#mor and elia
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wittyrejoinder · 1 year ago
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Mor and Elia, acrylic paint 18x24” (I think lol). I had a lot of fun painting the leathers, and Elia is a flaxen chestnut because why not? Was made for Mor appreciation week but life got in the way of finishing it.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year ago
that arianne chapter reconvinced me of that theory that the rest of dorne Does Not Fuck With House Dayne Anymore, like, to the rest of Westeros Arthur is a shining example of chivalry and knightly ideals, but Dorne is like “Lewyn had to be blackmailed into fighting for Rhaegar, where the fuck were you when Elia and the babies were slaughtered you useless binch?!” i just think even the other characters do not take gerold dayne even a little serious, they all are aware he’s skilled but it feels like they’re laughing at him behind his back and he knows it.
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theood · 2 years ago
The Doctor being called to visit you in your dream world but he forgot which face to put on adkfjhl
He was like "this is probably right we're fineee" like! Nope! Wrong by a few regenerations. But hi!
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martellspear · 6 months ago
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“I was the oldest,” the prince said, “and yet I am the last. After Mors and Olyvar died in their cradles, I gave up hope of brothers. I was nine when Elia came, a squire in service at Salt Shore. When the raven arrived with word that my mother had been brought to bed a month too soon, I was old enough to understand that meant the child would not live. Even when Lord Gargalen told me that I had a sister, I assured him that she must shortly die. Yet she lived, by the Mother’s mercy. And a year later Oberyn arrived, squalling and kicking. I was a man grown when they were playing in these pools. Yet here I sit, and they are gone."
— Study of an old man; Francois Andre Vincent / A philosopher Looking into the mirror; Jusepe de Ribera / Anguish; August Friedrich Schenck | quotes: The Iron Claw • A Feast for Crows
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sunspearesque · 1 year ago
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Day III: Prince Doran Martell, the Bereaved Prince
“I was the oldest,” the prince said, “and yet I am the last. After Mors and Olyvar died in their cradles, I gave up hope of brothers. I was nine when Elia came, a squire in service at Salt Shore. When the raven arrived with word that my mother had been brought to bed a month too soon, I was old enough to understand that meant the child would not live. Even when Lord Gargalen told me that I had a sister, I assured him that she must shortly die. Yet she lived, by the Mother’s mercy. And a year later Oberyn arrived, squalling and kicking. I was a man grown when they were playing in these pools. Yet here I sit, and they are gone.”
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raviofthesun · 4 months ago
setting: dorne, after they depart the west back home, tensions are high with new valyria and the marches ; starter for @eliaofdxrne
context: the two siblings have never been particularly close, given elia's feel displaced for a while, and ravi having been in braavos, not very involved under mors' rule.
the second son of sunspear had not often rattled his thoughts aloud, for if he did now, it would likely fill novels and novels to be set upon a shelf. it were strategic, all that had occurred, from the moment that the arrow pierced the former queen of the seven kingdoms, to now, it had all been carefully planned. though in truth, none could truly plan for war. ravi knew the marcher lords would rise up further, but he wondered if their dragon king would come to their defense, given the tensions between the stormlords and valyrians.
he were set to depart for the marches again, to lead and fight alongside his fellow dornishmen. having been trained by the sword of the morning himself, ravi would not easily back down from a fight, and knew his hand was needed in things. eyes scanned the floor, light from stained glass windows casting rays of colors upon marbled halls. he only glanced up to see his sister walking in his direction, too.
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ravi offered a small smile, placing his hands behind his back as he stopped, giving a nod of his head. "elia." he stated kindly, neutrally. in truth, he wasn't quite sure how to connect with his youngest sister. the years seemed to be taken from them in their youth, as they did not really grow around each other for long. now? now mors was dead, and ravi thought it important for them to reunite, but how? what was she like? what were her interests? "i'm sorry i've not gotten to speak to you much. i'm sure you understand things have taken my attention, but that is no excuse to not check in on my sister."
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ladydeath-vanserra · 9 months ago
Can we set the Silver Threaded Fates gang on the Inner Circle pleaseeee
I believe wholeheartedly that they would whip their asses into line so quickly
ahhhhh okokok so like. I don't wanna make my characters all OP bec I think that's boring and also SJM was boring with how she handled the IC being op but THAT BEING SAID
I don't think a single one of them would like most of the IC. especially bec most of them are either afab or queer.
Blake I feel wouldn't vibe with any of them. MAYBE Nesta. But she would Not At All like Mor. Blake has little patience or respect for catty pickme girls who don't do not call off their loser male friends from harassing women. She'd definitely be unimpressed with Rhysand and Feyres inability to govern the NC and that's not even including their compliance in the brutality of Illyrian or CoN women
but also my god Blake would hate their attitudes with money. She's always been incredibly broke and poor and she'd be disgusted with their five houses especially while the Illyrians live in war camps in the mountains- who all require Cassian bringing BLANKETS?
Alixs whole range of powers were inspired by magneto and daisy johnson. Considering all their weapons are swords and steel bases metals it doesn't much faze her. She might like, or at the very least, remain neutral about Azriel but if Cassian looked at her for too long or harrassed her she'd probably knee him in the balls or snap at him. She has 3 (or 4?) older brothers. she does not have the TIME for these clowns
Serafine is probably the most mouthy of them all and she's immune to most things fire or heat related. She'd probably verbally spar with Cassian, honestly more directly and meaner than Nesta would. She'd probably tell him he obviously wasn't that great as an Illyrian warrior if he was Rhysands nepobaby friend who was only in power bec of him and despite being in a position of power for 500 years no one respected him or actually listened to him where it mattered
but also she'd love the Valkyries
I feel like Vila honestly would toy with Amren in similar ways Ilar does. she doesn't care about if Amren is a good person or not or powerful or not. Vila is a true to word faerie who does not take kindly to liars and finds it a great offense. It's not so much that she's lying, it's how she's lying. It lacks tact and she's rude. Faeries have a strict code of honor and politeness (how you view politeness and how faeries do is likely very different 😂)
That being said she also probably doesn't like Nesta either but at least Nesta doesn't lie 😂. But my faeries also are immune to powers of the mind or those sorts of manipulations so if Rhys is wanting to use his powers on her he's going to have to try the old fashioned way but Vila is also a warrior in her own right (Vila in mythology were often nymphs but they also aided the heroes of myth- similar to valkyries to an extent)
but also side note: she'd ADORE Alis and Lucien
Horne would be incredibly unimpressed with all of them and would clean out the camps and the CoN the moment they saw what was happening. They are first and foremost a Hunter who chases down wicked beings and creatures across realms and time.
Possibly, they consider Rhysand (and Feyre) the worst offender of them all. As he is a coward who is in charge and is *not* protecting anyone. They are also immune to all forms of elemental powers, so fire, ice, etc, magic doesn't harm them, and they have mental defenses they've trained to use. So, while Rhysand could potentially get into their head, he'd have to actually try
Elias Might like acomaf and acowar Cassian. Though he wouldn't like how Cassian goads Nesta sexually. He has a sister ok and a mom. in what world is it okay to harrass a woman like that. also, I think he might have a spoft spot for Elain and Gwyn
Ilar would probably pester all of the IC. They're a lil imp and a lil bit of a shithead, in the best possible way. Imagine this cat-like blue faerie just causing various forms of chaos with someone as impaitent as Feyre or Cassian or Rhysand or Cassian. They'd be partial to the Valkyries or anyone that gave them treats. So big fan of Alis
Bożechna would probably be indifferent to the whole IC but if Rhysand tried any of his mind games with her, she'd stop him in his tracks. She is a seer and does not put up with Anyone trying to mess with her or hers. Like she's already being poisoned by her evil court members she's not going to let Rhysand badger her into something she has no desire to do. She's probably the most like Nesta
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aegonbeingfakeisracist · 2 years ago
Can you talk more about Arianne and Daemon ? Seriously they are my favorite couple I even have a headcanon that Arianne will be pregnant with Daemon I mean it's more a parallel with Asha's possible pregnancy (pairs between Martells and greyjoys) and Daemons are so fertile hahahaha (Daemon Targaryan Daemon Blackfire) even begin another family but Martin chose the same name and Daemon Sand's father has twins in addition to him...
Anyway I don't see any chance of marriage/ engagement or Arianne's love interest in Aegon it just won't be happening,I see them having a friendship relationship and a strengthening of the family bond , with Ari being a guide for his cousin ( so much potential). This is a bullshit she doesn't want to be queen but Dorne anda her father love. I just want Arianne to be able to be happy white someone who respects her and see her more than just a pretty body and face, and Daemon strikes me as perfect.
I really don't want Arianne to be pregnant because it seems to me like needless drama and just all around bad timing – she's serving as an envoy. There's a war going on. And I feel like her words to Elia kind of apply to her, as well – kiss all the boys you want when you're home in Dorne, but this is so not the time. Sure, she propositions Daemon, but she didn't actually sleep with him. Also, Arianne canonically uses moon tea for birth control. So I'm hopeful there will be no baby unless she lives to the end of the series.
But I think her relationship with Daemon is just so unique in terms of all the relationships we see in the series – they were children doing this entirely on their terms. They were the same age. They just liked each other, and so engaged in a relationship without fear over consequences.
I think in recent years, there's been a weird rise in people forgetting that tropes are tools and not fundamentally good or bad. One of the ways this manifests in particular is hating "childhood friends to lovers" or people winding up with their first love. I don't have hard stances on the kind of relationships in fiction I find interesting or boring. Mostly for me, it's contextual – what is compelling in ASOIAF to me is not the same as what's compelling in another work. And while I certainly agree that there are situations in which a childhood friends to lovers angle may be boring, I think in the ASOIAF context, Arianne and Daemon's childhood sweethearts angle is actually extremely compelling.
For a start, this isn't a people-staying-with-their-middle school-boyfriend-forever scenario. It's the fact Arianne and Daemon had a relationship, broke up, lived near a decade having separate lives with Arianne certainly having other relationships and Daemon probably also doing the same, and are potentially coming back together.
For another, I really, really like what Arianne/Daemon would mean for Arianne as a character. I've said before that she's my favourite ASOIAF character. But even outside of my own personal bias, think about the type of fics that get written about her. It's hard to identify this for certain, because AO3 tagging is just so messy, and navigating through Arianne's tag is a lost cause, but mostly, fic!Arianne is just three sliders of stupidity, horniness, and ambition. Which is just so, so not book Arianne, at all.
Arianne is unique amongst the most important female characters of ASOIAF. She's is not the heir presumptive, she's the heir apparent. Dorne will be hers. And she is a descendant of Nymeria, the most recent in a long line of rulers of Dorne. Her family is central to Dorne's cultural memory, as it was Nymeria and Mors that turned the collection of states into a unified nation. So unlike, say, the Tyrells or Freys, who determinedly pursue these grand matches in a way of compensating for their relatively recent history, Arianne...doesn't really need to do that? Like, she can just marry a bannerman and it would be totally fine.
Furthermore, Arianne clearly has more rights of refusal than most women, and she is not shy about using them - these are real rights she has. I can imagine her feeling more pressure to accept if offered a candidate that wasn't clearly a joke, but given the setting, this is true for everyone. The fact remains, Arianne has options, and since she's going to be a ruling princess, those options are broad.
But despite all of this, her marital prospects are a huge theme. Doran offers her elderly suitors. Daemon and Drey wanted to marry her. There was an entire marriage pact that no one bothered to tell her about. Arianne intends on bartering her own hand, and thinks about how whoever she weds would rule Dorne by her side.
How does all this connect to Daemon? Because he's a nobody. Okay, sure, that's a little extreme – he's a knight, the son of an important lord, and the former squire of a prince. But even though that is the case, he is still a bastard. His father has at least two legitimate children. This isn't a case like Ellaria, in which the set up makes it extremely reasonable to think that her father's land and title will one day fall to her and her daughters - Daemon will not inherit anything. Meaning if Arianne were to marry him, or even just obviously choose him as her partner without a marriage? It would be for her.
There might be some political benefits, given that Daemon is clearly on good terms with his father, but very indirectly, and not nearly to the extent that would be the case with other marital candidates. It cannot be considered anything resembling a political move. So Arianne choosing Daemon would be her taking control over her life, making the choices she wants, for her. It would be her choosing a Dornish spouse that has ties to her family beyond just her alone. It would be her in a position where she can safely choose to make her life with a person that she loves, that isn't the best political choice.
It would be her choosing someone that is deeply, fundamentally tied to Dorne - not just because he's Dornish, but because he is a bastard, because he was once a child in the Water Gardens, because he attended the feast for Balon Swann and did not drink upon the toast to Tommen. Arianne drank. Doran drank. But Daemon did not. Daemon is clearly still in love with Arianne. There is a reason their relationship was never the same after Doran rejected him for her. He loves her enough to serve as her sworn shield and beg her to allow him to go into a dangerous situation in her place. But he has his own mind, and his own beliefs, and his Dornish identity is a big part of that.
We've seen very little of Daemon. But from what we have, he sees Arianne in a way that few do. Doran didn't understand what was going on with her at all. Arys and Areo both clearly had images of her in their heads that didn't quite align with reality. But Daemon, despite their relationship having never recovered fully and despite Doran being so much like Arianne that one would really think he should understand her more than he does, gets her more than anyone else. He understands the strained relationship with Quentyn and that Arianne maybe isn't so desperate to have her little brother return. He sees bits of Arianne in Elia. He literally finishes some of her sentences.
Of all the people Arianne could ever engage in a relationship with, I think Daemon, more than any other character, represents her making her own choices and coming into her own as the ruling princess of Dorne.
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myriamas · 2 months ago
who: @eliaofdxrne when and where: a feast celebrating the return of the dornish court back to sunspear, the two ladies come across one another for the first time since myriam remarried; the last time they properly spoke was at the cremation of prince mors martell, myriam's former husband and elia's oldest brother.
myriam leaned against zahra’s shoulder, her laughter low and honeyed as she lifted her goblet of rum to her lips. the emerald silk of her gown shimmered in the flickering candlelight, its intricate gold embroidery catching every movement. she had felt the stares all evening, the whispers too—her remarriage had been the topic of the season at one point, after all—but myriam bore it all with an ease honed over years of courtly scrutiny. and then they went to war, and people had other things to deal with. her eyes scanned the room lazily until they caught sight of a familiar figure in a gown of deep orange and crimson.
elia martell.
myriam let out a soft hum, her lips curving faintly as she passed the goblet to zahra. “and there she is,” she murmured in zahra's ear, her voice rich with amusement and a trace of taunting before she even opened her mouth to speak, “the little princess.” she began to disentangled herself from wrapped around the frame of her closest companion, smoothing her skirts before crossing the room as the two women's gazes met from across the heat of the candles and the swirl of the music. she had no issue with anything in her appearance or her manner as she wandered directly up to her former sister in law; there was nothing in her appearance that made it appear as though they were once kin, or that she was once a martell.
a complete fracture was obvious by the way she had presented herself this night; isn't that what she had always wanted anyway?
“well elia,” myriam said, her voice warm enough to be polite, though the sharp edge beneath it was unmistakable. it always was these days, for it had been years since they were able to ask the distaste for one another. she knew not exactly when her image of the woman became disillusioned, but somewhere along the years, the close proximity had resulted in growing tension rather than familiarity. “it has been too long. for a moment i was wondering if you had forgotten you have a niece.” for a large amount of time it had been the two of them bringing youth to the halls of sunspear; considering ravi had been away in starfall for so many a year. he was back now, at least.
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"how is the family?" she asked, her question half in earnest - for years, she had been the dutiful daughter in law she had always been prepped to be when the wedding bangles turned to handcuffs, attending to her father in laws meetings with maesters and gurus regarding his health. listening dutifully to her mother in laws advice regarding child rearing, or keeping the family together. being open, being homely...remembering that despite it all, her role was to provide comfort and relief. and yet, there was also a part which asked to see elia's reaction.
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Welcome one and all to the 2023 Tumblr Capital Bastard Showdown!
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A 32-character bracket tournament dedicated to answering the question: "who is the most capitalist bastard in all of fiction?" . Are we voting for our favorites or the biggest bastard of them all? ....yes.
First some ground rules
Absolutely no real people or companies. We get it it’s fun to dunk on people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, but this tournament is more about escapism. Let’s face it, fictional bastardy is more fun to explore than what’s currently going on in the world. This includes YouTube personalities unless it’s very obviously a character far removed from their actual persona as possible such as Angry Joe’s Corporate Commander or Caddicarus’s Spons. In other words: please no Minecraft SMPs please
Acquisition of wealth doesn’t have to be their sole character motivation, but it helps if it’s still significant enough to their character and so long as they’re willing to do morally questionable things in the name of money they qualify. This is not however the “worst boss” showdown so even though Elias Bouchard was quite a popular submission I‘be been informed by Magnus Archive fans that he’s disqualified since he runs a non-profit.
Similarly “bastard” in this context doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be evil, some might even be protagonists in the stories, as such anti-hero characters are allowed so long as they meet the qualifications of having morally grey at best characterizations and money as a significant motivation. “Bastard” is also gender-neutral.
They have be private citizens in their narrative so monarchs and aristocrats are disqualified.
As per usual, you are allowed to make multiple submissions but you’re only allowed one entry per character.
Propaganda, reblogs, and fan art are fine, just try to be reasonable and not spam too much, and at least accept losses with grace. Even if you “call bullshit” on the results, at least be a good sport about it (ie…this is a Tumblr poll, bro please don’t take this too seriously)
Please feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any genuine questions or spot any potential grey areas, constructive feedback is always appreciated.
Characters That Are Already Included
Because they're way too obvious
Moneybags (Spyro) (likewise our mascot)
Mr. Burns (The Simpsons)
Bryce Tankthrust (Brandon Rogers Extended Universe)
Mom (Futurama)
The Onceler (The Lorax)
Feel free to submit here:
Shameless self promotion: @girlbosswar, @mad-scientist-showdown , @problemgirlbracket , @butler-bracket , @manicpixiedreamgirltournament , @shittycartoonmomshowdown , @umbrellagoblin
The Mods
CFO: @catboy-bill-nye
Please do not try to harass us with propaganda on our main blogs; we have lives outside of our silly Tumblr tournaments
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theood · 2 years ago
I think kids who (obsessively) watched those "how to dress to pass" "how to pass as cis" "trans guy tips [to be more cis]" should be given so many reparations.
I watched so many of those that told me told hold my body a certain way, walk a certain way, talk Like This not that, told me all my clothes were the reason why no one would believe my transness. And all those helped 0% when I forced myself back into the closet.
I've gotten better but so many of those tips are... it hurts to say but you can be the most cis passing trans guy and something will give you away and someone will always say you're not a real man. Learning to be happy in your skin is better than whatever you think you gain from the vauge acceptance of some cis person
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martellspear · 1 year ago
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⤻ favorite quote
“I was the oldest,” the prince said, “and yet I am the last. After Mors and Olyvar died in their cradles, I gave up hope of brothers. I was nine when Elia came, a squire in service at Salt Shore. When the raven arrived with word that my mother had been brought to bed a month too soon, I was old enough to understand that meant the child would not live. Even when Lord Gargalen told me that I had a sister, I assured him that she must shortly die. Yet she lived, by the Mother’s mercy. And a year later Oberyn arrived, squalling and kicking. I was a man grown when they were playing in these pools. Yet here I sit, and they are gone.”
a feast for crows, george r. r. martin
the way this quote affect me during my first read and still provokes the same feeling each time i read it.... i couldn't have chosen another one. also, doran is such an overlooked character
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westerosoliviapope · 10 months ago
Her baby sister, still draped in the shimmery purple gown she wore at dinner, stands next to the pool, her mother's features, heavy brows, full lips, and fiery eyes, mottled in concern. She was wary of taking her on as an assistant but Loreza Princessa Sand took to the role with the same focus and resourcefulness that put her at the top of her class at River Royne Academy and made her fluent in four languages—including YiTish.
I love doing canon nods with the Sand Snakes' middle names.
Obara Olyvia and Nymeria Morraine (for Olyvar and Mors, the two boys Oberyn's mother lost before Elia was born).
Tyene Aliandra (for thee Aliandra Martell)
Sarella Morgana Xanai (of course, Sarella's mother would insist she have a Summer Isles name—Xanai. Morgana for Morgan, the founder of House Martell).
I haven't thought of names for Elia, Obella, and Dorea yet. But Loreza Princessa just feels perfect.
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eliaofdxrne · 7 months ago
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♛ → DORNE presents ELIA MARTELL, the PRINCESS of SUNSPEAR. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought NEITHER would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the TWENTY-FIVE year old CIS WOMAN who was CHARISMATIC & HELPFUL before they saw the first of the flames, is now SPOILED & VAIN after seeing the last. they’re often associated with the golden hour of the setting sun, the wind in your hair when running on horseback, deep red lips stained with wine . ( banita sandhu )
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a daughter of house martell, princess elia has long believed she was born blessed, with luck always on her side. the gods blessed her from birth, and that is not something she takes for granted. 
it did not help that she was a charming, happy child, one that was impossible to say no to. she was given everything she ever asked for, and as a result, came to expect it. she wasn’t necessarily bratty, always making a show of her gratitude when requests were granted, but certainly spoiled, and prone to taking it personally on the rare occasions where what she asked for was denied to her. 
from an early age, she has always surrounded herself with people, with a talent for making everyone she meets feel as though she is their best friend in the world. it’s rare to see elia alone, always surrounded by an array of faces, both old friends and new acquaintances. she’ll give everyone a chance.
she’s always considered herself an intelligent, perceptive girl, and to some extent, she is, but she has weaknesses, and that’s her family - particularly mors martell. when he lived, she missed a lot of the signs. she saw the best in him, and was oblivious to the worst. 
in contrast, she took a dislike to mors’ wife, myriam. it wasn’t instant, but over time, she began to take issue over time. unable to see her brother’s flaws, she slowly became horrified with how she perceived her treatment of him to be. 
from the moment princess leila was born, elia has had suspicions that she is not of martell blood. she has no proof of this, but it’s a niggling doubt in her mind she can’t rid herself of. for that reason, she’s always kept her distance from her. she isn’t cruel, and is courteous enough, will give her gifts on her namedays and when expected to, but it’s very clear that she has little interest in loving her, because she can’t bring herself to start caring for a child to be heartbroken later on. 
mors’ death was a shock to her, but a bigger shock was that, after his passing, people began to speak more openly about the kind of man he was. at first, she angrily denied their words, but the more she heard, the more she was forced to admit that not everyone could be wrong. coming to terms with the idea that mors was not the man she thought he was has been a long and painful process, and one that is currently not fully complete. 
despite her eyes being opened, she can still not forgive what she sees as myriam’s disrespect of mors. when she remarried, she was torn between being pleased to be rid of her and bristling at the concept of her remarrying. 
elia believes that sunspear should always remain in martell hands (part of why she is so concerned with leila’s parentage). myriam's regency is a great wrong in her eyes, one that she believes makes her family look weak and a source of contention. it is yet another way that myriam has weakened her family name, and she harbours a lot of anger from it.
in the time since mors died, elia has grown more suspicious, more calculated, and more sneaky. she doesn't easily trust anybody around her, and often lies awake wondering if the martells have any true allies in dorne.
elia is a very nosy person. she wants to know everything about everyone, and adores hearing and sharing gossip. her tongue was once loose, and she finds it incredibly difficult to keep a secret, but in recent times she has become better at holding information close. 
perhaps due to her spoiled upbringing, elia has a high amount of confidence in herself, and this absolutely tips over into outright vanity. she’s full of hubris, though she calls it self-love, and believes herself to be the luckiest girl in the world - and more than that, that she fully deserves all the good fortune that comes her way. 
she likes to be liked and admired, and though she’s a classic extrovert who surrounded herself with people, she will always favour the people who flatter her the most. 
she can be controlling, preferring for things to be done her way. she likes having a voice in things, so is always eager to help when she can, even if it is just to ensure that her opinions are heard and that she has made a contribution.
she’s not an unintelligent woman, performing well in her studies as a younger woman, and she can be perceptive, but elia is not as smart as she believes herself to be. she’s prone to honing in on the smaller details, and missing the bigger picture (see her views on mors)
she’s more than used to getting her own way, and even when denied to her, she knows how to persuade people until they give in and she gets it. 
she’s very good at performing well under pressure. even when agitated, she doesn’t break. 
if asked what she wanted out of life, elia would laugh and respond with “what more could i wish for?” she truly believes herself to be the luckiest girl in the world. however, there’s definitely something missing with her, and she can’t quite put her finger on what it is (alexa play lucky by britney spears).
however, she does want to reclaim some honour and control for her family, believing that's been ripped from her by myriam.
her biggest fear is that leila is not of martell blood. genuinely keeps her up at night.
respect is important to her. she’s happy to give it, but expects it back in return, and fears the loss of control that comes with being disrespected.
it takes elia hours to get ready in the morning, no matter what she is doing. her beauty routine is long and complex, but almost therapeutic for her. she’s committed to self care. for this reason, she is late to absolutely everything.
from a young age, many of her requests for gifts have been animal related. she adores animals, and has many pets, but has a special place in her heart for horses. she spends half her life on the back of a sand steed. 
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my-fan-side · 2 years ago
Just in case someone is looking for some Nessian to read. I’d like to recommend below fanfiction because I love it so much and have been rereading it numerous times for the past two days. hahaha If you’re a Nesta-stan, you’ll love it too. Not sure though if the author has a tumblr 😅 But thank you TheFreakPanda for sharing this amazing fic! 🥹🙌🏼💕
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/46219165"><strong>A Court of Love and Devotion</strong></a> (20800 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/TheFreakPanda"><strong>TheFreakPanda</strong></a><br />Chapters: 13/13<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/A%20Court%20of%20Thorns%20and%20Roses%20Series%20-%20Sarah%20J*d*%20Maas">A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas</a><br />Rating: Not Rated<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings<br />Characters: Nyx, Aria - Character, Catrin - Character, Nesta Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Gwyneth Berdara, Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Original Rhysand Child(ren) (A Court of Thorns and Roses)<br />Summary: <p>It’s been over 25 years since the events of ACOSF. Prythian is at peace, the members of the Inner Circle have settled down and all seems well.<br />That is until Callum, Azriel’s son, overhears the monsters of the middle talking about going back to the past and killing Nesta Archeron before she can kill Koschei.<br />We follow the journey of Nyx, Aria and Catrin as they accidentally step through a time portal, sending them at the worst time of Nesta’s life.<br />Our heroes will soon find out that their parents weren’t always who they thought they were.</p><p> </p><p>The Families<br />Rhys and Feyre have two children. Nyx (25) and Valeria (20)<br />Nesta and Cassian have four daughters : Aria (23), Elia (20), Hazel (18) and Sage (12)<br />Azriel and Gwyn have twins : Callum and Catrin (21)<br />Mor and Emerie have three dogs : Lucy (f. pitbull), Drake (m. husky), Roxy (f. golden retriever)<br />Amren and Varian have each other and they’re very happy as is.</p><p>*This is my love letter to Nesta Archeron*</p>
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l14099l · 1 year ago
My stan list ↓
Favorite book series:
Acotar (original trilogy)
Favorites books characters:
Feyre Archeron (A court of thorns and roses)
Rhysand (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Mor (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Elain Archeron (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Azriel (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Tarquin (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Sam Cortland (Throne Of Glass)
Elide Lochan (Throne Of Glass)
Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne Of Glass)
Chaol Westfall (Throne Of Glass)
Dorian Havilliard (Throne Of Glass)
Asterin Blackbeak (Throne Of Glass)
Archer Hale (Archer's Voice)
Bree Prescott (Archer's Voice)
Allie Hayes (The Score)
Dean Di Laurentis (The Score)
Favorites books ships:
Feysand (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Elriel (A Court Of Thorns And Roses)
Elorcan (Throne Of Glass)
ArcherBree (Archer's Voice)
DeanAllie (The Score)
Favorite hockey team:
Vancouver Canucks
Favorites hockey players:
Elias Pettersson "Petey" (Vancouver Canucks)
Quinn Hughes "Huggy" (Vancouver Canucks)
Nico Hischier "Nicky" (New Jersey Devils)
Dakota Joshua "Dak" (Vancouver Canucks)
Kiefer Sherwood "Woody" (Vancouver Canucks)
Thatcher Demko "Demmer" (Vancouver Canucks)
Arturs Silovs "Arty" (Vancouver Canucks)
Favorites movies characters:
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Steve Rogers (Marvel)
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