#most likely got the procedure all wrong but o well
weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: The face from Minesweeper
Debut: from Minesweeper
Minesweeper is a pretty cool game! I like it. I went through my entire life not knowing how to play it, and then a few months ago decided “I will learn how Minesweeper works” and now I like it well enough. But even before I liked it as a game, there was something about it that was always charming! Even as a silly baby, I felt positive energy radiating from this game with an honestly horrific premise, because this grid of squares and numbers was Smiling at me!
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The Face From Minesweeper may register as an Emoji to you, but it actually predates them! This strange creature is a Smiley. More than a mere smiling face, a Smiley is like a sort of animal. Everyone loved Smiley! You can think of it on the level of other fan-favorite animal, Dog. Just like Dog, Smiley got all sorts of merchandise! Toys, decoration, even smiling French Fries! One day, however, the magic day finally came when world leaders agreed it was time to domesticate Smiley.
Though many would have loved to have a pet Smiley of their own, it was decided that they were unfit for such a lifestyle. Instead, they would become beasts of burden... they would be Used. The selective breeding began! Over time, they became smaller, cuter. They gained a wider range of readable facial expression. Most importantly, they were now hardy enough to be sent all over the world countless times per day. And that is how Emojis came to be! Linked gene shenanigans also led to some shaped like animals, plants, objects, even symbols! Don’t worry about it. But if you are interested, I think they released a documentary about this in 2017.
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After this section in which I deliberately transitioned away from smileys and toward emojis, I would like to immediately return to smileys if that’s okay. Thank you. The face from Minesweeper is always watching... but not in a scary way! In a nice way. The face is your buddy. If it ever feels too hard, you can click the face, and its square will be pressed in, and the puzzle will be reset! No shame in that.
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I wonder, where does the face end, and its platform begin? Is the face even the extent of the entity? Maybe the entire Minesweeper board is just a guy, and that’s where its face is! Minesweeper is a whole character!
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In that case, then, it is even funnier that the face goes :O whenever you click a space. It COULD be that it is in suspense, since any wrong move can end in disaster, but maybe it’s just because you are poking its body! And that’s a little Weird. Evidence: it does this even if you click a cleared, safe square! It is reacting to touch, not anticipation! There we have it, Minesweeper is a creature. Also, I like to use the ease of activating this face like a little digital puppet! It is fun.
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Like any creature, sadly, it can Die. However, it is at least functionally immortal and only ever in danger of explosions! Unfortunately, it contains land mines. I am becoming slightly convinced that Minesweeper (game) is, in fact, a bizarre sort of medical procedure where you help to isolate the explosives embedded in this grid-based life-form’s body. The only way to save it, sadly. And sadly, if you are not a professional, Minesweeper and its precious Face will die... but it’s okay. We have more! Just press the face and reset the game and don’t tell anyone!
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If you win Minesweeper, then congratulations! You don’t get anything yourself, really. But that’s not what it’s all about. Minesweeper isn’t about YOU, the player. It’s about Minesweeper’s Face, the main character here! And after achieving victory, it is Cool. And you helped it get here! It turns out Minesweeper is all about helping another person become their best self, the story of an average schmuck who, with the help of a clever stranger, can become the coolest in town!
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Lastly, I would like to show you Minesweeper as it appears as a character, in the Roblox game Databrawl! I don’t know anything else about this game! Don’t ask me about it please! I just think this design is really fun and cool!
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reluctantjoe · 3 months
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - author Holly Jackson and the cast on staying true to the books and the big scenes fans will recognise
Filmed in and around Somerset, the series for BBC iPlayer and BBC Three is based on the smash-hit novels
It’s the Summer holidays, but teenager Pip Fitz-Amobi is focused on an unusual school research project. In Little Kilton five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell went missing. Her boyfriend Sal Singh sent a text confessing to the murder before being found dead, seemingly taking his own life. Andie’s body was never found. Case closed. However, Pip isn’t so sure and is determined to prove Sal’s innocence.
The six-part series is based on Holly Jackson’s smash hit novels and stars Emma Myers (Wednesday), Anna Maxwell Martin (Motherland, A Spy Among Friends), Gary Beadle (Rye Lane, Small Axe), Mathew Baynton (Ghosts, Wonka) and newcomer Zain Iqbal.
A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder was filmed in and around Somerset, England. Commissioned by the BBC, the series is produced by Moonage Pictures (The Pursuit of Love, The Gentlemen, Bodies) in co-production with ZDFneo and Netflix.
All episodes will be available on BBC iPlayer from Monday 1 July.
Interview with Mathew Baynton
Playing Elliot Ward
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Who is Elliot Ward?
Elliot Ward is Pip's English teacher and Cara and Naomi's father. He believes in Pip and wants to help her do well, and he's attempting to be everything to his girls after they lost their mother. He is trying to hold things together for their sake. It is that complexity that drew me to the role.
What is A Good Girls Guide To Murder about?
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is about an ambitious and curious young student, Pip, who decides to re-open an old case in which Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh, who then killed himself. She suspects the police might have got it wrong. In doing so Pip re-opens old wounds in the community and puts herself in danger in the process. What's cool about it and what really sets it apart is that it's as much a coming of age story as it is a murder investigation. There's this procedural element, but the protagonist is not a professional detective and not even fully an adult yet, she’s someone emerging into adulthood and going through all of the things that you go through at that age. This young woman, Pip, is facing adulthood and all the excitement and terror that comes with it. New relationships, new experiences, both thrilling and scary. It's as much about the realisation that people can hurt you, and that as you go out into the world, you need to be careful who you trust.
How would you describe the dynamic between Elliot and his children, particularly Cara?
You get the feeling that he's really genuinely trying to keep a happy house. He's conscious of the loss that they've all been through, that he loves his daughters and that he wants them to be happy. It doesn't fully delve into how open they are with each other about discussing that grief and so maybe there's more than meets the eye. I feel like he tries to be light with them and there's a bit of humour in the way that they interact with each other.
Had you read the book before you got the role of Elliot?
I hadn’t but as soon as I was on board I started seeing it everywhere and everyone I spoke to who had teenage kids had read it so I quickly realised what a big deal it was. Once I got the part I read the book in order to find out how it ends, because when I was offered the role, there were only scripts for the first few episodes and I was desperate to find out what happened. Does Pip find the truth? Where does my character end up, and where do his daughters end up? I wanted to know more. It was exciting as Holly had written a character with real depth and shades, which Poppy, Dolly and the team translated perfectly to the script and then to screen.
What can we expect from the other casting?
For me I am most interested in Pip, Cara and their group of friends because I think groups of characters can often end up mirroring that. I was watching this bunch of people all become and behave like a really tight group of friends.
What was it like working with Dolly Wells (Director)?
I had worked with Dolly Wells years ago as an actor in Spy and was very excited to work with her as a director. It was a privilege to see her supporting this young cast, and fostering a really positive atmosphere in front of camera, one that ensured we could all do our best work.
What are you most excited for the fans to see?
With a book, it's your own imaginative world, you picture everything in your head and you get really close relationships with those characters. There can be a bit of a process when you get a TV or film version of something where you have to let go of your imagination and then take on the idea, oh, that's what that character looks like. I didn't picture them that way, or whatever. So hopefully there's added dimension to this and people can still go away and enjoy the books and their images in their head, too.
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bitebitesnap · 8 months
random thought: Werewolf Goku
You meet up during one of his trips into town after collecting the season's crop. He's curious-you're new in town, he can definitely tell. Something about how you act nervous to everyone, which isn't a lie because you are just a bit. But you can see he's being honest, if a bit blunt, and not really trying to be rude.
It catches your interest how he's able to survive on his own so well despite being so, so clearly a bit different from everyone else. He's more loose and unbothered by the stress of life even if he lives by himself and is doing one of the most difficult jobs on his own. It's odd, how he can smile even when things go wrong, as if it's not even a problem. Yet you find despite that he;s the most fun person to be around, especially on a bad day.
In the weeks you spend learning about the town he always finds time to spend with you. Be it on his farm, where he helps you learn to tend to your own garden, or out in the forest as he teaches you the best places to hunt and fish. Rarely is there ever a dull moment between you and you find yourself appreciating his companionship more and more.
However there are times where Goku acts strangely. It was procedural, the moments fleeting as if he was merely caught in a thought before they happen every time you meet He's tense, fidgeting with his hands as if he didn't know what to do with them. You find him offering food more often, going so far as taking you to some of the more expensive restaurants in the city-which was very un-Goku like as he'd stated once he preferred hunting his own food. And even stranger, he'd sometimes appear to you dressed different to his usual work tank and jeans, almost wearing a full piece suit at one point.
You were embarrassed at how long it took to piece it together-he had a crush on you and was trying to impress you. It was adorable how hard he was trying, while also being a bit clueless. But, you couldn;t deny your own attention to him. He was one of the kindest and most attentive men you'd ever met-and he was adorably handsome to boot. It was a wonder he had yet to be married off, as anyone you'd known prior would have probably killed for just a chance. So you let him continue his fumbly attempts at courting you, though you do try to steer him more towards the norm you both had established before which did seem to work over time.
But at some point he starts to become nervous. He refused to stay with you after dark, making up some poor excuse to go home. Goku, as you learn, cannot lie to save his life, so you see straight through his antics. Even though you respect him and it is his life to live as he wants, it's concerning how often he runs back into his farm once he's shaken you off, going so far as to tell you to go home yourself.
So jarring that, at some point, you follow him home.
For all your time spent together, Goku had never showed you his house. It was a small thing, one of the capsule houses you'd seen advertised before. Yet something was off-what exactly you couldn't tell at first. The sun was setting, it's golden light highlighting the majority of the white building into a glimmering honey. However, the closer you got, the further down the beaten path you wandered up to this small house beside a river, the lower the sun sank until only the barest rays kissed on it's worn down siding.
Siding littered with rows upon rows of scratches like a wild animal had tried to tear it open.
Just as the sun falls into night the door launches open. Goku stands just under the doorframe, clutching his stomach with a grimace as he stares at you with wide eyes, as if he'd been surprised at your arrival. When you try to ask him what's wrong he evades, firing excuse after excuse to get you off his trail even though you can see how he cringes with each step he staggers out of his house, trying in vain to back away from you.
The sky darkens the longer he argues with you. His eyes flicker upwards as deep blackness stretches over the forest, a horrible panic blanching over his rapidly paling face. He's trying so very hard to derail your curiosity demanding that you go home, saying it's only a stomach bug and he;s afraid you'll catch it, but you refuse. You know he's lying, you know that anyone who's ill wouldn;t be acting like a scared rabbit before a wolf, so why is he trying to hide! He opens his mouth, actual anger flashing over his face as he snaps that you don't understand, that you're in danger if you stay for too long. So engaged in his rebuttal to make you leave, his eyes stray from the sky.
And at the first rays of silver light breaking through the gentle overcast, he doubles over with a cry.
You flinch as bones crack, for a moment struck by the fear of a tree being knocked over. But as the trees remain standing your eyes are forced towards the only other source of noise as Goku writhes where he stands, nails embedding so deep into his arms they draw blood.
Wide eyes quickly become bloodshot as veins pulsate under his skin now a size too small. Shoulders bulge outwards, spine bending downwards hard enough to push the bone up against the tank top. Said cloth begins to rip as the body it covers widens in jerking, agonizing pops of skin and bone alike.
You're so shocked you can't move. Stone silent as you watch the only friend you have here slowly grow taller, wider. A vicious scowl bares teeth that sharpen over paling gums. Black eyes stare listless into an empty distance, unseeing as yellow bleeds in from the deep red lids. The scruffy mop of hair on his head spreads downwards and all around, hands widen and claws form. His once bent over hunch reels backwards as snapping joints force the jeans to rip in two.
Foaming growls urge your feet to step back, fear plain on your face as you can only hope to escape before he's made aware of you again.
But your opportunity is gone as his head-jaw stretched outwards into the muzzle of a wolf-rears backwards with a gut wrenching howl, claws unclenched from bleeding wounds in his powerful biceps.
And you tremble as those eyes find you in moments, leering at you with terrible hunger.
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hanitrash · 2 years
Cap Bottom Bingo Masterpost!
Here are all the fics I posted for the @cabottombingo!
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I can't believe how many I actually got done! I'd hoped to make a few more full lines, but I was sick in December and January and didn't get as much writing done as I'd hoped.
A3 - "til the end of the line" Soldat i Volkodav (The Fist and The Fang) (steve/bucky, 5k)
While on a mission in Canada, the Asset suddenly finds himself free. He follows his partner, the giant wolfhound, because he doesn’t know what else to do. The two end up in the United States, and as his memories begin to return, his need for vengeance grows. Together, they take out hidden HYDRA bases and safehouses across North America. What they find in one base, however, will change everything Bucky ever thought he knew about his time in captivity.
A4 - "Starvation" Some Like It Hot (steve whump, 3k)
Steve has been captured by HYDRA. The STRIKE team is having a fun time trying to break him.
this is just trash, plain and simple. HTP, hurt no comfort, Steve whump.
A5 - "teleportation" Drastic Measures (steve/thor, 4k)
Steve is a barren Omega in a world where his only purpose in life is to create more. In a last-ditch effort to heal himself where science has failed him, he summons the God of Fertility. What he gets, though, is much more than he ever could have hoped for.
B2 - "AU: Bakery" Dashing Through the Snow (steve/bucky, 7k)
Steve hates Bucky. Bucky hates him, too, so that’s fine. But when they’re forced to work together and co-teach a class, that anger begins to fade as they slowly learn more about each other. A work trip gone wrong, though, forces them to become much closer than either one ever expected…(aka, the coffee shop college au enemies to lovers snowed in one bed a/b/o that Marv asked for…)
B3 - adopted prompt "truth serum" Careful What You Say (steve/bucky, moodboard + 700 words)
Steve is captured and given a truth serum…but his captors get more than they bargained for with the results.
B4 - "Beta Steve" Leg Day (steve/bucky, moodboard + 300 words)
Bucky posts some pictures online, creating quite a fuss
B5 - "Much needed hug" Mine (steve/bucky, 5.9k, co-write with @neonbat666)
Steve is captured by Hydra while on a mission. Naturally, that doesn't sit very well with Bucky, and he makes every person involved pay dearly for hurting his Steve. Once Steve is safe at home and on the road to recovery, Bucky takes measures to ensure anyone else will think twice about touching what belongs to Bucky.
notes: htp, branding
C3 - free space Smooth Talker (steve/bucky, 7.7k)
When Steve decided to try waxing instead of shaving to avoid catching his body hair in the Cap suit, things don't go quite the way he expected. Between misunderstanding the listing on the website and thirsting over the man doing the procedure, he's not sure he'll survive the appointment.
C5 - picture prompt, person restrained My Heart Has Teeth (steve/bucky, 4.7k, with art by @mxaether)
During a mission gone wrong, Bucky gets captured. Whoever has him proves particularly hard to track down, and while Steve does his best to ignore how much he’s spiraling, Bucky tries to keep a thread of hope—and his sanity—alive.
Notes: Vampire Bucky
D2 - "Back Alley Fight" I Love Watching You (With Other Men) (chapter one) (steve/bucky, 6.6k total)
During the heat wave of 1936, Bucky discovers a secret that Steve has been keeping from him.
He also discovers a few things about himself in the process.
In the future, they find new ways to recreate the past.
D3 - "Saliva" You Make This All Go Away (chapter two)
Six months after the helicarrier fight, strange security breaches at the Smithsonian have Steve, Natasha, and Sam running stakeouts, hoping to catch the person responsible—the person they believe to be one very elusive Bucky Barnes.
In what is probably his most bizarre undercover op ever, Steve finally makes contact with the man he thought he’d lost forever.
What he’s not prepared for is what happens after, when Bucky appears in Steve’s apartment in the middle of the night.
D4 - "Creature: Has Tentacles" Into this night I wander (It's morning that I dread) (steve/bucky, steve/johann schmidt, 784 words)
Steve gets captured by HYDRA and learns more about Johann Schmidt than he ever wanted to know
notes: htp, oviposition, hurt no comfort
D5 - "skinnydipping" Resurfacing (steve/bucky, moodboard + 1.8k)
While Steve is visiting Bucky in Wakanda, Bucky takes Steve to his favorite swimming spot for a heart to heart conversation.
E1 - adopted prompt: "Tied to a Table" I Love Watching You (With Other Men) (chapter three) (steve/bucky, 6.6k total)
During the heat wave of 1936, Bucky discovers a secret that Steve has been keeping from him.
He also discovers a few things about himself in the process.
In the future, they find new ways to recreate the past.
E5 - "Sexting" Nineteen Hours (and thirteen hundred miles) (steve/bucky, explicit moodboard + 614 words)
Bucky and Nat are on their way home from a mission that has taken far too long for Steve's liking. He sends Bucky some incentive to move a little faster ;)
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quinloki · 8 months
The most tame of all being removing my braces with wire cutters and a pair of pliers
um whut? is their a story there? sorry to be nosy but i just am nosy by nature
I'm going to preface this with I was both hot-tempered and kind of... well, inane as a Teen/young adult, and one of those moments was highlighted by removing my own braces.
Look, folks, don't do what I'm about to talk about - it is a *bad* idea.
Anyway, I hit 16 and everything starts going wrong. My heart's got a murmur, I can't catch my breath, mom's got me in the hospital, and the crowning achievement is that I start just shredding the insides of my mouth.
Not from nerves, just from eating. I cannot clear a meal with out bringing the inside of my cheeks to blood, there's just no avoiding it.
So, we get braces. The whole fucking regime. I had the wire that goes around your whole head, a little chin cup with prongs to realign my jaw, I had a palette expander which is a torture device with a key and you crank this horror your own self like 2-3 times a day or however often the dentist tell you.
It does as the name implies, and expands the upper part of your mouth, widening your goddamn skull.
The whole process reworks my sinuses, my profile, and my soul I swear. It was just awful.
But it does what I need it to do - I stop shredding my mouth trying to eat. \o/
Small problem - everything is aligning, but I've got Too Many Teeth.
I have an Excess of bones in my mouth.
My wisdom teeth are late-bloomers and they're blooming in fucking Sideways cause I'm almost as directionally challenged as Zoro and of course my teeth grow in the wrong direction.
So they opt to surgically remove 8 teeth.
four wisdom teeth, top and bottom, and then four teeth just behind my incisors upfront, top and bottom.
We do the surgery, I recover, then heal, then it's one more round of braces. Dr. Hatchet - whatever his actual name was - is hurting me for the umpteenth time over these stupid braces. I'm in tears.
I've been hit by a car and had it hurt less. I've been in Fist Fights that hurt less. A 7lb tumor removal that I'd have years after this would HURT LESS. This was just uncalled for. It was awful, and Dr. Krampus is delighting in it as far as I can tell.
By the time this happens I'm 18. Moved out, on my own, paying my own rent, making my own dumb-ass decisions.
I didn't want to see that dentist, and I liked how my teeth looked and I wasn't chewing my cheeks to shreds, so I took a pair of wire cutters and pliers, and stood in the bathroom and pulled all the wires and brackets off my teeth.
There's some cement left behind, but all the metal is gone. Took... some time, but not enough to deter me.
My mother was set to just murder me, because braces or no still in my mouth, her and dad still had to pay on the entire procedure. It took her a good tens years to be able to talk about the incident without getting honestly peeved ^^;
But, on the scale of Dumb Shit Quin Did In Their Youth™, that incident sits at the foundation.
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sadcatjae · 2 years
Young Master Kamiiki - Arrow Removal
Masterlist I was inspired by this post to write about arrow removal. Probably not accurate but I really wanted to indulge myself lol These characters and this world is from a new novel I've been plotting out. The lore isn't important at all here but I did want to beta test the characters a lil bit O3O . CW: Blood and gore, arrow removal, medical procedure, mentions of abuse, mentions of drug use/abuse, fever, restraint.
“Young master!” Ruri rushes forward, panic stark upon her face. Her charge, the scion of the Kamiiki Faction, stumbles into the main house, only saved from falling by the sturdy servant supporting him. 
Kosuke’s wild sable hair is dull and damp, sticking to his deathly pale face. His pair of sharp, mean eyes are heavy-lidded and absent, and by his groggy glances, he doesn’t seem to register his surroundings. 
Heart palpitating, Ruri notices the lord’s right shoulder, drenched in blood, and from his back she spies a feathered arrow shaft. 
“How could this have happened?!” she gasps, feeling faint. “Someone call for the physician! Quick!”
A passing servant sprints ahead to notify the doctor. 
Meanwhile, Ruri assists in carrying the semi-conscious lord inside, fretting and asking question after question. Since the master and mistress of the estate are away undertaking their Arbiter duties, this old maidservant will have to care for the young master in their place. 
“The young master was fooling around with his friends,” Giiki, the sturdy servant grunts, his expression dark. “They caused a fight with the wrong people and this was his punishment.”
“Who are these people??”
“I won’t say.”
“And why not??”
Giiki takes one look at the older woman who's almost spitting fire. “Because I fear for their safety…”
Ruri shoots Giiki a glare. “You would defy your mother?!”
“You can punish me later. Help me carry the young master to his quarters.”
They don’t dare rest the injured man on his bed, lest they agitate his wound, so Giiki sits on the bed and holds Kosuke upright instead. The lord sways in his arms, cold sweat dripping from his delicate jawline. 
In the dimness of his waning consciousness, Kosuke feels the incessant throbbing in his shoulder. Like someone’s exerted a great pressure upon it and is refusing to release him. He groans and tries to push away those strong arms, feeling suffocated, but they are unmoving. 
“Young master, you must stay still,” Ruri chides worriedly, preparing a basin of fresh water. “The physician will be here soon.”
The maidservant dunks a clean cloth into the water, wrings it out, and dabs it over Kosuke’s clammy brow. How many times has this foolish boy returned home in a sorry state? Because of his poor temper and (terrible) personality, Ruri is certain that one of these days she will keel over from stress alone.
Just as Ruri finishes cleaning her young master’s face, the physician hurriedly enters with his signature leather bag. One look at his patient is all he needs to know that the situation is dire.
“Physician Asa! Oh, please help the young master! He’s lost so much blood…”
The doctor immediately sweeps past the fretting maidservant and prompts Giiki to move Kosuke deeper into his arms. The position ends up with Kosuke’s head resting upon the servant’s wide shoulder, and those strong arms wound around his waist, keeping him secure. 
The wounded shoulder is exposed from the back where the arrow shaft sticks out. Judging by how short the shaft is, the arrowhead is buried much too deep to simply pull out. 
Asa grimaces and quickly washes his hand in the water basin, before cutting through the bloodied fabric to expose the wound. “The arrow is too deep. I will have to detach the shaft and see if the arrowhead has struck bone.”
Ruri kneels beside the bed, taking the wounded man’s hand into hers. “I told you to stop getting into fights, young master,” she scolds, though her tone lacks severity. “When you have recovered, I will be sure to have the master and mistress discipline you for this!”
“Insolent…” Kosuke slurs, glaring at a hazy blob he assumes is his noisy maidservant. “No supper for you…go to bed hungry…tell me what to do…“ Dissatisfied grumbles peter out as he dips out of consciousness again. 
Giiki and Ruri both watch in silent apprehension as the doctor carefully cuts the shaft with a pair of sturdy scissors. From the way he handles the task without even causing his patient any pain, it’s clear that he is well practised in this operation. 
But in truth, removing the shaft is the easy part. Asa pushes out a steadying breath and glances at Giiki. “Hold him tight. I have to feel around inside and it won’t be pleasant for the young master.”
The sturdy servant returns a serious expression, his grey eyes unnaturally dark and thunderous. “Yes,” is all he says in that deep, rumbling voice. He tenses his arms, squeezing Kosuke tight against his chest. The latter stirs and protests weakly, raising his head to scowl at the big lug. 
“Release me,” the lord huffs, knocking his forehead into Giiki’s cheek. This seems to have hurt the injured man more, despite his malicious intentions. “Ow. What are you made of? Stone?”
Giiki stares down at those arrogant pair of eyes, so easily full of wrath and sadistic glee. But in this moment, they are glazed over and feverish, making him appear uncharacteristically soft. The servant swallows and says, “You can bite me if it hurts too much.”
A puzzled expression ripples across Kosuke’s face. Before he can respond, he jerks and cries sharply as Asa nimbly cuts an incision to widen the arrow’s entry point. “Ahhh–!! W-What are you doing to me?! It hurts! Stop it at once!!” 
Without pausing, Asa pushes his finger into the incision, gingerly feeling around the arrow head. Kosuke’s sharp cries deteriorate into mindless howls, his spine arching and legs kicking as incomprehensible pain erupts in his back. 
Thanks to Giiki’s efforts, he’s locked in place, so all he can do is writhe minimally and choke on his cries. 
After what seems like aeons to Kosuke, but in reality is only a few seconds, Asa removes his hand and wipes it on a clean cloth. His expression is troubled. “It hasn’t struck bone, but the arrowhead is the kind to cause more damage upon removal. The only solution is to push it all the way through.”
Ruri winces as her young master pulses bone-cracking squeezes around her hand, but the doctor’s words instantly numbs her to the pain. “All the way…” She truly will faint this time! “Must you do this??”
Giiki simply stares down at the raven haired man, who is panting weakly against his chest. His cheeks are shock white and his eyes are misted over. Pale lips quiver in fear, indicating that Kosuke understood the physician’s diagnosis. 
A pinch in Giiki’s heart makes him stroke the small of Kosuke’s back. A silent comfort. 
“Unfortunately, this is the only way to avoid irreparable damage.” 
“At least give the young master something for the pain!”
“I do not know what substances he has imbibed,” Asa says, frustratedly. “I dare not risk accidentally poisoning my patient.”
“But surely–”
“It is not worth the risk,” Asa says sharply, ending that line of discussion. Does she think this is ideal for him too? What doctor enjoys seeing his patient in pain?
He pulls out a delicate looking tool from his physician’s bag. It’s a specially designed set of pliers that should clamp onto the arrowhead securely. The thin length of the steel clamps afford the physician dexterity he could never achieve with hands alone. But even with a tool like this, the procedure is difficult to endure for even the most seasoned of warriors. 
And the Kamiiki scion is not a warrior, but a pampered young master who had never earned a callous in his life.
The doctor slips a leather strap between Kosuke’s teeth, urging him to bite down. “Giiki,” Asa says, “Remove his robe and turn him so that I can access the front.”
Giiki gently slips the bloodied robe down to expose the lord’s wound and angles the latter’s torso as guided. There’s a flicker of upset in the servant’s strong, handsome features. 
Kosuke’s head lolls this way and that, held upright only by Giiki’s large hands, clamps tight upon his arms. Ruri holds down his legs, and in this way, all four limbs are secured. 
As the lord stews in his fever and confusion, Asa makes another incision in the front, creating an exit for the arrow. Fresh blood dribbles down Kosuke’s torso, creating a rather shocking contrast against his skin. Ruri’s quiet weeping joins the lord’s weak groans, muffled by the leather strap held loosely in his mouth. 
“Giiki. Ruri. Hold him tight. You must be strong now to prevent further suffering for the young master. Do you understand?” The doctor glances between the servants sternly, and they both give him a nod. “Very good.”
Wasting no more time, Asa inserts the tool into the wound and clamps onto the buried arrowhead. 
Kosuke stiffens, eyes snapping wide in panic. He lets loose a series of terrible guttural cries through the strap clenched tight between his teeth. His colour turns ashen as the arrowhead is forced through his flesh, carving a path into his shoulder. Blood bursts and bubbles from the exit incision, painting his front red. 
And then the arrowhead catches on something. Something hard. And Kosuke’s visions turns white. The gut-churning agony takes on a ruthless edge. It feels like a white-hot blade digging into his flesh, searing him from the inside out. The pain is excruciating, gnawing, impossible to bear. 
Kosuke screams and strains away from the pain, delirious, desperate. The pain chases him, hounds after him, and stubbornly churns forth its furious attack. He’s dimly aware of Giiki calling his name and forcing him upright, causing another mind-numbing burst of agony. 
He sobs loudly. Pleads incoherently. The leather strap slips from his mouth. Saliva tinged pink with blood rolls down his chin. 
But the doctor remains stoic, pushing the arrowhead in deeper, inch by excruciating inch. 
By the time it’s halfway forced out of the front incision, Kosuke is unable to make a single sound. He simply sags in Giiki’s grasp, shaking and dripping sweat. His breath comes ragged and scorched, and there’s an unhealthy flush upon his otherwise ashen face.
“Hurts…” Kosuke whimpers, tears cascading down his cheeks. “Giiki…hurts…”
The manservant’s heart twists. While Asa pauses in the procedure to reposition himself, Giiki frees a hand to gently wipe those fever-flushed cheeks clear of tears. “Physician Asa has almost finished, young master,” he says, softly. “You are bearing the pain so well. This servant is in deep admiration of you.”
“Just a little more, young master,” Ruri encourages, keeping a strong grip upon the lord’s trembling legs. Her eyes shine with tears. “Endure for a little longer and you can rest.”
A hopeless sob breaks from Kosuke’s bruise-bitten lips. His reprieve is short-lived. 
This time, the doctor uses the clamp to pull the arrowhead out from the front. Due to the shape, it tears the wound wider with every merciless tug. This pain is too unbearable for the delirious lord, and his weak cry stutters before he slips into oblivion. 
Asa moves quickly, yanking the rest of the arrowhead out in one fluid motion. A spray of blood splatters his clothes, but he pays no mind. He hurries to disinfect and suture the wound while his patient remains unconscious.
After the last stitch has been made, Kosuke is bandaged and allowed to rest. 
Giiki cradles the lord’s limp form as he sets him down upon the bed. He stares for a moment at that pinched, feverish face, and then goes to wring out the cloth in the basin. 
Ruri speaks with Asa in low, urgent tones, while Giiki dutifully wipes down his young master’s trembling form. He removes the blood and sweat from Kosuke’s clammy skin, until he’s finally clean and dry. 
When Giiki wrings out the cloth (a grimace at how red the water’s become), he feels a light tug on his shirt. He looks over to see Kosuke gazing up at him with bleary eyes. Despite the recent bathing, tiny beads of sweat glimmers upon his brow like morning dew.
Those pale lips move. Mouths something only Giiki can understand. 
Years of abuse and vitriol are instantly forgotten by this servant, whose affections for his foul-tempered lord had been quietly cultivated in the background. So of course, faced with a rare display of vulnerability from this malcontent, Giiki gives a subtle nod and sits at his young master's side like a dutiful dog. 
Reassured, Kosuke drifts. His hand remains latched onto his Giiki's shirt, however. Obstinate, even in sleep.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
ooooh congrats on 300!! could I request O with Mammon for your event? fluff would be cute! thank you!!
Thank you!! All these mammon requests make my heart happy, he deserves better ⚠️ full disclosure: I’ve never personally had my wisdom teeth removed but have witnessed several friends have it done so I’m basing my knowledge from that don’t sue me
Prompt: O- Operation
Pairing: Mammon x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
“Mammon, please,” Lucifer groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose “you don’t have a say in the matter, this is not your decision!”
“Don’t care! Ain’t no way I’m lettin’ em do this!! NOT TO MY HUMAN!!” The second born was in full defense mode, guarding you with his body while staring down the oldest who sat at the end of the table. He was so loyal to you, even when he didn’t know what he was protecting you from.
“Mams?” You chuckled “do you even know what they’re going to do to me?” Knowing full and well he did not know the exact operation you would undergo.
“N-no….but I don’t care! Satan said they might have to put you to sleep to do it! And NO ONE is puttin’ you to sleep!” Mammon turned halfway to face you, still keeping an eye on Lucifer. What started as a simple discussion about you needing a surgical procedure had snowballed into the argument currently playing out.
It all started a week ago, you were having some pain in the back of your mouth, it started off mild but soon became unbearable. You kept the pain to yourself as best you could, not wanting to alarm the brothers, but lost control of the situation when you were out eating at Ristorante Six with the brothers plus everyone from Purgatory Hall.
You were careful to take small bites, not wanting to inflict pain on yourself during this group meal, but got caught up in a story Simeon had been telling the table.
“OW! SHIT!!” The pain shot through your jaw, you grabbed your cheek with both hands as if that would help somehow.
“Language!” Asmodeus scolded, covering Luke’s ears
“Oi! What happened?!”
“Were you attacked by someone?”
Mammon and Lucifer were both on their feet immediately, ready to interrogate your attacker. You started to answer but the pain in your mouth was too strong, you folded in on yourself causing even more panic from the table.
Eventually the pain subsided enough for you explain what happened, you scheduled an appointment to be seen the next day, Solomon had accompanied you since the appointment was in the human world and he had the most knowledge on how to help you if something went wrong.
As you suspected you needed your wisdom teeth removed, you returned home to inform the others that you would be undergoing an oral surgical procedure and would probably be on bed rest for a few days after to recover.
Needless to say this invoked some very heartfelt but confused questions.
“Wait, so do humans store their wisdom inside their mouths? Are you going to be dumb after this?”
“You have to wait how long until you can eat normal food again??”
“Darling, I love you but if you drool blood on me I may throw up…and that’s not very glamorous.”
But nothing could have prepared you for the battle Mammon put up. He was already upset that some doctor was going to be removing things from you, then he found out you would be traveling to the human world for the surgery.
He argued and fought with Lucifer for the next hour, after realizing that he wasn’t giving up anytime soon you finally made an offer.
“Why doesn’t Mammon just go with me? I need someone to watch over me while I’m there and to help me get back here. He already watches out for me on a daily so what’s the difference?”
Lucifer gave in quickly, just wanting to be done with the conversation. Mammon still wasn’t happy about the surgery but felt better being the one to look after you.
The day of the operation arrived and the two of you traveled up to the human world. You sat in the waiting room in anticipation of being called back to begin prepping.
“Still don’t see why they gotta take stuff from ya…perfect the way ya are…”
“What?” You questioned.
“What?!” The second born jumped, unaware he had said that out loud.
“Mams I promise, I’ll be fine! Humans have this done all the time, plus if I don’t do this I’ll still be in pain and you don’t want that right? It’s a one day thing, I’ll be in and out.” You placed a hand on his thigh trying to comfort him.
“Yeah, yeah I know! Satan let me read the books he had…” He shifted in his seat and crossed his arms “it’s just… what if ya don’t wake up? What if they mess up and use too much anesthesia or not enough or they take the wrong teeth or they sneeze and cut the wrong thing or—“
“MAMS!” You grabbed his face with both hands. “You’re spiraling. I promise I will be okay! I brought you here to make me feel better, not to panic and start writing my obituary.”
The second born blushed realizing he was probably just adding on to your stress, he put his arm around you pulling you close hoping to soothe both your nerves.
Eventually you were called back, Mammon reluctantly let you go and sat by himself waiting for you to return. After what seemed like an eternity the two of you were reunited, luckily you had warned him about the after affects the pain medication and anesthesia had on humans otherwise he would have sworn they replaced you with someone else.
The journey home had been long and extremely entertaining for both of you, Mammon had to remind you who he was about four times but you were always very polite when asking, you babbled on about things that made no sense at all, you kept asking him if he was old because of his white hair, he truly felt like a babysitter at this point.
Once home he helped you to your room, which you somehow remembered perfectly but asked about ‘the grumpy old guy who yelled at you for being late and looked like he needed to get laid’. Mammon had pushed you into your room before his brothers could start interrogating this new and very honest version of you or before Lucifer could strangle you.
“Geez, ya sure know how to get yerself in trouble huh? Where’d ya learn that from!?” The second born huffed as he helped take off your shoes.
“I learned it from this really cute guy I know,” you let out an unusually high pitched laugh “he gets in trouble a lot!”
“Oh yeah?” Mammon threw your shoe to the side and snapped his head up to look at you, the small amount of anger he felt hearing you say ‘cute guy’ vanished when he looked up at you.
Even in your delirious and drunk state you were still breath taking to him, your cheeks were a bright red, you held your hands together between your thighs, you had the goofiest grin on your face. He’d never seen you this smitten before and wanted to photograph the moment but was frozen in his spot when you kept talking.
“Mhmmmm, he’s super taaaall, has reeeeeally pretty eyes, he’s super funny and smart,” Mammon was convinced you were referring to one of his brothers until you unleashed the most crucial detail. “and he has the prettiest and softest white hair too!”
Mammon’s heart swelled in his chest, how dare you say all these cute things to him while totally unaware of what’s going on! He thought he was going to explode, he wanted to kiss you right then and there, nobody had ever said such sweet things about him. He wanted to see how much more you would say about him but knew it wasn’t fair in your current state.
“Psh, he doesn’t sound so hot to me, just a normal guy.” Mammon stood up finally, he turned to collect your discarded shoe.
“Nope, not even close! He’s a Demon Lord!” The second born glanced over his shoulder to see you gently kicking your feet as your legs hung off the bed, he was baffled by how easily humans were affected by pain killers.
“Yeah, well ya better keep yer mouth shut about that last part, unless ya want Lucifer to tie ya up!” He bent down to pick up your shoe.
“I’d rather tie up his younger brother.”
Mammon froze again, his face flushed and his heart went wild, you really had no filter did you? This operation had been both a blessing and a curse for him, he needed you to recover fast so he could return the favor.
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sins-of-a-spider · 2 years
A continuation of my Intersex!peter AU~!! I got so much love on the last one so here are some more ideas for it! @professional-benaddict helped with a lot of this and inspired a second part! Please go check them out~ All of their ideas are to die for!
Stephen is Peter’s number one supporter. He’s the man in Peter’s corner he’s never had before. All his life he had been terrified of doctors from such negative experiences. They kept pushing for surgery when Peter didn’t want any at all. But Stephen pushed back, fighting against cosmetic surgery that in the long run would only make his baby more miserable.
“Mr. Strange, i’m sure you and your partner would be a lot more happy if he went through with the surgery.”
“Does he medically need it?”
“Well- no but-“
“No, you don’t get to speak! Then he’s not getting it! You cannot dictate what he would enjoy more. And don’t you dare talk like I have any control over his body and decisions. If he suddenly decides that he wants it then I support him. But he doesn’t. He loves his body just like I do. I suggest you write your letter of resignation before you’re fired. And its Doctor Strange.”
Growing up every doctors appointment gave Peter such anxiety. The nurses and doctors would tell him he would be so much more better off if he got surgery. They never would truly give him a clean bill of health or tell him frankly if anything was wrong, instead giving him the run around. Eventually he stopped going completely.
Stephen understood why but wanted his baby happy. Of course he gets his most trusted medical companion to do a full checkup, Christine. She is the one to finally give Peter a full clean bill of health.
“Alright Peter, its all looking fantastic!”
“Of course! I’ve never seen anything so well cared for. I’m glad Stephen brought you in so we could make sure.”
“And i’m glad I took him in. Thank you so much, Christine. This means the world to him.”
“No problem. Just keep coming in for annual check ups and immediately if anything changes.”
“O-o-of course…! T-thank you I just- I needed to hear that so badly…!”
He breaks down in relief. In celebration Stephen thoroughly explores Peter that night💕 and now that Peter knows he’s healthy his libido is 10x what it was before. Stephen can barely keep up but he’s never been happier!
But eventually Peter does need a medical procedure. During his new annual checkups they find a cyst on one of his ovaries. He’s terrified to actually get the surgery done since he worries they’ll do more than medically necessary to him.
Stephen reassures him and is there holding his hand during the entire procedure, helping instruct the surgeons through it. At first he insisted on being the one to do it but soon realized he would never even be able to make the first incision. Just completely unable to hurt his baby in any possible way.
When Peter wakes up he has an extremely hard recovery to deal with but is excited to hear that it all went well. Stephen kisses him and finally breaks the bad news: no sex for a while. Peter being the drama queen he is, pouts during the entire recovery😂😂
“Just a little..”
“No-no! Nothing crazy just like…. Your mouth.”
“Pete come on, i’m going crazy too you know.”
“I know! I know! Just- like… a little. Maybe a finger or two.”
“Peter intersex doesn’t mean you need to have sex all the time.”
“Not funny! I need you! Just like I need oxygen!!”
“I can’t breathe! The world is ending! Its all going black!”
“Fiiiine. Only a little. Only my mouth.”
Hope you liked it~ i’ll probs do a part three if this one goes over well too!! Let me know if you want tagged in the next one!
Tags: @professional-benaddict @rawringryu @buckyb-brainrot
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Prison Break
So this is an imagine request done in a more drabble type beat. I hope you enjoy and I hope this is okay! Let me know what you guys think!!
Techno frees you from your wrongful prison sentence. 
Dream is pissed that Techno didn’t come. He was counting on redeeming that favor he was owed to get him out of the things he had done catching up to him. But Techno didn’t come. He wasn’t there. Dream made sure that Techno paid for it. 
How did Techno pay for it you may ask. Simple. Dream pinned all of his crimes on you. Techno’s s/o. He easily manipulated the entire server once before, he absolutely is able to do it again, no problem. If anyone were to actually sit down and think about it, it would make no sense. You were always really kind to everyone and just was not a bad person at all. But everyone was so angry at what had been happening and wanted someone to blame so bad, that really all Dream had to do was connect your name to Techno’s and remind everyone that Techno had caused a lot of grief in the server and you had done nothing to stop him. In fact, you encouraged him. 
It was not something you ever expected. An angry mob showing up at your front door and announcing that you were under arrest. But it was a thing that happened in your life. That night, you’re in cuffs and being guided into Pandora’s Vault by Sam. You’re left alone in your cell and you break down. You know you don’t belong here and you don’t want to be here. You hope that Techno is able to get you out, to break you out. But as you stare at the crying obsidian walls that trap you in the cell, you know that this place is inescapable. 
Inescapable to a scared coward
And Techno was not a scared coward. No in fact he was livid. He was the most angry he has ever been in his life and he could literally rip Dream limb from limb but he knows better than to do that while you’re locked up. He knows he needs to get you out of there and soon. He works with Phil and makes a brilliant plan. A fool proof plan. And if he’s lucky, they won’t even know you’re gone. 
Techno goes to the prison about three days after you get locked up to visit. Sam doesn’t think anything of it, you two are dating after all. Techno goes through all of the proper procedures, signs all the waivers, and is soon enough standing in front of the lava wall you’re behind. Techno stands beside the fire resistance potion dispenser and begins to execute his plan. Techno focuses his gaze on the opposite wall which in turn causes Sam to also turn his attention to the wall, wondering what it is Techno sees. While Sam’s attention is elsewhere, Techno manages to reach into the dispenser and swipe a few fire resistance potions, safely tucking them into his inventory before turning his own attention back to the wall just in time for Sam to snap out of it. “Right… Are you ready?” Techno pretends to snap out of the “intense gaze” he was in and turns his attention to Sam and gives him a small nod. Of course he was ready. He’s been ready for the past three days. 
Sam has him stand on the little platform and presses the lava wall button before the path opens and Techno can finally see you. His heart aches at the sight of you. You look so broken down, so hopeless. His heart aches but his blood boils at the same time. Dream had done this to you. Dream was the reason you're here. The voices are raging in his head, telling him to kill the man that had done this to you. To make him pay and to not let him get away with this. He forces himself to take a deep breath and calm himself down, one thing at a time and right now he has to focus on getting you out. 
You almost don’t believe your eyes. The lava wall is being moved and there floating toward you is a pink headed angel…. Techno. Techno is coming toward you on the platform. And you could honestly cry. But you manage to keep it together until he’s safely on the obsidian. The netherite block wall is lowered and all bets are off. You throw yourself into his arms and bury your face into his chest. Your arms wrap around him tightly, as if you’re afraid if you let go, he’ll disappear. But he doesn’t mind. He’s holding you just the same way. 
You two continue your hug until the lava wall comes back down and closes you in the cell. Techno pulls himself back ever so slightly, just so he can look down at your face. Noticing his movement, you peer up at him, your cheek still resting on his chest. “Hey there love,” he speaks gently. You could burst into tears just from that. It had only been three days but it had felt so much longer than that and you could only relish in the contact you had with him now. 
“Hey” you manage to croak back, your voice a little raw and rusty for not having used it for the past few days. Techno leans down and presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head and just leaves his face resting there for a little bit, hugging you tighter to him. 
You two stand there for a while, just holding each other. You’re so content in your boyfriend’s arms, so relaxed, that it nearly scares you half to death when several explosions happen around you. Techno holds you tightly to him as you jump at the loud noises. Your head shoots up and your fear filled eyes meet Techno’s cool, calm, and collected ones. In fact a little smirk is playing on his lips. “Right on time Phil,” he murmurs, looking at the ceiling.
 “Phil?” You asked, still very confused as to what is happening. 
Techno’s gaze shifts to you and his smirk shifts into a smile. “Phil,” he confirms. 
“Why is Phil setting off explosions?” 
“To distract Sam of course.” As he answers, Techno pulls out the three potions he managed to snag from the dispenser. 
“How did you--” Techno doesn’t let you finish your question. Instead he presses all three into your palms.
“Listen to me very carefully okay? You have to follow this exact plan. Do you understand?” 
You only nod and listen as Techno explains to you how you’re going to escape prison. He explains in as much detail as possible. Tells you at what times you will take the potions and the path you will take that leads you out of the prison. But then he also tells you about the path you’ll take once you’re out. He tells you how to get to his house in the tundra. There you’ll be safe. 
He gives your forehead a kiss and then presses one really passionate one to your lips as well. “I’ll see you soon okay? Sam will let me out of here at the end of the day once he finds it was only a few creepers lurking around,” Techno tells you with a wink as the two of you stand by the lava wall. You can’t help but giggle at the wink, even though it’s a pretty serious time. But you nod and give him a soft smile in return. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
You give Techno one more kiss before popping a fire res potion and swimming through the lava wall. You follow Techno’s instructions to a T. Only a few times did you get a little confused and have to take a moment to really think about what Techno had told you. When you find yourself outside, you can’t help but cry a little. Three days in complete solitude will do that to a person you guess. The emotions just overwhelm you and you allow yourself to cry for a little bit as you sink on to your knees in the grass, your fingers clutching some of the strands. You’re very lucky that no one is around to see you but you’re finally free… Well almost. 
After a little bit, you manage to pull yourself together and get yourself up off of the ground. You have to make your way to Techno’s house now. You know the way of course, but you have to make your way through the SMP without being seen. It’s a lot easier than you expected it to be, everyone busy with their own things, not really paying attention, so you make it through rather easily. You do take a small detour and swing by your house and get a few supplies before making your way out to Techno’s house. 
Back in the prison, Techno is calm for the most part. He has complete faith in Phil leaving behind no trace of the actual cause of the explosion and he trusts you to make it out just fine, but he still worries a little bit. This is a big thing that’s happening and he can’t exactly make sure you’re safe and that you’re okay right now as you travel, so he can only wait. After a few hours, he hears a noise from the other side of the lava wall. He rushes over to the bed and pretends to be leaning down and kissing your forehead as the wall moves to reveal the cell. “Visiting Hours are now over.” Sam calls from the room across the cell. “Please move to the platform.” 
“Goodbye my love. I’ll be back soon,” Techno promises the thin are as he moves over to the platform and is moved out of your cell and back to Sam’s side. 
As Sam is walking Techno out of the prison, Sam explains what happened. “Yeah, somehow some creepers got in and blew up. They didn’t do any damage or anything so it’s fine… I suspect Tommy or Tubbo were trying to prank me and it didn’t completely go well.” Techno lets out a hum and nods along with Sam as he pretends to know nothing about the situation. Techno gathers his things from his locker and bids Sam a farewell before heading out of the prison. Once he knows he’s out of sight, he breaks into a sprint to Phil’s old house in L’Manberg.
Phil is waiting outside with Carl and Phil’s own horse already saddled up when Techno arrives. The two men share a hug and celebrate how they were able to pull off the perfect prison break. Techno and Phil quickly mount their horses and soon enough they’re on their way out to the tundra. 
You had crashed in Techno’s bed as soon as you arrived, exhausted physically from the journey and mentally and emotionally from the prison. That is where Techno and Phil find you, asleep in Techno’s plush bed. The two just spend a few moments looking at you, as creepy as that sounds. But they just want to prove to themselves that they did it, they saved you and you were safe and no longer in prison for crimes you did not commit. Philza is the first to break from his staring trance. He claps Techno on the shoulder before turning around and walking out of the room. 
Techno very quickly also breaks from his trance, peels off her shoes, and climbs into bed beside you. His arms wrap around you and he pulls you gently into his chest. Techno didn’t mean for it to happen, he actually didn’t want it to happen at all that’s why he was so gentle, but you stir and you begin to wake up. Your eyes pry open and you meet his gaze for a moment before you curl yourself into his arms even more. Techno can only chuckle at your clingy behavior, but he can’t blame you. He’s feeling the same way. So he only holds you closer and gives you multiple quick pecks before one long kiss. “Welcome home my love.” 
Like I said, let me know what you guys thought of this and if you’re still okay if I write some of the imagine requests like this in the future!!
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doopy-n-loopy · 3 years
Yan!TF2 × reader headcannons (SFW and NSFW)
// obsessive tendancies, mentions of violence, blood, sexual themes, noncon
Let's start with the defense classes
Deffo didn't admit that he loved you
Tbh he probably blamed it on his drunkenness
But dude you're always drunk
I mean seriously if he sobers up he'll genuinely die so like-
He would usually drink with you or just around you if you don't drink
He's generally a fun chill guy to be with
He would watch you from a distance at times, especially during battle you might distract the cyclops
He's okay with you asking questions
One time he broke his eyepatch and needed a new one
You gave him a nice black eyepatch with the demoman emblem on it
He gets all red whenever you say his full name, because he knows you remembered it
He is generally against kidnapping, I mean especially since he lives with his ma he'd rather not
And because he's a gentleman
If you ever reciprocate his feelings he'll make sure to treat you right
He is a messy person but for you? He'll clean
Probably would get carried away and make home made bombs with all the cleaning supplies 🤦‍♂️
Takes you to meet his mom
"ooo Tavish, yer gonna get me some grand kiddos are ya?"
That made you both blush like crazy
Soft cheek kisses
Probably made a special bomb and named it after you
"this one's for you, luv!" *Proceeds to set off all stickybombs which blows up the entire enemy team*
Blew up the last guy who looked at you funny
Hell, even worse when they make a sexual remark to you scout probably did it
Likes to give you your space but when he's paranoid he follows you to wherever or watched you from a distance
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Two words: big boy
Hugs are 10000000000/10
Sometimes it fewls suffocating but man it's like hugging a cloud
Soft forehead kisses
Russian pet names
He sometimes lets you touch Sasha, that's how he knows he loves you because he doesn't even let medic, his best friend, touch her
Probably named a gun after you or one of the pet names he calls you
You definitely met his family and they loved you
Zana especially
Doesn't get jealous easily but will not hesitate to unload 12 pounds of bullets into someone who even LOOKS at you the wrong way
Lord have mercy on the ones who dare flirt with you, rest in pieces scout
Doesn't really follow you anywhere (you're a bit too fast for him) but he does watch you and check up on you
He preforms okay on the battlefield but when you're around, he'll show off
Will cook for you, mainly russian dishes
He's very against kidnapping and would rather not do it
Doesn't shut up about you when he's around medic
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F l u f f y
Very softspoken in general but he gets all flustered when you talk to him
Will check up on you occasionally
"Darlin'" "Honey bunny" things like that y'know
Huge smile when you're around
Will cook for you most definitely, knows what you like
Makes little robots for you
Likes seeing you use his dispenser
Doesn't get jealous easily either but will try and take you away from someone who wants your attention
Likes just having you in his presence, doesn't need to talk to be happy with you around
Very very against kidnapping like all other defense classes, wouldn't do it unless if he truly felt the need to, last resort kind of thing
The last guy who flirted with you had a sentry gun shoved up his ass
Doesn't really follow you anywhere
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Nothing short of a horomonal teenager
I mean he's 21 but
He gets so giddy around you, very loud, tries to show off
He loves you very much
"oh yeah? Well I once absolutely smashed a guy into peices, he was still screaming when he was dead!"
He brags about brutal things but hey you love it since you're also brutal
Flexes his non-existent muscles around you
Would talk about his mom to you all day
Definitely got a tattoo of your face and name somewhere on his body, most likely his bicep
Your name is probably misspelled too but you never say anything about it because he can't read so it's fine
He hasn't really thought about kidnapping in all honesty, again, a last resort kinda thing if he can't get you to love him
He will make a damn SCENE if anyone flirts with you
"you think that's funny, chucklenuts? I eat guys like you for breakfast lunch AND dinner!" "I'll blow yer freakin head off if ya talk to y/n like that again!" Would definitely drag you away
God help anyone that makes you uncomfortable, he'll fuck them up, if that person is medic I mean he'll try to but we all know how fucking scary medic is
Follows you at times
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Seems more lovey around you
Definitely gave you a hand full of the enemy's bloody bones thinking it was a bouquet of flowers
Absolute baby
Just so precious, scary but precious
Hugs for days
Good luck trying to get their ass off of you when you're on cease-fire
Very warm though, they smell like smoke with a bit of blood
Likes petting you
Isn't against the idea of kidnap because they don't realize what they're actually doing, they think they're just taking you to a magical place
When someone flirts with you their whole world changes
Gets angry and starts yelling at them
Will not let you get a checkup alone, he trusts medic but not with you
Very sweet tho, he'll turn around when you need to strip down
Will follow you almost EVERYWHERE and if they can, while holding your hand
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Yells at you a little less than the others
At first doesn't realize how he feels but then realizes that he loves you
Is pretty protective over you
Rants about America all day to you
Probably got you an american flag to wear
Doesn't really take off his helmet but he likes seeing you in it, makes him proud
If you ever live with him you'll find out that he owns like 20 racoons
He loudly wakes everyone up in the morning but tries to avoid waking you up
Loves you as much as he loves America
Will show off on the battlefield for you
Isn't against kidnapping you, he probably did it early on if you showed immediately that you didn't reciprocate his feelings
Will blow any guy that hits on you to absolute bits
Probably put you on his back and rocket jumped just to show you what it felt like
Follows you around a lot, it's really obvious because he wears a bucket over his head and crashes into things, when you look back he'll stand behind a lamp post or somewhere really obvious
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Ah yes, everyones favorite class including mine
Very quiet
Takes secret glances at you
Pays more attention to you than the others
S h y
Asks how you are, how you slept, etc
Doesn't really need to be holding you, tbh he's against PDA
But he likes being in your presence
Just sit down next to him and he'll be fine
When he's on the battlefield, he'll look for you and make sure you're safe
God forbid anyone try to hurt you, he'll make them suffer
Talks about Australia to you and accidentally admitted that he wanted to take you there
Doesn't like the idea of kidnapping but he isn't totally against it, I can see him doing it
He smuggled you all the damn way to Australia
He'll nonchalantly show off to you on the battlefield, he'll let you get cornered and come in to save the day
"love" is a word he uses a lot with you
Will grumble to himself if he sees someone flirting with you
If it's a random person, well, that'll be the last time you ever see them
Has talked about you to his parents
Kind of follows you? I mean he sits atop a high placeand watches you through his scope whenever you're going somewhere
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He knows what he's doing
Will kiss your hand a lot
Likes to flirt with you and see you blush
Sleazy french fucker
Watched you from afar at first then approached you a little later
Isn't against the idea of kidnapping, pro kidnapping, definitely did it not only to have you to himself but for some sort of sexual satisfaction
Just very uh... Lewd? Can't find the right word
He treats you very respectfully though
If he hears anyone else flirting with you he'll be fuming but won't show it
"Oh please, like you could EVER satisfy y/n's desires"
That person mysteriously disappeared that night
Very cocky bastard
Definetly follows you home, not only that but he watches you through your window
And stalks you
He knows everything about you
Would get you either by knocking you unconscious or by blackmailing you
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B a s t a r d
Gets LOUD when you're around
And giddy
Very touchy, always has a reason to put his hands on you
Talks a lot with you around, I mean he already talks a lot but now he won't shut up
Keeps his office nice and clean for you
He restocks on everything so when you come around you can take a loot at all his medicines
Big smile :D
Like spy he is not at all against kidnapping you
Makes sure you're comfortable during checkups
Will make you wait to be seen last just so he can take his time touching your body
"it's all part of the procedure".mp3
Compliments you in weird ways, ex: "your skin is so smooth and lovely, it's the perfect texture to make leather out of" "you have an amazing colon"
Look he's just trying his best here he has a screw loose
You're the only member who he's careful with really
Sometimes allows you to get hurt or has you get hurt by something just so you can see him
Always follows you wherever
Knows everything about you
If someone is flirting with you, he'll get quiet at first and use a low tone to speak to them
"you have guts talking to y/n like that"
They were never seen again
With kidnapping, he won't hesitate to use blackmail against you, or will just use anesthesia
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Bonus: Pauling
This lady values her work over her life, but to her you're so much more important
Will call you a lot on the battlefield to check in on you
Won't give you extremely hard missons to do because she doesn't want you to get hurt
"Hey (class), Pauling here. I need you... No not like that I just- I mean- for a mission yeah a mission"
Gets all flustered when you're around
Will take her only day off to spend time with you, what a sweetheart
Keeps multiple tabs on you
Follows you around
Doesn't really have time for kidnapping
But if it comes to that, she'll make something up so she has a reason to kidnap you
If anyone else is flirting with you she won't show that she's annoyed
She'll make something up as an excuse to execute them
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Has definitely thought of what you'd look like while naked
B l u s h
Has used a mental image of you to get off before
Probably has an actual photo of you
When he drinks a little more than usual, he'll accidentally brush his hand against your ass or get touchy with you
Will not force himself on you, he's 100% against that
If you decide to have sex with him, praise is what you're gonna get
"you're as beautiful as a shot of whiskey in the sunrise"
Very gentle with his hands
Not the type to masturbate
Unless if he gets THAT worked up
Again, against forcing himself on you
But if you want it no doubt you will top
He's also gentle with you
And loving
Praise is all you're gonna get
Sometimes russian sometimes broken english
Either way he will worship your body
Again, a more modest guy, doesn't really touch himself
Might just use a robot to pleasure himself when thinking about you
Probably has a photo of you and him around his workshop
Never forces himself on you
He's sweet and gentle when you do want it though
Sometimes gets help from his robot friends
Gets off on thinking about you
Won't force himself on you though
Sexual remarks × 100
Calls you handsome/beautiful in bed
I wouldn't say he's the best in bed but hey he's good I guess
Cuddles after sex most likely
Probablh threw out all his sexual magazines because they just didn't do the trick anymore
Sometimes when he runs past you, your shirt/skirt gets lifted up by a gust of wind and he can't help but look ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
Since I hit the text limit, I'll be making a part 2, stay tuned
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cazimagines · 3 years
Brühl headcanons with a S/o who’s in recovery /dealing with for a eating disorder (I can only imagine Tony’s disappointment)
I haven't watched the film with Tony in yet though I have been meaning to, I'll go on what I know about him from clips I have seen and stuff I have read about him. Also, I know there are lots of different types of eating disorders so I'm basing this one around anorexia.
Warnings: Eating disorder
Zemo would understand the most. When he was younger he developed an eating disorder as well as because of who he was he had a lot of news following him and taking pictures of him in Sokovia and it made him very self-conscious to the point where he felt like he had to have the perfect body or he would be judged heavily and it lead to him starving himself a lot and overworking himself. He was able to recover from the eating disorder, even his time in prison helping and when he finds out you have an eating disorder he is determined to help you through it as well. He isn't harsh on you as he understands how hard it can be but he is encouraging in trying to get you to eat more, making lots of food for you at any chance he can get. He's your greatest motivator and when you do manage to eat more than usual he is showering you in compliments and telling you just how proud he is of you.
The procedure of staving oneself has been something that is documented throughout time yet little was known about it. Laszlo had read a paper called "Anorexia Nervosa" and so based his own theories around that and figuring out how to treat you. Laszlo would be worried sick for you, anxious about how bad it was getting but he tried to keep up a cool appearance as he asked you lots of questions about it to try and figure out why you weren't eating as much and prescribing you the medical recommended in the paper. He would rub your back gently as he tried to convince you to eat some more food and he would be extremely gentle towards you. He would assure you that you would be okay, and he's been able to treat others with the same condition before, it just meant as your partner you would be getting more special treatment of gentle kisses.
Andrea would be very confused. He wouldn't exactly understand the reasoning behind why you weren't eating and it would upset him seeing how ill it was making you. Although he was rubbish in the kitchen he would constantly attempt to make more food for you, and this usually resulted in him accidentally burning or smashing something. He'd hug you tightly and whisper to you how worried he was and how he hoped you might eat some more soon as he hated seeing how ill it made you and every time he gave you those puppy dog eyes you tried your best to eat even just a little bit more for him and when he sees he would cover you in lots of kisses. He also takes you out to the beach a lot as everyone always says the smell of the sea is helpful for ill people so every day he insists you walk with him along the beach, hoping the smell of the sea helps you.
Niki always kept by a strict diet. He knew how beneficial it was to eat healthily and it's what he needed to be able to do well in the races. He couldn't focus on driving if he was hungry. So you didn't tell him at first that you started eating less though he quickly caught on. At first, he made a few remarks about wasted food but once he realised this was something more serious he became more concerned. It was hard for him to be as kind but he did try to comfort you and ask you what was wrong. He'd spend a lot of money sending you to see help and he would be anxious to find out how you were as soon as he was out of the car. There were times when it was hard and Niki wouldn't say anything, he'd just wrap his arm around your shoulder and pull you in tightly to him.
As soon as Tony heard you were in the hospital he rushed away from work to get to you. When finding out what had caused it, he was deeply saddened. He blamed himself for not seeing how little you were eating, and he worried that it was because of him and his job, how dedicated he was to food that had affected you in some way. When you were out he was determined to try and help you. He got the best food to be made for you and sat beside you, helping you eat. He would reassure you about all the calories you were eating and that it wasn't too much but the healthy amount. He would recommend you certain types of food hoping you might feel more persuaded to eat them.
TAGS: @shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @wonderwoman292 @justreadingficsdontmindme @thehuiabird @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemosimp420 @there-goes-thefighter @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @welcometothemxdhouse @flutterskies @rumblelibrary @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sky-writes-stuff @rhinestxn-e @davianos-blog @everythingbeginsineternity-blog @mywinterivy @barneswidow @checkurwindow @babayaga67 @spookycereal-s @hb8301 @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound @unbeatablecurlgirl
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Wire (Bit 18)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 6   | Bit 7 | Bit 8  | Bit 9  | Bit 10
Bit 11 | Bit 12 | Bit 13 | Bit 14 | Bit 15 | Bit 16 | Bit 17 | Bit 18
This is the end, technically, but I need to write an epilogue to tie it all up, so one more bit :D
As always, thanks to @tsarinatorment and @janetm74 for the read through. I was a bit nervous about this one. I’ve had to jam it into so many tiny snippets of time, that it felt patchy and wonky. I’ve been assured it is okay, so hopefully you enjoy it anyway.
It took some time and some exhausting work on Virgil’s part, but eventually he could sit up and Scott arranged a press conference. Apparently, it was against his better judgment and he wanted Virgil to wait longer, but it had already been over a week and the presents kept rolling in.
So with a handmade Thunderbird Two themed beanie on his head to hide the mess of bandages and mangled hair - it had been Scott who flew in their barber to tidy it up, but the result was definitely still beanie worthy - he prepared to face the media.
Gordon respected his hair, but the beanie was definitely up for grabs on the joke front.
Virgil claimed he was just jealous he didn’t have a Thunderbird Four version. It turned out even more hilarious when Virgil discovered that the beanie did have a Thunderbird Four partner...that was tiny and barely fit his handmade doll.
Gordon was very put out.
Virgil made a point of wearing the fan made hat along with a blanket to hide his belly - who had time to make him an entire blanket? Again, green with red tassels, thin yellow stripes and a white number Two in its centre.
He might have gotten a little over-emotional over this one.
He was blaming the painkillers he was on.
Stupid drugs.
Scott, with Gordon and Alan on one side and John on the other, pushed Virgil’s hoverchair down the hall. Gordon had declared he wasn’t missing this for the world and Alan agreed. John, Virgil suspected, just wanted to keep an eye on him. His space brother had been hovering a little and it was odd John would voluntarily attend such a public gathering.
Virgil could count John’s attendances to this kind of thing on one hand.
But it was good to have all of his brothers with him. After all, they worked as a team.
As for himself, he wanted to do this, but it wasn’t easy. His health was something to be reckoned with. Scott wasn’t far wrong. His brain wanted, but his body didn’t have the resources to deliver and a simple thing like getting into the hoverchair in the first place was frustrating and exhausting as all hell.
The moment the doors opened to the pandemonium outside the front of the hospital, he realised just how much he was asking of himself.
But he was going to do this, goddamnit.
The lights from holorecorders and flashes from cameras were blinding. A sharp word from Scott dulled it all down a bit, but the noise of so many people and the brightness of the day along with those still determined to photograph him was overwhelming.
“You don’t have to do this.” Scott quiet voice in his ear was ever so protective.
“Yes, I do.” And Virgil forced himself to face the people.
Fortunately, by the time they made it to the podium and his brothers sat down beside him, the majority of the crowd had quietened down, eyes pinned on Virgil, waiting for him to speak.
But it was Scott who spoke first, dressed in his suit, impeccable as always. Virgil had a suit jacket and loose shirt on, but that was all he had been able to manage. He looked like an idiot, but hopefully a dedicated one at least.
“Good morning. As promised, my brother Virgil is here to speak with you. As you can see, he is on the mend and we are ever so happy to have him back with us. He would like to make a statement.”
And Scott turned to him.
Virgil fingered the torn-out page of his sketchbook with his notes on it and looked out at the crowd. The media hovered expectantly at the foot of the podium staring up at him, but beyond that were the group of people that he had come here to speak to. Most were average, likely interested townsfolk, but in the centre there was a swath of green clothing. Several held signs and placards that said things like ‘Get Well Soon, TB2’ and ‘Thunderbirds 4ever’. There was even one sign that declared ‘We love you, Virgil!’.
These were the people responsible.
The mic stared at him.
He pulled on the speech training they had all had and straightened his shoulders the best he could.
“My sole purpose of speaking to you today is to thank all of you for all your support and for all the gifts that have been sent to me. I wanted you to know that every gesture is valued and...” He placed a hand on his heart. “...I am ever so grateful.” Said heart was doing a royal dance behind his breastbone. He pushed a smile onto his face. “I would particularly like to thank Gavii for the hat. I needed it.” The smile became a grin. “Kat’s playlist was a beauty, and JB’s TB2 was an utter delight.” He looked down, his mind rifling through all the gifts he had been given. Looking up, he stared across the crowd to the bunch of green people in the centre. “If I named all of you, I would be here all day, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate and value all your contributions. I will be passing the majority onto those who need them much more than I do, but I will keep your well wishes in my heart for all time.” He drew in a shaky breath. “Thank you.”
Scott’s eyes were an intensity off to his left. Gordon had already placed a hand on his arm from his right.
Now what he had wanted to say had been said, exhaustion was having a good go at winning the war. He knew this would happen, but screw it.
His eldest brother shifted in his seat. “I would like to express my thanks alongside my brother. We are very grateful for all the support shown to Virgil and our family during this difficult time. International Rescue will be returning to operation as soon as possible.”
“Who will be flying Thunderbird Two?”
Scott eyed the reporter at the front of the crowd. “Plans are in place. IR operational procedure is not what this conference is about.” The commander’s protective nature regarding the secrecy of their organisation automatically coming to the fore.
“It won’t be the same without you, Virgil!” A woman in the midst of the green patch yelled across the crowd. The people around her murmured agreement.
Virgil twisted his lips, the need to defend his brothers foremost in his mind. “My brothers are quite capable of providing our services without me. You can be assured of that.”
“I have to agree with them on this one, Virg.” Gordon’s fond smile shone at Virgil and then across the audience. “It won’t be the same and we are all looking forward to having you back.” That hand on his arm squeezed tight.
Virgil’s lips had to curl into a smile.
“Three cheers for International Rescue!” It was yelled at the top of someone’s lungs and suddenly the crowd was cheering like crazy. Virgil’s name prominent, but also the other brothers, all topped off with a ‘Tracy, Tracy, Tracy!”
Beside Virgil, Gordon jumped up and joined in, Alan not far behind him. John smirked and Scott tried to stay serious, but his eyes were sparkling.
Cameras started flashing again, holo-recorders buzzing around, but despite the overwhelming noise, Virgil’s smile just got bigger.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles; continuing from this)
“Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!” Ptilopsis’ head peered into Olivia’s room as her alarm sounded. “Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!”
“I’m awake, I’m awake.” Not that she particularly felt it, but she was getting out of bed nonetheless.
Tilly giggled to herself. “Ifrit already left for class. She ate all of her breakfast, including the seconds she requested.”
“Impressive.” The drowsier Liberi had found her glasses and now much less blind began to dress for the lab. “Thank you for taking care of her. If I can find the time to learn to cook, I should.”
“Dr. Silence already works so hard to save the world, though. Ptilopsis has no objection to supporting her in that endeavor however necessary.” Although admittedly, it was an element of her daily calculation.
Silence shrugged on her topcoat before hugging the mid-number-crunching analyst. “I’ll be helping Iffy with her project tonight. Saria said she might come by for a bit as well to pitch in, but I won’t be upset if you go home with her.”
“Understood.” Mostly. “Firewall temporarily disabled. I’ve noticed the two of you talk more with each passing day, but this is the first I’m hearing of you allowing Saria to see Ifrit.”
“Her project is more focused on the skeletal system than anything else, and I think Saria’s substantially more familiar with that field of anatomy than I am...Besides, she’s proven herself with how she treats you.”
Ptilopsis blushed. “Oh.”
“I know it’s taken me some time to admit it,” the doctor continued, following her beloved to their waiting breakfast, “but after all the time she spent working for and with Iffy, it’s not fair for me to keep them separated. She did what she thought was best, and regardless of whether I agreed with or agree now with her decisions, they were made with good intentions. Sorry to start the morning like this.”
“It’s fine. Ptilopsis is glad you continue growing as a person.” She hadn’t declared that she’d re-erected her firewall, but it was clear from context.
They ate breakfast after transitioning to talking about their business for the day - patients with scheduled visits, the other Medics on rotation for their shift, their usual morning briefing - but before they left for the office, Olivia pulled her close for another hug. “Thank you. I couldn’t do this without you.”
“‘This?’” Tilly temporarily halted her work protocols. “In what context?”
“Raising Ifrit, attending to Rhodes Island’s Infected, researching Oripathy, deploying on missions...You make my life possible.” She managed to catch herself before crying properly, but a stray tear rolled down her face and onto the analyst’s jacket.
The other Liberi twittered sweetly in her ear. “The same is true for me.”
“It is?...Thank you.” A brief collapsing of the little space between them, a kiss that lasted either seconds or years, and Rhine Labs’ former Oripathy expert was ready to start the day. Work went as expected through lunch, with patients and care plans and the occasional accolade or scolding of some Operator or another. When the Liberi lovers came back from the cafeteria, however, a familiar Vouivre was waiting for them.
“Good afternoon.” Saria was in business mode. “The Doctor needs me to deploy for a mission; I need a pre-deployment exam.”
Silence nodded. “Ptilopsis can take care of you.”
“...If it’s all the same, can we all talk in the exam room in private?”
“Hmm.” The doctor glanced at Tilly, who was rebooting quickly after a momentary blue screen, before nodding. “If you prefer.”
The trio took the nearest open room, and as the analyst performed the exam, the Vouivre got down to business. “I made notes for Ifrit’s presentation, but since I won’t be there to help, I sent them to both of your inboxes. There’s more than enough information for her to ace her assignment.”
“Thank you. I’m sure she’ll be happy to tell you how she did when you come back.” There was no question that she’d be coming back, after all.
“...Which brings me to my other point.” She sighed, taking a moment to collect herself. “When I come back, I’d like to have a full discussion, all parties involved, about setting a schedule for me to spend time with Iffy.”
Silence lived up to her codename as Ptilopsis carried on dutifully with her task, doing her best to ignore the conversation and focus on procedure. “I...I think that’s a good idea.”
“You do?” Saria’s heart rate, as measured by the device her examiner was using to measure it, betrayed her surprise.
“Yes.” Olivia made sure she didn’t respond with the other phrase that came to mind. “I isolated her from you, and the rest of the world, out of a hyperbolized sense of danger. Not that there weren’t genuine concerns for her well-being, but in keeping her under lock and key like I was, there’s a possibility I did more harm than the good I intended. I’m not the only person in her life who’s made rash decisions out of good intentions, and it’s hypocritical of me to keep pretending that my mistakes are justified when others weren’t.”
The Defender sighed. “So it’s still a mistake, then.”
“I think so...but I’m learning to admit when I might be wrong.”
“I see.” This’d turned out better than she’d thought it would. “Tilly?”
The Liberi took a breath before shifting her attention. “Yes?”
“When I said ‘all parties,’ that includes you.” The Vouivre looked her directly in the eye.
“Understood.” Ptilopsis shut down her defenses for a moment. “Why?”
That was a rare question to hear from her; the analyst was much more a ‘how’ and ‘when’ sort of person. “Because you’re part of her family, too. You deserve a say.”
“But I don’t have any concrete opinion on the matter. I’m happy you’ll be able to spend time with her, but the specifics are up to you and Olivia.” It was a good thing she was essentially done with her examination; this was going to eat up most of her processing power, she could already tell.
“Tilly,” Silence interjected, “it does affect you, though. You’re very careful with how you spend your time, and Saria and Iffy spending more time together will affect your calculations.”
She nodded. “It will.”
“So if we set a schedule that makes it harder for you to make those calculations, that’s not fair to you. We know how hard it is for you-”
“No. You don’t.” The analyst looked each of them in the eye in turn. “But that’s okay.”
The room around Olivia and Saria disappeared from their awareness as Ptilopsis reactivated her defenses and continued her work. It wasn’t until she finished that the Vouivre had any kind of follow-up, which was lifting her off her feet in a tight embrace. “I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for-”
“Oh, cut the bullshit, there definitely is.” The Defender set her down but kept her arms around her. “Every time we get into a fight or try to reconcile, we disrupt your life at a deep emotional level, and even if it’s better for us to try and get along, you get dragged along behind us in the process. We know your condition, but we don’t how it feels - you’re the only one who does. That doesn’t mean you have a right to lash out, but you do have the right to speak up, and we want to hear you.”
Tilly couldn’t keep walls up in the face of that. “Ptil...I know that, love.”
“Then take my apology for springing this on you in the middle of the week.” She held the Liberi’s gaze even as her vision started to blur.
“O-okay.” The analyst sighed before wrapping her arms behind Saria’s neck and pulling down slightly for a kiss. “You’re forgiven.”
The Vouivre let her go. “Thank you.”
“You are too, dear,” Ptilopsis continued, addressing Silence as she walked over to hug her as well.
“Thank you...and I’m sorry.” The doctor squeezed her like she had that morning. “We never explicitly said we would stop making these kinds of changes, but we did imply it a few weeks ago.”
The other Liberi shook her head. “Data changes, people change, and life goes on. Ptilo...I want you both to be your best, your happiest, and if that means chaos, then- Firewall engaging, overriding, halting process- then so be it. I need to be better, too. I’m sorry you had to hear the Other Voice.”
“You’ve held it at bay for years,” Saria noted, walking over to hug her from the opposite side. “That can’t be easy, especially with everything that’s happened.”
Olivia nodded. “Certainly not...I believe the Doctor is expecting you, Saria?”
“Unfortunately. I should probably be on time for the shuttle.” As she let go of Tilly, her hand accidentally touched Silence’s. The doctor said nothing. The Defender said nothing.
Ptilopsis made a note to record that in her diary that evening.
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akawrites000 · 4 years
Needy (Part 2)
When the Hero regained consciousness, they were very surprised for a couple of reasons. One- they weren't supposed to open their eyes again, they were supposed to be dead, and the cause of death would be 'choked by the Villain's sturdy hands'; two- their treacherous heart just wouldn't shut up, way too excited at the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this villain wasn't really as bad as they portrayed themselves to be (and would somehow magically turn into one of the villain personalities whom the Hero swooned over almost everyday on their smartphone) and three- they were currently tied up in some abandoned warehouse and the rough ropes were hurting their wrist.
It seemed like they had made enough noise waking up, because a shadow was walking towards them from the corner of the building. The Hero gulped- this is bad, I really can't protect myself right now because my hands are literally tied. The Hero's anxiety was at alarmingly high levels as they tried to internally calm themselves down (which didn't work). The shadow went over and flicked on the light switch, momentarily blinding the Hero.
Like a puppet cut off from its strings, the Hero slumped down in utter relief, voice a breathy sigh as they spoke, "It's only you huh, thank goodness, I was afraid it might be someone else who wanted to hurt me." They saw the Villain looking at them like they were a creature from another planet, standing comfortably by the wall.
The Villain sure as hell had good reason for their facial expressions and actions, their mind currently running a marathon- why did the Hero look so relieved after seeing that it was me, when they were clearly terrified just a moment ago? I mean, I'm the Villain... how can they be so sure that I wouldn't harm them? Their mind immediately pulled up the mental image of how all the tension in the Hero's shoulder just left once they knew that it was them standing in the corner, and how relieved their voice sounded. It was seriously very disturbing and the Villain couldn't understand why.
The Villain walked closer to the Hero who was currently struggling to get out of those ropes, "How did you know that I wouldn't hurt you? ", the Villain questioned, voice dark, " don't give me this bullshit of 'I trusted you' -
"But I did, and I do." The Hero had stopped wiggling in their chair and focused all of their attention on the Villain who looked like he was kicked in the gut. "Huh?", was all the distressed villain could manage, eyes fixed on the enigmatic Hero. The Hero simply chuckled- a soft sound that did weird things to the Villain's chest, " I mean no offense Villain, but you could have seriously killed me, with your fingers around my neck and all-"
The Hero didn't even see the Villain move, and before they knew it, their mouth was clamped shut by the Villain's hand, amber eyes looking into theirs desperately, "Just don't talk." , the villain said curtly- because it's driving me mad, you're driving me mad.
"O-okay?" The Hero said unsure of themselves, focusing their attention back into getting themselves out of those ropes. The Villain was just going to go and mull in the corner, and have an inner monologue with themselves before a loud groan- which soon turned into a pained whine, came from the direction of the Hero. They Villain whisked their head back so quickly, and surprised themselves because of how much they cared. They sprang over to where they tied the Hero, eyes meticulously going over the binds- I know I didn't tie it that tightly...
"What's wrong?" , the Villain asked, letting just a little emotion seep into their voice. The Hero looked up at them and it was only then that the Villain noticed how tired they were- those eyes that had always shined like a starry sky were now a dull blue, dark circles lining those eyes like they were a permanent inhabitant of their handsome/beautiful face. Though according to the Villain, they had no place there.
"Is there something on my face?" ,the Hero asked, twisting and turning a little. Bad move, they thought, as a loud gasp tore out of their throat and they doubled over in pain. The Villain was there in a jiffy, holding them up gently. They even let them lean on their body for support and the Hero couldn't help but smile despite the pain.
"What's wrong?!" The Villain asked once again, eyes searching every visible nook and corner of the Hero's body for any sign of injuries.
"I-It hurts.", they gasped, leaning in closer to the Villain.
The Villain got rid of the restraints themselves, carried the Hero bridal style and placed them on the floor to get a better look at them, all the while the Villain's mind was at crossroads- why am I doing this? vs I don't want to see them hurt playing on a loop inside their head. With every jostle the Hero flinched and the Villain's chest clenched with guilt?- something that they hadn't allowed themselves to feel in ages.
"Where does it hurt?" The Villain's voice came out gentle, and they surprised themselves once again.
They looked down to see the Hero grinning at them, eyss once again becoming a starry sky. Despite going through every possibility in their head as to how the Hero would react when they woke up again, grinning and soft eyes was definitely not on the Villain's list of possibilities- It made them weak.
"Here and here." The Hero pointed with their index finger to the general area around their ribs and below. No external injury could be seen, which meant that it was damaged internally- that's bad. The Villain went through the first aid procedures in their head.
The Hero smiled at them, "You don't have to look so worried Villain, I'll be fine. You've done enough, so I'll just go and get myself admitted at a hospital. " The Hero attempted to stand up, only to curl in on themselves again.
The Villain was angry, because it seemed like this stupid Hero was only desperate to hurt themselves more. And it made them even more furious to admit that they let something like "the Hero's wellbeing" get to them.
"Just sit here and don't move, I'm going to get the first aid supplies." The Villain made sure to glare extra hard at the greenie Hero so that they wouldn't get any other foolish ideas. They watched the Hero nod happily, as they made their way over to the other side of the room, looking for said supplies.
"So this is really where you live huh- and they went into a furious coughing fit. The Villain rushed back, cursing the Hero in their mind for not even giving them a few moments of peace, hand rubbing soothing circles onto their back. In the back of their mind though, the Villain was relieved at the fact that the Hero at least had a brain in there. They watched as the Hero gasped and spluttered, struggling to breathe. They definitely broke a few ribs during the fight, the Villain's mind fed worryingly from the Hero's reaction. Their hands instantly started working on the first aid measures, patching the Hero up the best they could.
"Don't talk, don't move, stay still." The Villain's voice may have sounded deep and cold but the Hero could feel the warmth in each of those words. They were slowly starting to feel tired, eyelids closing involuntarily once again.
The Villain stared at their nemesis, a look of fear stretching across their face, "Oi, don't close your eyes! Hero! Listen to me!"
The Hero woke up once again, this time to beeping sounds and bleary white walls. A hospital. They only turned their head, suddenly aware of the pain below their chest and their eyes landed on a slumped figure, on a chair by their bedside. Villain... had they admitted them to the hospital? How did I even get here? Don't tell me that they carried me all the way here?!
The Hero's face heated up at the thought, and they wiggled their hands in front of their face, swatting the thought away as if it were a fly. They sighed, feeling much better than they remembered feeling before they blacked out. Their eyes shifted to their phone which gave a soft glow in the dark.
One new message.
Villain: Your phone really doesn't have any useful information at all, you greenie Hero.
The Hero chuckled at the apparent annoyance that the Villain might have felt upon the discovery. It was the truth, they really weren't allowed to know as much as their higher ups did.
Villain: Open your notes.
The Hero became alarmed, their fingers flying to the notes app. The notes was like their personal diary and they never let anyone read through them. They were pissed, eyes glaring at the sleeping villain as they opened the most recently edited note-
The story I read today was so good, I hope I get to meet a villain like that in my life!
Well you met one today, what did you think? Tell me after you wake up- Villain.
And the story was nothing special, I read it. I'm sure we could do so much better than that- Villain.
If the Hero's cheeks weren't flaming then, they sure were now. They weren't even mad anymore, just giddy, smiling like an idiot at the sleeping Villain.
"You were amazing, Villain."
The Hero opened up the Villain's chat-
H: How am I supposed to tell you if you're still asleep dummy. Wake up!!!
H: And next time, don't just snoop around my phone while I'm asleep. Just ask me and I'll give it to you.
okay this ended up being way more cheesy than it was in my head lol/ villain gets influenced by hopeless romantic hero/ it's the beginning of their own fanfic inspired heroxvillain relationship/hero is extremely satisfied-hope you all liked it.
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Hiya ^^! How the dorm leaders gonna react if their S/p suddenly hug them from behide and not let them see their darling face because they just shy?
Some of the S/O's reaction isn't shy but hope this is well enough! ♥️ Requests are open but will be updated slowly, any inconveniences is greatly regretted.
Veiled Embrace
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is greatly taken aback. His small figure turning stiff the moment his s/o arms wrapped around him.
"What on earth are you doing?" Slips out of his mouth with a gasp, and he's already trying to shake them off which proved to be surprisingly hard since they resisted the rejection.
"___,face me! What do you think you're trying to pull?"
It's not that he dislikes it but growing up with such strict procedures, public displays of affection was something even his mother rarely did. She always told him that it was improper to be so straightforward with ones feelings,it made you seem weak and dependant.
Riddle attempted to pry their hands off of him but then he noticed how they were hiding away their face,burying it into his uniform. They were trembling too. Worry soon etched into his expression and rather awkwardly, he stood there with their arms still embracing him from behind.
"I don't know what's gotten into you so suddenly" He said, "But this position is uncomfortable and it's hard for me to look at you"
"Maybe I don't want you to look at me" Came the reply,all muffled.
Riddle sighed, and yet his heart fluttered joyously at the sight of them clinging to him. He wasn't the type of boy with a strong built like Leona and Jack, so it was amusing to see them act like it was and throwing themselves at him so carelessly.
Was it because they genuinely depended on him despite his flawed physique?
"You're going to cause a scene if people walk by and see us like this,you know?"
"Just a little longer?"
Another sigh, another fluttering sensation.
"Only a bit."
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil was facing his vanity mirror, hands gracefully applying the new face mask he'd bought yesterday. His fingers pressed the mask lightly onto his skin, smoothing out the edges before admiring how despite it being entirely covered, he was still extremely elegant.
His purple gaze glistened pleasantly when his s/o's reflection greeted him from behind.
"Daffodil,how do I look?" A gentle laugh echoed in his words but instead of receiving an answer, his s/o furrowed their brows and bit their lower lip before wrapping their arms around him in an embrace. Taking him by surprise.
"Not the sort of answer I was looking for but—" His laugh came out this time, and Vil had to remember to compose himself before speaking again. "I'm pleased you like my new look,though I would've been more appreciative if this came after I took the mask off"
Their face nuzzled into the silk robe he wore, Vil felt a rush of heat course through him as they shifted in the embrace. He was often particular with physical interaction but when it came to them,he always had a slight softness to spare.
The only thing he found odd was how they kept him from seeing their face.
"You're awfully shy today,my sweet"
Grumbling came as a response and Vil smiled, slightly coyly as he leaned into their touch.
"If you keep grumbling like that I might have to teach you words, mein lieb."
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Azul Ashengrotto
He honestly didn't know how to react. His self-made facade was slipping and the fact that Jade and Floyd were grinning at him for his dumbfounded response wasn't helping.
While preparing for Mostro Lounge to open for business, his s/o came barging through the door and without even saying anything grabbed him from behind,by his waist and muffled their scream by pressing their face to his back. It all happened so quickly, his reaction was only natural wasn't it?
"What's wrong with you?" Azul managed after letting out a gruff cough, an attempt to re-compose himself. He looked over his shoulder only to see that they were covering their face, but from the way their shoulders shook he knew they were upset.
He sent a narrow eyed glare towards the silently snickering twins, a warning for them to dismiss themselves, before he addressed the matter as calmly as possible.
"You're going to ruin my suit,___."
"I don't care." They murmured, earning another heavy sigh from the Mer-male. He wasn't used to intimately physical interaction, especially not from a human, but it was something he had learned to adapt to since it was considered a normalcy to their kind. Though,it always seemed to tip him off.
"What's this even about? You don't usually assault me with your need for intimacy like this"
"Grim keeps eating the leftovers I keep and I was this close to skinning him alive" They proceeded to show their frustration by bringing up two fingers touching each other, though their face was still kept hidden.
"But I didn't want to so I ran over here"
"To assault me"
"To a safe zone!"
Azul's brows furrowed, confusion clear as day on his face. Truly,land folk were very odd.
But he endured it. For them.
"I'll get Jade to prepare a meal for you,will that make you feel better?" Azul sighed,one brow cocked upwards as a small smile curled on his lips. His s/o nodded their head.
"Can I hold you for a bit longer?" They asked, quietly.
"I run a business here, seashell...But just until Jade's done with your food, understood?"
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Leona Kingscholar
He was deep asleep when his instincts kicked in and his eyes flew open only to find that the one disturbing his slumber was none other than his fussy s/o. They had their head buried into his chest as their arms wrapped around his waist despite the awkward size difference.
They didn't seem to be sleeping from the rise and fall of their chest,but their eyes were shut closed.
Leona let a sigh, a deep rumble that shook their body.
"You're taking up a lot of space here, herbivore" He drawled,the gruffness of his voice a mixture of exhaustion and irritation, and yet he made no attempt to pry them off of him.
When they didn't answer him though,Leona shifted so that he was on his side and had one free hand to tug at their hair until a small yelp escaped them.
"Stop that,Leona! It hurts!"
"Ha? Serves you right for ruining my sleep"
"You're always sleeping when you don't have anything else to do..." They grumbled aloud and the young prince didn't even need to see their face to know that they were frowning when the words left them. But seemingly unfazed, he tugged their hair again, a ghost of a smirk flirting about his lips as he felt his s/o squirm.
"So, what? It's not like there's anything interesting to do anyway"
His smirk grew wider before he leaned into their curled up body against him and felt them turn stiff from the contact.
"Unless you have something in mind?"
Their head jerked up and roughly collided with his chin. The loud thud of the impact earning painful groans from both parties.
Eyes half opened,they rubbed the top of their head as Leona hung his low,one hand grabbing onto his throbbing chin. Both persons stayed like that for a while, engrossed in their own physical pain, before Leona lift his head and elicited a low growl.
"If what you were looking for at first included sweating,I hope you prepared yourself to run for your own life, mousey, cause when I catch you, I'm going to return that impact twice as hard."
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Idia Shroud
He felt light headed and if it wasn't for his sturdy built, he would've toppled down the moment they held onto him from behind. Latching their body close to his as if in an attempt to squeeze him of any energy he had left.
When a laugh erupted from them,the awkward dorm head had to crane his head back to look down at them.
"You're so stiff, Idia! It's ridiculously amusing." They chirped happily, the rumble of their laughter reverberating through his body. He was never this close to anyone for him to receive such an intimate touch, and though he did rather quietly enjoyed it,he was still very much adapting to it's consistency.
"What makes hugging so complex to you, anyways?" They asked him, the slight hint of teasing rang in their voice blatantly and had Idia struggling for words.
Goodness,if Ortho was here, he'd have died from embarrassment.
"...And you think I should know?" Idia murmured this underneath his breath,his heart beating rapidly echoed through his own skull and his cheeks dusted a faint pink.
"Did you say something?" Looking up, his s/o's gaze seemed to make the entire situation harder to cope, what with glistening eyes filled with softness,and Idia was left with wondering how he got into this relationship in the first place.
"You...Why are you here?" He asked before reassessing the question.
Their eyes widened, surprised by the question but then warmth coloured the hues of their orbs and small smile graced their lips.
"Cause I like you, silly."
Well, that was a surprise.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim would be pleasantly taken aback. One of the most physically affectionate dorm leader out of the seven, he himself surprises his s/o with embraces and kisses as well.
It was no different today when they came rushing from behind him and squeezed their arms tight around his body. He let out a shocked gasp but then upon realising it was simply his Jewel of the Earth, a smile flashed on his face and his arms were quick to return the embrace.
"Hahaha! You're lively today! Did something good happened?" He cheered, voice warm and loving as always. They kept their face hidden from him, but somehow he could just feel the smile on their lips as they nuzzled against him, and his heart fluttered.
They were always his source of energy. There was no way he would ever think otherwise.
"Today, let's fly on my magic carpet! Jamil said they were going to have a new bazaar open near by, I'm sure there'll be lots of food there for us to eat together!"
A soft laugh escaped their lips then as they nodded to the idea, and Kalim let out another enthusiastic cheer.
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Malleus Draconia
Physical affection was one of the things this Fae had to adapt to and it was surprisingly easier than he thought it would be.
He found them extremely pleasant and soothed his nerves more than his midnight walking. If he were to be honest, he simply hadn't gotten the idea at first, humans could rarely even talk to him while remaining eye contact, so naturally he would think the same when it came to things such as hugging.
Though, he was proven wrong when his beloved would oh so casually wrap their arms around his body or lean their head against his shoulder at any given time. He thought it odd, of course he did, and even went as far as to inspect if being with him hadn't somehow caused them to be stuck in some sort of curse, but then when they would laugh it off and smile at him as genuine as he'd seen any human do, he accepted the fact they truly liked his presence beside them pretty well.
Suprises such as coming up behind him and pulling him into an embrace became a familiar sort of sport to Malleus and often time when they did it, the Fae couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. He doesn't mind them at all and sees it as a way to indicate his beloved's emotions, whether they were happy or restless, sad or angry, he could tell simply from how their embrace affected him.
Right now, they were flustered, their arms squeezing him tight as their face buried into his back. The mere heat running through their veins somehow ran through him as well, and the slightly rapid beating of their heart reverberated through his bones.
"You're flushing" He said simply, "Did something happen?"
"I passed Mr. Crewel's test"
Malleus arched his brows,curiously. "Congratulations. He must be glad as well"
He felt them press themselves even further into him, almost to the point Malleus thought they were trying to join their body with his.
"Oh yeah,really glad. So glad he had me stand in front of class while he patted my head and said, "Good, pup! Those extra classes of ours worked well to train you into a smart puppy after all."
'Ah' Malleus thought, finally understanding the situation.
"You should've seen everyone look at me! Even Deuce looked like he was going to burst out laughing!"
They lifted their head then,eyes teary yet flaring with emotions. Their lips quivered and Malleus couldn't help but smile, his hand coming up to pat them on the head.
It took them by surprise of course.
"You did well, and he congratulated you albeit teasingly, I'm sure he meant well. Don't let it sully your achievement"
His s/o pursed their lips, head resting against his chest.
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cheershalo · 4 years
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By request, here are some of my favorite angsty fics in order longest to shortest. Some of these are angstier than others but I wanted to give a good range!
*note: make sure to read the tags because some of these deal with heavier topics! take care of yourself!
*also: most of these are b!L because that’s what i like to read! smut or no-smut is marked as well as the basic tags!
Remember to leave kudos and comment on all these lovely fics if you decide to read!!
💔 pray for some sweet simplicity by @eeveelou​ | E | 237k | abo | b!L - (motorcycles, racer louis, journalist harry, slow burn, a classic)
An AU where motorcycle racing is the biggest sport in a heavily divided world, Louis is trying to take control of his own destiny, and Harry is in for more than he bargained for.
💔 Collision by @tequiladimples​ | E | 225k | b!L - (mythology/fantasy, fairy louis, dark harry, enemies to lovers, slow burn, love love love)
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
💔 And I Wait for Paradise by You_Just_Mightx3 | NR | 209k | abo | b!L - (addiction, ptsd, pining, best friends to lovers, eventual mpreg, so heartbreaking and heart-wrenchingly beautiful)
The one where it’s not the Harry who touched Louis’ heart that comes home, but an addict thought to be hopeless. A paradise above addiction when Louis wins so does Harry.
💔 Don’t Let It (Me) Break by @falsegoodnight​ | E | 169k | b!L - (exes to lovers, slow burn, grief, panic attacks, healing/therapy, sad louis, def read tags, a fav of all time)
The one where Harry is oblivious, Louis is broken, Zayn and Liam are in love, Gemma and Lottie are lovely, and Niall is just waiting for everyone to get their shit together.
Oh, and it's all Malcolm's fault.
💔 Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere​ | E | 125k | abo | b!L - (touch depri, businessman louis, hurt/comfort, a fav)
“I think I have an idea,” Louis said. Slowly, and reluctantly, but with a growing sense of the inevitable. “God damnit, I think I have a really good idea.”
“Oh christ, that's the problem-solving face,” Babs said. “Last time we saw that face, he sold a company.”
“Wait, what?” Zayn asked.
“Right place, right time,” Louis said. “Also, fuck my life,”
“What?” Zayn repeated. Niall patted his hand.
“I usually just roll with whatever Louis is about to do,” he said. “It’s better for us all.”
“That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
💔 The Dead of July by whimsicule | M | 117k | b!L - (avengers au, captain america harry, louis as bucky, ptsd, so fucking good)
Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
💔 Untangle Me by suicxne | E | 103k | np smut - (canon compliant, friends to lovers, first kiss, cute <3)
The one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
💔 nothing worsens, nothing grows by @soldouthaz​ | E | 103k | b!L - (roadtrip au, college au, enemies to lovers, friends with benefits, ot5, a fav of all time)
Another roadtrip AU featuring Harry as the misunderstood hipster, Louis as the bitter psych major, Liam as the one with the secret boyfriend, and Niall as the one who just wants everyone to be happy.
💔 Here in the Afterglow by @harrybridgers​ | NR | 89k | b!L - (high school au, historical, 70s au, small town, slow burn, strangers to friends to lovers, soft soft soft)
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
💔 And down the long and silent street by whimsicule | M | 86k | b!L - (historical au, regency au, poverty, wealth difference, hurt/comfort, a masterpiece <3)
Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis' past finally catches up with him.
💔 Consequences by @allwaswell16​ | E | 79k | b!L - (amnesia au, exes to lovers, hurt/comfort, secrets, amazing amazing)
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
💔 We’ll Cast Some Light (You’ll Be Alright) by @harrybridgers​ | NR | 74k | b!L - (enemies to lovers, sort of exes to lovers, demons, demon hunters, INCREDIBLE)
There’s a standard procedure for this. Scan, track, kill. But with a solar eclipse and a Greater Demon with unfinished business looming, the path to keeping England safe from harm becomes complicated and shadowed by mystery and secrets. For Harry and his team, times have never been harder, especially when a few old friends turned foes show up. Harry is left with just over forty days to overcome the hurdle of tension between them and reconcile their past, and figure out just what Louis is hiding from him before it’s too late.
💔 Latibule by @quelquesetoiles​ | E | 54k | b!L - (spirited away au - ish, mythology, fantasy, god harry, human louis, sad louis, jealousy, amazing)
A Spirited Away AU of sorts where Louis just wants to heal and be left alone, only for all his plans to be destroyed by the hands of an infuriating British God.
💔 7 Up by @cherrystreet​ | E | 52k | b!L - (friends to lovers, growing up together, will make you cry like a baby, a classic)
Very loosely based on the British TV show "The Up Series" and somewhat inspired by the song “Something I Need” by Onerepublic, we follow the lives of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in an interview setting every seven years. They fall apart and come together, their lives and emotions recorded. Harry calls it a time capsule. Louis calls it a pain in the arse.
💔 Strangers in Love by @darlou | E | 42k | b!L - (amnesia au, car accidents, light d/s, growing up together, enemies to lovers, a fav)
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
💔 Ever Fixed by @eeveelou​ | E | 42k | b!L - (strangers to lovers, divorce, depression, child death, the plot twist GOT ME SO GOOD - i read this yesterday with ris and h o l y s h i t)
Three years ago, Harry was happily married, successfully heading the largest technology company in the world, and raising his young daughter. After he loses nearly everything in the aftermath of his daughter’s lost battle with a rare brain tumor, it may take three strange and yet very familiar visitors – and a man from the therapy group Harry keeps refusing to go to – to get him back on track.
💔 before we knew by @falsegoodnight​ | E | 40k | b!L - (soulmate au, lawyer harry, editor louis, stubborn harry, pining louis, literally one of the best fics ever written) 
Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
💔 where the lights are beautiful by twoshipsdrifting | M | 31k | abo | b!L - (THE accidental bonding fic, mentions of mpreg, have reread many times and it still hurts so good)
Harry wasn’t wrong about that, not in a general sense. Lots of omegas did seek out rich alphas and betas, hoping or planning to go into heat at the right time. Plenty of omegas saw this as their duty, especially if their families weren’t well off. Worse, Louis couldn’t honestly say he’d never thought about it.
If that had been his life, his goal, Louis would feel pretty good about himself now.
As it is…Louis feels like shit.
💔 autumn leaves by @suspendrs​ | NR | 28k | b!L - (war au, soldier harry, waiter louis, french louis, friends to lovers, so so good)
Harry is an American soldier in France during World War II, and Louis is a French waiter that doesn't mean to fall in love with him.
💔 Cherry by littlebluetui | M | 25k | b!L - (exes to lovers, famous harry, non-famous louis, comfort sex, light d/s, really good & really underrated!)
Harry and Louis were soulmates, no one doubted that.
Sometimes one soulmates leaves the other to go on a world tour though.
Sometimes not having them at all is better than only a little.
💔 like a bastard on the burning sea by vashtaneradas | NR | 22k | implied b!L - (cheating/infidelity - i don’t read cheating fics as a principle but this one just... hurts so good, haven’t reread and i don’t think i ever will but i think about it often)
Harry breaks Louis, Louis breaks everything.
💔 all this delusion in our heads by buttfucklarry | E | 15k | b!L - (exes to lovers, sad louis, sad harry, mentions of mpreg, another underrated beaut <3) 
After Harry and Louis break up, they cope with it in very different ways. What will happen when Harry keeps calling his ex over when things go wrong in his life, but Louis just can't take it anymore?
💔 a grocery list pinned in blue by dangerbears | NR | 20k | b!L - (exes to lovers, divorce, a masterpiece truly)
After eight years, Louis finally has everything he's wanted. Except for Harry.
💔 Cupid’s Chokehold by bluelemur | E | 35k | b!L - (soulmate au, cupid louis, human harry, virgin louis, feel good but also a bit angsty) 
Louis is a Cupid who tries to match up Niall and Harry. It doesn't work out as planned.
💔 Love is like this; not a heartbeat, but a moan by @loveletterharry​​ | E | 13k | abo | b!L - (enemies to lovers, ex-childhood best friends, pining harry, beach house, lovely)
In which Harry loves Louis, but Louis has been cold to him ever since he presented as an omega at age fifteen.
Eight years later, Louis approaches Harry with a request, and who is Harry to deny him?
Remember again to leave kudos and comment on all these lovely masterpieces! And feel free to let me know if I made any errors!
Request another category here. 
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