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familiasworn · 17 days ago
" i found you passed out in the kitchen. you wanna stop working yourself so hard? or do i need to keep hitting the gym to carry you to bed every day? " (Momo to Bell)
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"I'm...sorry." He'd recently gotten so in his head about going into the Dungeon that he waved off the notion that rest was important too, despite having definitely learned that lesson plenty of times already.
"I-I'll try to cut back a little on Dungeon runs..."
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sweetcobaltblue · 5 months ago
“I ship you with… well me~”
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"I would hope so..we are engaged to be married..Yami.." He sighed heavily.
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monsieur-neuvillette · 6 months ago
“Ah Neuvillette how you doing this fine lovely day?” Navia smiled and fixed her shades
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“Ah, good afternoon Miss Navia,” Neuvillette hummed, looking up from his paperwork, “I am fine today, what brings you here? Is there something you require assistance with?”
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stillebesat · 9 months ago
you are delightful
sunset for you
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GASP!!! ()_() Oh, it's sooo pretty!!! <3 <3 <3 that particular shade of Orange is one of my faves in sunsets <3 <3 <3 <3
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goat-shoe · 10 months ago
can you chill
i will never stop being unapologetically me!
so no, sorry anon <3
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naenaex0xx · 1 year ago
eeeeh I hope the links work
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designation-z · 1 year ago
oh right, the mature warning!!! i can use that
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anothermonikan · 1 year ago
Electric Dreams is making me go so insane I literally want to ask everyone ever if they've watched it or if they would like to watch it, my nan who's like so work-focused and christian it's kind of annoying, I want to ask if her dvd player supports blu-ray so we can watch it, my online friends who don't follow me here, so we can watch it together, grrrr, WATCH ELECTRIC DREAMS EVERYONE
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boutique-ribbon · 2 years ago
@theunstablejester So we can get the pre-order bonuses without buying the pre order through the gatcha mechanic?
I’m not 100% sure how it will be, I have two different ways of understading it:
A) The pre-oder items will be added to your invetory / closet, and other players will be able to get it trough gatcha (I think this feels more clear / likely)
B) The pre-oder items will be added to the gatcha in your game, and other players will be able to get it in other ways (maybe likes?)
Either way, I seems like there’s no need to think of these items as exclusives, more just a fun bonus of getting to decide which one you want in the start of the game! :) (This made me think, in girls mode in the beginning you had to pick which style you like and you would get different starting wardrobe based on that, maybe you can think of it as just getting a head start whit a style you like, since tha game is so vast (lol I almost want to take this back, none of them are for male characters)
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tuulikannel · 2 years ago
I got this game exactly a month ago. Am I hooked? I think I'm hooked...
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fff777 · 2 years ago
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iloafeu · 2 years ago
imagine you just have one anon that's having a conversation with itself and trying to love you more than it's other anon self
yeah. It's Cute tho ❤❤❤
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riallasheng · 2 years ago
Pardon the intrusion!! I might be giving away my age here 😭 but what is anticanon, wishcanon, crackcanon, cherrycanon and probacanon? :0 Very curious
*laughs* No worries at all!! ^^
Canon – Things explicitly shown/stated in the source material. (Sam Winchester knows a lot about plants and can shoot a gun. Joe Morelli’s car blew up and nearly took Janet with it)
Apocrypha Canon/Authorial Intent – Things explicitly stated by the creators of the source material to be canon, but did NOT show up, or was not made clear, in the canon material. (Dumbledore being homosexual, the identity and location of several of the clans in Gargoyles, etc).
Cherrycanon – cherry picking parts from canon that you enjoy. Usually applied to the older fandoms that have multiple timelines/canons (such as Transformers, where you have the 80s toon, 80s comic, IDW etc. Having Nooroo be female as she is in the Korean dub, rather than how he is male in most of the other dubs) but can apply to any source material. Often seen in conjunction with Anticanon.
Anticanon – A fan idea/canon that is contradicted by canon or outright breaks/ignores canon. Breaking or ignoring either a single or small number of canon events or elements but otherwise holding true to canon. A minor character death is ignored. That really, REALLY, stupid line that you feel was totally OOC wasn’t said, that canon fact that contradicts common sense or other canon totally is dropped. (‘Oh everyone Goliath and company ran into was totally speaking English on the World Tour’ and ‘they totally spoke modern English in 900s SCOTLAND’. NOPE. Nope nope nopiety nopenopenope)
Probacanon – Things that are IMPLIED by the source material’s creators but not stated outright, apparently comes from the creators but is not from a fully trusted/verifiable source, and/or that have so much evidence supporting them and nothing at all that contradicts them that they very well may BE canon, but it is not outright stated or shown to be canon in the source material or by the creators. Note that if this is contradicted or debunked by ANY of the creative team such as producers, actors, artists, writers, etc… IT IS NOT PROBACANON. It doesn’t matter how popular the theory is or how much you want it to be canon, if it is negated in any way it is headcanon/fanon/AU. (Prowl and Smokescreen being Praxians due to mold-sharing with Bluestreak. Nino’s family being from Reunion, from Astruc’s twitter page. Also the Nino’s family being from Morocco, which only has a screenshot of a privately answered tumblr-mail, which some fans consider non-verifiable. Conversly, Destiel, which has had members of the creative team debunk it over the years, is NOT probacanon and instead is headcanon/fanon/crackcanon/AU depending on who you ask… and please note I SHIP Destiel and really love said ship.)
FanworkCanon – Things explicitly shown/stated in a fanwork series, making it canon THERE. (Alya’s father was a Nurse, Juleka likes music and is good with computers/coding, Rose wants to paint everything in Paris pink, etc. are examples of FanworkCanon in my series) Many things that are my headcanons/etc for the series are FanworkCanon for obvious reasons.
Headcanon – a fan created theory that is both NOT contradicted in anyway by canon and is at least partially supported by canon/apocrypha. (The Thunderbirds being numbered in order of construction)
Wishcanon – a fan created theory that is NOT contradicted by canon, but is not necessarily supported by canon/apocrypha… and the rules for ‘not contradicted’ are a wee bit more lax. Things you wish were in the show/canon but are not moored in anyway to canon. ie: not supported. Although if it is CONTRADICTED by canon it become an anticanon(Marinette, while excelling at combat games, is actually average-at-best at other game types, such as RPG)
Fanon – a fan created theory/headcanon/wishcanon/anticanon that is so popular/well known that it is often mistaken for, or treated like, canon.
Crackcanon – I know it’s not gonna happen, YOU know it’s not gonna happen and it’s completely left field… but good lord is it FUNNY and silly and soooooo much fun.
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ambrosiallkiss · 2 years ago
silly ikevamp thought: each of the boys (despite chaotic individual quirks) doing their best to make a sick/under the weather MC feel better.
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imaginenarusasu · 2 years ago
updated my pinned 
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crystal-mouse · 2 years ago
Bread and cheese time baybee
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