#i already said this on twitter but look at a picture of a percheron and tell me thats not peter
holofanged · 2 months
plagued by visions of a no powers au where harry visits a dude ranch to ✨get away from it all✨ where he meets peter who works there as a stable hand.
yapping under the cut because i need these thoughts to go somewhere
norman is fucking horrified by the idea. thats 80% of the reason harry decides to go
no but between the years spent in a hospital and Many More years spent in his dads shadow he's desperate for a change in scenery. and a dude ranch in the middle of bumfuck nowhere is about as far from nyc as you can get
he's aware it's a very Hallmark Movie idea. he's doing it anyway
it's here that he meets peter, one of the stable hands at the ranch. he does more of the behind the scenes stuff ie taking care of the animals and keeping things clean rather than entertaining visitors
peter and mj are together but in an open relationship. undecided what i want her job to be
miles is also here. hes usually the one doing the horse riding excursions with guests
harry's immediately drawn to peter because who wouldn't be. he spends more of his time just watching peter do his job than he does taking advantage of the Actual entertainment the dude ranch provides
peter works at the ranch to help fund the horse rescue his late aunt left him when she passed
they rescue percherons specifically which are big, mild tempered draft horses. because i love them
the rescue is on pretty shaky grounds money-wise but between peter working crazy hours and some generous donations they can keep their doors open (barely)
peter has his own percheron that the ranch lets him board at their stables so he can ride her on the off chance he has to be a guide on one of the outings or whatever
(the horse's name is to be determined im working on it. i love how insane horse names are and these need to be good)
anyways. harry spends all his time with peter and its not long before theyre getting nasty (t4t style. obviously)
its a casual fling until its not. its impossible to not develop feelings for someone like peter, but harry's not gonna be there forever and that timer is always ticking down in the back of his mind
in between the Incredibly Mild angst though we are getting so corny. theyre doing the thing where they both ride one horse at the same time. theyre having bonfires. harry learns that horse people are kinda wierd
erm ok and thats as far as ive gotten setup-wise lol. im slowly chipping away at making this a fic but i want to have some semblance of a plot fleshed out before i actually post anything. and by 'plot' i mean something vaguely coherent to string together all the sex scenes that got blasted into my brain the second i thought about peter on a horse
its gonna be mostly porn i wont lie. i dont have the energy for another plot heavy slowburn fic rn. this is so lighthearted and fun and (hopefully) sexy. the hallmark thing is serious its like if hallmark made movies in the middle of june that also had explicit gay sex
this ended up even less coherent than i thought it would. i never share ideas/wips like this so be nice ok i love you forever bye
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