#moster mouths
retrokid616 · 1 year
k can't believe im saying this but matt just give f.c.g there toung cause wtf is this monsters wise
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sstrawberrywaferss · 2 years
mcytageregivemecomfort -> sstrawberrywaferss
🍓 ✎ Welcome To Strawberry Wafers!
⤿ This is a system run age regression blog! ⤿ We do a few different Request!【Moodboards ‣ Headcannons ‣ Stim Headcannons ‣ Drabbles】 ⤿ Feel Free to Reqest so long as reqs are open (or if your a raffle winner!) ⤿ Please rember to check out my DNI!
🍨✏ The Blog Rules are simple! ↬ No NSFW ask! They will be deleted! This blog is strictly SFW! ↬ If your sending in an ask for a cc; please specify which character! If within 5 hours of any of us seeing the ask (i will post when I've seen it!) it hasn't been specified; we will default to our favorite version of the character! ↬ No syscourse on this blog please! ↬ If it isn't healthy in cannon; we wont do it. ↬ Remember to specifiy if you want the character to be a Regressor or Caregiver!
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🍥✐ Now onto the Tags! ♡Under The Cut♡
Mother Bird on the Way! 🍬 Grians Posts A herd of bunnies is called a FLUFFLE!! 🍬 Buns Post Copper Golem Bab.. Woa 🍬 Fwhips Post⁶ Regression Vlogger!! 🍬 Jared Post Tiny Prince(ss) 🍬 Cams Post
small boy smaller brain 🍬 Beeps post Moonlight Glimmer 🍬 Nyx’s Post
That’s Funky! 🍬 Lunars Post
silly boy mode 🍬 wilburs post
This is going on the Fridge 🍰 Request Acceptes Oh nono you can't put that in your mouth 🍰 Request Denied Preschool Worksheet 🍰 Important Post Arts and Crafts 🍰 Moodboards Let me read to you 🍰 Drabbles To Infinity... 🍰 Headcannons ...and Beyond! 🍰 Stim Headcannons Who Gave them a Moster 🍰 Mods Chatting Have some candy! 🍰 Promos
Strawberry shortcake! 🍰 Agere Positivity
Precious Little Bean! 🍰 Pet Regression
Could you repeat that? 🍰 Needs more information
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Captain II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You come home after being announced as captain
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In true Magda fashion, everyone in her contact list gets a call. A quick 'did you hear my kid's Sweden Captain?' call where she ends it before the other person can reply.
You get a text and several missed calls that you just ignore until you're free to go to your mothers' house. It was a slip that had you forgetting to tell them that you were Sweden's new captain.
There wasn't much time between your discussion with Emma and walking out to the press conference.
The best you could have given them was a text in warning but, judging by the messages your Morsa sent and all the uncharacteristic emojis she sent with it, you assumed she was happy.
You also assumed that you wouldn't be yelled at for not giving them a heads up.
You pull up at their house and sigh.
Frido's car is also in the driveway and you roll your eyes.
You don't want to think about how many traffic laws she broke to get here before you.
You unlock the front door, unbothered with using the bell, and slip inside.
The low hum of the tv is apparent as you slide off your shoes and hang up your coat. Frido's definitely in the house because you have to put your shoes next to hers and her bag is sitting on the stairs.
You're not entirely sure why she keeps bringing a bag when all her clothes are in the spare room but you don't dwell on it long before making your way into the living room.
Momma is sitting on the sofa, watching the last five minutes of a random show before what she actually wants to watch comes on.
"Your Morsa and moster are in the garden," She tells you," Calling everyone they know to brag."
"Are you angry I didn't tell you? Are they?"
"I'm not angry and those two are much too smug to be angry as well."
You smile and sit next to Pernille, one of her arms being thrown over your shoulder comfortably.
"At least tell me you told Natalia at least. She's not got access to you while on camp like we do."
"I told Talia," You reply.
In fact, Talia was the first and only person you told before the press conference. She'd congratulated you with a laugh before teasing and saying to take it in while you could because she would be gunning for the Spanish captaincy next.
She'd get it eventually, you knew that. It was only a matter of time but, still, you were the only national captain in the relationship at the moment and you just knew she'd have something to say about it when you finally reunited.
"Good girl," Pernille says," I'd hate for her to suddenly appear at the house unexpectedly. You know what your Morsa gets like."
In sync, you both lean forward to peer out of the windows leading to the garden.
Magda's still on the phone, waving her hand around excitedly as her mouth moves quickly before she drops the call only to immediately make a new one.
Frido's also pacing around the garden doing the exact same thing and you can't help but roll your eyes at both of them.
Magda catches your eyes and instantly makes her way back inside.
"Look at you!" She cries, bursting into the room," My little captain! Look at you!"
You're pulled away from Pernille and crushed into a hug as Magda all but sobs into your hair.
"I remember the first time you wore the armband! So small! You couldn't even walk yet! It kept slipping off! Now look at you!"
"Morsa," You groan, trying to escape from her suffocating hug," Let go!"
"My baby!" She's definitely crying now. "Carrying Sweden to greatness!"
(One day, you do lead Sweden to greatness. One day, you make your mark as one of Sweden's captains. One day, you pass off the armband to a young player you saw greatness in like your captain did for you.)
"Come on," You complain," Let go!"
You're released, only to be forced right back into another hug, from your moster Frido now.
Her hugs is just as suffocating as Magda's. She rocks side to side with you as you struggle to get away.
She speaks to Magda over your head. "Do you think I can borrow your old armband? I can't just wear her shirt to matches anymore. Got to complete the look."
"Please don't," You beg but she ignores you.
"Er..." Magda says," I'm not sure actually. I'll have a look-"
"It's on the bedside table," Pernille cuts in," Magda insisted on wearing it last night when we-"
"Gross!" You complain," Please don't talk about your sex life. You know I wear the armband now. Please don't make me think about you guys having sex every time I wear it."
You peak your head over Frido's shoulder to look at your mothers.
Magda shrugs. "A healthy sex life-"
"Stop!" You clamp your hands over your ears. "Stop talking or I'll go straight back to camp. Stop talking!"
Magda waves a hand dismissively. "You'll find out what I mean as soon as you see Natalia again."
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sc3ne-s1ut · 2 months
So normal at the thought of a moster with a mouth for a face, just imagine how long and thick that tongue would be and how deep it could get inside, how wet id have to be by the end and how good itd feel to have that thick tongue on all the right spots. I need. <3
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 11 months
I have been looking for this fic for a while now. I remember reading it on ao3 a while ago, but I can't find it. It was a Sterek au for the movie Love and Mosters.
Hi anon! @eyebrowsaregonealt says it's this one.
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The Hundred Mile Companion by Aceriee, PalenDrome (nerdherderette)
(1/1 I 35,104 I Explicit I Sterek)
The average human can walk twenty miles in a day. It's different, though, when you're in the wilderness and battling supernatural creatures at every turn. ~~~ Stiles is hallucinating.
He cracks open an eye. He's floating… no, not floating, because he's bouncing up and down, horizontal-like, the skyline above the trees growing closer, then more distant. There are hands holding him upright, cradling his upper back, his thighs. There's a face hovering above him, with a shock of black hair, and although Stiles is having problems focusing, the person looks good. Insanely, inhumanly good.
Stiles never wanted to be the recipient of the basilisk's venom, but now that it's coursing through him, he admits it's some top quality shit. Absolutely fucking primo.
"Wow." He breathes, trying to enjoy the moment.
"Stiles?" The person holding him bends closer, their eyes flashing a bright blue.
Stiles shakes his head. He knows those eyes, remembers their unnatural, electric color. "Dude?"
The godlike specimen huffs. "It's Derek. And don't call me 'Dude'."
Stiles is pretty sure his mouth is hanging open unattractively. "We really need to talk," he manages before finally passing out.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hey can I request some fluff with moster trio + sabo and ace where they are just practicing their moves with s/o (female!reader) and they accidentally hit her and she starts crying, it can be in a cute way since I was in a mood for some funny cute stuff hehe
Thank youuuuuu ^^ ♡
So I'm not sure if it's terribly funny, but I think it's cute! and fluffy! Also, sooo many tags! Oh! As a note, Oda said what animals the straw hat's would be, one of Sanji's was a duck, I used this in his.
Warnings: accidental violence, one piece boys beating them selves up, hurt/comfort, mild WCI spoilers
Word Count: 1985
     All he’d wanted to do was show off a little, show you what he’d been working on. You may already be dating, but he loved to impress you, to hear you congratulate him and tell him how amazing he was. He loved your praise, loved it when you told him that he was ‘the best in the world’. Then he’d pull you close and hold you. Sometimes for just a short while, sometimes for over an hour. Sometimes he’d fall asleep for a nap with you, sometimes he’d take you with him to go do the next thing. But now you were sitting on the ground crying, holding your injury from where his hit had connected a little too hard. The two of you had trained together before, had sparred with each other before, but he’d always pulled his punches, always been careful about hitting you, giving you what amounted to light love taps rather than full hits. The most he ever did was light bruising, maybe a little soreness, but now you were legitimately hurt. Immediately you were in his arms as he ran to the infirmary with you, his eyes panicked and worried as he set you down. How could he have done this to you? How could he have been so reckless and stupid?!
     Luffy rarely, if ever, looked so defeated, so downcast. You couldn’t think of a single time where he’d looked so… disheartened. Chopper quickly inspected your nose, sighing as he stopped the bleeding. Miraculously, it wasn’t broken or fractured, but it would hurt for days, it might start bleeding a little as it healed, but it wasn’t broken. Probably a result of Luffy still pulling his punches. Even if he hadn’t been more careful, even though he’d hit you, it hadn’t been full strength, it hadn’t been as hard as it could have been. Even still, he couldn’t stop beating himself up, silently promising never to train or spar with you again. He couldn’t risk hurting you again. Looking up at you, his eyes watered.
     “I’m… I’m sorry Y/n, I didn’t mean to, please, please don’t hate me. I’m sorry. I love you, I promise.” Luffy whimpered once you were both out of the infirmary. You smiled lightly as you caressed his cheek, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
     “I could never hate you, Luffy. You’re my world, I love you so much. So long as you still want me, I’ll still be your pirate queen.” you said, making the boy smile, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you close, holding you tightly. He still felt awful about hurting you, but he was so glad you still loved him.
     Looking at your cut arm in horror, his sword fell out of his mouth before he was dropping the other two and rushing you to Chopper. He’d never actually cut you before! He’d even covered his blades so that he wouldn’t hurt you! But apparently, it hadn’t helped as he leaned against the wall outside the infirmary. He couldn’t look at you, couldn’t watch Chopper tend to your wound. How could he when he’d been the one to cause it? When he’d hurt you like that. He swore he could hear Mihawk in the back of his mind, berating him for hurting you. He should have used practice swords, he should have controlled himself better, he should have been more careful. The worlds greatest swordsman? The world’s greatest swordsman wouldn’t have hurt the love of his life! He couldn’t look at you as you stepped out of the infirmary, your arm wrapped in bandages. You’d needed a few stitches, but nothing serious, or at least, nothing you were concerned about. Facing the green haired man, you put your hands on either side of his face, making him look at you.
     “You’re going to be the worlds best swordsman before you know it. You’re already so strong even when you’re holding back. I can’t wait for your rematch with Mihawk, this time, you’ll be the one with a tiny knife while he struggles against you.” you said with a small giggle before kissing his cheek. He looked at you, completely speechless. You… were okay? You weren’t mad? All he could do was nod, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. He felt so, so lucky to have someone as amazing as you, someone as forgiving as you.
     This was why he didn’t fight women! This is why he insisted on not fighting you, especially! But after so much begging and pleading, he’d agreed. Then he’d continued, you told him to spar with you so that way he could fight women in the future, so he wouldn’t be helpless against them. Now he sat in the kitchen, head in his hands, his entire body shaking as tears ran down his cheeks. He’d be chain smoking his cigarettes if his hands hadn’t been shaking too much to even hold one, let alone light it and smoke it. He could still see it in his mind, replaying over and over again. Watching you double over in pain, arms wrapped around your middle where his foot had connected with your stomach. What kind of horrible person was he? What kind of monster hurt the people they loved? Was he… was he as bad as his brothers? Was he a monster like them? He heard your footsteps enter the kitchen, tears starting to fall faster as you stopped in front of him. 
     “Sanji? My darling love, my sun and stars, my sweet starfruit, please look at me.” your soft voice pleaded, the blond slowly, reluctantly lifting his head to look at you. You looked so sad as you began to wipe away his tears, kissing his forehead, his cheeks, his palms, and finally his lips, “It’s alright, mon gentil canard, it’s just some bruising, Chopper said I’ll be fine.” you said, making him tremble more as he quickly pulled you into a hug, burying his face in your stomach as he sobbed. He’d hurt you, yet you still called him yours, he’d legitimately hit you, yet you held him and kissed him. He didn’t deserve you, didn’t deserve such a forgiving angel, but if you saw fit to forgive him, he’d gladly take it.
     How could he have done this? He had better control than this! He was better than this! Running his hand through his blond locks, he tilted his head back, resting it against the wall he was leaning against. He felt so stupid right now. It seemed like an eternity before you exited the infirmary, your wrist bound in a cast. It had been broken, he’d broken it. He felt even worse. He looked at you, regret etched into his features, surprised when you smiled at him.
     “I suppose you weren’t bragging when you said your fingers could crush skulls like eggs. Then again, I expect no less from the RA’s second in command.” you said with a small laugh. Sabo was absolutely speechless. You… you were laughing? You were complimenting him? You weren’t mad?! His mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to find the words before he pulled you into a tight hug.
     “Never again! You and I are never sparring together again!” he said sternly as he held you, burying his head in your hair. You sighed and wrapped your arms around him, knowing how stubborn he could be. Still, you had one way of making it work.     “But how am I going to become better if I don’t have you to help me? You’re the only one strong, smart, and amazing enough to help me get better. The others would just beat me into the dirt without actually teaching me anything.” you said with a fake huff as you wrapped your arms around him. Sabo froze. The others… they wouldn’t hold back like he did, you were right, they’d beat you with ease, wouldn’t hold back, and you wouldn’t learn a thing. Even if he told them what to do, they still wouldn’t know what to do like he did. With a small sigh, he nodded, his arms tightening around you slightly, holding you as if you’d disappear.
     “Alright… I’ll keep helping you… but you have to do something for me in return.” he said, hoping to reach a compromise of sorts.
     “Of course, anything.” you said, smiling as he agreed.
     “Let me take care of you until your wrist is better.” he asked, making you giggle.
     “Alright, just don’t go overboard. My wrist is broken, I’m not missing an arm.” you said, enjoying his embrace.
     What had he done? How could he have hurt you like this? Was he a demon like people said? The son of Roger, a demon child. Surely it was a title that fit what he’d done to you! He sat in his room on the floor, holding his head as he tried not to cry. He’d hurt you! He was so stupid! All the horrible thoughts that you normally pushed down came flooding back as he berated himself over and over again, only stopping when he felt something press against his head. Looking up, he saw your beautiful, smiling face.
     “Why are you in here, my sweet strawberry? Why didn’t you stay in the infirmary with me? Marco patched me up no problem, but how can I feel better if the love of my life isn’t by my side?” you asked, giving him a small, cute pout as you sat down in front of him, your legs pulled close to your chest as you gave him your sad puppy dog eyes. Immediately, his arms were wrapping around you, pulling you close, his entire body trembling as he clung to you as if you were his only lifeline. His apologies were muffled in your shoulder, but you could still hear them, still understand what he was saying.
     “Hey now, Strawberry, none of that. Why are you apologizing for showing me how good you’ve gotten? We were practicing so you could show me your new moves! You’re as amazing and strong and stunning as ever!” you said, holding him close, moving his head from your shoulder to your chest, allowing him to bury his head in your chest, the steady sound of your heartbeat soothing him. You always knew how to make him feel better, no matter what happened.
     “I… I hurt you though.” he muttered as his sobs calmed down, still holding you.
     “That’s why we have a phoenix on board, my sweet flame. Can’t be hurt if my injuries don’t exist.” you said, your smile widening. Looking at you, he tried to find any evidence of his hit, finding nothing. Your face was still as beautiful as always, still made his heart melt from the love in your eyes. 
     “I just… please… please let me make it up to you.” he begged, his eyes desperately pleading with you. With a sigh, you nodded, knowing how he’d find a way to make it up to you anyway.
     “Just don’t go overboard. It was so minor, Marco would have turned me away if he hadn’t been bored out of his mind.” you said, making the man chuckle.
     “Fine, I won’t go overboard. But I want to treat you to something nice. Let me take you out to dinner? We can take a ride on my striker, go out for a bit, then stare at the stars together.” he suggested, making you smile and nod.
     “I’d like that a lot, my lovely wildfire.” you said, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead before pulling him into a gentle kiss. The two of you stayed snuggled up like that, the devil fruit user eventually falling sleep on your chest like he often did, slumbering away peacefully like he so often did.
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Fuck it, heres a crk x I have no mouth and I must scream/I have no legs and I must run.
I got the idea from Ron in the crk discord server
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Im gonna change a bit.
The other beasts were made by other acadamies, and also shadow milk cookie (like in the original story, there was 2 other AM's, russian and chinese ones too.) But insted of 2 more theres 4 more (excluding Shadow milk) which are the other beasts.
During the great flour war, the computers were used in it. But then after awhile one of the computers SM/Supportive machine (aka shadow milk cookie) got sentient and killed the entire cookie race. Which he changed his name into Shadow milk then after that into just SM (Of course not the elemental legendaries ones, they got into hiding after it)
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But keept 5 more cookies. These cookies were the ancient cookies.
So heres who suppsoed to be.
Pure Vanilla - Ted
White Lily - Ellen
Dark Cacao - Gorrister
Golden cheese - Nimbok
Hollyberry - Benny
Pretty much the charaters are not changed, but Hollyberry and Golden cheese has been changed bit, insted of being a weird prime ape thingy. Shes gonna be a mouse/rat thing. Shes can be on two feet or four. Golden Cheese will be not be a N@$i scientest but was a Dark entchantresses scientest at one point before the killing of the cookies.
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After 109 years torture, SM tells them to go a icey area where was onec a village. At the area was cans of food. But no can opener. Soooo you know where it goes from now.
Pure Vanilla kills the other 4 and gets turned into a flower moster thing.
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(Yea ik it say "I have no mouth and I must scream" but at the time idk what the title would be)
So yea thats the au. Credit me if you wanna post fanart fanfics what ever.
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nanoa1foryou · 8 months
I was watching Lordi's set at Wacken and there was a point where Kone just absolutely sprinted across the stage and I was wondering why it caught my attention so much.
This was when I remembered that both Lordi and Hiisi wear big ass platforms. They're not gonna run around on stage because it's not worth the risk of falling flat on your face. But Kone has sneakers and he apparently takes full advantage of that fact.
So then this made me think about what other limitations or adaptations their costumes make on their movements.
Here's a compiled list of what I've noticed thus far:
Mr Lordi moves like a pretty girl. As in, he has to use his hands like he has an expensive manicure because of the claws and he has long hair so he moves his head like he just got his hair done. And he wears platforms so he walks with purpose, though he has a wider gait. (I only noticed all this because in one interview he swished his hair out of his face and it was the exact movement I see people do as like a joke about being oh so fabulous. Man looked like a shompoo commercial model.)
Mr Lordi just can't lift his hands above his head in that costume. Watch him clap. Any other stage perform does that over their head because that's what they want the crowd to do but he always claps his hands together in front of him.
Hiisi can't really turn his head. He can tilt it side to side but he can't look over his shoulder. The spikes on the jaw, the padding on the shoulders and the big hair/head piece make it impractical. I wonder if that is a part of the reason why he moves around more carefully on stage. He can't see if Kone is right behind him or not.
Mana just can't really open his mouth with that mouth piece, can he. Bummer.
Hella's teeth and mouth are painted over (Barbie style) so she can't really open her mouth wide either. This is an odd choice, considering she does sing backing vocals on stage.
Also Hiisi sometimes exaggerates the movements of his mouth. (Kone also does this but notably less.) Probably because it takes a lot to move the giant jaw piece on his chin. Look at the moments where he's singing into the microphone and compare them to parts were he's moving just to perform. When he's actually singing the jaw on his costume moves notably less.
Mana has visibly the highest range of motion, which is understandable if you've seen his drumkit. He needs to move his body a lot of ways.
Hella also has theoretically very wide range of motion, but I imagine a full body suit that is also sweaty will bunch up in all sorts of uncomfortable ways, so she doesn't move around that much.
Mr Lordi has great posture. He has such heavy pieces wrapped all across his torso, I wonder if the work kind of like a corset in that he can't really bend and so has to have good posture, or he is just mindfull of the wear and tear those movements would cause on it and so keeps his posture good as a choise.
Hiisi, Mana and Kone all manspread like crazy. I imagine that is what happens when you have a costume that is not dissimilar to protective hockey gear.
Additionally, Hiisi's costume does have gloves like Mr Lordi's, but he doesn't wear them on stage. Probably because how in the fuck would you play bass with those paws? Realy badly, is the answer. You can see evidence in the Dead Again Jayne muisc video bts. That man (moster?) is not playing that bass.
They spend quite a lot of time in costume, so I imagine most of this stuff comes like second nature after a while. Like a person who regularly gets manicures doens't really think about the way they have to use a touch screen with long nails.
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ayameakuma · 2 years
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Theory/Analysis/Rant?kinda
Since there is like 2 or so more months till Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is out and, since I saw a lot of people debating the name/logo/what will be the story/involvement of the Zonai Tribe (*insert Zonai Swirl meme here*) I wanna put my own two cents in here, so here goes nothing:
First, the Logo:
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This thing made people on the internet (as far as I've seen) think this might be the end of the Zelda Timeline and take the 2 Dragons circling each other as confirmation that the timeline runs in a loop, an eternal samsara if you will.
I think that this isn't the case.
Usually, when it comes to the ouroboros symbol, the snake or dragon eats its own tail, and this doesn't seem to be the case here. The mouths of the 2 dragons are closed, and they appear to just chase after each other. In this case, instead of the symbol of a loop, the ouroboros might take onto the meaning of harmony.
Since there are two dragons there, it could mean two entities need to find harmony. This is also very much supported by this screenshot:
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Look behind the logo.
We see the new God? Entity? Creature? - whoever the hell that is together with who I assume is Zelda. It could imply that the two need to find a way to work in harmony to defeat Ganondorf. This is also mirrored by Link and his new arm since they also need to work in harmony to fulfill their role as the Hero. And, because Nintendo loves the number three, Zelda and Link themselves need to work together to solve whatever is happening in Tears of the Kingdom.
Again, this logo is more about harmony rather than a never-ending loop.
But, the main question I ask myself when I look at the logo is: Why dragons? Why is the logo depicted with dragons? And why two of them?
Well, the answer has to do with the Zonai, a barbaric (were they really?) tribe who is behind a lot of the old structures around Hyrule, as well as being, apparently, very technologically advanced if we are to think that the monsters from the trailers (blocky moster and the one that looked like a one eyed mechanical cyclops) and the weapons shown (flamethrower, homming arrows and the canon that shoots out balls of evergy) are made by them.
And yet, every piece of lore about them says that they are "barbarians" or a "barbaric tribe." I will go on with this later but remeber one thing: the history is always written by the ones that survive the wars or cataclysmic situations.
Either way, back on track, the Zonai Tribe had three types of animal like structures they probably worshiped because the animals represented the Triforce:
1. The Boar/Pig structures most likely represent the Triforce of Power. This could also allude to Ganon's monster forms as they, usually, resemble a pig or a boar. (Also, as a side note, in the Farore Region, where you find the most Zonai ruins, the boar/pig statues are either buried in the earth or broken, so it is most likely they haven't had the same faith in them compared to the other two)
2. The Owl, which represents the Triforce of Wisdom. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and spiritual awakening, as well as a very intelligent animal in and of itself, which fits the bill for the mascot Wisdom. The bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom is always the reincarnation of Goddess Hylia. (Funnily enough, Typhlo Ruins, the ruins that are always shrouded in darkness in BoTW are full of torches in the form of the Owl structures from the Zonai Tribe. And owls are nocturnal animals.)
3. The Dragon, which represents the Triforce of Courage. Yes, you read it correctly. The Dragon represents the Triforce of Courage, aka the Hero of Hyrule, Link. Rather than being an animal/creature that represents courage, in this case, I think it refers to those who can face a dragon without backing down being called courageous. You know, like in fairytales where the Hero faces against the evil dragon and defeats it. After all, having courage doesn't mean not fearing anything; rather, it's about doing something in spite of the fear you feel. (On top of that, since the Faron Region is said to be the place where the Zonai Tribe lived before, you can tell that they were the most likely to be followers of the Dragon, aka the representation of Courage; that leaves the Sheika Tribe as the followers of the Owl, Wisdom and the Yiga Tribe as the followers of the Boar/Pig, the Power.)
Now that we have established this, let's look again at the logo:
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Two green dragons chasing after each other in an attempt to create harmony... and everything in this logo is green, the color we associate with the Goddess of Courage Faroure. But, if Link, as the barer of the Triforce of Courage, is one of the green dragons, does this mean the other is the Goddess of Courage herself? Or is it someone else?
We will come back to this a bit later. For now, let's move on, onto the title:
Second, the Title:
We know that the producer of the Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Eiji Aonuma, said that the title would be a huge spoiler. However, the way I see people look at it, they don't consider the title a spoiler, but the logo. Which, given the previous games in the franchise, it is a bit wrong to do.
Here are some examples:
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Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The logo has the Wolf and the Fused Shadow silhouettes behind the text, but the title in itself alludes to, arguably the most important character in the game, Midna.
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Logo has the Majora's Mask itself, but the title not only gives us the name of the Mask but also the name of the villain in that specific game.
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Logo shows us the symbol that is now arguably the symbol of Hyrule itself, but the title tells us about a sword, which is later revealed to be the soon-to-become Master Sword that we know today.
As you can see, every single title does have something to do with the plot, and it is, in retrospect, a big spoiler. The Logos are a lot more vague about what they portray, especially since we don't know the names of the items shown before we play the games. (Who knew what the Fused Shadow was when they saw the silhouette in the logo?)
Regardless, when it comes to Tears of the Kingdom, things are indeed a bit vague. Since it was confirmed that "Tears" refers to actual teardrops, we can assume that it could have something to do with the Silent Realms in Skyward Sword where you will get Sacred Tears so you can forge the Master Sword. This makes a whole lot of sense when you see that in the Logo for Tears of the Kingdom, the Master Sword second half seems to be made of a green substance while the first half seems to be very damaged. (And we know that will most likely be a part of our quest from the trailers)
The problem I find with the title is the second part. "Kingdom." What Kingdom? We know this game happens at best, maybe 6 months after BoTW. Hyrule Kingdom is definitely not recreated overnight; nothing seems to have been worked on at all. So the question is "why call that a Kingdom?"
In BoTW, after you meet with the King at the Temple of Time at the beginning of the game, he says, "I was King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule. I was... the last leader of Hyrule. A kingdom which no longer exists."
So, if the Hyrule Kingdom no longer exists following the Calamity from 100 years ago... why is it called a kingdom now? Just because Zelda is alive, that doesn't mean the Kingdom is back, especially since all the Hylians are scattered around Hyrule and the only parts of the Royal Family and the Knight order remaining are Zelda and Link.
To answer this question, I need you to think back to the two dragons on the logo. If one is Link, why couldn't the other one be Link too, but from 10,100 years ago, the Hero that sealed Calamity Ganon first alongside that time's Zelda.
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This is the tapestry that spoke of the first sealing of Calamity Ganon. This depiction of Link is very strange, though. Full of bluish-green around him, red hair and a golden arm that holds a sword.
Dosen't it remind you of this?
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It is a bit of a stretch, but if the developers went for minimalism, then the golden ornaments around the arm could be the reason why the Hero's arm is golden in the tapestry.
Also, before you say something about Zelda, look here, outside of the power of the Goddess and her hair, her hands and face are a similar color of red like that Hero's face, legs and OTHER ARM. Meaning only one of his arms is golden in color.
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Which brings me to the whole Harmony symbolism again. Link's arm is definently damaged beyond repair, so now he gets a new one, one that possibly belonged or was powered by the energy of the Hero from 10,100 years ago. So they need to find a balance and coexist to defeat Ganondorf.
So while the word "Tears" refers to what Link has to collect to repair the Master Sword this time, maybe the word "Kingdom" refers to the place where the green energy comes from initially aka the Kingdom of Hyrule from 10,100 years ago when they used, what is most likely, Zonai Magic to help defeat Calamity Ganon and seal him? This would certainly spoil a lot of the game if it is true, so maybe this is it.
But there are still some other mysteries I wanna touch on next:
The Zonai
As I said before, the Zonai Tribe is considered "barbaric" in nature, but there is a high chance they were behind the mechanics and weapons we have seen for Tears of the Kingdom so far. So why are they "barbaric"? Well, remember when I said, "History is written by the survivors"?
What if the Zonai were eliminated in that battle against Calamity Ganon? They could have lived in Hyrule for a whole millennia before that battle, which is how their structures are older than the Sheika Shrines and the like. There is also the fact that rather than being constructed for that time's hero, the Sheika Shrines we know in BoTW were made after the sealing of Calamity Ganon as tests for the future Hero who will have to seal Ganon again.
This way, we can confirm how Sheika Shrines ended up in Zonai made ruins (aka Typhlo Ruins). The shrines were erected after the fall of the Zonai. This means the Guardians and the 4 Divine Beats were constructed first.
But the question still remains: Why are the Zonai not mentioned in the History of Hyrule if they helped with the first Calamity Ganon?
Welp, there could be that the Zonai never really interacted with the people, thus making them seem "barbaric" and "unapproachable" for the Royal Family (of which we know has done some pretty stupid/dark stuff in past games) so they decided to not put them in the history books, thus they were forgotten.
And I can already hear you: "What about that time's Zelda and Link? Wouldn't they overule this or do something?"
You see, dead people can't complain, can they? We don't know if the Princess Zelda and the Link from that time were still alive after the sealing. For all we know, both could have died sealing Ganondorf underground (like we saw him the in trailers) and the King (cause, let's be honest, the kings of Hyrule have done some pretty shady or stupid stuff in the past) of that time decided to just go with making his daughter and the soldier that was with her into heroes in the Kingdom and let's the Zonai, a Tribe he couldn't control nor truly talk with, fade from the history.
Also, I said "soldier" and not "personal guard" like the legends about that time said about Link. Why? Welp, the tapestry.
Red hair Link... is not really likely right?
He is always blonde haired, at least in all the games we have right now. So why is he depicted with red hair, when Zelda has blonde hair in the Taspestry? Welp.
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The Barabrian set, specifically the Barbarian Helm.
Red hair is overshadowing the blonde hair of Link, so there is a possibility that the Hero of that time was wearing a Barbarian Armor Set in battle. But it's a bit strange since... well, this is the compendium description of the helmet.
"A helmet once worn by the warriors of an ancient warlike tribe from the Faron region."
Why would the Hero wear a warrior set that is solely worn by a Tribe of the Faron region? Maybe because he was part of it.
Think about it. The Zonai were followers of the Dragon that represented the Triforce of Courage to them. Wouldn't it make sense for the Hero to be born in this Tribe?
And since Link and Zelda of that time had to work together to seal Ganondorf, the Hyrule Royal Family of that time couldn't ignore the existence of the Hero. So, instead of making Link as a part of the Zonai Tribe like he was at the time, the Royal Family made him into the personal guard of the Princess in the story, while people could explain the tapestry as an armour set that existed long ago and was worn by the Hero in combat (when the events were still fresh in the minds of people) or worn paper in the current time of Breath of the Wild.
The Mysterious Figure
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This is the figure I meant.
Welp, she is definently not Zelda from 10,100 years ago, so maybe a Zonai depiction of Hylia. Cause well, she is apparently on a pedestal high in the sky, if those are clouds.
Also, notice that there are seven swirls around her. Maybe the tears we need to collect? Or maybe a depiction of the Seven Sages in Zelda? Who knows, but it is worth mentioning that this figure is seen intertwining hands with a depiction of Zelda behind the Logo.
The "Zelda" shown in the last trailer
This will be the last part of this long-ass rant/analysis/theory thingy I made so here we go.
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This may not be our Zelda. At least not this timeline's Zelda.
Look a bit at the dress she is wearing. The blocky symbols and that eye towards the bottom of the dress are not of Sheikan origin. Which most likely means it is from the Zonai Tribe. I can’t put any more images, but there is a new eye symbol that is present on a new shield. An eye that is looking up and has five droplets falling from it. Just like this eye symbol that has five tassels attached to it.
And, if you wanna argue that it could be Hylia, look at the figure from the drawing above. The clothing is extremely intricate and very well detailed, but you don't see an eye with five droplets or tassels hanging from it on the clothing, right? Even tho the other details are so clear on the figure.
So, either this is the Princess from 10,100 years ago who fought together with the soldier from the Zonai Tribe that became the Hero, or our Zelda gets a Zonai get up from somewhere, cause the background reminds me of the Time Gates from Skyward Sword.
At this point, we don't have a clue and this is PURE SPECULATION.
So, if you read till now, congratulations! Hope you enjoyed my zainy ideas and theories for Tears of the Kingdom.
Tell me if you agree or disagree with anything here cause I am curious about your opinion on his.
Hope to see you guys again soon! (I WILL TRY to be more active)
P.S: If anything from here becomes reality, I called it, and I am gonna be so proud of what my brain came up with at 3 a.m. in the morning.
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
werewolf nancy werewolf nancy werewolf nancy
newly bitten werewolf!nancy struggling to cope going back to highschool/really busy sensory environments and autistic!robin being like 'Ah! i know this one!!' and helps her out with shit not knowing abt The Werewolfism.
maybe its post season 3 where theyre in that nebulous period where they dont really know eachother yet and nancy is all alone and robin finds her having a panic attack at the back of the school during lunch (robin is already sitting there just eating a sandwich and is like 'u okay bud??')
Winters of closed windows, heat turned up. Classrooms and hallways boiling with students breathing close, voices bouncing on concrete, laughter about holidays passed, about a year starting off, about Hawkins staying safe from the mosters of tragedy and fear.
Nancy presses her forehead on the freezing metal of her locker, barely suppressing a growl. They are low at the back of her throat. A noise dragging just enough for someone to pick up in the clattering crowd, a noise somehow releasing some tension from the depth of her chest. Not enough.
A drop of sweat slides down her pulsing temple. The sounds are loud enough for her head to feel like splitting, for her lungs to weight a ton. From the distant, wet chewing of gum, to overbearing, drilling sound of laughter, to teachers making such stupid conversation in their office.
The wolf can hear every little hitch of noise in the building. They drum right through Nancy's brain, to her bones, making her jawline tighten against spreading numbness.
Nancy actually feels sick from it. The growl is threatening to turn into a whine, and the muscles of her jawline shake. In an effort to keep from expanding, from letting out a bit more of tension.
She pushes away from the cafeteria because there is no way she'd be able to sit in there without howling, without tearing the noise into silence with bloodied teeth, razor sharp claws. The growl has left her throat dry, tightening, in need for water, a piece of bread, a sliding, wet bite of -
"Jesus", she breathes as the doors slam open and the shocking, freezing wind of January slaps against her cheeks, her neck, and bites her bare fingers.
The air is sandpaper in her throat, in her lungs. They tighten at the shocking change. The headache pounds with a punishing throb at the sudden quiet of the empty outdoors and, confused, the wolf thrashes for release. For the familiarity of the woods.
Nancy looks at her cramping hands, the way they shift gray. She forces them into fists, up against her hurting jaw.
The voice is sudden, familiar, buried under the scent of wet asphalt and snow. It belongs to a blob of clothing by the fire escape. Not one inch pf bare skin sits in sight. The girl is barely protected by the cold and yet -
"What are you doing out here? It's freezing".
"Are you okay?"
Her mouth feels smaller than it really should. Breathing is still troubled and the noises - she can still hear the noises from inside.
"You look overwhelmed".
Nancy almost snarls at her, almost grows teeth and bites the air inches from the girl's face as it is covered in a deep purple, patterned scarf. She wants out of the school, the hallway, the noises. A familiar bed, a comforting scent of cooking and a person breathing in sync next to her. She -
The slicing pain in her chest is familiar when she thinks of Jonathan. Jonathan never liked the cafeteria, summer and winter lunches spent alike; in the warmth of the front seats, in the liberating sense of sitting on the car's hood.
Nancy's new car sits like a beacon of light in the parking lot, motionless and waiting to be filled with two people in the front. It has been such a long time since she had anyone other than Mike to sit in the passenger seat.
"Is it too loud?"
Nancy turns, looks at the blob of clothes. Takes a sniff in her direction and -
Steve, Steve, Steve. His scent is wrapped on the scarf, the shoulders of the girl's jacket. His wide hands have trailed over the fabric of the girl's warm clothes, a few hours ago, today, yesterday. A permanent fix like the smell of old carpets, warm plastic, a rubbed line of film. Shampoo and wool blankets. She eats from a lunchbox; crackers, cheese, forest ham, berries, a wiff of chocolate closed off to the side. Faint words of a language Nancy doesn't understand come from the headphones hung down from a knee.
Slowly, Nancy closes her eyes. Rubs slow circles on the throbing spot above her eyebrow and comes to curl in back to herself.
"Any flesh monsters coming through the walls?"
Nancy's head whips up. "I -"
The girl waves a hand in the air. "Bad one. Sorry".
"What are you doing here, Robin?"
"Lunch time, isn't it, Wheeler?"
"It's cold".
"You're the one without a coat on".
"That's a coat".
"Jacket. You want to sit?"
"I -"
Robin lifts her eyebrows until they touch the beanie. She nudges her head toward the wall. "Whole building can feel like a boiling fucking pot every winter".
Without meaning to, Nancy slowly leans back against the brick wall. It rubs against her bare hands, cold, solid. "Gets loud".
"Does. Cluttering hell".
"You are in band, aren't you?"
"Don't you compare lovely symphonies to this screeching racket of teenagers".
A smile cracks over Nancy's face. A deep skip of nerves, like the shiver of fur and the wiggle of a tail, shakes through the werewolf's body. Her voice is basically a purr; "Band barely practices symphonies".
"As if you have watched us practice, Wheeler".
"Fair enough".
Robin's breathing is deep, slow. Only a couple of inhales catch at the gulps in the girl's knotted throat. Heartbeat pounding as if anxious. Nancy looks at her, only to find steel blue staring back. She is guarded, caught in a balance of watching and expecting Nancy's own reactions to her.
As if she is another wolf, as if she is carrying so similar secrets to Nancy's own that the unity is strange. They haven't talked more than a couple of times since Starcourt Mall. Nancy remembers seeing Steve's bruised face through the rest of the summer, the bloodshot blue of Robin's eyes.
And now, the wind blows a teasing wave of icy cold. Nancy closes her eyes against it, letting it relieve the tensed muscles. Robin curls inward and shivers with small, pained sound.
She almost whines in sympathy to the sound, almost dugs her head and shifts closer to offer some - almost -
Nancy pushes off of the wall, boots rubbing on gravel with a comforting, unthreatening sound. Robin tenses up anyway, a catch of breath. The werewolf dugs her head and nods to the step next to the girl.
"Can I sit for a moment?"
"Huh. Yeah, sure, Wheeler".
The marble is as cold as icy but Robin is sitting on her bag. Nancy hears another pound of her heartbeat when the first touch of body warmth envelopes the girl. She hears the words, a quiet comment, catch at Robin's throat. They're not allowed to be said.
And, with them, the anxious rattle of Robin's breathing is back. Nancy can understand she makes the girl nervous but there is not much to do for that in January's cold. The tape keeps mumbling words in Italian. The scent of ham and cheese fills the air; Robin carefully nudges the unusual lunchbox toward Nancy, offering her food.
The wolf whines for the snack, Nancy silences it. Robin slowly starts to relax too.
With Jonathan to California, with Steve having graduated, the boys and Max stuck to troubles for freshmen Nancy doesn't even want to touch with a stick - Robin is the only other person in the building, who knows. Knows the whole truth about Starcourt Mall, knows of the Soviet Union invading, of the Upside-Down and monsters in the walls, underneath their feet, working in labs and on stolen children with psychic powers.
Nancy doesn't know what to do with that. Next to her, Robin doesn't seem to know either. It isn't like they can talk about -
"You doing okay? After summer?"
Nancy feels her gut freezing. The wolf snarls a low, warning sound deep in her chest. Robin -
Robin may know of another dimension, but she doesn't know about the wolves. Nobody knows about the wolves. Not yet. That's a secret Nancy has for herself and the fresh scars of an old bite on her shoulder.
Nancy bites back bile and a shiver. Around October, Jonathan started sleeping soundly again. Around December, she stopped hearing Mike walking around the hallway at the crack of the night.
Nancy has only now managed to not thrash awake from dreaming of hospitals. And that is because of another kind of fear living under her skin. Controlling the animal, when a full moon comes near, becomes so exhausting.
"I'm good".
"Oh". Robin shoots her a side look. "Okay".
"Are you?"
"We're - I mean I'm alright", Robin keeps blinking against the cold, burying her face deeper into her scarf. Nancy's heart suddenly pounds, in longing. "Difficult dreams".
"You, huh.. Never mind".
Nancy is still looking at her mindlessly nuzzling in her scarf. The fluffy fabric looks soft; smells like paper, plastic, dust and warmth found in winter. Not quite like a bookstore, not quite like home. She suddenly remembers; Robin works in Family Video with Steve. Robin is surrounded by movies, and what flows with that in winter. Hot cups of tea, a stool pulled close to a heater, head tilted up for blue eyes to find the tv above the counter, the purple scarf falling loose around the base of her neck.
Nancy blinks, looks at the thin snowflakes falling between the two buildings. Robin is quiet next to her, shuffling the soles of her boots on the step below them.
Covered now, Nancy can't trace her gaze down the girl's neck.
She has to go.
"I'll, huh - Thanks for this".
"Oh..." - the purple scarf falls when Robin looks up. Nancy keeps from looking at her lips, her jaw locking tight, her whole body lazily standing up as if it does not want to - "...sure thing".
"See you around, Buckley", she quietly offers back before forcing herself inside the school.
"Yeah. See you around, Nancy".
Blue eyes follow her the whole way, until the doors close behind Nancy. She looks at the clock above the door, looks at the empty halls. Forces herself to the locker and grabbing her bag from inside, crossing the buildings to the parking lot, the car. The wolf whines in Nancy's chest, fever has started rising and burning the human down for the animal to burst free.
Nancy barely keeps from shifting into the car when she parks by the woods behind Steve's house. Jonathan in California, Mike already in class. There's no Demogorgon in the woods, but as Nancy lets out an overwhelmed noise that shifts from yell to howl, she thinks that it doesn't hurt to hunt for it anyway.
She thinks of the monster in the walls, of Robin's difficult nights, Steve's bruised face. Thinks of bloodshot blue eyes, of the girl tiredly nuzzling in the fabric of her scarf, breathing quietly.
The wolf runs on the fresh snow and bathes in the last, golden rays of sunlight. There is no moon in the sky, but the werewolf howls for the longing anyway. Longing to nuzzle in purple and a comforting scent.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
, imagine tying him up with his own webbing, fully aware that he can feel every bit of it while you fuck him like there's no tomorrow,,,,, Have him suspended in the air so that whenever you thrust into his hole the web strains and bounces, make him feel you all over
He'd probably cum just from you weaving the web between your fingers, it feels like you're stroking his cock but up the sensitivity by 10x
Use it as a gag so that he can feel his own tongue dragging across it, or when he cries out and bites down it sends a jolt of pain through his already overstimulated body
Or or or
While he's out on duty, mess around with the "nest" you had him make
Have him come crawling back to you, dick already leaking and skin already drenched in sweat from trying not to collapse on the job and mindlessly fuck himself into release right then in there while you're just casually messing with the stuff
Wrap it around your dick like his own little fleshlight, make him sit on the bed, hands tied up while you thrust into the makeshift toy- he can feel every bit of it, loudly vocalizing that even though he knows you won't listen to his begs
The one where’s he’s suspended in the air?? Or the one where you have him weave web between your fingers? I’m being serious rn I could kiss you on the mouth because imagine having him weave his web between your fingers before you jerk him off and everything so much more intensified because he’s feeling your hands on his cock but he’s also feeling the way the webs being tugged and yanked on as your hand strokes him imagine when he cums licking that up from web between your fingers watching the way he cries out from sheer over stimulation
OR HAVINF HIM FEL PAIN BY BITING DOWN ON IT GOOD GOD LEF ME MARRY U RN bc I cant help but imagine his web snapping apart and it’s just another jolt of pain and pleasure coursing through his body
MESSING AROUNDHIS NEST YES YES YES rubbing your cock head up on the solid wall of web watching the way the thread eagerly sucks in every droplet and glistening so prettily
THE FUCKIMG FLESH LIGJT COMMENT there are tears prickling my eyes bc this is so hot idc?? Like what the fuck I need this I’m going insane idc
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year
Dsmp with regressor quackity and caregiver Wilbur maybe :]?
Heyo, what kind of request is this, once I know I can get started!
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Shirt Swap V
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö + Zećira Mušović x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: After the Denmark-England game
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By the time you've been returned to Magda and the Swedish girls, you're high on sugar, still wearing Keira Walsh's shirt and finding everything unbelievably funny.
Pernille dumps you in Magda's arms, kisses her softly before hurrying off.
Magda looks at you with wide eyes.
"Where's Rocky?" You ask her.
"What?" She says," No hello for your Morsa?"
You shrug. "Hi, Morsa. Where's Rocky?"
She sighs. "Up in our room. Did you have fun at the match?"
You nod, pulling on your shirt. "Keira Walsh gave me her jersey, see?"
"I can see. And what's this one?"
There's another jersey bundled up in your hand and Magda has an inkling of whose it is.
"Mary Earps!" You chirp," She's England's keeper! She's going to win keeper of the year."
Magda laughs, hefting you a bit higher as she makes her way back into the dining hall. "Is she now?"
You nod. "She is. I know she is."
"You used to know Earps, you know. When you were little."
You frown as Morsa sits down at her table with Frido and Zećira. "No, I didn't."
"Yes you did. Earps used to play with your Momma at Wolfsburg. The same time as Caro did and you remember Caro."
"I don't remember Mary."
"That's okay." Morsa starts to place some food onto your plate. "You were very, very little. I'm still surprised you remember Caro so well."
"Caro's cool," You insist," She scores goals like Momma and talks like Ingrid."
"And Mary isn't?"
"She's cool!" You insist," But I didn't know I knew her when I was very little."
"I've got pictures." Morsa shows you pictures sent from Momma when you were younger.
You were a pudgy baby, you think. Your cheeks are full and your head is kind of big but Morsa's right. There's lots of pictures of you and Mary Earps.
She looks younger too, like you, but she is holding you and she is smiling.
You think for a moment. "Can I wear her shirt please?"
Moster Frido laughs. "I thought Keira Walsh is your favourite player in the world. Are you telling me you'll swap her shirt for someone else's?"
You rolls your eyes. "Keira Walsh isn't my favourite player in the world. My favourite player in the world is Zećira."
Zećira reaches out for a high five that you happily give her.
"Oh, silly me," Frido laughs," But Keira Walsh is your second favourite though. Are you sure you want to swap her shirt for Earps'?"
You give her another condescending look that really has Frido wondering if you were really Magda's because the expression was all Pernille.
"They're only shirts, moster," You say, patting her hand in a way that somehow makes Frido feel like a little child," I don't have to wear them forever."
Zećira snickers. "Yeah, Frido, she doesn't have to wear them forever."
Morsa laughs but helps you change right at the table as you cram food into your mouth.
"Can I wear this one to bed?" You ask her when your head pops through the neck hole and she laughs.
"You're asking me but I don't think you're actually asking me, are you?"
You give her a toothy grin and she ruffles your hair.
"Momma says it's always polite to ask."
"Yes, you can wear Earps' shirt to bed."
You go back to your food, interspersed with accounts of the game and how worried you were when Keira Walsh went down with her knee.
"Morsa," You say randomly," Can Rocky sleep in bed with me?"
Frido and Zećira start laughing, almost hysterically, at the stricken look on Magda's face at your question.
"No, princesse," She says," You can't sleep in bed with Rocky."
"That's okay," You reply," I was only asking to be polite."
Magda chokes on her drink, suddenly feeling out of depth in her parenting here. None of the books ever covered what to do when your child was asking (or really telling) you about sleeping with her pet rock.
"Princesse," She says," I don't-"
"That's a great idea!" Zećira butts in with a grin that makes Magda's eye twitch in outrage," Why don't we go bring Rocky down here and show him your new shirts!"
You quickly wiggle out of your seat and hold your hand out to Magda. "Keycard, please, Morsa."
"No," Magda says, still scrambling to keep in control of the situation," You're not bring the rock down here."
You shrug and turn to Frido. "Keycard, please."
Frido, the traitor, hands over the keycard and you skip off with Zećira to grab Rocky.
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yidhraloves · 2 years
Alt. Gabriel x Reader
“My little Snowflake” Pt.4
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This one is a teeny tiny bit angsty? Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Links to previous parts in order:
Luckily when you woke up Gabriel was still there. He had prepared some delicious looking pancakes for you and when you asked him where he got the ingredients for it he said “A magician must never reveal his secrets” .
The rest of the morning went by rather peacefully but yesterdays encounter was stuck in your head. This was bugging Gabriel, so eventually he spoke:“Were you acquainted with that scum? My sweet dove, you see, when you’re with me, I should be the only thing on your mind. In fact, I should be the only thing in your mind at all times, for I am your true saviour”. But you couldn’t stop thinking about it. The alternate you had met was the alternate of your best friend, who you cared for deeply. You knew it wasn’t a good idea for him to join that- Paranormal society? Was it? Ever since he followed that Adam guy into an investigation he never came back. It’s kind of silly, isn’t it? How quick things can go wrong.
The feeling of Gabriel’s hot breath against your neck ripped you from your thoughts. “Ahh, silly little human! Before you worry yourself into insanity just tell me what’s bothering you! I’m sure I can help you find a solution, for I am your-“
“True Saviour Gabriel, yeah I got that part the last 7 times you said it” you replied, but oh, that was a mistake. If one person had anger issues, it was Gabriel- that remark made him snap, he had done so much for you, but you still didn’t pledge your eternal love to him. He was furious. “Would you like to repeat that huh, useless mortal? Cant you see? I’ve done everything for you! I am doing everything I can for you, my love- DOVE! My dove…. Your kind is so foolish and ungrateful. I am the TRUE SAVIOUR! I FOOLED THE SHEPHERDS- AFTER ALL IVE DONE FOR YOU- YOU DECIDE TO MAKE FUN OF ME? You foolish little thing, he spat, as his face started to twist. “You are lucky I have taken a liking to you, I usually eliminate your kind on sight”
He continued to ramble, but his words started to fade as you focused fully on his face.
His angelic eyes had morphed into long, black orbs. They reminded you of a black hole, seemingly sucking your soul into them if you stared at them for too long. His face was stretched and so was his nose that now had a pointy end. Despite his harsh words his mouth streched into a wide smile, showing off his teeth.
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It was all just too much. The years you had spent here, hiding from the monsters, the troubles that had outside and now you had let them in. You were trembling, shaking, you couldn’t control your breathing anymore. Your shaky breaths turned into loud sobs as Gabriel’s once pretty face morphed into something that looked like it came from the pits of hell.
Your eyes were puffy and swollen, eyes blurry from your tears.
But the fact that Gabriel was morphing into a moster wasn’t the main reason of your tears, for all you knew this could be his real form. You were crying out of frustration. Crying because you were angry. Angry at yourself. You knew he was some sort of alternate from the start and yet you still fell in love with him, you craved his soft wings around you, the way his golden locks looked in contrast to his pale face, it was hypnotising to you. He even killed an alternate the other day! He killed a being that was rumoured to be immortal. And it’s not just that he killed it, he killed it fast. The alternate disappeared within a second! So Gabriel must be a high rank alternate? Their leader?? Gabriel might have even killed your best friend!
You could see him coming closer, despite your blurry eyes. Would this be your end? How could such an Evil being look so angelic?
You took a deep breath and wiped the tears from your eyes. If he’d kill you, you at least wanted to take a look at the thing that had once been so beautiful.
You heart skipped a beat. Above you was not some kind of demonic face, no, Gabriel’s face had changed back into its normal form, his face full of concern. “ I’m so sorry, my dove, I forgot that form can appear to be frightening for your kind. I’m really sorry, please stop crying! It hurts me to see you this way, please tell me all of your desires and I’ll fulfil them! I am more powerful than you could ever imagine”
As you weakly whispered something into his ear, he smiled and said “Wait here, my darling, I’ll be right back with what your heart desires”
That’s it for part 4! If you liked this please leave a like or Vote for part 5!
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bkoolerifudid · 10 months
(it's a monster factory tool, dw!)
It's just mine, if u don't feel comfortable with some just get em out or change em
Anyway, it helped me a lot bc I don't have to think of it for hours
Also i can draw all the little guys in my head easier
Well, for my monster lover and moster fucker out here, i present you:
My Make A Monster Factory!
What u need?
Dices, even informatic ones are cool!
Paper! Or anything to draw!
Pencils! Or anything to draw ×2
How does it work??
You throw the die and pick the number it fell on!
As easy as that!
Categories and everything!
Number of parts by parts!
Teeth row
1D20 <-→ 2/3D20
Type of?
1 human
2 canine
3 monstrous
4 chtonic
1 muscle
2 long'n'thin
3 tentacle
4 chitin
1 hounds
2 human
3 naga
4 monstrous
1 spiky!
2 putrid
3 human
4 wounded and fleshy
1 Madness
2 human
3 Outerworldy
4 demon
1 conjoined
2 separated
3 hydras
4 on-body
1 claws
2 blades/metal
3 human
4 long'n'thin
1 shark
2 canine
3 crooked
4 pointy
1 ethereal
2 chtonic
3 human
4 beast
Covered in??
1 blood
2 clean
3 mud
4 guts
5 sweat
6 dejection
1 wood
2 scaly
3 ethereal
4 furry
5 smooth
6 no skin
7 robot
1 naked (genitalia)
2 naked (no genitalia
3 fully clothed
4 destroyed/in bad shape
5 drapped
State= 1. Hard 2. Soft
1 human
2 beast
3 open wound
4 putrid
5 demon
5 tentacles
6 robot
7 otherworldly
1 small 1m20 -> 1m50
2 short 1m50 -> 1m75
3 middle 1m75 -> 1m90
4 tall 1m90 -> 2m30
5 very tall =/+ 2m30
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godoreo27 · 1 year
Moster high haunted X reader part 2
As we got to the next scene Draculaura was shaking off her wet pompoms and put them in her locker and (Name) was waiting for her but then out of nowhere Johnny spirit came up behind her and turned visible which scared her but not y/n because she saw it coming.
Draculaura: "AH oh."
Johny spirit: "Hey Draculaura, Hey (Name)"
(Name): "Hey Johnny."
Draculaura: "Johny spirit you scared me half to life."
Johny spirit: "Clawd just asked me to give these to you ghouls. He's got were-flees or something."
As Johny spirit says that he gives a Bouquet to both girls then the camera pans to Clawd as he's freaking out and scratching himself and screaming.
And after that Draculaura and Y/n wave to clad with a frown and Clawd whimpers as he ways back then proceeds to scratch himself.
Draculaura: "Tell him thank you for the roses, seriously don't scare me like that."
Johny spirit: "Anyway, me and some of the other ghosts are going to float around the mall this afternoon you ghouls and Clawd are welcome to join us."
Draculaura: "I'll have to catch up with you I'm almost finished here."
And after that Johny spirit walks away with some ninety's music playing in the background.
Y/n: "I'm going to go me and Clawdeen must go talk to spectra call me if you need me okay love."
Draculaura: Ok.
Y/n kisses her cheek before flying away with the other ghost. After like two minutes of them being gone Draculaura hears some noises and gets a little suspicious as a ball of light flies past her.
Draculaura: "Hello is someone there."
As she says that the lights flicker a little
Draculaura: "Johny spirit is that you."
Draculaura: "Babe if it's you then cut it out its... not... funny."
Draculaura then closes her locker and tries to walk away, but the locker opens again.
Draculaura:" *gasp* I told you not to scare me."
She then closes her locker again and pushes it to make sure it's closed. After a second the locker door flew open and out came a tornado that threw Draculaura's stuff everywhere. Draculaura ran away but then stopped suddenly and went back to grab her lipstick but was spooked into running away.
That's not the only time Draculaura was being messed with but weirdly they never impacted her negatively, on purpose that is.
The next scene show student turning something in and other students sitting in their seats one of the students were Draculaura, but she looked to be reading a book but truthfully, she was looking at a magazine, but then the pages of the magazine flipped drastically to a certain outfit which the ghost apparently thought would look nice on Draculaura and Draculaura thought so too.
Draculaura: "totes."
After grabbing everyone's attention like that Draculaura slumped in her chair and pretended to read the big book. And finally, Draculaura waited till she as alone in the hallway and waited to see what would happen but hat she wasn't expecting was another tornado to come and restyle her hair but the tornado actually did a pretty good job. And that was all the misfit for today she seemed to have made it too lunch without any other changes.
Rochelle: Your hair looks claw-some Draculaura. How did you get it to do that.
Draculaura: hmm don't know you'll have to ask my ghost friend.
Serena: okay I don't remember doing it but apparently, I'm an amazing hair stylist.
Rochelle: Hmm (Name) then.
Draculaura: No, I uh- I said friend not girlfriend I think I'm being haunted.
Twila: Are you sure.
And after Twila said that Draculaura's fork with a carrot on it tried to fly into her mouth.
Draculaura: Uh ya pretty sure.
Rochelle: Serena, you too are half ghost do you know anything about hauntings.
Serena: hmm my grandmother said you can get rid of them by holding your breath.
Draculaura then proceeds to hold her breath.
Serena: Or maybe that was for hiccups.
And Draculaura proceeds to let out that breath.
Twila: Maybe we should go talk to another ghost about this.As we got to the next scene Draculaura was shaking off her wet pompoms and put them in her locker and (Name) was waiting for her but then out of nowhere Johnny spirit came up behind her and turned visible which scared her but not y/n because she saw it coming.
Draculaura: "AH oh."
Johny spirit: "Hey Draculaura, Hey (Name)"
(Name): "Hey Johnny."
Draculaura: "Johny spirit you scared me half to life."
Johny spirit: "Clawd just asked me to give these to you ghouls. He's got were-flees or something."
As Johny spirit says that he gives a Bouquet to both girls then the camera pans to Clawd as he's freaking out and scratching himself and screaming.
And after that Draculaura and Y/n wave to clad with a frown and Clawd whimpers as he ways back then proceeds to scratch himself.
Draculaura: "Tell him thank you for the roses, seriously don't scare me like that."
Johny spirit: "Anyway, me and some of the other ghosts are going to float around the mall this afternoon you ghouls and Clawd are welcome to join us."
Draculaura: "I'll have to catch up with you I'm almost finished here."
And after that Johny spirit walks away with some ninety's music playing in the background.
Y/n: "I'm going to go me and Clawdeen must go talk to spectra call me if you need me okay love."
Draculaura: "Ok."
Y/n kisses her cheek before flying away with the other ghost. After like two minutes of them being gone Draculaura hears some noises and gets a little suspicious as a ball of light flies past her.
Draculaura: "Hello is someone there."
As she says that the lights flicker a little
Draculaura: "Johny spirit is that you."
Draculaura: "babe if it's you then cut it out its... not... funny."
Draculaura then closes her locker and tries to walk away, but the locker opens again.
Draculaura: "*gasp* I told you not to scare me."
She then closes her locker again and pushes it to make sure it's closed. After a second the locker door flew open and out came a tornado that threw Draculaura's stuff everywhere. Draculaura ran away but then stopped suddenly and went back to grab her lipstick but was spooked into running away.
That's not the only time Draculaura was being messed with but weirdly they never impacted her negatively, on purpose that is.
The next scene show student turning something in and other students sitting in their seats one of the students were Draculaura, but she looked to be reading a book but truthfully, she was looking at a magazine, but then the pages of the magazine flipped drastically to a certain outfit which the ghost apparently thought would look nice on Draculaura and Draculaura thought so too.
Draculaura: "totes."
After grabbing everyone's attention like that Draculaura slumped in her chair and pretended to read the big book. And finally, Draculaura waited till she as alone in the hallway and waited to see what would happen but hat she wasn't expecting was another tornado to come and restyle her hair but the tornado actually did a pretty good job. And that was all the misfit for today she seemed to have made it too lunch without any other changes.
Rochelle: "Your hair looks claw-some Draculaura. How did you get it to do that."
Draculaura: "Hmm don't know you'll have to ask my ghost friend."
Serena: "Okay I don't remember doing it but apparently, I'm an amazing hair stylist."
Rochelle: "Hmm (Name) then."
Draculaura: "No, I uh- and I she said friend not girlfriend I think I'm being haunted."
Twila: "Are you sure."
And after Twila said that Draculaura's fork with a carrot on it tried to fly into her mouth.
Draculaura: "Uh ya pretty sure."
Rochelle: "Serena, you too are half ghost do you know anything about hauntings."
Serena: "Hmm my grandmother said you can get rid of them by holding your breath."
Draculaura then proceeds to hold her breath.
Serena: "Or maybe that was for hiccups."
And Draculaura proceeds to let out that breath.
Twila: "Maybe we should go talk to another ghost about this."
So, I decided that I was going to try and continue, but at the end of the day I have no idea what is going to come up but still I can do all of the monster high movies because summer break is coming up soon which Is a great opportunity to write more. 1371 words
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