#my thesis is that minimum wage/low-paying jobs are always harder and more stressful than higher-paying jobs
silvermoon424 · 2 months
Just got back in touch with a coworker/friend from my previous job. Apparently I was right to jump ship when I did, lol. They're having to go into the office 3 days a week now (when I was there it was only 2). They also keep taking on more work despite not hiring new people (leading to a bigger and more stressful workload for everyone) and they've restructured a lot.
Meanwhile I'm getting paid $9 an hour more than I was there, am in a fully remote work environment, am actually appreciated by my company and coworkers, and my workload and stress is way less than it was there. You know, I was fucking pissed when I was basically pushed out of my last job due to shitty coworkers, but it was honestly the nicest thing they could have done for me!
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