#moon 502
pikaclan · 4 months
Moon 502
Season: Leaf-bare
PikaClan welcomes Whimsythorn as a new warrior, honoring their enthusiasm
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Rumors reach your Clan that the exiled Charredpad of SplinterClan has died recently
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Cinderrip and Cloveflower found a litter of 4 kits and decided to adopt them
Airkit (male), Lemonkit (female), Kinkkit (male), and Pondkit (female) are born!
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In a bright spot this moon, Runningleaf and Raccoonrock have finally announced their commitment as mates
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Cragcaw finds a rogue named Boobear (female), who joins the Clan. The rogue decides to take on a more Clan-like name, and is now called Boobearbubble. She is intact. Copseback, Gravelpaw, and Leapsummit welcome her.
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Other Clans
Blossommane travels to FlightClan to resolve some recent border disputes
Whistlequiver travels to FlightClan to resolve some recent herb-gathering disputes
Pigeondart's cut healed Popreed fell from a tree but only got bruised Kestreldapple's greencough abated Leapsummit got a running nose Runningleaf's ear healed Gentlesmoke tripped over a small trunk, spraining their paw Olivecrawl got greencough Seedthrift's pads healed but got a thorn reinforcing the camp Coldgale fell through a snowdrift and broke their leg Gravelpaw's bruises healed
Copseback is glaring daggers at Seedthrift (medium negative effect)
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wildmelon · 2 months
enter the...
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hiiiii 👉👈 i got a tumblr community approved without a plan... but i want it to be for interactive fiction fans !!
most discords are if-specific, so i think it'd be fun to have a place on tumblr to discuss all our favorite ifs! a cozy spot for casual posting, theories, mc development, and random thoughts <3
invite link
tagging some favorite IFs but all are welcome!
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cinnamon-flame · 1 year
Mothclan had a change of leadership recently, so here are the lovely ladies who took over:
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Macstar was already quite old when she became leader so after a few moons Oakstar was granted 9 lives (Oakstar is the same cat as Oakcrawl from the previous drawing dump btw)
and here are some other cats fun cats from the clan:
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Boragehollow is Oakstar's cat wife and Frondwhisker and Lakebelly are sisters!
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vilnan · 1 year
kissed sergi <3
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“Life after Death,” Scarlet Spider (Vol. 2/2012), #1.
Writer: Christopher Yost; Penciler : Ryan Stegman; Inker: Michael Babinsky; Colorist: Marte Garcia; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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hi! while we're waiting for your if to come out (i'm so excited to read it when it does btw!), do you have any ifs to recommend?
Fallen hero - @fallenhero-rebirth (hosted games)
I, the forgotten, one. (Hosted games)
Samurai of hyuga (hosted games)
The golden rose - @anathemafiction (hosted games)
Arcadie : second born - @sofia-d-asb (itch.io/steam/playstore)
Blood moon - @barbwritesstuff (hosted games)
Evertree saga (hosted games) (book4 wip)
The adventures of Sherlock homes : affairs of the heart - @doriana-gray-games (dashingdon)
Shepherds of Haven - @shepherds-of-haven (dashingdon)
The bastard of camelot - @llamagirl28 (itch.io)
Mind blind - @mindblindbard (dashingdon)
Wayfarer - @idrellegames (itch.io)
Defiled hearts : the barbarian - @defiledheartsblog (dashingdon)
The northern passage - @northern-passage (itch.io)
Fields of asphodel - @chrysanthemumgames (releasing soon!)
The abyssal - @theabyssal (dashingdon)
Folksaga - @folksaga-if (dashingdon)
Zorlok - @zorlok-if (itch.io)
Infamous - @infamous-if (dashingdon)
Ctos - @collegetennisoriginstory (dahsingdon)
Merry crises - @merrycrisis-if (dashingdon)
Apartment 502 - @apt502-if (dashingdon)
The six that thrive - @the-six-that-thrive-if (itch.io)
One knight stand - @oneknightstand-if (dashingdon)
Project hadea - @nyehilismwriting (itch.io)
Thicker than - @barbwritesstuff (dashingdon)
Drink your villain juice - @drinkyourvillainjuice (dashingdon)
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adamdusmortain · 12 days
What are the best/ ur fave IFs please? need some stuff to play, preferably with at least a demo out!!
oh anon, you’ve just asked me a question i’ve been dying to answer LOL. in no particular order:
infamous - @infamous-if (obviously)
the wayhaven chronicles - @seraphinitegames (if the user wasn’t obvious)
apt 502 - @apt502-if | i love, love this one. very new girl inspired, which as a new girl lover… i’m over the moon. i love the characters so bad.
shepherds of haven - @shepherds-of-haven | world building and characters <3
press play - @pressplay-if | lately i’ve been so obsessed with music genre type books/if’s, and this is a new one to me but im completely obsessed with the idea.
citadel - @bouncyballcitadel | a medicine inspired if and i’ll eat it up every time.
mind blind - @mindblindbard | this is one of my favorites and i haven’t played it in so long, i genuinely need to pay for patron to access the rest of the demo.
keeper of the sun and moon - @keeperofthesunandmoon | another favorite of mine, this one already has 2 books and the demo for the 3rd out. highly recommend if you enjoy magical things.
all of these have demos at different lengths. i really hope i haven’t listed anything you haven’t checked out before because i love love these. (and im always searching high and low for new ones too.) these are just the ones i patiently wait for <3 MWAHHHHHHHH.
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marigold-hills · 4 months
june 2: oyster | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 502
“Alright there, Moony? Looking a bit pale,” Sirius asks in between inhaling his breakfast and reviewing what sparse notes he made for the Potions NEWT.
Remus looks up from his mug of tea (gripped between large hands like a lifeline). There are shadows under his eyes: another late night, then. Exams are upon them, and the way Remus studies has become obsessive.
“You need food too, mate,” James piles bacon onto Remus’ plate, ignoring his grumbles – almost growls, since it’s only a week until the full moon and the lines blur a bit in those days. “Yes, you’re very big and very scary. Now eat your breakfast.”
I should have done that, Sirius thinks because something in him believes the job is his. He’s never been good at caring for anything, hanging onto James even for his own needs, but it’s different, somehow, with Remus. There is a duality: being thankful for James’ care and resentful of it.
The owls come as they do every day, a flurry of wings and feathers. It’s a bright, clear day and they disturb the sun rays as they swoop through the Great Hall.
Remus gets the newspaper (something obscure about literature) and a beautiful, haughty looking owl lands in front of Sirius, raising a dignified foot with a small parcel for him to unwrap.
“What did you get?” James asks as the owl takes off, scoffing at Sirius’ offering of a sausage.
It’s an oyster shell, gold encrusted with an artisan's precision. Inside of it a marble eye, a shade of green which reminds him of autumn and of something else. He finds comfort in the colour - it’s why he chose it – a memory of warm fires and long cozy nights, of the happiness he feels when, as Padfoot, he’s surrounded by pack.
Sirius clips the silver chain the oyster is attached to around his neck “It’s an oisrí feiceálaí,” he hopes he doesn’t butcher the pronunciation, glances at Remus to make sure, “I’ve come across them when researching for my dissertation.”
“What does an oyster have to do with ancient runes?” Remus finds his voice at the bottom of the tea mug.
“Well… nothing. I just thought it was neat. It’s the symbol of fifth dimensional vision.”
“Sure you didn’t accidentally study Divination?”
“Hilarious, Prongs.”
Something catches James’ eye across the Great Hall – more likely someone – and he shoots up with a harried I have to go, see you at the exam!
Remus leans across the table, with a careful hand reaches for the necklace. Studies it, turning it around in his fingers. They oyster looks small in his grasp, the silver more pronounced against the golden skin.
“Very pretty, Sirius,” he says, and Sirius feels the sentence like it means something else, “Will you tell me more about it, after the exam?”
Remus looks up from the oyster, straight into Sirius’ face, eyes reddened and shiny from the lack of sleep and –
- well, Sirius knows what the green reminded him of.
this is part two of a 30-part series of shorts: I’m aiming for them all to be readable as standalone but are a part of a bigger story (better read together and in order, in my opinion)
oisrí feiceálaí, to the best of my knowledge, means seer oyster in Gaelic. It’s not actually a thing but I came across this and thought it was pretty and ostentatious enough for Sirius to wear ALCHEMICAL OYSTER PEARL
Remus is always autumn to me - by that logic Sirius in Winter, James is Summer (self explanatory, really). Peter is Spring I suppose. But I don’t ever write him into my fics so who’s to say
speaking of Peter - let’s say he’s already at the venue for the potions exam, absolutely shaking from stress and desperately cramming last minute revision
@lightningmonarchda3 @bowielover420 @tealeavesandtrash @digital-kam
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged in next parts)
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chlobliviate · 18 days
Wolfstar Microfic - Sword
Words: 502
Ever since they’d learned about the sword of Godric Gryffindor, Sirius had been obsessed with finding it. The first time Remus arrived in the library to find Sirius already there with his head in a book, he almost went back to bed.
None of them really knew why Sirius wanted it, including Sirius. When asked he’d shrug and say ‘It’d be pretty cool’ or ‘I’ve always wanted a sword!’ and while Remus didn’t doubt that for a second, he suspected there was a deeper reason.
This was how he found himself looking for the room of requirement on a Thursday night when he really should have been catching up on homework after his prefect rounds.
“How does it even work?” Sirius asked, despite having read the same books that Remus had read.
“Well, apparently you just think about what you need the most and it’ll just appear.” Remus frowned as the wall remained unchanged.
“Well go on then.” Sirius nodded at the wall.
Remus paused, not trusting his brain to communicate effectively with this complex magic. “I don’t think…”
“Come on Moony. What do you need right now?”
‘Don’t think about Sirius. Don’t think about Sirius.’ He chanted in his mind and covered his eyes as a door appeared in the wall.
“I don’t think I thought very clearly, this will probably be something weird. You should try!” Remus stumbled over his words and froze as Sirius opened the door slowly and chuckled.
“Are you that tired, Moons?” Sirius called over his shoulder as he walked into the room. Remus took a deep breath and followed him, shaking his head as he took in the room.
In the centre of the room was a bed, not much bigger than the ones in their dorm, but much cosier looking. A fire roared in an ornate fireplace and candles flickered gently around the room.
“Yeah, like I said, wasn’t thinking clearly because I’m… tired.” He trailed off as he saw the rose petals. “It’s not going to be in here, let’s just go.” He turned towards the door as Sirius shouted.
“Aha!” He pulled a sword from behind the bed. “Oh, this isn’t…” He read the inscription on the sword and smiled softly.
“What is it?” Remus huffed. He just wanted to go back to Gryffindor Tower and crawl into his bed, close the curtains, shut out the world and pretend that he hadn’t summoned fucking rose petals while looking for a sword.
“This isn’t Gryffindor’s sword.” Sirius said quietly, “I think it’s yours. And I think I might have summoned the room after all. Huh.”
“Mine?” Remus stepped back into the room. “How could it be mine? I’ve never had a sword.”
“Come and look if you don’t believe me.”
Remus sighed and strode towards Sirius, looking down at the sword. His eyes widened as he read what was written there.
“‘Just fucking kiss me’?” He whispered, looking up at Sirius.
“Thought you’d never ask,” Sirius said, closing the small gap between them.
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kalorphic · 1 year
So, Novaturient is based on Spy…do you know any other IFs that are based on existing shows/movies/books etc? I’m quite new to IFs so any recs would be a great help! Thank you!
There’s probably loads that I’m missing lol, but here are the ones that I know of. Unfortunately, a lot of them don’t have demos and/or haven’t updated in a long time (some a really long time), but I put them all in just in case you want to follow and hope for a miraculous reappearance lol.
Once & Future by @kaiwrites-if
Merlin | No Demo
Midnight Delights by @midnightdelights-if
The Morganville Vampires | No Demo
The Kiss of Midnight by @if-kissofmidnight
Predator Franchise | No Demo
Scandal by @nightingale-interactive
Scandal | Demo | MC genderlocked to Female
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of the Heart by @doriana-gray-games
Sherlock Holmes | Demo
Valhalla by @palette-jack
Farscape | Demo
Supernova: Renegade by @jupitergames-if
Mass Effect/Star Trek | Demo
Unmourned by @unmourned
Frankenstein | No Demo
Façade by @altair-interactive-fiction
Jekyll and Hyde | No Demo
Swan Song by @swansong-if
Swan Lake | Demo
Return to Never, Never Land by @never-never-land
Peter Pan | Demo
Hidden World by @hidden-world-if
How To Train Your Dragon | No Demo
A Life Supreme by @lifesupreme-if
Cyberpunk 2077 | Demo
Beyond the Waves by @allthatwrites
Little Mermaid | No Demo
Orenda by @orenda-if
Howl’s Moving Castle | No Demo
Rabbit Hole by @if-rabbithole
Alice in Wonderland | No Demo
Knights of the Eternal by @if-eternalknights
Transformers | No Demo
Sempre by @sempre-if
Castle | No Demo
Elsinore: After Hamlet by @lapinlunaire-games
Hamlet | Completed [Itch.io]
Calamity Control by @calamitycontrol-if
Mass Effect meets The Dragon Prince | Demo
The Spark of Hope by @thesparkofhope
Star Wars | No Demo
The Hymn of Winter by @thehymnofwinter
Game of Thrones | No Demo
Dusk Till Dawn by @dusktilldawn-if
Dracula | No Demo
A Court of Serpents by @acourtofserpents
Folk of the Air Series | Demo
A Dangerous Game by @adangerousgame-if
Killing Eve | No Demo
The One Who Cried Wolf by @bluewritesif
Teen Wolf/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina/Vampire Diaries/Twilight | No Demo
Blood of a Saint by @bloodofasaint-if
Grishaverse | No Demo
Song of Valhalla: Spear of Heaven by @songofvalhalla-if
Percy Jackson & The Olympians | No Demo
Welcome to the Family by @wttf-if
The Addams Family/Kuroshitsuji | No Demo
Mata Aetara IF by @mata-aetara-if
Naruto | No Demo
Maboroshi by @maboroshi-if
Naruto | No Demo
Tales From Roseborough by @roseborough-if
Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon | No Demo
Emberwood by @emberwood-if
X-Men meets Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children | Demo
Decaying Picture by @decayingpicture
Dorian Gray | No Demo
Slayer by @slayer-if
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | No Demo | MC genderlocked to Female
The Sixth Guardian by @the-sixth-guardian
Rise of the Guardians | No Demo
My Fair Maiden by @my-fair-maiden
Resident Evil: Village | No Demo | MC genderlocked to Female
Prodigal by @prodigal-if
Prodigal Son | No Demo
Hollowmoon Valley by @hollowmoonvalley
Stardew Valley | Demo (being rewritten)
Her Crimson Clutches by @thathexwolf
Vampire: The Masquerade | No Demo
The Unquiet Grave by @ombresart
Wuthering Heights | Demo
The Inseparables by @theinseparables-if
The Three Musketeers | No Demo
Hana no Uta by @hana-no-uta-if
Gintama | No Demo
Dahlia Hills by @dahliahills-if
Gossip Girl/One Tree Hill | No Demo
Apartment 502 by @apt502-if
New Girl/FRIENDS | No Demo
Embers of Hope by @embersofhope-if
Hunger Games | No Demo
The Whisper in the Mist by ME (@ellawrites-if)
Pacific Rim | No Demo
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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Apollo 6 (CSM-020/SA-502) launching from LC-39A. This was the second launch of the Saturn V and the focus of this mission was to fully qualifying the launch vehicle.
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"Nominal completion of planned mission events through attainment of the initial parking orbit, and the restarting of the S-IVB to propel the space vehicle towards the planned distance, beyond the Moon's orbit, was deemed sufficient to fulfill Apollo 6's main objectives."
Date: April 4, 1968
NASA ID: 6864722, 107-KSC-68P-120, 68-HC-201, S68-27364, AP6-S68-27728
source, source
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best-type-moon-couple · 8 months
The Winner of the “Best Type-Moon Couple” Tournament is…
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Gilgamesh and Enkidu (52% of the Vote)
[Congratulations for the Runner-ups, Mr. Sakamoto Ryouma and Mrs. Sakamoto Oryou, who came close with 48% of the Vote]
Thank you so much to the 502 people who voted in the final poll, as well as everyone else who participated/nominated/followed this tournament. I appreciate every single one of you and hope to see you next time I do something like this again. Until then, thanks for voting, see you whenever there’s a next time!
Letter from the Mod (Under the Cut):
So… uh… been a while since we talked like this, completely nervous, unprepared tournament mod to the hundreds of thousands of potential listeners and followers of the poll. Well, now that it’s over, I want to introduce myself.
Hi, you can call me Snow. I’ve been a Type-Moon fan for about a year now. I got into this series when my cousin introduced me to “Fate” and from there I started to grow on this series at an… large… unnormal… potentially problematic and unhealthy way.
“Where’d the inspiration come from?”:
When I got into Fate, the one thing that reached out to me were the characters themselves and their relationship with one another, and the more I looked into the nasuverse, the more characters that I found that I feel in love with, the more I started to hate, the more I started to have convoluted and mixed feelings towards, but the one thing I loved about most was how characters interacted with each other and how well, or unwell, they get along and nothing else can show my love and appreciation for character dynamics than the couples of Type-Moon.
The couples of Type-Moon range anywhere from being weird to comical to sad to disgusting to wholesome and even genuinely life changing, with the characters themselves having dynamic that either showed how much they pine for love, how love broke them, how love managed to fix them, or by simply how wholesome they are. When Samurai Remnant released and featured a character who loves their spouse very much that they make it their main focus in game, juxtaposed by their spouse still showing their love and devotion for them, it was the thing that eventually caused me to make this tournament in the first place (they weren’t in the tournament though, but it’s the thought that counts).
Running the Tournament:
I was completely sure that I wanted to run this tournament, but the main caveat was the fact that I never ran a tournament like this before and it became very clear, very quickly that I had no idea what I was doing (the potentially weird rules for the tournament and the delayed start times were a big red flag of this, so I’m glad we had so many people stuck around despite that).
Still, I wanted to do my best for this tournament, so I created everything myself (with my sister helping to find a tournament bracket website). And when I mean everything I mean I edited together the main banner of the blog and edited together most of the couple portraits (I got lazy and used official art for some of them, guess which ones)
What’s next?:
Honestly, I want to do another tournament sometime. Obviously not immediately since I also want time off, but I’d also want to do something else and see more people come together to vote on something we all may or may not enjoy. And while I have no ideas at the moment (if you want to give any ideas then feel free to share then through the askbox or through the submission box) but maybe this blog will go through a renovation when I figured something out, hm?
Want to see what I do?:
Well, in case you wanna follow me specifically, then you can follow my personal blog (@player-blandon) for more of my personal things or things I post about games I like sometimes. I don’t post there consistently, and when I do it’s probably, mostly, shitposts unless I’m live-blogging a game I’m playing through or (in the most recent post’s case) doodled something I wanted to share. It’s the place where I share things sometimes and hopefully it’s a place where I can talk to all of you about some stuff as well (chances are I’m going to be posting more fate and type-moon things after this tournament).
Closing Thoughts:
Honestly, this tournament was a bigger undertaking than what I originally thought, but I’m glad I did this. I consider it a learning experience.
Thank you all once again for participating in this tournament. Congratulations to the King of Heroes and his only friend for winning and good job Ryouma and Oryou for putting on a good fight. We all put in a lot in this tournament and I hope to see you all again when I do something like this again…
…until then, I’ll see you whenever I can. Goodbye everyone. See you later!
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Avatar Fem!Reader
masterlist | previous | next chapter
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The late afternoon sun painted long shadows across the cityscape, casting an amber glow over the bustling streets of London. After his peculiar encounter with the enigmatic Mira Batala-Carter, Marc Spector finally returned to his apartment located just a bus ride away from Trafalgar Square. He staggered into the dimly lit unit marked 502 on the fifth floor, his footsteps echoing in the silence of their cozy living space. The long flight had left him weary, jetlag gnawing at his bones from all the excitement that unfolded. 
Marc let out a deep sigh as he glanced over at Steven Grant’s reflection looking at him from the nearby mirror. 
"You've had enough of the spotlight for one day, huh?" Marc’s alter grinned, his arms folded as he watched his head mate push the luggage beside their wooden cabinet with his right foot, not even bothering to unpack.
"Yeah, I need a break”, Marc chuckled weakly, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on him. “You go ahead and be the life of the party"
Immediately surrendering control, Steven took the reins as he was already bustling around the apartment, completely at ease. Ignoring the chaotic mess that is his study and bedroom, he deposited his duffle bag on the couch. 
Wait until Mira sees this mess of an apartment, Marc piped into their headspace once more. You should send her a picture.
Steven flipped a bird at Marc’s direction in the mirror reflection, which was uncharacteristic of his British upbringing yet his teasing reaction was expected. Shrugging off his charcoal-gray suit with slow, deliberate movements, he changed into a crisp white t-shirt before slipping into a pair of dark pants. His stomach then growled in mild hunger, prompting him to pad into the kitchen for a light meal, selecting a bowl for what would soon become a delightful reprieve from the day's fatigue.
Vegan cereal filled the ceramic vessel, and he poured fresh almond milk over the golden clusters, watching them slowly soften as they embraced the creamy liquid. It was simple, yet comforting, and he savored every spoonful. But it wasn't long before Steven’s thoughts wandered to the sweet delicacies Mira had generously shared with him and Marc back at the airport. Her exciting recommendation weighed on his mind, and curiosity got the better of him.
He retrieved the ziplock bag of treats from their duffle bag and perused the contents, the vibrant colors and exotic flavors beckoning him. With a grin, he decided to involve Marc in the tasting adventure. 
“What do you reckon we should try first?” Steven spoke excitedly as Marc's eyes widened from his silver spoon reflection.
“You’re vegan, right?”, Marc replied as he surveyed the array of options before them. “I think you should go for the dried mangoes first”
Steven, ever conscious of his vegan lifestyle, appreciated that Marc’s particular choice aligned with his dietary preferences. With eager anticipation, he plucked a slice and bit into the chewy fruit. The taste sensation was an unexpected revelation. The dried mangoes burst forth with a symphony of flavors—sweet, tangy, and slightly chewy. Steven's eyes widened, and he exchanged an amazed glance with Marc. It was as if a tropical paradise had been captured in a single, delectable bite. The decadence of this newfound treat made their eyes twinkle with delight, and they couldn't resist reaching for more, savoring the afternoon's unexpected adventure into the world of exotic flavors.
Like night and day, the two of them had developed a remarkable understanding over the past few weeks, unlike the first few months when they were still sharing lives apart from each other. Marc’s life was a whirlwind of chaos and unpredictability, and every time he thought he had found some semblance of stability, it slipped through his fingers like sand. 
Steven, on the other hand, was the steady anchor in Marc's turbulent life. He was the one who managed the day-to-day affairs, kept their finances in check, and ensured that Marc didn't do anything too reckless. He was also the one who helped Marc cope with his dissociative identity disorder, a condition that had plagued them both for years.
After finishing the bowl of cereal and putting it away in the dishwasher, the full force of jet lag clung to them like a heavy shroud. Without further ado, Steven (and Marc) finally retired to their bedroom, taking the former’s previous precautions of taping their door, spreading sand around their bed and tying their foot to the wall post to prevent sleepwalking. Against their will, it had become a shared routine born of necessity.
Marc and Steven knew that they weren’t alone in the body. Their last battle as Moon Knight in the streets of Cairo cemented that fact as the unknown third alter made his unexpected appearance. While the two of them and Layla were on the doors of death at the hands of Arthur Harrow’s newfound power, the mysterious entity acted on his role as the body’s protector and saved them all from a sure demise. 
You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you? Marc spoke gently in Steven’s head as the latter finally collapsed into their bed.
“Can’t help it”, Steven sighed, remembering the night Khonshu freed them from their servitude to the moon god. “It would’ve been nice if we knew who really saved us that night”
I’m not really sure if I would want to know. Marc murmured, slowly blinking his eyes closed as he and Steven slowly succumbed to their well deserved respite. Determined to not think too much about the events of the past month, their shared consciousness slowly drifted to their encounter with Mira Batala-Carter instead. They collectively recalled her with fondness - her graceful presence, her captivating beauty, the way she had intrigued them both – these thoughts brought a soft, endearing smile to their faces, even as sleep began to claim them.
The next morning, however, would bring a new twist to the tale. Marc awoke to the soft chime of his phone. He reached over to his bedside table and groggily picked up his phone, flipping it open and squinting at the bright screen. It was a text message from Layla, his ex-wife.
I’m back in Cairo. Hope you got home safe.
His mood immediately sombered, his emotions shifting as though he'd been doused in cold water. It had only been a day after his divorce was finalized for Christ’s sake, and the idea of entering another relationship shouldn't even begin to cross his mind. Yet the high walls he built within himself were effortlessly brought down by Mira - the very woman who he recently met on the plane from last night and shouldn’t even be the sole, primary occupant of his head. 
Marc, what's wrong? Steven called out in their headspace, sensing Marc’s ongoing turmoil. He was briefly puzzled on why Mira was currently on the forefront of their shared thoughts, until his eyes finally caught Layla’s latest correspondence on their phone. Ever the perceptive one, Steven started to piece together his alter’s current dilemma.
You know, Marc, sometimes we can't help how we feel. Steven spoke softly, ever empathetic as he offered his counsel. It's okay to be drawn to someone. You don't have to beat yourself up about it.
"It shouldn’t even happen in the first place”, Marc ran a hand through his disheveled hair and sighed. “Our mind’s all over the place already. I don’t need to drag her into our collective shit”
I mean, you don't have to dive headfirst into anything. Steven’s voice was calm and understanding. You can take your time, get to know her as a friend first. If it's meant to be, it'll happen naturally.
“No, Steven”, Marc softly shook his head, cursing himself for falling so easily for Mira's charms. He couldn't help it; her beauty and intelligence were truly captivating. "I need to keep my distance. Hell, I should be better than this”
I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Steven nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. You deserve happiness and companionship just like anyone else. 
“I don't need that”, Marc shook his head, his frustration evident. "I need to get our life together, and I can't afford to get involved with someone right now, especially with our current circumstances"
Steven nodded in understanding, although wishing that Marc would have a different perspective. He knew that Marc's fear of being rejected due to his condition was a powerful motivator for his self-imposed emotional distance. 
We'll take it one step at a time, lad. Steven continued to reassure. Just remember that you don't have to go through this alone, I’m here for you.
But Marc’s resolved hardened, very determined to protect his fragile heart. He couldn't afford to get too close to anyone and let his guard down. Keeping his new acquaintance, Mira, at arm's length is becoming an evident solution to his problem. Friendship would be the only connection he will allow to develop between them, no matter how much his heart might yearn for more.
That morning, Steven took the reins of their shared life to hopefully keep Marc’s stormy thoughts at bay. He started to go about his normal routine, dutifully feeding their pet goldfishes, Gus II and Fig. Settling down before the office desk, he opened his laptop and started to work on his CV. He started updating the details regarding his work experience and past education, and the possibility of securing the tour guide position that Mira potentially offered for the British Museum was becoming too enticing of an opportunity to pass up.  
As Steven typed away, he couldn't help but think about Mira. Her passion for her work and her kindness had left a quite deep impression on both him and Marc, and the prospect of working closely with her was both exciting and intimidating. He knew he had to be at his best to secure the job, so he plans to put his best foot forward.
After a few revisions, Steven finally keyed in Mira’s email address from the calling card she gave to Marc and clicked send to his composed email introduction. He can only hope that this upcoming job opportunity would allow him to see you more often and get to know you better.
Meanwhile in a bustling corner of London, you were deeply absorbed in your role as the curator of the British Museum. The burst of caffeine energy you received from your morning coffee was deeply focused on receiving and cataloging the latest shipment of Egyptian artifacts and relics, which was a crucial addition to the upcoming Ennead exhibit scheduled to open next week. 
Your passion for your work was evident in the way you handled each artifact with care, your fingers tracing the intricate details of ancient history. You couldn't wait to share them with the world.
Most of the artifacts for the Ennead exhibit had been recovered by the Scarlet Scarab - a mysterious figure known to the people of Egypt and the antiquities community. Albeit anonymously, you had received emails from the enigmatic vigilante, explaining that it was her way of returning "stolen goods" to their rightful owners and ensuring they were used for the benefit of the community. It was a curious and unexpected turn of events, but one that filled you with gratitude.
Taking a brief break, you leaned back in your office chair and let your thoughts wander. The museum had always been your sanctuary, a place where you felt most connected to the past. But lately, it seemed that your world was expanding to include new acquaintances like Marc Spector and Steven Grant. 
Your laptop chimed with a new email notification, pulling you out of your reverie. With a curious smile, you opened the email and the sender's name immediately caught your attention.
Subject: Application for Museum Tour Guide Position - Ennead Exhibition
Dear Mira,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my keen interest in the Museum Tour Guide position for the upcoming Ennead exhibition at the British Museum. As a passionate advocate for Egyptian culture and history, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the visitor experience and help bring this extraordinary exhibition to life.
I’ve worked previously with the National Art Gallery, where I have developed a deep appreciation for the cultural significance and historical context of artifacts. I am confident that my ability to communicate complex ideas in an accessible and engaging manner, combined with my enthusiasm for the subject matter, makes me a strong candidate for this role.
Please find my attached CV providing more details about my qualifications and experience. I look forward to meeting you this Saturday to discuss the job opportunity further. If you could kindly disclose the dress code for that occasion, I highly appreciate it.
Thank you for considering my application. 
Steven Grant
You promptly composed a response, a smile tugging at your lips as your fingers danced across the keyboard. As you hit send, a flutter of anticipation you haven’t experienced in a long time coursed through you.
Subject: Application for Museum Tour Guide Position - Ennead Exhibition
Hello Steven,
I’m delighted to receive your application. Please come to the British Museum after lunch at 1PM for the museum tour guide interview. The dress code for this occasion is business smart-casual.
I look forward to meeting you this Saturday.
Mira Batala-Carter
The days passed quickly, and Saturday finally arrived with a sense of anticipation. As the curator, you were tasked with welcoming the final batch of tour guide applicants. You stood in the grand entrance hall of the British Museum, where a diverse group of eager tour guide aspirants began to gather before you, their eyes filled with anticipation and enthusiasm.
They all had a common dream – to become a tour guide at one of the most prestigious museums in the world.
You had meticulously prepared for a mini-program before you got into the actual process of the job interviews, where you would briefly introduce yourself and explain the application process to the attendees.
“May I have everyone’s attention, please?” you politely called out to everyone in the vicinity. “We will start the program in about ten minutes. Thank you all for your patience”
You ended with a quick smile, walking away briefly towards the double door entrance on your way out to the nearest cafe to grab some much needed caffeine. But before you could even take the next step, a strong body unwittingly collided against your own, prompting you and the culprit to fall down together on the cement stairway.
“Oh, bugger! I am so sorry”, a soft, British accent greeted your ears before muttering under his breath. “I’m such a plonker, I should’ve looked where I was going”
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it”, you said breathlessly, brushing off dust from your beige pencil skirt as you felt muscular arms slowly hoisting you up. A shock of unruly dark hair greeted your vision, with but a few curly strands framed carefully over his forehead. Your eyes trailed down to finally meet his familiar striking brown eyes surrounded by a subtle network of laugh lines. 
“Marc?” you gasped at the eerily familiar man before you, his shoulders hunched low as his own eyes widened in recognition. 
“Not him, sorry”, his British speaking voice startled you once more as he spoke, and you were definitely puzzled by the way he’s carried himself right now. “Although, he has told me a great deal about you” 
Your eyes then flickered with recognition, as if two puzzle pieces were finally solved together. The resemblance between him and Marc Spector is quite uncanny, as if they were just one and the same person.
“Steven Grant?” you muttered, prompting the man before you to let out an apologetic smile, looking slightly disheveled in comparison to his twin brother.
“Spelled with a V, yes. It’s nice to finally meet you, Mira”.
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masterlist | previous | next chapter
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
I'm not sure how long the seasons are going to stay but as of right now, SM seasons are free on YouTube. You can catch up on some of them if you want. But this is also for the people who haven't seen the show before.
Sailor moon original Season 101 and 102
Sailor moon R Season 201 and 202
Sailor moon super S Season 1 and 2
Sailor moon stars season 501 and 502
Sailor moon crystal (has seasons 1, 2, and 3) - I think that's the most recent reboot of the show?
I plan on writing my own magical girl/boy series and I hope these will give me some inspiration/ideas. But goodness gracious the emotions and the show itself is soooo cute.
I KEEP FORGETTING OMG 😭😭 I think I searched it up before (because imma be for, I listen to the theme song more than I’d like to admit) and I just have NOT watched it?? Tbh I need to find more free time, maybe over the weekend if while I’m drawing, idk 🤠 THANKS FOR THE LINKS THO 🦅💨💨💨
ALSO MAGIC GROUP!!!1! YEAH!!1! I actually have ocs from like 2018-19 that were a magical girl/boy group. I stopped drawing them??? I should again tbh.
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Bracket H Second Half!!!
These ocs start competing on tuesday 25th at 5pm gmt!!!
481. Lassie Rigger (@the-strawberry-mushroom)
482. Kayden Festini (@banitheinabi)
483. Captain Asu Naji (@zombiesama)
484. Blitz Creed (@blurrymango)
485. Ember (@stars-and-embers)
486. SAPPHIRUS (@deroderbs)
487. 56 (@waddledoodledee)
488. Moon (@clownmoontoon)
489. Arioch (@gay-frog-search-history)
490. Samuel & Isabelle (@picatchu)
491. Irving Pasternak (@helldenizen)
492. Arumi & Tetsuo (@nassilove)
493. Fox (@tk-duveraun)
494. Day the Knight (@poicyss)
495. Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots)
496. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
497. Valentine (@teamiibo)
498. Kroma (@the-enby-bird)
499. Doronth god of death - Dory for short (@madphantom)
500. Vulfrix (@luckiestplant)
501. Chae-Yeong Vermeil (@eumenidaes)
502. Connie Andes (@sixofshadowandbone)
503. Flint Lock (@ratpunksdraw)
504. Project 03 or just Three (@whitewomansonicfan)
505. Paws (@zero-1234)
506. Oamar Wood & Laplaces Angel & Hands the bat (@pey-no-attention-to-me)
507. Guy & Pat (@blushingdread)
508. Chester (@animsay28)
509. Blair Vasquez (@micr0machine)
510. Greed (@prettykittylinn)
511. Spectrum (@skyereadsandcommitsartcrimes)
512. Greta Du Pont (@gucciguccigarbage)
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roseofdarknessblog · 2 years
Humanity's strongest, loveliest, and tiniest (Levi Ackerman x Reader) » Part III
Word count: 5 502
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes 
Part I / Part II 
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Humanity's strongest, loveliest, and tiniest (Part III)
„And what about the names, grumpy face? Did you talk about them yet?“ Hange asked teasingly, grinning at Levi from across the table.
The last few months went by at the speed of light. And brought many big changes – for you, for Levi, and the people closest to you. By this time there was no way to hide your pregnancy from the rest of the Scouts. You were just mere weeks from finally giving birth and ending the nightmare called pregnancy.
„That’s none of your business, Four-eyes.“
„Hey, no need to be rude to auntie Hange.“
You laughed at Levi as he rolled his eyes at her, sipping his tea. „We have a few options, but nothing’s set in stone. We’ll decide when the baby comes,“ you said, smiling at your best friend. Her excitement grew each day.
„And that will be very soon,“ she reminded you, finishing her third cup of tea.
The biggest change in your life was moving away from the HQ. Erwin pulled some strings and got you and Levi a beautiful cottage just outside Trost. You loved the new place, it was quiet and almost too perfect to be true. And it was all yours to furnish, decorate and prepare for when the baby makes its arrival.
„I just need to make it through your next expedition. Giving birth alone is definitely not what I want.“ You noticed Levi tensing up a little on the chair next to you. Leaving for expeditions became the hardest thing for him because the sudden distance separating the two of you made him extremely anxious.
Erwin wasn’t necessarily happy when you broke the big news to him. However only because you were one of his most loyal soldiers. But since you and Levi agreed, that you would retreat from your duties as a Scout, he had to manage somehow. You still helped Hange when it came to the newest recruits or you did some paperwork, but only for a couple more weeks.
Then complications hit and you ended up on bedrest for many weeks to come.
It all happened while Levi was away for another expedition. The poor man almost had a stroke when he came back and found you in such a poor state. But you handled everything with grace and slowly got better. Levi was very protective over you, even more than ever before. He never let you do anything around the house when he was home. Not even plant some flowers in the garden when spring time came around. He let you pick out the ones you wanted and the rest was up to him.
„I’ll stay behind if you want,“ offered Moblit, gently rubbing your back.
„Hange needs you more than I do, you know that.“
„She’ll manage,“ he said, smiling lovingly at your best friend.
Your brother was over the moon when you told him about the pregnancy. He didn’t suspect anything so the big news took him completely by surprise. And since then he wanted to be by your side 24/7 and help with everything. So when it wasn’t Levi, nervously looking over your shoulder and watching your every step, it was Moblit.
Those two could get on your every nerve with their overprotective nature. But they meant it well and did everything to keep you safe and comfortable. And you loved them for all of that. More than words could ever describe.
„No, you all need to go. I and the baby will be fine, and wait for you.“
„Just like every other time,“ said Hange reassuringly, looking straight at your husband.
She was the one, who kept an eye on him during work days. You asked her to do it because you worried about Levi a lot. He could easily lose track of time when working, even more, when his head was full of worries. It helped him unwind, which didn’t make any sense to you. Writing mission reports and stuff like that sounded like one of the world's most boring punishments.
„It’s getting late,“ Levi mumbled after finishing his tea. You invited Hange and Moblit over for dinner because you missed the times all of you ate together and got to catch up on different things.
„We should head back,“ said Moblit immediately, not even trying to protest. Arguing with grumpy Levi was pointless. „I still have some work to finish, anyway.“ He looked over at Hange and motioned her to get up.  
You could feel that something was troubling your husband, but since he, Hange, and Moblit came from the HQ together, there wasn’t time for a private talk. That’s why you didn’t protest when he ushered both of them out the door.
„Leave that, I'll clean up in a bit,“ he said, coming back to the kitchen where you started washing the dishes. „You need to rest.“
„I’m fine, darling. You can help me clean up, and then we’ll go to bed.“
„I’ll clean up while you go to bed now, and wait for me there.“ You rolled your eyes at him, a smile making its way to your lips. He loved bothering you with his stubbornness. But only to the point where you still found it funny.
Arguing was the last thing that you and Levi wanted, so he surrendered and let you help him. But only with drying washed plates, glasses, cups, and cutlery. And all of that while you were sitting down on the chair he pulled up to the kitchen counter for you. However, you loved watching Levi when he was doing any type of housework. Sometimes you even joked that being a stay-at-home husband and father would suit him.
Going to bed became your favorite time of the day. But only because of what was happening right before going to sleep. The actual act of sleeping became almost impossible in the last few weeks, you could never get comfortable, not to mention the frequent need to visit the bathroom even during the night. And since Levi had always been a light sleeper, he woke up pretty frequently.
„Need any help in there?“ you shouted after Levi, while he was still in the bathroom. You tried to make yourself comfortable in bed, which was near impossible. Not even a bunch of pillows could help. „You’re taking forever.“
His head popped out from the slightly ajar door, smirking in your direction. Wet strands of dark hair still clung to his forehead. „Are you getting sleepy? All of a sudden?“
„Yeah, very funny,“ you mocked him, battling with the last two pillows you were trying to fold under your head and neck.
„I’ll be right there, just a minute.“
„Okay, I’ll count to sixty then.“
You really did, loud and clear so Levi could hear you. It took him forty-eight seconds until he left the bathroom and climbed into bed next to you, kissing your cheek right away. He tried to make himself comfortable amongst your pillow fort, mumbling under his breath and gently pushing them out of the way.
„Those pillows are gonna kill me one day.“
„Awww, don’t be mad. You know I need them.“
„They don’t even help you just take up a bunch of space.“
He was adorable when it came to a lot of things about your pregnancy. You never thought he would be like this. Humanity’s strongest soldier became a different person during the last couple of months. He was changing right before your eyes and becoming a man, who would soon be an amazing father to your little one.
Caring for you became his priority, even more than ever before. He always made sure you were feeling safe and loved. Especially in the hardest moment your pregnancy prepared for you. Some of them were really challenging and you could hardly think about carrying on. But Levi was always there, right by your side. Holding you close and reassuring you, that everything will turn out fine.
„That dinner was really nice, I miss both of them a lot,“ you said, reaching for his hand.
„They miss you too. And it’s not just them, many Scouts miss seeing you around. I guess that’s what you get when you always smile and want to help everyone.“
„I don’t mind being known like the always smiling one. You frown more than enough for the both of us, darling.“
„If you keep making fun of me, the baby will turn out the same. Scowling at you from the moment they open their eyes.“
„Would that make you happy?“ you teased him. A little smirk made its way to his lips.
You started to notice it pretty early in your pregnancy. The fact, that Levi started smiling more often. Not in public, of course. But when the two of you were alone. There were even times when you caught him just silently watching you do something while the corners of his mouth were ever so slightly turned upwards.
You never said that to him, but seeing him like that made you the happiest. Especially because you were the reason for his happiness. You and the baby he was thrilled and ready to meet.
It took him a couple of weeks and more than a few hard conversations with you, but he genuinely started to feel excited. Not that his fears would disappear, but he managed to get them under control. Sometimes he still battled with doubt and uncertainty, but as your expected due date grew closer, he felt more and more content about becoming a father. You and the baby needed him, and he wanted to do everything possible, to make sure nothing happens to the most precious people in his life.
„I would be the happiest if all of this was finally over.“
„Yeah, me too. I’m getting really anxious about the delivery.“
Your doctor assured you, that similar feelings were normal. Yes, giving birth was considered a natural thing for a woman’s body, but still. So many things could go wrong. For you and for the baby. It wasn’t necessarily the pain, that scared you. Rather the possibility of feeling it for many hours, maybe even days. Yes, the doctor and even Hange warned you about the possibility of a really long labor, since it would be your first time giving birth.
„What if I can’t do it, Levi?“ you asked insecurely a million unsettling scenarios running through your head. One worst than the other.
„What made you think you can’t do it?“
„And what made all of you think I can?“
With a quiet sigh, he got closer to you, kissing the top of your head. Even cuddling became a nightmare for the last couple of weeks. There simply wasn’t a position in which you felt comfortable and close enough to Levi at the same time. Moving around in general was a never-ending nightmare. You missed your old body more and more every day. So many things changed about it... and not necessarily for the best.
„Watching you go through the last couple of months made me believe that you could do about anything in this world. I’ve always known that you are strong and determined, but this was something completely different.“
„Did I have a choice?“
„No, but you also don’t have a choice now, you just have to do it. And you will do just fine, my love.“
This wasn’t the first time you had a similar conversation with Levi. Naturally, your mind always wandered to all the what-ifs. This simply wasn’t something small or unimportant.
Something you could repeat if the outcome was not good enough.
With each passing day, you felt the pressure all around you. From everyone, even if nobody said anything concrete. It was the loving smiles and looks from your friends when they came to visit, your brother’s excitement about becoming an uncle, Hange’s questions about how you were feeling, and most importantly... it was what Levi did and said every single day.
The way he always kissed your belly before going to work in the morning.
The way he sometimes came home for lunch, just to check on you, or the way he did a lot of paperwork at your kitchen table when you were on bedrest and he was just too anxious to leave you home alone.
It was the softness in his voice when he greeted the baby after coming home from work, lovingly caressing your stomach while smiling at you.
And it was all the little thing he’s been doing for you all those months. He took care of everything... everything. There really wasn’t a thing you needed to do, because Levi thought about all of them, and made sure you rest as much as you need.
You felt like you owe him a perfect family.
A healthy baby.
Maybe... maybe a son, who will look just like him and carry the family name.
You wanted to give him all of that. He and those close to you as well. You wanted Moblit and Hange to be happy, and enjoy time with the little one just like they were planning to do.
„I’ll be right there by your side the entire time. You can scream, cry and curse all you want, I’ll endure it, and we’ll push through it together. Hand in hand, okay?“ Levi asked, carefully grabbing your chin and turning your head in his direction. „I know you’re afraid, I am too. But we can do this. Together,“ he reminded you one more time. His eyes were full of some strange mixture of love, admiration, and fear. All of the emotions you felt as well.
„I just have this weird feeling that something unexpected will happen.“
„It’s just a feeling, not reality.“
You wanted to protest, but when Levi leaned closer and kissed you, all words were lost. He meant well, you knew that. Worrying yourself sick won’t solve anything.
„The most important thing right now is for you to stay calm. There’s one last expedition I must do before Erwin lets me step back for a couple of weeks.“
„I don’t want you to go, Levi,“ you whispered into his lips, tears slowly collecting in the corners of your eyes. The days he was leaving beyond the Walls were true hell. You knew he would always come back, he had to. But.. what if... „I don’t want to stay alone again. Without you, Moblit, Hange... and everyone else.“
„I have to go, you know that. We spent weeks preparing for this, Erwin needs me on the front line.“
„Screw Erwin!“ you hissed withdrawing yourself from Levi. „And screw the rest of humanity, the titans, and everything else! I need you here, Levi!“ The first tears rolled down your cheeks, soon turning you into a sobbing mess. Keeping up with all hormones and emotions was sometimes beyond your measures. „What am I supposed to do if you don’t come back? I was throwing up from fear and anxiety every single time you left for an expedition these past months. I had enough! I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want you to risk your life over and over again when you’re about to be a father! Why are Erwin and the Scouts more important that me?! Than us?! Than your own blood?!“
You didn’t even realize you were shouting at first. Just when Levi didn’t move a muscle, just kept staring at you worriedly. This wasn’t like you. No, you hated shouting and screaming.
The whole house was suddenly drowning in dead silence. If you listened hard enough you could hear your own tears falling.
„Did I really make you feel like something was more important than you and the baby?“ asked Levi after what felt like an eternity. His voice was stern and almost cold. He didn’t even look at you. „Because if I did...“
„No!“ you said immediately, wiping the tears with the back of your hand. „It’s just... I feel so useless, and out of place. We were always going on expeditions together, and we were looking out for each other. I knew that if something happened, I was there and could help you. But now...“
Leaving the Survey corps behind, even if only for some time, was one of the hardest things you’ve ever done. Military service was all your life revolved around these last few years. And it was suddenly taken from you. You felt lost without your daily routine, without training, meeting new cadets, and spending time with your comrades and superiors.
And moving away from the HQ made it even worse. The new house was a beautiful and safe place for your future little family, but it also made you feel terribly isolated from your old life. The one you loved despite everything. Somehow you’ve never thought that pregnancy will be this challenging.
„I’m really frustrated, okay? This all has been too much,“ you said in a lot calmer voice, wiping away more tears. „I wasn’t ready for so many big changes and challenges. It all came out of the blue, and with you gone so many times...“
Sometimes it seemed as if Erwin was planning so many new expeditions just to keep Levi away from you. That wasn’t true, of course not. But during long days and even nights, your husband spent in titan territory, all sorts of thoughts occurred in your head.
„I just want us to be happy, Levi. I don’t want to spend every single day worrying about something.“
„We signed up for this life, remember?“
„Yes, but things change. And people do too.“
You still remembered the day Levi joined the Scouts. He, Isabel, and Furlan one day appeared out of nowhere and joined the ranks. He was so different then, even colder and more distant to everyone. Not to mention after he lost his friends. You were the one who reached out to him first and tried to offer some kind of comfort. He wasn’t the kindest towards you, but that didn’t matter. Not when you saw how much he needed someone to lead him out of the darkness he was lost in.
It took a lot of time and patience, but he opened up to you. Slowly shared tiny details of his past in the Underground and everything he had to do to survive in such cruel and unfair living conditions. He was changing with your every conversation and slowly became a man you fell in love with.
The man who fell in love with you even despite his fear of letting anyone close.
„I understand that you feel overwhelmed by everything, but us two shouting and arguing is not going to fix anything,“ Levi said in a calm voice, placing a hand on your belly. He stared lovingly into your eyes, trying to calm you down even without using words. „Nothing in this world is more important than you. Nothing ever will be more important than you and...“ he slowly kissed you, leaning down to your belly and placing a small kiss on top of it as well, „and you. The two of you are my everything and that will never change.“
You run your fingers through his still-damp hair, brushing a few longer strands away from his forehead. This was part of every evening you loved the most. When both of you got into bed and everything got quiet. The only thing remaining was Levi’s sweet voice as he talked to the baby about everything. About his day at work, his plans for the next day, about how much he loved you both, and how eagerly he awaited the day they will finally meet.
He loved relaxing next to you after a long day, his eyes closed and one hand always on your belly to feel the baby kick or move around. Sometimes it made him relaxed enough to fall asleep within short minutes. And that was kind of a miracle since he rarely slept well and undisturbed. If he fell asleep at all. Some nights you woke up to him reading something or doing more paperwork because he just couldn’t stay in bed.
Calm evenings like these became your absolute favorite. Seeing your husband bond with the baby was one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever witnessed. In some moments it was hard to believe, that this man is the same Captain Ackerman people called Humanity's strongest soldier. He seemed so different – in the best possible way. More gentle and loving. Calmer and content with his new role in life as a father.
„This will be my last expedition for a while, I promise. I just have to get it over with, and then we’ll be together. Just you and me for a couple of weeks, and then just the three of us. All day and all night long, hm?“
You shook your head with a tiny smile. „More like the four or five of us.“ Levi furrowed his brows, carefully laying his head on your belly. That made your smile grow bigger. „Hange always says that she’ll come to visit every single day. And I assume my brother will be pretty much the same, he can’t wait to be an uncle.“
„I know you love those too with your entire heart, but they really don’t need to be that invested. Not on an everyday basis.“
„Okay, but you tell them that,“ you laughed, the tears and anger long gone.  
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The expedition was supposed to take four days. Saying goodbye was even harder than before, but you did your best. You made sure Levi knew how much you truly loved him and wished him the best of luck. But letting go of his hand was almost unbearable.
You also made sure that Erwin heard you say to Levi how much you hoped that this is going to be his last expedition for a long time. Maybe that’s why he took some time and assured you, that everything will surely turn out okay and they will be back as soon as possible.
Saying goodbye to Moblit and Hange was just as hard. They both had many experiences, but that couldn’t calm your nerves either. Worrying about them was something that simply came naturally. You loved them both more than words could ever explain. And you really hoped they knew it.
The days you spent alone were too long and empty. Even more, when the nice spring weather vanished and spending time in your garden became impossible because of the heavy rains and cold wind. This sudden and drastic change in the weather made you worry even more. Especially when you remembered Levi’s first expedition beyond the Walls. It all started out great, but once the heavy rain and thick fog hit...
You tried to rest as much as possible just to avoid accidental preterm labor. So most of the hours were spent in the company of good books and finally finishing up a cute little blanket you decided to crochet for the baby. You had some skills from your mother, but Petra was the one who showed you how to start. It took you by surprise since she never mentioned knowing something like this before.
But even though time moved slowly, the long-awaited moment finally came. You got up really early, got ready, and slowly headed straight to the city gate. Members of the Garrison welcomed you and even offered you some tea as you waited with them.
It didn’t take long before they finally gave the order to open the gates.
It was them... they were finally back home.
The first person you saw was Erwin, naturally. He looked fine, mostly unharmed with only a few blood stains on his dark green cloak. More shocking was what came after. Too many wounded soldiers, and too much blood on their injured bodies.
You felt your heart race as you were looking over their faces, searching the crowd for your husband, brother, or best friend. You just knew something was wrong when Levi wasn’t following after Erwin.
Erwin immediately stopped his horse and looked around the small crowd of people – mostly relatives of the Scouts. His icy-blue eyes found you almost immediately. But the look on his face was nothing you hoped for. It sent shivers down your back.
„Where is he?!“ you asked urgently when he came closer and got off his horse. „Where is my husband?“ You looked over your comrades again. A significant amount of them was missing. You could see some of your closest friends but... „What about my brother? Where is Moblit?“
You could feel your legs shaking and your chest tightening at the same time. This had to be some kind of nightmare. Yes, of course, it was just a nightmare. You were surely still sleeping and would wake up any moment now.
„Erwin...“ you said his name on the verge of tears. Why was he looking at you like that? Was that pity in his eyes?
„I’m sorry but we got surrounded yesterday shortly before sunset and...“
You took a step back to steady yourself because everything was spinning way too fast all of a sudden. Your whole body went numb just before the pain took over. The pain you’ve never felt before. It felt like somebody was ripping your heart out right at that moment.
„Careful,“ said somebody behind your back as an arm wrapped around your waist. When you looked over your shoulder you saw Hange. She tried to give you a weak smile, but instead quickly kissed your cheek and helped you sit down at the table where the members of the Garrison usually played cards. She knelt before you, taking your hands in her ice-cold palms. „We don’t know what happened to them. Levi, Moblit, and a small group of others got separated from us. It was...“
„The weather was bad and it was getting dark, getting lost was just way too easy,“ finisher Erwin, who came standing next to Hange. „There’s a good chance they’re still alive.“
„At least some of them,“ said Hange reassuringly, squeezing your hands. You tried to listen to them both and make sense of their words, but it was near impossible. Just like trying to catch your breath again. „They’ll show up soon, don’t worry. Levi and Moblit know they have to come back despite everything. They know you’re waiting for them.“
You still couldn’t speak a single word. Not even when Petra and Nanaba came over, trying to reassure you with similar words. It turned out that Miche, Nifa, and Eld were with Levi, Moblit and the others as well.
If... if they were still alive.
„I didn’t want him to go,“ you said to Hange after a while, leaning against her shoulder. Your whole body was trembling and your mind racing. Erwin stayed by your side for a while but had to eventually leave and tend to his responsibilities. But he assured you that you can turn to him if you’ll need anything. „I had a feeling something would happen.“
„He’s fine,“ she assured you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders. „And Moblit as well.“
„You don’t know that.“
„I don’t, you’re right. But I know them and believe in them. And you should too.“
Hange tried to talk you into going home, but you refused. Staying right at the gate seemed like the best option. You wanted Levi to see you as soon as he returned. But the hours were slowly and painfully slipping away between your fingers. The weather got bad again, heavy rain pouring down, matching your tears.
This was the first time Levi didn’t come back.
Deep down you knew something like this could happen.
But you never wanted to admit it.
You never saw yourself crying at the gate because your husband wasn’t amongst the returning Scouts.
You weren’t sure how to feel anymore. Fear was trying to crush you with every breath while gruesome images full of blood and death kept appearing in your mind. Levi and Moblit were both highly capable soldiers with years of experience. They knew how to fight Titans without getting themselves killed.
But your heart kept breaking over and over again with every passing minute.
„Listen to me, we should go back to your house. You need to rest and warm up a little, it’s getting cold.“
„I can’t leave,“ you muttered, uncomfortably shifting on the hard wooden bench. „I have to wait for them here, Hange.“
„You have to be careful,“ she reminded you, gently caressing your belly. The baby was painfully kicking you into the ribs for the last few hours. You were stressing the both of you, but... how could you stop?
„I begged him not to go. I knew something would happen,“ you kept repeating, still looking at the closed gate.
It was almost dark when Hange finally convinced you to return home. You could hardly keep your eyes open, all the crying exhausted you. Food was the last thing you could think about even though yesterday’s dinner was the last thing you had. Hange looked really worried about you and decided to stay the night. And you were glad. Being alone one more night was unimaginable.
Curling up under the covers tears found you once more. Just a couple of days prior he was laying there next to you. And suddenly you couldn’t be sure he was even alive. Not when the time was passing mercilessly and the weather was getting worse by the minute. Another storm was forming somewhere in the distance.
You wished nothing more than to be out there with him. Waiting around was far scarier and agonizing than spending days and nights in titan territory by his side. 
By your younger brother’s side who meant the world to you. Who you knew your entire life and could not imagine living without even for a day.
„Moblit was afraid of storms when we were little,“ you said when Hange carefully opened the bedroom door to check on you. „He always climbed into my bed and hid under the covers. Then I had to tell him stories so he could fall asleep.“
„That’s a pretty common fear among kids. I used to be afraid too. Well... they still kinda scare me if they’re really bad,“ she answered and came closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. You could smell one of Levi’s favorite teas from the cup she was holding. „Drink this, you’ll sleep better.“
„I don’t want to sleep, what if they come back during the night? I told Hannes to send a word if they show up at the gate.“
She shook her head and put the cup on your nightstand. „I’ll wake you up if somebody comes. But you need to sleep.“
Hange wasn’t the right person to argue with, not after what she’s been through the last couple of days. She was clearly exhausted and worried as well. You didn’t even ask about any details of the expedition. It was useless anyway. Only the outcome mattered.
„They are fine and looking after each other.“
„I can’t do this alone, Hange.“ You didn’t need to specify anything. She already knew what you were referring to. „And Levi promised to be there with me the whole time.“
„He will be, don’t worry. Holding your hand the entire time and spending precious moments with the baby until you recover a bit.“
You tried to smile at her but failed terribly.
Hange stayed for a while but then left you alone, instructing you once more to drink the tea. So you did. But when you finally made yourself comfortable, sleep didn’t come for long hours. You listened to the rain outside, quietly talking to your baby and running your hand up and down your belly in comforting motions.
You wanted them to know just how much their father and uncle love them.
You kept reminding yourself that they are on the way back home. Any minute Hannes or someone else will knock on your door and announce their return.
Any minute now.
Any second.
When you finally fell asleep with puffy eyes and a headache from all the crying, nightmares started to creep in on you. One worst than the other. But they were somehow still better than the unbearable pain which woke you up suddenly. It almost made you cry out in agony as your lower back and abdomen felt like they were literally ripping in half.
„Hange!“ you shrieked at your best friend and tried to sit up, concentrating on your breathing.
It was important not to panic.
Maybe it was nothing.
You screamed at Hange once more, when another wave of pain hit you. But now even stronger, while you felt something wet and warm drench the bedsheets and your thighs. Throwing the covers off of you, the first thing you saw was a growing spot of rich red liquid.
To be continued...
Part IV
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