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aquabasedesign · 1 year ago
Bog terrarium 🌿
Planted with the following carnivorous plants:
Drosera slackii Hermanus
Drosera capensis alba
Pinguicula esseriana
Pinguicula 'Weser'
Utricularia sandersonii
Utricularia livida
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oniwastagram · 2 years ago
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📸三千院庭園(京都市左京区)② Sanzenin Temple Garden, Ohara, Kyoto 実は2つのお寺の歴史を背負う三千院。まず三千院そのものは、古くは延暦年間(782年~806年)に伝教大師・最澄が比叡山延暦寺の建立に際して構えた草庵“円融房”をその起源とします。 平安時代に親王を住職に迎えて門跡寺院となりますが、お寺の場所は火災や応仁の乱、政治的な理由などで転々。滋賀の比叡山坂本、洛中、東山、船岡山麓、京都御所の近接地…。 その呼称も場所によって円融房/梶井宮/梨本坊/梨本門跡/円徳院/円融院と変遷。大原の現在地に移転し『三千院』と呼ばれるようになったのは明治時代に入ってからのこと。 もう1つのルーツの寺院が、平安時代の986年(寛和2年)に天台浄土教の恵心僧都源信により創建された『極楽院』。現在の三千院の中で最も古い建造物『往生極楽院』は極楽院の阿弥陀堂として平安時代後期に建立されたもので、建築が国指定重要文化財、鎮座する「木造阿弥陀如来及両脇侍坐像」(阿弥陀如来像、観音菩薩坐像、勢至菩薩坐像)は国宝に指定。 そんな極楽院は三千院がこの地に移転したのに伴って三千院の一部に取り込まれました。 ■有清園 大正時代の終わり(1926年)に建立された宸殿〜前述の「往生極楽院」の中間点に広がるのが池泉回遊式庭園“有清園”(ゆうせいえん)。作庭年代は不明だけど、極楽院の歴史から考えると聚碧園より古いのかな…?こちらは背後の斜面や山を取り込んだ、よりスケールの大きな庭園。その名は中国の詩人・謝霊運の「山水清音有」(山水に清音有り)より命名されたとか。 夏に訪れても苔がきれいな庭園だったけれど、春にはヤマザクラとシャクナゲ、秋にはモミジが美しい庭園に! そして大原三千院で有名なのは“わらべ地蔵”。 彫刻家・杉村孝さんによる小さな地蔵さんが有清園と往生極楽院から進んだ先の苔エリアの中にたたずんでいます。ちなみにこのお地蔵さん、京都以外のお寺でも見ることができますが(静岡『宝泰寺庭園』)、一番写真を見る機会が多いのはやっぱり三千院。 また境内のその先には6月に見頃を迎える“あじさい苑”や、長い三千院の歴史に伝わる文化財・寺宝を展示する“円融蔵”も。また季節や時間を変えて訪れたい! 京都・三千院庭園の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/sanzenin-temple-kyoto-%e4%b8%89%e5%8d%83%e9%99%a2/ ———————— #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #kyotogarden #mossgarden #kyotomoss #zengarden #landscapedesign #beautifuljapan #beautifulkyoto #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #kyototrip #kyototravel #kyototemple #庭院 #庭园 #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #京都寺院 #京都旅行 #京都観光 #大原 #京都大原 #おにわさん (三千院 有清園庭園及び聚碧園庭園) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpv-GgqvAwU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinyworldsdk · 10 months ago
••|Terrarium glass container|••
🌳Le piante all'interno del terrario sono di solito a bassa manutenzione e prosperano nell'ambiente umido creato dal contenitore di vetro chiuso. Le piante comuni utilizzate nei terrari adorabili includono succulente, piante aeree, felci e muschi. Queste piante vengono selezionate con cura per le loro dimensioni ridotte e la loro capacità di prosperare in spazi ristretti 🏡🏠
💯📢⏰ ETSY ⏰📢👇
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turbokasia · 2 years ago
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🌿🌱🍄 Moss wall wallpaper with glowing mushroom. I always wanted to have a living mossy wall in my home. Maybe one day it will happen 😊🌱 This wallpaper is available in my @spoonflower shop —> turbokasia. . . . #mossyoak #mossy #mosswall #mossball #mossrose #mossgarden #mossart #mossgreen #mossarium #mossdecor #wallpapersticker #mushroomart #mushroomcore #mosscore #forestpunk #spoonflower #customwallpaper (w: Lublin, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjAteso2x9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sparklecats2009 · 2 years ago
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Littlest Pet Shop On the second hand market (2023)
by Galaxie Ruiz (MOSSGARDENING)
handmade zine (lino print)
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naughtytrashboy · 14 days ago
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tiefling-with-a-gun · 5 months ago
Margot Thoughts #132
I don't know what Timbre was expecting. I mean, he had no plans for his aims beyond mass killing and chaos, and he didn't even do a particularly good job. If he had chosen a month with no arcane gales predicted, for example he could have had more time. He also should have chosen a higher populated area. The Graveyard District is perfect for this due to the high population, and he literally had a day there to do whatever he wanted, but he focused his efforts on Mossgarden instead. Maybe it was to spite Althea, but his plan didn't even work.
If I was to make a plan that benefitted me but hurt untold innocents, say, collapsing the Wardenspire, I would be so much more efficient. Say, secretly setting dynamite across the Wardenspire itself at structurally key locations over a period of months.
Now, how would I acquire the dynamite? Simple, I'd put a stake into the mining business (I know the Mining district is owned by the DIA, but I could buy stake in something in another city down here if I need to), then over a few months have a small amount of dynamite shipped to me with other supplies. This requires 1 worker I can trust. I believe I can manage that, there's a stage hand I have who would be perfect for it.
After the dynamite arrives, I would place them by summoning imps. These imps would paint the dynamite to camouflage it, then bolt them to the Wardenspire while turning themselves invisible. This would be done concurrently with the dynamite arriving, so a matter of months at most.
Following this, I would have an imp (or series of imps) lie a fuse between them all (which I would also need shipped to me, I suppose), leading down the Wardenspire to a central location. This would only be able to be done immediately before the blast, as I worry that the fuse would be more discoverable than the painted dynamite.
Then, it's just a matter of lighting a match. Destroying the Wardenspire would certainly be a way to get rid of the Ivoryclads. And, if I place the dynamite correctly, I can control the direction the tower falls in. The Graveyard District would probably be the right choice, with luck I can bury Bones Malone so deeply he can never get out. As a plan, it would take a while, but it would work.
Though everyone would hate me here forever, so I'd need an exit strategy. Frankly, I don't know where I'd go, pretty much anyone would be willing to turn in someone like that, and I don't have any real connections outside of the city. I suppose I could barter with Fierna, but I really don't want to have to negotiate with hell again.
Besides, of course, it would involve the mass killing of innocents. That's a rule of mine I don't want to break. I can't do this, I won't do this, doing this would destroy me. Obviously.
I mean I suppose I could set it all up and then threaten to do it to gain political power, but I can't believe anyone would take that well. Besides, I try not to make threats I can't act on.
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stellatenuem · 1 year ago
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djohnhopper · 1 year ago
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songs in the mossgarden. For many more posts, simply follow the link: https://johnhopperartist.blogspot.com/
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aquabasedesign · 1 year ago
The small carnivorous plants bog is going really well! 🌿
It has changed a bit since I set it up. In the set-up video, I had put in Empetrum nigrum and Calluna vulgaris. Unfortunately, both plants died after a while and I can't say what caused this.
I then planted the bottom completely with moss and added Utricularia sandersonii and Utricularia livida.
But the Drosera capensis alba in particular, which can be seen at the front right, has grown really big. In the meantime, it has formed some offshoots and is even flowering! 🌼
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Materials I used for this:
Similar glass:
Spherical vase - https://amzn.to/3PjJ3Pp
Clay granules - https://amzn.to/3jduUr2
Carnivorous substrate - https://amzn.to/3hxC1Kv
Drosera slackii hermanus
Drosera capensis alba
Pinguicula esseriana
Pinguicula weser
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Leucobryum glaucum
ONF Flat Nano Plus
If you would like to see how I set up the terrarium, take a look at my set-up video!
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doctorcocktopus · 2 years ago
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oniwastagram · 2 years ago
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📸岡林院庭園(京都市東山区) Kodaiji Korinin Temple Garden, Kyoto ——京都・東山をする寺院『高台寺』の通常非公開の通常非公開の寺院ではぐくまれている、京都の隠れた苔の美しい庭園…🌿 近代の政治家・鳥尾小弥太と茶人・田中仙樵ゆかりの茶室“忘知席”も。 京都・岡林院庭園の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/kodaiji-korinin-temple/ ...... 「岡林院」(こうりんいん)は京都・東山の有名寺院、豊臣秀吉と北政所(ねね)ゆかりの『高台寺』の塔頭寺院。 通常非公開ですが、2021年11月に初めて特別拝観が実施。そして先々週開催された『京都東山福めぐり』でその時以来の一般公開がありました。その時の冬の景色の庭園をご紹介。 . 他の写真や解説のつづきは @oniwastagram のプロフURLか上記のURLから。 *また5月に開催予定の『おにわさん厳選/滋賀・京都の至極の庭園めぐり』では通常非公開の『岡林院』も特別に拝観させていただきます! ------ #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifulkyoto #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #kyototrip #kyototemple #mossgarden #karesansui #枯山水 #苔庭 #庭院 #庭园 #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #建築デザイン #ランドスケープ #京都観光 #京都旅行 #おにわさん (岡林院) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnj0sNwv1WU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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masaruozaki · 3 years ago
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律動と光風 Rhythm and light wind
 #moss #moos #mosslife #japanesegarden #ilovemoss #мох #mossy #mossa #musgo #mose #muschio #mossphotography #mossesofinstagram #mossofinstagram #이끼 #mosses #mossgarden #sammal #bryophyte #mosslove #bryophytes #bryophyta #苔 #青苔 #蘚苔類 #苔萌え #dailydoseofgreen #samanos #mosslover https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVuyPDv5Nf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sparklecats2009 · 2 years ago
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Prints available (extremely limited):
Thank you!!!
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naughtytrashboy · 12 days ago
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Photography/portrait by/of @whitetrashfaerie
For upcoming Mossgarden release
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tiefling-with-a-gun · 9 months ago
Margot Thoughts #90
I am at least a little afraid that if I go into the Mining District I’m going to get arrested. I don’t have the best track record with cops.
Then again I was paranoid about the same thing in Mossgarden and look what happened with that.
I’m just glad that Edwina’s going to be doing the talking for this one. I’m just going to hang out around Etienne, see if his paladin pursuer shows up. I’m pretty sure the boss’ll find that fun.
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