#if i could sell this blanket for minimum wage-based money i would make approximately 450 bucks
mutantenfisch · 1 month
Am almost done with crocheting my rainbow blanket and for the lols did some math.
I can do 6 hexagons per hour if i don't let myself get distracted
Each colour has 7 hexes with white border and 12 full colour hexes
I have 8 colours in total
This means per colour i need a bit over 3 hours per colour. Untangling and cutting yarn as i go taken into consideration, i need about 3.5 hours per colour.
3.5 hours times 8 is 28 hours. Minimum wage per hour in Germany is currently at 12.41 €
Only for the pieces to be crocheted would mean I could charge 347.48 € for them and this does NOT take into consideration that i had to buy the yarn before starting and that there will still go several hours into blocking the pieces and sewing them together to form a blanket.
So i guess what I'm meaning to say is. If you want to purchase handcrocheted or otherwise handmade stuff you should really take into consideration what it is worth in means of hours of labour and a modicum of fair wage.
And the other way around too. I see it with artists all the time who are underselling their work, but artisans and crafters should not be ashamed or afraid to charge up in order to get a fair prize for selling.
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