#morris fletcher
randomfoggytiger · 5 months
Dreamland II: Golf Clubs, Diana Fowley, and Mulder's Father
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(Courtesy of: @theparadigmshifts)
Dedicated to @goodshipsmulder~
I started out this post trying to draw parallels between Mulder's golf clubs and his past relationship with Diana. Yet, nothing about the Fowl One screamed "golf" or even upper-class country club to me; not enough, at least, for Mulder to spend money on and continually reuse a pair of clubs at her insistence.
However, I stumbled into another entirely other theory-- one that connects directly back to the late Bill Mulder.
Here we go~
Diana Fowley and golfing don't seem to fit in the same sentence: ease and relaxed calculation doesn't quite jive with bold and determined manipulation.
She's career driven: her work ethic caught the eye of the Consortium either before or after she and Mulder discovered the X-Files; and she took trips back and forth from Europe to Tunisia weekly to report her findings. Not to mention, she and Mulder were partners during his first couple months to first year on the files (if my timeline is accurate), and she's shown to fix his singular focus more firmly to "the work" in service of her own end goals. Diana's compliments and wheedling in The End imply she's not slackened her pace years later, and that she believes she can pick right up where Scully left off and do more and do it better.
Perhaps she and Phoebe Green were sporty types, more inclined to low cardio workouts to keep active and in shape. This would be an interesting juxtaposition to Scully (a tomboy Navy brat who had better things to do than hit horsehide with a stick) who might've lacked the sporty inclination of Mulder's previous exes.
Or, perhaps, the golf clubs are another manifestation of Mulder's fleeting interests after moving back stateside. Perhaps he took it up briefly, memories of his blueblood years leading him to that low impact sport first before he switched to swimming (maybe golfing was too mind numbing or it wasn't mind-numbing enough with other people interrupting his focus.)
Perhaps he took it up because Diana suggested it; or maybe he was trying to "find himself" in the wake of Phoebe cheating or Diana leaving.
However, speculations with maximum Fowley influence don't quite fit into the timeline suggested by the room's "design."
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(Courtesy of: @amplifyme)
What we do know is: the bed had to be the first neglected item in this room, surrounded as it is by piles of boxes, knickknacks, and junk. The golf clubs were a more recent addition-- more to the front of the line-- and look older and used. There are also upturned plastic totes, old boxes separate from the neat storage boxes in the back, a basketball hoop, a punching bag, a bowling pin-- all a bit used-- and Cougar's sports memorabilia, as well as fuzzy dice, a flat bat or rowing paddle, and newer magazines and file folders.
The bedframe is blocked in by boxes and junk on three of its sides, meaning it was the first item placed into this room. Next to it are boxes stacked professionally, and high. It's unlikely that Mulder would have done so neat a job. And the overturned totes, sports gear, and assorted mess are more recent additions-- hastily packed or thrown together, toppling and spilling out easily with one swing of the door: in other words, Mulder's work.
Thus, the stages are revealed.
The bedframe was placed first; at an undisclosed time later, the boxes were professionally placed around it; and at an undisclosed time after that, Mulder chucked in at least two totes, a lamp (he wedged into the second layer of boxes), fuzzy dice, and sports gear on top of a pullout or loveseat or fabric chair. The golf clubs fall into that addition. And lastly but also undisclosed (and likely on-going), he stuffed in light, assorted papers or shirts or whathaveyou he was too lazy to put away properly in the moment.
Let's break this down in layers.
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The bedframe and boxes must be tackled first.
His bedframe is empty (though intact) and neatly set aside in the corner of the room. That seems to be stage one of unpacking and rearranging-- meaning, in my opinion, Mulder crammed the boxes in right after his and Diana's relationship ended. Mulder chooses smaller spaces to sleep (the couch, the bed he bought after Monday); and he also tends to collect but never unpack his hoarded loot. Those boxes can't be casefiles from the FBI since they'd never let him keep them longer than required for a case; and his most treasured valuables are kept in the basement, anyway. Leaving one to believe they're his belongings: things he brought over from Oxford (if he did) or things he bought after moving out of the dorms.
And when was Mulder no longer living in dorm rooms? Post his education, likely around the time he and Diana were dating.
Two theories present themselves: Mulder's things were moved from Diana's apartment after she left, and he never unpacked them; or Mulder himself recently moved into this apartment after Diana left.
The latter would have to mean he had somewhere else to live for the five years he and she were together. However, there are a few canonical points that negate this theory, broadly pointing to a close or working relationship that spanned two apartments rather than one house:
Mulder tells Scully in Home that if he could "settle down" it'd be "in a place like this." Settling down, in his case, meant the home as well as the environment-- living in that location with those people in that kind of a house was still a fantasy without any tempered reality. Mulder would have lived in his parents' home on the Vineyard then in dorms in Oxford and back in other dorms in the States. Afterwards, the commute to the FBI would have excluded a house if in included his focus; and both he and Diana were very focused on work back then. To Mulder, owning a house was still a fantasy, not yet a practical reality, something he associated fondly with better days and better dreams for the future.
On top of that, Mulder is out of place in houses or suburbia, neither fitting in nor feeling in his own skin when prancing about in Arcadia. Yes, he was proving a point to the neighbors (and to Scully); but he wasn't comfortable there: it was too much, too spacious, too empty; and he found corners to wedge himself into-- hopping up on cabinets, hedging himself in with pillows, cramming in a chair up close to the door instead of other manners of surveillance, etc. (That's an entirely other meta post.) Mulder displayed discomfort above and beyond "proving a point": he wasn't used to the "stereotypical American life"-- he was weirded out by the austere space of it.
Mulder is further unsettled by suburbia in Amor Fati: in that case, he has command of his actions (to an extent), doesn't have to play to "the rules", has his sister, and is (seemingly) largely in charge of his life. And yet, it's "too perfect", leaving him to wonder why he's there. Mulder wasn't surprised to see Diana sweep in and seduce him (post here)-- he was shocked when she not only embraced a slower-paced life but wanted to also further domesticate it.
In Mulder's mind, settling down included a home and kids-- whether it was he and his sister riding bikes and eating bologna sandwiches or a distorted view of Diana wanting his babies and raising his sons-- and a rest from constantly running. Permanence. He looked upon it whimsically, not cynically or longingly like he would if he'd tried his best at that vision and failed (i.e. bought a home, had a "life", and lost it to work.)
In evidence of this, Mulder is shocked when Diana returns-- but not hardened against nor drawn back into a life with her. There are no ties beyond the past; and those ties weren't definitive enough for him to have closure or even completely sever, a classic Mulder move. There were five years between them; but nothing that would jeopardize or taint the idealistic world Mulder is trying to bring to fruition by recovering his sister and restoring that happy home life lost to her abduction.
So, what does that mean for the bed and boxes? When Diana left, she probably emptied her apartment and sent over his share of the belongings-- assets of a partial but incomplete merger. Those stayed stored and cluttered around his bed while Mulder philosophically took the couch. They're not enough clutter to have filled a house, but more than enough to spill over into two apartments.
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That leaves the clubs, the bowling pin, the basketball hoop, the punching bag, the rest of the et ceteras, and the totes stacked (read: jammed) frontside.
Compared to the Cougars jersey, the golf clubs, bowling pin, punching bag, basketball hoop, etc., appear older, used, and worn.
Turns out, the Cougars are a Houston football team jersey-- and where were Mulder and Scully recently during the opening events of Fight the Future? Despite not attending yet another football game together, it would be like him to pick up memorabilia that had special significance to him about them. If that be the case, Mulder, it would seem, associates Scully with football. Perhaps she prefers it to other sports (until baseball ranked higher up her list after The Unnatural, that is)-- in fact, that would make sense: part and parcel of the stereotypical, all-American Navy family raised on Thanksgiving meals and afternoon football.
Meanwhile, the golf clubs and other sports gear couldn't have been a recent Mulder purchase-- not only because of their wear and tear, but also because of the extent of their wear and tear in contrast to the general lack of time Mulder has to devote to sports other than a morning swim, a once-in-a-while basketball game, and the sports tv he ingests come rain or shine. We've seen him shoot hoops (Paper Hearts, later Two Fathers), we've even seen him sink a bowling ball dead center (Elegy), but we've never seen him take up golf or boxing.
So, if they aren't recent purchases... what are they?
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Bill Mulder was murdered in Anasazi and buried in The Blessing Way; but his house had to have been cleaned out and sold sometime after his death.
Tena Mulder always avoided peering into the past, veering away entirely whenever her son pressed her for memories (and, ultimately, burning her children's photos in Sein und Zeit to protect its secrets.) That leaves Mulder to pack up and sell or hire to have the house packed up and sold.
I believe the sports equipment were from his childhood. It would explain the wear and tear on the basketball hoop (referred to in a deleted Two Fathers scene here) and the bowling pin, as well as the presence of the unidentified sporting stick and fuzzy dice. (It would also explain why he stuck them with his new papers and magazines.)
But most importantly, I believe the golf clubs were his father's.
Golf requires a particular set of skills: silent calculation, strategic aim, and the ability to reposition oneself if the original swing goes wrong. While Mulder destresses through aggressive play (whether swimming alone or working alongside others he trusts will have his back) and Gibson Praise out-predicts his competitor's next move and CSM plays by the blind hand of luck, Bill Mulder retires away from stress, decisions, and consequences, preferring to keep to himself (post here and here.) Preferring not to compete.
Perhaps the punching bag was Bill Mulder's, too: a solitary way to release his pent-up feelings of helplessness and rage.
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Diana moves to Europe; and Mulder either moves out of her apartment with the bedframe (minus mattress) and boxes or moves her boxes into his bedroom (and sells the mattress he might not have liked to begin with.)
Years later, his father dies. Mulder, a packrat at heart, can't let go of the happier times he connects with his childhood gear. Tena likely wouldn't want it cluttering up her already cluttered basement; so, he shoves it into his unused bedroom, stuffing them all to the left. In the tote closest to the door, he put his easily retrievable items (i.e. magazines, rumpled shirts, fuzzy dice, a few assorted bats, and miscellaneous filing folders) that he retrieves at will.
After Mulder's return from Houston, he opens the door and chucks in the jersey. However, it disturbs the balance of his haphazard system, beginning an avalanche that he quickly closes the door against. With the door in place, disaster is avoided, for now.
A few months after that, Morris Fletcher flings the door open and watches in appalled indignation as Mulder's junk spills onto the floor.
Thanks for reading~
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anders-hawke · 2 years
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Duck Soup (1933) | The X-Files — “Dreamland, Part 1” (1998)
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Dreamland II (6x05)
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After spending some time with Mulder’s partner, a few things had become glaringly obvious to Morris. For starters, these two had never bumped uglies. They might’ve investigated a lot of weird creatures in their time on the X-Files, but the beast with two backs sure as hell wasn’t one of them. Dana was so tightly wound, he wouldn’t be surprised if she’d never gotten laid — either of them for that matter. The idea that the FBI’s best and brightest were a bunch of pent-up, sexually repressed virgins really shed light on the state of affairs of this country. So much for Bill Clinton’s America.
Initially, he’d wondered if maybe they had some torrid past that they ignored. Maybe they did the deed during their fed training and then got saddled with each other as partners. That was the only thing he could think of that would explain all the touching. God, had this woman ever heard of personal space? It was like every conversation they had required her to be less than six inches from his face at minimum, but heaven forbid you tried to lean in for a kiss. Sheesh.
However, he was confident in saying that nothing had ever happened between them. What a sick joke. Why they hadn’t, Morris would never understand, but it just confirmed his theory that Fox Mulder had a talent for wasting his potential. He also felt confident saying that Special Agent Dana Scully needed to get laid. Pronto.
Poor girl was so uptight, she needed to be shown a good time, and he knew more than a few ways to help her to unwind. Sure, maybe he wasn’t the ‘real’ Fox Mulder she’d always dreamt of jumping in the sack with, but he figured a little benevolent chicanery would be mutually satisfying for both of them. 
Morris thought it would have taken some convincing. He’d been getting the impression that his particular brand of charm wasn’t endearing to her, but based on the way her eyes practically fluttered shut at his dinner invitation, she’d been wanting this for a while.
The plan was in motion, now it was all down to the execution. 
Unfortunately, even from 2,500 miles away, Fox Mulder was still managing to cockblock himself. Morris had been frozen in place ever since opening the door to the bedroom — though to call it that felt like a bastardization of the English language. He’d never seen anything quite like this. It wasn’t like the rest of the apartment was in the running to be on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens by any means, but at least it was hospitable. This just looked like the den of an insane person. 
That thought elicited a frown from Morris. If this man was crazy, did that mean Morris would inherit his neuroses? On a physical level, he’d certainly enjoyed experiencing this new level of intense virility, but he certainly didn’t want to adopt whatever mental defect it is that causes a grown man to hoard copies of PLAYPEN. As if taunting him, another box of magazines fell in the corner of the room.
With a sigh of resignation, Morris set the candles down on a nearby table and grabbed the nearest phone book, flipping his way to the garbage disposal section of the Yellow Pages and ignoring the various pages that were dogeared for adult entertainment stores. He settled on calling one of those companies specializing in the quick removal of large amounts of garbage. If anything in that room was truly important, they wouldn’t be treated like a diorama of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 
The couch had been so worn-in and comfortable that he’d accidentally fallen asleep there, so he hadn’t had a chance to assess the severity of the issue until now. Thank god whatshername, the hot blonde secretary, had to go early the other day. He cringed trying to think of what he would have done if he’d tried to bring her to the bedroom, only to find all those boxes of worthless junk filling the room. Then again, Fox Mulder was so attractive to the ladies that he’d probably be forgiven for being such a slovenly pig.
Glancing at the clock, Morris took note that he still had a bit of time before Dana would be arriving for their date. Even when everything was removed, the bedroom was still an issue. How was he expected to seduce a woman in a room that smelled like stale air on a mattress that was ruined by the weight of 100 boxes?
He rubbed his hands across his face in frustration, but took some comfort in the fact he was becoming more accustomed to feeling the new ridges and planes of his face as opposed to the ones he’d spent the past 53 years with. That and the absence of a ring on his left hand revitalized his spirits. This was probably for the best. After all, if the tacky, kitsch decor in the living room was anything to judge by, the bedroom already was in need of a Morris Fletcher makeover. He’d make that room so sensual, a nun’s panties would drop just from stepping over the threshold. 
Taking a chance, he flipped through the various piles of mail on Mulder’s kitchen table until he found what he was looking for: Sears Catalog. He dialed the number on the cover and listened to the hold music play before cradling the phone against his shoulder, licking his fingers as he began flipping through the magazine. He had only flipped through a few pages in the mattress section when a full-page spread of a woman with her head thrown back in subdued ecstasy caught his attention just as the representative answered the phone. 
“Hello? Yes. I’d like to place an order for same-day delivery,” he stated, a sly grin spreading across his face as he imagined Dana in place of the woman on the ad.
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
After only one season of 13 episodes, the X-Files (1993 - 2018) spin-off The Lone Gunmen (2001) series finale aired on May 11, 2001. The episode had been written simply as a season finale, so the hanging plotlines were concluded in the X-Files episode "Jump the Shark" (2002). The episode had a surprise cameo by David Duchovny as Fox Mulder and brought over popular X-Files character Morris Fletcher (Michael McKean). ("All About Yves", The Lone Gunmen, TV Event)
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x-files-scripts · 1 year
The X-Files - “Three of a Kind”
Written by Vince Gilligan & John Shiban
March 10, 1999 (GOLD)
Cut line:
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“A Scully we’ve never seen before...”
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Cut lines: Byers gives Susanne her new name...
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Annette O‘Toole & Michael McKean photographed by Manfred Baumann, 2023.
(Note from the editor:
Holy Hell, how good
looking are they?)
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Round 5 of The Hottest 80s Band Tournament
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Depeche Mode 
Defeated opponents: Anthrax, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
Formed in: 1980
Genres: Synth-pop, electronic rock, new wave, dark wave, alternative rock
Lineup: Dave Gahan - vocals
Martin Gore - guitar and keyboard
Alan Wilder - drums and keyboard
Andy Fletcher - bass
Albums from the 80s: 
Speak & Spell (1981)
 A Broken Frame (1982)
Construction Time Again (1983)
Some Great Reward (1984)
Black Celebration (1986)
Music for the Masses (1987)
Propaganda: The music. The LOOKS. The voice. (The sexual tension?) And they’re still going strong. My colleague saw them in the UK when they were only starting out and said they were so nervous. I find the juxtaposition of the confidence of their sound (not to mention the black leather) and that anecdote really endearing.
idk how much this counts as propaganda but I feel like it's very important to acknowledge that Depeche Mode specifically makes kinky synth for bisexual sluts. Like that's it, that's the band. They even managed to make their cover of "(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66" sound like it's about selling ass on the interstate. Slutty legends.
Joy Division
Defeated opponents: The Judds, Cinderella, Black Flag, Faith No More
Formed in: 1976
Genres: post-punk 
Lineup: Ian Curtis - lead vocals, guitar
Bernard Sumner - guitar, keyboard
Peter Hook - bass
Stephen Morris - drums
Albums from the 80s: 
Closer (1980)
Visual propaganda for Depeche Mode:
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youcouldstartacult · 11 months
okay now that “The Show: The Encore” is out:
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dionysus-complex · 5 months
while I'm on the topic, the Mulder/Scully ship works in part because they use each other's last names as pet names. which is why it feels fucking bizarre to imagine Mulder calling Scully "Dana" or (even worse) Scully calling Mulder "Fox"
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goldenmusicmoments · 2 years
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Top 10 Albums of 2022:
Ethel Cain - Preacher's Daughter.
Orville Peck - Bronco.
FKA Twigs - Caprisongs.
Noah Kahan - Stick Season.
Lizzy McAlpine - Five Seconds Flat.
070 Shake - You Can't Kill Me.
Sabrina Claudio - Based On A Feeling.
Maren Morris - Humble Quest.
Cannons - Fever Dream.
Fletcher - Girl Of My Dreams.
Here are the top ten albums of 2022. Like the last few years it has been quite stressful trying to narrow down to just ten. After listening to over a hundred albums released this year, twenty-five made it to the potential top ten list. Eliminating albums at that point extremely hard and it was sad letting go of some of those records. These ones were the ones that stood their ground. Album Of The Year definitely goes to 'Preacher's Daughter' by Ethel Cain, a phenomenal debut that takes you on a rather dark journey.
What will 2023 hold in terms of album releases, there have already been some new releases announced and then there are those many are anticipating. Nonetheless it will surely be a challenge selecting the ten best releases of the year.
Happy New Year! 🥳
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months
Mulder's Sport Obsession: a Note
We all know Mulder decorates around his current obsession: an alien mug in the basement, a UFO lamp in his hallway, a painting of a galaxy in his living room--
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--gargoyles he threw up on his walls in Grotesque--
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--etc., etc.
It just... hadn't occurred to me how obsessed Mulder is with sports. More accurately, how obsessed he is with sports.
The man not only ingested them through a screen, not only fondly remembered them in his childhood, not only tried to take Scully to a football game (perhaps twice) and succeeded with an improv baseball game instead, but also stuffed all his old sports memorabilia into his bedroom (I theorize why in a previous post here)--
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--and went the extra mile to purchase and bring home a prominent, unavoidable cueball coat hanger.
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As a sidenote: although I can't definitively confirm either way, I'm pretty positive Mulder's hoarded basketball hoop was the one he dragged along into suburbia during Arcadia. A full circle, if that was indeed a remnant from his childhood (discussed in the aforementioned post.)
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And if, of course, Morris Fletcher didn't toss out his stuff for good.
Thanks for reading~
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in July 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats, and happy July! Pride Month may be over, but remember: Read Queer ALL Year. Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Earth to Alis - Lex Carlow 🧡 Cursed Boys and Broken Hearts - Adam Sass 💛 The Sky on Fire - Jenn Lyons 💚 The Meaning of Liberty - Sage Donnell 💙 Making It - Laura Kay 💜 The Black Bird of Chernobyl - Ann McMan ❤️ A Map of My Want - Faylita Hicks 🧡 The Devil You Know - Ali Vali 💛 The White Guy Dies First: 13 Scary Stories of Fear and Power - Various 💙 The Second Son - Adrienne Tooley 💜 Cursed Under London - Gabby Hutchinson Crouch 🌈 Forbidden Girl - Kristen Zimmer
❤️ Rise - Freya Finch 🧡 Undercurrent - Patricia Evans 💛 Online Rebellion - Blue Matt Jeff 💚 Wolf Gift - T.J. Nichols 💙 Cash Delgado Is Living the Dream - Tehlor Kay Mejia 💜 Miller: Origin - Starr Z. Davies ❤️ The Shadows Beyond - T.J. Rose 🧡 The Ones Who Come Back Hungry - Amelinda Bérubé 💛 Their Viscountess - Jess Michaels 💙 Fast Holiday - Kerry Lockhart 💜 The Great Cool Ranch Dorito in the Sky - Josh Galarza 🌈 The West Passage - Jared Pechaček
❤️ The Hades Calculus - Maria Ying 🧡 Misrecognition - Madison Newbound 💛 One Last Summer - Kristin Keppler 💚 Waypoint Seven - Xan van Rooyen 💙 Hiding Him - Adam Hattan 💜 Thousand Autumns - Meng Xi Shi, Me.Mimo ❤️ The Adventure Zone, Vol. 6: The Suffering Game - Various 🧡 Rowan & Aldred - Lucie Fleury 💛 Yoke of Stars - R.B. Lemberg 💙 Casting Vows - Ariella Talix 💜 Count Felford's Vessel - S. Rodman
❤️ The Actor and His Secret - Ben Alderson, Laura R. Samotin 🧡 How To Die Famous - Benjamin Dean 💛 So Witches We Became - Jill Baguchinsky 💚 The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project - Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey 💙 The Noble’s Merman - S.S. Genesee 💜 The Loudest Silence - Sydney Langford ❤️ Life is Strange - Brittney Morris 🧡 Bury Your Gays - Chuck Tingle 💛 I Will Never Leave You - Kara A. Kennedy 💙 The Blonde Dies First - Joelle Wellington 💜 Under the Lupine Moon - A. Knightley
❤️ Benji Zeb is a Ravenous Werewolf - Deke Moulton 🧡 Charlotte Illes Is Not a Teacher - Katie Siegel 💛 The Ghostkeeper - Johanna Taylor 💚 Trespass Against Us - Leon Kemp 💙 Exes & Foes - Amanda Woody 💜 The Very Long, Very Strange Life of Isaac Dahl - Bart Yates ❤️ Unbound - J.A. Vodvarka 🧡 StreamLine - Lauren Melissa Ellzey 💛 Time and Time Again - Chatham Greenfield 💙 No Road Home - John Fram 💜 Queen B - Juno Dawson 🌈 A Darker Mischief - Derek Milman
❤️ Beautiful & Terrible Things - S.M. Stevens 🧡 Benvolio & Mercutio Turn Back Time - Elle Beaumont, Lou Wilham 💛 About Last Night - Laura Henry 💚 You Had Me at Happy Hour - Timothy Janovsky 💙 Moonbane - Jamie Jennings 💜 Between Fate & Failure - Amber D. Lewis ❤️ Blessed by the Cupid Distribution System - Robin Jo Margaret 🧡 Between Dragons and Their Wrath - Devin Madson 💛 Twisted Magic - Barbara J. Webb 💙 Rare Birds - L.B. Hazelthorn 💜 At the End of the River Styx - Michelle Kulwicki 🌈 Origin Story - Jendi Reiter
❤️ Eras of Us - Shannon O'Connor 🧡 Corpses, Fools and Monsters: The History and Future of Transness in Cinema - Willow Maclay, Caden Gardner 💛 A Wolf in Stone - Jane Fletcher 💚 Toward Eternity - Anton Hur 💙 Portrait of a Shadow - Meriam Metoui 💜 Anyone's Ghost - August Thompson ❤️ Home Ice Advantage - Ari Baran 🧡 Unbelievable You - Chelsea M. Cameron 💛 Incorrect Eyes - Andromeda Ruins
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elcomfortador · 2 months
Tori from Saved by the Bell Is a Lesbian Icon
“The New Girl” (September 19, 1992)
Tori Scott is more than just the mysterious seventh Bayside High student who exists in a fractured Saved by the Bell timeline in which Jessie and Kelly don’t exist. She’s also really gay in the tradition of Jo from The Facts of Life, and not only because Leanna Creel, the actress who played Tori, came out in real life. Erin Fletcher returns to explain why she’s actually a better match for Zack than Kelly or AC Slater… because Zack Morris is the Blair Warner of Saved by the Bell.
Listen to Erin’s previous appearance, in which we also discussed a lesbian-tinged ep titled “The New Girl.” (And yes, there is a Tori Scott fanvid.)
Follow: GEE on Facebook • GEE’s Facebook Group • GEE on Twitter • GEE on Instagram • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter
Listen: Apple Podcasts • Spotify • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn
And yes, we do have an official website! We even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This episode’s art was designed by Ian O’Phelan.
This is a TableCakes podcast.
Listen now!
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nil-nothing-nada · 3 months
Stardew Valley Headcannons
Includes age, height, gender + pronouns, sexuality, and full name for every vanilla character! (Nobody gets left out because I am obsessed with this game)
A couple disclaimers beforehand:
There is a lot of LGBTQ+ stuff involved in these headcannons. If don't like this or think that I'm overdoing it, this post isn't directed at you. (Discrimination is not tolerated in Pelican Town!)
I don't have headcanons for stuff like races or religions simply because I don't particularly have a lot of experience in those topics and I don't want to be unintentionally disrespectful. I'd love for you to share your own ideas though!
Some headcanons may be partially missaligned with canon lore because I'm a little forgetful or because I think my idea works a little better.
If the names sound random it's because for the most part they are. I just picked ones that sounded nice or came to mind first.
21 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Abigail Perkins.
20 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Alex Maxwell.
19 Years Old (In human years)
4'8" (At shoulder)
Male [He/Him]
Actual name is Berson Beauford III.
87 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Birdie Fletcher.
24 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Actual name is Rodney Benton.
49 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Caroline Perkins. She took Pierre's last name.
39 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Clint Chapuis.
43 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Demetrius Rowland. He took Robin's last name.
21 Years Old (In human years)
Agender [He/They/It]
Asexual Aromantic
Actual name is Oeelau Unauhuonm.
30 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Elliot Thomson.
28 Years Old
Intersex [She/They]
Full name is Emily Hopkins.
80 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Evelyn Wallace. She took George's last name.
29 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Actual name is Chester Watson.
81 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is George Wallace.
67 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Gilbert Redman.
53 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Actual name is Stephen Baxter.
92 Years Old (Deceased)
Male [He/Him]
Actual name is Herbert, with his last name up for the player to decide. (In my case, it would be Woodrow)
41 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Gunther McCoy.
48 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Gus Galanotis.
21 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Haley Hopkins.
29 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Harvey Beaumont.
7 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Jas Hayes.
44 Years Old
Non-Binary [She/They/He]
Full name is Jodi Matthews. She took Kent's last name.
45 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Kent Matthews.
24 Years Old (In human years)
Agender [He/They]
Full name is Krobus Stryx.
27 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Leah Abbott.
8 Years Old
Agender [Any Pronouns]
Full name is Leo Ravelino.
62 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Lewis Murphy.
69 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Asexual Aromantic
Full name is Linus Potts.
66 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Marlon Slater.
54 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Marnie Hayes.
22 Years Old
Demigirl [She/They/Xe]
Full name is Maru Rowland.
32 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Morris Wheeler.
Mr. Qi
32 Years Old (Physical body)
Agender [Any Pronouns]
Full name is Adam Qi. His mother gave him his first name and his father gave him his last name.
52 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Pam Stephens.
22 Years Old
Trans Female [She/Her]
Full name is Penny Stephens.
48 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Pierre Perkins.
Professor Snail
68 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Actual name is Marvin Dotson.
46 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Full name is Robin Rowland.
22 Years Old
Trans Male [He/Him]
Full name is Sam Matthews.
27 Years Old
Female [She/Her]
Actual name is Sasha Salgado.
25 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Sebastian Rowland.
27 Years Old
Male [He/Him]
Full name is Shane Hayes.
7 Years Old
Non-Binary [Any Pronouns]
Full name is Vincent Matthews.
65 Years Old
Non-Binary [They/He]
Full name is Willy Marsh.
48 Years Old (In human years)
Demiboy [He/They/Xe/Fae]
Full name is Magnus Rasmodius.
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vale-priestess · 1 year
Below is an article of mine I’ve shared before, about how Wiccans (especially those outside of the UK) have a skewed perception of May Day that does not necessarily reflect surviving traditions. This was long before the TERFs really started to take hold over the “nature-based” demographics; many of these harmless folk customs would be outlawed if they had the power to do so. Anyway, here it is in full, because nobody wants to click through a bunch of links. (archived here)  ❀ Some time ago, I began to question what I've generally been told about British folk traditions. May Day, for example. I was so busy re-educating myself about folk festivals in Gaelic cultures, that I never stopped to question what I knew about British ones. My following visit to Wikipedia was illuminating.
Here are some things I was surprised to learn.
1. May Day is feminine and twee by today's standards.
At a neopagan festival, you're likely to encounter a maypole, and any dancing that occurs will be performed in the weaving of the ribbons around it. In England, there's a lot more dancing. Elaborately choreographed dancing. Young and old folks dancing. With bells. And ribbons. And wands. And little hankies. And flowers. Flowers on hats. Men's hats. 
These Cotswold dancers, for example. Or these dancers at Oxford Circus. As you can see from some of the comments, the average citizen tends to find these displays uncool and annoying. Failing to combat this attitude is a contingent of "goths and pagans" on a mission to butch the whole thing up with black clothing, phallic pantomime, and seasonally inappropriate hats - much to the disapproval of traditionalists (and people who can see.) 
Happily, morris isn't restricted to the month of May. They are also seen on other holidays, such as St George's Day and Pentecost. On Plough Monday, dancers in East Anglia gather in “molly teams,” made up of jolly, burly types dressed like little girls. 
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Royal Liberty Morris dancers and “molly”
2. The May Queen can be a little girl.
Wiccan and neopagan literature tends to emphasize the idea of May Day as a marriage rite between the “king” and “queen” of spring. But that doesn’t necessarily describe the festivals that have survived to the present day. In many townships, the sole representative of springtime is the May Queen: a young girl chosen from among local students in their pre-to-mid-teens. 
She is crowned before her community and a procession is made to welcome her rule. 
She may have a wide cast of characters and troops to accompany her, including musicians, dancers and attendants. One of the longest running May Day fairs is held each year in Hayfield, Derbyshire, where there are many roles and silly costumes donned by children and adults. 
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Hayfield May Queen attended by girls dressed as beefeaters.
There is precedent for a May King, however, to be found in some Early Modern sources. Here's one mention of a "Lord of May" from the diary of Henry Machyn, in 1557: "On the 30th day of May was a jolly May-game in Fenchurch Street (London) with drums and guns and pikes, The Nine Worthies did ride; and they all had speeches, and the morris dance and sultan and an elephant with a castle and the sultan and young moors with shields and arrows, and the lord and lady of the May." These military characters may reflect the Spanish origins of morris dance, where battles were reenacted to commemorate historical conflicts with Morocco.
Additionally, in Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, the author tells us that "in the comedy called The Knight of The Burning Pestle, written by Beaumont and Fletcher in 1611, a citizen, addressing himself to the other actors, says, 'Let Ralph come out on May-day in the morning, and speak upon a conduit, with all his scarfs about him, and his feathers, and his rings, and his knacks, as Lord of the May.' His request is complied with, and Ralph appears upon the stage in the assumed character, where he makes his speech, beginning in this manner: With gilded staff and crossed scarf the May Lord here I stand." Strutt also notes the appearance of Robin Hood appearing in May Day performances, accompanied by "a female, or rather, perhaps, a man habited like a female, called the Maid Marian, his faithful mistress." 
From this, we see that...
3. The May Queen can be a drag performer.
In the late 1880s, chimney-sweeps and other guild-workers had developed their own styles of celebration. For them, the "Lady of the May" was typically played by a man, for comedic effect. She carried a ladle and was dressed like a flirty cook, while the "Lord of the May" was dressed as an admiral, or a gentleman in a powdered wig. I find this example interesting, not just for its urban setting, but for the satirical quality of the characters involved. Also, these games came about after morris traditions had lain dormant in the countryside for some time.
Some regions have processions led only by Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Interestingly, the Maid Marian was the sole focus of these pageants for centuries before the Robin Hood mythos came into being, and continued to preside over the festivities long after he had faded from popularity.
Another one of the oldest continuing May Day processions is the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance, dating back to the 11th century. Here, Maid Marian has no consort. Then, as now, she was played by a young man. 
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The Horn Dancers consist of the horn bearers, the Maid Marian, the Fool, a boy to keep time on triangle, and a boy with a bow and arrow. In recent years, girls have also been allowed to participate in the boys’ roles.
4. The May Queen can be a doll.
This is an interesting practice that bears a close resemblance to the Gaelic custom of making the Brideog doll on Imbolc. The Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore tells us:
The most widespread and best known May Day activity in the 19th and early 20th centuries was the children's garland custom. In essence, this involved groups of children visiting houses in their community showing a garland, singing a song, and collecting money. [...] A regular, but not ubiquitous, feature was to place a dressed and decorated doll (sometimes more than one) in the centre of the garland, or in front of it. She was usually called something like Her Lady, or The Queen, and treated with great respect. Commentators assume she represented the Virgin Mary. In some places, it was the doll which was given precedence, rather than the garland, transported in a decorated box or basket... 
In this write-up from a UK newspaper, we're told:
There has been much debate about what the May Doll represents. Some believed it was the Virgin Mary, to whom the month was dedicated, others Flora or the May Queen. One of a group of young girls told a folklorist in Bampton, Oxfordshire in the 1970s that their doll represented a goddess whilst another in the group said it was Minerva! In Edlesborough, Buckinghamshire, two dolls, one smaller than the other, were carried in a covered decorated chair to resemble the Virgin and Child. 
It also notes that in some counties, this doll was called "the Maulkin." Bringing this all back around, these etymology geeks claim that "maulkin" or "malkin" was once a common term for the young man dressed as the lady in May Day dances and parades. Guess playing dress-up was always the point.
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What strikes me the most after learning all of this? Overall, traditional May Day festivities seem...almost diametrically opposed to the image presented to me by the pagan community, which was all about reinforcing strict gender roles. On the American side at least, I think a lot of pagan men would find the absence of a May King intolerable, and the presence of a drag queen unthinkable. In their minds, this can't be what their ancestors intended. If they can invent their own May Day to be more heavy metal, then they will do just that. 
I am not here to say that old customs are good and new ones are bad. Many of the traditions described above were revived in the 1900s, by new communities who did new things with it. There were also debates in the mid-20th century, around whether women should be allowed to participate in May dancing, despite the fact that women were evidently involved both in its history and preservation. So it’s not as if the legacy of May Day is totally free of sexism or revisionism. What I'm here to say is this: Sometimes, when a person claims to be practicing an ancient faith that's been passed down secretly through the country-ways of the common-folk, you have to ask yourself: what is it they're really advocating? Tradition? Clearly, tradition has no problem with unmarried girls or cross-dressing men. Nature veneration? Somehow, the seasons kept turning through all this. If someone is telling you a story about what your forebears practiced, believed, or valued - can you be sure they’re telling the truth? To the best of their ability? It's important to be sure, I think, if we sincerely want to honor the past.
Jack-In-The-Green Revisited
Quest For the Queens is a collection of BBC footage of May Day festivities in New Westminster, from the 1930s onward.
The Hayfield May Festival in 2011.
Nigel Pennick with a May garland and doll, plus a song on accordion.
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keepersofthegate · 1 year
The Kingdom of Heaven Official Book Launch
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Keepers of the Gate's first book launches today:
The Kingdom of Heaven by Evelyn M. Lewis
This book is told by Alex, a woman who grew up in the Settlement, a walled city that contains the world's entire population. She is an agent for Dynamic National Technologies, Incorporated, and believes in their mission: in order for humanity to survive, all people must be subject to the will of the Settlement. But when she's sent on a mission outside the Wall to infiltrate a mysterious religious cult, what she finds will challenge everything she believes to be true.
Meet also: Cam, Alex's hot-headed and reckless "mentor" who knows more than he's letting on, and Dana Morris-Fletcher, the icy woman who administrates DYNTEC. What are they hiding? What is the truth behind the Settlement?
Find out in The Kingdom of Heaven: Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and as of today available for instant purchase as an ebook!
Keepers of the Gate works to bring you books by independent Christian authors, written from a Christian worldview. We aim to bring down high publishing barriers and open the gate to authors who change and challenge the cultural narrative, while creating a safeguarded corner for media with Christian values. The Kingdom of Heaven is an adult fiction book and is not YA or family/children's media, containing some violence and language content. We would consider the book as suitable for Christian adults.
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