#mostly because he wont even entertain the idea
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deadliestpieceontheboard · 4 days ago
~Slight The Golden Raven Spoilers
Look. LOOK. I know Jean keeps saying Kevin didn't notice. But Jeremy noticed. Riko noticed. We don't have to trust Jean on this, he has too much heartache involved to be reliable here.
Kevin was the first person to clock andreil, he noticed Jean's attraction to Jeremy JUST FROM HIM LOOKING AT A PHOTO. Also Nora has confirmed he is bi. Like. Be for real.
Kevin knows and has always know. He just never dared to let it show because it would make it all worse.
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morgy-doo · 11 months ago
school bus graveyard realtionship headcannons
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^ such cuties
Ashlyn Banner~
insanely protective
when you are in the phantom dimension this girl is mostly focused on making sure you don't get hurt/die
keeps you away from Aiden in that dimension so you don't end up getting roped into something stupid
Altho she isn't the most affectionate person, she will grab your hand and squeeze it tightly when she is nervous
she begrudgingly...after ALOT of begging, allowed you to play with her hair, when it is undone it is super wavy from being in those plaits all day
if you every get seriously hurt/die in the demon dimension, she will act calm and collected at first, but then totally lose it
she wont cry until she is alone of course
refuses to leave you alone until she knows you are better
after that she doesn't let you leave her sight
she just wants to keep you safe and close to her
Aiden Clark~
your more of a mother/father than a girlfriend/boyfriend-
CONSTANTLY bouncing off the walls
at one point in your relationship he would tell you he had a cute date planned....you had no idea that it was skydiving
he loved it
you not so much
in the phantom dimension he is using you to back him up in arguments
and he definatley tries to show off for you at one point
when they get locked in the mental assylum, he paints his face as you instead of the clown because why not
he found it endearing, you found it absolutely terrifiying
if you die then he will go silent, not as energetic or bouncy until he knows you are okay again, he constantly brings you things to entertain you with while in the hospital
he just wants you to never get bored of him
Ben Clark~
the most sweetest boyfriend ever
he will buy you flowers out of nowhere just to see you smile
sometimes he feels bad that he cannot say how much he loves you verbally
constantly has hand cramps from writing huge paragraphs about his love for you
the type of boyfriend to just pick you up and hug you when you are mad
you help him calm down when his temper starts to flare up
he really enjoys doing soothing activities with you such as pottery, painting, and baking
he is AMAZING at baking
he loves making you food
in the phantom dimension he likes to have you on his back
to reassure him that you are still there and safe, and also as a way to have quick access to you when you are in danger
if you die in the phantom dimension he will have this deeply disturbed look on his face
he honestly looked after you better than the doctor did
he brought you home cooked meals, your clothes, some things to cheer you up
he wants you to feel loved and to know that he will always be there for you even though you cannot hear him say it
Taylor Hernandez~
such a sweetie
she is so good at reading your feelings and can tell when you are upset/ when something is bothering you
she has pictures of you two together all over her wall so she always has something of you with her
she loves matching outfits with you
she 100% owns a shirt that says "i love my boyfriend/girlfriend" and has no shame in wearing it
she has this ritual where she kisses each picture of you before bed each night and saying "i love you y/n" over an over until she has kissed each picture
Tyler was just stood in the doorway of the room terrified-
in the phantom dimension you both make a vow to protect each other
and she will protect you with her LIFE is she has too
if you die in the phantom dimension she would never forgive herself
she would think its her fault as she didn't stick to her side of the vow
she let you get hurt
will sob infront of everyone
honestly needs more comfort then you do
when you are on the road to recovery tells you all these silly stories about her and Tyler to see you smile
she wants you to never leave her
Tyler Hernandez~
this one is a mixed bag
lets just say you will be very aware when he has entered the room
you slowly help him start to enjoy baseball again
he invites you to practice to show you off to his team
you are now lumped into his protection pile
congratulations, you are now one of his top priorities
he wont say it very often, but he adores you
and he misses you very much when you aren't around
he plays guitar for you when he is feeling especially loving, he teaches you the songs his dad taught him
when you are in the phantom dimension he gets very angry very easily
he is just so overwhelmed and worried about keeping you AND Taylor safe.
he is terrified he would of failed in his job of protecting you
if you die in the other dimension he would be angry at everyone but mostly at himself
he would close off, he wouldn't speak to anyone and he ends up flunking some of his classes to see you at the hospital
he is very aggressive to everyone else but when you are getting better at the hospital he is all gentle smiles and sweet tones
he owes it to you for letting you down
he wants to be able to feel that he can provide and protect you
Logan Fields~
he thinks he doesn't deserve you
why would you pick someone small and pathetic when you can have the full package like Tyler
despite his self doubts he treats you as best as he can
he is the most cliche person ever
has definately watched the sun set with you
study dates are a must
you both defo have this little potted flower that you have "raised" together
he tells you ALL about flowers as he has alot of knowledge about them
when you are in the phantom dimension he always has this dreaded feeling sitting in his stomach
as if he knows something is gonna happen to you and he wont be able to stop it
the feeling would eat him up inside
if you die in the phantom dimension, he would be determined to be the reason you got better, that it wouldn't happen again
he wants you to view him as worthy of your love, and he would do almost anything to earn that
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celestialomnipotence · 2 years ago
Sun & Moon X Child! Reader
TWs: Hints of abuse/Child neglect (if I need to add more, I will later on)
Note from Kyo- I made this so people can see an idea of how I write! This is my first time properly doing this so please dont be too harsh on me, I mostly do this in hopes of bringing comfort to those who get them from reading stories with things the go through.
Sypnosis: A (NB) child is left at the daycare and all the kids seem to not want to be around them. Which causes the kid to become more and more distressed and lonely, until the daycare attendant approaches them!
Your parents had dropped you off at the daycare very early today… Your father had already gone off to work and your mother was grumpily dragging you into the cursed place.. Well it wasnt exactly cursed, you very much enjoyed being at the daycare when your parents were at work! You only protested against it though because of the other kids ‘being mean’. To which you only earned eye rolls and were told to just deal with it… And what soon shut you up about the whole ordeal was when your mother snapped at you, yelling at you to shut up about the kids there and just deal with it, you were getting dropped off there whether you liked it or not.
So here you were.. In such a giant and colorful play area. Kids were running around, screaming, playing, coloring… Yet you were just standing there awkwardly. Should you try to play with the other kids? Would it hurt again if you tried?
You only took a shaky breath as you went to where some kids were playing tag. You wanted to join in quite a lot so you quickly ran to a kid and asked, “Hey can I join?-“ To which the kid immediately laughed at you. “You again?? No! Leave us alone freak!” The kid giggled as he ran off and you only stood their dumbfounded. You seriously ran into the rudest kid on your first try. After a few seconds you moved to the wall, should you try again?
Well you did. This time you ran to kids playing hide and seek. They had just started a game too which was perfect! “Hey can I join?” This little girl gave you a curious look but you noticed how distant her eyes looked at the same time. “Oh yea sure-.. Um- Ill count an extra… 20 seconds for you-“ You had nodded excitedly at that and already ran off. Going straight into the play structure and hiding in your favorite spot.
And there you sat for what felt like forever… And ever.. And ever… They werent looking for you.. Were they?
Thats when you felt tears well up in your eyes as you buried your head in your knees…
Then you heard someone coming near you in the structure. Oh great now another kid would call you a cry baby.
That was until you heard the voice. “Oh my goodness! Why are you crying little one?” You looked up at the cheery sun that some how fit inside the structure. “O-oh!- I-im- Im ok-“ You stuttered in a hurry as you wiped your tears away. Even though the Suns face was a constant smile, he approached you a little cautiously until he managed to sit right in front of you. Sure he was meant to be happy and entertain kids while the lights were on, but there was a little bit of code in him that told him what to do with upset kids. Plus he has already experienced seeing kids who had gotten abused before!
“Would you like to tell me whats wrong little one?” Sun had asked while letting his head rotate some to one side, maybe a bit more than he intended. You debated telling him.. Would he get upset like your parents did..? No, he was such a happy Sun! But still, should you trust him…?
You hesitantly spoke up. “W-well.. I tried to play with all the other kids again… They just left me out again and said mean things.” Sun left out a gasp that you could determine if it was real or for dramatics. “How rude of them! Well what did you want to play little one?” “.. Tag-.. And hide and seek-… But now I just want someone to play with me. That wont just leave me alone.” Sun seemed to think for a moment, tapping hid non-existent chin. “How about we play together then! Ill give you all the special attention you deserve! We can finger paint, play with crafts, or with glitter glue! Whatever you want!”
You couldnt help but giggle a bit at his enthusiasm.. And at the idea of getting all his attention.
And well, if Sun could have grinned wider, he would have. “Can we play with the paints?” You asked to which the Sun immediately, somehow, nodded. “Of course! Lets go now little one!” He held his hand out to you which you immediately took.
Then there you were, finger painting, putting googley eyes on each other, and having so much fun. You almost completely forgot about what had happened early. Soon enough, Sun told you he would have to go away soon and Moon would come out to put all the kids to bed.
You nodded at that and let out a small yawn. Maybe you would nap this time.. You had so much fun so of course you would be tired.
And when Moon finally came out, all of the kids hurried to bed while you were quickly finishing your fingerpainting you were working on some how behind Suns back.
Moon soon enough went up to you. “Naughty naughty.. You know you shouldnt be painting, its nap time.” You were quick to nod at him but then you held on your painting.. Which was one of you, Sun and Moon holding hands. Moon stared at the painting.. Or what you assumed was staring before he slowly grabbed it. He hadnt had any special experiences with you yet you still added him..?
“Thank you little one but you still have to sleep.” You nodded as he continued to speak. “Ill hang this up in our room and then help you to bed, ok?”
You nodded and then Moon… Floated? Flied away? It was too dark for you to tell anyways so you went right over to an area where you could cuddle up…
And soon Moon got over to you, only to find you already passed out under your blanket. Moon watched you for a few seconds before pulling the blanket all the way up and moving some hair out of your face.
Kyo- Well… This was my first attempt at something, hope you enjoyed :)
Id like to think Sun has kept you in his database and whenever your there, you get a special bit of attention to make sure you arent too lonely or left out!
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
can i req jax x reader angst? o-(-( been brainrotting on this idea for so long now; jax goes a little overboard with his joke or prank and reader gets upset by it.. but he doesnt really approach reader to say sorry for a while because he doesnt really know how to? so it worsens the situation? thank uuu!!!!
Severed ties (jax x reader)
There will be NO!!!! Comfort here!!! I want pain!!
Written this as platonic !!
Not proof read and written on mobile!! Yahoo!!
Honestly I love writing angstier stuff, like
Idk I like exploring the topic and the feelings
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Jac in general does not seem like the type of person to apologize. It hurts his pride and ego, and really in his eyes everything he does is "all in good fun", or as a means to entertain... himself, mostly
What, is he supposed to apologize because his little joke made someone upset? That's his thought process, I think. Like unless there are huge consequences or he is actively trying to better himself I really don't think he would give a sincere apology, you know?
Like imma be so real here, I know I usually portray jax as a prankster but so far he's worse than that. He has pushed gangle at least twice (in the pilot, and in her tailer), he stepped on her mask and knowing him I wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose. He just. Ripped zoobles arm off (like yeah sure it doesnt look like it hurts and it can be reattached, but its the idea that he just disrespects them like that), throwing a bowling ball at kinger, ect ect ect
Like I think I down play how mean jax can be
I think a lot of this is caused by the digital world; given that hes probably gotten way too comfortable with the fact you cant get severely injured in the digital world or hahe any long lasting physical damage, you know?
Anyways onto the actual request
I think it's less likely to happen if this is a romantic relationship because I think at that point in time you guys respect each other enough to not be goofy and communicate stuff. As well as this, this prompts jax to try to tone it down.. can also see this happening if you guys are close friends
So really this can only happen if you guys are only like. Normal level friends, because otherwise jax at least learns remorse and tries to be less. Uehdjcf.. you know?
Like I love jax as a character and I enjoy writing him but I'm realizing just how assholish he is based on the pilot
Honestly to be friends with jax you're going to have to be able to have some kind of tolerance to his more tame everyday stuff... imma be nice and assuming the stuff he does above isnt in his usual league of asshole-ness... or maybe it is? I dunno
But some prank he pulls goes too far, and he laughs at you. Probably takes to down play it if you're actually upset, trying to dismiss it as a good ol fashion joke
If he gives an apology it's a half assed one
This leads to you not talking to him as much anymore, if at all
In fact, you may even go as far as to avoiding him during IHAs
And you know what
At first he thinks you're just being sour over his little practical joke
But overtime as you continue to bold your ground he starts to... actually feel bad
And if he does ever sincerely apologize, its likely two late
That's also assuming you dont abstract before then
God can you imagine that, I mean what's worse? Never being able to apologize because the person is effectively dead, or apologizing and not being forgiven?
I think this would push jax to try to tone down his antics
Like he wont totally stop, but it will definitely go back to the light hearted fun I like to headcannon it being when he first joined the circus.. before it got all.. meaner..
Boredom does terrible things to someone and given that the consequences of losing your mind in this place are huge.. I can't help but understand jax a little, assuming my headcannon is correct
Though again he might just be an asshole
While your friendship may be dead and buried now, at least jax learned a lesson that actions do in fact have consequences
And hopefully it sticks
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denscani · 1 year ago
I think it's fair to assume Dog Teeth likely won't be updated again, which is completely understandable, but i'm curious if you're willing to share what you had planned for your c!Tommy and c!Dream prison fic, set in the 'verse?
i technically have most of it in a draft.
the basics are:
it's dream pov. (therefore was unmotivated to ever finish it at the dsmp height/popularity band it used to be in). involves lot of introspection/inner ruminations.
it goes like canon, where tommy gets stuck in the cell with dream. sam has a retractable leash system for dream that attaches to the back wall and near the food chute. length of chain controlled by a remote-like device. (real chained dog vibes, mostly because I think dt!sam is also kind of a freak like that.)
...and tw here for basics of some of dream's thought patterns ...
while stuck in the cell w/tommy, dream basically thinks about:
a) how much he fucking hates tommy for being annoying/loud/in his space/stuck with him, getting him stuck there in the prison, how everyone is suddenly on tommys side when no one even blinked when he disappeared/got exiled at first, they all found him equally a nuisance to some degree, etc, etc.
b)thinks about how everyone looked at him on the beach, how he knows they want to ask why but his only real reasoning is because he could and because he knew no one could stop him. And, to dream, it was the most effective/fast/efficient (read: entertaining) way to keep tommy in line, and quiet, and semi listening to him for once. like grabbing an insect or weird fucked lizard or something that's been underfoot for so long everyone else ignored it, but you stuck it in a jar and rattled it around hard enough it stopped annoying you. and then kept shaking the jar cause you found it funny and amusing and it was something to do when you're bored.
c) thinks about the past and tommys evolution from burning down georges place to being slowly pressed under his boot to suddenly being gone and then seeing how tommys changed from being in the arctic and with techno. physical and emotional differences, like tommy is full height and tall as or taller than him now, filled out muscle wise--> techno isn't gonna let Tommy sit around and not do chores or mine shit with/ for him ---> dream convinces himself that yeah, well, tommy should thank him then. because dream doesn't think tommy would have been taken in unless he really was crawling up to technos porch like some wounded, skittish animal. annoying and loud, obnoxious pre-exile tommy would have been kicked out day one.
outside of the thoughts and ideas dream is cooking up and reflecting on in his brain dome, tommy is stubborn and angry and lashes out the more buttons dream pushes from across the cell (verbally).
basically it's like two different kinds of fucked up dogs put into a small cell and the lack of civility they have for each other is like asking two food aggressive mutts to share a single steak. This includes showing lots of teeth, and using them.
--> and before tommy eventually gets out of the prison cell, he starts making some revelations about dream being pretty top shelf miserable and sort of stuck in time (and mindset), and makes the assertion to dream that he'll be "moving the fuck on with his life" (basically tommy's exact words I penned in the draft), and dream wont be there to see it, etc etc.
(and, because this happens through dream's pov and eyes, dream goes back into stewing and ruminating once tommy leaves. dream thinks about the first day he went to visit tommy in exile and while nothing happens (no armor taken, no items broken, nothing yet), he thinks about how much tommy looked up to him during the moments between the anger. joking around still, the piss sheep, setting up tRent, etc, like dream was someone tommy trusted intrinsically, despite everything. and dream couldn't stop making the comparison in his head to how a dog fed enough times looks at the hand that feeds...and trusts it--needs it-- implicitly.)
Something like that anyways...
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holofanged · 7 months ago
plagued by visions of a no powers au where harry visits a dude ranch to ✨get away from it all✨ where he meets peter who works there as a stable hand.
yapping under the cut because i need these thoughts to go somewhere
norman is fucking horrified by the idea. thats 80% of the reason harry decides to go
no but between the years spent in a hospital and Many More years spent in his dads shadow he's desperate for a change in scenery. and a dude ranch in the middle of bumfuck nowhere is about as far from nyc as you can get
he's aware it's a very Hallmark Movie idea. he's doing it anyway
it's here that he meets peter, one of the stable hands at the ranch. he does more of the behind the scenes stuff ie taking care of the animals and keeping things clean rather than entertaining visitors
peter and mj are together but in an open relationship. undecided what i want her job to be
miles is also here. hes usually the one doing the horse riding excursions with guests
harry's immediately drawn to peter because who wouldn't be. he spends more of his time just watching peter do his job than he does taking advantage of the Actual entertainment the dude ranch provides
peter works at the ranch to help fund the horse rescue his late aunt left him when she passed
they rescue percherons specifically which are big, mild tempered draft horses. because i love them
the rescue is on pretty shaky grounds money-wise but between peter working crazy hours and some generous donations they can keep their doors open (barely)
peter has his own percheron that the ranch lets him board at their stables so he can ride her on the off chance he has to be a guide on one of the outings or whatever
(the horse's name is to be determined im working on it. i love how insane horse names are and these need to be good)
anyways. harry spends all his time with peter and its not long before theyre getting nasty (t4t style. obviously)
its a casual fling until its not. its impossible to not develop feelings for someone like peter, but harry's not gonna be there forever and that timer is always ticking down in the back of his mind
in between the Incredibly Mild angst though we are getting so corny. theyre doing the thing where they both ride one horse at the same time. theyre having bonfires. harry learns that horse people are kinda wierd
erm ok and thats as far as ive gotten setup-wise lol. im slowly chipping away at making this a fic but i want to have some semblance of a plot fleshed out before i actually post anything. and by 'plot' i mean something vaguely coherent to string together all the sex scenes that got blasted into my brain the second i thought about peter on a horse
its gonna be mostly porn i wont lie. i dont have the energy for another plot heavy slowburn fic rn. this is so lighthearted and fun and (hopefully) sexy. the hallmark thing is serious its like if hallmark made movies in the middle of june that also had explicit gay sex
this ended up even less coherent than i thought it would. i never share ideas/wips like this so be nice ok i love you forever bye
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junjiie · 1 year ago
ASSHSSHS YOU LIKE JAEWON! YAYY ٩(^ᗜ^ )و your special (ily bestie westie) i'm just gonna give you a bunch of random jaewon lore fact thingies because your his no.1 fan (real!!)
um number one!!! jaewon was like a super controversial figure during produce x 101 because this man literally says ANYTHING and he cursed like every two seconds (me) and he was SUCH a controversial figure that most korean netizens hated him and started a petition to get him kicked off the show 😭 his controversy was mostly the reason he didn't win 2nd place and was instead booted down to sixth
number two!!! jaewon dated one of his former x1 members and when they broke up the two of them.. well— they kind of got into an ugly argument 🤗! idk if you know anything about x1 but i wont give any hints because i wanna keep that a mystery!! oh and hanbin is pretty jealous because now the two of them are mending their relationship haha drama!!
number three!!! jaewon's parents like- suck ass, i'm not even joking, like they're so horrible that he ran away not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES just to get away from them cause they really are that bad 😭 (these people should've not had kids), he successfully ran away for good in 2017 when he joined cube entertainment and he hasn't talked to them at all ever since then, they still leave a longlasting mental affect on him because of their emotional abuse though (sorry but trauma!)
number four!!! jaewon and hanbin are a thing…? or are they…? trust me atp they have absolutely no idea what they are 😭 literally EVERYONE knows they like each other but they kinda just let shit happen..? do they like each other? 100%. but they just kinda sit by and just.. go with the flow. will they ever confess? eh.
and lastly, number five!!! a much cuter one that isnt as confusing, jaewon was nicknamed "sleeping koala" because he often clings onto people when he sleeps, like whenever he falls asleep he'll reach out at the first person literally unconsciously and just cling onto them while he sleeps. (he was a stuffed animal kid can you tell?)
um…… yeah! i'll probably make a longer thing abt jaewon facts because theres actually SO MUCH MORE i have to explain when it comes to jaewon because hes a mess (and is currently having a sexuality crisis) so there'll def be a longer post about jaewon 😭
ik you didnt ask for this but anyway ily bestie westie have a great day <333 (i have school tmrw save me)
I AM HIS #1 UR SO RIGHT.. and omg thank u for these HELLO??! eating them all up in three bites and patting my tummy and shit
one - SOOOO REAL OF HIM TBH!!!! an idgaf warrior since the start!!! he went to uni and graduated with honours as a dpmo major!!!! no media training in sight!!!! LOVE THAT 4 HIM!!!! i support all jaewon rights AND wrongs
two - omg drama hii i love that.. ur right ik jack shit ab x1 BYR . let me look them up and make a guess at who it is though........... hyeongjun ? ! ? Am i right
three - EWW BEATS THEM UP AND SETS THEM ON FIRE AND KILLS THEM??! at least he got away though good for him omg . Pats him on the head ☹️
four - Aww gay opeple ❤️ Locks them in a room 4 ever. jaebin 5th generation it couple-not-couple
five - UEE😭🥺💧Eu💧💧E E😭😭E EUE🥺😭UUUE HOLDING HIM RIGHT NWO.......... i will cling onto HIM!!! and then he will call security and they will drag me away kicking and screaming and crying
I WILL LISTEN TO EVERY WORD U EXPLAIN AB HIM I SWEAR HE IS SO . got me wanting to share silly facts now too 😢😢 but def more algorhythm than slow motion......... they are a MESS! and its great
THANK U AGAIN 4 THESE I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM SM <3 i went back to school today!!! i hope it doesnt go too bad for u tmr :( gl bsf
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ithisatanytime · 1 year ago
Yung Lean x bladee - Victorious
 the last part about the female characters looking like ugly bull dykes is important because these are mostly visual mediums, i always go to cooking as an art to really highlight the duty of an artist to its audience, this haughty quasi mystical view of art being something beyond that with no need to consider your audience is a very jewish idea, the culinary arts put that retarded idea to bed right away, and even in the culinary arts where the primary concern is does it taste good? they still pay a GREAT DEAL of attention to how the food LOOKS, ever here of “plating” the presentation of the food is almost as important as how it tastes! and even though its definitely a secondary concern if a chef wants to be a respected artist he will spend a great deal of effort on the presentation of the food, how much more important is attractiveness in entertainment? from actors and actresses to singers and yes even to video game characters their is no earthly reason why you wouldnt put the most attractive people/characters center stage, and the recent batch of hollywood “stars/starlets” shows that the audience enjoyment has become secondary to jews and their racial agenda, Zendaya is only “mid” in a world where peoples expectations have been dramatically lowered, its not just that shes mixxed race, hale fucking barry is mixxed race, and gorgeous, zendaya is a fucking dog. you can dismiss this attitude all you want and mock like im just trying to jack off to video games or movies or whatever, but im just being truthful and pragmatic about what makes art effective and there is a reason that hollywood itself has lost an amazing amount of cultural relevance since even the early two thousands, and thats why i put “stars/starlets” in quotations, zendaya despite being a hollywood “celebrity” barely has the star power of a tv actress from the early two thousands and when hollywood wants to really push an agenda like the vaccines they by necessitate have to wheel out some geriatric celebrities from yesteryear to help sell their point and demonstrate some degree of cultural relevancy. “yous a fine looking brotha wont you vax that ass up!”
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kara-does-fandom · 2 years ago
More Lucemon Hc cause why not
Lucemon FM tends to be a TALL motherfucker by default. Pride and all esp compared to how teeny his previous forms were. Concidering he can make his wings vanish at will, size is also something he can control, and does for convenience or intimidation. USUALLY tends to be between 8 to 10ft tall depending on his mood or if he is paying attention. Shortest he will ever allow himself to be is 6.5 ft and it might only happen in the human realm and might still bump it up depending on how tall the humans around him are.
He is... not terribly picky about food but ya gotta present it well. And its always a toss up on whether the offered food will be accepted. He has people to cook for him and has a semi set variety but for his partner he might try some stuff they offer and not go "You displeased the ruler fix it or meet your end" he might do at his castle.
Speaking of presentation, he has said flattery will get you everywhere. This also goes for being a bit showy with bows and begging and anything that makes him feel like a Very Important Digimon who holds your life in his hands and you need to appease (because its often true, he just favors some people enough they dont have to go through ALL the motions)
He has probably kept tabs on where the other Aspect of Sin digimon lords are. Whether or not he cares depends on who is encroaching or who is doing something interesting. He tends to stay out of it, sometimes even if asked for an alliance from one of the others.
His castle is grand, and keeps slightly shifting shape as he takes more information and inspiration from the human world. Remaking the world for him doent always mean things are radically different. But he might make digimon he scans more loyal to him, or other small things until he decides big changes are happening.
The court in his castle tends to be the usual hangers ons who hope to gain power if he one day glances favorably thier way (entertaining to watch the squabbles, but mostly useless aside from spreading the promises of his greatness), the semblance of guards (Important to have if he is working on something, and also to "encourage" his rule to dissenters) various servants from the functioning staff to entertainers who are either permanent staff (until they seriously displease him) and the traveling sort, and the odds and ends of loyal.
Somehow in his kingdom he has villages of digimon who are happy with his rule without any manipulation on his part. He tends to cultivate this a bit and move his sights outwards. As it stands, Lucemon is a half decent ruler... until you get to the egotistical and cruel controlling behavior that tends to happen with powerful virus types. Lucemon is good to his villages and has a good idea how they run and how it suits his goals. Its the wider Digital world that starts getting him to slip up into the legendary terror, as he will not admit to himself that the whole of the world has too many moving parts to control well. He is just one digimon and the digital world is a diverse complex place with many diffrent digimon and equally many opinions. To try making them all get along or otherwise make things suit his tastes would be an impossible task, and many Lucemon in other dimensions and digital worlds have found this heady desire leads to thier doom.
If his tamer ends up moving in, you can bet he will have a room ready and close to suiting thier tastes in a day, or less. Unless he thinks he knows better than you and in that cause it will be sooner with a room Lucemon thinks suits you, and that could go both ways but even as his tamer, you have to be careful correcting him. After that though, you likely wont want for much. Lucemon will ensure you have whatever you desire.
There will be a power imbalance either way. Lucemon is too powerful to NOT control some aspect of your life in the digital world, and you may need to get pushy back if he starts getting too overbearing with how he knows best or just.. doing what he wants like you are a pet to play with and decorate for. Be careful tamers! With this Digimon you may really need to figure out 5 or more ways to do Boundaries and Mutual Respect talk and likely all in different layers of flattery and hidden in praise if you want him to listenBlunt is usually not the best way with him.
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deejadabbles · 4 years ago
Heres some post-canon-Atem-stays-AU headcanons bc I will forever be in denial that the ending of ygo ever happened.
First off can we all address the fact that Atem would have an accent!?! He knows Japanese bc of Yugi but once he has his own body back, his muscles and brain are used to different speech patterns, therefore we get an accent! The first time the gang hears him talk and this (adorable) accent they're floored but love it, it kinda helps further cement that he really is his own person apart from Yugi (not that the gang really needs that but still).
I think this would also lead to Yugi asking Atem to teach him some Ancient Egyptian. He says it just because he's interested but really he wants Atem to feel slightly less alone now that literally no one else speaks his language.
Also. Contrary to what some (*cough*Kaiba*cough*) think, Atem knows how to work modern tech. Like, come on he shared Yugi's body for years, he knows how to work a phone and computer. Now, he may be a bit of an old man and prefer not to use some modern things, but he's competent at least.
(okay okay but can we entertain the idea of Atem making "back in my day" jokes bc he thinks it's funny and Honda n Jonouchi take to calling him "old man" and it's just a big running joke between everyone?? that'd be great.)
Another misconception I think Atem would prove wrong is that he actually doesn't have all too much trouble adjusting to being a "commoner" and having to live a normal, rather un-luxurious, life. Again, he spent years watching Yugi interact with the world and live in it as someone who wasn't royalty, or even rich, and did that with no context of his previous life.
So yeah when Atem returns to earth with his own body he doesn't like...expect to have everything provided for him, or be waited on hand and foot like some ppl expected since he was royalty. Sure, he may not actively think "oh, I have to get a job in order to live now" on his own (mostly bc I think he's just still amazed he's alive at all, a lot of things don't come to mind), but when the subject comes up Atem isn't astonished or taken aback by the idea or anything weird, logically he knows he has to provide for himself now and knows at least the basics of how to accomplish that in modern times.
Okay but seriously can we all take a minute imagining Atem getting a fast food or clerk job to get by until he figures out what he wants to do next. Jou and Honda thought he'd be too prideful to "stoop that low" as ppl say, but Atem's fine with it. If dishing out fries to shitty customers or ringing up cigarettes at a gas station ensures that grandpa and Yugi don't have to carry him through life he's fine with it.
That being said, I can see Atem just being...forgetful that he has to take care of himself sometimes. He's not ignorant of the modern world, but he also has his memories back now, so I can see him laying in bed for a good 10 min before he finally remembers "oh yeah servants aren't coming to dress me, okay lets do this". And sure he knows the basics of life from his time with Yugi, like cooking and doing laundry for himself. But there's times where he just runs out of clean clothes bc he forgot to do laundry, things like that, but hey that's stuff even us non-ex-royals do as Adults so that's okay.
My point is that Atem adjusts to the modern world and not being royalty really well. He's just a forgetful dork sometimes.
Okay but going back to my "Atem gets an entry-level job" headcanon. Now I'm thinking about Kaiba finding out that Atem got a fast-food job instead of coming to him for work. Next thing Atem knows Kaiba storms in (probably cutting the line because of course he would) and starts this melodramatic speech about how no one has the right to employ the rival of Seto Kaiba besides SETO KAIBA himself.
Atem, who was already chewed out by a customer for getting the wrong sized drink, is having NONE of this and is completely ignoring him, trying to serve the next customer in line. When all Atem will say to him is "sir if you wont buy anything please leave" the petty giraffe known as Kaiba slams a pile of bills on the counter ....this then leads to Atem matching his pettiness! You know that tiktok, it's basically that. Atem takes the entire stack of bills, looks Kaiba dead in the eye, and tells him to get his own chicken nuggets.
Next thing we know Atem's managers are trying to pry them apart because Kaiba hopped the counter. There are nuggets and fries everywhere, someone threw a large coke, the customers are filming. It's a big mess.
OMG imagine the headline "Local billionaire has melt down at McDonald's"
Okay, moving on from that, sorry I just had to get that outta my head.
Once again I'm going to drive home my "touch starved Atem" headcanon by saying that Atem actually likes not being royalty in his 2nd life because Yugi and his friends aren't afraid to show him affection. This boy craves touch so much and is loving the fact that no one thinks it's offensive to hug him. Atem's the type that once he's comfortable with someone, expect hugs for every hello and goodbye. He's also known for putting his hands on shoulders and sometimes playing with hair (only if the other is comfortable with it of course!).
The hair-playing thing is because he has these precious memories of brushing and styling Mana's hair when they were younger (and once or twice being able to beg Mahad to join their hairstyling sessions). Now he loves doing it because he equates it with affection and unconditional friendship. He especially loves playing with Ryou's hair since it's so long and soft, and even bought Ryou these tarot card themed hairpieces just so he could style his hair with them.
After experimenting with alcohol a bit, Atem finds that he likes some wine cooler-type drinks but sometimes he'll crave a beer, since that was the drink of choice in ancient egypt. He weirds ppl out though because he prefers them warm, cold beer is too harsh on his sensitive teeth and he's just not used to it. Also, it took a long time to find a beer brand he likes because most aren't up to the quality he had "back in his day" lol.
At first Atem only knows how to cook basic things (again, what Yugi knows) but he soon realizes that he enjoys cooking. He gets a Pinterest account just so he can save recipes he wants to try (he starts saving other things though, he likes aesthetic boards and interior design!). The whole gang ends up loving this because he cooks meals for them sometimes and they're so good! While they're still in high school he makes Bentos for everyone about once a week and it's the highlight of their week <3
He does get a bit sad though, when he tries to recreate meals from his culture and they just don't taste quite right.
oKaY I WAS going to go on about what career I think Atem would eventually pursue, but they got really long and this is already long so I'm going to put them in their own post. All I'll say right now is: college student Atem and later, professor Atem.
That's all for now, expect more in the future though because I will never not support Atem stays AUs <3
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ckneal · 4 years ago
Every time I write another installment for the domestic midam AU, I’m positive that it’s going to be the last one, because there isn’t even an overall story to this idea. It’s really just Michael and Adam wearing lounge wear in their apartment, often while eating pizza and quietly wondering why they haven’t made out yet, why aren’t they making out right now--all while unaware the the other is wondering exactly the same thing. 
But I’ll sit down to work on something else, and this tiny part of me that just really wants to revel in the fluffiness of it will whisper something along the lines of, “What would Michael’s job be after he’s made human?”
Obviously, the immediate answer is “house husband.” During the first year or so, Michael would probably delight in maintaining this little haven that he and Adam had set up for themselves before the rapture. The hands-on nature and routine of it would actually be comforting to him when he’s learning how to be human. And that he would more than relish learning how to cook as he adjusts to his sense of taste and starts balancing Adam’s penchant for junk food alongside healthier, homecooked meals. But Michael also has a flair for efficiency and this is a cozy apartment for two. I think that after a certain point, Michael is going to have the routine down, to where it really doesn’t take up much of his time. So, what does Michael do then?
This might sound kind of farfetched and a little corny, but I think one possibility is that Michael, after a lot of time and healing and soul-searching that gives him some perspective in life, might author his own children’s books series. Hear me out: Season 15 implied that Michael had a hand in creating, or maybe even directly wrote, the bible stories, so he likely already has a grasp on the basics of storytelling. He definitely understands symbolism. At some point when he’s first starting out, he might even mention to Adam that in a sense, he’s the bestselling author to have ever been, which is a comment that Adam will never let him live down from then on. 
Though teasing aside, Adam will be very supportive of Michael’s endeavors. One of Michael’s most popular stories will be about an owl and a squirrel who struggle to be honest with how they feel about each other even though everyone around them knows and it’s okay. The coloring on the owl’s feathers will look curiously reminiscent of a trench coat and the squirrel will have green eyes. Adam will send a signed copy to Dean as gift. They wont hear anything back, though Sam will text Adam the crying-laughing emoji out of the blue a week or so later.
And it doesn’t happen over night, but I think Michael deserves to win an award for one of his books. And that Adam will entertain fantasies. That if Chuck ever does show up on their doorstep, he’s going to take Michael’s award--which is framed and hanging in their home, naturally--slap it on the table and grind Chuck’s nose right into the glass, knowing that Chuck’s books are widely considered to be literary trash and had to be published online when Chuck’s career took a dive after season 4.
But the really meta part, is that this is all going to start with Michael discovering fanfiction. About Chuck’s books. I don’t remember if we ever find out what website Becky was posting to in her first appearance in season 4, but Michael is going to discover that website, and he is going to arrive already thinking of himself as a pillar in the community, and he is going to have thoughts on everything--which will either make him insufferable or a delight depending on who you ask, but will 100% lead to Michael meeting Becky. They will clash as often as they agree, both rolling their eyes at their computer screens when the other claims to have very unique, unshakable insight into Carver Edlund’s work that they cannot specify for. . .reasons.
They will eventually become best friends.
Adam will be very concerned throughout this entire period, though he’s not sure if it’s an improvement when Michael transitions from writing fanfiction and talking nonstop theories about his dad and siblings to writing his own original work while sharing every little detail about their lives with his best friend and test reader. 
Adam tries to explain that it’s weird, but it mostly goes over Michael’s head until the day Becky asks him to beta read her PWP midam fic. 
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adhdsix · 4 years ago
i gotta sleep soon so ive decided i will finally dump a buncha my headcanons here aswell adfhsf theyre all in here but im gonna copy paste them as a post as well because i wanna ill be updating the doc a lot but i probably wont edit the post much notes slight spoilers but not much? i dont think? mono is written to be the tallest because rcg is more like a bonus i guess? but she is the tallest + oldest (this goes for other similar things written abt six, mono and/or rk) some of these are more like what-if scenarios (ex. modern stuff mentioned like cars) that could fit maybe in an au of sorts rather than entirely canon all links are safe
Tasteblind, but sensitive to certain food textures
Shortest by a lot, youngest but not by much Zero sense of time
Likes lullabies, gets Mono to sing them to her (likes to make up her own versions sometimes) Short attention span, unless she’s insanely invested in something
Definitely bites ice cream Uses Mono like a cat tree, climbs all over him, loves to sit up on his shoulders or just literally drape herself around his neck like a scarf (Mono eventually gets used to it, but she still can’t stay there for long or it starts to hurt) (possibly a little random but think like .. them + )
Likes most toys but hates dolls, usually tears them apart/messes with them for fun Not a huge fan of rain, but the sound is calming, and she loves the aftermath, which includes the smell, dew on grass, just how everything looks, worms and snails coming out of hiding, and splashing in puddles
Likes teddy bears (big and cuddly, plus, reminds her of Mono)
You are not immune to her puppy eyes. Raincoat Girl is probably the only person who is
Collects things a lot, gets attached to certain items for a random amount of time When she learns a new phrase or word, she loves to repeat it to herself ( not really in the “ look at me i learned a new word and i'm gonna use it all the time “ type way, she just finds it entertaining, kinda like vocal stimming ) Does a similar thing when she finds something that someone else said funny, mocks them by repeating it and giggling
Likes making "nests" out of her stuff
Definitely occasionally runs on all fours, it's usually not for too long though.
Most of the time it’s momentarily while she's already in the middle of sprinting, to give herself a boost with a bound or two, or if she trips or feels herself falling forward while running she'll shift onto all fours which is is how she originally developed that "reflex", to prevent herself from falling while running, but eventually she started using it a little more often 
She can also just walk normally on all fours too but she usually only uses it while running 
She likes to show off her object collections to Mono, he’s very supportive :] Loves long car rides, as well as Runaway
Brings mono gifts (usually dead rats, birds, etc. or bizzare objects from her collection that reminded her of him for whatever reason)
Hates drinks like soda or sparkling water, anything fizzy is a no-no
Likes shiny things Her pupils widen (that cat thing) when she sees something interesting, or something/someone she likes Plus her eyes shine in the dark / in photos sometimes, they usually look red
Mono gave Six their lighter
Heterochromia, their right eye is a dark, reddish brown, the other is milky white
Always chewing on stuff
Fidgets lots, stim buddies with Mono Six stims by rocking on her feet, bouncing, cracking her fingers and shaking fists most often She also vocal stims lots, mostly by repeating animal noises
It’s got tons of freckles
She likes to sing, and is very good at it but doesnt get to very often
it’s favorite things to sing are hypno and sunshine ( 11:11 hypno, sunshine )
Not super into arts, but loves to draw, and is very fascinated by origami
Often refers to Mono as a nerd (affectionate) (also sometimes dork)
Purrs, growls, hisses etc. Because she doesn't talk much, she adapts more animal-like ways of communication, not only vocally but also physical stuff (slow blinking, headbutting stuff, mostly cat-like traits and reflexes. also she likes to drop stuff off of shelves and tables just bc its fun)
Doesn't know her own strength a lot of the time
Very touch starved (they all are) even if she doesn't realise it
Flinches and/or swats others away when touched Eventually they get used to Mono, he's the only person that can touch her at all, but she still has limits
No sense of others personal space though
She’s great at tracking things, mostly small animals
Super ticklish, not very happy that Mono found out 
Very visual memory
She really loves all types of music, ranges from things like 100 gecs type stuff, to calm instrumental kinda things, literally anything with maybe a few exceptions Shark teeth, very sharp, loves making dents in stuff with them
Cat-like claws too (retractable maybe?? why not.. it usually has them out though) Love-hate relationship with snow, they find it weird and kind of icky, but Mono teaches her how to make snow angels, forts and snowmen, and she loves snowball fights (Mono regrets teaching them about those though), plus she adores going back inside and just drinking hot chocolate with Mono and sometimes other friends :]  Mono he/she Tallest of the three, oldest as well  Colorblind He has vitiligo Loves all sorts if arts and crafts, often drags Six into making stuff with him Her hair is very soft, even if it doesn't look like it Very touchy-feely, with others and with objects Knows and respects others boundaries. Six does not He will often push his own boundaries though He’s very protective, usually feels the need to put others safety and health in front of her own A little naive, will protect even if she isn’t getting anything in return from the person(s) Likes skirts! Mono loves to learn about his friends and their personalities, strengths, weaknesses etc. to use for their own benefit! For example, he has a different way to cheer up each friend, and does his best to include them in stuff he thinks they'll also like Loves any happy sounding music the most, but listens to lots of other stuff too (a few songs that remind me of him not lyric-wise but like, sounds like he'd listen to them, are She Wants Me (to be loved), Dancing in my Room, Sunday Best and Sunkissed type stuff, I don’t know music genres so) Favorite drink is probably coffee Loves all sorts of soup!! Has lots of nicknames for Six! Mostly uses kitty and shortcake (it hates them but gets used to them, only from Mono though; some of the other kids use them to get on her nerves, doesn’t end well for them) Love loves bugs! Six likes them too, but isn't as interested as Mono and Runaway (she likes to eat them) Runaway he/they Almost as tall as Mono, noticable difference though He loves chocolate milk and tea Probably the most reasonable out of the three Despite this, he still likes to annoy them (mostly Six) Similarly to Six, he sucks at keeping track of the time Likes goldfish snacks a lot His nomes are always nearby when he is Really likes coloring books and puzzles They love the sound of pianos, not the best at playing it but likes messing with them in his free time with Six (their rare bonding moments) Loves any instruments really, pianos are just his favorite Has the biggest sweet tooth Also loves bugs!! Mono and him are bug buddies His favorite bugs are caterpillars and butterflies, he isn’t a very big fan of spiders though (Mono didn’t used to mind them, but after the hand incidents in the hospital, he finds them icky; too similar) Bonus; RCG  she/they Tallest as well as oldest (again, not oldest by much though) Big sister vibes Super supportive Usually in charge of keeping others in line, doesn’t mind a little chaos here and there though (even if it doesn’t usually end well) Also has a few freckles, not nearly as much as Six Lots of energy that often rubs off on the others when she’s around Probably the most responsible, great with kids younger than her Loves teaching the others how to do stuff, has the longest attention span which makes it easier Very playful and teasing, but still knows and respects boundaries when it comes to that kinda stuff Gets easily stressed out and nervous when she doesn't know what to do, as she feels like she always has to be responsible aaaand thats all 4 now! i might do more characters like comic kids if i get enough ideas but thatll be in the doc if i ever do pleas share with me ur hcs and ideas too!!!! if u wanna i would love 2 see them!!
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the-pallid-king · 3 years ago
“Oh.” He tilts his head. “I can control myself. I’d remember to be careful.” He shrugs. “I’m only rough with you because it’s fun and you can handle it. Seriously hurting you while you were in my body wouldn’t be fun.” It hadn’t been a serious suggestion if only because he didn’t think you’d want to do it. If you’re up for it, and it seems like you are, it’s worth a shot. “Okay. We should then.” He snorts. “If we can be patient enough to switch you to my body.”
He likes that smirk. And you’ve just given him a lot of motivation to be more forthcoming with what he wants to try, whether you realize it or not. “So instead of just showing you, we should try things out for ourselves?” It’s not a bad idea really. They’d probably realize in advance if something was a hard no for either of them. He’s distracted, but he shrugs again. “Yeah, why not? You had one before. If I get a job or go back to school, it’s an easy way for you to contact me.”
He frowns, his brow furrowing as he makes another turn. “Now that I’m hearing it, that seems too controlling . You can talk to whoever you want about whatever you want. It can’t really hurt much.”
He gives you a doubtful look about your easy agreement to being held down. Last time they tried anything like that, you couldn’t even handle just holding on to something. He doesn’t think it’s a great idea. “I guess. You can’t be in my body for that though. It really might get messed up then.”
He snorts an amused sound. "I know." And he likes that you don't treat him like he's breakable. Their fights and their sex would be a lot less entertaining if you did. His amused smirk widens. "We're not very good at that... Definitely no taxis on the way home."
He takes an extra second to think that through, just because he really is taking this seriously, then nods. "I guess so, yeah. It could be fun, or it wont be fun and we'll know for next time." There's really no down side as far as he can tell. "Showin' me would be fine too. Whichever is easiest." He's feeling quite adventurous and it's a good indicator of just how comfortable and content he is. "Mm. Dunno, didn't think about it I guess." He didn't think about you going back to class or getting a job either, but he supposes those are normal human things so maybe it's not surprising you might want to do those things.
You make that turn seem so easy. It takes him a little more concentration and effort than that to follow without just straight up letting you pull him into it. He's still working this out even though he's talking. "You're not controlling. If you were, we wouldn't get along as well." He might go along with pretty much anything at any given moment, but if you really tried to start controlling him, what he did or didn't do, or when, or where, he'd get very resistant very fast.
He snorts, but there's less humor in it than he means there too be. You're right... That would be a lot for him. "Maybe you should wear your body for that one. Then you couldn't really hold me down if I wanted up." It'd be mostly for show, with no real restraint. But on the flip side, if he did freak out, you'd be a lot more vulnerable.
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notebooks-and-laptops · 5 years ago
I have this idea for an modern AU where Jaskier meets single Dad Geralt. Its very cute, they date, they fall in love.
But the one thing Geralt doesnt know about Jaskier is what he does for a living: hes very secretive about it and says things like 'oh I work in the entertainment industry' or 'oh I'm just there to make people smile' and Geralt is like...99% sure that Jaskier is a stripper or something and even has this whole speech planned out (written with Renfri's help) telling him about how it wont change that he wants to date him and sex work is real work etc. But he's waiting for Jaskier to bring it up first to talk about.
Then one day he takes Ciri to Disney Land because Yen paid for the tickets for her birthday (mostly to watch him suffer through the ordeal of it all) and he shows up and Ciri immediately B-lines towards the characters from her favourite movie Peter Pan.
And she waits very patiently to get an autograph and then Peter Pan turns round and its Jaskier.
(+++Jaskier is v annoyed about not being deemed 'handsome enough' to play prince charming)
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 5 years ago
Humans are Space Orcs, “Family Drama.”
I did not sleep in today, and have written you a story.
Warning: there are a few mentions of drugs and addiction, but not a ton
He had never felt so defeated.
As the Taxi door opened, and he stepped out onto the quiet residential street he had to hold back his shame and kept his head high. What would his family think? Should he even tell them? Well of course he should, that wasn’t an option anymore. If he wanted to make them proud he was going to have to make himself ashamed for a little while. 
Waffles whimpered at his heels.
He looked down at her with a small smile, “Alright, alright, you’re right, I’ll shut up.”
He rubbed her ears and walked up the concrete stepping forward onto the grass as a group of kids whirred past on hover-skates. They turned upon seeing them, voices suddenly raised pointing and waving at him as they rolled past.
He raised a hand to wave back, but quickly turned to the front door.
There was no way he was ready to interact with people that weren’t his close family.
He walked up the step and held out his implant to the door, it would open when it knew it was him.
The lock clicked, and he reached forward ready to finally relax and let off some steam.
The door clicked open, and he was immediately assaulted by a wave of sound.
“ADDIE!” He was grabbed around the shoulders and pulled into a massive crushing hug. It took his brain way longer than it should have to figure out what was one person, but then again, there was only one person he knew who called him Addie…. Like a fucking dog.
“Uncle Ben?” he grunted 
The man set him down on the floor and slapped his back. Below him Waffle growled nervously, but she was ignored, “It's been YEARS. We had no idea you were coming.”
The sound of kids screaming reached his ears and a t least five of them came rushing into the hallway.
“Hey that’s not fair, I wanted to be a pony too!”
“But I was one first, you can pick something else.”
Uncle Ben turned, “Hey everyone! Guess whose back!” His legs swiveled uselessly under himself as he was dragged through the hallway and into the living room, where the entire extended family seemed to be crammed. 
He blinked as the group turned into an uproar upon seeing him.
“What is that on his face?”
“Did you really lose a leg?”
“It’s been so long?”
Aunt Marry got up, “Lost all your baby fat finally.” He winced as she grabbed him and pinched his cheek, which wasn’t really for pinching anymore, or honestly had never been, but when he had more of a baby face she had always done that.
“Tell us about space!”
He was shoved onto the couch with Jeremy on one side and Grandma Vir on the other.
Jeremy gave him a look.
He grimaced back as Waffles crawled under his feet resting her head on Jeremy’s shoe.
“Where is dad?” he muttered to Jeremy, and his older brother leaned in to whisper, “where do you think. Hiding in the garage while mom entertains.”
“Coward.” Adam replied with some amusement.
That was just like their dad to avoid all extended family, even his own.
“Wait, wait, everyone calm down, our little Addie is Commander of the UNSC. You all remember when he was just a little guy who used to believe in flying saucers.”
Adam crossed his arms over his chest. Uncle Ben had always made fun of him as a kid.
His grandma looked at him from across the room, “What is that on your face?” She repeated.
He sighed, “An eyepatch grandma.”
“Why are you wearing an eyepatch.”
“Because I lost my eye.” He sighed.
She put a hand to her chest just as his mother came walking into the room, a Trey in one hand an apron tied around her waist and her hair pulled back in a messy bun. She looked more than a little frazzled.
“Martha, why didn’t you tell us he lost an eye!” She sighed, “Because I didn’t want to worry you mom.”
“How is the army still allowing you to command a ship with a missing eye?” Uncle Andy wondered 
“He flipped up the eyepatch and the mechanical tech hopped to life nearly freaking out as it tried to track all the faces in one place all at once.
Gasps, “IS that a mechanical eye!”
His other grandma put a hand over her face, “and he used to have such pretty green eyes. Now look at them, he looks like one of those cyborgs! Did you know some of those people intentionally cut off their limbs to look more like that.”
Martha sighed, “That’s not how it works mom.”
His Mother’s sister waved at him from across the room. He smiled back, he had always liked her, “I love your eyepatch, it looks cool.”
Her husband grinned, “Space pirate.” he nodded sagely.”
Adam tilted his head across the room where he found  David and Jordan squished against one wall sitting on the floor Jordan mostly sitting in David’s lap as they tried not to take up any space.
His brother grimaced at him, he grimaced back.
His mother's father leaned forward his steel grey hair and serious face set, “So tell me Adam, what are exactly your duties in the UNSC.”
The entire family rolled their eyes at once, some not even discreetly. He only got involved in conversation if he considered it “useful” and that meant all of the thing other people didn’t want to talk about, money, religion, politics, family history…… 
“Er, well Uh.”
“After commanding an entire fleet of ships you would think he’d be better at public speaking.” Uncle Trevor announced from where he was hidden behind the piano.
Adam frowned and cleared his throat, “I am fleet commander of fifteen UNSC deep space vessels for both exploration and military combat, but my primary directive is to foster good will with alien races , and save others from destruction, subjugation and slavery while expanding our knowledge of the universe through prolongued deep-space exploration.”
“Ohhhh his directive!” The rest of the family oooooed as well, but it was mostly sarcastic in nature.
His niece, Kimver walked into the room and crawled up to sit with him and Jeremy leaning against both of their arms as she played on her handheld. Kimber’s new obsession seemed to have shifted into vintage gaming. Glancing over her shoulder he could see her throwing tiny white and red balls and strange looking animals and a very pixelated screen.
“Have you met any sexy alien ladies.” Ben butted in
The rest of the family raised their eyes to the sky. Grandma looked almost offended.
“Ben would you stop with that.” His wife muttered from where she sat on a chair in the corner.
“What the whole LFIL thing is legal now, so he totally could have met some sexy alien babes.:
“It’s not a joke Ben, those people had a rough time of it the past few years.” David piped up from the other side of the room.
“Why the GA decided to legalize that behavior is a mystery to me. The world really is getting more wicked.” Grandpa muttered,
Adam clenched his fists, “Actually, Grandpa, I convinced them to lift the ban.”
The room went very quiet very suddenly.
Adam wished he had just shut his mouth.
“You what!”
“Look I spent a lot of time around LFIL members when I was securing the GA hall from protestors. I met a lot of them, and they are just good people who want to be left alone to do what they want. So yes, because of my position I was able to walk into the GA council chambers and convinced them to lift the ban.”
They stared at him.
“But what they are doing is wrong, it’s like bestiality.”
He felt his fists clench, “Grandpa if you ever met an alien you wouldn’t say that. They are sentient being that can consent, and if they can do that than it isn’t bestiality, and also stop calling my friends animals. My ship is staffed by some of the best alien crewmembers I know, and I wont have you comparing them to cattle or dogs or whatever else you want.”
The room went quiet.
Grandpa stepped out in a huff.
HE sighed and leaned his head back against the wall with an audible thud.
His mother walked over and handed him a stack of cookies with a smile on her face that said: Sorry about that.
He took the cookies greatfully shoving one completly into his mouth to avoid saying something else stupid. 
“So, does this mean you DID find a sexy alien girl.” Ben wondered and was immediately elbowed in the ribs from two sides  producing a grunt of surprise.
“So Jeremy, how long have you two been dating.” Adam looked over Jeremy’s bulk towards where a petite red haired woman with grey eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her face was squished into the other side of the couch.” 
Sensing him looking, she waved a hand with a bright smile, and he waved back.
“Almost a year now.” Jeremy beamed putting his arm around her.
“Should we be expecting an announcement from you two soon?’ 
Everyone groaned, “Grandma!”
Jeremy’s girlfriend took it like a champ and continued to smile unaffected.
“Speaking of relationships.”
Dear god please descend from heaven and rapture him straight to hell, not that, that's how it worked but anywhere but here would have been great
“Adam, when are you finally going to settle down, how old are you now 25?”
He wondered if he prayed to satan hard enough he could summon a demon to swallow his soul whole.
“I know have you ever even dated anyone”
“Kissed anyone?” “Kissing is fun, you should definitely try it sometime.”
“You're grandmother definitely needs more grandkids.”
Oh the irony, the thought bitterly to himself.
At his feet the dog whimpered.
“You know there is this really pretty girl who works down at the corner store, I think she might do really good for you, a very down to earth girl. You could get promoted into a better paying desk job at the UNSC work 9-5 it would be a dream.”
Jeremy placed a hand on his shoulder, “Actually, Adam is more of an action guy, right Adam/”
Adam gave a weak smile, “Yeah.”
“Oh, he’ll grow out of that, besides you wouldn’t want to put a family under that kind of stress. It’s like you’re never home.”
“Space is my home.” He grumbled 
“Don’t be silly, humans weren’t meant for that sort of thing, besides your obsession was cute as a kid, but now that you’re older, you really need to start thinking about the future and having kids before you’re too old.”
He wanted to scream and bash his head against the wall.
“You know what though, how about that cute younger guy that works at the DMV, he looks about your age Adam.”
“I’m not interested in having a family right now!”
The room looked at him quietly, “You asexual or something?” Uncle Ben piped up awkwardly.
Adam felt his face go red, what kind of question was that? No, no uncle Ben I am not horny, or yes, yes uncle Ben I would love to find some hot person to plow just not right now.
And in front of the entire family?
Because he really wanted to have an extended discussion about his sex life with his entire extended family.
Waffles whimpered at his feet.
And then like an angel she descended from the sky to save him, either that or a billowing superhero cape like the saint she was. He couldn’t decide, angel or superhero, but decided on both.
Supermom, and part of her costume is angel wings and a halo.
“Adam why don’t you take waffles outside, she sounds a little nervous. Maybe take her out through the garage?”
He nodded and bolted to his feet like there were rockets firing from his ass, and hurried towards the door with the dog trailing at his heels.
Voices faded behind him, and he quickly hurried through the door and into the garage, where he found his dad sitting with Thomas on a set of lawn chairs drinking cold sodas and watching the clouds pass overhead.
They turned as they heard the door open.
“Adam! We didn’t know you were coming, pull up a chair.” 
He did so and unfolded it between the other two men sitting down as Thomas handed him a drink.
“They drive you off too?” Thomas grumbled 
Adam looked at his brother. Thomas was looking a little better than usual. His hair was only a little bit scruffy and his scraggly beard was at least trimmed. The tract marks in his arms had faded to pale scars on his arms.
“Yeah, uncle Ben asked about my love life in front of god and all his creatures. You?”
“Rehab. “
“I thought you were out of rehab.”
“I am, which is why I would rather not talk about it.”
“You doing good?”
“Yeah, got a stable job now, so that’s nice, go to meetings twice a week. One more month and I'll be six months sober.”
“Awesome, congrats.” He paused, “You know what, bet I could get you a job as a stuntman if you wanted.”
Thomas laughed, “Maybe I'll take you up on that. Once this job bores me to tears, which it will.”
“Did grandpa bring up LFIL.” Dad asked turning to look up at him
“You know he did.”
“He’s been meaning to ask you. He’s worried that spending so much time up in space has confused you.”
Adam snorted, “Don’t stargaze to long dad, the stars will make you extrial.”
“So that’s what dark matter is.” Thomas muttered and the three of them laughed. Waffles had climbed up on the chair with him and curled up on his legs to fall asleep.
“So what are you doing back here?” Dad wondered, “I thought you had just taken time off.”
He sighed, “Yeah… but things got complicated….” He paused, “Ever feel like no  matter what you try to do you keep failing at it.”
Thomas raised a hand “You mean my life.”
More laughter.
Then he got serious again, “Been so stressed lately that I can barely function as a person, has the UNSC questioning whether they should ground me or not. My friends set up an intervention, and it turns out that I am a raging control freak.”
“Could have told you that.”
“You got that from your mother.”
He glanced over at thomas, “What do you mean, could have guessed that?”
He shrugged, “Come on Adam, did you ever do anything you weren't sure you could do properly. Like riding a bike, or swimming, or how you threw a fit if we moved literally anything in your room, or how you had to have everything arranged on your plate before you ate it, or….”
“Yeah yeah ok. But I’m a fighter pilot, that's kind of not-”
“Yeah that is the most control freak job ever. You have to be in so much control that traveling at more than three times the speed of sound won’t kill you. Imagine the amount of control you need to fly in formation without killing everyone.”
“Alright I get it.” He grumbled.
“So what, you try to do everything yourself?” dad grunted 
He turned to look at the older man, “how did you know?”
“Every school project you ever worked on in a group, but you just ended up doing the entire thing.”
“I thought that’s just because the other kids were lazy and weren’t going to do their jobs.”
“Or because you wouldn’t let them and they just gave up on trying.” Dad responded 
Adam sighed and sunk back against his chair, “I had no idea.”
“Welcome to personal growth, how may we kick you in the balls.”
He sighed, ‘I just, how can I be a leader without losing my identity and becoming boring and stuffy. How can I still… I don’t know, be happy and have fun when I have a job like this…. Or am I just not meant for it.”
Dad waved a hand, “You were born for it, but you need to remember that while, most of the time, you can be friends with the people you work with sometimes you need to stop being their friend and be their commander, which entails doing some things that aren’t so friendly. At the end of the day it is a ship, so you have to make them and allow them to do their jobs, fun comes later.”
“How am I supposed to reduce the stress?”
He glanced at thomas who shook his head, “If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be a recovering heroin addict.” 
“You just have to find something you love doing, and then take a little time every day to do that thing which you love. Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out.” 
He sighed and looked out at the deepening sky.
He really hoped so 
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remuseatsdeodorant · 5 years ago
Some platonic Remus+Logan stuff
Works for Light and Dark Logan tbh
And some general “Remus being Remus” warnings if just having his name in the title isn’t enough of a warning.
Remus helps Logan deal with his frustrations at being ignored.
Remus sympathises with the pain, and also doesnt have to worry about actually hurting Logan.
Logan likes being able to vent and, even though he’s constantly being maimed (and probably doing some maiming himself), gets to learn more about Remus and the Creativity Split.
Not gonna lie, their “talks” are moreso yelling while beating the shit out of eachother and I think thats very fitting of them both.
There’s always this soft genuine heartfelt moment of the two laying on the floor of Remus’ room before the mind palace works its weird healing magic.
Remus, out of all the sides, has seen Logan express his full emotions, and Logan has A LOT of them.
They have agreed to not speak of their mock-therapy sessions to anyone, cause then Patton will find out and they’ll get so many lectures about sharing your feelings from “the hypocrite” Logan said that, dont tell Patton.
When Logan gets really fed up he’ll just kick in Remus’ door. Thanks to Remus being a half of creativity, it’ll usually fly and hit him and Remus LOVES IT.
Janus cant figure out why he keeps hearing Logan scream and kick something, but hasn’t tried to investigate.... Yet.
Remus can legitimately get Logan to laugh. Usually from really stupid statements.
Remus says the stupidest things on purpose cause he likes seeing Logan smiling and happy.
Remus knows a surprising amount of biology, so he and Logan will just ramble about random Weird Human Things(tm)
Dark!Lo specific: Dark!Logan will scientifically correct Remus’ intrusive thoughts, suggest more efficient ways of performing the tasks, and how to get away with heavier crimes.
These two are far too strong when working 100% together
Logan once asked, in pure curiosity, what Remus would look like without the mustache. Remus immediately got rid of it and though Logan was weirdly horrified, he still took notes... And a picture. He’ll compare it to Roman and other sides later.
They thirst for Janus together. Logan only tried to deny his attraction for a minute cause Remus kept talking about [redacted] and broke Logan because of it.
Logan has learned that sharpening weapons to perfection is very calming
Logan is really the only side that will willingly just hang in Remus’ room. He finds it’s complete chaos interesting and is always trying to find patterns. Mostly because Romans room has (story beat) patterns to what it makes, so its possible Remus’ can too.
Remus becomes the only side allowed to just burst into Logans room and grab him.
When and if Remus gets properly accepted, Logan is likely the only side who is completely on board, knowing it could improve Thomas mental health and work, and cause he just really likes Remus.
They learn how to inslult Roman in different languages together
Remus focusses on becoming fluent in Pig latin, so much so that Thomas randomly says words in pig latin while home alone and talking to himself.
Logan rolls his eyes, but thinks its pretty entertaining.
These two will huddle up* and watch gruesome horror movies together while commenting on the unrealistic deaths/gore for whole nights. Patton is scared to leave his room and Virgil keeps yelling at them, but they wont stop.
*By Huddle up I mean Logan sits down and Remus crawls all over him like a feral gremlin until Logan can pull a blanket over him
Logan gives Remus dicipline slaps when he starts gettin to Thomas too much for Lo’s comfort
Logan has whole notebooks of diagrams/notes on how Remus’ tentacles and his room work.
Remus has tried to tell him that “they just do” but Logan wont accept that as an answer so he keeps studying.
Remus will say complete nonsense and Logan will answer as if he said english. Like people talking to their pets, Logan has no idea what Remus is saying (usually) but just makes up a conversation.
It’s usually about astronomy in Logans head.
Remus has started thinking of specific planets or starts to see if Logan will hop to the one he’s thinking of. (He hopes Logan is psychic and is trying to test it)
Remus has a copy of Logans puppet and just makes Logan say the stupidest things he can think of and it CRACKS LOGAN UP. (He has a near perfect, but very sarcastic, Logan impression)
Remus just drops from Logans ceiling while he’s studying, inevitably breaking a pen all over the paper and it doesnt even make Logan mad
Virgil saw this once and is still convinced that was Janus and not actually Logan.
Patton tries to support this new friendship, but he’s just too scared of Remus. Logan understands, but wishes Patton would try just a bit harder.
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