#mormon shelf
wasmormon · 2 years
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I love logic and reason. I love my family. I was a temple worker with multiple callings throughout local and stake levels. I was a mormon.
I was called to do research for the Stake, to be use as a supplement in Sunday School lessons. Because of the nature of the calling, I was brought into contact with the controversial issues of church history. It was at this time that I encountered the issues regarding The Book of Abraham, Joseph’s polygamy, the seer stone, The Book of Mormon anachronisms, etc. This is when I started building my shelf. It became a rather large shelf, and it wasn’t sagging, for one reason alone.
I couldn’t figure out how Joseph Smith came up with The Book of Mormon. The explanations I’d seen from “anti” sources, just didn’t cut it. I happened upon a video presentation by Chris Johnson, “How The Book of Mormon destroyed Mormonism”, where, in short, he demonstrates that Joseph Smith, Jr., certainly borrowed from a book of his time “The Late War”, in the creation of The Book of Mormon.
Bam!! No more shelf. What had been building for over 20 years, collapsed in 2 hours. I then knew precisely how Joseph Smith, Jr., fabricated The Book of Mormon.
I resigned from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in December of 2014. It was a difficult thing to do. I’ve been called absolutely horrible things by people who I thought were inalienable friends. I was wrong. And that shows how profound the Cult of Mormonism actually is.
- Rodney
Continue reading the full wasmormon profile at https://wasmormon.org/profile/rodney-james-mcguire/
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icannotgetoverbirds · 4 months
buckle up, this one's a doozy
Idk if it's actually a doozy, but this is the story of how I deconverted from a cult and got my egg cracked at approximately the same time, all thanks to... weed.
Let's set the scene, shall we?
It is December 22nd, 2021. The pandemic has been raging for nearly two years at this point. I am, at this point, still a believing mormon. That said, my attendance to church meetings has been incredibly spotty, with the most reliable method to get me to worship being choir practice.
I am laying in my bed in the evening, and of all possible things, I am thinking about weed. Namely, the church's policy about weed, and the absolute failure that is the war on drugs, and my personal belief system (and also about whether or not I should try weed for my anxiety disorder).
What's mormonism's policy on weed, you ask? Well, it's surprisingly liberal for a whole-ass cult, but still has enough nonsense for the events of this story to play out. To put it simply, you can absolutely use weed for medicinal purposes, but recreational purposes is a big no-no.
This, of course, presents a dilemma: where do you draw the line between recreational and medicinal use, especially in the case of, say, using it to medicate an anxiety disorder? I'm sure that the Church-Approved™ conclusion is "That's between you and The Lord, figure it out yourself, good luck!" I don't remember if I came to that conclusion or not, but I know for a fact that my "prove beyond a shadow of a doubt before you make an important decision based off of Feelings Supposedly From God Or The Holy Spirit" ass would not have been satisfied with that answer.
So I think about it in terms of politics, and logic, and science. After all, science is just our frail and minuscule way of comprehending all that Our Father Who Art In Heaven has created, right? So if Our Father Who Art In Heaven can't give me a straight answer, science surely can.
I come to a few conclusions. First of all, there are very few people, if any, who are qualified to draw that line. I am not included in that group of people. Secondly, nobody in their right goddamned mind would so much as try to draw that line unless they have some serious qualifications in the variety of fields that it applies to. Third of all, and this is where shit starts to unravel very fucking quickly: who in the goddamned fuck are a bunch of old white men who've probably never seen a gram of weed in their entire lives to think themselves qualified to draw that line?
The shelf cracks. The prophets are fallible, even in this day and age. Not only are they fallible, but whoever made this decision is a FUCKING DUMBASS. God must be looking down at them and shaking his head disapprovingly, huh?
So I think to myself, yknow what, this is a stupid fucking rule. And my autistic-disregard-for-stupid-fucking-rules-having-ass was not about to tolerate it. So what do I do? Metaphorically speaking, I chuck it out the window. Who cares? I'm gonna do weed for my anxiety, and if anybody tells me that I'm disobeying god, I can tell them that god doesn't fucking give a shit about weed if he's as kind and loving as the prophets say he is.
A moment passes.
Now wait just a goddamned second! If I'm chucking this rule out the window, isn't there something else I should re-examine? If I'm disregarding what the prophets have said for my own pleasure and recreation, isn't there something regarding the lives, livelihoods, and joie de vivre of countless other people, myself included, that I should be looking at?
Suddenly, the years of (pent-up and suppressed) sheer fucking indignation of the way queer people have been othered by the church hits me all at once, full fucking force. I am angry, angrier than I have ever been. Abso-fucking-lutely not. No. If the prophets are wrong about weed, then they're DEFINITELY wrong about queer people.
And in this moment, I make a decision. "Until the mormon leaders get their shit together, I'm out! I'm fucking done! I'm gonna go live it up and get blazed out of my gourd for shits and giggles, and maybe I'll try a tiny sip of beer, and by god I am going to transition-"
[Plain text ID: Text in a large, bold, italicized red font that reads "HEY WAIT JUST A GODDAMNED SECOND"]
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Shelf shattered, omelette made of my egg, life ruined for the better.
The next morning, I come out to my mom and sister. I still believe in god and mormonism and yadda yadda, I just think the leadership needs to get their heads out of their asses.
Not long after, I decide to finally check out exmormon spaces. Yknow, get the full experience.
I check the sources provided. Well, I'll be damned. They weren't kidding, that mormonism sure can cult started by a con man. At this point, I am now beyond the point of no return. There's no going back. I have seen the light. I want out forever, I want my records removed, mom pick me up I'm scared.
My family never looks at me the same way again :>
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alliluyevas · 5 months
researching mormon fundamentalism has led me to corners of the internet i wouldn't even go with a gun i'll tell you that
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Ex Mormon YouTuber unironically mocking Christian theology and then saying he believes in magic in the same breath. Like???? How is his belief in fucking magic any different and more enlightened than a lot of the mysticism in Christianity?
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My mom just sent a message to the family group chat suggesting that my siblings download the 'For the Strength of Youth' magazine on their Gospel Library app and talked about how much the youth magazines helped her testimony growing up and like, cool. Fine. Don't know why the 'sending random spiritual thoughts in the gc' thing started out of nowhere when it hadn't been a thing for a decade but this is just another one of those, and you're ofc allowed to talk about things that are significant in your life.
I don't think sending the 'What I Did When Someone Close to Me Challenged My Faith' article right afterwards was strictly necessary though 🙃
#hi bg mutuals 👋 i'm gonna vent about this from time to time. if any mutuals dont want to see it block the 'apostake' tag#trying not to read too much into it b/c I think I did last time something like this happened#and i dont want to make an ass of myself even if neither time would actually be in front of my parents#but like...i know that they know that one of my sisters is clearly PIMO#they went through her phone a couple weeks ago and i have no idea if they read my texts w/ her#but if they did they probably saw the conversation i had with her about some of the really common shelf-breakers#and telling her to take looking into it at her own pace b/c it's scary and overwhelming#(a conversation SHE started btw)#and when i talked to my parents about the larger context of that whole situation i talked about not having space to step back#and their response was that they give plenty of space b/c they dont make her go to seminary???#that's not the same thing as letting her openly question & potentially leave the church idk what to tell you#like. besties i dont know for sure what caused it (which is NOT making things better. it just feels potentially passive aggressive)#but from my end? it sure looks like it might be a reaction to that. probably not JUST that (friends exist) but.#if you think I'm whispering anti-mormon rhetoric into my siblings' ears just ask me. i'm very much NOT doing that#i'm just. talking? to them? when and if they come to me with questions?#and not making my answer 'well there's a reason our parents raised us in the church! ☺️'#(an actual argument given in the article my mom sent)#hate it. thanks#apostake#jay rambles#ok to interact#im not challenging anyone's faith. my patience though? INCREDIBLY challenged#gotta figure out how to work my way around a 'hey please dont send spiritual thoughts to the gc *I'm in*' talk tactfully#they've been pretty chill about me leaving over-all?? at least to my face#haven't pushed me to go to church w/ them; was fine with me not visiting for easter; didnt try to convince me to not drink coffee; etc#it's just. frustrating that they're not giving my siblings that still live with them that same grace#my sister's 17 ffs#it's very possible im way overreacting to the article. but what is tumblr for if not screaming into the void#religion#mormonism
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not-heavenly · 1 year
There is no way that gods one true church is this fucking boring
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tookoutallherteeth · 1 year
Despite the title, this video is actually about the Christians who think Taylor Swift is a witch and it's very interesting!
These youtubers are ex-mormon and they're very funny and insightful and I recommend them to anyone who likes ex-christian content.
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trappezoider · 1 month
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I couldn't get this scene out of my heaaadddd and I had to draw it😭😭😭the way undergaunts described him was just chef's kiss, I couldn't do it justice. Please go read the fic!! It's a mormon AU and so so so amazing!!!!
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squeakintothevoid · 6 months
Exmormon thoughts on the Book of Mormon Musical:
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The whole thing was spectacularly irreverent
*does some googling* oh its written by the creators of south park, that makes sense
The bright and cheery forced smiles of the missionaries are accurate
The set is amazing, with it looking like an lds temple and everything. The backdrop with the clouds and the planets even looks like the giant murals they have in the temple visitors centers
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I love the salt lake city backdrop with the mormon temple right in the middle surrounded by the more obvious corporations like McDonald's and stuff. Did you know the LDS church owns a mall in the same city? It even has a little river going through it
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The spooky mormon hell dream sequence was the best thing i've ever witnessed. Especially as somebody who really did get guilt-fueled nightmares, albeit not as theatrical and hellish lol
Seeing the cups of coffee dancing in hell alongside Jeffrey Dahmer and Adolf Hitler was the best, my favorite moment
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The song about turning off your uncomfortable/unapproved thoughts was also amazing. The actual phrase commonly used is putting the thought "on your shelf" to set it aside to think about later. There's literally a song they teach to toddlers about never frowning because nobody likes it and making yourself smile instead.
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Hearing people crack up about things you used to believe sucks but finally you are surrounded by people who agree that this is ridiculous rather than people who think you are the crazy one for doubting
Mormons don't actually think Jesus was blond but they do think he visited America and most of the art makes him look northern European
Mormons don't really believe in a traditional hell or that Jesus hates you for sinning, but the level of guilt is still the same. Like that might as well be the case because your eternal afterlife is still at stake.
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The "I Am Africa" song is so on point. Missionaries go to a foreign country and really do start wearing their traditional clothes and keep speaking the language even after coming home as if they really are part of the culture now
I was not expecting to see punk rock Darth Vader or Yoda or lieutenant Uhura or Sam and Frodo.
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When Elder Price said "fuck," that was a blessed moment
I'm so glad I never actually went on a mission and could only relate so much. But that dedication to following all the rules in the missionary handbook is REAL and not even as intense as they portrayed it at times. The religious scrupulosity OCD is like no other. Like it's not unheard of for a missionary to keep working on their mission even if their mom or someone died while they were away.
There are still so many weird things about growing up mormon that they didn't even touch on. Like heaven being an MLM, multiple levels and everything.
Thanks for the read, feel free to ask any questions if you're curious because I like complaining about mormonism lol
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pollherepollthere · 2 months
hyper-specific poll :3
- has a bone collection + bonus points w/ (consensually acquired) human teeth/bones
- owns an elf on the shelf that you do not use as a christmas decoration
- regularly wrote RPF for english assignments in middle school
- has given another person a tattoo
- has 5 pride flags
- has an ex-step sibling
- family used to be mormon
- had to retake a class 3 times
- avid danganronpa roleplayer despite never playing DR
- first social media was reddit
- none of these
- multiple/all of these
the bone collection sounds sick af ngl
proud to say I own an elf on a shelf that just hangs around my house all year🫡
EDIT: forgot my first social media was reddit,I was like 12 lmao out here in the trenches 🫡
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undergaunts · 20 days
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A Shattered Shelf (And How To Fix It)
(aka The Mormon Fic)
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt
Read here on AO3
Summary: Sebastian Sallow is a good boy, he'll have you know. He goes to Church every Sunday and prays to God every night. And the thoughts he keeps having about his best friend? He'll just continue to bottle them up and put them on the shelf. Until he can't fit anything else on it. Until the day it inevitably breaks.
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 47.2k, chapter 11/?
Notes: I haven’t posted this fic here, but we’re 10 chapters in, 47k words down and still going! This has brought me so much joy to write, to share and to hear everyone’s feedback. I’ll update whenever chapters are posted, but feel free to start reading whenever, as it’s a long ride and still more to come 🩷
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wasmormon · 1 year
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hjartasalt · 10 months
one of the weirdest experiences ive had living in iceland was being given the book of mormon along with money by people who im guessing were part of local mormon church and told me that reading the book and spending the 1000 kronurs on something wise would turn my life around. i was just sitting on a bench on my phone waiting for a friend. maybe they thought i was homeless? spent the money on some pizza. i still have that book on my shelf, ive read it and its...yeah its weird, god lives on a planet named kolb
There was a time in my life a few years back where local mormons would regularly send me friend requests on facebook and because I thought it was funny I kept accepting them and then they'd message me trying to get me to read the book of mormon and I'd keep messaging them back until they got tired of me and left me alone
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alliluyevas · 1 year
reorganizing my bookshelf to make room for some stuff im getting from my parents’ house and my new mormonism books that are coming today. getting rid of a lot of stuff too
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isalisewrites · 6 months
Listen, it's that time of the year again! The biannual bullshit in the form of 10 hours over the course of two days called the Mormon General Conference has begun and I'm forced to watch since I'm a PIMO Mormon (physically in, mentally out). This means a bit of an interruption to my usual writing, fandom, Tomarry, Legend of Zelda, and general gay shenanigans.
However, this is the first time where I'm emotionally and spiritually in a powerful, stable place and I'm officially unaffected by these talks. (I still like to bitch about them, tho, haha) They don't wound me like they have done before. They hold no power over me now. I remember how deeply affected and spiritually wounded I felt in April 2022, weeks before my "shelf" would break and my faith finally deconstructed to its end. But even General Conferences afterwards, I would still feel sickened by the talks.
I'm free of their spiritual shackles on my heart and soul.
I'm sorry, but it's become glaringly obvious that these men have nothing truly good to say. When you're in it, you don't see just how vapid and empty their words are. There's nothing of substance. There are no solutions. No. Reading scriptures and praying and "following the covenant path" are NOT solutions.
These men have no power and no authority. They are too old to make true change, just like the politicians in our government. We're taught they have the power of god, but they don't. Sorry, gentlemen, but you're nothing in comparison to my own uterus, which ACTIVELY wants to kill me. I don't fear you. I have no fears. You are weak in the face of my unwavering strength and peace as an unbeliever, who has no absolute answers about the nature of life and death.
I have peace you can't comprehend.
After all, if there is an afterlife where we must face our actions with our fellow humankind, I'm confident in my personal integrity. I am filled with sass, but I am kind and loving. Those who know me know this.
You... however... there is need for concern.
After all...
Where is your integrity when you protect and hide the vast variety of abusers?
Where is your integrity when you actively suppress women, demoting their status to ONLY wives and mothers?
Where is your integrity when you hate and turn on your LGBTQ+ siblings and deny them access to your heaven?
Where is your integrity when you lie and hide the dark truths of the origins of Mormonism?
Where is your integrity when you point blank lie about the wealth accumulated, to the point the American government FINED you for it?
Where is your integrity when you use that wealth to buy commercial properties?
Where is your integrity in the lack of building homeless shelters, schools, parks, or whatever could enrich and protect the local communities?
Where is your integrity when you spend millions of dollars on gilded temples in favor of the dead when the living sit homeless, exposed to the elements and without food, in the streets a block from those doors?
True integrity is a strength of self. My integrity demands of me to call out the bullshit and the lies; it tells me to remain calm in face of those who refuse to see my true heart, who claim that I am the one without light. I remain unaffected when those I love lash out at me because I no longer align with their thoughts and beliefs.
If you cannot see my heart, then it's clear you're the blind one.
"Christian kindness is not a substitute for integrity."
This is a contradicting statement. True integrity cannot be without kindness and love. No kindness? No integrity. No exceptions.
True integrity is NOT where you avoid "criticizing the doctrine or the culture" or the leadership in Mormonism.
What hypocrisy.
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lesbiansandco · 8 months
(Ex) Mormon Boy
I knew a mormon boy
“Too filled with pride and joy”
Knew all his scriptures from alma on down
I thought I’d be his wife
We’d have eternal life
I thought I knew this mormon boy
He said that god was dead
He wanted J Smith’s head
“Get out of this cult while you still can”
They said he’d go to hell
He shrugged and said oh well
Believing better things lay ahead
Got out and lived his life
Encountered so much strife
Deconstruction is a pain in the ass
He thought of going back
His shelf was far too cracked
Gruesome memories hurt like a knife
Worked through his awful past
Life’s short, so have a blast
He grew into something he could love
And as the years went by
He felt that he could fly
Finally, happily free at last
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