#morning warm up exercises for beginners
fitnessmantram · 1 year
Morning Warm up Exercise #3 #Exercise #fitness #morningexercise #morning...
You are contributing to the pliable, supple, and loosening of the muscles by raising their temperature. A successful warm-up additionally increments both your pulse and your respiratory rate. As a result, more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the working muscles through increased blood flow.
Read More : Importance of A Healthy Diet and Exercise
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alottiegoingon · 4 months
hc! enemies to friends
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natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
summary: going from enemies to friends with nat
warnings: golden retriever x black cat dynamic, very brief drinking mention, cursing, not proofread pls ignore any mistakes
the request was enemies to lovers but i didnt want to sound repetitive so this could be considered a prequel for this if you ignore a few changes :)
𖧊 nat thought you were an excruciating pain in her ass
𖧊 when you joined the yellowjackets, she couldn’t be any more frustrated by your constant overwhelming happiness or your endless chatter
𖧊 “do you ever think about how aliens may think that we are the real aliens?” you and misty were in a heated argument about the topic while warming before practice and natalie was really trying to ignore you until she couldn’t anymore
𖧊 “oh my goood!” nat growled, hands covering her face as she was one step away from murdering you with her bare hands. “do you ever stop talking?”
𖧊 “maybe,” you reply to her snarky comment, stopping stretching your legs to cross your arms. “if you say please.”
𖧊 “i’d rather throw myself in front of a bus, actually,” she retorts, jaw clenching
𖧊 “and how exactly do you plan to play soccer with a broken leg or arm?”
𖧊 “no, that’s not-”nat tries to explain that, first of all, she didn’t actually mean it in a literal way but, second, if she did then playing soccer would be the least of her worries. but then she realized how stupid it was
𖧊 “just forget it,” she muttered, storming away with heavy steps, seeking solace in a quiet corner to warm up
𖧊 you were everywhere. yes, you went to the same school and the same soccer team but still, nat was always hoping to get a break from you
𖧊 it wasn’t very difficult for the other girls to notice that nat wasn’t exactly the happiest around you and that’s exactly why jackie paired you two, trying to make you get along
𖧊 “it looks like we are partners,” you said with a grin, heading towards nat. her narrowed eyes and tense posture were a stark contrast to yours
𖧊 “let’s just get over with it,” she couldn’t care less about small talk and she surely didn't wanna hear shit about fucking aliens
𖧊 passing the ball to each other was a very stupid idea, nat was sure of it. it was for kids, for beginners. and she wasn’t either of those. you, on the other hand, seemed pretty content with the fun and light training
𖧊 “did you know that smoking isn’t good for you?” you simply let your bold words fall from your lips, still focused on the exercise
𖧊 “how do you know i smoke?” nat can’t believe how annoying you were. she didn’t need advices
𖧊 “i saw you smoking behind school this morning. i tried to say hi but you didn’t see me”
𖧊 “oh. was that you?” she squints at the memory of a louder version of yourself was screaming her name from the open window of a passing car
𖧊 “yes, didn’t you hear me?”
𖧊 “sorry, i thought you were screaming bats”, nat explains, trying to hide a hint of a possible smirk appearing in her face by compressing her lips
𖧊 “why would i scream bats? i was saying nat!”
𖧊 “hm, no,” she nods. “it was definitely bats”
𖧊 bickering over small things was something that the yellowjackets were very tired of, especially if it happened in the locker room after practice when everyone was exhausted
𖧊 “are you filling my water bottle?” nat approached when you were by the drinking fountain, struggling to hold at least five other bottles on your arms while filling nat's
𖧊 "no, nat. i'm holding it for fun," you snort, eyes pierced on the running water so it wouldn't overflow
𖧊 "i didn't ask you to do that!"
𖧊 "the girls asked me to do theirs and yours was empty. you're welcome" as soon as you're done with it, you close the lid and practically shoves her bottle on her chest, barely giving her any time to hold it
𖧊 "it was empty because i wanted to! the water tastes like shit here," she digs her fingers into the plastic so hard that they were turning white
𖧊 "are you allergic to saying thank you or just rude?" you exhale, now facing nat with, for the first time ever, impatience in your eyes
𖧊 "fuck off, princess," she forces a laugh out, "i'm allergic to annoying and bubbly girls stealing my stuff, yes!" nat steps forward and you thought you were allucinating when you caught her eyes on your mouth
𖧊 “just kiss already, i'm so tired of your shit,” tai groans before you could tease her about it and right by her side there's van smirking at the very gay situation
𖧊 “in her dreams, maybe," you mock nat just to have the pleasure of watch her whole face going red
𖧊 after being completely humilliated by you (you made her blush) in front of everyone, nat was furious. that until she found you hidden in the spot she would usually go to smoke with her friends before school
𖧊 she was about to leave as soon as she laid her eyes on you, not wanting to get envolved in any drama. besides, she didn't like you and she didn't care. but she couldn't just leave you there
𖧊 "what's up, princess? someone stole your gel pens?" nat wasn't good when it came to comfort someone, and definitely not you. so, maybe, being funny would help
𖧊 you didn't bother to look up at her. sitting on the floor hugging your knees against your chest and burying your head onto your legs, you weren't in the mood to listen to her taunts. "not now, nat."
𖧊 nat wasn't sure of what to do. sitting by your side and mirroring your position, she pondered for a while and decided that the best thing to do was to wait. it's not like she cared about being late for school anyway
𖧊 "coach martinez wants to replace me. he said i don't kick strong enough," you slowly lif your head from your knees in order to face natalie, who was attentively listening to your first words after some solid ten minutes
𖧊 "this is crazy. what does he know about soccer anyway?"
𖧊 "he's the coach, nat," you frown at her strange way of reassuring you, despite finding it kind of cute
𖧊 "well, there's that," she rubs her temples, "but we still have time until the nationals. maybe we could practice together"
𖧊 "like you and me?" your confusion only gets worse. natalie scatorccio wanted to help you?
𖧊 "it can't be that bad, right? and it would suck to have you replaced by some other loud and irritating girl when i'm already used to you"
𖧊 this could go terribly wrong and end up with nat having your head in a stick but you were willing to take the risk if it meant that you had a chance to stay in the team
𖧊 "alright, i'm in" shaking your head, you extend your hand for nat to shake it and seal the deal. "i always knew you didn't actually hate me."
𖧊 "don't make me regret it, princess."
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aviiarie · 1 month
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THE FLAME HASHIRA'S TSUGUKO — platonic kyojuro rengoku & reader !
synopsis. what is the flame hashira like with a tsuguko? warnings. spoilers for mugen train arc. kny-typical warnings (violence, death, etc.) brief mentions of food and eating. notes. STRICTLY PLATONIC. demon slayer!reader. reader uses flame breathing. gn!reader. they/them used. fluff. 1.3k words. second in my tsuguko series! if you enjoyed, do let me know who you want to see in the next one ^^
muichiro ver.
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if there is one hashira that is most sought out as a mentor, it is kyojuro rengoku.
to young demon slayers, he is the best candidate. he's warm and welcoming to the new recruits, he's much more approachable than other hashira, he doesn't look he would beat them to a pulp in the name of 'training'. whenever there is a new batch of slayers freshly accepted into the demon slayer corps, there is a wave of requests to become his tsuguko.
however, kyojuro has never actually looked at his pile of applications. they lie untouched in a small stack, gathering dust in a corner of his estate. the system of sending in an application in the hopes of achieving a mentor had never made sense to him; surely the only way a worthy tsuguko is chosen would be by dazzling him with their skills?
that's how mitsuri became his student, and that's exactly how he ended up with [name]!
they were practicing alone in one of the training rooms when he happened to walk by, on his way to a hashira meeting. kyojuro stopped in his tracks, drawn to the bright lights and warmth that only flame-breathing created.
he glanced into the room, and was immediately captivated by their skill. it wasn't perfect, by any means—at a hashira standard, it was downright sloppy—but there was a certain passion in their eyes that caught his attention. they were pouring every ounce of effort in their body into flame-breathing, with an energy that only a truly determined fighter held.
they had strong potential, he could tell from just a few seconds of watching them. if that wasn't a worthy candidate for tsuguko then he doesn't know what was.
“huh?! who said that?”
when they accept, his training begins the very next morning. he wakes them up at dawn, looking far too refreshed for how early it was, and puts them through a series of drills to test their strength and speed. this is followed by some light sparring, before he encourages them to show him what they know about flame-breathing.
between exercises, there are a few values he instills in his student.
the first is the one he thinks every demon slayer should believe: the duty of the strong is to protect the weak. he will train them for as long as it takes for them to gain strength, so that one day they will be able to protect people as he does. anger and a desire for vengeance would only push them so far; they needed to know what they were fighting for, who they were protecting.
the second is less selfless, but no less noble in his eyes: to take care of others, you must take care of yourself first. he knows firsthand that neglecting the health of one's own body in favour of duty will only make him less capable of carrying out said duty, so he makes sure to drill the words in their head. proper rest, hydration, and sustenance are essentials for keeping oneself in top condition, and ready for battle.
the final is the most difficult to learn: loss is heartbreaking, but inevitable. kyojuro has been a part of the demon slayer corps for a long time, and before he was a hashira, he was a beginner demon slayer. he has experiences missions that have failed, he has witnessed casualties—both civilian, and his fellow slayers. while protecting innocents is a hashira's top priority, he needs his tsuguko to know that death is unavoidable in some situations, no matter how skilled they are. that doesn't mean that it is their fault, when tragedy strikes.
training is rigorous, but kyojuro is an excellent teacher. he is patient when they're struggling, eager to praise their improvements, no matter how small.
he builds a rapport with them fast. months of training go by, and their progress is simply incredible! he couldn't be more proud!
by then, he honestly treats his tsuguko like a second sibling. like, of course they are invited to family dinner with senjuro, was that ever a question? senjuro himself was slightly wary about them at first, but it didn't take long for him to warm up to them too.
family dinner is nonnegotiable, by the way. it only happens about once a month when kyojuro isn't on a mission and senjuro has the time to cook a meal for them, so it's treated very seriously. they will show up and they will enjoy it, or they will have to deal with senjuro's quiet sullenness and kyojuro's passive-aggressive sighs of disappointment.
(kyojuro used to invite his father to these dinners, but he was always met with a blunt dismissal whenever he tried to ask. senjuro told him to just let it go, so he quietly gave up on attempting to include him. family was much more peaceful when it was just the three of them, anyway.)
during the colder months, he has a habit of throwing his haori over his tsuguko’s shoulders after their lessons to keep them warm on their way back to their room. if they try to protest it, he just waves them off with a laugh.
“do not worry, young [name]! i can assure you that i have no problem with keeping warm myself! but i can't have you freezing before our next training session, can i?”
he is a kind mentor. brave, encouraging. he never looks down on his tsuguko, even when the gap between their skills makes it clear he is—and likely always will be—a step above them. to them, he is unshakeable, untouchable.
well. until the mugen train mission, that is.
they were in the middle of resting from a mission, when kyojuro's crow landed on their windowsill and delivered the news: in the battle against upper moon three, kyojuro was fatally wounded.
for a second, they couldn't quite believe it. it was only a few weeks prior that they had seen him, grinning and pushing a bento box into their hands, promising he would be back to train with them soon enough.
the grief hits them hard. they can't fathom the idea of never hearing his bright and cheerful voice wake them at the crack of dawn, never feeling his warm hand clap against their shoulder to give an encouraging squeeze. tears spill over, their breath chokes in their throat.
he is gone. there won't be another family dinner, or spontaneous training session, or trips into town to watch sumo wrestling. they were alone; a tsuguko without a mentor, a fire without any kindling.
it's then that their mentor's voice rings in their head, reminding them of the three lessons he taught the.
the duty of the strong is to protect the weak. kyojuro died protecting his fellow slayers. it was an honourable death, and one that he would be satisfied with.
to take care of others, you must take care of yourself first. with shaky hands, they pour themself a cup of soothing tea. kyojuro would urge them to focus on keeping themself healthy during such a grief-filled time.
loss is heartbreaking, but inevitable. kyojuro was dangerously aware of his own mortality, and never shied away from the idea that he might die any day. he would enthusiastically talk about how when he is gone, they will be the next flame hashira.
kyojuro wouldn't want them to fall apart without him. he would want them to keep burning like a inferno, channeling their emotions into their breathing until it was as sharp as their blade. the last thing he would want is to let his death destroy the fire in their heart.
so they stop. they breathe. they mourn. then, they hold their head up high, and steady their blade at their side.
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai.
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tiredwitchplant · 11 months
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs : Ginger (root)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
*Kitchen Herb *Medical Herb *Masculine
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Folks Names: African Ginger, Sheng Jian, Singabera
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Hecate, Ameretat, Artemis
Abilities: Love, Money. Success, Power, Safety
Characteristics: A perennial plant growing to 2 ft with lance-shaped leaves and spikes of white or yellow flowers. Is native to Asia and is grown throughout the tropics. Ginger prefers fertile soil and plenty of rain.
History: Wild or cultivated, ginger root is an ideal herb to add to rituals and spells because it acts like a booster for the power involved. Apart from its use as a spice and as a base for alcoholic liquors of one kind or another, ginger has for a very long time enjoyed a reputation for medicinal use, from the prescription of Arabian and Persian doctors for impotence, to its still popular reputation as a stomach settler, and this use dates from the earliest records. Ginger tea, even ginger biscuits, help to combat travel sickness, or morning sickness and nausea generally. It was used for asthma in Russian folk medicine. The recipe given is a pound of ginger grated, put in a quart bottle, which was filled with alcohol. This was kept warm for two weeks, shaken occasionally, until the infusion was the color of weak tea. This was strained, and the sediment allowed to settle. Then the liquid was poured into another bottle, and the infusion taken twice a day.
How to Grow:
Easy to Grow: Yes
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: Sort of but root is
How to Grow Ginger (article)
How to Grow from Seeds
How to Grow from Store Bought
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Properties:
Can boost the power of spells and rituals with its own heat like energy when consumed beforehand
Used to jump-start love, stimulate finances, and increase potential success in anything
In an elixir, the root acts as an energizing tonic and brings strength, courage, and health
Putting ginger in your pillow can create a better night’s sleep
Can give protection during childbirth
Whole ginger roots planted and grown can attract money, along with sprinkling powdered ginger into one’s pocket
Dobu islanders with chew and spit ginger at the “seat” of an illness to cure it and to halt oncoming storms
To promote lust, sprinkle ginger around your home
Medical Usage:
Speeds up the rate of gastric emptying and aids the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract, which helps treat anemia
Relieves nausea and vomiting, especially with morning sickness
Reduces muscle pain after exercise and is effective against menstrual pain
Excellent remedy for indigestion, nausea, gas, bloating, cramps and other digestive complaints
Stimulates circulation and helps with the flow of blood to the surface
Remedy for coughs, colds, flu and other respiratory problems
Stimulates sweating and helps to cool and control fevers
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anamoon63 · 7 months
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Kelly has started taking yoga classes, she thinks it will help her with the stress of college and her modeling career; maybe it will help her control her bad temper a bit too.
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Today was only the first day, with time we will see what results she gets out of all this. 🌸🌸🌸
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Another day, another yoga class, this time she attended in the evening because she had classes all morning.
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She's a beginner so her exercises are not very complicated, for now it's more like just warm-ups, and… Wait, someone just walked in the room.
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omgpurplefattie · 6 months
Writing Patterns
@momosandlemonsoda and @yletylyf both tagged me in the writing pattern game -- post the first sentences of your ten last works on AO3, and see if you recognise a pattern.
10 -- A Ruthless Gift Mysterious Lotus Casebook, post-canon, Fang Duobing/Di Feisheng “Tea, or wine?”
9 -- The World of the Morning After Word of Honor, AU where Rong Changqing survived, Rong Changqing/Ye Baiyi Ye Baiyi could have sworn he’d fallen asleep on a bolster of lilac brocade; when he woke in the wintery pre-dawn, there was a living, breathing person beneath his cheek.
8 -- Surnamed Di -- 姓氏:笛 Mysterious Lotus Casebook, post-canon, Fang Duobing/Di Feisheng, sequel to "A Ruthless Gift" “I’ll go to Lotus Lodge this morning to water the plants and feed the crab,” Fang Duobing declared, finally sitting up, “so you can stay here and work with your kids. They see you rarely enough.”
7 -- Best at Flying Mysterious Lotus Casebook, 1K character prompt: the suggestion to make amnesiac!A-Fei perform on the street to draw attention, Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua/Fang Duobing A-Fei kept observing, mostly. If you’re not certain of the world, if every corner could be a trap, every smile a lie, then it would be better to hang back, better to wait and see, speak when you were spoken to, act only when you were sure.
6 -- The Goat as Gardener Word of Honor, 1K character prompt: Ye Baiyi and "What would happen to a houseplant in their care?" , one-sided Ye Baiyi/Rong Changqing “She’s not going to kill you if they don’t all survive,” Rong Changqing had told Ye Baiyi after Rong-furen had finally stopped with her instructions, repeated instructions, and even more admonitions.
5 -- The Red Queen's Domain Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Star Trek AU Episode 1, Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua, Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua The only light inside the cave came from the cryo pod set up right in the middle of it.
4 -- The End of the Tether Mysterious Lotus Casebook, post-canon, Fang Duobing/Di Feisheng, sequel to "A Ruthless Gift" and "Surnamed Di" After thinking about it for a long time, Fang Duobing had to admit that Di Feisheng was right about the horses.
3 -- Detoxify Mysterious Lotus Casebook et.al., modern AU, Di Feisheng/Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua (and lots of others in the background), long-ass MLC instalment of my even longer City AU “Shulin, you have to help me, you really do!”
2 -- Tomb Raiding For Beginners Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Star Trek AU Episode 2, Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua, Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua “Okay, let’s pack up, we're going to the Sarculum colony,” Li Lianhua declared when he beamed in from the planet. Fang Duobing had gone to the transporter room to do this manually; Li Lianhua preferred it that way.
1 -- Quagmire Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Star Trek AU Episode 3, Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua, Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua A-Fei crouched, turning on his heel and slashing his weapon along the floor of the cargo bay; Fang Duobing jumped, but not fast enough. The penultimate prong caught him on the shin, hard.
Patterns I can recognise:
I like to start on dialogue or internal monologue.
In the Star Trek AU, I always start on action or some actual movement, as I prefer to have a cold open before the 'title card' for the episode. I want it to feel like Star Trek.
I like to have the main character(s) present in the first sentence right away.
Bonus: I really need to finish and post the last chapter of 'Detoxify'. I have the structure ready and the first quarter written. I refuse to let this massive fic end on 'and then they packed up the bus and went away to a warm beach' and nothing more.
I'm not good at tagging people, and have lost sight of who in the fandom has done this exercise already -- if you see this, feel yourself tagged!
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flyingfitandsugarfree · 7 months
🥤Coke zero: 1000ml 💧Water: 100ml 🍶Other liquid: Sparkling lemon water 580ml
Intake & Output
🍴Intake: Sakura manjū [167] Mexican chicken & bean stew [~300] grilled onigiri [186] chizupan [437] banana [105] 🥙 5-a-day: 3/5 🏋🏻‍♀️Exercise: Absolute Beginner Ballet Lesson 2 + cardio warm-up and splits stretch [-149] 🧘🏻‍♀️Today's yoga: 20 Min Yoga Flow To Strengthen Your Core | Full Body Practice [-65] ⚖️ Net total: 981
Not the best day. I didn't start my day with a good breakfast because I didn't plan what to have, so that probably didn't set me up well. I forgot to fill and refrigerate my water bottle the night before, so I didn't have a nice cold bottle of water for the morning and I ended up drinking coke zero instead.
But I did exercise. I normally avoid any kind of yoga with "core" or "power" in the title, but today I challenged myself. I have to say I mostly felt it in my shoulders, which is probably because I've taken so much time off I'm not used to doing lots of planks/side planks anymore. I should probably do some more full body, all-levels flows before I try another core/power session.
Initially yoga was all I was planning on doing, but once I was in my gym kit, I decided I was in the mood for ballet too. I really want to do more! I just need to get into the habit of getting my gym kit on nice and early so I have time to do a quick session if the mood strikes me. At the moment I procrastinate a bit too much, and by the time I've coaxed myself into getting started I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do.
Gonna put my water bottle in the fridge now and prepare to have a better day tomorrow!
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nellycanwrite · 2 years
First time in your ask box hi 🥹 I have questions
🎨Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
🎨Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
🎨What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any? Do you just jump into drawing or practice some things first?
Hi Cocoa! Sorry for the late reply to this ask, but I have finally found the time to procrastinate to finally answer!
🎨Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
Let's see, I find listening to AURORA and fairycore/cottagecore music to subconsciously inspire me! Oddly (not really) enough, once I hear songs by Elvis Presley it sparks creativity, too! And maybe making AUs! My partner and I bond over making AUs for our OCs, so most of the time the artworks stemmed from there no matter how ridiculous of a prompt it is! (And just being around my partner is a subconscious trigger to spark inspiration MYEHE)
🎨Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
I'd say about 70:30; seventy (70) being shown to my online audiences and and thirty (30) for more personal art! I like to post my more polished studies and workflow so other beginner artists can have a peak of my journey to being an artist. My commissions and other portfolio and print worthy art are posted online for general audiences! The thirty percent are more spicy art (that I sometimes show to close people only in its appropriate space), personal art for me and my partner, and the more grueling parts of of my studies like quick figure drawings, scratchy perspective practices, and long-term passion projects.
🎨 What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any? Do you just jump into drawing or practice some things first?
I do ten minute yoga every morning and do quick static chair stretches, wrist exercises, and posture checking every 20 minutes while I draw! My mother raised me to have proper poise so posture is a really big deal for me, that's why I do these simple exercises to maintain my form while I draw! Before I actually dive into a full illustration (the fully rendered ones that take like 17 hours), I do napkin and thumbnail sketches! I don't usually warm up when I start drawing, especially when I have a spur-of-the moment idea that needs to be translated immediately into paper. That's why napkin and thumbnail sketches are more efficient for me!
Here’s some samples of my process! It’s literally just: scribble the rough idea you had on your head (napkin sketch), block out the colors or the lineart (refining), then do a bit of touch up (polishing)!
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Napkin sketch > Clean-up > Render
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Napkin Sketch > Lineart+Flat Colors > Render
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Do note that not every artist have the same process, and not one artist has one method of doing things. Sometimes I’m meticulous with lineart, sometimes I go hyperrealistic, and sometimes I don’t even need to do a thumbnail or napkin sketch. Don’t be confined to Steps One, Two, Three—do what feels right at that moment (but learning and obeying the steps are important too! You just have to get used to it before you go out to explore the right method for you!)
So that is all. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk💃
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deepcreekrental12 · 6 days
Book Your Rental Homes for Dream Vacation at Deep Creek Rentals!
Get pleasure from stunning Deep Creek Lake in any season by renting a fantastic vacation house. With properties spread around the region, Deep Creek provides a wide range of luxurious vacation Rental Homes - Deep Creek Lake. For each occasion or size of groups, there is a perfect fit among the gorgeous lakefront residences and spectacular mountain homes. The ideal vacation rental is available at Deep Creek, whether you're organizing a wedding, family reunion, vacation, or just need a weekend away.
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Situated away in the center of Maryland, Deep Creek Lake provides a peaceful haven from the rush of everyday life. We can offer the ideal home base for your next romantic getaway or family vacation with Deep Creek rentals. Our varied portfolio offers it all—for some, it's about relaxing in a remote cabin, for others, it's about living large in an elegant lakeside house.
You are choosing more than just a place to stay when you select Highland Manor. These amazing apartments provide you the chance to wake up to breathtaking views and to be within walking distance of all the local attractions. Where calm lake waters meet the bright morning sky is where your day starts. Enjoy a steaming cup of coffee on your terrace while you relax and take in the view. A day of freedom that is limited only by your creativity appears.
Things to Do Near Deep Creek Rentals
Heaven on Earth for lovers of the great outdoors is Deep Creek Lake. The thrill never fades, even as the calendar does. This place has electric energy when winter arrives. It's an opportunity to pull out warm clothing, grab your skis or snowboard, find your footing on the ice, and create some very memorable moments.
Water Sports and Boating: The 65 miles of shoreline can be explored by boat, which you can bring or rent. Water rafting, jet skiing, and water skiing are three friends of speed and enjoyment that ensure an exciting and hilarious day.
Hiking and Nature Trails: State parks with miles of hiking and nature trails surround Deep Creek. Do you need to get outside and exercise for the day? The ideal remedy is provided by Swallow Falls State Park, where trails wind through verdant forests and past stunning waterfalls.
Skiing and Snowboarding: There are great skiing and snowboarding options at the close Wisp Resort. This is where skiers of all skill levels find their sweet spot: it's difficult enough for experts yet forgiving enough for beginners.
Friendly Attractions for Families: Are you taking the kids on a trip? Everyone is in for a genuine treat with the assortment of rides, shows, and interactive displays; dullness doesn't have a chance. Under one sunny sky, thrill-seekers in Deep Creek can take on fast go-kart courses, control butterflies on the mini golf course, and even meet up close and personal with fuzzy friends at the animal parks.
To Sum Up:
The summers in Deep Creek Lake are mild and cool, and the winters are snowy enough for winter activities. Also, Rentals for Golfers at Deep Creek vacation rentals in the area provide outstanding value for money when it comes to staying for your trip. So Contact us at the Deep Creek Rental Website.
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queeroamer · 8 days
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We met up with some of our friends in SM MOA and we picked the remaining group in Greenfield and Tabang Exit. After several stopovers and some breathing exercises to ease my motion sickness, we finally reached the scenic town situated in the Cordillera Mountains called Sagada!
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After hours of travel, we checked in at Bilza Lodge and Resto. It's a fine place to stay in with nice, warm people, a good mountain view and I remember there was a lovely dog too who greeted us from the front porch.
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On the next day, we woke up very early in the morning to start our hike to the summit of Marlboro Hills (My mother mountain) It's just a minor hike, but took us quite the time due to the number of people during that day. But it's all worth it to see the sea of clouds and ray of sunrise at the top of a hill. It felt like something just healed.
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I heard that Marlboro Hill is the highest peak in Sagada with a stunning view of cordilleras. The trek is not that easy given that the climate is very chilly especially in the early morning but this is an ideal hike for beginners.
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We originally planned to go to Mt. Kiltepan but for some reason, something had changed the plan so we headed to Marlboro Hill which is still okay. See this?! How can you not love the view?
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It's just interesting to think that some people cried all their heartaches at the top of a mountain. Maybe that romantic indie film had really branded Sagada into a kind of place where broken hearts go. Because that's also my reason why I went to this mysterious town in the mountains.
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I've been writing this in September of 2024, and we went in Sagada in the early 2019 or early 2020 (My memory is a bit clouded) But I could still remember how heavy I felt during the trip. I was trying to recover from two and a half things: a heartbreak with someone that I didn't even have a committed relationship to begin with and a quarter-life crisis with a little bit of existential crisis too. And honestly, connecting with nature helped me but it's a slow process and it took me years to build myself up. Sagada had been part of my healing process. The first part of many.
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Note: I didn't pick this flower but I saw it from the ground. Maybe someone used it for their photos and dumped it after. When we think something is unworthy, we better think again. Just like this flower, there is beauty everywhere. You just have to know where and how to find it. Anyway, I put this on my ear during our stay in the summit but at some point, I lost it. Blown by the wind, I guess.
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Once we had our breakfast, we went to Sumaguing Cave, one of the deepest caves in the Philippines and by far the most popular in Sagada. Unfortunately, these were the only photos I saved and the others were either corrupted or blurred. I didn't even want to think about it coz it stressed me out so much.
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The trek was very challenging but the experience was memorable! You really need the perfect gear when doing cave exploration because the rocks were slippery, there were areas that were too dark and the cave water is just painfully cold when you're submerged for a long time. I hope I can go back and take new photos of its impressive landscape and rock formations. I will be more prepared this time and I will definitely not skip leg day from now on.
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During the afternoon, we head off to Sagada Anglican Cemetery. It was such a peaceful walk and I remembered having a heart-to-heart talk with one of my friends as we enjoyed the view and trekked to the Hanging Coffins (Sadly, I got no pictures of the Hanging Coffins. I can't even remember if taking photos were allowed.)
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I also heard from locals that they have a cultural tradition called Panag-apoy, which means "to light a fire". This spiritual ceremony was held every November 1st and has been practiced for several generations. Seeing the existing photos online was just so mystifying and magical displaying a unique tradition that showed how the locals embrace and value their spiritual beliefs for so many decades.
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We stumbled upon an open market after we trekked down from the Hanging Coffins. And as much as I try to remember, but this moment was quite vague in my memory. I can't even remember if I bought something in here or what I ate but there were blurred visions of fish balls and someone with a toothpick.
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As the sun gradually went down, our final destination the Lake Danum. Our guide told us that it was the perfect spot for watching the sunset but during our trip there, the sky was a bit overcast so we didn't get a glimpse of the sunset. It was also a good place for stargazing but our guide didn't offer that and I don't think we're prepared for stargazing. It was such a peaceful and hidden paradise, you just have to watch your step because cow droppings were everywhere.
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We ended the night by dancing around the bonfire while drinking our heartaches, frustrations and struggles out. It was such a fun night to loosen up a bit with friends and strangers. When we woke up, of course we were greeted by the worst hangover of our lives, but it's all worth it because it's time to go back to Manila and face reconnect with reality again.
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Riding the Waves of Paradise: A Guide to Surfing at Kandui Resort
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Kandui resort surf offers all level of surfing enthusiasts – from beginners to seasoned pros,  an unparalleled experience. Nestled in the warm embrace of the Mentawai Islands, this picturesque haven is not only famous for its breathtaking beauty but also for the world-class waves that attract surfers from all over the globe.
The Surfing Experience at Kandui Resort
Kandui Resort is strategically located near some of the best surf spots in the Mentawai Islands, making it a premier destination for surfers of all skill levels. Kandui resort surf features a range of waves, from gentle rollers for beginners to challenging barrels for seasoned pros. Each day, experienced local guides lead surf excursions ensuring visitors have access to the finest breaks, such as the renowned Kandui Left and the thrilling 4 Bobs.
Moreover, Kandui Resort captures the essence of a surfer's paradise. The modern accommodations, combined with stunning ocean views, create the perfect backdrop for a surfing retreat. After an exhilarating day in the water, surfers can relax and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere within the resort, indulging in delicious local cuisine or sharing stories around the bonfire.
Ideal Conditions for Surfing
The best time to visit Kandui resort surf generally spans from March to October when swells are most consistent. The region benefits from the Southern Hemisphere’s swell patterns, which provide a steady flow of powerful waves. During this peak season, the climate remains warm, making it ideal for both surfing and relaxation.
The wind conditions also play a crucial role in enhancing the surf experience. Light offshore winds generally prevail in the mornings, ensuring glassy conditions, which are perfect for riding waves. As the day progresses, breezes may increase, creating opportunities for more advanced surfers to challenge themselves on the powerful peaks.
Preparing for Your Surf Trip
To make the most of your surfing adventure at Kandui resort surf, certain preparations are essential:
Gear Up: Ensure you bring appropriate surf equipment, including boards suited for various conditions and comfortable wetsuits. While the resort provides rental options, having personal gear that fits well can enhance your experience.
Physical Fitness: Surfing requires a considerable amount of energy and strength. Engaging in cardiovascular exercises and strength training prior to your trip will help improve endurance and overall performance in the water.
Local Knowledge: Familiarizing yourself with the local surf breaks before you arrive can be beneficial. The guides at Kandui Resort are incredibly knowledgeable and can provide insights into the best times to surf specific breaks, ensuring you capitalize on the prime conditions.
Social Engagement: Surfing in a group can be both thrilling and motivating. Meet fellow surfers at the resort, engage in discussions, and even participate in group surf sessions to enhance camaraderie.
In summary, riding the waves at Kandui resort surf is not just about catching the perfect wave; it is an immersion into the rich culture and natural beauty of the Mentawai Islands. The synergy of perfect waves, stunning landscapes, and exceptional hospitality makes Kandui resort a must-visit destination for any surf enthusiast.
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Your First Steps in Ayurveda: Lifestyle Tips for Beginners
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Ayurveda, often referred to as the “Science of Life,” is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It’s not just about treating illness; it's about living a balanced and healthy life. If you’re new to Ayurveda, it can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but don’t worry! Naturopathy in Prayagraj is a great place to start exploring these principles. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to help you take your first steps into this holistic lifestyle.
Understanding Ayurveda: The Basics
Before diving into lifestyle tips, let’s get to know Ayurveda a bit better. Ayurveda is based on the idea that health is a balance between the body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes harmony with nature and our inner selves. Central to Ayurveda are the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These are energies that exist in every person and influence our physical and mental characteristics.
Vata is associated with air and space, and it governs movement and creativity.
Pitta is linked with fire and water, and it controls digestion, metabolism, and transformation.
Kapha is connected to earth and water, and it provides structure and stability.
Everyone has a unique combination of these doshas, and Ayurveda focuses on balancing them to achieve optimal health.
1. Discover Your Dosha
Understanding your dosha is a crucial first step. There are many online quizzes and resources that can help you identify your dominant dosha, or you might consider consulting an Ayurvedic doctor in Prayagraj. Once you know your dosha, you can start to tailor your lifestyle and diet to balance it. For example:
Vata types might need more warmth and routine to balance their often dry and erratic nature.
Pitta types might benefit from cooling foods and calming activities to temper their intense and fiery qualities.
Kapha types may find that invigorating activities and lighter foods help balance their naturally heavy and slow tendencies.
2. Create a Routine
Routine is a big deal in Ayurveda. A consistent daily schedule helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promotes balance. Here’s a simple daily routine to get you started:
Wake Up Early: Aim to rise with the sun, around 6 AM. This helps align your body with the natural rhythms of the day.
Morning Hydration: Start your day with a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon. This helps flush out toxins and kickstart your digestion.
Exercise: Engage in some form of physical activity each morning. Yoga is a great choice as it balances the body and mind.
Mindful Eating: Eat your meals at regular times each day. Avoid snacking too much, and try to eat your largest meal at lunch, when your digestion is strongest.
3. Eat According to Your Dosha
Diet is a major component of Ayurveda. Eating foods that balance your dosha can help you feel your best. Here’s a basic guide:
Vata: Eat warm, oily, and nourishing foods. Think soups, stews, and cooked grains. Favor sweet, sour, and salty flavors.
Pitta: Choose cooling, hydrating foods. Fresh fruits, leafy greens, and dairy products like milk can help. Avoid spicy and hot foods.
Kapha: Opt for light, dry, and warming foods. Think spicy vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Avoid heavy and oily foods.
4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Ayurveda isn’t just about what you eat or how you live; it’s also about how you think and feel. Consulting an Ayurvedic doctor in Prayagraj can offer personalized guidance. Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine to help manage stress and promote mental clarity. Even just a few minutes a day can make a difference. Try guided meditation apps or simple breathing exercises to get started.
5. Use Herbal Remedies Wisely
Herbal remedies are a key part of Ayurveda. While it’s best to consult with a knowledgeable practitioner before starting any new supplements, here are a few herbs commonly used in Ayurveda:
Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can be added to your food or taken as a supplement.
Ashwagandha: A powerful adaptogen that helps with stress and overall vitality.
Triphala: A traditional blend of three fruits that supports digestion and detoxification.
6. Get Enough Rest
Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining balance. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a restful environment by minimizing screen time before bed and establishing a calming bedtime routine.
7. Embrace Seasonal Living
Ayurveda also emphasizes living in harmony with the seasons. Adjust your diet and lifestyle according to the changing weather, such as incorporating Panchkarma in Prayagraj during seasonal transitions. For example, in the winter, focus on warming foods and activities, while in the summer, choose cooling and hydrating options.
8. Seek Balance in All Areas of Life
Ayurveda is about balance, not just in your diet but in every aspect of life. Make time for activities that bring you joy, nurture your relationships, and engage in creative pursuits. Balance work, relaxation, and play to create a fulfilling and harmonious life.
Embarking on your Ayurvedic journey doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with small, manageable changes, and gradually incorporate more aspects of this ancient wisdom into your life. For personalized guidance, consider visiting an Ayurvedic treatment center in Prayagraj. Remember, Ayurveda is about tuning into your body’s needs and finding harmony within yourself. By following these beginner-friendly tips, you’ll be well on your way to a more balanced and vibrant life. Enjoy the journey!
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travel-with-bihari · 2 months
What Every Trekker Should Know About Kheerganga Trek
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Nestled in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, Kheerganga Trek is a beloved destination for novice and seasoned trekkers. Known for its stunning landscapes, natural hot springs, and spiritual significance, this trek offers a unique blend of adventure and relaxation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for and enjoy your Kheerganga trekking experience to the fullest.
1. Introduction to Kheerganga Trek
Kheerganga, situated at an altitude of approximately 3,050 metres, is renowned for its scenic beauty and the natural hot water springs that are believed to have medicinal properties. The trek starts from Barshaini, a small village near Kasol. The Kheerganga Trek distance is around 12 kilometres (one way) which is considered an easy to moderate trek, suitable for beginners with basic fitness levels, although some sections can be steep and challenging.
2. Best Time to Visit Kheerganga Trek
Choosing the right time to visit Kheerganga is crucial for a pleasant trekking experience. The best time is generally from April to June and from September to November. Monsoon season should be avoided due to slippery trails and the risk of landslides. Kheerganga trek difficulty can vary with weather conditions, so planning at the right time ensures a safer and more enjoyable journey.
3. Kheerganga Trek - The Route and Itinerary
The Kheerganga trek follows a well-marked trail that passes through dense pine forests, cascading waterfalls, and scenic meadows. Here’s a typical itinerary for the trek:
Day 1: Arrival at Barshaini followed by trekking to Kheerganga
09:30 AM: Meet at Barshaini, have a briefing about the trek, and ensure all necessary supplies are gathered.
Trail Highlights: Trek through apple orchards, oak, and deodar forests, catching glimpses of the Parvati River.
Arrival at Kheerganga: Reach Kheerganga, unload bags, and head to Parvati Kund for a refreshing dip.
Lunch and Relaxation: Enjoy a prepared lunch and relax by the hot springs.
Overnight: Spend the night in tents under the starlit sky.
Day 2: Exploring Kheerganga & Departure
Morning: Wake up to sunrise over the mountains, enjoy breakfast, and prepare to depart.
Return Trek: Trek back to Barshaini, passing through the Nakthan and Rudra Nag villages.
Scenic Views: Capture scenic views and take breaks for refreshments.
End of Trek: Arrive at Barshaini and explore the nearby village and shops before departure.
4. Preparing for the Kheerganga Trek
Before embarking, it’s essential to make adequate preparations for the Kheerganga Trek:
Fitness and Acclimatization: While the trek is moderate, it’s advisable to engage in regular physical activity and cardio exercises to improve stamina. Acclimatization in Kasol or Manikaran for a day or two is recommended to adjust to the altitude.
Packing Essentials: Pack essentials such as sturdy trekking shoes, warm clothing (especially for nights), rain gear, sunscreen, insect repellent, a first aid kit, and a lightweight sleeping bag for Kheerganga trek camping. Carry enough water and snacks as there are limited food options on the trail.
Permits and Permissions: As of now, no special permits are required for the Kheerganga trek. However, it’s advisable to check local regulations before starting your journey.
5. Safety Considerations for Kheerganga Trek
While trekking to Kheerganga, it’s essential to prioritize safety and minimize environmental impact:
Weather Awareness: Stay updated on weather forecasts and avoid trekking during heavy rainfall or snowfall.
Leave No Trace: Respect the environment by carrying back all your waste, including biodegradable items. Avoid littering and maintain cleanliness on the trail.
Emergency Preparedness Tip: Ensure you have a fully charged mobile phone with emergency numbers saved. Additionally, inform someone about your trekking plans and expected return time for added safety.
Trekking to Kheerganga offers not just a physical challenge but also an opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty and serenity of the Himalayas. By preparing adequately, respecting nature, and embracing the adventure, you can make your Kheerganga trek a memorable experience. Whether you’re a trekking enthusiast or a nature lover, Kheerganga promises to enchant you with its breathtaking vistas, therapeutic hot springs, and Kheer Ganga trekking camps.
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keefwho · 4 months
May 30 - 2024 Thursday
Last night I recorded a good morning voice message for DS because I felt like it. Doing small little things like that is important for me because usually I'd refrain in case its too silly or something. My prompt yesterday was "let your voice be heard" and I did, literally. Its a very small thing but the intent behind it is large.
This morning I took the dogs out and showered. I made a frozen breakfast sandwich for lunch but I cut up my own onions for it and applied some hot sauce. Usually I'd eat something with it to help it agree with my tummy but I figured I could without because I wanted to eat small meals today since I've been up a couple pounds. My body handled it okay it seems. I had watched a sorta beginner art course video that explained using large areas and then using ovals to define planes easily which is exactly what i've been doing on my own.
To warm up today, I filled in all the little space left on my sketch sheet with rough gestures. Then I finished a YCH edit, did a YCH for 57, and readied a couple commissions for next month.
After work I spent time before lunch contacting people, doing some chores, and tending to my patreon. It was a very productive hour. For lunch I made soup and a grilled cheese. I gave myself ample time to chill and take a break since I actually felt like I earned it. Unfortunately I didn't know what I wanted to chill with so I watched an unsatisfying stream. The guy I like watching lately has starting playing CS:GO and similar games which actually melt my brain to watch. It's soooooo boring.
I finished this Celestia AI redraw I was working on this afternoon and worked on this Zelda drawing I had on the backburner. I asked TK if she wanted to call but she wasn't up for it today so I joined BR's server vc even though it was empty. I really needed to socialize because so few people have been around lately in general. BT joined but he's kinda weird and info dumps about stuff. Also nearly pulled me into the drama he's in surrounding other server members that I know nothing about. I also worked on my pony avatar for an hour.
After work I left the VC to play Cities Skylines. I got a couple new mods that might be crashing the game so I think I'll remove them. Admittedly I barely planned on using them. I asked DS if she wanted to chill and we did. I played Cities for a bit until it crashed, trying to relax and just have fun instead of making it feel like a chore or exercise. I realize I should be opening google earth and looking up locations for inspiration. It usually makes it very fun but feels like "cheating" as stupid as that sounds. Its the kind of mindset I want to let go of for any game I play. Its just a GAME I am PLAYing. Anyways she put on the 4 current episodes of season 2 of Smiling Friends which was a blast. Then we watched highlights of Oneyplays roasting the Nostalgia Critic and I suggested we watch a video of his so I have better context of who he actually is. I've always heard about him but never watched him. Then we did our puzzles before she headed off to bed since she has to wake up extra early tomorrow. I looked back on our evening feeling bad that I was so mellow and uninteresting. Its because I don't have anything on my mind to talk about lately with anyone really. Like I haven't taken in any new information to use. Its also possible I'm not treating myself with enough respect to speak my mind. Maybe I'm just thinking about things I don't think are worth sharing. Or maybe it's okay to have nothing on my mind really so I can just enjoy whatever is happening.
I tried playing some Roblox but my internet was cutting out like 1 out of every 3 minutes. I joined BR's server where they were watching the old ninja turtles movie which they still are as I write this.
My parents got home today so I don't have to tend to the dogs anymore. I did very good work today which I'm proud of, I have no regrets about my work ethic today. I just hope I can get out of this social rut, I don't feel like Im building relationships at all.
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fitnessreview · 4 months
10-Minute Torch: Your Quick and Easy Home Workout for Busy Americans!
Conquer Your Fitness Goals in Just 10 Minutes!
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Short on time? Big on results? We've all been there. Between work, family, and the ever-present hustle, squeezing in a workout can feel impossible. But fret no more, busy bees! This 10-minute bodyweight blast is your secret weapon for a quick sweat session that packs a punch, all from the comfort of your home.
Why Bodyweight Workouts?
The beauty of bodyweight exercises lies in their simplicity and effectiveness:
No equipment needed: Use your own bodyweight as resistance, making this workout accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Full-body focus: Target multiple muscle groups, leaving you feeling toned and energized.
Calorie crusher: Get your heart rate up and burn calories in a short amount of time.
Mobility magic: Improve your flexibility and move with more ease.
Beginner-Friendly and Efficient:
This workout caters to all fitness levels, especially beginners. It combines simple bodyweight exercises with short rest periods to keep your metabolism fired up and maximize calorie burn.
The Workout:
Warm-Up (1 Minute):
Light jumping jacks or jogging in place to get your blood flowing.
Circuit (Repeat 3 Times):
Each exercise: 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest
Squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. Lower yourself down as if sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight and core engaged. Push through your heels to stand back up.
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High Knees: Run in place while bringing your knees up high towards your chest. Maintain a fast pace for maximum cardio benefit.
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Lunges: Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at 90-degree angles. Push back up to starting position and repeat with the other leg.
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Push-Ups (Modification: Knees on the Ground): Start in a high plank position with hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your chest towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push back up to starting position. If push-ups are too challenging, modify by starting on your knees.
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Plank: Get into a high plank position with forearms on the ground, elbows shoulder-width apart, and body in a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core and hold for 30 seconds.
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Cool-Down (1 Minute):
Gentle stretches for your major muscle groups, like arms, hamstrings, and quads. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds.
Ready to Take it Up a Notch?
While this workout is fantastic for beginners, you can easily increase the intensity:
Shorten rest periods: Less rest equals more calorie burn!
Do more rounds: Aim for 4-5 rounds instead of 3.
Add weights: Grab dumbbells or water bottles to add resistance.
The Power of Consistency:
The key to success is consistency. Aim to complete this workout 2-3 times a week and witness the positive changes in your energy levels, strength, and overall fitness.
Unleash Your Inner Torch (and Maybe a Little Java Burn)
This workout is a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey. But if you're looking to supercharge your metabolism and burn even more calories, consider incorporating a natural metabolism booster like Java Burn.
Java Burn is a unique coffee additive packed with powerful ingredients clinically shown to:
Boost your metabolic rate: Help your body burn more calories at rest.
Increase energy levels: Power through your workouts and daily activities.
Support healthy blood sugar: Manage cravings and maintain a healthy appetite.
Java Burn is easy to use – simply add it to your morning cup of coffee and enjoy the benefits! Head over to the Java Burn website today and learn how it can help you reach your weight loss goals faster and more effectively.
Remember, even small changes can lead to big results. So lace up your sneakers (or stay barefoot!), hit play on your favorite music, and get ready to torch some calories!
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happieroutside · 9 months
Creating Intention Full Day Retreat
Join us for a full day gathering where we’ll be active, mindful, and intentional. We’ll spend the day together at a gorgeous location in Midcoast Maine (location varies by season) and offer activities for rejuvenation, connection, and intention setting. You’ll have time to connect with both yourself and other folks while you’re with us. This is not a silent retreat.
We will head to the hills for a walk in the Camden Hills State Park to get our blood moving, our limbs stretched out and exercised, and our spirits connected to nature. Be sure to bring footwear appropriate for the day!
Two opportunities to practice mindful meditation will be offered. Beginners and experienced mindful folks are welcome to participate in these guided activities, and no prior experience is necessary. Some of the time will be spent sitting, and some will include mindful movement.
Tapping into our creativity is a wonderful way to connect with our truest intentions. We’ll get our creative juices flowing with a couple of art and craft projects, themed to Intention.
We will have opportunities for personal reflection, for “me” time, as well as facilitated discussion and themed activities.
Ever wanted to try cold dipping? Well, this is your chance! Dip into the revitalizing Atlantic Ocean. Our winter location allows us to then go straight into the hot tub, or inside to a cozy warm house! If it’s not your thing, but you like cheering others on - you will be much loved for that, too.
A local professional massage therapist will be onsite to give you a much-needed chair massage,! There is an extra cost involved, and we’ll give you a chance to sign up after registration.
A morning snack, full lunch, and afternoon nibbles are all included. Let us know your food needs and we’ll make sure you’ve got delicious options available!
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