#minesweeper character
weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: The face from Minesweeper
Debut: from Minesweeper
Minesweeper is a pretty cool game! I like it. I went through my entire life not knowing how to play it, and then a few months ago decided “I will learn how Minesweeper works” and now I like it well enough. But even before I liked it as a game, there was something about it that was always charming! Even as a silly baby, I felt positive energy radiating from this game with an honestly horrific premise, because this grid of squares and numbers was Smiling at me!
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The Face From Minesweeper may register as an Emoji to you, but it actually predates them! This strange creature is a Smiley. More than a mere smiling face, a Smiley is like a sort of animal. Everyone loved Smiley! You can think of it on the level of other fan-favorite animal, Dog. Just like Dog, Smiley got all sorts of merchandise! Toys, decoration, even smiling French Fries! One day, however, the magic day finally came when world leaders agreed it was time to domesticate Smiley.
Though many would have loved to have a pet Smiley of their own, it was decided that they were unfit for such a lifestyle. Instead, they would become beasts of burden... they would be Used. The selective breeding began! Over time, they became smaller, cuter. They gained a wider range of readable facial expression. Most importantly, they were now hardy enough to be sent all over the world countless times per day. And that is how Emojis came to be! Linked gene shenanigans also led to some shaped like animals, plants, objects, even symbols! Don’t worry about it. But if you are interested, I think they released a documentary about this in 2017.
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After this section in which I deliberately transitioned away from smileys and toward emojis, I would like to immediately return to smileys if that’s okay. Thank you. The face from Minesweeper is always watching... but not in a scary way! In a nice way. The face is your buddy. If it ever feels too hard, you can click the face, and its square will be pressed in, and the puzzle will be reset! No shame in that.
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I wonder, where does the face end, and its platform begin? Is the face even the extent of the entity? Maybe the entire Minesweeper board is just a guy, and that’s where its face is! Minesweeper is a whole character!
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In that case, then, it is even funnier that the face goes :O whenever you click a space. It COULD be that it is in suspense, since any wrong move can end in disaster, but maybe it’s just because you are poking its body! And that’s a little Weird. Evidence: it does this even if you click a cleared, safe square! It is reacting to touch, not anticipation! There we have it, Minesweeper is a creature. Also, I like to use the ease of activating this face like a little digital puppet! It is fun.
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Like any creature, sadly, it can Die. However, it is at least functionally immortal and only ever in danger of explosions! Unfortunately, it contains land mines. I am becoming slightly convinced that Minesweeper (game) is, in fact, a bizarre sort of medical procedure where you help to isolate the explosives embedded in this grid-based life-form’s body. The only way to save it, sadly. And sadly, if you are not a professional, Minesweeper and its precious Face will die... but it’s okay. We have more! Just press the face and reset the game and don’t tell anyone!
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If you win Minesweeper, then congratulations! You don’t get anything yourself, really. But that’s not what it’s all about. Minesweeper isn’t about YOU, the player. It’s about Minesweeper’s Face, the main character here! And after achieving victory, it is Cool. And you helped it get here! It turns out Minesweeper is all about helping another person become their best self, the story of an average schmuck who, with the help of a clever stranger, can become the coolest in town!
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Lastly, I would like to show you Minesweeper as it appears as a character, in the Roblox game Databrawl! I don’t know anything else about this game! Don’t ask me about it please! I just think this design is really fun and cool!
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cbts004 · 1 year
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glitchedcrisis · 7 months
KinitoPET sayings for minesweeper and being afk
1] I'm trying to ask you a question, nows not the time to be playing games
2] Did my story bore you? I saw you playing games.
3] Hey, what are you doing? I promise the web world is more fun than games!
4] are you playing minesweeper? Why?! There's so much fun to be had here!
1] are you still there?
2] hello? Where are you?
3] I guess they had better things to do
[After that it seems to repeat]
There maye be more. This is just all of gotten so far 🤷
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shuruzy · 7 months
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body practice... decided to use Quin as my training partner since they've got Forger Muscles & i dont draw or talk about J:USTICE characters enough
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santipt50 · 9 months
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I'm not the first one doing this, I know, I have Google too and so I took some inspiration from old posts but the design is mostly mine!
Fun fact: background is the current highest difficulty game cleared in Minesweeper Online
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greentypewriters · 1 year
for some reason i am really good at conventional 2d puzzles and really bad at video game puzzles. saying this as i fail miserably to comprehend vah naboris
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mcrololo · 2 years
Just woke up from the weirdest sequences of dreams that subconscious me found extremely funny, only to then come up with the most banger lines for characters in a fandom I'm not even in.
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theaxolotlkween · 7 months
Reasons why Jon Archivist is truly a character of all time:
Had the police called on him several times when he was a young child
Keeps his rib and the ashes of the season one antagonist next to his stationary drawer
Promised he wouldn’t get lost in tunnels and then immediately got lost in aforementioned tunnels
Has no clue what a joke is
Learned how remarkably easy it is to buy an ax in central London
Had to have two separate interventions
Told people his place of employment before traumatising them for life
The first character he ever said ‘I love you’ to is a cat
Allegedly participated in amdram
Watches documentaries and collects some kind of weird shit (my headcanon is Soviet Union postcards) when he’s not being a paranoid mess
Canonically looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks
Knows nothing about library science
Fell head over heels for a man that he hated until he learned he lied on his resumé
Has been referred to as Jesus or Jesus-adjacent at least twice
Asexual icon
Knows what a meme is and said “LOL” in the first episode
Rode on a merry-go-round sometime during his university days because he was in a weird place emotionally
Died for our Jonathan Sins
Is probably a computer now playing minesweeper with his boyfriend and evil 200+ year old boss
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
TSAMS Sunrise Canon Info
Updated - 9/7/24
Sun's likes:
Cats (he owns two)
Dressing up his cats
Listening to/watching documentaries while he cleans
Red Dead Redemption and Baldur's Gate 3
Cult of the Lamb
Yellow (his favorite color)
Snapple (his favorite drink)
Hamburgers (his favorite food)
Sun's dislikes:
Balloon Boy
Hot water
Sea water
Taylor Swift
Garden gnomes
Kids (this was implied) <- (he might've made this implication jokingly, but he did end up saying that he does have a soft spot for them)
The creator
Sun tends to get very competitive with gaming
He’s watched the entirety of Dragon Ball Z
He has an obsession with cleaning and stacking the toy barrels/tumble barrels in the daycare. If they’re not adequately cleaned or stacked in a very specific way, he gets upset
He’s bought stilettos and tried on a dress before, while saying that he’s a pretty princess
He used to have a crush on Roxanne
He’s not good at dancing and really only moves the upper half of his body
Sun is pansexual (check for sources). He's not bisexual, so him being pan is slightly more likely (retconned. Sun is more than likely straight, at this point)
Sun has a car and knows how to drive
He isn’t very good at acting
He has a habit of cheating when playing competitive games
It’s been implied numerous times that Sun occasionally enjoys cross dressing
Old Moon has made a statement before, suggesting that Sun has kleptomania
Sun can read bar codes
He apparently knows the history of gravel and can talk about it for hours
He was programmed to know how to drive
His rays are made of plastic
He plays D&D and his character is a warlock
Sun grooms his rays like they’re his hair, and he uses ray polish to do so
Sun knows the history of Windex
Sun knows how to play Yu-Gi-Oh
Cleaning is one of the things that calms him and helps him focus
Sun panics sometimes when he's not doing anything, because he feels like he's not doing enough. Apparently this was triggered by Eclipse's return
Sun can't calm Moon down whenever Moon gets seriously upset, and Sun finds that "kinda scary" (<- exact wording from the therapy video). This means that on some level, Sun is afraid of Moon's anger, and of Moon acting irrationally when he's upset
Sun is the only janitor in the daycare
Sun's had a bird fly in his face before, and according to him, it's more annoying than scary
Sun's not good at bowling
He's eaten glitter glue at one point as a coping mechanism. He may or may not have also eaten sparkles
Sun knows how to grind coffee beans
He turned his basement into a cat den, and his cats have their own TV
Sun drinks (we don't know how often)
If he could be an animal, Sun would be a stingray
Sun doesn't clean the bottom of the ballpit
Sun received an offer to replace Glamrock Freddy as the face of the pizzaplex, but he refused. A lot of the refusal stems from him not wanting to be on a stage in front of so many people
Sun's never watched any classic Disney princess movies that occurred before Beauty and the Beast and Mulan. This would include ones like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella, although he's had Cinderella play passively in the background before (knowing Earth though, she'll probably make him watch all the original princess movies eventually)
Sun goes through a lot of existential crises
Sun knows how to set broken bones
Sun is very good at finding kids who wander from the group whenever he takes everyone somewhere outside the daycare
Sun has a fear of heights
Sun buys animal shaped soaps
Sun puts down a lot of sticky notes in different places
In the earlier days of the daycare, Sun once tried to play hide and seek with a blind kid. It did not end well
Sun's watched Death Note 4 times through
Sun has a crush on Yor from Spy x Family (his type seems to be people that could beat him up, but this could change)
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10yrratiolover · 2 days
My health is on the decline so have some more Ratio headcanons to make me feel better
He makes a detailed list when grocery shopping and he sticks to it pretty strictly, only deviating from it on very rare occasions
I kind of hate the headcanon that he has a boatload of ducks, mostly because it reminds me of the phenomenon that fandoms will dumb characters down to liking one thing bc it was mentioned/shown once
^ that being said, I do think he would have a couple, most were given to him as gag gifts but
Freakishly fast walker, he's got places to be
A mild case of RBF, he furrows his brows a lot and it makes him look like he's scowling
I don't think he needs glasses to see normally, but I think he'd wear reading glasses like the ones in his BP icon since he reads so often and doesn't want it straining his eyes
I think he'd go out of his way to avoid scheduling classes, lectures, tutoring, etc really early in the day. He needs a few hours minimum to enjoy some peace and quiet at the beginning and end of the day.
Based on his character introduction, I think he does suffer from some kind of chronic insomnia, he mostly struggles with getting to sleep since he finds it hard to turn his mind off
Night time is also when his stress levels increase, mostly since when he's lying down with so much less stimulus/things to think of he starts to wonder if he accomplished enough/anything that day or if it was wasted
I've seen people talk about him not caring about his own gender, and I 100% agree with that
He presents masc but he really doesn't care, he also doesn't think about it much because he's got other more important stuff to do
I think he'd be a gamer god at Minesweeper, definitely not projecting
He actually genuinely enjoys socializing, even with idiots at times, in cases where he has to stay home because he's sick or whatever he's genuinely miserable about it
Sort of based on my post about his eyes but I think he'd have pretty good vision in the dark, like not 100% clear vision but better than an average person
^ Doesn't turn on the lights of his house if it's nighttime and he's not doing anything important, if he needs a midnight glass of water he's just walking around in the pitch black
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adamworu · 2 years
Getting Shinji Ikari’s character is such a visceral punch because he’s an abuse victim who jumps hoops to make people happy. The act of practical back breaking is less about martyrdom aka Doing This for the Good of Man and more of not making the other person mad. Walking on eggshells or a game of emotional minesweeper? It comes at the cost of your happiness, but when you’re abused and your suitcase is mostly filled with others’ baggage, it’s hard to tell your happiness from others.
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jeellyjams · 4 months
half life characters board/card/video game headcanons
dominates chess for sure
loves air hockey. she has accidentally injured several opponents though and therefore she has a temporary air hockey ban
she can play Go but she has to think really hard about it
space invaders stresses her the fuck out and she can't get past level 2 because she panics and loses all her buildings
checkers. he really likes checkers
decent at chess but Alyx destroys him every time
played Go with Kleiner a lot but he's still too aggressive at it
really good at Snake for some reason
the best at space invaders, he has a handheld for it the size of a tamogotchi that he plays on his breaks all the time
plays Go with Kleiner regularly. he's not the best but he can hold his own for a while
also an air hockey fiend
somehow he doesn't have the patience for chess but he can and will outlast everyone in Monopoly
checkers with Gordon. they end up chasing each other's pieces for like ten minutes by the end in a furious stalemate
top score in Galaga
for sure has a personal Go set in his lab
played Go Fish and Uno a lot with Alyx when she was little. sometimes they still have a round
probably also plays Solitaire when he's bored
Backgammon (derogatory)
crushes everyone in Uno though
has a 1 in 4 win rate with Alyx in chess. no one knows how
fucking. bingo
also minesweeper cause it's on the little computer in his briefcase
Gman handed him a pack of cards in stasis so he's really good at card tricks now
uhh solitaire also
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digital-chess · 4 months
Okay I have two questions this time first when kinger fills the rest of the missing peace's does he put the amount that is supposed to be in actual chess like pawns because on each team I noticed there are two of every peace because that's how many are in a chess match but there's more than two pawns on each side so does he limit each peace to only two or not second did any of the characters change a lot from their original personality
Any empty slots for a role will be filled until they match a full correct board of chess, and those NPC's/placeholders can be utilized as normal players, but the caveat is that they can only be used against other placeholders. Aka, only human characters can defeat other human characters. If a role is filled to its max on the board, then Kinger will re-assign them a new role of his choosing despite what your personality may have dictated.
You can also request to have your role changed by going to Kinger personally. He will then challenge you to a small game of cards, sudoku, minesweeper, chess, ect over some tea, and if you win, he will fulfill your request. (Or you can suck up to him, but most players don't want to throw away their pride to do that.)
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Never Stop Blowing Up theories:
boy group battle-royale-to-the-death of all the boy groups
trench warfare, everyone's attacks are only bombs
everyone is bombs
gritty live action yellow submarine reboot set in the cold war
gritty bomberman reboot set in the american war
minesweeper meets minecraft meets chris angel mindfreak
chasing stardom in the post-zombie apocalypse
series of lightly themed keep talking and nobody explodes minigames
the only hope against the kaiju is untested size-shifting technology
the aliens invade from a planet with much higher atmospheric pressure
a day in the life of shakerston: the nightvale but for natural disasters instead of conspiracy theories
the oregon path: the unliscensed ill-advised game show. only on quibi
automotons from the clockwork/time bomb workshop find their way home
kids on bikes? nah volcanoes on surfboards
welcome yon traveler to balloon animal country where oxygen is expensive and balloon life is cheap
we can't be superheroes we're too busy being the best lawyer, detective, doctor, senator, spy, and journalist in the city respectively
madame millington's barely haunted manor for wayward rising nashville country starlets
prospector gold rush for the dragon's hoard
medical procedural following the onsite staff at the youtuber mansion
constant pc deaths, everyone has three backup characters minimum
lou dms (i the viewer am the one who blows up)
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silvyadrakkon · 2 months
3 Under-Discussed Writer’s Block Busters
You all know me as an artist, but my first love will always be writing. And writer’s block is REAL. 
So I thought I’d throw out a few of my moderately unusual writer’s block busters to help my fellow authors.
Of course, the most common “answers” to writer’s block are:
Just keep writing, even if you don’t want to. (Something is better than nothing.)
Write now, edit later. (Leave your perfectionism at the door.)
Find what makes you most creative. (Play music, write during the same time of day, find good snacks, write in the right setting, and so on).
These are definitely helpful tips—things you 100% want to do whether you have writer’s block or not, but they’re not much use against more stubborn forms of creative constipation.
That’s where my three failsafe fix-its come in. They have always worked for me, no matter the situation. 
1. Change your writing method.
Story time! I haven’t been able to write on a computer for three years—about as long as I’ve been writing and editing for my career. I associate my computer with business—even now that I’m between jobs.
My creativity freezes up whenever I try to work on one of my stories, and I get really distracted. Eventually I end up down a rabbit hole looking up limnic eruptions or different types of crocodiles, having only written a paragraph of a completely unrelated story. 
I swapped to hand-writing stuff just after my son was born, and that worked for a long time. I filled several notebooks with some great content (that will eventually be ready for you to read). But then my kid started walking, and I became his favorite chair.
If I have a pen, my kid wants it. And he won’t take a decoy pen. He specifically wants the pen in my hand, so writing when he’s awake is kind of out of the question. (I can only draw when he’s awake because I can balance my tablet on the back of our sofa.) Plus, those of you with munchkins know that you’re generally doing other responsible adult things when the kiddo is asleep, making writing then rather difficult.
I learned a few days ago I can get a lot of writing done on my phone in the Apple Notes app. It sure beats doom-scrolling Tumblr and is a vast improvement over my retro minesweeper game when I’m spending some quality time in the bathroom. It’s also something I can write with when standing up, sitting on the couch, or hiding behind the baby gate on our stairs.
Can’t get the words out on Google Docs? Switch to Microsoft Word. Getting distracted on your computer? Handwrite your story—in a notebook or even on colorful construction paper. Don’t be afraid to experiment, even across the same story.
2. Get a second opinion.
I have a character floating around my WIPs who’s an absolute blast to write (I can unleash my full punning arsenal), but he’s also an ENFP, meaning we see the world in completely different ways. I often find myself stuck on how he would get out of the really nutty situations he often gets himself into. Thankfully, my ESFJ husband has really strong Extroverted Intuition (an ENFP’s dominant Jungian function), so I can often turn to him and ask, “What would be the dumbest could-work way you’d fix this problem?”
Asking for a second opinion is surprisingly low on most writer’s block fix-it lists, but it is by far one of the most helpful. I’ve been my mom’s developmental story consultant since I could read, and it’s been a great way for her to really churn out the novels. (It’s also a great motivation to finish your story because at least one person will be wanting to read it when you’re done.)
Even if you don’t take someone’s advice, it might still spark something that’ll propel your story forward.
3. Change your story’s direction.
Adapted from The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
Writing, in many ways, is a lot like digging a silver mine. As you rummage around your own head for precious nuggets (those really impactful scenes readers remember forever), you’re setting up a sturdy narrative shaft, using exposition and rising action to fortify walls so your story doesn’t collapse on itself.
Experienced miners know when a shaft isn’t structurally sound. They won’t willingly enter or work on a mine that could cave in on them, gauging the safety of the mine through small clues—clues their demanding boss is completely blind to. 
Your creative subconscious is a miner, and you, its employer. While not always, writer’s block could be an early sign that your story is about to collapse. Perhaps you’ve accidentally let a plot hole grow too large to fill with easy edits, or maybe the way you’re taking your story will fall flat, leaving you and your readers unsatisfied. Sure, you can force your creative subconscious to continue, but you’ll end up with a lot of unusable content in the end.
If you think you’re in a mine shaft writer’s block scenario, go back several plot points and start writing in another direction. If that doesn’t work, go back a few more plot points. While doing so may temporarily upset the plans you had for the novel, it will let you continue writing in peace and produce a better finished product.
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esperata · 8 days
Recommended reads
There's a lot of different Batman media and I've written versions of riddlebird for many of them. I've selected one of my stories from each fandom to hopefully give people a taste of the variety. Expect more to be added as I write for new shows or old ones I haven't got to yet.
Batman (1966) Sixties - G - Words: 4,385 As the years go on the invites turn from weddings to baby showers to funerals. In their line of work though, Penguin and Riddler consider themselves lucky to have made it thus far together. (Old Married Couple) (Wakes & Funerals)
Batman - All Media Types Minesweeper - G - Words: 269 Batman had finally navigated the typical Riddler labyrinth but what he finds isn't exactly what he expects. (Gamer Ed) (Sleepy Penguin) (Fluff)
Batman: Arkham (Video Games) Arkham Games - E - Words: 19,477 Factions are at play backing Penguin into a corner. And if that wasn't enough to be dealing with, he also has to fathom whatever is going on between him and Riddler. (Canon-Typical Violence) (Homophobic Language) (Sexual Tension) (Friends With Benefits) (except not really friends) (Stubborn Denial) (Hand Jobs) (Blow Jobs) (Frottage) (Semi-Public Sex) (Masturbation) (Rough Sex) (Anal Sex)
Batman: Caped Crusader Homme d'affaires - T - Words: 5,697 Edward Nashton just needs to land a big sale. What he finds is a whole other world of possibility. (salesman) (Implied/Referenced Torture) (Choking)
Batman (Comics) The Mind Is A Fragile Thing - G - Words: 2,454 Riddler is undergoing treatment in Arkham and Penguin is not happy about it. (Bruce Wayne) (Arkham Asylum) (Mental Health Issues)
Batman (Movies 1989-1997) Anything Yours Can Do - T - Words: 1,954 Helping Batman out was supposed to be a bit of fun. So how did she end up arguing with Riddler over who had the best lover? (Arguing) (Bragging) (Relationship Comparisons) (BatCat) (Guess which wins)
Batman Ninja (2018) Ridorā Kitsune - G - Words: 2,830 When Penguin is brought with several others to ancient Japan by an experiment gone wrong, he has a wealth of things to concern him. Not least of which is what precisely might have happened to Riddler. (Japan) (Canon time travel) (Friendly Kidnapping)
Batman: The Animated Series Do You Mind? - T - Words: 36,330 The tale of how Penguin and Riddler met, became friends, and then something more. "Words are easy, like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find." (Canon Compliant) (Arkham Asylum) (The Iceberg Lounge) (First Meetings) (Friends to Lovers) (Ed Is Oblivious)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold The Brave And The Bold - G - Words: 2,088 Fortune favours the brave, they say, but Riddler is stacking the odds in his favour as he approaches Penguin for a date. (Courtship) (Crimes & Criminals)
Batman: The Telltale Series (Video Games) Bedye Art - G - Words: 1,550 The failure of Penguin's plans had merely been a stumbling block. Now, however, he had a far more pressing concern. (Blackgate Penitentiary) (Canonical Character Death)
Batwheels (Cartoon) In The Air Tonight - T - Words: 2,150 After a heist gone wrong, Penguin and Riddler find themselves trapped with very little to distract them but each other. (Ferris Wheels) (First Kiss)
Batwoman (TV 2019) Little Bird - T - Words: 4,017 Alice has left the city to undergo rehabilatitation in a private establishment run by someone very familiar with the trials faced by those seeking help in Gotham. (long separation) (Presumed Dead)
Gotham (TV) Everything Old Is New Again - G - Words: 9,722 If you had the power to go back in time, what would you hope to change? And would you do it? Those are the questions Edward is facing now he and Oswald are free for the first time in ten years. (Time Travel) (Post-Season/Series 05 Finale) (Sharing a Bed) (Jealous Edward Nygma) (Love Confessions)
Harley Quinn (Cartoon 2019) Groping For Trout In A Peculiar River - T - Words: 2,350 Riddler's attempted seduction of Penguin is curtailed but things aren't quite what they appear. (Misunderstandings) (Flirting) (Awkwardness)
Teen Titans Go! Easy Escape - T - Words: 4,835 Edward is taking Oswald out on a proper date today, whether Arkham likes it or not. (First Dates) (Museums) (Aquariums) (Theatre) (toy shop) (Pier) (Innuendo)
The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Take These Broken Wings - T - Words: 13,508 Riddler has barely escaped the Batman but his trouble might not be over as he runs into another criminal acquaintance. Its a good thing he doesn't have a crush on him or anything otherwise things might get awkward. (Injury) (Hurt/Comfort) (Developing Relationship) (Bathing/Washing) (Gay Oswald Cobblepot) (Bisexual Edward Nygma)
The Batman (Movie 2022) Boss - E - Words: 5,555 In the wake of Gotham's flooding, Ed once again turns up at the Iceberg Lounge. (Anal Sex) (Riding) (Communication)
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)/LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite (2013) Private Island - T - Words: 8,282 Penguin has got himself a luxury island and his fellow rogues have been invited for a visit. One in particular has an ulterior motive for going though. (Bad Flirting) (Attempted Seduction) (Riddler has a crush) (Jealousy)
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