#moon conjunct sun in 9th house
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bouquetface · 3 months ago
Jungkook - Vedic Chart Observations + Predictions
My first time making this post I had the wrong birth time. I've finally found the time to do a proper read with hopefully the correct time - 3:23-3:35 PM
Also I hope everyone just takes this as fun. I do not mean any disrespect in making assumptions. I am well aware, I do not know him or his life. Please take it as entertainment.
I think it'd be fun if any long-term fans could fact check my assumptions based on his chart. And I really want to emphasize this is just for fun. I really hope I don't offend anyone 💗
This is using vedic so signs and planets will all be different from western. The timing section uses both western & vedic methods.
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Money and Family/Early Life:
2nd H - Jupiter in Cap - This is Jupiter's debilitation. This can indicate financial hardships throughout one's life. However, in D9 his Jupiter is exalted in Cancer . This shows as he ages, his Jupiter gains power. In his case, Jupiter gains the power to financially bless him. He may have started out in a family that didn't have the best financial standing but it was destined that he would improve this area of his life.
5th H ruler (Mars) in 11th H - This is another wealth indicator. It shows someone who is eager and motivated to go after their desires. Mars is very protective of it's wealth and desires in this house. Funny enough mars as 5th ruler in 11th can indicate older brother helping you gain wealth since mars shows brothers/male friends and 11th H shows gains and eldest sibling. Jungkook has had BTS all help him gain wealth & achieve his desires & vice versa.
2nd H is ruled by Saturn - This shows the wealth would come through hardwork and patience. The negative of this placement is it indicates carrying family burdens. In Jungkook's situation, he started working very young (as a teen) and likely is the main provider for his family.
Saturn AK as ruler or 2nd & 3rd in 4th H - This shows it is apart of his life's purpose to take burdens off his family. If you believe in past lives, this shows needing to repay his parent’s soul who he may have known in his past life. If you do not believe in past lives, it can simply show his life's purpose is connected to working and his family/legacy.
4th H ruler (Jupiter) in 2nd H - This is an indicator of expanding your family's legacy. This manifests different for everyone’s charts tho. IRL I've this exact placement in the chart of someone who took over their family restaurant & made it much more profitable. This placement also indicates the mother runs the family and household. The household likely doesn't follow the traditions of the man/dad will run the home. The mom can be like a teacher and guide for everyone in the family.
Saturn in 4th H - shows his mother and home instilled traits of discipline, hardwork, patience, maturity. This can show his mother may have been the main disciplinary parent. In the sign of pisces the usual saturn in 4th energy changes tho, here Saturn isn't as tough, pisces is an emotional and adaptable sign. His home life wouldn't have been as limiting as other people with Saturn in 4th. His early life may have been routined and structured rather than strict and cold.
3rd H ruler (Saturn) in 4th H - Occasionally this shows a child who learned to speak slowly or at a later age than norm. A quiet or shy kid/toddler. I'm not sure if anyone other than his mom and dad would be able to confirm that tho lol. This also shows his regular communication style to be generally truthful and keeping things to the point and short - not short & sweet tho because Saturn brings honesty, making him less likely to sugarcoat things.
Moon in Leo 9th H - Moon represents the mother in vedic but when in 9th it can provide insight on the father. In this case, his dad takes on a motherly role. He is unlikely to be one of those strict and distance fathers. There is warmth to his energy. If you believe in past lives, this placement shows he knew his father's soul in a past life. He may have even helped him out in the past life too. His dad may have been encouraging and supportive. Moon loosely conjunct Mercury in 9th shows his dad may be one of his closest friends.
Education, Travel and Father:
Moon in Leo 9th H - I think Jungkook doesn’t have a college or higher education. However, this placement shows someone who values formal education. Someone who can desire to change or get involved in the government through education or politics. However, I don't believe Jungkook has ever spoken on politics.
In his case, his 9th H planets seem to manifest as interest in foreign travel. 9th is the house of higher education and travel so this makes sense. His higher education can be seen as being gained through experiences - especially experiences abroad.
This placement shows becoming very religious/spiritual/philosophical after the father's death. I am unaware if Jungkook has ever spoken about religion before tho. If he has, he may embrace his religion more than he already does.
Sun in 9th H/9th H ruler in 9th - This shows strong interest in travel. This shows the father instilled strong morals. The father in his life gives wise advice. This is a blessed placement to have - it shows good past life karma and strong wealth indicator. In Jungkook's case, the ruler (sun) is placed well in it's home sign conjunct a benefic (moon). This adds to the strength of this placement. This shows Jungkook could have made an excellent preacher, motivator or teacher. His dad may have been a great at these things too.
Venus in 10th H - In a man's chart this indicates meeting the wife in a professional setting. His 7th H ruler and DK being in 9th indicates he will meet his spouse when far from the birth place - possibly abroad - for a work related event.
Venus in Virgo 10th H - This Venus is debilitated. This doesn't mean the spouse will be bad or he will have a bad love life. It shows the planet Venus is unable to freely express itself in this sign's energy. Virgo is practical and analytical, it won't let Venus go recklessly indulge itself in love, money or other pleasures.
Virgo Venus has a practical approach to relationships - venus won't risk anything for love when in virgo. It shows Jungkook won't fall for someone based off appearance. He likely would disagree with the idea of "love at first sight". His approach to relationships is more cautious and logical. He knows the consequences of love and relationships. He'll consider the worst case scenarios before even approaching someone for a date.
He needs to know his wife on a much deeper level to trust her. Venus in 10th H shows he needs her to understand his career and image. She will be cautious and hardworking herself to understand how it is to be in the public eye.
The difficult part of having Venus in Virgo shows Jungkook can be very hard on himself. Venus here can make one feel love is to be earned. This makes one very critical of themselves, it can make them connect their self esteem to their looks, money and career. Venus can feel unworthy, Venus is constantly looking to perfect itself when in Virgo.
7th ruler (Mercury) in 9th H and DK in 9th H - This shows the spouse may be younger or youthful in appearance. She may have higher education and/or she is well travelled. She is likely a foreigner - this doesn't always mean someone from a different country, places in your own country can be foreign to you. His wife's culture and background will be new/foreign to him.
Her communication style will be charming. Something about her communication style really shines - ex: she could have pretty voice, she could be very funny, she could speak eloquently, she could be witty/clever- she could even be a writer professionally or as a hobby. However, it seems likely she would have or will later in life have published work.
Moon in DK - Typical description of Moon DK is a sensitive spouse, however in this case moon is in a fixed sign. This makes the spouse less likely to be overlysensitive but she will still have a sensitive side to her. This also shows the spouse can treat Jungkook like a child at times. After marriage, she takes on a nurturing role - ex: consistently asking questions like how did you sleep? did you eat? Due to DK conjunct mercury she can be very chatty too so she'll likely be the type of wife randomly texting him these questions but also other random things that come to mind or occur in her day. Not saying she's scatterbrained but she is fast thinking and moving - she could be very witty/funny.
DK conjunct Mercury and SUN shows she might be younger but she won't be unsuccessful. This is a hardworking lady. She has earned her way to wherever she is and she will not take shit. This is the sun's influence. She will be prideful and at times authoritative & stubborn. She’ll have a leadership position or leadership energy. Being stubborn is highly likely due to all these planets being conjunct in a fixed sign. She is likely very wealthy herself - possibly due to family money as well as her own efforts.
She may be interested in humanitarian causes. Possibly religious causes - she is likely to come from a religious family. This might be something she is educated on or talks/writes about at some point. DK in 9th H, she will share and educate Jungkook on her beliefs and culture. They may even do something related to speaking up for certain causes or charity events together at some point in their lives. Mercury and sun’s influence in leo 9th H shows standing up for something bigger than yourself.
Timing relationships:
Jungkook has a few late marriage indicators (Venus Virgo, Venus opposite Saturn, 7th H ruler conjunct Sun). He may still need to go through relationships before meeting his spouse tbh.
A lot of this is based on SR which requires correct current location. If he moves, a lot of this is unlikely to be true. So take it as entertainment:just for fun
Sept 1 2025 to Sep 20 2027 - There are indicators in dasha periods & SR of a relationship. However, based on transit and sr in 2026 it seems he will let something or someone go in favour of something else.
Mars in 7th house of relationships shows conflict with partners and south node over 7th h ruler shows letting a partnership go. This could be in a professional sense rather than romantic. Hard to tell because he is very private.
2028 - The SR does show relationships being a big focus on this year. However, SR 7th ruler (moon) conjunct uranus indicates an unstable year. SR mars, venus and south node are in 7th h these indicate ups and downs in relationships. It's like he can't decide how he feels or finds out something shocking suddenly & it changes how he feels- for better or worse. He could consider marriage but overall it might be unfavourable. And since he has a virgo venus, I doubt he’d impulsively or randomly decide to marry.
2029 / Age 32 - This year seems pretty important for his career/image and money. He may be more public or more social irl. He could confirm his relationship this year or be more of public presence in other ways. However, this could also be in his personal social life. This why it's so difficult to be accurate with celebs, we don't actually see their real lives.
2032-2034 / Age 35-36 - This is a highly favourable year for relationships. He'll likely marry this year. However if he has married in 2028-2029, it could be a difficult year. As something is coming full circle here (moon ruler of 7th returns home to 7th along with saturn). A serious decision is being made.
2034 - 2036 / Age 37-38 - This is likely when he'll have kid, make a big move, expand his family or home.
BTW I realize I didn't specifically state which year he'll meet his spouse just the year he might marry. This is because truthfully his relationship may begin in one of the years where another ends - not implying cheating or anything like that. It seems the start is unstable in some way - might meet and then separate before coming back together.
Anyways if you got to this point, thanks and i hope you enjoyed it. don't take it seriously.
Additional info for marriage timing:
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astrologythingzzz · 2 years ago
Astrology observations Number 2 💜
I'm soo happy, this is already my second post! 🥺
These are my personal observations, they aren't meant to hurt anyone. Take what resonates!
Mercury in the tenth/ mercury conjunct mc is a law placement
Do all virgo sun/moon/rising women nag about everything when they're tired/ stressed? I feel like they are also really bad know-it-alls sometimes
They are also the ones to point out how much you're eating. "Do you really want to eat all of that?" YES! I feel like their parents were very strict or criticising in their childhood! 🥺 I love you guys, but please stop. This isn't healthy for you and neither for me
Virgo and pisces paired in a birth chart is an indicator of working in the medical/ health field
They are amazing at caring for other people and their virgo makes them detail oriented which helps them at university
Pisces mc's are sooo creative! They love showing or even showcasing their creativity on social media
They could also have a really nice aesthetic on social media, they are the ones to post only aesthetic stuff
Ic / moon in Virgo. Their parents prioritised books and wisdom in their childhood. Could have spent many days in libraries or with many books around in general!
Sagittarius moons/ dominants or 9th house dominants excel at university. They are known for their success and good grades, especially in law or politics
Leo suns can be very insecure. I don't understand why, because they're so creative and generous, but somehow they are.
Please embrace yourselves more leo suns! You are great!!
Also, aquarius paired with aries or sagittarius in a birth chart is a massive law indicator. Even Aquarius sun in the 11th or 9th house is.
Jupiter conjunct sun individuals are just beaming individuals. They are popular, well liked and really lively. They love adventures and travelling.
Sagittarius Venus / moon women love horseback riding. They love horses! Of course this can apply to other sag placements, but I noticed these two the most!
Virgo risings are ethereal. Gosh I love their beauty
Venus conjunct neptune hide their romantic feelings. They are literally drawing hearts all over the room while being too shy to actually speak to the person they're in love with.
Definition of falling in love with a version of someone who doesn't even exist. 🥺
These are all that came into my mind. Hope you liked it and resonated!
Until soon, love you, byee💜
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divinatorydoll · 4 months ago
placements for occult careers: 🔮
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the sun or venus in the 8H, 9H, or 11H
jupiter in the 8H, 9H, or 11H
neptune in the 6H, 10H, or 11H
saturn in the 11H or 12H
venus conjunct neptune
the moon conjunct jupiter or neptune
mercury conjunct jupiter or neptune
in derivative astrology, the 9H is the 2H (money, gains) from the 8H (occult work, witchcraft) so having activation here is important. the 11H is the 4H from the 8H as well. this gives the individual familiarity (4H) with the occult (8H) and an excellent ability to share it with the world (11H)
the planet neptune is also a big factor because of how it empowers us with skills like intuition, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams, or communicating with angels
book a reading !!
my linktree
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latenightbreezeinheaven · 2 years ago
Predicting my 2023 solar return chart because I couldn’t sleep😴
2023 solar return chart is looking too much scary and crazy for me. My birthday is in June and it’s 2 months ahead but I think the effects have already started to show up in some areas of my life at this moment.
•Scorpio rising at 18 degrees (Virgo deg)
-I think this year, I would be mainly focused on transformations for myself, emotionally and physically.
-I went through a very intense and messy breakup and I found myself reflecting these circumstances a lot lately.
-I’ve been watching videos about self-concept, psychology and manifestation on youtube because I actually want to transform myself and I have a feeling I would succeed.
-I want to transform myself into someone who’s powerful with a lil bit of mysterious aura.🤭
-I started to take interest in occult and metaphysical topics and witchy stuff.
-I bought my first tarot deck about two weeks ago just because my gut told me to do it.
-I started to rely a lot on my intuition and most of them are on point.
-I had some prophetic dreams which came true in real life. (thanks to my natal Neptune and Uranus in 8th house too) IT’S KINDA CRAZY. THAT DREAM HAPPENED EXACTLY IN MY REALITY.🤯
-I notice that I also tend to become more private on social media and I back away from people, even from my best friend who I used to talk with everyday because I feel so drained for literally no reason. (but maybe this solar eclipse and mercury retrograde are the hidden answer😏)
-I’ve been getting lots of compliments too. One of my guy friends told me that I look like a maneater in these days. (I just had leo rising in 2022 SR chart and my attention-seeking ass is enjoying this too much hehe🙊)
-The MAIN reason why I’m scared of scorpio rising in SR chart is because I was bullied at school, got slapped by my mom, sexually harassed and these all happened for the very first time in my life and also my biggest secret got exposed (which was kinda like receiving karma for what I had done) in the year I had scorpio rising.😃
-The rising degree was at 29 degrees and I was slut-shamed publicly. (❗️Tip: if you have 29 degrees on planets or points in your solar return chart, that might indicate the end of a chapter and a new beginning, for better or worse depends on what you have done and the planet shows in which area you’ll encounter these endings).
-All students knew my name but in a notorious way like “oh that girl? Ummm🙄 *shrugs*”. -These events brought major changes into my life. It changed my whole personality.
-I was scared and in the dark for the whole year. But to face my foes, I had to put on that “I’m fucking strong bitches don’t you dare touch me” mask the whole year. No one was on my side. But these events helped me become a girl who I am right now. I used to be a fun, outgoing, optimistic, free, flirty and giggling little girl but right now, I’m not that kind of girl anymore. I’ve become a brave and strong girl who had gone through a lot but still didn’t give up. However, I have never shown my vulnerable side to anyone up to this day since that year. That year is the year that I’ll NEVER forget. And that’s why I’m feeling a bit nervous to go through another year with scorpio rising.😰
-I might receive karma for what I had done. Good or bad.
-I might also attract a lot of unwanted attention from others since I also have Venus conjunct mars and Lilith conjunct MC this year. Main theme is transformation and shocking things might also happen. My secrets could be leaked maybe. Just don’t wanna assume things before anything happens.🥱
•Sun in Gemini in 8th house at 24 degrees (Pisces deg)
-This year is literally screaming “TIME TO TRANSFORM YOU BITCH” at my face lol😂. -My main focus is gonna be healing ofc and transformation I guess.
-I might have to face my shadow side and I think the universe will push me to deal with it to achieve my higher self.
-I also kinda observe things deeply a lot nowadays and it could go on for the whole year.
-I feel like I might go through my ego death or as I said, an old chapter could end and new beginnings would come.
-I’m a bit worried about me and my family’s health. I’ve been feeling ill for quite some time now due to low blood pressure. I’m also worried about my parents especially my dad because idk I just feel something weird but let’s not think about it because I don’t wanna manifest anything bad to him.🥺
-I’m not going to predict further about this because I’ve said enough above as this is quite similar to scorpio rising. My main focus is 8th house and scorpio themed.🖤
•Sun conjunct Juno
-People say this is like “meeting your soulmate” aspect of the year. I hope I would meet someone too whether it’s platonic or romantic because it’s fun to interact with new people.😺
•Sun square Neptune
-My creation skills could be kinda blocked. It’s happening even right now. In the past, when I started to write about something, the words just naturally flew out of my head but right now, I’m a bit stuck and delayed. My thoughts are delayed. I even forget how to structure sentences creatively.
•Moon in Taurus in 7th house at 21 degrees (Sag deg)
-My emotions could be mainly invested in relationships and partnerships.
-I could be thinking a lot about how to get better in relationships and any-ships.
-I just hope I won’t be lost in love again but I’m pretty sure I definitely won’t too.🤡
-Btw, I love having moon at sagittarius degree because it might mean I would feel optimistic and free like a little girl version of me before 2019!
•Moon conjunct Uranus
-Mood swings. URGH. I don’t even need to predict this because they’re already happening. I have daily mood swings but I notice that since about the start of April, I’ve become so much unstable and inconsistent in my emotions. One minute I’m on instagram and another minute, I’m on google. Another minute I’m on tumblr and I just keep jumping from one tab to another A LOT.
-I also feel quite chaotic and confused about some of my relationships. I love my best friend one minute and another minute, I kinda reconsider if she’s really good for me or not. And I just feel exhausted just by existing.😮‍💨
•Mercury in Gemini in 7th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Idk how to interpret this. Please HELP kindly if you can. Thank you! Maybe share your experiences?❤️
•Venus in Leo in 9th house at 8 degrees (Scorpio deg)
-I love having Venus in 9th house when it comes to SR charts. I had this placement in 2022 and man, I had 3 trips in one year and all of those were amazing times for me. It’s pleasant and I felt so excited by those adventures.
-Needless to say, I also met my ex in college (actually the first time we ever met was in 2019, at a language school but we met again in college🙄) and somehow most of my relationships were based in college and they’re going to go more for another 7 years so you can say they’re quite significant.
-So, I think I might also get a boyfriend or boyfriendS from college this year. Or else it could be through traveling, education and religious places.
-I might find aesthetics in learning about spirituality and might be focused and might have fixated opinions on my belief system related to religion (as it is in leo).
-I started to become more religious in these days and I also started to stand firm in what I believe instead of being a people-pleaser and saying “oh I also believe that” to every opinion existing.👏🏻
•Venus conjunct mars
-Yayyy people say this is the year I’m getting most attention from both genders. I mean I don’t like attention that much because it’s draining but who doesn’t love being put in a spotlight if it’s for good? (at this point my natal sun in 12th house being indecisive if he likes attention or not)🤦🏻‍♀️
-I love receiving love from people so this is a great placement for me.
-And also, my sexual energy can be highly increased this year.😶
-I might have several options for romantic partners and might come out more charming and alluring than usual.
•Venus opposite Pluto
-Kinda scared again because my SR chart ruler is in hard aspect with SR Venus which is in 9th house.
-I hope communication between peers would go well and relationships won’t be destroyed because of misunderstandings in communication.
-Idk why but I have this gut feeling that I’m going to attract someone or be attracted to someone who’s manipulative, toxic and jealous. Or I might be the one who would be obsessed with someone having all of those plutonic qualities. My relationships could be pluto-themed and transformative I guess.
-Some people say that this is also an indicator of glow-up in SR chart and I find this pretty accurate because I’m going to the gym for the first time in July!🤩
•Venus conjunct vertex
-Fated love? Fated relationships? Can be through 9th house related places and the other person may have leo or taurus qualities. Or the meeting could be leo-themed I guess?
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•Mars in Leo in 9th house at 14 degrees (Taurus deg)
-This can mean I would put a lot of effort into college and it can be true because I have my final exams in June and I have to sweat my ass off for that.😵
-I might be rethinking about my belief system and replanning about my education too.
-As I have my natal mars in natal 9th house, I kinda like this placement because it’s friendly to me.
-I might seek for freedom and would cancel anyone who’s blocking me from becoming confident and free.
-I might go under a sexual encounter which may be brief but transformative. Or maybe one-night stand LMAO (jk I don’t like one-night stands personally).
-I’m a virgin so I’m even a bit curious if I’m going to lose my virginity this year because I have a very strong gut feeling about having first sex with someone who’s important for me.😭👀
•Mars conjunct vertex
-Fated sexual encounter maybe. Maybe fated accidents? Lol I’m sorry I don’t wanna manifest accidents for myself haha😂 But personal planets in conjunction with vertex can also mean fated people might be brought to our life to teach us something, both karmic and non-karmic ones, eg like a teacher or a mentor.
•Mars conjunct Lilith
-I have a very strong gut feeling that I’m gonna gain lots of sexual attention or might attract aggressive partners who want to tame me (sorry guys but my Lilith in 1st house won’t let it happen🤗).
-I might become comfortable and have courage enough to express my sexuality.
-May have power struggles with authority figures.
-I notice that I’ve been feeling like “who are you to judge me bastards” towards controlling authority figures.🌝
•Mars conjunct MC
-I might work hard to reach my goals.
-I might also appear assertive, daring and competitive in public.
-This is also special because my natal MC ruler is mars and it is now highlighted in my SR chart.
-I’m going to the gym for the first time in July too so maybe people would see me athletic and confident this year.
•Jupiter in Taurus in 6th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Jupiter is about expansion and luck so, I might gain luck and blessings through my health, my routines, my colleagues (but for me, friends).
-I just wish I won’t gain weight because Jupiter sometimes indicates weight gains and 6th house is health and physical house thank god I’m going to the gym.
-My health could become better BUT since both Venus and mars square Jupiter, love and sex might deteriorate my health in some way - idk how to interpret this.🧘🏻‍♀️
•Pluto in Capricorn in 3rd house at 29 degrees (Leo deg)
-Transformations could arise around siblings, neighborhood, education, short trips, knowledge and communication.
-I also have my natal chart ruler in my natal 3rd house so this energy is quite familiar for me but let’s see how Pluto energy would go this year. (i had Pluto in 6th house last year and I had eating disorder LMAO🤧)
•North node in Taurus in 6th house at 3 degrees (Gemini deg)
-My purpose might be to take care of myself- my health mainly as I said that my health is not so good in these days.
-Also it could be showing that I need to reconstruct my daily routines and abandon every bad habit that is no longer serving me. Maybe I might need to balance my studies and my relaxation time.
•Uranus-moon conjunction conjuncts descendant
-There could be unexpected and sudden changes, events occurring in my relationships. -I feel like I might go into a romantic relationship but that won’t be committed or at least, it would be weird and unusual. Not traditional and maybe shocking too. I might be the one who’s not willing to commit because right now, I have zero desire to start another relationship. Tbh, my ex is still in a part of me and I need to cut him off first. I might attract unconventional people too.
•Lilith conjunct MC
-I started to feel a bit outcasted since my breakup and it became worse. My ex has a new girlfriend now but she and her friends are gossiping about me. I heard it through one of my mutual friends and it’s so Lilith-themed in my opinion. They wanna slut-shame me for no reason. I don’t know why but when other girls kiss their boyfriends, they seem pretty normal. When I kiss my boyfriend, I suddenly become like a slut. I also kinda have to put on “Wtf you bitches, seriously!? Sorry but I’m unbothered” mask in college just to defend myself. As a result, I could be seen as someone who’s unapologetic, daring and untamed. Or maybe I might represent Lilith traits unconsciously in this year.🔫
•Part of fortune in libra 11th house at 15 degrees (Gemini deg)
-I might gain luck through friendships, connections with people, humanitarian work, beauty, social media.
•SR ascendant falls into natal 4th house (3 degrees away from 5th house cusp)
-Mainly focused areas - family, past lessons, roots and childhood. Could also be - romance, fun, flings, dates, creativity, children.
•Fixed dominant
-My mind can be fixated and I might stick to one decision only.
•Earth dominant
-I might be a bit stable but Idk how I feel about this one because I also have moon-Uranus conjunction haha
•Taurus stellium
-Love and beauty could be mainly focused? But I love having taurus stellium because I love taurus energy. They look so calm. In my opinion. At least.🌸
•7th house stellium
-Might be “Love is in the air” year for me but I’m closing my nose till my prince charming comes and commits to me fully and gives me princess treatment. Plus, I don’t wanna kiss froggos anymore. Yuck.💀
Anyways, this was a long ass post and I’m so freaking excited for the upcoming year. Afraid, nervous but at the same time, so curious about what might happen because placements in this year’s chart are a bit crazy and intense in my opinion. Also please bear with my grammar mistakes as I’m an ESL student. You can also share your experiences with me if you have had any of these placements in your previous years’ solar return charts. Thank you!❤️
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harmoonix · 5 months ago
☄ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ ☄
(Astroctober Observations)
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☄ - Ascendant aspecting the Moon, the native's aura can standout, their looks in general are quite adorable, especially the eyes (doe eyes)
☄ - Juno in Air Signs. (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) they desire for lots of communication in their relationships, i swear you'll share a lot of laughs with them
☄ - Sun square/opposite/conjunct Moon, these natives are those people with a strong mind yet sensibile soul, they often have to think logical vs emotional
☄ - Capricorn Moons/Moon at 10°, 22° even if Moon can feel different in these placements, it will act very mature and independent, Capricorn Moons natives are the most reliable people ever
☄ - Earth/Water in Sun/Moon/Rising (Lilith or Venus) give dark aura, and is not in a bad term is just their yin energy ☯️
☄ - Eros (433) in Capricorn/Taurus or Virgo want a mature love, they also want to search for a long lasting relationship
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☄ - Moon in the 9th house natives can at some point in their lives to move away to a place they like/feel peaceful at
☄ - I love Sun/Venus/Mercury in the 9th house and their love for others cultures/traditions/ is truly unique
☄ - A stellium in your birth chart is when you have 3 or more planets in the same sign, a stelium indicates a big focus depends on the house to have it
Aquarius Stelliums - Innovative, unique, different, humanitarian, helper, working in online/social media
Stellium in the 7th house - Big focus on your relationships, maybe your biggest goal is to get married/having a happy relationship with your partner
Scorpio Stellium - Evolving, transformation, healing, inherited/legacy things, secrets (maybe finding secrets that were hidden from you),
Stellium in the 11th house - Influencer vibes, a big focus towards your social groups, friends, chimestry around people
Stellium in Sagittarius - Discovering, searching, staying wild, boredom, curious, bold, travel, religion, spirituality/ocult
☄ - Having Sagittarius/Jupiter in your 4th house can indicate expanding your home, maybe changing your home a lot and in exotic places
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☄ - Sagittarius/Jupiter in your 11th house helps you to manifest friends fast. You can manifest things more easily
☄ - Sagittarius/Jupiter in your 1st house, this is a lucky placement to have because Jupiter helps you so much, especially to get out of bad situations
☄ - Heavy Pluto energy in your chart can make you attracted to horror/dark topics such as movies, songs, art etc..
☄ - Jupiter in Libra/7th house or Jupiter at 7° 19° can make you to have luck in your relationships, and is not about getting the right people, is about the people you get in relationship, it comes with their own benefits (If is Retrogade then you may have a hard time finding the right person)
☄ - Jupiter in Leo/5th house or at 5°, 17°, 29°, these people can get to be known really easily, people are attracted to them like tom after jerry, also you are your own source of inspiration and joy
☄ - Cancer Venus/Moon/Rising can be shy at first because they want to feel secure/safe around that person
☄ - Venus in the 10th house, this placement is makes you to attract partners who can before older than you in age!! But to also attract partners who are very mature and respectful
☄ - People can find themselves very attached to you if you have your 4th or 5th house ruler in the 11th house
☄ - Venus square or opposite ascendant doesn't mean the native is ugly or bad looking, with those aspects most times indicate you have your own style and you like to dress how you want, like not having a specific clothing code
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☄ - Lilith in Virgo/Lilith in the 6th house or Lilith in Virgo Degrees 6°, 18°, can find themselves being quite critical about things in their life, sometimes you just have to let things happen
☄ - Lilith in Aquarius or at 11°. 23° Lilith finds herself being in a extremely rebellious energy, people with those placements will do the things in their own way
☄ - Lilith square Moon or Mars natives can hide a deep frustration inside them and that thing can explode something and create a big conflict between the native and other people
☄ - If you have Moon in Sagittarius or at 9°, 21° Degrees aspecting Pluto/Saturn or Lilith this can indicate having your freedom getting taken away/can represent religious trauma/religious conflicts
☄ - Taurus Placements especially Sun/Moon/Rising, I love how deep these people are attracted to nature/background and their environment
☄ - Where you have Taurus in your chart can indicate where you feel the most sensual
1st house - they're sensual 24/7, always feeling sensuality in their veins
7th house - feeling the most sensual around their partners
4th house - feeling the most sensual when they're in their own home/when they're home alone
10th house - in their career/being seen by the public as sensual
12th house - their subconscious, soul and mind has a sensual energy
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☄ - If you have Venus in the 4th house or Venus rulling your 4th house (Libra or Taurus in the 4th house), these natives are good for creating a harmonious home space
☄ - Sun Pisces/ in the 12th house or Sun at 12° or 24° degrees, When Sun touches the misterious Pisces energy, everything for these natives can feel like a dream because of the Neptune effect also when it comes to charm...you're gorgeous!!!
☄ - Moon in Aquarius/Moon in the 11th house, you're gonna get so easily attached by them and is you gonna relate to a lot things together
☄ - Mars in the 9th house can make people attached to your culture/tradition, let's say you're Italian for example, people will be attracted to your cultural background
☄ - People born with Pluto in Libra can experience a very big change towards their relationships all their life, your partner can be different from the past one and so on, also they need to put standards in their relationships
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I love 1st October so much!!🫶🏼🖤🖤 I hope you all will have a good month!! Hoa hoa hoa season finally started 😭😭😭
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astrologydray · 16 days ago
Astrology Indicators 4
Astrology Indicators of Someone Who’s Meant to Inspire Others ✨🌟
• Neptune in the 1st or 10th house – Others see them as a dreamer, visionary, or spiritual guide.
• Uranus in the 1st or aspecting the MC – Breaks norms and inspires people to embrace their uniqueness.
• Jupiter in the 1st or 10th house – A natural motivator who brings wisdom and optimism wherever they go.
• Sun conjunct MC or in the 10th house – Shines in the public eye and serves as a role model.
• North Node in the 9th or 10th house – Life purpose is tied to teaching, guiding, or uplifting others.
• Chiron in the 1st or 10th house – Inspires others through personal struggles and healing.
• Leo or Aquarius MC – Gains recognition for their creativity, innovation, or ability to influence society.
• Venus on the MC – Inspires through beauty, art, love, or their public image.
Astrology Indicators of Someone Who Attracts Intense, Life-Changing Relationships ❤️‍🔥
• Pluto in the 7th house – Attracts powerful, intense partners; relationships are full of transformation.
• Venus-Pluto aspects – Love feels fated and obsessive; others become deeply attached.
• 8th house placements (especially Venus, Moon, or Mars) – Passionate, karmic connections that change them.
• South Node in the 7th or 8th house – Relationships feel like past-life connections with unfinished business.
• Scorpio Venus or Mars – Experiences love in extremes—either all or nothing.
• Lilith in the 7th house – Draws in partners who are both fascinated and intimidated by them.
• Pluto aspecting the Moon – Deep emotional bonds that leave a permanent mark on both people.
• Juno in Scorpio or the 8th house – Meant for transformative, soul-level partnerships.
Astrology Indicators of Someone Who Has a Hypnotic Aura 🔮✨
• Neptune in the 1st house – Others project fantasies onto them; they seem ethereal or elusive.
• Pluto in the 1st house or aspecting ASC – Intense, magnetic presence that makes people both fascinated and intimidated.
• Venus in Scorpio or the 8th house – A seductive, mysterious charm that draws people in.
• Lilith conjunct ASC or MC – A rebellious, forbidden allure that captivates others.
• Moon-Pluto aspects – Deep emotional intensity that makes them feel like they can see right through people.
• Uranus in the 1st house – Unpredictable and intriguing; people never quite know what to expect.
• 8th house stellium – Naturally radiates mystery and depth, making them unforgettable.
• Pluto or Neptune aspecting Venus – Beauty that feels almost hypnotic, with an air of secrecy.
Astrology Indicators of Someone Who Shocks People Without Trying ⚡️👀
• Uranus in the 1st house – Unpredictable energy; people never know what to expect.
• Uranus aspecting the MC – Gains attention for being unconventional or rebellious.
• Aquarius Rising or Uranus conjunct ASC – A walking revolution; people are fascinated by their individuality.
• Mars-Uranus aspects – Sudden, impulsive actions that leave others speechless.
• Lilith in the 1st house – Naturally provocative, whether in appearance, attitude, or beliefs.
• Pluto in the 1st or aspecting ASC – An intense, transformative presence that people find intimidating or mesmerizing.
• Gemini or Sagittarius MC – Changes paths frequently, surprising people with their versatility.
• Mercury-Uranus aspects – Thinks in a way that challenges norms, often saying things that shock or awaken others.
Ty for reading!
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fancyperfectionsweets · 2 months ago
Astrology Observations 🥀🏚️
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💞 This is fucking crazy but I read somewhere that the moon's zodiac in your D9 chart shows the ascendant/sun/moon of your spouse of their natal chart and I checked mine and my boyfriend's and it's literally the same?? His moon is in Capricorn. I'm a Capricorn rising and mine is in Pisces moon in D9 and this man is a Pisces rising?? Tf?? 🤯🤯
⚖️ A debilitated sun represents bad relationships with their father. Sun represents the father in the chart. In my personal observation, fathers or even people who can represent father figures in the libra sun's life (older brothers, uncles) can be hypocritical, take advantage of them or cannot be dependent on for any kind of support. One of the hardest placements fr.
🔅 If your darkaraka has another planet in the same house, your spouse can also have similar qualities of this planet. For eg., sun dk with mercury in the same house means that yes, your partner will be famous or has ego (sun qualities) but can also have "younger" or childlike qualities or they may be younger to you (mercury qualities).
👁️ Neptune first house = big doe eyes (no matter which zodiac).
👩‍💻 It is said that having a stellium in the 11th house can attract online stalking behaviour and it's true 🥲 . I have an 11th house stellium (sun + mercury + pluto) and I've had so many fake accounts and dating profiles made of me that I've given up trying to get them reported. I'll report one account and find another one. Aaaaa 😭 truly annoying.
🌹 Want to know the ideal time to meet a potential partner? Check your 7th house zodiac. When venus or jupiter comes in this sign, this is when you're likely to find romantic interests. I found out that my first relationship was when jupiter was in cancer (my 7th house lord) and I mostly bumped into my boyfriends when venus is in cancer.
🛌 4th house synastry is literally so comforting? You can be the coldest person and still be dreaming of building a home together with this person once they walk into your life
🌟 Weirdly enough, I've noticed that when people have Saturn + jupiter conjunction in whichever house they come across as super assured about those house's themes. If it's in the first house, the native is sure of himself. In the third house, they can be sure of their communication skills and be pretty blunt.
🦋 Libra 10th house, libra 1st house and venus doms: their obsession to be put together in public needs to be studied.
🤑 If you are born in 1997, there is a huge chance that Jupiter is in its debilitation zodiac in your chart (jupiter was in Capricorn that year). So here's two ways the debilitation can be cancelled.
1) Check your D9 chart. If Jupiter is exalted there or is sitting with another exalted planet, the debilitation of your natal chart gets cancelled
2) check if Saturn was in Pisces (which it was mostly that year). Pieces is jupiter's zodiac and capricorn is Saturn's. They are sitting in each other's zodiac according to vedic astrology, making something called parivartan yog. In Parivartan yog, these planets become almost exalted, debilitation gets cancelled and the houses they are in, becomes important. The parivartan yog is always better if none of these planets are in the 6th, 8th or 12th house though. I think the luckiest placement here would be jupiter in 9th, saturn in 11th.
👊 Aries venus men? Why are y'all attracted to women who literally berate you, playfully beat you up and are mean to you??
🍑 I'm sorry but if you are going to involve yourself with a libra woman, know that more often than not, you're going to be "manipulated". This is because a libra woman thinks of manipulation as diplomacy or even a way of getting her way. This doesn't mean it's always negative. Libras understand that manipulation is sometimes done for the other person's good. My best friend is a libra and when I was underweight, she switched from serving me food from a small plate to a larger one to "manipulate" me to eat larger portions of food (more food looks less on larger plates) and I think it's so sweet 🥺❤️. They understand that forcing people to see a perspective is wrong so they try to not come across as forceful. They truly are diplomats of the zodiac.
❤️‍🔥 The 8th house also represents your hidden fears. In my case, I have a lilith there in leo. This sometimes manifests as icking out against leo and scorpio men. I may find them visually appealing but their traits piss me off so much.
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millysastroblog · 16 days ago
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🎋People with Mars conjunct/Square or opposite Jupiter can have a inflated sense of ego and pride just like Sun/Jupiter aspects (especially men since mars has a stronger and dominant energy in their charts)
🎋Tell me why every Aries Sun be waking faster than then wind ?😂 # you are to fast
🎋People with Taurus and Virgo mixed Placements are the most humble grounded individuals to exist they just exude „ZEN“🍃
🎋People with 1st house placement can sometimes feel left out or stand out from the crowd due to the focus being directed on their individuality and presence
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🎋Venus square/ opposite Neptune ( lacking boundaries)
🎋Neptune in the 7th ( unreliable partners )
🎋Venus in the 12th (secret affair and relationships)
🎋Mars in the 12th (hidden sexual relationships)
🎋Venus / Chiron (low self worth)
🎋Venus Square /opposite/ conjunct Lilith ( lustful attraction to unconventional, shocking secret things like a married person )
🎋Mars conjunct Lilith (secrecy and power dynamics turn them on )
🎋 Venus conjunct /Square Uranus (unpredictable love life’s and entanglements )
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🎋Lilith/ Pluto in the 9th house ppl can be scared of taking flights, traveling to foreign countries
🎋Sun/ Pluto aspects might be scared of their fathers or have huge respect for them 🫡
🎋Venus conjunct Chiron synastry: trauma bonding relationship vs. healing relationship
🎋Capricorn MC have a reputation of being the GOAT after their hard work has paid off
🎋Venus conjunct Jupiter is usually seen in charts of woman who marry wealthy partners
🎋Mars square asc look fierce
🎋Pluto Square asc look alluring, mysterious and dangerous
🎋 Moon in Scorpio/Moon conjunct Pluto stare intensely on pictures and camera angels
🎋While moon in Pisces/Moon/ Neptune placement look away or their eyes wonder to the the ceiling, they look sleepy, sweet and in another world
🎋Moon in cancer have doll eyes with little sparkles, round like the moon and comforting to look at
🎋A lot of child actress have Neptune influence on their Moon or IC
🎋Saturn in the 1st house have visible oval nostril where their nose kind of looks pointed and straight
🎋Mercury square Jupiter makes somone who doesn’t have a filter or lacks in reading the room they probably over share and reveal to much information
🎋Mercury/ Neptune aspects can misconstrued, antagonize, change information or get very confused, they also posses very imaginative creative mind that could inspires other people
🎋Moon/ Mercury have an internal need to express their feelings through their voice they are very emotionally intelligent and speak with their heart. They have a hard time taking critique and will voice their opinions whenever they feel like it
🎋Lilith /Mars in Pisces woman can be a unknown sugar baby or trad wife placement since they use illusion, charm and fantasy to get what they want (if they play smart and don’t get carried away)
🎋7th house in the 4th can show an family arrangement marrige or both peoples family being heavily involved in their marriage/ engagement
🎋Pluto/8th house synastry/Composite makes for an unforgettable relationship especially if both people have it. The separation is very painful and takes time to heal
🎋Saturn/ Pluto in the 6th house need to take care of their health, body, routine more than the average person, if not they will have to face harsh consequences
🎋Cancer mixed Leo Placements gives either a neutral balanced personality or drama queen they embody the most authentic expression off themselves and won’t hide for anything and anybody #period
🎋Venus in the 10th has a similar effect as Venus in the 1st house
🎋Venus/ Chiron hard aspects can usually show cheating and betrayal in a chart
Venus conjunct Chiron = being cheated on
Venus square Chiron = being the cheater
Venus opposite Chiron = vise versa
(Pls take it with a grain of salt, it doesn’t have to apply to you)
🎋People with harmonious aspected moons are emotionally stable and regulated, empathetic and understand people needs and emotionall nature
🎋People with Harmonious aspected Jupiter carry a sunshine energy everywhere they go and attract plenty people and opportunities towards them -> positive optimistic mindset -> Luck 🍀
🎋Aries mixed Cancer Placements = unhinged crash- out, impatient, anger issues, very loyal and protective, uncontrollable emotions, lovely and nice to the people that are close to them
🎋Libra mixed Virgo Placements = fashionista, life style influencers, perfectionist, good cooks, enjoy finer things with an hint of detail and excellent observation skills, a bit judgmental, very very very helpful people
🎋Scorpio mixed Virgo Placements = psychotic (just joking 😂), natural detectives and truth seekers, extremely intelligent people, literally know everything, extreme control issues and can be obsessive and a bit creepy when they like somebody, once trust is gained they are number one supporters for life
🎋Gemini mixed Capricorn Placements = Aloof (weirdly give Aquarius or Virgo vibes?) , Logical thinkers, like to think outside the box , can also be very responsible, less inclined to open up about emotions and would rather joke about them. Less lighthearted but also less serious, truthful and honest people
Thx for reading 🫶🏽
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stellarsecrets86 · 2 months ago
Powerful Placements In Astrology
Other posts you might like:
{PS: These are my own interpretations. For entertainment purposes only. Have Fun💚.}
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★Capricorn rising and the Capricorn Moon exudes power wherever they go doesn’t matter if they want it or not.
★Mars in the 1st house, you love "Imagine Dragons", don't you?😄
★North Node represents the karmic debt of this life, but that does not mean it’s bad or something. The sign of the north node represents where you are the most interested in and will work the hardest for.
Ex: Elon Musk has his north node in Aquarius. His life is all about the aquarian theme as it should be.
★If Pluto is in the same sign as your Sun or Jupiter or both, (doesn't have to be a conjunction) this specific sign becomes a very strong part of your identity.
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Ex: Nelson Mandela has cancer Pluto with Sun and Jupiter. Mandela is loved the most because of his ability of forgiveness and bringing peace to his people.
★Taurus Stellium can make someone cold blooded.
★Lilith in the 1st house or conjunct asc is a strong/intimidating placement to have. Though these people will accumulate this undeniable confidence and dark aura later in life.
★Pluto in the 1st House creates an intense, transformative personality. These individuals have a magnetic presence and an innate ability to rise from challenges stronger, embodying resilience and personal power.
★Saturn in the 8th House is known for mastering fears and understanding life’s mysteries.
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★Chiron in the 6th House is the "wounded healer". This placement emphasizes growth through overcoming health or work-related challenges. It often leads to a career in healing or helping others.
★Uranus in the 4th House can bring innovative changes to their homes or communities.
★Venus in 12th, people love you much more than you can imagine but they just can't show it or don’t want to show it.(Blame your 12th house for that.😄)
★If you have Mercury in the 9th, you are a natural philosopher and seeker of wisdom. You can have interests in foreign languages and cultures.
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★ Sun conjunct MC individuals are naturally drawn to leadership roles and often leave a lasting legacy in their field.
★ Mars in Scorpio people is one of the specific placements, I have seen that make individuals(Men and Women) very strong physically.(You don’t have to have six packs for that 😂)
★Lilith or Pluto in the 5th individuals challenge societal norms in art, romance, or how they approach their passions.
★Mars in the 11th house creates natural leaders in social movements or innovators in technology and networking.
★Jupiter in the 12th house is under the hidden source of luck and divine protection. These individuals often find blessings in moments of solitude or helping others selflessly.
★Moon is in the 8th, you will never know their emotional depth and psychic sensitivity.
★Mercury/ Moon / Both in Pisces will read you like an X-ray machine.
★Jupiter in Sagittarius is such a powerful healer placement.
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★Pluto in the 10th house is a placement for immense power and influence in the career.
★Mars in the 3rd House is a fiery and assertive business owner. They are afraid of nothing.
★ Moon is in Mars Sign (Aries, Scorpio), you are a brand yourself. (Am I surprised? 😃)
Ex: Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, Rihanna.
★ Whole chart is important to see if someone has a powerful screen presence. But boy, Cillian Murphy has Mercury in Taurus and North node in Scorpio. (If you know, you know😄)
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elysiansparadise · 7 months ago
Synastry Observations VIII
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💚The core issue with the square between Moons is the different emotional needs. You both may need different things to feel satisfied or comfortable. This aspect can be approached with good communication in which you talk about what you need without fear of "asking for too much". Not by reproaching or asking the other to change, but rather telling them how you feel more emotionally validated and, in return, listening to what they have to say about their own needs. A person who loves you will make an attempt for this communication to exist and will make these attempts to make you feel both loved and understood. 
💚When your Mars falls in a person's 8th house, this person will find you very attractive and sensual. You will give this person the impression that you are someone very sexual, with a lot of experience or simply a person with whom they could connect very well sexually. A mutual attraction happens and there can be a lot of desire for the other, that kind of desire that you don't understand why it is but it pushes you like a magnet.
💚When someone's Pluto is conjunct your Sun or Rising, this person can play a lot of role in your transformations, from helping you see things completely differently, to seeing yourself in ways you didn't see yourself before, or simply helping you to change many aspects of your life. It is very likely that this person came into your life when you were in the midst of big, important changes.
💚When someone's stellium falls in your 7th house, it creates a strong sense of companionship, regardless of the nature of the relationship. You will like spending time with this person, you will feel comfortable and you will feel that you can really count on them. There is a strong bond between them and they will enjoy spending time together doing anything from activities to simply being by each other's side. They will influence each other's love life, whether by being each other's partner or by advising and supporting the other's love life. They will understand very well what the other needs in love, especially you.
💚When someone's Moon falls in your 9th house beyond the joy it can easily evoke in you, that person is likely to naturally make you see beyond yourself. They are people with whom you will have many epiphanies and you will go much deeper with their presence. Even if you are not a very introspective person, subconsciously these people can make you look deep inside yourself, especially with emotional issues.
💚A situation I commonly observe is that when someone's Venus falls in another person's 12th house, the house person often feels or thinks that Venus person would not correspond to them. And, at the same time, the Venus person feels that the other person is too much for them or that they would not reciprocate their feelings. With this overlay it is likely that both will admire each other from a distance and at first it will be difficult to get closer due to fear of rejection. 
💚When there is a trine between Moon-Venus, both enjoy each other's company, they feel comfortable bringing out their most vulnerable and romantic side.  Between you there are sincere feelings of sympathy and mutual admiration. They understand very well the emotional needs of each person as well as the relationship. There is a lot of support, patience and willingness to understand each other on a deeper level.
💚Aspects between Saturn-Rising activates this need to make the other person proud. The positive side of this aspect is that they push each other to grow and improve, since they see in the other someone who not only motivates them but guides them regarding personal or professional growth. If the natives are not developed, they can constantly seek the approval and acceptance of the other.
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💚When squares with Mars occur in a synastry, the way to deal with it is patience, whatever the context. For example, with Mars-Mercury patience is required to not jump to conclusions [something very common with this placement]. With Mars-Venus you will need that awareness and patience to know your partner's preferences and connect better in the relationship, both emotionally and physically.
💚When someone's Venus falls in your 6th house, you will feel a reliable love. They will be the kind of people to bring you little details just because they brought them to your attention. They will offer you a love that gradually grows, one that is constant but subtle at first. They will be the kind of people to remember the little details about you and love your little habits or quirks.
💚When your Moon falls in someone's 2nd house there will be a strong sense of trust in both of you. You in particular may feel that you can completely trust the other, both because of their confidentiality and because of the certainty that they want to see you well. A lot of support, affection and stability between both of them will be constant when it comes to showing affection. A comfort in showing yourself as you are and even those sides that not everyone sees. In turn, they will feel that you are someone reliable who takes seriously the feelings of both of you in the relationship.
💚When the Jupiter-Moon conjunction occurs, it will not show a dynamic of strong camaraderie and joviality, but also genuine affection and appreciation. The Jupiter person will feel very comfortable, happy and more in touch with their emotional side next to the Moon person. While for the Moon person, tenderness will abound, since the other person will show their love and affection in an uninhibited way. Both will help each other to be more expressive and experience deeper and more positive emotions.Although Jupiter is not a planet that is associated with emotions or those more sentimental aspects of the relationship, this conjunction favors affection and greater tenderness & care in the relationship.
💚One of the aspects in which I have personally seen the greatest attraction is in those of Moon-Mars. From one aspect getting closer, to tense aspects, they create this need to have the other close. Both can be very touchy with the other, seeing themselves drawn to the other both at the beginning of the relationship and throughout it. Both natives have a deep desire for each other that not only encompasses physical or sexual levels, but also a desire to see them healthy and safe. They activate a protective instinct in each other and enjoy taking care of each other. 
💚When someone's stellium falls in your 9th house it is very likely that you have common interests. There will be differences between the two but they can be of great support for the other to see life with other tones or help each other to be more open to different interpretations. You will feel that boost of energy, that motivation to go after what you want and it can even help you be a little more positive when it comes to your future or when daring to take opportunities.
💚When a Mars-Sun conjunction occurs, it is very likely that the Mars person sees a lot of potential in the Sun person and wants to push and motivate them to stay active in what they perceive they are talented at. They will be fervently supportive throughout the process and may be frustrated to see Sun person doubting your abilities. They will be Sun person's drive to achieve everything they set their mind to.
💚This is something that I have seen a lot in those close to me, when your Mars falls in a person's 4th house, you feel that that person validates your anger, listens to you carefully when you talk about things that bother you and gives you that support and understanding. Likewise, I have seen that they even tend to feel calmer or that their anger decreases in the presence of the house person.
💚When a trine or sextile occurs between the Moon and Chiron, we see a relationship in which both people feel emotionally seen and accepted. Healing occurs naturally and fluidly, without the need for excessive effort, in addition to this, both will feel deeply supported by the other regardless of the situation or problem in question. The relationship is very special and transformative when it comes to their emotional world.
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bouquetface · 5 months ago
Navamsa/D9 Observations 4
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE d9 chart AND natal/langa.
For full accuracy, you MUST read alongside lagna. If not promised in lagna, it will not happen. Navamsa confirms and denies the strengths + lasting effects of lagna predictions
Jupiter in 12th
Husband may be from a different ethnicity, religion or country. OR it may be that they are simply from a different city/province or you meet far from the homeland.
You can spend a lot after marriage and/or later in life. You can desire luxury. Possible examples: First class flights not regular, expensive home, designer bags/watches, etc.
You can desire an intelligent spouse. You will not find an immature person attractive.
You can be generous with this placement. You may donate, volunteer, or simply tip big. You can bless people later in life without realizing it.
Moon in 12th
Strong intuition. You can pick up things that truly shock people. EX: Someone lies, you call them out and intuitively guess the truth, the person is shocked they believe someone else must have told you the truth, there is no way you could have known that.
You can deal with stomach or menstrual problems. You may become bloated easily.
You can have conflict in the workplace. You could find romance in the workplace. Or rumours that you are involved in romance in the workplace.
You can be very compassionate. Depending on sign, you may or may not express it. EX: Aqua moon, you will be empathetic but people may believe you are cold and unfeeling.
You can enjoy quiet alone activities - reading, writing, meditation, yoga, etc.
Your marriage will be deeply passionate. You can cry and feel overwhelmed due to your love for your partner. You are deeply connected and in love.
Sun in 12th
This is an indicator for having good support from your in-laws. However, you may leave behind your own family especially the father. This can be due to conflict or you move further away. You can fight with your father over money at some point in life too.
You are highly likely to live far away from homeland. This doesn't mean you're destined to live in like NYC or London. However, if you work for it that may be the case. But more likely, you simply move further away from homeland like across the country. If you do stay in homeland, you may experience poor mental health. Your soul desires to explore.
This placement is a BIG indicator of paying lots of money to the government. This can be for many reasons - possible examples: You move to a new country, you must pay for visas and fees. Or you become very wealthy, thus you will pay a lot in tax.
Bad manifestation, you pay fees or fines as you get in legal trouble. For more insight search which house is in Leo - ex: 4th H leo + Sun in 12th = You could pay high tax on the home. 6th Leo + Sun in 12th = Medical bills or Work visa or pets or buying expensive everyday products for the home.
Accuracy will depend on ENTIRE chart. This post isn't taking into consideration any aspects, where 12th H ruler is, and the most important the natal/langa.
One thing to be aware of is: Sun is the natural 5th House ruler, 5th H is romance. Sun in the 12th H indicates after marriage and/or later in life, one may feel romance is lost as 12th H deals with losses. To reactivate romance, you must move or travel together. Becoming routined and predictable is very likely but easy fix to that issue is try new things/explore new things.
Rahu in 3rd House
You or the spouse exaggerate in communication. For ex: You guys are watching shark tank, you casually say "I'm going to start a business" - however, you never do because truly your soul has no desire for it.
Or you exaggerate how great the spouse is to people. This doesn't mean the spouse isn't great but when talking to someone else you will only discuss the spouse's best traits. You want others to think you have the best life/marriage.
Rahu creates illusions. You can attempt to convince others or yourself the marriage/spouse is someone they're not. EX: You always wanted a spouse who would be spontaneous and adventurous. In reality, your spouse could be a homebody and rarely likes going out. You could drag the spouse out the house on your ideal adventure - maybe a roadtrip or hike or camping - the spouse hates it but you'll take a happy photo and/or tell people it was so fun and exciting.
The worst manifestation of this placement would be exaggerating so much you're lying. It could trouble the marriage. EX: You constantly take photos of yourself & the spouse for social media. This begins to irritate your spouse. They don't like how obsessed you are with proving you have a good life to your friends and family. This leads to conflict.
If harshly placed, you can find rumours about you, your spouse and unfortunately even your children. These rumours can be due to social media, your own aunts/uncles, siblings & friends.
If well placed, this shows furthering your education after marriage and/or later in life. You could go back to university, you could teach yourself how to play an instrument. You could become interested in an academic topic. There are many ways to become educated, these are a few examples.
That is simply an example. Accuracy will depend on entire chart and especially we have to consider the natal/langa for the full story.
Mercury in 4th House
These people tend to have library, studies and/or offices in their home.
Lots of movement when it comes to home. You can constantly be moving or constantly have people coming over. possible examples: you have many events/holidays at your home, you often invite in-laws or your own family to the home, you have pets, you workout from home.
You can become very good at managing in the home. You know when to rebuy things, you know when kids need to be picked up/dropped off. You can be in charge of controlling these types of tasks.
If afflicted, the spouse can reveal too much about the home life. ex: they tell their friends or family something you wish they'd kept private. The spouse isn't likely to be doing this to be mean, they may simply talk too much.
Venus in 11th House
People may really support your marriage. This can manifest as a joyful wedding party and/or love/support from both sides of family. If afflicted, this can change. for ex: if venus is conjunct sun in 11th navamsa - this can show courthouse marriage, no ceremony, not feeling the desire to do a traditional wedding, etc.
After marriage and/or later in life, you dislike working for other people. You may want to work for yourself. However, this is not the strongest indicator of business ownership.
You will make many friends after marriage. They can be very helpful to you. They are likely to be from different background than you - religion, ethnicity or country or even work/industries.
If you have an older sister, she may be helpful to you later in life. This could be a literal gift or advice. However, check aspects and signs, sometimes it may be conflict that occurs. EX: 11th H Ruler in 8th, your relationship is distant.
You can gain a lot, you can have a nice home, nice cars, nice clothing. However, see if venus is placed well, sometimes this is overspending.
Mars in 11th House
You can cut off friendships after marriage and/or later in life. You can become a social climber - only wanting friendship if it helps you gain status.
Sometimes when placed in connection to saturn (even though mars is exalted in cap), the person can become deeply selfish disregarding their family, their spouse - basically everyone is second to themselves. They prioritize money and gains. ex: getting an inheritance from a parent, you find a way to keep it for yourself even though you know it should be divided amongst your siblings.
On the bright side, your in-laws can be a good support to you. They can be kind and helpful to you. This is only one indicator tho. Check 8th House and 8th House ruler placement for more info on spouse's family.
Mars can want to fight for causes too. If not fighting with people you can fight FOR people. You can become interested in social movements, politics, charities, etc.
If exalted in cap and/or placed with benefic planets, this is an indicator for gaining through marriage. Later in life and/or after marriage, you can be motivated to work/increase income. EX: You can start a business, you can go back to school to advance career, you can become smarter with money/finances. This may be due to the spouse's expertise or simply you mature naturally.
Ketu in 9th House
Late marriage indicator. You can be very specific with what you want, you're attracted to very few people.
Disconnect with the father.
If harshly placed, you can be cheated out of inheritance due to family members.
Check entire chart d9 & natal for full accuracy.
11th Ruler in 8th House
Poor relationship with elder sibling is likely.
You keep friendships and social network secret. You may rarely post or discuss who you’re connected with socially. This can be due to many reasons depending on entire chart.
Your friends can be deep thinkers. They like to get to the root of the problem. They may discuss theories with you. They are not afraid to discuss the taboo.
You can gain through hidden things - ex: law work, psych or counselling work, earning through oil because it is literally hidden underground.
You may keep your gains hidden. ex: couple doesn’t tell family or anybody how much money they have. they don’t care to show off. they don’t want family to ask for help. this is just an example tho.
Depending on if the ruler is well placed in the 8th, you could experience ups and downs with your gains. You suddenly lose, you suddenly gain. Be cautious of gambling and other reckless money choices.
Ex: Saturn is ruler of 11th placed in 8th = This suggests a steady but slow rise. It’s less likely you experience ups and downs unless you try to rush or cheat saturn. A long life is likely.
Mercury in 8th House
The spouse isn’t likely to bring wealth into the marriage. However, they are an asset in making money together. They can be good at budgeting. They can be good at closing deals.
The couple will be secretive in communication. You won’t like to sharw what you’re talking about with anybody. Neither person goes repeating the convo to their family or friends. You keep your plans and secrets private.
However, this placement brings in gossip. People will have negative assumptions about you due to rumours. This is even more likely if Mercury is in scorpio 8th H. You guys are so private, people basically just stuff making stuff about you guys. Or you find out people are gossiping and then become private as a result.
You can have to interact with one another’s families a lot. You may be social and attend many events. You may genuinely enjoy spending time with families. You or spouse may feel forced as one person does enjoy it while the other does not. Your in-laws are not afraid to voice their opinions with this placement.
5th Ruler in 9th &/or Rahu in 9th
These are often in the charts of people who convert to a religion to marry their spouse.
This is not always the outcome. Entire d9 and marla needs to be taken into consideration.
Sun in 11th House
These people are very devoted to the spouse and children. They make sure spouse and kids are okay before thinking about themselves.
These people often end up the main provider for the family after marriage. They can make more than spouse. The spouse may stop working later in life. Or they have main control over money management - ex: you both work but you do the taxes. If you do not like supporting the spouse financially, this can lead to problems.
Another ex: Sun in Libra (debilitated) in 11th H navamsa - this person has many divorce indicators in D1 and D9. For them, they divorced and naturally spent the later half of their life as the sole provider for their household. This is another way being the breadwinner can manifest with sun in 11th navamsa placement.
You can have many friends later in life. However, some are likely to try to be snakes.
You can gain high status amongst your social circles and career. Depending on aspects and signs, people may be intimidated by your status and you will have a small circle.
Accuracy influenced on ENTIRE natal and d9. The d9 can’t be read without the natal.
Jupiter in 11th House
This suggests you will gain through your own mother after marriage and/or later in life.
This is an indicator for more sons than daughters.
You can have educated friends/social circle. Friends from many different backgrounds. You may have many friends. You can be fortunate in your friend group.
You can desire a big home. The children can add to your gains.
Rahu in 12th House
You will travel and experience a lot of different cultures after marriage and/or later in life.
When you are travelling, you are likely to have unique experiences. You will not have the casual tourist experience. You can meet people - not necessarily romantically - that are very interesting. 
You can gain popularity in foreign places. 
The negative side is this is one indicator of addiction issues. However, it is only one indicator so it will not always manifest as that. The positive manifestation of this is you could use that desire to escape to meditate, workout your body, get lost in your work, etc.
Rahu in 12th makes divorce unlikely imo. But if divorce was to occur, it would be very difficult to finalize. Examples I have seen: Spouse refuses to sign divorce papers, couple continues to go back and forth on whether they actually want divorce. 
Accuracy dependent on entire chart.
Venus in 12th House
Marrying someone from a different background is likely. This can be someone from a different religion, country or ethnicity.
Spouse is likely to become/or be religious. For men Venus is the wife, for woman Venus is you as a wife, so you can become religious.
Your or the spouse can have wasteful spending or eating habits. This doesn’t mean you’ll go broke due to bad money choices. EX: You or the spouse collect an item. You or the spouse buy an item you already like a sofa in a new style just because.
You can have many friends from different backgrounds. You can have a connection with the Middle East. You could have friends who are religious.
Venus conjunct Rahu in 12th
Rahu amplifies the sign and planets in touches. The description of Venus In 12th is amplified. There are pros and cons to this as rahu is a malific. 
Ascpects, sign and 12th H ruler can change the accuracy.
 Rahu is obsessive too. This can make someone very obsessed with Venus things such love, beauty, money. The negative of this is you can experience partners who have love affairs. The positive of this would be the spouse is devoted to the wife (Venus).
In 12th, you can be obsessed with foreign cultures/places. You can strongly desire moving to foreign land. Depending on how motivated a person is, moving to a foreign place is likely after marriage and/or later in life.
When something isn’t promised in natal, it will not happen. The D1 shows the sky you were born under, no other chart has power over D1.
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circesastro · 2 months ago
Solar Return Observation Pt. 1
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Circe's Notes: Hello loves I'm back! Following the New Year, I decided it would be fun to make a solar return observation to kickstart 2025 (even though I am 12 days late but that's besides the point). Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this post as much as I did creating it!
Note: These are just my own observations, ideas, thoughts and theories. This is just for entertainment purposes. Also, please be respectful of my observations! It is perfectly understandable to not resonate with some of my personal observations but please do not leave any disrespectful comments! Lastly, please don’t plagiarize/copy/steal any of my works! Without further ado, enjoy!
**All photos are from Pinterest**
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⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ Pluto in 1st
✿ I'm experiencing Pluto in 1st house this year in my SR chart and lemme tell you the observations about Pluto in 1st house is sooo true. I've experienced a drastic change in appearance and so many uncalled for comments about my body and look in general. But I also have moon in 1st this year so majority of the comments were made by women (mostly older woman). Also I experienced a major shift in mindset or outlook in life.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ Jupiter in 2nd
✿ When you have Jupiter in 2nd house in your SR, you may earn more money that year whereas if you have Jupiter in 10th, you might focus on finding a career instead.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ Mars in 10th
✿ Mars in 10th in your SR could indicate having more ambition when it comes to your career and wanting to do more.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ 11th house sign
Your 11th house in your solar return chart can show the signs you attract in friendships that year. I have scorpio in my 11th house this year and one of my friends is a scorpio venus and the other one is a scorpio moon.
Last year I have my 11th house in Leo and I had two other friends with their venus in Leo and the other with Leo moon.
When I had my 11th house in Cancer, my roommate was a cancer stellium and my other friend in college was a cancer sun.
Same thing again, when I had taurus in my 11th house, my only friend in college was a taurus sun and mercury😭.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ Uranus
Uranus in 10th/Conjuncting MC could indicate a change in career path... I had Uranus conjuncting my MC in 9th house and I switched majors that year.
The year my sister had her Uranus in her 10th house, she changed her goals and ambitions too which influenced her career path.
Venus-Uranus aspects or Uranus in 1st can indicate a change in aesthetics that year. Or just experiencing with one's style.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ Scorpio Moon
✿ I don't know if it's just me, but every time I have a scorpio moon there's always that one period where I feel very unmotivated and lethargic...
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ Venus in 1st
✿ For Venus in 1st house in your SR, you may start to focus more on your appearance that year. You may also want to do more self care, learn makeup, skincare, etc.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ 12th house placements
Stellium in your 12th house could indicate diving more into spirituality (tarot, divine messaging, astrology, intuitive dreams, etc.) and/or doing shadow work.
Having Sun in 12th house = identity confusion or just taking more time out to understand yourself more that year... it's the year you figure more things out about yourself?
Venus in 12th house can indicate dreaming of your crush frequently that year.
Mercury in 12th house retrograde? Not for the weak!!! IT MADE ME FEEL SO STUPID😭 like I was questioning my own IQ because I would be jumbling over my own words...also, I was always questioning if I should say certain things during conversations and whatnot.
⋆。·˚ʚ☀️ɞ˚‧。⋆ SR and Relationships
Having 5th and 7th house placements that year can indicate being in a relationship and actively going on dates together.
However, having only 5th house placements that year can indicate going to many dates and not taking relationships too seriously. Prone to having more flings instead of being committed.
Uranus, chiron, or Pluto in 5th or 7th can indicate a break-up in SR.
Uranus = change in relationship status so it's 50/50. If you're currently single you could enter a relationship. If you're taken it could mean breaking up with a current partner. It can also indicate a change in your partnership dynamic.
Pluto = transformations so similar case to Uranus.
Chiron = wounds or healing in romance houses can indicate a breakup or moving on from a relationship
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heartlilith · 2 months ago
Solar Return Chart Observations
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Planets in the 1st and 10th house of a SRC shows what others notice about you right off the bat
Moon = your emotions
Mars = your energy and drive
Pluto = your strength and resilience
Planets conjunct your POF can show you how to amplify good luck & opportunity for the year
Mercury = speak, write, learn, network
Saturn = set goals, dedication, stick to a routine
Jupiter in the 2nd House of a SRC indicates indulgence, which is harmless from time to time. However, beware of overdoing things. Keep your finances in check, as well as your ego.
The 2nd house also shows what you'll spend money on this year
Jupiter = travel, books, experiences
Venus = clothes, beauty, comfort
Mercury = technology, office supplies, maybe even your nails
Sun or ASC squaring Mars in the SRC indicates being more impulsive this year with your identity, like dying your hair on a random Tuesday or getting a tattoo because you liked it in the moment.
Venus opposite Saturn in the SRC brings an imbalance in your love life. You may feel like your independence is threatened when in a relationship or that your love life lacks as a whole this year. Difficulties in finances could show up as well.
Libra Moon in the SRC is a good indicator of an emotionally peaceful year
Having a lot of 7th house placements in the SRC makes the way you relate to other people a key theme for the year. Whether its with friends, lovers, enemies, or business partners, the way you interact and deal in these relations will be something you have to acknowledge.
Having your 10th house ruler in the 3rd or 9th house indicates traveling for work
Having your 3rd house ruler in the 7th house can means you'll have to go short distances to hangout with friends or lovers, or you are talking with them on the phone a lot this year.
Having your 1st house ruler in the 4th house can indicate that your home environment greatly influences the way you show up in the world
Having your 6th house ruler in the 2nd house can signify that taking care of yourself through diet, exercise and habits can create a strong sense self worth.
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astrowrld300 · 8 months ago
Astro Observations
Pt 2
It's so unreal how well Taurus placements can cook. Especially if there's Cancer in the big three. Taurus suns also have natural green thumbs
Cancer suns with Gemini Venuses are in constant conflict between they're ego and what they actually desire for love
This is definitely becoming common knowledge on the internet but all Libra placements that are personal and not generational are gay to some extent. Something about the scales allows them to go both ways I don't know . Depending on the placement and degree, it might make them uncomfortable, or the may proudly embrace it. But personal Libra placements can definitely go both ways
Cardinal signs are obsessed with each other, even though they're so toxic for each other.
5th house and Leo placements really love music. Leo rules the 5th house which is all about music, creativity and fun. So these natives really feel it.
Having your sun in the 11th house is a beautiful placement and creates a selfless person, but its the only placement for the sun to not be about "I" anymore. The sun is all about ego and self, ruled by Aries, but the 11th house is all about the collective, friends and the "greater good". Your ego is also heavily influenced by the collective and how you insert your self into the world.
Taurus moons have round/visible nostrils. They all have a green thumb for cooking as well
Aquarius suns and moons have very square shaped jawlines. Both the men and women.
The best sun+rising combo I've ever seen for Aquarius suns has to be Cancer rising. The blend is really heavenly and harmonious, the Cancer really softens out the Aquarian features perfectly (talking about the women idk about the men). This is only physical though
The best combo for Cancer suns definitely has to be Virgo in the big three. Either in the moon or rising, Virgo gives Cancer this snatched look that blends perfectly with the bone structure of cancer suns. (I'm also mostly referring to women here I don't know about the men) Although physically pretty, the combo creates a super insecure individual
Travel is such a big theme in the lives of natives with personal 9th house placements. It almost becomes the focus of life if there's a stellium.
Having your moon at 17 degrees (a critical Leo degree) makes you hella dramatic with your feelings. They're still valid, but you come off as a drama queen when feeling them.
Cancer suns are just as insecure and attention seeking as Leo when underdeveloped. Even though they're not sister signs they're ruled by the sun and moon, so essentially they are each other inside out.
Pisces is represented by the fish and the suns usually have big/swelled features and look a little bit like fish. Virgo placements have sharper/more defined features and Aries placements have prominent/tighter features.
Neptune aspecting Venus is a very underrated beauty indicator for transits and natal charts
Sagittarius rising are blessed with good luck in life since their chart ruler is Jupiter, the planet of luck. They also have hips on the larger side since Sagittarius rules the hips
Capricorn rules the skeletal part of the body and the native suns really have that skeleton bone structure in the face
Moon conjunct Rising is one of my favorite placements synastry placements for friendships. They are each other inside out and understand each other without words.
The most underrated house for the moon imo is the 9th house. The moon does really well here, there's a natural optimism and lightness to their feelings and emotions. I think this is from the influence of Sagittarius and Jupiter. They're also really funny people naturally and have a kind of intelligent humor
Cancer and Taurus placements are such big foodies. They also know how to cook very well and genuinely enjoy getting fat over other signs. Obviously all signs have the ability to cook, but Cancers and Tauruses make that home cooked comfort food that tastes like the feeling of your mom carrying you to bed.
5th house moons never feel emotionally fulfilled unless they're feeling some kind of fun or pleasure in life.
Taurus suns are the definition of work smarter not harder
Aries Mercuries are so smart especially if the sun is in Taurus or Gemini.
Geminis are known to talk with their hands and Italy's rising sign is literally Gemini...
You can always tell someone is Somali from the size of their forehead and the countries rising sign is literally Aries
Venus in the 8th house natal and synastry is that kind of ride or die love
Capricorn sun men actually think people what to hear their life lessons/lectures. It's really corny but they genuinely think they're helping. They also care so much about their rep but will never admit it. It makes sense because they rule the tenth house which is the house of popularity and is associated with our public image and rep. So obviously when Capricorn is in the sun, planet of self, their ego is closely tied with how they're perceived by others.
Scorpio moons are low key delusional but it's okay you guys had a rough childhood/relationship with your mother
The sexual attraction is crazy when you have the same mars sign as your partners rising sign (example. Leo mars-Leo rising) or if you have your mars opposite to their mars (example. Leo mars-Aquarius mars)
Aries moon women in red or leopard print is so perfect
Your gonna love the sun sign of whatever your rising sign is since the sun will naturally embody all the traits that you admire and will effortlessly be everything you want to be portrayed as.
Taurus risings, suns and moons look like bulls
Cancer venuses can lowkey hold down gemini venuses, it’s really harmonious for friendships. Not as compatible relationship wise because cancer venuses really don’t mess with how gemini venuses love. The love languages are just too different but when there are no constricting boundaries and it’s more of a playful friendship this pairing really works
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soberpluto · 1 month ago
Astrology Observations - Planets in Houses (Natal)
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I've noticed Mars in 2nd house (particularly in Earth signs) are extremely ambitious and are excellent money makers. Downside: they may be really stingy with their money and/or tend to spend A LOT.
Wellness is super important for Moon in the 6th folks. They will love to eat healthy, do exercise and enjoy discipline (they are likely to learn this from mom). They will be very active if the 6th is ruled by fire.
Paradoxically, if the Moon in the 6th is afflicted, they can gain weigh easily. AND, they may have problems with female co-workers, end up owing money to women or have inconsistent jobs.
Mercury conjunct Mars in social houses (7th, 8th, 9th and 11th) are the most amazing speakers. They can persuade you to do anything, but they're also unable to accept being mistaken.
Sun in 9th house comes from a religious and/or foreign background from the father side. They are very moral people and see their father as the ultimate guru. They learn languages easily.
Sun in 12th need a lot of time alone to recharge, they gain clarity and peace in solitude. Sadly, it's also true that fall prey to addictions easily. Life for a 12th house Sun is not easy because they don't discover who they truly are until much later in life... mostly, after lots of trials and deceptions are experienced.
Often, I see afflicted Jupiters and Mercuries manifest as ADHD and/or dyslexia, especially if they are hosted in the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses.
Uranus in 3rd house are very brilliant and visionary people, but are often misunderstood in their local society. The are talented writters, too. This placement may also cause frequent relocations or unorthodox education dynamics (homeschooling, experimental education, changing schools abruptly, etc.)
Saturn in the 7th, even if well positioned, creates delays in marriage, divorce if married before the 1st Saturn return and/or the need to partner up with people with whom you share a wide age gap. Gives daddy issues, too.
Venus in 8th house needs huge amounts of intimacy in a relationship, and trust is absolutely non-negotiable. With this placement, romantic love is often tied to themes of transformation and self-empowerment forged through challenges, where secrecy, betrayals or toxic partners teach them hard lessons. They are never the same after an intimate relationship is over.
Hope you enjoyed reading! 😇
With love, @soberpluto
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astrologydray · 29 days ago
Astrology observations 3😵‍💫
🪡 People with Pluto in the 10th house can go from being underestimated to running the whole damn show😫.
🪡 Saturn in the 9th house can make someone skeptical of belief systems until they’ve done their own research.
🪡 Moon in the 4th house people are deeply connected to their childhood memories—good or bad.
🪡 Mars conjunct Pluto people don’t get mad often, but when they do? It’s nuclear😊.
🪡 Sun conjunct Mercury people talk about themselves without realizing it—it’s not ego, it’s just their mind and identity fused together.
🪡 Saturn in the 1st house can make someone look more mature or serious from a young age.
🪡 Neptune trine Venus people have an ethereal beauty that feels almost otherworldly😇.
🪡 Jupiter in the 2nd house? Money seems to find you, but you probably spend it just as fast😭.
🪡 A person with a Grand Cross in fixed signs You’re incredibly determined but may struggle with stubbornness.
🪡 Neptune in the 1st house people often get misread because they reflect what others want to see.
🪡 If you have a Grand Cross in your chart, you’re built for high-stakes situations—you thrive under pressure.
🪡 Neptune conjunct the Ascendant? People either idealize you or misunderstand you completely😔.
🪡 Moon square Saturn people often felt like they had to suppress their emotions from a young age🖤.
🪡 A Yod with Mercury at the apex(point)? You’re meant to share your ideas, even if your communication skills took time to develop🧠.
🪡 Pluto square Sun people go through multiple ego deaths in life—each version of them is stronger than the last.
🪡 Venus conjunct Mars people have undeniable sexual chemistry—whether they realize it or not🥵.
🪡 people with Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven Success tends to find you, even when you’re not looking for it🍀.
🪡 Mercury square Neptune placements struggle with daydreaming mid-conversation or saying things that don’t quite land.
🪡 A Grand Trine in water? Your intuition is your superpower, but your emotions can be overwhelming😖.
🪡 If you have a Grand Trine, your talents come naturally—but you might not fully appreciate them because they feel effortless.
🪡 A Virgo might correct you, but it’s only because they care (and can’t help themselves)🖤.
🪡 Gemini placements have five different versions of themselves, and they rotate depending on who they’re around😭.
🪡 If a Leo goes silent, something is very wrong. Please go check on em😖.
🪡 If a Scorpio lets you in, they’ve already tested you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
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