#morgana tlm
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princess-ibri · 4 months ago
Ursula's Other Other Sister
So, we all know Morgana, and if you're in this side of Tumblr you've probably heard of (and raised an eyebrow over) Uliana, the infamous younger sisters of Urusla...
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But turns out, there is another.
The continuously brilliant Collin Looks Back had finally done a restrospective video on Ursula, which can be found here (would highly recommend all of his Disney Villain Retrospectives or any video of his)
And at the very end of it, we are introduced to a Disney Parks Only character, who appeared for a Disney Diva Villains extravaganza event in 2000
Cala Mari, the self proclaimed "unauthorized" sister of Ursula.
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She apparently MC'd the event, introducing various Disney Villainess as they performed skits and songs, and she even had her own minions/back up dancers in the form of a couple of "She- Urchins"
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Love that hair 👌
Collin got his info for the event from: LaughingPlace.com
The link should take you right to when Cala Mari first appears in the show. There's sadly no working video links anymore but there is an overview of the highlights and a lot of pictures.
Anyway, thought I'd show off this fun little bit of obscure trivia. If Urusla gets about 3 more sisters we'll have the full count from her "Daddy's Little Angel Song" from Broadway 😅
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tampire · 7 months ago
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The Little Mermaid villains wielding Triton's Trident
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avitha · 11 months ago
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A Little Mermaid Tale
Happy MerMay!!! Here's a crossover!!!!
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romancemedia · 7 months ago
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Ariel & Eric vs. Ursula and Morgana (TLM & Return to the Sea)
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applethechaoticgirl · 7 months ago
Morgana (TLM: Return To The Sea) Meets The Six-Eared Macaque
EPISODE #2 Of Macaque Meets!
Here's the Second episode of Macaque meets! My subscribers voted for Morgana to meet the Six-Eared Macaque, and it's one of my favorite episodes that I ever made, lol.
P.S: This is BY FAR the most chaotic episode of Macaque!Meets that i've ever made! 💜🖤
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lightbegun · 2 years ago
I would pay actual money to see Halle and Jonah do the bit in TLM 2 where they rescue baby Melody from Morgana
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petitevamp · 2 years ago
welcome to the terrible world of self indulgent tlm oc who has an entire arc where they go from being devoted to ursula to outdoing her so yknow
like the competent morgana but they aren't related and its gay
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otnesse · 1 year ago
Never agreed with those takes either (even less so when Ariel made absolutely NO indication of even HAVING spite towards Triton. Quite the opposite, she literally said when undergoing the deal in a very relucant tone that becoming human would mean never seeing her father or her sisters again, implying even AFTER all that, she STILL loved him enough to not want to harm him at all. And let's not forget Ursula avoided making any statements indicating she was going to target Triton or use Ariel as leverage against him). She might have had some residual anger towards him, sure, but the actual motive, primary or underlying, was NEVER spite against him. Contrast that with Merida, who went to that witch for the specific and explicit intent to drug her mom into seeing things her way.
And BTW, dysfunctionality in the family is also the reason why I highly disagree with Ursula being Triton's sister (especially not after TLM II added Morgana into the mix, and also indicated Ursula and Morgana's mom was similarly evil. Had Triton still been their brother, that would naturally imply that he likely exiled his own mom, making Ariel's family situation even MORE of a mess than it already was.).
And funny you should mention being on the autism spectrum, because I am on that spectrum as well (that's actually a major factor in WHY I connected with Ariel at such an early age). And overall I do agree with you on his intended motives, but then again, he DID strongly imply he wouldn't care if a human drowned at best, and worst case scenario would genocide humanity if it were up to him (and this is speaking as someone who actually views King Triton as one of Disney's best fathers ultimately).
Most of the defenses I've read of The Little Mermaid's Ariel I agree with. But there's one that I don't agree with, and which I don't think even paints her in a more positive light than "She gives up everything for a man."
While it's true that she would probably never have gone to Ursula, let alone signed her contract, if Triton hadn't destroyed her collection of human objects, I don't think it's right to say that she chooses to become human "partly to spite her father."
Yes, she wants to escape from his control; yes, she's devastated by what he's done to her and undoubtedly feels as if he'll never accept her for who she is or let her be free to live her own life; but "spite"? I'll admit, it's been a few years since I last watched the full movie, but is there any evidence at all that she's thinking "He hurt me, so I'll hurt him back by leaving"? How would that make her more sympathetic than the wrong assumption that she does it just for Eric?
For that matter, there's one remark about Triton on TVTropes, I think, which I don't agree with either. It's about his motive for destroying Ariel's collection – someone wrote that his claim of doing it to "get through to her" is a bogus excuse, and that he clearly just does it to vent his anger. Is it just me, or does that interpretation paint him as more abusive than he really is? I'll admit I'm on the autism spectrum and probably take people's words at face value more than I should. But I've never seen any reason to doubt that does it to teach Ariel once and for all that the human world is forbidden. That doesn't mean it isn't wrong and cruel of him – of course it is. But the idea that he just does it out of pure rage and wanting to punish Ariel for defying him, and only uses "getting through to her" as an excuse, makes it even worse than it is or than it needs to be.
Ariel and Triton's relationship is dysfunctional until the end, but please, let's not paint them as wanting to hurt each other more than they really do. That only makes it harder to root for them to reconcile.
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zarinaa113 · 4 years ago
Today on Important Answers to Important Questions:
When Ursula turned Ariel into a human she didn't gain pants, why did Melody's pants appear when her transformation reversed?
Morgana even used the same magic as Ursula used, why is it any different? I think I figured it out. Mel was wearing pants when she transformed, they must have been identified by the potion as part of her and became part of the tail, when it wore off her pants came back with her legs. The same must have been true with Ariel when she transformed back on the ship in the first movie, where did her shoes (and I'm assuming underpants) go? And since mermaid tails are ALREADY magic I'm going with the assumption that magicking some cloth in there with magic won't be a problem
This has been Important Answers to Important Questions
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aquatickonquest · 2 years ago
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So, I've decided to try my hand at creating a Morgana themed expansion inspired by the Villainous game series. I got into it last year, and I absolutely love the varied mechanics at play for each character. - In essence, this is a personal graphic design/illustration project I wanted to do based on a love for the game and The Little Mermaid (the sequel, Return to the Sea, in particular here). - So for now I've done a Morgana piece that shows her off in a visual. This is also the design for the Villain guide, and I ended up using the illustration to also conceptualise an expansion box, using Venom's from the Marvel version as a base. - Still working out the rules and plays for the objective I have as well as what movie scenes I'll be recreating...I even have a 5k document with all my planning on it, so that's fun. I have all the card names at least which I'm using for creating prototypes at the moment. - #Disney #DisneyVillain #DisneyVillains #DisneyFanart #Villainous #VillainousGame #DisneyVillainous #DisneyVillainousGame #Morgana #LittleMermaid #LittleMermaidII #TLM #LittleMermaid2 #GraphicDesign #Fanart #Illustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmlpoHod2V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marciabrady · 2 years ago
Why do you hate TLM 2? I always thought it was alright. I never cared much for TLM 3.
There are soooo many reasons. Also, want to preface with I understand there's a sizeable TLM 2 fandom that's developed in recent years and def am not looking to ruffle any feathers! Everyone can like with they like and dislike what they dislike and have their own opinion...but I'm going to start with listing what I admired about the film, before I go into why I really can't stand it.
Jodi Benson's voice acting! I didn't like her performance at all in the third film, but in this movie, her singing was laced with a beacon of motherly light that was so incredible. From the ethereal humming in the first scene, where she's in the shadowed room and gently singing her devotion to her small child, there was something special in the air. Her unreal harmonies in For a Moment are some of the best vocals of all time.
Kenneth Mars reprising his role felt so in character and he was such a delight. Sebastian's voice was too but Kenneth just had this regal strength to him and he had all the weight and emotional impact of Triton from the original film, but with this underbelly of softness that was exposed and he was so tender and loving...his character seemed to be the most in line with what would've organically transpired from the first film. Everyone else is wildly out of character (aside from maybe Sebastian and Scuttle and Flounder, but that was because the writers just made them do exactly what they did in the first movie down to giving Sebastian the same plot device lol)
Flounder was cute. Not much to go into here but he did make me giggle lol
Ariel getting her feet wet was such a powerful moment. Taking off her heels and immersing a part of her back into that world where gravity was different and she was young and things felt almost weightless is such a vibe. I also admired her transition back to a mermaid for similar reasons- releasing her from that mom bun and that terrible dress, her being able to plunge back into the sea, being able to re-connect with her roots.
Okay, so the reasons why I can't stand it and, overall, dislike it:
I came to this movie as an Ariel fan and...we were done dirty tbh? They totally changed her temperament, her personality, her motives- in a way that wasn't just "oh she grew up and developed" but like...that's not her and this movie's cheap writing tried to make her into someone she wasn't so that the story could go down the way that it did. Most of the people who love this movie love it because of Melody, which is fine, but like...as someone who came for Ariel, the fact that she wasn't a main character was lowkey disrespectful? It think it also contributes to this idea that once you "grow up" or just age or have children, you can no longer be the main character and you have to be delegated the background so that the next generation can have their moment. More on this in another bullet. But yeah, nothing of the original Ariel was here- none of her passion and spirit and love. None of her quirks and hobbies and interests. It was just "protect Melody!"
The walrus and the penguin...I'm not a fan of Timon and Pumba type of characters and the fact that they took up so much of the runtime genuinely made this unwatchable to me. Like, we couldn't get more of Ariel, but they could be forced down our throats???
Morgana was uncompelling to me. I don't really like her design or her sidekick or her backstory. Just...eh.
The absence of Howard Ashman was really felt. Now, growing up, I have to admit I don't think too much about him and would frankly get irritated when people kept bringing him up over, and over, and over again as the sole credit to The Little Mermaid's success. I felt it discounted the director's talents, those of Glen Keane and Andreas Deja's, as well as Jodi and Pat's, and just the other members of the creative team without which this franchise never would've found legs. BUT in recent years, I was beginning to ask myself why I feel Ariel so rarely retains that original energy about her from the first film. For instance, there's none of Ariel in this sequel movie to me and even less of her in the third, and I wondered why that was. For the original three princesses, the reason the characterizations are flawed in the sequels and spin-offs is due to the lack of input and involvement from Adriana, Ilene, and Mary- but since Jodi was involved in everything Ariel had anything to do in, why did the character not always live up to who she was in the original? And I honestly think the missing piece was Howard. Regardless of anyone's personal politics or beliefs are, The Little Mermaid is THE LGBTQIA+ fairytale. It was written by a gay man and adapted by another gay man (Howard Ashman) and so much of the character of the original mermaid and Ariel carries the experience of a closeted gay person. This simply can't be adapted by a straight person and still have its artistic integrity intact (which is why I'm admittedly uncomfortable about the live action remake...there isn't a single person involved that is anything but straight, from what I've seen, and the lack of diversity in the cast with Eric, Ursula, and even Triton being white is another red flag for me considering they said they wanted to set this film in the Caribbean but the film features a majority white cast). They took Ariel from who she was in the original movie, written and adapted by a gay man with that characterization and created in the 1980s, and they essentially made her into like a WASPy suburban mother and I just...that's not my Ariel.
Overall, it's uninspired. It's literally just a next generation story with no creativity to it in my opinion. Also, as I mentioned, the characters themselves have so many places to go without needing to give birth to a kid who just relives the original movie all over again but with younger characters.
The animation wasn't expressive. I understand it's going to be a downgrade but...yikes. They went from Glen Keane's iconic animation (I honestly think his work on The Little Mermaid is solely what launched him into being a legend; like yes, his other work is great and deserves its flowers, but the fact that he did the Part of Your World sequence was probably the highlight of his career) to something that felt Rugrats level.
I was just so frustrated with the stealing of a trident and ugh in general the plotpoints annoy me and not in a way that's suspenseful but just in a "I hate that this is happening"
In the original film, what made Ariel and King Triton's relationship so potent was that it mirrored that of a homophobic, intolerant parent and a gay teen. Also, before anyone contradicts me, as I've mentioned before, it's meant to be queer-coded...someone once reblogged my post, disagreeing, and saying that while Ariel and Eric's love was forbidden and even considered illegal and they were from different species, they were still different sexes and thus could never be queer-coded and I think this person is missing the "coded" part of that definition lol but anyway, Ariel and Triton's dynamic had layers and was so raw and real. Ariel and Melody's relationship is literally just a "don't worry, I felt different too at your age, sweetie! It's not easy for anyone to be a teenager" and the entire plot of the film is centered around timing. Where Ariel left Atlantica after Triton destroyed her collection, invaded her personal space, attacked her, and essentially told her he'd never accept her, the plot of this sequel is only propelled by Ariel not catching Melody to tell her in time about her mermaid heritage. Literally, if she came into Melody's room a few minutes earlier, that entire thing never would've happened lol and that's the other part of it- throughout the film, Ariel is willing to talk to Melody multiple times??? So like...whereas Ariel had no resources, but still showed love for Triton, Melody didn't really have that. Look at the difference between how apologetic Ariel was when Triton appeared near the end of the film and how she attacked Ursula for taking the trident. Melody ignored Ariel when she tried to talk to her and handed the trident over to Morgana lol
The entire thing is aged/watered down. The original was a theatrical release, where the mandate was to write from 8 to 80 as a demographic. The direct to video release had a Pre-K to 12 audience and...yeah
The setting being weird and cold and icy did nothing for me. Like the original film made the underwater scenes look like that- apart from Under the Sea which purposely was bright and colorful and vibrant- because they wanted us to understand why Ariel, a mermaid that had always been in the dark, cold ocean, would be so infatuated by the warm kingdom of Prince Eric. To go back to the sea but make the entire thing grey and icy with a bland sky didn't make me want to go to the ocean lol
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princess-ibri · 4 months ago
How did Ursula react to Morgana being exiled by Thalassa?
Honestly I think at that point their relationship had deteriorated enough that she was more annoyed at Morgana then anything, and was relieved to see her gone.
Morgana's attempt at a coup seriously jeopardized Thalassa's plans, and Ursula knew that. To them, Morgana was a liability they couldn't afford to have around anymore. And she was more impressed with her mother's ability to spin this fiasco into a win for them, then upset about losing her sister.
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bigfrozensix · 2 years ago
When it comes to The Little Mermaid II, it isn't one of my favorite sequels, but something I remember kinda disliking about certain parts of the fandom was pitting Melody against Ariel and people saying that Melody was "better" than Ariel because she didn't had a love interest, saved the day and "didn't left her family for a man", there was a sector who believed that Melody's motivations were stronger than Ariel's because apparently "Ariel had no problems" while Melody was bullied by her peers. I mean, both their motivations were valid? Ariel didn't feel like she was part of the sea: she had to hide her interests from her own family, her only friend in the sea was Flounder (even if we take in account the TV series, notice that all the characters Ariel tended to befriend were outcasts, if anything the popular girl tried to take advantage of her) and as we have say plenty of times, Ariel wished to be human way before she saw Eric and her catalyst to see Ursula was Triton destroying her grotto. This trend of pitting female characters against each other to prove which one is better is something I always have hated. Besides, you can't compare a 12 year old child with a 16 year old teenager: obviously Melody couldn't leave home as Ariel did, because Melody is still a child who is growing up, while Ariel's story was one of coming of age, of leaving her home to start a new life - and in fairytale logic, 16 was the equivalent of 18 back then.
(And let's not start that unlike Ariel, Melody wasn't stuck in the deep of a whirpool with a giant Morgana trying to kill her with a trident. The circumstances are very important to consider of why Ariel couldn't kill Ursula herself. Just saying)
Sorry for the late reply, I needed a moment to mentally recharge after my vacation in London.
Ah yes, the age old tale of pitting female characters against each other with the always misogynistic "a female character without a love interes is automatically stronger" argument.
How people can say that with their full chest without realizing they're literally saying "a woman's worth is tied to her relationship status" is absolutely beyond me. Gotta love those faux feminists that think the only way to praise women is by kicking down the "wrong" ones.
I honestly didn't really grow up with the TLM series (Disney shows aired all over the place here until we finally got Disney Channel in 2009), but I finally watched it in full on Disney+ and it's definitely really good at expanding on the world building and Ariel's life before becoming human.
It shows how though Ariel has a good relationship with her father, it's always the human world that wedges a rift between them. A rift that only seems to be getting bigger the more Ariel's interest in the human world grows.
We even see Ariel started her grotto in the first place, because she already knows bringing her human treasures back home results in Triton destroying them. She even admits to being scared to come home when she got stuck to a human item... and if that's not a red flag, I don't know what is.
As someone who grew up with a dad who's a lot like Triton (caring, well-meaning, but having anger issuess) I feel Ariel's reactions to Triton's anger SO MUCH. Loving your father but also being scared of him is a very complicated emotion.
I'm not sure where I was going with this... I just have a lot to say when it comes defending Ariel from faux feminists who don't understand her character.
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impulsea · 2 years ago
What would your ideal TLM continuation be like?
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That's a great question! I have so many ideas, plot-wise, but overall these are the things I wish we got more of after the first film/general content that would've been incredible and that I want and think about every day:
Vanessa. Her emergence into this universe, seemingly ushered in by the nighttime tide, with the wind caressing her hair and Ariel's voice shining on her chest is one of the most potent moments of iconography in film. I want more of her, more of Jodi's powerful singing as her, more of Andreas Deja's animation of her having a private show for herself in her bridal chamber while she's preparing for the wedding, more of how deceptively sweet she is, more of her range, more of her expressions, more moments where the Ursula in her is threatening to reveal itself before being enclosed beneath layers of angelic acting. I think any of her spin-off films or episodes or whatever the case would be would have to be adult audiences so that we can get more evergreen content, as opposed to so many people who primarily discuss children when talking about The Little Mermaid.
Ariel's sisters! People say we got them in the third movie but, first off, they didn't even get the birth orders right, they messed with their personalities, and the target audience for that was Pre K-12. We need actual substance and there's so much to work with here! How does Aquata feel about humans, after everything their father has told her and what family secrets does she know that the younger ones aren't privy to? Could she potentially become more of an advisor to Triton than Sebastian? Andrina's athleticism would be wonderful for more scenic shots of life in Atlantica, Arista's personality is so engaging and it'd be interesting to see Disney pull off a character that's so simultaneously bitchy but likable, Attina's love of books and how that connects her to the world around her, Adella's vanity and all of her beauty secrets, and Alana's gardens and mer-pals would be so informative to general marine life!
More feature film animation work! As I mentioned in my previous tags, The Little Mermaid was extremely, extremely, extremely low budget and, while they were still able to pull it off and it holds its own alongside other movies like Beauty and the Beast that were made on a much grander scale, I wish we could see more of Ariel and the world of Atlantica on a higher production value. Ariel is probably one of the princesses that is the most off-model, there's at least four versions of her in the film, and I'd love to see more of her and better consistency. The animation is so poor in the following film and she just doesn't feel like herself in the third film. The series is hit-or-miss but general offers more of a wooden performance, because of the budgetary restrictions.
More Ursula! Ursula's a theatrical character, so I can only imagine all the more life she has to give. I want prequels about her life and time in the palace, about her relationship with King Triton and their affair, about her origins with her family, about her banishment, just- everything. The TEA would be piping!
I want them to offer more original characters, namely Crystalla, that actually fit within the universe as opposed to the ones the series and sequel gave us (looking at you, Lobster Mobster, Marina, and Morgana).
So, Ariel and Eric are one of the best canonical ships in all of Disneydom and I love them...but I want more! I want to see them leading up to the wedding, I want to flesh out their shared interests and what they talk about and what their relationship is like once they do get to know each other and begin to establish communicational patterns. I want to see Ariel with Grimsby and how she flourishes under a loving male authoritative figure (and I really want as much Grimsby as I can get btw). I want to see Eric tell her it's okay and comfort her when he sees her visually get triggered in fights or moments of tension, or when her past trauma acts up. I want to see how his kingdom accepts her, who was formerly a mermaid. Now that she's made it to be part of that world, I want to see what her part in that world is.
More family backstory with Ariel, as I mentioned above, but also I want canonical material about the mother! Athena isn't it.
How Ariel navigates her mermaid roots. The name of this franchise is "The Little Mermaid" and she'll never be able to escape it, it's a part of her. Because she was born this way, does she feel sometimes out of place in the human world since she's not a part of either and is in this weird middle ground? Is it jarring to drown, or look at the water and know she couldn't swim beneath its surface the way she once did? Does she not miss it at all? Likewise, I think it'd be a cute plot idea if she continues to embrace her mermaid roots, if only to continue her expeditions with Flounder at sunken ships. While Eric is sailing overhead, she continues learning and studying his world and brings him back historical things that were rotting at the bottom of the sea that could be used in museum exhibits for his country, helping preserve the history. Maybe she could even find some artifacts from members in his family that were lost at sea.
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oak23 · 4 years ago
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I was kind of mourning the fact I did zero The Little Mermaid customs for the 30th Anniversary cuz my mental health was basically in the toilet last year. I even gathered the materials and everything but things kept coming up.
 Of course 2020 has been... a very unique year where I had a lot of base materials for some TLM customs and a lot of spare time. I am genuinely very proud of what I managed to achieve within 9 months since this project has been something I have been meaning to do for so very long. 
All i ever wanted was a collection of The Little Mermaid dolls with articulation and everyone being relatively the same scale to each other. I eventually wanna do a Queen Athena and maybeeeeeee an Urchin doll but of course I am picky with my bases I use. 
 #thelittlemermaiddoll #thelittlemermaid #arieldoll #ariel #kingtritondoll #kingtriton #disneydolls #disneydoll #repaint #daughtersoftriton #arielssisters #ursuladoll #ursula #morganadoll #morgana #thelittlemermaid2 #melodydoll #melody #vanessadoll#vanessa
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cecaeliana · 5 years ago
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                                     URSULA’S BACKSTORY 
so, i have some rather specific ideas about ursula and her powers and her past and how this affected how she interacted with her daughter. so, unless i am interacting with an ursula/triton/morgana or another character from tlm who disagrees or it is otherwise plotted, ursula’s backstory, roughly, is as follows. taken mostly from the poor unfortunate soul book in the disney villains series, with mythological influences and an attempt to write tlm2 into it. cw for some mentions of violence and death.
ursula’s mother was a powerful water nymph with whom the god poseidon had an affair. upon poseidon’s wife amphritite finding out about the affair, she cursed the nymph to ugliness. meaning she was turned into a cecaelia/cilophyte/octo-mer. her daughter, ursula was born a cecaelia to match. poseidon, feeling somewhat responsible, gifts to ursula the seashell necklace, an item of great power. he also tells her that she shall one day own half the sea. while visiting his daughter he has another affair with her mother, even despite the curse, which produces morgana.
they are better at hiding it this time, living together for years, ursula and morgana being raised side by side, but the truth comes out and amphritite is once again angered, deciding her first curse wasn’t enough she sweeps in and curses their mother again, she dissolves her into the sky, as the ultimate punishment for a water nymph, she must live as air and never touch the sea again. this effectively removes her from her daughter’s lives. amphritite’s rage not yet satisfied, she also casts out a young ursula, leaving her alone, in human form and with no memory of who she had been before. poseidon intervenes before amphritite can do any more damage and so morgana is spared.  
ursula is found clinging to some shipwreck debris by a fisherman who takes her in and raises her. but the villagers become more and more wary of her as time passes, as something ‘other’ develops under her skin that even she is unaware of. ursula prays to the sea gods daily to protect her adoptive father and spends a lot of time standing at the water’s edge, feeling a pull she can’t explain. until one day, the call of the sea becomes too much for her and she jumps from a clifftop into the waters below, releasing her true form and her memories.
the villagers form a mob and her adoptive father is torn apart trying to stop them from burning ursula at the stake. ursula flees, disappearing into the sea to mourn and returns later to wreak revenge on the village. this involves calling up storms and summoning sirens to make the villagers’ ears bleed before ursula turns them into malformed creatures of the sea, loyal to her every whim, using a spell to invoke the old gods of the sea.
at this, king triton arrives and tells her that he has heard her prayer and found her to be his little sister, for whom he has been looking for many years. he takes her back to his kingdom. but, in order to hide her cursed appearance, he forces her to wear the ‘vanessa’ face and a mermaid tail instead of her true form. ursula eventually comes to suspect that triton had a hand in summoning her to the sea in the first place, and breaking the curse on her so that the villagers would attempt to do her harm and so that he could prove to his citizens that she is unworthy to rule her half of the sea and he should have it all. the final straw is triton telling ursula that her father’s death was justified because he was a fisherman and he killed residents of the underwater kingdom.
ursula snaps and rebels against him, looking to take the entire kingdom for her own, but is thwarted and exiled from court, where she removes herself to the leviathan skeleton cave and begins her work as a sea witch, biding her time until she can get revenge on triton. this opportunity comes when ariel decides she wants to become a human and the rest, as they say, is history.
tldr ; ursula’s mom was cursed for having an affair with poseidon. ursula is triton’s half sister, she was raised by a human after she was cursed to forget her memories. when the curse broke her human father was killed trying to stop her from being burned at the stake. she sought revenge, was taken in by triton and then rebelled and got kicked out.
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