L'Manburg Loyalist
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So I succumbed to a fan tumblr about my favourite minecraft youtubers... expect lots of rambly text posts and such. Asks and interactions very welcome.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 days ago
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
"Guy who knows the protagonist from way back when and just fucking hates them for some reason and is constantly trying to re-litigate some ancient beef" is an undervalued tool for expository worldbuilding.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
To a certain extent this even happens with music.
The other week I suddenly remembered (to my shame xD) that I enjoy Fall Out Boy. And for a week I listened to nothing else. Then I was done and now I have absolutely no interest in listening to them right now. I haven't stopped liking them or anything but I'm not presently in any way obsessed so that's it.
The things I like never change just, sometimes it strikes me how all or nothing I am about everything I engage in. If I play a game, I will play it morning til night, in all my free time and then... not at all. Generally, anything I enjoy, I will become reobsessed with it in the future.
I find I can never like something casually. It's always something that seems to take over my life for a brief time (and in that time it seems like it will last forever) And then a couple weeks later (on occasion it could be months) I'm done and barely think about it.
I don't just enjoy something. If I bother to engage in something, I will obsess over it for as long as it can hold my interest.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
I find I can never like something casually. It's always something that seems to take over my life for a brief time (and in that time it seems like it will last forever) And then a couple weeks later (on occasion it could be months) I'm done and barely think about it.
I don't just enjoy something. If I bother to engage in something, I will obsess over it for as long as it can hold my interest.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
shut up i’m talking patreon episode summary (only 7 dollars btw)
jack starts it off explaining the lead up to the situation and saying how dream involved himself out of nowhere. he said it was all very lighthearted leading up to dreams involvement (they don’t like mizkif or xqc very much but found the whole thing funny)
tommy said he didn’t think it would escalate very far and started off talking the piss out of it but after the 3 hour stream he realized it was getting serious. he didn’t want to involve himself with dream very much because a lot of people around him were saying that he shouldn’t speak to dream because of the way he took advantage of him when he was 16. tommy said he attempted to resolve it privately in the past but after the if youtubers were honest video dream sent him very mean and awful messages and after that he told dream he was going to block him everywhere (which he did)
jack says that it’s nearly impossible to resolve drama with dream privately because he makes everything public (and also it’s incredibly hard to talk to him) jack said that after the episode with phil he had a 2 hour long call with dream where they basically just went back and forth and nothing was really resolved
jack says that this episode was filmed right after dreams video dropped. tommy makes fun of the title (i’m sorry but not to tommyinnit). jack then admits that he does talk about dream a lot and he does it because he feels like before everything he was one of the only ones who openly disliked dream. jack says that everytime jack has criticized him in a non joking manner it hasn’t been a rumor. the only time jack has mentioned pedo rumors was when he was drunk and a fan asked if dream was a pedo and he said he couldn’t legally answer that. he said he was drunk and put on the spot. jack said that though he doesn’t think dream is a pedo he does think that messaging fans is inappropriate and strange. jack said that when the allegations came out dream messaged in the discord saying they were false and said he’s open to any questions. jack answered saying that even though he didn’t think dream was a pedo it was a little weird to be messaging fans (especially underaged ones). dream talked to jack privately after that saying that the message annoyed him because jack was being skeptical.
jack then talks about how on dreams stream he said that he knew some rumors about jack but wasn’t gonna say them but then said that there were rumors about jack being unfaithful. jack said that the point of that was that when jack had rumors it was handled privately but when dream had rumors it was very public- which is incredibly hypocritical because dream made jack’s situation public knowing it was false but jack kept dreams rumor private in his own regard.
tommy then jokes about cheating on molly and then goes into the editor thing. jack said that it’s a lie and then passes it over to tommy. tommy said he has nothing to say because there’s physical evidence that he didn’t underpay them (actually very graciously paid them). tommy says that it feels very weird that all his private messages keep going public. jack then starts talking about how the unpaid editor situation was actually about him. he said that he was one month into doing youtube and worked a minimum wage job and asked an editor what they wanted to be paid and they agreed on 50 quid. they said they both were young and didn’t know how much she should’ve been paid and he didn’t make any money from youtube at the time anyways. he said that now youtube is his job and he is much more knowledgeable in appropriate payments.
they then bring up how dream skipped over george and also how the only clip he took from tubbos stream was the one of him agreeing with him. jack says he can’t believe that dream tried to “win” by using straight up lies and brings up how dream has a reputation of lying and he doesn’t know why he did it.
tommy says he said all he needed to say in the video and the video was meant for dream rather than the viewers (except for the promo at the end). he says that dream knows why tommy called him sexist and he said that there’s so much that isn’t out and it’s incredibly miserable. tommy said that he doesn’t wanna do this anymore and he doesn’t feel happy with youtube anymore because of the creators in the space. he says that he won’t be doing the whole youtube thing in a couple years, he will still post videos but he’s not gonna interact with all the shit going around, especially when the people involved used to be his friends. he said that the dream video was kinda meant to be the last time he gets involved with everything. he says that it feels incredibly childish and that he’s appalled that people are pushing 30 and are doing this. tommy said that he makes jokes about mega famous people being dickheads because it’s how he puts his feelings into words. he says that dream is one of the most self indulging person he has ever dealt with in his life and he cannot believe he’s been dealing with him for nearly 5 years- and he doesn’t not intend to continue dealing with him. he says he doesn’t find the whole situation funny anymore and he finds no joy in it- which he did during the logan and mizkif situations. he says that this is no way to live and it’s all pointless to be creating drama like this online and whenever he punches up he’s not trying to cancel anyone he just wants to make a joke. he again says that it’s all childish and that they’re both adults now
jack brings up that there’s no one sticking up for dream and how everyone on the server that has spoken up has disagreed with dream. jack says that a lot of them have felt this way for years- especially him
tommy said that he feels very manipulated by a lot of these people and that it took him a very long time to realize how manipulative some of these people were. he tells a story about when he was just starting out and he did the lobby spamming in a twitch streamers lobby the guy got super mad at him and invited him to call and proceeded to scream at tommy and called him the r slur (he was 20 and tom was 14) he said he was super shaken and messed up from it- but now he’s incredibly used to it and it’s such a shame that he is.
jack said that he started disassociating with dream after the grooming allegations because he didn’t want to be friends with someone who would privately message fans (which was the case). he said that he doesn’t like being grouped in with dream because of the dsmp because he’s bad for his image so he’s tried his best to make it clear that he doesn’t like dream and that’s about all he wants.
they then start talking about how out of the blue everything was. jack said that he would understand his involvement if they had been bullying dream relentlessly for weeks but they were literally talking about mizkif and xqc at the time and
jack said that he’s made his piece why he doesn’t like him and how you don’t have to look very hard to see the manipulative tactics to get people on his side. they both say it’s painful watching him do that. jack said that he’s going to continue making jokes about what dream accused him of because they’re so ridiculous.
tommy says that it’s sad that the only thing that dream took from tommy’s video was that he was lying. he says it’s sad to see everyone come out with there bad experiences with dream and he can’t believe it got this bad.
jack says it’s questionable that dream mocked jack for jack not liking him because of things he’s heard about him and he was gonna keep joking about eveything public about him because it’s funny. jack said that there’s enough that’s true that makes him not want to associate with dream.
tommy says that dream is an impossibly selfish man . jack said that the only thing he’s gonna give to dream is that he’s clearly incredibly socially unaware and genuinely does not understand what he’s done wrong- but that doesn’t excuse being a bitch. he says that people have tried to explain that to him but he just doesn’t get it. he also then asks how willing his misunderstanding is- because he most likely is aware of some of it. tommy says he lacks alot of empathy and doesn’t have guilt for the bad things he’s done. tommy says that it’s very easy to simply apologize but just keep doing the bad things and that’s what dream always does. tommy says he doesn’t take dreams apologies seriously anymore and he doesn’t forgive him.
tommy closes saying that he’s done with the drama and this is the last he will speak on it
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
okay i guess a compilation for old time's sake what can i say i got nostalgic
yt: 1:01:37 twitch: 1h29m
Dream: "But Tom— I mean, Tubbo."
yt: 1:30:49 twitch: 1h59m
Dream: "I don't even know that this happened." Tubbo: "How do you not know if you called a woman a whore or not, man?" Dream: "Okay—" Tubbo: "What do you mean you have no idea if this happened. 'I have no idea if this happened.' What do you mean?" Dream: "Okay, Tommy— I mean, fucking..." Tubbo: "WHAT THE HELL, MAN?"
yt: 1:43:03 twitch: 2h10m
Dream: "...that company used child labor." Tubbo: "Then where's the proof? Because—" Dream: "Tommy..."
yt: 2:13:56 twitch: 2h41m
Dream: "It's the same thing. It's like— It's a response— It's like a critique of his critique, Tommy." Tubbo: "Yeah, but it's—" [sigh] Dream: "Tubbo. Oh my god."
yt: 2:38:07 twitch: 3h6m
Dream: "Yeah, exactly! I'm critiquing, To— Tubbo, I'm critiquing his critique."
yt: 3:18:38 twitch: 3h47m
Tubbo: "Oh, come on, man. Oh, come on, man!" Dream: "Yeah, well— I still— I still— I left that— I left that call, okay, Tommy, well— well, the difference is..."
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
unfortunately (fortunately) i couldnt watch dream speak directly from his rectum to his mic with tubbo because i had class. whats the tldr
Heh you might have gathered what went on by now and I didn't catch the stream myself either (I was out with friends xD).
But let me write a summary of the drama so far, shall I?
So, as we know, Dream pretty randomly tweeted out an offensive tweet. It got immediate backlash and he wrote a lengthy reddit post defending himself.
Tubbo reacts to this on stream, maybe for 30ish mins.
Dream does a 3hr stream reacting to Tubbo's stream. He also writes more on reddit.
Tommy makes a 5 minute video addressing Dream.
Tubbo reacts to Dream's stream forcing himself to watch all of it in prep for a possible call with Dream though Dream delays to make a video himself.
Dream releases a 9 minute video. He also posts a couple more times on reddit. Oh and Ludwig also spoke about some older incident with Dream.
Tubbo spends an hour reacting to this video. (It takes so long because he spends so much time debunking the lies.)
So Dream and Tubbo talk on stream together. It last a few hours.
The purpose of this stream is for Dream to attempt to defend his video. It's a lot of denying any misogyny and wondering how Tommy could possible bring that up without evidence while insistent that Tommy could not possibly have meant the Caiti situation which Tommy mentioned the sentence before. Dream being so insistent on how Tommy should have brought receipts while Tubbo tries to tear apart Dream's own terrible evidence presented in a misleading way. Same with the merch and the editor thing. Oh and Tubo also brings up how Dream's merch brand profits off of queerbaiting essentially.
Needless to say things go in circles, I don't think Dream got the legitimacy he was looking for and failed to address any of tubbo's points. He definitely didn't back down or accept any of his own mistakes at any point but at no point did he make himself look any more legitimate.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
You forgot Dream's favourite excuse lately: he didn't say anything wrong, everyone is just misremembering what he said!!1!
Ah yes. People have such short memories when it comes to things Dream has said or done. It's really such a pain for him to be misunderstood all the time.
Dream something fails to understand what people are saying to him too, they should really eb more clear with what they mean. It's like they're trying to catch him out to intentionally misconstrue his words!
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
Guys Dream wasn't lying! He was joking!!!! He was exaggerating for effect. Dream is always 100% honest.
If he says something offensive or incorrect, it is a joke and should be ignored. To do otherwise is misunderstanding him and you'd be throwing out false allegations to make him look bad. You must provide evidence to prove what Dream was thinking.
Aside from that, he's never done anything wrong so I don't know why you don't like him.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
side note but tommy largely letting this all be an letting everyone else step up to defend him is the best possible move he could have made. dream has been so thoroughly clocked by the community and people who have interacted with him that he doesn't even NEED to do anything more than make his little 5 minute video. being a good person through your habitual actions is the best defense to allegations that you are otherwise
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
So apparently Dream still hasn't finished talking. More reddit posts and he's gonna talk to Tubbo????
When you're in a hole, stop digging.
Like all this is gonna do is gonna make people talk more about your controversies.
Like by the way, did you know that Dream did a video with Notch. The incredibly awful far right guy who created minecraft? It was on his channel for years before Hasanabi called him out. Ahh Dream such a good guy once he's called out.
The funniest part was when Hasan started discussing Dream, Dream started shading him on his massive twitter platform, complaining about him being talked about to his 20k with him knowing the full story. Meanwhile Dream's literally tweeting about him to his million followers.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
By the way, so the drama started with xQc calling Tommy cringe and Dream responded by calling Tommy fans mentally unwell basically.
Then Dream streamed for 3 hours, because he had a problem with Tommy. He also wrote long reddit posts.
His most substantial problem (ie one that has any justification at all) was that Tommy and a few of his friends would make groomer jokes about Dream.
Tommy dropped a 5 minute response.
Dream dropped a 9 minute video and more reddit posts!!!!
Dream also went on and on about providing evidence and receipts for everything.
He uhh didn't provide a single bit of evidence of these grooming jokes. I'm not saying they didn't happen. But like you're not gonna back up the one thing you might have any case for? Take his word for it? What's the context these jokes were told in? How funny were they?
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
Hi, I think you're cool!!!
bro this entire situations making me find dsmp oomfs i havent seen in a WHILE enter my notifications. like oh my god hello hi i havent seen u in a while
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
It's so funny to see all of Dream's manipulative and malicious tactics he's always used in dramas to be properly called out.
None of this is new. Dream loves to sound patronizing to belittle his opponents, to downplay, to put things out of context while throwing so many words and explanation and confusion that it all gets lost. Dream keeps responding because the more he says, the more chance there is that the other person will just give arguing with him because why bother and Dream can act like he has the last word.
He is so misleading. Now he's demanding evidence from anyone he interacts with while cherrypicking what he wants to respond to. Evidence does not clear up as much as you might think.
Information is beautiful. Using graphs and screenshots and making use of data to support your points is gorgeous. It's so satisfying to read a well-constructed argument.
Misinformation is beautiful. Using carefully selected graphs and screenshots and making selective use of data to support your points and skew the narrative is gorgeous. It's so satisfying to read a well-constructed argument. It's almost impossible to tell it apart from the real thing.
But today, Dream has gone against someone who has a lot of fans, a lot of fans who know Dream very well and who are patient enough to genuinely dissect his arguments. He lashed out at a beloved figure who's had little real drama and it's crazy how obviously weak his justifications are.
Today he's getting a lot of attention from drama but soon enough it'll pass and Dream's left with even less than he had. Hatewatching is a very temporary hit.
He even mainchanneled this stuff so his viewers who only interacted with him on youtube and barely know much about drama have been made aware. His vid isn't that damning in isolation but some of them are gonna be intrigued enough to check out responses and find out how crazy it is.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
Dream is the least self-aware person ever. No way he combated Tommy alleging he lorded his mentorship over him by saying "oh look at all the times I gave you advice and called for hours expecting nothing in return." Do you not. Do you not see what you just said.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
You know the main reason I stopped giving benefit of the doubt to Dream was because he was caught lying too many times. And I'm get that feeling even stronger after his newest reddit post because in this case the editors did came out to say it was not the case.
It makes me remember his infamous cheating in speedrun drama. He doubled down so many times when he said it wasn't true only to then come out and say that actually he might have actually cheated by accident. If he did that for a speedrun why are we surprised he does that with every other controversy around him and his close friends?
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 months ago
i think it's actually mind-boggling and actually concerning that dream viewed everyone's "go to therapy" comment as an insult???? bro when i'm telling you that this is barely even SCRAPING an insult, it IS. these are actually the most positive comments u can get, because it shows everyone cares abt ur fucking mental health! it's clear that this crash and burn is actually a breakdown! tommy and tubbo and connor and other cc's have called this out and WANT YOU TO GET HELP. and i MEAN it when i say they are being NICE ABOUT THIS. they want to see u GROW. and then adding "no U go to therapy" at the end as if it's some big Gotcha! moment. like bro. oh my god. that's not a good sign that u see therapy as a negative.
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