#moons shut the fuck up!!!!
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idlingmoons · 2 months ago
the (not so) long-awaited fntd rant... i want it to be kept in mind that i do enjoy the game because of the dcas. and i have 1.11k wins in the game, so believe me when i say that it is grindy as hell. i do complain a lot, but i do come back to the game at the end of the day so keep that in mind. im also putting a keep reading cut here because i do not want to have this long ass ramble take up my entire tumblr lolol
@that-one-unknown-artist prepare yourself for the ranting ahead. i offer you sun and moon in these trying times, and dca ocs too since im neglecting them for this damn game rn haha
it's a genuinely very fun game at the beginning. the base game has 7 games to choose from, and 6 nights for each game, and each game is based off the fnaf series. they have fnaf 1-4, sister location, pizzeria sim, and (most importantly, and my favorite) security breach. security breach is genuinely the coolest one, but i love all the maps? in the game? security breach is just my favorite because theres an entire night dedicated to moondrop as the boss (night 5), and then night 6 has music man CRAWLING. ON THE CEILING>??????
doing all the nights aren't that long when you have good units, but i find that its hard to get a good starter. you do have to spend money for certain units and theres more of an incentive to because it's limited time (<- unfortunate money spender. worth it though). it's why i have my moondrop now haha. there's also the trading center which i am SCARED and socializing is NOT my peak skill so negotiating for stuff is very . HahHAHA. but thankfully you can just buy stuff without having to say anything. i bring up the trading center because the base prices for the dcas can get expensiveeee.
theres currently five dcas in game right now. you have base sundrop and moondrop (though sun is called sunshine), and you can get sunshine from the season pass! so hes not too expensive to get, you just have to grind enough xp to be able to get him (which, in a season pass, you need 4650 xp. you get 14 per game, 20 xp if you play nightmare mode) and currently it ends feb 15th. if you want to start, you might wanna start now lmao. but anyway you have sun, and moon, and then this game literally creates its own dca oc called stardrop. i am MADLY in love with the sun, moon, and star designs. stardrop looks genuinely so cool im keeping him in my pocket and yoinking that design for future ideas I REALLY LIKE THAT GUY . you also can get apollo's sun from the current event which is the greek event, but hes an apex and you get a 0.002% chance in rolling him, and 0.1% chance in getting him from a box. and then there's his evolution, apollo's moon
i'm already ranting here, but this is where i genuinely go insane from this post starts. APOLLO'S MOON. where do i start with you. so apollo's sun is the base unit and my god is he so fine. ok ? lets put it at that. he's basically greek au sun. alright? and game devs pulled it off. but HOOOOOO MY INTENSE. EMOTIONS . in regards to apollo's moon. i want to say it's hatred, but it's not. i'm just disappointed. he's the evolution from apollo's sun (and i was very lucky to get him!) and i considered referring to him as artemis throughout the rest of this rant because i want to give him a crumb, a MODICUM amount of respect. but he doesnt even deserve that after his design. I AM GOING TO GO INSANE.
to evolve him. let me get this screenshot
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i don't have anything better and also ignore the 43k souls now because i am BROKE. this was before i got apollos moon, and now im grinding again to get apollos sun to get the original unit so yk yk. this might not make a lot of sense if you havent played the game, which is completely fair so let me explain all the statistics and insanity this game put me through to get me with apollos moon. and i WILL. talk about how i want to redesign him because he can go two routes oh my fucking god i feel so strongly about tthe dcas
the top left is souls. i used to have 43k of them until i started buying stuff but you know. theres four currencies in game—coins, souls, doubt coins or whatever they are, and the event currency (which, as of right now), is medallions. coins you get with everything and are from base game, souls you get everywhere but rarer. doubt coins you get from boss raid, and i dont rlly like boss raid so i will just ignore talking about them. and then you get event currency, which are the medallions. you only need 5k souls, which is reasonable if you play the game and youre willing to grind some, especially since you get 5 dailies that give you 500 total if you do them all, and 5 weeklies that give you 5000 total if you manage to complete them too. they take some effort in doing, but the game gives you the genuine chance to get them. theres also the 500 suns and the 100 moons, and 25 suns are 5k medallions and 10 moons are 25k medallions.
the top right corner says 350k medallions. i figured this out the hard way. im genuinely going to explode i had to grind for 700k total medallions. because suns are 100k total and moons are 250k total im NOW just realizing this holy fucking shit?? you do get 174k medallions from the event rewards if you have the greek pass with it, and theres infinite tasks you can do (one must imagine sisyphus happy...) which can give you 5k or 15k medallions so. yeah. im beginning to realize how insane i sound from a mathematical standpoint, and also a standpoint from someone who hasnt played the game before. in the middle row, theres the green presents which are the greek boxes. yes you need 250 of them. you get can 3 of them (at least for me) from said infinite tasks, or 9 of them depending on certain ones. you also get 130 from the event rewards at the very end so ayyy more incentive to play. theyre not that bad, you just have to hope that you get one certain task 14 times, and yoou can now go to endless mode and just sit there after upgrading all your units and stuff. though, i also recognize its easier for me just because ive spent an entire month playing it every single day and going insane from doing it so uh. keep that in mind
the middle of the middle is agony. yeah theres something about agony from taken from the games. idk about agony though, i literally only care about daycare attendants. anyway. AHEM. YOU NEED 50 OF THOSE???? it was genuinely awful i wanted to scream HELLO? this isnt the worst one to grind for btw. its just the one where a good bit of my souls went. i ended up having to trade for them and thankfully market price is like. 100 souls. some people charged 200, thats okay, its fine. its just hard to find people who want to sell agony because, TURNS OUT. its a 1% chance you get agony in the event games. and you can get it in the base game, which you have a 1% chance of getting (unless its a certain night, which is then 2.5x that much), or you can increase the chances but you have to play it on hell mode and even then, its a 5% chance of getting agony from hell mode. it stacks, but point still stands. but hey, i did it. so
ironically enough, agony didnt bring me agony. the gold presents, theyre corrupted presents, YES. THOSE BROUGHT ME IMMENSE PAIN AND AGONT Y I WILL SCREAm. you have a 1% chance of getting them IN THE EVENT GAMES. theyre lower in the base games, as games 1-6? all lower than 1%. only in security breach is it 1%. and you only get them in hell mode. ONLY. in hell mode. nowhere else. just hell mode. and they're so expensive in the trading plaza too ???? its genuinely where a lot of my souls went. people will charge it for like 5k? ive seen it go for 9k once. but thankfully a good bunch of em bought was only 2k, so i could buy a bunch at once and thank fukcing god. it was still so bad i had to grind for a good portion of them and i want it to be understood that i screamed in genuine joy at getting last one. I SCREAMED. IN RELIEF
the last unit is this bonnie called nymph toy bonnie or smth. i bought him early on so not much to write home about there
now. after evolving apollos sun to apollos moon. I WILL CRY. WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT. hes a recolor with a ray ripped off, two harps, and more arrows. and before you go like "isnt stardrop a recolor" (or you dont, thats fine too) AT LEAST STARDROP LOOKS GOOD. SOMEHOW??? APOLLOS MOON LOOKS REALLY BALD. AND HE HAS RAYS. the colors are atrocious, theyre the white and dark blue like og moondrop but they dont work with the scarf thing and the rays, so they look really weird, the harps are ok and the arrows are fine. i dont like the look of the white stars on it. at least with moondrop he had the yellow stars and thats fine because thats base game, and also he had his night cap which also had yellow stars. with apollos moon, the white stars just all mesh together and then its like. Huh. i do like the one broken ray though, but utilized very badly here and shouldve been brought in with a different dca design instead of apollos moon. but after evolving him, i got a unit that just looks like a mess, so i am. in fact. just disappointed. as an artist, he hurts my soul. however, as a tower-defense player, hes fucking great. he caps out at 165k damage AND THATS WITHOUT ENCHANTS. my enchant for him makes him do 403k damage like hell yeah damn right my boy get it.
now. i really want to redesign him because his design is awful and atrocious. at least i think so. there are two possible ways to redesign him, i think, though ive only thought more of one. i will call these two versions apollo's moon and artemis's moon respectively. for apollo's moon, i think he should be colored yellow instead. this seems really weird, but swap au of sun and moon have existed before, including the colors, and its been pulled off really well. so, i suggest it. not only that, but stardrop is a technically a sun who pulls off moon colors well, so why not the other way around? if we're going to call him apollo's sun, he better damn act like it. it also gives him a chance for his harps to be colored brown instead of the white and blue we see in game, and generally his color palette would be more cohesive. apollos sun pulls the red off in the pants as well, and it glows. i think the stars glowing would be a lot better, especially if theyre yellow instead of the white that blends in with everything in the original design. also, no rays. both designs arent getting rays. i do think to play up the moon part, he should get a nightcap...? but i also think that there should be a gold laurel wreath crown for his design. i think it'd work heavily, especially with the greek theme, so why not do that? i do think artemis's moon would be colored differently, maybe more grayish blue and without the red eyes? i can see a silver laurel here instead of maybe a gold one. this second route i havent thought of much because im just. not a fan of apollos moon design wise and im sort of sleep deprived and going insane from how much ive been playing this game.
h. i still do play it though. i genuinely really like the dcas, i think its super fun, and i cant wait for the next ones! sorry if this seems a bit abrupt ending but a lot of my passion within this rant has been used, and i got the points i wanted to get across i think. i would still suggest to play it. i just need to get apollos sun soon so i can go back to working on art for a video that, technically, has been worked on for over a few weeks now. </3
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kourota · 8 months ago
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⸢This story is for just that one reader.⸥
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ladysatoru · 2 months ago
dudes be like we're each other's friend one and only yin and yang sun and moon like no dude dude LISTEN you are GAY it's not sun moon astronomy it's HOMOSEXUALITY that's your BOYFRIEND
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months ago
idek y i made this but here ya go
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sebdoesthings · 3 months ago
I'm so glad i watched Sk8 the Infinity as an adult and not a teen so I didn't turn into one of those annoying idiots who complain about "renga not being canon because they didn't kiss"
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starheirxero · 1 year ago
Sometimes I listen to canon Gabriel quotes to imagine it as Centiclipse and this one reminded me of a silly dynamic between him and Lunara I've rotated for a while but never rlly posted about. so here's a silly video abt it LMAO
[Video ID: A still image of Centipede Lord Eclipse doing quotation mark hand motions as he angrily looks down at someone off camera. His dialogue appears on screen in time with the audio, which is the voice of Gabriel from Ultrakill, saying: You are not "whimsical" or "silly."
The frame cuts to Lunara (Evil Lunar), who is drawn with half of their face replaced by the outline of something bright, who is smiling up at Lord Eclipse in a smug, cat-like way. The audio continues, his voice raising, to say: "You are not a "little guy!"
Now, Lord Eclipse looms over Lunara as he flexes his hands angrily, the text in all caps covers up the drawing at the bottom of the screen as he full-on shouts: "You're unsettling!" The screen shakes with the emphasis. The final frame is a much simpler doodle of Lord Eclipse standing beside Lunara to point at a small, sad looking Servant Sun off the side and saying: "and you're scaring the hoes." Not in the audio but said by Lunara is a simple "blehhh :3". End ID.]
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nineshrike · 10 months ago
Call me a Stolas apologist if you'd like, but Stolas wasn't wrong to portal Blitzø out.
Blitzø had basically just challenged Stolas to take his turn at insulting him, let's go, let's have everything out, let's make this breakup a fight to remember, remind me why I don't deserve you -- and Stolas. Doesn't.
Because that's not how fights like this have ever gone for him. Stolas's past relationship wasn't like Blitzø and Verosika trading insults in Spring Broken; it was standing still and quiet while Stella hurled abuse at him. He's stood up for himself against her, yes, but how can he stand up against Blitzø? When Blitzø's right, and when Stolas is seeing Blitzø through such rose-tinted glasses?
From Stolas's perspective, there really isn't anywhere the conversation can go after that. Anything else that is said will just make the situation worse. So he ends it. And, honestly, even if Blitzø was reaching out at the end there, he still hadn't had time to process, and I can't really see an emotional reconciliation happening that quickly. It probably would've just devolved into another argument. At this point, space and time are the best things for both of them.
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brekwrites · 11 months ago
Puppet in today’s MGAFS episode like “I don’t want a room I don’t want a house.” Y’know who else shares that sentiment?
I rest my case (the case is Solar x Puppet and Solar QPR with Moon and Jack has 3 parents)
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madlencen · 4 months ago
Comic accurate Moon Knight representation but at what cost?
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cutely-inserts-my-opinion · 6 months ago
ahem. taps mic. I'd like to wade in during this and say that, honestly?? I'm not mad about Nexus's arc rn.
Like, it did defs needed to be executed better because the fact it took me this long to connect/come up with a reason for why we got to this point is... telling.
But I mean. I can imagine waking up one day and being forced to figure out how to be someone else (but only in the smart way, not the bad way) will undoubtedly wear you thin. Nexus wants to have their identity for themselves, making choices they would make rather than choices Moon would make.
Even if those choices include literally slowly killing themselves. Because at least its their own choice. yk???? like. the beginning of this arc felt like a mess but I am truly honestly into it now. I think it's a very fun exploration of identity and miscommunication and tragedy!
The biggest issue with this arc is how we got here and how its being treated
Because I would fucking LOVE a nexus villain arc that deals with identity and miscommunication and tragedy if it was done right
The issue is that it feels so forced. Just kind of a "im evil now woopsie doo". It feels like an eraser of everything he did for the family and the year he spent as New Moon, like they don't even care.
Between what monty did, what and who Nexus is, and Sun's conflicting this could have been done so well and been so interesting. But with how Old Moon is and stuff- it just feels like a way to show how cool old moon is and make us sympathize with him. Which is just- bullshit
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scapelamb · 6 months ago
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She's just a girl :)
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rachelfoleyisntdead · 1 day ago
Moon Knight stfu about Khonshu challenge impossible
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cringefaecompilation · 8 months ago
i hope that ludinus never finds out that they did the whole gem ritual so laudna can infiltrate the vanguard pretending she's delilah. i just think it'd be fun seeing him talk to someone he sees on his level and see laudna's reaction to finally being treated like a lady lady. what would that do for her?
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lord-prey · 27 days ago
My favorite superheroes actually fall more into the guy in spandex category rather than the kamen rider masked dude zone
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themoonstarwarrior · 1 year ago
Well, I haven't seen the episode yet, but since it sounds like BloodMoon is refusing to be saved, imma go ahead and share the idea I mentioned to @twinanimatronics about how Sun could've possibly reached them.
Obviously BloodMoon wont sit still and listen so this scenario has Sun use star power to trap BM just like old moon did to him with Moon on standby to come in once the 5 minutes are up.
Basically, Sun asks them WHY they kill and hurt people and BM brings up the main three reasons: they enjoy it, they dont want to be a tool, and they hunger. Since literally none of the protags have actually asked, Sun would be surprised that theres more than the first reason and interrogate to get to the bottom of it. Cuz what Sun realizes is that BloodMoon doesnt have any deeper motives or desires because of their eternal hunger. Their ENTIRE existence has circled around violence to satisfy their hunger. They get used to satisfy their hunger. They enjoy the rip and tear because it stops the hunger.
They have always been a tool to the hunger.
So Sun offers the one thing that no one has: what if they get rid of the hunger?
BM is confused cuz all they've ever known is the hunger, and Sun has to dig the point home by explaining how they can keep killing but it'll come back, and probably stronger. They could kill everyone and everything but then the hunger will come back. And the only thing thatll be left to kill is each other.
And THAT freaks them out, because that is the only thing BloodMoon stands to lose is the brotherhood. (And while BM1 would probably race about lies and trickery, BM2 cant deny the logic)
So with BM actually realizing how their hunger endangers them, and Moon at this point just WAITING to finish them off, Sun lays down the ultimatum. Since no change of heart can happen if all they've ever known is hunger, Sun/Moon/Solar can try and remove it to and see if the twins can be rehabilitated, otherwise Moon ends them then and there.
And I love this idea so much!!! It addresses the REAL block that BM has that hasnt been brought up since that one episode where they kill the anime girl. We get to keep BloodMoon, since the creators went to the trouble of bringing them back and giving them a new model so it'd be a lil annoying if they just ended up killed again. It acknowledges how much BM has been used and brushed aside while admitting that there hasnt been much else to them. And you could have a whole rehabilitation arc, with everyone healing and BM given a real change and actual honesty, since god knows no one is gonna be mincing words. And I imagine their blood-hunger being removed ends up like the Ruin Virus a bit, where getting rid of it cuts down a LOT of the more sadistic urges. So the boys get a mostly-tamed but still-pretty-fucking-insane BloodMoon Twins that basically is just the feral crazy guy that hangs around Animal from Muppets lol and idk stays with Monty cuz hes more easygoing on the violent habits and they need to NOT be anywhere near the daycare.
And maybe I'll watch the episode and be alright with it, but it just sucks cuz this would work SO GOOD and I know the showrunners wouldn't do it. So now I've had to make this fucking long ass post and y'all hafta deal with it.
And maybe someday I'll write a drabble this and the other SAMS scenes I've imagined...
So yeah, sorry about the rambling and shit. I hate how emotionally involved I get with this show that I love. And I'll go ahead and tag @garbagechocolate out of obligation X)
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 3 months ago
Shenanigans in Tomodachi Life-Twisted Wonderland Edition Part 2
Aka, How is Quirky Questions Accurate? What is Quirky Questions you ask? Basically a event you can start whenever you want where you're given a choice of three fill in the blank question prompt. You choose the prompt then fill in the blank and once selected the mii asks the question to like 6 other miis and they raise their hands if they agree with the question. Each segment is three questions long.
The best part about this being on an emulator is that... there is no filter. I can put whatever I want on it. Anything. And somehow... the characters respond very well to the vore related answers... gee I wonder why : >
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....Let's get started :)
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We'll start with some tame ones. Of course Vil.
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Ruggie's big ass head is blocking the way, but Leona's raising his hand.
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Elias was feeling a certain way I guess.
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Idia please
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Very Yuu-core
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Please 😭
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Sounds right
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And now... the moment everyone has been waiting for
@twistedtummies2 this is for you : )
...Every vore related ask this game allowed and the characters who responded
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The one that started it all
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Idia and Malleus I understand but everyone else?
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How fitting
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This was part of the same single sequence and Nakoda raised his hand for all three of them 😂
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....Ortho put your hand down you clearly don't know a goddamn word he's saying
Anyways without getting into it more. Nakoda raised his hand and reacted to all of the more suggestive fill in the blank responses I gave... amazingly
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Except this one. Though I think he's more in shock of Riddle raising his hand.
To end it off
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Stay tuned for Part 3... Usagi's mix tape. Aka, me messing around in the Concert Hall Area.
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