#rahu in 3rd house
bouquetface · 13 hours
Navamsa/D9 Observations 4
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE d9 chart AND natal/langa.
Jupiter in 12th
Husband may be from a different ethnicity, religion or country. OR it may be that they are simply from a different city/province or you meet far from the homeland.
You can spend a lot after marriage and/or later in life. You can desire luxury. Possible examples: First class flights not regular, expensive home, designer bags/watches, etc.
You can desire an intelligent spouse. You will not find an immature person attractive.
You can be generous with this placement. You may donate, volunteer, or simply tip big. You can bless people later in life without realizing it.
Moon in 12th
Strong intuition. You can pick up things that truly shock people. EX: Someone lies, you call them out and intuitively guess the truth, the person is shocked they believe someone else must have told you the truth, there is no way you could have known that.
You can deal with stomach or menstrual problems. You may become bloated easily.
You can have conflict in the wrong workplace. You could find romance in the workplace. Or rumours that you are involved in romance in the workplace.
You can be very compassionate. Depending on sign, you may or may not express it. EX: Aqua moon, you will be empathetic but people may believe you are cold and unfeeling.
You can enjoy quiet alone activities - reading, writing, meditation, yoga, etc.
Your marriage will be deeply passionate. You can cry and feel overwhelmed due to your love for your partner. You are deeply connected and in love.
Sun in 12th
This is an indicator for having good support from your in-laws. However, you may leave behind your own family especially the father. This can be due to conflict or you move further away. You can fight with your father over money.
You are highly likely to live far away from homeland. This doesn't mean you're destined to live in like NYC or London. However, if you work for it that may be the case. But more likely, you simply move further away from homeland like across the country. If you do stay in homeland, you may experience poor mental health. Your soul desires to explore.
This placement is a BIG indicator of paying lots of money to the government. This can be for many reasons - possible examples: You move to a new country, you must pay for visas. You become very wealthy, thus you will pay a lot in tax. Bad manifestation, you pay fees or fines as you get in legal trouble. For more insight search which house is in Leo - ex: 4th H leo + Sun in 12th = You could pay high tax on the home. 6th Leo + Sun in 12th = Medical bills & Work visa.
Accuracy will depend on ENTIRE chart. This post isn't taking into consideration any aspects, where 12th H ruler is, and the most important the natal/langa.
One thing to be aware of is: Sun is the natural 5th House ruler, 5th H is romance. Sun in the 12th H indicates after marriage and/or later in life, one may feel romance is lost as 12th H deals with losses. To reactivate romance, you must move or travel together. Becoming routined and predictable is very likely but easy fix to that issue is try new things/explore new things.
Rahu in 3rd House
You or the spouse exaggerate in communication. Sometimes this manifest as saying things like "I'm going to start a business" however, you never do because truly your soul has no desire for it.
Or, you exaggerate how great the spouse is, this doesn't mean the spouse isn't great but when talking to someone else you will only discuss the spouse's best traits.
The worst manifestation of this placement would be exaggerating so much you're lying. Or it troubles the marriage. EX: You constantly take photos of your things and the spouse for social media. This begins to irritate your spouse. They don't like how obsessed you are with proving you have a good life to your friends and family.
If harshly placed, you can find rumours about you, your spouse and unfortunately even your children. These rumours can be due to social media, your own aunts/uncles, siblings and friends.
That is simply an example. Accuracy will depend on entire chart and especially we have to consider the natal/langa for the full story.
Mercury in 4th House
These people tend to have library, studies and/or offices in their home.
Lots of movement when it comes to home. You can constantly be moving or constantly have people coming over. possible examples: you have many events/holidays at your home, you often invite in-laws or your own family to the home, you have pets, you workout from home.
You can become very good at managing in the home. You know where everything is, you know when to rebuy things, you know when kids need to be picked up/dropped off. You can be in charge of controlling these types of tasks.
If afflicted, the spouse can reveal too much about the home life. ex: they tell their friends or family something you wish they'd kept private. The spouse isn't likely to be doing this to be mean, they may simply talk too much.
Venus in 11th House
People may really support your marriage. This can manifest as a joyful wedding party and/or love/support from both sides of family.
After marriage and/or later in life, you dislike working for other people. You may want to work for yourself. However, this is not the strongest indicator of business ownership.
You will make many friends after marriage. They can be very helpful to you. They are likely to be from different background than you - religion, ethnicity or country or even work/industries.
If you have an older sister, she may be helpful to you later in life. This could be a literal gift or advice. However, check aspects and signs, sometimes it may be conflict that occurs. EX: 11th H Ruler in 8th, your relationship is distant.
You can gain a lot, you can have a nice home, nice cars, nice clothing. However, see if venus is placed well, sometimes this is overspending.
Mars in 11th House
You can cut off friendships after marriage and/or later in life. You can become a social climber - only wanting friendship if it helps you gain status.
Sometimes when placed in connection to saturn (even though mars is exalted in cap), the person can become deeply selfish disregarding their family, their spouse - basically everyone is second to themself. They prioritize money. ex: getting an inheritance from a parent, you find a way to keep it for yourself even though you know it should be divided amongst your siblings.
On the bright side, your in-laws can be a good support to you. They can be kind and helpful to you. This is only one indicator though. Check 8th House and 8th House ruler placement.
Mars can want to fight for causes too. If not fighting with people you can fight FOR people. You can become interested in social movements.
Ketu in 9th House
Late marriage indicator. You can be very specific with what you want, you're attracted to very few people.
Disconnect with the father.
If harshly placed, you can be cheated out of inheritance due to family members.
Check entire chart d9 & natal for full accuracy.
11th Ruler in 8th House
Poor relationship with elder sibling is likely.
You keep friendships and social network secret. You may rarely post or discuss who you’re connected with socially. This can be due to many reasons depending on entire chart.
Your friends can be deep thinkers. They like to get to the root of the problem. They may discuss theories with you. They are not afraid to discuss the taboo.
You can gain through hidden things - ex: law work, psych or counselling work, earning through oil because it is literally hidden underground.
You may keep your gains hidden. ex: couple doesn’t tell family or anybody how much money they have. they don’t care to show off. they don’t want family to ask for help. this is just an example though.
Depending on if the ruler is well placed in the 8th, you could experience ups and downs with your gains. You suddenly lose, you suddenly gain. Be cautious of gambling and other reckless money choices.
Ex: Saturn is ruler of 11th placed in 8th = This suggests a steady but slow rise. It’s less likely you experience ups and downs unless you try to rush or cheat saturn. A long life is likely.
Mercury in 8th House
The spouse isn’t likely to bring wealth into the marriage. However, they are an asset in making money together. They can be good at budgeting. They can be good at closing deals.
The couple will be secretive in communication. You won’t like to sharw what you’re talking about with anybody. Neither person goes repeating the convo to their family or friends. You keep your plans and secrets private.
However, this placement brings in gossip. People will have negative assumptions about you due to rumours. This is even more likely if Mercury is in scorpio 8th H. You guys are so private, people basically just stuff making stuff about you guys. Or you find out people are gossiping and then become private as a result.
You can have to interact with one another’s families a lot. You may be social and attend many events. You may genuinely enjoy spending time with families. You or spouse may feel forced as one person does enjoy it while the other does not.
5th Ruler in 9th &/or Rahu in 9th
These are often in the charts of people who convert to a religion to marry their spouse.
This is not always the outcome. Entire d9 and marla needs to be taken into consideration.
Sun in 11th House
These people are very devoted to the spouse and children. They make sure spouse and kids are okay before thinking about themselves.
These people often end up the main provider for the family after marriage. They can make more than spouse. The spouse may stop working later in life. Or they have main control over money management - ex: you both work but you do the taxes. If you do not like supporting the spouse financially, this can lead to problems.
You can have many friends later in life. However, some are likely to try to be snakes.
You can gain high status amongst your social circles and career.
Accuracy influenced on ENTIRE natal and d9. The d9 can’t be read without the natal.
Jupiter in 11th House
This suggests you will gain through your own mother after marriage and/or later in life.
This is an indicator for more sons than daughters.
You can have educated friends/social circle. Friends from many different backgrounds. You may have many friends. You can be fortunate in your friend group.
You can desire a big home. The children can add to your gains.
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Rahu In Different Houses: Rahu Will Give Lots Of Confusion If Seated HereRahu in Different Houses: Rahu is a planet of expansion, so wherever he sits he expands the things related to that house. Rahu is a malefic planet so he usually gives bad results in lives
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astrosolutions · 1 year
What is the effect of Rahu in 9th house for Cancer Ascendant?
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In the Vedic astrology, the arrangement of celestial entities within the diverse abodes of the natal chart takes on a role of profound significance. Those graced with the Cancer Ascendant find themselves in the spotlight as Rahu, the lunar north node, takes residence within the 9th house. So what happens when Rahu in 9th house for Cancer ascendant? Here you can read about some of the positive and negative effects of this placement.
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jyotishgher · 1 year
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triangular-eye · 8 months
nodes in the houses🏘
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[book: Moonology, working with the
Magic of Lunar Cycles by Yasmin Boland]
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amtalchemy · 1 year
Those with Rahu-Ketu in the 1H-7H axis are likely to become entrepreneurs and businesspeople
Those with Rahu-Ketu in the 3H-9H axis are likely to become social media influencers / gurus
Those with Rahu-Ketu in the 5H-11H axis are likely to become investors with multiple streams of income
Rahu-Ketu in any of these houses has the potential / skills to become each of these
This can apply to the D1 / D9 / D10 / D60 chart
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astrosagga2 · 3 months
Exploring Rahu in the Third House
Astrology, the ancient science of celestial influences, delves into the positioning of planets and their impact on human lives. One such celestial body, Rahu, a shadow planet or a 'Chhaya Graha,' holds significant sway in Vedic astrology. Though not a physical entity, Rahu's influence is deeply felt, particularly in the house it occupies in a birth chart. This article explores the implications of Rahu in the third house, shedding light on its effects and how it shapes various aspects of an individual's life.
Understanding Rahu
In Vedic astrology, Rahu represents the north lunar node and is considered a malefic planet. It symbolizes desires, obsessions, illusions, and unorthodox thinking. Rahu's nature is insatiable, always striving for more, leading to both breakthroughs and challenges. Its position in a horoscope is crucial as it indicates the areas of life where an individual may experience intense desires and face karmic challenges.
The Third House in Astrology
The third house in a natal chart governs communication, short travels, siblings, courage, and mental fortitude. It reflects how an individual expresses themselves, their immediate environment, and their relationship with siblings and neighbours. This house also influences skills, talents, and the ability to take initiative.
Rahu in the Third House: Key Influences
Enhanced Communication Skills: Rahu in the third house often endows individuals with exceptional communication abilities. They may possess a unique way of expressing themselves, captivating others with their speech or writing. This placement can lead to success in fields such as media, journalism, and public relations.
Innovative Thinking: People with Rahu in the third house tend to think outside the box. They are often unconventional, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table. This can be a significant asset in creative fields, technology, and entrepreneurship.
Restlessness and Wanderlust: The influence of Rahu can make individuals restless and eager to explore. They may have a strong desire to travel, experience new cultures, and engage in diverse activities. Short trips and frequent changes in their environment are common.
Challenges with Siblings: Rahu's malefic nature can lead to conflicts or complicated relationships with siblings. There may be misunderstandings, rivalry, or a sense of distance. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and learning.
Courage and Risk-Taking: Rahu in the third house boosts an individual's courage and willingness to take risks. They are not afraid to venture into unknown territories and face challenges head-on. This trait can lead to significant achievements, but also potential pitfalls if not managed wisely.
Mental Agility: The third house's connection to mental fortitude is amplified by Rahu's influence. Individuals may possess quick thinking, sharp intellect, and the ability to grasp complex concepts swiftly. This can make them adept at problem-solving and strategic planning.
Potential Challenges and Remedies
While Rahu in the third house brings numerous advantages, it also poses challenges that need to be addressed:
Overconfidence: The heightened courage and risk-taking ability can sometimes lead to overconfidence. It is crucial for individuals to balance their enthusiasm with caution and realistic assessment of situations.
Restlessness: The constant desire for change and new experiences can lead to a lack of stability. Practicing mindfulness and finding ways to ground oneself can help manage this restlessness.
Relationship Struggles: Navigating sibling relationships requires patience and understanding. Open communication and efforts to bridge gaps can mitigate conflicts.
Karmic Lessons: Rahu's placement indicates areas of karmic learning. Embracing these lessons with humility and a willingness to grow can lead to personal and spiritual development.
Rahu in the third house is a powerful placement that shapes an individual's communication style, mental agility, and relationships. While it brings forth unique strengths and opportunities, it also presents challenges that require mindful navigation. By understanding Rahu's influence, individuals can harness its energy to achieve personal growth, success, and fulfillment.
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harmoonix · 16 days
Comforting Astrology
🍁 ~ Short Astrology Observations ~ 🍁
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🍁 Many people forgot that your safe space is found within your moon sign, 4th house, and its ruler
🍁 Everyone has karmic points in their chart, and these are the north node and the south node, respectively ketu and rahu
🍁 Your ascendant sign and its ruler can also be a good indicator of beauty and the way you look/your appearance
🍁 Lots of people with moon - saturn aspects tend to have a really pessimistic mind, but they also try to heal at their own
🍁 Mercury in the 4th house can have good connections with their family members, always being close to them
🍁 Where you have Sagittarius in your chart that's the area you will learn/explore the most, as well if you have Sag Placements .
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🍁 Pluto plays a big role in how does the society perceives you, how much do you impact other people
🍁 Moon Dominants have a healing/kind aura. A moon dominant native is full of nurturing inside and out. A moon's lover
🍁 Sun in the 3rd/5th/11th houses tend to be creative since young, that kid who's always coming with something creative
🍁 Moon/Cancer/Pisces/Neptune in the 6th house natives really get so deeply affected by the things happening in their life
🍁 Jupiter in the 10th house can have so much luck in their careers/life paths, which is one of those really lucky placements
🍁 Uranus - Venus aspects, you may often approach relationships with innovation and an open mind. Also, you may crave love in different ways than others
🍁 Your Lilith and Chiron placements talk about your traumas and, of course, how to heal/get past them
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🍁 Venus in Capricorn/10th house is such a good placement for setting standards in the relationship. Know your worth
🍁 Libra and Taurus Risings have a difficult life lesson, and that is to finally love themselves fully. What does loving yourself mean? To appreciate everything that you have
🍁 Sun in Taurus or Taurus degrees 2° 14° 26° makes the native to be lazy sometimes (its the dark traits of these placements), wanting to rest more than work, craving more free time
🍁 I love to see Aquarius & Leo combo placements in a chart is really the definition of ' bad bithces coming in twos'
🍁 Chiron in the 2nd/6th/8th/12th houses can make the native overall exhausted, too many things coming in your way
🍁 Where you have Leo in your chart is the area you will shine/get most attention from. Also, where you gain more popularity
🍁 Aries/Pisces/Libra/Capricorn Venus has really this vibe of 'I'm yours' or 'Do everything you want with me'
🍁 Sun harshly aspecting the Moon really shows the duality of the native, their complexity, Sun - Moon aspects are some of them most complex placements in astrology
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🍁 Pluto in the 2nd house natives can become wealthy or abundant in life, can also experience up and downs with money
🍁 Uranus in the 2nd house is the moment when the native sometimes is broke, sometimes is financially good, money can come unexpectedly
🍁 Uranus in the 7th house is the moment when relationships can come unexpectedly in your life, soemtimes even when you're not ready
🍁 Uranus in the 6th or 10th house may change their jobs more than usual, but these placements are good because sometimes you get offers for jobs randomly
🍁 Fire Moons definition will be 'Fire to my heart' due to their strong and impulsive feelings. Really passionate placements
🍁 Aries Mars natives have a bold energy, of course because Mars is at home but is also in their personality they will make you feel more confident and strong
🍁 Jupiter - Moon aspects will gift the native with kindness, really genuine souls, often soft but liked by the people
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🍁 Lilith - Uranus aspects can indicate a struggle with the natives freedom. Sometimes, you just crave it, can be any type of freedom like mental freedom, physical freedom, emotional freedom
🍁 Virgo in the 4th/8th/12th houses can create a sense of 'scared of death' to the native, can also talk about the native falling over misconception of death
🍁 Moon in your 6th house is an underatted people pleaser placement since the 6th house represents the service for others
🍁 When Pisces & Capricorn Placements are under stress, they tend to make false illusions of things going worse, they both share it
🍁 A Capricorn Saturn is heavily protected, somehow as a reminder that Saturn is at home here and is more easily for Saturn to send karma back
🍁 Sun in the 10th house can make you more career oriented, raining with money for you. Lots of potential for this placement
🍁 Neptune aspecting Venus, yes, is true that they dream of true love, but most of these natives experience intense relationships with these placements.
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'Everything is better after dark'
Good Thursday everyone 🍁✨️ also have a good start of autumn 🍂
Harmoonix 🍂🍂🍂
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sakurapandadreams · 2 months
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
And here's my masterlist
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☀️ Neptune trine Pluto can also have exceptional psychic abilities [except they keep dismissing their abilities as mere coincidence]
☀️ Most dancers in many kpop groups tend to have Aries Sun or prominent Aries placement in their chart.
☀️ Pisces Moons tend to overdo their confidence, trying to hide the insecurities they have deep down.
☀️ Pisces Sun's are also good at manifesting provided they know that their good at it.
☀️ In many cases if you and your siblings have opposite rising signs you may look completely different from each other.
For example : If your a Taurus rising and your siblings is a Scorpio rising you both will look so different people can doubt your even siblings
☀️ Debilitated moons can signify unhealthy attachments towards the mother.
☀️ During your birth if your Moon left its previous sign and just entered its next sign, again you guys could also share the qualities of both those signs.
For example : Moon left Capricorn and just entered Aquarius you can have the traits of both Capricorn as well as Aquarius.
☀️ Check where you have Aquarius in your chart you feel like an outcast more in that place.
☀️ Capricorn risings are so much interested in crime documentaries, murder mysteries, solving criminal cases.
☀️ Pluto in the 3rd house can get bullied when young, being bullied for your intelligence, people considering you dumb hence they can also have trouble communicating their feelings with others most will keep to themselves.
☀️ Mars in the 7th house [men] tend to like women who are ultra feminine.
☀️ Venus in Leo in 8th house tend to get in laws that have a higher social status than them.
☀️ Leo Moons look up or learn from their mothers more than their fathers. Their mothers are also quite controlling and dominating towards the child as well as the natives father.
☀️ Mercury - Pluto aspects have a harsh way of talking sometimes they don't want to come off as rude but they still do. Often times whatever they say is incorrectly interpret or misunderstood by people.
☀️ Same goes for Mercury Square Saturn except these people have mastered sarcasm, they aren't blunt like Pluto rather sarcastic.
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☀️ A person having Rahu in Bharani nakshatra may end up evoking a desire in the opposite gender unintentionally.
☀️ 3rd house Ketu 🤝 never running out of hard cash.
☀️ Also if your 1st house lord sits in the 7th house then that can at times give you a low self esteem same goes for Sun in the 7th house.
☀️ Purva Phalguni moons tend to have a good childhood but they have to adjust and sacrifice alot in their married life.
☀️ Also Purva phalguni moons [women] tend to love their spouse more, but that love isn't much reciprocate.
☀️ Purva Ashada Nakshatras are so good at teaching and also at research work. In group projects they end up giving excellent ideas. They also get the due recognition for the work they do.
☀️ Many a times if you have a Nakshatra that shares itself with two signs you can have qualities of both those signs in you [Chitra Nakshatra shares itself with both Virgo and Libra].
☀️ [Now this is my opinion and it can be wrong but still ☺️] I feel all signs attract envy in their own way, Scorpio and Leo's attract alot because their ruled by such fiery planets like Mars and Sun.
☀️ If Mars is aspected by Rahu or in conjunction with Rahu it can also give a person tendencies to doubt their own strengths and talents.
☀️ Hasta Moons or Rising both are soo good at drawing, mehndi, creating best out of waste, handicrafts, hand embroidery. More than cooking their good at cutting vegetables and decorating dishes. Also great at hairstyling. However they can be great dentists and surgeons as well [They get less credit for this]
☀️ Shravan Nakshatra is one of the most intuitive nakshatras, their another walking lie detectors.
☀️ Uttara Bhadrapada gives you blessings for the good karma you did in your past life.
☀️ Sun as your darakaraka can also give you a husband who would often show you off to others.
☀️ Ketu in the 7th house doesn't mean one won't get married they can get married but they will stay away from each other, like having jobs in two different places [long distance marriages].
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Credits for the images and dividers goes to the rightful owners.
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 month
How to Analyze your Man ♃ (For Woman)
Knowing about the man in your life is quite simple. Many people suggest using Mars for your man.
While Mars can indicate the type of men you find hot for sex or one-night stands and his longevity, when it comes to a traditional setup of family, marriage and especially raising children, Jupiter has more weightage because your man is supposedly instrumental in the birth of children (Jupiter rules children). So, whomever you co create with becomes your Jupiter.
Check your Jupiter sign and conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter. Jupiter stays in 1 sign for about a year. So, the conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter can differentiate your man from other Jupiters. If your Jupiter is in Libra but conjunct Mars, this can be very different from just having Jupiter in Libra alone.
Check for aspects to Jupiter. If Sun squares or Mars opposes Jupiter, this can mean a more masculine partner. If Moon or Venus aspects Jupiter, this makes for a more feminine partner. So accordingly check for all aspects to Jupiter. Aspects make the most subtle difference.
Check the houses Jupiter rules. This is very important as this is dependent on your ascendant. Example for Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th house. So, your spouse will have qualities of Gemini and Pisces. IMO, this is single most important factor as the sign is pretty much the same for all women born in that period. If you are Leo rising, husband will activate houses 5 and 8 meaning qualities of Sun and Pluto. your husband will bring themes of these houses in your life (children and sexual bonding here for Leo)
Check the house placement of Jupiter. This is again important to differentiate. If Jupiter is in cancer but in 10th house, then your spouse may not be so nurturing but also have some Saturnian qualities.
Check if you are running the major period of Jupiter. This can be significant if Jupiter runs anywhere between ages 20 and 60.
Check the house distance between Moon and Jupiter. Jupiter in 6,8,12 from Moon can mean a difficult relationship with your Man (6=Addictions, 8=Transformations, 12-distance).
Check if Rahu or Ketu or Pluto conjuncts Jupiter. This can impact your marriage deeply.
Finally check placement of Jupiter in D9 and D7 (if you are aware of these harmonic charts). You should check the conjunctions, aspects, house placement and house rulership as we did above.
For Readings DM
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moonastro · 7 months
ASTROLOGY notes pt.2
love edition
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˚♡˚₊‧⁺ cancer risings may marry older as their 7th house is ruled by Saturn.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ what i have noticed is that people with ketu/ in 7th house will marry someone from a different culture than theirs. this may apply to someone with rahu here also.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺Asteroid fama (408) in first house of Juno persona chart indicates spouse being famous for their appearance. it can also mean that your relationship together will cause fame because of how you look together.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺vertex conjunct asteroid groom (5129) or briede (19029) in synastry is a very evident placement of them being your spouse and it being destined.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ 7th house lord in 5th house may indicate the individual not taking relationships seriously until marriage. or it may be that they don't date until they find the one.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ Venus in 9th house individuals- this is a bit basic but they are interested in people outside of their race or religion. they may even be interested in their cultural background as well.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ rahu in 3rd house of juno persona chart, your overall relationship will be based on communications and and communication is the glue to your relationship. also this may suggest others talking about your relationship a lot.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ sun conjunct juno in natal chart suggest the individuals marriage being very in the spotlight. people are going to be very interested in your marriage especially if either placement is in a Leo degree (5, 17, 29).
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˚♡˚₊‧⁺ i have noticed that the mc of the Jupiter persona chart (or Venus if you are interested in women) that the sign its in can suggest what your first impression of your spouse will be. for example if its in Virgo, it can suggest that you find them practical, put together, critical, you love their voice and style of thinking.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ people don't talk about the moon in their 10th house in synastry. this is the key placement of you adjusting your comfort according to their career choices. this can suggest you changing your lifestyle, even moving your home country for this persons career.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ Venus in partners 2nd house in synastry, can make you love their possessions and their overall practicality. you can also be obsessed with their voice when they sing.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ their Saturn conjunct your mc in synastry can make them appear very bossy. they can act very strict.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ your partners Venus in your 6th house in synastry can make them love your body and your overall body proportions.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ in synastry, if your groom (5129) or briede (19029) asteroid sits in their 4th house, you may view them as the perfect husband/wife to start a family with. you see yourself as their wife/ husband.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ your partners Venus sitting in your 12th house in synastry is an indication of you dreaming of them. even if you haven't thought about them, they just appear in your dream usually in a romantic way and you just wake up and are so confused (Pisces traits- illusion, confusion, mind tricks). this can make you fantasise about them also- unrealistic fantasies.
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˚♡˚₊‧⁺ enterprise asteroid (9777) in a libra degree (7, 19) in your juno persona chart indicates your spouse being in a beauty related career and whatever sign its in indicates how they portray it. for example if in Virgo they portray beauty using their body, their health, their criticality etc.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ mars in 8th house in juno persona chart will make your spouse very very sexual when it comes to s*x. as a couple you are very compatible when it comes to s*x.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ jupiter in 10th house in juno persona chart can indicate you and your spouse having lots of opportunities in career together. or they may give you lots of opportunities related to career.
˚♡˚₊‧⁺ mercury at 29 degrees in juno persona chart can indicate your spouse being famous for their voice and ideas, how they compose their communication and the way they deliver it.
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thank you for reading :))))
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martian-astro · 1 month
D9/ Navamsa chart observations - Part 5
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Moon in 1st house gives a spouse who is emotionally expressive, they can also be very moody. If you're attracted to men, then this can also mean that your husband might be a huge mama's boy, so marry someone whose mom likes you. With this placement, if you manage to maintain a good bond with your MIL then you'll have almost no problems in your married life. Your spouse can be prone to jealousy as well.
Sun in the 5th house gives you an extroverted spouse, I feel like this works the best when the person who has it, has a really high self esteem, because if not, you can be jealous of the attention that your spouse gets. You can also feel as if you're not good enough for them.
Mercury in the 4th House can mean that your spouse will be working as an advisor. They may also come from a family where education is given a lot of importance (I know a few people with this placement and their spouse's family was super adamant about them completing their master's before marriage, this is true for both men and women). If you're an academically intelligent person then your in-laws would be more than happy to help you establish your own business, I have noticed this to be true in a lot of cases.
Venus in the 5th house.....can give you a spouse who may be a little too obsessed with themselves. I used to think this was a good placement but then I met a lot of people who have this and their spouses always downplay their achievements and play the victim in social situations. I know a couple where both of them have this and they constantly talk about things that the other has done wrong and it's like a competition of who is sadder, it makes me soooo uncomfortable. One good thing is that, your children are gonna be SUPER creative.
Mars in the 11th House is great in regards to finances, your spouse knows how to earn AND save money, and even though they may like to live a luxurious life, they're well aware of the limitations. They may also have friends in high places and be good at climbing the social ladder. One negative of this is, that they can be TOO focused on earning money, but if Jupiter and Venus are well placed then you have nothing to worry about.
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Jupiter in the 3rd house can give you a jolly spouse, they can also be the youngest in their family. They may be really close to their family and after marriage, they would like to live close to them. Your family will treat your spouse as their own child. You know those couples where a person's family ends up becoming closer to their spouse than them, yeah, this is what happens when you have Jupiter in 3rd. You guys may also travel a lot together. I think this placement is really cute.
Saturn in the 2nd house gives you an ambitious spouse, very hard working and tough love type person. They may earn a lot of money but refuse to spend it, OR they refuse to spend money on themselves but have no problem spending it on you. It depends on other factors. ( I know a woman with this, and her husband is so fucking rich but doesn't get new clothes for her, and doesn't buy anything for her, I feel so bad ��, Its giving "ballerina farm") BUT you can also get a spouse who is like "here's my credit card, buy whatever you want"
Rahu in 4th is a strong indicator of moving abroad after marriage, I know people who were unable to get a student visa, work visa and then they got married and were able to settle abroad. This also shows that your MIL may be very involved in your married life, whether for good or bad depends on several other factors.
Ketu in the 5th house gives a spouse who won't be that interested in raising kids. They may also be a little emotionally detached, and can believe in traditional gender roles.
I was thinking of not putting this observation, but then.... precaution is better than cure, so...90% of the female celebrities who have been cheated on by their husbands have Jupiter in Gemini/ Aquarius in d9. So if you have this, be very very picky about who you marry, this is for everyone, but especially for those who have this.
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astrologyforum · 2 years
  Rahu Saturn conjunction in the third house Saturn Rahu conjunction in the 3rd house
Continuing further from the prologue blog to Saturn Rahu conjunction/combination, we now consider that you are aware of the basic characteristics of both planets if that is not the case we suggest you go and do a quick read of the prologue to this yuti (conjunction/combination) published/posted earlier. Now in this blog, we will discuss the impact of Shani-Rahu yuti in the first house, also known as the horoscope's ascendant. How will this yuti (conjunction/combination) affect health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies?
What is the Third house of the birth chart?
The 3rd house is also known as the horoscope's house of courage, communication, and younger siblings. This is the first house of Kama trikon (lust). Thus, it also shows our basic inclinations. The natural owner of this house is Mercury with the symbol of a pair symbolising mates of either gender. This house also shows our immediate neighbours. It also shows interest or proficiency in gossip or media-related knowledge.  It can give information about the neighbours of an individual and his relationship with them. Body wise the 3rd house represents the neck area, arms, collar bone upper chest and ears. The natural owner of this house is Mercury which is known for its representation of curiosity to learn new pieces of knowledge. This house also tells about local travels and transfers in jobs.
The writing of a person can also be seen getting affected by this house since it represents the arms for control and mercury for writing communication.
The planetary positions of planets placed in the 3rd house would impact the short travels, a person’s physical strength, and impact on luck as well.
This house is very commonly known as the Sahaj bhav or Saahas bhav in Sanskrit as it gives information about the younger siblings and the motivation/strength of a person.
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amtalchemy · 1 year
Having Rahu placed in the 3H, 7H, and 11H are fruitful position for generating mass wealth and a large social following / customer base as Rahu aspects trine from these placements
One will be clever and naturally inclined with sales, marketing, e-commerce, business, social media, generating diverse income streams and large followings / customer base
The same can be said about Ketu and Jupiter in 3H, 7H, and 11H as they also aspect trine from themselves
Ketu will give specialized knowledge and a spiritual influence in these areas while Rahu’s focus in the 1H, 5H, and 9H will be towards self-development, entrepreneurship, creativity, speculative ventures, influence, and education including self-education
Jupiter’s influence in the 3H, 7H, and 11H will expand and give fortune and wisdom in these areas in a way that’s ethical and influential, acting as a guide / guru for others
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astrosagga2 · 3 months
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When Rahu is in the 3rd house of a birth chart, it can bring strong communication skills, courage, and a desire for adventure. People with this placement may excel in media, writing, or sales. However, they should be cautious of being overly ambitious or taking unnecessary risks.
Visit Now - Rahu in 3rd House
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overcatic · 2 months
random (vedic) astro observations cause im bored
1. ashleshas love braiding & twisting their hair (brided/twisted hair resembles the body of a serpent and braiding one’s hair is associated with storing and protecting one’s energy, which is a major theme with ashlesha (protecting one’s family, privacy, wealth, life force, etc.) — ex. young thug.)
2. i can easily spot aries lagna through their alien head shape (big forehead & broad temples with a narrow chin.)
3. sun in rohini can make a woman known for her beautiful voice and/or feminine appeal (softness, sensitivity, motherly nature.)
4. the 7th aspect of saturn is where most of your effort and hard work is directed.
5. aries is the celestial horse, that is why they look and walk like that. most likely to have horse-like physique, physiognomy & hair.
6. rahu in the 1st gives serpent-like beauty and charm. their eyes have the power to hypnotize people.
7. sun conj. ketu (if positively placed and aspected) can make someone free of ego. most likely to have a jesus christ type of mentality. very naturally seductive. great dancers, especially if the sun rules the 3rd or 5th house. early awakening of kuṇḍalinī can be seen here.
8. saturn in the 1st house is one placement i’ve repeatedly seen in the charts of narcissists. charismatic, controlling, cruel, and really good at weakening people’s self-esteem. they can quite literally steal people’s life force (sun).
9. sidereal gemini is the sign of soul union. geminis, in this reincarnation, are meant to meet and be with their soulmates. this is especially seen in punarvasu, the star of return/reunion.
10. the house 2nd from venus can accurately indicate the type of partners you attract. 6th house: doctors, surgeons, politicians, lawyers, healers, etc. 8th house: bankers, journalists, astrologers, psychologists, etc. 12th house: creatives, activists, authors, musicians, animal lovers, etc.
11. swatis have a special affinity with spiders. (spiders = saturn. swati is the exaltation of saturn.)
12. atmakaraka falling in the 8th house of navamsa indicates that the soul reincarnated to serve, heal, and help; because the 1st house (purpose) is the 6th from the 8th. and if there’s a planet in the 1st, the person/people represented by it are the ones who the soul seeks to serve and heal.
“ that’s it for today! namaste xx
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