Strawberry Wafers!
162 posts
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sstrawberrywaferss · 8 months ago
yippee! can I request stim / agere headcanons for a gtws fictive? specifically a s9 / elf!scar. I was particularly close with grian, mumbo, and etho specifically. thank you sm!
Heya! I hope you like these! I stopped watching season nine around the time of the crossover, so I hope these are accurate. I’m sorry if the Etho ones are inaccurate, I’ve never watched him before.
🍓 Scar can and will eat the cookies that teleport you around because he likes the sensation of it
🍬 Grian had to baby-proof the floating islands around his base so Scar wouldn’t fall off
🍓 Mumbo also had to baby-proof his base, which made the whole “see if Grian can break into my impenetrable vault” game a lot harder
🍬 Etho usually helped Scar with his business when Scar was regressed. Specifically with the cookies
🍓 Scar has a cat plushie that looks like Jellie that he or a caregiver can heat up for comfy sleeping
🍬 Scar has a collection of stim toys that he plays with every time he’s regressed or wants to regress
🍓 Scar also bites his hair sometimes. It’s long and good for the munching
🍬 Scar also likes flying with his elytra while regressed. Someone has to do it with him so he doesn’t hurt himself, though
🍓 Sometime’s Scar will make Jellie dance with him to a song. Jellie doesn’t mind
🍬Grian usually comes up with games for Scar to play, while Mumbo and Etho make it and make sure it’s safe
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sstrawberrywaferss · 8 months ago
Hiii! Could I request little!Dave and Cg!Jack hcs? (DSAF)
Hello! Sorry this took so long, I wanted to see if anyone with more experience was able to do this but no one took it, so I’m doing it! I’m going off the wiki so I’m sorry if this isn’t accurate.
🍓 If Dave regresses on what he believes to be his birthday — Halloween, he insists of having a spooky-themed party
🍬 One of Dave’s favorite regression items is a stuffed plush knife
🍓 He also owns a chewelry necklace because he likes to bite things
🍬 Jack is somewhat of a childish caregiver, but he’s still a responsible caregiver
🍓 There are bite marks on Dave’s badge from times when he’s regressed without his chewelry necklace
🍬 Jack has no clue why Dave hasn’t damaged a tooth yet
🍓 Dave got a bat plush once. He doesn’t use it that often, but he likes that the wings make a crinkly sound
🍬 Jack tried to teach Dave to do a flip once while Dave was little. It did not work out and instead Dave just did front rolls
🍓 Dave once flopped into the ball pit and got stuck. It was not a good day for him or Jack
🍬 Dave sometimes hums the songs that the animatronics sings while little
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sstrawberrywaferss · 8 months ago
Little PlanetLord please? I'm a planet fictive and I see nothing regression wise for my source(or I haven't been looking hard enough,,)
Headcannons with CG!Spoke if u can.
Thank you!!!
This vanished for a little bit so I couldn’t find it, but unfortunately I will have to decline this because I don’t know anything about the source. I waited a while to see if another mod could do it, but there wasn’t anything from anyone else.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 8 months ago
would you guys still want to do a rq if I sent one? /genq
Yup! We just haven’t been getting many. There were two in the ask box but they just kind of… vanished. One of them I was going to have to turn down anyways.
I’m not sure where any of the mods are, but me and Lunar are still here!
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sstrawberrywaferss · 9 months ago
Hi!!! Never sent in a request before, sorry if this is really awkward haha. Can I get regression headcanons for empires season 2 Jimmy? I didn't have a cg and tried to not let anybody know I regressed at all, but I'm sure Scott and Katherine knew. Doesn't really matter what the headcanons are, I've just been having a hard time finding Jimmy content :] thank you
Regression Headcanons for a Empires Season 2 Jimmy
So sorry on how late this is! School is hitting HARD. Luckily, the year is almost over.
🍓 One of Jimmy’s favorite things to do while regressed is cuddle with Norman and Flick.
🍬 One time Scott came over while Jimmy was regressed. He tried to hide it, but didn’t do a good job.
🍓 Scott tones down the jokes whenever he notices that Jimmy is regressed.
🍬 Once Katherine noticed that Jimmy regressed, she anonymously dropped off a weighted cat plush that looked like a mix between Norman and Flick.
🍓 The plush is one of Jimmy’s favorite piece of regression gear.
🍬 It is also his second regression piece. The first is a cat-shaped piece of chewlery.
🍓 Jimmy also doesn’t wear a lot of his Sheriff outfit while regressed, but he keeps the hat and bandana.
🍬 Sometimes Scott will bring over dyes that are safe to eat. He says they’re for the cats, but he can tell that Jimmy likes colors while regressed.
🍓 Jimmy will eat ring-pops while regressed to mimic a pacifier. While it isn’t really gear, it helps calm him down.
🍬 If Joel comes around while Jimmy is regressed, the cats will hiss at him until he leaves.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 11 months ago
Oh, yeah! If you're up for it that'd be really cool, but no pressure :]
Yeah I can get them done hopefully sometime this week / weekend!
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sstrawberrywaferss · 11 months ago
wanna let you know that your link to your DNI doesn't work on mobile? for myself, at least.
it may possibly be because of the name change if you haven't changed that link since then?
Huh. I joined after that was made so I don’t really know the DNI, but it’s not working for me either (also mobile). I’ll message the owner of the account to figure out what to do, but they haven’t been online much. /genuine
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sstrawberrywaferss · 11 months ago
SORRY hi sorry. Jimmy here, just realized how long it's been since any of you posted please ignore my last ask 👍thank you. Hope you're all well /gen
Hello! I’m still here, just needed to wait to make sure I could change my name on here and then got distracted for several days. Would you still like me to do your request?
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year ago
If possible Could I please get some headcanons for little!Gem (GeminiTay)
any of her series work, but hermitcraft season nine would be nice. Thanks 😊
Here ya go!
Little! Gem Headcanons
🍓 After draining the ocean monument Gem regressed for a good long while to de-stress.
🍬 There was a time when King Ren found Gem regressed. Instead of arresting her or anything, he just called Impulse to take her home.
🍓 Speaking of Impulse, he was her main caregiver.
🍬 Pearl helps sometimes, but on the account of her weird soups she isn’t allowed to supervise Gem alone.
🍓 Gem’s treehouse is her main regression spot.
🍬 Her comfort stuffie is a deer plush she got when she was a kid and kept ever since.
🍓 Everyone in Soup Group has regression gear at their houses in case Gem forgets hers.
🍬 Most of Gem’s regression gear is nature themed.
🍓 If not nature, it’s themed off of Bluey.
🍬 Gem’s favorite piece of regression gear is a leaf-patterned blanket.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year ago
can you do a shubble!caregiver headcanon pls
Shubble! Caregiver Headcanons
🍓 She mainly babysat Jimmy, due to the stress of Xornoth bothering him.
🍬 There were always at least a dozen (if not more) juice boxes at her place.
🍓 Almost every ruler went to her for caregiving at one point.
🍬 In case the rulers forgot to bring something of their own they needed, she had extras.
🍓 These extras were almost always mushroom themed.
🍬 The two rulers who didn’t go to her were Scott and Pixlriffs.
🍓 Joey and Sausage tried, but it didn’t work out. Shubble never stopped letting them try, though!
🍬 Girl knows several recipes and how to make food look decorative and appealing to children.
🍓 The wolves were sometimes used to help people regress, Shubble didn’t mind as long as they didn’t put too much pressure on the wolves or pull on them when regressed.
🍬 There was a separate room for every emperor to sleep in while regressed.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year ago
Uh- Hi. :] Could I get some headcanons (stim & general) for Little!Tommy? Ran was my main cg, but Tubbo tried to help too. He just wasn't that good at it. -v- (All being the canonical characters, not the ccs) Uh, maybe things related to stars? I know that Ran liked taking me out to stargaze, but that's the most I remember. Oh! Also cows, specifically mooshrooms! I loved them so much!! :D (Also, if you could please mark this as kin or fictionkin, that would be really helpful. ^^)
Sorry you waited so long, I don’t think many mods are active atm and I randomly got motivation from the previous request but here ya go!
Little! Tommy Fictionkin Headcanons
🍓 One of Ranboo’s favorite activity’s to do with Tommy when he was regressed was to go stargaze on clear nights.
🍬 Ranboo would point out any constellations he knew and Tommy would point as well and laugh.
🍓Tommy ended up getting a Galaxy comfort blanket and would take it when it was cold to stargaze with Ranboo.
🍬Tommy also had a comfort mooshroom stuffie he took with him everywhere.
🍓If Ranboo was busy, Tubbo would help with being Tommy’s caregiver but he wasn’t the best at it and would often mix things up.
🍬Tommy really liked to spin in circles when regressed.
🍓He also would repeat the names of constellations Ranboo taught him.
🍬 He would also moo like a mooshroom when upset / distressed.
🍓 Exile came with a lot of negative triggered regressing.
🍬 Ranboo would let Tommy ride on his shoulders when regressed.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year ago
um would you be able to do a moodboard for a regressor grian and cg scar? with themes of third life and the desert maybe? if not thats okie thanks for your time anyways!!!
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Regressor Grian and Cg Scar with themes of -third life- (Only found generic life series) and desert! Credits for images under cut :)
(desert toy playpen thing won’t have a link but it’s from Amazon)
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year ago
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The Poll I talked about this morning!
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sstrawberrywaferss · 2 years ago
pee pee poo poo
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sstrawberrywaferss · 2 years ago
(I'm a jack fictkin, I'm currently sad bc I missed my brother, so I'm asking this..)
-tangerine anon.
stealing my tag from over there aswell! Now go send that reqz there!! I am working on it rn :>
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sstrawberrywaferss · 2 years ago
So, we finnaly finished it
kinda, the server is finished, but expect more updates in the future!
So come on and Join, grab some roles, make your intro and read the rules!
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sstrawberrywaferss · 2 years ago
Forgive me if you've answered this before. What is a regression/caregiver drabble exactly? They seem interesting! I haven't seen them before but I'm also new to the agere community as a whole-
Oh, a drabble is just a short story! ^^
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