#moriarty the patriot critical
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Moriarty the Patriot Vol. 9

"En troupeau"
(translation: "in a flock")
It's only in the french version, not the english one. I don't know japanese so I don't know if it's the original intention to use words this negative and insulting toward women. The issue is, even if it's just the french translators who did a massive mistake, I had no problem believing that was just the author casually insulting women (my money on the english translators softening the term. Also the eng ver I read was fanmade).
Maybe in another manga, I wouldn't have minded. Like if the character is supposed to be a misogynist and you're supposed to think bad of them for that and not agreeing with them. But Albert is not supposed to be a sexist asshole. And given the manga's striking record in its depiction of women, I don't feel lenient.
And that's just the beginning.
(first picture of the guests)
♫ Où sont les hommes ? ♫
No reason why there shouldn't be men at the tea party. Or at least why women shouldn't be accompanied by chaperones. Etiquette was very important back then, and you wouldn't leave a woman alone with a man. The Moriartys are ONLY men to the rest of the world. No one would leave them with women alone.
Good Manners
Noble women have all received an education in good manners. They are more subject to the severity of etiquette than men. There is very little chance of seeing them throw themselves at men by elbowing each other and calling each other "primbêche" (again, only in the french version. In the eng one, it's just "these girls...")
Especially if the person in front of them is of a different rank than hers. The hierarchy is very important within the nobility and determines who you can talk to, how, who to be friends with, who to marry…
Sure, I know bc I've read hundreds of romance novels about English aristocracy but the author prides themself on depicting the real England of that period and doesn't even know that? Any webtoon whose story takes place in an aristocratic environment knows that, even when it's not the same universe as ours.
So no, aristocratic women don't behave like groupies (and of course the Moriartys have groupies, what did I expect)
It's basic for an author to do research. How many authors have you seen joke that they'd be mistaken for serial killers if you looked at their history? Do you know how long I searched for descriptions of the pain of tattoos for a fiction I'll never write?
It's crazy to put so little effort into a story that claims to be ambitious.
Nobles are raised from birth to view commoners - including servants - as inferior. Often, servants are more of a piece of scenery than actual human beings. It’s not meanness, it’s just their upbringing.
Of course, that’s the theory. There are exceptions. But that’s what they are, exceptions. Which are generally kept to oneself, and not shown publicly. Noble women won’t openly swoon over the Moriarty’s servants.
And if they ever got hurt doing something stupid, they would be more upset about their injury than about the lost work of a servant. That's what happens when people are used to having everything served on a plate since birth.
(And in this situation, the servant would indeed have been at fault. In a party with many people, an element that can easily hurt was accidentally thrown by the hip thrust of a not very thick woman? Thank goodness there was no one behind.
The protagonists obviously think that these women are wild and stupid. Why didn't they babyproof the entire property? Especially the rose garden, which is a place they know will be very busy.)
Obviously, the woman who dares to flirt with William in an aggressive and vulgar way is fat and ugly. All the others are pretty and thin, except her. She can't be a pretty femme fatale who is used to having men at her feet and thinks that William will be the same. She must be an idiot who has the audacity to think that William will be attracted to her, whose inner ugliness is reflected on the outside. It's not stupidly fatphobic at all.
Why are the Moriartys so popular? They are handsome but in the eyes of the general public, that's about it. They are not the only men who are attractive and have good status/wealth. In any case, their beauty is the only criteria cited to justify the obsession they are the object of (and it is NOT the most important criteria for noble society). Nothing justifies the groupie behavior of apparently all the noble ladies . They are not k-pop stars. Will is just a mathematician, not even the heir, and he is the one who receives the most attention?
There is no accounting for likes - and dislikes. If people think Jayden Revri is average-looking, I can assure you that there are women who don't swoon over the Moriartys.
The art isn't bad, but it's not good enough to rave about the characters that much. So all these compliments ring hollow. Just like in R&C
The chapter is just: look how beautiful and popular the main characters are.
(I won't talk about these ladies swooning over a math class)
William was showing off by saying that he put protection systems in his office to protect their secret. But apparently, he didn't think of a very basic one.
Locking the door.
The girls who entered his office don't seem very bright like all the women in this manga, so I highly doubt that they picked the lock (and even less broke down the door). And if these very young, naive girls managed to do it, they need to put better locks. It should be easy with a genius like Von Herder.
Speaking of him, why is the secret meeting room in the basement so poorly hidden? How did the dog (who is just a dog with the intelligence of a dog, not a spy looking for the Moriartys' secrets) get so far? Its owner too? Is the entrance to the basement so poorly guarded?
There is once again a simple solution.
A door. Locked. Hidden by a curtain or a screen. Or even the same appearance as the wall. How did they not get caught before with such miserable discretion measures? (Well, they got caught, because William and his brother are too stupid to wear a mask)
Sure, there is the wine cellar right next door. Well, they might as well not put the secret room just next to it, especially if it has no protection against intruders. Otherwise, they could have put away everything that could be compromising. And I maintain, at least a door should be put in the basement entrance.
"King's scholars"
Of course the brothers got nicknames at school because they're so cool and smart. It would have been stupid to be discreet. Especially since one was known for being stupid. And another wasn't a noble at all to begin with (he didn't get bullied for that? Lucky him)
How does he know it's for William specifically? They don't know they've been exposed and Milverton officially has no interest in William.
Explanations please!
And one booger for Sherlock, one!
Court case
I have nothing to say in particular about the trial, I don't know enough about law or how it was done at the time. For MTP standards, it's pretty good since we're shown the reasoning and it more or less holds up. Nothing transcendent (I'm pretty sure no judge will side with a street kid demanding blood, over a nobleman) but of a quality expected for this manga. The problem is elsewhere.
It's William again.
There is almost no difference between adult Will and child Will. He has the same mentality, the same habits, the same level of intelligence, the same impressive culture compared to his peers. Even considering that he lived in a bookstore and is a genius, it becomes hard to believe when he can speak and manipulate so well at such a young age and has such a vast culture. William has been perfect and superior since childhood. His adoption into the nobility, his aristocratic education and the years passed have made no difference. He is essentially the same.
(this is a problem his brother shares, being exactly the same as his adult version while he is far from having received the education necessary for it to be credible. But he is very secondary and does not have the ridiculously intelligent side)
And all this would not have been a problem if he had FLAWS. Flaws are important elements for a character, it makes them endearing and above all credible.
Look at Edwin from Dead Boy Detectives. He is very intelligent, has an impressive memory and a gigantic library of knowledge (and extremely kind despite a tragic past and strangely neither racist nor sexist despite the context in which he was raised). But if he is my babygirl, it is because he is a fucking diva (also, the other characters can shine independently of him).
William has no flaw nor weakness, no prospect of evolution, nothing. He's boring.
"The most famous trial in the world"
The newspaper tycoon only learned about this story while investigating William. Even Bond didn't know about it. So not very famous, no.
(to be fair, in french, it's just "of the century". Doesn't work either)
It's ridiculous how much they try to portray young William as cool when he should just be crazy. He's a kid who's 100% ready to cut up another person. The MC are only the villains they're supposed to be when it's cool and edgy, otherwise they're classic good Samaritans. When those two notions are opposite.
Higher Intelligence
You discovered his identity because he didn't think to hide himself when leaving a crime scene. Stop saying William is smart.
I repeat myself but by dint of repeating that the MC are exceptional, it has no weight anymore (especially if it is not compensated by their flaws).
Lord of Crime
Glad to see non-noble people being skeptical about the Lord of Crime but it makes no sense that he is already so famous and popular. When we see the main characters act, it is usually very discreetly, like with Jack the Ripper, or Irene. So how did he becomes so famous? The general public has no proof that he actually exists, it is just a rumor, but everyone treats him like a real person.
A person who lacks finesse and is not very subtle. I wonder if he is sincere because it is so exaggerated but that is a question that the manga asks itself so not so much a criticism. And he is clearly treated with respect - more respect than Sherlock.
It is sad that Milverton is supposed to be a very bad guy and not subtle (not a flaw tho), but given the situation in the US, and even in France, I can't honestly say that he is unrealistic.
In conclusion, this image I found which sums up William and his gang very well

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📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 123📰
$47,375/$80,000 as of December 18th [10pm CDT]
Currently $625 away from $48,000 as a short term goal!
If 1,630 people donated $20 the fundraiser would reach it's set goal!
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help the fundraiser further along. And remember that reblogging/sharing to reach more people can help a lot!
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
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#status update#critical role#hannibal#twst#genshin impact#genshin#the amazing digital circus#tadc#sherlock holmes#moriarty the patriot#phil lester#< tags for reach#vetted by association#gfm#donate#palestine#free palestine#rafah#all eyes on rafah#gaza fundraiser#gaza relief#humanitarian aid#mutual aid#gaza#gaza strip#donations#gazaunderattack#gofundme#fundrasier#gaza genocide
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absolutely BEGGING christian linke to read Beastars or Moriarty the Patriot to see well-written and nuanced male/male friendships.
not saying jayvik is overtly romantic or that that's the logical interpretation, i personally think they exist in some nebulous soulmate territory that transcends all labels but you can't just call that shit platonic and leave it at that.
(and by friendships i mean legoshi + jack in beastars and sherlock + watson in mtp, NOT the actually queercoded ships in those mangas)
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Fictional Weapon War Preliminary Round #38 - Favorites Round
Some of my favorite weapons. Choose one to make it into the bracket!
I just want to say that I have never read Mariel of Redwall but the explanation the submission was really good. Take a look at this:
That's badass
#fictional weapon war#preliminary round#william james moriarty#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#hiccup haddock#how to train your dragon#httyd#the gullwhacker#mariel of redwall#king harlequin#nanatsu no taizai#seven deadly sins#puss in boots#puss in boots the last wish#percy de rolo#the legend of vox machina#critical role#yugioh#phineas and ferb#heinz doofenshmirtz#excalibur#soul eater#minecraft#yugioh dm#yugioh gx#yugioh 5ds#yugioh zexal#yugioh vrains#yugioh arc v
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My sister: JJ Maybank is so hot/Kit Connor is so attractive
My counter argument:

#I’m pretty sure I don’t know how to be attracted to real people anymore#bungou stray dogs#bsd#doppo kunikida#ango sakaguchi#chuuya nakahara#toilet bound hanako kun#tsuchigomori#critical role#percy de rolo#blue lock#yukimiya kenyu#jujutsu kaisen#nanami kento#twisted wonderland#twst#leona kingscholar#azul ashengrotto#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#yuumori#sebastian moran#pbear originals
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do you think louis and liam’s parents are dead or just abandoned by them at a very early age?
Questions like this always baffle me. They're referred to as orphans in the meta text so often that I literally would never think to question that even though it's not in the text itself.
It feels like a conspiracy theory, in the way that things like this are trying so hard to come up with a more complicated explanation for something that simply does not need one. Why is this detail something we have to question?
I like questioning and interrogating things I read. It's an important part of critical reading. But part of that is knowing, well, what questions to even ask. And usually the questions are things like, "Why is this in text?" and "What purpose is this serving?" and "How do these story pieces fit together?" not "What if what we're told is all lies?"
I mean, of course it's all lies; it's fiction and not presented as truth. At a certain point in reading things, you just have to accept that the story presented is the story presented. And yes, sometimes the story is much more layered, subtle, and more complicated than it first appears. But this is...simply not one of them. There is no indication there's anymore more to this at all.
If you can't, at some point, accept and agree to believe what fiction is telling you, there's not a lot of point in bothering to read it, in my opinion. It's what suspension of disbelief is, in many way.
And when you're reading something presented as truth, the question is still not really, "What if what we're told is all lies?" but "What purpose is this serving?" and "Why is this in the text?"
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vetted campaign please help however you can
Very important, please give me a minute of your time and read my story.❤️🍉🇵🇸

My previous account was banned, you can, it was starting to spread and my campaign got attention but unfortunately it was banned, you can see it from HERE
I will rewrite my story again. I hope you read it carefully and help if you can.
I am Abdullah Musa, I am 20 years old. I am still a young man. I do not have any job and I cannot get money. It is unfortunate to ask for money in this way, but that is life.
The campaign started after hesitation and deep thinking, but I saw myself forced to do this campaign for several reasons. The first and most important reason is to evacuate from war, fear, and the terrifying sounds of bombs and planes, to escape from living in a tent, to escape from fear. I want a life in which there are only the basics (water, food, electricity, internet, and safety).

The second goal, which is very important to me, is to study medicine and complete my dream that I had since childhood. I had started my first year of university and I was planning my future and dreams, but everything went away when the war came and destroyed my university. Yesterday, I started studying in Egypt and my friend sent me a picture from the beginning of the school year. It was a sad feeling.

This is a picture of me when I was a kid and my dreams were there.

You can donate to me through:
(Before you donate, remember that you will change my life for the better.
1. GFM
1. @90-ghost LINK VITTED
2 . Gaza Fundraiser List by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi . LINK315
@awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @junglejim4233 @heritageposts @pcktknife @chososhairbuns @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@visenyasdragons @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural
@northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @sygol @fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @ot3 @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @a-shade-of-blue
@tortiefrancis @tsaricides @flower-tea-fairies @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @feluka @nabulsi @khizuo @transmutationisms
@schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry
#free gaza#gaza#gaza action#gaza genocide#gaza strip#gaza war#gazaunderattack#gazaunderfire#news on gaza#save gaza#critical role#twst#twisted wonderland#lord of the rings#hannigram#hannibal#the amazing digital circus#tadc#merry christmas#phil lester#danandphilgames#cm punk#seth rollins#moriarty the patriot
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DEAREST READER. i was supposed to publish moriarty brothers’ first but remembered that the 5th and 6th of january was mycroft and sherlock’s birthday! to celebrate their birthdays, and also the return of moriarty the patriot manga, i decided to write a little something ! if you like my work, consider treating me a coffee. it means a lot !
CONTENT SUMMARY. basically how the holmes brothers shows their love for you. this is based on a - z sfw alphabet challenge and this is the a for affection part ! so, THERE IS NO SMUT. i wrote this with female! reader in mind + sherlock is implied to be taller + mention of ‘queen’ in mycroft’s part.
CHARACTERS. mycroft holmes, sherlock holmes.
music to listen to as you read: i wanna be yours
Sherlock being affectionate is, perhaps, one of life’s rarest phenomena–something you never expected to witness and experience firsthand. The man, by all accounts, is crude, aloof, and generally unlikeable to most. But not to you. Somehow, in a way he does not quite understand, you have managed to see beyond the sharp edges and impossible arrogance. You will say, in a teasing tone, “It’s a part of your charm,” and Sherlock, in his endlessly logical mind, is half-convinced that there must be a small dent somewhere in your delicate skull for finding him admirable. And although he would not like to admit it, it was a good enough reason for him to return your kind disposition.
He has never cared about public opinion, but when it comes to you, it is a different story entirely. Your thoughts of him matter more than they should, more than he ever anticipated. Only in these moments that he becomes the accused, and you are his honourable judge. Words that fall from your lips–whether they are gentle praises or sharp criticisms–hit him harder than anyone’s insult about him ever could, carving every syllable into his mind like a new scripture he should abide by. What you think of him is vital, necessary, as crucial as air to his lungs. So, he listens, often with his head down in contemplation. For the first time in his life, he lets someone mold him into a shape that befits a certain vision—your vision. Because he knows that with your guiding hand, he can transition from a good man to a better man.
But Sherlock is far from a traditional Victorian gentleman. There is no flair for romantic chivalry, no polished manners or well-practiced charm to sweep you off your feet. And he knows this–he knows he lacks the grace and poise most would expect from a man in love. But what he lacks in gentlemanly qualities, he compensates for tenfold with the precision of his sharp intellect, which he dedicates entirely toward easing your life’s burdens.
When crisis unfolds, Sherlock steps onto the scene with his usual calm authority, a quiet grace that steadies the chaos around him–which in this case, the chaos is usually you. To the outside world, he is seen as the blade of reason, but beneath that steely exterior, he watches out for you, always. Anything that troubles you naturally becomes his burden to bear. Your worries are his worries, and his detective instincts won’t let him rest until he has unraveled the knot of your hardship. His mind sharpens into focus, meticulously piercing together solutions, knowing that once he is able to solve it, your relief–that gleam in your eyes as you pull him down to kiss him–will be his greatest prize. He often says he works best alone, but this time, he strives to be a partner you can lean on. For Sherlock, love is not solely about roses or sweeping gestures; it is about showing up in the way he knows best. It is in the way he says, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. You know I always do,” that makes you feel safe in a world that often feels anything but.
While he might be a man not possessing great ambitions, he does, however, aims to be the best partner you will ever have. Good is no longer good enough. He longs for your recognition, your acknowledgment of his efforts, no matter how significant or simple they might be. And when you give it to him–when your eyes light up at something he has done or your words affirm his care–he practically glows, like a happy child, even if he hides it beneath that trademark smirk you know so well.
Sherlock holds your individuality with reverence, and loves the way you shine differently among the other ladies. He loves the way you tell him random facts about life, the way you bombard him with a lot of questions that he is only too happy to answer, or the way you try to prove him wrong even if you always fail. It comforts him to know that he sees himself in you, that you are just as stubborn as he is. When you achieve success, it sparks something within him that he cannot suppress: pride. Though he won’t erupt in grand applause, you can still catch the tender radiance in his eyes when he holds your gaze, a small smile forming on one edge of his lips. His praise comes in soft, sincere words. “I knew you could do it, honey. I never doubted you for a second.”
Sherlock may not always get it right. He stumbles, he overthinks, and sometimes his temper gets the better of him. But in those moments when he catches you smiling—really, truly smiling—he swears it’s all worth it.
music to listen to as you read: young and beautiful
People who do not have the pleasure of knowing him will never know how this cold, stoic man is actually a hidden walking-green-flag on earth. When you first met him, you thought he exuded a daunting and untouchable aura, a common characteristic you find in men who wanted to steer themselves clear of any romantic alliances. Of course, that didn’t stop him from looking desirable in the eyes of many women–including yours. In the end, by some strange luck or fate, you piqued his curiosity, held his attention, and the next thing you know, he has got himself wrapped around your little finger of his own will. Everything that he does never fails to surprise you, in a way that makes you think, ‘I didn’t think he would be this kind.’
Because, as it turns out, here is a man who has been anointed with the title of a provider. Mycroft does not just give, because he knows that is what any respectable good man is supposed to do. He provides with purpose, with intention, with an almost acute type of meticulousness that mirrors every other part of his life. Yes, his wallet is loaded, but he is not the kind to randomly shower you with expensive gifts or empty sweet words. His generosity is calculated, deliberate–every act of giving is carefully chosen to mean something. When Mycroft decides to give you something, he wants his gifts to be of use to you. He likes gifting you your favourite brand of personal care products or that specific perfume with a scent he likes so much that he thinks you should spray them on your skin again.
A romantic dinner? He won’t spoil it with unnecessary fanfare or lengthy explanations. Instead, he will step into your space, gently disrupting whatever it is you are doing, place an elegant outfit in your hands, and simply say, “Wear this. I’m taking you to dinner tonight.” No further explanation needed, because the evening will speak for itself. You only have the highest regard for his immaculate tastes, for it never once disappoints you. You can trust that he has chosen only the finest restaurant, a place where every detail–the ambience, the wine, the food–meets his impossibly high standards. For Mycroft, perfection is not luxury; it is a necessity when it comes to you. This is his kingdom, and you are his queen.
He is not one to smother you in repeated declarations of love. In fact, the word “I love you” rarely ever leaves his mouth. But when it does leave his lips, it strikes a chord deeper in you than the most lavish gift or flowery phrase. Mycroft doesn’t simply say I love you. Little do you know, even these three words tugs at every string of his core, threatening to undo him. There was something about the word ‘love’ that strips him bare, and with the combination of your soft gaze on him when the word teethers in the edge of his lips, Mycroft realises he is not as formidable as he thought. He is not above love after all–while the word itself gives him the power to live his days, it was, at the same time, his bane, knowing that the word itself resonates with your name. So, he often rephrases them with other words: “I will take you home,” “What would you like to eat? I’ll pay.” “Is everything alright?”–are the words that decorate your days. And you understand that those words, spoken in his low, steady tone, are his heart laid at your feet.
Publicly, Mycroft is all composure, all restraint. Mycroft is known for his headstrong manner and his solemn words, but watch him listen and obey the second words leave your mouth, for he knows that you care for him, and only have the best of intentions for him. He may not indulge in the frivolity of public displays of affection. But behind closed doors? He is a different man entirely. In private, your existence becomes his gravity, pulling him away from his mountain of work, reminding him to rest. He may need you to distract him, but other times, he will find you himself. You are the soft chaos in his carefully structured world–the calm after the storm–and it’s exactly what he needs. His hands envelop your frame without hesitation, tracing the edges of your presence like he is memorising you all over again.
Mycroft is far from being a master in the kitchen or a patron of words, but he will always save the best slice of food for you. Watching you savour something delicious—shaking your head in delight and doing a small dance—becomes one of his simplest, purest joys. It’s in these moments that his carefully guarded walls lower, letting himself bask in the quiet and intoxicating joy of loving you.
#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#mycroft holmes#sherlock holmes#mycroft holmes x reader#sherlock holmes x reader#moriarty the patriot x reader#yuukoku no moriarty x reader#i am a few hours late but happy birthday to the holmes brothers!#i love them so much 🥹#𝑊𝑂𝑅𝐾𝑆 𝐵𝑌 𝑅𝐸𝑁𝑁𝐴#𝐴𝑁𝐼𝑀𝐸: 𝑀𝑂𝑅𝐼𝐴𝑅𝑇𝑌 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑃𝐴𝑇𝑅𝐼𝑂𝑇#𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸: 𝑀𝑌𝐶𝑅𝑂𝐹𝑇 𝐻𝑂𝐿𝑀𝐸𝑆#𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸: 𝑆𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐿𝑂𝐶𝐾 𝐻𝑂𝐿𝑀𝐸𝑆
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on a rating of 1-10 how would you rate mtp volume 7
Honestly, I don't know. My expectations from this manga already plummeted so I don't have a reference abt how I would note them. Like, it's supposed to be a manga about Moriarty, most famous enemy of Sherlock Holmes, most famous detective in the world. So it's supposed to be smart, you should expect it to be smart. And it's not.
So maybe a 3?
We had twice a supposedly brillant plan being stupid if you think abt it for more than two seconds, hypocrisy, William and his friends being artificially ridiculously OP and cool, all the non-Moriarty and co characters being incredibly stupid
But above all, the author's sexism and his treatment of the sex workers. I'll talk more abt this in my next review but it's not possible anymore. Women only exist as object, and mostly to be tortured and badly treated. There's no talk abt how being a woman is hard, especially at this time, and you barely hear them at all (with the only exception being Irene, and she became a man *facepalm*)
The only really positive thing I have to say abt this volume is this:

Yes, Watson is bit unhinged too
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Media analysis is one of the most critical tools for examining societal behaviour and tracing the ways in which fandoms consume and internalise certain information. The ability to dissect a subject beyond mere 2+2 requires thoughtfulness — a quality not everyone possesses.
The issue with the Moriarty the Patriot fandom lies in how they have taken a story seemingly steeped in politics and one of the most pivotal eras of the 19th century — a period marked by new movements within the working class — and reduced it to something laughable, superficial, and utterly foolish. "Why delve so deeply into some small story?" A fair question. Why indeed? And yet, every statement is born from a process of thought, and that process reflects the depth of our knowledge and intellectual engagement. It mirrors our awareness of the nuanced, delicate aspects of society.
This question often arises in response to analyses or arguments that the majority of the fandom dislikes. Ones that challenge them. Ones that fail to reinforce the illusions they are all too happy to consume for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yet, curiously, such questions are never posed to analyses of media that align with their comfort zones. How convenient, isn’t it?
Sadly, people are quick to cling to any lie that suits their narrative. The transformation of a once-brilliant story into something so shallow is a reflection of us as a society.

#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#william james moriarty#mtp william#ynm william#yuumori#mtp moran#sherlock holmes
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HELLO!!! I'm here with an Au of ✨✨MORIARTY THE PATRIOT!!✨✨
In this Au is a What if Og William had Survived and adopted by a man of the lower class

Gregory Callaway:
A man that is in his late 30's.
Used to have status and a place in the high social class, but after unfortunate events in his life he ended up on the streets of London and working on a small Woodwork.
One night, after a long day, he noticed a boy who was in critical condition, so he decided to take him and try to save him, little did Gregory know that that young boy was actually a boy from a noble family.
Height: 1.79cm
Previous work: Doctor
Current work: Carpenter
Hair color: Brown reddish
Eye color: Bluey

William James Moriarty:
Being the second child of a noble family he grew up believing in noble supermassive and entitlement to disrespect or even abuse those who are lower than him.
But his world crumbles the day he is betrayed by his oldest brother with two orphans their father adopted; William was stabbed and left to die that day.
But as a miracle, he was able to get out, although he suffered severe burns when the trap to set the mansion on fire was activated.
Once out, he collapsed on the ground and passed out from blood loss, Luckily, A man was passing by and ended up saving him that day.
Let me know what you think about this Au :3 hehehehehe
(A small drawing of both of them uwu heheh)

#digital drawing#digital art#oc character#oc art#original character#digital artwork#moriarty the patriot#yukoku no moriarty#yuukoku no moriarty#og william james moriarty#William James Moriarty original#Au#alternate universe#Moriarty the patriot oc#Moriarty the patriot au#yuukoku no Moriarty Oc#yuukoku no Moriarty Au#William James Moriarty#I want a redemption arc for my boy xddd
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What would cause them pain in the relationship? || How would they deal during a break-up?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Moriarty the Patriot}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {Angst}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0057}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐

William is a very prideful and self-reliant person, so he would try to hide any pain or discomfort he feels in order to avoid appearing weak, vulnerable, or needy. However, if something did cross a red line for him, it could cause pain in the relationship and William would likely become very argumentative, defensive, and even borderline verbally aggressive. William would handle a break up in a very cold and detached manner, even if he felt very hurt and emotional deep down.
Albert is extremely possessive, and would likely be very jealous of anyone who interacts with his s/o, especially other men. If his s/o were to cheat on him or end the relationship, he would probably be absolutely devastated. He would likely go through a range of emotions ranging from disbelief, to sadness, anger and finally numbness. He would likely blame himself, and would do anything within his power to try and get them back, and if that fails, he would likely spiral down a self-destructive path.
Louis is deeply terrified of being abandoned by anyone, including his beloved one. This is due to his deep-seated fear of people leaving him. He would be devastated if he is betrayed or abandoned because he is too weak, useless, or worthless to be considered worthy to be loved. Additionally, he also has a hard time accepting criticism and judgment because it only reminds him of his perceived faults and insecurities.
Sebastian would feel extremely hurt if his s/o did something that caused their relationship to break down, or if they betrayed him in any way. He would want to fight anyone who dares threaten then, and he would lash out at them for even so much as breathing in their direction. As for a break-up, Sebastian would take it extremely hard. He would likely sink into a deep, long period of depression as he struggles to deal with his loss and his feelings of guilt and remorse; and if it was his fault, he'd feel even worse.
If his trust were betrayed or his sense of security were threatened, he might find it quite traumatic, leading to an exaggerated fear of relationships, as well as an inability to move on and even to love again. During a breakup, he might feel completely shattered, as if the foundations of his life had been torn from beneath him. He might become isolated and unwilling to communicate his emotions with others, which would only deepen his feelings of sadness. He might shut down completely and refuse to talk about his feelings, potentially pushing his partner away through his own coldness and distance. When he is in love, he tends to act as the complete opposite of his typical, detached and distant self. Although he remains reserved and analytical, he is also more caring and even clingy, as he has found that someone who makes him feel vulnerable in a positive way. However, he sometimes feels overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings and finds it difficult to express them in a healthier way, thus often withdrawing to his cold and detached shell during arguments and disputes, which can be frustrating for his partner as well.
John's pain in the relationship could possibly stem from something completely out of his control. For example, if his s/o were to break up with him for seemingly no reason, that might cause him a lot of emotional pain. During a break-up, John would likely be very devastated and may even spiral into a depressive episode. He'd likely become very distant, both emotionally and physically. During this time it would be very important to give him space but also show that you're there for him. It would also be important to be patient with him and give him time to heal.

||[🄷eart Break]||
#𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎–[❣]#yuukoku no moriarty x reader#moriarty the patriot#moriarty the patriot headcanons#moriarty the patriot x reader#william moriarty x reader#albert moriarty x reader#louis moriarty x reader#sebastian moran x reader#sherlock holmes x reader#john watson x reader#Moriarty the patriot angst
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Hiii I might be slightly behind but is there going to be more of star coming soon. I would love to read more and I’ve read all 11 parts on wattpad. Love your work soo much
Dear readers,
I would like to apologize to anyone who was following the fanfics 'Star' and 'Blood Stain'. Someone in the family got sick (she has been feeling unwell since the 24th), and this really scared everyone in the family. I confess, I was also a little discouraged by the ghost readers on Wattpad, it's been a while since I saw any comments so I felt insecure about whether I'm really writing well.
Well my family member is feeling better, again I'm sorry for neglecting the two fanfics (but you guys also need to disturb me a little bit or I'll think no one is reading!).
Seriously, you can flood my message wall on Wattpad and fill the comment boxes! Praise, criticize, make fun of the characters, just write something so I know someone is following.
About 'Star', I will continue writing, the fanfic had been planned to have the amount of chapters that Taylor Swift's midnight album has of songs, so you will have more chapters ahead.
About 'Blood Stain', the fanfic wasn't entirely planned, I wrote it in the heat of the moment because of the excitement, I need to think a little more about what to do.
Anyway, I promise to try to update both fanfics by next Sunday. For now, stay tuned for my headcanon book. This book will gather all the headcanons, scenarios and oneshots that I have already posted or will post on Tumblr, it is a way of organizing myself, and it is easier for you to find, besides being able to read whenever you want.
I will leave the link below, about the fanfics, I ask that you be patient with the updates, as I am currently working on the release of my two original books.
(And maybe by the end of the year both the physical and digital formats will be available to you in two languages!💙✨)
The year started off hectic and with some scares, but good things are coming too. Wish me luck!
Thank you to everyone who has followed me so far.
Yours sincerely,
Luma Constante.
PS:. I'm updating the headcanons book little by little, but feel free to make requests there or here.
#wattpad#fanfics#fanfic#ao3#batman#bruce wayne#damian wayne#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis gaunt#ominis x reader#dc comics#dc robin#imagines dc#dc universe#ominis x mc#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#garreth weasley#anne sallow#solomon sallow#gaunt family#harry potter#hp marauders#hp fandom#hp fanfic#slytherin headcanons#slytherin#batfamily#batboys
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please do what you can to help this family.
Stop Scrolling 🖐️
Save my little Celine🥺💔
I'm Heba, I have three children, Lulu, Ismail, and Celine, my youngest daughter Please give me a minute of your time to tell you what is happening to this innocent 3-year-old girl and how she suffers and is unable to bear all this pain and suffering under bad circumstances. One day I woke up to the sound of my little Celine moaning, who was suffering from a high temperature, heart pain, and abnormal hallucinations.
We called the ambulance. The bombing was continuing, and there was also no transportation. It came after waiting half an hour of anxiety and we quickly went to Al-Aqsa Hospital. I was hoping to receive the appropriate treatment, but the war destroyed everything and destroyed the health system. We thought she had died The doctor immediately conducted some quick tests to discover that her blood had fallen to a dangerous level, with only a small portion of blood remaining in her veins. She was given an immediate blood transfusion.
But the real disaster was when they tried to conduct analyzes to find out the reason behind this sudden decline. We learned that all laboratory equipment was destroyed due to the war and is not available under these circumstances and must be transferred abroad to carry out the necessary analyzes and medical procedures.😭
I only ask you to donate and stand by us to save my little Celine from this suffering and receive appropriate treatment immediately and before it is too late.🙏🏻😭💔

#palestine#free palestine#donate if you can#verified fundraiser#got your ask#gaza#gaza genocide#gaza strip#free gaza#gazaunderattack#critical role#twst#twisted wonderland#lord of the rings#hannibal#the amazing digital circus#tadc#merry christmas#phil lester#danandphilgames#cm punk#seth rollins#moriarty the patriot
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ambiguity vs clarity in moriarty the patriot - a stupid and overly specific/excesssive analysis on sherlock and william's relationship and character
william has always been one to fight for what he knows is right - of course, as a man who grew up in the outskirts of society and the social heirarchy, the core of his being relied on the change of the very system that belittles his existence. as early as a young child he already knew that he wanted to abolish the peerage, and he already knew what to do achieve that. once he knew how his adoptive family (mainly the bitch ass kid and mom) would get rid of them, he enacted the first step of his plan - commit the perfect crime to erase themselves of murder, clean up their past, erase their history of living in the slums, and to inherit the title of count (or lord, i'm not sure which lmao). he knew that his social status is important to his plan, thus the first step was to obtain power.
it's a curious thing that mtp's focus was on liam instead of sherly, and to me, a great interpretation of the original sherlock holmes. i will confess that i never read the original books, nor have i watched any series or movies, and my only point of reference being a critique on bbc's sherlock. and from what i watched from the video and read from the comments, bbc's sherlock is not the best adaption of doyle's original work.
the video mainly criticized the lack of faith in the original works and the abysmal characterization of sherlock and moriarty (also mtp is the only adaptation i'm aware of wherein james moriarty are three people instead of one), stating that sherlock's ability to solve cases was not due to his deductive abilities, but due to his insane intelligence. of course sherlock by design is intelligent, but the writers didn't know how to write a clever/intelligent character.
liam is cunning and somewhat coy, and uses that to his advantage. he plays the charismatic professor, the kind and merciful lord of his estate, which only really amplifies his already strong distaste for the aristocracy. my favorite part about liam is the way that his character brings out the worst of the aristocracy. it's such an interesting aspect of his characterization - to destroy what he hates, he has to bring out that part of the aristocracy. he pretends to be just like the very people he hates, to blend in and to hit where it hurts.
sherly, however, does not have the same burning passion for eating the rich. instead, he prefers a good puzzle to solve, to work his brain muscles. all that sherly wants in life, is someone who is of the same caliber as him. sherly was introduced and immediately set up as the one to kill liam, instead of liam killing him, like in the original sherlock. from the very start, just from how sherly and liam interact, it's safe to say that these two will forever be bound together.
sherly is stubborn when it comes to solving cases - he never relents until the truth is discovered, and he loathes being given the answer without working towards that conclusion himself. this was seen when irene was in the church with albert. he told irene to write his name on paper and put it in the envelope, to which sherly would open whenever he suspects irene has died. even when news of irene dying reached him, he burned the letter. he's stubborn, and even when liam wanted to die by his own hands, sherly was there to prevent that from happening
#mtp sherlock#mtp william#albert james moriarty#louis james moriarty#william james moriarty#yuukoku no moriarty#me pretending to know what the fuck im talking about
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Welcome to Hell darlin' the Devil's been waitin' For ya
✟ Welcome to my blog, I'm Angelic although my theme definitely isn't. Feel free to call me Angel if you want. This blog is going to be a mixture of stuff because I'm indecisive as fuck, but it'll mainly be a blog for yandere, darling, and writing posts. This blog is themed after my favorite character, Ronin, from Killer Chat(!).
✟ I'm an aspiring author and I plan to post my works here along with oc content. If anyone has any tips or constructive criticism feel free to share it. I'm always trying to improve my writing and if you have some input you'd like to give me I'd like to hear it.
✟ WARNING!! Please be aware that this blog will contain obsession, possessiveness, manipulation, stalking, clinginess, jealousy, delusions, dependency, toxicity, and generally unhealthy behaviors. If you are not comfortable with any of that do not interact.

About Me 𓉸
✟ I am 18 years old and use she/her pronouns. I am taken by my sweet princess, @s0uthw3sternprincess
I struggle with clinical depression and anxiety. I also suffer from Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos Disease.
✟ Likes:
𓉸 General things: games, books, writing stories, horror, psychology, musicals, emo/alt/goth styles and aesthetic, Stephen King books, anime, visual novels, criminology, mysteries, dark romance, astrology, true crime, detective things(movies, shows, styles, aesthetic), collecting stationary, and a lot of other stuff I can't think of right now while making this.
𓉸 Specific shows (mostly anime) and movies: Moriarty the Patriot, The Case Study of Vanitas, Pandora Hearts, Violet Evergarden, Angels of Death, Nanbaka, Komi Can't Communicate, Kotaro Lives Alone, SpyxFamily, Fairy Tail, Scooby Doo, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Mr Harrigans Phone, The Mist, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Mrs Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Scream, Goosebumps, Teen Titans, Coraline, Ever After High, Brooklyn 99, Alice in Wonderland (1951 and 2010), School Spirits, Ouran High School Host Club.
𓉸 Specific Song Artists: Lady Gaga, Set it Off, Mother Mother, Mitski, Britney Spears, The Stupendium, Kesha, Indila, Panic! At the Disco, Insane Clown Posse, MARINA, Hollywood Undead, Penelope Scott, Bo Burnham, Avril Lavigne, Madame Macabre, Emily Osment, Loving Caliber, 6arelyhuman, Simon Curtis, Mindless Self Indulgence, Millionaires, Ayesha Erotica, Graveyardguy, Sir Mix-A-Lot, Asteria.
𓉸 Specific Games: Killer Chat, Identity V, The Kid at the Back, A Date with Death, Homicipher, Danganronpa, Genshin Impact, Honkai starrail, Dead by Daylight, Mouthwashing.
Asks & Anon Asks
✟ Feel free to send in asks or anon asks, don't be shy. I don't mind the content as long as there is not anything sexual, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist, really any form of bigotry, etc. Other than that literally anything else is on the table. 17+ to be mutuals. Do not flirt with me I will ignore your ass. That's reserved for my princess and my princess only.
Current anon darlins': 👑💕
That's all for now. Will add more when I need or want to.
#darlingcore#yanblr#obsessive yandere#irl darling#obsessive love#irl yandere#yancore#darling blog#yan blog#yandere#intro post#pinned intro#writing#writing blog#blog intro#yandere darling#angelicwhispers
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