#most likely to organize all the presents shirt
anna-scribbles · 3 hours
aroace adrien fic chapter 2!!! and we all cheered
Kagami fixes her eyes intensely on his face, and Adrien smiles. He scoops peas onto his fork nonchalantly, trying to shake the cloud of guilt that always seems to follow him these days. He always feels see-through when Kagami looks at him like that. When she speaks, it’s matter-of-fact. “Something is bothering you.”
Kagami is a good girlfriend. A really, really good girlfriend.
She makes sure that they go on at least 2 dates per week, and schedules them far in advance. She texts him good morning and goodnight like clockwork. She’s even proactive about cute nicknames, sending him vetted lists of options which they can debate the merits of. If dating was a sport, Kagami would be a gold medalist.
And she kisses him. A lot.
“Good morning, sunshine,” she’ll tell him with a peck on the cheek, catching him on the steps before he goes into school. He’ll grin and she’ll tilt his chin closer, planting one right on his lips.
“Come here,” she’ll coax, swiping away their homework with one hand and tugging at his shirt collar with the other. He’ll look up at her through his lashes and part his mouth just so, letting her press their lips together again and again.
“You’re perfect,” she’ll whisper, pulling him close in the locker room after practice. She’ll run her hand through his sweaty hair and lift her face to his until all his senses go dark.
Kagami is great. Kagami is really great.
And Adrien… Adrien is…
He’s curled around a pillow on his bed for the fourth time this week, caught somewhere between nausea and dread. His homework is unfinished, piano pieces unrehearsed. A lock of hair is irritating his eye but he feels too detached from his body to do anything about it. He hates when he gets like this for a multitude of reasons, but mostly because it doesn’t make sense.
He’s been depressed before. He’s been dissociated before.
But this?
He thinks of Kagami’s lips, warm and sticky with lip gloss, moving against his mouth. He feels her mouth open, tilting to meet him at an angle, and her tongue—
Adrien’s whole body shudders involuntarily and he curls up tighter around the pillow, squeezing it for dear life. Awful. Awful. What’s wrong with him? It’s kissing his girlfriend, the most natural thing in the world. Why does it feel like—why does he feel like he’s dying?
When Adrien closes his eyes, he’s right back there again. Kagami’s firm hands on the back of his neck, holding onto him. Her spit warm in his mouth, the small noises in the back of her throat, the pit carved out like a chasm in his stomach—
“You look terrible.”
Plagg’s nasal voice jars him back to the present. When Adrien looks up, bright green eyes are squinting just centimeters from his face.
Plagg frowns. “Are you still sick? Wait, did you eat some of my moldy brie? You know I said not to touch it until May!”
Plagg zips away, into the cabinet under the trophy case. Adrien takes a shaky breath.
“I didn’t touch your cheese, Plagg.” He forces his fingers to unclench from the pillow and stashes the memory of Kagami’s lips under some rug in his brain. He’s fine. Everything’s fine.
Plagg phases back into view, breathing a sigh of relief. “Phew! That could’ve been disastrous!”
“Yeah.” Adrien sits up and clenches his fists hard, enough for his fingernails to dig into the skin of his palms. The pain wakes him up, brings him back. (It’s penance too, maybe. He needs to be better than this.)
“Maybe you really are sick, then.” Plagg flits around him, poking his nose into Adrien’s belly and armpit and hair and even trying to look in his ears. He pulls back and frowns, cocking his little head. “Geez, it’s been on and off like this for, like, a month. Shouldn’t you go to a doctor or something?”
Adrien adverts his eyes. “I don’t think a doctor would help.”
Not with… whatever this is.
“All I’m saying is, you look really bad. Like, really bad—”
“Thank you. Thanks.”
Adrien painstakingly swings his legs over the bed and puts his feet on the ground, manually shifting weight to each leg. Muscle by muscle, reminding his body how to stand. It’s easier once he’s up. Fog filters through his mind, and then he doesn’t think as much.
The sickness burns off in the shower, seared from his skin. Adrien emerges clean and good and normal and he puts on new clothes and blow-dries his hair. Ready for anything. Ready for—
Nathalie knocks twice on his bedroom door before opening it.
“Kagami is here,” she tells him. “Your dinner will be served shortly.”
read on ao3
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johnnydany · 2 years
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Most Likely To Organize All The Presents Family Christmas Holiday T-Shirt
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luveline · 3 months
could you write bau!reader x aaron, reader is pregnant and baby is so restless and kicking a lot as reader is at her desk working and aaron is the only one who can calm baby down
ty for requesting <3 pregnant!reader, 1k
“Woh,” you mumble, almost clipping your head on your desk as you lean forward. “Oh, my gosh.” 
“What’s wrong, mama?” 
You wave your free hand weakly at Derek, the other to your bump. “Nothing’s wrong, handsome.” 
Derek laughs warmly and stands from his chair. “I don’t believe you. Come on, tell me what’s wrong. Or I’ll go get the big man and he can force it out of you himself.” 
Hotch’s never forced anything out of you, but he has kissed a confession from you before. He could do it again easily. 
You right yourself as the baby’s rampant kicking makes you feel as though you’ll pee your pants. “Derek, there’s some crazy stuff happening inside of me right now.” 
He smiles at you fondly. “I bet there is.” 
“She’s kicking the shit out of me.” Sitting up, your back twinges and relaxes, the weight of your baby bump spreading out. You’re very pregnant and the baby is extremely active. She kicks pretty much 24/7 these last few days, and it’s driving you crazy. “Do you wanna feel?” 
Derek presents his hand for feeling. You stand up, and Derek lays a hand across your bump. You don’t have to move it anywhere: the second he touches you, he can no doubt feel the baby’s aggressiveness. She’s aiming her little feet almost like she knows where your most fragile organs are. 
One rough kick has Derek taking back his hand. “She’s beating you up, mama.” 
“She hates me.” 
“She doesn’t hate you,” Spencer says, twirling in his chair to give one of his innocuous tidbits of information, “babies kick for all sorts of reasons. They kick when they’re hungry, or after you’ve just eaten because of the extra glucose shared via the placenta. Sometimes they kick because they can feel sensation through your skin.” 
Spencer stands up. You raise your brows. “You wanna feel?” you ask. 
He grins and offers his hand. You take it and place it against the baby’s restless feet, smiling at Spencer’s smile, a little enchanted by how fascinated he seems. At Spencer’s touch, she starts to kick quickly like she had been with Derek, and eventually you have to move his hand in the hopes she’ll stop. She slows, but the occasional stretch pokes at your stomach. You can see the distension of her limb even through your shirt. 
“She’s really going for it today,” you say. “Maybe I had too much brown sugar in my oatmeal.” 
“You know babies can tell the difference between hands?” Spencer asks. 
“I sort of guessed,” you say distractedly, rubbing at the baby’s kicking with the crest of your palm. “She doesn’t act like this with Hotch.” 
“Good to know he has that effect on everyone,” Derek says with a laugh. 
“I might go and ask him to make her stop. I’m gonna need a change of clothes if she doesn’t.” 
Derek laughs again, full-bellied, his arm wrapping around your shoulders in a pitying hug. “Aw, sweetheart, you’ll be okay. Just two more months and this will all be over.” 
“Well, you never know. The longest overdue pregnancy in human history was almost a hundred days, that’s more than an extra three months.” 
“Spencer!” you say, not truly shouting, but your volume escaping you as the horror of a year long pregnancy sinks in. “Don’t jinx me.” 
Your loud voice, or perhaps Derek’s roaring laughter, draws the attention of JJ and Hotch, who appear from the depths of his office with matching curious expressions. JJ begins down the steps to the bullpen, while Hotch stays at the balcony waiting for an explanation. 
“Baby Hotchner’s giving it large,” Derek says, rubbing your upper arm. 
“She won’t stop,” you complain, relieved to see your stern husband. “Can you come and set her straight?” 
You aren’t always so quick to complain to him, but this is too much. It feels as though she’s about to start doing spin kinks against your spine —it’s honestly the most she’s ever moved. When you were just a few weeks pregnant you’d longed for her to wriggle and show you a sign that she could feel you, but now you’d appreciate a few minutes of calm. 
Hotch follows JJ down obligingly, and he, surrounded by your curious coworkers and colleagues, without any hesitation (but certainly some care), slips his hand under your blouse to feel at his baby’s sharp kicking. He presses against what might be a foot for a few moments, his smile barely hidden, his palm warm. 
“She really is giving it large,” he says, the deep softness of his voice like a signal. 
The baby’s kicks soften, until, barely ten seconds later, they stop. Your spine ceases vibrating, and you can finally stand there without having to press your thighs together. 
“Thank you,” you say, holding Hotch’s elbow. He’s well and truly saved you. 
He rubs your stomach with his thumb. His dark eyes stay set on your bump. “You’re welcome.” 
“I guess baby just missed her dad,” JJ says. 
You look at Spencer. He doesn’t say anything. “No correction?” you ask. 
“No,” he says, pouting that you’d ask. “Either she missed the sound of his voice, or your reaction to seeing him has calmed her down. That’s not a big difference.” 
“It’s both, I think,” you say, paused by a big yawn. 
“Are you tired?” Hotch asks. 
“Urgently.” You let yourself sag forward toward him, gesturing for Spencer, Derek and JJ to look away. “Thanks for your help, boys, but I need something no one else can give me.” You collapse into Hotch’s chest for a hug. 
The bump is very much in the way, but he reacts accordingly, ushering your chest to his, cheek pressed gently to your forehead. “She’s exhausted you,” he teases under his breath. 
“She really has.” 
“I love how she settles with me,” he says, rubbing your back for a long, slow handful of seconds, before he pulls away enough to grin at you. “But I suppose she gets that from her mother.” 
“You’re very calming.” 
“So I’ve been told.” 
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edenesth · 9 months
The Captain's Favourite
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Pairing: captain!Hongjoong x doctor!reader
Word Count: 1.1k
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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Struggling to steady your laboured breath, you pressed a trembling hand against the stab wound beneath your chest. Blinking rapidly, you attempted to regain clarity in your vision. From what you could discern, it seemed like the injury might not involve a vital organ, offering a glimmer of reassurance.
However, the stark reality hit hard – you were the sole medical professional on board.
You were always the one attending to the health of your fellow crewmates and never the one in need of medical attention. That all changed abruptly during the unexpected ambush launched by a rival pirate crew.
They strategically targeted a crucial member of the crew before escalating the assault further. The rationale was clear – if the ship's only medical personnel was incapacitated, who would attend to the wounded? Save for the captain, you were the next most important person on the vessel.
But the enemy was also aware you were so much more than just a doctor, "There she is, Captain Hongjoong's favourite. Get her," were the chilling words that you heard before feeling the sharp pain of a dagger piercing your abdomen.
The duration of the battle became a haze, with moments of consciousness slipping in and out as you observed, through blurred vision, your crewmates fighting back fiercely to defend your ship and all the treasures within.
The fight finally ended when your captain impaled the rival leader directly in the heart. Hongjoong, visibly exhausted, let out a weary exhale as he dropped his sword, "Take him and go, the rest of you. If you don't wish to join him in the afterlife." He commanded.
The rival pirates hastily moved to remove their leader's lifeless form from your ship without having to be told twice. It took no time for Captain Hongjoong to scan the surroundings anxiously, his heart racing as he searched for you.
"Wh-where is she—"
Before he could finish the sentence, he noticed what seemed to be your boots tucked away in a corner, cleverly concealed behind barrels. The enemy had evidently gone to great lengths to ensure you wouldn't be discovered until it was too late.
Without wasting a moment, he sprinted towards you, pushing all the obstacles out of his way with newfound strength fueled by desperation. His eyes widened, feeling his heart lurch at the sight of the red staining your shirt and your pale complexion.
"No, no, no, no, no, don't you dare leave me!" Hongjoong screamed, gently pulling you into his arms, "Hey, look at me. I'm your captain, and I order you not to close your eyes."
However, no amount of commanding could mend your injuries, and he was acutely aware of that fact. Time blurred as he urgently directed his crew to transport you to the nearest town without delay. Losing you was not an option he was willing to entertain.
Drawing on his experience from observing you tend to injured crewmates countless times, the captain applied pressure and bandaged your wound to minimise the bleeding until you could receive proper medical treatment.
Upon arriving at the closest town, you were swiftly taken to a medical facility, where Hongjoong fought to catch his breath as they gently took you from his arms, "Don't worry, we'll take care of her," He gave the medical staff a firm glare, "You better."
The nurse nodded nervously, motioning for him to wait by the available bench. Everyone in the facility recognised him; it was the very place he had taken you away from many years ago. As a woman, you had been denied the chance to prove yourself despite being an apprentice there.
That changed the day Hongjoong arrived, bloodied and in need of help.
With all the doctors unavailable, you, the only trainee present, seized the opportunity to showcase your skills by treating the pirate captain.
While he rested after you tended to his injury, Hongjoong overheard a conversation between you and your superior. Rather than receiving praise for your competent work, you were berated for not adhering to the rules and taking matters into your own hands.
Enraged by what he heard, he proposed taking you in as the crew doctor. Despite being aware of his pirate status, you agreed because no one had recognised and acknowledged your skills the way he did.
As time passed, you'd grown to harbour feelings for one another. Though neither of you openly admitted to them, the entire crew was well aware of the captain's undeniable affection for you. They often wondered when Hongjoong would muster the courage to confess.
You were used to him always watching out for you; he would go to great lengths, even pretending to be unwell just to stay near you. He'd reprimand other crewmates for inconveniencing you with their minor issues; a total hypocrite himself. It was hard for you to not realise the fact that he was clearly favouring you, especially when everyone aboard has been calling you 'the captain's favourite' since day one.
Except he would always be in denial whenever teased about it, despite his actions proving completely otherwise.
Now, waiting anxiously, he regretted not revealing his feelings sooner. The thought of you potentially dying without knowing his love haunted him. Reflecting on missed opportunities, he questioned why he hadn't uttered those three words earlier. What was holding him back? What was he so afraid of?
After what felt like an eternity, he was finally allowed to see you. Entering the room where you rested, he held his breath until relief flooded over him at the sight of your chest rising and falling steadily. He sat beside you, gently holding your hand to his face and pressing his lips against your palm, "Oh, thank god, you're okay."
Tears streamed down his face silently, oblivious to the fact that you'd awakened to his sobs. You smiled weakly, moving your fingers to wipe his wet cheeks, "Who would've thought? The mighty Captain Hongjoong is crying for me."
His head shot up immediately, a tearful chuckle escaping him and he nodded, "That's right. Do you see the power you have over me?" Taking a deep breath, he decided it was now or never, "I love you so much, you know that? You mean the world to me."
You nodded, "I love you too, captain. Thought you'd never admit it."
Leaning in, he kissed your lips softly, "I'll tell you I love you every day now if I have to. And I refuse to let anything like this happen again. You're moving to my quarters at once."
If you thought he was joking, you were mistaken. Things were about to change drastically. Consider yourself promoted from crew doctor to the captain's most valuable treasure, as if you weren't already.
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Now that we have Prince San, General Seonghwa, and Captain Hongjoong, I'm still contemplating what other roles to assign to the rest of the members.
Anyway, really hope you're all enjoying these imagines. Thanks for reading, and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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takes1 · 1 month
daichi forgetting his manners
hey pookies :O i'm baaack! this is just a drabble i had in reserves that i spruced up when i got back from training! i'm backed up on requests rn so i will be trying to get those up in the coming weeks! thanks for all the interaction while i was away aahh! <3
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warnings. lite!nsfw / minors dni. info. fem!reader / kinda wifey!reader / horny kissing / public displays of affection / sweaty!daichi / gruff daichi / 761 words full haikyuu collection/more daichi here. more links. my ao3. masterlist.
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You waited, patient in the doorway, your tied up present clasped in your neatly folded hands.
"I'm sure he'll love it," Kiyoko told you at once, when you revealed that your boyfriend had no idea you were going to show up today.
Even though you weren't hiding, he still didn't see you while they finished up their intense practice match. He was lazer-focused into the game. He called some plays, shouted at others to direct and organize the court. You had watched countless matches, but you could never hear him speak so clearly before from the stands - his Captain voice was an exciting sound, to say the least.
It was so impressive on the ground level. You leaned on the entrance, completely satisfied lingering for a while to observe.
They gathered on his command, exchanged a few words, then shouted and dispersed to jog over to their waters.
It looked like a tie, from what you could tell. Neither of the 'teams' looked done yet, but they were all huffy and puffy, with glazed-over expressions and soaked shirts.
You watched from a curious angle, still unnoticed, and drank up the way Daichi slicked his drenched hair back, chest heaving at irregular intervals while he balanced breathing and hydrating.
"They've been really pushing themselves, huh?" You spoke off-handedly to Kiyoko.
She nodded, "It takes a lot."
"Yeah..." You sighed, smiling, "It makes me tired just watching them."
Daichi's glanced over the others, gauging their energy levels. He counted as he did this, then threw his attention over and shouted at two freshmen to get away from the net and drink their water.
It was evident that he had to think the most out of everyone there. He was never off-guard, even when they took breaks.
"(Y/n)'s heerre," Suga was the first to notice your presence.
He gave a smirky, hard elbow to his friend's side and motioned to the door before he could get mad at his unnecessary force.
You waved back to a few guys who heard him too; a smile filled your face at their all of their sweet, small greetings from a few feet over.
Daichi threw his head back, a big, beautiful grin capturing all of his built-up exhaustion well. His shoulders stooped, his body language already more relaxed at the sight of you in your cute little outfit.
There wasn't a time you could recall him looking more happy to see you. It left you very glad that you decided to pop up, today.
"I thought you might need something extra, since you've been practicing longer," You managed to squeak out.
It was difficult now that everyone was watching, sitting, standing, stretching. They drank their waters, all curious to see what you brought their captain.
Though, it seemed like it was only your concern.
Daichi didn't slow down when he walked up on you. You only had a moment to prepare yourself for a kiss.
"Fuuck, I love you so much," He groaned, quiet, but not quiet enough.
He was hot and heavy as he wrapped a strong arm around your middle and pulled you forward into a clumsy, passionate kiss.
There was no option to evade it-- a powerful hand guided you up, up, up to his lips, the other slipping carelessly under the back of your blouse.
"Mmhn," He giggled onto your soft, glossy lips.
He tasted like salt- like liquid salt. You didn't mind that part-- your tenseness derived more so from the fact that he was slipping his tongue past your teeth and fisting your shirt up your middle back.
His shoulders were red-hot to the touch when you pushed back on them. Your heart raced at the risque public display.
Before he finally pulled away, he made sure to suck all the gloss off of your bottom lip.
"Whadd'ya bring me?" His voice was low, and his eyes only something you saw in the bedroom.
"Uh-," You shuddered.
Your delicate top was now a little wet from being pressed into him, and you handed the cute, tied up box to him.
Mouth still parted, your panicked eyes darted around his sleepy-looking face, and you caught your breath, fingers shakily wiping the spit from the corners of your mouth and chin. It was impossible for you to not look to your right, where you met a dozen pairs of eyes before they all looked away at once.
Daichi followed your eyeline straight to Ukai's stern frown.
He cleared his throat and stood up straighter; a soft, "Damn," left his still-glistening lips.
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miley1442111 · 5 months
Hi sorry to bother you but can you make a spencer reid x reader with the mute!reader and he helping her with everything.
Thank you so much sorry to bother you.
this is so cute! I did some research but I am nowhere near well-versed enough to know everything so please someone tell me if i've made a mistake !!!
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mutism- s.reid
a/n: intended for fem reader, but as always imagine what you like:)))))))))
summary: how you and spencer met, the first time spencer heard you speak, and a look into your life together :)
pairing: spencer reid x mute! reader
warnings: none
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You were mute. You knew sign language and could talk to specific people on very specific occasions. You’d had it since you were diagnosed at 4 years old and it truthfully wasn’t the end of the world, but it did suck to not have had a date at the age of 22. Not that you weren’t beautiful, not that people hadn’t tried, you just… didn’t speak. 
But, CalTech was amazing, you were a biology student and you loved it. You could just lock in, ignoring the world around you and spend time in the lab for hours on end. Though, you couldn’t exactly investigate the growth rate of organisms in a crowded college bar. 
“I’m getting another drink!” Your very drunk friend shouted over the voices in the bar. You nodded your head, staring down at your half-empty drink as you sighed. You wanted to be anywhere that wasn’t here, at this stupid bar. Your friend, Maria, was a party-animal. You two had been dorm mates for the last 3 years and she had started learning sign language from the first week. She’d brought you into her friend group, allowing you a group of about 7 girls who all had your back. 
Well, they usually had your back, just not while they were all drunk and hooking up with their partners in the bathrooms or in their dorms, which is what all of them were doing right now. 
A tall and lanky boy sat beside you on your left and your body went rigid, silently begging him to not try and talk to you. 
“Spencer, come on!” One of his rowdy friends shouted. Spencer. Spencer was very cute. He had long-enough hair, brown trousers with a tie and shirt on. He looked far too overdressed for a simple college bar and you smiled. 
He was more than cute, he was gorgeous. You were shocked you’d never seen him modelling.
“No, I’m tired,” he laughed at his friend. “Go dance without me!” His friend gave up, walking off to a group of equally lanky and nerdy boys, all attempting to dance. 
Another man sat on your right, the seat where Maria had sat and you were instantly filled with anxiety again. Maria was nowhere to be seen and there were two men beside you, either of them could easily start trying to talk to you and what would you do? Just write it down on a napkin? On your phone? 
You hadn’t had this problem in a very long time. 
“So, you come here often?” The guy on your right asked, a soft smile on his face. He seemed to be the typical frat boy, kind of asshole-y but nicer than others you’d met. You tried to ignore him, pulling out your phone and texting Maria, saying you were going home instead of staying out longer, but he persisted. “What’s your name?”
—---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spencer had been attempting to make conversation with you all year. He knew you were the smartest in your class, since he and your professor were friends and he often read over your papers. He thought you had the most beautiful mind, he didn’t even care what you looked like, he just wanted to know you. 
But, he had found out what you looked like from your photo online and he fell harder. You were gorgeous, smart, and interesting. He also knew you were mute. Back in your first year at college most people had just assumed that you were rude or too prideful to speak to certain people, and that you were getting special treatment from teachers by them letting you not present your projects. This meant your facilitators had to make an announcement to most of your classes, explaining why you didn’t speak. He saw your face one day as your professor explained to the class that you were mute, you looked so embarrassed and ashamed and he felt his heartbreak. He'd been embarrassed of his intelligence his whole life (but trust me, he knew that these were VERY different things) and he felt an uncertain connection to you. 
“She’s my girlfriend,” he tried to sound intimidating to the guy but he knew he wasn’t exactly a beefy 6 '2 frat boy.
The frat boy got the message. 
You felt sick, Spencer was speaking for you and all of it could’ve gone to shit if that frat boy hadn’t gotten the hint. You quickly got up, looked at Spencer and signed ‘thank you’ and practically ran through the door, just wanting to get back to your dorm, 
“Umm, wait!” Spencer followed you out to the car park and you turned to face him, feeling hot under his gaze despite the cold, dark night around you both. “I’m S-Spencer, sorry if that was really weird but I wanted him to l-leave you alone, I-I know who you are a-and… yeah.”
He knew who you were? You looked at him confused. 
“Professor Monk! I help with his corrections sometimes, I’ve read your papers, they’re really good,” he smiled. “C-can I get your number or something?” Something like panic flashed over his features, clearly shocked at his own words. 
You took out your phone and wrote out “I seriously doubt I’d be much fun, I don’t talk,” you showed it to him, and he chuckled. 
“I know sign language,” He smiled and your heart swelled. You didn’t know it now, but on your wedding day, he would admit that it was a very big lie. 
You held out your hand for his phone and he handed it over, you punched in your number and that was the start of your beautiful love story. 
Through your life together, Spencer was always there for you, there to calm you down, speak for you, be there for you, and to love you.
The first night he heard you speak was a year and half into your relationship, it was purely accidental on your part, genuinely comfortable enough to just speak and you did. 
“You’re so funny,” you quietly said between his and your own laughter. His own smile grew, while your face heated. 
“You spoke,” he observed, holding you from behind, his taller figure engulfing yours. “You have a nice voice.”
You whispered a meek “thank you” and he could’ve sworn that his heart grew three sizes. He didn’t want to push you, he just kissed you on the cheek and continued on with his cooking while he internally freaked out. Despite being together so long, you still found ways to fluster and surprise him. The majority of the time, he spent feeling like a schoolboy with how smitten he was with you. 
So, you knew Spencer would always have your back, always love you, and always care.
He promised you so on your wedding day.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, obx+)
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mushiemellows · 7 months
These mf’s need a better name than Old Strawhat Polycule but I will present regardless
Franky and Robin need no introduction. She finds him interesting and a good dose of silly guy cures the depression like nothing else. If a man (35, blue hair, pronouns, naked, craftsman, surfer, local union representative) built me a fish tank and a library, I too could simply not resist. He thinks she’s the most gorgeous beautiful stunning intelligent funny wise woman in the entire world because she is.
Robin and Brook, likewise, ooooo the macabre appeal of the hanahone ship. She licks him in the way that archeologists lick rocks and bones to figure out if they are a rock or a bone and she thinks it’s a funny joke every time. He thinks she’s the most gorgeous beautiful stunning intelligent funny wise woman in the entire world because she is. When they go to the beach he buries himself halfway in the sand and she digs him back up and she thinks it’s sooooo funny every time.
Brook and Franky lay stoned on the deck noodling their guitars and they’re like when two rockstars kiss on stage. Brook stands there like an anatomical model when Franky’s gotta crack open the hood and points to stuff. They’ve got the same strand of “lived in isolation on an abandoned ship” disease but Brook’s just for it 9x as bad (50 years to Franky’s 4). Sometimes they make Franky run on Milk to see what it does (you DONT want to see Milk Franky)
Jinbei 👏 and 👏 Franky both love 👏 SUNNY!!!! They get her, and to understand Sunny is to Understand Franky and he stands there and he watches Jinbei drive his car like the master that he is and it makes him Feel Things. They listen to dad rock. They go surfing together. They go snorkeling together. They go fishing together. They go to 2pm Wednesday half priced movies together. They go bowling together. They share a shirt collection.
Robin and Jinbei free political prisoners!!! The thinks he’s handsome, she thinks he’s kind, she thinks he’s Just. She thinks he’s admirable. They organize protests, they attend community meetings, they figure out direct action. She’s kissing fish men and it’s making the papers for the revolutionary act that it is (and the papers can’t even comprehend when Franky Kisses Him). He thinks she’s the most gorgeous beautiful stunning intelligent funny wise woman in the entire world because she IS!
Brook And Jinbei used to Go to Chilis together but then chilis got rid of the 2 for 25 deal (because of inflation) so they’re a little mad about it and are taking direct action against the banks. And trying to find a new restaurant to go to. They’re considering getting into lawn bowling/bocce because bowling nights with everyone are getting too expensive (because inflation is too high! $75 for 4 people to bowl for an hour????? We can have bowling at home!!) but it’s not the same.
And then they all pile up when they sleep too because a cuddle pile ain’t just for the younger crew
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raekensluver · 25 days
rekindled bonds (2)
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introduction, part one, part two,
description: you and spencer are paired together for a hotel stay but theres only one bed...
pairing: spencer reid x bau agent!fem!reader
contains: talks of typical criminal minds violence, fluff, one bed trope
song rec: lovers rock by TV girl- "you like a pretty boy, with a pretty voice."
w.c: 2.3k
an: one more part to go! i'm a sucker for the cliche what can i say?
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months had passed since your first harrowing case, and over time, the bond between you and spencer had grown stronger. the late nights at the office, poring over case files and bouncing ideas off each other, had turned into a routine that felt as natural as breathing. outside of work, you'd discovered shared interests, from obscure documentaries to a mutual love for a quiet cup of tea.
spencer had become your confidant, someone who knew the real you, not just the tough exterior you presented to the world. he had a way of peeling back the layers with his soft-spoken wit and disarming smile. it was in those moments, when you were both exhausted from the weight of the job, that you found the most comfort in his company.
his quirks had grown on you—his endless supply of facts, his meticulous organization, and the way he'd chew on the end of his pen when he was deep in thought. it was in those quiet moments, surrounded by the chaos of an ongoing case, that you realized how much you'd missed having someone who truly knew you.
you remembered the summers spent at his mother's house, the two of you running wild through the neighbourhood, coming up with imaginative games that lasted for hours. the way his eyes would light up when you'd introduce a new twist to a story, or how you'd sit for what felt like an eternity, trying to solve the puzzles he'd pull out from under his bed. those memories were like a warm blanket, a reminder of simpler times when the biggest challenge was keeping up with his boundless intellect.
now, standing in the lobby of a hotel late at night, you couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu as you both looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. the fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a sterile glow over the plush, overly patterned couches. the scent of stale coffee and a faint hint of cleaning solution filled the air, a stark contrast to the excitement of the outside world. the team had just returned from a long day of interviews and surveillance, and the weariness was etched on each of their faces. spencer leaned against the reception desk, his tie loose, and his shirt slightly wrinkled from the day's exertions.
the lobby was mostly empty, save for a few bleary-eyed travelers checking in or out, and the occasional yawn from the night clerk. the silence was only broken by the muffled sounds of the television in the corner, broadcasting the latest news story about the case that had consumed you all for weeks. it was a grim reminder of the gravity of the situation, of the lives hanging in the balance of your investigations. yet, amidst the somber atmosphere, spencer's eyes found yours, and for a brief moment, you shared a look that spoke volumes without saying a word.
prentiss looked around at the team, a hint of exhaustion in her voice. "alright, everyone. we're all booked into the same floor. try to get some rest tonight. we've got an early start tomorrow." the team nodded in unison, dispersing to collect their keys from the desk. as you approached, the clerk looked up, a friendly smile on his face. "you two together?" he asked, holding out a single keycard with a flourish.
spencer opened his mouth to correct him, but you were too tired to bother. "yes," you said with a yawn. his eyes widened slightly, but he said nothing. the clerk handed over the card, not noticing the unspoken tension. "you're in room 314. have a good night."
you both turned towards the elevator, the echo of your footsteps the only sound in the deserted hallway. "you know, spencer," you began as you stepped inside the small metal box, "i hope you're okay with this." you nodded towards the card in your hand. "i just sort of…assumed."
spencer's cheeks flushed slightly, and he shrugged. "it's fine, really," he said, his voice barely above a murmur. "i mean, we've known each other for years. it's not like we haven't shared a room before." but his eyes searched yours, looking for any sign of discomfort or doubt.
you couldn't help but smile, the warmth of his words spreading through you like a gentle embrace. "true," you agreed, "but it's been a long time since we've had a sleepover." you playfully nudged his shoulder, trying to lighten the mood. the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open, revealing the quiet, carpeted corridor of the third floor.
as you made your way down the hall, spencer glanced at the room numbers, counting under his breath. "just a few more," he murmured. the anticipation grew with each step, the weight of the day's events and the looming case pressing down on you like a thick, suffocating blanket. finally, you reached room 314.
you inserted the keycard, the lock clicking open with a sense of finality. as you pushed the door, it swung inward to reveal a modestly sized room with a king-sized bed dominating the space. a small living area, with a couch that looked suspiciously small, was neatly tucked into the corner. a small, round table held a coffeemaker and a couple of mugs, along with a few complimentary packets of instant coffee. the curtains were drawn, allowing the streetlights to cast a soft glow across the room.
spencer hovered in the doorway, his suitcase still in hand. "i can take the couch," he offered, his voice tentative. but the thought of him being uncomfortable on a makeshift bed was too much for you to bear after the long day you'd had.
you rolled your eyes playfully and padded over to him, taking the suitcase. "spencer, you're being ridiculous. we're both adults, and we can handle sharing a bed." you said, your tone firm but gentle. "plus, we have a big day tomorrow. we need our rest." you added, a smirk playing at the corners of your mouth.
his eyes searched yours for a moment, looking for any hint of insincerity. but all he found was the same reassuring warmth that had been there since the day you'd met. with a sigh, he relented, allowing you to take the suitcase and set it by the bed. "thank you," he mumbled, his cheeks still flushed.
spencer began to unpack, laying out his clothes for the next day with meticulous care. you couldn't help but chuckle at his fastidiousness, a stark contrast to your own haphazard pile on the chair. as he folded his shirt with the precision of a seasoned military man, you moved to the bathroom to change into your pajamas. the sound of running water filled the small space as you washed your face and brushed your teeth, the coolness of the water a welcome reprieve from the day's tension.
as you emerged from the bathroom, spencer was sitting on the edge of the bed, already changed into simple sweatpants and a t-shirt his glasses perched on the nightstand. with gentle, practiced movements, he removed his contact lenses, the brief look of vulnerability making him seem younger than his years. the way his eyes squinted slightly as he gently rubbed them clean brought back a flood of memories—his first pair of glasses, the way he'd squinted at the board in school, the excitement of discovering a new book that had kept him up all night.
you climbed into the bed, the softness enveloping you like a much-needed hug. the coolness of the sheets was a balm against your overheated skin, and you sighed in relief. "good night, spencer," you murmured, rolling onto your side to face the wall, away from the soft glow of the lamp sitting on spencers bedside table.
spencer slid in beside you, his movements careful and deliberate, as if trying not to disturb the fragile peace that had settled over the room. "good night," he echoed, his voice barely a whisper. for a few moments, the only sound was the steady rhythm of your breathing, the quiet hum of the air conditioner, and the distant murmur of the city that never sleeps.
despite the exhaustion that tugged at the edges of your consciousness, your mind raced with the details of the case, piecing together the puzzle that had brought you to this unassuming hotel room. the weight of the gun at your side was a constant reminder of the danger that lurked just outside the door.
spencer seemed to sense your restlessness, he reached over and placed a comforting hand on your arm. his touch warm and grounding. "try to sleep," he said, his voice soothing. "we'll tackle it all in the morning." his eyes searched yours in the dim light, and you could see the genuine concern reflected in their depths.
his hand remained there for a moment longer before retreating, leaving a lingering warmth in its wake. you felt his eyes on you as you rolled onto your back, staring up at the ceiling. the silence stretched out, each second feeling like an eternity as you both lay there, lost in your own thoughts.
you took a deep breath, breaking the quiet. "do you remember, spencer, when we were about ten years old, and we used to take those walks around the neighborhood?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "the ones where we'd stay out until the streetlights came on?"
his breath hitched, and you felt his eyes on you again. "yes," he replied, a soft smile in his voice. "we'd talk about everything. it was like our own little escape from the world."
you nodded, feeling his gaze still on you. "we'd make up stories about the people we'd see," you continued, your voice a little wistful. "like that old man with the three cats, we were convinced he was a retired secret agent."
spencer chuckled, the sound low and rumbling. "i remember that. we'd spend hours planning how we'd infiltrate his house and find his secret lair." his voice grew softer, a hint of nostalgia painting his words. "you always had such a wild imagination."
you felt a smile tug at your lips. "yeah, and you were always the one who knew every possible escape route." you rolled onto your side to face him, propping your head up with your hand. "it's funny how things come full circle, isn't it?" you mused. "now we're actually solving mysteries together."
spencer's eyes searched yours in the dim light, his smile mirroring yours. "it is," he agreed. "i never thought we'd end up here, but i'm grateful we did." his voice was soft, filled with a quiet intensity that seemed to charge the very air between you. "i've missed having someone to share all this with."
his words hung in the air, and you felt your heart swell with an emotion you hadn't expected. "me too," you whispered, the confession slipping out before you could stop it. the warmth in his gaze grew, and for a moment, you forgot about the case, about the dangers that lurked just outside the hotel room door. you were just two old friends, sharing a bed in the quiet of the night.
spencer's hand found its way back to your arm, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your skin. the sensation was soothing, a gentle reminder that you weren't alone in this world, that you had someone who understood you in a way that few ever could. "we've come a long way, haven't we?" he said, his voice filled with a sense of wonder.
you nodded, feeling the warmth of his hand seep into your very bones. "we have," you murmured, your eyes never leaving his. the room was still, the only sound the steady beating of your hearts, echoing in the quiet like a secret code that only the two of you could understand.
you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the day finally begin to lift. "good night, spencer," you said, your voice softer than you'd intended. his eyes searched yours, a silent conversation passing between you, filled with unspoken truths and the comfort of old friendship.
spencer's hand paused on your arm, his thumb making lazy circles. "good night," he replied, his voice thick with something unidentifiable. you watched as he reached up to switch off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. the sudden absence of light made your heart skip a beat, and you could hear the rustle of fabric as he settled into the bed beside you.
you didn't know how much time had passed when you were jolted awake by the shrill ring of the alarm clock. the room was bathed in early morning light, and spencer's arm was draped over your waist, his body curled towards yours. it was a position that spoke of trust and familiarity, and for a moment, you couldn't remember where you were. but the weight of his hand on your hip brought everything rushing back—the case, the hotel, the gravity of the situation.
you gently nudged him awake, the warmth of his skin lingering even as he shifted away to silence the alarm. the room felt smaller somehow, the air charged with something new and unspoken. you both sat up, rubbing sleep from your eyes, and spencer looked over at you with a sheepish grin. "sorry," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "i didn't mean to…"
you waved off his apology with a laugh. "it's fine," you said, the sound bouncing off the walls. "i didn't exactly have nightmares with you as a human teddy bear." you swung your legs over the side of the bed, the coolness of the floor a jolt to your system. spencer's gaze followed your movements, his eyes lingering for a moment before he cleared his throat and stood, moving to the window to pull back the curtains.
the cityscape outside was bathed in a soft, early morning light, the buildings casting long shadows over the quiet streets. "we should get ready," he said, his voice still a little gruff from sleep. "we have a lot to do today."
taglist: @yokaimoon
edited: 8/30/24
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pablitogavii · 11 months
I was wondering if u can do another of Gavi being Obsessed w Readers boobs but make it more spicy?
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You were on your "girl days" feeling very sore and annoyed with every little thing. Pablo could quickly notice whenever you were on "these days" because you would become extra clingy begging him to baby you more so than usual.
Gavi didn't mind, he loved when you got needy, and secretly felt useful only when he could help you during your girl days. Other times, you were the most efficient and organized person he knows.
"Where is mi niña preciosa??? I'm home, amor!" Pablo came in with a bouquet of red roses interrupting your reading but you smield wide when you saw his little present.
"Are these for me, cariño???" you asked all excited as he kneeled in fornt of you placing the flowers into your lap.
"Are there any other princesas in this household???" he asked and you giggled shaking your head as he smirked proudly kissing your forehead and then your lips. That's when his eyes stole a glance of your cleavage...and dear God were they looking swollen and big!!!
Gavi felt stupid for letting his hormones control him but he couldn't stop staring at them while licking his hungry lips. It was no secret he was quite fond of your breasts, but right now it was more than liking them...he was craving them badly!!!
"Amor? Why are they so big??" Pablo asked and you looked down blushing shyly knowing that they often get like that when you were on your period due to hormones. You rarely wore tank tops during that time so Pablo never really noticed until now...and he was definitely liking it a lot!!!
"Please tell me you didn't do anything to my girls!? I like them natural and perfect!!" he said and you laughed shaking your head and secretly screaming that he liked you just the way you were...natural.
"Your girls are bigger because of my hormones right now, bebé...they swell and ache a little" you explain not expecting Pablo to snake his hand underneath your shirt and touch them ever so gently.
"Do they hurt you right now princesa???" he asks seeing you sigh in relaxation as he carefully massaged them being careful not to be rough with you right now. (there will be other times for that ;))
"Mhm..." you moaned because truth be told you also get very horny during your periods wanting all of Pablo's attention all the god damn time!!!
"Does this help, hm bebé?" he said now lifting your shirt more, moving the flowers to the side and bringing his lips to your perky nipple starting to suck on it.
"Oh P..Pablo..y..yes..p..please don't stop!!!" you moan feeling all the tension in your heavy breast being released as his skilled tongue wrapped around your nipple and his veiny hand massage around the sore areasss.
He quickly scooped you in his arms and carried you to the bedroom. After laying you down he took off your top completely as well as his own laying on top of you and continuing to suck diligently.
You were laying there completely relaxed noticing the bulge in Pablo's pants as he tried to readjust it with his hand while still giving you all the pleasure you craved.
"Um..I..I'm sorry..we can't do it a..amor.." you said in a shaking voice feeling bad that Pablo is left unsatisfied right now thinking of the ways to pay him back when the girls days end.
"Shhh..don't worry about me guapa...just relax and let me ease up the pain so you can nap" he spoke not caring about himself but getting enough pleasure knowing he was helping you right now.
"Mmmm t..they feel so good now" you said as all the soreness vanished and Pablo kissed up your neck to your lips nuzzling his face into your neck while one of his hands still held your exposed breast.
"Nap princesa...your man in right here" he whispered and you finally closed your eyes smiling wide and enjoying the way Pablo's hand felt holding your breast as his body molded into yours.
Short but spicy ;)))
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So I've seen a lot of 'Hop actively dislikes and distrusts Steve', 'Hop tolerates Steve because he's useful during UD shenanigans but doesn't like him', and the big swing to 'Hop has adopted Steve as his own and treats him the same/almost the same as he does El'
BUT, I present:
Hop pseudo adopts Steve because when he and Owens were trying to get the Harringtons to make any decisions about their teenager who saw some sketchy shit and may need government testing they legally gave Hop the rights to act in loco parentis and he takes that seriously because he doesn't want another Will Byers and he's pretty sure the Harrington kid has a concussion.
Hop who stays involved just enough in Steve's life season 1-3 that we the audience see Steve is getting attached. But Hop just sees an annoying kid who won't leave him alone when he's trying to deal with a rebellious psychic and her insane little friends and keeps asking stupid questions about highschool romance and teenage rivalry drama. Knows Joyce Byers doesn't like the kid but won't give a lot of reason why but he's mostly learned to trust that woman's judgement about people. Still gets him the job at Scoops when the kid's dad makes a stink about college and tells him if he survives a few months there he'll consider bringing him on the force, makes sense to keep him close and in a position to help should shit hit the fan again.
Hop who doesn't get it when Steve is one of the most relieved when he 'comes back to life' after Joyce and Murray bring him back from Russia. When Steve introduces him as "My Hop," (something he'd taken to calling him just before season 2 shenanigans) to his sarcastic, fidgety little friend like it means something. The girl, Robin, looks between the two of them and gets this sad look on her face for a second before smiling and shaking his hand and saying something about "Dingus has told me all about you".
Hop who complains to Murray one of the times The Party and assorted teens and adults are over at his renovated and expanded cabin (courtesy of Owens and shady government organizations recognizing these people are worth investing in, heavily if omens are to be believed) when the bald annoyance asks about what's up on there. Complains about having annoying teenagers who have nothing better to do but pester him legally put under his supervision cause their parents can't be assed to care and are spoiled little shits who are slightly more bearable versions of said parents cause he can stand toe to toe with one of those monsters they faced and the kids kind of listen to him. Complains about barely being able to breathe cause of regular visits and check-ins like Hop was still responsible for him. Says at least the extra hands are useful around the cabin what with the still healing up and El pacing herself after the showdown with Creel and still trying to find Max and the Byers not quite moved back to Hawkins yet.
Hop who doesn't realize that Steve hears every word cause he had gone looking for the older man when he disappeared for more than a few minutes, when he couldn't see him to make sure he was here and safe and alive. Steve who thought Hop actually had come to care for him in his own gruff way and had confessed to Robin that in a lot of ways the way Hop has taken care of him makes him the closest thing to the father figure he's always wanted but never thought he'd get to have. Steve who hears Murray hum and recollect a visit from Nancy and Jonathan where their romance officially started (he vaguely knows about the visit, didn't realize that's what happened, didn't realize she couldn't be bothered to even do the decent/considerate thing before moving on to something better) because it seemed it was a pattern he was seeing 'people liked Steve, but people didn't love Steve'.
Hop who hears a choked sound like someone taking a claw to the gut and turns to see Harrington. Steve Harrington his bandages just peeking out from the collar of his shirt and the opening of his sleeves. (He never did get the stories behind those, too busy being fussed over and being told about the kids and how they were doing as Harrington played babysitter) Steve Harrington a kid who went through hell and still managed to smile and laugh and stand tall and unyielding looking at him with a blank face his eyes misty and his shoulders starting to curl in on himself before he clears his throat, chokes out that he just wanted to make sure Hop was alright but looks like Murray had everything under control. He'd go now, get out of his hair, let him rest, let him breathe. Steve Harrington who walks away with purpose like a man on a mission and doesn't acknowledge the kids calling out asking if he's alright, make sure he has his walkie talkie on him.
Hop, who realizes maybe he left behind two kids who missed (needed) him. Who wonders who took care of Harrington's paperwork when he was concussed and sedated because he was bleeding out and feverish from infection and Hop was busy at the cabin reveling in the comfort and warmth of his daughter and the woman he loved and her two sons who were fast becoming like his own. Hop, who realizes too late that maybe if he'd given the kid half a chance he could have had 3 sons to sit with him and his daughter and the woman he loved as they basked in surviving another end-of-the-world. Hop who has spent years barely giving a damn about Steve Harrington and realizes that he's no better than the kid's own parents.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4.1
Part 4.2
Part 5
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semicolonsspace · 9 months
Him (your favorite) (Stiles//Dylan O'Brien)
No use of names. Just pet names and Y/n.
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Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Roleplay, unprotected sex, edging, begging, praise kink, degradation kink, Bondage (use of handcuffs), breeding kink, stretch kink(?), mommy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, subspace.
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"Honey, I'm home," he yells as he shuts the door. He would always do this, he would always say it's 'hilarious'. Y/n found it humorous so soon after they made it a thing she started doing it as well. But except she put her spin onto it, talking like a 1940s housewife that just got back running errands.
Y/n rounds the corner to the front door. She was wearing his favorite, his T-shirt and shorts— or at least he thought she was wearing some; She wasn't. She was doing errands around the house in his shirt—Which mostly consisted of organizing the new room they had just renovated— more like Y/n renovated because she wanted it to be perfect!
"Hello, dear," she says in her housewife's voice. He laughs at her and pulls her in by the hips to kiss her. His hands snaked under the shirt she wore and slapped her ass when he realized she was only wearing underwear and his shirt. "You tryna kill me today?" He asks in a guttural groan. Her forehead rested on his as she smiled lovingly at her boyfriend of two wonderful years. "Not currently."
He gave her a playful shrewd look. "I think I'm already dead, then," he hums suggestively as he pulls hair out of her face, then resting his hand to cup it. His soft touch sent a chill down her spine as she stared up at him with lust that was masked by playfulness. "Oh, yeah?" She starts as she bats her eyelashes. "Well, I guess I might have to resurrect you."
He looked intrigued by her choice of words, choosing a decision for himself he indulged her humorous antics. "How so?"
"By laying you on my sacrificial altar bed and extracting your life force fluids," she jokingly purrs at him. That seemed good enough for him because he slung her body over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. As he walked he shreaded his layers then threw her on their bed.
Y/n scolded him for being so careless, as she almost hit her head on the metal bed frame. She pulls him down, and pulls his shirt off effortlessly—as she had done it so many times before due to the numerous times of "catching up sex" they had due to his work. She pins his pale buffed arms to the mattress while speaking. "Now, baby. Don't you remember how I said 'I' have to extract some fluids?"
He looks up at her and smirks. He decided to indulge her roleplay and started improvising lines. "Please, don't hurt me— I'll be good— you said you needed fluids, take my spit anything but my blood!" He whined with feigning horror. But she knew he was aroused, she could feel it— feel his 7-inch cock pressing— begging to be drained by her— and if he was lucky he could have her cunt to grip her tight.
Y/n chuckles darkly, something he thought was too authentic to be in their present roleplay. "I never specified which fluid I needed, dummy."
His eyes widened when he 'realized' what she meant. "By all means, go ahead— just don't kill me— please—" he begged once more. Y/n plants a soft kiss on his pointed elf-like nose as if saying 'good.'
That led to having him cuffed to the bed for hours. Her hand wrapped around his cock— jerking it just to stop before he would release. She wanted him to explode when he did so. And she wanted it to be inside of her. She wanted to feel the familiarity of the thick warm liquid rife her up just for it to enter her cervix. She was on the pill, plus she had a few boxes of plan B she liked to keep a stack of.
"Mama! Please! Just let me cum! I'll be good!" He screams, fake tears streaming from his eyes. Some of them were genuine tears from how delicious the pleasure was.
"Will you be my little ingredient holder?" She tilted her head as she spoke, speaking in the most condescending tone she could muster. "I need lots of human sperm to make my potions, would you like that? For me to milk you dry every day?"
He lets out a guttural groan that she didn't think was part of the roleplay. This was purely him. He was enjoying every bit of this, lapping up all the attention his girlfriend gave her.
The last statement was proved by his hips thrusting into her hips in an attempt to chase his orgasm. She stops and rubs his stomach. "How many times was that? 6 times? 6 potential orgasms just for me to stop... That makes me powerful don't you think? To have the ability to stop you from doing something your body chases? It's okay though, you'll get it soon."
Then her cunt was hovering over his red cock that was tortured for the last 2 hours. He nodded eagerly as he babbled how much he needed her to finish him off— to give her the "ingredient" she needed. She sat on him, wincing at how big he was, Every time she had him in her at first she would always be shocked by how much he stretched her fluttering walls.
"Going to be the best ingredient ever— make the strongest potion," she praises, continuing their little roleplay. He didn't seem to be acting anymore due to the immense pleasure, mostly just him begging for mercy for her to finish him off finally.
"For fucks sake— please just ride me, mama— need it," he whines, actual tears falling down his face. He was ruined— disheveled. And she felt glorious; she had done that. She had made him feel so divine just for her to deny his unholy release six whole times.
Y/n clicks her tongue and slaps his chest slightly, before reaching back and squeezing his balls. By his reaction she knew it was painful from how much he groaned— a different type of groan— he needed that release and she was just toying with him— She had been toying with him this whole time. "Next time you won't finish. I may need the ingredient but I can always use other fluids," she warns darkly.
He seemed to get that she was still roleplaying and nodded, breathing a sorry that was soon sucked in as she started hopping on him, his dick curve hitting her spot every time she sheathed onto him.
Her hands rested on his pecs before finding his nipples and tugging on them harshly. "Pretty boy looks so good fucked out for me," she whispers into his ear, her one hand caressing his sweaty hair. "Only for you." His eyes flutter, his mouth staying open. She kissed him— now instead of hopping, she was rocking into him, which seemed more sensual to them as they moaned in sync, telling each other they loved each other, completely forgetting about the roleplay. Now it was just the couple of two years that have lived with each other for eleven months.
Y/n reaches for the cuffs and he shakes his head while begging a no. "Keep them on, please," he moans.
Her mouth forms a smile before opening from the pleasure. She gets an idea so they both have what they want. "Wanna feel you touch me," she says uncuffing one singular cuff. His hand immediately finds her hip while his hips thrust into her—seeming like he was trying to gain control.
"Fucking being a brat for not letting me cum, baby," he groans as he pinches her nipple. She smiles at him before kissing his neck. "Good," she whispers, before unlatching the other cuff. Then she was flipped on her stomach, her ass in the air, her face buried in the mattresses as he plunged his abused cock into her. "Oh, you feel so good—way better than your hand, that's for damn sure," he murmurs breathily. Y/n was clawing at the mattress, bratty almost pornographic moans being muffled into the light grey satin sheets.
She lifts her head finally, positioning her body to arch, her elbows propping her up as he continued to rail her pussy into oblivion. "Cum in me— wanna feel you-"
He cuts her off before she continues with a humorous moaning chuckle. "Trust me, I'm gonna fucking milk every fuckin' drop inside this pussy, gonna stuff it full so you can carry my baby," he growls, making his thrust harder to punch— not kiss— her cervix. She squeals as a sudden wave of intense pleasure knocks her out. Her vision faded black and he coaxed her, his thrust becoming sloppy before he stilled in her. He doubles over from the climax, whispering praises into her ear. "S'good, I love you so much, honey," was all she could make out.
She thought he was the one who was going to be exhausted but he kept going, his cock continuing to piston inside of her for round two. She was more than okay with it, letting him use her just how he wanted; he deserved it.
By the time he stuffs her brim full with a second orgasm, she is on her back. The cum oozed out of her cunt as he pestered wet-sloppy and open-mouth kisses all over her neck and chest. She was bound to have marks all over her in the morning. "Look at that, baby," he says as he plays with his release around the hole. He was still inside, his finger lapping up the release and stuffing it back into her.
"Fuck, don't do that, or we're doing a round three," y/n squeals. He smiles cheekily at her and stuffs his finger into her again.
His cock and his finger were both inside, stretching her to limits she never thought she would be able to with him. Then he starts thrusting slowly, his vacant hand holding her ankle in the air so he can have maximum access to his favorite toy.
"We need to get those ankle holders like hospitals have so I can fuck you better," he says between grunts. "Or a fuck machine so I can get payback."
At the mention of the machine, she screams, especially because he removes his finger and presses it onto her stomach. "Scream for me again, baby: tell the whole fuckin' neighborhood I'm breeding my little whore again."
And she did, she couldn't take his rough thrust with his hand pushing on her stomach, it made her tighter— sensitive. But she could not bring herself to stop such amazing pleasure.
His stamina never seemed to shock Y/n. It did at first, having to beg her to eat her out. She let him, barely saying no simply because it was a win-win. He would always say "I get pleasure from eating my girl out, I don't need anything else." Which she loved, it almost became a love language for him to do so. While she answer emails for her stay-at-home job—when he was home that is— he would rarely pass an opportunity to either 1: eat her out or two: fuck her while she worked— and trust the universe, he made sure she would take it while working whatever she did on her computer.
He soon got tired of the position and pulled her by her thighs, manhandling her and flipping her back on her stomach. Y/n pushed herself down the bed, her feet touching the ground in front of him. He pushed himself back in, his hands grabbing her hips so he could pull her back onto him repeatedly. His thrust was a little harder, exactly how she wanted right now, making loud pleasured moans to leave her lips— along with many praise for him for how good he made her feel.
She then pushes herself off, causing them both to stand, he gets the hint and pulls her close, grabbing by the throat to choke her. Her vision fades a bit, from the pleasure of his cock hitting her cervix and his slender hand stifling air from her throat. "I love you, honey. 'Missed you at work; 'Could only think of my beautiful girl all alone at home," he says between moans. "My good fucking girl," he growls as he moves her hair from her face just to return to her throat. His thrust never faltered either, his words, and admiration, all pushing her over the edge so hard she went limp. "Did I fuck you too dumb, baby? Awe, my poor baby." He then pushes her face back into the mattress, spreading her cheeks to gain better access to his cock moving into her pussy repeatedly. "Take me so well," he groans, massaging the fatty flesh of her rump.
Y/n was too far into subspace to talk. She could barely even comprehend his dirty words, plus the painful pleasure she had from overstimulation of her recent orgasm was going straight to her head.
He continues to fuck her, eventually picking her back up and carrying her to the bathroom—while fucking her. Her arms wrap around his shoulder lazily, his hands steadily gripping her ass to push her onto his cock repeatedly. He lays her down in the huge circle bathtub, turning the water on and continuing his work to chase his own orgasm. "Baby, fucking love you and your pussy, both of my girls make me so happy," he then doubles over, his face going for her neck, stifled whimpers escaping his mouth traveling from her neck to her ears.
Y/n holds him, her hands rubbing his back as he finishes for the third time inside of her. "I love you too, dear," she whispers. He whimpers causing her to chuckle. "Too sensitive?" She asks, feeling his dick twitch inside of her. He nods into her and she splashes water onto his body. "You wanna take a nap in the bathtub?"
He moves his face to look at her with a dumbfounded expression. "Honey, as much as I love being in your embrace, I don't want to risk you drowning."
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stickthisbig · 1 year
I've started conducting job interviews at work now? It's terrifying but it turns out I'm really good at it? So if interviewing is daunting, here is my advice from the other side of the table. It turned out to be very long, so here's a cut.
When you apply:
Oh my god please spell check your resume, I beg of you.
Gimmicks absolutely will not help you. You will get so much farther with a resume that is neatly formatted and a cover letter that is straight to the point.
Make sure you count all your experience!! Internships and fellowships count as experience!! The computer system will reject you and I'll never see it in the first place!!
After you've gotten the interview:
If you're trying to get a job in a field you've never worked in (as most of the people I interview are), break down your former employment or experience into the skills you used and keep that information at hand. You used to work in food service? You have experience in delivering an experience at a high quality with basically no margin for error, and you work well under pressure. You were a telemarketer? You have experience at following a workflow and deescalating conflict.
We and every other job WILL be asking you about a. conflict management and deescalation (have examples for how you resolve conflict with coworkers, clients, and bosses) b. personal time management (how you stay organized and on schedule) c. what you do when you realize you can't handle a problem by yourself d. your strengths and weaknesses (see below) Just go on and have an answer ready. You will be asked. There will be questions you're not prepared for. Be prepared for these.
Do a little googling about the company/organization. What will become extremely clear to you immediately is whether they're going to care about you caring about the mission. Some businesses don't. Every non-profit and every government agency does. If they seem like they care, you should pretend to care.
Ask all your questions of the person who is scheduling the interview. I don't recommend trying to figure out who will be your boss and contacting them. Everybody's very busy all the time, none of us are hiring specialists, and we're using the HR staff to act as our buffer. You will look like a nuisance, not a go-getter.
Do look at a map and figure out where you're going. It's vastly preferable to call an hour ahead and say you're unsure where to go than call ten minutes late and say you're lost.
When you walk into the office:
I personally don't give a fast fuck if you come empty handed, but some interviewers HATE that, so definitely bring a notebook and a pen. It's no longer necessary to bring paper copies of your resume. If you're going to interview a lot, may I recommend dropping five or ten bucks on a sketchbook at Michaels or similar? It looks polished and also you can actually use it for things. If you need to write notes to help you remember anything from above, it's okay to write them down. Anybody who would ding you for that isn't someone you need to work for.
If you don't know what to wear: black or khaki pants, nice shirt. Preferably a blazer, but that's optional at entry level imho. Lately I'm finding that the men's sections in thrift stores have better selections? If you've got big hips, you can slit the sides of a men's dress shirt up to your waistline and tuck it in. If you have to come in jeans, wear a belt. If you only have a t-shirt, make sure it's clean and tuck it in. You don't have to prove to me you have money to get this job; you just have to prove to me that you are taking this opportunity seriously by presenting yourself neatly, because you will be expected to be dressed neatly at work.
My sibling in Christ beloved child of God, be polite to every fucking person you see. Oh my god I cannot stress to you how polite you need to be. I cannot believe that this is a thing I have to say, but I sure do! If it's close between you and another person, that snippy comment you made on the elevator WILL lose you that job. Ditto for if they walk you around to meet people. Just be THE politest motherfucker.
When you walk into the room:
When you sit down, what you are looking at is one person who is running the interview, twoish people who are related to your job, and sometimes also someone from HR, unless HR does all the interviewing. One of these people wants to be your hype man. If it's my office, it's me, I'm hype man. I want to have a dialogue with you to see how prepared you are and how good of a communicator you are. I want this interview to go fast and seamless. I'm in your corner. Don't play to the guy who's actively staring off into space. Focus on the interviewer who's most focused on you.
NEVER downplay your own experience. Getting a job you're underqualified for is a problem for future you. If you only have internships, or you only have retail, or you only have food service, or you only have work study, fuck it. You walk in there and act like you've been the goddamn president. The question of your qualifications and the question of your experience are separate. Never act like your experience doesn't count because it's in a "lesser" field.
EVERY. TIME. you are asked about your weaknesses, explain how you have used them for growth. Do not wait to be asked, just slap it in there. One of my biggest weaknesses is giving up control, so I've made a conscious effort to involve other people earlier in the process. If you're not fuckin working on your weaknesses, just try to imagine what would be a good idea. Or maybe work on them? I'm not your dad.
What I am looking for is your ability to answer my questions in a complete and concise way. If you can't give me a specific example, I want you to be able to reflect on your previous work and say "When it comes to X, my experience doing Y is relevant in this way." I am asking you for a synthesis. Most of what I need you to do in this position, I know you've never done. If there is something where I specifically need you to have done X as a professional qualification, there is nothing else you could say that would be right, so you have nothing to lose.
Keep some question in your back pocket for when they ask "do you have any questions for us." It is a hundred percent okay for this to be a softball question, but it's also okay to ask something more probing. You can ask how they handle training, town and gown relations, what the possibilities for employee development are, whether they've done any diversity initiatives, if there's a good work-life balance, what the previous person in the position is doing now, what their strategic planning is like, whatever, just something to prove you're engaged. Do not ask about leave, and do not ask a gimmicky question you saw on the internet. If you can't think of anything, just fuckin ask them how they like working there. That's perfectly fine.
This isn't the time to bring up ADA accommodations. The person who can approve that for you is almost certainly not in the room, and you put us in a super weird position. I am saying this as a person who receives ADA accommodations from my employer and did not disclose my disability when I was hired, as is my legal right. Don't bring it up until you think it would actively prevent you from fulfilling a job requirement or accessing the office. In the before times I had a dude once who called me asking if the building was accessible, because he just wasn't going to interview if it wasn't, and I was just like "...that's fair, my man, but you can come on down."
After the interview:
I fully don't care about a thank you note; I'm unlikely to see it anyway. Some people do. You may send one (1) and ONLY ONE thank you note; generally it should just go to the person who scheduled your interview. Do not, and this is so important, do not email again. I know it is the fucking worst how employers get away with ghosting people but my friend you and I cannot change that. (We do send notices to people who get interviews but don't get the job; people who don't get interviews are informed by the computer system.)
It's gonna be okay. I'm not trying to trick you; I want this to go smoothly, and I want you to demonstrate that you understand how you would use what you've already done to do what I need you to do. I don't want this to be awkward any more than you do. Actually, I want this not to be awkward more than you do, because I have to do this several more times.
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bluemoonscape · 22 days
Hear me out: Sua and Luka parallels.
In Ruler of My Heart, they're most directly compared and contrasted in this frame including both the real world and Mizi's perception. Here, they both look angelic, something other than human, greater than human due to their purity. They're framed by the moon, something only to be seen when shined on by another.
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Both are treated in a manner that strikes the viewer as distinctly different from the other kids. They're all treated as less than human in different ways, but Sua and Luka are the ones specifically treated as dolls. Dolls to be played with, dolls to be moved limb by limb and joint by joint as its superior wishes. They're made to look perfect. They're made to look clean, so clean they look inhuman.
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They're perfect narrative foils. Nigeh owns several pet humans who all have the same black hair, white bonnets and fluffy shirts. All girls, all a carbon copy of one another. Perhaps they're sisters, even? And if they're all sisters, there's no possible way they could have been born naturally.
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This connects to the widely accepted theory of Luka being made in a lab, artificially rather than organically. They were quite possibly both born unnaturally and were raised to be just as unnatural. Both of them seem rather blank in Anakt Garden. Luka is very solemn and unanimated; the most alive he ever looks in Anakt Garden is at the scene of Hyunwoo's death after Luka presumably killed him. He may exist, but he is not alive. In a metaphorical sense, Luka's life is taken from him every day. His heart is literally under Heperu's constant control, to be stopped and started at will. He is a blank slate for Heperu to use for his own glory. The main change we see in him from his years in Anakt Garden to his time in Alien Stage is how he presents himself. In Anakt Garden, he's fairly meek and stoic. In Alien Stage, he's projecting the idol image the world wants to see from him, the one Heperu has conditioned him to display with nothing short of perfection. He is no more alive in Alien Stage than Anakt Garden simply because he's putting on an act. If anything, this lack of authenticity further deadens him.
Sua, though? Despite Sua's upbringing, she is alive when she and Mizi My Clematis together. She's quite possibly more alive than she's ever been. Just like Luka, she's been dressed in white, made to look like a doll, a blank slate, and yet she is anything but, and she proves it by quietly sacrificing herself for Mizi and (as another post put it) an insurance on Mizi's love. Sua could've ended up exactly like Luka. She could have been made to be the villain, the face of Alien Stage, the lifeless marionette. She could have been Luka, but she isn't. Why?
This scene. This scene is why.
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I always took the pink tendrils reaching through the glass between them as a metaphor for Mizi's life and love pouring into Sua, putting life into her. Mizi is so vibrant, so alive, and she loves Sua, of all people. Lifeless, blank Sua, or so she thought. But Mizi saw the life in her. She saw her and she saw someone worth loving. Worth worshiping.
Sua was made alive the moment she saw Mizi. This is the moment her life began.
But then, why couldn't Hyuna's effect on Luka breathe life into him, too? Why couldn't Luka's arc diverge due to this love like Sua?
The thing is, Hyuna did make him feel alive. Just like Mizi, she was so full of life that it was impossible for him not to feel even a hint of something in her presence. Maybe she made him feel real, just for once in his life. Just for once.
But he warped Hyuna's love into something it wasn't.
He warped her love into something Hyuna had no intention of giving to anyone: Her life. Just once had to last, so he tried his hardest to hold onto her with a tight fist. When Hyunwoo threatened to come between Hyuna and Luka and take her life away from Luka, Luka, in some way, shape, or form, dealt with the threat. As I said, the most alive he ever looked in Anakt Garden was in the aftermath of Hyunwoo's death, and I believe this is because he thought he'd secured Hyuna's life for himself. Now my life is yours, and your life is mine.
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It could've happened to Sua too, under different circumstances. Mizisua could've been just as twisted and toxic as Hyuluka. She could've fallen into the same mindset as Luka: Your life is mine.
She didn't. Instead, she had the awareness that Mizi wanted to give Sua her life, and she said no. With her death, she put Mizi's life back in her hands where it belonged and made her, as much as Mizi fought against it, live for herself. The difference in the way Sua sings Ruler of My Heart in her cover really highlights this. Opposite to Luka's cool, condescending control over the lyrics and the subject of the song, every word Sua sings is from her heart. Mizi is the ruler of her heart, and she does want to give everything to her out of pure, unconditional love.
Sua's love saved her. It elevated her not to something inhuman and unnatural (untouched by feeling) but to humanity.
Luka's love took whatever humanity he had left of him.
Sua is the moon under the sun's glow, and Luka is left in the dark.
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creedslove · 1 year
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I wanna quit my job and be his stay home housewife so bad 😭
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You didn't actually have a honeymoon because the money isn't abundant but you definitely took a weekend away to stay in a nice lake house or go to a water park in summer because why not before Joel had to go back to work 
But just because you didn't have a fancy honeymoon trip it doesn't mean you didn't spend the whole day all over each other, exploring each other's bodies and barely putting any clothes, I mean, what's the point if you are gonna take them off anyway 
He took his guitar and he played to you as you watched the sunset together, he played and hummed beautifully and overcame his natural shyness so he would sing some love songs to you
You wear your wedding and your engagement ring, and Joel wears his too, not only that, he wears it proudly to show he is taken
After your time off, you had to adapt to your new routine, but now Joel leaves home a little later than he usually did, because now he had a sweet wife to have breakfast with ❤️ 
You have morning lazy sex most mornings, you always wake up with Joel's boner poking your back and you don't resist his sleeping puppy look with the messy hair, sweet smile and strong arms that pull you closer to his warm body 
Breakfast depends on who gets up first, sometimes it's Joel, sometimes it's you. He doesn't mind cooking you breakfast but he prefers when you do it because your food is way better than his 
You love packing Joel his lunch, sometimes when there's leftovers you pack him a full meal in his lunch box, otherwise you make him a real good sandwich and some other treats 
The guys who work for him low-key make fun of the fact the serious and kinda grumpy Joel Miller carries a lunch box made by his wife 
And Joel doesn't give a shit about those fuckers because he has a loving wife who takes care of him
If you don't work or you work from home, you make sure to leave the house always tidy and organized for your man 
If you work out, he makes sure to split the chores with you on the weekend, but since your shift is a lot shorter than his, you manage to do the cleaning mostly by yourself so weekends are for relaxing or going out 
You also make sure to bake him several treats: cakes, pies, cupcakes, muffins, homemade bread, cookies or desserts like pudding or different recipes 
Dinner every night for your husband, especially when he gets home a little earlier than usual and he decides to help you, because that leads to sweet moments and even maybe some dancing in the kitchen 
Usually weekends are reserved for takeout or he actually takes you out for lunch or dinner, because he wants his wife to relax and enjoy the weekend with him 
Joel's a gentleman and he doesn't want you to worry about sharing the bills at home, he sees himself as the one who needs to provide to you, so he insists you keep your money to yourself
And you do so by buying yourself things so you can be pretty for him 
But you also buy him a lot of things, you like spoiling things with new shirts, new jeans, new shoes and whenever you see something you think Sarah will like, you buy it for her too 
So when she comes home from her college break, there's usually a pile of presents waiting for her on her bed 
Joel works really hard and when you two were dating, he often arrived really late because of work, but after you got married, he decided to reduce his working schedule a little because he wants to be there for you 
But still, his work is HARD, so he often gets home exhausted and starving and you gladly serve him dinner 
He often invites you to shower with him after work, which you do it eagerly. Sometimes it leads to some slow, sexy shower sex, and sometimes you just wash his hair and down his back 
When he's sore from working so much, it's also common for you to massage him. You get some lotion and apply on his sore back and you enjoy his grunts and pleasure moans as you help him relief the tension and it might lead to a happy ending with a handjob or not, it depends on the mood 
Or you just cuddle on the couch after dinner, Joel is a gentleman and insists on doing the dishes for you or at least help you with it 
You either rest against his side or he rests his head on your lap 
Run your fingers through his hair and you can swear that man purrs at the relaxation, it never fails him to sleep 
When Tommy finally leaves the house for good, Joel and you start making plans on what to do with that spare room. If you're into art he is willing to turn it into an atelier for you; if you love reading, he already got the tools and the wood to build you a big shelf for your own library at home 
Or one night he just suggests it would could be home office so it gets easier to remodel it once the baby comes 
"What baby Joel?" You frown softly and he cleared his throat "well, you know, I thought we would… or maybe just in case…" 
You hadn't discussed that before marriage and perhaps now you see maybe you should have, but you just assumed he wouldn't want more kids after he spent the last decades of his life raising his daughter by himself 
And to be honest, not even Joel himself is sure if he wants kids or not, but he does love to picture you with a baby bump, carrying his baby, just as much as he loves watching you interact with little kids 
You two decide to sit down and talk things through, and you come to the conclusion that if it happens, it happens, but it's not a necessity or a deal breaker in your relationship
Because you love your husband Joel, and he loves you too ❤️
A/N: idk I wanna marry him so bad 😭
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buckyalpine · 1 year
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“And how about this for our princess” another tiny mouse was thrown into the growing pile of toys while Bucky made his way up and down the shelves of the pet store. You giggled at the way he added more and more items to the cart without a care in the world, spoiling his furbaby. 
“Buck, she doesn’t need-
“Yes she does” he huffed, tossing in another bag of treats, so she’d get to pick between chicken, turkey or tuna. As soon as you arrived back at the compound with about half the store, Bucky set all the things down in the living room before going and grabbing his favorite thing in the world, the most proud cat dad. 
“You like all this babygirl?” He cooed, letting her sniff her new presents, happily batting a feathery ball before taking her time to swat at the bags everything came in. 
“Of course she likes the bags” You snorted while Bucky shook his head. You picked up her up and set her down on your lap to the the different collars you’d bought her; each in every color of the rainbow with a cute silver bell in the middle. Each one looked perfect on her white fur, the pink one seemingly her favorite. You picked up the last collar which hung  too low around her neck, about 3 sizes too large. 
“Aww baby, I think this is a little big for you” You slipped off the black collar her head and put the pink one back on while Bucky picked up the black one you set aside. 
“This ones huge” Bucky mused, holding it up to his own neck and fastening it, giggling at the fact that it actually fit him. “Now we match, baby girl” He grinned, grabbing Alpine and holding her up to his face, her little nose twitching, trying to boop it against his. She slow blinked, purring and tucking herself into his neck for cuddles, eventually slinking away again to play with her latest haul. 
“I think I’d make a good cat” Bucky stated to himself while he stretched out on the couch where the sun was hitting, settling himself against the cushions. 
“What” You snorted, sorting through the cat food and organizing it while Bucky folded his arms behind his head, lounging lazily in the warm sun. 
“I’m low maintenance" He thought to himself, listing all the reasons he thought made him cat quality, “I like naps. I like chicken. I like dark spaces. I like belly scratches-
“Really, Mr. Don’t come near me within a 10 Ft. radius?” The laugh you let out made him pout, retracting his previous statement.  
“Fine. I like when you give me belly rubs. You’re always giving them to Alpine, give me some”
“A child is what you are-” You shook your head, scooting near the edge of the sofa from where you were seated on the floor, turning around to your ridiculous boyfriend. Your breath hitched in your thrown, suddenly forgetting how to breath while Bucky laid on his back, still wearing the collar, the leather material matching his tight black t-shirt and jeans. His t-shirt had ridden up, giving you a pretty view of the faint trail of hair that continued down his jeans, the sun making the silver on the bell sparkle. 
“You okay, baby?” He asked, noting you looked like you were lost in thought, lips lightly parted, breathing heavier. 
“Y-yeah” you nodded, still staring at the little silver bell, shaking your head and the less than innocent thoughts that tried to sneak in. “You’re wearing the collar?” 
“M’cute with it” He shrugged like a little shit, “C’mon, pet me” He grinned, bringing you back in earth, happily humming when you playfully rolled your eyes and sat beside him, letting your fingers graze over his abs, rubbing his tummy up and down. 
“Happy now?” You cocked an eye brow while he nodded, closing his eyes and started falling asleep, the collar still staring right back at you. 
Sitting so pretty on his thick neck. 
Black leather with that delicate little bell-
“Very” He mumbled, half asleep, soon dozing off completely. 
The fucker kept it on the whole day.
And it was driving you insane.
You knew he was near by because every time he moved, it would ring ever so softly, courtesy of his ability to walk so quietly from his assassin training. The collar was taunting you at this point. Delicate little rings everywhere he went. 
You nearly lost your absolute shit when Steve and Sam cackled at the fact that he was in a cat collar. It wasn’t the teasing that drove you up the wall. It was the way Steve inspected the bell and the way Bucky tilted his head up like a little puppy to give them a better view, Steve’s large hand tracing around the leather, if only it was your hand, curving around his neck, your good boy sitting so patiently- 
What the fuck was going on with you. 
You’d managed to get through the day without busting another brain cell, sitting against the headboard with a book while Bucky got ready for bed. 
“Babe, can you help take this off?” Bucky strolled in the room, fresh from his shower, droplets of water trailing down his body, disappearing into the towel that was wrapped around his waist, that fucking collar ringing every time he moved. You couldn’t help but sigh at how cute he looked, cheeks flushed from the heat of the water, little jingles ringing as he came over to you. He sat by your side, lazily flopping over onto your lap, while you carded your fingers through his damp hair. 
“You look so cute” You giggled, ignoring the way your pulse was beating quicker, body feeling hot, he looked so fucking pretty- 
“Yeah? You think I’d make a good pet?” He asked playfully, nuzzling into your lap, a deep rumble emitting from his chest when you grazed your nails against his scalp. You continued to massage down his back, his body flexing and adjusting, making the towel around his waist slip, giving you a glimpse of his perfectly toned ass, back muscles rippling. 
“Fuck” You whimpered, you tried so hard to will away the filth that was plaguing your mind again, hoping Bucky wouldn’t notice but he did. He most certainly did. He smirked to himself, he could practically smell you arousal, nudging his face between your legs before sitting up and kneeling in front of you. 
He was bare naked, thighs splayed apart while he sat back on his heels, his cock hard, standing tall and proud against his tummy, leaking at the tip. The only thing he had on was still that fucking collar, the twinkling silver taunting you. 
“There something you like, doll?” He cooed, shamelessly letting your eyes rake up and down his body, giving you the most perfect view of his heavy balls, his swollen pink tip, his perfect peach nipples, his pillowy soft lips. 
“You just look-so pretty with this on” You whispered, sitting up, tracing your fingers around the leather, flicking the bell lightly, continuing to trace over his Adams apple, “Don’t take it off yet” You whispered, letting your hand caress down his body, grabbing his shoulders and shoving him to lie back on the mattress, throwing off your pj’s while his mouth watered seeing you so feral. 
His pretty girl so needy all because he was in a cat collar. 
“Be my good boy, baby” you cooed, trailing kisses from his neck to his shoulders before tugging his nipples in your mouth, flicking your tongue over them, making him whine. You giggled, blowing over them, watching them peak as you continued to make your way down, finally reaching his aching cock. 
You licked up a drop of precum that was leaking out, your tongue just grazing over his sensitive glans making him moan.
“Oh god” Bucky’s eyes rolled back at the feeling of you teasing his slit with your tongue, his hips lifting off the bed to chase more of your mouth. You pushed your tongue against his cockhead slightly making him hiss, gripping the sheets, nearly tearing them, “Please baby, take it all in your mouth” 
You lightly smacked the side of his thigh to stop his squirming, wrapping your lips around the tip, sucking more of his length, loving how broken he sounded, unable to keep still. You sucked and licked every bit of him, getting his balls wet, nipping his sensitive inner thighs. You couldn’t take the feeling of being empty anymore, straddling his erection, pressing your bare cunt on him, covering his length in your slick. 
“You’re soaked” He groaned, feeling your arousal drip all over him, grabbing your hips to rub his cock on you more. 
“You wanna fuck me, baby?” You teased, taking his cock in your hand and lining it up with your entrance, pressing the tip just enough to make him sob without taking his full length, “Wanna put your cock in me?” 
“Please, let me fuck you, I’ll make you feel so good baby” He groaned, biting his lip as you started to sink down on his cock. You didn’t get the chance to ride him; as soon as his entire length was in you, he planted his feet and slammed your hips down to meet his thrusts, fucking up into you like a sexdoll. 
“B-BUCKKY” You squealed, broken moans leaving you lips as he fucked up into you harder, grunting and moaning, the collar around his neck just tight enough to make him pant. 
“Take it baby, you like me like this? Like me in a little collar just for you?” He looked at you with glassy eyes, his jaw slack, a thin sheen of sweat glistening off his skin. The soft rings the bell made each time he thrusted up into you made your pussy clench, making your orgasm barrel towards you within no time. 
“Fucking me so good Bucky, keep going babyy” You moaned while he gripped your hips harder, determined to do such a good job for you, angling his hips to make your belly bulge. “I-I’m gonna-FUCK BUCKY” You brought your hand down to rub your clit, grinding down on his cock as your pussy started to flutter and pulse, gripping his cock with a vice like grip. 
Your other hand flew to his neck; his eyes grew wide when you tugged at the collar, choking him slightly, a pornographic moan escaping his lips, his cock immediately throbbing. 
“OH GOD M’GONNA CUMMM!” Bucky started to lose his pace, giving you harsh sloppy thrusts, the sounds of skin on skin and wetness squelching filling the room as he fucked all his cum into you. You slumped on top of him, out of breath while he thrusted as best as he could to get you both through your highs, whining and whimpering at the way he cock continued to drip. 
You snuggled into the crook of his neck, kissing his hot skin, smiling against the black material that was still around him, the bell ringing as you toyed with it. 
“You’re keeping that collar” You panted while Bucky let out a breathless chuckle, still reeling over his orgasm, body still jolting from the after shocks. 
“Damn right” 
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starandcloud · 6 months
John "Soap" MacTavish Headcannons
This man can SPRINT in heels I will die on this hill
If it wasn't for the military, he'd sleep until noon
Probably work a nightshift too
He needs coffee to function, if he doesn't have coffee he's a grouch
Takes his time waking up, not an early bird
He needs like five alarms to wake up
Bathroom first kind of person
Sometimes takes a shower in the morning, depends on if he didn't the night before
COFFEE and juice
Sweet tooth, a horrible sweet tooth
Chocolate chip pancakes are his go to, or whatever the canteen has tbh he's not that picky
He sleeps in whatever, or just his boxers does not care-
He does not dress up, he's in a uniform and looks presentable 9/10 out of ten. He's in a t-shirt and sweats when he's not deployed
Takes a shower every night, sometimes multiple times in the same night if he still feels grimey after the first one
He doesn't take baths often, but when he does it has bubbles and a rubber duckie. He likes the simple things in life guys
He likes simple scents, nothing complex
He hates 3-in-1
He likes Mint toothpaste
He eats when he can, but has pocket snacks
He loves home cooked meals
He likes smoothies, the purple ones (that he can never remember the name of) he gets from a smoothie shop are his favorites
He never makes meals for later, he's not that organized-
Rarely has leftovers
Get's fast food once in a blue moon
Doesn't eat out much, unless it's a special occasion
He does most of the chores, he has a specific way he does things
DESPISES dishes, hates the feeling of the food being squishy and soft under his fingers
IMMEDIATELY washes dishes after using them
Does have a "laundry chair" but it doesn't last long tbh
Makes his bed in the morning, military taught him well
Has a car, but that's about it
Owns a car, but it's this little puddle hopper and it's beat up- He could afford a better car, but he's deployed a lot so he probably won't buy one
He literally takes his car through the biggest puddles ever, just to see the water arch. He's easily amused
Hates boats, especially after Graves
He has an Android
Special ringtones for everyone he cares about
He has it silenced 9/10, he silences it for missions and forgets to unsilence it
He has candy-crush on his phone and I will stand firm on this
He has the basic lock and home screens
He has snapchat but uses it for the filters, also has facebook for market place and Tiktok for the car videos
He has a few followers on Tiktok
He can block someone easy
He posts his cooking fails online
He probably has angered the baking/cooking niche online A LOT, dude probably has callouts from five years ago because he doesn't care-
He sleeps whenever, but totally has sleeping meds for his PTSD
He can either be up all night or in seconds, depends on how tired he is tbh
He's a light sleeper
He talks in his sleep, but it's mostly mumbles
Has nightmares more often than not
Has a bit of light from his TV, finds it hard to sleep without it
Sleeps with every window and door locked
Has his bed in the corner of the wall, hard to be attacked from both sides
His handwritting is damn near impossible to understand, sometimes Price has a hard time deciphering it
He's an outdoorsy type
The first memory is of being with him mom at a fair
He likes bread, just bread ;-;
He listens to literally everything, except classical it puts him to sleep
Very Artsy
He has Bachlers degree
He loves cats, and has one at his moms
Struggles with gifts tbh
He went from the tallest in his family, to the one of the shortest on his team
He's huge on physical touch, especially with his partner
He said something that made Ghost stop in his tracks once, and then ever did again. It was so stupid it was smart
Soap is so fucking sociable it honestly annoys Ghost
He really wants to get married, but doesn't want to put the stress of him always being deployed on his spouse and he doesn't want to die on them
He's allergic to Buckwheat, Shellfish, Balsam of Peru, Tegretol, and Cosmetics
Whenever something traumatic happens he shrugs and goes: "Well that happened" and goes on with his life
He has a lot of scars, mostly from war itself most of them are on his upper arms but some are on his chest and forearms
He has a scar from getting a gash on his leg when playing when he was a kid, he needed A LOT of stitches
He has one that looks like a cresant moon on his right hand ring finger
He honestly doesn't mind when people trace his scars, it's kinda soothing
A little kid once asked about one on his chest, which he got when a bomb went on prematurely, and he said he got it from a T-Rex to entertain the kid.
That was also when he decided he wanted kids, when the kids eyes blew open wide and they bounced on their toes asking more questions. Which he provided absurd answers until the kids mom rushed over and apologized
The one on his chest was from a near-death experience, learned really quick how to run really really fast
He holds his partner close during cuddling, if their back is against his chest his face in buried in their neck. If he's laying on top of them, he has his head against their stomach and his arms protectively around their waist, or if his head is on his lap he just gently holds them and usually falls asleep
He's close with all of his family but is 1n00% a momma's boy
He stims by making faces, which is slightly weird if you don't know him wel
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