.
-Diluc has a falconry lisence. He doesn't hunt often but when he does he enjoys it.
-Diluc inhereted his father's mansion but doesn't like to stay there.
-Ajax makes the most amazing breakfasts. He makes great eggs.
-diluc's really good at meat. Jist any kind of meat. Marinates meat well. Knows how to make juicy and tender.
-Diluc's ringtone for Ajax is a really sappy love song.
-Ajax's ringtone for everyone is just some old meme like the fillet o' fish mcdonalds jingle or the fucking gummy bear song.
-Ajax likes to steal Diluc's sweatshirts and they are a little big on him. Diluc thinks its cute as hell but he'll never offer to give him the sweatshirts, Ajax just takes them and its a mutual thing
-ajax has freckles that come out more in the sunlight and diluc loves the image of him with messy hair and a backwards cap and a big smile on his face.
-Diluc sometimes goes to blacksmithing workshops to make things.
-both of them enjoy swimming but Diluc doesn't like to swim in public because showing skin is kindof a no.
-diluc wears gloves everywhere, he has scars he is not comfortable showing. Ajax kissed every single one of them one night and Diluc still cries about it sometimes
-Diluc can't bake for shit. He doesn't understand it nothing he bakes ever comes out right.
-diluc has a handful of sappy romance novels and poetry books. he also keeps lots of bird encyclopedias. He also puts a birdfeeder outside their window so he can look at them.
-Ajax showed up with a stray cat one night. Diluc had never grown up with animals so he was a bit hesitant to adopt it but now the cat loves him and he loves the cat. The cats name is killer croc or something just ridiculous like that.
-Diluc sings in the shower. I HC he sounds like hozier when he sings.
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Win Me Back
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: When Reader’s ex-boyfriend comes back to town, he finds a way to make amends— with a little help from her niece.
Category: FLUFF
Warnings: None other than a few swears :)
Word Count: 3k (I barely made the limit, folks, that was hard lol)
NOTE: This is my entry for @homoose ‘s 2k Celebration!! And if this fic seems familiar, that may be because it’s a re-telling of the car-wash scene from Ramona and Beezus 🤭😂 It’s one of my favorite movie scenes of all time, it never fails to make me squeal, and I had SO MUCH FUN writing this!
Also! I tried very hard to find the scene for you to watch incase you haven’t seen the movie, but the ones I did manage to find on YouTube cut out THE BEST PARTS, so I’m sorry 😭 But in case you want to know the ~vibes~ I tried to capture and don’t feel like watching the movie, I made THIS post last night with some dialogue/background from the scene if you’d like to read it! Obviously it’s not required since what I’ve written is quite different, but it is encouraged 😊
I hope you like it!! And if somehow you haven’t followed Moose yet, you should! She’s the sweetest ❤❤❤
Y/N found an abundance of upsides to taking neighborhood walks with her niece. For one thing, it gave her a distraction, something to focus on as she made sure eight-year-old Piper wouldn't wander too far from the sidewalk. She found solace in quizzing her on the multiplication table as they made their way around the block, an activity in which Piper enthusiastically flaunted her love of numbers.
It was also nice to stay outside and take in the warm sun and soft rustling of the trees, though every once in a while all of it wasn't enough to keep the memory of Spencer at bay.
After all, it was kind of hard when he was back in town, and after all these years he was reaching out to her like he hadn't broken her heart in the first place.
"You seem sad, Auntie," Piper said, grabbing Y/N's hand as the turned the corner.
Y/N swung their arms together gently, smiling down at her with a tilt of her head. "Why d'you think that, hon?"
Piper gave a little shrug, her ponytail blowing softly behind her. "You don't smile as much. And you always smile when you're with me... And you asked me the same times equation 3 times in a row just now. You're distracted."
Y/N couldn't help the breathy laugh that escaped her. You sound just like Spencer... Instead, she told her, "Aw, I'm sorry, Kiddo. My mind is just in a... confusing place right now. But I'm very happy that you got to come stay with me this weekend, you always brighten my day." She punctuated her sentence with a little boop on Piper's nose, to which she giggled and asked for another math equation.
The two of them continued around the block a few rounds, though on their fourth and final one, Y/N noticed very familiar car parked just outside her house.
Heart jumping into her throat, she stopped in her tracks, and Piper kept going only to be pulled back slightly. The girl turned to her aunt and furrowed her brow. "Auntie, why did we stop?"
"Um... I just wasn't expecting any company today besides you..."
Y/N certainly wasn't ready to discuss everything that was going on with Spencer to anyone, let alone her eight-year-old niece who wouldn't probably understand or care anyway. So she explained it the best way she could, quickly coming up with a plan to avoid him as long as possible.
"See the car parked over there?" Y/N asked, and Piper nodded. "Well, that's an... old friend of mine... And we haven't talked in a long time because we don't really get along anymore. So when we get up to the house, he might try to talk to us, and I'm going to tell him that we're busy."
"He's not mean, is he?"
Sensing Piper's reservations, Y/N reassured her while letting her own contempt for her ex fuel the conversation. "No, but... He broke my heart. And he—"
"Y/N... Hi..."
She nearly jumped, mostly from surprise, but also at the fact that hearing her name coming from his lips and his voice and just him brought back a flood of feelings she'd rather have forgotten. Still, she turned to him and cleared her throat. "Spencer... Hi."
Piper suddenly let go of Y/N's hand, a small scoff escaping her. "Oh. Spencer..."
The two adults turned to look at her with surprise, though it was Spencer who spoke up. "You... know me?"
"Mhm," Piper returned with a nod, crossing her arms. "I heard Mom and Auntie talk about you yesterday, and she says you have a stupid, beautiful face."
"Piper!" Y/N screeched, heat rising to her face. "I... You can't tell people that, I— That's not... I..."
"Oh... I'm sorry, Auntie," the little girl said quietly.
Y/N was fully prepared to dig a hole and stay buried in it forever, and her embarrassment grew even stronger when Spencer spoke up again. "It's okay," he reassured gently, a small laugh sounding from his throat that regrettably gave Y/N butterflies. "You're auntie's definitely right, I do have a stupid face."
Before Y/N could stop the conversation altogether, Piper cut in quickly, being sure to add, "And beautiful."
Spencer's eyes flicked up to Y/N, drawing her in with amusement and charm, a fact which she hated to her core. Because it was working, and that was annoying as hell. "Yep," he said, never taking his eyes off of her. "And beautiful."
And then the corner of his mouth turned up slightly, flashing her the most amused, stupidly perfect smirk.
Piper started talking again, and for the second time that day, Y/N wished she hadn't even said anything at all, keeping this whole situation to herself.
"But we can't talk to you, because you broke Auntie's heart, and we're busy. C'mon, Auntie. Let's go." Piper grabbed Y/N's hand and led her up the rest of sidewalk until they got to the driveway. And even though it might have been childish to completely ignore Spencer as they walked past, not giving him a second glance, quite frankly she was quick to abort the situation as soon as possible.
Unfortunately for her, Spencer was persistent.
They were almost to the steps up to the door when he called out. "Piper! Can I ask you something?"
The little girl turned around, losing grip of Y/N's hand and greeting his gaze without batting an eye. "Sure."
Damn kids and their willingness to be nice to strangers, Y/N grumbled in her head.
"I know... your auntie is an important person to you, right?" Spencer inquired, walking up the driveway with his hands in his front pockets. Y/N swallowed, most certainly not noticing how the sun perfectly highlighted him in a glow that made him look more beautiful than stupid.
Piper nodded.
"Well... She's important to me, too. And I really hurt her feelings, but I want to make it up to her. Would you be kind enough to let me try?"
Damn him, Y/N grumbled yet again. Damn him, damn him, damn him to hell... Why was he so charming?
He'd always known that kids were a soft spot for her, and when they'd dated, they talked a lot about having some of their own  one day. Every time they took a walk in the park and they passed a kid, they always gravitated to Spencer, giving him the biggest smiles, and in turn he would give them a high five or perform a little magic trick to make them smile even wider. And Y/N melted into a damn puddle every time.
He knew exactly what he was doing, using Piper as a means to win her back, but even still, she knew that because of his gentle nature, most of it was... well, nature. Deep down, as much as she hated to admit it, she knew that he was a kind person. They may have ended things on bad terms, sure, and Y/N could pretend he was cruel all she wanted— The truth was that no matter how their relationship ended, he was a good man at heart.
And that's why it hurt so much.
Y/N thought for sure Piper would fall into his web, but she was pleasantly surprised when the girl responded with, "I don't know... I don't know if I trust you yet."
You and me both, Kiddo, Y/N thought to herself.
Spencer laughed again. "That's fair. Look, you can say no, but... How about I give you something in return?"
"Spencer, that's no—"
Piper crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side, interrupting Y/N before she could finish protesting. "How much we talking?"
"Well, I was going to offer to show you a magic trick, but I suppose I could work you a deal... I only have a hundred bucks on me, would that be enough?"
Sure enough, Spencer pulled a one-hundred dollar bill from his pocket, and the young girl's eyes went wide. Y/N's did, too, but more likely than not it wasn't a means of excitement.
"You have yourself a deal!" Piper squealed with a jump. She ran over to take the money, meanwhile Spencer looked up at Y/N with a smile.
She didn't return it.
"Is there somewhere we can talk?" he asked softly. Kindly.
"Well, I'm babysitting Piper today, so you'll have to come back another time," she returned a little coldly, hoping that she and Piper had just scored a free Benjamin to pig out on ice cream while Spencer was left waiting forever for a conversation that was never going to happen.
Funny how eight-year-olds always had a way of making things more difficult for you.
"Auntie, Spencer and I made a deal. He gave me money, and now he has to make it up to you. Remember?"
Y/N groaned. "Yeah, yeah, I remember..."
"Well, how about I... take you guys out for lunch? My treat? If it's alright, we can go to McDonald's..."
"The one with the play place?" Piper gasped, immediately turning to Y/N. "Oh, Auntie, please can we go? Please, please, please?"
She looked up at Spencer, shaking her head in exasperation as he smiled at her, those sparkling honey eyes reeling her in whether she wanted them to or not. Then she turned to Piper and sighed.
"How fast do you think you can eat?"
Y/N was surprised Spencer didn't try to talk to her more on the drive over. Though, Piper did most of the talking, telling Spencer about how much she loved numbers and math, and he even quizzed her on some multiplication equations on the way.
If she wasn't so annoyed with him, Y/N would have melted completely.
It was the getting into the restaurant that worried her the most, though. She knew that once Piper ran off to play while they waited for their food, he would spend whatever short amount of time he had trying to win her back. And she was afraid of two things, mostly that she would end up crying in the restaurant, making a scene and wishing she'd never agreed to go, no matter how heart-broken Piper might have been. But there was also a small part of her, nestled deep into her heart, that was afraid she'd fall for him all over again.
He certainly made falling easy.
When the three of them stepped into the restaurant, it was easy to see how excited Piper was to be there. She gently tugged on Y/N's sleeve before looking up at her. "Nuggets, fries, and Sprite?"
"Apples, too, and you've got yourself a deal," Y/N said.
Piper nodded, not really caring but eager to go and play. So she sighed and nodded, leaving her with a, "Be careful!" as she saw the girl quick-walk over to the play area. There was a decent crowd that day, but thankfully no one in the restaurant seemed to have any grievances or knacks for trouble.
Spencer on the other hand... Y/N scoffed to herself, thinking how he was the most troublesome person in the area.
He proved her point by nudging her with his elbow. "She's a fun one."
"Yeah, she's somethin' alright," Y/N grumbled. "I can't believe you bribed her just to talk to me... If I didn't know better, I'd have thought you were being romantic. But I do know better, and you're just stubborn."
Spencer laughed, but she refused to look at him. "Aw, come on, give me some credit. You know I can be a little of both."
This time Y/N did look at him, squinting in a glare, like she was contemplating. "Eh... five to ninety-five. Leaning in favor of stubborn, of course."
"Obviously." The amusement in his voice made her hate his stupid, beautiful face even more than usual.
Thankfully he kept the conversation short after that, at least until they ordered. Since it was Spencer's treat, she milked his wallet for as much as she could afford to on fast-food. She ordered a large chocolate milkshake and enough food for her and Piper to share for dinner later— and probably lunch the next day, too. The amused chuckle Spencer let out as she was ordering did have her believing maybe she was being a bit childish. But the longer she thought about it, the more she stood by her actions.
He did break her heart after all. The least he could do was compensate through chicken nuggets and French fries.
The only thing she didn't count on, though, was how long it was going to take to make all her food, not to mention getting things done for other people. As she and Spencer made their way to the table, she realized she'd have to talk with him longer.
Spencer took advantage of this, naturally.
"So... How've you been?"
Y/N scoffed. "You show up out of the blue five years after you break up with me, and then have the nerve to ask me how I've been, in a McDonald's? Yeah, I've been great."
He sighed, his eyes flitting down to the table. "I know, I'm... I'm sorry. And I know I should have—"
"Spence, please don't... Look, I know... I know why we broke up, and I came to terms with the fact that your job was just to dangerous for us to be together, but... I mean, you weren't even willing to work it out, you just... ran away. That hurt."
"Y/N... I'm so, so sorry that it happened that way. I think about it almost every day and how much I wish I could have changed it..."
"But you can't change it. And now you... you show up here after all this time to—to what? Win me back? Use your kindness and your charm to reel me back in, like that'll somehow make everything better?"
He looked up at her through his eyelashes, the sight almost breaking her. "Maybe..."
"It's not that I don't appreciate the thought, Spence, because I do... I've dreamt about the day you'd come back and apologize, begging me to take you back... But I can't get hurt again. And you have to understand that."
"I do... Just..." His hands reached out across the table, gently touching hers. The feeling sparked something in her, something nostalgic and warm...
Something that felt a lot like home.
He was going to continue his speech, but a knock on the glass separating them from the playroom on the other side jolted them apart. It was Piper, a stern look on her face. "Don't try anything, Mister... You're still on thin ice."
She turned away then, running back to the slide when Spencer sighed. "I thought we had a deal."
Y/N laughed, nodding at Piper through the glass. "Even a hundred bucks and free food isn't enough to win someone's trust." Spencer looked over at her and waited, visibly swallowing. But Y/N flashed the smallest of smiles before finishing, speaking quietly, yet with all the truth and firmness in the world. "You have to work harder than that."
"Duly noted," Spencer replied, his gaze never straying from hers. "Looks like me and my stupid, beautiful face have some work to do."
Y/N rolled her eyes, leaning back in the chair as Spencer grinned like a fool... A stupid, beautiful fool. "Oh, alright... You know what... If you weren't paying for my mountains of food and giving me a ride home, that thin ice you're on would have just shattered under the weight of that comment."
"Oh, come on, it was funny."
"No, it really wasn't."
"Yeah, it was."
He stared at her, smiling until her forced frown slowly and reluctantly transformed into a smile of her own.
"Thank you for lunch, Spencer! And for the hundred dollars!" Piper skipped past him and up the driveway, stopping to turn and wave with her Happy Meal toy in hand. Y/N was carrying a bag of leftover food and half a milkshake, her stomach already regretting every choice she'd ever made.
"You're welcome, Piper," Spencer said, smiling at the girl. "And thank you for letting me get a chance to set things right with your auntie. You really helped me out today, I appreciate it."
"Sure thing. Just don't break her heart again, or I'll break your stupid, beautiful face. It'll turn into a stupid, ugly face then."
Y/N mentally face-palmed herself, turning to Piper and telling her to go inside and wash up. The girl gave Spencer one final wave and a smile as she did so, leaving the adults alone once again.
"Thank you..." he said quietly, shifting on his feet. "For giving me a chance. I really want to make things right with us... Make up for the way I hurt you, and... try harder. You deserve that much."
Years of heartache and trying to get over him begged Y/N not to believe it, but deep down she knew he was being truthful. He wasn't the type of guy to come around like this—especially with all the work travel he did—just to manipulate her into heartache again, with empty promises and hurtful intent.
She knew he was really willing to try to make things right, and that was a big start.
"Thank you... for saying that... And for making Piper's day. I know you didn't really mean to bribe her, but the fact that you did it anyway is absurd, so... I guess I have to give credit where credit's due."
Spencer laughed, and this time Y/N didn't hate the feeling of the butterflies in her stomach fluttering at the sound. "Well, I'm glad I could at least amuse you today. Does... this mean my romantic to stubborn ratio shifted a little bit?"
Y/N rolled her eyes affectionately, taking a sip of her milkshake. "Hmm... twenty to eighty."
"Still leaning in favor of stubborn, I suppose..."
The smile they shared in that moment felt more like the ones they used to share back then, officially kickstarting the slow, meticulous mending of their love.
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jimlingss · 3 years
i have a request for something Taehyung! maybe taehyung christmas/holiday??? OR taehyung and the prompt "Give me attention"??? honestly i will take anything taehyung 🤩
↳ The Best Friend’s Older Brother Cliché
2.3k || 99% Fluff, 1% Angst || Kim Taehyung || Best Friend’s Older Brother!AU
Taehyung is your best friend’s older brother. 
It’s so entirely cliché that you cringe whenever you think about it, but it’s true and it happened…..you had the tiniest crush on him in high school. Okay— it was a big, fat crush. But you weren’t willing to admit it, not then and certainly not now. Mostly because it’s weird. Plus there’s the fact that it would be breaking the code of honour between besties. Sisters before misters.
The last thing you would want is to make Joy upset. 
But when you came home from college in the summer and Taehyung returned from his own studies abroad...you didn’t expect him to look like that.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Taller. Leaner. Better dressed.
Maybe it had just been a long time since you’ve seen Taehyung. Maybe you had gotten desensitized but the long period away from him made you hyper aware of his existence again. Either way, seeing him made you realize that he had very much become a man.
He was no longer just the unattainable, cool teenage boy that you swooned over but left behind nonetheless in your coming of age years. And that fact slapped you across the face.
You didn’t expect for him to be like that either.
To smile at you like that. To strike up conversations. To be interested in what you were doing, where you were going.
“What are you majoring in again?”
“Really? That’s super cool. I took one anthropology class when I was a freshman. Do you like it?”
“It’s not too bad. I think it’s interesting.”
Taehyung smiles faintly. “I always knew you were smart.” 
It was one date. 
You came over. Joy was abruptly called in to fill a shift at her summer job at the ice cream parlor.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I swear I’m going to choke Jimin.”
“And then who’s gonna have to bail you out? Get going before you’re late.”
“Promise we’ll hang out more tomorrow.”
“Have fun at work!”
Taehyung happened to be there, hanging around the house, and he offered to drive you home.
“You really don’t have to.”
“I’m not going to make you take the bus in this hot weather, you know that right?” The corner of his mouth tugs easily. “Just get in the car.”
Except you both stopped to grab a small bite. A burger and fries. While sitting out at the park.
You’re not sure if that even constitutes as a date — there was nothing said about it, no mention made, all entirely too casual to be considered one. But it was the first time you and Taehyung were alone together.
Okay, if that counts...then technically it was two dates.
You and Joy went out to Jungkook’s party. She had a little too much to drink and the pair of you needed a ride home afterwards. Naturally, Taehyung was the one who picked you up in his car, begrudgingly, as Joy fought him before she laid down in the backseat, but he still flashed you that smile.
“Had fun tonight?”
“It was alright.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t end up going home with him.”
“You know. That guy with the glasses you were talking to on the lawn.”
“Namjoon? Oh no, we’re just friends.”
“Hmm. Is that so.”
After Joy was put to bed and tucked in, Taehyung asked if you wanted to stick around to watch a movie. You might or might not have cuddled into him during those three hours, but really was it cuddling? He just slung his arm over the couch where you were sitting and you leaned into his chest.
The two of you were just getting comfortable.
Alright, if that counts, then it was three dates but just three!
Taehyung asked you out personally, but it was to help him pick a gift for Joy’s birthday. He drove you downtown and you walked together in the streets, checking out boutiques before parading around the mall.
“What do you think?”
“Joy hates camo print and she doesn’t need another backpack, Taehyung.”
“Perfect! So she’ll love this then.”
He ended up getting a sweater she’d been eyeing for months.
When it became dark and you got hungry, instead of being dropped off at home, you went to the night market together on a whim. You snacked, had conversations and exchanged numerous stories. You still remember the laughter and how much your cheeks ached when you finally jumped into bed that night.
But before the summer ended, before you both left for your respective colleges, he wanted to talk.
“I had a lot of fun this summer.”
You eye him. “What did you even do this summer?” 
“Hang out with you.” Taehyung grins, eyes sparkling with mischief. “And I liked it.”
“Good. I might be hurt if you thought this entire time was awful.”
“I like you too much to ever think that. But...hear me out. What would you think we made things offici—
“We’re going to be super busy,” you interrupt in a panic, having a sense of where he was going with this. “...going to different schools and all that.”
You search his expression while schooling your own. Taehyung stays silent for a second and tries to read you. You’re not sure how successful he is.
“I’ll contact you, Taehyung.”
He smiles at that and eases. “Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. You can call or text me anytime.”
“Anytime?” You try to lighten the mood by shooting him an incredulous look. “I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“If it’s you, it wouldn’t be a bother. Trust me.”
Except when you got back, you didn’t call him. You didn’t text him either.
You only saw him briefly when Joy would occasionally facetime him in the same room as you, when you were merely a figure in the background and Taehyung would ask who it was.
“Y/N, of course, who else?”
And you would give a small wave.
There were no conversations, no small talk, no exchanges of laughter. But it was better that way. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what Joy would say, how she’d react. You don’t even know if he’s serious about you. And you’re too scared to find out the answers to any of these questions.
It didn’t matter anyway. Deep down, you know Taehyung should be kept at a distance. You know it would be better if these feelings could fade away as a sweet, brief summer romance.
What you didn’t anticipate is to come over to the Kim’s for the holidays a few months later.
“Where are you going?”
Taehyung’s following after you, trailing at your heels like a lovesick puppy. “And don’t tell me you’re showering because you already used that excuse to avoid me today.”
You spin around, masking your startlement at just how close he is, and you frown. “I’m not avoiding you.”
The corner of his mouth tugs. “We shouldn’t lie to each other, sweetheart, even if you have the tendency to do that.”
You feel hot in your face from the pet name. “I never lied to you.”
Taehyung raises his brows. The both of you know then and there it’s a lie.
“My empty phone says differently.”
You cross your arms defensively. “I never promised I’d remain in contact. I was just...busy with classes.”
“Oh. Another lie again.” Taehyung grins, and he exhales softly causing a hundred goosebumps to raise along your skin when you feel the warmth of his breath. “You should really stop your bad habit, Y/N.”
You take a step back and he steps forward.
Before you know it, he’s cornered you in the dark hallway, staring at you intently before his half-lidded eyes flicker to your lips.
You swallow hard. “Go annoy your sister instead.”
“Why should I?” His mouth slyly curls. “I like you way better.”
For the entire duration of the break so far, the both of you have been sneaking around the whole time. From Taehyung instigating a game of footsies under the dinner table to whispering in your ear when no one’s looking to winking at you from across the room so quickly that you’d miss it if you blinked. You feel his affectionate hand on the small of your back when he slides by you, feel his gaze when his shoulders graze yours, and you feel the tickle in your tummy when his voice lowers into that seductive, husky pitch. 
During the summer, he was kind and friendly Taehyung. Cautious when it came to you. Hesitant to look your way.
But this time, he’s intensified. Flirtatious. Bold. Pulling out all stops.
Maybe it’s because he’s pissed that you didn’t contact him like you said you would. Maybe because he doesn’t understand why you’re restraining yourself, and he feels the need to push to know. Maybe because he suspects you know he likes you, and you like him — he wouldn’t be wrong. 
But either way, his new brazen approach was making you weak in your knees.
“Your mom’s coming,” you mutter while pressing your hands to his chest. You don’t know how or why he feels so firm.
“She isn’t. But even if she was, she’d be more than happy to know we’re together.”
“W-We’re not together, Tae.”
“That could change right now.”
“I...I can’t.”
His thick brows furrow. “Why not? I like you, Y/N, a lot.”
You swallow hard, feeling scrutinized under his heavy gaze. Taehyung’s beauty is lethal when he’s this close and you feel an urge to brush away the dark strand that’s fallen in front of his forehead from his neatly styled hair. It was a contrast to the casual hoodie and sweatpants he was wearing. He was handsome and cozy, ready to stop hearts or be hugged like a teddy bear.
It didn’t help that he was saying these kinds of things either. “I know.”
“I don’t think you do.” His voice drops a pitch. “For the past few months, I’ve been thinking about the summer and you. The entire time, I was waiting for you to call me, to text me. Do you know what that’s like?”
“We can make this work. I want to make it work, so don’t make me wait anymore.”
You gaze at him, breath hitched in your throat and your self-control meets its limit. You practically leap onto Taehyung, heart thundering against your rib cage, standing on the tips of your toes — all to kiss him.
It’s soft and unhurried. 
Taehyung is caught off guard, but then you feel his wide smile against you. Immediately, his strong arm reaches for your waist and he tugs you in. A yelp escapes your throat as your bodies become flush against one another. Taehyung’s other hand presses against the wall behind you and he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. His tongue licks into your mouth and you groan, wrapping your arms around his neck. He tastes like sugar cookies, smells like citrus, and absolutely makes your knees weak.
You’re not sure how long you and Taehyung make out for, swapping spit like horny teenagers without experience.
It’s not until you hear a— “what the hell!” — do you break apart.
Joy is standing at the end of the hall and you shove Taehyung away from you, wide-eyed. He stumbles back, equally surprised.
“I-I can explain!”
Joy’s jaw has gone slack and you realize she’s waiting for said explanation.
Taehyung looks at you and then at his sister, opening his mouth to rescue you from this mortifying experience. But his sibling beats him to the punch—
“Look.” She raises her hands and you brace yourself. She wouldn’t end your years of friendship over this, would she? Then again, you can’t blame her if she did. “You don’t have to make this weird. It isn’t weird unless you make it weird. So I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything.”
“Wait.....what?” That was certainly not the reaction you were expecting. You think you’re more taken aback than she is. “You’re okay with this? You’re okay if we’re dating?”
Joy nonchalantly shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. You’re adults, so you can make your own decisions and I kind of had a feeling there was something going on anyway.” She smiles and looks at her older brother. “Taehyung, you’re way too obvious. The biggest gift under the tree is for her from you.”
He grins. “You caught me there.”
You’re shell-shocked at how unconcerned she is and seemingly supportive at that.
“You knew?”
“Of course I do. We’ve been friends for what, ten years? I knew you had a crush on my brother back then. So if anything, it’s about time.” Joy raises her fist at Taehyung. “You better not make Y/N cry or I’ll make you cry.”
He snorts. “Wow, thanks.”
“Anyway, continue.” Joy lazily gestures. “But we’re watching a movie in five so be quick.”
Your best friend leaves to the bathroom where she was heading to in the first place and you turn to Taehyung who has an amused grin. “Well?”
“I don’t know.” Your mind is reeling at everything that’s happening and how real this is becoming. “For some reason in my mind, I thought that would go way worse.”
“Is that why you were so worried? You didn’t need to be. Joy likes you way more than she likes me, so if anything I’d be the one getting the flack.” Taehyung smiles and leans in. “But does this mean we can finally make it official? Can I call you my girlfriend already?”
You sigh and lift your arms to loop around his neck again. He leans in for another kiss, but you stop short an inch— “Depends on what that gift under the tree is.”
Taehyung grins and before you can pull away, he tugs your waist into him once more. 
This time you kiss each other unabashedly. 
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gernades · 3 years
Ace is gone. He’s been gone for five weeks. 
Nancy has had a lot of time to think. 
She sees the places where he used to be- the kitchen, his house, the spot in his driveway where Florence is always parked- and can’t stop looking at them. 
Nancy blinks and looks up. Ace’s mother is watching her, hands resting on the dough, eyes concerned. “Are you okay?” 
Today they’re making babka-chocolate bread, braided in sections and glazed with egg wash. Nancy looks down. She’s not very good at braiding, but it mostly looks like Rebecca’s dough. 
“I’m fine,” she says, a half-smile working its way across her face. “It’s just been a long week.” Another week without Ace.  She doesn’t know why she’s here, in his house- in his kitchen- but Rebecca doesn’t seem to mind. She never has.
Nancy’s here every other day, now. They’ve made bread and biscuits and a dozen Jewish desserts that Nancy is now addicted to. 
Sometimes, Thom joins them. 
( “He’s taken quite the shine to you,” Rebecca whispers on one such day, eyes sparkling. “He’s not like this with everyone.” 
Nancy doesn’t bring up the ASL textbooks sitting new and shiny on her desk at home. 
Talking about me again, Thom signs over his shoulder, and Rebecca laughs, flicks him on the shoulder. )
Now, Rebecca gently sets down her dough and wipes her fingers off on her apron. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
No, thank you, is Nancy’s knee jerk reaction. She pauses before letting the words come out. She’s been doing that more often, as of late. Sana-her therapist- would be proud. 
Nancy purses her lips and drags a finger through the loose flour on the counter. “It’s nothing, really. I’m just… going through a lot with my dad’s business, and... I can’t help but feel like I’m never going to be happy again.” 
The last part she doesn’t mean to say out loud. “I’m sorry,” Nancy says immediately, and lifts her head up. “That was…” 
“Oh, honey,” Rebecca whispers. Her eyes are shiny. “I don’t know exactly what’s been going on, but I can tell that it’s been hard on you. You’ve always been so strong. Just like your mother.” 
“Hm,” Nancy manages, throat tight and vision blurry. When Rebecca bustles around the table and wraps her arms around her, she doesn’t pull away. 
Rebecca smells like soap and rosemary: she is warm and accepting and she makes Nancy’s heart hurt less. This will have to end eventually, but she can’t help but lean into it anyway.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time out of the house,” Carson remarks later that night. 
They’re sitting at the dinner table, doing their best to eat what is supposed to be spaghetti, courtesy of Ryan. He’s still learning how to use basic appliances: his cooking is dangerous.
 Nancy wrinkles her nose and stabs at a coagulated lump of pasta. 
“Yeah. Nothing bad. I’ve just been… baking.” 
Ryan hums and shoves a forkful of food into his mouth. Nancy and Carson watch in amazement as he gets it down without gagging. “You’re really good at it, too. That, uh, chocolate croissant thingy you brought home yesterday was amazing.” 
Nancy raises an eyebrow, amused. “The rugelach?” 
Ryan jabs his fork into the air. “Yes. So good.” 
“Spending time with Rebecca, I gather?” Carson’s voice is light and free of judgement. Before the whole Wraith thing, Nancy would have pulled up her walls, deflected the conversation. 
It’s a little different now, though, so Nancy just nods. “It’s just... nice to have someone to talk to who’s normal.” 
Carson sighs and rubs her shoulder. “I understand that completely.” 
“Hey,” Ryan states, expression pinched, “is pasta supposed to make my stomach bubbly?” 
Nancy and Carson exchange a long, tired look. 
They take Ryan to the ER for food poisoning. 
George slams a palm down onto the table. Her engagement ring sparkles in the afternoon light. Nancy jumps. “It’s been quiet, Drew. Too quiet. I don’t trust it.” 
Nancy takes a long look around the Claw. It’s nearly packed to the brim with customers- their Yelp ratings have skyrocketed since the staff have actually started working again. “This is your idea of quiet?” 
George groans and slides into the opposite booth. “You know what I mean. We’ve had nothing supernatural happen for almost a month. It’s driving me crazy.” 
“Good,” Nancy replies mildly, and takes another bite of her crab roll. “I’m taking a sabbatical from sleuthing.” 
Sana was the one to suggest a break from anything stressful- like sports or large events! Avoiding murder and possession via the paranormal probably isn’t what her therapist means, but Nancy can read between the lines. 
George screeches. Half the restaurant turns to look at them. They turn back when they see who it is. 
“What?” She narrows her eyes and leans in. “Okay. I never thought I’d live to see the Hero of Horseshoe Bay gives herself a break.” She crosses her arms. “I’m proud of you, Nancy.” 
Nancy’s heart hums. She sends George a grateful smile. “Thanks.” 
George smiles back. “Your lunch break was over ten minutes ago, by the way. I need you to clean out the grease traps.” 
Nancy’s smile drops. 
The grease traps are gross, hard work. They’re also the last normal thing Nancy did with Ace, which is equal parts sad and amusing. 
She grits her teeth and scrubs her cloth against the dirty metal. At least it’s cool here, in the kitchen, and away from the always-prying eyes of customers. 
The bell above the restaurant door tinkles faintly. Nancy sighs and dips her rag into the bucket of degreaser. 
Bess screams, high-pitched and excited. “Ace!” 
Nancy stands up so quickly that she knocks the bucket onto its side. No way. 
He can’t be back- it’s too soon, too late. Nancy needs to think more. If he’s back, she can’t go to his house again, can she?
Heart pounding, she creeps over to the window and peers into the restaurant. He’s surrounded by Bess and George- and, after a moment, Nick jogs in from the parking lot, smile blinding. 
Nancy wants to go see him. She does. Her feet seem to have other ideas, though. She can’t seem to move at all. 
Ace looks good. His hair is longer, and sun-bleached; his skin is tanned. Even from this distance Nancy can see the new freckles on his face. 
There’s a leather jacket, black and tight around his shoulders- and two new silver studs in his ears. He’s smiling. He looks happy.
 Nancy’s chest aches. 
“Hey,” she hears him say to George, “Where’s Nancy?” 
Nancy takes a half step backwards. 
“Cleaning the grease traps in the kitchen,” George replies, spreading her arms in a grand gesture. “The best job in the world.” 
Ace laughs. 
Nancy runs. 
She doesn’t really run- she simply makes a strategic, tactical retreat into the staff room and out the back door. 
There’s no time to overthink it- not yet, her brain and heart agree. Not yet. 
Nancy thanks her former self for parking her car at the very edge of the lot. Nobody notices as she pulls out onto the road, a full two hours before her shift is supposed to end. 
Ooh, she’s a little runaway! Bon Jovi croons on the radio. Daddy’s girl learned fast- 
Nancy grits her teeth and pushes her foot against the accelerator. 
All those things he couldn’t say! Ooh, she’s a little runawa-
Nancy spins the radio dial with fumbling fingers, and spends the rest of her drive listening to germanic opera. 
“Jesus,” Ryan says when he opens the front door. “You look worse than I do, and I spent three hours getting my stomach pumped last night.” 
Nancy pushes past him without a word. 
Ryan’s voice lowers, softens. “Nancy. Hey.” He reaches out, gently wraps a hand around her wrist. She stops walking. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” Nancy says, but her words come out wobbly, uneven. 
Ryan scoots a little closer. “Okay, well… that’s a lie.” 
Nancy snorts. “Ace is back.” 
Ryan smiles, relieved. “That’s great!” He pauses. “Isn’t it?” When she says nothing, he squints his eyes, searches her face. “Oh,” he says finally. “I see.” 
Nancy stiffens, alarmed. “How did you-,” 
Ryan sighs and taps his cheek. “We make the same kind of face, you know. Genetics and all that.” 
“Shit,” Nancy says again, and tries very hard not to sink through the floor. 
“Don’t worry,” Ryan promises. “I wont say anything.”
“What’s going on?” 
Ryan and Nancy turn to face Carson, who is wrapped in a purple robe, fresh out of the shower. He takes one look at the expression on Nancy’s face and rushes over. “Is there another entity-,” 
“No,” Nancy says vehemently. She drops her head onto his shoulder, breathes in the smell of his aftershave. “I’m just not feeling well.” 
Neither of her dads press her for more- they simply stand like that, the three of them, for a very long time. 
        George: where the hell are u?? 
        George: hello? nancy?
        George: are u ok
        Bess: ACE IS BACK!!!! :D
        Bess: wait where r u 
        Nick: Did something happen? 
        Ace: hey. i just got back. where are you? 
“No,” Nancy says softly, and turns off her phone. “I am not good.” 
She needs a plan. Something to protect herself, and to spare everyone from the complications that one-sided feelings often bring. It’s been a good five weeks, if she doesn’t include the whole Ace thing. It’s been peaceful. Happy. 
She doesn’t want to ruin that. 
Nancy draws her knees up to her chest and stares out the window. I think I’ll just have to pretend. It’s either that, or avoiding Ace altogether- which would be impossible.
No more baking with Rebecca and Thom, either. That hurts more than Nancy wants to admit- but she’s already made up her mind. She’ll keep her feelings on the back burner, and do her best to keep things normal. 
With a sigh, she stands, and goes upstairs to take a much-needed nap. 
She dreams again. It’s the same one she’s been having every night for the past five weeks.
Nancy dreams of silk and cigarette smoke- because Ace always has to light one up after he has a joint- and of the ocean. The waves lap at the shore, rhythmic and quiet. It’s peaceful, here. Safe.
She dreams about a cliff, soft grass: warm, roving hands and a familiar mouth against her own. If she calls out his name in her sleep, that’s her problem.
 If she wakes up sweaty and teary-eyed, that’s her problem, too.
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