#more of her in the beginnings of becoming the head of the clan o:
fowleyes · 2 years
@hyugaes .            |            sc .
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 '𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍 brews like a pot of black coffee & the sun's exposure has not yet met their skin . sweat forms at the base of his back as his legs grow heavy with lethargy & his coat grows increasingly more uncomfortable with the spreading of warmth through the air . there is a slight relief as winds blow in a way only recognizable to konoha . for a moment , it reminds him of childhood . he can still feel their blood on his hands .
                                  ❛    hyūga hinata . what are your plans ?   ❜   
the new head of the hyūga clan . he's heard rumors of her desire for reformation .
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
HII I saw your requests are open and you wanted um. Neji. Reqs. Hi. um.!! Could you write something of him with a reader thats not from a strong clan (They are well known but not for fighting or even field work) and doesn’t have a Kekkei Genkai or anything but is strong regardless,,, wields a sword and is great at fighting physically and all that. She teases him a lot and gets not his nerves but it’s all affectionate! She does get underestimated a lot though. I’ve had this idea sitting in my head ever since I watched naruto,, saw team guy and fell in love they are my roman empire
Neji With an S/O Who Isn’t From a Prominent Clan
Idk if i capitalize titles right tbh. I forget how it’s done honestly. I don’t remember if “With” gets capitalized.
Anyways, thank you so much for your request!
This is a little harsh in the beginning. So WARNING! For asshole genin Neji.
No gender specified, but “beautiful” is used
An uneven number of shinobi graduating from the academy was so oddly unheard of that at first, you ended up training alone with some jonin who took pity on you.
And at first, Neji had said something to his team about that just being the fate of people like you. Destined to be alone and a failure.
No need to give you some chance for a big break in life, this would happen any way you put it.
Neji didn’t ever figure he’d be willing to die for you one day. (Maybe he’s not the character to say this for…)
He dreaded when Gai Sensei introduced you as a new teammate of team 3.
Of course Gai would go through the trouble of taking pity on a wimp like you. He should have expected no less.
Tenten was excited that you wielded a weapon, however.
And Rock Lee was excited to have a new teammate! Not to mention, you were beautiful. He was just a little smitten…
Overtime, he watched you train. And as Tenten marveled over how well off you were in your skills with your ninjato! (A ninjato is a straight sword, if you don’t know. Sasuke uses one)
And in the same way he thinks Rock Lee or Naruto are destined to never make it anywhere, he thinks the same of you.
After the chunin exams and the Konoha crush, he begins to think differently of you. He thinks differently of himself, Rock Lee, and Naruto as well. Even Lady Hinata.
Overall, he becomes more pleasant to be around. And you both start to talk a bit more often.
Soon he fines Lee’s insistence on flirting with you so openly is annoying, and not just because he won’t shut up anymore, but now it’s that he’s jealous.
He’s jealous?
He’s jealous.
And when he watches you fight while on missions, he’s got a different way of looking at you.
Maybe somebody with no Kekkei Genkai and no prominent clan can really make it. Maybe you aren’t destined for failure. Maybe that challenge is just something you can overcome, become stronger.
And you have.
I think being with him would be a classic case of you fell first, he fell harder.
You didn’t fall immediately. You were very sweet, but anybody with a brain knew Neji was a total asshole. Even if you were rather nice to him, you didn’t have eyes for him beyond thinking he was pretty for a guy.
So once he starts to be nicer, you quickly realize he’s not just visually your type. You really like the guy.
It takes him a couple years to fully realize he fell for you.
And a bit longer to realize Lee, as much as he cares for him, is testing his patience asking you out. When will he give up?
So he realizes, if he keeps quiet, are you gonna give in and let Lee have a chance with your heart?
So he ends up asking you out on a date after pulling you off to the side. Making sure you were out of earshot from anybody, especially your team.
You both keep it silent from Tenten, Gai, and Lee. Anybody really. For a while.
He wonders how none of them notice the way you tease him more than the others. The way you’re just a bit too touchy with him. (Tenten noticed, but she keeps her mouth shut for a while)
The way you insist on braiding his hair or tying it up for him before training or something to get it out of his way.
Or just beg him to let you braid it for fun. No real reason.
Usually he rolls his eyes, groans, and says no. Firmly. But he’s not so firm with you.
He looks so pretty with his braided hair. Let’s just say that.
Until finally Neji snaps a little bit at Lee, “When will you realize, y/n has a boyfriend, Lee.”
Lee’s eyes go wide, and he’s visibly upset. But soon his brows just furrow a bit as he exclaims “WAIT, WHO??”
Neji realizes his mistake, but he’s not ashamed of you. So maybe it is time to say something. So he informs Lee, and the rest of the over enthusiastic team, that he is, in fact, your boyfriend.
He’s actually so proud of your skills.
He’s not the type to show you off by PDA, but he will smirk and look all smug when somebody compliments you or you do something awesome.
And when the clan’s branch system gets dismantled, eventually he starts figuring your name would sound real nice with Hyuga as a family name.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
Hello! could I request Warden Ingo with a S/O who is from Hisui and is so kind it could break the universe. I can just imagine This S/O would be so protective over him at the beginning but as time goes on, Ingo becomes the one protective over his S/O.
(Okay I am so so sorry this turned into an actual essay my friend)
Of course!! I love protective reader stuff, because that’s just how I am. Mother hen instinct. Also, since you said the reader is from Hisui proper, I decided to make them a member of the Pearl Clan for the sake of the story, but let me know if that’s not what you had in mind! Will also be defaulting to a masc reader, but if you’d rather have it be more GN leaning you can let me know about that too!
cw: minor death and injury mention, discussions of disassociation
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Like Home — Warden Ingo x Reader
⬛️ — Everything had been moving really slowly since that rift opened up. Everyone was extremely cautious, and for the most part, the clan leader and the wardens were the only ones who left the settlement for any decent length of time.
⬛️ — Things had gotten especially stressful when one of the strange and powerful Pokemon that rift had spit out killed the warden of Lady Sneasler, leaving the entire clan, unshakable wardens included, on edge. What was one of your clan’s most exalted nobles to do without a warden? Little did anyone in the Pearl Clan know a solution would fall right into your laps, and for you, it would be something much more.
⬛️ — Another cautious day had gone by in relative silence, you and your Pokemon companion busy cutting firewood for the settlement, when your clan leader and a few other clan members came running into the village making a huge fuss about something that happened. This had everyone’s attention, naturally, and everyone who was out of their homes gathered around Irida and her small traveling party to learn what happened. When you joined the crowd, one hand on your Pokémon’s head, you were shocked to see one of the stronger people who had gone out with Irida that day holding what looked to be an unconscious person dressed in strange, battered clothes.
⬛️ — Apparently they’d all gone to check on Lady Sneasler while who her replacement warden would be was still up in the air, and the party had found this man in bizarre garb in her den she had apparently found and was looking after. Not to mention she was delighted when Pearl Clan members showed up because now there were knowledgeable humans here who could take care of him with human medicines! And now here you all are, the entire Pearl Clan gathered around staring at this one strange guy, debating what the best course of action would be.
⬛️ — Of course just about everyone in the clan wants to help, it’s just a matter of who to entrust this to and how it should be handled. And bleeding heart that you are, you volunteer almost immediately to shelter the recovering stranger in your tent. And that’s how you personally decided that from here on out, this guy was your responsibility.
⬛️ — You were patient with him when he first woke up, as he was obviously dazed and confused. Thankfully he’d been in Hisui for some time before the Pearl Clan found him, maybe a week or so, so the absolute panic crisis that is realizing he can’t remember anything is kind of a “been there done that” thing. You’re still shocked to hear it, though, and even if the initial terror of the situation to him has already worn off he’s clearly still troubled by it.
⬛️ — His name is Ingo. You’re immediately taken by his quirky way of speaking, that extra air of formality he addresses you and everyone else with and his tendency to just blurt out what he’s feeling in that booming voice of his. He says a lot of things you don’t understand, has catchphrases that could practically be another language to you with how little sense they make, and he’s always reflexively doing this big pointing pose that’s so over the top, you can’t help but laugh a little when he does it. When he eventually does get moving again, the entire Pearl Clan finds him just as strange and you can’t tell if he’s aware or not.
⬛️ — But before that kind of recovery happens, during those initial first days where you’re at his bedside examining his injuries and kindly bringing him warm meals and medicine, he never stops asserting how thankful he is. He’s extremely well-mannered and no matter what you do for him he gives you the most heartfelt of thanks. So even if he’s hard to understand sometimes, he’s made it abundantly clear he’s grateful for your care. Even if, later on, he gets a bit antsy to move around and you have to keep dragging him back to his bedroll. No, Ingo, you still have vertigo and if you go outside to help gather logs as thanks for everything you WILL stumble onto a bad patch of ice and break your neck. Ingo, no, I don’t need any help patching this hole in the tent, you stay on your feet too long and that fracture won’t heal right, sit down. Damn it, Ingo, those cuts on your hands JUST healed you are not helping me start the cooking fire, you’re going to get blisters like a motherfucker.
⬛️ — It was only natural you two grew very close. Natural protective instinct kicks in pretty quick. I mean, the more you talk to Ingo, the more you realize he’s been through so, so much and the more your heart aches for him. You’d never say it to his face, but sometimes you just want to wrap your arms around him and hold him so the cruel world can’t hurt him again. ...But that’s weird. And you probably shouldn’t be saying that to someone you’ve only known for a month now. 
⬛️ — When Ingo finally does make a full recovery and the clan not only welcomes him in as a proper member, but also decides the surprisingly natural connection he made with Lady Sneasler made him a perfect fit to be her new warden, you’re cheering him on the entire time. Even if he doesn’t necessarily understand what’s happening.
⬛️ — You admittedly find yourself getting a bit sad after he makes his recovery and starts tending to Sneasler a lot more. Of course, he’s fitting in well with the clan now and has something to occupy his time, and you absolutely want that for him, but... you miss him. You miss constantly hearing all his weird expressions about “tracks”, “engines” and “terminals”, you miss his funny pose that you noticed he started to do more when he realized it made you laugh, and you even miss him being stupidly and dangerously polite as he pushes himself to try and help out with anything that needed doing.
⬛️ — Oh and that’s not even mentioning the protective instinct. You miss him, and you’re worried about him. He’s not from Hisui, how’s he doing in the wilds on his own when he travels to the highlands? Is he getting enough to eat, is he pushing his injured leg too hard? When you finally vent about all of these feelings to one of your friends in the clan, they laughed and playfully clapped you on the back, telling you they weren’t sure if you wanted to marry him or adopt him. (You just about strangled them.)
⬛️ — When he recovered, Irida helped put together a home of his own, so he was no longer living with you. Which made it all the more (pleasantly) surprising when that very same night after you told your friend about all this, Ingo turns up at your doorstep. He’s very polite, of course, tipping his hat to you and ever so kindly requesting to be let in, which you oblige. In the firelight, you can see all the snow clinging onto his dark coat, and it’s kind of hard to resist fussing over him making sure he’s not freezing.
⬛️ — When you ask him what brought him here at this hour, he motions for you to kneel down beside your fire pit with him. When you’re both seated, you see him think about something for barely a second before he’s talking to you.
“I confided in Lady Sneasler today. Unsurprisingly, I received no direct answers, as I cannot understand the Pokemon language, but I feel some level of clarity after doing so.”
“Oh? What about?”
“I feel… many complex things about this place. I do not understand the extent of it myself. There is, unfortunately, quite a lot of things, even in my own head, that I do not understand myself…”
“Ingo are you… okay?”
“Hm? Yes! As okay as I can be, I suppose. I must confess not wholly, but I think you are already quite familiar with why. But that is not what brought me here. Well—it is, I suppose, but I find it to be only tangentially related.”
“Right. Go on.”
“I have… spent much of my time here in Hisui like a ghost, I feel. At times, I am not even aware of when I’m moving or where I’m going. I would call it derailment, but that would imply I would stop once I was off those rails—but alas, all these diverging tracks keep being laid and I sometimes shock myself with how much I have moved or how many tasks I have accomplished without being aware my hands were even my own. I am thinking. Thinking very often, yes. The things I’ve forgotten haven’t escaped fully, they feel so close, and yet so far. Incomplete thoughts taunt me so. I know the names of the things I loved, yet I cannot visualize them. I can see loved ones in my mind’s eye, but they have no names. I know Hisui is not my home, but I do not know where home is. It is all… very tiring. Leaving the confines of my own head is a great challenge, and I only recently became aware that it was a problem to begin with.”
“Wow, Ingo, I… I don’t even know what to—“
“But there is one thing I have to hang onto, and I feel terribly ashamed to have not realized this sooner. Hisui is not my home. I know this. These lands are foreign to me and it’s a marvel I don’t become lost entirely all those times my body has left the station without giving my mind a chance to catch up. I look around here and feel nothing, it is all just new and strange land which means nothing to me, and so I am left with my thoughts once again. …But this was not a problem when I was with you. It is why, I believe, it took me so long to realize this was an issue at all. Because in all the time we spent together, you so kindly tending to my wounds in all your generosity, I do not recall feeling so lost. Or, if I did, I do not remember it. I did not understand Lady Sneasler’s actual words, but when I shared this with her, she seemed to be almost urging me to depart and find you. And so, here I am, rambling on, if just to say… I… I did not think I understood what ‘home’ was anymore until I looked back on the time I spent with you. Mhm, I do not wish to sound so dependent, but with you things are simply… safe.”
⬛️ — And all the while as he’s pouring his heart out to you, his face is getting redder and redder and the brim of his hat lower and lower as he tries to hide his face. And hearing all that, there’s a lot you’re feeling, but just…
⬛️ — The only thing you can think to do his pull him close like you’ve always wanted to and whisper: “To be honest, I’ve always hoped that’s how I made you feel.”
⬛️ — Needless to say, you became a couple pretty shortly after that, to the surprise of literally none of your friends and neighbors.
⬛️ — Your protective nature just goes full force anymore, and Ingo kind of lets it happen. Yeah, you definitely do baby him from time to time, but he rolls with it. With how confusing everything about his life is anymore, it’s a welcome thing. You aren’t exactly charging into battle, weapon in hand ready to fight some foe to the death for his sake, but you might as well be doing that, because everything you do makes him feel so… safe in such an uncertain world.
⬛️ — He’s literally forever stuck as the little spoon at night but he’s okay with it, he feels safe in your arms and you feel at ease knowing he’s right there beside you, and not out somewhere on his own in the wilds. You’re always quick to make dinner before he can even offer to do it, and you check his old, healing wounds frequently to make sure they keep healing properly. Nothing brings you more joy than seeing that spark of happiness light up his usually glassy eyes when you pull him in for a hug or kiss him on the cheek when he comes home at the end of the day.
⬛️ — As he trusts you more and more, his hat comes off a lot more frequently, and that’s when you learn he has a particular weakness for you petting his hair. And you’re happy to oblige. It does seem that through all the stress Hisui has him under, his hair has thinned immensely, but that’s not something you feel the need to mention.
⬛️ — Everything is perfect bliss, and as your relationship develops, while you’re busy obsessing over Ingo being taken care of, you start to notice he’s actually just as protective over you, but in a different way—and it has your heart even more. You’re so used to caring for others, and having someone return the favor with such gusto is incredible.
⬛️ — Knowing your kindness, Ingo’s always looking out to make sure you’re not taken advantage of. It has led to some awkward misunderstandings, considering Ingo has no filter and no sense of hesitation when it comes to blurting things out, so he has told off people he only heard say something a bit concerning out of context to you. (He’s always apologetic though, he’s terribly sorry, he doesn’t know what came over him there. Well, you know what came over him, and it’s how in love he is with you, but you don’t say anything.) In disagreements with Diamond Clan or Galaxy Team members he’s always right by your side, holding your hand cautiously. Even though you’re the Hisui native, when you go into the wilds together, he’s the one leading the way and willing to charge full force into Pokemon battles to keep the two of you safe.
⬛️ — (Now, okay, you have to admit he’s a ridiculously talented battler, but this behavior has led to some rather comical friction between you two, with you chasing after him warning him that he needs to consider his own safety too while he marches ahead and pretends not to hear you.)
⬛️ — The injuries either of you have sustained while looking out for one another are altogether minor, but those moments usually result in one of you sternly chiding the other for being reckless while you tend to their wounds. And then you both do it again. Because you can tell each other to control the mother hen instinct all you want, but lord knows you’re not taking your own advice.
⬛️ — So things get a bit messy at times, but any disagreements are usually laughed off or settled pretty quickly. You know how the other thinks now and both of you know you just want the best for one another.
⬛️ — The Pearl Clan is so proud of you. The overprotective mom friend of the settlement has finally met their match in more ways than one. You two are kind of like a comedy act sometimes, watching both of you fight over who the human shield is if an Alpha Pokemon ever attacks you two.
⬛️ — But even with all these light, funny disagreements, you two know what you’re doing in this relationship. Ingo genuinely does look out for you when you’re doing business with the Galaxy Team, and he’s barked at quite a few shady merchants who have tried to cut you a bad deal. You spoonfeed him soup when he inevitably gets sick from the cold of the Alabaster Icelands while he blearily mumbles thanks and “I love you”s. His incredible battling skill chased off an Alpha Garchomp that could have very well killed you both, all while he kept himself firmly planted between you and the attacking Pokemon. You hold him at night, gently pressing your forehead to his and whispering soft comforts when his memory is straining harder than usual.
⬛️ — You look out for each other at all times. And sometimes, at night when he’s particularly drowsy and (somehow) even less aware of what he’s saying, he’ll lay his head on your chest and quietly thank you helping him remember what it means for something to feel like home.
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the12thnightproject · 3 months
12 Lies and 3, 4, 6, 14, 15? :o
Hi Lorei!
Thank you for the ask! I can never talk too much about "Twelve Lies..."
3. Favorite Line of Narration... From Chapter 42, "In the Weeds" because it encapsulates one of the big lessons Katsuko had to learn for character growth...
Toshiie loved his wife, his family, the things he had built here in Ikuno. That was evident in everything he did. That didn’t mean he didn’t have regrets. Nor did it mean that he would ever get over his captain. Maybe we’re not meant to get over people. Maybe we’re meant to take with us the things we learned, the joyful memories, and use the pain to become kinder versions of ourselves.
4. Favorite Line of Dialogue...
This is from Chapter 4... and it represents the moment that Katsuko (who is still disguised as a young man at this point) begins to fall for Shingen, and the moment that Shingen begins to take an interest in training Katsu as strategist:
When I re-opened my eyes, Shingen was still silently regarding me. I wondered if he had ever – well, that was a ridiculous thought. He was the leader of the Takeda clan – he had to have killed many in battle. “Does it get easier?”
Yukimura shook his head and responded first. “No. Never has.” He cleared his throat a couple of times, and gulped down his tea.
But Shingen had a different answer. “Killing? Yes. You learn to put what must done in one part of your mind, separate from the you that lives through every day, walled away from your heart. You have to, or one day you’ll no longer be able to function. But it’s still within you.” He tapped his chest. “It’s still within you.”
I understood. I was going to have to live with this. I was going to have to learn how to live with it.
Shingen sighed, and raked his hair out of his eyes. “I won’t insult you by telling you this man was a criminal and probably has harmed or killed many others. You know that. You also now know what it’s like to kill and that will weigh upon you.”
It did. I appreciated the fact that he didn’t tell me to get over it, or offer a cliched platitude like, ‘war is hell, kid.’ He was treating me like the young man he thought me to be – and I needed to respond accordingly. “Yes, sir, it does.”
His eyebrows lifted at my return to formality. “I would have respected you less if it didn’t bother you.”
6. What makes this fic special/different from all my other fics?
It's my first completed longfic (and it is very long, at 150,000 words). I didn't realize I could write that much, or finish something this long. Also, Shingen is my favorite Ikesen Character, so I wrote something that I would want to read, and it makes me happy whenever I revisit a chapter and recall the feeling I had while I was writing it.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Not especially? I mean, I did want readers to appreciate Shingen, and see what I see in him, but more than that, I wanted people to enjoy it. Also, I wanted people to like my OC and enjoy her point of view. But initially, I just wanted to write something entertaining.
15. What did I learn from writing this fic?
I learned how to have fun writing again - I had the worst case of writer's block in my screenwriting, but while I was writing this, I also managed to write a spec pilot (and have written a couple more since then). I realized that it is possible to write a story without being completely certain what is going to happen next, and I was reminded that creating and editing are two different parts of my brain, which should be used at different times in the writing process.
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starsinthenigth · 1 year
unfinished drabble, yay
This is it.
This is the moment she has been training for her whole life.
To serve her master. And become a general.
The young recruit, now general, moves her gaze upwards, to see her master approaching one of the last remaining Hamato member's that is chained to the harsh ground, unconscious.
Her master, Shredder, is going to do it.
He is going to consume every last remaining atom of that rat's power.
His N I N P O that is...
Looking around, there isn't a single sight of the 'Mad Dogs'.
Or 'the ones that tried to interfere with theritual' that is...
It's perfect.
The Shredder's footsteps are sending small vibrations to the ground, but the young general is not affected by it.
However, with every step he takes towards the slumbering rat, the feeling of hesitation enters her mind.
. . .
NO! She shouldn't feel it. This is what she always wanted and it's.. PERFECT!..Isn't it?
"With this power, the world will kneel before ME."
Her master roared, before stopping in front of the unconscious mutant.
One of his armour gauntlets transformed into a drill, which in a matter of a few moments it extended before jabbing into the rat's fore-head.
No blood came out of the stab, however the mutant's body began to slowly dissolve. Dissolve into pitch black ash, as his energy was slowly being consumed by the Shredder.
The young general lowers her head at the sight, gaze on the unforgiving ground, her bandaged hands gripping on the smooth wooden material of a naginata she is wielding.Her nails are almost digging into it, her knuckles almost turning pale, as a small feeling of doubt is slowly building up inside of her.. . .
Why would she feel doubt?
Why is it that she is feeling doubt?
She should not be feeling that.
She is loyal to her clan. She is supposed to be. In fact, she is fiercely loyal.
Cassandra forces her gaze upwards once again, trying to push the feeling of pride into her mind.
But, by doing that.. she only witnesses the helpless body of the chained rat, almost turned into dust.
The general's heart skips a beat, brows hesitantly narrowing at the sight.Her nails dig into the Naginata even further, her shoulders begin to tense with reluctance.
. . .
She can't do it.
Gritting her teeth, a faint feeling of determination enters her mind.Faint determination for a new goal.
Getting in a defensive stance, she glares at her master before she approaches the living armour, getting ready to strike at him.But before she could do anything..
Harsh thoughts strike her mind first, resulting in her movements cutting out, before she could do anything.
'Why would she sabotage and betray the one she is supposed to s e r v e.'
'This is what her clan would have wanted.'
'This is what her master wants.'
'This is what she, herself would have wanted'
'So why would she break her clan's trust for not only her's.. but their enemy's sake?!'
Glancing at the ground once more, the general remains motionless. The tension in her body is still strong.
Her heart drops to her stomach, once she hears faint clatter, coming from her master's direction.
Snapping her head towards the source of noise, her breath hitches a little at the sight of empty lifeless chains on the ground.
Eyes widening a little at the sight, the general's brows narrow, her lips curling down into a small frown, her hands almost letting go of the weapon she is holding..
The same weapon that guarded the mutant from being rescued by his children.
The very same weapon that she could have used to save that rat. 
..And yet, she didn't.
She let her master have what he craved for so long.
She stayed loyal.
..A tiny smile creeps up on her face.
. . .
She should be proud of that.
Shouldn't she..?
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pandorasbreath · 2 years
To Fall in Love with You Again
Part One
Pairing: Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan x Fem!OC
Warnings: Angst, blood, near death, loss of consciousness, coma.
Summary: Ala’Tani would do anything for her Neteyam, including taking a literal bullet. She falls into a comatose state and Neteyam is beyond worried. But when Ala’Tani wakes up and does not remember him, Neteyam will do anything to have her fall in love with him again.
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It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be him. It was meant for him. But Ala’tani couldn’t let it be him, not her Neteyam. He has so much to live for, too many people that love him, need him. She’s just an orphan girl raised by a clan that she wasn’t supposed to be in. She’d do anything for him, including die in his place.
The tension and sadness is thick as Ala’tani lies dying in the arms of her yawne, Neteyam. ‘It’s going to be okay, you will be okay ‘Tani.” Eyes barely open, she looks into the eyes she has fallen in love with. ‘Ma N-Nete.’ He grips her hand a little tighter. ‘Yes ma Syulang?’ With ragged breaths, she musters enough air to speak. ‘Ma Teyam, l-look af-after my ‘ayih. M-make s-sure Lo’ak ta-takes care of h-her. And don’t gr-grieve over me too l-long. You will be o-okay ma Nete. I will al-always be right in h-here.’ She places her hand flat against Neteyam’s chest where his heart is. He places his hand over his. ‘No Syulang. You will be okay, you are not leaving me. Oel ngati kameie, Ala’tani.’ She manages to smile or at least hope that she does. ‘Oel ngati kameie, ma Neteyam. Forev-.’ She doesn’t get to finish her sentences before her eyes close on their own accord. ‘No, no, no! Ala’Tani!’ The screams of Neteyam falling upon her deaf ears.
When she comes to days later and her senses finally adjust, she hears voices that she does not recognize. Neteyam sees that she is awake and rushes to her side, grabbing her hand. ‘My lor. How are you feeling?’ She looks at the man before her, she furrows her brows at him and tilts her head to the side, pulling her hand away from him.
The words she says next, puts everyone in the room into complete silence.
‘Very sore. I’m sorry but who are you?’
Those six words cause Neteyams breathing to stop and tears to begin forming in his eyes. ‘Ma yawne. You do not know who I am?’ His voice is soft, sad. She shakes her head. ‘No. I’m sorry. You aren’t part of my clan, you don’t look like them but you have features like me.’ She states while feeling his forearm. ‘You have arms just like me.’ Neteyams breath hitches from her touch as his tail swishes timidly behind him. That catches Ala’tani’s eyes. ‘And your tail is like mine. Where are you from?’ It takes him a moment to compose himself. ‘From the forest. The Omaticaya.’ She smiles. Eywa, he has missed that smile. She goes to respond but nausea overcomes her and she becomes light headed. ‘Hey, ‘Tani. Lie down ma yawne.’ Neteyam helps her lie down and before she knows it, she is sound asleep.
Neteyam sits with his family while they eat dinner, his food completely untouched. Neytiri notices. ‘My ‘itan. You have not touched your food.’ Her acknowledgment of his distress is enough to cause more tears to form. ‘Sa’nok, what am I to do. The woman who was going to be my muntxate does not who I am. Our ceremony was to be soon and she doesn’t even remember my name.’ Neytiri does not like to see her son this way, it pains her heart. ‘Oh ‘itan. I wish that I could take this pain from your heart. But she has just woken up, give her time. I am sure that her memories will return soon.’
That night, Neteyams stays by her side. Laying down in the hammock he hung next to hers, he prays to Eywa.
Oh Eywa. I know that you do not take sides. But please let her memories of us return. I will not know what to do without her.
While trying to fall asleep, he decides that he will just have to make her fall in love with him again for if the worst case scenario happens and her memories do not return.
He will do anything for his tìyawn.
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could i maybe have some tigerclaw x whitestorm x lionheart hypokits? :o
Warriors Ships Hypokits- WhiteTigerLion Edition
I never considered this ship before. I think it could have a lot of great angst potential in a more canon-like setting... but I can't do that because I'm a sucker for happy endings. And by StarClan do Lion and White deserve one (and maybe Tiger does too)
In this AU, Tigerpaw is apprenticed to Bluefrost instead of Thistleclaw. The two are constantly butting heads and Tigerpaw constantly disobeys his mentor and causes trouble. It's only after the two are forced to actually talk that Bluefrost understands that Tigerpaw is lonely and struggles with a complex about his father and believes that he is inherently bad somehow. Bluefrost begins to help her apprentice and he becomes better over time. He doesn't attack Tiny, but Tiny still ends up founding BloodClan, but it is a much kinder group as a result of the Clans' kindness toward him as a kit. Tigerpaw grows close with two other apprentices, Lionpaw and Whitepaw, who shares similar issues about his own father Thistleclaw, who was exiled for killing another Clan's Medicine Cat. When they grow older they fall in love and become mates (after a lot of work and talking things out). Tigerfrost never becomes Leader or even Deputy but he finds that he is very okay with that. He cheers the loudest of everyone when Bluestar becomes ThunderClan's Leader.
They have six kits with their friends Goldenflower, Frostfur, and Willowmoon as the surrogates.
Litter 1 (fathered by Tigerfrost):
Leopardstep- light-brown-and-silver spotted tabby tom with pale blue eyes. Cis tom, demisexual. This universe's version of Longtail and was named after Leopardfoot. Leopardstep is a petty and cold cat who believes Clan cats are superior to all other cats, despite the efforts of his fathers to teach him otherwise. He changes with the arrival of Firepaw, who is made his apprentice and the two bond over their time together. In a complete reversal of his former self, he ends up falling for Fireheart’s older kittypet sister Princess and leaves ThunderClan for BloodClan to be with her. He visits his family with her and their kits a lot before the Clans are forced to leave the forest. He dies from old age surrounded by his mate and kits. When he was a Warrior, he was a Hunter. 
Litter 2 (fathered by Lionheart; born around the same time as Litter 1):
Braveclaw- golden molly with a longer neck ruff and amber eyes. Trans molly, lesbian. Braveclaw is a tough and strong-willed cat who is a natural leader and takes charge easily. She is firm and stern but fair, and is well-respected by her Clanmates for it. She is a bit awkward outside of situations that she needs to take charge of and is actually a huge softie underneath it all. Braveclaw prefers to try and hide this because it interferes with her “cool and strong” image, but her family like to tease that side out of her because it’s funny and cute to see that shift. She is killed in a battle at some point while fighting to defend her Clan. She is a Warden, then eventually becomes a Deputy under Firestar.
Cougartooth- light brown tom with dark brown ears and amber eyes. Cis tom, straight. Cougartooth is his littermate’s polar opposite in almost every way. He is a coward who tends to follow stronger cats around and take orders from them. He is easily influenced by the beliefs of others that he believes are stronger, which is why Bluestar’s decision to give him to the treacherous Darkstripe as an apprentice was a horrible idea in hindsight. He and Darkstripe are the only ThunderClan cats to leave and follow Thistlestar once he takes over ShadowClan. His fathers are forced to kill him in the LionClan vs TigerClan battle after he attacks them and they grieve heavily over it. He was a Scout, then a Spy after he moved to ShadowClan.
Litter 3 (fathered by Whitestorm; born around the same time as the other apprentices in Into the Wild):
Blizzardwish- longhaired white tom with one blue eye and one yellow eye. Trans tom, gay. Blizzardwish comes across to most as being coldhearted and even cruel at times. And he is to a big extent. He believes that he needs to be that way to survive, having been picked on by many cats for being hard-of-hearing and blind in his blue eye. He fought hard to be where he is and fears that showing any sort of weakness will cause his hard work to go down the drain. He gets better, improving through his mentorship of his brother Swiftspirit and  Snowhawk, who has similar issues to him. While he is still pretty cold, he tones it down and learns that kindness is much more valuable in life. He dies of old age as an Elder. He was a Brute when he was a Warrior. 
Erminefur- pretty longhaired white molly with yellow eyes. Cis molly, straight. Erminefur and her littermate Blizzardwish were apprentices when Firepaw joined the Clan and were some of his biggest critics. Erminefur has always been pretty vain and a bully, being the stereotypical mean girl of ThunderClan. She, Sandpaw, and Dustpaw were best friends before Sandpaw began to like Firepaw and thus was ostracized from the group. Over time, Erminefur and Dustpelt mellowed out a bit as well (but not too much) and fell in Prickly Asshole Love and had kits together. Erminefur died during the Great Battle fighting alongside her mate. She was a Scout.
Litter 4 (fathered by Tigerfrost; born at the same time as Swiftpaw is in canon):
Swiftspirit- black-and-white tabby tom with amber eyes. Cis tom, bisexual. This universe's version of Swiftpaw. As the youngest child, Swiftspirit grew up pretty spoiled and believed that he was the strongest kit and then apprentice in the Clan. This proved disastrous when the dog pack appeared and began terrorizing the Clans, when Swiftpaw riled up the other ThunderClan apprentices to go after the dogs, resulting in the deaths of most of them and his own near-death experience. He delayed his own apprenticeship due to his injuries and deep depression but ultimately became an excellent Warrior. He died during the Great Storm saving his Clanmates from the floodwaters. He was a Warden.
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funkiestbear · 1 year
Dnd campaign info dump
To go about this rather quickly, glossing over some non important details. Our party, Varis the half elf Wizard, Kulga the half orc barbarian, Tiefling paladin (whos name im completely blanking on rn),Alynn, an aasimyr Fighter, and my Minotaur Fighter, Morgoth War-Caller, were sent on a boat to join an adventures guild on a newly discovered continent, Mundibyr, We adventure for a few weeks, level up a bit, I take rune knight, as I thought the idea of discovering old magical runes was thematically appropriate and cool. After some adventurers go missing up north, we find their bodies near an alter to the archfey Oberon, and (after whopping this warlocks shit) we go back an share our findings to the captain of the guard, Sora, a dragonborn paladin, the only person I liked on that stupid council, she could fight, had a good head on her shoulders, we were pretty tight. (she becomes sorta of important soon stay tuned). Attacks from wild creatures become more frequent to the town, and after some time, we find that the place we call Mundibyr, was actually a piece of the Feywild, specifically Oberons domain, and that a darkness is covering the south side. After an encounter with some talking animals, they slipped that Oberon had been kicked out by an alliance of 2 other Archfey and the Demon God of Undeath, Orcus. (Basically the Archfey power structre shifts and Orcus gets to devour that part of the feywild.) After learning this, all other settlers left Mundibyr, save us, and a new party member, Vats, the Goblin Rogue, who stayed to pick at all the stuff people left behind. Searching for more answers, we earn the trust of a Moon dragon named Lymrynth, who is attempting to revive Oberon and send the misplaced feywild back to its own realm. We offer our assistance to the dragon, as Orcus growing in strength was not something we were too interested in. (dispite having killed one of her agents, the warlock from earlier, none of us are really sure if she knew the truth or not.) Its at this point, our dm asked us for backstorys, as we were nearing the end of this arc, and he needed to prep our home continent (which hadnt been started yet).
Two more of Lymrynths agents go missing in the southern darkness, and we get them, bring them back, and on the way, discover a tree, miles high, dead and rotting, we make a note and move on, but were all pretty sure this is were Orcus is probably cooking something nasty up.
Returning the two agents and informing Lymrynth about the tree, we recived some magic items from the dragon and travled to banish Orcus from the material plane. One very long fight later, we banish Orcus and free Oberon, the land over the next month fading back to where it came. Morgoth takes the wand of Orcus, and its here where things get WILD. Were brought to the feywild by Oberon himself to thank us for our efforts and rewards us with two items per from his horde. I took, a +3 Shield, and the Spear of Heliod, other party members took some fun items, but the Paladin takes the deck of Many things, and has started each session since with "Anyone wanna draw a card?". When we first get the deck a few people drew 1 or 2 cards and gets themselves banished to the underworld, yknow the one where not even a wish can bring you back. And before I get into how many cards Morgoth drew, and what happend..
Morgoth Backstory time!!!
• The Warcaller clan, traces its roots to Oberons part of the feywild (This was actually an addition by my dm that made my runes feel even cooler bc, they were technically mine to begin with)
• After a hunt that left the clan weakened, Morgoth father, Valar, took upon himself 5 wives, who each bore him 5 children.
• Morgoths family, the weakest of the 5, were dispised by Valar, and after a heated argument between families. Valar had the 5 children and the mother, Hurin, put to death, save a 16 y/o Morgoth who fled the clan.
• Years later at age 22, he arrives in Mundibyr, and rediscovers his peoples lost arts.
Now, 5 has been a reoccuring number to Morgoth, and so I consider it his lucky number, Morgoth draws 5 cards.
I drew, the, You get a 4th level follower, You lose all of your magic items, One stat goes up by 2 up to 24, Your alignment swaps AND, You can reverse one event when you want. I immediately use the last one to bring my party memeber back, the fighter I receive is one of my brothers, which was so cool! I pump my STR to 22, and kinda kicked myself for loosing the magic items but whatever. My alignment however, DRASTICALLY changed Morgoths whole vibe, He was Chaotic neutral (imo favoring good) for the entire campaign, and has now been turned Lawful Neutral, (favoring evil now). After his exile, Morgoth pondered his existence, his conscience told him that wrong had been done, but his chaotic upbringing kept his hand steady, "Surely, the weak deserved to be punished, a man of Strength such as Valar cannot have his judgment be clouded", Morgoth thought all those years ago. With his internal change, brought about a sense of Justice and Order, calming and focusing the Minotaurs mind to a singular goal. Bring Valar War-Caller to justice. Snap back to the actual campaign, Oberon allows us to explore the feywild for the evening before we leave the next day. As we leaving his dwelling, Morgoth hatches a plan, if you dont know, when you attune to the wand of Orcus, you have to beat a dc 17 con save or you just insta die. Morgoths pretty beefy, and has a few rerolls available to him from his Runes. As expected Morgoth attunes to the wand of Orcus, the moment this happens, Oberon, still injured leaves his dwelling, and harshly scolds Morgoth for attempting to use it demanding he shun its power and hide it. When Morgoth obviously refuses, Oberon kicks the party from the Feywild. Nice going me :D.
With our business with the fey wrapped up after months of play, Varis teleports us to his former mentor, Servum's, Castle. A dragon attack on a small town happens, shortly after we vacate the empty, but magical and animated castle. We come to find, that humans are harvesting dragon essence to make immortality elixir, and other dragons are pretty pissed out it, having an etire town burned to the ground, Varis contacts his mentor for assistance, and is told to meet with Servum, at the college in the capital.
Varis teleports us there and talks to Servum for awhile, and through a summary of events, Varis informs Servum that a member of the War-Caller clan is with his party.
Servum tells Varis that the King has been having a problem with Warcaller raid partys, and that there is a bounty for any living Warcallers. The reason, The War-caller clan in recent years has grown so strong, the Capitol cant contest them, and that using aark magic, theyll sacrifice one of his progeny to kill Valar, and that if a War_Caller is in the city, the guard WILL be coming to arrest them.
My fucking jaw dropped.
The entire session was escaping the city. Guards every street, entire companys patrolling the city. Varis turned me invisible which helped significantly, and used his status as a former student of Servum to pull some strings with the gate watch (which there were 3 total gates, Minas Tirith style.
Approaching the party was a knight and friend riding on horseback, a squad of guards following them. After ducking into an alley to avoid the patrol, perception was rolled, and the Knight is question, was Sora, captain of the guard, brandishing new armor, new religious iconography, and new weapons. Knowing what we know, we believe the deck of many things has skewed Soras perception of Morgoth, though to be quite honest, she probably would dispise the new Morgoth. Both seem to have changed. After a very stressful session, we escape the city. Were headed for the port city Daksos, our paladin has a relative there, and the guard there is significantly less equipped.
We left off arriving at Daxsos.
Im so hype for tuesday..
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thatswaterdeep · 2 years
I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens...
Q is on his knees begging Fazrian to consider his deeds and seek whether it is, in fact, HE who has been corrupted. Fazrian considers for a moment, but does not relent. He orders his executioner to carry out his judgement.
The fight is on between the Dead Specters and someone who can only be described as an angel gone bad and his minions. Some serious damage is done, our heroes are in an out of consciousness, but despite two Yugloths disguised as Duergar joining the fight, the party eventually prevails.
During this fight the jury and prosecutor are huddled against the wall awaiting the outcome. Valtagar Steelshadow is on the jury and appears to look for an opening to leave, but ends up not being able to help. He does, however, thank the party greatly for their efforts and freeing his clan to go back to their original mission: Establishing a stronghold for Valtagar to establish his authority to become king of Gracklstugh.
Q asks about Skella Ironeye who brought them in to begin with. The party expected her to be dead, but Valtagar knew nothing about it. He claimed she had only been loyal since she arrived. Furthermore, Valtagar explains that while there is an exit to levels below, none of his clan has ever been able to make it out and return. They've either given up or died by invisible attackers.
The prosecutor, some kind of simulated Halaster, has a short discussion with Top about what to do next. She encourages him to help adjudicate disagreements amongst the Duergar clan here. He is thrilled to have a new focus and hustles off to discuss with Valtagar.
So, the party leaves the former courtroom with two goals: Find an exit and find Skella to learn more about why she still breathes.
They find the barracks, two different working forges, a grumpy old Duergar who is simply unmolding iron ingots, and they do find, eventually, Skella walking patrol. They ask the uncomfortable question about what happened to bring her here. She has no memory of fighting this party before and, obviously, she isn't dead! With no questions answered, the party moves on...
Eventually, they find more tunnels where Duergar are digging for iron, but this group is woozy or drunk and lazily attacks. Q is able to restore one to his senses and discovers that their state is expected! They are poisoned by the air, but there is a clean air room where they can recover to continue mining. Explaining that the Dead Specters are now their saviors, the clear-headed Duergar thanks them and the party moves on.
They do finally find a carved, well-decorated room in the caverns with a carved relief of a mighty battle, but nothing else. The door at the other end of the room opens back into the cavern where they meet one Stalagma Steelshadow riding her giant, metallic bull. Top is entranced. The rest are surprised and impressed. Stalagma introduces herself, but then promptly asks the party to help mine or move along. She explains that the room they just came out of is where the supposed exit is, but she knows nothing else.
The party goes back and does eventually find a secret door that takes multiple attempts to open. Once it unlocks, the party is immediately set upon by three more Nycaloths like Fazrian's executioner and a very alien looking creature. The party focuses on the alien and do eventually bring him down. At that point, the Nycaloths disappear. The sword he drops is inscribed in Abyssal implying that this thing is not an alien, but from another plane altogether.
The party finds a staircase down which leads to rough tunnels with no light. After several hours of walking, they find a carved door in the tunnel. These stairs lead to an elaborate ballroom of some sort. They are immediately accosted by some human who seems to have gone mad. He starts off begging "Spare me, O' Old One! Spare me, star spawn!" then when he realizes the party is not who he thought they were, he switches to a warning, "Run now! The gateway is open and doom has come at last from beyond the stars! Gravity has gone and, with it, time!"
Now what?!
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leggerefiore · 2 years
▼Mothman Warden Ingo▲
● Hybrid Ingo landing in Hisui terribly confused, scared and without memories. His brain tells himself to hide away from sight, but the Pearl and Diamond clans revere most hybrids. (Jublife is like almost entirely anti-nonhuman.) He wakes up in the care of the Pearl clan being taken care of by someone who is so polite and amazed by him and his lepidopteran features. A few curious members pop in and ask him questions about his hybrid state to which he answers with confusion. Yes, he knows he is a hybrid, but what kind of pokemon he's mixed with is impossible to recall. It's honestly terrifying to look at yourself yet be unable to place what you are. Irida is almost immediately asking him if he would be willing to act as a Warden for her clan. Wardens tend to be hybrids, so Ingo is intrigued. Lady Sneasler definitely thinks he's a bit strange, but finds the strange, fluffy human with wings to be worthy.
● People often catch him flying around the highlands at night, offering to guide lost travellers back to whichever path they strayed from. A few people have been caught by him as they fell off a too-high cliff. He still occasionally rides in Lady Sneasler's basket if he is feeling a bit too tired or if the weather is too warm for him. He loves to take care of her young ones and feels strange longing in his heart as he watches the baby Sneasels play. When he travels to Jublife for the first time, locals are demanded to be respectful of hybrids as the clans find them high in honour. (There are still slight glares and sneers at the man, however.) Laventon about faints upon seeing him and asks how a Frosmoth hybrid had gotten so far from his home. Ingo's head pulses with memory at the word. Yes, he realises, that is what he is. (A memory of another him, so different yet stings bitterly in his skull. He can't recall any more, and it leaves his awake at night.)
● When his S/O, you, also falls (as usually imagined with Warden Ingo), you are stricken with amnesia as well. Many locals warn about the supposed dangers of hybrids, and how they can barely be considered human. You accept this information, terrified at the thought of such monstrous creatures lurking about. Until you meet Warden Mai, a polite Ursaring hybrid. You begin to question the warnings and wonder about why your heart feels so heavy at the thought of hybrids. Time continues with you meeting the Wardens of both clans. The idea of the terrifying inhumanity of hybrids is long since shed as you try to fix the problems that plague Hisui.
● Well, until you encounter him. Ingo is a strange hybrid who is forgetful and fell from a portal just as you. A strange familiarity hits you as the Warden stands before you. Something overtakes your sensibility and you bury your face into his neck fur, relaxing pheromones and nostalgia claiming you. He gently brings a hand to stroke your hair as something similar overcomes him as well. Yes, this is where you belonged, his mind told him. The reprieve lasted a moment before you pulled away to apologise for your odd behaviour. Ingo did not care, strangely.
● As more and more tasks become done on your journey, you feel yourself retreating to Ingo's cabin in the mountains rather than your own home. The quiet comfort it provides mixed with the complete calm his pheromones off has you basically living there at his side. Some point along the way had him address you as his mate, which you took no opposition to. It felt right, being the moth hybrid's mate. You both fell into a peaceful domesticity with one another and enjoyed the company provided. You do hear him warn that it might be safer for you to remain away during his cycle, as he is terrified of impregnating you with his eggs in such a place and how you still have much to do. It hurts him dearly when Irida forbids him from taking you into his cabin during your banishment from Jublife. His worry about you has him flying around nearby, observing to make sure you are alright.
● Though, while you're finishing up everything at Mt. Coronet his cycle starts, and he believed hell did not begin to describe his feelings. Hormones running wild, and loud sobs into the night. The baby Sneasels left him alone, and his pokemon took up defensive measures around his home. His heart begged and wept for you at his side while his eggs were laid uselessly and painfully. Ingo knew why you could not be at his side, but his emotions were wild and unyielding. The next time he saw you, cycle having passed alongside the apparent end of the world, his arms and wings wrapped around you. A few harsh feelings remained about your banishment, so you moved in with the hybrid officially.
● Ingo also about tackled Volo from above as he tried to attack you with Giratina. He had not trusted the blond's odd behaviour around the highlands, and his suspicions turned out to be correct. The way he acted when he believed no one was watching, unable to detect the hybrid watching silents from above. To harm his precious mate while they carried his young, Ingo would protect you within an inch of his life.

● The Pearl clan knew that the Warden had taken you as his mate by that point, so many congratulations were in order alongside a few gifts. Irida was happy the hero of Hisui found one the members of her clan worthy of them and gifted you a proper place among her people, should Team Galaxy ever do such a thing again. It was a quiet life that settled between you two. Especially after his following cycle. A certain Snom child had become quite beloved in both the highlands and icelands. Lady Sneasler often seen sneaking the larvae around in her basket while a terrified Frosmoth hybrid searches for his young.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors but other than that n/a
| form : headcanons
| published : 20 december
| request : omg imagine that the gojo has a sweet gentle caring wife who radiates maternal vibes, she is an ordinary civilian, but knows about curses and his students, and is very worried about them, and when yuji appears, she takes care of the bb orphan boy, and he starts call her "mom"🥺🥺 i live for this scenario
| barista’s notes : hi there! while i was typing this out, i was listening to Howl’s Moving Castle - Merry Go Round of Life and i really want to watch the movie again ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ it was basically my childhood and i want this song at my wedding - PERIODT ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ but moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again soon ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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From the beginning, you and Gojo first met each other when you were both in your second year of education. With him being a second year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College and you being in a normal well known Tokyo high school.
You both probably met in the most chaotic way possible by him saving you from a curse while he was in the middle of one his mission that he was assigned to.
Of course, he was somewhat annoyed at the fact that you had slowed down his progress but made sure not to express it too much before leaving to go on about his day, leaving you both starstruck as his beauty - because the man was popular with his handsome looks you know... - as well as confused about what was going on.
You both thought after that you will never see each other again, until you just kept bumping into each other at the most random locations like in the middle of the street, in a bakery, at the front of your school and his - since that was the way you needed to go to head home.
After the constant random encounters, you and Gojo decided to start to talk to each since it was becoming awkward that you knew each other but really didn’t at all - the stiff ‘hi’ and ‘hey’ just working out, were they?
After a few random day outs here and there, there was no denying that you and Gojo were becoming closer than ever - sometimes sneaking out of his dorm room late at night, just to chat to you for a bit in person before sneaking back in as best as he could.
“You need to go back to your dorm Satoru,”
“But I want to stay with you honey~ don’t make me leave”
Ah....I forgot to mention that it was quite difficult for you to make him go back to his dorm since the fool wouldn’t want to go at all..
Over time - probably near the end of second-year - you both realised that you had feelings towards each other and began to start a relationship with one another - much to his clans’ dismay, but Gojo really didn’t care.
Of course, he does tell you about curses and jujutsu sorcerers before fully committing into a relationship with you since he wanted to give you a chance to end this whole interaction between the both of you for your safety - BUT YOU WERE TOO STUBBORN
As time went on, you both had gotten married and you had fully educated yourself (with Gojo’s ‘guidance’) on the Jujutsu world and how everything worked - basically having the full knowledge like a sorcerer would have, you just had no curse energy.
And when Gojo became a teacher at his school, you saw the students like they were your kids and took care of them when needed - to which they highly appreciated since some came from difficult households/clans like the Zenin clan.
Fushiguro was a great example of how you portray your maternal instincts since you were basically his mother the second Gojo had introduced him and his sister to you - you would take the siblings to school, make food for them, help them with their education, basically everything.
Sometimes Fushiguro would call you ‘mom’ and this would prompt Gojo to try to tell him to call him ‘dad, only to get an annoyed look.
When Itadori came into the picture, it was basically the Fushiguro situation all over again but with just a teenager that was more energetic then the shikigami user was.
You immediately took him into your care the millisecond Gojo had informed you that his only guardian - his grandfather - had passed away and he came to Tokyo by himself - leading you to completely worry for the boy, even though he seemed genuinely fine.
Since then, you made sure he was taken care of from making sure he was eating, making sure he was prepared for the next day to even take care of some of his injuries when Ieiri wasn’t available.
In just a short amount of time, Itadori started to call you mom - Fushiguro took a little longer - and that made you really happy since you knew that meant he really trusted you with his health and happiness.
“Mom, what do you think we should get steak or sushi?”
“Mom, how long have you known Gojo-sensei for as well as Fushiguro?”
“Mom, don’t worry, I’m safe!” - when he says that to you, that makes your day a whole lot better since you knew some of these missions were dangerous and you always worried about them every time they were off somewhere.
And ever since Kugisaki joined the team, you basically had three new children within the first-years, with the others being in the years above - little note, you love patting and rubbing their heads before saying ‘good work’ or ‘welcome home’
Overall, every single student with Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College sees you as their mother that they want to protect due to you being a normal civilian and Gojo is really thankful for them - even though he still a little salty that they don’t call him ‘dad’ when they all call you ‘mom’
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hello🐚Can I request Hashirama,Tobirama,Madara,Sakura,Tsunade,Pein,Sasuke,itachi,Obito with a darling who gets bonked on the head and now doesn’t remember them?Thank you 🌻
Why do I feel like some of them would like that?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, manipulation, s/o suffering from amnesia
Who are you?
Madara Uchiha
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🌑He could really curse his darling for being so stupid for having bonked their head because now he has to start where he began. It isn't like Madara doesn't enjoy himself a more stubborn darling, but just as he was beginning to establish the final saying in this relationship and his darling started to learn her place they had to suffer from memory loss. It's extremely frustrating and annoying for the Uchiha because now he can begin at level zero once again.
🌑He even feels embarrassed about it in a way because what is he supposed to tell his clan now? That his own spouse forgot him because they hit their head? Technically it might be his fault because he subdued you to rather harsh training which means he might have caused you to bonk your head on the ground or something else. Not like he would admit that it's his fault, it's much more easier putting the blame on his darling for their own weakness.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳The poor, poor guy. His immediate reaction when you ask him who he is would be confusion and at first he thinks you're joking. But the truth starts dimming when he notices that you're not kidding which unnerves him more and more and he tells his s/o to please stop this before some of the doctors interfere and inform him that you might have suffered from memory loss. That's what really breaks his heart because everything was just working perfectly between you two. How could you forget him?
🌳Hashi of course doesn't blame his darling for this, he rather blames himself for not having been able to prevent this from happening. Normally he could get depressed over this situation, but instead he is determined to make you remember again so things can go back to how they used to be. His whole clan ends up helping him with this as well since you're his partner or maybe even already spouse so you have to remember him. Also, if you were somehow working or were doing a specific action that caused you to bonk your head, he won't let you do it again. He's protective, much more after your amnesia and he grows more clingy as well.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He is lost for words for quite a few seconds when he finally pieces together what has happened. He feared that this might happen given that you fell hard enough to suffer a mild concussion, but hearing that he's proven right still hits hard. Similar to Hashirama he starts feeling bad for not having been there to prevent this as well and the Anbu who were watching over you will have to hear something from him for not having done something. Tobirama really tried his hardest in this relationship as well despite his flaws and now it's all gone from your memory.
🌊 He pounders over it for quite a while before he suddenly realizes that he might as well use this chance to start new with you and this time settle for a better relationship than it was before. One without him having to threaten his darling and without him having to force them. Initially he feels a bit ashamed for using such methods, but wouldn't it make life for you easier as well? You could be happier as well with this and he would finally be able to have a normal life with you. He still plans ahead in case your memories come back.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Tsunade would be at a total disbelief that you just lost all happy memories you ever had with her and she places the guilt rather heavily on herself as well. If she would have just been with you at that time or at the very least have done a better job in healing you this all might have been prevented. But no, now you don't know her anymore and that knowledge hurts. She becomes extremely saddened and discouraged afterwards as well, but Shizune quickly remains her that you aren't dead and that your memories might come back. That's enough for Tsunade to get up.
🐌She's right after all, you are still here. And even if your memories don't come back immediately, she'll just make new ones with you in the beginning. As a medic I see her definitely searching for a jutsu with which she can somehow bring you to remember again and that's why Shizune will find her often in her office with a good amount of books in her hands. Such a jutsu might even help other victims as well. Tsuna grows just like Hashirama more clingy and protective afterwards as well because being forgotten by the person she loves most will remain as a terrible memory.
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🌧️I'm surprised that happened merely because you bonked your head rather than it was somehow caused by him, be that due to isolation or an effect of his Rinnegan and maybe Pain thinks that himself as well. But no, instead his darling merely tripped because it was too dark in the tower and hit their head against the hard wall. Konan and him aren't dumb, both of them kind of believe a mild concussion might be possible given the fact that you passed out right after you hit the wall.
🌧️But it's not good that their worries are made reality and the question afterwards really is what can they tell you? Pain might actually play with the thought of completely shadowing the truth about the whole kidnapping thing, though Konan might be against it. Pain still tries to convince her since it would make things just so much easier, you would finally not be as scared anymore and he could finally have a better relationship with you. For once you wouldn't be scared of him. It would allow him to be softer and nicer to you and if Konan does agree, Pain just hopes that you'll never remember what happened before.
Obito Uchiha
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🔥How did this even happen in the first place with the man who literally never leaves your side?! No matter how it happened, the moment Obito hears the sudden loud noises, he's instantly there and to say that he had an outburst when he saw them unconciously on the ground is a terrible understatement. And to make things much more worse when they woke up, they couldn't remember. Just as things were finally getting better and you warmed up to him. It's a rather huge blow to his sanity and he feels far beyond responsible that this happened in the first place.
🔥Funny thing is that initially doesn't plan to use this situation against you since he believes that you two had just started finally loving each other. Depending on how much you forgot he might suddenly think that he might as well use this opportunity to push his beliefs on you a little bit more so you can finally fully understand that he only wants the best. The best thing is that even if your memories should come back, by that time you have already developed your own paranoia.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡It's probably the only time he ever feels frustrated with the thought that you might be scared of him all over again. He was expecting it when he took you for the first time, but now he might have to go through all the same fear on your face and your pleas to let him go again. Because Itachi won't lie to his s/o even if he could have the chance, it just goes against him to use what you don't know against you. There is slight hurt on his face when you ask him confused who he is, no knowledge can really soothe the pain of being forgotten by the person you love.
🍡Especially not if considering that he could have done something to prevent it and he really was only lucky that he wasn't on a mission and could instantly aid you the moment he heard the sudden crash. But as frustrating and hurting this is, it happened and all he can really do now is comforting you and your confusion and hope your memories will come back. Itachi might be a bit selfish with this, but how couldn't he after you had finally started liking him? He will still be prepared to start all over again, but he looks forward to you remembering again.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙Depends on whether we're talking about his teenager days or not. As a younger boy his reaction would be much more worse because even if he is hurt, he shows it rather in a small and frustrated outburst over this whole situation, even if you could have hurt yourself similar to how it happened to Madara's darling. I imagine it to be extremely bad for Sasuke if he knew his darling since a very long time and they him because in such a scenario he would be much more sensible to the fact that he has been forgotten. In either case he'll pester Orochimaru and Kabuto over a way to bring your damn memories back.
💙As an adult he would handle this situation more calm and even go as far as playing with the thought that this might happen as a result of you hitting your head. And he'll aplogize for this as well, even if it wasn't technically his fault. He should have been there with you. I still see this Sasuke as someone who would halfway manipulate his darling with the him presented situation. He will tell them for most part the truth about what both of them have gone through together, but he'll leave at least some parts out or change them a bit.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸Her reaction bears similarities to the one of her sensei since both of them will share the same disappointment that they weren't able to heal the concussion their darling suffered from this sudden accident of their and just like Tsunade she as well will try to invent or find a jutsu that can heal a memory loss. Her relationship with you was really just working fine with you and there were no problems. So many happy and love-filled memories, all gone in one day because of some stupid accident. Don't blame her for being hurt and sad about this, but she is a stubborn and determined person, she won't give up that easily.
🌸Of course she'll also start spending more time with you so you can fall in love with her once again whilst at the same time trying to make you remember. She goes with you to places you two often visited, shows you photos of you two and everything else. Her friends help her too with stories how you met and other things that they can offer. Chances are that Ino might offer to try somehow bringing her darling's memories with the help of her kekkai genkai back, though I doubt Sakura would be comfortable with letting someone in your head.
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valthevalkyrie · 2 years
The Philtre (2)
The Run. The Hunt. The Choosing. The Devotion. A series of events traditionally used to test skill, wits, honor, loyalty, virility, and survival. If you can’t catch your Omega, or any Omega for that matter, you were never worthy of them to begin with. Curtis has his eyes on the Omega who's been Unclaimed for the past seventeen years.
Pairing: soft!dark!alpha! Curtis x omega!Reader (tall, mid 30s)
Word Count: 2.6k
SeriesWarnings: NONCON/DUBCON, A/B/O, canon style violence, tall!reader, reader is 6', Curtis is 6'4", language, fighting, explicit smut, rough sex, hate sex, possessiveness, jealousy, probably incorrect descriptions of archery type things
This is a soft!dark fic, and contains the usual elements and themes in dark!fics. It is explicit in its descriptions of violence in every sense of the word. PROCEED WITH CAUTION IF YOU'VE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL WARNINGS
masterlist series masterlist
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It was the rumble of thunder that woke Yona, a faint haze still left over from her Kronole high and rain wetting her face. A cursory glance at her hands explained the stinging in her skin - she was covered in cuts. 
Taking in her surroundings, she noticed she was in a small clearing at the bottom of a cliff face with a thick barrier of foliage. Strewn about were a few bodies each with varying amounts of blood. Above them all was her mentor. 
The Philtre had barely started and Yona could see why she was the longest Unclaimed in their clan’s history. A beast of an omega at six feet tall with sinewy curves, she had smears of blood all over her face as though she had tried wiping it off but somehow managed to miss most of it, the rain not helping wash it away. Her hair had become a mess, blood dripping off of it with the rainwater. 
Word has it that she keeps trophies of all the alpha’s she’s killed and makes a point to kill as many as possible. They say she was once promised to an alpha and killed him in her first Run. Cut his body open and strung up his intestines like a garland, head on a spike. Supposedly she did that to every alpha that came for her during her first year. 
Watching her arrange the bodies, hatchet in hand made Yona question just how true the rumors were. 
Its when she tries to get up that the older omega’s attention draws to her. “Great,” she grunted. “You’re awake. How do you feel?“
“Um. Not great?”
“You telling me or you asking me?”
Yona grimaced at the other woman’s grunt. Fuck. The Philtre’s barely started and she already fucked things up by getting high and drawing a handful of alphas to them. By the looks of them they were addicts. Yona recognized one of the men as the guy who dealt her the Kronole she brought. 
Making her way over, she couldn’t figure out why her body felt as sore as it did. “Why am I all messed up if you did all the fighting?”
“Well you were bouncing around on my shoulders while I ran us to safety, you probably ran into a tree or two, and I kinda had to throw you around a little bit. Now,” she braced her hands on her hips, “I want you to set up camp on your own while I handle the bodies.”
And Yona did just that. Usually in training she had the best time, but she could tell today was not going to be one of those days. Since she was dealing with the effects of her lackluster actions she knew her time would not be as impressive as usual. 
Yona feels heat rising from her neck as she sets up camp, the eyes of her mentor burning through her. She knows she must be a massive disappointment so she doesn’t want to add more fuel to the fire. In hindsight, her efforts to uphold her practice time and her stress over getting everything right distracted her enough to do  a poorer job than usual.
“You did good,” she says as she drags a body to the edge of the treeline. She makes a failed attempt at wiping her hands clean on the way back to Yona. “You’ve done better before, but you’ve also never been in the heat of the moment and hopped up on Kronole.”
Right before Yona’s about to thank her and apologize, a posse of alphas break through their perimeter. 
They don’t rush the way the others did, these seem to be thinking a bit more about how to approach the girls but they make no effort to do the traditional scenting. They still seem like the kronole is what called them, but they look much more put together than the majority of the last bunch. 
When she turns to her mentor for direction, she sees the hatchet in her hands. Yona dives for her hatchet strapped to her bag. As she does, her elder quickly launches her weapon at one of their chests, distracting two while the last goes after Yona. 
The man knocks the hatchet out of her hand and she punches him in the face in return. His head snaps back and she quickly punches him first in the diaphragm, then his groin, knocking him to the ground. When she reaches for her weapons she feels a yank at her ankle and she quickly collides with the floor. The alpha clambers over her beelining towards her throat. Jamming her thumbs into his eyes is the only thing that stops him and she squeezes as hard as she can, doing her best to let his roar wash over her and not intimidate her. She quickly grabs her hatchet and slashes his throat open. 
When she finally manages to shove him off she looks around for more but only sees bodies being moved by the older omega. 
“Good job, young one. Disarmed quickly but you didn’t let that give him an advantage. There’s the Yona I know.” The praise brings a bit of pride to Yona, warms her chest a bit. Makes her feel better for the mistakes she made in the beginning. “Don’t let it happen again.”
Never mind. The warmth died out as quickly as it came. 
“This isn’t like training. This is the real deal. You have to make sure not just any alpha Claims you. They must be the one to take you down when you’re fighting the hardest or the one who matches you in strength and skill. Anything less means death.”
Yona sits on a log to catch her breath while the older woman rearranges the bodies again. “Why do you do that? Move the bodies?”
“Once they’re surrounding us, their scent usually hides us from the dumber lot. Speaking of, what was the deal with the kronole?”
She feels bile rise in her throat. She really hadn’t thought the kronole through. “I was nervous.”
“So you put us at risk with a highly addictive drug?”
Yona looked down at her hands and didn’t say anything.
“I need you to answer me, Yona. Tell me you knew the risk and did it anyway.” 
She still said nothing. She could feel the embarrassment building. The older woman was usually much more lax with her, very understanding of her mistakes and always encouraging her. Not once in her life did she have to deal with any serious disappointment from her. 
“Yona. Answer me. Tell me why you thought it was a good idea. Did you think this through at all? About how it would affect your first run?”
“No I didn’t! Ok,” she shouted.
The older woman’s face went dark. “Watch your tone with me. I’m not one of your little friends.”
“And that’s exactly the problem! You’re not my friend. You’re my teacher, my mentor, my caregiver, this all powerful and unstoppable godmother who is the epitome of Omega perfection!” She begins to pace while the other sits on a log. “My entire life you’ve been unmated. You hold the longest record in the clan and you’re one of the best fighters and you don’t do anything less than perfect. Do you know how bad it would look for me to come out of this mated to some idiot? If I wasn’t as good as you to go unmated but then to end up with some fool because I just wasn’t good enough?” More embarrassment fills her as tears run down her cheeks. She’d tried to hold it in but wasn’t strong enough. “Was it stupid to calm myself down with kronole? Yeah, but it was worth it to find something to take all the nerves and fears and insecurities away. To feel nothing, go on my own and do what I needed to do to make you proud. Did I hope to be able to handle it better than I did? Also yes. But what else was I supposed to do with your reputation looming over me the way it was?”
“You could’ve tried talking to me,” the older woman softly said. “If you would have, you’d have learned that I had the same fears you did my first run. Except it wasn’t with someone else’s reputation hanging over my head, it was my relationship on the line.”
Yona wiped her face. “What do you mean?”
She sighed and scratched behind her ear. “I’d gone into my first Run with a boyfriend who I was hoping to turn into a lifelong mate. I was worried our relationship wasn’t strong enough to survive something as intense as the Philtre. That almost ruined me.” Rubbing her face she sighed again. “And if you would’ve told me, I would’ve helped you calm down. We never would’ve split up like the original plan.”
Yona was quiet for a moment, letting the other woman’s words sink in. “I’m sorry.”
“There’s no changing what has been done. We can only go forward. So,” she smacked her knees and stood up again, “come help me clear that out,” she gestured to the area where most of the alphas had seemed to come through.
As they clear the space Yona tries to discreetly watch her godmother. Now that she opened up to her it just filled her with more questions. How does she do it? How long did it take her to get over her fears? How far into her trials, how many years did it take for her to become as good as she is? 
They made sure to clear everything up to the treeline surrounding them, as the rain died off. They’d managed to make an almost clear circle, with the bodies and logs bordering the edge, so as to make sure any incoming alphas would have some sort of obstacle coming in, a warning of any entries. 
“Come,” Yona heard. “Let’s eat.”
When she turns, she sees some snack laid out on the floor in front of their unlit campfire. They sit quietly for a while, Yona peeking at the other woman regularly. 
“Ask what you want to ask. You’ve been staring for a while.”
“Why did we kill those alphas out right? Aren’t we supposed to scent them?”
“Do you remember the order of the Philtre?”
“Yeah, I think so.” She nods at her to continue. “The Run, the Hunt, the Devotion, and the Choosing?”
“Go on.”
“The Run, where omegas set off to build their camps and traps. The Hunt, where alphas set off to find a suitable omega and surround their omega’s campground. We’re supposed to scent each other. The Devotion, where they present their offerings and showcase their camp nests. And the Choosing is where the omega chooses who they feel most compatible and fight. Then the alpha claims the omega.”
“You’re mostly right but you mixed up the final two. We are supposed to scent each other in the Hunt. If the omega finds the scent pleasing they allow that particular alpha to stay close, if they don’t they send them away. Alphas only attack if they want to prove their worth and if they win, they get to stay close. The alpha usually wins when the omega has been merciful. The Choosing occurs first. Offerings are presented and fighting takes place and the omega chooses whom they feel most compatible. The Devotion is a second opportunity for any alpha who still feels the need to prove their worth. They fight against the Chosen Pair, proving how compatible they really are. A truly great pairing is evenly matched in skill.”
“So what went wrong here?”
“Take a moment and reflect on the scents all around you, look into yourself and see what doesn’t feel right.”
Yona does as she says, taking a deep breath and centering herself. The scent of petrichor strong in the air, the nuttiness of their protein bars, their sweat, blood, the heavy musk of alpha pheromones from the cooling bodies, and something tangy and strong enough to make her crinkle her nose. “They smell strong and bitter.”
“What else?”
Her eyes stay closed as turns her attention towards herself. She can tell her own scent is strong, but that’s to be expected with the enhancers they were given. She feels a subtle tingle creeping up her neck, an almost imperceptible cramping, a gentle heat stirring in her loins. “My heat,” she gasps and with a jump she starts pacing. “Why am I getting my heat? I thought the enhancers were only for the pheromones?”
“They are. Clearly there’s something wrong with this Philtre. The alphas were released too soon, we’re on the verge of our heats, they’re probably on the verge of a rut. There’s no telling what could happen. That’s why I’m not taking any chances with these alphas. As far as I’m concerned, it’s kill or be killed.”
“So what do we do now?”
“We wait it out. However long that means.”
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A/N: Hopefully y'all liked this lol I'm going to try to update once a week, especially since there should only be two more parts left. Curtis will show up soon, I promise lol Thank you for all the likes you've given, please don't forget to tell me what you think.
I'm not really one to do taglists but you can follow/check out @valthevalkyrielibrary for updates on any works I do.
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itadorisgf · 3 years
Hi! Might I suggest a headcannons request for Gojo and Megumi (separate) with a fem!s/o who happens to be an esper like from mob psycho 100 if you’ve seen that? They have some connection to Jujutsu High but don’t necessary attend there, and her family business exorcises curses as well? Thank you so much if you answer this request, if you don’t feel like it’s for you feel free to delete! Nooo hard feelings at all :)
— fushiguro and gojo with an esper!s/o
note: thank you so much the suggestion!! okay i don’t have the greatest grasp on how being an esper works since i’ve only watched a few episodes of mp100 so far. i hope u still enjoy this!
ft. fushiguro megumi and gojo satoru.
warning: gn!reader
⤷ main page
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— fushiguro megumi.
gojo introduces the two of you to each other before fushiguro begins attending jujutsu high. gojo likes to meddle and thinks fushiguro is far too angsty and needs more friends which leads to him whisking fushiguro off to meet you. it's a rocky start, especially since fushiguro doesn’t really care for any of gojo’s antics, but his interest is piqued when gojo states that you're an esper and not a sorcerer. 
fushiguro’s never met an esper before, but he knows that they’re rare, even more rare than sorcerers. at first, he thinks you’re going to be totally stuck-up like the other high-up clans, but he’s surprised when you’re not.
much to gojo’s glee, after the rather awkward introduction, the two of you actually get on really well and begin dating right before fushiguro enters jujutsu high.
it’s a little difficult for the two of you to find time to spend with one another since you don’t attend jujutsu high. there are no espers at jujutsu high who can teach you, so you’re home schooled by your family instead. you guys make it work, though.
fushiguro is a private person, so when you show up unannounced on campus and greet fushiguro with a kiss on the cheek, his classmates lose their minds. his upperclassmen, as well as gojo,  all know who you already, but itadori and kugisaki are immediately hounding fushiguro for answers.
sliding his hand in yours, fushiguro just says that you’re his partner before promptly walking away from the two. you toss a smile over your shoulder and wave at them, telling them that you’d love to chat with them later as fushiguro drags you away. 
though fushiguro is surprised with your sudden visit, it’s not unwelcome in the slightest and he plans on making the most of the time you have together, aka a lot of cuddling in his dorm while the two of you watch movies together.
that becomes the usual for when you drop by to see fushiguro. you inevitably become friends with itadori and kugisaki, and fushiguro doesn’t suppress his mild annoyance at his friends hogging you when you come to visit him. he’d never admit that he’s glad that the three of you get along well with one another. 
although you don’t attend jujutsu high, you often get sent on missions with the first years. it’s during one of these missions that fushiguro realizes just how powerful you are. it’s not like your abilities were unknown to fushiguro, you’ve known each other for a long time, but he’s never seen you in action like this.
you move so fluidly, exorcising curses with an ease that fushiguro’s rarely seen in other sorcerers. it’s then that he fully understands how different sorcerers and espers are even though they both exorcise curses.
fushiguro’s proud of how capable you are, but he could do without the gentle teasing that occurs whenever he gets his ass handed to him. 
— gojo satoru.
gojo adores you without a doubt. he’s dubbed the two of as the most powerful couple ever, with him as the most powerful sorcerer and you as the most powerful esper.
you smack him on the back of the head whenever he says that. he’s not wrong, but you hate how smug he sounds when he says it. you also think that you don’t need to boast about how powerful you are. you just let the number of curses you’ve exorcised speak for itself.
you didn’t attend jujutsu high growing up. your parents chose to homeschool you instead and help you control your abilities. your family is on par with the highly respected clans within the sorcery community, which led to you meeting gojo who at the time was attending jujutsu high.
though he was pretty full of himself and a bit of a dick during your first meeting, you were intrigued by gojo. he wasn’t as stuffy as the other clan members you’d interacted with and he didn’t treat you so formally either. though his ego could be knocked down a few pegs, you thought you rather liked gojo satoru.
the two of you become friends soon after when he sees you training and cockily states that he could easily beat you. with gojo knocked to the ground and you standing above him with a slight grin, let’s just say gojo was proven wrong. you only start dating when you’re fully adults because it takes gojo some time to get his head out of his ass and acknowledge that he held real feelings for you.
gojo finds your abilities to be incredibly interesting. you both are powerful in your own right, but your techniques are so different from one another. he frequently asks you questions about what you can do because he’s genuinely curious, but he also likes to see how long it takes you to lose your patience with his incessant questioning.
it’s rare for the two of you to be paired up since the higher ups can’t often afford to have two such capable individuals working on the same mission since the number of sorcerers are always lacking. but, gojo loves when you’re assigned joint missions. he’s playful the entire time, trying to show off or flirt with you while on the job. you roll your eyes in fond amusement before exorcising your respective curse.
the fact you’re so powerful is secretly comforting to gojo. though he doesn’t voice it and probably will never tell you, the knowledge that you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself eases any potential worries that gojo has regarding your safety. he knows how quickly a life can be stolen in this line of work, which is why it took him such a long time to acknowledge his feelings for you. for awhile he believed that the less attachments the better since it won’t hurt when they leave, but you wormed your way into gojo’s heart anyways. 
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syn0vial · 3 years
The Official Star Wars Fact File: Zam Wesell
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(Unofficial translation by me, syn0vial. Please forgive me for any mistakes, I've studied Spanish for some years but it's definitely not my first language!)
Zam Wesell was an exceptional figure that belonged to an equally exceptional species, the Clawdites. The bounty hunter was an unorthodox and extraordinary being who left a mark with her short life and career.
The Clawdites have always been oppressed and never been trusted. It is something that is accepted as natural in life. Their society arose due to a gene therapy that cured a sickness, but also created a new species, condemned to be exiled from the principle habitable zone of the planet Zolan. All Clawdites can change the color of their skin, but only a few are capable of altering the texture of it, and there are even fewer that can change its shape. Only a small number—very capable beings, dedicated and with great self-control—could take the form of another being for an indefinite period of time.
Shape-shifting results in great pain and discomfort for a Clawdite; they must use oils and ointments to stop their skin from becoming horribly cracked. Yet, in contrast to even the best of her species, Zam Wesell could not only change form with relative speed, but could maintain it while resting.
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Combat Training
In Zolan society, those that deviated from the rigid secular norms were persecuted. Clawdite society was less restrictive, but even they showed apprehension about some of Zam Wesell's activities.
In the semi-anarchic society on the Clawdite-dominated continent of Sultur, where Zam was born and raised, the clans were governed by warriors known for their boastfulness. In general, the strongest prevailed, but even the boastful owed loyalty to their clan. Among them all, the best warriors of Zolan were the Mabari knights. They were part of a religious order that would not admit sinners among their novices. The religion of Zolan preached that the untruthful were the worst sinners of all. Despite this, Zam, when she was with them, successfully hid her true nature long enough to reach the third level of mastery in the Mabari martial arts, before being forced to flee Zolan.
Zam relocated to the corporate planet of Denon, where skills like hers were in great demand. The corporate security organizations always needed new employees and with Zam's shape-shifting ability, it didn't take much for her to ascend to the rank of sergeant. Nevertheless, this was only the beginning of her career. She calculated each step with utmost care; in this way, she quickly rose to become a very well-paid corporate bodyguard.
She was a self-proclaimed "progressive" and never forgot her planet and her people. She always sent huge sums of credits to Zolan, to radical Clawdite groups dedicated to the emancipation of their species; it is unknown whether she was truly invested in the situation of her species or if she only wished to provoke unrest.
Outlawed: Zam Wesell's journey before she became a bounty hunter was a winding one. She was denounced on her home-planet, Zolan, for being Clawdite and even more so, for her ability to shape-shift. After learning martial arts in a religious sect of warriors called Mabari, she abandoned her planet.
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Clawdite Assassin
Since leaving Zolan for Denon, Zam Wesell had accepted work that provided huge profits and little excitement. Not much happened before she left her job as a bodyguard and sought a change of scenery.
Her experience in the risky world of industrial espionage on Denon had perfected Zam's deadly skills, while also allowing her to develop a web of contacts, financing, and gear to start her career in earnest. Finally, she could establish herself as a bounty hunter. She had adopted as her identity the appearance of a short, attractive female human, as a means of securing more work and hiding her true Clawdite face. With practice, although not without pain, she managed to maintain this appearance even while sleeping. She also adopted a uniform, a purple jumpsuit that could adapt to both her human and Clawdite forms, and that helped protect her skin.
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Above the jumpsuit, she wore a flexible armored doublet and a protective skirt. The skirt's connected segments concealed an impact-absorbing system that offered protection against attacks from behind. Her helmet had its own light and incorporated a commlink under the veil that hid her face. In the heat of combat, her true Clawdite face could emerge, which the veil helped hide. Zam's belt had a series of compartments and essential devices for her profession, including the holster for her KYD-21 blaster. In front of her doublet, she carried a small respiratory device. These tubes inserted into Zam's body and allowed the device to function through her lungs if it was required by the atmosphere. The uniform came complete with a certain number of Mabari objects, among them an ancient cape clasp, an emblem on her helmet, and combat gloves. All these objects were ingraved with inscriptions from sacred Mabari texts.
We're bounty hunters, Zam, not heroes: The partnership of Zam and Jango Fett began long ago, long before she was contracted to kill Padme Amidala. The two bounty hunters respected each other. Zam had the honor of knowing the son of Jango, Boba Fett.
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Elite Assassin
It was fated that the paths of Zam Wesell and Jango Fett would meet, but it would prove a very dangerous crossing.
Zam Wesell was considered one of the best bounty hunters of her generation, and she believed it. So it was logical that she would come to be known by Jango Fett, considered the number one in their profession.
One of their first encounters [Syn's notes: preceded five years by their true first encounter in the game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter] took place after Antonin Vigo, of the Black Sun, contracted Zam to kill Dreddon the Hutt. She took the form of a red-headed slave and successfully carried out the mission. Just as she was about to take her leave, Jango Fett appeared. Zam discovered that she was not going to be paid, nor was Jango, who had taken out Antonin at the behest of Dreddon.
Zam and Jango both knew of each other's reputations. The mutual respect that they had and their simiar ethics led them to allow one another to go on their way. However, the two would meet again shortly afterwards when a dug named Fernooda contracted Zam.
We've Got To Stop Meeting Like This: Zam and Jango were contracted to recover an ancient artifact. She let him do all the hard work; then ambushed him and made off with the idol.
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Jango, you're always complaining about my shapeshifting: The mutant power of a Clawdite was very useful in her work and elongating her arm to grab hold of the idol that both she and Jango Fett were searching for. [Syn's notes: The presentation of this information is a little misleading. Zam catching the idol like this occurred well after this job for Fernooda, when both Zam and Jango were working together to keep Fernooda's boss from using it in a terrorist attack.]
I know that there's a man under that mask: Zam managed to get closer than anybody to the mysterious Jango Fett, with the exception of his son Boba. Even so, she knew that a relationship between them would affect her work, and thus decided not to push it further.
It was an awkward situation, since Fernooda had assigned the job to Jango, but had decided to ensure its success by also contracting the Clawdite. The aforementioned mission involved recovering an idol that had been in the possession of Fernooda's boss. Zam, who knew that Jango had also been contracted, let her rival do the dirty work before springing an ambush. This time, she insisted on seeing the face of the man under the mask. She was so transfixed on him, that she didn't realize there was an enormous insect, the guardian of the idol, about to attack her.
Without knowing why, Jango came to Zam's rescue and, recognizing that she was in his debt, she allowed him to leave with Fernooda's idol. Thus began the strange and exceptional relationship, even friendship, between Jango Fett and Zam Wesell. [Syn's notes: As mentioned earlier, their association truly began with the events of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, but perhaps this is the point things got a little more personal between them.]
Partners: Without a doubt, Zam and Jango worked well as partners. The question was whether they were willing to let their affection become more important than their work.
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Mutual Empathy
Although it was nearly inevitable that Zam Wesell and Jango Fett should encounter one another again, the first reunion that occurred between the two bounty hunters did not go as either had expected.
At first glance, the mission seemed simple. It involved an assignment that Vigo Antonin, of Black Sun, had given to Zam Wesell, and the contracts from this organization were always lucrative. Certainly, the jobs offered to bounty hunters of Zam Wesell's level were never easy.
The target was Dreddon the Hutt. It was never a good idea to threaten Black Sun business and Vigo Antonin wanted to make an example of him. Zam used all the resources at her disposal to investigate and infiltrate Dreddon's organization. Her Clawdite powers allowed her to adopt the form of a human dancer that appealed to the Hutt. She needed all her concentration to maintain this form during a prolonged period, but Zam was very good at what she did. The disguise completely fooled Dreddon. Hutts are very difficult to kill.
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Poisons and blasters could not guarantee that Dreddon wouldn't have time to call for his guards, so, to end his life, Zam restrained herself to placing a microbomb hidden in one of Dreddon's amphibian snacks when he was about to enjoy a private performance from his favorite dancer. The result was somewhat chaotic, but decisive.
A Private Affair
Just when she was about to leave, Zam heard someone approach. She grabbed her blaster and hid, waiting to see who could be intruding on her mission. She was almost happy to see Jango Fett, the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy, next to the corpse of his client.
Zam had successfully completed her mission and would soon receive a rich reward for her troubles. What's more, she could make fun of Jango Fett for the murder of his client. She had him at her mercy, pointing at him with her blaster, knowing who he was and what he was capable of.
Unfortunately, Zam's good humor soon went up in smoke. Jango had returned from completing a contract for Dreddon: killing Vigo Antonin! Thus, neither Zam nor Jango would be paid. Fett took the first opportunity to draw his blaster and with that both bounty hunters were in the same bind.
Zam was the first to lower her blaster, with her trademark style. With a twirl and a grin, she pointed out that the problem was that neither of them wanted to make the first move. She then flounced off, leaving Jango alone with his thoughts.
It's a weird rock: The artifact that Fett and Wesell had to recover was an idol that, as they would discover, bestowed mysterious powers upon its owner. [Syn's notes: ...If "mysterious powers" means "ownership of extremely explosive chunk of rock," then yes, that is correct.]
A New Contract
However, Zam needed work. The matter with Dreddon had left her without anything to show for it. A dug named Fernooda offered a contract shortly after she returned to her base of operations, but he warned her that he had already contracted another bounty hunter for the job in question: Jango Fett.
Zam readily accepted the job, since it seemed simple. Recovering a little statue from the natives of the jungle planet Seylott that had been stolen from Fernooda's boss. She had already decided to let Jango do the dirty work and ambush him at the temple's exit.
Jango's Revenge
It seemed that this time, Zam Wesell had won. She even managed to get Jango to remove his Mandalorian helmet. The scarred face she saw was handsome, if a bit gloomy. Then, a huge carnivorous insect attacked Zam from behind. The other bounty hunter ignored Zam's cries for help, taking the statue and running.
My client offered 50,000 Republic credits: The paths of Wesell and Fett crossed once again when the dug Fernooda contracted them to recover an object that the natives of Seylott had stolen from his boss. Immediately, the instinctive sense of rivalry returned between the two bounty hunters.
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Heroes of Coruscant
Zam thought that she was doomed, Jango Fett had taken off, leaving her to be devoured by the enormous monster on Seylott.
While fighting to escape, Zam was surprised to see Jango return. He told her to take out all the explosives that she had on her and prepare to detonate them. Zam didn't have much option but to trust him, although she wasn't sure that he wouldn't get both of them killed. Fortunately, Fett's jetpack got them out of trouble. Zam picked up Jango's helmet from amidst the smoke and the dust left from the creature's destruction, gave it to him, and allowed him to take Fernooda's idol; afterwards, she turned and left, smiling as she told Jango to take care until next time. There would be a next time, Zam assured her rival, although this didn't seem to bother Fett.
However, Wesell wasn't satisfied. She had heard rumors here and there, and soon learned the truth about her mission on Seylott. The idol had been under the power of the Force-sensitive natives. The Annoo-Dat general Ashaar Khorda wanted the idol to use as a weapon capable of generating explosions that could destroy an entire planet. Even worse, Khorda's target was Coruscant.
Zam traveled quickly to Kamino, where she met with Jango and, to her surprise, with his young son Boba. She believed that Boba's mother had been killed and Jango said nothing to the contrary. Instead, he listened impatiently to Zam's story about the idol. Zam ended by saying that, since she and Jango had found the weapon, they owed it to the people of Coruscant to stop Khorda's plan.
Under the Mask: Zam Wesell was one of the few people who could elicit affection from the harsh and implacable Jango Fett
A Matter of Conscience
Jango wasn't interested, since he wouldn't be paid for the work and his son needed him on Kamino, but Zam convinced him that there were countless children that needed him on Coruscant. Jango Fett, an orphan rescued by strangers, softened his position and finally accepted his first time working together with Zam Wesell. [Syn's notes: Again, second time since Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.]
Zam had seen Khorda's right-hand man, the dug Fernooda. Thus, she took on his appearance in order to discover Khorda's and his lackeys' plans. They found out that Fernooda planned to place the idol in one of the planet's central reactors, where the explosion would cause a chain reaction that would destroy the planet completely.
Jango and Zam, along with a solitary Jedi, found the mad killer, after following the clues that he and his gang had left. Together, the three proceeded to defeat the gang and recover the idol. The Jedi could absorb the Force of the idol and leave it without power once more; although at the cost of his life.
Safe Return: Zam Wesell worked together with Jango Fett to seize a powerful Force artifact and return it to its owners. She managed to convince Jango to accept the mission.
Zam and Jango took the idol back to Seylott, earning them the gratitude of the natives. They were requested not to return ever again, something that the bounty hunters had no intention of doing. Upon returning to Kamino, Zam was not fooled by Jango's complaints of not being paid, since she knew that, deep down, he knew that returning the idol had been the right thing to do. It was the same impulse that had saved her on Seylott. She said goodbye to Jango with a kiss on his scarred cheek, so he wouldn't feel it had all been for nothing. It seemed that Zam had won again.
Altruistic Mission: Zam's desire to prevent the deaths of millions of people in a terrorist attack shows that she had a certain sense of conscience.
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The Final Mission
Jango Fett made an atypical decision: subcontract Zam for the most dangerous assignment.
Jango wanted to spend more time with his son Boba. The boy's education was very important to him. However, the most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy had many offers of work. He accepted most of them and the rest he passed on to Zam Wesell. She worked alone most of the time, although they worked together occasionally, to the benefit of both of them.
Assassination Contract
A man that Jango knew as Tyranus, the same that had given him work with the Kaminoans, requested that he accept a special mission. It involved the killing of a high-order politician who had interfered in Tyranus's business. The pay was very good and Jango was happy to be able to pass it on to Zam Wesell. It seemed like a simple job.
The target was a senator dedicated to public life, something that would make her an easy target for an intelligent assassin. However, the target was also a queen of Naboo, friend of the Jedi and a central figure to the supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
Direct Hit: Ostensibly, Zam Wesell had killed the senator Padme Amidala with a bomb on her ship, but the victim ended up being a decoy, making it necessary to take another approach.
Reckless Driving: Zam realized that she was being pursued by Jedi. Her skill at the wheel of a speeder allowed her to traverse the busiest districts of Coruscant, but her pursuers wouldn't give up the chase.
To Kill a Senator
Zam chose the occasion carefully.The target was to return to Coruscant for a crucial vote, and her landing would be predictable enough. Zam used her capacity for shapeshifting to discover the time and place of Senator Padme Amidala's return.
With her usual cunning, Zam managed to place a bomb on the target's landing platform and then left to observe from the heights of a building a kilometer away. From there, she waited for the moment of truth. Amidala's silvery ship landed, flanked by fighters. The senator came down from the ramp and the moment her foot stepped onto the platform, Wesell detonated the explosive. There were few survivors and the news was full of stories and images of Zam's success.
Double Action
Zam Wesell believed she had completed the mission, but her satisfaction was short-lived. Amidala was apparently alive in the rotunda of the Senate at the end of the day, a very irritating outcome. The woman killed on the landing platform was a double. Fett was angry, along with his client. There could be no more mistakes.
Fett spoke with Zam and gave her a glass tube with two kouhuns inside. He cautioned her that they were extremely venomous, since she wasn't an amateur.
The bounty hunters counted on an ASN-121 droid, programmed with the location of Amidala's quarters, to deposit the deadly cargo. Then, Zam sat and waited for the return of the robot.
It was emiting an alert signal. Zam saw through her scope a Jedi holding onto the droid. Not even the droid's destruction could shake the Jedi, and soon she was being pursued through all of Coruscant, with her skills as a pilot put to the test.
Just when she thought she had lost them, one of the Jedi jumped onto her speeder. In the subsequent skirmish, her vehicle was damaged and she was forced to land. She sought refuge in a bar with the Jedi close behind.
Death of a Hunter
Seeing one of the Jedi at the bar, Zam approached as close as she dared, knowing that he could deflect a blaster bolt if warned in time. Unfortunately, the Jedi was much more astute, igniting his lightsaber with a twirl and severing Zam's hand that held her blaster. The pair of Jedi dragged Wesell's wounded body into an alley to interrogate her.
Ground Chase: Zam, without her speeder which had been damaged, had to flee on foot. She got into a bar, where she intended to ambush her pursuers, but Obi-Wan Kenobi attacked her with his lightsaber before she could fire; Wesell was badly injured.
One of them, the younger one, pressed Zam to reveal the name of her client. At first, she resisted, but then, after the Jedi spoke again, began to tell her captors what she knew.
The poison dart that Jango shot ended Zam's life before she could speak a word. She died quickly from the venom's deadly effects; she didn't suffer. This was the last thing that Fett could do for a friend.
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nonawaaa · 3 years
hello hehehe
Limited Strings Attached 
Playing in the field of love, friendship and sex. Pure sex, with limited strings attached.
FFn// AO3 
cw bad words and bad doings 
Hinata knows that it’s wrong, they are young adults, responsible for their actions, they already know the difference between right and wrong but the idea of it being wrong just made it even more exciting. She never knew that she would say anything like this, that it’s exciting, for in fact in all her life she never desired for anything exciting, which is why when the kiss by the moon happened with Naruto it felt as if she were to burst with emotions. She knew Naruto likes excitement, the thrill of life, hell he is the most active and noisy in their circle, but she never thought that they would end up like this.
Sex. As a friend? Yes
Hinata’s admiration for Naruto is an open secret. Everybody is aware of her feelings since they were kids, but as time changed, they did too. Her admiration for him never really went away, it’s just this time she’s more mature, she knows her priorities and responsibilities, so she grew out of her fainting phase but she still blushes around him from time to time. Naruto was pretty dense right from the start, it was just when they had the mission to retrieve Hanabi when he realized his feelings for her.
They had the most romantic and dramatic kiss but the thing is, both of them are still young, both wanting to experience many things before they commit to something… to someone. That’s why when they went back the village, the kiss was never brought up, like a treasure ready to be buried and not be find until years later, both of them tried to keep it cool around each other, but as the time went on, even their friends can’t deny the sexual tension between them.
Then the faithful night happened, the sexual tension between them was far too great, much more when they were left alone, in Naruto’s apartment, he told her that they would just talk and eat ramen but then Hinata was the one who initiated another kiss, but Naruto was the one who pushed it further… and deeper. They both knew it was wrong, they’re friends, but they also wanted more and that pushes them to succumb to their desires.
After that, they had a long talk, if they were really ready for a serious relationship, both knowing that it was too early, but they’re also too impatient to get their hands off of each other. Naruto wanted to focus on his dream, building his image to become the next Hokage, he wanted to play the field more, unchained. Hinata on the other hand wanted to focus on changing her clan, she wanted to have fun with her friends and family, and she thinks being in a serious relationship means putting all her attention for the one she truly love, not that she don’t love him but still, she would have to give up a few responsibilities and she doesn’t want to leave them undone.
That’s when they decided to play. Play in a field they never been to before. Play in the field of love, friendship and sex. Pure sex, with limited strings attached. They both decided to go with the flow and let faith and destiny handle the steering wheels of life.
They needed to keep it a secret though, Naruto became famous, many girls flock around him all the time, many wants to be friends with him but many also wanted more, Hinata thinks she’s pretty lucky she get to be both, they have reputations to protect, Hinata being in the Hyuga clan and Naruto wanting to be Hokage someday, they also have the same friends, it would be weird if they knew that they’ve been sneaking just to touch and kiss each other.
Hinata fumble her fingers as she wait for Naruto in the outskirts of the Land of Fire, the village is pretty sketchy to be honest, full of bars and motels for shinobis around the country to chill and have fun, maybe too much fun. It’s not the first time that they met up here, but they make sure to not be in the same place two times in a row. They don’t meet up every day, they still have missions and other things to do, they usually just meet up every week or two, the longest was when Naruto was sent in a long mission for a month and needless to say that their night when he went home was… exciting… and hot, Hinata still blushes when she remembers that night, her taking the lead and being on top gave her the opportunity to watch Naruto squirm and pant beneath her, it was empowering.
“Yo! Hinata,” she hears somebody calls behind her, his voice already low and chilling, sending shivers to Hinata, she knows what that voice meant, already hungry for something. They haven’t seen each other for three weeks, a bit too long for them, as embarrassing as it sound, Hinata’s hand were itching to touch him, lips already missing his, his neck, his body.
She turned around and Naruto already held her hand, leading her to one of the hotels that is lined up in the busy street, they didn’t need any disguise or anything, as they said, blend in with the crowd, besides, it was already late at night, many shinobi already drunk or they went home, or just like them, having a bit of fun.
As they checked in the hotel, the receptionist didn’t even bother to look at them, thinking they’re just some random shinobi, little did they know that if somebody knew who them was it would be scandalous, a clan princess and a war hero checking-in in a very sketchy hotel, it would be in the front page of every newspaper in the whole world.
They already did this so many times before, but Hinata would be lying if she said that her nervousness was already gone, she still have feelings for him of course, but then again, he also have feelings for her, so she think Naruto must still be nervous too.
“I’m gonna take a shower first,” Hinata said as soon as they went in the room. Naruto nodded, understanding that she wants to clean the sweat and dirt first, it’s been a habit.
Hinata begins to strip, layer by layer, she knows this scenario all too well, she needs to prepare herself mentally, she still feels the guilt clinging to her bones every time she and Naruto meet up, but on the other side of guilt is excitement, she feels alive, so, so alive.
The warm water splashes on top of her head, down to her neck and up to her toes, washing her all over, her muscles relaxes, she feels tired after all the missions and reports she did all throughout the day, but deep down she can’t wait to unwind with Naruto, a different kind of unwind but it’s the best.
After a few minutes she felt strong arms wrap around her from the back, “N-Naruto-kun!”, she squeals under his touch, she was too caught up by the warm water against her skin that she didn’t realized that Naruto had join her in the shower.
“Shhh,” Naruto whispers against her hair, she knows it was intended to comfort her but it just send sparks all around her body, his voice already low, the warm and soothing voice he have whenever they are with friends gone, it’s a different side of Naruto, his side that just make Hinata weak in her knees, his side that she only knew.
“I missed you,” he continued to whisper, “Three weeks Hinata,” his hands begin to travel and touch, first her waist, then her stomach, “Three. Fucking. Weeks.” and to her already perked up nipples.
Hinata tries her best to stifle a moan, thinking it’s way too early to feed Naruto’s ego, but as she tries her best to stifle her moans, her body says otherwise, her back arching, breast flushed to his hands.
As the warm water washes over them, Naruto begins to play, flicking and pinching both of her nipples with his thumb and index finger, sometimes only one nipple but when he do it at the same time her knees weakens more, and Naruto knows she likes it, she like it so fucking much.
His hands continue to torture her more, and more, until she felt his soft lips against her ears, “Hinata look at me,” it registered late what he said to her, her mind full of the sensations she’s feeling in her chest. One of Naruto’s hands left her breast and went up to her chin, forcing her to look at her back and straight at him, “I said look at me,” his voice almost a growl, demanding.
His lips crashed with her, it was deep and hot, his one hand still up in her chin as the other still plays with her breast, the sensation is too strong for Hinata but still not enough as her legs rub against one another, looking for some friction. His tongue begins to dance with hers, sucking her, sometimes her sucking him, it was give and take, and it feels good, sloppy kisses under the shower, his fingers flicks her nipples once more and she can’t help it.
Her mouth leaves his as she moans, trying to steady her breath, and there it is, Naruto’s smirk, her moans are like food to his ego, he knows she’s feeling good and that’s the most important thing to him. He kissed her again, this time deeper, their tongue dance to their silent song that is desire, his hand that is previously on her chin gone, but the other still plays with her breast.
“Naruto-kun cold!” she screams as the water above them turned cold, unaware that he turned the switch on, it did her no good, her body stood up straight again, her senses goes back and forth the cold water and his hands on her.
“It was getting a little bit too warm,” he said against her lips. His hand continue to tease her breast but her senses was again divided as his other hand begins to travel south, to her stomach, hips and in between her legs.
“Naruto-kun~” she calls out his name as plea as he begins to play with her folds, teasing her, it was building her up, slowly much to her dislike, she was hungry for something more.
Her mouth shaped like a perfect ‘o’ as he enters one digit inside her, forget about stifling her moans, Hinata let them out, she feels Naruto’s smirk widen by her reaction, he feels way too confident as he insert another finger in her.
“Ahhh!” she can’t help it, his digits are long, way longer than hers, her fingers would never reach the depth his fingers can and it just makes her knees weaker and weaker, trembling even, his fingers starts to move, in and out, curling to hit the right spot that can illicit another moan form her.
Hinata doesn’t even know where to focus to anymore, sensations driving her crazy as hell, her lips still crashing with his, tongues still dancing, the cold water that is hitting her hot skin, his one hand that still assaults her nipples and his fingers that is going in and out of her, playing, teasing her, it was beginning to blow Hinata’s mind, too many sensations all at once, Naruto is way too good as this, knowing how to drive her crazy, building her up and up and just when she feels herself reaching heavens, Naruto pulled her to the ground once more, pulling away from her.
“What-“ Hinata almost fell to the bathroom floor as her knees feels like jelly, she looks back, almost tearing up from her fall from the sky, she was almost at her high, but then Naruto decided to be an asshole. Naruto smiled at her, not the warm smile he always wears but a carnal and sensual one, his eyes darker than usual, full of desire, his tongue trailing across his lips as he watched her whimper and rub her legs together by the lack of touch that he left her, he’s ready to devour her right there and then but he decided that it would be more fun like this.
He pulled her into a hug, Hinata is already panting, as their skins touched again, they can feel sparks sending shivers to both of their bodies, Naruto feels alive, excited, hungry. Their bodies are like magnets, attracted to each other, force too great to be pulled apart, Hinata felt her body finding support to his as she already feels light in her feet.
She feels his cock poking her by her hips, hot and standing tall and proud, the feeling of his shaft against hers just made her want to grind against him, finding friction, wanting release. And she did, slowly, on her own pace, making Naruto hiss by the contact.
“Hinata stop,” she didn’t, her desire taking over her, she wants to put it in her, she wants to feel him inside her, as her hands make their way to his cock, Naruto let out another straggled hiss, “Hinata I said stop,” Naruto voice was firm as he bit his lower lip, already panting, way more than he liked, he wants to prolong this, savor this night, he can’t cum, not yet, he wants Hinata pleading first.
His hands find their way to Hinata’s cheeks, making her look up to him, her eyes already half lidded, already breathing heavily. He kissed her first, long and deep, pulling away breathily as he whispers in her ears, “Why don’t you suck me?”
Hinata’s eyes widen, not because of shock, but excitement, his whisper was like a command Hinata would follow at any given time, she wants this, she wants him, she wants to taste him, the thought alone make her wet in her core.
She slowly kneeled down, just like a good girl who prays, but she prays to a different kind of God, amuse by her thought she smiled, her eyes still locked with Naruto, seeing her smile just made Naruto’s cock twitch, impatient. As she came face to face with her lovely midnight snack, she licks her lips, all doing this as she maintained eye contact with him, Naruto feels like he is given a show and a torture at the same time, not knowing if he would feel mad or grateful.
He was already too hard, wanting to feel her mouth suck him to death, the tip already screaming right in front of Hinata’s face. She licks him, starting by the very bottom and up to the tip, making him groan, her tongue hot. He watches as Hinata devour him, feeding to the sensation that is slowly building up, she is too fucking hot and too fucking good.
Naruto almost came when she begins to play with his balls while still sucking him in, so deep he reached the back of her throat. Hinata is getting too good at this, she knows by his reaction, his knees starting to buckle as one of his hands find support by the wall in front of him and the other on her hair, she would be lying if she said that giving Naruto a blow job is easy, hell he has been endowed by the heavens above with this big dick he have, she never get why Sai always made fun of him. Hinata almost teared up every time he would hit the back of her throat, but his groans compensates her, she feels so powerful as the man who helped save the world moans for her.
Naruto know that he is close, so close, he can feel it ripping from his stomach to his dick, and Hinata wouldn’t stop, she continues to lick and suck him as if it was the best food she ever had. He can’t help it as both of his hands are now on Hinata’s hair, holding on for dear life.
As he trust in her mouth, Hinata moaned at the sudden assault, the vibrations of her moan just made Naruto closer to loosing himself. He continued to trust in her mouth, her skillful and delicious mouth, Hinata felt some tears falling as she tried to hold on to his thighs as he continue to pound in her mouth. Naruto continued trusting, his movements became more frantic and random, until Hinata felt hot thick liquid flow down her throat, Naruto continued slow trusting as he let everything out in her mouth, only pulling himself out with a pop caused by Hinata’s sucking. He watched as she drinks everything that he let out, her eyes watery as she looks at him back.
“Shit Hinata you almost killed me,” Naruto said as he tried to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as a result from his release. He reaches for Hinata’s hand, it was now time to serve the princess, but she just grabs his arms, her legs already shaky and can’t stand up.
Naruto slid one arm into her legs and the other to her back, carrying her like the princess that she is, he feels her body leaned against him for support, her lips trailing kisses in his neck. Naruto quickly turned the water off and went out of the bathroom, both of them still dripping wet from shower, her lips trail up and up until it crashes in his lips, her tongue already inside dancing with his as he let her in with no thinking, letting him taste his own release, he carried her to the bed as they continue to make out.
He sat down by the edge of the bed, their tongue still dancing to their little tango, he changed their position letting Hinata straddle him, him in between her legs, it was more to his advantage really, he can see and touch everything, her hair, head, back, legs, even her perfectly rounded ass, he squeezed them, earning him a little moan from Hinata, he can feel how dripping wet she is, perfect.
He pulled away, both of them gasping for air, their forehead touching, looking for some support, bodies flushed together, her arms still wrapped around his shoulders, hands playing with his hair from the back, while his hands continue to travel down, from her waist and to her legs.
Naruto laid down the bed, causing Hinata to sit atop of him, his hard cock poking her by her ass, making Hinata lean forward and let out a long breathy moan. His hands are still in the back of her legs, guiding her to go up more.
“What are you doing?” she asked him, confused as to why he would want her to go up when the thing she wants is already poking her. Her body feels like total jelly, she just wants to find release, she’s aching for it, though she still let Naruto bring her up.
“Sit on me,”
This made Hinata paused, her hands on his broad chest, feeling his heart pound, “What?”
“You heard me. Sit on me,” his eyes are serious, sensual, demanding. But Hinata is still confused, and embarrassed to say the least, though she knows that’s probably too late by now.
“Com’on I know you like being on top Hinata, I just want to get a little treat,” Naruto finished his sentence licking his lips, making Hinata blush, her core getting wetter by his actions.
She gladly and whole heartedly complied, still embarrassed that he knows she likes being on top, but this is new, she is literally on top. Naruto guided her as he positioned her very core in his mouth, his back laid perfectly in the bed as she straddle his face.
“Beautiful,” she feels his breath hot against her skin, she’s panting furiously, heart beating so loud she can almost hear it.
Hinata doesn’t know what to expect but she feels all the sensations rip through her as his tongue slowly plays her outer folds, making Hinata buckle and moan, not expecting that it would be this… hot. Her hands finds support on the bedpost, moaning and almost cumming just by that one lick.
“So fucking wet Hinata,” Naruto continued licking her, his one hand on her legs as the other slowly puts one finger in her as he continued licking every fold.
“Shit Naruto!” she was taken back by his digit entering her, it went in so smoothly, her other hand grabbed his hair as the other still held on the bedpost.
“Heh so you’re cursing now,” Naruto lightly blew on her clit, she can feel his hot breath hitting her, it was a torture, a blessing. Her moans echoing around the room, not holding back, Naruto continued to lick and taste her, his finger sliding in and out as he do so, Hinata’s legs are on the brink of giving up, her body hot and aching.
She felt Naruto smiled as she begins to ride on his face, grinding against his tongue, moaning nonstop, he let her do her thing, he continued to push his tongue deeper and deeper, making Hinata grind against him more. Sweaty bodies hot and grinding to one another, Naruto begins to feel his own ache as his shaft is once again hard and twitching below him, so ready and impatient to be inside her. Hinata’s movement itself is a plea, her legs begins to tire but she can’t stop as she feels herself building up, ready to break loose, almost.
Naruto begins to become impatient as he slightly pulled away her dripping wet core and very lightly blows on it, making Hinata fall on her edge, the sensation unbearable, mind blowing, his finger, tongue, breath, she can feel everything, it almost shattered her.
“Fuck!” she screams as she continue to ride his face, making Naruto drink up every drop of her fluid, she can still feel him sucking on her, not wasting a god damn drop, she held on to the bedpost, chills running down her spine making her shudder as she became more aware of the cold sweat running down on her back. Her mind completely hazy, breathless, it was amazing.
But Naruto didn’t even let her catch her breath as he pulled her down once again and changed their position, him on top this time. As Hinata tries to catch her breath, she can see Naruto wipe her sticky fluid on his chin, it was so sexy that Hinata eyes shut at the sight of it, still feeling the aftershock of her incredible release.
Naruto didn’t waste any time as he positioned himself right in her entrance, filling her in completely in the first trust, groaning right by her ear by the familiar sensation as her wet, hot core took him in completely, offering no resistance caused by their earlier ministrations. Hinata jerked up, her whole body screaming as he finally, after all the other things, entered her.
“Ahhhh- mmhppp…” Hinata covers her mouth with the back of her hand, trying her best to stifle her moans, her mind and body completely on overdrive as Naruto mercilessly pound inside her.
“S-Shit Hina-ta” Naruto bit his lower lip as the sensation washes over him, her soft, beautiful body right under his, her hair fanned out in the bed, her eyes closed shut as he continued pounding in her, one thing he doesn’t want is that he doesn’t hear her moans, he grabbed her hands with one hand as he pinned them up above her head and his other hand on the back of her one leg, opening her more, going in deeper.
“Haaaa- Naruto-kun!” her moans and pleas fill his ears, smiling as he watches her go crazy beneath him, but who is Naruto to talk as his pace grows faster each second, wanting release. Hinata is completely under his mercy, which for the love of god, he seems to don’t show any as the hand that was on her leg reached down on her clit, pressing and playing with it as he pound into her more.
Screams of pleasure, echoing and bouncing off of the room walls, it was heavenly. Naruto’s pace became more random, his legs jerking and buckling, a sign that he is close once again, but he held on, wanting Hinata to finish first, but as it feels like eternity, Hinata is already on the brink of falling, her head completely blank as her body focused on the gripping feeling in her stomach and groin.
“N-Naruto-kun pleeeeease~” her last plea did the last for Naruto as he went in deeper and played with her clit more, bringing Hinata to her high and to her fall, screaming his name, biting her lip as she do so, completely euphoric.
Though it didn’t stop there as Naruto runs after his own release, continuing to pound in her, beads of sweat run down his forehead and back, his legs jerking up and up. As Hinata wrapped her legs around his waist, leaving Naruto undone, his hips pushing more inside of her as he releases everything inside. Hinata’s body jerking up every time she feels Naruto spill everything in her, hot, thick fluid filling her in.
Naruto continued slow lazy trust until he was done filling her in, bodies tangled, hearts pounding in the same rhythm, breathless as they are. They both knew it was wrong, that this was bad, they are slowly becoming more addicted to each other but still very scared of commitments, but this feeling of being alive, utterly spent and being so intimate, this feeling made their secret rendezvous worth it, and they both knew, that whatever happens, how much guilt sip through their bones with all the lies they tell themselves and their friends, they will still comeback to this, to each other, and they can’t wait for the next one…
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