#more than minimum wage
nauticalfools · 2 months
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johnnyutah · 2 months
he’s the character of all time. he’s a final girl. he’s a final boy. he lives despite the odds every time. he dies almost immediately. he’s strikingly beautiful. he’s caked in blood and mud and guts. he cuts off his own hand. he’s a sweet lover boy mourning his true love. he’s a rabid and shameless chauvinist. he’s the prophesied hero. he’s a murder suspect. he’s a normal guy who hates all this and would rather be anyone else. he’s got an axe. he’s got a chainsaw. he’s got a shotgun. he’s got a prosthetic hand. eventually, someday, he’ll be the greatest hero of all time, and also be a minimum wage employee at a department store. what more could you want in a character
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brzaski · 2 years
on March 14th 2023, a Polish abortion activist Justyna Wydrzyńska was sentenced to eight months of community service for helping a woman in an abusive relationship access abortion pills
Poland has one of the strictest abortion laws in Europe.
if you can, please consider donating to ADT, the organisation that helps people in Poland access abortion!
edit: i see this post got reblogged into the terf teritory. ADT is trans friendly. please just donate and be quiet <3
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transformersfunnies · 4 months
We as a society don’t talk enough about how G1 Dockworker Orion Pax was actually probably a lower caste than G1 Military General Megatron.
Like, G1 has the unfortunate position of being a cheesy 80s cartoon devoid of most pre-war nuance, and by the time we actually got that nuance Orion had been moved to more middle class jobs.
But like, in another universe G1 Orion could’ve very well had it just as bad as like, IDW Megatron, as a hard laborer and I just find it fascinating that no one talks about this!
(Imagine if G1 Optimus was even cold constructed, like, the drama, the ANGST!!!)
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thatskindarough · 3 days
Landed myself an interview at Starbucks about to fulfill my duty as a they/them and make the best coffee (guys I don’t even like coffee 😭)
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feketeribizli · 1 month
ikea job application asking about my gender here in my good christian country hungary...
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silvermoon424 · 2 months
Just got back in touch with a coworker/friend from my previous job. Apparently I was right to jump ship when I did, lol. They're having to go into the office 3 days a week now (when I was there it was only 2). They also keep taking on more work despite not hiring new people (leading to a bigger and more stressful workload for everyone) and they've restructured a lot.
Meanwhile I'm getting paid $9 an hour more than I was there, am in a fully remote work environment, am actually appreciated by my company and coworkers, and my workload and stress is way less than it was there. You know, I was fucking pissed when I was basically pushed out of my last job due to shitty coworkers, but it was honestly the nicest thing they could have done for me!
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mxjackparker · 18 days
If the minimum wage for under-18s in the UK hadn't been £3.87 per hour when I was 17 (it's now £6.40, not fucking high enough), I never would've started sex work. Working full time, I still wasn't earning enough to survive on, because the under-18 minimum wage here assumes that teenagers have their parents paying their bills.
Teens are regularly put in positions where they have to take on adult responsibilities and bills, yet they're paid less for doing the same work as adults who may need money less than they do!
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sadmages · 5 months
Back in my bi weekly 'I'll never be able to move out' spiral 🤪
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the high prices of fucking Everything is so exhausting i stg
#i need to take an uber to the vet TEN MINUTES AWAY#i repeat IT IS A TEN MINUTE DRIVE#and its gonna cost me nearly 60 bucks. the FUCK#and who knows how much the checkup for my cats is gonna cost#let alone whatever prescription they need for the long drive#im so tired. im so so tired#its moments like these where i can see my future#ah yes. working 9-5 for a company that sees me as nothing more than a tool to be replaced when broken#just barely scraping by on minimum wage in a world where that isnt enough to pay for essentials#left with no time or energy to actually enjoy being alive or do the things i love#years and years of the same exact shit over and over and over again hating every second#and KNOWING it could be so much better but also knowing that it fucking Cant. sigh#sorry sorry im just. angry again at the absolute state of things#i would love to love life but my fucking god the world at large makes it tough#white-knuckling the little things once again#man its just. its so STUPID lmao#like why are we torturing ourselves like this? why are we just Accepting this#life could be so great but stupid shit like taxes and inflation and utilities exist#most of the shit we have to pay for should be free. it should be free.#it shouldnt be difficult to Live just because the majority of us don't have the fake fucking paper to buy things#its pointless its ridiculous and it makes me furious#why should i kill myself just to survive huh. why should i. why should any of us.#we all deserve to fuckin. idk enjoy sunsets and good food and art and each others' company.#instead everyone's stressing themselves to death over making rent and getting groceries and paying bills. fuck.#id love to be able to create art that Sells and open a shop or something#but also the thought of creating purposefully marketable art purely to make money fucking kills me inside#comms are one thing but... just... sighing sighing sighing. man idk#i just dont know. ill deal but everytime i manage to think positively reality comes in with a sledgehammer and now i want to go back to bed#the point is to live BUT YA CANT FUCKIN LIVE BC POINTLESS STUFF REIGNS SUPREME. WHO'S GONNA COMMIT ARSON W ME CMON LETS GO#this stupid fucking country and this stupid fucking government. i hate it here
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an-albino-pinetree · 7 months
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mutantenfisch · 1 month
Am almost done with crocheting my rainbow blanket and for the lols did some math.
I can do 6 hexagons per hour if i don't let myself get distracted
Each colour has 7 hexes with white border and 12 full colour hexes
I have 8 colours in total
This means per colour i need a bit over 3 hours per colour. Untangling and cutting yarn as i go taken into consideration, i need about 3.5 hours per colour.
3.5 hours times 8 is 28 hours. Minimum wage per hour in Germany is currently at 12.41 €
Only for the pieces to be crocheted would mean I could charge 347.48 € for them and this does NOT take into consideration that i had to buy the yarn before starting and that there will still go several hours into blocking the pieces and sewing them together to form a blanket.
So i guess what I'm meaning to say is. If you want to purchase handcrocheted or otherwise handmade stuff you should really take into consideration what it is worth in means of hours of labour and a modicum of fair wage.
And the other way around too. I see it with artists all the time who are underselling their work, but artisans and crafters should not be ashamed or afraid to charge up in order to get a fair prize for selling.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
after deducting the cost of materials (charms, findings, the little display cards they go on to) and, hell, even rounding it up an extra 20% for such things has "had to buy a £2 pair of pliers once"
after deducting that and being generous with it
i get paid roughly £165 per hour for labour making earrings. i'm serious. £5.50 for two minutes of work
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dead-in-the-pool · 1 month
you better have your fucking phone on silent and not be staring at it the whole time
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babyseraphim · 29 days
there's this one kid that i spend time with individually while working my front desk summer camp job (i'm usually the lead teacher at my studio, but i'm filling in for administration because we're short staffed) and his situation is just... god, it breaks my heart.
he's been labeled as annoying and angry by his classmates, but i spoke with his mom, and he is very, very obviously autistic, and they are just having trouble getting him officially diagnosed. so, when he has a meltdown, he just gets labeled as a troublemaker by other teachers, and gets totally dismissed.
so, when he gets upset or overwhelmed, i've started taking him to the back of the classroom and giving him paper and crayons, away from all the noise of the group music class (which in all honestly, i also find very overwhelming). he literally calms down immediately, and he even went so far as to tell me that i remind him of a Disney princess. he's a very sweet boy, if you're patient with him.
idk. i wish i could do more for the neurodivergent kids of the world, the education system is a fucking sham
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danmeireader · 8 months
So i got some bad news last week re my living situation (my landlord got fed up with a palestinian on his property), and my new potential apartments all have higher rent.
i'm looking for a second job, and considering a loan, but i also just wanted to set up a ko-fi page for a bit more help
if anyone wants to tip or share this post, it would be much appreciated!
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