#morwenna mim
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shellyseashell · 9 months ago
Tumblr media
maxen mim - 23
claudine frollo - 16
cyrille frollo - 6, died at 3
moira mim - 15
morcant mim - 13
mallory mim - 9, died at 5
maran mim - 5
morwenna mim - 1, died at a few months
maelegan mim - 17, died at 10
malise mim - 15
mardella mim - 11
maddox mim - 28
magnus mim - 18
madeleine mim - 18
meruen mim - 12, died at 2
maina mim - 6
marcy mim - 6
mage mim - 4, died at 1
amhar pendragon - 19, died at 13
melora pendragon - 16
loholt pendragon - 16
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loreofthelost · 5 months ago
Mallory Mim
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Legal Name: Mallory Mim
Nicknames: Mal
Aliases: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Hair: Dark Pink
Scars/Birthmarks: Light Pink magic birthmark, small scars on hands
Other Distinguishing Features: Pink eyes, evil eye jewelry, Shattered crown tattoo on left shoulder
Appearance: Dark Pink and Purple dresses with corsets, star motifs, flowing sleeves
Birthday: 26th August
Gang: Lost Children
Known Family: Mae Mim (Mother), King Runeard (Father), Morwenna Mim (Brother), Matther Mim (Brother), Paul Runeard (Brother), Richard Runeard (Brother), (Other Mim Relatives)
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kindofchaoticgood · 5 years ago
Hi! I've got another DVD Commentary for 'Rise Up.' Well, it's more like, confirmation, but still. Uma's 100% adopted Morwenna as her child/younger sibling, right?
If you ask Uma about it, she'll roll her eyes and tell you that Morwenna is "a pain in her ass" and "a short little punk."
I would say, yes, Uma has unintentionally adopted Morwenna and a bunch of other children, and she slips them all extra food and they all know that they can stay at the Chip Shoppe if things aren't going well at home.
But again, ask Uma about it, and she'll tell you that they're her army of child spies.
Thanks for the ask!
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edream93 · 7 years ago
Okay, can’t have a 2017 fanfic recommendation without recommending @kindofchaoticgood story (and not just because they’re my beta). Elphaba is not holding back any punches here. Post-Descendants 2 is tackled in a dark, realistic way, that takes from real world examples.
If you want BAMF Uma who is not afraid to do whatever it takes to get her crew off the Isle, this is the story for you. 
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Little Mermaid (1989), Greek and Roman Mythology, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Aladdin (1992) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Ben & Uma (Disney: Descendants), Jane/Carlos de Vil Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Ursula (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Fairy Godmother (Disney), Cogsworth (Disney), Lumiere (Disney) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense, Dark Descendants, This is not Disney's Version, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Minor Character Death, Consensual Underage Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Murder Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you're living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
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uthorzin · 7 years ago
Uthor já dava sinais claros de que a viagem demorara mais do que o extremo necessário. Entre irritar o cocheiro e imaginar o tipo de jogos que poderia jogar assim que chegasse na propriedade do padrasto, as opções pareciam se tornar cada vez mais escassas, e a impaciência do High Fae não duraria por muito mais tempo. Conhecendo o ruivo por pouco mais do que duzentos anos, era de se imaginar que já estivessem minimamente acostumados com o humor negro e extremamente interessante, diga-se de passagem. Os olhos de Uthor se destacavam entre a monotonia da Crepuscular, e o filho de Morwenna era como um cavaleiro solitário dentre um bando de mesquinhos sem um pingo de senso de humor e... A capacidade de interromper as pessoas – e seres tão antigos quanto o narrador que vos fala – era apenas um dos atributos enervantes do crepuscular, e ele fazia questão de utilizar da habilidade há muito mais tempo do que a comunidade se sentia confortável em aprovar. Respirando fundo, o crepuscular emergiu através da janela da carruagem, a expressão de tédio manufaturada a medida em que gritava para que o cocheiro o escutasse, vento chicoteando nos cabelos --- o que seria uma bela prova de que não poderiam andar mais rápido, temendo qualquer descarrilhamento (ah, a engenharia podre dos feéricos, nunca se cansava dela). “A gente já chegou?” Semicerrou os olhos, tentando se adaptar ao vento fustigante a medida em que se equilibrava pela janela, cutucando o cocheiro. Como Lucien conseguia, ele sinceramente não tinha a mínima vontade de saber. “Não dá pra ser mais rápido, Lucy? Eu pretendo chegar à Crepuscular antes que Vesryn envelheça e morra como o bastardo que ele é.” Principalmente porque ele gostaria de estar presente para enfiar a adaga no coração do padrasto, e não poderia perder o evento --- sua vida se tornaria muito mais animada assim que o High Lord não pisasse mais em Prythian.
Sem falar na quantidade de festas que o Crepuscular poderia dar. Talvez esse fosse o melhor motivo para se livrar do High Lord. “Cale a boca, Uthor. Você vai fazer com que até os cavalos percam a paciência com você.” Vociferou Lucien, incapaz de retribuir o olhar curioso do ruivo. “Se quisesse realmente chegar rápido, teria aceitado o garanhão que seu pai te deu.” Ah, a plebe, Uthor os adorava simplesmente por existirem. Gostava da forma como o tratavam, da honestidade impressa em cada uma das expressões --- e mesmo os xingamentos traziam lágrimas aos olhos do High Fae (ou talvez fosse o vento, nunca saberíamos). Desde pequeno, era como se todos estivessem cientes de que Dorwarin seria um fardo para a Crepuscular, e não estavam errados, era verdade, mas o respeitavam por extensão à Morwenna --- a doce e intensa esposa de Vesryn. Quando desposara o High Fae da Crepuscular e Uthor nascera, o feérico deixou bem claro de que aquela criatura não seria bem tratada por ele, e o mais novo aceitou todo o desgosto do High Lord com a melhor das intenções. Desde que aprendera a falar, profanidades eram remetidas ao feérico a quem deveria chamar de pai, e qualquer motivo para envergonhá-lo era o suficiente para que Uthor se pusesse a usar a mente genial para os esquemas mais elaborados.
“Claro, aquela mula. Não sei quem montaria em quem.” Soltou uma risada esganiçada, o vento o incomodando realmente dessa vez. O feérico sentia os músculos da bochecha reclamarem a medida em que pequenos espinhos arranhavam a pele, provocando que o sangue mágico do ruivo escapasse de seu recipiente por direito, para então a ferida se fechar imediatamente, a medida em que o processo começava de novo. “Vesryn é tão bom para mim. Você tem razão. Acho que, assim que chegar em casa, devo beijá-lo na boca.” Revirou os olhos, voltando ao interior calmo da carruagem. Pelos cálculos, estavam próximos, mas a perna batia incessantemente contra o chão da carruagem, e o feérico não poderia ignorar o aperto na garganta a medida em que a paisagem da propriedade exclusiva do High Lord Crepuscular parecia se elevar ante o crepúsculo. Se lembrava muito bem da Corte --- mais ainda das chicotadas por ser desobediente com seu pretenso papai, profanando sua carne no mesmo jardim que Morwenna cultivava suas adoradas camélias. Bateu duas vezes no teto do veículo, balbuciando um “Eu fico aqui” assim que chegaram nos fundos da propriedade, uma desculpa esfarrapada para esticar as pernas --- Uthor detestava caminhadas; fugia delas como Tamlin uma vez fugiu de Amarantha, segundo a lenda local. Semicerrou os olhos a medida em que se acostumava com a nova claridade, os raios alaranjados tomando conta de qualquer uma das superfícies nas quais conseguia tocar. Sentira falta da Crepuscular. Verdade. Não estava sendo minimamente irônico ao falar sobre a Corte. Detestava Vesryn e a forma como comandava a Crepuscular, mas jamais poderia detestar o lugar onde nascera --- onde Morwenna o ensinara como irritar o High Lord.
Tanto tempo fora o tornara facilmente impressionável, isso deveria admitir, e sentia falta dos quitutes feitos pelo cozinheiro-chefe da propriedade, motivo pelo qual, assim que entrou na Cozinha --- um lugar subterrâneo, mal iluminado e extremamente cheiroso ---, demorou tempo demais para que os ouvidos altamente perceptíveis escutassem a balbúrdia causada pela criatura próxima às panelas. “Lucy, I’m home!” Soltou uma risada despreocupada a medida em que a feérica responsável pelos doces pulara em cima de Uthor. Que ela partilhasse do mesmo apelido do irmão mais velho, o cocheiro de Vesryn, não importava muito --- sempre se sentiu atraído pelos irmãos, em verdade. Em alguma parte da sua mente, lembrou-se das noites que passara com a mesma feérica, e permitiu-se soltar um sorriso maldoso para a loira, que palpitava de felicidade em vê-lo. “Missed you, babe.” As mãos já trabalhavam para levantar a saia da feérica quando, por algum descuido de sua cabeça --- ou a falta de criatividade de algum narrador ---, os olhos de Uthor se encontraram com os da criatura próxima às panelas, e o crepuscular teve de deixar Lucy para outra hora. “And who the fuck are you?” Estreitou os olhos, assentindo para Lucy antes que a feérica o interrompesse. Caminhou lentamente, estalando as cartilagens do pescoço, antes de se agachar à altura da... Humana. Aquilo era trabalho de Vesryn, com certeza. Antes de mais nada, Uthor desligou-se da careta séria, passando a olhá-la de maneira mais suave. Quando ela não o respondeu, o feérico meramente deu de ombros, sentindo os joelhos reclamarem pela posição. “Granted, não fui exatamente cavalheiro.” Piscou uma única vez, ignorando a presença de Lucy por pouco mais do que alguns minutos ao oferecer sua mão para a humana, umedecendo os lábios antes de continuar. “Pode me chamar de Uthor. E espero que chame, ou que fale qualquer coisa, porque eu não vou conseguir ficar na posição caranguejo por muito mais tempo, e eu culpo pessoalmente aqueles que me fazem passar vergonha na frente de Lucy. You see, we are kind of together.” Tagarelou, os olhos por nenhum segundo escapando do rosto da humana; pareciam grudados, e nada que Uthor tentasse fazer para desviá-los parecia funcionar.
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isleofdarkness · 2 years ago
Mim Family Group chat
Riah; Who the fuck added me to the fucking group chat? Madrigal; Watch your language Morwenna; Yeah, Riah, watch your fucking language. Malvolia; WHO TAUGHT MY SISTER THE FUCK WORD?! Mara; "The fuck word" lmao Mace; Are you guys stupid? You use the f word all the time! Malcolm; Oh my gods he censored it. Molly; Say fuck, Mace. Maddy; Do it Mace, say fuck. Maverick; Who the fuck let Maddy back in the group chat?!
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Shady’s Back, Tell a Friend
Deleted scenes from Descendants 2, featuring your favorite pirates.
Harry burst into the shoppe, eyes ablaze and a maniacal grin on his face. “Guess who’s ba-ack?”
Uma raised an eyebrow from behind the counter. “You?”
“The witch who stole my glass eye?” Ashe guessed, and then giggled at her own joke.
“Your sanity?” Jonas suggested, as Marya snickered.
“Ha bloody ha, fuck you. No, it’s much better than that.” Harry hopped over the counter and leered at Uma. “Let’s just say she’s the bastard brat of a certain faerie turned lizard.”
Uma’s eyes widened, Gonzo spat out his beer in Ashe’s face, but Jonas just laughed. “Dude, don’t fuck with us like that, Uma’s gonna fucking kill you.”
Harry gave Jonas a withering look. “Shut yer trap.”
“Wait, you’re serious?” Jonas looked incredulous. “What the fuck is she doing here?”
“Who gives a fuck about what she’s doing here? I say we go find the bitch and pound her!” Marya said, pounding the table for emphasis.
“I’m with Marya,” Ashe agreed, casting a glare at Gonzo and wiping off her face. “Let’s feed her to Harry’s pet crocodile—”
“Shut the fuck up Ashe, it’s not my pet—”
“Ooh! Or we could string her up and use her as target practice for the little kids!” Ashe finished, looking a little too thrilled with the idea.
“We’re not doing any of that,” Uma responded coolly, sliding a tray off of the counter and passing it back to Cook.
When she turned back around, Jonas was staring at her as though she had announced a desire to become a pretty, pretty princess, Marya was giving her a look that clearly said wtf?, Gonzo was eyeing her as though she had some sort of contagious disease, and Harry and Ashe looked like Christmas had been cancelled.
“I’m sorry,” Marya said after a pause. “I just blacked out for a moment. Could you repeat that?”
“We’re not doing any of your lame-ass ideas,” Uma replied. “Instead, we’re going to cut her up, bake her into a pie, and send it to the king.”
Jonas burst out laughing and Gonzo shook his head. “Jesus, Captain, for a second there . . .”
“You bitch! I thought you were going soft on us!” Ashe chucked a rag at Uma’s head, which missed by a wide margin and flopped pathetically onto the floor. Marya sniggered.
“Nice aim, Ashleigh.”
“Bite me, preacher girl,” Ashe retorted.
Harry was giving Uma a starry-eyed look, and honestly, Marya was surprised hearts weren’t flying around his head. “I have never been so attracted to you, darling,” the pirate purred, snaking an arm around Uma’s waist and drawing her close.
“Fucking hell, get a room, you two,” Gonzo said disgustedly as Uma smirked up at Harry.
“Does nobody care that this rat bastard is feeling up my cousin in front of me?” Jonas asked the room. “Just me? Okay.”
 Meanwhile, elsewhere on the Isle . . .
 “Si-Si! Si-Si!” Jia chanted as she ran towards her older sister, Nicky close on her heels.
“Calm down, midget,” Sierra ordered.
“What is it?” Claudine asked, in a much gentler tone.
Jia brandished the royal blue wallet embroidered with a garish red design, too out of breath to speak, so Nicky took over for her. “We stole Evie’s wallet!”
Sierra rolled her eyes. “That’s great, hon, but from who?”
“Evie! We saw her, and then Jia was like, we should totally tag team her, and then we did and then she gave it to us! Isn’t that so weird?”
“So weird,” Jia agreed breathlessly.
But Claudine had frozen in place, and Sierra was still trying to sort through what Nicky had just spouted off. “Did you just say you saw Evie? Evie as in blue hair, Evil Queen-spawn Evie?”
“Yeah!” Nicky agreed enthusiastically. “There was so much money in her wallet, but we spent some of it on sour lemons—”
“Where did you see her?” Claudine interrupted sharply, and Sierra looked at her in surprise; she had never heard that tone from Claudine before.
“I think they were heading towards the Horned King’s bazaar—”
Claudine started storming towards where Nicky and Jia had just come from, and Sierra was just about to pull her aside and demand what the hell she was doing when Gil barreled past them, nearly knocking Jia and Claudine off their feet. Sierra and Nicky managed to flatten themselves against a wall in time.
“What the hell?” Claudine demanded, straightening her headscarf and scowling at Gil.
“Going somewhere, Egg-head?” Sierra asked sarcastically, brushing debris off of Jia’s hat.
“Got news for Uma,” Gil called over his shoulder (not even out of breath, Sierra noted enviously), “You’ll never guess who’s here!”
An idea came to Sierra, and so being Sierra, she ran with it. “Oh yeah? Well, we’ve got news too. Race you for who gets to tell Uma first!”
She sprinted towards the direction of the docks, leaving a stunned Claudine and Gil chasing after her, yelling, “Sierra, you bastard, you never called out a starting time!”
“Can’t hear you from how far away I am!” she called back.
Gil cursed and picked up the pace, leaving Claudine with Jia and Nicky.
Claudine sighed, and then smiled down at the six-year-olds. “Which one of you wants to ride on my back and which one wants to try and beat me to the Chip Shoppe?”
Nicky and Jia’s eyes lit up.
At the Chip Shoppe, Morwenna Mim was scarfing down a plate of cold crab surprise like it was the last meal she would ever have. (And given that this was the Isle, who knew if she would survive until tomorrow?)
“Slow down, Baby Mim,” Uma said, leaning against the counter with an amused expression on her face. “Food’s not gonna run away from you.”
“I know that,” Morwenna retorted. “This tastes like it’s been dead for two weeks at least,” she gave the plate a disgusted look. “This isn’t even crab!”
Uma laughed, but Desiree, who was walking by, called out to her. “Just pour some mustard on it; it helps with the taste of rot.”
Morwenna was in the process of drowning the crab surprise with mustard when Gil and Sierra burst through the door, shoving each other.
“—Get off me, you dick!” Sierra snarled, trying to pry up Gil’s fingers from around her arm.
“The only reason you beat me is because you tripped me as I was walking up the steps!”
“I can’t help that you have weak ankles!”
“What the fuck ever, Sierra – UMA!” Gil hollered at the captain, who gave them a look of vague interest. “The – mmph!”
Sierra slammed a hand over his mouth. “Ladies first, Gil, didn’t your mother teach you manners?”
Their fight had caught the attention of the rest of the crew, and now they were all watching Gil and Desiree with avid interest. Harry, Jonas, and Big Murph were betting in quiet voices on who would end up winning. Jonas was betting on Gil because he had muscles to spare, Murph was betting on Sierra because she was scrappy, and Harry was betting that Uma would kill them both before they ever finished fighting.
Gil licked Sierra’s hand, and she yanked it back with a disgusted yell. “King Ben’s in the Isle!” Gil bellowed before Sierra could try to strangle him.
Desiree dropped a tray with a loud clatter, Marya actually gasped out loud, Gonzo reflexively reached for his sword and then remembered it was at the sword check, Sierra looked stunned, and Morwenna felt her fingers clench around the cheap metal fork, bending it.
Uma was staring at Gil, eyes stormy and face unreadable, but before she could do anything, Nicky ran through the door and jumped into Murph’s arms, yelling; “Dad, Jia and I saw Evie, Carlos, and Jay sneaking into the Horned King’s Bazaar!”
Claudine shouldered her way through the double doors, Jia clinging to her neck like a small monkey. “Did he tell you . . . .?” she took a moment to observe the room and raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t expecting this amount of shock.”
“The king’s in the Isle,” Sierra said hoarsely, still holding Gil in a headlock.
Claudine blinked, and then carefully unwound Jia’s arms from around her neck before setting her down and staggering into a chair.
Nicky looked confused. “Wait, when did the king come here?”
Quite honestly, that’s what Morwenna wanted to know too.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Uma asked. Her face was calculating, and her eyes were focused on something past them. Harry had silently gravitated to her side, a dark scowl on his face. “Our lovesick king must have followed Mal to the Isle, and taken the other three traitors as tour guides.”
“Wait, Mal’s here too?” Gil demanded, sounding utterly confused.
“Oh my God,” Marya whispered. “This is way too good to be true . . .”
“Yes!” Ashe cackled, rubbing her hands together. “We’re baking five pies tonight, bitches!” She waved a dismissive hand at Sierra’s incredulous look. “I’ll explain later.”
“Shut up, all of you,” Uma commanded, and the room quieted instantly. “We have an opportunity and I intend to make the most out of it.” She cast a glare around the room, meeting each person’s eyes. “Are all of you with me?”
“Always,” Harry said instantly.
“Of course, Captain,” Gonzo agreed, Murph and Claudine nodding in affirmative.
“We’ll do whatever it takes, Uma,” Sierra declared as Ashe nodded vigorously and Marya grinned devilishly.
“Do you even have to ask?” Desiree asked, giving her cousin a shark smile. Jonas smirked at Uma and saluted her with his shot glass before downing it.
Everyone turned to Gil with raised eyebrows, waiting. It took Gil a second to notice them, and then he grinned embarrassedly. “Sorry, got distracted. I’m your man, boss.”
“Good.” Uma climbed on top of the table, and Morwenna was forced to abandon her crab surprise and push her chair back to avoid getting stepped on. “We’re getting off the Isle, and we’re gonna use the king to do it. Our primary target is no longer Mal. That bitch can rot in her house forever as far as I care. No, we need the king in order for this to work.” Her eyes gleamed feverishly. “And I’m going to go get him.”
“Hell yes,” Claudine spoke up, color returning to her cheeks. Desiree smirked, and Gil looked excited.
“Cuz?” Jonas spoke up. “Not to rain on your parade or anything, but Auntie’s still here . . .”
Uma scowled, her mood instantly plummeting. “Goddamn it.” She cast a glare at the kitchen, but then gave a devious smile as she looked down at her first mate. “Harry?”
He gave her a sultry look, menace lurking in his smile. “Yes, Captain?”
“Would you be a dear and pick up the king for me?”
The pirate grinned, and absently, Morwenna wondered how he had managed to show off of all of his teeth at once. “It would be my pleasure, lovely,”
“Cool.” Uma nimbly hopped off of the table and whisked away Morwenna’s plate. “I’ll leave the details to you, I want to be surprised.”
Harry looked positively deranged as he turned to leer at the assembled crowd, all chomping at the bit to go and kidnap a king.
“Oh and Harry?” Uma poked her head out through the window. “Try not to hit him too much; he looks like he bruises like a peach.”
“But that eliminates half of my ideas!” Harry complained.
“Not my problem,” Uma disappeared back into the kitchen with an evil laugh.
Scowling like a little boy who had just been denied sweets, Harry turned back to the crew. “Who wants to drag a king’s body?”
“I will!” Ashe called out instantly.
“If Ashe is going, so am I,” Sierra said authoritatively. “You guys remember the last time . . .”
Morwenna barely contained a shudder. The blood, the way it had spattered all over her freshly-stolen dress . . . It was almost too gruesome to bear, but Morwenna was a Mim, and Mims were never intimidated.
“Alright, then that’s two people to drag the body. Who wants to distract him?”
Instantly, the Chip Shoppe was filled with yelling.
Jonas was proclaiming that since he was Uma’s cousin, he should be a part of the team that bought the king in, while Desiree told him to sit down and shut up because he had no subtlety, and she was infinitely more qualified than him. Marya was arguing with Gonzo over who had to look over Nicky, since Murph really wanted to test his new war hammer. Claudine was yelling at Gil because Gil insisted that she wouldn’t be able to contain herself from killing the king instantly, and she was telling him that his Gaston-ness would make it so that he would feel obligated to kill Ben. Meanwhile, Jia and Nicky were vehemently insisting that they were capable of dragging the king’s carcass through the streets.
In the midst of the chaos, Morwenna felt herself stand on her chair and whistle sharply, like Maddy had taught her.
The room quieted, everyone swiveling around to stare at the young Mim girl.
“I’ll do it,” she spoke firmly, casting her eyes around the room like she had seen Uma do countless times, daring anyone to challenge her.
As if on cue, the crew looked at Harry for his reaction.
Harry’s face was blank at first, but then he gave Morwenna a mocking grin. “Make us proud Mim,” he drawled.
Morwenna smiled. Finally.
Ben needed to walk away from the situation and clear his head for a minute. His mind kept on flashing over Mal’s face before she had handed him the ring back, twisted with tears and stubbornness. The only thing that he could focus on was the coldness of the ring in his hand.
As he walked away, he dimly heard Evie trying to talk with Mal, while Carlos and Jay quietly argued over what to do.
Does Mal and I breaking up mean that I can’t see them again? That’s how it goes in those pop songs doesn’t it? I get the ring and my jacket, she keeps all the friends.
Ben was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he barely registered bumping into someone and nearly knocking them over.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, trying to clear his mind. Gods be good, now he was bumping into random pedestrians? What was wrong with him?
“That’s alright, your highness,” a voice said sweetly.
Ben looked down, and for a minute, he could’ve sworn that it was a six-year old version of Mal looking up him, and then he couldn’t breathe.
But wait . . . this girl had dimples when she smirked, and while Mal had pale green eyes, this girl’s eyes were so dark that Ben felt like he was drowning.
“I have to admit,” Not-Mal said, her eyes shining malevolently up at him. “I’m a little disappointed by how easy this is.”
Before Ben could try to speak, or run away, the girl leapt at him, striking him in the temple with a cold metal band around her knuckles.
The last thing Ben saw before the darkness dragged him under was purple hair.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Little Mermaid (1989), Greek and Roman Mythology, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Aladdin (1992) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Ben & Uma (Disney: Descendants), Jane/Carlos de Vil Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Ursula (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Fairy Godmother (Disney), Cogsworth (Disney), Lumiere (Disney) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense, Dark Descendants, This is not Disney's Version, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Minor Character Death, Consensual Underage Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Murder Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you're living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
Guess who finally added Chapter 6 after several eternities!
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Til the Storm Comes and the World is Quiet - Chapter 5
Ariel, Queen of Seaside, former princess of Atlantica, is curled up on a couch and reading a story to her children before she receives the call.
Callie and Storm are sandwiching her, their heads pillowed on her sides. Storm is trying valiantly not to fall asleep, but he keeps nodding off, and then awakening with a start. Callie is also fighting a losing battle with sleep; her sandy eyelashes are fluttering over her cheeks.
Melody is pretending not to listen, but Ariel can clearly see that her phone screen has long gone blank. Moana is making no such pretensions; the girl from Motunui is listening with an enraptured expression. She has never heard the mainland fairy tales, and treasures each story that she hears each night. Once, when Melody had tried to pull her away to go watch a movie, Moana had waved her off and insisted, “Melody, these stories are wonderful! I don't care if they're for little kids, I’m staying!”
Melody had protested, but Moana refused to budge, and Melody had at first gone off on her own, but eventually came back, setting herself down on a chair with a sulky scowl. Callie had flung herself into her older sister’s lap while Moana and Ariel exchanged amused glances.
Eric is usually there for story time as well, but tonight is his meeting with the leaders from Maldonia and Dunbroch. Technically, this is his night to read to the children, but she's happy to take over for him. King Fergus is notoriously heavy-handed with the ale, and Naveen and Eric get along like a house on fire, so it's going to be the early hours of dawn before her husband makes his way home.
The room is quiet, save for the sound of Flounder’s aquarium buzzing in the corner and Ariel's voice, until her phone starts playing the theme from Hamilton.
Storm mumbles a complaint against her side, and she pats him absently on the head as she reaches for her phone and checks the number on sees Jasmine’s name flit across the screen. She wouldn’t call this late unless it was important, Ariel thinks, sliding the Call button. “Hello?”
“Turn on the television,” Jasmine’s voice is tense. “And after you’re done, come to Agrabah. We’re convening an emergency meeting of the Council.”
“Jaz,” Ariel says, alarmed. “What’s going—”
“Watch first,” Jasmine orders, then hangs up.
“Mom?” Melody is standing now, and Moana has half-risen out of her chair as well, a worried look on her face. “What’s going on?”
“I’m not really sure,” Ariel confesses, reaching for the remote on the coffee table and switching the television on. Snow White’s face fills the screen for a moment right before a video starts to play.
As the video goes on, Melody flinches when the guards and the children start to fight, and Moana looks horror-stricken when the Auradonians point their guns at the two boys. Ariel only stares at the screen, but her hands are covering the eyes of her children, who are starting to squirm around in complaint.
When the video ends and the news feed comes back on, Moana blinks hard, and tears fall down her cheeks. “What was that—” she begins, but her voice breaks halfway through.
Ariel is already on her feet, and her mind is racing a thousand miles. Part of her wants nothing more than to bundle up all of her children and stash them away from the world forever, but the bigger part is telling her to keep it together, because she has two very young children in the room and one very traumatized girl to take care of. “Mel, I need you to take Callie and Storm to your room. Try to get them to sleep, but if they don’t, then just have Carlotta look after them. I need you and Moana to try and find Eric right now, he’s probably already heard about this, and we need to figure out what our statement is going to be. Take Sebastian with you, he’ll have some input in this as well—”
“Don’t I need to attend the Council meeting as well?” Moana asks thickly, wiping her eyes. “As the representative of the Islands—”
“No,” Ariel says firmly, walking over to her as Melody starts to lead Callie and Storm out of the room. “You need to have Carlotta make you a hot chocolate and cuddle with your pig for a while. I’m not going to let you go to the meeting when you’ve just seen - that.”
“I’m fine,” Moana protests. “I - I was just shocked, that's all. I'm fine now-”
“No, you're not,” Ariel counters. “You just saw a room full of children being threatened with guns. No one is fine.”
Moana’s eyes, usually so bright and full of life, look absolutely shattered, and Ariel hates that, hates how the girl’s worldview has just been shattered by that act of cruelty. She wraps her arms around her, and feels Moana's frame shake under her. It saddens her, but mostly enrages her, because how dare Adam and Belle let this happen in their kingdom?
“Listen to me,” Ariel says quietly, pulling back slightly to look Moana in the eye. “Your parents appointed me your guardian while you tour the Realms, and as your guardian, I’m telling you to stay here until we figure out what's going on in Auradon.”
I refuse to put her in danger.
Moana sighs shakily and disentangles herself from Ariel. “Do you think there's any chance that it could be a mistake?”
Once upon a time, Ariel would have said yes without hesitation. She would have defended Belle and insisted that she would never let something like this happen. But she hasn’t spoken to Belle in two years, and she is no longer the naive little mermaid who believed the best in people.
“Absolutely not.”
When the car screeches to a halt, Uma is up and out of the car before Marya and Gonzo even have a chance to process that the car has stopped moving.
I cannot believe that I cried like a little dick in front of them. What the hell is wrong with me?
Her skin feels itchy and too hot for her body; she isn't entirely sure if those Auradon bastards poisoned her or not with that stupid milkshake, but she wouldn’t put it past them. She's sure Ben has had an entire team of lawyers interrogate him about the exact wording of his vow to find all the loopholes. After all, if she is poisoned, it wouldn't have been Ben harming her, it would have been Melendez.
Uma grits her teeth and storms through the doors to the Chip Shoppe, Marya and Gonzo lugging the limo’s entire supply of food behind her. (Note to self, she is a dick for not helping.)
As soon as she steps through the doors though, an eggplant-colored tentacle wraps around her throat and lifts her into the air, cutting off her air supply.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Ursula snarls from the floor, taking a swig out of her ever-present cough syrup bottle. Her other tentacles are writhing dangerously and her eyes promise absolute murder.
But Uma just rolls her eyes, and pries a few suckers from her throat so she can talk. “Hello, Mother.”
“Don’t fucking try to change the subject with me, you little slut,” Her mother slurs the last three words, so they come out more like yalitleschlut. “I asked you a fucking question. Where have you been?”
Instead of answering, Uma casts her eyes around the room. Her mother must have opened up anyways, despite the fact that she sent Cook home today and had the closed sign up. Luckily, there aren't many people, only a few people at the tables and one over at the bar/counter area.
Thankfully the kids seem to be gone; Desiree and Murph must have taken them outside once her mother made an appearance. Ursula isn't exactly above strangling a child who isn't quick enough to get out of her way, and she especially hates her nieces, who make up the bulk of the children that hang around the Chip Shoppe at any given time.
Her crew is scattered around the room; Ashe and Claudine are in the middle of serving customers, all of whom look terrified, which means that Ashe must have shouted them into submission. Jonas and Reggie - what the fuck is Reggie doing here? She told him to go home and look after his brothers - are behind the counter, pretending that they know how to cook. Sierra is casually covering the sword check with her body while Gil and Bonnie are sweeping up the floor. Bonnie is handling the broom while Gil tries to sweep up the dust, but he keeps on sneezing and scattering dust everywhere again. Marya and Gonzo are quietly edging along the wall, trying not to draw attention to them or the large amount of food that they're carrying. Everyone is studiously avoiding looking at her or her mother.
Except for Harry, who is outright glaring at Ursula, despite the purple-black bruises forming on the left side of his face. And from her current position in the air, she can clearly see bright red sucker marks around his throat.
Blood roars in Uma's ears, but she forces herself to remain calm, because losing her temper will just make things worse, and she really doesn't have the fucking time to get into a screaming match with her mother right now, she needs to turn on the television and see if her plan is working. At the same time though, part of her is screaming for her to grab the knife in her boot and fillet the bitch. (She's never claimed to be rational when it comes to Harry.)
“School,” Uma lies coolly, making sure not to move too much. Her mother's grip is tight, but Uma knows that Ursula doesn't give a damn about dropping her.
“School,” Ursula repeats, sarcasm dripping from her tone. “That's interesting, considering today is Sunday.”
Fuck, the one time she looks at a goddamn calendar!
“Is it?” Uma asks, trying to keep her tone bored. “Well then, I guess that's why it was closed.”
“Maddy Mim mentioned that she saw you over by Yen Sid’s house,” her mother accuses, cinching her tentacles tighter in an unspoken threat.
From the corner of her eye, Uma catches a glimpse of purple hair and sees Morwenna Mim curled under a table. She jerks her foot discreetly and the younger girl looks up at her, revealing a cut lip, which stretches out as she grimaces at Uma. Uma closes her eyes, irritated beyond all belief because fucking Maddy Mim just doesn't know when to stop, does she?
She’s let Maddy live for this long because her grandmother is still a scary motherfucker, despite being a thousand years old, but Maddy just keeps on coming back like a V.D. Claudine and Morwenna still haven't given her permission to kill Maddy yet, and while Uma respects Claudine's views and the fact that Maddy is Morwenna’s sister, she's just going to have to kill her at this point. Not just for Claudine's sake, but for Morwenna's. Every time the younger girl comes back with a new scrape or bruise, Uma has to restrain herself from telling Harry to bring her Maddy's head.
“Come on Mama,” she croaks out instead, letting a smirk drift across her face. “Are you seriously gonna listen to a Mim instead of your own daughter?”
There is dead silence in the Chip Shoppe as Ursula’s bloodshot eyes run over her, and Uma can practically see her mother weighing whether it’s worth it to press this further. Her mother doesn’t have a particularly long attention span, and she knows for a fact that that tent dress she’s wearing is new, so Ursula probably doesn’t want to wash blood out of it just yet. She meets her mother’s gaze evenly, willing her body to exude indifference.
After what seems like an age, Ursula unwinds her tentacles from around Uma’s body and unceremoniously dumps her on the floor. But Uma has had a lot of practice falling by now, so she mostly manages to take the brunt of the impact on her side before rolling up and drawling, “Thanks.”
“Get to work,” her mother commands, tone surly as she heads towards the door. “I don’t want to see your face again until morning. Do not even think about closing up, I will find out and I promise you, you will regret it.”
With that lovely parting remark, Ursula slithers outside and Uma lets out a heavy sigh, briefly putting her head down to try and control her expression before standing up and yelling.
“Alright, bitches, show’s over! Get out now, and I’ll let you keep your wallets.”
“But your mom said you couldn’t close!” Kellan Stabbington protests, his red-haired cohorts grunting in agreement.
Uma rolls her eyes and pulls her pistol out of her left boot, firing two shots into the wall behind Kellan’s head. “Do I look like I care?”
Luckily, the other customers quickly take the hint and exit quickly, but Kellan still looks like he wants to say something stupid. After a dark look from Harry, he realizes that he’s severely outnumbered and strides out of the Chip Shoppe huffily, not noticing Morwenna quietly snatch his wallet.
Uma stashes the pistol back in her boot. “I told you to stay home,” she snaps at Reggie, who has the gall to look unashamed.
“Jonas told me your plan,” he says, grin crinkling the freckles on his face. “Are we really going to Auradon, boss?”
“If we get our shit together, yeah,” Uma mutters, then says loudly. “Move your asses, people! Jonas, stop cooking and go get Desiree and the kids back. Reggie, Sierra, I need you to make a list of kids on the Isle including our crew.  Marya and Gonzo can split the food up among all of you. Gil, turn on television and start taking notes on what's happening. I want a full report by the time I get back.”
“Where’re you going?” Gil asks, already looking alarmed at the prospect of responsibility.
“To set myself on fire,” Uma growls. Now that her mother's gone, she can acutely feel where the sweat has dried on her clothes and she's either about to cry again or scream if she stays here any longer. “I smell like a do-gooder.” She starts to head up the stairs to the flat above the Chip Shoppe, then pauses to yell over her shoulder as she catches sight of Harry helping Morwenna up from under the table. “And can someone get those two some medical attention?!”
Harry makes a move to follow Uma as she storms away, but Marya blocks his path. “I wouldn't do that right now,” the fire-haired girl warns. “She's been in a mood since Auradon.”
“She's always in a mood,” Harry retorts, trying to push Marya aside, as Bonnie grabs his arm and forces him into a chair.
“This time it's different,” Marya replies uneasily. “She . . . Threw up on the way back.”
Harry's gaze snaps up to hers. “Was it on . . . ?”
“I don't think it was on purpose,” Marya says quickly, and Harry looks like a giant weight has been lifted off his shoulders. “She mentioned the other day that she was seven months without an incident and seemed really proud. I don't think if she was that happy about it she would you know . . . Fuck it up.”
Harry considers all of this as Bonnie shows up with an ice pack and presses it firmly to his face. “Motherfucker,” he finally mutters, glaring at the floor.
“Did she eat anything?” Bonnie asks, handing the ice pack to Harry and starting to examine Morwenna's face.
A look of panic came over Marya's face. “I can't actually remember,” she confesses sheepishly.
Harry groans and Morwenna rolls her eyes. “Some help you are,” the younger girl snipes.
“She may have had a fight with Evie or something,” Gonzo says, walking over and handing Morwenna a large bag of gummy worms, which she tears into instantly. “When I came in to get her, the windows were shattered.”
“What the fuck?” Bonnie twists her head to stare at Gonzo, still trying to force a struggling Morwenna to stay still.
“Yeah, but here's the thing: Uma's hands weren't bloody and neither were Evie's. So I have no idea what the fuck happened-”
“Gil, stop flirting with Claudine and turn on the goddamn TV when I tell you to!” Uma descends down the steps like a storm, already having changed into an oversized flannel shirt that clearly belongs to Harry and leggings. Her hair is pulled up, and there is a thunderous scowl on her face.
Claudine blushes furiously and starts playing with her hair, while Gil turns bright red and mumbles something about how he wasn't flirting, Uma, God, and goes over to the television to turn it on.
The dim clamor in the room slowly stops as an image of Jonas with his hands up fills the screen.
Ariel manages to catch a last-minute portal to Agrabah after sending a series of quick texts to Eric to warn him about Melody and Co. 's impending arrival as well as an explanation about where she's going. As she steps through the portal door, her heart is hammering wildly in her chest and her skin feels feverish. Portal traveling is the absolute worst generally, but after what she's just seen? So much worse.
The Portal opens out to an ornately decorated hallway and Ariel has to blink a few times to adjust her eyes to the sheen of the gold surrounding her. Jasmine obviously sent a servant to go get her, because there is a young woman in front of her with an earpiece and a harried expression.
“Queen Ariel?” She asks desperately, fiddling with the stack of bracelets on her arm.
“That's me,” Ariel replies politely, trying not to make any sudden movements. The woman seems like she might burst into tears at any moment, and Ariel doesn't want to startle her.
“Right this way,” the woman takes off at a clip down the hallway, and Ariel hurries after her, silently cursing herself for not changing out of her heels earlier.
“They're in here,” the woman points at the door and Ariel walks in, bracing herself for anything.
There are several televisions clustered on one wall, all blaring at full volume but broadcasting different channels. Unlike the gold splendor of the hallway, the walls in here are painted a simple cucumber color, with comfortable armchairs and a sofa scattered on top of a creamy carpet. A white desk with two large computer monitors crouching on it and two matching cabinets next to it are facing the same wall as the televisions, along with a high-backed chair. There is a hallway leading out to a small kitchenette, and through it, Ariel can see Tiana furiously slamming dough on a board, flour sticking to her curls.
Jasmine is pacing around the room, her cerulean hijab whirling wildly. She's muttering angrily under her breath in Persian, arms gesturing wildly in a silent argument with an invisible foe. Ella is leaning against a wall, focusing intently in the centermost television, face drawn. Pocahontas is sitting next to Aurora, one hand resting protectively on her bump while the other holds Aurora close to her. There are tear tracks down Aurora’s face and her phone is clenched in a white-knuckle grip in her hands.
“Welcome to hell!” Jasmine exclaims once she catches sight of Ariel. “Don't linger in the doorway, come in and suffer with the rest of us!”
“What's going on?” Ariel asks cautiously, entering the room and sitting on an armchair.
“Adam and Belle arrived in Auradon just now, but my father still refuses to let me give a statement to the press until 'we have all the facts’. What the hell is that supposed to mean? There’s a video, we know what happened,” Jasmine’s voice is rising and she looks about ready to kill someone. “Al’s on the phone with the Prime Minister right now, they’re trying to convince my dad to let me give a statement. I had to leave the room, I was about to start throwing things if I heard Dad say ‘give them a chance to explain’ one more time.”
Ariel winces. “I’m sorry, Jaz.”
“Whatever, I’m over it,” Jasmine strides over to the desk and presses a side button, making a vanity mirror rise up from the middle, along with a selection of makeup. She unscrews a bottle of eyeliner and continues. “I’m going to give the statement even if Al and the PM can’t convince him. It’s just a matter of how angry he’ll be at this point.” Her hand moves the brush steadily across her eyelids, movements precise even though she is clearly agitated.
Ella sighs. “At least you can do something. My father-in-law and Rory’s parents are refusing to do anything.”
“What?” Ariel turns, horror stricken, towards Aurora, who lets out a sob against Pocahontas’s shoulder. “Why?”
“Because he’s an awful human being who cares more about keeping the trade agreement between Montcavrel and Auradon alive than about children almost getting shot,” Ella snaps out, fingers fiddling with the large diamond solitaire on her ring finger. “Kit got into a shouting match with him, and they were still arguing when I left. Meanwhile, Rory’s parents are insisting that everything is fine and that this is all propaganda.”
“That doesn’t even make any sense!” Pocahontas calls out grumpily, still stroking Rory’s hair.
“Believe me, I know,” Ella sighs, sharing a commiserating look with Ariel.
Rory looks up, eyes full of tears. “Those kids are so young, and they look so scared . . . and I know it’s stupid, but every time I see them, I just think that it could have been Audrey being shot at . . .”
“No one would dare lay a finger on Audrey, Rory,” Jasmine says quietly, turning around in her chair to face the room. “She’s royalty.”
“I know, Jaz, but I’ve been calling her nonstop and she isn’t picking up her phone. Her phone is practically attached to her hand, why isn’t she answering?” Rory asks, tears starting to slip into her voice again.
Jasmine has nothing to say to that and an uneasy silence falls over the room for a few minutes until Tiana appears from the kitchenette, two plates of beignets in her hands.
“You know,” she says quietly, eyes fixed on the screen. “I can't help thinking that this is our fault,”
“We couldn't have known that this was going to happen,” Ella protests, but her tone is half-hearted.
“Didn’t we though?” Tiana asks, her voice distant. “After what happened with Ursula, we knew that they were capable of sentencing innocent children to die.”
She looks away from the televisions, tears falling down her face.
“Face it,” Tiana murmurs bitterly. “We knew that this was coming, but instead of doing anything about it, we just sat by and pretended that nothing was wrong.” Her voice is breaking, but her tone is freezing. “And now, because we did nothing, children are getting shot at.”
Abruptly, she places the plates on a coffee table and heads back to the kitchenette, the door slamming shut behind her.
In a rare stroke of luck, Uma's mother hasn't come back and fucked up all of her schemes, so she and the rest of the crew are able to work, undisturbed. Reggie, Gonzo, and Murph are talking in low voices in a corner, drawing a crude map of the Isle in preparation to leave once Claudine finishes the list of people to come to Auradon.
“Damn Auradonians,” Ashe grumbles, scowling as she examines the smears of ink across her left hand. “We’re doing their job and they don't even give a damn about us.”
“I can't believe they didn't know that the kids were dead,” Sierra whispers, glancing around to make sure that her sister and Uma's cousins aren't paying attention to her. “I knew they didn't care about us but - goddamn.”
Uma shrugs, shifting Lala (one of the aforementioned cousins, currently playing with a tattered stuffed animal) in her lap. “When she told me she didn't know, I honestly didn't know if it was better or worse.”
“Worse,” Ashe and Harry say in unison, Jonas nodding in agreement.
“There's no use in cursing them out now,” Claudine studies the list on top of the table, absently doodling on a corner. “We just need to focus on getting as many people out as possible.”
There is a murmur of agreement about the table, but Harry still looks like he wants to argue with someone, so Uma quickly yells over to Gil, “What's happening in Auradon?”
“They aren't letting the press in,” he calls back, stuffing his face with fried rice and eggs. “Also, they mentioned something about the King not giving a statement yet,”
“Fu- I mean, figures,” Uma manages to catch herself after Lala looks up at her curiously. “They're probably still trying to figure out a way to play this off.”
“Bitches,” Ashe mutters, then lets out a startled yell when Jonas jabs an elbow into her side. “What fucking gives?”
“Ashe said a swear word! She owes us candy!” Lala announces to her two-year old sister, Talea, who glances up for a moment, before continuing to play with the buttons on Harry’s jacket.
“What have I told you about swearing in front of my sisters?” Jonas hisses at Ashe, who scowls at him unrepentantly.
“By that age, kids have seen orgies—”
“Screw you—”
“Can we please focus?” Sierra cuts in, but then Desiree appears at the table, holding a wailing baby and looking harried beyond all belief.
“It's your turn to take Poppy,” she shoves the baby unceremoniously into Jonas's arms as he lets out a noise of protest.
“I'm busy!”
“I don't care! We agreed this morning, I would take her during the day, and you take her at night. And wow, look at that, IT'S NIGHT. So you will take your baby sister Jonas, because I am going to make up for all the sleep I wasn't able to get last night.” With that, Desiree storms upstairs, the stairs creaking in displeasure.
“So who has suggestions for names to add to the list?” Claudine asks, raising her voice to be heard over Poppy's crying.
“Rick Ratcliffe,” Jonas suggests, standing up from the table and starting to walk around, pillowing Poppy's head on his shoulder.
Uma wrinkles her nose. “Isn't his dad a racist?”
“Yeah, but I don't think he's about that ‘whiter than thou’ stuff that his dad's always going on about. I mean, he looked embarrassed when his dad accused me of being a drug-selling negro trying to corrupt his son,” Jonas says nonchalantly, whispering something soothing to Poppy.
“Jesus,” Harry says disgustedly.
“To be fair though, I was in the middle of selling him some weed, so I see where he was coming from.”
Claudine carefully pens in Rick Ratcliffe's name. “Anyone else?”
“That we don't hate and isn't already either related to us or in the crew already?” Sierra asks sardonically, then turns serious. “I think we got everyone. I mean, we even asked the kids for names, and they listed out everyone they had ever met.”
At that moment, Jia, Sierra's little sister, chose that moment to wander up to the table and pout at her sister. “Si-Si, I’m hungry.”
“Go ask Bonnie or Marya for more food.”
“They already gave it to people.”
“Then that's tough, little sister,”
“You can have my food,” Uma offers, pushing her bowl of broth towards Jia.
“No,” Harry says instantly while Ashe shoves Uma's bowl back towards her and Claudine shoots her a quelling look.
“That won't be necessary,” Sierra says quickly. “Jia, we don't have any food. Just go steal Talon’s food or something.”
As soon as Jia heads over to her brother, Harry rounds on Uma. “Stop doing that,” he accuses, somehow managing to look intimidating, even with a two year old on his lap.
Uma looks immensely frustrated. “Come on, there is no way that I am going to be able to eat all of this—”
“I don't care,” Harry cuts her off. “Stop trying to get rid of your food.”
“And stop trying to pawn it off on the kids,” Sierra adds, scowling at Uma.
“Are you saying that they don't need to eat?”
“I'm saying that you need to eat, because we need you alive, Uma Triskelion, so pick up the damn spoon and eat your broth.”
There's a dark look on Uma's face, the one she gets right before she verbally destroys someone, so Claudine intervenes. “Just a few more spoonfuls, that's all we’re asking.”
For a few seconds it seems like Uma isn't going to do anything, but then she reluctantly sips a spoonful of broth, making a face at all of them. “Happy?”
“Ecstatic,” Ashe says dryly. “Girl, you can't be mad at us for wanting you to eat—”
“Holy shit - Uma!” Gil vaults over the table and starts frantically turning up the volume on the television. “The press just broke through the gates!”
The text messages from her mother and father say basically the same thing. Stay put. Comply with everything they tell you to do. We're handling this.
Lonnie has never been one for just sitting down and letting things just happen without her say. When Ben had been kidnapped, she had insisted on going with Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos to rescue him, and when it seemed like Agrabah and China were about to come to blows over their trading outposts, she had been the one to initiate diplomacy.
But she has no idea how to even begin handling this.
King Adam and Queen Belle - sorry, former King and Queen - had showed up, stone faced, to Auradon an hour ago. Fairy Godmother had rushed up and the three of them had had a hushed discussion before Adam had thrown up his hands and yelled, “I don't care, Verity! Just handle it!” He had then stormed off in the direction of the Royal Offices, but not before curtly ordering Lumiere that nobody was to disturb them. When Evie had tried to follow them, Belle had gently told her to go stay with the students, before following her husband, skirt swishing on the floor.
Fairy Godmother had stared after them for a few minutes, before visibly gaining her composure and announcing gravely that all students were to go inside the common rooms and wait inside until further notice. She suggested that they all text their parents that they were safe, but that they wouldn't be able to contact them anytime soon because effective immediately, Auradon Prep was on lockdown.
This had drawn gasps and people had started demanding answers, but they received none. Instead, all of the students had been ushered into common rooms by grade, and the doors had been locked securely behind them.
After the doors had been closed behind them, Jay instantly tried to open them again, and then cursed when they didn't budge. He had been dragged over to a couch to sit down by Carlos and the two of them and Evie had entered into a hissed conversation, occasionally gesturing at the doors. Jane sat by them, listening and occasionally whispering something as well.
Strangely enough, only a few other people seemed to find the lockdown odd. In a corner, Audrey, Jordan, Ally, and a group of other girls were painting their nails and gossiping about the new coach of the swim team - “He’s so dreamy!” “I know!” - while Chad was telling anyone who would listen that this way, they were guaranteed a night off from homework. All around Lonnie, people were pulling out decks of cards or just leaning against the walls and chatting. No one seemed the least bit concerned.
But all of that had changed once Mal walked through the doors, looking absolutely shell-shocked.
“M?” Evie stood up and rushed towards her best friend. “What’s going on?”
The purple-haired girl seemed to be in a bit of a trance though. It took Evie repeating her name three times for Mal’s eyes to focus on the room, and Lonnie noticed that there was nervous, prickly energy all around her.
“I - it’s bad, E,” Mal said haltingly, eyes darting around at everyone. “It’s really bad, and I don’t think anyone knows what to do—”
“What’s bad?” Jay was standing now, and Carlos was half-risen from his seat as well. “What’s going on, Mal?”
“Turn on the TV,” Mal said faintly, sinking into a chair. “It doesn’t matter what channel - the video is everywhere at this point.”
Carlos had switched on the television, and nothing had been the same after that.
No one is playing cards anymore; the cards are lying abandoned on the floor, while the participants, stare at the TV, their faces pale. Chad is no longer laughing; he had actually snapped at someone to shut up when they had dared to suggest that they turn the television off and do something else. Carlos looks sick to his stomach, and Jay looks queasy as well. Evie and Mal are having a whisper-fight in the corner of the couch, and Mal is shaking her head obstinately at what Evie is saying. Ally and Jordan are having a hushed conversation that Lonnie can only hear snatches of, (she heard the words ‘highly illegal’ and ‘racial profiling’ being used by Jordan though,) and Doug is furiously scribbling notes on what the news reporters were saying. Audrey is staring at a wall, her face utterly blank. When she had tried to answer her mother’s calls, her cell signal had failed, and that was when they had all realized that all communications in and out of the castle were blocked until the lockdown was over.
“We can see what’s happening, but we can’t send or do anything,” Doug muses grimly, flinching when the camera zooms in on the children being backed to the wall by guns.
“They can’t just keep us in here,” Lonnie declares, because, well, they can’t, right?
Doug looks unconvinced. “I have a feeling that they would disagree.”
“My mom’s not answering any of my texts,” Jane says worriedly, holding up her phone. “I have no idea when we’re going to be let out of lockdown.”
“That’s just—” Jay begins, but they don’t get to find out what it is, because someone says, “Hey Lonnie, isn’t that your mom up there?”
Lonnie whips her head so fast towards the television that her neck cracks uncomfortably, but sure enough, it’s her mother onscreen, looking utterly cool and collected in her black suit and her jet-colored hair in a high ponytail.
“When did they let the press in?” Chad demands, looking furious. “They’re keeping us prisoner in here while the paparazzi fawns over them?”
“I wouldn’t say they’re fawning over them, Chad,” Jane says slowly as reporters rush up to Mulan, who is currently walking down a hallway.
“Fa Mulan! Fa Mulan! Can we get a comment on the shocking video that was just released?” One lady asks, thrusting her microphone into Mulan’s face and nearly smearing her red lipstick everywhere.
“Some people are calling this a racial matter. Do you think that’s true, or does this purely have to do with them being villains?”
“What do the king have to say about this, and as Consul General, how does that affect your point of view on the matter?”
Lonnie watches, as her mother leans into the microphone, her voice calm and reasonable. “I think the video was appalling. No child deserves to have a gun pointed at them, whether or not their parents are villains.”
“People are saying that the children refused to comply—?”
“Even if the children didn’t comply, those guards still had a choice of whether or not to use violence to deal with the situation. The guards are adults, and they should have known better than to ever point a loaded firearm at children who can barely walk. I think that the bigger picture is that we have guards that have no qualms about shooting children due to who their parents are, but at the same time, I do think that race has a factor in all of this, and that is a very troubling thought for me, especially since I have two kids of my own.”
Lonnie feels her mouth quirk up, and her mother continues. “As for how the king’s opinion on the matter and how that affects my opinion as Consul General . . . well, as of five minutes ago, I just resigned from my position, and therefore, the king’s opinion has no bearing on my own.”
Mulan gives the press a tight smile and says, “No further comment,” before continuing to walk down the hallway, the reporters chasing after her and demanding for clarifications on her resignation.
Evie's mouth is in a perfect 'O’, Jay is staring between her and the TV,between her and the TV, dark hair whipping back and forth, and Jane’s eyes are the size of dinner plates. Audrey has stopped staring at the wall, Chad is gaping at her, and Mal looks frustrated beyond all possible belief.
Lonnie smiles uncomfortably at all of them, not used to being the least surprised person in the room. “Does anyone want to play poker?”
“Oh my God,” Claudine whispers. “Did that really just . . .?”
“It did,” Gonzo confirms, though he looks like he can’t quite believe it.
“What an icon,” Ashe says, her eyes wide.
“Sierra? Are you okay?”
Uma glances over. Sierra is staring at the television, hazel eyes unfocused. She’s muttering something under her breath and her face is unreadable.
“Sierra?” Bonnie repeats, her tone starting to get concerned.
Sierra lets out a long groan. “How the fuck am I supposed to live up to that?”
“ . . . What?”
“Come on! Fa Mulan just gave up her job for us! All of my life, my father has told me; ‘Remember, Shaoyen, it is no use being like me. I was defeated. Instead, be like the girl who outsmarted me. If you can be like her, then I can die a happy man’. Well, I can’t be like Fa Mulan, because she is too much of a damn legend. Do you see my problem?”
“No, not really.”
“Sierra, none of us speak to our parents anymore,” Harry reminds her, rolling his eyes.
“Shut the fuck up, my life is over,” Sierra moans, collapsing on a chair and burying her head in her hands.
Gil and Ashe shrug at each other, bewildered, but go back to paying attention to the television.
Uma leans back in her throne and surveys the room. The Chip Shoppe is filled to the brim with people now, some of them sitting at tables, some leaning against the wall, and the little kids are running around gleefully. Gonzo is teaching Morwenna how to clean her blade properly, while Murph is chasing his son around, trying to convince him to go to bed. Her cousin Piper is comparing knife sizes with Sierra's brother Talon, (ha, that's gay) and Bonnie and Desiree are fussing over Jonas's hair. Meanwhile, Harry has his makeshift tattoo parlor set up on the longest table, and is carefully tattooing anchors on their brand-new crew members. Rick Ratcliffe has challenged Nia to an armwrestling contest, but judging by Nia’s sneer and the amount of sweat pouring off his face, he’s regretting this decision. However, Nia’s sister Allegra is eyeing Rick with great interest, so maybe the night won't turn out so bad for Rick after all.
She herself is on Poppy duty; the baby is finally asleep, no thanks to Jonas, who kept yelling at his other sisters and waking up an increasingly cranky Poppy. Finally, Jonas had passed Poppy onto her, and after a few minutes on her shoulder and no yelling, the baby had fallen asleep.
Harry finishes up a tattoo on La Foux Deux, and the smaller boy thanks him before scampering off to try and flirt with an uninterested Ashe.
Uma carefully makes her way over to him, careful not to jostle Poppy too much. The bruising on his face has gone down, but his face is an interesting mix of purple and green. His jacket is off, revealing bandages on his right arm. When she had demanded to know what had happened, he simply told her that he had gotten a tattoo sleeve, nothing to freak out about. She believes him, but she knows exactly what happened to his face.
“You have to stop doing this,” she orders, sitting down across from him.
Harry gives her an innocent look. “I don't know what you mean, darling.”
“I thought I told you to stay out of my mother's way. She already hates your guts, and seeing you just makes her even more pissed off.”
He gives her an unimpressed look. “I'm not staying away from you just because your mum has anger issues.”
Uma scowls at him. “It also doesn't help that you keep on antagonizing her every time you see her,” she gestures to his face.
“Alright, this time it wasn't my fault. She was the one who threw me into a wall first.”
“I don't care,” Uma snaps. “I can't worry about you getting hurt by my mother. There's too much at stake here for me to get distracted.”
A slow grin plays across his face. “If I didn't know any better, I would say that you cared what happened to me,”
“I'm serious.” The lack of mirth in her tone makes the smile tilt off his face. “We have a real shot at getting into Auradon. For the first time, the cards are in our favor. And I need all hands on deck, especially you. I can't always be here, so I need you to look after them.”
Harry nods, eyes fixed on her. “I know, love. I won't let you down.” The conviction in his voice is real, and she feels calmer as she reaches across the table to take his hand.
“I do not care if they are villain children, they have rights, same as every other citizen of Auradon,” Jasmine hisses at King Hubert, fighting to keep her voice level. On his other side, Snow White is fighting a smile and the Auradon News Network anchors are exchanging baffled glances, wondering how the conversation got so off the rails.
“Go off, Jasmine,” Pocahontas beams at the television, taking a delicate bite of her beignet. Next to her, Tiana just smiles and shakes her head. Her eyes are still red, but after composing a succinct, but brutal condemnation of Auradon that Maldonia had released as its official stance on the video, she seems to be less furious. Mulan’s public resignation had helped to improve the mood of the room as well, and they are all getting a lot of joy out of watching Jasmine debate King Hubert, who has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. Ariel catches Tiana’s eye, and they both grin at each other before turning their attention back to the television, where the aforementioned King’s face is growing steadily redder.
“Now see here young lady-” King Hubert blusters, but Jasmine corrects him, tone icy.
“Oh, you poor fool,” Rory sighs, watching her father-in-law resignedly.
“I am the Sultana of Agrabah, your Majesty, and you would do well to address me by my proper title.”
“I’m sure his Majesty didn't mean to give offense, Sultana,” one of the news anchors interjects, and Ariel can clearly hear Ella wince from the other side of the room, and she wants to bang her head against the wall, because that is not how you pronounce 'Sultana’. “Besides, can we really claim that the villain children are entitled to the same rights as us? After all, that girl did initiate the fighting.”
“Yes, because the guard refused to take his hands off of her, even when she asked,” Snow retorts, then claps a hand over her mouth, blushing crimson as everyone stares at her in disbelief.
“You know you're a bad person when you get Snow White, the nicest person in the Realms, to tell you you're wrong,” Pocahontas declares, fingers flying across her phone.
“What are you doing?” Ariel asks, eyeing her phone suspiciously.
“Posting that to my StoryTime followers,” Pocahontas replies breezily, just as a swoosh noise echoes through the room, signalling that the upload has been successful.
“To add on to what Snow said,” Jasmine says on-screen, casting a smile at her friend, whose face is still bright red, “I don't know about all of you, but I’ve told my children many times that they are never to go anywhere with someone they don't know. It doesn't surprise me that the girl punched him in the nose, I’m rather surprised she didn't punch him earlier.”
“Are you seriously trying to play this off as a case of Stranger Danger? I think that shows a severe oversimplification of what happened-”
“Of course it's not Stranger Danger, but still, her actions are understandable for someone in her position-”
“There they go again,” Rory says wearily as King Hubert starts arguing with Jasmine again, with the two news anchors desperately trying to stop them. Next to her, her phone is vibrating so violently that it's threatening to fall off the table, but she ignores it.
“Aren't you going to get that?” Tiana asks, casting a wary glance at the phone.
“Absolutely not,” Rory scowls at the phone, which looks strange on her normally cheerful face. “It's my mother again. I'm not picking up until Audrey calls me.”
Ariel frowns. “She still hasn't called you back?”
“No, and logically, I know she's okay, but I cannot keep listening to my mother insist that everything is fine, when clearly, it isn't!” Rory's tone is bordering on hysterical, and inwardly, Ariel thanks the gods that she and Eric refused to let Melody attend Auradon Prep.
“It’ll be okay, Rory,” she says outwardly, trying to inject a soothing tone into her voice. “Whatever I may think of Auradon, they’d never lay a finger on Audrey. Like Jaz said, she's royalty. She has nothing to do with this. As for your mother-” she pauses because Queen Leah is a menace at best, and at her worst – well, that's too scary to think about. “Actually, I can’t really give you any advice on that front—”
“Oh, I know,” Rory sighs miserably, wiping her eyes. “I was just about to tell her about my conversion to Buddhism before I got the call, and the first thing she said when she saw me was; ‘where’s that lovely diamond cross your father and I gave you’?”
“Rory!” Ariel stares at her friend in horror, who winces and cringes back. “You’ve been a Buddhist for six months now! Are you seriously telling me that you haven’t told your mother yet?”
“I know!” Rory wails. “I’m a schmuck, I admit it, but you know my mother Ariel! She’s insane!”
“True story,” Pocahontas calls over, balancing the plate of beignets precariously on top of her bump. “No offense, Rory.”
“None taken,” Rory says sadly as Ella gives her a sympathetic smile.
“Chad isn't texting me back either,” she says quietly, then groans. “Dear God - now I'm saying it too.”
“It's a very catchy nickname,” Tiana suggests tactfully.
“Oh, don't give me that! He has a perfectly lovely name, why would he want to be called a name associated with a drunken frat boy?”
“You're asking the wrong people,” Pocahontas shrugs. “Personally, I like the name Chance. It's poetic!”
“Exactly! And he used to think so as well!” Ella's face hardens. “This is my father-in-law's doing, I just know it. He’s always hated Chance’s name, something about it not being 'masculine’ enough. And now, thanks to him, my son sounds like a drunken jackass you avoid at parties!”
“Wasn't he the one who suggested that you send him to Auradon Prep?” Ariel asks.
Ella rolls her eyes. “Yes. And now because of 'diplomacy’ and 'strengthening the bond between our kingdoms’; I can't speak to my son!” She leans back in her chair, looking exhausted. “Thank God we sent Adele, Dexter, and Lainey to different schools.”
“Agreed,” Ariel and Tiana murmur.
Pocahontas strokes her belly. “All of this has just confirmed my initial inclination not to send little Minnow to Auradon Prep, no matter how much King James pesters me.”
Tiana side-eyes her in horror. “Are you seriously naming the baby Minnow?!”
“No! Give me some credit, T, I don't want the kid to grow up to be some sad emo child in a corner-”
They're all laughing when the news anchor announces, “This just in - we are about to go live to Auradon, where King Ben will be making an official statement on the video-”
That brings their laughter to an immediate halt. Ella straightens up, Rory and Tiana already have their eyes glued to the screen, and Pocahontas is already switching off her phone, in order to have no distractions. Ariel just turns her phone on silent though, because she has a feeling that even with the insurmountable evidence, Auradon will never admit anything they did was wrong.
For them, those children are just collateral damage.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Little Mermaid (1989), Greek and Roman Mythology, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Aladdin (1992) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Ben & Uma (Disney: Descendants), Jane/Carlos de Vil Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Ursula (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Fairy Godmother (Disney), Cogsworth (Disney), Lumiere (Disney) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense, Dark Descendants, This is not Disney’s Version, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Minor Character Death, Consensual Underage Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Murder Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you’re living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
Chapter 5 is up now (finally) and it’s a long one! Featuring your favorite pirate crew, the BAMF Princess Squad and an Auradonian interlude.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Little Mermaid (1989), Greek and Roman Mythology, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Aladdin (1992) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Ben & Uma (Disney: Descendants), Jane/Carlos de Vil Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Ursula (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Fairy Godmother (Disney), Cogsworth (Disney), Lumiere (Disney) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense, Dark Descendants, This is not Disney's Version, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Minor Character Death, Consensual Underage Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Murder Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you're living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
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Til the Storm Comes, and the World is Quiet
Chapter One: I am a Problem, that Doesn't Want to Be Solved
(Warnings for gun violence and police brutality)
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
It is lunch hour at the Shoppe, and the patrons are sitting stock-still at their tables, the normal din dead silent. Their eyes are fixed on the guards and the handguns that they sport, holstered unobtrusively at their sides. No one dares to speak.
Even Uma’s crew, normally willing to start a fight with anyone, is quiet. Harry Hook is as tense as a bowstring, and the only reason that he hasn’t spoken up yet is because Claudine Frollo has a death grip on his arm. Her normally russet complexion is significantly paler than usual, and Gonzo stands behind her with narrowed eyes at the guards. Desiree and Jonas, Uma’s cousins, are the only ones who keep their full attention on Uma.
Uma is standing in the middle of the room, in the middle of taking an order from a Stabbington cousin before the guards came in. She isn’t really in the mood to deal with this today. Her mother was being even more of a bitch than usual this morning and decided to throw all of her clothes out into the ocean. Everything she is wearing is borrowed; a black tank top from Marya Rasputin, a teal wrap skirt from Desiree, and boots from Sierra that are a size too small, but goddamn it, she is not going barefoot. Her eyeliner is carved with a sharp precision around her eyes; a silent warning for no one to fuck with her today, and half of her hair is up in a top knot.
In short, she doesn’t have the patience to deal with this bullshit.
So when the lead guard says that they are here to take her away, Uma just rolls her eyes. “Cool, can I get back to work now?”
A low murmur passes through the crowd as Uma pulls a pencil out from behind her ear and turns to the Stabbington cousin, ignoring the guards. “Was that dry or wet rot that you wanted?”
“Listen,” one of the guards, a clean-shaven fellow with a youthful face that belies his salt-and-pepper hair, steps forward and addresses Uma. “We have orders from the King to bring you to Auradon—”
“Was I talking to you?” Uma snaps at him, and then turns back to the Stabbington. “So about that rot—”
The guard reaches out and takes her arm. “Just come with us and there’ll be no problem—”
Uma stares at him and then lets out a scoff. “Seriously?” Her lips curl up into a sneer, and Harry lets out a low growl from behind her. Claudine’s grip on his arm tightens and Gonzo grabs the collar of Harry’s jacket before he does something stupid, like he always does.
“Get your hands off of me,”
The guard stands firm, though he looks like he’s starting to regret ever coming to the Isle. “We have orders from the King—”
“Get your fucking hands off her man, don’t make her say it twice,” Gil warns, coming up beside Uma and glaring at the soldier with a venom that’s so unlike him that the entire crew stares at him in disbelief.
“Stand down,” one of the other guards calls out, walking up next to the one holding Uma’s arm. “There’s no need for violence if you just come with us peacefully.”
She gives him a look of contempt and sneers, shaking her head. “That’s what they all say, but we both know that isn’t true, don’t we?”
The guard not holding her arm flushes, and in that moment, Uma can practically taste the tension in the room building up, and the stares from everyone around her feel as though they are burning into her flesh.
Something is building, and she isn’t sure what’s going to break it.
“I’ve had enough of your words, sea witch,” the guard says sternly, giving her arm a little pull.
That would do it.
Uma looks down at his hand on her arm and gives him her famous glare, the one that makes grown men quake in their boots and always remember to pay and tip well. “I did tell you,” she says in a soft and deadly voice, “to get your hands off of me.”
Then Uma drives the heel of her free hand into the guard’s face, breaking his nose and wrenching her arm away in one smooth motion.
All hell breaks loose.
Gil punches another guard in the face that tries to grab Uma, Harry manages to free himself from Claudine and Gonzo and is now holding a sword to the throat of the guard whose nose was now broken, and Big Murph is trying to herd the younger members and siblings of the crew to the side. But six-year-old Morwenna Mim manages to get in a few solid jabs with her shiv before Bonnie drags her away, and is still struggling to get back into the fray. Ashe gets a guard in a headlock while Sierra kicks him in the chest, and Marya backs one against a wall with her knife. All of this happens while the diners of the Chip Shoppe abandon their meals and create a stampede in order to escape.
In all the chaos, everyone manages to miss one of the guards brandish a syringe and plunge it into Uma’s neck. Uma’s eyes flutter, and then she goes limp.
At that moment, Claudine can feel her heart stop beating, and one of Uma’s little cousins lets out a whimper. Ashe freezes, and Gil looks like he’s about to throw up.
“UMA!” Harry roars. He lunges to grab her, but the guard scoops her up before he reaches her.
“What did you do to her, you bastards?” Jonas shouts, vaulting over a table and standing next to Harry. His sword is pointed threateningly at the guard holding his cousin, and he is seething.
“If you killed her, I swear to all the fucking gods, I’ll burn you alive—” Harry snarls, pressing his hook against the throat of the guard hard enough to restrict breathing.
But since the crew has gotten distracted, they forget to keep an eye on the guards, and that gives two of them the liberty to get up and stagger over to join their companion in the front.
“Stand down,” one of them snaps out, a black eye blooming brilliantly on his pale skin.
“Like fuck I will,” Jonas sneers, his arm never wavering.
The two guards pull out their guns and point them at Harry and Jonas, causing Ashe to shriek and the kids standing off to the side to start whimpering in earnest. “Stand down, now!”
“They’re just kids!” Sierra shouts, her voice cracking.
“Just put down the guns—” Marya tries to reason.
“What is it about ‘stand down’ that you people don’t understand?” One of the guards demands, frustrated. He unclicks the safety and re-aims the gun at Jonas. “Stand down, and I’m not saying it again!”
Watching this, Bonnie feels physically sick. Jonas’s sisters are standing in the corner, they shouldn’t be seeing this. They shouldn’t have to see their brother at gunpoint and their cousin taken down by some dicks with orders. Desiree is standing right there, she doesn’t deserve to see her twin brother and her cousin be victims. Fuck, am I about to see my boyfriend get shot?
Harry is stone-faced, but he removes his hook from the guard’s throat after casting a glance at Jonas. Ashe and Sierra immediately grab his arms before he can grab any other weapons or try to strangle all of the guards by himself.
Jonas is shaking and his voice is unsteady as he says, “Okay, I’m putting down my sword now.” He drops his sword carefully on the floor and makes it a point to kick it away from himself. “Can I please just check her pulse to make sure she’s still breathing?”
The guard considers this and then jerks his head forward. Jonas approaches cautiously, careful to keep his hands in the guard's eyesight at all times, and presses two fingers against Uma’s throat.
For a moment, the only sounds in the shoppe are of harsh breathing.
Then Jonas retracts his hand. “She’s alive,” he says quietly.
Harry slumps in relief, Gonzo starts breathing again, and Claudine lets out a shuddering sigh.
“If she had just cooperated with us, none of this would have needed to happen,” the guard says sternly as Desiree begins to sob.
“Come on men,” he hoists Uma over his shoulder and walks out of the Chip Shoppe. The other four guards silently walk out of the restaurant, glaring at the crew as they file out.
The door closes with a bang! behind them, and then Jonas sinks to the floor, putting his head in his hands. Bonnie runs over to him, and wraps her arms around him, pulling his head to her chest. Jonas and Desiree’s little sisters are crying, and Sierra walks over to try and comfort them, wrapping her arms around the youngest while Claudine tries to comfort the others.
Harry starts to walk towards the door, but Desiree calls out after him, her voice still thick. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“To get our Captain back,” He picks up his jacket from the ground and puts it on.
“Dude, that’s a suicide mission,” Gil points out, grabbing his shoulder.
Harry jerks his shoulder away. “Fine by me.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake – listen to me, you self-centered bastard,” Desiree snaps, walking up in front of Harry. “You are of no use to us dead, okay? We need you right now.”
“Get out of my way,” Harry replies darkly.
“No.” Desiree’s eyes are full of tears, but her voice is strong and full of contempt. “Do you think that you’re the only one who cares about her?” Her voice shakes a little on the next sentence. “I love her too, you know.”
At the mention of that forbidden emotion, Harry’s shoulders come up defensively, but he says nothing.
“They have Uma,” Desiree says quietly as Marya comes up next to her and wraps her arms around her. “We can’t do anything to them as long as they have her.”
Harry gives her a look of hopeless rage. “Then what do we do?” he demands, and he sounds so much like a lost little boy that Desiree can feel her heart twisting.
“We wait,” she says, feeling the words settle in the air like weights. “And hope that they give her back.”
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Little Mermaid (1989), Greek and Roman Mythology, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Aladdin (1992) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Ben & Uma (Disney: Descendants), Jane/Carlos de Vil Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Ursula (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Fairy Godmother (Disney), Cogsworth (Disney), Lumiere (Disney) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense, Dark Descendants, This is not Disney's Version, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Minor Character Death, Consensual Underage Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Murder Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you're living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Little Mermaid (1989), Greek and Roman Mythology, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Ben & Uma (Disney: Descendants) Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Ursula (Disney) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense, Dark Descendants, This is not Disney's Version, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Minor Character Death, Consensual Underage Sex, Recreational Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Dealing, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Murder Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you're living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Bonnie/Jonas, Desiree/Marya Characters: Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Claudine Frollo, Jonas (Disney: Descendants), Desiree (Disney: Descendants), Gonzo (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Bonnie (Disney: Descendants), Ashe Sykes, Sierra, Big Murph (Disney), Morwenna Mim, Ben (Disney: Descendants) Additional Tags: Gun Violence, Police Brutality, Fights, Self-Defense Series: Part 4 of Rise Up (when you're living on your knees) Summary:
On the same day that Dizzy Tremaine gets an invitation to Auradon personally delivered to her, five guards show up at Ursula’s Fish and Chip Shoppe and announce that they are here for Uma, daughter of Ursula.
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