#most popular minecraft servers
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littlest-arsonist · 2 years ago
looking for smaller vanilla minecraft servers like. (looks at what version the server is for) that’s too far back for my liking. (checks server description) you have no hate speech policy. oh, this one seems okay! (every member is personally accepted by the owner after introducing themselves on a discord server) this one isn’t online anymore. this one has over 400 members already. you have a rank system or some sort of paid feature. this is an rp server. (reads list of 500 server plugins that completely change the gameplay) this isn’t fucking vanilla
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
A quick timeline of Tommy and Dream's friendship.
Dream and Tommy streamed together and they had a good time so Dream invited him to his server. Tommy streamed on the DSMP server and there's where he and the server both started to really blow up. Tommy and Tubbo were 16 and Dream was 21. (Tommy was on around 250k on youtube when he joined the server and Dream was at like 4 mil).
Dream gave Tommy a bunch of youtube advice around this time as well and they got into lots of long night calls as they were both pretty hardworking and interested in making it big on youtube.
When Tommy and Dream streamed together their streams were very popular. Their comedy seemed to mesh really well but there was some underlying friction. Tommy is hugely sarcastic and plays minecraft very ironically. He would at times like to misinterpret what people said and then remind them that he's a minor. Some of these jokes were funny. A few were more grating for me personally (Eg I never liked the 'what's the worst word you know' jokes). But yeah this was purely comedy and Tommy loves to take the mick out of his friends. Also sometimes Dream and his friends did make the odd inappropriate joke.
Eventually the server and the fanbase got really big and people got super invested into the minecraft roleplay. Tommy and Dream's exile arc where Dream played a cruel villain and Tommy his victim was particularly notable creating a huge narrative around their characters' dynamic.
Then Tommy started to get burnt out on the server. Everyone was a bit. Dream was also rarely ever online not to mention other things going on. Whatever the case, the DSMP was coming to an end.
There had been plenty of drama amongst the CCs and Dream had been through plenty. The most famous was the speedrunning cheating scandal. There was also the manatreed thing. But allegations started coming out that Dream could not ignore. He'd apparently been sexting a minor. A few other stories came out too. And fans began distancing themselves from Dream. There was pressure on the CCs too.
However, Dream had convinced the server of a new vision: Dream SMP season 2!! Reset the server and do it all over again. End all the current plots as best you can and get ready for more!!! So they made a terrible ending of them blowing up the server.
And then a lot of CCs spoke out and said they didn't want to do DSMP season 2. It didn't feel right. Maybe because of the allegations, maybe because the plot sounded bad.
So Dream pulled the plug on the idea. Tommy was probably not best pleased that season 2 tanked so soon after the dark ending.
But Dream came up with a new idea. THE USMP. It would be an international server with live translation or something. All we know is that he had gotten Tommy on board and Tommy was excited by this. Tommy wanted to do another server with Dream still.
But yeah, the allegations hadn't gone away and a new drama surfaced. Quackity had plans for his own new SMP he was passionate about and Dream was threatened as it sounded so similar to his own plan. (They happened to have come up with the ideas independently.)
This erupted into drama as Quackity left Dream on read and didn't engage with him.
And Dream's server.... didn't happen. Again the server he'd promised Tommy didn't seem any closer to being realised. Just like in the DSMP, Dream wasn't shown to being much good at organising anything. The ending of the DSMP was badly managed because communication was so bad.
So as USMP wasn't happening, Tommy had been seeing what was happening, seeing both sides and wrote a skit. If youtubers were honest which made fun of Dream's response to Quackity given everything. Tommy was likely mad at the USMP's failure to manifest and also the internet was really turning against Dream. CCs in general didn't want to associate with him. Partially the allegations, but also he is a difficult CC to work with and Tommy was likely very aware having organised big videos and vlogs himself.
Dream was shocked by this video. He felt betrayed at Tommy and thought Tommy was being two-faced. Being sweet in private but milking him for views in public. So he became antagonistic towards Tommy.
At this point, Dream sent a DM to Tommy's mother complaining about him. Yeah.
Seeing Dream's crazy responses and also facing more wake-up calls about his teenage years with hindsight and the Wilbur situation, yeah Tommy was very happy to cut ties with Dream.
He didn't make a huge deal about it but he stopped making content with him and he and his friends would sometimes joke about him negatively, sometimes on his podcast, sometimes just jabs here and there. He and his community were both anti-Dream though he'd never made any public statements about it, or what happened. The history was fairly private.
Until now, Dream saw Tommy making fun of xQc and decided to lash out at him and his fanbase and air out every issue he's had over the last few years. Tommy responded, and made it very clear he's blocked Dream and they're done.
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conarcoin · 2 months ago
hey mcytblr can i interest you in
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what is smplive, you ask? smplive is like dream smp's big brother, it popularized the livestreamed smp format and was a major aspect in the mcyt resurgence! it ran from march to december 2019 and was created by cscoop and some other guy i won't name because we hate him ❤️
smplive is basically an improvised minecraft sitcom where players are required to be streaming whenever online! it has a very loose storyline that revolves mostly around shenanigans, i'd call it an r-rated hermitcraft!
some highlights:
everyone on the server is basically a hitman
someone becomes cop every week and is always corrupt or incompetent
wacky courtroom drama all the time
schlatt and antvenom rivalry
those dumbass schlatt & co guys and their weird crypto scam
pvp tryhards!!!!! sneeg literally wins a 1v5!!!!
you can find a playlist i made that consists of the most important happenings on the server in a concise format here! i also run a discord called smplive watchcord full of nice people who love to talk cubitos!!
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welcomingdisaster · 11 months ago
halls of mandos dashboard simulator... part 2
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🦊 fairfaefox Follow got a song on the tip of my tongue i haven't heard in like 400 years and it's driving me nuts. all i can remember about it is that it started with this really vivid image of burning ships & it had a drum beat that went sorta like dum deee dum ba beee crackle-crackle and got more intense as the song went on think it might have been in quenya? could be wrong
🌃wordsmithfoul Follow ........... ,,, op....... are you talking about the Ñoldolantë
🦊 fairfaefox Follow oh yeah that's it thanks! :)
🌧️ rainelf Follow SCREAMING LMAO OP???
👒 fllfrrur Follow
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🦊 fairfaefox Follow HJKHJHKJ GIRL IM AVARI LEAF ME ALONE 😭😭😭😭😭
🏇 doriath_dude Follow Exhibit #4555 of the insane Noldor-centrism of this goddamn website. Most culturally important song of our age to fucking WHOM?? #ugh #curas fights the noldor AGAIN #discourse
( 3555 notes )
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����positivitydaily Following positivity for elves that died in stupid and embarrassing ways! positivity for elves that don't have a cool and exciting death story! positivity for elves that fell off a cliff or drowned cave-diving or died of heartbreak over someone who was objectively speaking like a 6/10! no matter what posts get popular on here, it's totally OK not to have a cool death story nor does it make you any less worthy of reembodiment! lame death positivity!! #positivity #i'll go on record and say i died from mushroom poisoning
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🧵broiderycreature Mutuals look i know it's just selection bias from my beloved mutuals but i think it's funny to imagine we're all gonna leave the halls having transed our gender & gotten radicalized. like yeah mom i'm not the daughter you thought you had but more importantly we must abolish the monarchy #lol. lmao even ( 45 notes )
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🏰 Turgon_Of_Gondolin_1 Following Update: Minecraft server is back up, but I've disabled PvP and increased raiding protections. I will not name names, but please think before you act next time. ( 203 notes )
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💠 LoveStruckLoaf Mutuals hey girl uhhh. sorry your boyfriend didn't come to the halls of mandos. yeah no one can say what his fate is because it isn't woven into the tapestries on of the world i'm really sorry about that haha. uhh i guess he did chose it for himself so there's that. we're still cool right? #lariel's copium
( 108 notes )
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🔥Fëanáro_Official Follow
#If they are truly so loath to restrict us they ought not fear the voice of the people #Which I am sure shall be in my favor.
(12001 notes)
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🐝 bee-leg Following anyone know whom I petition to learn the everlasting fate of my lemur (beloved companion)? thank you faithfully #personal
( 8 notes )
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mcyt-jukebox-bonanza · 7 months ago
Mcyt Jukebox Bonanza Event!
Jukebox Bonanza is an MCYT multi-fandom event held during the month of september where artists will take songs of their choice and create illustrations based on these songs. This is called a Jukebox Night, and it was popular in the hermitcraft fandom circa 2019. This event seeks to revitalize the tradition and create some fun art.
Every participant who makes at least one Jukebox Night will get their named added to the Jukebox Bonanza hall of fame, and artists who make more can reach higher tiers of victory! This event can be either casual or hardcore, depending on how many drawings each individual wants to make. (Sign-ups will be open for the duration of the event, so feel free to drop in even if it's halfway through September!)
August 17: The signup form drops and the discord server opens (having a discord account is required for participation in this event.)
August 24: song claims open! Each song behind a jukebox night for jukebox bonanza must be unique, so artists will claim a song before they begin drawing.
August 28: All first claims should be assigned. Once you receive confirmation of your claim, you can begin drawing. Additional claims continue throughout the month as individuals finish one jukebox night and request another song as desired.
September 30: creation period ends. You can't start any new drawings after this, but it's okay to finish one during the posting period.
September 30-October 7: posting period! Post all your jukebox nights and tag this blog so we can reblog the posts here. At the end, the mods will count up all the jukebox nights to declare the final illustration count and award victory tiers.
Sign up for the event by filling out THIS form! The link to the discord server is at the end.
FAQ and song claim information under the cut.
Who are the mods here?
There are two mods on this blog and on the discord server: Mod Idea (@paradoxlemonade) and Mod Ghost (@gay-ghosts).
Who can participate in this event?
Participation is open to all fans of MCYT ages 13+.
What's a jukebox night?
A jukebox night is a single completed illustration based on a song. They were usually square back in the day so they looked like the could fit on an album cover, but that wasn't a hard rule. Some had lyrics in the picture itself, and others had them below the drawing. For this event, a drawing is considered complete when it is fully colored and/or shaded.
What fandoms can I make a jukebox night for?
Although this tradition originated in the hermitcraft fandom, all MCYT fandoms are eligible for this event. Small MCYT, old MCYT, new MCYT, popular MCYT, and anything else are all fair game. If it's minecraft and it's videos, you can make a Jukebox Night for it.
What songs can I claim?
Most songs are fair game, but there are a few stipulations: Songs must not be graphically about sex or contain graphically sexual content, as this event is open to artists age 13-17. Additionally, no songs made by Wilbur Soot/Lovejoy are eligible for this event.
How do song claims work?
If you participated in mcytblr AU fest, then you might be familiar with this process. A google form will be posted at a determined time and all participants will fill it out. You must list at least one song, but you can name up to five. The first person to claim a particular song will be the one to receive it, so it's advised that you list a few in case your first choice is unavailable.
Once you finish your first Jukebox Night, you can fill out the form again to claim another song and receive a second assignment. You can do this as many times are you want, but you can only get a new claim once the drawing for your previous one is completed.
What can I depict in a jukebox night?
Pretty much anything, within reason. Canon events, canon divergence, AUs, headcanons, you name it! Shipping and violence are fair game as well. We ask that art made for this event be about the characters, not real people. Additionally, art made for this event cannot contain sexual content of any kind or anything that would warrant an E rating on Ao3, as the event is open to artists age 13-17. If you're uncertain about an idea, please reach out to a mod for clarification.
I have another question you didn't answer here!
Send an ask in and one of the event mods will get back to you!
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peacheeeliz · 2 months ago
profiles ⤏ aqua axolotls
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SUNGHOON PARK (ROZ) @ rozendior : 2002. popular minecraft streamer and youtuber, well known for his personal hardcore worlds and pvp skills. surprisingly not that social for a content creator, but fits well with just about anyone. finds it quite literally impossible to create embarrassing situations with anyone bcs he's so quick-witted.
⤷ @ hoon__core : sunghoon's private account where he reminisces his ice skating career and screams about frustrating deaths in his hardcore worlds.
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JAY PARK (PON) @ ponchacoo : 2002. popular minecraft streamer and youtuber, well known for always bringing his friends together for random challenges. not too good at pvp... or building... he's just here for a good time.
JAKE SIM @ jakeatake : 2002. popular minecraft youtuber, well known for his redstone skills; the creator of many widely used redstone powered farms. his pvp skills tho... definitely not up to par.
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JUNGWON YANG (MELLIE) @ caramelcat : 2004. popular minecraft youtuber and streamer, well known his role-play smps. always has the most insane lore for his characters that he genuinely scares other creators. in reality he's a sweetheart, just a really good actor.
JIWON KIM (LIZ) @ flueriliz : 2004. popular minecraft streamer and youtuber. she seems very sweet and soft spoken, but she is a pvp god. very scary if you talk to her long enough. also really good at building, always has the most aesthetic builds.
RIKI NISHIMURA (NIKI) @ niktopia : 2005. popular streamer and youtuber, he plays just about everything he's into, doesn't have any specific preferences. still loves a good minecraft smp. kind of a menace when it comes to minecraft, though, always setting up traps. this new server is his calling...
prev profiles / masterlist
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ taglist is closed!
@potatos-on-clouds @kookieswithjung @soobinbunnie5 @slayhaechan @haerinheartss @planetmarlowe @doobinnies @yourssincerely-mimi @vveebee @mwahvvis @hoonieyun @chososg1rl @kittsnewera @yuminako @erisasleep @joneborder @ribbioniki @jaeyunluvbot @haechansbbg @wonuziex @cupidhoons @regalfox @porcelain-moths @heesallure @zgzgzh @hyuckies18 @rairaiblog
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meguchi512 · 1 year ago
assigning behaviors I've noticed in people to pjsk characters:
tsukasa: writes his name EVERYWHERE. his desk at school has "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" written all over it, his notebooks too and even his classmates' notebooks (from a classmate)
shizuku: says "oh, madonna!" instead of "oh god" (from my italian grandpa)
saki: tsukasa rides a bike and saki sits on the handlebar & every time they have to stop they fall off but they just get up and go on like nothing's happened (from an old friend)
mizuki: accidentally sends "penis shaped messages" and immediately points it out (me)
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ena: is so fucking done with mizuki's penis messages (my friends)
kanade: "uhh i think I'm forgetting something? oh well it probably wasn't important" hasn't drank water since yesterday (me again)
rui: extremely verbose, to the point where everyone around him thinks he's some sort of philosophical genius but in reality he's just saying dumb shit and articulating it intelligently (my italian grandpa again so sorry)
an: sends her friends "hot milfs in your area" messages pretending to be a bot because silly and immediately gets banned ( @robinoullea literally)
airi: wants to be supportive but types way too quickly ( @robinoullea trying to say "10/10")
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emu: says the most deranged things in roblox chats and manages to not get censored while her friend (nene) can't even go one sentence without "########" ( @harukaisu )
nene, trying to tell tsukasa to reset his roblox avatar because he got stuck: uhhh kill yourself (me) (I'M SO SORRY)
minori: tries to download a pin and accidentally sends it to a random person and dies of embarrassment (everyone. no one is safe from Pinterest's AWFUL interface)
ichika: goes into a store. gets an ingredient. goes back home. goes back. gets an ingredient. goes back home. repeat until she's got everything to make dinner when it's already 11pm (my forgetful mom)
mafuyu: has the most DERANGED dreams I'm not even kidding ( @robinoullea when he had that one dream where he sent me a tiktok meme of Richard Watterson saying the names of popular pornstars with them flashing on screen for a second each. I've cried real tears about this btw)
kohane: has a chicken farm in minecraft but she's so attached to them that she can't kill any of them for food so they just keep reproducing and in turn the server keeps getting laggier. eventually a creeper explodes right next to it and she throws herself off a mountain (me)
haruka: uses the default pfp which is also the pfp that shows when you get blocked by someone. she also turns her phone off often (which causes messages to not get sent until it's on) so minori always panics and sends her messages to make sure she's not blocked (classmate)
akito: makes gagging noises on purpose because it makes ena gag too and get VERY annoyed and he finds it funny (classmate)
toya: unintentionally causes a lot of fights in vbs regarding what the best way to make coffee is (my whole friend group) (except me i do it on purpose)
honami: whenever someone tags her in l/n's group chat she heroically says "who calls for my help?" ( @robinoullea )
shiho: doesn't have the heart to tell honami how funny it is when she does that (not me i always make sure to mention it)
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febuwhump · 6 months ago
febuwhump 2024 survey results
has it been six months since febuwhump? yes. yes it has. nevertheless, here's the cold hard data (analysis) of the survey from febuwhump 2024: feb five.
firstly, this year was our most popular yet! with 1417 works in the official collection across 329 fandoms, we made (and shared) 103 fics more than 2023, and 770 more than my first year running febuwhump in 2021! this isnt even including all the art and fics posted to tumblr, or wasn't shared during the event, which would put our total so much higher!
the prompt list had 4000+ notes and i received 115 responses to the survey.
there were 62 people in the hall of fame, up from 51 in 2023.
the blog hit 2,683 followers, up from 1,946 at the end of the 2023 event.
across two independant check, based on the average word count of 2,000 words per fic in the 2024 collection, and aware of the multi-chapter fics (some of which were finished after the event), it is estimated that 2.8 million words were written for febuwhump 2024. which is just. fucking insane.
now, onto the survey results!
firstly: in what way did you participate in Febuwhump this year?
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with extra write-ins not pictured, fanfiction was the overwhelming winner with 92 responses (82.6%), followed by original fiction (22.6%) and artwork (11.3%). interesting to me personally is the 4 responses who wrote poetry and the not-pictured 1 response who created web-weaving! which is very cool and i would like to see it.
according to the survey:
the most popular fandoms written for were the star wars universe and legend of zelda universe (8/115 responses)
21 responses included original fiction
the majority of responses also referenced more than one fandom, meaning less people stuck to a single fandom or topic the entire time.
according to the collection:
21 anime/manga fandoms were represented
51 books/literature fandoms were represented, 12 being specific star wars subseries
24 RPF fandoms were represented, including bands and minecraft servers
the most popular fandoms written about in the collection were:
star wars (all media types) - 253 works
star wars: the bad batch - 80 works
torchwood - 66 works
original work - 56 works
my hero academia - 54 works
why and how
next, there were a lot of really lovely responses about why participants took part in febuwhump, a few favourite and repeated responses being that it seemed fun, they'd done it before and so wanted to do it again, and they liked to write about their favourite characters suffering. also, multiple people have been doing it for three of the four years i've been running it (of five total), and several were encouraged by friends!
the majority of participants discovered febuwhump through tumblr, the admin's tumblr, ao3 fics and discord servers. a handful said there's apparently a google doc floating around that houses a whump event calendar. i would be interested in seeing that if anyone's got it.
did you participate in Febuwhump 2020, 21, 22 or 23?
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the majorty of respondants were new comers to febuwhump at 66.1% "no" to 33.9% "yes". the majority of comparisons to previous years referenced a noticably bigger community, more interaction on the blog, and the admin being more "confident" (oh, you guys), however several noted that the prompts felt more repetitive or samey this year than they did previously.
are you a Febuwhump completionist or participant?
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a fairly even split, 51.3% of participants didn't finish compared to the 48.7% who did. however, only 88.1% of those completionists submitted to the hall of fame.
for those who didn't complete, the most common amount of prompts completed was 2 (13.6%), 3 (11.9%) and 12 or 6 (6.8%).
the most common place to share prompt fills was tumblr (74.8%), ao3 (72.2%), or choosing not to share at all (7%). several write-in responses said that they were planning to share in the future but hadn't yet. and while 76.4% of people submitted to the ao3 collection, those who didn't claimed it to be because the fics weren't ready to be shared on time, they weren't following the rules so didn't add to the collection, an inability to find the collection on ao3 (i swear i'm working on it) or shyness/fear.
what went well/even better if:
the only actual criticsm of the event received was that the blog was posting in a "spam"-like way, to the point that the participant almost unfollowed (and another suggested a reblog tag so it could be ignored easier if people didn't want to see the works throughout the month).
several comments asked for a later deadline for submission to the collection/hall of fame, which is going under advisement, but the current position is that by doing so, it makes the event a different event. there are no stakes to actually create once a day if, at the end of it, you actually get 2 weeks of extra time.
another couple mentioned there being too many dialogue prompts and vague prompts. this will be considered during the next voting period and prompt collation - potentially, if i allowed less dialogue prompts into the final 100 vote, less would make it through to the official 28, however the voting itself is out of my hands (unless voter fraud occurs once again).
the main suggestion for improvement (8 times out of 44 suggestions) was for an additional mod to help with reblogging more. (which imo flies in the face of the "spamming" from earlier, but there is surely a middle ground). this is likely to not happen, because i like running the event alone, despite the major burnout i receive every single year without fail. but thanks for your concern lol.
on discord:
31.3% of participants were in the discord server (which, this year, ignored the first year's 100 user cap and had 172 total users).
43.6% of people who didn't join the server did so because they hadn't heard of it, while the majority didn't join because they were either shy (the minorty) or don't use/like discord (the vast majority). i don't know if tumblr still does groupchats and if that would be a viable alternative, or if there is another forum/chat location that would work better (or to have in tandem), but i am open to suggestions.
of the people who were in the channel, most (33.3%) used it "rarely", followed by "most days" (25%) and "for half the month" (22.2%)
febuwhump 2025
the majority of responses wanted next year's colour scheme to either be red or green, but shout out to everyone who wanted orange, the person who said "children's hospital" and the other person who gave me this specific hex code: #4BEC13
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which is vile, but also another vote for green.
finally, here are my favourite suggestions for febuwhump 2025's colloquial name. previously, we have endured febuwhump 2: electric boogaloo, febuwhump 3: tokyo drift, fourbuwhump and feb five.
febuwhump 6 suggestions:
fe6uwhump (which, i'll be honest, is a real contender)
"I don't know"
febuwhump 666
febuwhump: revenge of the sixth
"I don't know, sorry"
"febuwhump sex and make all the prompts kinky"
"??? i have been thinking about this for 10 mins"
febuwhump 6(9)
"i am bad at this"
"could not care less"
febuwhump feb five 2: electric boogaloo
apparently, i accidently made this a mandatory question and that made some of you mad :(
and that's the wrap up survey, six months late! any questions/queries/want to see some of that cold hard data? send me an ask. i'll actually respond to it i swear! (probably!)
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knightobreath · 8 months ago
Sacri is a groomer
Okay lets get into this. There's a lot of context missing from this doc.
Doc was posted here on twitter, and sacri has also responded.
tl;dr: blaming someone for making sexual jokes in a discord server as a kid when there were adults enabling it is wrong actually, and this doc has some transmisogynistic and wlw-phobic sentiments sprinkled in. the callout is malicious and not actually concerned with protecting minors but rather tearing down a trans woman with an audience.
First and fucking foremost, most of this doc is just airing out the sexual jokes and thoughts of an at the time 14 year old. Am i the only one who finds this disgusting?? the person who compiled this evidence SEARCHED for this shit, and there are SO MANY SCREENSHOTS of a 14 YEAR OLD saying sexual shit. I'm not going to attach any of these to this post because I think the act of sharing them is gross as hell.
Basically the gist of it is, she was around 14 and making a lot of sexual jokes in a public discord with other minors, as well as being in the nsfw part of the server. The crux of the callout is that some of the people she joked around with were 12.
From the doc:
She has known about this and has attempted to use this popularity to get with a 12 year old at the time.
The attached screenshots for this all read as just jokes. referencing minecraft, "mcdonald licence", and clearly ironic use of emojis.
Sacri has involved herself in many inappropriate conversations within the same server. A majority of the members were minors and within the OSC. Regardless if they were jokes or not, Sacri making these jokes in a public server accessible by anyone at any age is highly inappropriate.
from sacri's response:
Not only was I 14, but I was let into the Tony server's NSFW channel that contained minors AND ADULTS!! I did not know the ages of practically anyone there, EVERYBODY was weird. I was just a weird kid who got exposed to weird things. This is barely based in reality at all.
Yes, a lot of what she said was bad. But as sacri explained in her response, she was let into a NSFW space with other minors AND ADULTS. I cannot stress enough that you can't blame a kid for getting let into an adult space and predictably ACTING LIKE AN IMMATURE KID ABOUT IT. The blame for this falls on the ADULTS WHO WERE PRESENT!!! The server moderators and other adults should have stepped in to stop the sexual conversation instead of enabling it. it was THEIR responsibility not that of the kid.
Like, guys. I'm a server moderator. It's part of my responsibilities to keep the sexual stuff to the NSFW channel and to make sure everyone who has access to it is an adult. If I found out that minors, especially those as young as 12, were in there, I'd be horrified.
From the doc:
There is much more recent information that shows their behavior hasn't stopped, even at the age of 17/18 they still involve themselves in sexual topics with minors, however the victims of this more recent behavior wishes to keep this information private
No evidence for this is presented in the doc, and a lot of people reading this forgot about "innocent until proven guilty"
well, the stuff from that actually came to light after the doc was released, and if you want to hear about, listen to this thread by one of the people who was involved (and who didn't want that shit public but people dug it up anyways!). Sacri didn't know the ages of the other people, cut contact with them after finding out, and it was all sorted out privately. This also corroborates with a part of sacri's response.
After that, the doc tries to accuse sacri, a trans woman, of fetishizing trans femininity and ends with claiming her interest in girls is an obsession and that it makes people uncomfortable. This just reeks of transmisogyny, I don't know how else to put it.
Finally, the doc accuses her of racism which from what they put out there, seems accurate enough. She does admit in the screenshot to using the N word at some point. Again, this is at a time when she was 14 and theres nothing presented to back up that she's still like that. The screenshots don't include anything of her saying it just her admitting to have once said it. She hasn't responded to this part of the accusations yet, only talking about the accusations of grooming.
in conclusion, this wasn't made to protect minors. if it was there would be actual concern about the environment she was in at the time of those screenshots, and blame would have been placed on the adults. This was a hit piece.
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skyclan-funny-name-squad · 5 months ago
Quick which cats would be Minecraft YouTubers, Squirrelflight 100% the only reason she isn’t a Roblox YouTuber is she was born a few years too soon for that
I feel like Lionblaze would 100% be a Minecraft YouTuber who gets into drama about his temper and more violent nature and he used to roleplay with heatherpaw when he was lionpaw but they had a nasty falling apart and it fueled rumors that did not help with his temper, only a third of the drama is actually about things he did, the other two thirds is a mix between people arguing about his ancestry which is so not relevant, and people being Fucking Weird about his intrusive thoughts.
Hollyleaf tried to be a Minecraft roleplayer but as a woman even though her characters were amazing and fleshed out and nuanced they kept being sidelined for male characters Emotions before she snapped and posted her breakdown on twitter and most people are being fucking cringe about it but two percent of people who actually are paying attention and not just dismissing it as jealous hysterical woman are going “wait did she fucking kill someone?”
Jayfeather is a modder but he only mods to make lionblaze suffer and make things harder like an evil wizard or something but he’s a bit of a fan favorite because when he appears in a lionblaze episode or on his server you just know he’s going to cause some chaos, he has admin privileges, no one knows how he got admin privileges. He is the chaos god, it is him. Poppyfrost helps him with modeling things for his mods.
Sandstorm had a phase as a bed wars youtuber but she grew out of it and gets very embarrassed when it’s brought up but it is all very cute
Daisy is bad at the game but she likes to make age appropriate videos for her kids with it and accidentally got popular because she’s so nice and mom energy and it’s fun to watch her slowly improve and build up a lore about her world. Sometimes she has one of her kids on to help her and it’s all really cute. Her fans go wild whenever she makes a small sly remark about her exes, they’re never overtly mean but it’s very “bless your heart” tongue in cheek energies but she is roasting the fuck out of them from time to time and all her comments are like “GET HIS FLANK!!! (They don’t say ass because this is a FAMILY FRIENDLY channel with no swearing) when it happens
Sol gets a lot of callouts but they never seem to slip, somehow both gay and still queerbaiting his audience, actively antagonistic relationship with his fanbase. Kinda guy to do that one post that’s like “if I was a YouTuber I would tweet out that it’s weird to be shipped with my costars when I’ve only slept with one of them and it’s against my boundaries to write me with the other ones. Then I would turn off my phone”
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r0-boat · 11 months ago
Whb crack headcannons/things I can't explain
I can't explain this one. Just hear me out
warrior cats fans
Leviathan(has the most cracked up Mary Sue character ever)
My Little pony fans
Sitri (unironically ships Mordetwi)
Paimon(avid Fluttershy fan)
Belial (it's his comfort show)
Lucifer (got kicked out of the Christian Smp and may or may not is trying to get a Minecraft server with all the kings started)
Beelzebub (more of a Roblox person but Minecraft is all right)
Bimet is terrible at Monopoly. He is also a sore loser. But Leviathan is the king of sore losers. Do not play any game with him especially not smash. Satan has gone through many controllers many monitors and many walls. Mammon and Beel are instigators do not let them play with these two. Lucifer is just trying to play animal crossing in peace.
Mc: "smash; next question"
*in a movie theater*
Minhyeok whisper yelling: Godzilla?! That is a 50-ft lizard?! I can't take you anywhere.
The reason why they never watch movies together anymore
Demons having sex with humans is a very popular, fetish/kink in hell especially after Solomon. Demons having human kinks have rotted my brain.
The fact that dragons existed in hell is making me rattle at my cage.
Naberius is Team Jacob.
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4rmins · 3 months ago
I know you normally do x reader but if you do megumi x idatori I will be forever in your debt!
Don't worry about it if you don't feel like it tho <3
⊹₊⟡⋆꩜ .ᐟ — “𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧”
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pairing : yuuji itadori x megumi fushiguro
warnings : swearing, death jokes
description : bf socmed interactions + hcs between yuuji and megumi
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— megumi LOVES to cuddle and kiss, but only behind closed doors. however, it took two months of dating before he felt comfortable with any kind of affection (he's so emotionally constipated)
— yuuji will fight megumi to be the big spoon, he just loves holding megumi in his arms. every now and then, he'll give megumi a squeeze and kiss the back of his head
— yuuji is the only person megumi lets touch his hair. yuuji loves to play with megumis hair and will often put bows on it (and then send pics to gojo and nobara)
— yuuji is BIG on posting megumi and him (most photo credits go to nobara as she usually third wheels)
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— gojo was the last to know that megumi liked yuuji AND the last to know they were dating
— in fact, when he found out he started crying and blubbering about how his “little boy is all grown up now”, completely embarrassing megumi (he lives to embarrass megumi)
— yuuji always ropes megumi into playing fortnite with him. as much as megumi pretends to hate playing, he loves hanging out with yuuji and seeing him get REALLY into the game
— yuuji and megumi have a private minecraft server where their beds are pushed side by side (megumi has a whole field of flowers in the shape of a heart for yuuji)
— they regularly play dress to impress with nobara and yuuji ALWAYS gets podium (much to nobara’s chagrin)
— it took megumi more than half a year of dating before he said “i love you”. yuuji, on the other hand, said it about three months after they started dating.
— contrary to popular belief, megumi is MORE in love with yuuji than yuuji is with megumi
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honestly i dont think this is my best work? i didnt know if u wanted a smau or anything written so i just added hcs. going thru major writers block sorry 😞
instagram photo is from pinterest, poorly edited the hair
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rubyroboticalt · 10 months ago
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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That's right, due to the holiday there's a double feature today! We've got pages of new stuff to go over, so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
Party in the Toxic Cave! That's a very safe place to have no protective equipment whatsoever.
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A safer place is the brand new Playground! Mozzarella opens up a playground for creatures and carers to play in, complete with a treehouse and a conveyer belt rollercoaster! The rollercoaster is 100% safe, and child-tested.
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The Void Sanctum held its initiation ceremony, welcoming Brie, Gem, Soup, Bombom, Jinx, and Pip into its folds. Experience the Void.
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Following that was a White Baby attack! The Baby has learned some new moves, while swarms of Nightmare Stalkers are still in its arsenal it uses a cloud of slideshow!
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At least, slideshow for those of us with lower-end PCs who have particles turned on. The News, while produced on a PC older than Five Nights at Freddy's, has particles off. Get on my level, scrub.
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Next up, a series of screenshots all captioned "the cutest baby on the server!", none of which feature the same creature twice. Yes, these creatures are all cute and very baby, but to make claims like that we'll have to have a proper creature pageant. Everyone go catch up on Toddlers and Tiaras!
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New builds pop up around the server, with many players building new and adventurous structures. Slanted rooves, windmills and towers, oh my! Unlike most architectural ventures, the people here think about wheelchair users when making bathrooms! This one is big enough for any power chair to fit.
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The void begins to encroach on peoples' homes, though not through the sanctum this time. Despite a Tiny render distance enforced, chunkloading with an average of 50 players is difficult.
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A community barbecue was held! Plenty of food and drinks for everyone, and plenty of fun games. Of course, a party can only hold off the angst for so Hima and Snowball make some devoted sacrifices. After this, Snowball celebrates a birthday! A lighthearted end to a long day.
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Another white baby attack. These are becoming routine on the server, something that is horrifying when you think about it. Violent attacks by a seemingly immortal creature are normalizing. Christ alive. Residents have different ways of destressing after these attacks. Hanging out on rooves is a popular one.
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Deep sea exploration sees an explosion of interest! Submersibles and whales and dive suits abound. Fancy clothes and gourmet foods are made, including some questionable rich-folk eats. A picnic is held at the pergola. Attendees bond over food and a lovely sunny day.
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And now, the autistic minecraft behaviors
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A beautiful little bakery opens up! Sweet treats abound here. And, of course, more base work from the residents. Some bases are incredibly ambitious, and all are beautiful. All bases! Yup, all of them. All… bases. Guys please. This is just the backrooms now. The broadcast has to end here.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 7 months ago
Yes! The ways the mechs and mcyt handle narrative have always been so similar to me but I've never been able to put it onto words. Would Love to hear what you have to say on the topic (after you have had a good sleep)
HI, it's time for me to get insane. Thank you for sending this ask cause now I have an excuse to maintag the post, lol. Also, I'm going to be using the term MCYT interchangeably with MCRP (Minecraft roleplay) for my own sanity. You'll know what I mean from context clues, I think.
So, hi, anyone who doesn't know about The Mechanisms. This post is going to be about some meta analysis tools that popped up in the Mechs fandom when it exploded in popularity back in 2020-2021. Due to the nature of both the Mechs and MCYT (which I'll get into in a moment), these concepts are generally very helpful for meta analysis of MCYT as well, and I think you guys would love them.
First of all, what was The Mechanisms?
The Mechanisms, originally known as Dr. Carmilla and The Mechanisms, was a band that formed in the late 2000s. It had a rotating cast of members, though most of the stuff you can easily find from them (such as their albums) was made when they had 8-9 consistent members. The Mechanisms officially released seven albums and one single before the band broke up in early 2020. The reason this band is similar at all to MCYT comes from a few things- the characters the band played, the stories the band told, and the archival aspect/age.
Because the Mechs were not a regular band, it was also a storytelling experience. Each Mechs album tells it's own self contained story (except for the Tales to be Told albums, which feature songs with their own stories that don't tie into the album at large). But furthermore, each Mechanism is a character. All the members of the band had characters they played, acting as a band of immortal space pirates moving through the galaxy on their ship, The Aurora.
The similarity to MCYT here is, of course, the characters. It's not always as simple to tell the difference between MCYT characters and actors as it was with The Mechanisms, seeing as (a lot of) MCYT doesn't start with the acting/roleplaying intention that the Mechs started with. But nonetheless, they share the understanding that even though this isn't a play or a TV show or whatever scripted medium, and that even though these characters (sometimes) share similar/the same names as their creators, they are, ultimately, characters the creators are putting on in order to tell a story. Whether that story is something more connected to the base characters (less roleplay heavy servers, Mechs backstory beats) or a story where the characters themselves are filling a role to tell a new story (more roleplay heavy servers, Mechs filling in for characters on the albums to tell their stories), there is always a story to be told.
There is also, as I said, the archival aspect. Archiving is massively important to both The Mechanisms and MCYT. It's definitely a lot harder with the Mechs than with most MCYT stuff, since the Mechs are a whole lot nicher, but that is not to say it's easy for either group. Archiving is vital to keeping both fanbases, and both sets of characters, alive, and there is only so much archiving you can rely on the creators of either to do. Those of you who take this task on are genuinely so awesome and I love you.
Alongside the archiving aspect (and as such, the lost media aspect), there's also the age of the Mechanisms, and (similarly to MCYT), the large number of people involved in the project, which results in lost and oftentimes conflicting canon beats. Mechs lore was not a strict, planned out thing. Large swaths of it were made up on the fly or forgotten down the line and rewritten or just made to work because the story needed it. As such, a lot of Mechanisms meta analysis had to reckon with the fact that the story was often telling you two or three or more things that could not be true at once nonetheless were, or was telling you something with the assumption that you knew something else, but that something else is now impossible to track down. So, sometimes, you just had to pick and choose, or try to reconstruct that lost knowledge. Similarly, varying POVs and gaps in time or gaps in story result in a similar concept for MCYT analysis- sometimes it doesn't really work if you take every piece of lore into account, so you just can't, even though every piece of lore is equally canon; or sometimes, a specific source is lost and you have to trust the memory of people who saw or were involved in the source instead.
Now, what is narratomancy? And how is it relevant to meta analysis of MCYT?
Narratomancy is the name for a few concepts of meta analysis that popped up when the Mechs fandom exploded in 2020-2021. The term was coined by @lucky-sevens (who, unlike anyone else I bring up in this post, I feel comfortable tagging because they're inactive, lol, so this won't clog their notifs), but the credit for various concepts under the umbrella of narratomancy can go to a ton of people. Personally, I'm going to be heavily referencing one post in particular by @/gunpowderedtim when it comes to the four main pillars of narratomancy, and how they are relevant here. (BTW I know OP of that post has shifted at least a bit to the MCYT fandom as well, so if you see this and would like me to tag you properly, please let me know!)
(EDIT: I was informed in the replies that lucky-sevens did not, in fact, coin this phrase, but they can't remember who specifically did. Alas another Mechs thing lost to time.)
Narratomancy refers to the general concept of the narrative as a thing within the Mechs universe. The narrative, a story that wants to be told, is an (at least semi) sentient creature that is bending the universe to its will in order to be told. This living narrative helps to explain and work through some of the problems or plot holes in the narrative, and understanding this helps a lot for meta analysis, or even just understanding the story. As stated above, I'm going to be breaking down four main pillars that the post above identified, and how they may be relevant to MCYT meta analysis. Not all of them are going to work- these were concepts made up for The Mechanisms, after all, and for all their similarities, it's not a perfect 1 to 1. Let's get into it!
Pillar 1: Universal Story
This is a pillar that has one really important and relevant concept, but I do have to bend a bit of it in order to make it work. Namely, what we're calling "the universe" here. But it's still quite important. You'll see.
As mentioned up top, The Mechanisms were originally called Dr. Carmilla and The Mechanisms. Dr. Carmilla (both the character and the creator) eventually left the Mechs to do her own thing, tell her own story, but the story of the universe at large is still hers. She's still got her name in the title, she's still the one who created the original lore, so to the universe, she's still the main character. She might not be the main character of any given story, even any given story she participates in, but it's all her universe in the end. As such, both her stories and the stories of The Mechanisms are canon, but they might not be strictly canon to each other. Because ultimately, The Mechanisms were the universe's vessel for telling stories, and sometimes the stories they told made for a weird concoction of conflicting canon, so you just had to accept that these conflicting canon beats were both canon, but which one was canon depended entirely on which story you were looking at, which one was trying to be told, who that story specifically was about (this is a concept that'll come up again later).
The reason this is a bit less relevant to MCYT in that, if a roleplay server is being well run, you (hopefully) won't have a main character in this way. And even if you do, that main character is not always going to be the creator of the server/universe, ala Carmilla. But again, it's not irrelevant, because I think this can be applied when you're looking at individual POVs of any given event or server.
Every character is the main character of their own POV, even if they might not be the main character of any given story beat or event. They have their own lore and story to tell in that POV, and when you sit down to watch their POV that is the story you'll get. It just so happens that said story might have things that are canon to it that are not canon to other POVs, that cannot be canon to other POVs, and you as the fan have to reckon with that. Sometimes these things might be small or not something that's gonna really throw you, like the conflicting Magic Mountain lore in this season of Hermitcraft. Other times, these might be really big things, like Martyn's Watcher lore in the Life Series.
But either way, while the idea that there is a Universal Story that has a clear main character doesn't really apply to servers, it certainly ties in to the idea of POVs. And furthermore, the "all of these stories are canon, but not strictly canon to each other" idea that comes along with Universal Story is a really vital thing to keep in mind when it comes to MCYT.
Pillar 2: Casting Call (Narrative Role Filling)
There are two main parts to Casting Call. The first is that The Mechanisms have a role in the stories they tell, even the stories that are not their own, like the album ones. These roles are often trope heavy, or based on pre-existing characters that the Mechanisms themselves have similarities too. The second is that the Mechanisms slot into these roles not necessarily because they want to, but because they have to in order to make the story work. Because the narrative wants them to help the story along to the ending.
This is definitely more relevant in roleplay heavy servers, but it still comes up on just about every server out there. While for the Mechanisms, the divide is between "the character I am" vs. "the character I am playing so the story gets told", the divide for MCYT tends to be a bit more "the person I am" vs. "the character I am playing so the story gets told". This divide (and people's inability to understand it) is the reason why MCYTs so often have to give the "Remember, we're all friends in real life and anything that the others weren't comfortable with wouldn't be in the videos" disclaimer. Everyone involved in this story is playing a character to move the story along, and that character may be totally removed from their real life person (such as Scott playing Xornoth in ESMP s1) or pretty similar to their real life person, but dialed up so they can tell a story, get a reaction (I don't know any of these people in real life, so I can't confidently pin someone down for this, but you get what I'm talking about).
Regardless, there is a story to be told, even if that story isn't thought out in advance, and that requires people playing the villain or the damsel in distress or the knight in shining armor sometimes in order to get it done. And, tying back into Universal Story, who is playing which of these roles can change as the canon of each POV changes (such as in Third Life, where who is filling the "villain" role depends entirely on which POV you're watching).
Pillar 3: Story Echoes
Story Echoes are a very Mechanisms based concept, because unlike everything else here, they are explicitly canon. This concept refers to the fact that The Mechanisms' stories "echo" throughout the universe, or repeat over and over again. It's in different places and different times, but these stories are out there, over and over again.
This one can apply to MCYT, but I have to admit, it's a stretch and a half. Ultimately, the way this applies here is in the fact that there's no such thing as an original story. Every story borrows from or is inspired by or is similar to another story out there. It's the nature of story telling. The first example for MCYT that comes to mind is fan Life Series, stories that take the mechanics of the Life Series but put them somewhere else, somewhen else, with someone else. However, Story Echoes are explicitly the same story repeating over and over again, which isn't really the case with this example. As I said, it's a stretch, but I didn't want to skip over this pillar entirely.
Pillar 4: Narrative Imperative
And the final pillar, Narrative Imperative, also referred to as Narrative Flow. Despite this one also being explicitly canon to The Mechanisms, it is also very relevant to MCYT, and in my opinion, the most important concept on this list for MCYT meta.
Narrative Imperative is explicitly canon in the Mechs universe when it comes to how The Mechanisms heal from injuries or death. As discussed in this post from the official Mechanisms tumblr, that healing factor functions at "whatever speed the story wants it to". This concept of "sometimes stuff just happens because it must for the story, even if it doesn't make sense or actively contradicts previously established canon" has been brought up before when we were discussing Universal Story, in respect to lore, to roleplay based story beats, for both groups. Here, it's more discussing a fact of the universe at large, a fact of how the Mechanisms function. And while the general concept of Narrative Imperative can be applied to literally any conflicting lore thing in any MCYT server or story (it's flexible in that way), I think it works best when talking about how game mechanics tie into the story.
What does death mean for this character? What does death mean for this character when on this specific server? What does death mean for this character on this specific server in this specific moment? What does logging off mean for this character, on this server, in this moment? What does voice mod or discord calls or chat mean to this character? What do skin changes mean? What does the Player Heads mod mean? What does sleep mean?
There are a million mechanics you can ask these questions about, and you can get a million different answers to each of them. Death can and does mean wildly different things on different servers (see: a Hardcore series like Naked and Afraid versus Hermitcraft). But it can also mean wildly different things on the same server to the same character at different points in time (see: the concept of "canon lives" on DSMP). Death, and numerous other game mechanics, mean whatever the hell the story (and the universe and creators involved) wants them to mean. You just have to take it in stride, the rules aren't clear because if they were, there wouldn't be enough freedom to tell a story.
Even on servers where it seems like the rules are clear, like the Life Series or other death games, death doesn't always mean what the rules say it does. Take glitch deaths, for example, like Loony's (almost) glitched death in season 1 of Deceit SMP. He glitched into a wall and should have died, but Legundo was allowed to cheat (use creative) to save him, or, had he died, been allowed to use cheats to bring him back, for fairness' sake. But this doesn't only apply to glitches- take one of Scar's off camera deaths in Third Life. I don't have the source for when Martyn talked about this on hand, but Martyn has mentioned that Scar technically died earlier in Third Life, when Martyn just snapped one day when Scar provoked him, killing Scar in a short, boring fight. There was nothing technically illegal or unfair about that kill, like with a glitched death, but when all was said and done, everyone agreed it just sort of... felt bad. That it didn't feel like a good story. So, the death was overturned, and the server went on as usual. The rules may have been clear here, but sometimes rules get in the way of a good story, so they're disregarded, simple as that.
MCYT stories are not being told in spite of their medium but in harmony with them. And as such, that means that sometimes, the narrative rules above all, and narrative imperative says that this mechanic is going to work like this, at least for now, at least for me. It might not ever work like that again, for me or for anyone else on the server, but it works like that in this moment, so you take it as is.
So, yeah, there's my essay! My final thoughts: Go listen to The Mechanisms. Go listen to Maki Yamazaki (Dr. Carmilla). I hope you enjoy these four concepts and keep them in mind when you are analyzing or playing the space of MCRP, because I think they are really helpful things to keep in mind. Have a good one.
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modelbus · 1 year ago
yeah I did it again.
(Help I have a problem of disappearing into thin air)
you said you would write 500 chapters.. but like obviously exaggerating..? (Kiddinggg)
tho a few more couldn’t hurt..
juuuust saying if you ever feel like it I will eventually see it and it will eventually make my week. <3333
BUT THATS NOT WHY WE ARE HERE! (I’m sorry my requests are always so long and dramatic bro I just brain like that)
Actual request:
ok so like I knowww cut chaos started from rumours but like rumours are an easy way to start plot lines k? (Also I use she pronouns out of habit but they is pog too)
the friends in question: Tommyinnit (duh), Wilbur (moosic boi), Ranboo (generation loss trauma guy), Possibly Slimecicle?? I know he’s not someone you do requests for normally buttt if you’re okay with it that would be POG, or if slime is a no, tubbo!
SO a few months ago Y/N started working on an SMP with some minimal custom mods, some fancy texture packs, maybe some data packs, and its like this BIGGG project, BUT its not public and its taking a lot of her time, so she can only really do a few streams and most of the time because her schedule is so full its hard to work out streams with friends so, she is alone. with the internet being the internet people started to think something was up, some annoyed viewers made a few rumours and people kept making things up and escalating things until people were saying she did all sorts of horrible things to “lose all her friends” but one of the most popular theories was that she was emotionally abusing them (??? Internet wildin ig) she ignored them while mostly finishing the stuff for the smp, but decided to address it in a very- y/n way. Getting four friends to come to her house and hide slightly off camera while she made a purposefully bad apology video only for them to jump out at the end and her to stand up and be like “YALL REALLY THOUGHT I WAS SOME MASTER MANIPULATOR?! I’M JUST A FUNKY LITTLE CHAOTIC MINECRAFT GOBLIN N’ I’VE BEEN WORKING ON AN SMP THIS WHOLE TIME!! ITS GONNA BE SUPER COOL AND THESE FOUR PLUS ALOOOOT MORE PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE THERE I’M POSTING THE CREATORS SOON AND ITS LAUNCHING IN A MONTH!, SO STOP ASSUMING I’M A BAD PERSON AND GET PUMPED BITCHES!” something along those lines, maybe at the end a little peek at what people are responding with. (Obviously no pressure, but like id be cool) (thanks for considering deity of the busses and models.)
P.S I’m not always an angst gremlin (just most of the time..) - ✨🌌🌙 Annon
I DO BE LIKING THE SILLIES (and thank you for elevating me to the level of deity, my ego has been inflated)
Pairing: Cc! Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle x Gn!Reader (platonic)
Roaring Rumors
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Life was all about sacrifices.
Or, that’s what you keep telling yourself when you’re up at 1AM working on your server. Putting together an SMP is harder than it sounds; texture packs, data packs, comparability, world-building, even the (seemingly) simply act of contacting people to play on it. For the amount of time you spent on your computer, your hands might as well be part of your keyboard.
Sleep wasn’t the only thing you sacrificed. Streaming, even just fun ones with your friends, had quickly became rare. Although you loved to hop on a call while coding still, your online presence had severely receded.
You just keep telling yourself that sacrifices are necessary. That the payoff would be worth it.
And it really would be, but you just had to get there first. Which was proving harder than you had thought.
At the very least, you still had your friends. Wilbur sitting silently on call with you while you work, Tommy dragging you out of your room, Ranboo always willing to get excited over your progress. Every day you woke up with a text from your groupchat—typically Charlie—just filling you in on the latest internet trend by a meme.
Today, your news comes from Wilbur and Tommy.
“I think they’re canceling you.” Wilbur says casually while you’re in the midst of detailing the hunger bar for a texture pack.
“Ooh, you’re a wrong’un!” Tommy yells in the background of Wilbur’s side of the call.
The three of you had been idly chatting while each doing your own thing. Wilbur and Tommy were engaged in some Twitter competition, as far as you know.
“Canceling me for what?” You ask, deciding to ignore Tommy’s shouting.
“Existing, I think.” Wilbur answers.
“So the normal.”
“The normal.”
Although the conversation stops there, you can’t help yourself. Later, during one of the few hours you dedicate to getting sleep to stay alive, you pull open Twitter on your phone. Your last tweet was nearly two weeks ago, so it’s been a minute.
But you just want to make sure nothing horrible happened while you were busy. You’re a content creator, this is normal. Definitely. You definitely aren’t just justifying this so you can do it.
You swipe through tweets, heading to trending and searching your name. Tweets load, making your mouth run dry. Wilbur wasn’t joking.
All you can do is scroll, reading as the messages get wilder and wilder. From people saying they were missing you to theories on why nobody was streaming you. Each one seemed considerably more implausible, and before you know it you’re glaring at your screen like it’s to fault.
Some thought you had grown apart.
Some thought you had a falling out.
And, apparently, a lot thought you were emotionally abusing them. Or, depending on the tweet, manipulating them.
Quite honestly, you didn’t even know how they got the idea. The long threads of explanations did nothing but send you into a spiral, biting your bottom lip so hard that it bleeds.
You were so close to finishing the SMP. It needed just a few things, then you'd be able to start scheduling to get it up and running. You didn't have the time nor mental capacity to deal with whatever the fuck is going on right now.
Is it a good choice? Maybe not. But do you still ignore the accusations? Hell yes.
By the time you get even closer to finishing the preparations for your SMP, you've come up with the perfect plan to address the (quite stupid) rumors. It'll be a two-in-one; you address the rumors and announce the SMP at the same time.
"How long do I have to lay on this floor?" Tommy asks, stretched out behind your chair.
"Nobody asked you to lay on the floor." Wilbur points out, standing next to your computer. Charlie, on the other side, laughs.
"Yeah man, you wanted to be down there."
"Besides, I'm doing great down here!" Ranboo chimes in.
You roll your eyes, grinning. "I'm about to start stream, so it won't be for much longer. Just wait for my cue, yeah?"
Tommy grumbles, but shuts up. You take that as your chance to start the stream, switching it off your waiting screen and waving to the camera. Your chosen stream title has brought in a bit more than your usual casual steam view number, "Talking about some serious stuff," leading people to believe there will be drama. And if it's drama they want, it's drama you'll give.
"Hello, hello!" You smile, leaning back. "So I've decided to talk about some things. Namely, the Twitter shit. I am so sorry for everything, and I mean that. A lot. Sincerely. There's meaning in it."
Tommy snorts, and from the corner of your eye you catch Wilbur kick him to shut him up.
"What am I sorry about?" You ask rhetorically, acting like you read it off of chat. "Oh, you know. People have been saying all types of stuff. The things about me manipulating my friends?" There's a pause while you let that sink in. "So, I'm sorry."
It's a purposefully shitty apology, but you sigh and act like its heartfelt for a few moments, nodding towards chat. Their messages are mostly confused, especially because it isn't one emote-only.
"Sorry you guys are so gullible!" You shout, and Tommy practically tackles you.
Wilbur's the one to fix your chair, Ranboo and Charlie appearing next to you within moments.
"You guys really thought this one could manipulate me? The master?" Charlie asks the stream, pointing at you.
"Yeah!" Tommy shouts, way too energetic for someone who complained five minutes ago about being on the floor. "We're the master manipulators! Get fooled!"
"I, for one, haven't manipulated anyone-" Ranboo starts, but Tommy slaps a hand over his mouth and nods empathetically.
"Yeah, I don't know what you guys were thinking, but I've just been playing fucking Minecraft for the past few months nonstop." You laugh.
"Nonstop. It's a problem." Wilbur nods.
"It is not a problem!" Pause. "Anyways, I made an SMP! And that's where I've been! Not because I've been manipulating my friends or some shit, stop being dumbasses."
"It'll be super cool!" Ranboo adds in helpfully.
"These four-"
"That's us!" Charlie points around at himself, Wilbur, Tommy, and Ranboo.
"-will be on it, plus a lot more. It'll be posting those people soon! As in, check your Twitter obsessively guys! The SMP will be in about a month, too, so get fucking excited! I want to see some hype!"
"WOO!" Tommy screams, making everyone cringe at having their eardrums ruptured.
"So that's all I wanted to talk about I think. Anything to add, guys?" You glance around at the four surrounding you with a grin.
"One thing." Charlie nods, leaning in really close. "I have a secret. This SMP, it's actually-" He hits your end stream button mid-sentence. "And that's how you keep 'em interested."
Mammalianeighingreflecenthusiest We are dumb as fuck aren’t we
Poabsenthusiest i will RIOT IN THE STREETS if any of yall be mean to MY STREAMER -> Cmwylenthusist FR I GOT TWO FISTS AND A CAUSE
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mcyt-jukebox-bonanza · 1 month ago
Mcyt Jukebox Bonanza: Valentines Edition
We had so much fun the first time that we're doing a sequel!
Jukebox Bonanza: Valentines Edition is an MCYT multi-fandom event held January 21st-February 21st where artists will take songs of their choice and create illustrations based on these songs. This is called a Jukebox Night, and it was popular in the hermitcraft fandom circa 2019. This event seeks to revitalize the tradition and create some fun art.
Every participant who makes at least one Jukebox Night will get their named added to the Jukebox Bonanza hall of fame, and artists who make more can reach higher tiers of victory! This event is more casual than the last one, but participants can make as many jukebox nights as they desire. (Sign-ups will be open for the duration of the event, so feel free to drop in even if it's halfway through!)
January 21: Song claims open! Each song behind a jukebox night for jukebox bonanza must be unique, so artists will claim a song before they begin drawing.
January 23: All first claims should be assigned. Once you receive confirmation of your claim, you can begin drawing. Additional claims continue throughout the event as individuals finish one jukebox night and request another song as desired.
February 14: Creation period ends. You can't start any new drawings after this, but it's okay to finish one during the posting period.
February 14-February 21: Posting period! Post all your jukebox nights and tag this blog so we can reblog the posts here. At the end, the mods will count up all the jukebox nights to declare the final illustration count and award victory tiers.
Sign up for the event by filling out THIS form! The link to the discord server is at the end.
FAQ and song claim information under the cut.
Who are the mods here?
There are two mods on this blog and on the discord server: Mod Idea (@paradoxlemonade) and Mod Ghost (@gay-ghosts).
Who can participate in this event?
Participation is open to all fans of MCYT ages 13+.
What's a jukebox night?
A jukebox night is a single completed illustration based on a song. They were usually square back in the day so they looked like the could fit on an album cover, but that wasn't a hard rule. Some had lyrics in the picture itself, and others had them below the drawing. For this event, a drawing is considered complete when it is fully colored and/or shaded.
What fandoms can Imake a jukebox night for?
Although this tradition originated in the Hermitcraft fandom, all MCYT fandoms are eligible for this event. Small MCYT, old MCYT, new MCYT, popular MCYT, and anything else are all fair game. If it's minecraft and it's videos, you can make a Jukebox Night for it.
What songs can I claim?
Most songs are fair game, but there are a few stipulations: Songs must not be graphically about sex or contain graphically sexual content, as this event is open to artists age 13-17. Additionally, no songs made by Wilbur Soot/Lovejoy are eligible for this event.
How do song claims work?
If you participated in mcytblr AU fest, then you might be familiar with this process. A google form will be posted at a determined time and all participants will fill it out. You must list at least one song, but you can name up to five. The first person to claim a particular song will be the one to receive it, so it's advised that you list a few in case your first choice is unavailable.
Once you finish your first Jukebox Night, you can fill out another form to claim another song and receive a second assignment. You can do this as many times are you want, but you can only get a new claim once the drawing for your previous one is completed.
How much do I need to do for a Jukebox Night to be completed?
For this event, a completed illustration has at least color or shading, to whatever standard the artist considers done. An uncolored sketch or plain lineart would not be considered complete.
What can I depict in a jukebox night?
Pretty much anything, within reason. Canon events, canon divergence, AUs, headcanons, you name it! This is a shipping event so the main focus is on relationships. That said, we ask that art made for this event be about the characters, not real people. Additionally, art made for this event cannot contain sexual content of any kind or anything that would warrant an E rating on Ao3, as the event is open to artists age 13-17. If you're uncertain about an idea, please reach out to a mod for clarification.
Do I have to make *romantic* ship art?
Not exclusively, no; queerplatonic and ambiguous relationships are also welcome. That said, that there is a high likelihood that art made for this event will be interpreted as romantic by viewers due to its nature as a valentines day event, unless your post specifically states otherwise. (As such, art depicting familial relationships is highly discouraged for this event; you can always make a jukebox night separate from Jukebox Bonanza: Valentines Edition.) Please keep this in mind when making your art.
I have another question you didn't answer here!
Send an ask in and one of the event mods will get back to you! Alternatively for those already in the discord, there is a channel for asking the mods questions.
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