#moon rarely puts himself as a subject to he barely talks about himself
tagidearte · 2 days
There's something special about Moon being the only side of the DCA who has canonically (gameverse) voiced his counterpart's name ("No more Sun", which yes it's not him directly saying Sun's name since it's a figure of speech, but still) whereas Sun - the chatterbox - only refers to Moon via "he" or "other me". Moon, the quiet one who mostly laughs vs Sun who mostly uses words. Sun, who is scared of Moon, never utters his name whereas Moon clearly has no problem with it. Both of them using "we☀️/us🌙" prior to Eclipse. Moon, whose only opinion of Sun we can infer is "the other me trapped me in light so now I trap him in shadow", vs Sun's whole thing which is profoundly more fleshed out.
I don't know man, the "no more Sun" line always did things to me. I remember playing Ruin for the first time and getting this... jarring emotion when I heard Moon saying that. It's such a small line but good god did I latch onto it.
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 10
A/N: I can’t believe I’m already on part 10 for this series and to be honest it’s fun to write. And in all seriousness, the tumblr mobile app needs to allow you to put a read more link. But anyways love you all and let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! Mwah! 🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, some violence, and blood
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“Im sorry, did you just say Madripoor?” You blinked at Zemo, dreading the destination ahead of you.
“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam questioned, looking between you and Zemo.
“Imagine Mos Eisley from Tatooine but without the aliens and blasters.” You tried to make an analogy. “In other words, a shithole. And to be honest, I’d rather be in Mos Eisley.”
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky explained to Sam.
“It’s kept its lawless ways.” Zemo added before turning to James. “But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.”
You had a feeling Zemo would suggest all of you going in with different identities, and being the only woman in the group, you already had a wild guess you weren’t going to be ecstatic about yours. You looked to Bucky with a frown on your lips. You knew what Zemo had meant towards him, and you didn’t know how it would affect him to transition back into the person he tried so hard to deviate from. Bucky saw the sympathetic smile you gave him, and he returned it with a look that reassured you that he would be fine.
“Y/n.” Zemo now spoke to you, tilting his head to meet your eyes. “I’m sure you are aware of the conditions.”
“Zemo if you...” Bucky trailed off as he glared at him, silently warning him to watch what he says next.
Sam and Bucky kept their eyes on Zemo, waiting to hear what his suggested persona for you was and ready to beat his ass if he dared to suggest something that would be demeaning to you.
“No way in the pits of Tartarus. I am not going in as an escort.” You voiced with a clenched jaw. “And if it’s eye candy you need, you have Sam.”
Sam gave you a surprised look from your comment, flattered to have you recommend him to be the designated eye candy before going back to the topic at hand. “Hell no Zemo. You’re not having y/n pretend to be an escort.”
“I’m afraid Sam is already going as someone.” Zemo sat back with his hands folded in his lap. “And don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on having you go as an escort, it isn’t befitting of a baron like me. Plus, I figured it would be uncomfortable for you, so I was going to suggest you act as my fiancé, if you are willing of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pondering on the subject. You were a bit relieved in all honesty. But to pretend to be Zemo’s fiancé and be in close and almost physical proximities with him?
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to y/n.” Sam uttered to you.
“I’ll do it.” You confirmed.
“Are you sure?” Zemo asked you again, making sure you were comfortable with acting the part.
“I thought Zemo might step out of line with this one, but we don’t want you to do something that will make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sure. I’ve had to do things I wasn’t comfortable with plenty of times in the past.”
Once you had all landed, Zemo decided to stop by a place so that you all may get dressed. You had already packed a dress and a pair of heels with you just in case for situations like these, since this wasn’t the first time you had to dress up for a mission. The dress you wore was a black, burned velvet silk slip-like dress with the velvet print being dark red roses. The dress wasn’t too tight to be constricting of movement and fit perfectly around around your curves. If the situation should arise that you needed to defend yourself, you needed the freedom to be able to move. Going down, the fabric flared slightly at your hips, brushing barely against the floor with your heels on. The skirt was slightly sheer from the bottom of your thighs and down with the floral velvet print, and had a slit going up your right thigh, perfect for kicking and concealing your dagger. The top torso portion of the front of your dress was a spaghetti strap cowl neckline that stopped just above the curve of your breasts, allowing for just a bit of cleavage. Your back was left bare, stopping at your mid back with thin straps that came across in a pattern. Your dress almost had a Grecian/witchy look from the way it draped over your chest and hips. It wasn’t too formal or too scandalous, it was elegant and classy, and showed just the right amount of skin where it wouldn’t be too revealing.
Even though you completely loathed and detested heels of any kinds, your heels were fairly simple, made of black velvet with straps that came across your ankles and toes. You dreaded heaving to wear them but at the same time you’d stick out like a sore thumb if you wore your docs with these. Perhaps you should’ve brought your nicer sandals, but it was too late now. You kept on your mother’s necklace and wore a set of amethyst drop earrings, throwing on a silver cuff bracelet on each wrist. Your hair was let loose to conceal your short sword that you hid on your back underneath your dress, the hilt resting right between your shoulder blades. You prayed that having your hair down would cover the scars and the sword you had on your back. But you were mostly focused about the scars, you failed to mention them to the guys about it since it was something that was hard for you to share. The only makeup you had on was some eyeshadow and mascara to darken your eyes, very little blush, and a lip tint.
The last thing to do was to put on some perfume, so you spritzed on your favorite oil based one that you had from Olympus on your pulse points. The scent was filled with incense-like scents like dragon’s blood, sage, crushed red roses, sandalwood, ghostly white musk, absinthe, almonds, and heady gardenia. It wasn’t as harsh as the common alcohol based ones, this one was more earthy and ancient, and every time you wore it, the scent lingered and heads turned. You gave yourself a once over when you were done, taking in a deep breath before heading out to join the others.
You became nervous as you saw them gathered together, talking amongst themselves as they haven’t noticed you yet. You rarely ever wore dresses these days, especially of the kind you were wearing now which left you feeling bare and exposed even though the dress wasn’t at all much revealing. So as you approached them, you couldn’t help picking at your fingers in anxiety.
The men turned at the sound of your heels clicking against the ground, and when they laid their eyes on you, they couldn’t help but gawk with their mouths parted open, as if they had seen the most beautiful creature to ever walk the earth. You chewed on the inside of your cheeks as you saw how they stared at you.
“Wow.” Sam was the first to say something. “You look like a million bucks.”
“What? Never seen a woman in a dress before?”
“No, I’ve just never seen you in a dress before.” Sam answered. “You’re always dressed like some hippie/librarian, with your bands shirts, sweaters, plaid pants and jackets.”
“Haha vary funny.”
“Also since when did you have muscles?” Sam noticed as he poked your bare arm. “And since when did you have a tattoo?” He observed the mark you had on your upper right arm, right below your shoulder. It was the mark that was given to you to signify your Olympian status and what you represented. It was about the color that henna left behind after you wiped the paste off your skin, the color of ginger and bronze. The center of your mark was a lightning bolt, which represented a child of Zeus. Below that was your symbol, the torch and the triple moons.
“Since when did you start asking so many questions? But yeah, I’ve always had muscles Sam, I was trained in combat since I was, you could say 9 years old in human years. Also, technically everyone has them, it’s what allows us to move and lift things. And that.” You pointed to your tattoo. “Is my goddess mark, not a tattoo. Every Olympian god has one and they each have their personal symbol that represents them.”
“Wait, so you’ve been trained since you were a kid?” Bucky looked at you to clarify what he heard as they all started to head out.
“Technically, everyone on Olympus starts training that young. Then, when they become of age, a tournament is held to display their skills, following a ceremony after, to celebrate their victory.” You explained as you walked beside them.
The four of you were currently walking on the bridge that led to Madripoor. You could see the city’s skyline out in the distance, the cyberpunk like buildings lighting up the night sky.
“Do you need my coat?” You heard Zemo say beside you, making you look at him.
“Do you need my coat?” He repeated himself, referring to how your arms were bare against the cool night. “I wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
You stared at him, stunned from the kind gesture as you tried to form words to say. “Oh uh.....I appreciate the gesture, but I’m fine actually. I’m not that cold.” Though you didn’t want to admit it, you actually would’ve liked to try on his coat, because in all honesty it was a damn nice coat.
“We have to fix this.” You heard Sam say with irritation visible in his voice. “I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.”
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing.” Zemo mentioned as he pulled out his phone to show Sam. “The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.” Sam observed the photo.
“You smell this?”
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam sniffed the air as you did the same.
“Smells rancid.” You scrunched your nose at the smell.
“Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo instructed as a black car pulled up in front of you. “High Town’s that way. Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but Low Town’s the other way.”
“Let me guess. We don’t have any friends in High Town.” Sam remarked as he opened the door for the back seat.
“Y/n. A moment please, if you will.” Zemo uttered to you.
You stopped in your tracks, seeing Bucky and Sam stand on either side of the car doors, looking between the two of you and especially Zemo, with caution. You nodded your head at them, signaling you were fine and that they can get seated. And though they sat themselves inside the car, that didn’t stop them from keeping their eyes glued to Zemo to make sure he didn’t pull anything stupid.
“What’s the issue?” You turned to Zemo, giving him your attention.
“Since you will be portraying my fiancé, there’s a certain key element you will be needing to complete the image.” You watched as he pulled out a ring from his coat pocket, displaying it in front of you. “If I may?”
You stared at Zemo blankly before nodding your head and holding out your left hand for him. You knew this was only for a show, but you couldn’t help but stiffen as he delicately held your hand with his gloved one before slipping the ring onto your ring finger.
“There.” Hi smiled softly at you, his hand still holding yours. “Now you look the part.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, his thumb brushing against your knuckles, leaving behind a trail of warmth as he gazed down at you. Zemo swore he could have gotten lost in the violet swirls and gold flecks of your eyes forever, which now sparkled against Madripoor’s lit up skyline, the neon city and the places he’s visited not even coming close to the beauty he held before him.
You tried not to blush under his gaze as you gave him a polite smile before slipping your hand out of his. “I should probably change my eyes huh.” You remembered, changing your eyes to a normal color known to earth. “Should I hide the scar?” You asked him, referring to the one on your face.
“I think you should leave it. It suits you, and besides, you never know who might recognize you without it.”
Nodding your head at him, you headed to the car and settling in beside Bucky as Zemo followed, getting in the passenger seat in front of you. In the car ride there, you glanced down at the ring Zemo slipped on your finger, it was definitely a beautiful elegant ring, with a rose gold band and a pear cut garnet in the center that had diamonds that accented the bottom. Once you arrived in the city, you walked through the neon lit streets beside Zemo while Sam and Bucky followed behind. You loosened up your body as you went, swaying your hips slightly as you tried your best not to walk like a bodyguard and look threatening as everyone’s eyes followed the four of you strolling through the streets.
“Here we are.” Zemo announced, stopping in front of a bar before speaking to Bucky in Russian. “Ready to comply… Winter Soldier?”
As you went in, Zemo leaned in to whisper in your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck and startling you as he spoke in a hushed tone. “I want to apologize in advance, forgive me.”
You looked at him with furrowed brows to question what he meant until you felt his gloved hand slide across your back before resting on your waist, pulling you closer to his side. You noticed how his hand fumbled after brushing across your sword as he gave you a questioning look. What was that on your back? Did you really conceal a full on sword on your back underneath your dress? On your way to the bar table you saw people stare as you went through, some of them gawking in surprise at Bucky, or the winter soldier as he was now portraying, while the slimy men in the area roamed their eyes over your body hungrily. Zemo noticed your uneasiness from the way your muscles tensed, though your face didn’t show a sign of it, and glared at the men who dared to lay their eyes on you, only pulling you closer to him to prove that you were with him while Bucky and Sam noticed this as well and positioned themselves where you were blocked from the view of your peers, allowing you to breathe a little better as you approached the bar.
“Hello, gentlemen.” The bartender greeted you all. “Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed.” Zemo answered for him. “We have business to do with Selby.”
“The usual?”
Sam nodded his head.
“And for the lady?”
“Um Something fruity.” You answered with a flirtatious smile, silently hoping they had something like that on the menu and that you hadn’t blown their cover by ordering the wrong drink.
The bartender handed you what looked to be a pineapple martini and you internally thanked the gods for your sheer bit of luck, taking the drink and thanking the bartender with another smile. You watched as he went to work on Sam’s drink, pulling out of a jar what definitely was a snake. You gulped, your stomach feeling nauseous as you saw the bartender cut open the dead snake, taking out its guts and throwing it in the shot glass. You were mortified to say the least, snakes were one of your symbols and you had owned plenty of the gentle little creatures. You shot Sam a sympathetic look once you saw his expression.
“Cheers.” Zemo held up his glass while Sam stared at his before gathering the courage to drink it all in one go. If Sam wasn’t going to throw up, you were going to do it for him.
While your eyes were trained on Sam’s expression, you felt someone breathe over your neck before feeling a clammy hand graze across your ass.
“Hey baby-“
Your eyes widened before you grabbed the wrist of the man behind you in one quick motion, twisting his arm to an unnatural position as you yanked it away from your body, causing the sleazy looking individual let out a yelp of pain. You would’ve crushed his wrist like crumpled paper if Zemo hadn’t put a cautionary hand on your arm as he whispered to you. “Careful now.”
You let go of the man’s wrist before shoving him aside like a pile of garbage. If their identity wasn’t at risk of being revealed, Zemo, Sam, and Bucky would have gone over there and beat the guy up after you were done with him.
“I got word from high. You ain’t welcome here.” You watched from behind Zemo as a bearded man approached him.
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo gestured towards Bucky.
“New haircut?”
“Or bring Selby for a chat.”
The man glanced between Zemo and Bucky before leaving.
“A power broker? Really?” Sam turned to Zemo.
“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” You asked.
“Only by reputation. In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner.”
Another man was approaching in your direction, most likely to kick you all out or worse, and after following your gaze, Zemo turned to Bucky, speaking to him in Russian just as the man laid a hand on his shoulder. “Winter Soldier. Attack.”
You stood back, watching as Bucky grabbed the dude’s arm and twisted it back. You refrained yourself from intervening as Bucky took down the men that fought against him.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo commented to you and Sam.
Bucky slammed one of the men down on the counter. And as you heard the clicking of guns being loaded, your defensive mode nearly kicked in as you almost reached for your sword before Zemo stopped you.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered to you both before turning to Bucky and speaking in Russian again. “Well done soldier.”
You let your arm drop back down to your side, not a single change in your expression as you eyed everyone around you.
“Selby will see you now.” The bartender spoke up after getting off the phone.
Zemo gave him a thanks, nodding you over and holding out his hand for you to take as you went to his side again, Bucky and Sam following after you. You went through a back door, going down a dark corridor with Zemo’s hand on your back as he guided you through.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” You heard a woman’s voice speak, turning your head to see an older woman in a suit with short white hair lounging back on the coach with her security around her.
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo sat down on the couch before waving you over when he saw you standing near Sam. “Come sit schatzi.”
You straightened up, plastering a smile on your face as you went over to him. Selby’s eyes followed you curiously as you placed your hand in his, your eyes rapidly moving in nervousness for what area would be the most appropriate area to sit. Were you......were you supposed to sit on his lap? Is that how couples work? No, that would be inappropriate. Before things got awkward, you quickly plopped down on the empty spot next to him, crossing over your leg in a way so that it draped over his, leaving your thigh completely exposed from the slit in your dress, save for the dagger that still remained hidden. Sam and Bucky widened their eyes at what you just did, while Zemo stiffened at this sudden movement from you as you also draped one arm around his shoulders, bringing yourself closer to him. Were you even doing this right?
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Selby observed the two of you before her eyes landed on your ring. “Who’s this pretty little thing?”
“This.” Zemo looked at you with a loving look, throwing an arm around your waist to draw circles on your bare back, while his other hand rested on your thigh, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on your skin as you felt shivers go down your spine. “Is my fiancé. Gorgeous isn’t she?”
How long has it been since you were this close and personal to someone? The last you could remember, women still wore corsets and people still rode carriages. You felt your body heat up from being this close to him, and from the way he stroked your back. How was a mortal man able to leave you feeling like this? If he was able to send shivers down your spine with the mere touch on your back with his gloved hand, you wondered how it would feel to have his bare hands on you, just skin to skin. And if you were being honest, you never really were a fan of cologne but his smelled of a deeper earthy tones with hints of musk, and you were surprised and almost ashamed to say you liked how he smelled. You returned the same loving look to Zemo, trying to make it as believable as possible as you ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head before placing a kiss on his jaw close to his ear. Sam and Bucky couldn’t believe their eyes at the scene before them, the same you who preferred to be a hermit and didn’t go on dates because it involved human interaction, was cuddling up to none other than Helmut Zemo himself. Zemo’s breath faltered a bit from from your touch as he swallowed the lump in his throat, struggling not to break character. Being this close to you, he was able to get a whiff of your perfume and my goodness, Zemo felt as if he could drown in your scent, you smelled like the heavens, not overbearingly sweet, but dark and luxurious and even seductive. Is this what vampires and sirens smelled like when they lured people to their deaths? You raised a brow at Zemo, your heightened senses were picking up on his breathing patterns and heartbeat. Was he getting nervous?
“Extremely.” Selby commented, smirking at the two of you before roaming her eyes over your body. You could feel her taking you in but you kept your eyes trained on the side of Zemo’s face. “Where did you pick this one up? She looks like a fighter.”
“As they say, why not get a woman who can do both. She was part of the Sokovian armed forces, I met her through there.”
“By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?” Selby added after finally taking her eyes off you.
“People like us always find a way, don’t we? I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.”
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby turned to Sam with a flirtatious grin, using her hand in a claw like manner as she let out a purr. “What’s the offer?”
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum.” Zemo got up off the couch, going over to Bucky and holding his chin between his fingers. “And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.”
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or… condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but… things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?”
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me. But.....” She turned you with a sly smile which made your insides turn. “Throw her in with the package and you have yourself a deal.”
Zemo, Sam, and Bucky turned to look at you with dread upon hearing her words. This wasn’t at all part of the plan.
“No, no no. That wasn’t the deal.” Zemo stepped over to where you sat, blocking you from her. “She’s not for sale.”
“Why not?” Selby raised her brow at Zemo. “I’m pretty sure a man like you could pick up someone else to be your plaything or fiancé or whatever. I like this one in particular.” She turned to you again.
“That’s not-“ Zemo started before he was cut off by Sam’s cellphone vibrating.
You breath was caught in your throat and it felt as if the room had dropped in temperature. You could feel the tension floating around the air as everyone’s eyes were trained on Sam now, making you sit up straight and uncross your legs so that they were planted firmly on the ground. Your hand rested on your thigh just above where the hilt of your dagger was as your eyes darted around the room, watching each and every person like a hawk about to swoop down on its prey. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
Tag List: @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky @mylifeispainandiloveit @fillechatoyante @padmoonyfeorge @montypythonsholysnail
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 4 years
You Are In Love
A/N: Very much based off the song You Are In Love by Taylor Swift, but I don’t know if this classifies as a song fic?? Anyways, here ya go! (Extra points if you can spot the very vague John Mulaney reference)
Summery: In the end, you’re always glad you married each other
Word count: 2.6k+
Warnings: A touch of angst, mild swearing
“Mind if I steal my wife?” Shawn asked the girls standing around you. 
“Ooh, Y/N, looks like someone likes you,” you maid of honor said in a sing-songy voice. 
“Really? Is he cute?” You all laughed as you excused yourself. 
“Where are we going?” you giggled as he tugged you through the sea of tables. 
He stopped abruptly and you almost crashed into him, placing a hand on his suit clad bicep to steady yourself. “Nowhere in particular,” he said with a smile. 
You eyed him suspiciously and he winked in return, taking your hand off his bicep and kissing it before turning around and tugging you forward again. He didn’t stop until you reached a corner in the gigantic room, pulling you in close and swaying slightly to the faint music. 
“We haven’t really had a moment to ourselves tonight,” he commented as you stood there. 
He wasn’t wrong. You tried to keep the guest list down for the celebration, but that’s a hard task when it comes to a wedding. Everyone wanted to talk to you, and it felt like there was barely any time for you to just be with each other. 
“We have to interact with our guests, my dear,” you said as you looked up at him. “We can’t invite them and then completely ignore them.”
“Well yeah, but it’s our wedding. Emphasis on our.” 
“We have all the time in the world.” 
You smile alone could’ve made him melt on the spot. He’d known for a long time that you were the one, but every time you smiled made him even more positive that statement. 
“That we do, however, we only get one wedding day.” 
It was cliche to say, but everything truly was perfect. From the moment he saw you in the white dress to the moment he pulled you into this dimily light corner away from the rest of the party, everything was pure bliss. 
You shook your head, a genuine smile on your face. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
There was silence for a minute; nothing needed to be said. It was you and your husband against the world. 
You were glad you married each other. 
You yawned as you glanced at the clock. 11:48. You wanted to go to bed so bad, but Shawn made you promise you’d stay up until he got out of the shower. He didn’t tell you why but you assumed he wanted to go out and do something. 
It was one of his favorite things to do while you were with him on tour. He loved his team, but sometimes he wanted to go places without anyone else around. With less people on the streets his fame was irrelevant: he was just some guy walking around with his wife late at night.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Shawn walked out of the bathroom, using a towel to dry his hair. He grinned when he saw you half asleep on the bed, and you couldn’t help but smile back. He silently went to his suitcase and tossed a hoodie to you before grabbing one for himself and tossing his towel in the bathroom. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as you took his hand and he led you out of the room. 
“Don’t know yet,” he shrugged, pressing the button for the elevator. “We’ll know when we see it.” 
You gave him a questioning look. “We’re not going to get lost, are we?” 
“Pssh, I would never get us lost.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Uh huh. What about-” 
The ding of the elevator interrupted you and Shawn dragged you in behind him, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. 
“That’s irrelevant.” 
He used a hand to push your face into his chest. “Irrelevant!” 
You sighed and hugged him back, too tired to fight back. 
“I think the first thing we’re going to do is get you some caffeine,” he chuckled, loosening his grip the slightest bit. 
“Good idea.” 
You ended up at some random coffee shop down the road. Part of you desperately wanted to go to sleep, the other part wanted to use the time to have Shawn to yourself; a rare moment these days. 
You took your drinks on the go, walking hand in hand around the quiet streets of the city. Except for the occasional joke about something you saw here and there, few words were exchanged between the two of you. The only light came from the soft glow of the street lamps. It was the perfect night for coffee at midnight. 
“What time is our flight tomorrow?” Shawn asked as he stopped to take a seat on a bench, patting the spot next to him for you to sit. 
“Well, technically it’s today and it’s at 5:30, which is in about four and a half hours.” You sat down next to him. 
“You sound like that really annoying kid at sleepovers. ‘Uh, it’s tomorrow now,” he mocked with a dopey face. 
“Shut up.” You punched him playfully in the arm with a giggle. 
“Good lord, why’d we schedule such an early flight? We really should’ve gone to bed.” 
“Really? I didn’t think of that.” 
“You’re the worst.” The smile on his face said the exact opposite; full of adoration for the girl in front of him. 
“What’cha gonna do about it, huh?” 
“I’m gonna do this.” He leaned in and you assumed he wanted a kiss so you closed your eyes and leaned in as well. Your face scrunched in disgust when you felt him lick your cheek. 
“Shawn Mendes,” you sighed, slowly bringing a hand up to wipe your cheek. 
“Yeah?” he asked with a giggle.
You glared at him. “You are absolutely disgusting.” 
“Oh yeah? What’cha gonna do about it?” 
“Nothing because I’m a civilized person.” 
He rolled his eyes playfully. “I’m sorry, your majesty.” 
You nudged him with your shoulder as you laughed. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” he yawned, stretching his arms up before placing one around your shoulders. 
“That was not smooth at all.”
“Really? I think it was pretty smooth.” 
“We’re married and you have to do the yawn arm stretch to put your arm around me?” 
“No.” He rested his head on your shoulders. “I thought it would be cute.” 
“You’re a dork.” 
He was a dork, but you were glad you married him. 
“I got the letter.” You rubbed the piece of paper between your fingers. You had read it at least four times that day and you wanted to read it a fifth, but Shawn called and you couldn’t pass up a chance to actually talk to him. 
“Did you like it?” he asked shyly.
“Of course I liked it, silly!” 
He let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t even sure why he’d been so nervous about you receiving it in the first place.  
“I miss you.” 
“I miss you too,” he said, flopping down on the bed of the hotel room he was staying in for the night. “However, I must say that I do not miss your cold-ass hands on me.” 
“Liar,” you accused, fake offense in your voice. “You wish these cold-ass hands were on you right now.” 
“That’s debatable.” 
“Okay then. Well, how's the whole international pop-star thing going?” 
“Oh, you know. Just the usual.” 
“Absolutely satisfactory,” you said at the same time. It was a running joke and you weren’t entirely sure where it began. Just one of the many things that made being apart the tiniest bit better. 
You gazed longingly at a picture of the two of you on your honeymoon on your nightstand. “I want to use these cold-ass hands to give you a hug.” 
“I wish they could.”
“Aha! So you do miss these cold-ass hands!” 
“What, no? That’s not what I said.” 
He could be a liar about missing your cold-ass hands, but you were glad you married him. 
You could’ve stayed outside all night. It was the perfect temperature, and the only light came from the moon and a kitchen light you left on for when you decided to go back in. 
You were laying on top of Shawn, head in the crook of his neck and hand over his heart. He had a foot on the ground, using it to rock the two of you back and forth in the hammock. 
He had been rambling for a while now, failing to notice how your breathing was slowing down, eyes closed as you stopped trying to fight the exhaustion from the day. 
“I don’t know. What do you think?” he asked.You didn’t answer and he laughed when he looked down and saw you far away in dream land. 
“Hmm, wha’d you say?” You asked, lifting your head up slightly, bumping him in the jaw. 
“Nothing. Go to sleep, it’s late,” he chuckled, slipping the hand that was resting on your back under your shirt and rubbing circles into your side. 
“No, keep talking. I’m just resting my eyes.” You pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. 
“Mmhm. Get some rest, Y/N.” 
You snuggled into his chest, breathing in the faint scent of cologne and laundry detergent. He buried his face in your hair, closing his eyes and allowing himself to be in the moment. It was rare you got a quiet moment like this; just the two of you at home. 
He was glad he married you. 
“I just feel like you’re never home.” 
“Shawn, what are you talking about?” you sighed. “I’m home all the time.” 
“I haven’t properly seen you in three weeks. Three weeks, Y/N,” Shawn huffed. “This is the first time we’ve had dinner together in three weeks.” 
“That’s not my fault, Shawn.” 
“I came home early multiple times last week and you weren’t here. You were home at 9:30 every day last week. You’re only supposed to work until seven.” His eyes were cold and his movements rigid. Anyone could tell he was mad, but you knew better. Insecurity was creeping in. This wasn’t a fight you should be fighting, but you were going to anyways. 
“I can’t control my workload. If I don’t get stuff done in time, I get fired. Time isn’t subjective. Deadlines exist.” 
“You couldn’t come home on time just one time? One time, Y/N. That’s all I asked.” 
“What, so I could stay until 11:30 the next day? I love you, Shawn, but I can’t do that to myself.” You were already so sick of the fight. The night had started out nice. You had dinner together for the first time in a while but Shawn grumbled about how you were never home under his breath and it only escalated from there. 
“All I’m asking for is a little effort on your end.” There were a lot of things he could’ve said right then, but that was the one he had to go for.
“You really think I don’t care about this relationship?” 
“That’s not what I-”
“I married you, Shawn. I’ve put up with the touring for months on end, the long nights at the studio, the PR stunts, everything. I clean the house, cook dinner for when you get home, leave you notes in the morning because I care; because I love you.” 
Shawn zoned out, your rant becoming a background noise in his brain. He wanted to take the words back the moment he said them. He knew it wasn’t true, life was just frustrating when you didn’t see your wife for weeks on end.  
“I think I’ve put in plenty of effort.” You took a step towards him, but it did little to close the huge space between you. “I’m sorry that my job keeps me over every once and awhile, but I put every ounce of myself into this relationship. You should know that better than anyone.”   
He stared at you, trying to come up with the right words; words that could just fix everything so you could have just one nice night together for once. 
“Are you going to say anything?” you asked, arms crossed and hurt evident in your voice. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He ran a hand through his hair, voice having the slightest tone of accusation. He couldn’t think of anything else to say. His eyes were sincere, you could tell, but his lack of words said much more. 
“Okay then,” you said quietly, biting your lip. “When you figure out what to say, let me know.” 
“Okay.” His voice was barely audible, but it spoke volumes. You turned on your heel and walked to the guest bedroom, closing the door softly behind you. Angry as you were, slamming doors wasn’t going to help anything. 
He sighed as you disappeared. You always seemed to be the more rational of the two of you and he never understood how you could deescalate yourself so quickly. 
You could be mad at him all you wanted, as the end of the day, he was still glad he married you. 
“Don’t freak out.” 
“Telling me not to freak out is going to make me freak out more.” You were standing in the hallway of your office building, staring at the ceiling and tapping your foot as you waited for Shawn to tell you why he called you so abdamentelly in the middle of the workday. 
“So I’m kinda on my way to the hospital.” 
“Oh my gosh, Shawn, what happened?” Your mind raced with every worst case scenario. The fact that he was calling you should have been some indication that he wasn’t dying, but that did little to ease your worries. 
“I was messing around with Brain and I might’ve maybe twisted my ankle really bad and it swelled up a lot so we’re just going to get it checked out.” 
You breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank the lord.” 
“Why do you sound so happy?”
“You never call me during work. I assumed you were dead or dying.” 
“That’s a little unreasonable.” 
“How bad does it hurt?” 
“Like a . . . a six I guess?” 
Is six enough to warrant surgery? 
“I’m not going to be able to get out before my shift ends,” you sighed, leaning your head against the wall as you looked at your watch. “Let me know if you get out before I go home. I’m really sorry, babe.” 
“Hakuna matata. I’ll see you soon.”
“Love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
He was probably the clumsiest person around, but you were still glad you married him. 
The remains of Chinese takeout was scattered on the table, long forgotten as you lost yourselves in each other. 
“No, but do you remember when you literally dragged me out at three in the morning and then got us lost so Andrew had to track us down and nearly killed us?” You asked, looking up from where you were laying across his lap.
“That is not what happened. First of all-”
“That is so what happened!” You sat up to give him that ‘you’re insane’ look.  
“You’re crazy, woman.”  
“That’s a strange way to address your wife.” 
“I am a bit of a strange guy.” 
“That’s an understatement.”
“Hey!” He pushed you off of him with a playful smile. “That’s a mean thing to say about your husband.” 
“I am a bit of a mean wife.” 
“That’s an overstatement. I mean, we’ve made it to one year of marriage and I haven’t considered divorce yet. That’s gotta work for something.” 
“Fair enough.” 
“I’m glad I married you, Y/N. Happy anniversary” 
“Happy anniversary, babe. I’m glad I married you too.” 
And it was true. At the end of every day, you were glad you married each other because there could never be anyone better. 
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@fallinallincurls @lonelyreputation @musicalkeys
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ryouta-aomine · 3 years
I'm not suuuuure how this one works! This is the 1st time I'm doing the 'ask'.. and If there is a possibility, can you make a scenario where in Kise is interested with this smart girl, who initially doesn't believe in love, but she fell inlove with him anyway on their 2nd year in Kaijo. (I juuuuust reaaaaly wanna see how Kise would react when she finally says she feels the same, cuz in my mind he's not one to give up when he really wanted to get what exactly he wants! )
heyyy! i hope this meets your expectations :D
smart, non-romantic f!reader x romantic kise
the first thing that intrigued him was her general calm around him, unlike most other people who would either admire him too much or look down on him just because of his job and its perks
he'd barely notice things in class except for focusing enough to not flunk the subject, not having had time to do so, but she did make an impression on him because she would always have an answer to the questions most people couldn't understand
he was lagging in english and she was assigned by the teacher to help him improve, and he was quite impressed that not only was she smart, she could come to the other person's level and teach them accordingly- which is why he quickly started improving in the subject
after being acquainted with her, he would always greet her whenever he was free of practice and modelling and saw her around campus
he couldn't put a finger on it, but almost around their midterm, he realized he liked her
but his flirtations (which was easy because kise was normally like that) were brushed off or ignored, and now that he started noticing, not reciprocated
he felt hurt because he had an idea why she only saw him as a friend, and but quickly decided that he would prove her wrong- that he wasn't the kind of guy she thought he was
but after a few repeated attempts at romancing her (nothing too over-the-top because she was so hesitant) but felt a resignation when she kept resolutely putting down all his attempts
at this point he couldn't fool himself and look for an opening, but just as a last chance, he officially asked her out once, heart in hsi hand- just to make one last sure attempt
when she still seemed unmoved and rejected him, he respected her wishes and backed off- he was happy just being her friend
something changed in their second year though and one rare day when they were having lunch together, she flicked his forehead and told him that he could wear people down
he would have been alarmed, but her tone was gentle and she had a light blush dusting her cheeks. kise asked for clarification, and she said that she thinks she liked him back
naturally, he's over the moon and excitedly promising about being a good boyfriend and making sure she always has so much fun and is always happy
she thinks he's a dork but that's one of the reasons she adores him
he's kinda cheesy and always introduces her to his friends/talks about her to them telling them how amazing and smart she is
she doesn't tell anyone but her closest friends and family about him because of his celebrity status and everything goes smoothly throughout the rest of their time in high school
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fanfic-she-wrote · 4 years
Imagine being the reincarnation of Dracula's long lost love: part 5
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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As you slept throughout the day you dreamt of elegant ballrooms and magnificent parties with people laughing and enjoying themselves wearing fancy robes and dresses from a time long past. You dreamt of the sunrise coming over the Carpathian Mountains and quiet horserides through the forest. It all seemed so familar. It was almost difficult to believe that it was all just a dream.
Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you awoke.  The room was now dark, lit only by the moon shining in through the window, casting eerie shadows along the walls. You got up and walked over to the window and looked out over the forest, just barely making out the village in the distance. For the first time in your life you felt at peace. You had been so many different places and yet none of them felt like this. 
Eager to explore the rest of the castle, you quickly changed out of your bloody shirt tossing it in the waste basket and pulling out a fresh one that was stuffed very hastily in your bag. You gave yourself a once-over in the mirror before deciding to venture out of your room. You shrugged. Not like you had anything better to wear.
You peered out into the corridor. It was so quiet you could hear a single pin drop. Then you headed down the stairs and into the great hall that you had seen earlier. You remembered the vision that you had when you first arrived and how odd it was. Perhaps you somehow saw the way it looked before...before Dracula became a vampire.
To your left you saw an entryway that lead into what you presumed was the drawing room. As you approached you heard voices talking from within. You slowed your steps careful not to make a sound. You leaned against the frame and listened closely. "She's here!?" You heard a voice say, a voice you instantly recognized as belonging to Dracula.
"Yes, master. She's upstairs now." The second voice said, which belonged to Henry.
"After all this time. She's come back to me." Dracula said.
"Do you really think it's her?" Henry asked. You held your breath, realizing they were talking about you.
"It has to be. She looks exactly like her."
"What if she doesn't remember?"
The room became silent for a moment then, "She's awake." Dracula announced. Your eyes widened. Oh no! He knew you were there. Before you could make a run for it, Dracula appeared in the doorway. His expression angry, but only for a second, then his eyes softened and he smiled once he saw you. He found himself utterly speechless. Now that you were here he didn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to intrude." You apologized.
"You could never intrude upon any one." He uttered.
"Forgive me. I never formally introduced myself. I am Count Dracula. Welcome." And with that, he scooped up your hand and placed a kiss upon it. You liked the way his lips felt against your skin. You bit your lip at the thought of his lips against your own.
"I'm Y/N. Thank you for letting me stay here. I know it was quite unexpected."
"Unexpected, but nevertheless I'm glad that you're here." He told you with a smile that made your heart melt. You couldn't believe how charming he was. Nothing at all like what Van Helsing told you. You were glad you were here too. You longed to know more about him.
"Henry, is dinner almost ready?" Dracula asked Henry who was quietly standing behind him.
"Oh! Yes!" Henry said, taking off towards the kitchens excusing himself. He had almost forgotten.
"Do vampires eat?" You ask curiously. Dracula looked amused and held out his arm for you to take to escort you to the dining room.
"We can, but it's not filling almost like eating air. And I found that some foods have more flavor than others. Steak cooked medium rare is fine, but chicken tastes grotesque." He explained to you on the way.
"Steak is what we're having tonight. I hope you like it."
"I'm sure I will." You assured him.
"I must ask, what drew you here?" Dracula inquired, changing the subject.
"I just had to see you again. This might sound a little forward, but I can't help feeling drawn to you." You replied. "Ever since that night we first met, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. You acted like you knew me. Why?"
Dracula suddenly stopped and looked at you, his expression becoming solemn.
"You look like someone I lost a long time ago." He answered.
"I'm sorry." You said, instantly regretting having asked. It was clearly painful for him.
He sighed, forcing a small smile. "Don't worry. You're here now and that's all that matters." He said, pressing forward.
He lead you to the dining room where a fire was lit, and a table that was made up for two with a single candle. How cozy. You thought to yourself as your host pulled out a chair for you. "Would you care for some wine?" He asked.
"Oh, yes please." He picked up a bottle and poured you a glass of ruby red wine before taking a seat beside you. "Aren't you having any?"
"I never drink...wine."
You pressed the glass to your lips and took a sip awkwardly knowing what he meant. Dracula reached his hand out and placed it on top of yours. Your heart skipped a beat. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine having a romantic dinner with a vampire, or better yet Count Dracula. That's what this all felt like, a dream, and you never wanted to wake. You stared into each other's eyes, searching through one another's souls. You were entranced be him. You didn't know if it was the wine talking, but you had the overwhelming urge to kiss him right now. "Count?"
"You can call me Vlad."
"Vlad, I..I..." You stuttered, unable to find the words to explain what you wanted to do, but he seemed to understand. You leaned close to each other, mere inches apart when you were interuppted by Henry who entered the room carrying two plates. Dracula groaned and released your hand. 
"Hope you enjoy it!" Henry said, placing your plate down in front of you.
"It looks delicious." You said honestly, suddenly realizing how hungry you were. Henry went to open his mouth to say something, but Dracula interupted. "Thank you, Henry. You may go now."
"Oh, of course sir." He said, quickly leaving the room.
In a way you were grateful he interupted. You were probably about to make a fool of yourself. You had just met him and already you were imagining kissing him, among other things... You wondered if he thought the same about you.
You and Dracula enjoyed each other's company as you two ate. You could listen to him talk for hours. His voice was very soothing and pleasant to the ears. Soon dinner would be over, and you wondered what you would do next.
Back at the inn, Van Helsing wrote in his journal, carefully planning out his next move. He was going to get you back and defeat Dracula at all costs. He was still in shock that you had run away. Perhaps if he hadn't acted so brash you would still be here. He had only himself to blame. He might as well have put you in the arms of Dracula himself. He didn't want to see anything bad happen to you, especially becoming a vampire. Most of all he didn't want to be the one to end your suffering. He didn't know if he had the strength to. He...loved you too much. Yes, loved. There was no denying it. He had felt this way for a long time, almost since the day you met. He had been afraid to tell you, not sure whether he could stand it if you didn't return his feelings. It would crush him. He regretted not telling you now, which some how hurt him considerably worse. Now, he feared it might be too late. Lawrence closed his journal and placed his pen down beside it, contemplating his next move. If he was to go after Dracula he had to be careful. Now that you were there, he was going to be more defensive than ever before.
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pellucidity-is-me · 3 years
A Plan
Summary: Albus Dumbledore hears of a small boy—Remus Lupin—who was recently bitten by a dangerous werewolf. The boy-turned-werewolf is only five, but Dumbledore has already made the decision that he will someday be enrolled in Hogwarts: a feat which has never been achieved. First chapter from my longer fic (link in blog description)!
Wordcount: 2727
Dumbledore sat in the Hog's Head, trying to avoid the gaze of his furious brother. They never talked now. Dumbledore could understand why, but it did feel a bit childish to be bickering like... well, like siblings. He listened to Aberforth scrubbing the counter in a sort of agonized rhythm. Aberforth was still staring, eyes narrowed—perhaps Dumbledore could not see it, but he could feel it. "Just a few more minutes and I'll be out of your hair, Aberforth," Dumbledore said lightly. "I am afraid that this is the easiest place for secret information to remain secret."
"I had to shut down my pub, just for you," scowled Aberforth. "We can't all be rich and famous, Albus. Some of us have to make an honest living instead of pulling political strings for the greater good."
Dumbledore winced. All of their meetings went like this. "This is important," he said. "And Clark is an honest man."
"Clark Darnall is a werewolf."
"An honest werewolf, then. He is doing good work and he has important information. I might as well offer him a drink at one of the best pubs in Britain."
"Flattery won't work on me."
"I am not trying to flatter. I truly do not mean to bother you, Aberforth—" Dumbledore glanced up at the portrait of Ariana and sighed. "I do not mean to bother you," he said again. "Please. One hour."
"I wish the whole world knew that you aren't the paragon of light they think you are," hissed Aberforth, slamming down his towel. He sat down behind the counter. Dumbledore heard him cross his arms.
Silence. The only noise in the room was the sounds of Aberforth's annoyed huffs and the tapping of Dumbledore's long fingers on the tabletop.
Minutes passed. Suddenly, the door flew open.
"Albus Dumbledore. Oh, thank you fer meetin' me." Clark looked just the same as ever—all mussed brown hair, unhealthy frame, dirty face, and ripped robes. His strange accent was the same as ever. Clark Darnall had been bitten at age nine and had escaped to Greyback's werewolf pack shortly after. The pack, from what Dumbledore understood, was a conglomeration of all kinds of different people and nationalities. Clark's accent was a strange combination of a lot of different places. He hadn't lived in human civilization in a little less than twenty years. Dumbledore's heart ached for his plight.
"My pleasure. Sit down, Clark. Aberforth, if you would..."
"Don't speak to me," said Aberforth, slamming two cups of Butterbeer on Dumbledore's table. Dumbledore stole a glance at Aberforth for the first time. Sure enough, Aberforth looked ready to kill him. Never mind that, thought Dumbledore. He turned his attention back to Clark. Dumbledore's relationship with his brother, he suspected, was a lost cause.
"You said that you had pertinent information, old friend?" said Dumbledore gently, and Clark bobbed his head up and down.
"Yes. Yes, sir, I do. I... werewolves... you know. No one listenin' in?"
"Not a one. Except for Aberforth, but he's a very moral man. He can keep a secret."
Aberforth scrubbed harder and grunted an agreement.
"Tha' man. Aberforth. He doesn't like werewolves much, hunh?"
Dumbledore smiled. Clark wasn't usually this blunt, but a werewolf who had lived amongst other werewolves all his life often misjudged humans' ability to hear spoken comments. Heightened senses were a blessing and a curse. Mostly a curse, according to Clark. "He can hear you, Clark."
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Ab... Aberforth. So sorry."
Aberforth did not grace this with a reply, so Dumbledore broke the awkward silence. "How much time do you have?"
"'Bout an hour till Greyback notices I'm gone, p'raps less. I should hurry."
"I'm listening." Dumbledore took a sip of Butterbeer.
"Greyback's been excited lately. Dare I say over the moon." Clark chuckled weakly. "There was this man, while ago. Fergot his name. Somethin' like... Loopy, I guess. I'll remember later, prob'ly. But he sort of insulted Greyback... Greyback had a spot of trouble with the Ministry, you see, and was brought in fer a proper hearing. Pretended he was a Muggle tramp. Almost got away with it, 'parently, but... the bloke, Loopy... he didn't buy it at all. Clever man."
"Do you know anything else about this man?"
"Greyback was goin' on abou' Boggarts. 'Parently the bloke was an expert... and then they hired him at the Ministry. Somethin' like Crocodile fer a first name... you know my mem'ry's not all there, Albus."
Dumbledore paused. An expert on Boggarts who had been hired by the Ministry... Crocodile Loopy? Dumbledore's mind started to conjure pictures of the young man whom he had taught years earlier... brown hair, shy demeanor, studied various subjects for fun... sense of humor... got into fights with other Hogwarts students at times. Mostly mild-mannered, but a temper. "Lyall Lupin," he said heavily. "It was Lyall, wasn't it? I taught him." Dumbledore started to picture what possibly could have happened between Greyback and Lyall that made Greyback so happy... a fight, perhaps? Lyall lost? The full moon was a few weeks ago... was Lyall killed? Or bitten? Poor man.
"Yup, Lyall Lupin. Tha' was it, I'm sure of it. Well, Lyall saw righ' through Greyback. His coworkers didn't believe him, and Greyback mentioned... Greyback said they sort of taunted Lupin a bit. Seemed happy abou' it, whatever it was, but I don't know what they said. Ministry let Greyback free and tried to Obliviate him, but Greyback escaped. Ministry knows what 'e looks like now. Greyback was hoppin' mad abou' tha', he was. Face's all over the papers. Can't go undercover anymore. But 'parently Lupin said that... werewolves were... heartless, soulless... creatures? I do'nno. Also implied we should all die."
Dumbledore closed his eyes. Oh, Lyall...
"So I guess Lupin both insulted Greyback and outed his appearance to the media, and Greyback was goin' on abou' revenge for a full day. 'Twas the day before the day of the full, you know. He was tellin' the story to everyone who would listen. Called us all together. Plotted his revenge. Said he was goin' over to Lupin's and killin' him. Said if the whole world knew who he was, he might as well make it worth it."
"And he went over to Lupin's a bit before the moon rose. Came back. Looked pleased. Blood all over."
Dumbledore felt a bit ill. "Lyall...?"
"Perfectly fine. 'Parently Greyback went out and scouted the area. Watched the house fer a bit. S'not just Lyall livin' there, he has a family. Wife. Kid."
Dumbledore felt even more ill.
"You know how Greyback goes after the kids. Ecstatic that there was a little lad there. Big Lupin got away with not even a scratch, he did, but Greyback meant to kill the kid."
So there was hope after all. "Meant to?"
"Meant to. Lad was only 'bout five, Greyback says. Tiny thing. Asleep before half-seven. You know children tha' young don't survive the firs' full, so there was no point in bitin' him and lettin' him live. So Greyback decided to... you know. Rip 'im apart. Leave 'im barely recognizable. Wanted to hurt Lupin, he did."
"Meant to?" Dumbledore repeated. Clark had always had a flair for the dramatic; he certainly liked to draw things out for maximum suspense. It was usually entertaining, but right now it was just mildly annoying. "You said that he... meant to kill the child."
"Yeah, he did. But he says he only got one bite in before Lupin heard noises and scared 'im off. No sense stickin' around when a wizard's got a wand and s'firin' curses at you." Clark chuckled. "Miffed parents are dangerous, and Greyback's not stupid. Says it was still fun, though—lad didn't even scream; too stunned to do anything but stare. Greyback was pretty happy abou' how things turned out. Says it'll be a lot more fun for Lupin to live with a werewolf kid for a month. Said it wasn't possible fer such a young lad to survive the full, so Lupin would either have to put 'im down or let 'im die with the rising of the moon. But he regretted that he didn't get the kid fer himself. Younger ones taste better, he says."
Dumbledore shifted in his seat with discomfort. Clark was desensitized to such talk, having grown up among werewolves, but Dumbledore was not. He wasn't entirely convinced that Clark did not ever bite or kill people on the full moon, but he would never voice his reproaches to Clark. Clark was, after all, a good informant and debatably a good man... yet Dumbledore would not hesitate to protect anyone whom Clark may be willing to attack. "Continue, Clark."
"Righ'. Well, tha' was two and a half months ago, tha' was. Lad's been through the first full. Lupin let 'im live, which Greyback found surprising. But you know what's even more surprising?"
Dumbledore shook his head.
"The kid lived. Had his skeleton torn apart at the age of five, he did, and he didn't die. Mostly they've got to be at least five and a half, and even tha's rare. Greyback says seven is the best age. Greyback also said the kid wasn't even five yet when Greyback bit 'im. Close, but not yet—he was four. Family was talkin' 'bout fifth birthday prep'rations, he said. Lad prob'ly transformed for the firs' time righ' aroun' his birthday. Only five."
That was rare, certainly, but Dumbledore didn't see why it was such important information. "So...?"
"So tha's a big deal! You prob'ly don't understand. Yer brigh' and all, but you can't understand. In the werewolf world, tha's huge. Greyback went and discovered a kid who somehow got past all the laws of the world. Tha's why he's so happy. Got 'imself a protegee, he said. But when he tried to go get the kid and bring 'im to the pack... lad refused."
"Do you know the child's name?"
"'Course I do. Remus Lupin. Greyback's been sayin' it over and over, like it's a song stuck in his head. He gets obsessive sometimes. Scary. The fact that Remus refused made 'im even happier. Usually he can go into the child's room sometime before the second moon, cast a Soundproofing Charm, and then convince the kid to come join. After they've been through the firs' full moon they'll do anythin' to make it better, and Greyback makes sure the parents aren't aroun' to make the decision fer their kid. So tha's what Greyback did with Remus. Sometimes he makes us do it, but he really wanted to do it himself this time. Never seen 'im so excited abou' anythin'. His heart was going a mile a minute, it was."
"But Remus refused?"
"Yup. Greyback did all the normal stuff... promised he could make the pain go away, said it was almost like a cure, said Remus'd meet other kids like 'im. Greyback even said that he tried to act all nice and fatherly, but none of us believe 'im. Anyway, lad heard that Greyback could help an' then flat-out refused. Said he wanted to stay where he was. Also a big deal, Dumbledore... pain's a lot, an' kids don't offen have the presence of mind to make their own decisions."
"I see."
"Greyback tried Plan B, as he always does when the kids refuse. Took off Soundproofing Charms, let parents in. Sometimes the parents love to get the kid off their chests. But Lupin wasn't having it, 'parently. And Lupin can duel, so Greyback left. Lupin still loved his kid, even though he'd hated werewolves just two and a half months ago."
"Fathers do tend to love their children," murmured Dumbledore. "Lyall was always headstrong, but I never had any doubt when he was at Hogwarts that he'd do the right thing."
"Don'no if it is the righ' thing, meself. Remus Lupin's not gonna have an easy life. People're gonna hate 'im. And he's only five. He migh' have been better off with us... plus, I kinda wanted to meet him, I did. After Greyback's said so much abou' him."
"He will be better off here," said Dumbledore. "He will. Lyall is a good father, I'm sure."
"Yeah, well. They moved, after Greyback found 'em the second time, but Greyback isn't worried. Loves that the lad has a mind of his own. Says he'll go find Remus later when he's grown and try again. Says it's somethin' to look forward to. He's always so much happier when he has somethin' to look forward to. We're always scared of 'im after the euphoria of the last full moon dies down and he's got a whole month to go. But now he's practically bouncin' off the walls. No tellin' whether Remus'll survive the next full, but I hope he will. Really wanna meet the kid, I do."
"So do I," said Dumbledore thoughtfully. "But I imagine that the family is going through a lot right now. You're right, Clark. This certainly changes things. You always do bring me good information."
"Least I can do after you saved my skin few years ago," said Clark. "Heckin' werewolf hunters. Execution's the worst way to go. Well, I'd better get back before Greyback wonders where I've been. See ya sometime, Albus."
"See you sometime," repeated Dumbledore, smiling. He watched Clark go. The second he left, the smile dropped off of his face. "Aberforth, you needn't listen. But I need to talk things through." Dumbledore stood up and began to pace.
"Oh, joy," said Aberforth sarcastically.
"Armando is set on retiring, and I—forgive my arrogance—expect to be headmaster in a few months' time."
"Of course you do."
"Lyall was always a good man. He will raise Remus to be a good man as well, I am certain of it."
"If you think werewolves can be good."
"I do. And I think that, since Remus is so young now, he will have had a chance to adapt to the curse by the time he is eleven..."
"Oh no," said Aberforth. "Absolutely not."
"I heard that Lyall has married a Muggle. I believe her name is Hope. Remus might be nonmagical... but with Lyall's talent, I suspect that he is a wizard. I shall have to check, but I would not be surprised if his name is already down for Hogwarts. If I can create arrangements for full moons..."
"You're not planning on raising this boy to fight in the war, Albus."
"I thought you didn't like werewolves," said Dumbledore. "Don't worry. That is not my intention. I simply think that he has a right to an education, don't you? I can see many ways that this will be a success... but, if I am as magically competent as I believe myself to be... I cannot see many ways in which it can fail. If this works... yes, indeed, I can see it working," he said, more to himself than Aberforth, "and it could be life-changing for a great many people. Or perhaps just Remus Lupin. Either will satisfy me."
"You say that, but you only care about the greater good. None of that is true at all."
"It is certainly true," said Dumbledore quietly, "and I'll thank you to let me be my own person. I am changed. I have learned. And Remus Lupin will learn as well, if I have anything to do with it... except in a very different sense. He is young still, but in six years... six years. Yes. I shall... what is the expression?... put it on the back burner." He smiled. "Would you like a caramel toffee, Aberforth? In thanks?"
"A caramel toffee will not make up for your mistakes."
"No, but a caramel toffee certainly doesn't hurt..."
"I don't want your toffees."
"A couple Galleons?"
"I am not a charity case."
"A hug?"
"Don't touch me."
"You may have my scarf, but it's a bit old and probably too flamboyant for your tastes..."
"Get out of my pub so that I can reopen."
"Very well. Let me know if there's anything you ever need, Aberforth."
"I need you out of my life," Aberforth called, but Dumbledore was already halfway down the cobblestone street, humming Rossini's Barber of Seville overture.
All in all, it had been quite the productive day.
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btsposties · 5 years
MATES (2) -M-
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―pairings: Jungkook x Reader (this chapter), BTS x Reader
―genre: smut, mature, slight e2l, College!AU, werewolves!AU
―warnings: smut duh, foul language, dirty talk, boys being rough, grinding, choking, fingering, spanking, jealousy, teasing, marking kink, the boys can’t control themselves around you, idk smut.
―summary: The Bangtan boys, a clique of seven extremely good looking, rich, smart boys on campus, quite adored by females, except no one was able to really get close to them and past their brotherhood. You never truly bothered to get to know them, until that one fateful day where you discovered their secret. You tried to avoid them, but alas they could always sniff you out because the boys needed you. 
Let the hunt being.
―part (1)
tags: @ayujaded​ @toddsgirl27​ @mrcleanheichou​ @yeontanie21​ thanks for the support!
“Say that again?” the tallest male blinked and tilted his head, listening carefully to what the other male said. The members were all gathered in the living room of their grand house.
“I think we found an Alphas Mate” the owner of the deep voice repeated.
“Taehyung...” the tallest frowned, “You want me to believe that a mere powerless, fragile human is an Alphas Mate” he raised an eyebrow still unable to believe the other.
“For fuck’s sake Namjoon, Jimin almost screwed her brains out on the sofa, he was acting like a damn bitch in heat, no normal female human would get him like that” another male chipped in, “even Jungkook is whipped for her” he pointed at Jungkook who in turn just shrugged his shoulder.
“Yoongi please, this doesn’t make sense, please think logically.” Namjoon insisted. Never in his many years of being with countless females or even werewolves had he felt any raw animalistic urges to mark them as his mate, let alone even considering a human as a potential mate for life.
“But it is true, Namjoon, you have to believe me, I couldn’t control myself when I met her. I know I like flirting and playing around with females but she...” Taehyung paused and rubbed the back of his neck, frustrated that the Alpha wouldn’t believe him, “She was so beautiful. I felt like she was so perfect for us like she would fit right in, so challenging, so wild and free!” he exclaimed, the excitement clearly showing. 
“Calm down there pup, she isn’t yours,” Jungkook said in a firm tone, making Taehyung nervously shift in his seat. Jungkook looked at Namjoon who just sat there pondering at the possibilities of the existence of such humans. A human who could stir up even an Alpha werewolf’s heart.
“I guess I need to meet this Y/N that’s making the pack go wild” Namjoon finally decided that he had to see to believe and that the words of his excited brothers were just not enough proof. “It could just be the moon or the hormones, was she on her period or something?” he turned to Jimin.
The smaller and gentler looking werewolf chuckled, “No, I would’ve noticed on our previous encounter, trust me.”  he giggled at the last part, making the reason too obvious.
“Then I must go pay the little Y/N a visit sometime,” Namjoon murmured to himself.
You had been extremely cautious on campus ever since your little incident back at the Bantang household. You dreaded meeting Jimin or Taehyung again, afraid of how you might find yourself tangled in their hands again. You had just accepted the fact that you had learned of their secret- or at least that they weren’t normal humans and that they were surely going to contact you again. Damn, were they going to kidnap you? murder you? prey on you like what the wolf wanted to with Little Red? did they have some magical powers that could erase your memories? “Holy shit, I’m fucked.” you barely whispered out loud.
“Why are you just staring at your lunch? I can always have it if you don’t want any” Jackson, your best friend waved his hand in front of your eyes, hoping you would come back. “What’s gotten into you lately?”
You let out a sigh, “It’s...nothing really, I’m just overthinking things” you took another bite of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, lately, you just couldn’t find your appetite, mind preoccupied with Bangtan scared that they might show up the next corner you took, “I hope” you sighed again.
And just like that, two whole weeks had passed. Maybe you really were just being way too paranoid. Maybe they decided to leave you alone since you never spilled their secret. An implicit agreement of we won’t kill you if you don’t speak sort of thing. You decided that was most likely what had happened and felt like you should go back to your usual life without worries.
You walked into your most hated course of the semester, not because of the teacher or the subject, after all, it was just an ethics course that almost everyone had to take at some point. All you had to do was sit in class, read and hand in whatever work the teacher wanted you to write about. The reason for your hatred was because although you only had this class once every week, you shared the same room and roof as her - Sara. The annoying bitch that for some reason couldn’t keep her loud self to her side of the room.
“Huh, so it is true,” you heard her say. Great, here we fucking go again... you rolled your eyes and turned the opposite way from the source of the voice, the girl sitting next to you looked at you and shook her head almost taking pity.
You could hear the loud clacking of Sara’s heels, who wore heels every day to class anyway? “What do you want?” you deadpanned wanting this encounter to end as soon as possible.
“You see...” she sing-sang as she approached and stood in front of your seat, putting one of her palms on the desk and flipping her hair with the other hand. “There’s this little birdy that told me that you, Y/N, went to Bangtan’s house alone and fucked one of the guys,” she giggled and looked around the room, trying to catch everyone's attention.
“And where would you get that baseless rumor from?” you raised your voice challenging her, she was known to be a troublemaker, thus not a lot of people really believing the garbage that came out her mouth. Deep inside though, you were shitting bricks, did someone actually see you? the only one that knew was Jackson and no one else, and you knew that boy was loyal.
“Oh Y/N, someone saw you and of course, they told me. And now I’m telling the whole class!” Sara exclaimed and clasped her hands together clearly enjoying this, “So I guess it is true, isn’t it? You went to their house.”
You felt irked, why was she so annoying? You weren’t the type to be stepped on either, so you took a deep breath and readied yourself for chaos.
“Yep, so what of it?” you smiled.
Sara’s eyes widened a bit, not expecting you to admit that publicly, she then smiled, “did they give you their number? call you back? contact you again?”
You shook your head, thankfully.
“Then I guess they didn’t like you huh?” she continued and you raised an eyebrow at her statement because Jimin sure as hell looked like he was enjoying himself back then. “They dumped you just like the other girls, one fuck and forever dumped” she added.
Now everything makes sense. 
As if everything in the puzzle finally fit together, you finally made sense as to why the boys hadn’t shown up since then. That must be it. The rumor was true then, you were just another girl they fucked -or almost- and dumped. You let out a small relieved sigh confusing Sara. You were glad that they weren’t out there plotting to kidnap you for knowing their secret, they were just bored of you and since you had kept your mouth shut, they let you free. Right? 
Sara pursed her lips together, not liking the way you were ignoring her attempts at ruining your day, “I would feel so bad knowing that I did so badly in bed” she cleared her throat trying to get you to react to her.
“Right.” You hummed.
Sara frowned, she wasn’t satisfied with your reaction. You, on the other hand, could give no shits about childish Sara at the moment, too happy to finally have your mind at true peace. Just as Sara was about to say something else, the professor entered the room and asked everyone to sit down, making the upset Sara cross her arms and stomp back to her seat.
You were so preoccupied with texting Jackson and sharing your little feud with Sara as you walked down the halls that you had failed to notice the tall male that stood still staring at you as you approached his way. Face glued on the phone and to no one's surprise, you crashed against the body, the person's solid chest making you smack your phone to your face. Ah- Dammit, not again... you took a step back and rubbed your hurt nose while putting your phone away.
“My bad” you offered a dry smile.
“Y/N” he smiled showing his dimples.
“Hm? Yeah, do I know you?” You analyzed the male in front of you, his hair was combed up and dyed ash silver, sun-kissed skin, around 1,80. He wore very casual clothes: loose gray t-shirt ripped jeans and sneakers. It would be a lie if you didn’t admit that he was very attractive.
“N-, Y-yes? Maybe? I’m not sure...technically no, heh.” He looked down flustered and for a second you could’ve sworn that he was blushing slightly, “I’m Namjoon, nice to finally meet you Y/N” he extended his hand to shake yours.
You took his hand and shook it lightly, shy at first but then slightly confused. It wasn’t too rare for guys to ask you out or try to get your number but something about him seemed different, he spoke to you as if he really knew about you. The man called Namjoon must have sensed your confusing state, so to get things going, he moved to the side gesturing you to keep going on your way.
“So, how have you been?” surprisingly, the male decided to keep walking next to you, slowing down his pace every few steps so he wouldn’t get too ahead of your short steps. Honestly, you couldn’t help but find this cute. “I was wondering perhaps you would like to talk for a bit, somewhere more private?” 
Is he a stalker? am I in danger? You pondered, honestly weirded out at what Namjoon had suggested, you had no reason to go somewhere more “private” with him. “Uh, Namjoon... I don’t know you. Honestly, this is so stranger danger to me.” you said bluntly, cutting the bullshit.
“Huh. Guess I need to hang around a bit more around campus then...” he murmured to himself, you were still unsure on whether or not you should let your guard down in front of the handsome male. Suddenly he let out a laugh, taking you a bit by surprise.
“Okay then, if that’s all then I need to be on my way...” you waved goodbye as you picked up your pace, wanting to get away from him. There was something strange about him that you just weren’t sure what it was, your safest choice was to keep a distance from him.
Namjoon sighed, “I know that you know, Y/N” his voice dropped a few octaves as you slowly registered what he meant, you felt your heart drop and cold sweat breaking as you came to the realization of what he was referring to. You turned around wide eyes. It can’t be...no, I thought this was over.
“W-what do you mean?” you stuttered as you saw how Namjoon’s expression turned from friendly to serious, his stare piercing you, almost too intimidating. The man started to walk towards you, hands tucked in his jean pockets. 
Namjoon towered you, definitely. Eyes looking at you fiercely, one of his hands coming up to caress your cheek with the back of his fingers, “Y/N, the boys told me that they went crazy for you. I mean both Jungkook and Jimin? Taehyung I understand, he’s...easily excitable...” he trailed off and tilted your head slightly to the side exposing your neck, “You smell sweet, I guess that’s different from others...” he mumbled to himself.
Your breath hitched, unsure of what to do. This man, this Namjoon guy knew Jungkook, Jimin, and even Taehyung. He knew that you knew about them, was he one of the Bangtan? You weren’t sure you had seen him around, what did he want? Your mind was all over the place, nervous and yet curious about what was to happen as you listened to Namjoon. Something about him captivated you.
“Let’s go home Y/N,” he said and grabbed your hand, taking you to what you assumed would be the Bangtan household, to what he would call home. “We need to talk, all of us.”
You followed.
You weren’t sure why you followed Namjoon, you should’ve run for it, called Jackson, the police, your mom, oh how would she have screamed at you for not listening to your stranger danger radar. Yet here you were, getting out of Namjoon’s expensive Audi who-knows-what model sports car, you weren’t too knowledgable in that area. You were however somewhat familiar with the grand house you were about to enter, your last adventure with Jimin flashing past you as you saw the sofa, this time the house looked clean and organized.
“Y/N!” you heard a male shout as you entered the house, you looked up to find the familiar boxy smile man coming out of his room and greeting you from the second-floor balcony that looked over the living room and entrance. You smiled at him, he must have used his sharp senses and noticed that you were here- 
Oh, right...oh god, you had just willingly entered a house full of non-humans, why do you make such poor choices in life? Is this okay? was this it? Was this how you would die, in the hands of seven beautiful men?
“I need to send my location first” you announced just in time for everyone to hear. The rest of the Bangtan Boys were gathering in the living room some faces familiar, some not. You took your phone out and texted Jackson: I’m at the wolves den. Bangtan boys invited me over, I willingly stepped into this house again...curse their charms and good looks. Pray for me.
You could hear a loud and cheerful laugh coming from a brown-haired male as you sent the text to your friend. You looked up to find him trying to hold back his laughter, “We won’t hurt you, trust me, if any of us did anything to you the Alphas would have their fangs on our throats” he chuckled, you could notice that he had a very loud and bright personality.
“Okay, listen, I’m sorry I found out about your secret, I’m sure you don’t feel safe with me knowing...but I actually came here to say that I won’t tell anyone, I haven’t and I have no need to.” You turned to the unknown faces and smiled, “I don’t have anything to gain from that” you assured.
You were standing in the middle of the room, the seven boys all surrounding you, listening. Their expressions unchanging, as if focusing on something else and not on what you were saying.
“This human is the one?” a small-framed very fair-skinned male asked, “I’m not quite convinced, sure she’s banging from head to toes, she looks like she has personality but an Alpha’s Mate? not too sure about that” he slurred his speech, “didn’t you say you jumped her when you saw her, huh lover boy?” he pointed at Taehyung, your eyes turned to him horrified. Just what had they been talking about without your knowledge?
Taehyung nodded and Jimin came forward, “Now, don’t go all denying the fact that you all don’t smell her” Smell you? did you stink? You were uncomfortable with his remark, “She smells so sweet, I can’t describe it, it makes me go crazy even now” he winked at you and smirked. You rolled your eyes, you hated when they treated you like that, all superficial charms and empty words, you were too used to it.
All eyes were on you, their pupils dark, you felt like hopeless prey in front of them. Looking around the room you decided that you didn’t want to be the center of attention anymore and eyed the empty seat next to Jungkook and went to it, “Okay, you wanted to talk right Namjoon? Let’s talk!” you smiled nervously as you settled next to Jungkook who held his breath and lowered his head.
Namjoon observed the pack’s reaction to your presence, amused at the way Jungkook had just reacted now. He watched how the youngest of them let out a deep breath before leaning back on the sofa and turning to stare at your side profile. Meanwhile, in your seat, your hands slightly brushed against Jungkook’s when you went to push your long hair back behind your ears, a nervous habit of yours. Immediately you felt the strange sensation on your hands once again, it traveled up your arm and made your heart pound. Am I having a stroke or something? You touched your forehead anxiously checking for fever or sweating. Anything really that could explain the tingling.
“Y/N, let me introduce you to the pack as one of the Alpha’s,” Namjoon finally felt like easing the tense atmosphere, “We are a pack of werewolves, nothing too different from your species honestly, just stronger, better looking, faster...you could say that we are more enhanced humans” he explained.
“We also turn into big bad wolves” a male you have yet to be introduced to joked, “think of us as humans that sometimes act like canines who may or may not turn to big dogs when too emotional.”
You sat there trying to take everything in, time flew by as each member tried to chime in and tell you about their species although honestly, this was too much for you to take in. You turned to Namjoon when he loudly clapped two times to gather everyone’s attention.
“Okay okay, so let’s wrap this up it’s getting late for Y/N, I’m sure she has plenty of information she needs to take in,” Nanjoon proceded to point at Jimin and introduced every member to you, “That’s Jimin, you know him. That’s the oldest Jin. Yoongi, he’s a bit snarky but you’ll like him. Taehyung, no need to say anymore. This is Hoseok, he’s quite hyper. Then there’s me Namjoon and finally...” Namjoon looked at the figure next to you. Your body too aware of his presence.
“Jungkook” you breathed out and turned to face the male. His stare was piercing, lips slightly curling into a smirk as he reached out to gently hold a strand of your hair and letting it slip past his fingers.
“Nice to see you again love” Jungkook whispered to you.
“He’s the youngest, a bit tough and hard to read sometimes but deep down he’s a softie” Namjoon teased and received an Aish, Hyung from the younger one. “We have many things to discuss with you but we need time, I just want to make sure however that you know the following things...” the Alpha’s expression turned serious and everyone in the room quieted down.
“One: You cannot and must not tell others about us.” You nodded.
“Two: We are not the only ones of our kind, obviously.” You gulped and nodded, never really having thought about it. Were you hanging out with other werewolves without knowing?
“Three: Bangtan is not like the other packs, we are quite...unusual” you raised an eyebrow curiously, “Do you know what an Alpha is?” he asked you.
You gave it a thought, “Well, I guess it’s the leader? Of the pack? I guess” Namjoon hummed approvingly of your response.
“In a simple way yes. It’s the one that leads a pack, the dominant one.” his eyes slightly shifted to your left, your eyes following the direction of his gaze. “Bangtan...” he sighed, “Bangtan has three Alphas,” he said with slight annoyance in his tone.
“So you mean...Jungkook is an Alpha...” you reached the conclusion since Namjoon didn’t leave the gaze off the younger one even though he was talking to you. He must be referring to him as one of the Alphas, you thought.
Namjoon nodded, “and the third one is our lovely Jimin, though he might not really act like one. Don’t let him fool you.” Namjoon set his sight on you again, “Packs are not supposed to have more than one leader do you know what I mean Y/N?”
“N-not really...”
“We will decide and must decide who the top dog is” you sensed the tension in the air, this must be a sensitive issue for the pack. You weren’t sure why he was telling you this information.
“Y/N, you’ll help us” Jimin’s soft voice filled the room and the contents in your stomach turned, feeling a bit nauseous you frowned at Jimin, almost asking him to rephrase what he had said because your ears couldn’t believe him.
“I think I’ve overstayed” you got up and scrambled to grab your bag and headed towards the door, “This is not my problem, I appreciate that you guys trust me, but this is just too much, I won’t tell anyone but please keep me out of this.” your hands reached for the door handle only to have a large warm hand grab your wrist and stop you.
Your eyes opened wide, still not used to the superpower shenanigans that the boys were capable of doing, you pulled your hand away and looked at the owner of the hand that stopped you. Jungkook. 
“Y/N, let me take you home.” 
“No thanks, I’m fine.” you opened the door and it was dark outside, realization hitting you that Namjoon had been the one to give you a ride and that you were going to have to walk back home alone at dark in a very lonely neighborhood, it was at least half an hour walk. You pressed your lips together and took a deep breath, you had to do this, it’s too late to turn back, you weren’t going to embarrass yourself asking them for another ride after being the one to rush out.
“I wasn’t asking you,” Jungkook said dryly and stepped outside with you, he took out the car key and the same Audi sports car flashed its lights and unlocked itself. “Let’s go” he grabbed your hand and guided you to the car. The hand that Jungkook held felt incredibly hot and tingly, you blushed at the thought of holding his hand and settled in the passenger seat trying to ignore the rise in your body temperature.
“It wouldn’t be too crazy to assume you already know where I live”
“Yep,” Jungkook admitted. Of course they knew, they had probably investigated everything about you by now.
The first few minutes of the car ride was awkward. Pure silence and the sound of the car moving to its destination. Your hands holding tightly onto the seatbelt, unsure of what to. Next to you, Jungkook’s eyes were focused on the road, once in a while, you could hear him sniffle. “You can just leave me on the other side of the road so you don’t have to turn around-”
“Nah” Jungkook responded.
“I just don’t want my neighbors to see me come out of this flashy car, they’ll think I’m with a pimp or something” you almost facepalmed hard at the lame excuse. 
Jungkook turned to you and you could feel he was judging hardcore, “Y/N...” he frowned, “just what kind of reputation do you have with your neighbors? Getting out of a nice car doesn’t mean you pimped yourself out that doesn't make sense.”
You opened your mouth to refute but he was right, you sighed, “I...just feel a bit uncomfortable here, you’re just- you’re impossibly intimidating Jungkook.” you confessed eyes straight on the road.
Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle, “Am I really?” he turned to you once more, this time his expression different, mischief in his eyes.
“Are you serious? You’re just so quiet, and tall, to me at least. Big and everything I see you wear is black! You also look like you’re ready to break someone's face if you wanted to just for the fun of it.” 
Jungkook looked down at his clothes. Yep, black hoodie, black cargo pants, black boots, black hair. He almost laughed at your comment. “Well damn Y/N, now that you say it, I see what you mean!” he smiled amusingly, corner of his eyes wrinkling a bit. Your heart almost jumped out of your body.
“Plus, you guys don’t exactly have the best reputation around, especially with women” you added, “I’m not sure why you guys want me to help, I really don’t wish to involve myself in any Twilight Jacob werewolf-vampire dispute or whatever problem you guys have.”
Jungkook frowned, “Vampires don’t exist.” 
“Oh, but werewolves do?” you deadpanned.
“Yeah, well- not the types from romance novels, those kind vampires don’t exist.” he rubbed the back of his neck slightly uncomfortable with the topic, “As for werewolves, it’s complicated.”
“Complicated is an understatement,” you rolled your eyes, this conversation was ridiculous. Part of you just couldn’t believe the monsters you thought were fictional were very much real and breathing next to you. The other part of you very much so believed it all, after all, you had personally witnessed the powers. 
“Do you like scratches?”
“Huh?” Jungkook almost stopped driving, unsure if he understood your question, “what do you mean?”
“You’re a dog right?”
“Wolf. Werewolf. Part wolf.” he corrected you as saw a small pout forming on his lips not really liking you comparing his species to a regular household canine.
“Same thing, so do you?” you didn’t know what had gotten into you but your curiosity was getting best of you, you had to know now the answer, you didn’t wait until Jungkook verbally gave you an answer and reached out to him. You put your hands behind his ear, your fingers slightly tangling with a few strands of his hair and gave it a go.
Immediately, Jungkook tilted his head to the side, “stopstopstop” he giggled, “y/n this is dangerous, I’m driving!” he was trying to hold in his laughter. You pulled your hand away satisfied with the confirmation of your thoughts and burst out laughing.
“You can’t tell the others about this” he gave you sheepish smile.
For a second you were lost at the sight of this Jungkook, it was different and new seeing him show a softer side of him. You hadn’t noticed that he actually had very soft yet manly features: big doe eyes that you just discovered now that you had taken a good look at him- they weren’t that intimidating now that he wasn’t looking so serious, thin upper lip, his longish dark hair just reaching below his eyes. He looked very youthful, playful, innocent-like even.
“Stop staring so much, or I can’t promise I’ll control myself before I get you home if you keep this up” his words smacked you right back to reality. You whispered a quiet sorry and wanted to hide, Jungkook had just caught you staring.
“I wasn’t staring. I was just...taking in details of your face” you lied, “not every girl is dying to get in your pants Jeon.” you frowned.
Jungkook smirked slightly unable to hide his enjoyment, he set an arm on the window sill and rubbed his lips, he sucked in a bit of air through his mouth and looked at you sideways tilting his head back a bit, “Am I really just that handsome?” he raised and dropped one eyebrow cockily. 
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his silly expression, of all the things that could happen you didn’t picture yourself laughing with Jungkook during the car ride, both of you giggling at his endless exaggerated meme-able expressions showing you how “handsome” he could be. You were laughing uncontrollably the whole time this happened, truly comfortable with the Bangtan member. Maybe they were decent people after all.
“Jesus stop Jungkook! Focus on the road!” you laid your hand on top of Jungkook’s, giggling and his grip on the staring wheel tightened, his eyebrows furrowed and you let out an audible gasp. It was as if there was a spark when your hands touched. You immediately pulled your hand away and held it close to you dumbfounded as tingling started to take over it.
“I-i think I’m showing signs of heart attack or stroke, I don’t know, my hand...” you nervously spoke. Jungkook, on the other hand, slowed down and steered to the side of the road and parked the car on the almost empty street. He sighed before turning to look at you.
“Jungkook, I’m worried. It keeps happening whenever I’m around you guys or I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but i-”
“Calm down Y/N” Jungkook cooed, grabbed both hands and lowered them down, “Please, breathe” he whispered with concerned eyes. He could hear your heart quickly picking up the pace and you panicked, “trust me, it’s not something bad, just breathe, don’t panic.”
You took a deep breath in...and a deep breath out while looking at his lowly dimmed face. His hands felt very warm holding yours and although there was a tingling sensation, there was no pain or any other symptoms, your heartbeat going back to a steady and normal rhythm, your panic most likely the reason for its rapid beating. You somehow managed to calm down while doing breathing exercises with Jungkook, who watched you carefully the whole time.
“Looks like your hearts back to normal” he smiled, “you’re not having any sort of heart attack, you just panicked” his thumbs rubbed calming circular motions on your palm, “this tingling that you feel Y/N, I feel it too.”
“You do?” He nodded.
“It’s a sign,” he whispered lowly almost inaudible, “that we’re meant to be.”
He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, his gaze so soft and sincere that your body started to react to him on its own. Jungkook’s gaze dropped to your lips and he slowly leaned his body in, also acting on instincts. As if you could feel his very warm body heat spread over, you also started to feel the warmness in your cheeks as you could feel his face draw closer and closer. You felt like you were under a spell.
“Jungkook...” you mumbled and he stopped his movement immediately, his eyes traveled to yours as if waiting for permission to continue and you responded by lowering your shy gaze down to his lips, you weren’t sure if this was correct, you weren’t completely registering what was happening as you were mere seconds from kissing Jungkook. And it happened.
His soft lips touched yours lightly, lips slowly exploring yours, almost scared of hurting you or perhaps he was giving you a chance to back away before it was too late. But you gave in, you leaned forward and responded to his kiss by deepening it, intensifying it and Jungkook loved it.
“God you’re driving me mad right now” Jungkook pulled away to look at your expression, your half lid eyes were staring back at him, your lips slightly parted and breathing heavily. Your face truly begging for more and it was costing Jungkook inhumane self-control to not just take you right there. He cupped your cheek and his thumb caressed it as you melted into his touch, he was being so gentle with you that you just didn’t know how to coherently respond to his actions.
“I should get you home now” he whispered and left a kiss on your forehead, you both settled back in your seats, Jungkook once again focused on the road and you on the warmness on your forehead on the place his lips had touched. Your whole face was heating up, you hadn't said a peep, the mind too preoccupied replaying everything that you had failed to notice that you were home.
Jungkook got off along with you and stood next to you as you were a nervous wreck trying to open the door to your home. “Jackson’s not home?” he finally spoke.
You nodded and opened the door, the familiar smell of your house invading you. Coffee and food, mixed in with the lavender smell from the air freshener. “Do you want anything to drink?” you asked as you took off your shoes and settled your bag on the counter.
Jungkook didn’t expect you to invite him in, all he wanted to do was really make sure you were home safely. He looked around the house, it was pretty normal, not too messy yet organized in its own way. It suited you. He took a step in and closed the front door making sure to lock it.
“Water is fine, I’ll stay until Jackson’s back” you hummed as you went over the fridge and passed him a cold bottle of water. You told him to make himself at home, turned on the tv and that you were going to change into something more comfortable.
Oh god, why did I invite him in? It just happened so fast I couldn’t stop myself, he did give me a ride, this is just a small thank you- You spoke to yourself as you quickly put on your usual home clothes. A thin, loose, very worn out t-shirt and pajama shorts. You rushed out of your room not wanting to keep Jungkook awkwardly alone in your living room on his own for too long.
“Do you usually wear that at home?” Jungkook frowned eyeing you from head to toes and stopping his gaze at your chest. Oh. You froze in the hallway as you were making your way to the living room, and stared back at Jungkook who was sitting on the sofa eyes glued on you.
“I can see your tits poking, y/n” Jungkook was an honest man.
“STOP STARING” you shouted and covered yourself. Out of habit, you had taken your bra off when you had changed, a routine you did every day at the end of the day. As you were about to turn around and head to wear something more proper, you felt something pull you back and stop you on your tracks.
Turning around you realized it was Jungkook, again using his insane speed to get to you. “Does Jackson get to see you walk around the house like this every day?” his tone was low, dark, he almost sounded mad.
“No- Yes- Maybe?...” you stepped back and Jungkook stepped forward. You were clearly trying to put some distance between you now that you felt exposed, but he didn’t quite get the message through. You couldn’t help but blush at the fact that Jungkook was staring at you, knowing that just a flimsy fabric was keeping him from seeing your direct skin. 
It’s not like it was the first time a man admired your body or that you hadn’t been with a man...It’s just the fact that it was the Jeon Jungkook that was the one that was staring you down, he somehow made you feel flustered.
“Stay back. I don’t like it when you guys get too close to me.” He continued stepping forward.
“Why not?” he paused and tilted his head to the side waiting for your answer.
“I- It’s weird, I don’t know, I can’t control myself. YOU guys can’t keep your hands to yourself” Jungkook lips slightly curled up, he found your flustered self cute.
He continued to corner you until your back was facing the end of the corridor, he looked very composed, confident, unlike you. His big innocent doe eyes no longer there when his hand reached to touch your lips. 
“Show me what he sees every day” he whispered leaning down next to your ears.
Your body was on fire, there was something about Jungkook that made you so attracted to him despite barely knowing him. You gulped nervously and lowered the arm that was covering your breasts, you immediately felt your sensitive nipples perk up and rub against the fabric, clearly visible through the shirt.
Jungkook took a deep breath in, “Jesus Y/N, look at yourself” his hand went down to cup your breast and gave the nub a few circles with his thumb, “you should at least be considerate with your roommate, how much self-control do you think humans have?” his hot breath was on your neck, his hand gently fondling your breast before he rested both his hands on your hips. 
He was right, you hadn’t realized how uncomfortable this could’ve been for Jackson, maybe he hadn’t said anything because this was your house after all. You saw him as a really close friend you could trust and he was very respectful of your space so you had never once realized that your comfort could be a discomfort to others.
You gasped when you suddenly felt Jungkooks large hands get under your shirt and grab your breasts harshly, “Don’t go thinking about others when I’m right here Y/N” he warned, “focus on your Alpha” you let out a moan when he pinched your nipple as a form of punishment. You felt your lower region tighten and wetness on your panties, you were so incredibly turned on by the way he was showing his dominance over you, you didn’t know you had this kink.
His lips claimed yours once again, this time the kiss was more intense, both of you desperate and holding onto each other while you paused to take a breath, “Wheres your room?” he asked breath shaking and you pointed to the room to your left. It didn’t take a second for Jungkook to barge right in as he pulled you in along with him.
He held your thighs and lifted you up easily and you wrapped your legs around his waist, kissing him as he walked towards your bed. He dropped you down and stayed above you never once leaving your lips, you moaned into the kiss when you felt him grind his hips right between your legs, you could very much feel his length hard against your clothed core.
“Y/N, tell me if you don’t want this” he mumbled as he lifted your shirt up and left small kisses around your chest, he then took your breast into his mouth and gave your nipple a bite and pulling it with his teeth, you hissed at the mix of pain and pleasure. He continued to devour you, leaving kiss marks all along your breasts and every once in awhile biting down harshly, you were sure you were going to be covered in marks the next day. “Tell me Y/N” he asked again.
“J-Jungkook!” you could only moan in response to his treatment, there was no way you were able to give him a coherent answer and he knew it, he was only having fun with you. Jungkook never gave you a chance to rest or to process anything, his lips, and hand touching you all over never giving you a chance to catch your breath. You felt his weight off you for a second only to be drowned again in pleasure when you felt his slender fingers slide between and over your clothed core.
“You look so beautiful to me right now” Jungkook whispered as his fingers slowly slid up and down, he stopped at your dripping core and slightly pressed in, teasing you, making you wish he had taken your shorts off so you could feel him inside, “God, the faces you make when I touch you like this.”
He added even more pressure and your back arched, hands grabbing onto the bedsheets and moaning out his name. You moved your hips to get more friction, to have his touch all over your pussy, you wanted release, you wanted him inside, you just weren’t sure what you wanted anymore but you needed more of Jungkook.
“Please, please just fuck me already” you finally begged him as you held onto his arm, your hips never stopping as you chased after your orgasm. Jungkook’s breath hitched and he completely pulled away and stood in front of you, admiring the messed estate you were in.
“Take it off and show me your pretty little cunt” he took his shirt off and you could’ve sworn you felt yourself wet even more. Jungkook looked at you in a very erotic and cocky expression, his eyes full of lust. He licked his lips and growled as you took your shorts and panties off together, revealing your wet dripping core to him. You bit your bottom lip and started to slowly, teasingly touch yourself for him, you parted your folds and showed your glistening core to the man before you, showing how your pussy was aching to have something inside.
It took every ounce of self-control for Jungkook to not jump you right then, but he didn’t because he too also enjoyed the teasing game. He slowly pulled his pants down enough to reveal his clothed member. Your eyes followed his every movement, you gulped when you saw how big he looked. “You think your pretty little pussy can take me?” he taunted you palming his cock. 
You nodded and circled your clit with your slender fingers, letting out a small moan trying to seduce him over, you could hear the wet sounds your fingers made as they rubbed against your dripping cunt.
“Fuck yourself, show me,” Jungkook ordered and your body obeyed. You slid two fingers in and arched your back, hissing as you felt a bit of burn, you started to slowly pump your fingers in and out of you while letting out small whimpers. 
“Just look at that cunt taking in those fingers so well, keep going, stretch yourself more or it’ll hurt when I fuck you,” he praised you as he stood there watching, he pulled his boxers down and his thick member pop out, he let out a groan as he started to slowly stroke himself spreading the precum all over his cock.
“God, please come here” you begged as you saw the glorious figure masturbate in front of you, “Jungkook, fuck me” your fingers headed for your clit as you rubbed hard on the nub, raising your hips as you edged near your orgasm, “please, please” you whimpered desperately. 
Jungkook snapped.
He lunged forward and crawled on top of you, lips crashing into yours for a messy kiss, his hands all over you, grabbing your breasts harshly and giving them a slap making your skin go red, you winced at the pain and pulled away from his lips, “I’m so close” you warned him and he pulled your hand off your cunt. You let out a gasp when you felt your orgasm fade away due to the lack of stimulation, “What are you-”
“I’ll have your first orgasm” he whispered hotly in your ear and flipped you on your stomach, he pulled your hips and easily put your ass in the air with his strength, your stomach filled with butterflies as you loved how you were being manhandled. 
“Fuck!” you cursed when his hand suddenly came in contact with your ass. The sound resonating in the whole room, “That hurt-” before you were done saying the sentence, his hand came down on your skin once again.
“I’m punishing you for teasing me so much” his tone was low, he grinned when you told him to not slap your skin so hard, “Can’t you take a bit of pain, my love?” he asked as his hands caressed the now bright red skin, trying to ease the stinging, “Sorry, sometimes I forget humans are so fragile” he went for another slap, this time much gentler. 
“Please stop teasing me” you softly asked with your face to the side pressed on the pillow, “I can’t take it anymore.”
“Impatient aren’t we? I’ll reward you this time.” he kissed your flush ass cheek, “for putting up with my teasing.”
His hands were on your hips again as he flipped you around, he propped your legs open and slid two fingers inside you without warning, your eyes widened and you gasped at the sudden intrusion. His larger fingers filling you up more and reaching in deeper than your own. He started out with a merciless pace, wet sounds filling your room as he helped you reach your high.
His lips roamed your body leaving kiss marks all over until he just like the other Bangtan stopped at your neck, he gave a long sensual lick, sending goosebumps all over your body, you could feel his lips curl into a smile and you heard a small chuckle, he must really be enjoying your reactions to his every touch. He pulled his fingers out and slid his middle and ring finger back in, you held your breath knowing all too well what was about to happen.
Just as you were about to protest that you weren’t going to be able to take it so roughly, you felt his other hand make it’s way to your neck, his long fingers wrapping around your thin neck, getting a good grip around it he tightened his hold. “Jungkook!” you gasped when you felt your airway tighten, his lips traveled to your ears as he filled your head with filthy sweet nothings making you blush harsh as you imagined it all.
“Can my bitch come all over my fingers for me?” he pressed his whole body onto you, trapping you under his hold, he gave your breast a kiss and the other nipple a bite and pulling it, your back arched at the pain, your whole body on sensory overload, the whole time Jungkook pumping his fingers in and out of you.
Jungkook pulled away from your body, letting go of your neck and your eyes lost focus as your body regained its normal breathing. He stayed on his knees, he opened your legs up further and leaned forward, putting his torso between your legs and supporting his weight with his left hand next to your body, his torso preventing your legs from fully closing in. You gulped, you knew what he had in mind. 
Jungkook gave you a wicked smirk as he tilted his head slightly up and looked at you with lustful eyes, “I’m going to make you lose your goddam mind Y/N, you’ll forget what Jimin even tried to do to you” he curled his fingers upwards, searching for that spot, the one that would make you snap and break, “I’ll have you thinking about me and your pussy is going to wet your panties as you remember how I made you cum”.
He found it.
“Jung-!” you barely got his name out as his fingers started to furiously pump in and out of you. He pushed all the way in and moved his hand up and down with his fingers curled inside, the palm of his hand also rubbing deliciously against your sensitive nub. You were seeing stars, you were a moaning mess, body covered in sweat, hair sticking to your forehead, your body was trashing all over the place, 
“Jungkook, I can’t-” you groaned and grabbed the wrist of the hand that was fucking you so well, you couldn’t take the extreme feeling, you felt your whole body lose control, “God I- going to-” you were a loud mess, you held onto his wrists hoping he would slow down a bit but he slapped your hand away and pinned it down with his free hand.
“You are going to take it all” he continued to watch the faces you made, his cock twitching, desperate to be inside your sopping cunt, “I love seeing you like this” he bit his bottom lip and added more force against your clitoris with his palm, hand rubbing up and down, “God Y/N please come all over us both” he urged.
You nodded desperately, your orgasm just a few seconds away, your legs fighting to close together but Jungkook stopped them and made you take it all. 
And then it hit. You screamed out his name.
“Fuck, that’s it,” he whispered as your body tensed, your legs started shaking and his hand slowed down a bit as your orgasm took over, you felt your juices spill, with Jungkooks movements making it sprinkle everywhere, you felt some of it fall on your thighs, most of it dripping down to your ass cheeks, you felt the mattress dampen as you shut your eyes and let it all out.
You heard Jungkook curse as he pulled his fingers out of your sore region, his hands landing softly on your thighs drawing circles helping you come down from your high, he watched as your chest breathed in and out rapidly, he listened to your heart pounding inside trying to calm itself after an intense orgasm. 
“I might have ruined fingering for you,” he suddenly said.
You rolled your eyes and grinned, half agreeing with him and shifted your body to the side to look at him and your breath hitched, you saw how Jungkook was still holding a massive hard-on, his cock standing proudly in between your legs, you honestly for the first time felt worried being with a guy, not too sure you body was going to be able to take him after that.
“What’s wrong love?” he followed your gaze and looked down at himself, smirking, his eyes flipped up and met with your horrified look, “don’t worry love, I had plenty of fun this time” he smiled, the corner of his eyes forming wrinkles. He rubbed your inner thighs lovingly and stepped down the bed, pulling his pants back up and searched for his shirt.
You stared at your ceiling, feeling the soreness creep up and take over your legs, you let them slump down and let out a sigh. Why were the guys so irresistible to you? You normally weren’t so easy to sway. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt the side of the bed dip as Jungkooks figure sat at the side next to your spent body. 
“How are you feeling?” he pushed a couple locks of your hair away from your face, “I...got a bit carried away, I really was just going to wait until Jackson was back-”
Your eyes widened.
“ARE YOU FUCKING HOME?!” you heard Jackson shout outside in the living room followed by the slam of the front door, “I’m going to murder you for leaving me hanging after you said you were at their house!” he voice grew louder as he was closer to your room.
Your heart was pounding, you jumped up and scrambled to put on your clothes, this time also putting on a bra underneath. The whole time Jungkook stayed seated and watched you panic, a playful smile plastered on his face. You ran to your bathroom to check yourself out and make yourself more presentable. when you stepped out you froze when you saw Jungkook still where you left him, you didn’t know what to do. Your eyes scrambled around the room for solutions and stopped at your window. 
No way, this is the second floor...
“Y/N?” Jackson knocked on your door.
“I’m here!” you shouted back, stared at Jungkook and silently mouthed ‘you need to leave’, “I’m in the bathroom, I’ll be right out!” you told your friend.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Jackson asked through the door.
You grabbed your phone and unlocked it, 5 missing calls and 10 messages all from Jackson. You own loud moans and Jungkooks fingers inside you probably made it hard for you to notice anything. You were busy reading the missed messages from your concerned friend that you failed to notice Jungkook had gotten up from where he was.
“Sorry, I-” you were suddenly interrupted as you were pulled into a kiss, his hands cupped your face as his lips met yours so suddenly that you didn’t have time to react when he had already pulled away, “What?...” you whispered.
He rested his forehead against yours, your faces merely inches apart, “I hate when you pay attention to other males when I’m right here” he murmured.
“Y/N?” You turned your head to the door, the voice reminding you that there was another person in the house. 
“Jackson, I’ll be right there” you lied and heard Jungkook chuckle behind you.
By the time you turned back to Jungkook, he was gone from where he previously was and was opening the window. He can’t be serious...you told yourself. 
Oh but he was. 
He took a look outside as if calculating where he would land if he were to jump from there. Thankfully only your empty grassy backyard was waiting but it was still a long way down. A frown suddenly formed when you knew that Jungkook was indeed going to jump down from your window.
“No! what are you thinking? You’ll hurt yourself” you whispered really low as you grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back in, he already had one of his legs dangling outside, “Are you stupid? just wait until he goes into his room, just wait here.”
Jungkook grinned and his youthfulness really showed this time, his playful nature showing when he poked his tongue out, “You really have a lot to learn from our kind, y/n” and with that, you watched as Jungkook’s body slipped out the window and fell down.
You poked your head out the window in time to catch Jungkook landing smoothly on the ground with a squat to soften the fall, kind like how cats would always land on the feet. He got up and looked to see you watching him, he smiled, waved at you and jogged away, you watched him until his frame was out of view and stepped back in your room dumbfounded. 
What the actual fuck was that? How could you not be one bit hurt from that?
You finally stepped out of your room and headed to the living room where Jackson was laying on the sofa eyes busy on his phone.
“Sorry, I was taking a shit”
He looked at you in disgust, “You’re nasty.”
You giggled and went to join your best friend on the sofa, you went to hug him as usual when he suddenly froze and looked at you. You noticed he glanced at your body briefly and frowned, “You stink, go shower you nasty person.”
You tilted your head to the side, he had never said anything like that before, maybe you did smell like sweat after your little session with Jungkook, you blushed as you stood up a bit too conscious and wondering if you did smell, “Yeah, I had a long day. I’m going to take a nice relaxing bath.” 
“Yeah, you better wash that stink off,” You slapped his shoulder playfully at his remark, you smelled your shirt but only picked up the scent of fabric softener and the body cream you always used.
Huh, what smell is he talking about? You wondered.
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BTS Princes!au
Note: 1)This is a modern Royal family! au headcanon. (I never saw any fic with the BTS members as brothers of a royal family, so why not post about the concept. 🤷🏽‍♀️)
2)All the members of BTS are brothers.
3) Yoongi and Hoseok are twins, and Jimin and Taehyung are twins, too.
4)This takes place in the present time.
5) I will make a separate headcanon for each member (how they meet their significant others and the weddings details)later, also might turn it into a series if it gets good response.💜
6) last but not least, none of the photos included are mine, only the edits are made by me.
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First things first
Maknae line are so hard to tame, I am telling you.
Yet, the queen loves to pamper them because they're her babies.🥺
Hyung line are so formal and collected, unlike the maknae line.
They are always carrying out royal duties.
They are so concerned for their subjects.
Hate the idea of leading a lavish and luxurious lifestyle while there are people out there who are suffering.
Therefore, you find each prince supporting different causes.
Jin would be supporting organisations that help single mothers.👩‍👧‍👦
Yoongi and Hoseok would focus on mental health.🧠🗣️
Namjoon definitely supporting education.🎓🏫📕
Taehyung promoting environmental causes.♻️
Jimin would probably be interested in organizations that focuses on the issue of plastic pollution.🏭
Jungkook supporting anything related to physical health maybe doing something like The invictus games as Prince Harry did.💪🏼♿
But the nation has never been on edge like this since ages, everyone can't wait to see each Prince's choice of their future spouses.
Plus don't get me started on the idea of 7 different themed, royal weddings .... OMG!!!👀💃🏽
It got to the point that whenever any of them is seen with any woman then it's instantly assumed that she'd become a future Princess. 👸🏻👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾👸🏿
The king's advisors would suggest that he talks to the boys upon the matter since they're becoming of age and should start families of their own.
But he won't force them to do anything tho.
Like he'd discuss it with their mother while they're all out doing a traditional royal activity or something.
The Queen getting excited over the idea but won't pressure her boys just like their father.
The boys won't focus on that matter, they want to focus on helping the people more.
But that doesn't mean that they haven't thought before about meeting their significant others.😉
Especially when their parents, the king and queen, set a great example for love stories.
But they find it hard specially with all the attention being on them which is not giving them the space to focus on their love life.
During one of the rare interviews that the Palace allows them to do, the 7 Princes agreed that they won't mind marrying a foreign girl.
The King and Queen wouldn't mind, too. The most important thing is that their sons are happy.
Each one would meet the love of his life unexpectedly.
Surprisingly, first one to be in a relationship is Jin.
I know everyone said it would be Jungkook, but the poor boy can not imagine to put his future Princess under the spotlight with his lifestyle, so he preferred to wait and see how it would go with his hyungs.
Plus he didn't want to be the first one to settle because the intensified attention on him that will get worst as he's the golden maknae.
The last one to likely get married or settle down is probably Yoongi.
Everyone knew it really, especially the Queen.
When Yoongi was a smol baby,👶🏻 she realised that he cherished spending time by himself.
Don't get me wrong tho, Yoongi was a sweet baby.🖤
He got along so well with Hoseok and Jin.
He even loved playing the part of the big brother when the world welcomed baby Namjoon.
He would hug his siblings if anyone of them was crying and needed comforting.
She could remember that one time Jungkook was crying his heart out because Jimin snatched his favourite toy, and Yoongi would immediately comfort Jungkook and share his favourite blanket with him, but not before reprimanding baby Jimin and making him apologize to his little brother.
Such a sweet baby 🥺💜.
But again...
It's just that the Queen noticed that her second son was not really into being a sociable person like his brothers.
He can definitely be sociable, it's just he prefers not to be.
And because of that, she knew that her Yoongi won't settle with just anyone, and that it would take time.
The king is such a proud father because all of his 7 sons are hard working and passionate about their duties.
Jin and Namjoon are definitely the ones who lead most of the important royal events.
Jin is mature and knows how to handle himself with the public and the press.
Something that the maknae line still has to learn and perfect, that's their father's opinion.
while Namjoon is really well read in politics as it was his major.
So Jin and Namjoon definitely make a good duo when it comes to the political affairs of the country.
Hoseok,Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are most likely the ones to be on the first page of the newspapers almost everyday.
As I said the citizens would be very interested in the life of their future rulers.
Therefore, the boys are always under a microscope.
Especially those 4 because they're bold and reckless, but like not in a bad way.
With the world evolving around them, many people do realize the fact that the concept of a monarchy is old news.
And that's why these 4 are working so hard to evolve their monarchy and keep up with the changes taking place.
Therefore, they manage to surprise their subjects by their open minds and their updated thoughts upon almost every matter.
That's why you can find them all over the global news every now and then more than the other monarchies.
The boys would all probably travel abroad to complete their education, then come back to enlist in the army.
Jin enlisting first of course as he's the oldest and finishing before them.
Then Yoongi and Hoseok complete theirs.
Followed by Namjoon
Then Jimin and Taehyung
Finally, ending with Jungkook.
And let me tell you something...
The Queen cried the hardest during Jungkook's ceremony.
I mean she did cry during the other ceremonies of her sons, too.
But Kookie's was the hardest.
Because that's her last baby🥺.
Plus you know how mothers always pamper their last child. ALWAYS.
It's so unfair.
The boys sometimes think that Jungkook is her favourite, but that's not true.
She loves them all equally.
"It just hits differently when you're letting your youngest baby off to face the world because he/she is all grown up now."
That's what she always says.
Now let's move on to the important stuff ...
The Queen has an important event at which she will be bored to death?
Don't worry😊.
Leave it to her youngest twins and Jungkook to accompany her.😈
They always know how to make their mother laugh when things get way too boring.
Of course they would all show up with all their glory 😉.
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The Queen is so proud of her babies.
Like who wouldn't be proud of having 7 perfect handsome boys who are well mannered and such gentlemen.
They are so smart and are always up to learn more.
Here's how they turn her boring night into an eventful one:
Make her laugh over their silly attitude towards eachother.
You know like, Jungkook teasing Jimin for being short.
Or Taehyung squishing Jungkook's chubby cheeks.
Never fail in making their mother laugh.
But now moving onto the serious part.
Once the event starts.
They become focused.
Start firing questions. (Politely of course).
Want to know more about the matter discussed at hand.
Will intimidate the host by the amount of questions being asked.
Which leads other hosts to remind themselves to be prepared beforehand in case the 3 Princes decide to show up ... No one wants to be embarrassed in front of the royal family and the public and be accused of not knowing a certain detail about the matter they're responsible of.
The Queen would have a big proud grin on her face.
Proud of her babies for being so invested in the matters of their country.🤗
Now moving onto the older twins: 😉.
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You know, everyone told the Queen that having twins would be a really unique experience.
And it was true.
She swears having her first twins was the funniest thing in her life.
She was astonished to find her babies becoming the total opposite of eachother.
Like, to her Yoongi's character is the moon 🌒 while Hoseok's the sun 🌞, and the cutest thing about it is that they complete eachother.
How cute is that. 🥺😍
As we said Yoongi is calm and prefers to spend time by himself and that wasn't any different when he was an infant.
But,Hoseok was and still is the total opposite.
Even tho they were similar when they were born.
But you would definitely know how to differentiate between them.
Baby Yoongi is calm while baby Hoseok is bubbly and energetic.
You'd probably find Hoseok fussing in the middle of the night, but YOONGI !!! 😂
Baby Yoongi appreciated his sleep over anything else. 😂😂😂
The Queen would remember toddler Yoongi falling asleep in weird places at weird times.
Like how he fell asleep under the dinning table during a royal family gathering in Christmas. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
While Hoseok would cause many maids to hand in their resignation to the head staff of the palace due to his over energetic bubbly self.🤣
Definitely was the devil himself.
Pranking the staff and pushing them to their limits.😂
She would remember that one time when they were on a vacation and they were introducing the twins to the concept of a swimming pool....
Hoseok was ecstatic, he felt like he was on top of the world and kept splashing water at his mum by slamming his chubby little hands in the water. 😂
While Yoongi kept looking around like a grumpy cat then falling asleep in his father's arms with his chubby cheeks squished on his dad's bare shoulder.
Pouty lips slightly agape.
With drool falling from his cute little lips 🤤.
The Queen was laughing so hard that day at her husband who was trying to get any reaction from Yoongi but failed miserably. 😂
Getting out of the pool and putting the twins in their push chairs for a nap.
Yoongi grumping in his sleep because the sun was too much for him which led to him waking up feeling grumpier than ever.
Hoseok was too busy consumed in his curiosity by looking down from his high chair wondering why he is being restricted in it now when he was far away from being sleepy.
Now fast forward a few years later, and the twins were still the same in their mother's eyes.
Sometimes, she would look over at them and wonder if her grandchildren would look anything like their fathers and inherit their weirdly cute personalities, or maybe they would grow up to take after their mothers whom she still has no idea who they are or when would her boys meet them.
I mean let's face it, all mums get super excited when thinking about grandchildren.
The Queen actually caught herself imaging how her grandchildren will look like after the boys decide to settle down and start their own families.
Almost had a mini heart attack at the thought of the palace being invaded by her grandchildren.😂
That is if her sons decide to have as many children as she and her husband did.
Would secretly wish for girls because obviously she didn't have the experience of raising a girl.💜
Which will lead her to think of all the royal jewelleries that she will be giving to them.
But would push away the whole thought as she didn't want to pressure the boys.🥺
Now moving onto Namjoon:
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Boy was the king and queen amazed when they discovered his love for reading at an early age.
Like he would spend so much time in the library of the palace, and afterwards would go to bed immediately.
The king promised not to tell anyone this except for Namjoon's future wife.
But one night when he was on his way to his room ...
He found Namjoon sneaking late at night out of his room and into the library in his cute baby blue onsies. 💙🥺
His father won't admit it, but he thought it was one of the cutest things ever.
Just like, how he found his oldest twins the total opposite of eachother. 😍
The king as a father was very involved in his sons' lives.
They made him so excited.
Like everyday they would teach him something new, and as a father he was and still is looking forward to know more about them.
How they think, react, and what do they like and dislike.
Raising them was such an adventure to him.
He remembers when they were first expecting Jin.
Everyone told him that having a son is like having a partner in crime.
And God blessed him with 7.
Too many partners in crime for the poor Queen's heart.😂
Well concerning Jin:
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The king and queen remember how he was the second quietest baby after Yoongi.
Sometimes the Queen thinks that Jin is too mature for his age.
A perfectionist since childhood.
She could remember when he would throw little tantrums when things didn't go his own way.😂
As the eldest, he is doing a great job of looking out for his brothers.
She of course understands the way Jin is as he's the crown prince.
But still she can't help but worry that he takes the position too seriously that it can wear him out.
She just wants him to enjoy his life a little bit like his younger brothers.
When accompanied by one of the maknae line to carry out a royal duty, you can see him quietly reprimanding them (yet gently) to behave in front of the public and the paparazzi.
This one time the camera caught him giving Jungkook the look because he was fussing around.
Poor Kookie looking at the ground like a reprimanded little child muttering a "sorry hyung." 😂😂😂
Jin has this faint sided smile.
He loves his brothers,truly.
Can't help having a cute little smile whenever one of them would apologize for acting unprofessionally, he just loves to mess with them.
And they know it.
But they respect him so much that they won't argue about it. 💜
Now Jimin and Taehyung are a different story:
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I am telling you. 🙂
They will bring chaos upon the place.
Even though they are not identical twins.
But unlike Yoongi and Hoseok, they have a lot in common.
Would wear matching outfits when doing a royal duty.😊💜
The boys remember when Hosoek once suggested doing the same thing with Yoongi...
But he scoffed at him. 😂
Even though they are trouble, but that doesn't mean that they're unaware of their positions as princes.
Therefore they won't really do something reckless. But still they're crazy.
If one leaves the other to carry out a certain royal duty without his twin.... They immediately feel uncomfortable.
You can definitely feel it that they're close brothers.
But again they're twins so you can't really blame them.
definitely helped Hoseok with his pranks on the staff of the place when they were kids.😂🤭
As for Jungkook, well...:
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Last child, so definitely pampered all the time.
you know how children are curious by nature, well.... He is extra curious.
Definitely the most athletic among his brothers.
Very competitive.
Don't ask me why!! But Prince Jungkook would be interested in fencing 🤺
Like I'd imagine him in that uniform, sword in his gloved hand, messy hair hidden under his helmet...
And oh my God ... I just melted at the concept 🤤
Such a hopeless romantic.🥺💜
Like when the king and queen would share a short loving kiss.
All the boys would act disgusted, but not Kookie.
He found it cute.
Like he would have a hint of a blush on his face.
Smile, face down.
Hoping to find someone like how his dad found his mum.
Like it really amazes him how after all these years, with seven kids, a heavy burden of ruling a country and yet they seem to be falling more and more for eachother everyday.
If the boys learnt one thing from their parents, it would be pure love.(romantically speaking.)
All in all, the boys are doing just fine as princes.
Carrying out their duties as professionally as possible.
Things are quite normal in their lives that is until ...
Each one finds his partner.😏💜
A/N: Please, please, please I am begging you guys for the millionth time to not be silent readers and share your opinions. TELL. ME WHAT. DO. YOU. THINK. Pwetty pwease 🥺👉🏼👈🏼. Also I'll upload the second part of this when it gets a decent amount of likes so....
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sylvain-writes · 4 years
Guarded Hearts and Safe Houses (Leonardo x Reader) Chapter 5/9
Rated: T
Gender Neutral Reader, canon typical violence/injury, light angst, strangers to lovers, supportive family
for @melodiousmelodrama
As expected, your parents welcome the turtles into their apartment, offering them a safe space for as long as necessary. Their only concern is for the wellbeing of their new friends.
“Just for the day,” Leo tells your family, and his brothers look up, none protesting but clearly confused. “I have a place,” Leo explains. “It’s not set up or anything. We have a lot of work to do. Donnie, you’ll need help bringing stuff your stuff up from the sewers and we’ll have to abandon the van for a while-”
“Whaddaya mean, ya have a place?” Raphael sits forward, leaning onto his knees where he sits at Gram’s feet helping her roll cakes of yarn.
“An abandoned subway station. It’s not perfect, but it’s ours.”
Donatello rubs his chin. “Subway?”
“Are there trains?” Mikey’s open expression is full of wonder and hope.
“Yeah. There’s a car for each of us. No more bunk sharing or falling all over each other, fighting for space. But, the place needs some work.”
"Oh." Mikey's enthusiasm wavers as he spares half a glance toward Raphael, but he smiles up at Leo. "That's cool, bro!"
"Yeah, Leo." Donatello adds from the kitchen. "Sounds  great."
Leo tries not to take their drop in enthusiasm personally. But after all the work he’s putting in - searching for a place, fixing it up - even this slight rejection hurts. "Look, I wish we could get an apartment and play house with all this fancy stuff too, alright? But don't get used to it. This isn't our life. It's never going to be. The subway's gonna be good for us. You'll see."
" 'Course it is, man. You always know what's best." Raphael sounds sincere, but Leo turns in a huff as if his brothers had turned up their snouts at his announcement.
"I'll show you to a room where you can get some rest," you say gently. The whirlwind of the past 36 hours must have him exhausted. You could use some sleep as well.
Leo thanks you for access to the shower and for the bed, your bed, your room. And he turns himself in.
You call out of work and get a few hours of sleep before restlessness kicks in. You're not used to sleeping during the day. When you wake up, the guys are in various states of unrest as well.
Leo still hasn't come out.
Donnie announces, "He's asleep," and his brothers don't question it. But you raise an eyebrow at his quick assessment. "I compared his breathing against known patterns. It helps to know the difference between Leo asleep, Leo meditating, and Leo pretending to do either."
"Didn't take him for one to play pretend."
“He keeps his secrets," Raphael says, his tone a bit bitter. There's a history there, you think. "But he's always got his reasons. Thinks he knows what's best for us." Raphael shrugs, as if coming to a conclusion he's come to before. "He usually does."
No one is surprised when Leo sleeps through the day. And no one blames him. But when the pizza delivery fills the apartment with the smell of hot tomato sauce and melted cheese, they all expect him to show at the table. He doesn't, and even Mikey can't make his "More for me, then" sound free of his worry.
"Is he gonna be alright? If we leave him?" You want to go to him. You barely know Leo, but he's let you see him vulnerable before. You think maybe his vulnerability is one of the things his brothers know he hides. Maybe he doesn't realize they see. Anyway, you don't want to force him.
"Sensei usually knows what to do."
"Splinter-” you nod along “-have you heard from him? Is he coming?"
Donatello shakes his head, but doesn't seem concerned. "His last transmission noted his safety. He'll contact us again soon."
You pick olives off your pizza and line them up as you think aloud. "Until then, you'll help Leo with the station?"
Raphael piles three slices onto his plate, before lifting a fourth from the box straight to his mouth. "We go where Leo goes. He found us a spider-infested death trap to live in… we'll go."
An olive slips off the rim of your plate. "How did you know it was spider-infested?"
"Ya came in before covered in cobwebs and shit. But whatever. Sewer wasn't no palace either." There’s no embarrassment or judgment in Raph’s tone. Leo should be here, hearing his brothers support his decision.
"He seems really excited about it. I mean… hopeful, y'know?"
"Yeah." Donatello passes you his slices of mushrooms and you pass them on to Mikey who gobbles them up with gusto. "We never said we didn't like the idea. It's just not home, that's all."
You can sympathize. "We moved around a lot when I was younger. Always trying to find a better placement for mom. A safer community for me to grow up in. It wasnt the house that made it home. It was having my family around."
"Yeah, yeah,” Raph grumbles. “Real Hallmark life changing stuff. But he's not worried about keeping us together, remember? We each get a car to ourselves. He's splittin us up."
Mikey goes quiet, stops eating, drops his hands into his lap.
You don’t know what to do, what to say, to make this better. You think, if they would just talk to Leo about this, it could all be straightened out. But the rest of the meal is silent. It seems the brothers don’t even feel up to talking to each other.
When Leo emerges from the room, he announces it's time to go. "We have to patrol. They tried to hit us where it hurts. But we're resilient. And we’re not going to let the Krang take our city.”
You narrow your eyes at Leo and wonder if he’s ignoring the strain on his brothers - or if he just can’t see it. You wonder if he can read the loss in their eyes, if he can understand that ordering them to brush themselves off and push through another night of patrol might not be in their best interest right now.
Leo stands taller. “I said, we’re moving out. Let’s go.”
Donatello is the first to stand from the table. He grabs his pack from behind the couch and waits by the window while Leo opens it and climbs into the night. Raphael knocks Mikey’s shoulder and jerks his head toward their brothers as if to say, “We better head out too.”
“I’m sorry you couldn’t stay longer.” You look at their plates of half eaten food and wonder why Leo hadn’t at least let them finish.
“Forget about it,” Raph says with half a frown. “We knew it wouldn’t last.”
“Yeah, right,” Mikey agrees, heading for the fire escape. “We don’t belong in some fancy place like this. But I really like how the carpets match the drapes.”
The observation awards him a smack on the arm.
“What? What’d I say?”
“Kids,” Raphael chuckles, embarrassed for everyone in the room. “He doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about. Excuse us.” He ushers Mikey out and refuses to explain innuendo to his little brother. “Thanks for all the, uh… thanks.”
Mikey looks back at your family before he leaves. “I really do like the-” his compliment becomes a shout of surprise as Raphael tears him away from the window and to the roof.
Over the next few nights, you get rather used to seeing turtles on the roof. The Krang’s forces are growing in number, but as they continue to remain in hiding, everything feels like speculation. And so, the turtles rotate watch on your building. It makes stargazing more interesting. Especially on nights when Donatello is around. Raphael is kind of a mess. Always on high alert and rarely interested in standing still long enough to enjoy something as simple and amazing as the moon and stars. But Donatello is full of knowledge about the cosmos.
Some nights you and Donnie discuss the possibility of life on other planets. It seems like Donnie enjoys the distraction, until you realize he’s talking about the likelihood of alien attacks.
Mikey has a special interest in astrology, which surprises and delights you to no end. He loves telling you his brothers’ horoscopes and making connections within their lives to prove how absolutely on point astrology is.
Finally, you ask, “How do you know when your birthdays are? I mean, weren’t you all exposed to the mutagen at the same time?”
Mikey explains, “It’s all in the stars. I didn’t choose our birthdays. Our birthdays chose us.” And points to the astrological chart in his lap as if it held the answers to the universe, which, if he were to argue the point, it did.
You just nodded, letting him have his way.
Leo doesn’t patrol your roof. Not once. Not, like, ever. And you’ve looked for him. You’ve asked about him. But the most you’ve ever gotten is a weird sigh from Raphael and some grumbling about Leo cleaning up his own messes.
After two weeks, you drop the subject of Leo completely. If he doesn’t want to see you, then you definitely don’t want to see him.
“How is the new place coming along?”
Mikey rocks from side to side on the edge of the building where the two of you have been tearing up bits of dying leaves and let them float on the wind. “I got my own room.”
Through the corner of your eye, you catch Mikey worrying his bottom lip and decide to wait for him to say more before responding.
“I’m right between Donnie and Raph. It’s pretty cool. I got a bed. And, uh, my music and stuff is all set up. But Raph took half the comic books. Donnie said I can borrow the textbooks anytime I want but…”
“What was your set up like before?”
“At the Lair. Did you each have your own room?”
“Oh. No. Well, Leo did. He and Donnie had their own. Raphie and I shared,” Mikey’s voice got quieter as he spoke.
“What was it like, rooming with Raph?”
“It sucked. He smells bad after workouts and his cologne smells worse. And he says I snore. And he always moved my stuff and used my headphones without asking.”
“And you miss him.��
“And I miss- Hey…”
“It’s OK to miss him.” You pass Mikey a new leaf to tear. “I bet he misses you, too.”
“I bet he misses my headphones. For sure. He’s always breaking his.”
“He ever break your stuff?”
“Nah. Never. I wasn’t scared he was gonna break ‘em. I just didn’t want them smelling like Fierce by Abercrombie & Fitch.”
You laugh at that and Mikey loosens up a bit. “You share a wall with Raph, right?”
Mikey shrugs. “Kinda. Like a window.”
You lean back on your hands for support and look up at the sky with a smile. “I have an idea.”
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reddogcollar · 3 years
Sweet Hibiscus Tea
They share some tea, and share none of the vibes of the song this is named after.
The new moon creeping into the sky, Drew busied himself making tea.
It was something he'd gotten into recently. It was relaxing.
He poured two cups, though he wasn't actually sure if Hector liked tea. It'd be impolite to do anything else.
Taking the drinks up to the Garrison tree, he couldn't help but think back to what Captain Violca had told him ages ago now.
Men on death's door are most likely to tell the truth.
Hector certainly looked closer to death's door than anyone in Drew's life as of late, and he apparently liked it that way.
Drew wouldn't be having anyone else in his life dying for a long time though, wrong doings be damned.
More grief may well kill him.
He nodded to the night guard as they pulled out a chain, knocking with his elbow as to not risk spilling the tea, and pushed the door open.
Hector was still sitting near the window. He didn't react to Drew's entry.
The chair Drew had pulled over earlier was still there too.
The only noticeable change was the replenished candles, though not all of them had been changed out.
The resulting light was dim. He couldn't imagine it was comfortable, given how Hector had reacted to one candle going out in the morning.
"Hello, Hector." Drew sat the two cups on the table, startling Hector from his thoughts, and lit the rest of the new candles.
Barely any wax was being put to waste, and it wouldn't do any good for Hector to be more jumpy than usual.
"Drew." Hector nodded in greeting, looking unprepared to hold a conversation.
He'd either forgotten, or hadn't expected Drew to actually come.
Drew had briefly entertained the idea of blowing it off, for a long time now he'd been dogged by a persistent fatigue and he wanted to sleep while he could.
But he'd said he'd come again, and the idea of leaving Hector for a full twenty four hours after that morning left a bad taste in his mouth.
A sword isn't the only way to be put to rest.
"Would you like a cup of tea?" He pulled the empty chair out from the table and sat down, not bothering to put the chair back in its place so he'd be sitting across from Hector.
Hector accepted the drink with thanks, and they sat together in a comfortable silence drinking tea together.
For the most part, these were the easiest parts of his days.
Drinking tea, and sitting with Hector.
Two things that let him just stop thinking for a moment.
He hadn't felt that he had to worry about Hector in a while, and he supposed among everything else, Hector's freedom had fallen down the list of priorities when Hector had given up asking about it.
He certainly felt he had to worry now, though.
"So, Hector," He started, making Hector look at him instead of out the window. All he seemed to do was look out the window these days. "How was your day?"
A question he'd asked every morning for the past year. If Hector was going to be stuck somewhere he may as well be comfortable.
He was slow to answer the question.
"It was usual."
Drew was tempted to take that as a good thing, it had been before. And it'd be easy to just visit more often and leave it at that, not bringing up that morning at all.
"What is 'usual' for you?"
'Easy' very 'rarely' meant good in Drew's life.
Again, Hector was slow to answer, like it was a hard question that he didn't want to answer.
"It's livable." He settled on, after a moment.
"You didn't seem to think so this morning." Drew countered, more harshly than he'd intended to. Antagonizing him wouldn't help either of them.
"I'd rather not talk about this morning, thank you. It was a shameful outburst and I apologize if I appeared ungrateful." Hector said, looking back out the window.
"It's not something that can just be ignored! The sooner we discuss it the better."
"There's nothing to discuss, Drew. I already answered all your questions months ago."
"Clearly not!" Drew smacked the table top, startling Hector into looking back at him.
They stared at each other for a moment, not breaking eye contact until Hector faltered, sighing and his shoulders sagging a little.
"Fine, Drew. What do you want to know." He sounded defeated, and as tired as Drew always felt.
"I'd like to know how you are, truthfully. Don't just tell me that you're fine."
Hector became quiet again, though this time it seemed more like he wasn't sure how to answer than that he didn't want to. Like he was prepared for a different question.
"I'm... Usual. Better than this morning, I think. I can't tell you more than that, as I'm not sure myself." He explained slowly, unsure of what he was saying as he was saying it.
"You can't even tell if you're unwell or not?" Drew asked, disbelieving. He'd had troubles, but he'd at least always known whether or not he was alright.
"I'm as well as I've been for the past year, I believe. It's all blurry." Hector shrugged.
Drew nodded. That he could understand. There were several gaps in his memory, from both during and after the war. Even details from the night in Icegarden were hard to recall.
You'd think it'd be hard to forget.
"What made this morning worse?" There probably wasn't anything he could do about it, but it was worth asking, on the off chance there was.
"What are all the meandering questions for, Drew? I know what you're here about, there's no need to dance around the issue." Hector rolled his eyes, growing annoyed with the perceived beating around the bush.
"What do you mean?"
"The viles, of course." He explained, exasperated.
"I already know everything I need to know about viles, presently." Drew said, "It's not important right now for me to look into the subject."
"I just don't think that's true." Hector replied, adding on, "You need to know everything if you want to be safe. I didn't know enough and look what happened to me." In a quieter, bitter voice, tapping the table top.
"I think a lot of people would argue you knew too much."
"I barely knew anything, Drew! I was stupid, so everything went downhill! I still don't know enough to actually help myself, or anyone else."
Hector turned from him and glared at the window at the world, a lot more angry about everything that had happened than he'd let on before.
Drew supposed he had the right to be, in some sense. He had been possessed after all.
Much like before Hector quickly deflated, not seeming to have the energy for many displays of emotion.
"Sorry, it's just-" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and resting his arm on the table, slouching. "It's just worse at night. Louder. Even with the light." He explained.
"It's alright, Hector." Drew said, not sure if there was anything to be done about that.
He stayed quiet for a bit, looking out the window at the new moon, while Hector appeared to be fighting off a headache.
Leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table, his hand nudged one of the cups, reminding him of the tea. There'd been less than a cup left and it was certainly cold by now, but making more wouldn't take too long.
"Would you like another cup of tea?"
"That'd be great."
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Into the Unknown (The Big, Big Bang; Part 1.)
Series summary: Sometimes, you might feel lonely in the entirety of the universe; of all of the stars, planets and constellations... Until it comes. The big bang that turns the world upside down, the reason why all the stars collide and why you, in the first place, are alive.
Part summary: Remus wasn’t as social as you’d maybe assume when you’d got to know him. Yet althrough his personal struggles, for some reason, Dumbledore had chosen him as his new DADA teacher.
A/N: Okay, this is more or less the first, informative, get-into-the-story chapter and there’s not much happening at the moment. I swear, we will pump it up, just give it at least two parts. 
Word count: 2.3 K
Tagging: @notaliteraltoad​
Series playlist: H E R E
Series masterlist: H E R E 
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If you'd ever put a piece of parchment, inkwell and a goose quill and asked Remus John Lupin do describe himself with a few sentences, the parchment would be empty for a few minutes before he'd settle on one small word: a loner. He was alone for quite a time, he wasn't too attracted by the idea of a human accompany; after everything that happened with Sirius, James and Peter, he wasn't quite sure if he would be able to connect with a someone new at the time of speaking. The second word he'd most probably used would be ill - then, he would cross the word and write 'seriously ill' instead.
There wasn't a lot of people who knew what Lupin was going through or what kind of illness he was diagnosed with thanks to hiding away at the edge of every thinkable society; his bad state was visible just from looking at him. His skin was dry and almost transparent almost all the time and when his illness was getting the best of him, he even appeared lightly green. His hair was slowly thinning out as he grew older, but it still wasn't as bad as it could be. The only thing that remained the same over the last few decades were his eyes.
The last sentence he would write would most likely say 'down to earth'. It was a rather generous name for not having much money, always looking shabby and, as some wizards or witches would say, second-like hand. Not that Lupin would be proud of what he was looking like, but there weren't many things he could with it - wizards with his sort of 'illness' rarely got a good job proposition if they ever ended up having one.
For everything that was stated above and far more, it was a miracle when he got approached with a job offers from one of the most well-respected, smartest and brilliant wizard of all time, Album Dumbledore himself. The old man found him hidden away in Yorkshire, living in one tumbledown, semi-derelict cottage at the line of poverty itself. Remus felt like he didn't have the right to complain; he was a damn werewolf. And thanks to the small reminder spoiling his whole face, everyone who could order him something to do for a living knew about this aspect of his life way sooner than Remus would've liked them to.
The night Dumbledore had walked into his humble home, he barely got one shirt that held together without patches; most of his clothes was patched up already - all of his trousers and coats surely. At first, he vehemently dismissed Dumbledore's wish for Lupin working at his school as a DADA teacher. What Dumbledore was suggesting was pure madness. Remus always thought he's a calm and tolerable man - yet when Albus told him everything that he was asking of him, Remus almost lost it.
Yes, of course - there were the mad werewolves like Fenrir Greyback who hunt children down just for sport and making sure that more and more people would be carrying this sick curse. Lupin hated these sons of bitches the most. He himself was one of their victims in the end. And Albus Dumbledore, the most brilliant man Lupin had ever met, one of the few that Lupin had real respect for was asking him to be a teacher at the biggest wizarding school in all of England, Ireland and Scotland? No. That was an offer that couldn't be accepted, that was pure madness. He would never willingly get near such a cluster of young people who were full of dreams and had their lives ahead of themselves. What would happen if he would lose control? How many people would get hurt because of one slip? Did Dumbledore realize how many things he was betting by asking Remus such thing?
But to Remus' surprise, Albus smiled dismissively and stood up from his half-broken-down sofa. With a serious face, Dumbledore had told him that now, he had a professor who could brew the perfect Wolfsbane potion every month and according to Albus, this said the professor was a potions master and genius. However, if Lupin wouldn't trust himself as much to spend the night of wolfing out inside the Forbidden Forest, there still was the Shrieking shack, just like Remus used to remember it. As a small topic for consideration, Albus left there a small bag with thirty Galleons laying on the coffee table, so Lupin could at least buy himself the most basic needs - whether he would take the job offer or not, the money was his to use, to keep or to give to someone else.
After that, Albus left the cottage. He knew what he was doing and what Remus is capable of. When Albus was leaving, he was smiling and humming a jolly song; he knew very well that he's leaving Remus with his thoughts alone and he knew very well that this lycanthropic wizard had one of the biggest potentials for teaching Albus had ever encountered.
Everything got sealed on one dark August night. It was mostly the idea of him and Black meeting that made Remus send an express letter to Hogwarts. Sirius Black, the insane wizard that had murdered twelve muggles and his very own best friend, had escaped from Azkaban. Anyone could tell how he had done it, anyone knew where he was and what was he planning to do. Yet Remus had the feeling he should be counting on Sirius visiting him; in the end, Black already murdered one of their small group of friends and helped with murdering the second one... Remus had the feeling that Black might be wanting to finish what had happened in 1981 and for that, he accepted Dumbeldore's proposition. He was to be one of the Hogwarts teachers.
During the rest of the summer and hiding away, Lupin started to study the materials for each year he was to teach; back in his school days, he was one of the greatest students Hogwarts had seen. There was rarely a test in which Lupin got worse than Exceeding Expectations. It was mostly caused by his natural interest in the art of wizardry and by Remus' gratefulness - Dumbeldore let him study like every other normal student and prevented him from hurting anyone else during the full moon. And DADA? Dear Merlin, he always had a deep appreciation for this class. One of his biggest DADA achievements was that he could cast the Patronus Charm without too much of a trouble. Also... The creatures were quite brilliant and before Lupin could comprehend, he was looking forward to sharing his knowledge with all of the young people in Hogwarts.
At the same time, he realized that he will be there. Son of James and Lily Potter. His name was Harry and he had last seen when he was smaller than Lupin's forearms. He was nothing more than a sweet, laughing boy covered in one big blanket. How old was he now? Twelve? Thirteen? Remus couldn't even count it down properly, he just knew that the boy's going to be there once be starts his teaching career.
As to be expected, the safety precautions around Hogwarts got more intense - Nd so did everywhere else. Lupin was especially aware of that once a Dementor harassing a black-hearted boy had woken him up. And to his realization, it was Harry Potter himself who got into trouble. The most logical thing that came to mind was to talk to the staff and to make sure there are no more dementors inside the train.
Yet once he made sure the train was safe, he couldn't bring himself to go back to the coupe and rather stayed in the corridors on a watch, trying to ensure the safety inside the train. His mind, on the other hand, was racing - James' son, his murdered best friend's son, was inside and he looked just like James. Except for the eyes. Those were, without a doubt, Lily's. Lupin didn't expect such a low blow on his very first day. At that moment, he promised himself to be better. He promised himself that he'd teach the kids everything he knew; and he was particularly excellent in this subject, so the kids had.
The first days at school were... Good. Lupin wasn't particularly all over the place because he wasn't quite comfortable with the all-the-time type of company. The other teachers tried to talk to him, to make him feel good about himself and the purpose of his staying inside the school's walls and he didn't avoid the introduction where the whole Great hall had given him short applause.
McGonagall, who was sitting next to him, persisted on Remus calling her "Minerva" and every time he dared to call her Mrs professor, she gave him a furrowed look, correcting him in her straight-to-the-point type of voice. Madame Pomfrey was also fond of seeing him after such a long time in a pretty good shape and Hagrid tried his absolute best to behave; there was still quite a lot of memories inside other's minds that connected him with Sirius and Remus could understand the worried looks and careful words. Needless to say, the whole feast was delicious as it usually was in Hogwarts and after such a long and draining day, he was glad to walk the quiet and dark halls before he took off to his room, located close to the DADA schoolroom to have some proper and certainly refreshing sleep.
First classes after the feast in the Great hall were the worst for Remus. There were new faces to remember, a lot whole more of names and... At first, he was lost when it came to some of the students. The name of Justin Flinch-Fletchey didn't crawl into his brain until the end of the first week; however, there were people of whom he was very aware against his better judgement.
One of them was Harry and his two friends, Hermione and Ronald - no matter what they said or did, they always looked there are about to cause some mischief. This, of course, could be only a feeling inside of Lupin's guts; yet from other professors, he listened to the wild stories about the past two years; all of which had Potter himself in the centre. Another student he was keeping his eyes on was Neville Longbottom, the son of Alice and Frank. The fates of his parents were heartbreaking and growing up with his grandmother, who was a persistent and unpleasant woman at times, had to be hard for such a gentle soul. There were moments when Lupin could see glimpses of his own uncertainty and shyness in Neville's words. At last, there was a girl from Hufflepuff named Rosamunda who caught his eye simply because her mother was one of his former schoolmates.
Kids who caught his attention naturally without having some sorts of a past connection with him were Fred and George Weasley who were friends with Lee Jordan, another Griffindor student - they were quite a loud and jolly party who, when the topic was right, had a lot of questions and were very curious about the subject. On the other hand, when they didn't have one of those days, they could be annoying, to say the least. Another girl, Heather from Ravenclaw, had caught his eye simply because of her unusually deep interest in DADA. There were no students who would give him any sorts of trouble, which was also a win. As Lupin got a hold on his classes step by step, it suddenly didn't seem to be so out worldly that he'd have the potential to be a teacher - and a good one.
Sure, there were concerns expressed by others member of the staff, especially by Snape, that were regarding his lycanthropy. Yet as Dumbledore had sworn to him, everyone was doing their best when it came to that - madame Pomfrey made sure that the Shrieking shack is at the disposal all the time, Snape was brewing the potions even though his mostly anti-Lupin agenda and Dumbledore himself sworn to him that if there would be a situation in which a student was to be harmed, he himself would prevent that.
Everything seemed to be falling in its place.
It was the break between the noon and afternoon classes in which Lupin was to assigned to have a patrol on the small courtyard opposite the Great hall where some students took their lunches so they could spend some time out in the open before the weather gets bad. And the occupation of the courtyard was quite big - some students were just taking a short break and played Exploding snap throughout, the Weasley twins were throwing some kind of small, non-burning fireworks at each other and there were even people who simply chatted the whole period away. Lupin himself was quietly standing in one of the corners, leaning into a wall dressed in one of his shabby sweaters and ate an apple while overseeing the whole situation.
There was a moment where he didn't notice it at all - someone had crashed into a group of three students, taking two of them down onto the ground. It was hard to see what was happening there since there was quite a lot of people in the way. The only thing he could see were people picking off the ground as another person was running off inside the castle. Honestly, he didn't know where to jump first - if he should go to help the students laying on the ground. - "I am so sorry! I will buy you a lollipop or something!" - The woman who jumped at them yelled over her shoulder and disappeared inside the castle. He could only see a grey sweater, long black pants and her hair flow in the wind as she ran for... For an unknown reason.
The only thing he had seen was her back, he could hear her yelling some nonsense at the students and even though, it knocked the apple out of his hand as he looked at her disappearing. There was something. Remus couldn't exactly name it, but there was some energy about her. Yet in the end, he walked to the group to check on them, letting the woman disappear inside.
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inactiive-shit · 5 years
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Warnings: allusions to rough past
Pairing: platonic dukexiety
Words: 1,988
Summary: Virgil needs a goddamn hug.
Virgil came from a rough and tumble kind of place. There wasn’t much physical contact with each other and what there was usually wasn’t affectionate. Virgil was used to not being touched or being hurt with almost no in-between. Hugs were rarer than a blue moon and cuddling? It’s safe to say that was an entirely alien concept.
But Virgil’s twenty-six now. He’s had plenty of time to outgrow his aversion to touch, plenty of time to get over it, plenty of time to make friends that wouldn’t punch him before they patted his shoulder. And, well, he had. Sort of.
Enter Patton and Roman, who were soft and kind and the touchiest of touchy-feely people that Virgil had ever met. They were always trying to dispense hugs and pleased smiles and pats and gifts and, if Virgil were being honest, he could not even imagine either of them throwing a punch. Then, enter Logan. He wasn’t the same kind of overbearingly physical person. He rarely initiated hugs, although he equally rarely turned them down when they were offered. He was much more reserved than Virgil’s other friends, much more like Virgil, and Virgil could imagine Logan getting into a scrape or two.
But nobody touched Virgil. That was by Virgil’s own design, had nothing to do with any particular feelings he held about his three friends. Hugs were just...a lot. And especially for someone with as little experience with them as Virgil had. He’d tried to explain it once, tried to put into words the expectations he had whenever someone moved toward him. He tried to make them understand that it wasn’t them, it was just that Virgil was used to a different kind of living where hugs had never been the norm. But Patton had looked ready to cry and Roman was affronted and even Logan, Logan who wanted almost just as much alone time as Virgil, had looked horrified. How was it possible, they wanted to know, that Virgil had gone so long without being treated with care?
He hated to see those looks on the others’ faces, hated a fraction more the looks they sent at him after that were barely to the left of pitying, so he took it back as best he could. It really hadn’t been that bad, don’t worry about it, all the usual phrases and eventually he persuaded them to drop it. So they stopped trying to touch Virgil all that much, and Virgil convinced himself that he wasn’t jealous of the casual affection they threw around like confetti. Virgil did his best to pretend his feigned indifference was real, and that he didn’t want touch just as much as he loathed the thought of it.
And then, one day, he met someone new. This person was a lot like him, rough around the edges like a ripped newspaper, but soft enough that he wouldn’t cut your fingers. He showed affection by punching others’ shoulders or throwing himself full-body on top of them. He wore the most ridiculous outfits that Virgil had ever seen, and he never seemed to care that he was the weirdest person in the room.
His name was Remus. He was Roman’s twin brother, although the similarities between them were almost impossible to find. He had a white streak in his hair that he denied ever putting there himself and, truthfully, nobody had ever seen it happen. He had no qualms about treating Virgil just the same as he treated every other person he came into contact with, and that’s about the time Virgil really started to realize he had a problem.
His skin burned whenever anyone touched it and he could feel an imprint of them on him long after they had left. There was an ache in his chest when he thought about getting a hug and despite having as many good, caring friends as he had now, Virgil felt more lonely than ever.
Remus, despite Roman’s misgivings about his brother, ended becoming an integral part of their group, and he continued to unknowingly supply Virgil with physical contact at their every interaction. It was equally wanted and unwanted, equally loved and hated, and Virgil kept coming back for more. And as much as the ache in Virgil’s chest intensified, as much as the burning on his skin kept him awake at night, Virgil never said a word about it to anyone.
Touch starved. It didn’t sound real, like something that could actually affect people. More than that, though, it was embarrassing. How could he even broach the subject? Hey, guys. So there’s this thing I found out about called touch starvation and it turns out I have it. And I could really use some pats on the back right about now, I swear I’m not making this up for attention. Yeah, that would go over great. Instead, Virgil took whatever he got when he bumped against a stranger on accident and mind his own business.
It was working out for him as well as you’d expect when something he had never planned on happened. He’d been having a panic attack, an occurrence that had been more common than Virgil liked, and he’d been entirely content to suffer through on his own and pretend everything was fine after, but then Remus walked into the room like a wrecking ball, all loud noises and erratic movement, and Virgil flinched. He flinched and tried not to cry because crying was the best way to make someone mad at you and also maybe the best way to expose yourself.
Remus, though? He stopped being loud and bouncing and sat down slowly in front of Virgil. Virgil couldn’t seem him too clearly through the tears in his eyes, but Remus might have been concerned. There was some movement, like he might have been talking, but Virgil could hear the static in his head and nothing else, could hear impending doom and forever alone like a war drum coming at him, could feel the vibrations running through his hands and shaking his very bones.
Suddenly, clear as day, he could hear Remus’s voice like a bell ringing, “Can I hug you?” Virgil gasped and hesitated. A hug? Would a hug just make things worse? It always seemed to but maybe not, can things even get worse from here? He nodded and Remus’s arms wrapped around him and held him so securely it almost felt like there were eight limbs keeping him safe.
The static changed frequency, changed color, changed channels and instead of the cold, impersonal, overwhelming static in his head like before it turned warm and encompassing but not altogether bad. Virgil choked on a sob and buried his face in Remus’s shoulder, shuddering, trying to figure out why he wanted to keep burning like this.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay,” Remus said. “I’ll skin whatever hurt you.” He kept a tight hold on Virgil, kept holding him until he stopped crying and pulled away. Virgil wiped his face off with a sleeve, thoroughly embarrassed. That was unnecessary and stupid and he really should be in better control of himself so that things like that didn’t happen.
“I’m sorry,” he said, sniffling.
“Nothing to be sorry for, Stormcloud. Are you hurt?” Virgil shook his head, unable to force himself to make eye contact with Remus after such an episode. Remus’s hand ghosted over Virgil’s cheek and he flinched away, feeling the streak of a burn where their skin had barely come into contact. Remus withdrew his hand quickly. Virgil was almost sad to see it go.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I just have panic attacks sometimes,” Virgil said, and that was true enough. In fact, he couldn’t even remember what the catalyst for this attack had been or if there was something he needed to go do now that he was back to functional. Virgil was totally spent and more than ready for a nap.
“Yikes,” said Remus. There was a few minutes of silence while Virgil swiped the last of the tears from his face and destroyed his eyeliner and steadied his breathing so that he wouldn’t be a total mess when he finally left whatever room his panic had holed him up in. What he wanted to do more than anything right then was gather himself, make his excuses, and go back to his own room where he could hold onto his body pillow and bury himself in enough blankets that it felt like another person was laying on top of him.
“Are you touch starved?” Remus asked, voice sudden and surprising and observational skills much better than Virgil had anticipated they would be. He jolted, glancing quickly to Remus’s face before looking away and fighting the urge to cower behind his hands. “You flinch whenever anybody reaches toward you and I’ve never seen anyone touch you and you’re freezing. Do you need another hug?”
“No,” Virgil said, shrinking away from the prospect. He was still burning like a star ready to implode but more than that no one was supposed to know because it was Virgil’s problem to figure out, Virgil’s issue to work out without having to involve other people like this.
“No to which?” Remus asked, but then he gently laid his hand on the ground between them, palm up, and hummed. “We can just hold hands if you want.” Hesitantly, Virgil reached out and took Remus’s hand. It was rough and warm and alive and human. Virgil felt a shiver run through his body at the contact but he forced himself to keep it. If Remus was offering, if Remus understood the situation, then as awkward as Virgil felt, this was okay. There was nothing wrong with this and Virgil...Virgil really didn’t think Remus was going to hurt him.
“How did you know?” Virgil whispered, voice cracking over the syllables. He might cry again if they weren’t careful.
“Been there, done that,” Remus said, squeezing Virgil’s hand. “Everything kinda sucks though, so I made myself start touching other people and then they started touching me back. Not great at it all the time, but,” he shrugged, “I’m not so cold anymore.” Virgil couldn’t look at him, couldn’t face whatever was happening right now, so he sat quietly and did his best to take it in. God knew when the next time he’d get something like this would be.
“If you want,” Remus said slowly, “I could help you. We could hold hands and slowly work up to bigger things like hugs until you’re not so skin-hungry anymore.” Virgil internally winced at the term, but externally he was finally looking at Remus, staring in total shock that he would offer something like that.
“Why?” Virgil blurted, confusion swirling and making him feel almost nauseous.
“Because you’re my friend,” Remus said, and he sounded just as confused as Virgil felt. “And I love you. And I may or may not have developed a squish on you. I want to help because I care.” He smiled slightly, and to Virgil it looked kind of sad but not in a way that made him feel bad.
“I...I…” Virgil didn’t know what to say, how to say yes to what Remus was offering or how to make sense of it all in his head.
“It’s okay,” Remus said, running his thumb over the back of Virgil’s hand and causing an involuntary shiver. “We can talk about it later. For now let’s just hang out. Do you want me to talk?” Virgil nodded, figuring that at least with some kind of non-touch stimulation he might be able to refocus. Remus started talking about something, Virgil couldn’t recall what later, and Virgil realized that maybe tackling this with Remus wouldn’t be so bad after all. Maybe he didn’t have to suffer through on his own like he thought.
Maybe, just maybe, Virgil could finally stop burning.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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FENRIR GREYBACK is THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OLD and a SOLDIER in THE DARK LORD’S ARMY at THE DEATH EATER HEADQUARTERS. He looks remarkably like PETER GADIOT and considers himself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. He is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, murder
CALDER GREYBACK and KESARA GREYBACK were overjoyed when they had their first child, Fenrir. Named after a monstrous giant wolf from Norse mythology, a favourite subject of Calder’s, Fenrir was destined to become the monster he was. Fenrir was raised in a loving home, both parents making time for their child and showering him with affection. They lived in a small cottage in a wizarding village just outside of the Cotswolds. During his early childhood, he was a very timid child, barely speaking to anyone but his parents. Due to his shyness, Calder and Kesara constantly attempted to put Fenrir in social situations that often led to Fenrir being awkward around new people or simply asking to go home early due to his social anxiety. When Fenrir was five years old, his parents gave birth to HELLA GREYBACK, a beautiful baby girl. Fenrir became obsessed with his little sister, rarely leaving her side, even as they grew older together. His parents were surprised at how loving he was towards her and how she caused him to come out of his shell, especially around people who had come to see Hella. Fenrir was extremely protective over her and vowed that he’d rather die than let anything happen to her. The two of them would spend their days running through the fields, splashing in the rivers and talking to other wizarding children, in which Hella took the lead of course. The two siblings were happy with their lives and their parents were elated that the two got along well despite their age difference. 
When Fenrir was ten years old, a year before Hogwarts, their family went on a camping trip. It had been a sweltering summer but the campsite was now cool and beautiful as leaves began to turn yellow and orange. Fenrir and Hella would spend their days playing by the lake, Kesara keeping a close eye on them whilst Calder disappeared upstream to go fishing. It was the last day of their holiday when Hella and Fenrir decided to sneak away from their mother and attempt to follow their father upstream. It wasn’t long before the two became bored of tracking their father went off exploring, not taking note of where they were going or how to get back to their parents. A game of king and queen began and before they knew it, the sun was setting and they were lost. Scared, the two decided it was best to find the river and stay put until their father found them. As night stretched on and a full moon shone above them, the shivering siblings took refuge amongst some rocks, trying to keep each other warm. What first started out as distant howls, soon became a low growling noise. Hella and Fenrir hadn’t heard the wolf throughout their trip until that night and tried to make themselves as small as possible. It wasn’t long until the werewolf found them and Hella let out a blood curdling scream as the werewolf leapt at her. Fenrir, being the brother he was, jumped in front of the werewolf right before it could plant it’s jaws on his sister and the werewolf's teeth sank deep into Fenrir’s shoulder. A few moments later and their father appeared, casting curses at the werewolf and chasing it away, saving his children from a gory demise. 
Fenrir did not die from the bite to his parents' relief, but to their embarrassment, he had been infected with lycanthropy. His parents decided not to register him and keep it a secret. They did their best to help Fenrir every month, but their best method was to lock Fenrir in the basement with chains. This of course, upset Fenrir, causing him to feel like a wild animal, which he was during a full moon. Fenrir would always wake up with no memory of his transformation or the night before, leaving him to think that it could never have been that bad. A year later and Fenrir’s letter from Hogwarts arrived. He was excited to go and had been looking forward to it since he was eight. His parents however, were reluctant, worried what their son might do during a full moon. As a compromise, Calder and Kesara ordered a large batch of wolfsbane and instructed Fenrir to always find his way to the forbidden forest during a full moon or the consequences would be dire. Due to his parents' fear of his lycanthropy, Fenrir began to fear it himself, thinking that he was cursed. This of course, didn’t help his self esteem and once reaching Hogwarts and being sorted into Slytherin, he was quickly labeled as the weird and awkward kid. The bullying started immediately and Fenrir hated it. DOLORES UMBRIDGE was one of his biggest adversaries, she had managed to discover his wolfsbane stash and outed him as a werewolf to all the students, which only sent him deeper into self hatred. The disrespect and utter discrimination he received due to his lycanthropy was crippling to say the least. 
Whilst there were those that stood against him, he had a special select few who told him to stand up for himself. ADARIA LINWOOD would always show him tough love, teaching him to grow a thicker skin. His sister was always there for him at home and even more present when she found her place at Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw. She would always tell him that it wasn’t a curse, it was a blessing. His lycanthropy turned him into someone powerful, a chance for him to break out of his shell forever and become the leader she imagined him to be. With support from his friends and as he grew older he became more confident, more in control and more vicious towards those that stood against him. He began to spend countless hours learning about lycanthropy and how it affected other creatures and how one could infect others, effectively creating their own pack. A pack of other werewolves just like him, others that understood what it was like, others that would always have his back against those like Dolores Umbridge. The appeal of being in a pack didn’t only affect Fenrir, but seemed to persuade another younger student named STEPHEN WILCOX to come to Fenrir, asking if he could be turned, if he could be gifted with lycanthropy. Fenrir’s first reaction was that Stephen was crazy, why would he think it was a gift when it would only make his life harder, but the idea of having his own pack and the determination for revenge against those that shunned him changed his mind. On the next full moon, Fenrir bit Stephen in an attempt to turn him. It was Hella, who had gone off a feeling and had followed the two into the woods, that found Stephen’s dead body with Fenrir nowhere in sight.
The next day Fenrir was expelled from Hogwarts. He was distraught at the fact that he had killed someone and when he looked to his parents for support, they turned him away, telling him that he was no longer part of their family. His parents no longer saw him as an embarrassment, but rather as an endangerment to the rest of the world. Without his consent, they contacted the Ministry and reported him as a werewolf. It was how Hella reacted that really broke him. Hella, the light of his world and his rock had gone dark. She had officially turned her back on him. He was a monster that she could no longer love. At first he was destroyed, torn to shreds, unable to comprehend that his whole world has been unravelled in a matter of days due to a stupid mistake. He spent almost half a year wondering forests and making his way towards London, working on Muggle farms and stealing from campsites. It was during this all time low that rage began to fill him. Nightmares of his sister removing him from family pictures would wake him up in a sweat. If she really thought he was such a monster, he’d become exactly what she thought he was. It was at this murderous phase in his life that he met SELENA PETROSYAN. The two of them instantly clicked and she became his right-hand women as they began to build their own underground pack of werewolves, a pack that would one day rise to power against those that oppressed them. Fenrir began to attempt to turn sorcerers into werewolves, getting close to the families and attempting to turn them on the full moon. It was during this rampage that two Muggle murders, failed turnings, caught the attention of the Ministry and Fenrir was captured and brought in for questioning. 
It was during this questioning that Fenrir grasped just how much the Ministry and the wizarding community hated werewolves, LYALL LUPIN stating that all werewolves simply deserved to die. Due to his appearance and lack of wand during the trial, as well as the ill-managed werewolf registry not being updated to include his name, Fenrir was released and instantly sought out revenge. On the next full moon, he attacked the Lupin Family, biting REMUS LUPIN. Now Lyall would realise that werewolves were as equal as everyone else. Deciding that best option was to stay low for a while, he sent his pack underground whilst he spent his time attempting to satisfy his craving for more power. He began to look into dark magic, spells that would allow him to extract and retract his claws at will and potential transformation potions that would allow him to keep his fangs and turn others at any time, not just during a full moon. It was along this dark path that he met The Dark Lord. There was a discussion and a mutual understanding between the two. If Fenrir helped The Dark Lord convince werewolves to join his cause, the Dark Lord would creature a space for werewolves in his new regime. Whilst Fenrir knew that the pureblood would never accept his pack, he planned to go along with it before going rouge after they had won the war. It wasn’t long until he was introduced to BELLATRIX BLACK. Whilst other members of his pack such as Selena continued their mission, Fenrir’s attention was brought to another werewolf by the name of SILAS CRUMP who had begun to stir the wizarding world by being accused of killing the Minister for Magic’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD. With everyone keeping their eyes out for the fugitive Silas, Fenrir felt as if his whole plan was in danger and whilst Bellatrix and RABASTAN LESTRANGE continued to use Silas as a scapegoat, could Fenrir find a way to keep his pack out of the spotlight or would he need to find a way to handle the Silas problem himself?
Blood Status → Pure-Blood (Werewolf)
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male 
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Single 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → The Greyback Wolves
Family → Calder Greyback (father), Kesara Greyback (mother), Hella Greyback (sister)
Connections  → Selena Petrosyan (best friend/potential love interest), Dolores Umbridge (adversary), Adaria Linwood (former friend/adversary), Remus Lupin (victim/adversary), Lyall Lupin (adversary), Silas Crump (adversary), Bellatrix Black (colleague) 
Future Information → N/A
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scintfms · 4 years
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           hi  kids  !  wow  ,  we’re  already  at  opening  and  that’s  so  crazy  !  i’m  kofi  ,  your  co - admin  ,  and  i’m  so  excited  that  you  guys  are  here  !  i’m  23  ,  from  the  est  tz  ,  prefer  she / they  pronouns  and  i  graduate  from  college  in  a  little  more  than  seven  months  ...  yikes  .  that  being  said  ,  i’m  ready  to  introduce  you  guys  to  my  latest  muse  ,  who  may  have  huge  development  changes  as  we  go  on  because  of  him  being  brand  new  ,  mr  .  saint  moon  !  he’s  um  ...  something  of  a  mess  and  idk  if  i  love  or  hate  him  yet  ,  but  i’m  happy  to  plot  with  ya’ll  on  my  d.iscord  @  𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲.#4090  !
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            (  lee  juyeon ,  22  ,  cis  male  ,  he / him  )  *  fun  fact  about  me  ?  okay  ,  let’s  see  .  .  .   an  injury  stopped  my  promising  olympic  career  .  crazy  ,  right  ?  i’m  saint  moon  ,  i  live  in  the  contemporary  new  build  with  a  three  thousand  square  foot  outdoor  patio  on  ocean  lane  in  key  biscayne  , &  not  to  brag  ,  but  my  family’s  worth  around  $740  million  .  pretty  decent  for  real  estate  and  construction  developers  ,  huh  ?  we’ve  been  around  for  some  time  ,  but  in  town  ,  everyone’s  always  associated  me  with  the  gatsbys  ;  but  it’s  not  like  that’s  my  whole  identity  ,  or  anything  .  while  filming  for  key  biscayne  ,  it  was  surprising  when  i’d  get  dragged  on  twitter  for  being  “  errant  ,  impetuous  ,  &  rancorous  ,   ”  but  the  cameras  don’t  see  everything  ,  &  my  real  fans  know  that  i’m  nothing  but  coolheaded  ,  venturesome  ,  &  enamoring  .  i’m  not  too  bothered  by  it  though  ,  because  since  the  series  ended  ,  i’ve  opened  a  highly  successful  café  in  south  korea  and  planning  to  expand  to  the  states  .  follow  me  on  instagram  @SNT.MN  to  keep  up  . 
name  :  saint  moon  .
nickname(s)  :  none  .
age  +  date  of  birth  :  22  +  july  19th  ,  1998  .
astrological  sign  :  cancer  .
myers - briggs  personality  type  :  infj  .
enneagram  type  :  the  individualist  .
moral  alignment  :  chaotic  neutral  .
gender  +  pronouns  :  cis  man  +  he / him / his  .
place  of  birth  :  gangnam  ,  south  korea  .
place  of  residence  :  key  biscayne  ,  florida  .
sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  .
romantic  orientation  :  biromantic  .
occupation  :  former  reality  star  /  instagram  influencer  /  café  owner  .
nationality  :  korean  .
ethnicity  :  korean  .
language(s)  spoken  :  korean  ,  english  ,  japanese  ,  and  learning  mandarin  .
social  media  handle  :  @SNT.MN
            saint’s  story  starts  when  his  parents  ,  moon  ji - ho  and  park  soo - ah  went  on  their  first  date  .  in  truth  ,  it  had  been  a  rare  instance  of  love  at  first  sight  when  they  bumped  into  each  other  at  ji - ho’s  office  in  seoul  ,  and  the  date  was  only  used  to  solidify  their  feelings  .  you  see  ,  ji - ho  and  soo - ah  were  fairly  well  known  with  ji - ho  being  the  second  heir  to  moon  industries  alongside  his  sister  ,  moon  eun -  ha  .  moon  industries  was  founded  in  the  1940s  ,  and  is  known  primarily  for  their  real  estate  and  construction  business  .  the  company  was  founded  in  seoul  ,  and  originally  started  out  by  purchasing  and  renovating  beautiful  homes  and  condominiums  within  the  city  .  after  thirty  years  in  the  business  ,  ji - ho  and  eun - ha’s  father  was  one  of  the  first  in  south  korea  to  reach  the  status  of  billionaire  .
            ji - ho  and  soo -ah  were  looking  to  forge  their  own  path  ,  though  .  although  they  were  lucky  enough  to  have  wealthy  parents  ,  both  of  them  have  always  liked  the  idea  of  working  for  themselves  and  getting  their  hands  dirty  .  so  ,  they  refused  ji - ho’s  father’s  investment  and  decided  to  start  their  own  real  estate  firm  .  they  went  through  the  process  of  obtaining  their  real  estate  license  in  both  south  korea  and  the  united  states  ,  specifically in  florida  .  after  studying  hard  ,  they  were  able  to  open  moon  real  estate  ,  and  it  was  a  hassle  for  them  .  they  initially  ‘ struggled ’  seeing  as  though  they  were  their  only  employees  ,  and  soon  ,  soo - ah  discovered  that  she  was  pregnant  with  their  son  .
            for  four  years  ,  they  worked  hard  with  their  bumbling  baby  boy  ,  saint  ,  crawling  at  their  feet  and  curiously  looking  at  home  or  building  buyers  .  for  a  long  time  ,  they  considered  saint  to  be  their  closer  as  he  was  the  selling  point  and  allowed  people  to  hold  him  while  looking  at  the  home  .  usually  ,  soo - ah  would  use  saint  as  a  marketing  ploy  whenever  they  were  trying  to  sell  to  young  couples  ,  and  it  always  worked  .  the  moons  became  known  for  saint  syndrome  ,  where  those  same  young  couples  would  typically  call  to  say  that  they  were  expecting  within  a  year  of  buying  their  home  .  it  only  took  a  few  years  ,  but  the  moons  were  soon  raking  in  their  own  money  without  the  help  of  ji - ho’s  father  .  
            when  saint  was  six  ,  his  family  relocated  to  key  biscayne  ,  florida  .  life  was  easy  living  on  the  water  ,  and  his  parents  continued  to  sell  gorgeous  homes  both  in  seoul  and  in  the  wealthy  neighborhoods  of  florida  .  with  such  a  lifestyle  ,  it  wasn’t  unheard  of  for  saint  to  excel  at  his  private  school  ,  where  he  was  known  for  his  academic  prowess  as  well  as  his  ability  to  play  both  the  piano  and  the  cello  .  saint  was  a  fairly  popular  student  while  growing  up  ,  and  it  showed  when  the  moons  would  host  their  annual  christmas  party  .
            he  was  fourteen  when  he  finally  started  to  understand  the  rivalry  between  thoroughbreds  and  gatsbys  .  originally  ,  he  put  off  like  he  didn’t  care  ,  but  in  reality  he  was  trying  to  figure  it  out  .  the  moons  were  a  special  case  ,  considering  that  ji - ho  was  clearly  an  heir  to  a  billion  dollar  fortune  ,  but  also  had  become  wealthy  in  his  own  right  thanks  to  his  business  with  his  wife  .  saint  never  understood  that  jabs  and  jeers  that  he  would  receive  from  thoroughbreds  ,  because  to  him  ,  they  were  all  rich  so  what  the  hell  did  it  matter  ?  he  eventually  began  to  side  more  with  the  gatsbys  ,  never  understanding  why  the  thoroughbreds  felt  as  though  they  needed  to  stick  their  noses  up  in  the  air  at  them  .
            within  two  years  ,  though  ,  saint  seems  to  have  changed  for  the  worse  .  while  his  grades  may  be  good  ,  he  begins  to  spend  more  time  with  new  friends  in  miami  .  while  there  ,  he  surrounds  himself  with  fast  cars  and  short  nights  ,  but  he  thinks  it’s  his  parents’  fault  for  buying  him  a  488  spider  for  his  sixteenth  birthday  .  saint  began  to  get  into  trouble  ,  often  pulled  over  for  speeding  and  reckless  driving  to  impress  his  friends  .  like  always  ,  a  star  is  meant  to  fall  ,  and  it  all  came  crashing  down  for  saint  when  he  thought  that  drag  racing  on  u.s.  route  1  was  a  good  idea  .  he  assumed  that  he  could  lose  the  cops  ,  but  he  was  stupid  for  ever  thinking  so  --  he  totaled  the  $1.3m  dollar  car  ,  and  after  being  treated  for  minor  injuries  ,  he  was  booked  in  the  county  jail  .
            having  rich  parents  seems  to  be  all  fun  and  games  considering  they  were  barely  able  to  get  him  out  with  a  slap  on  the  wrist  ,  but  that  very  same  night  they  sent  him  away  on  a  business  plane  to  live  with  his  no - nonsense  grandparents  .  for  the  first  year  ,  saint  pouted  and  argued  ,  screamed�� and  kicked  over  being  trapped  in  seoul  .  he  tried  to  escape  the  fortress  of  a  house  in  pyeongchang  ,  attempted  to  ditch  his  security  guards  when  he  went  out  in  public  ,  but  he  eventually  realized  that  there  was  no  getting  out  of  this  .  so  ,  he  made  the  most  out  of  it  :  he  finished  school  ,  and  during  his  senior  year  with  the  help  of  his  grandparents  ,  saint  opened  goodnight  moon  ,  a  late  night  café  that  appealed  to  college  students  and  late  workers  in  need  of  a  coffee  and  pastry  pick  me  up  .  the  café  went  viral  ,  and  so  did  the  handsome  owner  .
            he  returned  home  when  he  was  twenty  ,  and  discovered  that  key  biscayne  was  filming  .  as  the  resident  who  suddenly  disappeared  ,  saint  was  sought  after  by  the  producers  and  was  introduced  mid - way  through  the  second  season  .  
saint  and  his  family  were  not  introduced  on  key  biscayne  until  midway  through  season  two  .  he  was  introduced  as  most  table  shakers  would  be  ,  with  a  flurry  of  local  headlines  ranging  from  KEY  BISCAYNE  TEEN  ARRESTED  FOR  DRAG  RACING  and  HOW  MONEY  GETS  YOU  OUT  OF  A  JAIL  SENTENCE  .  his  parents  didn’t  like  the  idea  of  being  on  a  reality  series  ,  so  they  weren’t  featured  although  there  were  a  few  scenes  with  them  .
he  was  the  reality  show  villain  and  you  can’t  tell  me  otherwise  !  showed  up  with  an  air  of  what  the  fUCk  ever  and  despite  the  air  around  him  since  he  was  arrested  and  shipped  back  to  south  korea  ,  he  never  let  that  stop  him  ?  like  ofc  he’s  a  rich  boy  who  got  away  with  something  bc  he’s  rich  ,  but  it’s  not  that  he  doesn’t  acknowledge  it  ,  he  just  chooses  not  to  talk  about  it  .
was  definitely  the  subject  of  show  cliffhangers  ,  probably  nearly  got  kicked  off  the  show  because  of  his  short  temperament  and  despite  all  that  would  still  be  invited  to  the  reunions  because  he  would  always  start  some  shit  .  he  was  very  vocal  about  who  he  didn’t  like  on  the  show  ,  and  probably  had  good  chemistry  with  a  cast  mate  and  fans  of  the  show  always  pushed  for  them  to  become  a  thing  (  a  wc  ...  mayhaps  👀 )  but  they  were  never  anything  more  than  friends  .
by  the  end  of  the  show  ,  saint  was  that  cast  member  that  fans  love  to  hate  .  he  was  employee  of  the  month  ,  and  that’s  on  period  !  gave  what  he  was  supposed  to  gave  and  was  highkey  problematic  (  not  in  a  bad  way  ,  but  in  a  way  where  he  was  always  the  one  in  the  middle  of  some  shit  )  and  when  people  would  question  him  about  it  ofc  he  didn’t  care  KFNDSJBFS  .
a  little  shit  .  that’s  it  .  that’s  all  you  need  to  know  .  although  he’s  standoffish  ,  still  has  his  insecurities  because  he’s  not  the  ‘  perfect  ’  son  that  his  parents  pushed  for  him  to  be  .  very  much  so  the  black  sheep  of  the  family  ,  and  is  deemed  as  a  lost  cause  by  his  thespian  of  a  mother  ,  so  he  figures  that  he  might  as  well  live  up  to  that  name  .  comes  across  as  someone  who  genuinely  doesn’t  care  ,  and  he  doesn’t  KFDBJSFSD  .  sometimes  only  looks  out  for  himself  which  adds  more  sand  into  the  asshole  bin  ,  and  he  hates  being  asked  ‘  dumb  ’  questions  .  it’s  a  pet  peeve  that  his  mom  thinks  he  picked  up  from  his  father  .
he  does  not  want  to  be  your  friend  KFNDSFUS  .  he  can  be  very  standoffish  just  to  get  that  point  across  ,  and  he  doesn’t  interact  with  people  outside  of  a  chosen  few  .  
can  be  wildly  off  putting  and  while  someone  else  may  be  afraid  of  confrontation  ,  he  isn’t  !  might  be  the  subject  of  bar  brawls  and  minor  scraps  because  he  genuinely  does  not  know  how  to  shut  the  hell  up  .
hates  walnuts  ;  idk  why  that’s  important  but  it  is  .  serve  him  something  with  walnuts  in  it  and  he’ll  never  talk  to  you  again  .
romantically  and  emotionally  stunted  ,  therefore  he  bides  his  time  with  casual  sex  and  noncommittal  acts  of  romance  .  can  be  found  slipping  out  of  beds  in  the  middle  of  the  night  ,  never  returns  texts  ,  and  at  times  will  pretend  that  he  doesn’t  know  who  the  other  person  is  (  ew  !  )  .
a  chaotic  boy  with  a  heart  of  gold  ,  he  just  doesn’t  show  it  and  has  mastered  the  art  of  being  fake  .  
despite  his  repulsion  of  romance  and  relationships  ,  he’ll  flirt  with  anyone  that  has  a  pair  of  legs  ,  and  he  quite  honestly  might  call  someone  daddy  just  for  the  hell  of  it  KNFDH  . 
probably  posts  those  outfit  thirst  traps  on  instagram  reels  or  tik  tok  bc  he’s  annoying  .
an  angsty  ex  boyf  👀 if  i  have  to  BEG  for  it  i  will  !  and  i  promise  to  make  you  cry  xD
a  best  friend  pls  !  someone  who  has  been  friends  with  him  since  before  he  was  shipped  back  to  korea  for  a  few  years  so  when  he  came  back  and  was  on  the  show  ,  they  were  THE  dynamic  duo  .
i’ve  been  really  into  his  plot  but  someone  he  works  out  with  ?  maybe  they  don’t  work  out  together  per  say  ,  but  they’re  somehow  always  at  the  community  gym  at  the  same  time  .
something  soft  ?  something  so  sweet  that  it  would  make  my  teeth  rot  ?  could  either  be  a  boyfriend  or  girlfriend  thing  or  tbh  i  don’t  know  but  i’m  literally  looking  for  something  that’s  all  fluff  and  all  marshmallows  and  if  i  don’t  get  it  then  i’ll  cry  .
a  plot  where  they  full  on  hate  each  other  .  none  of  that  cute  shit  KNFDNFHSD  .  no  lingering  feelings  ,  no  moments  of  hate lapse  --  they  hate  each  other  and  it’s  a  spicy  hate  ship  that  literally  gets  your  blood  pumping  .  
his  hoodrat  friends  NFDJNHFBD  i’m  kidding  but  i’m  thinking  like ...  a  billionaire  boys  club  type  of  thing  ?  perhaps  the  five  of  them  get  together  and  ppl  try  to  penetrate  the  group  or  they  have  these  instances   where  ppl  straight  up  hate  them  for  no  reason  ?  they  were  probably  the  TALK  of  the  show  bc  thought  they  were  assholes  KNFDJBFBD  idk  either  way  ,  my  hand  is  out  .  (  1  of  4  spots  filled  )
a  one  night  stand  with  some  substance  ?  like  yeah  ,  they  fuck  around  and  they  have  their  fun  together  but  they  don’t  pretend  to  not  know  each  other  in  public  (  unless  this  person  is  a  thoroughbred  and  i  oop  ,  chile  )  so  they  probs  tend  to  be  a  little  like  confidants  at  times  but  also  have  a  tendency  of  shutting  each  other  up  with  sex  .
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salenakingston · 4 years
Another bit of backstory. I’ve really been enjoying writing these snippets. Prompt submissions are still open!
Prompt: None
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Death, Corpses/Bodies (minor), Cannibalism (minor)
Timeline of Events: Whitegale Estate (Backstory)
Total Word Count: 4,273 words
“I’m surprised you saw someone so new to the complex.”
“It is rare indeed, but there’s something peculiar about him.”
“Yes, I noticed that too.”
“And your thoughts?”
“He isn’t a greater risk than any of the other agents.”
“This won’t be the only time he appears.”
“I know, but because he is not a threat, or has proven what he is capable of, it is left to simpler decisions for now.”
“If I may interject.”
“I might be able to help.”
“You have a plan? Why the interest in him?”
“It’s part of my job to assess new agents. Besides, you’ve never seen anyone connected to me before. I’ve noticed some quirks of my own. This plan is not without consequence, but may be an efficient way to learn more about him.”
“Very well. Let’s hear it.”
Malceum paced his small room, his mind racing ever since he had returned. He hated that she had been right in her own assessment. He had insisted she allowed him to give her a ‘proper’ physical, checking how her body was currently against everything that was listed in her records. He wondered if it was to prove a point, or for entertainment, that she granted his request. She had been compliant through the entire process, obeying every instruction he offered.
Part of him wondered why she changed her tune so quickly, when she had the confidence to mouth off to him before. How was it that the mention of one woman could make her flip a switch? It didn’t make any sense, just like her own assessment. Everything matched up with her records.
A body that was functioning, but only just enough. Every piece of her seemed to have some kind of problem. The beast seemed to entertain him further, having taken a seat next to her bed so they could discuss some treatment options. Mistake number one was suggesting options of a magic-based nature. Since the moment he’d walked into her room, she never raised his voice to him. Sure, she offered him plenty of sass, but not anything above her acceptive tone. The animal finally began to show its fangs, quite literally. Her tone grew sharp, growling echoed in her voice.
“Absolutely not,” she had said. Why? Even though the surgeon was confident in his skills, he knew based solely on facts that magic could offer more than just his bare hands. Who would want traditional means over something like that? Ok, if she was going to make such a fuss about it, then best not to revisit the subject. Either that or press her another time.
There had to be some kind of solution. That’s what he kept telling himself.
Mistake number two was trying to negotiate a further treatment plan. Anything he tried to prescribe to her was something she had already tried, or was shot down. “I already make use of the oxygen tank whenever I am in here or on down time. Too many drugs will either mess with my senses, or make it so I will have to take an extended leave from my work. Neither I am willing to accept,” she had said then. She was so damn stubborn.
He had half a mind to discharge her from work anyways, but he feared her. And he feared his employer. She didn’t seem like someone who would lash out at him, but her short temper and growing frustration could fester, putting him in the line of fire.
He had to save his own hide, even though he didn’t know why he bothered.
In the end, he cleared her just like the rest of them.
And that left him here, pacing, wondering if he had made the right decision.
His racing mind wasn’t doing the headache he had developed any favors. His lack of sleep was nothing new, but extended sessions always took a toll on him. Whenever he did sleep, nightmares were there to greet him. There was no safe haven for him, not even in a place as protected as the Whitegale Estate.
A knocking at his door guided him back to reality, “Y-Yes?”
He couldn’t see who was on the other side, as he kept his door locked. It was one of the reasons that kept him from getting close to the other personnel he worked with. It kept him from being a danger to those around him, and kept them from seeing the mess of a human being he had become. It was a gentle voice, probably one of the nurses. She had given another knock on the door, probably just to make sure he knew she was still there, “Mr. Whitegale is looking for you.”
Again? So soon? Why? Had Salena blabbed to him about their discussion? One hand moved to his head, the pounding growing worse from the onslaught of questions. He won’t know until he gets there, and he could not keep his employer waiting, “T-Than-nk y-you. I’ll be t-the-ere so-oon.” He could hear her footsteps leaving the door, leaving him alone once more.
Well, as alone as he could ever be. He would never be truly alone.
He wasn’t entirely sure how long he was standing still before he found the will to make his way to the door. The halls were empty, and one look outside the window showed why. Night blanketed the sky, the only light coming from the moon and stars. This just made him question more. He couldn’t have been isolating himself for that long. Why would his employer want to see him at such a late hour? Had someone been brought in late? Then why single him out?
And why allow him to come on his own time? No one else had come to bring his attention back towards the summon.
Malceum’s eyes fell on the door standing between him and the man on the other side. He had done his best to get his trembling hands to calm, swallowing down his nervousness. Alexander had not been unfair to him so far, in fact the man had been rather generous. There was no reason to believe that would change now. Hand grasped at the knob, turning, and then he stepped into the office.
Alexander sat behind a paper filled desk, two chairs sitting at the far side of where he was. Their eyes met upon his entrance, door closing behind him. He moved his hands together, doing his best to mask the shaking that he couldn’t seem to get rid of. If it wasn’t out of nervousness, then it had something to do with him.
“Malceum. Thank you for coming. I know this seems rather sudden. I wanted to start with thanking you for taking care of Salena. I know she can be hard to handle, but she means well.”
“N-No pr-robl-lem. I-It’s my j-job-b to t-tak-ke ca-are of th-hos-se y-you s-sen-nd to me.”
“Yes, I am aware, but she updated me on the talk you had.” Of course she had. Why would he have expected otherwise? He couldn’t help the way his eyes lowered at that statement, Alexander noticing the change in expression. If he wasn’t so tired, he was sure the older man would have given a chuckle, “You have nothing to worry about. A lot of this is new for you, and she’s a rather special case. Just give her some time, she’ll grow on you.”
D-Doub-bt it-t.
“Anyways, the reason I called for you is because something has come up.”
“D-Did y-you-ur w-wif-fe see me a-ag-gain?”
“Not this time.” No? Then why him? Was this some kind of medical emergency? He could hear the shuffling sound of more papers, a few laid out in front of him, as if he were looking over some kind of list. He looked up to the surgeon soon after, “I have a mission that I would like for you to go on.”
“Me? A-Are y-yo-ou s-sur-re?”
“I know it’s outside of your job requirements, but you were asked for specifically.” Asked for? What? Who would want him to come along for anything? Was this something that would need someone of his medical skills? The questions wouldn’t stop coming every time the older man spoke. He couldn’t seem to comprehend why anyone would want him. He didn’t even know anybody, as he had purposefully isolated himself.
He couldn’t keep silent, “W-Who a-ask-ked for m-me?”
“I did.”
Both men turned their heads to the leftmost chair sitting in front of the desk. A familiar figure stood up from where it was sitting, moving so that Malceum could see. Her.
Salena Kingston.
She was dressed, not in a gown like he had seen when they were in her medical room. This time, she wore something that he could only describe as something out of a fantasy book. He could tell the material was made of leather, sticking tightly against her skin? Fur? She was far too complicated for him to make coherent thoughts.
Salena moved her arm against the top of the chair, leaning against it slightly. He couldn’t help but notice how relaxed compared to when they were in the medical wing. Did she hate it there? He couldn’t blame her, especially with how many times she seemed to wind up there. Her gaze was fixated on him, causing a small shiver to move down his spine, “I am going out hunting. I wanted to see if you would like to come along.”
“I do it every now and then. Sometimes they are prompted by Alexander, but that is not the case. I thought you might like to get out of the estate for a bit.”
Yes.. but why him? He just couldn’t understand it.
He did. Clever little mutt. She knew there was something wrong with his host. This was an attempt to draw him out. That had to be the only reason. He wouldn’t allow it. The headache seemed to grow worse at that moment, a voice in the back of Malceum’s mind being the only thing that kept him from moving his hands to cradle his head, “Don’t you dare. It’s a trick. I will not have you expose me more than you already have. You’re going to go right back to your room, unless you want me to make you suffer more.”
“I-I d-don’t-t th-hin-nk I wo-oul-ld be th-he b-bes-st ch-hoic-ce for s-som-meth-hing-g l-lik-ke t-this-s.”
“I’d be willing to make a deal with you, Sorrowgrave. All I ask is that you come on this one hunt with me. I know Alexander pays you, as he does everyone else. I can pool part of your earnings to the same place my money goes. I can have small shipments of dreamless sleep potions sent to you with this. You wouldn’t have to rely on me if you want them.”
This bitch. She knows what he wants, and he truly does want this relief. He can’t even remember the last time he slept without having a nightmare. He knew either way he was going to suffer. The hollow wouldn’t ever stop until he agreed to surrender his being. The only way he would continue on was getting any small mercy that he could.
Both Salena and Alexander gave a nod, the older man turning his attention to the wolf, “Do you have a place you’ll be going?”
“Yes.” Strange that she mentioned no specifics. Was it not necessary to tell her employer where she was taking them? Guess not giving the accepting nod from Alexander. She moved past him, one hand moving up. It was that same magic she had used before, bigger this time. The opening was large enough for the two of them to move through it. Her head turned enough to catch him in view, “Follow me. This portal is going to put a strain on your body, but you’ll be fine shortly after we arrive on the other side.”
He nods.
She takes the first step through, followed by him. He could feel the strain she was talking about. When he stepped out, it took everything in him not to buckle down under the weight. When his vision refocused, he could see Salena not too far ahead of him. She didn’t have the same strength he did, find her form against the earth. It looked almost as if the very air around her was pushing her down. He should have guessed that if this magic put a strain on the body, then of course she would have it worse than him. But then why travel by these portals in the first place? What was the point?
While she recovered, his eyes moved around the land. He didn’t travel much, but where they came to looked like no place he’d ever seen before. The grass under them looked washed out, bits of dirt poking through in patches. There were trees, though few given it seemed they were along hills. Even this seemed like it was devoid of life. Near death was a good way to describe it.
Finally he could hear Salena getting up onto her feet. She dropped the portal they had come through, pushing towards the top of the hill. It would be best for him to follow her. Her eyes peered over the top, looking down at the base of their hiding place. He could see a stone tower in the distance, small patrols and camps around it. Both men and women were patrolling. Their clothing was rather strange. It was a mixture of white and red. They looked like how crusaders would have been dressed in human history.
Surely they hadn’t gone back in time somehow.
Malceum had barely noticed that Salena had begun sneaking ahead without him. Wait, what was she doing? Why were they here? Why did it look like she was stalking them?
He only just seemed to notice the sheen of a blade resting at her side. No, not just one blade, two of them. One of her hands was gripping on. Her eyes narrowed creeping closer. He wanted to yell at her, call her back and demand to know what she was planning to do. There was nothing he could do as red bagan to cloud his vision. Blood spilled from the crusaders, her blade, claws, or even her teeth finding ways to ravage them. This wasn’t hunting, it was slaughter.
OH? Seems she’s a murderer just like you are. I’ve changed my mind. Maybe you should go down there and join her.
No. He couldn’t do this. He could say that this time. He wouldn’t risk drawing himself to the surface with her around. He had to do something other than let her continue.
She had been careful up to this point, picking them off one by one. Blood stained her mouth and clothes. She could see him moving down the hill, not paying too much attention to his surroundings. Eyes narrowed as she noticed a scarlet moving behind him. He must have been spotted. Deal with the threat themselves rather than raise the alarm. He watched as she stomped her foot down, but nothing seemed to happen.
Then a gurgling noise rang out behind him. He turned around to see the crusader… impaled on a spike of thick ice, blood dripping down onto him. His body was shaking again, that feeling of a thrill he was missing out on wracking around in his brain. She moved over to him, trying to get his attention, but he couldn’t pay attention. He could see that she looked to the side, voices crying out.
They were calling out one thing.
‘Death Knight.’
What did that mean? He wasn’t whatever that was.
He seemed to come back into focus, seeing that Salena had turned on the growing mass. Was she ready to take them all on by herself? Just how much blood was she willing to spill? Taking a tight grip of her wrist, he began to drag her away. She seemed to give him a surprised look, snarling as her lips turned up. He could see another string of magic leave from her hand, the other reaching for a loose part of his duster. She had taken him into her arms, fleeing to the hills.
They managed to lose their attackers, the trembling in his body stopping as they did. He hated that he could still smell iron in the air. Once she was sure the crusaders were gone, he was set down, a bloody corpse being tossed at his feet. Had her magic grabbed one of them? Just what the hell was she playing at? Just what kind of life had he actually landed in joining up with this lot?
He couldn’t stand it any longer.
“W-Wha-at t-the fuck wa-as th-hat?”
“I told you we were going hunting. You weren’t paying attention to what was going on around you. You gave us away.”
“I-I m-mad-de it cle-ear I wa-as not-t t-the b-bes-st for th-his. Y-You j-jus-st mur-rde-ered t-them-m.”
“They deserve it.”
“W-Who a-are-e you to j-jud-dge t-the-em?”
“Someone who has first hand experience with them. I’m far from the first person who despises them.”
“T-Tha-at’s b-bes-side th-he p-poin-nt!” Why couldn’t she seem to get it through her thick skull?
“Then you would rather I kill someone that doesn’t deserve it?”
What?! Was she serious?
“K-Kil-ll no o-one!”
“I can’t do that.” She… She what?
“W-Wha-at are you t-talk-king a-abo-out? Y-Yes you c-can-n!”
He noticed her eyes narrow down again. There was that shiver again. How was it that both women he interacted with seemed to have eyes that bore down past his skin? He almost felt himself take a step back, “No. I can’t. If I stopped killing, I would drive myself insane.” Had she really killed that much? Was she so much like him that she got a thrill out of it? He hated this. He hated her. He hated that she bribed him into coming along on this.
“I don’t see why you are making a fuss with me. I thought you would need something like this.”
Now it was his turn to narrow his eyes back at her. It didn’t seem to have the same effect that her’s did on him, “Y-You d-don-n’t kn-now me.”
“You’re right Sorrowgrave, I don’t. However, it’s part of my job to keep tabs on the new recruits, and that includes you. You have little ticks. You obviously don’t get enough sleep, someone with a stutter is not too worrisome, but you’re constantly twitching. I know you’re not nervous, otherwise you wouldn’t have stood up to me like you did. You’re acting more like an addict that hasn’t had his fix in a long time.”
“H-How-w w-woul-ld y-you kn-now?”
“Because I was just like you, Sorrowgrave. You will drive yourself crazy if you continue on like this.”
He wasn’t sure if it was humor in a fighter trying to give medical advice to a surgeon, or her lack of logic that made him relax slightly, “Y-You-u’re s-supp-pose-ed to d-dis-scour-rage ad-ddic-cts f-fro-om th-heir-r v-vic-ces.”
“My own vice, unnatural as it is, can not be fixed. I have to hunt. I’m sorry you don’t see it the same way. I thought feeding your’s would be a temporary fix until I could figure out a better solution.”
“W-Why-y do you c-car-re?”
“Everyone can see that something is wrong with you. No one knows to what extent, but they can see the signs.” He could feel her hands reaching for the mask he wore across his mouth. His hands shot up, covering her own to keep her from removing it. She almost seemed to be smirking as he did this, “You see? I stand a good chance of helping you, all you have to do is let me.”
“Y-You w-won-n’t let-t me do th-he s-sam-me.”
“You did help me though. Your stitching is far better than my own, and I have no doubt you’ll be seeing a lot more of me. I’m one of Alexander’s best for a reason, but that means a greater risk. I’ll need someone like you.”
He hated this. He just wanted to go back to the estate. He wasn’t supposed to bond with anyone. They were a weakness, or even a target. The hollow made it clear he already had an interest in her, and this was certainly not helping. If he had control of his host, Malceum had no doubt he would be jittering with joy.
Was it worth trusting her though?
No one had ever shown him this sort of backwards kindness. She offered him mercy, and now here he was in her position, spitting it back in her face. Why?
Why did it have to be like this?
In his mental crisis, he had barely noticed that Salena was trying to remove his mask again. He honestly wasn’t sure why he felt his hands go lax, allowing her to do so. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary on first glance, but a spike in his headache made his lips curl up. Nothing but sharp teeth, just like her own. Her hands moved up again, forcing his mouth open. It was almost as if she could tell this was unnatural.
There was nothing special about him. He was as human as they come. Someone else had forced him to do this to himself.
And he didn’t take kindly to the impromptu investigation of his host. The pain in his head grew worse. It was as if the hollow was unwinding himself in his host’s mind, sticking thousands of wires through his brain. Mouth shut down along the beast’s arm, head pulling back to tear at the flesh.
Her head moved down, staring at him. There was that flicker she had seen before. Her arm raised in his grip, not allowing the shade or hair to block her view, “Caught you.”
Why was she so still? Why wasn’t she bothered? He was a freak. He was trying to peel her own flesh away from her body. Why wasn’t she trying to stop him? Why didn’t she kill him like she was doing just a few moments ago? Why couldn’t he just let go? Let me go!
And he listened. Teeth removed themselves, his form staggering away from her. All she was trying to do was help him, and he had bitten her. She stepped closer to him, her hands moving to grip his arms. She lowered themselves down to the grass. He could hear her speaking, but couldn’t bring his eyes up to meet her own, “Sorrowgrave, let me help you. Feed the demon as it were, and let’s go back.”
She knew about him, but not what he was. How was it that she was on point? His eyes moved over to the body she dragged along with them. That trembling came back, and his stomach suddenly felt so empty. He scooted closer to the body, teeth sinking in. He could feel a hand moving along his back as he ate, hating himself every moment that passed.
Another portal opened, the familiar halls of the estate greeting them.
Again she fell to the floor, but this time he moved over to help her up.
Their bloody hands met one another.
They seemed to be standing in front of a door, one he had seen briefly in passing. He could see the halls leading to the medical wing from where they were standing. Wait… why were they here instead of heading to his room? He found his gaze up at her, a small portal at her side. Like before, she reached in, pulling out a familiar green vial. No. Don’t.
He will just break it again.
“I promised you I would get you a steady shipment of these, and I plan to keep that deal. You came with me. Start with this one for now.”
He reached out to take it from her, knowing what the outcome would be. If he didn’t try to take it, he would take over and do it for him. As his hand drew closer, she took a firm grip of his wrist. What the hell was she doing now? Her mouth lowered to the top of the vial, popping the opening with her teeth. The hand gripping his wrist moved up, forcing his mouth open again, the other hand pouring the liquid down his throat.
She knew. She knew what he would do, and acted accordingly. If he wasn’t suddenly feeling so tired, he would have thanked her.
He could vaguely feel her taking him into his arms. She adjusted him so she could open the door they were standing near. It was a furnished room, one that he couldn’t see very well with the darkness of night. One thing he could make out was a bed, one that he was being lowered into. This wasn’t his bed… so where were they? He would have to ask her when he woke. His mind began to fade, growing blank for the first time in years.
She watched him drift, finding her hand moving through his gray hairs before turning to leave. He’s had it rough, so sleeping in her bed would probably do him some good rather than the sub quality of the ones the medical personnel use. She quietly shut the door behind her, moving down the hall to a very familiar room.
The new door swung open, Alexander still sitting at his desk. Shutting the door behind her, she took a seat in front of him, “We have much to discuss.”
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Mercilessly Judging the Men of Fòdlan: The Kingdom
It’s been a long time coming, over eight months in fact, but now that it may be assumed that the last of the DLC has been released and the fandom as a whole has settled comfortably into its various camps I think there’s no better time than now to answer that burning question: how raunchily, outrageously gay can the male cast of Three Houses possibly be? For those unfamiliar with this fun little series of mine, I’ve been applying my extensive knowledge and experience of gay male sex and hookup culture to the men of Fire Emblem, originally as a way of reckoning with the refusal of the games themselves to provide me with any worthwhile self-insert M/M content. I stand by that premise for FE16 - you all know how absolutely nothing appeals to me about m!Byleth or his prospects on that score - but in the years since my first outing of merciless judgment with Awakening that idea has expanded into something broader, an imaginative modern AU of sorts where all these guys are into men (if not always exclusively) and willing to put themselves out there in the lewd and semi-anonymous world of hookup apps in search of their preferred carnal delights.
A note on organization before we begin, as this material is too long to cram into one post. Excluding Byleth (as Avatars and their spawn always are for this project) there are twenty-one playable male characters in Three Houses. This makes for an even threeway division to preserve the eponymous conceit of the game, but not a particularly neat one. Aligned with the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus I therefore have below the male Lions, Kingdom knight and Azure Moon-exclusive Gilbert, and Faerghus-based underworld kingpin Yuri. As with all things concerning M/M outside of Byleth and his awkward S rank monologues, the Lions have it the most clear-cut.
The Empire
The Alliance
It’s rare that you can get a feeling for someone’s whole life story entirely from watching their presence in hookup spaces over time, but he’s an exception. Once a sweet, wide-eyed collegiate who looked eager to get dicked down by any reasonably polite and attractive top/vers, hard years have turned him grim and sad and just barely put together enough to be presentable for a clothed face pic, much less anything more revealing...and still eager to get dicked down. He’s been dealing with a lot lately, and even though he’s still game for a quickie from time to time (especially with muscle guys, a shallow weakness of his he’d blush to admit to out loud) a single roll in the sheets isn’t going to make him emotionally available. Apparently he’s already well-covered on that front as it is; with his charisma and open-minded way of looking at the world he’s made many friends and fuck buddies and companions who seem half like boyfriends and half like something indescribably beyond that, and a new trick would be hard-pressed to compete with that and likely wouldn’t want to if it means engaging with his demons. Still an enviable hookup partner though, with a full pert ass and a whole assortment of friends who love to play with him and anyone else who lands an invitation to his bed. His cock has left many a bottom drooling, but unfortunately he’s haunted by the memory of the time when he went too hard and nearly caused a medical emergency. Now he just takes it and doesn’t even let anyone ride him, but there are just as many men who aren’t complaining about that in the slightest. Has a very high chance of winding up in a tender and fulfilling poly marriage that’s still open on all sides - he’s got a lot of hot, sweaty love to give.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: body worship, muscle bears, group sex
Favored gift: a body pillow, on the infrequent occasions where he has to sleep alone with no one to cuddle
One of those shy larger men who will never initiate conversation, because he’s been blown off one too many times for shallow reasons and isn’t expecting that to ever change. It doesn’t bother him greatly though, because as his profile states he’s in a relationship and he and his partner only play together so unless you’re only looking for friends - not impossible, as he’s got quite the array of engaging hobbies on display in his pics - you’ll have to accept that this bear has a cub...or something like that anyway. Bad at small talk and even a little embarrassed to talk about his expertise in the kitchen or the garden, it’s a completely different story when the lights are off where he’ll give cocky power bottoms and scoffing total tops exactly what they deserve. Sub bottoms on the other hand bring out his softer, cuddly side, and he’s more likely to be using his considerable weight to lovingly press them into the mattress as he opens them up with his tongue and eventually his dick. Is utterly devoted to his partner but enjoys watching him playing around with third parties, even if he’s almost never allowed to sit on the sidelines for the entire night. To the shock of everyone he’s actually a total vers, even if he leaves most tops stammering excuses and bending over for him anyway. He’s usually polite enough to stick to oral in those cases. He’ll never be the most sociable man, but he’s a real catch regardless in every other aspect and is no doubt looking forward to his inevitable wedding and only sometimes X-rated married life. Still fondly recalls the first time someone introduced him to the idea of sex while cooking, and now he takes it as a challenge (only when he’s cooking just for himself and his sexual partners, of course; he doesn’t want to be unsanitary).
Favored erotic tea time subjects: twunks, voyeurism, cum swapping
Favored gift: a chef’s apron short enough to let his junk hang free
Has a biting retort for every unsolicited nude and “looking?” ever sent to him, and he gets a lot of both when his pic is just enticing enough and his profile is full of enough acerbic wit to provoke the kinds of guys who actually read those things. Claims he’s vers, gets pissed whenever anyone tells him that’s just code for bottom, gets even more pissed after hookups when his partner points out that that’s totally true in his case. Prefers oral to conversation, both giving and getting, and he’s got a remarkable talent for handjobs that surprisingly doesn’t seem to be born from excessive masturbation. Not so great with fetishes - he punched the first guy to pull his hair while he was giving head, and passes made at him during his workouts leave him more annoyed at the interruption than aroused. Disarmed by anything too soft and cutesy so he’s not great with fems, but it’s unclear if this has anything to do with his lingering daddy issues that he’s not working out in the bedroom because they’re (probably) not like that. Not sentimental at all, but he’s probably got that one longtime slow burn affair he doesn’t bring up with his tricks. If anything ever comes of that he’ll vanish immediately from the app space, but until then he’s up for a 69 followed by a good long pounding - much longer than you’d expect from someone of his frame. Good thing too, because he loves making his partners cut loose and give it to him raw and hard.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: “straight” guys, dildos, pig sluts 
Favored gift: high-quality lube. and lots of it
Everyone’s BFF, sweet and affable and able to bounce from friend group to friend group even without always having to take his clothes off. Usually finds himself as the token twink surrounded by men who are very much not that, because they value his friendship and reliability (and also his ass, as expected). Did not have the best home life and has probably had to do a few shady things to get by, but with all that mostly behind him anyone would be happy to date him or even just to take a walk with him, as he’s quite outdoorsy when he’s not taking care of relatives or less responsible friends. A bottom by expectation because there’s not much else one can infer when he shows up to bars and house parties alike in the company of guys twice his size who aren’t shy about being casually handsy with him. Still, has learned to be quite deft when the need arises and knows how to stimulate on multiple fronts, whether for one partner or several. His weakness for muscles is genuine too, and he loves a firm chest as much as taking some guy’s thick meat. Paradoxically doesn’t have a lot of patience for dumb jocks, but since he knows just about everyone worth knowing (and sleeping with) in his area and works the freckled fresh-faced young cutie angle with an artlessness that surprises some of his less gifted peers he’s bound to wind up in a comfortable relationship of some kind or another. Prefers to have sex with the lights on, and if given the option will cuddle for a long time afterward to avoid turning them off. His ass has freckles too, but he rolls his eyes when he gets asked that.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: gym sex, spit roasting, breaking in new bottoms
Favored gift: a sensible jockstrap, for workouts and for dates
Everyone you know has slept with him, but almost never more than once. You might have even met him in person long before you encounter his minimalist profile with its headless abs pic hitting you up with a shot of his erection measured against a beer can followed by an address. Gets a lot of action on that pic alone, but repeats are few and far between when he pulls out his phone right after pulling out of his guy of the hour and starts browsing through what’s on offer again and slow jerking. Not a big fan of FWBs met through hookups since he always feels like they’re being too clingy even if they just happened to get horny for him again a few weeks later. Does not like to talk, especially about his family, and he almost never extends an invitation to spend the night. Still, as callous as he is that cock is impressive and he knows how to put it to work. Good with his mouth too, and true to his cultivated total top persona he’d sooner rim than blow. He’s also successful and likeable enough in his personal life to have buddies who’ll play around with him, and he might even have some kind of nebulous long term thing going with one or two of them that they strictly don’t discuss. Bottoms only as a challenge, but he’s not great at it and doesn’t have the stamina to last very long while riding. Is on PreP and uses condoms religiously so he’s got that going for him, but testing after sex with him is still recommended because there’s really no telling how many other holes he’s filled that week. Likes twinks and twunks, but loudly refuses to ever be a sugar daddy no matter how desperate he might get in his later years assuming he doesn’t die of untreated syphilis or something equally appropriate and ridiculous.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: marathon fucking, double penetration, open relationships
Favored gift: a fleshlight molded into the shape of his favorite fuck buddy’s hole, for sentimentality
His pics are neither very current nor very flattering, and he doesn’t excel at small talk although he’s evidently been around long enough to know how to get an open-minded hookup over to his place from time to time. Encounters are fast and fumbling and drawn out more by his waning libido than anything else, and half the time he’ll settle for watching a guy play with himself in front of him while he makes an effort to get into it. It would be inaccurate to say that he’s not a romantic man; rather, it’s as though all his passion has been left behind in a difficult former life that he only reveals some of in long wistful moments over multiple encounters. Doesn’t get many repeats however on account of the lackluster performances, and also because his stubbornness bordering on self-righteousness about certain topics becomes very grating very quickly. Based on the stories he tells and the few pictures he has to show he was quite a catch in his earlier days, but circumstances and being closeted until much later in life kept him from exploring as much as he wanted. Has the potential to end up in a loving if not particularly sexual relationship with someone provided they’re extremely patient as he works through and/or learns to set aside his numerous hangups. There are worse fates...but never, ever call him daddy. It brings up a lot of bad memories, plus he just thinks it’s weird. Kink is something he left behind decades ago when he resigned himself to the knowledge that he wasn’t going to be getting much vanilla action, much less anything more exotic.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: mutual masturbation, actual straight guys, spooning
Favored gift: the balls to get some closure
A consummate professional, albeit one whose marketing strategy carefully conceals that fact and also leaves no room for the kind of casual bigotry that flourishes on hookup apps - having a problem with “no fems” is expected from the build and the guyliner, but he’s all for equal opportunity sex even on top of that. Accustomed to the usual array of lonely and horny men who hit him up for pics and dirty chat and the occasional good time, and skilled enough in a variety of roles to perform whatever’s being asked of him. It’s not entirely clear where his own tastes lie; even the muscled closet cases who show up in his messages on the DL don’t seem to do all that much for him if they’re not paying. A former career in the arts has left him with an entertainer’s flair for pleasuring his clients both in and out of the bedroom along with an eclectic skill set that always finds a way to get put to work during sex. He can grind his hips, swirl his tongue, arch his back, and moan in the just the right ways to drive his partners wild, and all that experience also lends itself to his ability to patiently tutor even the clumsiest of lovers into something resembling competence, enough for them to get off if not himself. Bottoms more often than he tops, but he’s vers enough in skill and in preference to pivot when necessary and will probably have little trouble keeping this gig of his going later in life as well. He may not ever end in a proper relationship, but he’ll still do well for himself in an unorthodox way in keeping with the curiously world-weary optimism he sometimes espouses during pillow talk with guys who actually interest him enough for conversation.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: flip fucking, big top/small bottom, religious kink
Favored gift: creative restraints, for when he’s feeling acrobatic
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