#morgana's sister
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thursdaysyme · 2 months ago
what if i wrote a de-age fic but it's morgana trying to kill arthur and she messed up the spell somehow so now instead of a dead king she looks down at her five-year-old brother standing in the dirt
Morgana: what the fuck why are you so small
Arthur, sneering with gap teeth: why are you so dirty? forget bath time?
Morgana: oh my god i don't think i can go through this again
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weird-tea · 5 months ago
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Honestly the more you know about the family trees in Arthurian legend the funnier the family tree in the show becomes.
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phalanxus · 10 months ago
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Kayle and Morgana having a nice little chat about justice. I love their legends of Runeterra interactions so much!
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romancemedia · 6 months ago
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The Little Mermaid & Return to the Sea (1)
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arcanegifs · 1 year ago
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Kayle and Morgana in Still Here | Season 2024 Cinematic - League of Legends
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keitorin3 · 5 months ago
Picture this~
The Marvel Multiverse thing about your dreams but with Merlin.
So I rewatched the "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" and had this thought about what if Merlin had constant dreams of his alternate future-self before he came to Camelot.
And I don't mean his future-self in S5 but himself in the 21st century.
Like, this would confuse young Merlin who lives in medieval times and has these fantastical dreams where there are moving metal contraptions and steel birds and towering crystal-like buildings.
But most of all, I think that he'd dream of himself as an old professor or doctor. Like, we know Merlin knows how to read and write in S1 and that it was most definitely thanks to his mother, but what if he was more advanced then that?
What if seeing these dreams of another version of himself as a professor or doctor made Merlin truly want to be a physician with Gaius?
But what's more, he brings with him his 21st century mindset into his life like...
*Merlin hearing Kilgharrah*
Kilgharrah: Merlin~
Merlin: Yeah God? I'm kinda in the middle of a midlife crisis you know. Got tossed into prison by a gorgeous blond bimbo who will most likely be my crap boss in the future, so can't be insane right now sorry.
Kilgharrah: ...
Gaius comes in looking cross: Merlin you idiot!
Merlin: Nevermind, god take me now please.
*Merlin meeting Kilgharrah*
Kilgharrah: How small you are for such a great destiny.
Merlin: Holy shit, is this like Braveheart? Wait, no, sorry wrong movie I mean Dragonheart?
Kilgharrah: What?
Merlin: Are you gonna tell me we have to ban together to stop the King from doing something terrible because some dumbass stupidly gave him a gift or something to do with Life or Death and now the king is out of control and must be stopped?
Kilgharrah: ... *after a moment of self doubt and contemplation* Yes... After freeing me, yes. It is your destiny.
Merlin: Hmm, your kinda sus. How do I know you aren't lying to me? And if I have to kill some king can it be someone like Cenred? Total dick king, honestly.
Kilgharrah: *Ignores that for now and will debate destiny later* Your gift, Merlin, was given to you for a reason.
Merlin: So there is a reason for my dreams.
Kilgharrah: Yes-What? No, I meant your magic.
Merlin: But that's forbidden in Camelot, and besides, I need my head for when I become a physician!
Kilgharrah: You were made for a greater purpose Merlin. Arthur is the Once and Future King who will unite the land of Albion. But he faces many threats from friend and foe alike. Without you, Arthur will never succeed. Without you, there will be no Albion.
Merlin: Riiight... And then he and I marry, have brilliant blond children and live happily ever after, while working as a Physician.
Kilgharrah: ... No
Merlin: Then nah, blondy can fight his own battles. Been training to kill since birth I hear.
Kilgharrah: There is no right or wrong, only what is and what isn't.
Merlin: *mutters* What are you, a fortune cookie?
Kilgharrah: None of us can choose our destiny, Merlin, and none of us can escape it.
Merlin: OK, fine. I'll bite into the forbidden apple, but I'm most likely not bringing an Adam down with me. Arthur is a idiot but I don't see him changing within this century.
Kilgharrah: Perhaps it's your destiny to change that. *Then proceeds to fly off*
Merlin: Wait-! Ugh, thanks for nothing you useless reptile.
Lol, I can just image all the possibilities where Merlin makes a reference to something and everyone around him are just completely confused and just writes him off as a fool with a wide but intelligent imagination.
This was also greatly inspired by @theroundbartable post (here) of 21st century Arthur as King.
So much fun, like I think because of Merlin able to kinda see into his alternate self's life he has the modern perspective but still have the medieval stomach to survive. And, he goes about figuring out his magic using the scientific method of Question , Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication. Like why does he not need to speak words? Is magic spells like coding? Or is it a force? Is he a Jedi or a Sith?
Considering flowers bloom when he's happy but rain and storms pour when sad or angry, he is likely neither a force of good or evil.
Merlin has all these internal thoughts and with Gaius, finally has someone to bounce theories off of (that's not Will of Hunith) and share knowledge with.
At some point Gaius would just suggest Merlin write them down (because Gaius is too old and can't keep up as fast). Taking his advise and spends his next pay check on a brand new journal.
And I can see Merlin and Arthur being the same old same old, but Merlin is more concerned for Arthur and Morgana's well being seeing as their only role model is emotionally abusing (and confusing) Uther.
So he'd team up with Gwen and set about trying to make both Pendragon Siblings happy.
And I better end here or else I'll go on and on.
Til next we meet fellow dreamers~! ✨
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justaz · 1 year ago
arthur repealing the ban on magic and sitting merlin and morgana down to figure out who is going to be court sorcerer and ready to mediate a debate but before morgana can even open her mouth, merlin passes to position onto her. arthur and morgana just stare, morgana makes feeble attempts to spark an argument, to instigate merlin to at least fight for it. even arthur is like “…you don’t even want, like, a room or something for your magic work?? none of the perks?? a different position in the court?????” and merlin’s just like “nope! i’m good!” and morgana and arthur exchange a look before arthur asks why. merlin’s answer is that his position, where he belongs, is at arthur’s side. besides. morgana deserves it. she was snubbed from becoming queen so it was only fair.
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fleetwood-cheese · 1 year ago
Morgana is SOOO little sibling coded it makes me insane. We share a room. You care about me and my well being but youre gonna express it in the most obnoxious way possible. You want to do everything i do and go everywhere i go. You want to steal my food and choose where we eat but you’re definitely not paying for it. You have a crush on one of my friends and its super obvious but we dance around it bc your cute and we dont want to hurt your feelings. Youre teaching me things i already know or could probably guess, and dont have complete information, but im listening to you anyway bc it makes you feel seen and needed and important. We would go through hell for one another but we’ll never say it outright and just tease each other instead.
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egotisticalreadergay · 5 months ago
I'm crying the little look Morgana throws Gwen right after she says she hopes the flowers are from a tall and dark stranger is just?? so?? gay??
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caswensworld · 11 months ago
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One thing about me is I will always respect a good villain gang when I see one and THIS gang! The gang of Merlin Academy running the shots! No exception. Rent. Was. Due! Disney, from here on out, if your teen villains do not look like these baddies who are serving seductive, poisonous cunt, Respectfully, Ion want it.
So let’s run down the line. Let’s take attendance.
Dara Renee said she looks cute as Ulyana, NOT HOT! OKAY GREEN! Look at her smile! First her daughter, now her sister, Ursula’s family has me in a chokehold and they are never letting me go (and I don’t want them to hehe). This look gives very much Ursula from Once Upon a Time vibes and I love it! So much! I wanna be part of her gang! Like, Ulyana, baby girl, what are you insecure of? I don’t care about Ursula anymore. I got Uma and I got Ulyana, I don’t want Ursula. I’m trying to keep it pg-rated, but…I would let her top me. I want her tentacles all over me, I’m so sorry…I’m not.
Hades has left the Underworld and he is looking sharp! I love leather. I love spikes. I love the whole punk persona! I have a punk persona! So I love the fact that me and Hades, one of my favorite villains…Are the same. Exactly the same. I am going to find a studded leather jacket and choker so we can match. We also got similar taste in music, like Hades, let’s be friends. Let’s start a band. We can call ourselves “Fire!”
Queen Maleficent, Mistress of Darkness may be lurking in the back, but I’m seeing her. Now her horns look a little weird right now but I’m gonna wait for the official posters and pictures with better quality before I start to give my full judgement. But like…y’all, she’s Maleficent, when have we ever had a Maleficent who doesn’t serve with looks, darkness, and attitude? Like, girl, come for Ulyana! Pull Hades! I expect you to use magic! I demand at least ONE Dragon transformation! DEMAND it!
Ulyana is the Captain here, jot that down, but Hook is still serving so let’s have a conversation. Looks are clearly a strength in the Hooks family, so what do the girls look like? The men are handsome, so let’s have the girls do some Justice please. His fit almost exactly replicated the cartoon and I love that. The only problem I have is…where’s the hat? The iconic red hat with the big feather? Disney, he better have that hat. Don’t be playing with me.
Morgie…he’s giving kinda Carlos and Gil vibes. That is indeed a compliment. Now is his outfit as extravagant as the others? No. Is it still good and is he still killing the game? Absolutely. These VKs stay with the drip. Who else is looking good in a scarf? I don’t see anyone else wearing one! Now his mother is said to be the Morgana Le Fay in Sofia the First so…Is our dear Princess in the Descendants Universe lol? Is my girl enrolled in Auradon Prep? Is she with Hugo? I’m sorry, I just find this so funny, where is Enchancia on the Auradon map? Watch Morgie reference this in the movie, I just, I can’t!
One thing about villains is they will always be looking good and I will always be wanting to find a way to thrift their clothing. I can’t wait to see these looks with better qualities
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months ago
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Three billionaire ducks (Scrooge McDuck, Flintheart Glomgold and John D. Rockerduck) as vampires and three witch ducks as the Sanderson sisters from the Hocus Pocus movies - Halloween cosplay - Occult and Venomous Duck(s) - Duck comics and Duckverse (Ducktales and Darkwing Duck) - My style
Although Halloween is over, I still don't want to be a burden, but I drew two drawings related to the costume party, even though I'm not a fan of that holiday. Still, related to Duckvember themes such as the occult and poisonous ducks, I drew famous ducks from Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics as well as from other Duck media who would be in the roles of mystical creatures and monsters.
The first drawing I drew is three billionaire ducks who play the role of vampires. Since they love money so much, they must love to suck the blood of others because vampires live on the lives of other beings and they are monsters whose origins come from Romania (the word vampire itself is actually a Serbian word) and they are mostly undead people. I drew Scrooge McDuck, Flintheart Glomgold and John D. Rockerduck who wear vampire clothes like the old Hollywood actor Bela Lugosi. By the way, this is not my original idea that they are vampires, but others drew them before me, so I took inspiration from others, and the original idea is certainly from @ankkalinna. Yes, they are in Scotland in an old castle waiting for a victim to prolong their life during the full moon. By the way, vampires hate sunlight and garlic.
The second drawing I drew is a cosplay of female ducks as the Sanderson sisters from the movie Hocus Pocus. Yes, that movie is from 1993 and in my opinion one of my favorite Halloween movies made by Disney and I can say one of the few Disney live-action movies that I like. It's about the Sanderson sisters who were witches and were supposed to be hanged in Salem in 1693 and they cursed that they would return during the full moon for Halloween in 300 years. And it happened. To survive, they needed the blood of children, especially girls, so they attacked Dani, Max's sister. In the end, they failed, and they were turned into dust when the sun came out, and Max and Dani's lives were saved by the black cat Binx, who was a teen boy from the late 17th century who was turned into a cat by witches. And then sacrificed his life. In this case, famous female ducks would play these roles in my opinion. Winifred "Winnie" Sanderson would be played by Magica De Spell since she would be the most powerful witch, Mary Sanderson would be played by Morgana Macawber from Darkwing Duck, and Sarah Sanderson would be played by Daisy Duck. Although Morgana is not as big as Mary, she is certainly a very capable witch, while Daisy, although not a witch, would still fit the role of Sarah Sanderson since she has blonde hair in the comics and tends towards beauty and men. I drew them a little too quickly, so I apologize for any mistakes I made, but I definitely drew them as a redraw from the poster.
I hope you like these ideas and these drawings and feel free to like and reblog this, just don't copy the same ideas and versions without mentioning me. Thanks! And happy late Halloween!
Also, as a Duckvember theme, it is dedicated to @darkwingsnark.
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yourfavecharacterisqueer · 5 months ago
no one prepares you for the biggest jumpscare when rewatching in s1e1 of merlin that is arthur and morgana flirting. i screamed at my laptop ‘that’s your sister/brother’ and then i remembered that morgana doesn’t find out until s3e5 and arthur doesn’t find out until s3e12…
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deathcandylove · 3 months ago
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Uliana Gala!
Morgana's human form and name. Hey, if Ursula can have one so can she. I made her look similar to Vanessa so you could tell they're sisters, but different enough. Don't ask me who's voice she has. Probably a background character.
From what I understand from my daughter Uliana is similar to Morgana. So she decided they should be the same character and Uliana be her human name. And to really pull the characters together without doing multicolored hair I have dark brown (like Vanessa), but added blue, teal-green, and yellow pearls to the halo braid to represent the colors in Uliana's hair while still making her hair natural looking. Gotta stay in the little mermaid style. Two skin tones like Vanessa because I like them both.
Every time I was coming up with an outfit for her I kept using Vanessa's casual dress as a reference from the movie. It took me awhile to realize I should be making her a ball gown since this is fancy Disney. Not casual Disney.
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nimrism · 1 year ago
i still can't believe merlin chose to reveal he had magic to the most random person on the planet who he had only known for a day (gilli in "the sorcerer's shadow") but NOT to morgana when she needed it most... by the time morgana figured out she had magic, her and merlin's friendship was already at a point where he could trust her with something like this, and he had already seen her stance on magic through the way she risked everything for mordred (a DRUID, aka a magical being). hell, she straight up said "what if [magic] chooses you?" to his FACE. he really had nothing to lose and morgana had everything to gain by him telling her he had magic too, and being there for her when she needed it. but nOoOoo merlin just HAD to listen to the overgrown basement gecko and keep it a secret. which i wouldn't really mind had he not gone and revealed that very same secret to a perfect stranger a season later. it just makes no sense whatsoever that he'd keep his magic a secret from morgana and refrain from helping her then turn around and show GILLI of all people that he had magic.
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romancemedia · 6 months ago
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The Little Mermaid & Return to the Sea (2)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months ago
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"Mom can we have sea three?"-"We have sea three at home" Sea three at home:
Okay, I'll stop with that meme now. But seriously, this is giving Wish version of the sea three. You got Uma's aunt because I guess casting a younger Ursula was out of the question and making up another sister of Ursula was better to do in comparison, you got Harry's dad and you got...Morgie, aka basic bitch whose parent wasn't even in a Disney film oh my god-
Like, these aren't full looks at the three so I can't fully judge but like, from what we got: Hook is the only decently designed one of three, could use some details still but he's not as bad as the other designs we've gotten so far so like, Ulyana at least has Uma's hair color (except for the gold highlights) i guess but like, Descendants ain't escaping the messy design allegations I swear and Morgie...again basic bitch based on design alone. Like he even doesn't have personalized designs in the circle around him, he has a basic card heart and that's it, and again, can I just ask: why the fuck is Disney NOW choosing to acknowledge Morgana Le Fay when they didn't even do that in Sword In The Stone-
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