#most changes probably goes to my sona
I remember an earlier version of who would eventually become Iota that I had around 2 years ago. Funnily enough, their story back then also involved being angry about something lol. But in this case she was angry about the fact that the Splatoon 1 plaza was more or less abandoned after Splatoon 2 came out, so she was kinda stuck in her Splatoon 1 ways and unable to accept the state of things now. Tbf this version of their character wasn’t an agent but was based off my Splatoon 1 avatar that Iota is also based off of, so they’re technically an older version of the same character.
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This is the only drawing I found of this version of them, from summer of 2021 so 2 years ago. (Also check out that wasabi splattershot, nice). Btw! When I mentioned how Iota is technically a redesign, this is who they’re a redesign of!
Also yeah I might just randomly post character fun facts bc I think about them at 3:30am instead of sleeping now lol.
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sysig · 9 months
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What your fave says about you: Sona/Undertale edition (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#So many sonas and characters lol#Ended up filling the other side of the zine with something self-indulgent :)#Actually came from the same kernal as a digital-specific idea but these are what I've ended up with in the moment!#Zine doodles end up...silly lol#I draw with pen logic! And mm... I won't say I'm Displeased with them but there are things I'd change for sure#Overall the vibe is there just not completely the execution lol#I'll get it better when I do the digital version >:3c It'll be like how I see it in my head and then I'll have both! Nice#For the moment tho doing an eight-highlight reel of the who's who was fun :)#Obviously starting with myself and my fave <3 This terrible little flower whom I love with my whole heart#I really do love him - I'd go and rewatch my fave scenes with him but the in-built guilt haha#The next was easy! My fave sona gets my second fave character! Papyrus only loses to Flowey by a hair's breadth anyway lol#Anyone in the thread remember that time I compared Charm to Papyrus lol#They both want people to like them so badly! They go about it very differently tho lol#Papyrus would be a good influence on her :) Just be nice to people! Ironically she'd probably agree more with Sans lol#Speaking of! Eli would be the type of person who goes digging around in the backend and Totally claims to like Gaster the most#Y'know because secret values and stuff! Super sneaky like! But actually their fave is Snas lol#You are Basic Eli just accept this lol#Ficus was an easy pick for Napstablook - they would absolutely lay on the floor and think about being garbage with them#That deadened gaze lol#Ulex looks so uninterested in Alphys lol they're just bad at talking - dissimilar from Alphys in that they've got the stoic thing going on#They're not awkward just not good at making friends lol#Hall of Mirrors would absolutely love Undyne lol - being friends with her and cooking together would make HoM So Happy haha#Another obvious one - Othersona already comes with spider imagery! Muffet was the clear choice haha#They are having a cup of spiders and they are enjoying it :/ Lol#And finally Holosona and original calculator-body Mettaton haha - she prefers this version over EX and NEO#She'd probably like NEO - she absolutely plays the Genocide run on purpose - except for how OHKO he is lol#A different sona likes NEO tho...#Anyhow ♪ Might talk more about their different play styles in the digital version :D When I get there anyway lol
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unorcadox · 10 months
howdy, i'm mabel! it's the 3 year anniversary of unorcadox today, so i've prepared a decent bit of surprises. (and yes that means i started this blog in 2020, which is terrifying to think about.) i'll go into those new things under the cut, but first... check out the carrd linked in the header text of this post :3c
sooo soo so so so where on earth do i begin. uhh honestly let me just break down the new stuff first since i can talk about that more easily.
THE NEW LOOK! ok so like truth be told, i've been a faceless blog on purpose up until now. it wasn't until this summer where i actually liked how i looked or had any solid sense of my own aesthetic or what i wanted to look like. it also made it easier to protect against dysphoria and transphobes in the same breath, as no one could ever comment on any aspect of my appearance, or even the mere suggestion i even had one to begin with! but that all changes now, i'm going to actually have a presence on this blog, as it is MY blog and tbh i'm tired of being so faceless on here. that's why i've been doing more asks and non-edit posts recently, and those will increase in frequency. check out the carrd for more info, my sona's ref, and art credits for assets on here <3
mondays -> MUSIC MONDAYS! so it might come as a shock i'm actually a musician in addition to making stuff on here! i've promoted my music a couple of times by now, but nothing all that substantial. sooo, considering that, i'm going to be replacing monday oc posts with a music post! just a link to a song on my bandcamp and a little description about it. i don't really care if these perform particularly well, but i want to give people a chance to actually hear it without having to deep dive through my entire internet history to get it. i also will be releasing more soon-- whether via compilations of older work or new stuff altogether :3
MORE IN THE FUTURE! i have a couple other ideas up my sleeve, we'll see how they pan out but i wanna keep trying new possibilities on here. i think at this point i've proven my consistency, and it's about time i let myself have a little fun and explore my options. these will be announced individually but probably added here over time as this is the new pinned post lol.
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ok so anyways, i do wanna have the mandatory sappy segment because of course i do. i want to say a couple of things but i'll split them into bullet points again bc yeah i do that.
this year has been really good for me and the blog, in most ways it's been the straight up best year of my life uncontested. not everything has gone perfectly, i had other plans that fell through, but hey that's just how life goes huh. at one point, i was easily projected to hit 20k by the end of the year, and now i'll be happy if i hit 17k lol. tumblr has not been that kind to my blog's growth this year and it's making me consider other options in the future, but everything's so scary rn i don't wanna commit to anything.
as for the blog itself, i've kinda been in a weird spot with it for a while. i've been scraping by on here intermittently for the entire year on and off, and i might have some ways to help keep me on top of the ball during the next year, but i also do wonder how long i can really keep doing this, and how long people will still like weirdcore and my work in particular. i've been considering branching out in terms of my presentation, or format, or style, but i feel incredibly weird about doing so.
in my personal life, this is the year i finally started transitioning and seeking treatment for my most pressing issues. i've finally started dating the love of my life, my best friend of 10 years, and despite some interpersonal turmoil all around me, i think i'm finally finding safe ground and knowing what i wanna do next. i don't really talk about it on here because i'm very private about it, but i've been kinda slowly becoming like a Real Adult Person this year. i didn't really have much of a chance to prior and i still am struggling a lot, but hey i know what i want now!
it's really silly to say but this blog still means a lot to me! it's seen me through the craziest times in my entire life, it's brought me so much perspective and knowledge and opportunities i wouldn't've had otherwise. i wake up every day and go on here and never stop feeling starstruck that people chose to follow me. i know tumblr success means nothing but to me it's the only community i've ever actually belonged to, so thank you all.
ok so like i really just don't have much else to say anymore, so i think i'll end it there! thank you all again, i can't wait for year 4 as it's going to definitely be a crazy one lol. let's hope it's a good one too!
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Hi there, this is the pinned post intro that I said I wanted to make
We want to start with our preferences for interaction, since most of you will be here checking that:
We're 18 and dislike sex. Please behave yourselves and don't be creepy to a being that still see themselves as a minor in many ways.
Everything else is on the table! Don't be the one who makes me change this.
I go by many names. On here, you can call me Thoughtseeker, as well as on Bluesky and Twitter, on the off chance you find me there. I go by Syrup (short for Syrup of the Dog) on Discord, and if you find me on a platform related to gaming, I'm likely using some variant of PotatoComputer.
As a general guide, whenever we use "we" or "us", we are referring to both myself and Thoughtseeker. If I refer to myself in the singular, I am referring to myself, and when I refer to myself by name, I will use Syrup.
Thoughtseeker is my sona, and it should be notes that while they are a mirror of myself in many ways, this intro is for the "human" behind the screen, not the dragon (reason being that there are several things about them that aren't applicable to myself).
Our pronouns are They/Them, and sometimes we go by We/Us. We aren't plural, though (we know it might be confusing, bear with us), and plural pronouns are just a fun little thing we do. We're AroAce, moderately sex-averse and don't really care about romance. Our gender is kinda wobbly at the moment, and it fluctuates between "masculine and apathetic" and "moderately dysphoric non-binary transfem" (our "trans mood" is really hard to describe accurately)
We have ADHD, as well as social anxiety and some undiagnosed autism. Needless to say, our brain is NOT normal, and we are more than fine with that.
Our hobbies are numerous, and we cycle obsessions sometimes. We're very in tune with the process, and we've taken to calling it "The Cycle™". As of writing (this will not get updated), our fixation is on Sea of Thieves and Empyrion: Galactic Survival. We have some permanent residents, though, and these are the ones we love to talk about regardless of our current Cycle stage:
Wings of Fire
Cobalt Core
Furries (although this one has caveats, like how we stay as far away from controversies as possible)
Mental Health and advocacy for it
LGBT topics
This goes without saying, but we will ramble about these topics and would love to be given the opportunity to do so.
We also have a minor fascination with plurality and the plural experience (if you couldn't tell), so if you're willing to share, we would love to hear it! (no pressure ofc)
We'll probably come back to update this at some point, but these are the major points of our personality that you should know for now. If you're curious about a specific facet of our being, send it to our inbox and we will likely answer it.
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dereliction-if · 5 months
Hi Sai 👋
I'll be honest (kind of ashame for admitting it) my MCs are more like Self-sona of me 😅 what ? can't i imagine living in a fantasy world like everybody thought at least once ? Isekai you know lol
i get as close as possible from what i look like, with the few/multiple options i'm given + the Thaoraq features. For the personality, i take the choice close to what i could have probably answer IRL or decide to act like a badass/outspoken girl during some decisions all the while keeping a sweet personality most of the Time.
So yeah the main personality traits are : kind, polite and quiet/introvert (with some badass here and there)
In a world like Dereliction and with how much info i know, i think a sweet MC can be possible. Mainly in childhood with the parents who are lovely ones, but also with some of the ROs (i'll talk about them next paragraph) especially if they are close to MC or not seeking conflict with MC.
In order of romance :
Solas (because childhood Friend to lover is a sweet one and the most lavable RO in IF)
M!Jia (because puppy love is cute and a sweet MC could work well with him)
Darius (the romance just sound sweet to me)
M!Havu (i can fix him.. Nah just kidding. Because i believe a sweet MC could be a nice change in a certain way ?)
+ imagine the guilt/heartwrenching feeling after using/hurting MC (like Alex in his route with a sweet MC) 😏
I would like to know more about Serjan, he married a Thaoraq so his love life could be also some type of what if would possibly happen if MC dates Solas for example.
I would also like to know Gareth (buddy has a name but not a face or presentation)
More about the parents too specially the dad with all the bullshit he goes through as King's right arm.
Now to know in game or not, well it just depends of the information which will be share or given to me during our regular conspiracy theory share ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
YOUR MC & some LORE!
Damn Sarah,
thanks for the insight! I loved reading your perspective.
I know it may still be hard to create a specific Mc with that little details you have, but yeah, self inserting is actually a way i find very fascinating. I think it offers a good opportunity to learn something about ourselves. So yeah I'll root for you and your Mc 😂🫶🏻
I think your Mc will def encounter some... challenging situations in this world, but also very heartwarming ones for sure.
Your choice of ROs will also allow you to discover a lot of lore hidden deep down in this world. People who just play one path or focus on spending time with just one character will risk missing out on some mysteries, drama, politics and more. So you have a good cut here!
Ah your uncle Serjan, yes...
Him and your aunt have a very fulfilled life. Yk all the cheesy fully in love thingy 💁🏻‍♀️ your uncle is absolutely smitten with your aunt. Her strong personality, unique sense of humour and overall cheerful demeanour is what had your uncle fall for her. Your uncle on the other side is rather reserved and observing, yet warm and soft to those he cares about.
He is the finest armourer in the country, his craftsmanship well-known beyond the kingdom. He primarily works for the king personally, as well as for his guards. Your aunt on the other hand is a scholar, specialized in history and politics, working at the court. They own a little house a bit away from the castle, in the middle of the city, halfway to the nearby forest.
🤔 what else? Their relationship to your parents is solid, warm, even though work doesn't allow to see each other too often, they make sure to visit as much as possible and on special occasions.
You and your parents live in another city / town...
Your father and the Lord have a good relationship overall. It's a respectful and loyal one. It's not always easy tho because while your father is his subordinate, he does not hold back with his opinion when he considers it to be the right thing. Luckily your father has the knowledge and experience to prove his point. So far so good, right ?
Oh Gareth... yeah, that boy works for your father. The best way to describe his position would be to call him your father's squire. And your babysitter lmao He is around 6 years older than you. And well, he actually likes you. Why? I don't know... you tell me! He's a confident boy unless he's in the presence of your father. He is always up to no good, has a lot of friends, who you'll also meet, and I would describe him an optimist.
Hope that was a bit of an insight for you 😁✌️
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cosmoknightchaos · 13 days
hi :) not entirely sure if they count as an OC, but if they do I would love 🌈 and 🍃 for your Character <3
Yeah absolutely they count!! I consider all of my sonas to fall under the OC category, so you can ask about any of them! Wink wink hint hint ;)))))
For people not familiar with My Character- there are two versions of this character, My Hero and My Villain. They are the same character at different points in his life. Same thing goes for Your Character/Your Hero/Your Villain, who is the asker's character. Wanted to add this to clarify my responses.
Absolutely insane ramble below the cut. You've been warned.
🌈 (Rainbow)- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
Well shit man. Straight to the point huh
Dislikes first! Get the angst out of the way and then we'll get silly! My Character's biggest dislike about himself is probably their past. It's not really that he hates who he was before becoming the villain, but it's not who they are or wanted to be, so it is a genuine disliking. Similarly, anything that reminds him of his past brings a bit of discomfort. Teehee.
My Villain, in addition to above, dislikes THE HERO!! THEIR ARCHNEMISIS!! I'm joking they're besties lol. Villain has a wide variety of sensory issues that they hate! He tends to only eat certain foods and can't really try new ones, he can only wear certain types of clothes, their evil layer has to be decorated a certain way, his gadgets have to be built, painted, and labelled a certain way, while listening to a certain song or playlist, so on. Villain is aware of all these issues and hates them. It pisses him off that he has to do things a certain way or else everything will explode or something like that. However, he also hates not doing things that certain way, so they kind of cancel each other out.
As for My Hero... well. Shit's fucked. They actually lose most of Villain's sensory issues (except the clothing one, that one gets worse) and develop completely new problems! Such as very intense anxiety, perfectionism, and apathy. All of which he hates having. Hero has a good amount of self-loathing going on, because they feel like they can't ever get anything right, they have a much higher emotional awareness, and he's realizing that the world is not as black and white as he though! It's complex and people feel different things all the time and how could he be so stupid for not realizing that before! He's a criminal mastermind, a genius, why the FUCK did he not figure this out earlier???? The role of the hero is also painfully reminiscent of his life before becoming the villain, so that's an added layer of discomfort and anger. I can't help but think that Hero also starts to develop a disliking of their archnemisis, Your Villain, for a variety of reasons. First for refusing to keep the silly dynamic they had when My Character was the villain, then for causing My Character for become the hero, then for being a better villain than My Villain was, then for forcing My Character to change their entire worldview. It's never a serious disliking, more of a moment of anger in which they need to point a finger at someone, but he loves Your Character too much to develop a serious grudge.
Wow that was a lot! Thank goodness likes are sillier and shorter lol. My Character has a lot of common likes between versions, the biggest being their archnemisis and BFF Forever, Your Character!! He is such a fan of Your Hero, and no matter how angry or angsty he gets after the two switch roles, he is still a fan of Your Villain. My Character will always be Your Character's biggest supporter and wants them to be okay and happy.
My Villain is definitely more aware of what they like than Hero, but they share a lot of likes! Both of them have a huge love of dramatic one-liners, catchphrases, nicknames, and monologues. Villain absolutely rehearses his monologues in front of a mirror, and loves referring to Your Hero by various nicknames, his favourite being "Old friend". He also LOVES using "I was just like you when I was younger, innocent and naive" for shits and giggles. My Hero is more of the cool one-liner sort, since the villains tend to be the monologuers, and he loves when he finds the perfect thing to say. My Character also has a love of poetry, both reading and writing it. Tinkering and inventing things are a given, since My Villain is an evil mastermind and has to build gadgets and whatnot, but Hero also enjoys this!! A Villain-exclusive like is that he's a fashionista, and takes their outfits very seriously, so that's a big source of enjoyment to them. And a Hero-exclusive like is the small things in life: taking a walk, hanging out in a local shop, reading a book outside on a warm day, small gestures of kindness, stuff like that.
🍃(Falling leaf)- Describe this oc in one word
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ghost--girlfriend · 5 months
I NEEEEEED to know more about you and Marlet!! Me and my boyfriend (Stars) are DYING to know!!!!
Eeehehehe!!!!!! Okay, lots of this is subject to change(currently rewatching utyellow pacifist with my s/i in mind for her story ^_^) but here's what I'm thinking!
For my self insert im going with my mermaid monster utdr sona :)
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I only have this (digital and colored, gotta lotta sketches)pic for her, changing up her outfit cause this is from back when I used to ship with Susie. A reel cutie, but has those big claws to watch out for! I'm thinking she lives in waterfall, and goes to visit a snowdin friend... where she sees the most charming bird girl!
Lily(might change her name?) Is just. Instantly smitten with Martlet. Turns to her friend going 'who's that beautiful lady...?' And her friends just like. 'You mean Martlet? She's kind of kooky, the local royal guard.' Lily just doesn't even hear the kooky part just like stars in her eyes awestruck
The friend visit concludes and Lily is on her own exploring snowdin. Martlet is going around checking puzzles when she notices, hey, there's somebody new in town!
Martlet swoops down and introduces herself ^_^ lily in her head is just. Oh my gosh not only do I see a cute girl today I get to TALK with one !?!! Just when their conversation really gets going, Martlet has to return to work/checking puzzles and they say goodbye.
Lily is kind of like. Wow.. whole days been made. Maybe even week!(lesbian who doesn't get out much so this was a big deal to her)
Martlet is happy to meet another kind-hearted monster and returns to work with a pep in her step! They start writing letters to each other and soon enough Lily visits snowdin again :) they're both glad to have a friend.
id like for things to get more spicy(in the dramatic way) but i dont have any ideas for it just yet! I know that Lily wouldn't be in UTyellow too much, she'd probably have a little shop after interacting with Clover some(I imagine she'd be self conscious that her wares weren't good enough, but seeing Clover so bravely facing the Underground inspires her! Then you'd learn some more about her with shop dialogue and her crush on Martlet(that shes horrible at hiding haha) and then, sense she chills in a river, Clover could ask her for a ride like the riverperson maybe? im spitballin' idk!)
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I'd like for her to have an intro cutscene(sketched it out!) where she pops up(after being all ominous and spooky ftgyh) greets clover(as shes trying to be more social, which she mentions) and then just '.... OH! Are you.. A human? I should... I should... Fight you! I think!?" something like that. THEN BOOM FIGHT !!!!! mostly because i like thinking about attack patterns though i only have two attacks for her so far tygujhk I'll have to think of another outfit for her too..! I'm thinking swimsuit top but I dont wanna portray Lily as overtly sexy, maybe I'll go with the whole 'mermaid top fused with her tail' look that Ursula in the little Mermaid has.... I'll have to think about it more :] THANKS FOR ASKING <333 !!!!! working on developing more for me and Martlet's story!
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marqymoo · 1 year
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Random facts about Marquise:
• He is a pretty good singer but he can't hold notes for long or his voice will crack.
• If I were to describe how he'd smell, a wet dog mask with cologne. He takes showers regularly but it doesn't help the smell.
• He mostly cooks his own food
Rarely goes out to eat.
• He prefer raw than cooked meat. He eats cooked food when he wants to eat "fancy".
• Used to be in college but he dropped out to pursue his 'career" ironically.
• He can understand dogs; The main reason why he doesn't like them. It sounds like constant yapping in his ear.
• In old character designing, Marquise used to be a wizard. I made him in 5th grade and he was basically a doctor who ripoff since I loved Doctor Who so much at the time.
• After years, I brought him back as a normal 18 year old that was a werewolf but he was a normal sized werewolf instead of a tiny one.
• He also used to be my sona and trans. (FtM)
•Around high school, I changed him into a serial killer since my interests changed..
• I made him act more like a cat as a inside joke since most people think he's a small lion or a cat.
• If I were to diagnose him, it'd be ADHD. It might change in the future.
• He's 6.4 inches and very girthy. 😉 ... usually finishes after 3 minutes if he's REALLY enjoying himself
• Blood gets him going. That's why he bites a lot while doing it.
• If you pinch the back of his neck, he'll automatically transform.
• He was bitten by a runt werewolf so he's a runt also.
• He's very insecure about his weight and height.
• He doesn't know when to shut up. It gets him trouble a lot.
• Harrison put a chip in his ear unknowingly when he brought him to the vet.
• If he eats a bit of chocolate, he'll throw up and neasueaed for hours.
• If he had a kill count, I'd say at least more than 80. ( Probably more because of how frequent he is. )
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eclipsedrawsthings · 1 year
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So, with the comic on hiatus while I work on chapter two/sacrifice my will to live apartment hunting, I figured now was a great time to give a heartfelt shoutout to everyone who’s read and enjoyed it so far!
Like I said in my author’s note for 1-17, I check my statistics roughly once a week and I’m consistently blown away—there’s never a day where zero pages are viewed! Every single day, there’s somebody somewhere reading my comic! WHAT!!!
As a little bonus to hold you over until the comic comes back, I thought I’d share a bit of behind-the-scenes trivia about the creation of Sparks Fly.
Strictly speaking, the first character to be created was Eclipse, as I reworked her from my old WoF-sona. The first character created specifically for this project was Aster.
Of everyone I’ve designed so far, Velia has probably been through the most design changes—she’s had about three different designs iirc, and a different name for each one. Her current design is loosely based on a kingfisher.
The prize for the most drastic design change definitely goes to Ember—she was originally green and purple, if you can believe that! I ended up adapting her original color palette for a character you’ll meet in chapter eight (at least, according to my current outline)
I like designing characters based on toys, which is part of the reason for my current dragon shelf dilemma XD
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This one inspired Oriel •w•
Sparks Fly owes its existence to my childhood love of Wings of Fire, but also to my current love of My Hero Academia! I first had the idea to make SF while I was doing some worldbuilding for a BNHA dragon AU and then realized “Hey, I could use this worldbuilding for an original story”.
Ironically enough, not a lot of that initial worldbuilding survived to the current version XD
I’ve known who Velia’s parents are longer than I’ve known who she herself is—I’m excited to see if you guys can figure out their identities!
Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading. It truly means the world to me that so many people are excited to see where my story goes, and I hope you all have as much fun reading it as I have in writing it so far!
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yes, i caved and i'm making a proper (???) pinned post
HI!!! call me cervid :3
(not in the gross way i swear hear me out)
i dont like stuffing in a weight gain way (no hate to ppl who do, its just not my thing) and, for vore, i enjoy the g/t, SAFE, SOFT kind (fatal sometimes but not heavily in detail) and nonsexually! i like both of those things in a comfort/show of love thing if that makes sense. i also like g/t just in general. im too lazy to tag any of it unless its for reach purposes (like my writing or other stuff like that) so Watch Out i guess 💀
I do post about normal stuff too!! (i like to draw and write) so ofc i dont mind when "normal" blogs follow but just be aware of what i reblog lol
i dont bite! pls interact 👁️👁️
more info (fandoms, my works, likes/dislikes, dni) under the cut because this is Long...
the kind of vore/stuffing things that i do NOT like (keep in mind if u wanna suggest/send something):
-heavily detailed hard vore/more on the gore side
-death feedism
-feedism specifically for like.. weight gain
-unrealistic stuffing/vore (like. when their tummy is bigger than the rest of their body SORRY ITS JUST NOT MY THING)
-most pregnancy stuff
(ill add to this later)
im into a ton of fandoms but currently 2001: a space odyssey, electric dreams, ultrakill, inscryption, fallout new vegas, and i have no mouth and i must scream are overtaking my brain, if you are one of the rare ppl who like those and like vore/stuffing too PLEASE SEND ME ASKS. PLSSSS IM DESPERATE LITERALLY ANYONE CAN SEND ME VORE OR STUFFING RELATED ASKS PLEEEAAASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IM BEGGING. I LOVE WRITING ABOUT STUFF PLS
also im otherkin! so ill reblog that stuff too (yes im weird, yes i take pride in that)
my sona is below ^_^
some of my works are below!
https://www.tumblr.com/what-the-hell-is-going-on-here/734572176007741440/am-vore-hcs-ihnmaims?source=share ihnmaims vore hcs - AM
https://www.tumblr.com/what-the-hell-is-going-on-here/733758413915422720/use-this-to-talk-about-soft-vore-i-wanna-know-how- misc soft vore ramble
https://www.tumblr.com/what-the-hell-is-going-on-here/747607936331907072/ultrakill-vore-doodles-3 ultrakill vore doodles :D
https://www.tumblr.com/what-the-hell-is-going-on-here/754941524823916544/enjoy-lol fallout: new vegas vore doodles w/ vulpes and the courier
my fandom-specific vore tags (and other special tags) are
#electric noms (for electric dreams)
#i have no mouth and i must vore (for ihnmaims)
#cervid talks (for plain text posts, usually abt vore/stuffing brainrot, or any other time i think i should use it)
#ultranoms (for ultrakill)
#fallout: nom vegas (for fallout: new vegas)
#cervid works (for any original art/writing, not necessarily vore/stuffing but probably will be)
I am not the best at organization and I will definitely miss stuff but bear with me yall o7
please dni if-
-you are a purely nsfw blog (yes this goes for vore blogs that are sexual)
-you're gonna argue abt my interests
-you are deeply uncomfortable if you see vore/stuffing posts (dont wanna risk seeing it? then pls dont follow!) not saying all my followers have to like it just dont follow if seeing the occasional post will make u rlly grossed out
-youre an asshole. come on have some standards just dont be weird... plss....
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lemonmatronicsart · 1 year
Jay Rocky (My Baddie Sona) is here!
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Bio below the cut!
     A relaxed radio host that only has her station thanks to her uncle, Jay Rocky is possibly one of the chillest people you could meet.
     As long as everything he has planned goes according to plan and his routine doesn’t abruptly change and her belongs aren’t messed with— Okay. Maybe she get’s stressed out over stuff sometimes, who doesn’t! That sure doesn’t stop her from at least trying to live her best lazy life!
     Rocky, liking to go by his last name, is both a minimalist and maximalist at once. Keeping the necessities as bare bones as she can that way she can indulge in side interests much more fully.
     Eating nicer foods, collecting all sorts of items, buying custom commissions, and overall embracing wants over needs. 
     If you looked in this man’s cabinet you’d find 2 bowls, 2plates, 2 cups, and 2 of each silverware. And that’s only because there’s a chance she’ll have a guest over.
     Rocky, as stated before, hosts a radio show! An easy gig in her eyes, considering how he actually runs it, that only enables his lazy lifestyle. She only has this show though thanks to her connection to her uncle, Pic Ringlee, a retired metal star that most Bad Crowders her age don’t care about.
     Though of course, being his uncle and all, she does. And thanks to her familial bias doesn’t like Muki much, thanks to Ringlee having some jealousy masked as drama with her.
     Most freelance artists in the Bad Crowd probably know Rocky to some degree, many even getting shoutouts and ads on his show. Despite not having much energy to do art himself, Rocky had a massive fascination and respect for many forms of craft. Commissioning people nearly every time he gets a paycheck.
     How else is she gonna get dolls of characters people refuse to make official merch of?
     Please note that while this character is meant to be fleshed out a decent bit, he is also my sona. Very self indulgent and more personal to me, so some comments I’d be fine with on other characters don’t get a pass here.
     Aka, please don’t start crushing on my sona damnit. Yes that..has somehow happened before. It was uncomfortable for me.
Muki and Ringlee both also belong to me. Muki has been posted about (linked) and Ringlee is still in the works as of posting.
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madam-monarch · 1 year
What horrifting ways does the Lamb sona "Lomando" do to the poor mortals animals.
P.S. I like to see more creepy stuff from the Lamb sona.
[ Yippee someone asked about mah Lamb sona Lomando!!! ]
[ But yea they do have sertain way's to fight and kill! ]
[ Also heads up englisch aint my main language so this will probably have weird writing and spelling mistakes! also this is pretty long i kinda went full in! XD ]
[ Also just a quick content warning for talking about murder [obviously] and also a bit of mind terror, i mean Lomando is a scary motherfucker so its a bit obviouse but just in case! :) ]
[ Their basic fighting style is rlly just whit their bare hand's, yes they can summon weapons from their crown, but mostly choose not to, they are just physicaly strong and like a bit of a challenge! ]
[ Tho one thing they can do is body mutation, that one's quite hard to use when there's mutiple enemies at once, but if its just one or two, they do like to use it! ]
[ Say'd mutations ussualy are either tentacles from their body, or unusual growth of limb's, it take's a bit for them to grow, which make's them a bit defensless in the moment, hence why its only smart to use it whit as few enemie's as possible! ]
[ Also doodle from last night to kinda show an example what it would look like ]
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[ also when they do murder someone, its rarely quick, they do like to take their time on their enemie's, tho they try not to do ''uesless'' kill's, i mean, they do want follower's and a ''good'' reputation, would be bad to just go massacre everyone, tho they sometime's feel like it whit all their pumped up anger thats hiding behind their smile! ]
[ Now one thing i wanna get into is the fact while they definetly kill, they prefer scae tactic's alot more, they love to scare their enemie's more than to kill them [They still love murder tho lol] and will sometime's even leave enemie's alone if they fuck off because they are to scared. ]
[ That doesn't mean that its over tho, they will definetly terrorize their enemie's not just in real life, but just go straight to their dream's and give them nightmare's, which yes, makes his enemie's suffer much more, no sleep, no energie, passing out, cannot function anymore. ]
[ Now its importand to know that Lomando has Illusion magic given by the crown, they dont look super scary to everyone! ]
Who see's them ''normal'': Followers, anyone who doesnt precieve them as evil [Most NPC'S]
Who see's the real face: Dissenters, The Bishop's, Follower's of the Bishop's, The One Who Waits, anyone who precieves them as evil, Mirror's [I'll get into that]
!!! EXAMPLE !!!
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[ Rlly quick lore, Mirrors are not allowed in the cult at all times, justs o the followers wont find out about his real face ]
[ Ok but why is this importand? Well thanks to their illusion magic, they can not just look more appealing, but combined whit their mind powers [which they use to get into enemies dreams like stated above] can look into his enemies head and put up an illusion of a loved or lost one]
[ Example: Enemie corner's them, out of safety they look into the enemie's mind, find thoughts about an old dead lover, BAM! Perfect food for mindfuckery, take the form [or illusion] of say'd lover ]
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[ There is a downpart tho, Nr 1, the eye's don't change, which some enemie's are smart enough to tell in an emotional moment. Nr 2 Lomando doesn't learn anything about say'd person they take the shape of, they could figure it out, but that takes a LONG time, meaning they kinda have to freeball the whole act, which sometimes goes bad and the enemie can tell that its not rlly their close one. But if it goes well, they can strike a pretty nasty attack on the enemie! ]
[ In a whole, yes they kill, and that pretty brutaly whit bare hand's, but they do prefer more to get into peoples head's, and dream's, or let's rather call them nightmare's! ]
[ Anyway info dumping done! Ty for the question, was rlly fun to talk about my bby!^^ ]
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hollowsart · 2 years
Hey quick question! So does your Spider-Sona do quips? Quips in the sense of , "How much are you guys getting paid? Asking for a friend"
Since Spider-Man does them I wanted to know if yours did too, xxx thank you!
I'm not great at jokes lol but I would probably try if an opportunity showed itself. As well.. where Peter would insult, I would be more forgiving.
He tends to talk/act now and think later, and while I may do the same on occasion, I'm more of the think now and talk/act later type. (Side effect of anxiety? Most likely, yeah)
But also, yeah, that example you gave sounds about right lol
Here's some comparison examples of my own vs Peter:
Peter @ Kingpin: -making crude offensive jokes about his weight and size-
Me @ Kingpin: -sincerely impressed by his sheer height, compliments, but also asks questions that may or may not be taken as "flattery" by the man-
Peter @ Mysterio: -Aggitating Beck by mocking his work and him and always calling him names, literally pushing the man further into wanting to commit an actual murder and NOT feel remorse-
Me @ Mysterio: -goes with the flow, laughs at any funny comments Beck throws out or his over dramatic quips of his own, noting recognitions of references or at least similarities to movies and is genuinely in awe-
Peter @ Vulture: -Making jokes at the expense of his age and health (sometimes concerned for his age and health, depends on story)-
Me @ Vulture: -genuine concern for his well-being, very understanding, trying to avoid an air battle, trying to talk to him in a civilized way instead-
Peter @ Electro: -knows what happened, but STILL cracks insensitive jokes and mockery-
Me @ Electra: -sincere empathy and many attempts to verbally deescalate the situation, maybe a subject change to distract her mind-
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fairypoet73 · 1 year
I’ve been working a while on my Spider-Sona since the first Spider-Verse movie came out, and I think I’m finally starting to set up a lot of groundwork for them.
So I've known for a while that I want my spider-sona to have Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate that into the design. So the idea I had is that the suit is black, but the eyes and all the webbing patterns change color based on who's fronting thanks to a neural transmitter in the suit picking up on the change in brain chemistry from switches that's hooked into an LED RGB system that goes throughout the suit. Some other details I figured out is that the whole system has the base spider-man powers, but each one has their own kind of venom, each with different effects. Like one is gonna have the ability to freeze things with venom that's basically liquid nitrogen in practice. Another one might have venom with a psychedelic effect to incapacitate people. Etc.
I also had this pretty funny idea of bad guy groups giving their new recruits the run down of what all the different colors on the suit mean: "Look man, Blue means you're probably gonna be mostly fine, but you could end up with a cold after because of their ice powers, with probably the most forgiving personality. Yellow means electric power so make sure you're insulated, but even then she can be pretty spicy to make sure she doesn't kick you in the nuts. Green means there's not gonna be in a fight, you're just gonna be high as a kite until you wake up in a prison cell. Red means you get on your knees and you beg for mercy." "What if the suit is glowing multiple colors?" "Pick a god and pray."
I also know how I want them to get their powers, as well as what their relationships with the other supers in their world (Earth-2873 is what I came up with since it seemed available) is gonna be, though I’m gonna be holding onto that for whenever the fic comes out.
Of course I’m gonna be incorporating elements of the Spider-Verse and Spider-Society in the story, but a lot of the story is also gonna be on Earth-2873 and involve the ongoing story there.
I’m definitely open to any ideas/feedback that y’all might have on these ideas.
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phoenixdaneko · 1 year
OC asks! :3c
1. Your first OC ever?
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
33. Your shyest OC?
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Ooooh damn, hell yeah!!!
1. Your first OC ever?
My self insert oc/my persona, Phoenix! She is definitely the first oc I've ever created.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Ooooh, damn. I have a soft spot for any of my child OCS lol.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Oh yeah ... Uh, let's think... I think the biggest troublemaker would be miss Octavia here, she tends to get into fights all the time.
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14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
oh damn uhhh... Hmmm. Idk man, most of my OCS have pretty standard backstories. I can't think of any with a super tragic backstory.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Hell yeah.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
LMAO, My Sona tbh. She used to be a Mary Sue, like insanely so. Not anymore.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Uhhhh... that title probably goes to this lovely lady, considering she's a goddess.
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30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Oh uhhhh,,, hmmm. As a secret? Definitely Omni.
33. Your shyest OC?
Probably Omni or Zoe tbh.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
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this girlie right here. She's definitely not human. Not anymore, at least.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Uhhhhh,,, hmmm... idk I make pretty women and you could attribute that to me being gay.
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navxry · 1 year
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You seem to be curious, no? Yes, I am indeed a literate rper! However, I have my regulations on... Matters like these.
Disclaimer: Despite the rules here, this is not made to target anyone specific. This is just my guideline for you AND for me because I myself sometimes do things that can be wrong, so I hope this can help you as well.
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RP Notice:
I don't open up threads with just ANYONE that DMs me that wants to rp with me.
Be advised that I only do it when I'm aware we're friends, or if you want to do it as well and you don't mind. I've been roleplaying with a lot of people for years now, and I have a lot to say on my experience, so I'm being more selective with who I'm picking my partners on making threads.
If I don't reply for one day, please don't spam me in hopes I'll reply or constantly change your reply to remind me to reply.
Not only are you wasting your time, I'd be less motivated to reply to you. I have a life outside of roleplaying and in general, mostly focused on what I need to do and the like. If I don't reply for longer than 3+ days, remind me then unless I told you I'll be busy/going through a burn out.
If I tell you I'm burnt out of roleplaying a certain muse, please don't ask me to RP their AU versions or their genderbent version (if it exists).
This goes to everyone that knows me and probably has ideas of AUs with one or two same characters. All of us experiences burnout at SOME point, and I'm no exception. I may be kind in wording out the fact I'm burnt out, but if you ask me to roleplay their genderbent version or AU versions of themselves, be warned that I will deny if the burnout is recent OR if I really don't want to.
I hate being mean and/or putting up a boundary, but it makes things less fun if even YOU can tell from my replies that I don't want to roleplay as this person. So, for the sake of our enjoyment... Respect my wishes when it happens. Please.
Do not roleplay with me if you expect me to do all the work, especially in double ups.
What sucks ass in roleplaying is if you're getting one character while the other does most, sometimes all of them. Not only does it stress me out, it becomes less fun because it feels like it's only YOU that enjoys it.
Alongside this, be warned that on certain moments, I can and will ask you to roleplay as someone else that I either like or I can't roleplay at all. This is also evident with double-ups, because I myself cannot do self-indulgence. Do not tell me to do it myself, because chances are, we will not get along. Also, I do not care if you can't roleplay the person as close to canon, just respect my wishes and we'll be fine.
Do not godmod the roleplay.
Please, please, please don't dictate what you want a certain character to do/feel at ALL. I absolutely HATE having this happen— and especially if it's to someone I'm musing for YOU. If you want this character to do something that I'm not allowing them to (e.g.: make a sweet character do something unhinged, or even controlling them to do a certain action when it's obvious they aren't doing it on my reply), either tell me or don't do it.
Alongside that, Godmodding takes the joy out of roleplaying. I'm not an AI like character ai, and if you think I am, dni. I will not entertain people that would godmod my sonas, ocs, or even the characters I'm roleplaying as just because you didn't like what they're doing.
Be respectful of each other's interest.
If someone expresses an interest, please entertain it first. This is also evident on the matters of double-ups. Don't make it focused on what one person will do alone— its weird and it can be difficult to take it seriously. Also, I get uncomfortable when it happens.
This also applies to ideas on AUs and other matters. Please be warned that although I don't say it verbally, people could find it uncomfortable if they hate the attention being distributed equally. Finally, this applies to self-ships: do not make it all about you or your character unless said idea IS all about you or your character. I don't like saying it often, but if I do, it means you stepped over said line.
Please don't rp with me on one fandom only and only about you or people you like only :(
Sorry, selfshippers, but this is gonna be directed to those that want their selfship being rped but not... Anything else. See this as less of a warning and a gentle reminder that I have other interests and I am not a robot. I refuse to roleplay only one fandom alone, and I actually like it if there are more we can do. Again, I'm not a robot— I'm a human. Please respect me as one.
Finally, remember the human behind the screen.
A gentle reminder that in rps, we tend to forget we're all human. And that we're all not gonna be the best at times in roleplaying, and that's okay 🫂 I may have experience, but even I'm not great.
Remember that if you feel burnt out on a fandom, let your partner in rps know and do something else. Take care of yourself first BEFORE roleplays, and if your rp partner expresses the same, give them respect.
Don't see them as this easy/always online person that would entertain you forever. We're all humans, and that's one thing we all forget. So try and remember that.
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I may add more as time goes on, but this is the list for now. If you have any inquiries, please let me know.
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