#most searched? ehhh
baronessblixen · 5 months
Gillian Anderson joins WIRED to answer her most searched questions from Google.
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ilguna · 11 months
☼ whisper of the beast (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; on your own, you try to find your boyfriend in the arena. instead, you run across something much, much worse.
warnings; swearing, death, weapon usage, ehhh gore, blood mention.
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 11. "Just keep breathing. In and out. You're doing great."
There is something seriously horrifying going on with this arena, and each time you think you get close to figuring it out—it changes.
The only consistent factor in each of your theories is the jungle, and that’s because it’s the root of the fear. When you travel through the greenery for long periods of time, a creeping feeling grows on you, one that you can’t shake unless you make your way back to the beach.
Which is far from safe, itself. Especially since there are nine other tributes alive here, roaming around, hunting for lone victors. For it only being the second day of the Games, it’s remarkable that so many are dead, already. With six of them dying today, alone.
It makes you think that you’re being overly paranoid, because you’re out here by yourself. It’s a completely new experience to you. The first time around, during your Games, the Career alliance lasted up until the very last second. You never had to keep an eye out for yourself, because you had others with you that were doing the same thing.
You were under the impression that you’d be doing that for these Games, too, but nothing has gone according to plan. You and Finnick had a long discussion the night of the interviews on what to expect regarding corralling Katniss and Peeta into the alliance. Neither of you thought it would be easy. Worst case scenario, you’d grab one and he’d get the other, and the two of you would meet up somewhere in the middle. 
The Gamemakers really must have it out for you this year, determined to keep you and Finnick apart. That’s why they decided to put you on the opposite side of the Cornucopia, keeping you from seeing Finnick. While also putting Brutus in your water wedge, to ensure that you wouldn’t be able to reach him.
By the time you fought off Brutus and got to the Cornucopia, all three of them were gone. The only option you had left was to wait for Johanna and Blight, but with them still in the water and the Careers coming to take over, you had to leave. There wasn’t a choice in the matter.
Since, you’ve spent your time traveling through the jungle and taking the occasional rest on the beach, in the hopes that you’ll run across your boyfriend. The search was casual yesterday, as you were more worried about finding drinking water than the rebel alliance. Now that the numbers are spiraling, you know that the rescue plan is right around the corner.
You’re confident enough to say that they won’t do it today, but it’s got to be tomorrow or the day after. They won’t have Katniss and Peeta openly in danger like this for longer than they have to. You likely have less than forty-eight hours to find them, or else you’ll get trapped in here and taken by the Capitol.
You would say that you wish you had a general idea on which direction they went in yesterday, but it probably won’t make much of a difference. With the amount of people dying in these trees, you’re sure Finnick is directing them the opposite way, just in case. 
It’s another reason why you can’t stand to be in the jungle for long periods of time. From what you’ve gathered, at least half of the tributes that have died today so far, have come from somewhere in the trees. It makes you think that something is out here, and it’s more than just a rogue tribute.
In fact, it would make more sense for it to be a mutt of some kind. In the last Quarter Quell, they were everywhere. There was not a single animal that a tribute could trust to be friendly. On top of that, there were aspects of the arena that took them by surprise. 
It appeared to be the most breathtaking place imaginable. The Cornucopia was in the middle of a vibrantly green meadow, the sky a perfect blue, with fluffy white clouds. In the distance, there was a snow capped mountain, one that looked straight out of a picture book. On the other side, a healthy forest with plants you couldn’t name.
Of course, it was all too good to be true. The mountain was revealed to be a deadly volcano, the plants were poisonous, the water was infected with a disease, the insects stung and the flowers could kill when inhaled too closely. Everything that was placed in that arena was working against them.
Who’s to say it’s not the same for this one?
You pause next to a nearby tree to rest your feet, because they’re throbbing in your shoes. You lift one, stretching your thigh, feeling the immediate relief that comes with being off the foot. After a minute, you switch, but it doesn’t feel as good this time around.
When you reach up to run a hand through your hair to smooth it back, you find that your scalp is wet, soaked from sweating so much. It feels much hotter today than it was yesterday, like the Gamemakers are trying to boil you alive. It’s brutal enough being in here, do they really need to make it any worse?
You dip your head, eyes closed while you take a deep breath, sighing it out. You return to walking, paying attention to where you place your feet.
It might make more sense for you to go down to the beach and wait for Finnick, Katniss and Peeta to show up. The issue is that you’re not willing to take the risk of the Careers spotting you while you’re down there. The four of them could easily get you pinned down. You’ll be dead before you can call for help.
A branch rustling behind you makes your next step stutter. Your eyes widen, as you slowly look across the fern in front of you, to the left of your vision. With sensitive ears, you adjust the spear in your hand, turning your body halfway to look behind you, at the tree you were just standing at.
There’s nothing.
You take a minute to search the trees around you, backtracking to get a better look. Even if it’s just a critter, you want to know. If there’s living animals out here, that means there’s a water source—and you won’t have to depend on your sponsors to keep you hydrated.
There’s not a trace. At least, that’s what you think, until your eyes catch the hoof print in the mud. Your face contorts, you drop into a crouch to get closer, curious on what could’ve made a mark like this. As far as your knowledge on the jungle goes, there shouldn’t be anything that could leave this behind.
The goosebumps that crawl up your arms are involuntary, stomach dropping. The safety blanket that the jungle had been providing seconds ago, is gone now. There’s something in here with you, and it was smart enough to run when it made noise.
You raise your head, thinking about the best way to handle this situation, when your heart seizes in your chest.
What the fuck is that.
In one fluid movement, you jump to your feet, turning in the direction of the beach, and beginning to sprint down the slope. A screech cuts through the previously quiet air, piercing your ears enough to make you wince at the pitch.
And then you can hear it galloping behind you, hands and feet pounding against the spongy jungle ground. A scream rises in your throat, terrified to look behind you to see how fast this thing actually is.
You take the chance when you swing around a tree, stealing a glance over your shoulder. 
Whatever it is, it’s demonic.
You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s coming at you on all fours, there’s hooves where its feet should be, with long and pointed nails on its fingers. Its fur is so black that you can’t make out where its eyes are, or if it has any skin exposed at all. It’s a beast straight out of one of your nightmares.
It isn’t fast by any means, but it’s not slow, either.
You can hear it tearing up a path behind you, trampling through the bushes, ripping bark off trees. As the path between the trees narrows, the jungle becomes more condensed. You hear less of it coming in contact with the ground, thumping replacing the noise.
Until it stops altogether.
Your instincts take over, jerking to the right, shoulder slamming into the tree. You watch in silence as the beast flies by where you were a second ago, claws out and ready to latch on. It comes into contact with the ground about ten feet away, head whipping unnaturally to see over its shoulder.
“No, no!” You let out, beginning to weave through the trees.
A snarl rips through its throat at the idea of you outsmarting it. It’s coming for you, and there’s nothing you can do besides run for your life and dodge it each time it tries to attack. 
You play this game for what feels like an hour, but it can’t be more than twenty minutes. You make it half a mile down the slope, knowing that the beach can’t be that far away from where you are, when you realize that it’s gone. The monster that has been chasing you has given up.
You lean over your knees, mouth watering, throat beginning to close. As you gasp for air, your body tries to expel some of the heat by making you sweat, but all that’s doing is making you sick. You think you might throw up. 
Right as you’ve come to terms with losing all the water and food in your body, spit falling from your mouth in long strings, a shadow on the ground grows larger. Your face twists, thinking that something must be falling, like a leaf.
It hits you, literally, flattening you against the ground, head hitting the dirt. It digs in, nails cutting through skin as it tears through your back and arms, shredding your jumpsuit. A scream leaves your lips, a white hot and blinding pain smothering you all at once.
Your hand tightens around the spear, cheek against Earth as the beast presses into your shoulders, keeping you from moving. Still, with the small amount of mobility you have, you swing the head of the spear up, toward yourself, narrowly missing your left  shoulder.
It lodges into the beast, causing it to roar in pain. You shove the pole further back, hoping that it pushes into its body deeper. The weight on your shoulders disappears, you can hear it stumbling away.
In the window you have, you get back to your feet, ignoring the screaming pain your entire backside is in. You just need to make it to the beach, it’s not that far away, you’ve covered this distance in your sleep before. It’s harder to do, though, when every hard step you take makes you grit your teeth to keep from crying out. 
The beast is catching up with you, recovering from its wound. It’s faster than you are, and it’s completely disregarding everything in its path. Nothing can slow it down. You can see the golden sand through the trees, you’re almost there.
A body jumps out from behind a bush, making you run into it. For a moment, you’re sure that it’s an exact replica of the monster behind you, but once you realize that you’re staring at another tribute jumpsuit, the panic subsides. But only for a second.
“Move!” You shriek, trying to get around him. He grabs the sides of your arms, holding you there.
You look up, finding that you’re standing face to face with the male tribute from Ten—someone who is not part of the rebel alliance, and doesn’t care whether or not you make it out alive. When you glance over your shoulder, you can see that the beast is getting closer. It’s not going to stop until it gets its hands on somebody.
And it won’t be you.
The only choice you have is to sacrifice him, so that’s exactly what you do. You jerk him around, switching places with him, forcing his back to the beast. His eyes widen, mouth opening to say something, when you pull back from him, lifting your leg to kick him in the chest.
The beast takes him gratefully, landing on his back. He stumbles forward, struggling under the weight of the beast. You watch in horror as its jaws unhinge, revealing razor sharp teeth. It throws its head back, before whipping forward, mouth securing around the tribute’s neck.
And with no resistance, he rips out a chunk of the flesh. A spray of blood hits you in the face, and it coats the jungle floor. You back away with wide eyes, watching as Ten’s legs can’t hold him up anymore, body collapsing in the dirt beneath the beast.
A cannon fires.
You turn, making the final push for the beach before it can come after you, too. 
The moment your feet hit the sand, it begins to drag you down, keeping you from running as far away as your mind is screaming for you to go. You make it a few feet before landing on your hands and knees, sucking in sharp breaths and letting them out aggressively. 
That was almost you. That could’ve been you.
You try to crawl, hands forming in fists in the sand, tears falling from your eyes.
“(Y/n)?” You hear. There’s a headache forming, black spots coming to eat away at the corners of your vision. “(Y/n), hey.”
A hand touching your lower back makes you swing a hand up to get them off. Your wrist is caught, eyes meeting Finnick’s, finding him worried. 
“You’re okay, honey. I’m right here.” He pulls at your elbow to make you sit up on your knees. 
You grab onto his shoulder, struggling to breathe, “It—it… The—” 
Finnick takes your hand placing it against his chest. “Follow me.” He takes a deep breath, you try to follow, stuttering. He blows it out, you sob. “Come on, (Y/n). Just keep breathing. In and out.” You mimic his breaths, allowing them to even out. “You’re doing great.”
“Finnick.” You cry, head falling forward.
He cups your face with both hands, lifting your head. He’s only a couple inches away from you. “You’re safe with me, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He wipes your tears away with his thumbs. “Do you want to tell me what’s in there?”
You look away, eyes too intense to stare into. “A monster.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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hadischara · 1 year
Time for some Lyney funnies, methinks. Lyney intends to propose to you in the most over-dramatic, over-the-top manner. But every time he tries, he keeps getting interrupted by someone or something.
Hi, sorry for the late post. I had a few things to do.
But I'll happily write this now.
My oh so sweet patience
It wasn't the first time this week and it surely wouldn't be the last. It was so frustrating but yet he couldn't blame it on the people doing it.
He had tried to propose to you for the fourth time this week and he was interrupted once again. This time in the restaurant, from one of the servers themselves! Couldn't that guy wait for 3 minutes and ask the table besides the two of you?
Well seemingly not. And you we're there expecting something since he said he'd tell you something very important. "What did you want to say Lyney?" "It's alright my dear. I forgot it anyways, but how about you tell me how you got that beautiful? "
The next time it happened it was Lynette. His own damn twin. And it was the worst moment too. He was just about to go down on one knee before Lynette burst in and said it was an emergency.
Turns out, no emergency but just Freminet with a scratch on his upper leg. Lynette couldn't see blood, but this was or had to be a joke. The scratch wasn't even bleeding!
After patching the blonde boy up Lyney returned to your room only to find you napping. Well, maybe another time.
Unknown to the magician, you had already seen the little case with the ring multiple times and were desperate for him to finally ask. If it continues like this, you might just take matters in your own two hands. After all, why shouldn't you?
You did however find it pretty amusing how he was making it dramatically only to be interrupted and searching for an excuse why he was nearly on one knee.
"No,no. I just thought I had seen something shiny. Maybe it was just your beautiful eyes though."
"Hm? Oh I uhhh. Just wanted to ehhh pick this rose for you. "
Some of those were better than others. But you still loved him with your whole heart. No matter how long this proposal might need.
So, how was it? It wasn't too long but I hope it was alright.
Cya ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Little henchman!
Character(s): Leona, Ruggie (Twisted Wonderland)
Summary: You always followed Ruggie where ever he went. He was like an older brother to you and he too also adored you like a sister. So when he went to the night raven academy he couldn't help but whine, missing your presence to Leona.
Warnings/tags: Fem!reader, reader is around Cheka's age, Reader also has the same hyena ears as Ruggie, Ruggie is like a self-proclaimed brother(?), platonic yandere but it really just fluff till like the very end
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You were one of the children that Ruggie took care of before he had to leave for Night Raven Academy. You were the one whom he worried about the most before he stepped into the carriage. You were a mischievous one, but not as much as the other kids, you were much more docile and listened to his words compared to the other troublemaker ruts.
You were just the same in a sense.
While he took care of you the most and people would often talk about how you were like his baby sister seeing that whenever he was home or even outside with a task to do you would be following him whereever he went. You were so insistent when you followed him. While it was troubling to him at first, seeing that you don't place yourself in trouble often and were well-behaved, he let you do so. Ruggie would often order you around for half of his food the next meal.
It was something that Ruggie and you had grown used to so when he called you at the dorms unable to hear the small steps of a small hyena he felt out of place.
Yet it seemed that he learned how to deal too busy dealing with Leona with his demands and messes. He tried to send you a letter, something that his grandmother commented talking how your ears would always be down saddened that he wasn't there. But no matter what he wrote he couldn't seem to write anything.
Leona heard about you from Ruggie when the boy became his henchman. At first, when the relationship was still new Ruggie would often complain about how he missed his little henchman as he cleaned Leona's room. As this went on and on Leona soon asked (in a quiet annoyed tone) who she was.
Ruggie who was given the chance to talk about his little follower took it.
"Kids are too noisy... they are annoying," Leona stated cleaning his ear with his pinky finger as he yawns bored.
"Shyehee hehee hee! You will understand when you see her, she can be quite useful if you hand her some food or money." Ruggie told him.
"Hmmmm...." Well, you certainly didn't sound like his own nephew even though you were about the same age.
The first time Leona meet you is when he visited Ruggie's home. After calling it a dog's house Leona and Ruggie were quickly bombarded by kids who were waiting for Ruggie to welcome him back but also curious as to what he was bringing.
"It's food!" "Give me!!" "I want some too!!"
The sounds of the children pained Leona's ear as he quickly backed away from Ruggie who was dealing with some children climbing all over him. Backing to a safe place from the crowd he flinched when someone tugged his shirt and looked down to see a small girl with hyena ears tugging his shirt.
"Did you come with Ruggie-nii?" You asked.
Leona grunts finding everything a hassle but answers when you pulled his shirt again asking him the same question. "Follow me!" You told him not letting go of his t-shirt, pulling him to Ruggie's home to hide from the people's eyes.
There you two stayed, waiting for Ruggie to come home.
"So this is where you were. I have been searching everywhere for you." Ruggie panted trying to catch his breath he had been trying to search for Leona after he was finally able to get the kids off his arms. "This kid helped me out a bit." Leona pointed at you. "Ehhh then why did you tell me." 
You giggled as Ruggie pinched your cheeks, giving you a little hug he gave you some food that he saved specifically for you. "Welcome home!" "Yeah yeah, Shyee hehe."
"So this is the kid you were talking about?" Leona asked.
"Shyeehehe yeah, she is." "Hmmm, she seems very efficient and less noisy than the brats that jumped on you."
Leona had offered you and Ruggie to follow him to the palace unable to sleep at the old run-down place Ruggie glared as he told you to pack your bags. "I understand why you would want me to boss me around and all but why did you invite her?" Ruggie was on guard as to why Leona would invite you with a knowing smirk on his face, he stated that you could eat as much as you want if you follow him.
"You will see."
True to that, while he worked Ruggie to the bone he also asked you to do a few things. Asking you to spy on some people within the palace and a few other errands because he also found out how sneaky you can be and if you were caught many people won't be able to touch you knowing that you were invited by the second prince.
And when Leona's nephew shows up he would toss you a small bag of money telling you to play with his nephew. You would when you looked at the money bag already trusting that he put the usual amount inside the bag.
Ruggie was super annoyed that he didn't have much time to spend with you with Leona just stacking multiple errands on him. C'mon, let him rest a little...
So imagine his surprise when he saw Leona's nephew sleeping on the floor while he was on the bed snoring. But he just could not find you anywhere as he moved around the room searching for you whispering your name scared that he would wake up the 2 lions who were taking a nap.
Ruggie was mildly panicking that he wasn't able to find you and was about to run out to find you till he found you sleeping right beside Leona softly snoring. You must have been tired and seeing the two lion sleeping must have made you sleepy too.
BUT why crawl into Leona's bed of all places!!
You were adored by the two boys, Ruggie ever since you started following him a long time ago and who watches over you like an older protective brother while Leone at first used you to get out of his nephew's hands, he didn't mind you sleeping right beside him.
Seeing that you started trailing around following Leona as he had ordered you to do just in case of any surprise visits from his nephew. Leona's brother was curious about who this little girl that Leona had right beside him was. He had heard that he brought a friend and the friend's sister to the palace but he can't understand why the sister is following him.
"Don't worry about it. Ruggie is just too busy to watch over her so she is with me right now." Leona casually explained, ignoring when Farena compliment him about it seeing that he was worried that Leona didn't like children but it seems that he didn't have to worry about him anymore.
You and Ruggie were really useful to keep by his side.
So imagine when Leona woke up unable to see anyone in his room, he looked at the time and noticed that he slept a little more than usual. Ruggie had told you to always wake Leona up when he sleeps too much in his naps and while you always followed what you were asked to do to a T you didn't come to wake him up.
He yawned a little satisfied that he was able to sleep a little more and tried to call you but you didn't answer. Maybe you went out to get something to eat, he didn't ask you to do any errands today besides to watch out for his nephew. Yet as time passed, you didn't come back...
Strange... He thought to himself wondering what had happened. He can't help but feel like something bad has happened.
Getting up from his bed he headed to the door in order to look for you, only to see one of the servants outside his door jump in surprise. "Hmm, what are you doing here," Leona asked the servant, who looked anywhere but him fidgeting under his gaze.
"Ah- uhh..." 
"Spit it out already, I have other matters to attend to." Unable to wait anymore he was about to leave before the servant stopped him. "Well, you s-see..."
His heartbeats thundered in his ears as he briskly walked to one of the guest rooms. The aura he was excluding was angry, which made the servants and other guests flinch when they saw the second prince stomping past them.
Slamming open the door, ignoring the shouts and yelps of surprise he stopped when he saw you all bandaged up sleeping on the bed with a doctor right beside you. The smell of blood was strong in the room.
It was your blood.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Turning to his side Leona saw the shocked face of Ruggie who was right beside him. His eyes shaking, of concern and anger. "WHAT HAPPENED!" Ruggie shouted again when nobody answered him and ran to your side.
Leona didn't move from his place in front of the door yet others could feel the bloodlust emitting from the second prince. "Tell me what happened here and leave no details out. Unless you want to be turned to dust." His voice was calm but it promised pain to those who think they could lie their way out of this.
It was the doctor who explained what had happened.
It seems that many were jealous of you a hyena who looked to be taken care of by Leona. They were jealous that you were beside him when he pushed many others away from him, especially kids who looked fondly to him. While there were a few others who wanted to become friends with Cheka yet were unable to. Seeing you a lowly Hyena who wasn't even royalty so close to his nephew... it seems everything was done out of jealousy. 
When they saw walking alone to the kitchens they thought that this was the chance.
"They are only just kids Leona. You should forgive them-" "Who are you to order what I should do doctor." Leona's eyes were glaring as he pushed his hair away from his face. The doctor flinched and looked down.
When you woke up you were in Leona's room, Ruggie was right beside you sleeping. You saw the dark circles under his eyes, and everything hurt but you tried to reach out to him to somehow rub those eyebags of when a voice suddenly stopped you.
"I wouldn't do that it I were you. The runt didn't sleep at all watch over you." You looked to see Leona on the other side of the bed standing and looking down at you. You looked at him hesitantly as he takes a seat beside you.
"Did you know?" He asked, "That a few runts hated you?"
Understanding showed in your eyes as your mind quickly connected everything that was at the moment fuzzy. Slowly you nodded your head. Slowly you nodded your head thinking that Leona would get angry at you instead he did the opposite flicking your forehead as he lay down on the bed.
"Sleep kid. I didn't get any sleep cause of you last night so don't you dare wake me up this time." He threatened you while lightly grabbing your shoulder so as not to hurt you and pushed you back to bed, Ruggie grumbled at the sudden movement, his sleep disturbed but didn't wake up as he called your name.
You looked at Leona and then Ruggie unsure what to do when Leona spoke again. "Don't worry, they won't be coming back. I and your brother dealt with them. You will never see them again." You didn't understand what he meant by that, did he kick them out of the palace or something?
Leona yawned tiredly and soon fell asleep. Looking at the familiar sleeping face you smiled, grabbing your brother's hand with yours you looked up at the ceiling and closed your eyes.
Your brother Ruggie and Leona would protect you that much you knew. You just didn't know to what point they would do so.
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Note: Please do not copy or repost my writings!
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
27 ASK :)))))🍤🍤🍤
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I do not.. but man I really need to give them names. I intend to name my FNAF au before drawing Moon Malfunction 2.0. And my Deltarune AU... ehhh.. idk, I'll just see if anything comes to me <XD (I'm open to suggestions! :0 )
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Thank you! But sorry, no fanart rule. I wouldn't like for anyone to draw my AUs Asgore.. Thank you for asking first though <:) A lot of people would have just drawn it and not have cared to ask.
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:DD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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As for his backstory I don't really have any new ideas.. but as for the future?
I have ideas of Asgore seeing other versions of people he used to know. And it really hurts him. Like maybe they pass by and AU where he sees a Toriel. And his heart just aches. Or he sees a Gerson or Gaster, and he just longs for those people. He misses them and it kills him that he cant ever go back home.
Imagine if he met a Toriel that hated Asgore, post murdering kids. And she understands that he's a different Asgore but she cant help but be cold towards him. That might hurt worse than just missing his family. Someone with his wife's face being indirectly disappointed in him. Ashamed of him, angry at him. He never did those things that her Asgore did. But she still glares at him out of habit. And that kills him more than anything. And don't even get me started when he hears about the horrible fates this AUs Asriel and Chara suffered.
I can imagine that like Grillby, his body becomes more unstable the more emotional he is. Maybe they walk through an AU where Asgore meets that Toriel. And by the time they're ready to leave Asgore is wrecked. Seeing all these people broke his spirit. His body has significantly dissolved and he can no longer walk. All he does is hang his head low and weep. Saying he cant move.. and he wants to go home..
Jevil might be able to take the whole group to another AU, despite Asgore's state. But likely they'd just camp out for an extra day or so until Asgore can pull himself back together..
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Aw, I'm sorry you're sick, that's no fun. <:( But I'm glad my artwork is helping you feel a bit better :}}}
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Positively giddy my dear fellow
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I haven't seen it yet, but it looks good and I plan to watch it! :0
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:D Thank you! Even if you have nothing to ask, I don't mind a nice message! :}}
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Thank you! And hey man. Being down on yourself about your artwork is just gonna make you feel worse and slowly chip away at your confidence. Trust me, I've been there.
Try your best to always say something positive about the art that you make. No matter how much you think/believe that its bad. And never follow it up with anything bad either, "the face came out nice... but this hand looks terrible-" No. None of that. Actively force yourself to never say anything negative about your art out loud and always search for things that you like in the piece. If you seriously cant find a single thing to be positive about, then say "well I did my best. And I improved a little at art because I drew this."
Trust me man. From personal experience it will do wonders for your self confidence. Eventually that confidence will become second nature. Fake it till you make it.💪
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REALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I take so much pride in my expressions and angst! I've never really been the best at expressing my stories through dialogue. So I express it through body language instead!
A big chunk of the drawing time is the sketching and the line art. Trying my best to get specific expressions and poses. Like in this post! Most of the line art time was spent making sure that Grillby and Asgore eyes were juuuust right. And that Asgore's hug didn't look too tight or like Grillby couldn't pull away if he needed to. More like he was holding/supporting Grillby with 1 arm, and resting his hand on his back with the other.
I always have this thought process while drawing of "his pose looks a bit stiff, his shoulders aren't drooped down enough. He's grieving, so he needs to look heavier. His eyebrows should be furrowed a bit tighter. No now he looks angry, less furrow, more tears. His tears look too fresh. He needs to look like he's cried a lot recently. Okay thinner tears and marks around the eyes-" things like that.
I enjoy drawing these physical expressions so much and I really try to make them look good. So to hear that you see that effort I put in and you really like it?? wwAAA AWOOOOGOROOG😭😭💖🍤💓💖💘THANK YOU WAAAAAA
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Sort of..? I think they would have a decent relationship. I imagined him being a cold father but sometimes shows that he cares in his own special way.
Like for example. A comic that I never got around to drawing started with Bowser having a nightmare about Mario. When he wakes up, he proceeds to roam from room to room around his castle. Checking on all of his kids 1 by 1. He could stop by and maybe close their open windows, tuck them back in if their blankets were kicked off. A stuffed animal fell off the bed so he puts it back.
I think I planned for him to make it to JRs room. And instead of just checking and leaving, he goes and scoops JR up and take him back to his room. He also checks on Kamek and the Commander. before going back to bed with JR.
That might be a good way to explain it. He like- he loves his kids, he does. But he's just super weird about showing it and can only be truly tender towards them when something like that nightmare happens.
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I don't believe so no. :/
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I'm not sure, I haven't seen the Amazing Digital Circus yet <XD
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Woah woah woah- slow down for a sec, Jevil and Seam are strictly friends through and through.😅 I personally don't support/enjoy ships of any kind. Its just really not my taste. :/
But yes! Which ever story I end up going with, Jevil and Seam escape their AU together and rekindle their friendship. :}
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Yes! It is! :DD
Its also a double whammy though because its also meant to parallel Foxy having his mouth tied shut and his hook being removed. 👀👀
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I haven't really thought about it too much..
Perhaps they'd feel betrayed? Because Freddy, Foxy and Bonnie all lied to them to keep Gregory a secret? Maybe there would be fighting because Chica and the others think they should call security but Freddy insists that they dont?
Maybe they would think that Freddy is malfunctioning because of how hard he pushing against their protocol? Maybe they'd call security on Freddy because of how he's acting..? Who knows <XD
As for how they acted the night Gregory was there.. man.. they wouldn't know what to say. Some might not even believe it happened, some would be ashamed.. it would be a hard pill to swallow for sure :(
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XDD he really does use the power of tape to fix things doesn't he? I think he was also just a bit lucky that a lot of the damage on Bonnies body could just be poorly taped back into place.
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I supposes that Staff bots could be used to aid Foxy is certain shows of his. But ultimately he is meant to be a 1 man band while preforming in Pirates cove <:/
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"Bonnie you have no business being this larg" XDD
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I've seen that all over Tumblr in the past few days. I really gotta get around to watching it <XD
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I suppose its always possible. Although with how I've structured my Vanessa and the "bug", I don't think anyone/anything would make Bonnie do that..
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XDD Yeah I can see them freaking out. As would anyone!
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Well Bonnie didn't become this way over night. It was a slow process over the span of ten years. Years of constantly being overwhelmed with his performances, interacting with large crowds that he's not designed to process, his friends not giving him space when he really needed it.. He just slowly crumbled more and more until now he's just this cold, angry and rude individual.
However,, when it comes to Vanessa he's not that bad.
Bonnie is designed for interacting with groups of no more then 10 people at a time. He's even better at 1-1 interactions. And that's what Vanessa is. Just 1 person to process. Just 1 child.
And unlike most other kids that Bonnie deals with, she is very shy and quiet. She almost talks less then Bonnie does. That could be why Bonnie was Vanessa's favorite character. She preferred characters who weren't as loud as Monty or as active as Foxy. A slow moving, mellow animatronic is what she was drawn to.
I've imagined them interacting. Bonnie would ask her a question and she would just nod. If she were scared/sad she might not rush to Bonnie for a hug. Rather just sheepishly sit next to him and hold his hand.
What I'm trying to say is, she matches Bonnie's energy pretty well. Bonnie is not scary to her and Vanessa isn't overwhelming for Bonnie. I imagined them camping out in Bonnies room. The darkness makes Vanessa feel hidden, so she actually prefers it. She's shy so she doesn't really say much to Bonnie.. But she feels safe with him.
Maybe she squeaks out a little; "..thank you for helping me.." Bonnie could then turn his head a little and nod. Vanessa could smile and then curl up next to Bonnie. Eventually falling asleep.
They could work, and maybe their bond isn't the same as Freddy and Gregory's, but that doesn't mean it's lesser. Or that they're not as close. I think they're just right for each other. An overwhelmed animatronic mixed with a really quiet kid is a good mix I'd say :0
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(Post in question)
I don't have an answer for either <XD
He was just reading "a book" and Kwazii was about to do "a dumb thing"-
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I haven't really given their exact ages much thought. Though I kind'a have an age range..? I feel like Barnacles is 40-50 years old. Maybe closer to 40.? Inkling is like in his 60-70s.
Dashi, Shellington, Kwazii, Tweak and Peso are all just bunched together between 20 and 40 years old. But Peso could be the youngest of the 5 and Kwazii the oldest maybe..?
The Vegimals are all under 10 I think.
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I have not drawn that before no :/
Also that fact list was fun! XDD
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sweetieviktor · 2 days
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viktor x librarian!reader (headcanons + tiny scenarios)
summary: how you've meet each other, when you feel in love and your first exchange of "i love you"s.
content warning: just tooth rotting fluff and cuteness between those two. :D
author notes: i know that sooo many people writed this same idea but i can't help it, it's just so cute and so good to write!! when i was writing, the words came almost instantly and gods, i love to write fluff so much!! oh, and today, when i was re-reading this with my friend i was thinking the whole time "damn i love him" ((and i was awoken until 3am yesterday trying to finish this one but i feel sleep and couldn't end it, but i finished it this morning and now, at night time, im posting in here! anyways, hope you guys like it. :)
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» the moment the doors hang open, you turn to see who it is, and as you do so, the whole world stops.
» the prettiest man you've ever seen in your life just came into the library you work in. literally, the prettiest man.
» the way his fluffy hair falls around his face and his curious eyes keep looking at everything, scanning all corners of the room, every little thing he can, shining whenever he sees something he likes.
» and his boyish little smile, barely showing his teeth, that he was giving while talking to a furry someone just by his side.
“oh hi, dear friend!” waving, heimerdinger spoke, walking with tiny, fast steps in your direction, pausing when he was close to you. meanwhile the boy beside him was walking a little slower, his cane thudding softly against the floor.
he stopped near the yordle and looked at your face, giving a polite smile, offering to you his non-occupied hand, and you shaked it, giving him a smile of yours. “i’m viktor, heimerdinger's assistant. he said you could help me with some resources i might need, and i would very much appreciate any help your books could provide.”
“i hope you don't mind him coming here to do some researches, friend. he may come here often!” the yordle laughed, looking between the two of you and then walking away.
“ehhh.. so, do you have any books about-”
» basically, this is how you and viktor knew each other, through a friend in common. and, from this day on, he came to the library more and more often.
» at first, he just showed up, asked for a book you could provide and got out of the establishment. then, he tried to strike up a small talk with you whenever he was waiting for you to look up said books. now, he just straight up rants about any experiment he may be doing at the time.
» and if you're genuinely interested in his rant, he could go for hours just explaining every little detail to you, and he would love every second of it.
» because now he is a regular, you just analyze what he is up to in the most recent days and choose some books that might be useful to him, putting them in the drawer, below the reception desk. and when this happened for the first time he was almost flustered, because you cared enough to look up, sort and search for things that he didn't even asked for.
when you heard the door swing open, you looked at it's direction, smiling as you realized who it was. “hey, viktor! welcome again!” it was the third time this week he got to the library, looking for the same type of books, so you just worked a bit ahead this time. “i don't know if it is exactly what you need but i think that you could use these ones, they have some information you might like.”
“but i still didn't ask for anything..?” he stared at you with a puzzled face, trying to understand why you were giving him those.
“i just think it goes along with your research. also, i wanted to help.” you shrugged, smiling brightly at him.
and maybe this was when he thought for the first time “damn.. i might be in love.”
» after this, he always tried to stay closer to you, to say things you might like, to show you that he cared for you just as much as you cared for him.
» he even brought coffee (he got sweet milk for himself) and pastries for you both to share one day. and this was for sure one of the best excuses to transform a boring afternoon with no clients, into a lazy reading session, this, of course, until a client came and ruined the cutesy atmosphere between the two of you.
» of course he thought about asking you out before, but it was hard. he wasn't used to the feeling of love, of liking someone so deeply like this. so what could he do besides admire you everyday he was in your library? look at you with pure adoration, chuckle lightly whenever you said something that wasn't even that funny, and after it all just show you the most beautiful, bright and in love smile.
» he didn't like to belittle himself, but he really think you would be better with someone that wasn't him. you were so different, yet so alike him, it almost felt like it was meant to be.
» then, in one of his “oh, i will stay here for 15 more minutes and then i'll go home” times (that never lasted 15 minutes, to be honest), it was almost closing time, all of your coworkers were in their homes, no more clients in, simply, not a soul in there. only you both.
» you kept looking in his direction from afar, thinking to yourself how could you get someone so intelligent, so brilliant, so beautiful, so... him. you knew what you wanted, but again, it was hard. and, if saying your feelings out loud was way too scary, writing it all down seemed easier. so, you picked up a pen and a paper, writing in it everything that was inside your chest, your heart. you poured all your feelings into every word that you scribbled down.
» until you heard him packing up his stuff. you started to panic, and now there was only two options, leave the paper as it was and try to act neutral, or try to hide it and look even more nervous? well, there's no time to think! he was already in front of you while your head was spiraling nonstop.
“hey... you are fine? you look stressed.” he examined your face, tilting his head to the side, admiring every little feature of yours. your pretty eyes, your nose, your kissable lips...
“yes! i'm completely fine, no need to worry!” you put your hands on top of the little confession, smiling anxiously, hoping that he don't notice the sweet words you wrote down just for him.
“oh, what did you got there?” he looked at the paper, then at you, and back to paper. on a common day you would like to have his focus only on you, but it was making you even more nervous now, your stomach was turning itself, your hands were cold and trembling. and when he noticed it, he took your hand in his, and you could feel that he was shaking too. “hey... look,” he took a deep breath, almost like he didn't want to continue, like he was still choosing the right words to say. “i understand that some things we just want to keep them personal, only for ourselves. so, ehh, you don't have to show me what you wrote.”, he said with a nervous smile displayed on his lips, while caressing your knuckles with an almost feather-like touch, too afraid to ruin the moment and lose you right now.
and you didn't want to lose him too. even with your brain telling you that you shouldn't tell him, your heart knew you needed to say it, breaking itself or not. so it was now or never. “well... recently i've been thinking about our friendship, about what it could possibly be, about you.” you averted your gaze to the ground, wishing that you came up with fancier words and a better way to confess to him before it all, but you couldn't turn back now. “honestly i can't stop thinking about you, it's like you consumed every logical thought in my brain, everything that wasn't... you.” finally you looked at his eyes, just to see he already looking at you, eyes finally shining for you, because of you. “i love you, viktor. with everything in me, i really love you.” it seemed so right to say these three little words to him, to let him know how you felt since the first time you've seen him.
“and i love you too.” he came closer to you, still with his hand on yours, but now holding it gently, intertwining your fingers together, pressing quickly his lips in yours, smiling in pure awe, completely lovestruck after it. “i love you more than anything, my little star.”
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grlzluvmyswag · 8 months
"Oh, my god, come on." You stand before him in the staff lounge, gritting your teeth and making a mental note to wipe that shit-faced grin right off that pretty-boy face of his soon. You irritably grab two fistfuls of your uniform shirt, as well as the lacy bra beneath it, and yank them both upwards so that they’re bunched up above your bared tits. For him, this should be adequate. It was adequate the last time, right? Men love boobs, surely he’ll just appreciate the gesture and give you what you need…? You almost groan in exasperation at his unpredictable nature and the apprehension it brings along with it. The man slinks back into the most ridiculously expensive chair you've witnessed the like of with a lazy sigh, proactively making you wish you could dropkick his lanky frame to the cold, hard floor.
"Ehhh..." Gojo taps his chin with a slender finger, giving the impression that he is "thinking about it", albeit in the most unconvincing way possible while making a face at the sight of his student in the same scenario she was in the previous week. At once, an apparently innocent smile brightens up his face, and those keen eyes peer up into yours as though you happened to be having a normal discussion. "Yeah, no, not good enough for me."
"Huh…!?" is what you yell in reply to his selfish conclusion. Naturally, you could've called that response, but that doesn't make it piss you off any less! Please, who does this cocky bastard think he is? Given the taboo element of your budding relationship, he should consider himself so lucky to be seeing your tits for the second occasion in a row.
Gojo, who was hoping for that exact reaction, grins more enthusiastically than ever. He shifts back in his chair, sets his polished boots on the desk in front of him, and interlaces his fingers behind his head. He looks a little too proud for your liking, you think to yourself with a scowl.
"I said... not good enough." He shrugs his shoulders, making fun of his agitated student and all that she's trying to do in order to acquire additional training sessions with him. His claims are contradicted by that dumb smile of his, but he'll keep this up just a while longer for the hell of it. Maybe he can get more than he originally bargained for?
"Why." you promptly ask, planting your fists firmly on your hips as you continue the heated interaction, playing right into his game. Gojo is determined to have you as on-edge as possible, and it's evident in his sparkling blue gaze.
"Why is this not good enough?"
"Yeah, why."
"You're asking me for more one on one training. You know that's gonna eat into my personal life, right?"
You sigh frustratedly at the way he forever finds a way and a will to skirt around the answer you expect from him, palms slamming upon the polished surface of his desk in a futile attempt to intimidate the man. Your movement is carried with such ferocity, yet all it accomplishes is to lure the idiot’s interest back to those exposed tits. They sway and jiggle a small distance from Gojo's face, and he finds himself beyond turned on. Enough that even his leg is beginning to bounce as a way to cope with the overwhelming urges he's suppressing inside.
"Can you ju-" you cut yourself off suddenly, frozen as ice once you register the sensation of your tender nipple being delicately rolled between his knuckles at the same time his other big, veiny hand squeezes at your chest. You swiftly shift forth for him in search of more touch even when your body's instinctual need to jolt away from the stimulation is activated. "Huh, w-wait..." before you can stop it, a soft whimper manages to escape you, and this automatically motivates the teacher to insist on continuing with an air of smugness up until you fiercely slap his hand away.
The sorcerer chuckles breathily at your harsh behaviour while he tilts his head. And to really gain your sympathy, he shamelessly adjusts and briefly strokes the throbbing bulge in his slacks, because look at him... he's already painfully hard at the sight of your perfect tits! You just have to let him get his way after what you've done to him!
"Oh dear, just drop that god-awful attitude already, would you? What I'm sayin'... is while the sight is good, more would be good enough."
"...What are you playing at, Satoru Gojo?" Your tone is cautious, slightly breathless as you gather yourself. It's only a question of making sure. You know he loves to take every advantage he can just to get under your skin. He’s already had the pleasure of fondling you just then, so maybe it’s only acceptable for him to want more from you. That’s what he wants you to think, anyways. The man huffs impatiently, crossing those long, lean arms of his.
"Tch. Come onnnnnn. Do I seriously have to spell it out for you?" He groans like an impatient child, a slight pout contorting his lips. "I want you to let me suck on your tits. Play with 'em."
Yep, there it is. Ever so determined to cross the line, isn’t he?
"…you’re kidding." You blink at the man. Once, twice. 
Gojo is bewildered. No, he's not kidding at all! If he didn't intend to act on  it, why would he state something so obscene? You look at him as though he were known for abusing your feelings or something... it’s almost hurtful!
"No, I’m not." He expresses his annoyance with an exaggerated sigh, running his fingers through locks of snow white, pushing back the strands that messily rest over the frames of his shades.
Oh, wow. He’s truly not kidding. What is this… self-entitled, utterly infuriatingly handsome man’s issue?! He must really enjoy the thrill of greedily sinking his teeth into more than he should chew, mustn’t he? And he’s just so shamelessly rude about it! Yet somehow that’s barely enough to keep you from actually, actually, considering the price he wants you to pay. What really gets you thinking about it is a quick peer at the teacher's (effortlessly aggravating) mouth. You have to admit that with those perfectly pink lips sucking, kissing and everything in between, your view could certainly gain just that little bit more oomph. And oh, you can only imagine how absolutely delectable that silver tongue of his would feel, lapping at your hard nipples till you feel weak. On top of that, the task ought to shut him up for a moment or so! A highly appealing aspect indeed.
But damn it all! If what you were doing were to be discovered by an unsuspecting member of staff or a fellow student who hadn't left yet, what in all hell would you do? Really, what would you say? "Sorry, I was just letting Gojo-sensei here suck on my tits so he'd continue to supply me with the additional training I need"? God, no! You're practically gasping for air at the mere notion of something so probable occurring, however you're struggling to determine if this is due to that sinking sensation of dread or… arousal.
"Thirty seconds." you place a time limit in a stern tone of voice, not wanting to allow the smug bastard to think he has the upper hand in this little negotiation.
"A minute." Gojo counters almost immediately, a challenging smirk curving the edges of his mouth much to your displeasure. It’s only natural for him to push the limit, after all, so how could you snap at him over something of such common knowledge. It’s not like you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into here, is what he’s thinking.
"Thirty. Seconds." Yes, that’s right. Stand your ground, you! Show him who’s boss right here and now—
"Minute and thirty seconds."
He could have been so considerate as to try concealing the certainly antagonising snicker behind a hand, or at least disguising it with a little cough! But not even the most meager attempt!  Without so much as a small slant of his head to keep you from catching it, it simply slips by those sparkling pearly-whites. He knew you would cave eventually, but this quickly? Brilliant, really. No, truly! Brilliant. Ugh, and if you had thought ‘that ego couldn’t possibly get any more obnoxiously huge!’, it’s very well proven by that fucking smile that yes, yes it can get any more obnoxiously huge. Of course, the man can’t help but smirk at the dirty scowl on your face as you simmer, taking off his shades to get a better look.
I am your most strongest, most incredibly attractive downfall, sweetie. Those are the words that his sultry gaze conveys as he beckons you closer, firm thighs spread out on that damned rich-prick-vibe chair to accommodate your body between them. Having forgotten that your chest was bared free, you’re abruptly reminded once his open-mouthed breaths lightly fan over the soft and sensitive skin, not failing to direct your attention to his actions. Shit, the view’s pretty. It’s all so very pretty. Bright blue eyes peering up at you, sparkling and enthralling enough to the point where you study them too intently and catch your own reflection. Rosy, full lips that fluidly mould against the shape of your breast, planting slow kisses with his cupid’s bow prominent and glistening with a thin sheen of saliva. Stray locks of pure white that fall across his forehead, the ends getting caught on the tips of his long lashes when he blinks up at you. Flawless, yet such an entitled asshole.
With minimal thought, you carefully brush the flyaways from his face, carding your fingertips through the perfect mess that is his hair. It's so soft — soft enough that it could be mistaken for the feathers of an angel's wings.
"Mmph, fffuck… again." the sorcerer groans lowly against your dampened flesh, dancing his eager tongue around your areola and barely making contact with the stiffened bud at the centre, just enough to have your breath hitching. The heaviness of his palms caressing your waist is fucking dangerous, something you feel you could get addicted to very easily. Could? Will.
"For god’s sakes…" with a deep sigh and a roll of your eyes, you let him feel your nails grazing his head once again and gently tug on a loose fistful of hair, earning a genuine moan sent straight from the back of his throat. Oh, the noises he makes are downright delicious, you could just… "Ooph-…!"
Gojo swiftly pins you between the staff room’s large desk and himself, carefully bending you backwards until your head could rest on the surface if it wanted. The teacher’s deft hands leave no distance when it comes to your bare skin, greedily rubbing up and down over your ribs and stomach like nobody’s business. He’s thriving for the overwhelmed yet delightfully pleasured expression on your sweet face, chuckling to himself before happily leaning over and wrapping his warm lips around your nipple to suck on it.
"Uh, mnn..." you moan quietly within the otherwise empty lounge, nails instinctively sinking into the nape of his neck as his tongue swirls around your sensitive bud. He’s super into it now, teeth grazing and suction differing, so many techniques directed at one area until he decides to switch to your other nipple, only to mess around with your fleeting reactions. Every nibble, every hot caress of that silver tongue has you reeling. Even your toes curl at the sensations he brings you, causing you to feel more than ashamed of yourself for genuinely enjoying Satoru fucking Gojo.
He’s hovering you above the desk, marked papers, stationery, folders and god knows what else being knocked off by the force of his passionate movements. A string of little gasps, oh’s and ah’s escape your mouth, twitching and jolting in a pair of strong arms in response to his advances. It’s so sexy, the manner in which he goes about handling your body. Rough but not too rough, quick but not too quick for you still find yourself yearning for much more of him than you would ever like to admit. Realising you’re about to start thinking of him in a different light, you forcefully lay a hand on his chest and attempt to push him off. You’re way too paranoid about being caught right now, you lie to yourself for an easier, less aggravating excuse despite having just remembered where you were only a few seconds ago. Damn it, he’s too good and it’s tempting your inhibitions to jump out the window.
"Hold on, hold on-" the man murmurs in a concentrated state as his teeth are almost taken away from your sweet flesh, chest pressing against your hand in order to get closer again since he’s clearly not done the time. Actually, Gojo’s almost a little offended that you think he’d miss the chance to get the last few seconds in on such a perfect pair of tits.
"Hey, what the hell!" a vexed whisper leaves you when he doesn’t comply, kicking your legs in the air in a half-assed attempt to strike him.
"Four… mmff, three." he counts down the remaining seconds out loud and pays no mind to your thrashing, desperate flicks of his tongue and short, gruff moans occasionally interrupting the sequence of numbers, "Fu- two… mmnnn one."
Finally, he stops sucking. However, his warm mouth trails up to your neck as you reluctantly hold your shirt and bra as high as they can go for his access, and its only after the last couple of open-mouthed kisses that he allows his slicked lips to detach from your body. Gojo can feel his pulsing cock trying its very best to escape the irritating confines of his clothes now, pushing and jumping against the fabric as he effortlessly continues to hold you, a sign that he needs to leave before he lets himself get too carried away.
"Minute and a half, bam."
"A minute and thirty-seven seconds…" is what you retort snappily in return, glaring at that dumb smile he’s sending your way.
"Training on Monday." The man purrs in your ear before carelessly dropping you against the desk, humming obnoxiously as he strides out into the hallway on those string bean legs you’d love to kick in as of right now.
"Ugh!" you grunt loudly when your head bumps upon the hard surface, immediately scrambling to sprint to the doorway with a hand rubbing the bruise that’s definitely forming as you shout, "Prick!"
"…You say somethin’?"
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comfymoth · 1 year
If there were to be a dancer AU, what kind of dancers do you think some of the qsmp people would be? And maybe a duo is like- an actual duo in ice skating or ballet! Just a silly little idea I had in the back of my head :D
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several wikipedia searches and one very nostalgic re-watch of strictly ballroom later, i’ve returned with thoughts. good thoughts? ehhh. cohesive thoughts? an even less convincing ehhhh. but i do have thoughts!
anyways. have a competitive ballroom dance au made by someone who knows nothing about competitive ballroom dance
roier and spreen as long-term dance partners just makes sense in my brain, but naturally that has to end badly, probably because roier’s been chasing a relationship while spreen’s just been chasing a win. the last routine they competed with was a tango. (did you know there’s a variation called the argentine tango? it isn’t ballroom, but apparently, the accompanying music is known to be sad)
forever and cellbit have also been partners for- well, forever, and dating for most of that time, but naturally that also has to end. with a breakup. a messy, messy breakup that they can not stay professional throughout, and in the end it’s best for the team to split and give it time. the last routine they competed with was a samba. (ballroom samba is pretty disconnected from brazilian samba— samba de gafieira or samba pagode would be better examples of partnered brazilian sambas)
roier doesn’t actually meet cellbit through dance. he meets him at a coffee shop— where he then proceeds to recognize him from nationals and talk his fucking ear off about dance. see, roier is anxious to get back into competing, more out of spite than anything else. cellbit, on the other hand, is much more hesitant. he has no plans to go back any time soon. roier does still manage to talk him into visiting his studio, but that’s just for fun, he swears, just a little social thing, to mess around and practice. and maybe it is fun. maybe cellbit keeps going back, maybe it becomes a routine. maybe they really get along. maybe- maybe it’s a good distraction for roier, actually, to take his mind off competition and just enjoy dancing again. and maybe it’s good for cellbit to remember why he liked this enough to compete in the first place.
they do become a pair, eventually. and they do make it back to nationals. the first routine they compete with is a viennese waltz. (the main difference between a viennese waltz and a standard waltz is the tempo, but both are traditionally used for weddings)
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rhodophoria · 4 months
thank you for tagging me @covfefeships !! finally got around to finishing this lol
Do you make your bed? kind of? i pull the sheets up but it's not perfectly pressed and put together
Favorite number? don't really have one!
What’s your job? in between serious careers atm but on the side i'm doing data entry and managing websites
If you could go back to school would you? ehhh maybe a loooong time in the future, if i absolutely needed the certification for something
Can you parallel park? not well lmao
Do you think aliens are real? sure. gotta be something somewhere.
Can you drive a manual car? nope, never tried!
What’s your guilty pleasure? cheddar and sour cream chips. i fucking love that shit but they give me awful acid reflux so i try to stay away
Tattoos? not yet. am still pondering designs
Favorite color? either an oxblood red or dark, electric purple
Favorite types of music? i'm all over the place, but i mostly listen to alternative r&b, rock, and electronic/synthpop.
Do you like puzzles? i guess? depends on how you define puzzles. i really like word searches and stuff like sudoku
Any phobias? bugs, but specifically ones that fly and/or bite. the buzzing noise freaks me out. i've had really bad experiences w/ getting swarmed and chewed up lol
Favorite childhood sport? probably a tie between swimming and softball. i think i enjoyed softball the most though.
Do you talk to yourself? not a lot, actually. if i do it's all internal and never out loud.
What movies do you adore? all of my favorites are always adventure/action, and usually either sci-fi or fantasy
Coffee or tea? both! coffee in the mornings, tea in the afternoon/evenings.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? doctor maybe? or something similar. i used to be fascinated with medical shows/surgery documentaries when i was like 4-5 lmao
i'll taggggg @vii-naught and anyone else who'd like to share!
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fareehaandspaniards · 6 months
Hi Faree! 3 (and 11?) For Mico, Damian & Gremia!
3. What first drew you to this character?
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
The FIRST of the FIRSTEST things that drew me to Micolash is that art by @junwei_vivi on twitter!!!!!!
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I didn't even know this is Micolash, pinterest just showed me this image and I fell in love!!! I thought it's a book character!!!! Madman or sort of magician??? Anyway I saved this image and looked at it often until saw Micolash in game and fell in love MUCH harder!!
I answered 3rd question about my sweetest guy <here! But I might add for 11th question that I remember how I felt very sad and just searched everything connected with Mensis trio on Tumblr. Found some Damian fanart, opened wiki about him, looked at his game model VERY CLOSELY and heart made badump-badump! xd
Also my previous most favorite character was much like Damian. In terms of age, appearance, kind personality, tired look, devotion to one person, love for children, being a mother figure for many people... Ehhh... Malcador the Sigillite. I dropped Warhammer LONG time ago, but my hyperfixation was hard... Dropped because of the fandom and because of things that started to happen in the books. I wrote huge fanfic about Malcador, setting my own ending of the warhammer universe. I am still proud of that work + I wrote together with my mom! And it was... One of the best writing experiences. Malcador was very close to my heart, and I didn't expect to find a new heart-curing character in School of Mensis :^)
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The first-first-first thing of course was the fact that he is connected with Damian. Then I started analysing every detail of him and immediately had interpretation of his personality in my mind! I was interested in Tomb Prospectors, I like Chalice dungeones and would live there lol and their beautiful garbs, but Olek (tho I like him really much and have an interpretation of him and his fate) didn't intrigue me THIS much.
I fell in love deeply when finally developed his character. He reminds of the "protagonist" archetype, maybe because he is kind of protagonist in my current fic?? no way Also he is one the most funny summonable NPCs! xD Example:
Also I realised a few weeks ago that he has BLUE eyes, not brown, as I drew ;_; I will correct this mistake... (tho I don't want I like brown eyes T_T But canon is canon, it's my fault I didn't pay enough attention to him to notice that)
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thateldribitch · 9 months
Rock and a Hard Place
No warnings, just the Octatrio being fluffy after a panic attack. Can be read as platonic or romantic.
“Jade~” Floyd singsongs, as he flops into his twin. The more composed of the two hums tolerantly. Drinks fly through his hands, colors and herbs and syrups galore. For a moment, Floyd is mesmerized…. But then he remembers his point. “He’s in a mood again.”
“Mm?” Jade tilts his head, thunking it slightly into Floyd’s. Floyd responds in kind, bonking his head into the other’s with jarring force.
“Azul,” he rolls his eyes, as if his point were obvious. To anyone but his own twin, perhaps it would be absolute nonsense…. They’d think the housewarden were angry, about to go on a rampage, who knows. But there’s something in the flow of Floyd’s speech, something in the way he seeks physical reassurance.
“Ah,” Jade blinks, as it finally clicks. He flicks his hand, summons a junior, and has them take over. “Shall we, then?” 
“Mm~” Floyd gives a goofy smile… full of sharp teeth.
There’s an itch in Azul’s skin.
It’s this crawling sensation that something is off, and he can’t quite reach it. It’s this… need that he can’t voice, this craving he can’t feed. It makes him dig a hand in his hair, tugging at the strands as he glares a hole through the Mostro Lounge’s profit sheets. Sighing, he pinches his nose and takes a deep, deep breath. Ah, the itch is in his throat–his breaths feel wrong, constricted, hot. He coughs into his glove. His hands shake. Blearily, he looks around his office and it’s. It’s too big. Perhaps the itch is in the room. It’s too bright, too bright, too big. 
Azul stumbles to his two left feet, panting as he leans into his bookshelf. He needs somewhere– somewhere dark, somewhere safe— so he goes to the one place he can think of. The most secure place. Dark, cold, safe. Safe. A nice corner. Good. Yes. It’s… better, but why is there still an itch–?
“Ehhh~?” Footsteps outside. Ah. Floyd’s stomping around his office. Probably both the twins, actually; there’s never one without the other. Azul snorts softly, shaking his head. “Did he take off already?”
“No. He’s still in here…. We would’ve seen him leave,” Jade’s thoughtful tone slips through the room like mint in a refreshing drink. It’s… strangely soothing. 
“Azuuuuul. Azuuuuul,” Floyd calls out, as if searching for a lost puppy. Something thunks over. The brutish eel probably kicked something over, probably not something expensive if Jade isn’t yelling at him but—
“Azul.” Fuck. “Why are you in the vault?”
“I’m cleaning it, Jade,” he tries to keep his voice calm. Even though having both the twins here makes his itch worse, so much worse, but— but why? 
“Come out, Azzie~” Floyd whines, thumping his hand against the door a few times. He jostles the vault door with enough force to make the hinges rattle. He grits his teeth, and digs himself further into the metal corner. “Pleeeease?”
“I’ll be done cleaning in a bit!” He snaps, curling into a tighter ball. Silence is never good with the twins. They must be exchanging looks.
“...You leave me no choice.” Jade sighs.
Ah. He forgot about the—
The vault door swings open. The moray twins lean in through the sliver of light.
—back up key. 
Throat constricts. Hearts pound. He’s dizzy. The light blinds, the air’s so thin, it’s hot. He feels as if he blinks and the twins swim into view. Floyd’s face drifts in front of him, wavering like a mirage. They’re speaking. He knows that. “...’m fine,” his mumble rings hollow. Maybe he didn’t even speak at all. 
Arms hook around his waist. Pressure. Weight. One of them is squeezing him into the corner and it shouldn’t feel so nice to have the wall and the warm body cramming against him. But it does. Fuck, it does. His breathing feels… not easier, maybe, but it feels right. He pants against the familiar scent of salt and decay. The smell of home. He’s dizzy, but he has enough awareness to be offended when his left hand man scoops him up in a bridal carry.
“Ghk! Floyd!” He snarls, twisting in his grasp. 
“Nnnnope!” Floyd just constricts all the air from his lungs. “C’mon. Jade cleared the lounge. No one’s gonna see ya.”
…Except for them. Ugh. He digs his eyes into his palms, trying desperately to ignore the way he’s trembling. It’s no secret that they’re all equals in each other’s eyes. Clearly, they’re smelling blood in the water. This is a test, he can’t let them push like this. Though, a smaller voice recalls small bodies pressing into a hiding spot with him. Piling in together like puppies. Warmth. Calm. Safety. Small echoes make small sparks of warmth stream between his three hearts.
Azul barely notices when they’ve slipped into the water. He just knows the temperature is right. It’s dark. Ribboned bodies twine around him. And he twines around them and his hearts settle and. Belatedly. He realizes he’s winding his tentacles around them. And the vault wall has faded to sand and rock. And even if it feels so right, it makes his nerves flare. 
“You—!” His tone pitches with rage.
“Hush,” Jade bonks his head into Azul’s chin, making him clamp his jaw shut. “You need this.”
“I— let go,” he… pleads. His struggles die down. A vulnerable sound creaks in his throat. 
“Mmmm. No.” Floyd murmurs, and presses his face into Azul’s neck. Right over the sound. It instinctively makes him go limp. A content croon escapes Floyd. Jade rubs his cheek over Azul’s head. And his tentacles, with seeming minds of their own, wind around his eels.
He can only sigh, resigned to his fate.
I don't think this is my strongest piece but it's been pingponging around my head for weeks so-- here you go XD I saw a post about Azul liking compression therapy from the eels and it reminded me to finish this.
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this-is-a-nice-show · 11 months
I adore any and all Supernatural and Good Omen crossovers because On one hand, you have a show comprised of at least 60% male brooding and emotional heart to hearts with jarring, nonsensical, violent plot points almost always with a devastating season finale.
And on the other hand, you have a show featuring an unlikely pairing who constantly bicker but also would die for each other in a heartbeat exclusively in the most stupid, chaotic, and unnecessary way possible.
They both have extremely established lore in their universes that do not line up whatsoever. My favourite part is someone trying to combine the lore or totally disregard the rules of these universes like a prophet who has heard whispers of the word of god/Chuck directly and is communicating their word to us. And they are beautifully creative every time. Every take is completely different on how the lore is combined and I'm still like "You're so damn right. Cheers, I'll drink to that."
But ignoring the biblical themes of both shows they have so many similarities...
A vintage car is kept in pristine condition and is almost exclusively the main method of transportation. "Get in the car, angel! Alpha Centuri!" - Crowley (2019, colourized). Okay, were you planning on driving to Alpha Centuri??? "Hop in the car, Sam. Time to go on our day-long road trip for the second time this week." For fucks sake, you have infinite money. Buy a plane ticket.
We listen to One Song. A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square. Carry On My Wayward Son.
We will extend our musical selection To A Certain Extent. Queen only. No modern music.
Weird Haircuts.
Zombies, Nazis, Witches. Unclear definition of what the capabilities of witches are in both universes. Dean killed Hitler, Crowley killed three nazis.
Female love interest? Ehhh... No, thank you.
Male love interest? Ehhh... No, thank you. I'm rolling with genderless Crowley/Aziraphale. But don't worry because Castiel is happiest when he says he loves Dean. If that doesn't say platonic male friendships, I don't know what does. /s
Dumbass Behaviour. "Yes, I am playing detective searching for Clues for Archangel Gabriel. No, I did not inspect the Clue that he showed up with." "Yes, I have many, many contacts throughout not just Earth but also Heaven and Hell. No, I will not contact anyone for help."
Pornography and Sex Workers.
Risking death and destruction for others. Crowley rescues Aziraphale in France, Aziraphale saves Crowley by getting the photo back from the Nazi zombies. In Supernatural wtf, where to start...
The line between 'good' and 'evil' is virtually nonexistent. However, humans are regarded as 'closer to evil than good' or 'more likely to be evil than good'.
Found Family. "Hey hellspawn, you want two dads? No? Well how about a Nanny and a Brother Francis?" & "Hellspawn #2, tell your dad to fuck off and then bing-bang-boom, adoption complete. Adopted parents are just parents." "Hey hellspawn, you want three dads? No-oh wait, you do? Great."
God/Chuck is treated as a neglectful parent. They still seem hopeful that they'll receive help at some point but understand that they are required to fend for themselves and that can include going up against god/Chuck. It is cannon in Supernatural that all beings project their daddy issues onto Chuck.
They drink an extraordinary amount of alcohol and can sober up quickly. Good Omens is self-explanatory. But I've never met a person who can shotgun four beers back-to-back and shoot dead center. They have to be sobering up in between these activities.
They only own One Outfit. Coat/trench coat, waistcoat (optional), tie/scarf (optional), one or more layered shirts, jeans/slacks, and shoes. And of course, you have the accessories. Dean's necklace and Aziraphale's ring + watch. And it is cannon that in Supernatural, the characters (not the actors playing the characters, but the actual characters) wear a full face of makeup. And you can see Crowley/Aziraphale's makeup. Their lip colour changes pretty frequently. The angels in Heaven wear gold lipstick iirc.
Both of their main 'bases' are filled with books. The bookstore (for obvious reasons) and the Winchester's bunker has their hunter's manuals and the fucking Supernatural books.
The actors that play the characters canonically exist in their universes as well as thier characters. Dr. Who exists in Good Omens -> David Tennent exists in Good Omens along with Crowley. There is an episode of Supernatural where the main 3 exist in the 'real world' -> those 3 actors also exist in Supernatural. (There are multiple episodes where this happens without Castiel, but there is only one where Misha Colins plays himself.)
The most glaring difference between the shows is: one is developed starting with the characters and one is developed starting with the plot. Sam and Dean are inserted into a plot that they had no control in creating. Their father placed them into situations, and they were forced to find a way to survive. Crowley and Aziraphale literally started the story. They should understand the concepts of anything that happens in the plot (to a certain extent). As in, unlike the Winchesters, they don't need to do copious amounts of reading to foil nefarious plans.
Dean, Sam, and Castiel are pessimistic and dismissive of help. Other beings have to prove themselves worthy of their trust and usually not the other way around. Crowley and Aziraphale are optimistic and see the good in humanity. They enjoy the simple everyday joys of being human and they had the trust of Hell/Heaven for 6,000 years, up until Michael found the pictures of the two on Earth.
But would Crowley/Aziraphale drink bargain bin beer? Go to the greasiest diner imaginable? Directly commit murder? Participate in hand-to-hand combat? Would the Winchesters/Castiel drink a fancy, expensive wine? Go to the Ritz? Analyze their thoughts from a different perspective? Read a book for fun?
NO, and that is why I love you fanfiction writers and artists. I appreciate everything you do. <3
Something a little sad under the cut
I think the reason why I haven't been able to see more fun? silly? (idk how to describe it) fan fiction of SPN without crossovers is because Good Omens has never made fun of its audience or belittled how much effort goes into making content. When you know that you're actively being mocked by the show you like, you have to be on your Best Behaviour and Don't Fuck Up.
I remember that they were upset that the show attracted an audience of teenage girls. They made multiple episodes making fun of cosplayers, what I can only describe as an "obsessive fan girl", and destiel.
It feels like the people involved in Good Omens actually care about it and give a shit and that feels like putting lotion on a sunburn. Y'know?
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pharaohbean · 7 months
Hey, saw your Prsk Unit Shuffle AU and am very interested in seeing more.
In particular, I'm interested in hearing more about how the groups formed. It's always neat to see how these characters first meet and interact under different circumstances. And, as a little bonus, maybe what their "Untitled"/theme song is, because I feel like that's a very key part of a unit's identity that tends to be overlooked.
(Not sure if you're still interested in asks about this AU. If not, sorry for bugging you about it)
GASP HELLO I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY UNIT SHUFFLE AU im so sorry this too forever to get u back on!! schoolwork is a pain and then i went SHOPPING (which takes forever :sob:)
okok so i haven't really thought about all the details of how they get together? so bear with me this is a rough draft lol
SSS: the idea at the core of this group is that its a family with different strengths coming together to make music. so tsukasa is the scriptwriter, saki is the lyricist, toya is the choreographer, and kanade is the composer! the group is headed by tsukasa, who's actually been putting on these shows for all of them since he was a kid. as he got older, he started taking stardom more seriously (leading into canon), but an incident in middle school ended up with the tenmas legally adopting toya, so that definitely shook things up for tsukasa (in a good way!). so i think that (+ l/n not reforming, which does happen in the SSS main story) allowed tsukasa and saki to consider banding their strengths together, since tsukasa loved putting on shows and saki loved seeing them, but she would also help put them on for toya (and later kanade, when she joins them not long after toya does). the two of them very quickly realize that they need more hands, and although recruiting kanade as composer is easy (bc 25ji never forms- dont ask why im still figuring that out lol) toya is a lot harder bc he's still active under BAD DOGS with akito. however, with akito picking up AWR around the same time (+ hatsune freaking miku appearing to toya), toya does join under their choreographer as for their untitled, their song is Wonderland and the Sheep's Song by Hachi, but I worked out their line distributions to this lovely KYO cover! you can see my color-coded lyrics for them here if you're interested :)
R/l: im gonna be 100% honest with you SSS and AWR are the only ones with any semblance of a plot rn LOL but here's the base idea around R/l: mizuki and rui both congregate on the kami school rooftop bc, yknow, loners (mizuki is never reached out to by kanamafu, so not 25ji on their part. tsukasa doesnt end up applying for phoenix so wxs doesn't have a chance of forming). at some point, i imagine they got talking about music, but never did anything concrete. but not long into the main story (probably the very start) an also joins them, her dream of surpassing rad weekend getting weaker as she struggles to find a partner (koha will be explained later) so she goes to hang with her friend on the rooftop. at some point, mizu and an both accidentally enter sekai, where they meet miku and len. those two tell them that there's still two others they need to find because they also made the sekai. mizu and an get.... maybe a little too excited over this. an takes this chance to invite her friend haruka over to kami (so she transfers) and join the group, but in their search for their fourth member they end up accidentally alienating rui (ironic). they fix that tho-- although HOW i dont know lol their untitled was one i went back and forth on (tbh only SSS and AWR i didnt lol), but i eventually decided on Untitled Hymn by shaito! their color-coded lyrics are here (i just realized you can barely tell where an is in lines but ehhh)
ATD: okay so. ATD is the group thats given the most gosh-darn trouble. ive revised their cast motivations like, TWICE now. but basically it goes like this: shizuku and mafuyu are both members of the archery club, with mafuyu trusting shizuku so much that her public mask slips a couple of times (against her will). shizuku's not dumb, but she doesn't say anything bc i think she understands that mafu has her secrets. after shizuku quits being an idol (on more of her own terms), she still wants to find a way to share the light she had before that seemed to reach mafu a few times. enter: accidental sekai trip! this trip both gives shizu the idea for an online group (which could sorta count as MMJ but i think the big distinction is they do more streamer/vtuber stuff and less purely idol stuff?? im still working on that) and lets her see mafu with her mask fully off. eventually, shizu drags nene into the business (nene never attends kami here, workin on that) bc shizu and mafu have no idea how streaming works and nene does, but nene likes hiding behind the camera but is still a part of the group bc who can say no to shizu? and hona joins at shizu's request bc they're both beautification members (and apparently hona+mafu are both honors students so i wonder if they have some overlap?? can you tell ive never attended public school lol) their untitled gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE. because ATD is supposed to be a weird mix of 25ji and mmj? but all of their songs get swiped by either R/l, AWR, or even SSS, so it was hard to find something that i thought could be specifically them. eventually, i finally decided on Common World Domination by PinocchioP! Their color-coded lyrics can be found here :)
MxC: oh boy this one's a doozy. so the idea here is like... there are underground music rings? which sounds wild but like if music is vaguely the lifeblood of this world i DONT CARE it can happen! i don't wanna make it life-threatening tho so its more like... you get blacklisted from everything. which for shiho--who got sucked into this world in an attempt to find bandmates--is VERY BAD. but shiho's given a little bit to find a band before their first performance, but with l/n definitely gone their separate ways (and she never wanted to involve them in the first place) she's kinda stuck. enter: airi and ena! both of them had been watching the music battles, unsatisfied with their current lives (airi having just quit idol/tv work, ena just frustrated over her art), but airi knows shiho thru miya, and when she heard about shiho's impending doom, she resolved herself to very quickly learn guitar and join her group, roping ena (who has a little bit of drum experience from akito and mom) into it as well. meanwhile, while all of this is going on, kohane (being the sweet soul she is) has been trailing shiho out of concern, but then is entirely horrified at the underground battles bc shes still pre-canon meek. but she really wants to help shiho, so she agrees to try and learn keyboard. after clearing the first battle, shiho and her group are safe--for now. they'll have to clear a lot more battles if they want to escape the underground their untitled is Hello Builder by UtsuP since i wanted them to have harsher rock songs than l/n (bordering on metal-ish)! color-coded lyrics here :)
AWR: funny story--all of the above units were made in the order listed! so i got to AWR and... i have ichika, minori, emu, and akito. and im like "NONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON". and then i went. "WAIT. THATS IT!" so here's how AWR goes: ichika still tries to reform l/n, but fails; minori is still trying to become an idol; and emu is still trying to revive the wonder stage. all three of them, all attending miya ofc, end up bonding over this and they start thinking. is there a way to satisfy all three of their dreams (band, idol, and show) at once? and at FIRST the answer is "no lol" so they go exploring. and somehow someway (workin on that) word finds out about this and some guy on vivid street dares akito to try and fix em into shape in a week. akito--being akito--accepts quite hotheadedly, then quickly realizes that maybe this wasnt a good idea?? because EVERYONE has a different music taste and its almost impossible to keep up with them all!!! but eventually they do figure it all out, and by the end none of them wanted to split apart or anything. AWR is i think the group that has the least amount of direction which might be on purpose. i think (again im rambling rn so) part of their story is figuring out what their direction is going to be! their untitled is Lip Sync by DECO*27, written as a part of holo*27 (hi no im not rlly into vtubers i just like their music) but i count it bc its written by a voca producer and this would not be the first time a non-vocaloid sung a unit song (cough cough mafumafu and tuyu). you CAN find my color-coded lyrics here.... but i did the translations. which means they're pretty much 98% google translated then bonked around to make sense. i dont know japanese please dont sue me
i hope you enjoy my indepth explanation!!! im always happy to talk about these guys :D
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evrensadwrn · 1 month
Who is laci reacher? Searching Tumblr and Google gets me no results.
Re: the question, why people would want to read about unpleasant subjects...well, because those things are an unfortunate part of reality, and one of the functions of art is to explore unfortunate and unpleasant things in a safe way.
I think it's perfectly fine to not want to read about any unpleasant subject, whether war, violence, hate, bigotry, abuse, etc. But trying to tell other people they're dirty rotten sinners, or support those things in reality, for being willing to read about them in fiction is going too far...that way lies puritanism and censorship.
A story about a little boy being sexually abused, for example, might actually be written by a survivor of such abuse who is working through their traumatic emotions by sympathizing with a character going through the same thing. Or it might be written by a sheltered, privileged adolescent with no experience of abuse or hardship, just because it's angsty and dramatic. You can never know exactly why someone online might choose to write a certain thing. Either you're willing to read it, or you're not...either it works for you as fiction, or it doesn't...but try to keep an open mind and not support censorship or judge real people for imaginary stories.
Backstory time (but this time I’m a little more leaning towards a more ‘neutral’ side but still not really liking her since it’s generally been a while since someone’s asked about her)
ADDITIONAL NOTE READ IT: Do not send asks pertaining to Laci anymore cause tbh I wanna focus on my own stuff and not yap about another person alr😭🙏
// underage, rape mention
So Laci is an author, she’s pretty niche from what I know. She’s one of the few consistent Marquis de Gramont-centric authors on ao3 but she has consistently been show to write underage porn/rape fetish fics about him and her OC (I lowkey forgot most of the details but I do remember a lot)
Anyways so, my problem isn’t that but rather specific icky details about her works are untagged such as…. awfully incestuous descriptions between Gianna and Santino (canon siblings), aswell as sexual descriptions for an underage Vincent who is 33-34 in the canon lore. Additionally, the rape fantasies included in her works seem to float towards being viewed through romanticized lenses rather than being written as a warning or a sort of way to cope. Not to mention the fetishization when it comes to queer relationships and stuff like that
I used to like her writing, she’s good at writing I’ll give her that, but it just kept getting weirder and weirder. I liked her work at first since back when I read it, things were toned down and the more she wrote the more fetishized and heavily romanticized abuse and s/a was written (+added incestuous descriptions between canon siblings for some reason). As someone who has dealt/is dealing with sexual trauma/sex related mental issues, I’m pretty chill when it comes to works that depict it but only when they’re kept at a minimum or not as descriptive but when it comes to her, they’re awfully descriptive and write about how intensely ‘pleasurable’ the experience is for both parties in the scene so yyyeahhhhhh
Anyways for the last part yeah, going back to what I said, she untagged like several weird things but ehhh whatever there’s equally bad things on John Wick ao3 let’s all be real (lolicon, full on rape fantasies, straight up romanticized rape idfk what else tbh)
“But trying to tell other people they're dirty rotten sinners, or support those things in reality, for being willing to read about them in fiction is going too far” <- did not tell anyone that but I guess I should be used to anons taking things I say out of context/not fully grasping them sighhh
and also it just so happens that everytime i meet a marquis fan that worships they’re either a rape fetishizer or an awfully weird person but that seems more like a correlation more than causation tbh
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goodbyenorthernlights · 9 months
I'm curious to know if you've pulled some of Rezo's vibes into your characterisation of Saejid or did you perhaps already intend to draw some inspo from him when coming up with Saejid's premise. :3
Not at all, honestly! I didn't even know Rezo existed when I was developing Saejid- I was vaguely aware of Slayers as an anime I had tried watching as a teenager and only seen the first episode of before going "Ehhh this isn't my thing."
Saejid was originally based on a character I came up with as a teenager for a Gaia Online RP where the antagonists were themed around the idea of childhood fears- the monster under the closet, that sort of thing- and proto!Saejid (his name has been lost to the sands of time/my memory, alas) was meant to be the anthropomorphic personification of Iatrophobia (the fear of doctors) because finding doctors scary struck me as something kids do a lot. So I had this concept of a sadistic doctor archetype already just lying around.
(Proto!Saejid also was based off of a random drawing I'd found online, probably via searching something like "anime doctor" on photobucket and using what I found as a FC, because that was what you did on Gaia Online. Art theft was unfortunately widespread and not recognized as theft. This is actually one of the reasons I eventually stopped using the website for RP entirely tbh, once I learned more about art theft and why it's a problem I wasn't able to strike a comfortable balance between "most RPs expect you to provide a picture of your character" and. Not committing art theft about it. Anyway, tangent!
And proto!Saejid's FC wasn't of Rezo btw, it was... Some white haired anime dude in a labcoat with a :| expression that I think came from a yaoi manga originally.)
Anywho I had this concept lying around and I remember we wound up discussing the concept of Dragonsbayne as a farming sim with the characters as marriage candidates, because I was playing a lot of Rune Factory 4, and for a protag I made up this gender-neutral design I called Luka...
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don't ask me how the pattern on their scarf works And Luka I had the concept that it would turn out they would be an amnesiac homunculus, and so I figured I'd make up a character who would have been Luka's creator.
I remembered this vague concept I had still floating in my brain and, never one to turn down the opportunity to draw a bishonen, wound up designing Saejid.
I didn't get into Slayers, and Rezo, until late 2021- digging thru my files, it looks like Saejid's original concept art was drawn sometime in February 2020.
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isn't the ms paint glorious
Anyway, Rezo and Saejid do have some noticeable similarities- both of them are "mad scientist" archetypes with kind of a "usually cool-headed intellectual" thing going on, and both of them are very manipulative characters. And also they're both anime pretty boys. So it's likely that there's going to be some more overlap in characterization when I write either of them.
That said they are actually still very different characters in my head! I think the key is in their storylines/motivations. Saejid is a character who starts out in a very good and secure place for him, personally, where he has power over other people and everything he needs and wants. When his world starts changing and the fae community starts opening up to other people, he panics and schemes and conspires to keep his position from potentially changing- even though his behaviour ultimately puts him in a worse place than he'd have probably wound up if he'd just gone with the flow.
Basically he's like a billionaire who's mad that he might have to start paying more taxes and giving his employees health insurance.
Rezo on the other hand... My personal take is admittedly controversial in the fandom but I see him as someone who has spent his entire life struggling in the literal and metaphorical dark under the manipulations of an outside force, fruitlessly pursuing something he thinks will release him from his own misery. He's someone stuck in a genuinely bad situation and trying ruthlessly to get out of it.
If I had to compare Saejid to a Slayers character... Rezo would be in there in terms of demeanor and methodology, but so would Halcyform and a touch of Hellmaster. But in terms of motivation Saejid's, I think, actually closer to being the Supreme Elder from Slayers TRY. He wants to keep a "safe" status quo and doesn't care who suffers because of it, as long as they aren't someone he sees as "his people." (And by the end maybe not even that.)
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idkaguyorsomething · 10 months
One way I could see Jodio getting worse is if Dragonna was killed. I do not believe Jodio would ever betray Dragonna but an outside party killing him is very much on the table. Jodio going down an even darker path in his search for vengeance is a real possibility.
shit, it’s hard to argue with that. dragona is a very literal jobro, and since part 9 seems to be drawing off of parts 5 and 6, which had incredibly high body counts, the possibility of their death seems high, especially since they don’t have a combat-oriented stand.
to be honest, i really don’t like the idea of dragona getting killed to motivate jodio’s arc though. they’re a dark-skinned extremely feminine character, so their death being made into a catalyst for their brother feels like it would be borderline fridging, especially when they have so much potential as a character. having them serve as a foil to jodio would give the story the opportunity to explore the main character’s relationship with their sibling, something that really hasn’t happened since arguably the start of phantom blood.
there are several alternatives that could have a similar effect, such as killing off barbara ann (though that would also be fridging) or paco (though it’s hard to argue that jodio has nearly as strong of a connection with him as he does with dragona). the possibility of some kind of revenge arc is quite intriguing, however. jodio already believes that he is somewhat incapable of truly feeling and has very little regard for most rules, so seeing him grapple with the concept of justice has some fascinating potential. alternatively, due to how he thinks of the world through “mechanisms”, it could be interesting to have him attempt some kind of gambit for personal gain that puts one of his loved ones at great risk that has serious lasting consequences, making it a bit more his fault than the average jojo side character death. if it does end up being dragona who gets killed, there could be some parallels drawn to that final scene of phantom blood, which would allow for both their arcs to come to completion while bringing the series full circle. but dragona getting killed off midway through the story to make a light-skinned guy feel bad… ehhh, it just doesn’t quite sit right.
tl;dr it feels like a strong possibility with a lot of potential, especially due to how jodio is set up with his darker streak, but i really hope araki can do it in a way that doesn’t deny dragona agency as a character.
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