#mostly I use it to request ideas I like but don't necessarily want to write myself
aceredshirt13 · 2 years
Hey, just a quick question. What's the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme thing? Because I see that on Ao3 allllllllll the time and I don't know what it's about at all. Could you maybe explain to me?
Hello, and of course I can!
I don't know the whole history of it, because even though I've been in and out of the AA fandom for nine to ten years at this point, I'm STILL not “old fandom” enough to have been around for the kink meme's creation (because back then I would have been a pretty small child). But basically, it began as an old forum on LiveJournal where people would anonymously write prompts for Ace Attorney fanfic, and people would anonymously write fics for those prompts (or "fills", as they're called). The concept exists for numerous fandoms, and has probably existed for just about any fandom you can think of, particularly slightly older ones in the scope of the Internet (Homestuck, Persona 4, Hetalia, etc.) - and as the name "kink meme" would suggest, the reason for the anonymity is the pornographic and oft-kinky nature of the requests. In terms of content, it tends to be pretty no-holds barred, from the fluffiest, healthiest sexual relationships to the darkest and most deeply fucked-up ones.
However, the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme has the honor (?) of existing in a continuously operating state for longer than any other kink meme of any fandom ever, and this is often attributed to the fact that while there is certainly quite a lot of sexual content, it is not solely that (which distinguished it from other kink memes of its era, I believe). People request non-sexual prompts and platonic prompts on there right alongside the sexual ones, so it functions more as a general fic request forum than one specifically for smut (not that there’s anything wrong with smut ofc), which allows it to attract a more diverse audience of readers and writers alike! Certainly, it is nowhere near as populated as it was in the days of yore, but it is still alive and well, and people are still filling out prompts to this day (like my most recent published fic, which I wrote in response to a prompt a few days ago - many people now cross-post their kink meme prompt fills to AO3, as I'm sure you now know).
It is, however, very difficult to navigate, because you can't really search for anything - you just kind of have to go through the parts yourself and look for anything that looks interesting to you. An artifact of an older Internet, even though the forum it's currently hosted on is much newer than LiveJournal was. This also means that in the search of content you'd like to see, you will inevitably see prompts and fills that are very much NOT the content you'd like to see. So if there are any kinks, pairings, concepts, etc. that are triggers for you, I would strongly advise you to be careful, because there is not really a way to avoid things like that. But that also means that if you like a kink, pairing, or concept you aren't seeing a lot of on social media or AO3, you just might find it there.
But now that you've heard all of that, if you are interested in requesting anything, filling out any prompts, or just checking the whole thing out, then you can find it here! For the most recent prompts as of my writing this post, go ahead to the post titled "STICKY: PART 34" and click on either the link that says "2850 comments" (or whatever number it will be by the time you click on it), or the link that says "You're about to view content that a community administrator has advised should be viewed with discretion." Then, if you go to the very last numbered page of comments, you'll find the newest requests - and from there, you can go back through each of those pages - and each of the other 33 parts - at your leisure. (And some of the most recent prompts may or may not have been requested by me...)
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w0rmm1lk · 9 months
I saw that you were receiving requests and I was wondering if you could write a Bakugou x male reader angst (both adults and married if possible, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.) where they There's an argument and the reader leaves the house at night and comes back just a week later (because Bakugou said some bad things. I don't think he would do that but I love angst where the character almost literally has to kneel down and ask the reader for forgiveness 😭😭😭) I'm sorry if it's too detailed and forgive my English, I'm Brazilian and I'm using Google Translate ☠️... (oh! and with a happy ending please🥺)
Yayyy first request hehe
Summary: reader and bakugo got into a small argument about bakugo not being home enough due to his hero work, bakugo being himself the argument escalated into something worse.
reader: Male
other details: Hero!Bakugo, Readers job not mentioned (can be read as hero reader or other). It is mentioned that reader has a sibling but details about them are not specified.
warnings: angst-(fluff at end), swearing(its bakugo what did you expect) implied married reader and bakugo but not mentioned. Kinda ooc but I tried my best 🥲
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You and bakugo had been together for quite some time. You first started the relationship when he was in his second year at UA, but you had known eachother since middle school. So of course you knew eachother very well, and were very close. Or well, as close as you can be with bakugo.
when you first got together he had been quite distant, but you understood. He wasn’t use to this kind of thing, yet it didn’t take him long to adjust. Long story short after he graduated you both ended up moving in together.
you had quickly gotten use to how much bakugo worked. He was so desperate to be the No.1 hero, and of course as his boyfriend/husband you supported him in that. Yet, sometimes you felt that he was more focused on that than you. He was rarely ever home leaving you to do most of the house work, including the laundry, dishes, buying groceries, ect. at first it wasn’t anything to worry about, you were mostly okay with it since you got to stay home most of the time, but sometimes it would get lonley. It was weird… you had been in a relationship for so long and even lived with him yet the house felt so empty and devoid of life. You thought that it was maybe a good idea to bring this up with bakugo. He would understand…right?
You ended up needing to stay up quite late that night waiting for him to return. He always worked overtime just to get his rank higher. He was already in the top ten… why did he worry so much…?
you felt a small jolt of surprise when you heard the front door unlock, sitting up you looked over to see bakugo. Despite being right there he didn’t seem to notice you.
“Katsuki..? Can we talk real quick?” You spoke, trying to seem calm. Despite this your heart was beating like crazy, it felt like some part of you was screaming to not bring up the issues. “Hm? Oh, you’re still awake.” He replied.. yet it seemed quite delayed.
“ah- yeah… but we need to talk.” He looked over with an annoyed expression. “Not right now.” His reply… shocked you to say the least. “Katsuki. It’s important. It’ll be quick I just need to—“ he cut you off with an annoyed sigh. “I said not right now Y/N.”
“This can’t really wait for later—“ he glared. “Do you not get what *not right now* means?” He raised his voice slightly as he spoke, his eyes piercing into your softer gaze. “It’ll be quick—! I swear.” You spoke, hoping that he would take a moment to sit down and hear you out.
he rolled his eyes tilting his head back letting out a dramatic sigh. “Fine. Let’s just get this over with.” I felt a bit of relief as he accepted. I waited a moment as he sat down on the couch beside me. “The hell do you want? It’s so goddamn late.” Despite him agreeing to speak it was clear how much he didn’t want to.
“i… I was thinking, could you maybe… try spending a bit more time at home…? I know how important your hero work is to you- and I don’t want to stop you from reaching your goal but… we haven’t really spent much time together in the last few months, and— I guess I’ve been kinda lonley…?”
he stared at you, his gaze not breaking for even a second as he spoke. You looked back as you finished, expecting him to understand, but instead you were met with a rather… interesting, expression.
his expression gave off the kinda mood of *are you being serious?*
“that’s what this was about? This is what was so fucking important you just had to talk about it right now?”
what he said… it almost hurt slightly. “What…? What do you mean? I think this is something that’s pretty important.” He rolled his eyes at your response. “Tch, I get how needy you are but I can’t just throw away all my work just for you.”
“what-? I- that’s not what I’m saying-! You’re only ever home at night after I’m asleep and you’re gone once I wake up! I’m not being needy! And asking to see you at least once everyday while living in the same house is not being needy!”
his expression made it clear he was pissed off. “Do you not realise how important my work is? How important it is for me to become no.1? Or does it all not matter to you?!” You stare at him in slight shock, it was weird how much he was misunderstanding the situation.
“that’s not what I mean! I just want to spend more time with you-! If I’m going to be stuck at home all day I at least want to see someone-! Especially you!”
“I can’t just throw away my work to spend my whole day with you! My life doesn’t revolve around you!” He stood up looking down at you.
“Katsuki! That’s not what I mean-! You—“ He cut you off. “If you think I can put everything aside just for you then— you’re mistaken.” There was an awkward silence in the room for just a moment. “You should just go.” You stared at him, your eyes locked onto eachother. “What…?” “Tch— I said you should go-!”
“Katsuki— what are you talking about?!”
“…. You know damn well what I mean.”
the silence started again lasting for a good twenty seconds. You could feel the tears building up yet not spilling. “Fine.” You stood up grabbing your phone and keys walking out the door. You didn’t know what to do but just listen.
you looked at your phone for just a moment before texting your sibling, you didn’t really have anywhere to stay so you hoped they would let you crash at their place for a bit. You stare at the small screen… it was late so you could only hope they were still awake to reply. The amount of relief you felt when your screen lit up and a small notification read
the next few days passed by so painfully slow. You stared at your phone most the time just hoping to see a notification from Bakugo, some sort of apology, or just a check up. nothing.
it didn’t help that he was quite a popular hero, you couldn’t even watch the news without seeing him.
after a full week past without anything from him, you realise that this was most likley an end to your relationship. All these years thrown away simply because you couldn’t handle not being near him.
you picked up your phone hesitating before sending bakugo a simple message.
“im coming over to grab my stuff. Be there in 20.”
you looked as the message sent, of course he left you on read.
despite it only being a 20 minutes drive, it felt like hours. Your mind was racing, you were nervous, scared to see him. As you walked to the front door you hesitated standing there for a good 30 seconds before finally knocking.
your heart was beating fast as the front door opened. “…come in.” He spoke. He looked more tired than ever, if anything it was a surprise he was even home. You simply nodded, stepping inside. The house looked like shit. You weren’t thinking that to be rude, it genuine looked like bakugo wasn’t doing anything to take care of it.
“y/n i—“ he was cut off staring at you, as you gave him the same glare he sent you a week ago. He averted his eyes like he was holding back tears. “Please— let’s… let’s talk about this….?”
“…what is there to talk about. You made it clear how you feel.”
“i— I had some time to think… a… a lot of time and— i- im… Tch— im fucking sorry okay?!”
you continued to stare at him, though the apology was genuine, you were scared to accept. You didn’t want things to just go back to how they were before.
“please y/n i— I didn’t realise how much I need you.. you’re so god damn important to me… i… took you for granted.”
you stayed silent staring at him. It’s not that you were being rude, you simply didn’t know what to say. You could see the desperation in his eyes but didn’t expect him to start tearing up.
“Y/n… please don’t leave me-! I.. I need you… please…” you watched as he grasped your hands tears pouring down his face as he struggled to even breath.
“im sorry for everything I said I— I had so much time to think and… I didn’t have my priorities straight! So please let’s just… let’s talk over this okay…?”
without a word you lifted a hand up wiping the tears from bakugos eyes before resting a hand on his cheek. “You’ll do better this time right…? It won’t just go back to how it was before…?”
you could see a spark in his eyes now that you finally answered. “I promise-! I— it won’t happen again just— please— don’t leave me…”
you let out a soft sigh. “I won’t leave you. And… I forgive you.” You heald onto his hands gently for just a moment before he pulled you in holding you close.
“i… don’t know how I ever took a man like you for granted.”
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I can get a request please. The reader works for Lockwood and Co but she has the complete opposite personality of what Lockwood has (ex: reader is more of listener rather than a talker and when she is around new people she is more on the quiet side until she gets comfortable around them) and Lockwood falls for the reader. Thank you!
Ain't a Life a Many Splendored Thing?
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a/n: a bit of a shorter post but I think I might make it into a series!! I loved this prompt and I loved writing it sm!!! it's not much but I didn't want to write more before knowing if yall would want a part 2 :) also yes the title is from hello hello by elton john from the hit movie gnomeo and juliet.
pairing: lockwood x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none :)
tags: @hufflepuff1619 (thank you for the request!) @oblivious-idiot @tangledinlove @ikeasupremacy @givemea-dam-break @neewtmas [if u guys want to be put on a tag list just lmk in the comments!!! also if i missed anyone im sorry!!!!]
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The moment that you stepped into 35 Portland Row for your interview, it was obvious to everyone that Lockwood was a goner.
You two were clearly exact opposites- where he was confident and cocky, you seemed more reserved and humble. Where he was reckless, you seemed calculated and exact. And it was now evident that while he found it natural to talk in order to prevent awkward silences around new people (especially those whom he found to be very attractive), you were perfectly comfortable with listening to him ramble.
“And right up here is the attic.” He was saying now as the two of you climbed up the creaking stairs. “You've met Lucy, obviously- this is her room. And yours as well, if you choose to live here.” He watched you take in the room, filled with Lucy's drawings and scarce decorations on the walls, your eyes lingering on the small bed hastily shoved in the corner. He looked at you with apprehension, admittedly a little worried that you would turn to him and say that you'd changed your mind and reject the employment offer.
Instead, you turned to him with a slight smile on your face and said, “Is it ok with Lucy? If I stay here?” Instantly, Lockwood was filled with relief. “It was her idea, actually.” He said softly, watching you nod in understanding. “Alright then.” You said, a sense of finality in your voice. Lockwood smiled and watched as you walked to set the small bag of belongings you had taken to your interview on top of your new bed. “I'll leave you to it, then. Dinner should be ready soon.” He said to you. You didn't respond, but Lockwood wasn't worried- he knew exactly what your soft smile was meant to convey.
“Lockwood, I just- I don't know if she fits here.” It had been only 3 days after you had officially joined Lockwood & Co., but Lockwood wasn't necessarily surprised by the remark George threw him from across the table that morning. You and Lucy were asleep, still tired after facing an infuriating ambush from a large cluster of Type Ones while on a Type Two case.
“What do you mean, George?” Lockwood asked as he took a sip of his tea. “I mean, she's just so quiet. She never speaks, and when she does it's either in one word responses or a couple phrases- even then, she mostly only ever talks to you. I'm just worried about how well she'll be able to communicate in the future.” George explained, his hands moving wildly about.
“You haven't seen her in the field, George- she's brilliant. Her sight is comparable to mine, and her touch… it's like Lucy with her Listening. Yes, she's a bit… reserved, but I'm sure she just needs to warm up to us, is all.” Lockwood smiled at his friend as he took another sip of tea, peeling open the front page of a new issue of True Hauntings.
“Don't think I didn't notice how you avoided the comment about how she only seems to talk to you.” George grumbled, taking a bite out of a piece of toast. Lockwood didn't look up from the text on the page in front of him as he mumbled a soft “I don't know what you're talking about.” George scoffed in response, starting to say something that sounded a lot like “you're clearly gone for her, why do I even try”, when you walked in, hair amess and blinking sleep out of your eyes.
The kitchen fell into immediate silence, George's face flushing in embarrassment as you looked at him, your expression unreadable. “If you're going to talk about me, you could at least do it while I'm around.” Lockwood looked up at that as he didn't notice you silently entering the kitchen. He took in your sleep-addled state and the look of fear in George's eyes. And then you were softly smiling. “I was joking, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” You said before sitting down next to Lockwood.
George snorted. “I think that's the most you've said to me the entire time you've been here.” George said, apparently taking your joke to heart. Lockwood softly kicked George under the table, but you just laughed a little.
Deciding to change the subject, Lockwood turned to you with a smile. “I'm sorry for him. What he meant to say was good morning. Would you like some tea?” You smiled at Lockwood, and he was hit with the thought that it mightve been the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. “Yes, please.” You responded. Lockwood nodded, getting up to turn the kettle on once more.
The morning passed like that- you and George softly trading barbs with one another, Lockwood making you your tea and toast, and Lucy stumbling in once you were almost done with breakfast and mumbling a “gmornin” to you and the boys. Soon, the discussion turned from an easygoing conversation over breakfast and lapsed into a more serious discussion as Lockwood started explaining the cases that you all had scheduled for that night.
You and Lockwood would be going out to a house that was reported to contain a Type Two and a couple Type Ones, George would be staying home to do some research for a bigger case the four of you had coming up the next week (he had also gotten injured a couple of days ago and his wound hadn't fully healed), and Lucy would be going to an office afflicted by a couple Type Ones.
Lockwood had been too busy dishing out the information for the night's events to realize that you hadn't been talking. It was only after Lucy and George had nodded in understanding and set out to set their own respective tasks- Lucy heading down to the basement and George getting ready to go to the Archives- when Lockwood looked to you and realized that you had been drawing on the Thinking Cloth the entire time.
He leaned over slightly, watching as you drew a small landscape on a tiny piece of empty space with a green pen that Lockwood wasn't sure he had ever seen before. He smiled as you drew, watching the concentration on your face. “Did you hear the cases for tonight?” He asked softly, watching the quirk at the corner of your lips.
“George is doing research, Lucy's got a couple of Type Ones, and you and me have got the Type Two.” You clicked your pen, signaling that you were finished with your drawing, and then you turned to look at Lockwood. “How'd I do?” You asked softly. “With the cases, or the drawing?” You shrugged, a look in your eyes that told him “both.” He smiled. “Excellent.” He whispered, making you smile.
Eventually, the two of you migrated from the kitchen to the library. Lockwood sat in his favorite armchair, surveying a stack of recent magazines as he decided which one to read first. You left the room quickly, and Lockwood frowned at your departure as he settled into the chair with a week old gossip rag.
But as quickly as you left, you had returned, a book in your hand as you sat down in the chair next to Lockwood. You two sat there for a while, Lockwood taking breaks to explain to you different London Society news while you happily listened and Lockwood smiling to himself every time you reached a point in your book that made you laugh or make some sort of exclamation of disbelief.
He was content, he realized, to just sit there and exist by your side. While he normally felt the need to make his presence known, to charm and impress anyone he might’ve just met, he found that he was very happy to just sit and read with you.
An hour or so later, Lockwood decided that he wanted to go down to the basement and get some training in before the case that night. He was about to ask you if you'd care to join before he noticed that you had fallen asleep, arms curled around your legs and head laying peacefully against the cushioning of the chair. He smiled as he closed his magazine, getting up slowly and draping a blanket over you without a sound.
As Lockwood walked out of the library, he realized that George had been right. Not about you not fitting in- no, you had definitely proven George wrong. Instead, he was forced to admit that George might've been right about Lockwood being gone for you.
hehehe thanks for reading!!! I just put in my 2 weeks at my soul sucking part time job so I'll hopefully have more motivation to work on these hehe!!! I'll also be making a masterlist very soon- I've been meaning to do that for a while
also if yall want a part 2, pls lmk! I loved writing this and I think I could do a lot more w it hehehehe. anywhom if you've read this far, thank you for reading!!! love u!
mwah, linnie
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glowingbadger · 3 months
Hi, it’s @libidinous-weeb!! I would like to request some alphabet prompts for SETETH, the dragon daddy who could fix ME.
Could I get M, Y, and…perhaps either D or W? I know you’ve done those letters already but I feel like I know in my heart you could think of more lmao. If not, maybe T then?
No pressure just D and W are my favoritessss
My love!! My husbando of husbandos!! My perfect dragon DILF!! This request was technically further down on my list, but I wanted to post some Seteth thirst-content for father's day lmao so here we are.
For my fellow dilf-fuckers, I'll include a link here to the section of my masterlists containing the frankly baffling amount of Seteth smut I've written here over the years. Tis the season!
Alphabet prompts - Seteth (FE3H)
M (motivation), T (toys), Y (yearning)... and maybe an extra W (wild card) as a treat...
NSFW 18+
Motivation: While Seteth's sex drive is predictably pent up and, as a result, intensely compelling (we'll get to it below), he's also incredibly accustomed to stifling his lusts- so much so that it's practically a reflex at this point. As such, actually pursuing his desires is something that will need to be gently encouraged and teased out of him with time, so for a long while into a relationship with him, he's mostly reactionary about it. It's as though in showing that you desire him, it subconsciously grants him "permission" to express his own lusts in turn- so unless you get really good at reading extremely subtle cues very early on (heated stares that he averts as soon as you catch him, his touch ever so slightly lingering, etc), you're going to have to be the one to initiate things for a while- but when you do, he meets your passionate energy and then some.
Toys: As to the comparatively sparse options presumably available within the intended time period of FE3H, Seteth has a politely curious but ultimately limited interest in them. While it can certainly be appealing to play with a plug or carefully carved dildo of sorts (and I've always enjoyed the idea of him using one specifically to stimulate you during the work day while he's unavailable, or to keep his cum inside of you), it's typically not a significant part of the "main event" for him. He's of course not shy about lubes, massage oils, and the like- as these can be pleasantly stimulating, provided they don't cause too much of a mess. To my mind, it's more amusing to imagine a modern setting, where Seteth is made to confront the sheer quantity and variety of pleasure toys that humans have innovated over the years- including some rather "dragon inspired" ones, on which he has strongly conflicting feelings.
Yearning: Goddess, Seteth wants you, and it's just about compelling enough to break through literal centuries of repression piled on so heavy that he'd almost forgotten he possessed such carnal wants and needs before he found himself with an oh-so-willing partner. In terms of his sex-drive, he's honestly playing catch-up in a way, and he has to relearn how to accept, process and express his lusts in a way that won't quietly drive him mad. It's not even necessarily repression solely due to religious dogma- though his position in the church does require that he conduct himself appropriately to avoid scandal. It's more about the need to avoid A. siring a child by accident (no one needs uknown half-dragons wandering around Fodlan) and B. allowing the wrong person to find out a bit too much about him, and by extension, Flayn (it's tough to hide pointed ears in bed).
Wild card bonus round: This is more a personal chip I've had on my shoulder about writing Seteth smut, but I've always felt strongly that calling him Cichol in bed is something that should only be done with care, during moments of emotional intimacy and vulnerability, and most importantly, only after discussing it with him. Whipping that one out on him mid-sex without warning would just frazzle his nerves and take him completely out of the moment- hell, worst case it could be similar to dead-naming. But with discussion about it prior, or waiting for him to ask you to call him by his old name, it can be an incredibly tender and sensual experience for both of you- a sign of the deep and profound trust he has in you, and his desire to open himself to you completely.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
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I said I was gonna do a lil event, so here I am! Also I swear I only just realized there are a lot of Cs in that title, but I'm not changing it now.
The only reason this event exists is because I said so. Sure, I could claim some follower milestones and what not, but listen. I just want to get back into doing requests again. I finally finished my OC story rough draft, so now it's time for some short & sweet comfort writing while I edit that beast. Which means mostly fluff, a lil hurt/comfort, and just a hint of spice.
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Please read all the rules before making a request! If you don't follow the rules, I may be unable to fulfill your request. I'm pretty chill, but honestly the rules exist for my own mental health lol.
You can request two different things in this event!
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This is a piece of writing around 500 words or less. I might go over because this is me we're talking about, but the goal is 500 or less. See these examples! There are 10 prompts available for this type of request.
To request a drabble, leave the following in my ask box:
Choose an Obey Me character
Choose a prompt from the list below
Optional: choose a second character in place of MC
Please choose a prompt from the list that doesn't have a character's name by it already. I will update the list as quickly as I can as I receive requests. (I have a backup list should I decide to extend the event.)
forgetful - Satan ~complete~
sparkle - Asmodeus ~complete~
blanket - Mammon ~complete~
wind - Simeon ~complete~
illuminate - Leviathan ~complete~
flame - Diavolo ~complete~
tome - Solomon ~complete~
ink - Arsenios (my OC thank you for requesting him Silver 😭) ~complete~
apron - Solomon ~complete~
cloudy - Barbatos ~complete~
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These are going to be a short list of headcanons for a single character, which will be around 700 words or less. See this example! There are 10 slots available for this type of request.
To request a headcanon, leave the following in my ask box:
Choose an Obey Me character
Choose a genre from the list below
Optional: give me an idea to base the headcanon on (examples: on a date with MC, how they are in class, etc.)
fluff: just as it sounds, all the sweet fluff... some might say this is my specialty (it's me, I'm the only one who says that)
hurt/comfort: another fave, this is where we start out sad, but have a happy ending
spicy: suggestive, might not necessarily include smut
author's choice: let me choose for you!
HEADCANON SLOTS: 0 available (this section will be updated with the requests as I receive them)
Lucifer x MC: author's choice ~complete~
Solomon sightseeing in Devildom/human world: fluff ~complete~
Simeon being human: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Asmodeus: hurt/comfort ~comfort~
Solomon with depressed MC: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Mammon: fluff ~complete~
Satan x MC: author’s choice ~complete~
Mammon: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Barbatos x MC: hurt/comfort ~complete~
Mephistopheles first time with MC: fluff and/or spicy ~complete~
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Any Obey Me character is acceptable for either type of request! You can choose one of the undateables or even characters we haven't seen yet, but keep in mind that I will use my creative license for some of their characterization! I will also accept requests for my OC if that's something anyone is interested in.
You can send more than one request, but please send them separately!
You can specify MC's gender if you would like to! I generally default to gender neutral.
You can also specify if you would like romantic or platonic! I default to romantic in most cases.
I will be working on them sporadically until all of them are complete. Since they're all going to be pretty short, I'm not sure how long it will take. But if I finish them quickly, I might extend the event.
Thank you for being here and for participating!
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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i might deserve your fate or worse
⚠️this blog’s url is normally isomorbism, using this url temporarily
hi, welcome to my blog! ^_^ you may want to read this post before following. edited when needed.
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links: neocities / cohost / bluesky / mastodon / pillowfort (rarely active on these i just made accounts on everything to see)
invite to discord server on request for mutuals or people i’ve interacted with
free palestine! 🇵🇸
ask to tag (dm or ask) if you want to filter anything!
interests / stuff I post
I like pure math and I'm studying it at university (bachelor). kind of my "main" special interest and has been since I was a kid.
I write stuff occasionally like poems and "fanfiction."
I sometimes make semi-coherent poasts about my miscellaneous opinions on social and political issues, philosophy, etc.
not a fandom blog but I post about things I read or watch sometimes. I like death note (number one fan of light yagami).
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general / rules
asks are welcome but I am very slow (as in it takes months sometimes) at answering them. I am not ignoring you I am just so bad at this.
for privacy I don't want to share some things like where I'm from and I would appreciate if you don’t ask this type of question.
you can ask nicely if you need something tagged. I try to keep this blog generally pg-13.
english is not my first language but I'm at c2 level. I generally use american rather than british terms where there is a distinction.
please tell me if you think something I said was mean, bigoted, or problematic so I can improve in the future!
sometimes I will talk or reblog something about the discourse du jour but this is not a discourse blog.
no dni; I may block you if: you harass me or my followers, if I think it's likely that you will, or for other reasons (although I rarely do and mostly accidentally). you can ask to be unblocked.
please make a post or some indication you are not a bot.
do not take any of my posts as a call to violence towards any individual or group of individuals.
do not put discriminatory rhetoric on basis of race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, assigned sex at birth, gender, sexual orientation, or disability on my posts. I try my best to keep this blog safe for people of marginalized identities.
miscellaneous positions / opinions
you are not required to agree to interact or follow
I'm a socialist (communist-adjacent as in closer to a marxist than an anarchist on most issues, but I don't use a more specific label. I try to stay open to learning about different ideas) and a (mostly classical) utilitarian.
anti-imperialist as in I oppose imperialism by the US and western countries and by other countries like russia too.
I try to have a nuanced view of historical socialist experiments (i am from an ex-socialist country btw).
inclusionist as in I think it's fine if people have any good faith and harmless identities, even contradictory ones. this doesn't include "radqueer" identities. I don't participate in queer discourse.
vegan for the animals and the environment.
irreligious atheist, no longer consider myself strictly anti-theist but adjacent.
not a fan of standpoint epistemology nor do I feel the need to prove I have it worse than someone else. pick and choose which privileged groups you want to implicitly assume I am part of (unless I explicitly state a fact about myself). it’s the internet.
I strongly disagree with the concept of collective guilt or collective punishment.
nationalism is cringe.
I do not want to hear about shipping discourse.
reblog ≠ endorsement of everything the OP ever said. also note I will sometimes interact or follow people I don't agree with on everything or even most things. I will sometimes reblog posts that are interesting but I do not necessarily endorse.
some posts (this section is a work in progress)
why i am anti anti civ
on autism: (x) (x)
on democracy under socialism
socialism vs communism vs regulated capitalism
@this-is-trivial - aesthetics sideblog
@autistic-light-yagami - “roleplay sideblog”
@hashtag-applecore - 🍎
@colibri-coruscans - birds (the other mod is @/rlydsntmttr)
@goncharovpilled - goncharov posts archive
@modularfacade - architecture photography blog
@did-henry-kissinger-die-yet - what it says on the tin (the answer is yes)
@jan-iso - toki pona blog
@wouldkirakillthem - poll gimmick blog
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fyodors-husband · 3 months
I love your newest hcs! I was wondering if you could make some fyodor x shibusawa headcannons? Sfw and nsfw? If not that’s Okie Dokie! Have a good day!
thank you anon!!!
I'm so happy more people are requesting, it gives me motivation to actually write lmao
I will absolutely I am the No°1. ShibuFyo fan. It's one of my top 3 BSD ships
CW: Slight OOC, nsfw, dragon traits described, dead apple spoilers, some angst (?), fyodor is a manipulator 😔
°~•~○~°~•~○_FLUFF BELOW THE CUT_○~•~°~○~•~°
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They definitely took some time to accept they liked each other
Was probably one sided at first
They both have a hard time showing affection, especially in public
Their PDA is litterally eye contact
When their alone they'll watch movies together, might hold hands when they do
Shibusawa puts on a Japanese movie and fyodor can barely understand it
Fyodor puts on a Russian (probably soviet) movie and shibusawa is just lost
(Fyodor strikes me as the type to like soviet cinematography)
If they end up having enough time to cook at home they'll fight over who gets to cook because they both think the others food is weird (until they try it and like it)
Shibusawas favorite thing that fyodor makes is probably beet and prune salad or syrniky (no idea how to spell it in English, it's like pancakes sort of)
Fyodors favorite thing that shibuswa makes is probably tuna onigiri or soba noodles
they like to eat in silence, maybe some music in the background
Once they get close enough they sleep in the same bed, cuddling isn't huge (when their awake)
They'll go to sleep on opposite sides of the bed and then wake up smoshed and snuggled together
°~•~○~°~•~○_NSFW BELOW THE CUT_○~•~°~○~•~°
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Takes alot I mean ALOT of time for them to get to this point
Like years (This is in character, if we're talking OOC maybe a few months like normal relationships)
The reaaon I say it takes years is because they both have their own belief system about it, and their bith not very trusting people
Once they finally do get to this point it's going to happen fast and slow at the same time
they genuinely fight over who tops
They end up switching who tops everytime because neither of them like being controlled by another person
The first time it's pretty basic and slow, getting used to each other and things like that
After they've done it a few times it gets rougher, as I said they fight for who tops so obviously whoever gets top os going to be cocky about it
And whoever doesn't is going to be not necessarily a brat but close to
Shibusawa is bigger than fyodor (don't attack me I'm sorry 😭)
Shibusawa has scales, definitely, mostly by his important organs and on his back
Since scales are mostly used as armour for dragons anyways
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i thought I would have more for NSFW but when I try to think about it in character I don't have that many actually 😔
Sorry it's short anon, I wanted to make it as in charcter as possible and even though I LOVE shibusawa I haven't done as much of a deep dive into his character as I have others, once I do trust i will make better HC's
Thank you all for reading, likes and reblogs help if you enjoyed!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 27 days
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Let this be the one and only prompt I will ever send to this blog. Saber with a top hat a mustache and a fat fucking blunt. A cigarette is also acceptable.
smut, You know that one scene in Fate/Extra where Rani has sex with your servant? Yeah I want Hakunon to be invited in. Whether she's an active participant or if she just gives a thumb up and leave is up to you. (Archer route preferred!)
One of the remaining FSR Servants (or even characters from FSR who have the potential to become Servants due to being a historical figure themselves [like Zheng Chenggong]) being summoned to Chaldea. Honestly free for all on what exactly happens in the fill, just something that starts with this.
Anything with Zheng Chenggong and FSR Saber meeting up in Chaldea (with both as Servants even if the former hasn't actually been made one yet in Fate) tbh.
smut, BB Dubai’s henchmen get into a competition with Constantine’s henchmen. Loser gets a one way ticket to getting fucked without mercy.
One of the events (I forget which) had Tamamo Cat take up the camera because "Trust me, you don't want to see what Ushi looks like grinning while covered from head to toe in blood, woof!" I politely disagree and would like to request an image of exactly that.
smut, fionn/group - fionn very nicely takes care of his knights' stress. exactly as it says. i want fionn being a good nice slut for his knights of fianna, because it's hard work, you know, and it's good to keep morale up, and surely they deserve a reward for all they've done, and it's definitely not just an excuse to get some contact in after traveling for months and being away from a nice warm bed with a pretty girl in it for so long. diarmuid is an obvious must, but as for the other knights, you can do whatever you want! toss in whatever headcanons you might have about 'em. i'd especially love to see goll mac morna, with his contentious relationship with fionn and how that might make any physicality between them tense.
For the body horror prompts, maybe something with vortigern or the any of the tam lin with their “true forms” so to speak turned up a few degrees?
Arjuna weight gain, please... It feels like there's only like five people in the fandom who like the idea of him soft, and I'm two of them. Any pairing except Karna is fine, art or fic fills welcome, any size is good, just make him squishy <3
smut, noncon, Kindly asking for reader insert noncon. Ideally I need to get passed around Chaldean servants like a blunt but even just a single "servant of your choice makes good use of their inhuman strength to lock a poor unsuspecting reader in place for a quick fuck" works for me.
I want blorbos and sex toys. Not necessarily using them, if you want to write me Shiki shopping for toys or draw me Arcueid holding a magic wand like a lightsaber, that works for me (though I won't say no to lemon with toys in action, haha!) Any character, any fandom, any medium.
Bill Cipher is summoned to Chaldea. Not with a humanoid body or anything, still a triangle (bonus points if he has an Extra Class like Foreigner or Watcher, Berserker would also be acceptable). He is so confused and angry about all of this. Guda keeps essentially going “I can fix him” (not romantic, just in typical Guda fashion) in spite of his obvious warning signs. His powers are severely limited except for when he uses his Noble Phantasm, and he doesn’t know what a Noble Phantasm is so he thinks he’s been weakened forever (until he figures out how to use it ala Mash did) So many of the people here don’t know who he is, so they aren’t scared of him. At least a lot of the evil Heroic Spirits want to hang out with him.
This is mostly an art prompt (but writers are always welcome!): Crossover with Final Fantasy 14, please interpret your fave servant as if they were from that game! What class would they main, what race would they be? go wildddd
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Tag people you'd like to get to know better!
Tagged by @furyeclipse (my dearest, thank you very much, you're a great being ^^)
Favorite Color: Blue. Seriously. Everything I own is blue, since I was a little kid. Everything my sister owns is pink, also since we were kids, and my mom always says we are that Renoir painting:
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This one. The difference is that my sister is older, taller and brunette, while I'm smaller and blonde. In a way, we are like Dante and Vergil.
Recently we took a pic during the Guns n' Roses concert, and we're wearing the same coat - the difference? My sister's red, mine is dark teal :)
(also, she doesn't even enjoy videogames, she doesn't know anything about DMC, it's just a fine coincidence)
Favorite Flavor: Apple, peach and cinnamon. Not necessarily all together. My mom calls me the crazy cinnamon lady. Also, I'm forever in the search for the best apple pie in my city xD
Favorite Genres: Horror, thriller, sci-fi and fantasy, probably.
Favorite Music: I have NO idea. Mainly rock, I'd say, but I love everything, honestly. Except a very few genres (mostly from my country) that I really REALLY don't like.
Last Song: Zick Zack, by Rammstein
(I was showing my mom this video 'cause we were discussing plastic surgery and crazy people doing DIY fillers at home with no safety whatsoever and I said "hey, I got the perfect video that gets the overall idea of our conversation, hold on a minute")
ALSO it does get quite disturbing halfway through, so be warned ;)
Last WIP: The cyberpunk style book I'm writing, called Nyx Protocol. It's a provisory name, though T-T
Last Movie: Sound of Music. Yes, I know all the songs. Also, I used to dance with my sister alongside the movie when we were kids, she was Liesl and I was Rolffe. Thankfully, we never broke our furniture jumping around them :)
Currently Reading: Ramses, by Christian Jacq; Burnout Society, by Byung Chul-Han; and an old Astronomy book from the 70's I stole from my dad 'cause it's my new hobby \o/
Currently Watching: I don't watch many series 'cause I tend not to finish them. Last one I watched was The Sandman (mostly because I read the comics and didn't wanna miss it). I also tend to put on long youtube videos while I'm drawing to keep myself distracted - so disturbing things tier lists, horror tier lists... I've no idea why I do this to myself. When it becomes too much, I just watch beautiful stuff, like Sound of Music and such.
Working On: My book, Nyx Protocol, which I HOPE I'll finish by mid 2023; a Vergil x reader longfic called Nemesis; Shall Never Surrender requests; a mentoring art program my friend took me as her student for free so I can officially get into the industry; learning French and German on my own; finishing at least one of the many games I have in my list by mid 2023; trying not to burnout again because I tend to do a LOT of stuff at the same time to feel productive T-T
I tag: @princesssakurasylveon and anyone else who wants to be part of it!! I didn't tag more people 'cause I don't know if they'd feel annoyed by it, so... Yeah. Do feel tagged if you want to share a bit about yourself!! ^^
Also, my answers are a LOT longer than they should, I regret NOTHING
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maeve-on-mustafar · 2 years
Hi, so I don't know want to come across as rude, but where are you getting this impression that the popular obikin fandom trend for Anakin is for him to be a himbo disaster? Like yes, I've definitely seen that in the fandom, but I wouldn't say the majority take that view. Mostly I see the fandom writing him as possessive, competent, angry, volatile, and complex. I see both 'popular' and 'non popular' writers writing him with a mixture of these characteristics, and I think it's a bit offensive that you're saying popular writers in the fandom tend to only write him in one way, because I don't see that at all and I check the ao3 tag everyday.
I also find it quite rude that you seem to think that the less 'popular' writers and their work are any less loved in the fandom. I still love, read, rec and talk about these fics, and it is the community's responsibility as a whole to spread the love for those fics. So why not rec some yourself? Why not write something that may not necessarily be 'popular' by fandom standards and you may find a handful of people who agree with you and you'll make some great friends? Why not build your catalogue of your preferred characterisation and maybe it'll become the norm? Why not do any of these things instead of disregarding and disrespecting the hundreds of writers who do do those things, and do it because they love obikin and not because they want to be popular.
TBH, anon, I don't advise my way of thinking for anyone else. It's mine and probably a product of my own anxiety, and I wouldn't encourage anyone to share in it.
I also find it quite rude that you seem to think that the less 'popular' writers and their work are any less loved in the fandom.
This is just how I think of stats. I honestly don't know how else to think of them. Like, if I have an Obikin memory loss fic fic that gets twenty kudos, but there's another Obikin memory loss fic with two thousand kudos, the only objective conclusion to me is that this other fic is more loved than mine. Now, there might be another reason for that: the other author might be a better writer, or maybe their fic leaned into the trope more in a way the audience preferred, or maybe they used more popular characterization. But to me, it's a no-brainer in this situation that the more popular fic is more loved by fandom.
But this mindset is only something I apply to myself. I'm never going to look at someone else's work and go, "Wow, twenty kudos, clearly no one loves you." And I would encourage anyone else to back away from that kind of thinking, because believe me, it's not helpful.
Why not write something that may not necessarily be 'popular' by fandom standards and you may find a handful of people who agree with you and you'll make some great friends? Why not build your catalogue of your preferred characterisation and maybe it'll become the norm?
Honestly, anon, because I think I'll fail. I'd love to have people to brainstorm competent!Anakin Obikin stories with, or to be able to jump into a chat about what your favorite rarely-mentioned talent of Anakin's is from either Legends or canon. But so many times before, in both different fandoms and in this one, I set out to write a fic I thought for sure people would enjoy and that I'd find a friendship or two through it, only for it to bomb and no one to want to acknowledge it. And I was just left mortified by my failure and never wanting to repeat the experience.
And I know this is a me issue, to an extent. I know it's not normal to have so much anxiety over fic writing, but I don't know what to do. I constantly feel like I'm doomed to fail whenever I start a new fic, because I know I'm not good at giving the fandom what it wants, and I know that I'll see that reflected in my stats and then have to face how much fandom doesn't want me writing the ideas I want to write most. I write for fandom fic exchanges, and I see certain requests by the same people popping up over and over in different in exchanges, asking for Obikin or another pairing or a gen prompt. And each time, I so badly want to write the prompt or pairing for them, and sometimes start fics to give to the person requesting that pairing, but then I always chicken out because I'm too worried that my fic will disappoint them and that I'll have to see another fic fail.
I don't know what to do to put an end to this way of thinking/acting. Every New Year, my resolution is to write more, to increase my fic output, but I can never convince myself that anyone truly wants to see fics by me, so I'm just left paralyzed about wanting to write but knowing I'll inevitably write the wrong thing. And then I get nothing accomplished. I feel resigned that the same thing is going to happen this year, and I don't know how to prevent it.
I still love, read, rec and talk about these fics, and it is the community's responsibility as a whole to spread the love for those fics.
And I thank you for it, nonny. Sincerely and without snark. I wish more people in fandom were like you and willing to give fics a chance even if they're not popular or already being recced all over the place. I genuinely appreciate you for what you're doing.
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groggydog · 2 years
IF Comp Reviews Part 3
(Continued from Part 2, my micro-reviews of games I've played in IF Comp 2022. If you can't tell, I'm HEAVILY using the randomize feature here. It's quite the experience!)
Nose Bleed by Stanley W. Baxton
I don't think I like Texture. That's not a fair thing to say in someone's game review, I know, but this is the third one I've played in IF Comp 2022 and while it's a neat idea I don't think it's for me. So it does feel harder to look at games like this objectively. However...
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I got immediate Chuck Palahniuk vibes from Nose Bleed. The UI is minimalistic, the writing short and evocative in its word choice (not necessarily in that it is florid, but that it is just kind of gross).
But the story builds, and builds, and an anxious feeling builds with it. As a short vignette, I thought the story did a remarkably good job of cementing that anxious feeling. It's a moment in time, displayed for people to gawk at its visceral horror.
"You're disgusting. So disgusting."
Technically, I think this made the most out of Texture that I've seen. I don't want to spoil things, but the stylistic choices made here were absolutely the right ones, and added immensely to the anxiety. I didn't love the "Find the Door" bit, but it feels like a very minor complaint.
One of the things I don't love about IF Comp is that we necessarily have to pit games like this against games which span 2-3 hours. It's unfair. Because this isn't going to win the competition, I don't think, but it's wonderfully executed. It accomplishes exactly what it sets out to be, and 'm glad that it was submitted.
No One Else is Doing This by Lauren O'Donoghue
NOEIDT is a bleak but effective game about the hard mental labor of trying to change things when your bank account is also dependent on your ability to do so.
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If you've ever done a signature drive or knocked on doors for politicians - something I admit I have not done in a long time - you know the feeling that this creates.
I hate talking to people. Things like this are my nightmare. And I think this game effectively uses a minimalist UI to drive the quiet desperation of this activity home. However, I hoped that this game would have a bit more of a message behind it. Maybe that's not a fair request, but for a game about community organizing I wanted a bit more substance. There's some to be found within the individual interactions themselves, but it's too easy to miss those due to the nature of the game.
Having said that, I think the single best design decision here was the sort of brutal way the game ends and restarts without fanfare. That's great execution on the idea.
I really like the idea behind this game, but left feeling not quite as affected as I'd hoped. It does come really close in my mind to hitting something that is capital T True, but for some reason I'm not quite as enthusiastic as other reviews I've seen. Still, I'd absolutely look forward to more games by this author.
Campus Invaders by Marco Vallarino
As Mike Russo put it on the IntFiction forums, sometimes you can tell when a piece has all the hallmarks of a first attempt. I did the same thing with GroggyQUEST and so I see the same greenhorn trends here.
While Campus Invaders does have some pithy humor, it mostly misses the mark for me as being a bit too absurdist. I think there's a mix of both objectivity and subjectivity in there, at least in terms of the game's form.
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However, some of the game's mechanical choices didn't sit well with me either. "Look X" never produced a result, which does seem like a baffling choice. I also found that the way text was presented to be sometimes confusing - small sentences followed by walls of text that obscured the screen.
Overall, though, it was at least competently made. It worked, the puzzles made sense enough for me to not get stuck or need a walkthrough, and the story had a clear throughline. Past that, a lot of it is just preference.
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bingoboingobongo · 3 years
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Pairing: Rue Bennett (Euphoria) x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Rue notices you in her pre-calculus class, and she realizes that she can't live without you.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: mentions of drugs and addiction
A/N: hii, this fic is written in second person rather than third person like my last fic, i did this because 1. i was requested to, and 2. it keeps it more gender neutral and it would have been kinda confusing to use feminine pronouns for both rue and the reader. i'm still trying to develop my writing style, (you can probably tell i like metaphors and lists of three lol), but it's still in the works, so if you have a preference for third person or second person please tell me! also apologies if the ending dialogue is weird, it's late and i don't have much practice writing confessions. as always, likes/reblogs and constructive criticism are always welcome, thank you for reading :)
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Rue couldn’t exactly say that she “liked” doing drugs. She relished the relief they gave her, the escape. They provided a quiet moment for her, a moment where she could be free from the things that constantly plagued her thoughts, self-doubts about her place in the world, anxiety about her future, the fear of forgetting her dad. To her, drugs were like a ship, strong, sturdy, and secure, keeping her safe from the cacophony of the chaotic waves of her life that constantly threatened to crash onto her safe deck. But that didn’t mean she “liked” doing drugs.
Rue did drugs because she had to, not because she necessarily wanted to. Quite the opposite in fact, Rue wanted more than anything to be completely sober, to be free from the strangling grasp that narcotics had on her, to finally appease the little voice in her mind that chastised her everytime she lit a joint or swallowed some pills. But like everything else in her life, it was hard to stop; it was so, so hard, and she was so, so tired, and at the end of the day, it was just so, so easy to give up, to give in, to stop trying. It was easy, and after everything she had been through, Rue thought she deserved something easy. 
Rue had noticed you a few times throughout high school, mostly just passing glances, cursory stares, polite hellos, but the first time Rue saw you, truely, genuinely, sincerely saw you, was on the first day of junior year in one of Rue’s least favorite classes, pre-calculus. 
Rue didn’t do very well in school, she was barely passing her classes and she didn’t have the willpower to actually make an effort to get her grades up. Besides, the idea of spending her time listening to her teacher drone on and on about trigonometric functions or parametric curves seemed trivial when compared to the idea of spending her time staring at you. You, who sat just one seat away from her. Close enough that she could listen to the way you sighed everytime you were faced with a particularly hard question, close enough that she could watch your jaw clench whenever the people around you were being especially loud, close enough that she could know you, but not close enough for you to know her, and she liked it like that, the security that the distance created. It allowed Rue to observe you, watch you, examine you, all without making herself known.
At first, Rue equated her obsession with you to just being simple curiosity. She told herself that what drew her to you was just inquisitiveness, that you were just a naturally intriguing person. She tried her best to ignore the way her heart fluttered whenever you walked by her desk on the way to yours, she tried to ignore the lopsided smile that always found its way onto her face when she thought about you, she tried to ignore the way her stomach erupted into butterflies everytime you briefly made eye contact with her. For the most part she was successful, and when she wasn’t, she could always trust her pills to quiet her mind.
After a while though, it started to get a lot harder to dismiss you. Rue felt like she was seeing you more and more; you were no longer the girl she saw for an hour during pre-calculus, you were the girl that she saw in the hallways, during lunch, at parties, even at Fezco's store. It had gotten to the point where she wasn’t sure if you had started going out more, or if she was just finally noticing you for the first time. You were like a disease, plaguing her every thought, infecting her daily routine, even contaminating the blissful peace that drugs typically brought her, and yet Rue had never been more happy to be sick.
It had been nearly a month of staring before Rue spoke to you. She was surprised when it happened; she hadn’t necessarily planned on ever talking to you, content to just spend her time watching you, listening to you, occasionally daydreaming about you. So when you walked up to her and asked her to be your partner for an assignment, Rue was pretty sure either one out of two things was happening, she was either daydreaming, or she had overdosed and was now in heaven. While Rue spent most of her time attending church sermons dozing off, she did know that doing drugs was not the kind of activity that got people into heaven, so she felt it was safe to assume that the former was the truth. It wasn’t until you repeated your question that she realized that everything was happening in the real world and not just in her head. And that truth excited her.
After Rue’s first interaction with you, the two of you were practically inseparable. She lived for the sound of your voice, the melody of your laughter, even the harmonies you would hum under your breath as you were doing busy work. You were intoxicating, exhilarating, addicting, and Rue was definitely an addict.
Rue wouldn’t consider herself a particularly religious person. Her mom definitely was, but Rue wouldn’t say the same about herself. If God was real, why did he kill her dad? Why did he get her addicted to drugs? Why did he have to make her life so hard? Why couldn’t he have introduced you to her sooner? Rue wasn’t a religious person, but it didn’t take a religious person to know you were a gift from God.
The hard thing about you however, was that you didn’t necessarily approve of Rue’s drug addiction. You understood why she did it, and it wasn’t hard to comprehend why it was so hard to stop, but you had made it known early on that you didn’t support her drug usage. She knew that you didn’t disapprove because of malice, or because you wanted her to suffer, you did it because you didn’t want her to hurt herself like she had in the past, she knew you did it because you wanted the best for her, you did it because you wanted her to be safe.
When she first started easing off the drugs, Rue thought it was going to be hell. Staying addicted to drugs was easy, and Rue loved easy, but she also loved you, even if she didn’t know it yet; and it was those unknown feelings that kept her motivated. The more and more time she spent with you, the less and less time she spent high. Rue was scared that you were going to leave her, and despite your constant reassurance that you were determined to stay, she couldn’t help but worry, after all, she felt like people were constantly abandoning her or letting her down, and she would be damned if you were one of them. 
When you were together, Rue liked to spend her time cataloging things she liked about you. She adored the way you would get invested in the crappy reality TV shows she watched, she admired the way you would bury your face in your hands when she complimented you, and she craved the way your body would rack with laughter when she would tell you what she considered to be the worst jokes ever, and noticing the little things was so, so much easier when she was sober.
It was this habit of hers, her constant cataloging of the things she liked about you that led her to where she was now. Sitting on her bed, with you at her side, and an old season of Love Island playing on the laptop on the foot of her bed. You had your eyes glued to the screen, conflicted as you watched your favorite character get with one of the most annoying contestants on the show. Unbeknownst to you, Rue was also dealing with her own inner conflict, but for different reasons, mainly because the reason was you.
Rue had tried to tell herself that you were just friends, that the excitement that she felt whenever she saw you was purely platonic. But now, seeing you next to her, Rue wasn’t so sure. Rue thought about all the things she liked about you, she thought about what life would be like without you, she thought about how you made her feel. She knew you made her feel happy, but it was more than that. You provided a relief, a bliss, a paradise not even drugs could supply. To her, drugs were a ship that kept her safe and protected from the choppy waves of her life, but you were better. You didn’t protect her from the waves, you calmed them. You added order to the violent, thrashing, sea that was her life. Rue couldn’t fathom living without you, you were a breath of fresh air in a polluted world, and she needed air like an asthmatic. The thought of losing you terrified her, but the thought of being able to call you hers exhilarated her. 
She was constantly fighting the little voice in her head that told her to stop, to not tread any further past where she already was, to be satisfied with just a friendship. But Rue was tired of fighting, she wanted more and she didn’t know what else she had left to lose when not having you hurt so bad. 
Until she made the mistake of looking back at you, because that was what was at stake, her prized possession that she couldn’t bear to lose, you. The idea of not having you hurt, but the mere prospect of losing you completely was a death sentence. She gazed at you longingly, trying to memorize everything about you in case she messed it up. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even hear you talking to her.
“I mean, can you believe this? Literally, why would he pick her? She is the most annoying contestant on here!” you exclaimed annoyedly as you watched the show in front of you. “I mean look at this Rue, can you believe — Rue? Hello? Earth to Rue Bennet?”
“Uh what? Yeah, yeah, you’re definitely right,” 
“Really?” you mused, “what am I right about then?”
“Um, the, the thing that you were talking about,” she stammered, hoping her answer would satisfy you. Unfortunately, it didn’t, because you looked at her with a suspicious stare and a devilish smirk on your face.
“Penny for your thoughts, Miss Rue Bennet?” you teased, “it looks like you got a lot on your mind.”
“Not really, I was just thinking about us, that’s all.”
“Yeah? Were you thinking about how I’m the best friend ever?” you joked, putting your hands on your chest in a dramatic display.
“Actually, I was thinking… I was thinking that…” Rue bit her lip nervously, loving you was a gamble, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to roll her dice. Rue took a deep breath, staring into your adoring eyes, and it was the way that you stared at her that convinced her to give up, to give in, to finally stop fighting the voice in her head.
“I think, I think I like you,” she whispered. Her stomach dropped as she watched your smile disappear. Ice filled her veins and her stomach twisted as she waited for your imminent rejection.
“Really?” you breathed, heart frozen in anticipation. Rue nodded, her hands fidgeting restlessly in her lap and her lips pressed together, “because I think I like you too,” you confessed.
This time it was Rue’s turn to be shocked, out of all the times she fantasized about confessing to you, she never actually thought you’d reciprocate her feelings. “You’re not messing with me are you?” Rue asked, still reluctant to accept the truth that she so desperately desired.
“No, are you?” you asked, suddenly petrified that Rue might have just been playing a sick joke on you. But all your fears are wiped away when Rue enthusiastically shakes her head, a smile forming on her lips.
Rue knew that she looked like an idiot, love-sick and foolish, as she sat on her bed staring at you with a dopey grin. But when you asked her to be your girlfriend, Rue thought her heart was about to explode right out of her chest. She vehemently agreed, because how could she not? You were the answer she had been waiting for her entire life, the solution that she needed to save herself from the pit of self-destruction she was trapped in, you were her new fix, and she was addicted.
Rue was no stranger to hardship, her dad passed away, she got addicted to drugs, she overdosed, the list goes on and on. Rue knew she deserved something easy, she was so, so tired, and drugs were so, so easy, but in the end, loving you was so, so much easier, and Rue loved easy.
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obislittleone · 3 years
Family Ties
Bruce Wayne x Reader
Bruce Wayne request: Are you taking requests for bruce wayne? Bale or Affleck? Bale preferred? How about dating and getting engaged and bruce wayne had to meet your parents and family? -@christianbalefanatic
Thank you so much for this, I absolutely loved writing it and may have gotten carried away!
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"Business meetings are not scary," he said, glancing over at you through the reflection in the mirror.
"They should be, at least compared to this."
Bruce sighed, turning around and meeting you face to face. You were stunning, as always. It was effortless for you. He felt that he was somehow incapable of making a good impression in comparison to you, which was purely silly.
"It's just my parents, Bats," he smiled when you pulled out the nickname. You felt maybe it would ease his senses, make him less of a mad man. You'd never seen him so stressed about what his hair looked like.
"It's not necessarily your mother I'm worried for, but I've heard some stories about your dad. What happened to that one ex boyfriend of yours again?" He teased. You rolled you eyes knowing he probably remembered it way worse than you had explained. One of your old boyfriends cheated on you, so your father decided it might be a good idea to burn all the stuff he left at your apartment at a neighborhood bbq. He was furious of course, but your father thought well of his work.
"He was a jerk, and he deserved what he got. You have been nothing but good to me, he won't have a problem with you," you carefully adjusted his tie, which had been crooked from all the times he yanked on it for dear life. "And besides, I already got the ring, it's not like he's gonna grill you about your intentions."
Bruce sighed again. He knew you were right, but he couldn't afford to mess this up. First impressions are important, and considering he'd never met your folks until now... he was terrified. You were already engaged for crying out loud, and yet he was going on a tirade about how he might not he accepted warmly.
"Does your dad own a shotgun?" He asked suddenly.
"What? No, Bruce... no."
Now he was just being ridiculous.
"I can't believe Batman is afraid of my father," you chuckled, taking off into the room to find your shoes. It was just about time to leave, and Alfred had kindly prepared the Lamborghini this evening. That man was a Saint, especially for putting up with Bruce all day before you got home.
"I'm not afraid... I just don't want to be the son in law he doesn't like having around."
You opened the door to Alfred in the hallway, and he had the keys in his hand. You took them kindly, and kissed his cheek, thanking him for his help.
"Do you even remember who you are? Bruce just talk about your life, what you do for a living. Maybe throw in some stuff about football," you told him as you walked down the hallway, your hips swaying with every quick step you took.
You could hear the look on his face.
"Hush, my dad likes football," you told him, pushing him into the garage before you so he didn't have any reason to turn back now.
He got into the car first, watching as you joined him. Normally he opened the door for you, but you pushed him away, knowing he would use anything he could to stall.
The drive was mostly silent, but comfortable, with Bruce's hand resting on its place at your thigh, with you hand laid upon his. The gentle squeezes you felt told you how nervous he was. He literally face deadly situations every night, faught off men that had the ability to kill him with one stroke, but he was scared of a little evening visit with your family.
By the time you arrived, the sun had nearly set. He'd never been to this area of Gotham before, but rather liked it. It was very quaint, with homes down the block that reminded him of the suburbs from his favorite childhood movies. He took your hand in his, and came to the door with a gift for your parents in hand. He followed every rule in the book, hoping it would pay off.
You knocked on the door, waiting for an answer, and felt Bruce's hand start to shake. Poor little baby boy. He's probably never done this before.
"Hey," you got his attention, raising and lowering your hand in a motion to tell him "breathe."
He let out the breath he was holding and put on his best smile when your mother opened the door.
"Darling it's so good to see you," she said pulling you in for a hug. "Oh, and you must be Bruce. Honey, he's even more handsome in person."
You laughed at her antics, seeing how she was taking him all in. Your mother was nothing if not supportive of everything you did. How proud she was at the woman you grew up to be, and this man you'd brought to meet her. She liked him already.
"Oh boy it's cold out here... come in, come in!" She huddled you both inside, and immediately you could smell your dad's cooking. He loved to make food for people, and you'd bet that of all the fancy restaurants Bruce had ever been to, he would appreciate this meal even more. Your dad never pursued a career in the kitchen, but he sure knew what he was doing.
"That smells really good," he whispered in your ear as you came through to the dining room.
"Wait till you taste it."
Your father stood at the stove, and when he turned around with a broad smile on his face, Bruce instantly relaxed. Your father was so happy to see you. It had been a while since you were able to visit. Phone calls were frequent, but in person was so much better.
"There's my girl," he came up and wrapped you in a hug, but when he saw Bruve standing there awkwardly he pulled back, offering a warm handshake which Bruce gladly took. "And the famous Mr. Wayne."
"Please, call me Bruce," he said. He felt his first impressions had gone rather well as of now, but he still had to get through the night.
Dinner was a success, at least in your opinion. You were sure Bruce would come out of this night with great triumph, and be able to rest peacefully tonight at the thought of both your parents being fond of him.
Those thoughts washed down the drain when your father spoke up. "I was hoping I could have a word with you Bruce, alone if that's alright with you."
'Oh no.'
You looked over into his eyes and he froze. His poor face... like a terrified little boy. How on earth could your father be so intimidating that the Batman cowered in fear?
"Here sweetie, let's give them some room," your mother was quick to usher you from the sitting room, and back to the dining room area. You were still eavesdropping, a skill you learned from good ole mom. There were subtle indents in the wall that made ot perfect for listening in on 'manly interactions' which turned out to often be pathetic small talk and mentions of sports. You weren't particularly a fan of football, which your father loved, but you hoped Bruce would somehow pull something together incase it was brought up. You knew you were right to warn your fiancée about such a common topic of interest... your dad couldn't go a night without sports talk.
"Really? I can never get seats that close to the 50, it drives me nuts."
"They sell fast, pretty much as soon as they're available," Bruce chuckled, keeping his hand steady by gripping the arm of the chair more firmly. "And don't even get me started on baseball tickets...."
"Oh boy... I don't even remember the last time I went to a game where I wasn't in the nosebleeds."
"Well, I have pulled some strings a few times."
Your father was so excited at the mention of being below the second stands in a stadium. He had always taken you as a kid, but the good tickets were alwayd outrageously expensive, or they just sold out really fast. Gotham sure loved baseball.
"One time I needed to put together a birth present for a certain someone," he nodded to the doorway to the dining room, and though I couldn't see, I of course knew he was talking about me. I remembered the day he surprised me, it was wonderful. "I called in a few favors, got seats behind home dugout."
"That's gotta be insane."
Your dad was like a kid on Christmas morning. You didn't think he could have been any more happy in company if it were one of his lifelong friends.
"If you'd like to go sometime, I wouldn't mind pulling a few more strings," he said, cracking a charming smile. You knew he'd already won over your father, now he was just showing off. Bruce was never braggy, but he did sometimes get carried away.
"I wouldn't want to impose..." you father shook his head but Bruce wasn't having it.
"Nonsense, it would be fun. I'll call and see what I can get set up, no problem."
That was the golden ticket right there. Your dad never had a son to go to sports games with, and though he took you to plenty baseball events in your life, it simoly wasn't the same, because it wasn't something you were passionate about. It was simply an occasional thing you enjoyed.
You peeked your head around the corner to see them whispering to each other, and then shaking hands. You were so proud.
On the car ride home, Bruce was beaming. You knew that your dad had to have told him something wonderful for such a reaction to be written on his features.
"So what did my dad have to say?"
"You mean the part where you couldn't hear?" He asked. Your look of being caught off guard made him chuckle. "He told me that he'd lived in a house with you both long enough to know when you were eavesdropping."
"I can't believe he knew all these years and never said anything."
Bruce placed his hand high on your thigh, stroking circles with his thumb.
"He did have something else to say, you know," he paused and watched as you glanced up to meet his awaiting eyes. "He told me that he's never seen you so happy as when you were with me."
Bingo. That was the best thing Bruce could have expected to hear that evening and he heard it straight from the man that he feared. You were brining Bruce into your family now, he was apart of it.
You were grateful for the love you shared, and that you had the opportunity to have him in your life.
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yandereloversblog · 3 years
͟͟͞͞➳ MASTERLISTˏˋ°*
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➺ Things I will write:
Yandere ➳ Yandere Love Interests or headcanons, the main focus of this blog and what I'm more passionate about -I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS- it's purely for literary purposes.
Gore ➳ Self Explanatory, where you have Yanderes, you have gore. I am still working on detailing my writing to this aspect and sometimes the way a wound or kill is handled may seem off. This usually goes hand in hand with the yandere concept.
Trauma ➳ Pretty self explanatory as well, mostly mental trauma -Because who wouldn't have that after you go through a yandere- since I'm not that good with physical violence done to the reader
Dark Romance ➳ If you want the possessivness and obsessive characters but without too much of the stabby stabby and gore. Just a bunch of red flags without the messy part
Fluff ➳ It will be less focused on the Yandere aspect of the characters and more on romance and light hearted fun. Even I need to take a break from these unhealthy lovable characters.
Hurt Comfort ➳ I'm not that good with angst so this is the most I will do that includes any emotional damage to the reader. Also might be not that focused on the yandere part of the character.
Platonic Relationships ➳ Relationships that aren't necessarily romantic, this can also include platonic yanderes if any of you request it.
Animatronic!Reader/Human!Animatronics ➳ I can do a reader that's an animatronic or robot. Also I'm more used to writing human!FNAF characters, like they have a human form they can turn into because I'm not that sure about writing machines but I'll try for their animatronic forms as well.
Different AUs ➳ For example: Soulmate AU, Human AU etc.
➺ Things I won't write:
Minor x Adult ➳ This needs no explanation because it's disgusting.
Character x Character ➳ This is an X Reader blog so I'm not big on writing character x character -except some cases-
Yandere Reader ➳ I dunno why I hate this but just... It irks me wrong XD
➺ Not sure about:
Smut and kinks ➳ I have no idea how to do this on my own-
Characters x OC ➳ I feel really weird when writing about original characters, maybe because I don't know how to do other people's characters.
➺ To Note/Extra:
➳ When I write about the animatronics, they are NOT possessed by the dead children and are not them, they are their own person [robot???]
➳ If you sent in a request please be respectful and specific if you want any plot or idea to be written out [I work best when I know the prompt, plot or details you might want included]
➳ If you don't want the character I will write about to not be really creepy or yandere like and would prefer more fluff please specify so because it automatically falls under the yandere spectrum
➳ The reader will be gender neutral and referred to by Them/They/Theirs pronouns, their features won't be specified either. This is the default setting unless something specific is requested
➳ I am more comfortable on writing the android or human version of the animatronics so if there are some strange wording then it's me getting confused on everything XD
➺ Types Of Content:
Headcanons ➳ Headcanons on characters that are requested. 3 Characters per request if you want a more detailed explanation. The more Characters the shorter the writing.
One-Shots ➳ A 1000-3000 [Or more] words one shot about 1 or more love interests. This can include a harem or rivalry between the Love Interests.
Reactions ➳ How certain characters will react to a darling or situation involving them
Prompts ➳ Prompts on the yandere characters of your choosing
Drabbles/Imagines ➳ Short imagine, drabble or random idea with not much context and with a timeline similar to FNAF itself.
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𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝙽𝙰𝙵 𝙸 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 -> 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝙽𝙰𝙵: 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚗 -> 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝔾𝔸𝕄𝔼𝕊 ࿐ྂ
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➳ [𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝙵𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚛]
➳ [𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢]
➳ [𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚗]
➳ [𝙵𝚘𝚡𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎]
➳ [𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
┈➤ [𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 𝐈𝐈: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚢𝚜]
➳ [𝚃𝚘𝚢 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝚃𝚘𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎]
➳ [𝚃𝚘𝚢 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊]
➳ [𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎]
➳ [𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚝]
┈➤ [𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 𝐈𝐈: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚜]
➳ [𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎]
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➳ [𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚗]
┈➤ [𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 𝐈𝐕]
➳ [𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎]
➳ [𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊]
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➳ [𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚛]
➳ [𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎]
┈➤ [𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅: 𝚂𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗]
➳ [𝙲𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚜 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢]
➳ [𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚊]
➳ [𝙵𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝙵𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚡𝚢]
➳ [𝙴𝚗𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚍]
➳ [𝙻𝚘𝚕𝚋𝚒𝚝]
┈➤ [𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 𝐕𝐈: 𝙿𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛]
➳ [𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚙 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢]
➳ [𝙼𝚘𝚕𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝙻𝚎𝚏𝚝𝚢]
➳ [𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎]
➳ [𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊]
➳ [𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚡𝚢]
┈➤ [𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅: 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑]
➳ [𝙶𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢]
➳ [𝙶𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊]
➳ [𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚐𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙶𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛]
➳ [𝚁𝚘𝚡𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚕𝚏]
➳ [𝙶𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎]
➳ [𝙶𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚘𝚡𝚢]
➳ [𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙/𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙]
➳ [𝚅𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊/𝚅𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚢]
➳ [𝙳𝙹 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝙼𝚊𝚗]
➳ [𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚢]
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Hey,So i'm not sure if my last request went through.So i'm resending it :).I really love your writing btw :》.Can i ask for a fic where asta is trans fem or genderfluid.I saw a fic where asts is trans fem on patreon but i don't think it's updating again.And i thought the concept was really nice.
I'm glad to hear that you like my blog and content! And of course you may ^-^ I made this as a kind of ... "transition" story where Asta starts to think about her identity, eventually realizing that she is indeed trans and tells Sister Lily that she's a girl, after which Sister Lily tells her that she is loved and accepted. Hope you like it
A/N: I'm reflecting a lot on conversations I've had about the topic with my sister and friends, and their personal experiences with this. But I recognize that everyone's experiences with being trans can differ a lot, this is just one take.
I use "he/him" pronouns in the paragraphs where Asta hasn't yet started thinking about his identity, then I use briefly "they/them" pronouns during a shifting period between "he/him" and "she/her", and at the end I use "she/her" pronouns. This is to depict the process better
Warning: fear of being abandoned, fear of transphobia (but nothing bad actually happens)
Genre: general
Length: ~0.6k
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Asta doesn’t really think about his gender while growing up. Mostly it’s due to living in the orphanage. The kids sleep in the same room, same bed. And they get what clothes the orphanage can hand them. They eat at the same time. Play together. Overall, he doesn’t think that he’s being excluded from the others. It’s just one big family.
But those thoughts do start to surface eventually. Especially when it comes to marrying Sister Lily in the future, or the idea of it. That’s where comes the question of who he is.
Somehow “he” doesn’t really fit. Yes caring for loved ones is important. As well as protecting your friends. And yes, the goal of becoming a Wizard King was still the ambition to reach.
Changes start happening to their body. It’s not really unexpected. They see their siblings going through similar changes, but they can’t… help but feel.. something, jealousy maybe, for the girls. There’s nothing wrong with being a muscular girl. Hell no! But still… There’s… they don’t quite like how they… look.
They know that they aren’t necessarily the smartest people around, but they do know that it’s not just about looking. The way they look. They’re sure it’s also about how they feel.
If they were honest, they’d prefer to be called “she”.
She’s not sure how to bring it up to Father Orsi and Sister Lily. She’s not sure if it’s… okay to feel like it. But she needs to ask, doesn’t she? So, she does. She needs if it’s okay to be called with feminine pronouns instead. Or rather that she’d wish they would do so.
Which is why one day as she’s helping Siter Lily in the kitchen, just doing the dishes, she pauses for a bit and clenches her teeth for a moment. And then she takes a deep breath.
“Hey… Sister Lily..?”
“What is it?” She asks with a smile. Her voice is gentle and it brings a smile to Asta’s lips. That tone of voice is always so warm and welcoming, and it eases up the anxiety and apprehension.
“Do you think you could-,” she pauses for a moment, and reformulates. “I’m a girl.” She decides that she doesn’t ask, but instead she informs, because she is certain now. She has been thinking about this for a long time now, and she’s sure.
Sister Lily pauses for a moment, and she looks at Asta, who in turn looks at her. She didn’t really expect Asta to tell such a thing so abruptly. But at the same time, she’s glad that she told her.
“And you’re beautiful,” Sister Lily smiles. She not quite sure what she should say, but Asta is precious to her, and this doesn’t change the fact.
“So… you’re okay with it?” Asta confirms, just wanting to make sure.
“Of course,” she assures. “You’re still you, and it doesn’t change the fact that we love you.”
This time it’s Asta who doesn’t know what to say. She’s just been so worried, for so long; for as long as she can remember. And it’s that worry that’s being pushed out by relief in the form of tears down her face.
Sister Lily smiles and moves to hug her, wrapping her arms around Asta and just holding her close. “You are loved,” she continues. But she wonders, quietly, inside herself, if she should say something more.
But Asta doesn’t need her to say anything more. She just hugs Sister Lily back, and cries out of relief. She doesn’t need to hear anything else than those words at that moment: ‘you are loved’.
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are well, dear writer... So, I don't usually ask this, because this is out of self-indulgence and it's not necessarily relatable to most people but...
Can you please do some HC on Law and Sanji (which i both love as comfort characters...) on having an Schizophrenic S/O? (I'll add some insight on some of the ideas, so I apologize if it's too long...)
To be specific in the request: what kind of reactions and actions would they have to:
1. S/O's in a delutional episode (we get convinced something is real and it's happening, even though we have no real proof of it...in fact we can get the proof that it's definitely, 200% sure that it's not a thing, but we feel like 500% it is... Per example most of my teenage years i grew weary of the "inflatable man" those puppets they put out on walmart and stuff, because i though they were alive, and a soon as i got closer to them, they would kidnapp me... Or that canned food is a goverment experiment to make me sterile or had a chips to control me. I was terrified, even if it sounds silly...)
2. S/O Having hallucinations. (My two visual types: the long ones are about objects, more like the silhouettes of the objects that just appear out of nowhere and you try and try really hard to grasp or interact with something that simply isn't there... The shorter ones are 100% clear images/sounds of a friend/family member/thing doing something even though, they are absolutely not there... There is a range in these but I only have those types. I have mostly the stigmatized "voices"... They are not always nice but they just pop out of nowhere and you try to look to the direction you though you heard them and look for the emitter. It's VERY disorienting and confusing, I often lose my balance for some reason and I just wanna lay down until they fade, specially when it's just nonsense garbage flooding my train of though. Sometimes they make sense, I talk, and they talk back. This freaks out a LOT of people it's the most embarassing/stigmatized one... because it's not like having a conversation, it's like you hear nonsense that make sense and then you talk nonsense but you process it as having sense... i know it sounds... Generic but I can't find other worlds to describe it...)
3. S/O feeling persecuted. Self-explanatory, you just feel a set (or many, depends of the day) of judgamental eyes following your every movement, again, there is not such thing as those eyes you feel.
4. S/O Incoherent speech. It's like your words are lego blocks, if you put them well, you get coherent sentences. If you lose your train of though it's like constructing not only using Legos, but paper clips, lunchboxes, toy cars... Things that just destroy the coherency and don't make any sense. Best analogy is hitting the autocorrect again and again and again... Until you get nonsense.
5. S/O severe memory loss. I've forgotten small things like special dates, my meals, clothing... But bigger things like friends and family names and/or faces, my address and even my own name many times. I have a special id card with all sorts of stuff (info, emergency contacts) about me, just in case i get lost, like i've done before....
I know it may be hard to write this if you are not familiar or diagnosed with this horrendous illness, and if you are not comfortable writing this, I completely understand... I've tried to explain how it feels so you can get an idea from my 36 y/o experience. So, sorry it's a long ask.
Again, I totally, understand If you don't want to do this request and I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable in anyway,
I'll still love your writing like I do, so I thank you for it... it really makes me happy. Have a nice day, op. <3
I will definitely do everything I can to give you the best response! I don't personally deal with schizophrenia, but it does run in my family so I can understand a bit of it. Just remember, no matter what you are loved and valued in this world! No matter how silly or ridiculous you may feel, you are still validated here!  I truly appreciate you trusting me to write such a personal ask, I hope these two babies help you feel loved!! ❤️❤️❤️
Going to put a TW for mentions of mental illness just in case.
Babes Below~!
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S/O's in a Delusional Episode
Law is a doctor, even if it’s not on mental illness, he still knows certain aspects of it and can pinpoint when you are having these episodes. He’s really good on picking up your low-level cues, and keeping triggering items out of your line of sight. 
He will do his best to listen to your delusions, not giving you any indication if he believes or doesn’t believe, rather just an objective ear to listen. 
Reminds you that he is with you while you handle these thoughts and that despite what the thoughts may think, he will never be against you.
S/O Having Hallucinations
Watches you like a hawk, will do his best to confine you in the room so he can keep an eye on you without concern for disruptions when you are experiencing these longer episodes.
Won’t judge you if you happen to get paranoid from the hallucinations, he has his own reasons for being paranoid and accepts yours for what they are.
He listens to when you talk to the voices, to make sure they or you aren’t saying anything dangerous or harmful. He doesn’t mind it too much, but still wants to keep you safe just in case.
S/O Feeling Persecuted
This leads back to his own reasons for being paranoid, he gets it and won’t judge you for having those moments. As long as you understand no matter what those feelings say, he will never be one of those eyes.
Communicate with him when you have those moments and he will let the crew know not to bother you, unless for emergencies. 
Has Bepo on call for you, if you ever need a more softer approach, just some cuddles and hugs to help relieve the stress of feeling watched.
S/O having Incoherent Speech
Despite his grumpy looks and attitude, the man is patient and will wait for you to find your train of thought again. In a more urgent situation, he will take over completely, not giving you a chance to even think your first word through.
Recommends other ways to communicate in case you ever do have those road blocks, whether it be writing it out or describing the word, he will do his best to make sure you feel vocalized.
Understands your frustrations when you can’t get it right and will not judge you for venting them, just don’t let this one moment make your whole day, it won’t do you or anyone good.
S/O having Severe Memory Loss
Again, he is patient and won’t judge you for forgetting important aspects. He knows it is not intentional and doesn’t find you at fault. He usually does his best to keep you at his side in case major forgetful moments occur, if he can’t a crew member for sure is with you.
Has no problem reminding you his name, or others, even your own. He knows this is a mental health issue, and not something you truly want, so his patience is extra strong due to his doctor role in this too.
Doesn’t go into much detail on your health to the crew, just out of respect, but he does let them know to be aware of this and to not make a big deal out of it, again out of respect for you.
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S/O's in a Delusional Episode
Sanji may not have a medical background, but he does have experience. He can tell what is perceived as normal and what is not. So when you come to him with these thoughts, he is able to determine it’s your mental heath that is causing these antics.
He will do his best to understand the logic of these thoughts, and try to reassure you they are not factual. Even if you find some evidence of proof, he will still deny the claim.
He might not understand the works behind your delusions, but he will still validate you on them in his own way. He will get better with time and understanding.
S/O Having Hallucinations
Due to not having any true experience with this illness, he might be a bit shocked and surprised during the first hallucination. He might suspect food poisoning or dehydration and asks Chopper for help.
Slowly starts to pick up on certain cues to let him know you are experiencing an episode, will take you somewhere safe (not the kitchen) so if you do accidentally hurt yourself, it’s somewhere a bit safer.
Goes to Chopper for help when it gets to a point he can’t get you out of that state, in general he visits Chopper to better understand the symptoms and reasoning behind them.
S/O Feeling Persecuted
He can understand the paranoia, he was scared his first few years when he left Germa and the pain that came with it. He does his best to reassure you that he would never judge you or expect something outrageous from you. 
If you are with him, more than likely, you are with the crew too. So you will never have a moment where they would judge you either, in actuality they see you as a more adult figure.
Again, communicate with him (and the others if you would like) on how you are feeling and they will reassure you too that is not the case! You are part of the crew and they love you!
S/O having Incoherent Speech
He might try to do charades, it could go both ways really, either way I think it be a nice way to distract that frustration of not knowing the word. Besides that, he is also patience with those he loves, so he knows you will get the word eventually!
Has you carry a notepad of usual words you two use, names of people, objects, just so you can point at the word you are meaning to say.
Reassures you when you get frustrated, usually with your favorite foods/drinks or a hand rubbing your back. It’s okay to make mistakes, we are human after all.
S/O having Severe Memory Loss
The first time would be worrisome, he doesn’t know what to do, Chopper would have to explain this happens at times, and that you will be okay and remember eventually. 
Again, uses the notepad of names and words to help when you forget a name or a place, it’s the little things that count, right?
If you ever express your fears of forgetting all together, he will tell you every time he will make you fall for him again and again, that he will always fight for your heart no matter how many times it takes.
Tag List: @chloe-nanami @musical-apple @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @fantasyfairysworld @athenaportgas @my-one-piece-experience @iam-gaaras-loveintrest and whoever else wants to join in!
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